Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

04.10.2013 20:19:25

The Active Mortal Kombat Trilogy Site's



The Active MKT Team:
Dennis Marsh
Patrick McCarron
Chris Connelly
LAST UPDATED: 11/20/96 5:56:54 PM


Opening Storyline:
Baraka was sent to quell the uprising renegade race in Outworld's lower
regions. After his victorious battle, the nomadic warrior returns to fight on
the side of villainy. Under the guidance of Shao Kahn, Baraka will once again p
ose a formidable threat to his Earthen counterparts.

When Baraka's failure to apprehend several Earth warriors nearly result
s in Shao Kahn's demise, the nomad finds himself fearing for his own life. He f
alls out of favor with his emporer, and realizes that it's only a matter of tim
e before Kahn enacts revenge. Baraka remains loyal until the opposition from th
e Earth Realm has been defeated. With Kahn in a weakened state from his battle
with Rayden, Baraka strikes. The despondent emporer is no match for Baraka's at
tack. Then, fearing reprisal from those loyal to Kahn, Baraka escapes back into
nomadic ruins from which he came.


Blade Spark: D, DB, B, HP
Blade Spin: F, D, F, BL (Tap block to keep it going)
Shredder: B, B, B, LP
Blade Swipe: B+HP


4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, B+HP, F+HP
4 Hits (23% Damage): HK, HK, LK, B+HK


Fatality 1 "Decapatation": Hold BL, B, B, B, HP, Release BL (Next to)
| Description: Baraka Chops Opponents head off

Fatality 2 "Impalement": B, F, D, F, LP (One Step Away)
| Description: Baraka Shoves Both his Swords Up Opponent's Stomach

Friendship "Gift For You": D, F, F, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Baraka Gives a gift to his opponent.

Babality: F, F, F, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, LP, LP, BL, HK, HK, LK, LK, BL (Next to)
Stage: LK, RN, RN, RN, RN (Next to)
Animality "Vulture Rip": Hold HP, F, B, D, F, Release HP (Sweep)
| Description: Baraka turns into a vulture and flys over his opponent a
nd rips the to phalf of his opponent's body and flys off with it.



Opening Storyline:



Energy Wave: F, DF, D, DB, B, HK
Air Energy Wave: F, DF, D, HK (in the air)
Backbreaker: Block (In Air) (Next to)
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP (Tap LP for more hits)
Ground Slam: Hold LK for 3 Seconds, Release LK
Quad Throw: Throw and tap HP repeatedly


6 Hits (28% Damage): LK, LK, LK, HK, LK, B+HK
5 Hits (28% Damage): HP, HP, HP, LP, B+HP


Fatality 1 "Head Smash": Hold LP, F, F, F, Release (Next to)
| Description: Jax claps his opponent's head into pieces.

Friendship "Jax and his dolls": D, D, U, U, LK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Jax cuts out a row of paper dolls and holds them up.

Babality: D, U, D, U, LK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, HK, HP (Next to)
Stage: U, U, D, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:



Roll: Hold BL, 360 Forward Circle
Knife Throw: Hold BL, B, F
Knife Spin: B, F, HP (Tap HP Faster and you spin faster)


4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, D+HP, D+LP
4 Hits (21% Damage): LK, LK, HK, F+HK


Fatality 1 "Heart Rip": B, DB, D, DF, F, LP (Next to)
| Description: Kano rips out a large heart from his opponent.

Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP (Next to)
Stage: B, F, F, BL (Next to)
Babality: B, B, D, D, LK (Past Sweep)


Opening Storyline:



Shield Spin: U, U, LK (Tap LK to keep spinning)
Torpedo Wall Slam: B, B, F
Hat Throw: B, F, LP (control vertical w/joystick)
Teleport: D, U
Dive Kick: D+HK (In Air)


5 Hits (30% Damage): LK, LK, HK, HK, B+HK
3 Hits (12% Damage): HP, LP, D+LP
5 Hits (36% Damage): HP, LP, D+LP, Torpedo


Friendship "Magic Trick": B, B, B, D, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Kung pulls a rabbit out of his hat.

Babality: F, F, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, HK, LP, LP, LP, LK, LK, BL, HP (Next to)
Stage: F, F, F, HP (Next to)
Fatality 1 "Hat Decap": Hold LP, B, B, F, Release LP, Aim Hat Up Toward Neck
| Description: Kung throws his hat and if aimed properly his opponent's
head is cut off.



