Parasite Eve

Parasite Eve

13.10.2013 00:45:23


After viewing the insanely awesome intro FMV you are ready to begin. Start a new game and after a
short and sweet little FMV sequence you will see Aya getting helped out of a limo at the opera house.
You get a chance to name go ahead leave her name as is or make one up for her. Once you
get control of Aya just walk her through the opera house doors and once inside talk to the man standing
there or don''s entirely up to you. Then go straight up and through the doors. The opera is in session,
sit back and enjoy the very cool sequence that follows and once given control of Aya again just walk up
onto the stage and a battle with Eve will follow.

40 HP: Don't waste any bullets on this pathetically easy boss (as you will need all you can save), just
equip your police stick and run up to her while she is storing power for her beam and bash her. When
she's about to shoot her beam at you (it's obvious when she is) simply run to the left or right to dodge it.
You should have no problem at all draining Eve's 40 HP and if you do I feel sorry for you.

Once you defeat Eve, Aya has a sort of flashback and when she comes out of it Eve floats away. Pursue
her to the next area where there is a large hole in the floor, and open the chest in the corner to get an
45HP replenishing vial (NOTE: Items in this game sometimes differ game to game...what is a 45HP+ vial
in one game, may be something else when you play again). Eve has obviously gone into the depths of
this hole and you must follow her. Once you hear the sirens and the message "it looks like backup has
arrived", return to the front of the Hall (the same way you came in) and talk to the cops. One of them will
give you a 6 ammo clip. Keep talking to him until he gives you 60 bullets then return to the hole Eve
made backstage. Choose the top choice which lets you jump on in. After a strange encounter (you'll
see) you have control again and just go straight up where you see doors in the distance. You have
reached a long hallway with numerous doors on both sides. All are locked on the first screen so move on
down the hallway. You will hear the shriek of a mouse and witness a very cool FMV which shows how
the mitochondria mutation works (gross!). Now you must battle the dog sized hard task.
Once again conserve ammo, use your police stick. The fighting pattern of the mutant mouse is
simple...he'll run at you, stop, and shoot three fireballs at you with his tail. The fireballs are almost
embarassingly easy to dodge allowing you a chance you run up and knock the little critter senseless.
Once you have defeated the rat (you did defeat the rat right?!) then you have access to the first two
doors in this area. Enter the right one and you will startle an opera performer who proceeds to run from
the room. Go over to the lockers, open the one that is second from the left, and receive 6 bullet clip. Now
enter the door on the left, open the third locker from the left and recieve another 45HP+ vial. Ignore the
bodies on the floor, leave the room, and enter the third door down on the left side of the hallway. In the
room open the chest in the corner for another 45HP+ vial and nudge the body at the desk so that it falls

Search the body to recieve a key. Before you leave you can move some clothing in the back of the room
and release a parrot that flies around, but this is completely pointless. When you're back in the main
hallway run back to the first screen of the hallway and enter the door on the left. While you are running to
this door you may encounter random mouse mutants, but they are just like the first one you met...and
just as easy with only about 13 HP each.

Once you have reached the room open the chest that is in plain sight to recieve a gun power-up. Now go
over to the left corner and you can break through the wall to access a secret room. Enter the room, open
the chest inside, and recieve some body armor that is definately better than what you are wearing now
so equip it. Now you can leave the room or open the wooden cabinet and battle the mouse mutant that
comes soaring out...the choice is yours. Once you are back to the hallway enter the first door on the
right and move Eve south to find a chest that holds a 45HP+ vial. Now you can leave through the door
you came in or go north and exit through another door after fighting a group of baddies. Proceed north in
the hallway to screen two of the hallway and enter the second door on the right. In this room open the
closet in the back and get a 6 bullet clip then leave or mess with the parrot until it gets pissed and fights
you. Anyway, once you are back to the hallway enter the door that is right across from the one you are
at. Open the closet for another bullet clip and then read the book on the table which gets you another
key. Now that you have this key you can open the main door at the end of the so (save
first...). Inside you see Eve playing the piano (is this what she does in her spare time?) so go up to her
and watch the FMV. Afterward it's time for another battle with her.