Opening Storyline:



Torpedo Wall Slam: B, B, F (Can Be Done In The Air)
Lightning: D, DF, F, LP
Teleport: D, U



Fatality 1 "Head Popped Off": F, F, B, B, B, HP (Sweep)
| Description: Rayden makes his opponents head pop off using electricit

Brutality: HP, HP, HP, HP, BL, BL, HK, HK, HK, BL, LP, HP, HP (Next to)
Stage: D, D, F, HK (Next to)
Babality: U, U, D, HK (Past Sweep)


Opening Storyline:
Thought to have been vanquished in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mys
teriously returns. It's believed this secretive member of the Lin Kuei, a legen
dary clan of Chinese "ninjas", has returned to again attempt an assassination o
f Shang Tsung. To do so, he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's tournament.

Having been killed in the first tournament Sub-Zero somehow seems to ha
ve emerged to win the third tournament. However, upon removing his mask both th
e Outworld and the Earth-born warriors are shocked to discover the true identit
y of this warrior. A warrior who has long been missing from a previous Mortal K
ombat, and one who will return in the fourth tournament.


Freeze: D, DF, F, LP
Ground Freeze: D, DB, B, LK
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Ice Clone (N64 ONLY): D, DB, B, LP (On Ground or in Air)
Ice Shower (N64 ONLY): D, DF, F, HP
In Front Ice Shower (N64 ONLY): D, DF, F, B, HP
In Back Ice Shower (N64 ONLY): D, DB, B, F, HP


4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, D+LP, D+HP
5 Hits (26% Damage): HP, HP, B+LK, B+HK, F+LK
6 Hits (39% Damage): Jump-In Punch, HP, HP, D+LP, D+HP, Jump Kick


Fatality 1 "Head Rip": D, D, D, F, HP (Next to)
| Description: Sub reaches for his opponents head, and the screen fades
to black as you hear a RIPP and a scream from victim.

Fatality 2 "Ice Spike": D, F, F, F, HP (Next to)
| Description: Sub uppercuts his opponent and then makes a large ice sp
ike on the floor which his victim is then impaled opon.

Animality "Polar Bear Maul (N64 Version) ": B, B, F, D, LP (Next to)
| Description: Sub turns into a polar bear and mauls his opponent.

Babality: D, F, F, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP (Next to)
Stage: F, D, F, F, HP (Next to)
Friendship "Snowman In a Box": D, B, B, F, LK (Sweep) (Can only get to work on
N64 MKT so far)
| Description: Sub takes out a box, winds it up and a snowman head pops
out attached to a spring.



Opening Storyline:
Cyrax is unit LK-4D4 The second of three prototype cybernetic ninjas bu
ilt by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, Cyrax's last programmed command is
to find and terminate the rogue ninja, Sub-Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes und
etected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of E

Cyrax is captured by Sub-Zero and is reporgrammed with new orders: dest
roy Shao Kahn. With the Kahn unable to detect the assassin's soulless presence,

Cyrax delivers a successful sneak attack. But, after eliminating Kahn and savin
g Earth, Cyrax awaits new orders from his Lin Kuei headquarters. The orders nev
er come and Cyrax malfunctions. He ends up stranded in the middle of a vast des
ert, blindly heading towards his base.


Close Bomb: Hold LK, B, B, HK
Far Bomb: Hold LK, F, F, HK
Net: B, B, LK
Teleport: F, DF, D, BL (Can be done in the air)
Air Throw: D, DF, F, BL (While opponent is in the Air, not you) and then hit LP
to throw him/her



Fatality 1 "Helicopter": D, D, U, D, HP (Anywhere)
| Description: Cyrax helicopters himself above and back down to mutilat
e his victim.

Fatality 2 "Self Destruct": D, D, DF, F, UF, U+Run (Next to)
| Description: Cyrax self-destructs taking his opponent with him in the
explosion, resulting in piles of remains.

Friendship "Knee Dance": Run, Run, Run, U
| Description: Cyrax starts dancing.

Animality "Jaws": U, U, D, D (Mercy First)
| Description: Cyrax turns into a shark and eats his opponent whole.

Babality: F, F, B, HP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, HP, HK, LK, LP (Next to)
Stage: Run, BL, Run (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
An enigma to all who come into contact with him. Ermac's past remains s
hrouded in mystery. It's believed that he exists as a life force brought togeth
er by the souls of extinguished Outworld warriors. Shao Kahn has managed to tak
e possession of these souls and use them to fight on the side of tyranny.

Having been in hiding since the first Mortal Kombat tournament, neither
the Earth nor the Outworld recognized this elusive ninja. Ermac uses his victo
ry in the tournament to prove his existance as well as a warning that he will r
eturn as an unstopable force in the fourth Mortal Kombat.