At the beginning of Day 3 you find yourself in a room. In the upper right there is a chest containing a 30
bullet clip. Leave the room and once outside you will talk to Kunihiko Maeda, a man who works in the
department of pharmacology at a Japanese University. After running through the dialog, Daniel pulls up in
his cop car, and now search the trash area to the left to receive a trading card. Now exit the screen to
the left and enter the gun shop in the next area with a little help from Daniel. Search inside for a total of 8
items including two gun power-ups, an upgrade tool, a 15 bullet clip, two different new guns, a new police
stick, and some nice new body armor. Exit the gun shop and go back to the screen where Daniel's car
is parked and exit that screen to the right. Now enter the pharmacy and collect all items within, which
are as follows: a green potion, an Instant Revive potion, an upgrade tool, an armor upgrade, a 180HP+
vial, a weapon upgrade, and about 3 other items which can be found by simply searching all cabinets,

Now leave the pharmacy (save your game first if you wish at the phone on the counter) and go back to
Daniel's car, talk to Daniel and Kunihiko, then walk up to the car and select "OK" to bring up the city
map. Select the Museum as your next destination and prepare yourself for one enormous automatic
scene in which a lot of the mitochondria elements are explained in dialog and FMV. When it is over your
map comes back up, it's night, and you must choose the N.Y.P.D. as your next destination.

After talking to Kunihiko and Daniel you can leave the main entrance and enter the hallway (be advised
this is a random battle area). Speak to the man on the floor twice to receive a 6 bullet clip. Go south and
enter the door on your left, search the second to right locker to receive a 180HP+ vial, and talk to the
man on the floor twice to receive a 6 bullet clip (there is another locker that can be opened, but is locked
for now). Exit the room, enter the door below you and speak to the man on the floor twice for a 30 bullet
clip (save your game if you wish). Enter the Chief's office and talk to the man on the floor twice who may
or may not give you an item. Now go back to the main hallway and exit down the stairwell, then enter the
weapon's room.

An automatic sequence will follow and afterward Wayne will be back in business (give him all trading
cards you have and upgrade if you wish). Now go into the other door in the hallway that is busted open
and talk to the man on the floor twice to receive a 6 bullet clip. Now go back up the stairwell, go north,
and talk to the man on the floor twice to receive a 15 bullet clip. Continue north and enter the conference
room, and get the chest in the corner that contains some very good body armor. Exit the conference
room, take the stairway that leads up and search the guard on the floor to get a 6 bullet clip. Proceed left
down the hallway, enter the first door you see, get the chest in the corner that contains a 180HP+ vial,
and be prepared to take on two monsters that break through the window to attack you. Exit the room,
proceed left passing the new hallway and enter the door on the far left. Inside search the chest on the
floor to get an armor power-up, then search the chest on the desk for a 180HP+ vial (save your game
before leaving). Exit the room and go north in the hallway that you passed up beforehand.

Once you reach the top you see a new FMV sequence (sick!). In the next area enter the first door on
your right and meet a woman who replenishes your HP. Exit the room, search the man on the floor to
receive a special key that opens up the locked locker which when opened gets you a trading card.
Proceed up from the man on the floor and enter the room where you will fight a really easy monster and
receive a kick ass new gun for your efforts. Open the chest to your left to get an armor power-up, then
speak to the man in the corner to get a 6 bullet clip. Exit the room and proceed to the right down the hall
and take a left at your first opportunity, passing up the far door forever as it contains absolutely jack.
Now you will be in a hallway with a blood pool. Run to the door at the far end and enter it. You have
reached the room where the Chief and Ben are cornered by a mutated German Sheppard. Time to prove
what you've got.

3 HEADED DOG BOSS - LEFT 300 HP - MID. 450 HP - RIGHT 200 HP - TOTAL 950
This boss is the most difficult yet, but that's not really saying much. He is, once again, a fairly easy
boss. He has about 4 attacks total, and none of them are absolutely deadly. His strongest attack is his
leap attack, in which he leaps at you and bites you causing some pretty big damage but less than 100
HP. Then he has a beam of light attack where he fires out a thick yellow laser and rotates it quickly left
and right (not too hard to dodge if you get moving as soon as you see him start the attack). Then he has
a ground pulse attack which is basically a pretty strong purple pulse that travels by ground in a huge
circle all around him. His final move isn't even an attack, but rather a healing power that gives one of his
heads 100+ HP. Just have your best gun equipped and fire away at one head at a time. It is probably
best to go for the right head first, as it has the least HP. Anyway, whenever you get weak just use a
90HP+ or 180HP+ vial or just use your 60HP+ Parasite Energy spell to conserve items. This guy isn't
too difficult as I previously said, but it wouldn't hurt to have one of your Instant Revives just in case he
gets in a lucky shot. Good luck.