Kinetic Ball: D, DB, B, LP
Exploding Teleport Punch: D, DB, B, HP
Telekinetic Slam: B, D, B, HK



Fatality 1 "Decapatation": R, BL, R, R, HK (Next to)
| Description: Ermac delivers a quick uppercut to his opponent's head w
hich knocks it off.

Fatality 2 "Slam Death": D, U, D, D, D, BL (Sweep)
| Description: Ermac telekinetically slams his opponent around 8 times
which then causes them to explode.

Friendship "Rabbit Lift": F, F, F, HP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Ermac raises his opponent into the air and turns them in
to a bunny rabbit.

Animality "Hungry Frog ": F, F, B, B, LK (One Step Away)
| Description: Ermac turns into a little frog and eats his opponent who

Babality: D, D, B, B, HP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK (Next to)
Stage: R, R, R, R, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Goro, a 2000 year old half human/dragon, remains undefeated for the pas
t 500 years. He won the title of Grand Champion by defeating Kung Lao, a Shaoli
n fighting monk. It was during this period that the tournament became corrupted
as it fell into the hands of Shang Tsung.



Grab & Pound: F, F, HP
Spinning Fists: B, B, F, HK
Fireball: B, B, B, LP
Roar: D, D, LK





Opening Storyline:
In his human form, Smoke was a lethal assassin working for the Lin Kuei
. But when they decided to automate their ninjas, Smoke is caught in the middle
. He became a cyborg assassin, whose human form would exist as a memory forever

In his human form, Smoke was a lethal assassin working for the Lin Kuei
. But when they decided to automate their ninjas, Smoke is caught in the middle
. He became a cyborg assassin, whose human form would exist as a memory forever

Before his transformation into a cyborg assassin, Smoke was one of the Lin Kuei
's finest ninja. It was during this time that he came to know his greatest ally
- Sub-Zero. When the Lin Kuei decide to automate their warriors, the two attem
pted to escape. While Sub-Zero successfully eluded capture, Smoke did not, he w
ould become a robotic nightmare, his soul trapped inside a living
machine. In his human form, Smoke was a fierce warrior. In his machanical body
he is even more lethal. But his true form is that of a human, one he'll know ag
ain only in dreams.


Spear: B, B, HP
Teleport Punch: D, DB, B, HP
Air Throw: BL (In Air)


4 Hits (24% Damage): HP, HP, HK, B+HK
2 Hits (14% Damage): LK (or HK), LP
3 Hits (19% Damage): LK (or HK), D+LP, D+HP
3 Hits (18% Damage): HP, HP, U+LP
4 Hits (23% Damage): HK, HK, LK, B+HK
8 Hits (31% Damage): LK, LP, Walk up, HP, Spear, HK, HK, LK, B+HK
9 Hits (40% Damage): LK, LP, Jumpkick, Teleport, Spear, HK, HK, LK, B+HK


Fatality 1 "Teleport Decap": RUN, BL, RUN, RUN, HK (Half Screen)
| Description: Smoke teleports and hits his opponent's head which explo

Friendship "No Smoking": D, F, F, F, RUN (Past Sweep)
| Description: Smoke makes a NO SMOKING ALLOWED sign fall from the scre
en and sick in the ground, then Smoke stops smoking.

Animality "Porqupine": F, F, F, B, HK (Sweep)
| Description: Smoke turns into a Porqupine and shoots it's quills all
over his opponent.

Babality: D, B, B, F, RUN (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL (Next to)
Stage: F, U, U, LP (Next to)
Fatality 2 "Stange Days": F, F, B, RUN (Step outside of sweep)
| Description: Smoke raises his hand and disappears. Then his victim st
arts to expand every which way unttil he/she explodes.



Opening Storyline:
When the renegade Princess Kitana makes her escape into the unknown reg
ions of Earth, Jade is appointed by Shao Kahn to bring her back alive. Once a c
lose friend of the Princess, she is faced with the choice of betraying her frie
nd or disobeying her Emperor.

Jade makes the decision to assist her long time friend Kitana. She thwa
rts an assasination attempt by Reptile against the princess and fiends off thei
r other Outworld enemies. This clears the path for Kitana to turn Sindel agains
t the Emperor Shao Kahn. With Sindel removed as an enemy, Jade finds herself fa
cing the enemy in kombat. She defeats him and both earth and her former homelan
d of Edenia are transformed to their original states. Jade has earned herself a
place alongside the great heroes of Mortal Kombat.