At the beginning of Day 4 you are in the Chief's office talking to Daniel and some other folks. Once the
conversation is over leave the office. Save your game here if you want and then go up to the room where
the woman filled your HP earlier. Here you will see Kunihiko again and Daniel will also enter and give you
a 30 bullet clip. After this, it is night, and on the map choose the Hospital as your next destination.

After the driving sequence with Kunihiko you find yourself in front of the hospital. Talk to Kunihiko to
receive a key, then enter the building. This is a random monster encounter area so be prepared. Once
inside, save your game at the phone on the counter and get the chest in the lower left hand corner which
contains a 15 bullet clip. Exit this room to the left as the door above you is locked for now. In the next
area you will see the little girl and after the sequence press the button to the right of the elevator to open
the elevator door. Now enter the elevator. Push the keypad on the side and after a strange elevator ride
you must push the keypad again to open the door and exit.

In the next area the power fails, and all of the lights go out. Go down and once you reach the next hall
enter the first door on your right after going north a tad. Inside you will see a glimmering object on top of
the shelf to your right. Get it, it's a key. Now get the other two chests in the room which contain a 30
bullet clip and a great new gun. Exit this room by the upper left door and you'll find yourself in a new
hallway. Here you will see the little girl again, and afterward enter the door to your left. In this room open
the desk drawer to get a key and get the chest that contains a 180HP+ vial. Save your game and exit
this room to the left. Here there is but one thing to do and that is to get the armor power-up in the lower
left hand corner. Now exit through the lower right hand door. Proceed south in this hallway and enter the
door that was previously locked. Inside you will find two chests containing an upgrade tool and a weapon
power-up, and after you've gotten them exit the room to the north. Here just go straight up and search
the medicine cabinet for a key, then search the dead body for yet another key.

Now head all the way back to the hallway where you last saw the girl and enter the door she
disappeared into. You will see the girl again and get the chest right in front of you that contains a new
gun. Now go south and get the weapon power-up glimmering on the floor in the corner. Go back into the
hall and enter the first door on the right. Inside get the two chests that contain an upgrade tool and a
90HP+ file, and don't miss the key in the lower right hand corner. Leave this room and run up to the
power box where the little girl was standing until you see it in close-up. Here click on the right side of the
box three times to light up all the white lights. Next, click on the left side, choose the second selection,
and afterward click again and choose the first selection. You have just turned back on the power.

Now exit to the right and enter the elevator, click on the panel to go back to the first floor where you will
see the girl again. Now go right, save your game, and enter the door above that was locked before. In
this room talk to the two people in the lower left hand corner, then exit to the right (first get the hidden
trading card that is completely not visible behind a cabinet). Aya will have another flashback in this room,
then talk to the nurse in the left hand corner who will give you key. Now get the armor in the chest to the
right, then exit this room. When you are back in the hospital waiting room go left and through the door on
the far left by pressing the green button. Here go north all the way and get the chest that contains the
weapon power-up, and enter the door to the left. Here you will fight a weak creature and get a 30 bullet
clip in the lower right hand corner. Before you leave turn the far left wheel above the chest, then exit. Now
go back to the elevator, push the pad inside and choose the third option. Now enter the door on your left
and get the chest that contains a new weapon. To open the northern door click on the red arrow on the
left wall, then turn Aya facing up and click to push the machine out of the way. Now push the red button
behind the machine and the northern door will open.

In the next area (beyond the northern door) get the armor power-up in the chest in the upper left then exit
the room at upper right. Enter the door on your right here and get four things: search the blue pile for an
item, search the notebooks for a key, open the chest on the stool for a green potion, and open the chest
on the counter for a 30 bullet clip. Now save your game at the desk, then leave and enter the elevator to
the north. You will see a super FMV with jets deployed over New York then, after pushing the button in
the elevator, you'll get to the roof where you get to fight the easiest boss in history.


This boss is the ultimate pushover. He has three little wimpy moves. His slash is how he responds to
your getting too close, he doesn't like's a pathetic attack as far as damage goes too. Then
there's his fireballs, which are easy to dodge if you just run solid in one direction...he'll miss. Then there
is his only scary move, which doesn't even have to be scary, and that's his triple web attack...scary
because if it hits you then you are frozen and are wide open for his fireball attacks. Of course, if you
know his strategy he's a walk in the park. Just stay pretty far away from him and continue running
around him counter-clockwise. He'll fire his three webs at you and miss if you are far away enough. Then
run up to him and fire with your best weapon. Now he will shoot a fireball at you or slash at you, both of
which you can easily cope with I hope (the fireball by dodging it, and the slash by being a man and
taking crying babies allowed here). Then fire on him again. Now, chances are he'll do another
fireball before his web attack, but if you don't want to take a chance, then don't. Anyway...follow this
simple pattern, and you'll realize how much of a true wimp this boss is. After you do about 450 damage,
the camera zooms in and you fight the rest of the battle in close-up. Kick his ass.

Once you have won the spider blows up a big hole and falls in. You'll see Eve and talk to her. After a
super cool FMV it is time to run down to the lower left corner as those jets are coming fast!!! Now, you'll
see another righteous FMV...then you'll fight a wimpy baby spider who just a normal enemy. Once you
reach the bottom (in automatic sequence) you are greeted by Daniel and Kunihiko who drive with you
back to the station. Just go to the Chief's office and talk to the people there...end of the day!


This day actually starts at the main map, so choose Chinatown. Once there go north and in the second
area get a chest to your right containing an armor power-up and a chest to your left which holds a
180HP+ vial. Go north and get the two chests to your left here that contain a weapon power-up and a
new gun...then save at the phone if you wish. Go north again and you will see Kunihiko looking into a
sewer, speak to him and he'll give you a key. Now get the chest in the upper left that has a 30 bullet clip,
and enter the sewer. NOTE: This section is a maze type area and I have given one of the fastest ways
through it here that still gets you the good armor (with only ONE out of the way item noted, other than
the ones you get ON THE WAY). There are about three other chests that I didn't mention here, and they
don't contain anything interesting anyway. Still, if you wish to find them...more power to ya. Anyway, in
the sewer after you first go in take a left and get the chest for a 15 bullet clip, go left, left again, then
north for an upgrade tool. Go south, left (get green potion here), left, south (get great armor in a chest
here), south, south, and south. You have now reached an open type area, climb the ladder to your right
and go all the way right to get a chest containing a new police stick.


Now backtrack and take the way down that you just passed to reach a new area. Here you will see an
FMV sequence, then go down/right and down the ladder...get the chest here that has an upgrade tool.
Now go back up, take the stairway leading up, and enter the door. Here just enter the door on your left
and get the chest in the next area with a 30 bullet clip inside (save your game here too). Now click on
the console in front of you and choose the top option and the next top option. Do it again but this time...
top option, then bottom option (watch FMV). Now click it and just push the first bottom option. Go
through the door to your north and you'll see the results of what you did. Go straight to the right and exit
through the door there, then go straight up the steps and through the door. Now you are in the subway,
so go left and climb the wall. Here get the two chests containing a 180HP+ vial and a weapon power-up.
Take the left path up and get the chest containing a 30 bullet clip on the way. You are now on a new

This boss can be tough if you don't know his strategy, simply because if his moves hit you...they hurt!
His moves include his simple smash in which he brings his head down on you, his poison balls which he
fires into the air and lets them land on you for damage and poisoning, and his lightning bolt in which he
swirls around about 45 degrees and lets loose a MAJOR killer bolt at you. The strategy actually makes
him pretty easy though! Just stay right at his side towards his tail on his left (his real left) side. Just keep
moving with his tail, firing, moving with his tail, firing, etc. With this method, the only move he has that is
any threat is his poison ball attack...and that alone is no big deal. As long as you are towards his hind
area and right at his side, he can't use the lighting bolt attack where he turns 45 degrees very fast, and
he'll still miss you barely. This strategy is tried and can't lose if you do it right.

After you do about 800 HP damage he explodes into four segments that dance around you and fly into
you for big damage. This part is difficult at first because there are no safety zones! Just concentrate on
killing one of them very quick so you'll open up a safe zone. Now there is an empty space so try to stay
in it and blow the other little bastards away. I can practically promise you that you will need to use your
280HP+ Parasite Energy spell at least once in this part of the battle so don't be afraid to do so. Anyway,
annihilate those pesky things and stand victorious in the end.

Now, continue north and go to the end of the the dead cop and get his key. Now you are
instructed to insert DISC so.

Go back down the bridge and back to where you where...go far to the right to find a hidden path and
follow it down to enter a subway car. Inside the car, get the three chests that have body armor and two
upgrade tools. Now leave the car and take the middle or left path down. Go down again to end up at the
save point go down a screen and get the chest containing an armor power-up. Exit the area
through the iron gate now that you have the cop's key. At the map it will be dark now so choose the
Warehouse or Museum.


GRAND TOTAL 8,400 HP least her hard form is history and since this is counted as a new battle your PE meter should
be filling pretty quickly. All you have to do is survive her three wimpy attacks. She has a wing slash for
close encounters, an earthquake type attack that appears right under you and is fairly unavoidable, and
her super attack in which she flies high into the air and fires a huge purple beam down on you. All of
these attacks (except the earthquake) are easy to avoid, so just stay alive until your PE meter fills and
let her have a taste of your super spell. A few more rocket or gun blasts should do it after that.
Congratulations, you did it! After a cool FMV it's the end of the day!


This day begins with a short FMV sequence then a realtime non-interactive scene occurs. When you
have control of Aya run into the door on the left and inside speak to Kunihiko and another man. Make
sure to talk to the guy on the far left if you want a bunch of free items for the battle 400HP+
vials, etc. Now leave the area the way you came and see a bunch of realtime and FMV cutscenes...then
it's time for battle with the Final Boss!!!

FORM 8,000 HP - GRAND TOTAL 16,800 HP
This boss isn't anything tough if you know his patterns. The first form (who looks so much like Cupid, it's
scary) is practically the easiest boss in the entire game! He floats around, then stops, and then lets
loose with this circular beam which is simple to run away from. Just run and hit, run and hit. Of course,
the baby also has a move that he does very rarely in which he fires a huge force along the ground and
reduces your HP to 1. Oh well, other than that he's a wuss. Take him out and face the next form.

This form is also very easy. Just alternate shots between the top portion and bottom portion because
you want to weaken them both pretty good before they split in two. This form has a few moves, none of
which are very scary. He fires double bolts at you which you can move between and then fire on him.
Also he has an attack where he fires three homing energy balls at you (no problem to dodge though
either). However, once this form splits things get rough. You've got the bottom half jumping around either
nailing you or beaming you, and the upper portion either shooting you or charging you strengthened by
lightning. Well...screw these buggers. Use you know what (the PE spell!) and annihilate them. If you
don't win against this form yet after that, at least one of the parts will be dead and you'll have an easy
time getting rid of the remaining one on its own.

Now for the third form, a moves master! This guy has a two hit combo attack that hurts you pretty good,
he also has a grab and smack HP to 1 attack. I mustn't forget his earthquake type spell...of which he
has two different kinds. Then comes his purple energy ball attack, etc. Big hint...don't get too close to
this guy unless he has just fired those purple balls and you want to shoot him. The tactic is simple...use
the super PE spell, then stay alive while fighting until it recharges...and once it does use it again. Now a
few more shots should kill this form, onto the final one.

You'll notice that this guy has a body of freakin' steel! Even the PE attack only takes off 1 HP damage
per hit! Don't worry though...concentrate on doing about 10 - 15 points of damage...then a sequence will
begin. In the FMV Daniel throws you a clip of special bullets...really special bullets ...the kind that do
999 HP damage per hit! So nail this guy hard with those 999 HP hits and don't let up till he's dead. By
the way...his moves are so pathetic they need not be mentioned here to maintain a serious mood. After
you kill him it over?

No it's not!!! He's still moving, and towards you! Quick, run into the door on the left! In here quickly run to
the door on the left and go inside (one hit kills here by the way...don't get touched by the enemy!). Now,
take the left path and follow it all the way to a door on your right...go through it! Run down the steps here
and enter the door on your left! Now run right and take the first left you see to the ladder and go
down! Here go down but click on the console to the left to start the self destruct run
down again, go left, and climb the ladder. Run down and straight through the bottom door here. In this
next area, run down also but exit through the bottom door on the left. Now run up these stairs quickly
and exit to the right. Here just run all the way left as fast as you can, escape!!! Enjoy the
ending, and congratulations!

Now I'm going to do that queer little thing, Parasite Eve is copyright of Squaresoft. This walkthrough is
mine there is no unauthorized use of this game walkthrough unless it is shown in its may
put this walkthrough on your site but only in its complete form. Mess with EXDEATH, and you'll be sorry.

Copyright 1998 - Exdeath and

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Parasite Eve Story FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Japanese Version FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels

15.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen beim letzten Kampf.

17.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: EX Modus freigespielt.

17.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Quick Access FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Secrets FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Last Boss FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Inventory FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
EX Survival FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

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10.Oktober 2008

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