Boomerang High: B, F, HP
Boomerang Middle: B, F, LP
Boomerang Low: B, F, LK
Returning Middle Boomerang: B, B, F, LP (Must be vs a human player and they mu
st duck it)
Projectile Invincibility: B, F, HK
Green Smoke Kick: D, DF, F, LK



Fatality 1 "Staff Impalement": Run, Run, Run, BL+Run (Next to)
| Description: Jade uppercuts her opponent out of sight and holds her s
taff forward, the victim is impaled on it when he/she lands.

Fatality 2 "Staff Shaker": U, U, D, F, HP (Next to)
| Description: Jade jams her staff into her opponent's stomach and shak
es it until he/she is skinned then explodes.

Friendship "Pogo Stick": B, D, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Jade bounces around on her staff.

Babality: D, D, F, D, HK (Past Sweep)
Animality "Nice Kitty": F, D, F, F, LK (Next to)
| Description: Jade turns into a small homocidal cat.

Brutality: HP, LK, HP, LP, HK, HK, LK, BL, HP, HK (Next to)
Stage: B, F, D, RUN (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
After failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld menace,
Jax begins to covertly prepare for future battle with Kahn's minions. He outfit
s both arms with indestructible bionic implants. This is a war that Jax is prep
ared to win.

The second time Jax battles the forces of Shao Kahn he comes prepared.
Thought to be the strongest man on Earth, he has no problem proving it; first b
y beating Kahn's armies then by defeating the emporer himself. When the world r
everts back to normal, Jax and Sonya start the Outer World Investigation Agency
. Jax runs the exploratory division which learns to open portals through Scienc
e rather than magic. He leads the first expedition into a mysterious new realm.


Single Missile: B, F, HP
Double Missiles: B, B, F, F, HP
Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (tap LP to keep punching)
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Quad Slam : Tap HP after a throw (keep holding LP after the throw)
Ground Pound: Hold LK 3 Seconds, Release
Streaking Punch: F, F, HK



Fatality 1 "Blade Mutilation": U, U, D, DF, F, UF, U, BL (Next to)
| Description: Jax morphs his arms into blades and slices his opponent
into sections in a shower of blood.

Fatality 2 "Godzilla": Run, BL, Run, Run, LK (Half Screen)
| Description: Jax grows huge and squishes his opponent with a foot.

Friendship "Jump Rope": LK, Run, Run, LK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Jax jumps rope!

Animality "Lion Maul": Hold LP, F, F, D, F, Release LP (Next to)
| Description: Jax mauls his opponent as a lion.

Babality: D, D, D, LK (Past Sweep)
Stage: D, F, D, LP (Next to)
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, BL, LP HP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Killed in battle with an Outworld extermination squad, Johnny Cage's li
fe came to a tragic end. But the celluloid superstar manages to cheat death whe
n his path to the after life is blocked by the merger of Earth and Outworld. Hi
s soul takes possession of his body once again and enables Cage to rejoin his f
riends to battle for Earth's survival.

With his nearly deceased soul restored, Johnny Cage finds himself fight
ing alongside his friends once again. This time he seeks revenge against the
extermination squad that took his life. But during their battle, Cage learns th
at if they wins against Kahn, his soul will again be deceased when Earth revert
s back to normal. Knowing this, the movie star embarks on a one way mission to
destroy Shao Kahn. His extermination fuels his fellow warriors as they embark o
n one final onslaght against the evil emporer. The Earth warriors emerge victor
ious and when the realms revert to their normal state, Cage bids farewell to hi
s comrades as his soul leaves to a higher place.


Red Shadow Kick: B, B, F, HK (PSX MKT)
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
High Fireball: F, DF, D, DB, B, HP
Low Fireball: D, DF, F, LP
Green Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
Red Shadow Kick: B, B, F, LK (N64 MKT)


4 Hits (19% Damage): HP, HP, LP, D+LP
4 Hits (16% Damage): LK, LK, HK, LK
6 Hits (36% Damage): HP, HP, LP, D+LP, Jump Kick, Green Shadow Kick
5 Hits (28% Damage): HP, HP, LP, D+LP, Shadow Uppercut


Fatality 2 "Backbreaker (PSX MKT ONLY)": D, D, F, F, LK (Next to)
| Description: Cage lifts his opponent above his head and slams them do
wn which makes them explode into pieces.

Friendship "Autograph": D, D, D, D, LK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Cage signs an autograph for his greatest fan.

Animality "Kangaroo Kick": D, D, F, F, HK (Next to)
| Description: Cage turns into a kangeroo who kicks his opponent off th
e screen.

Babality: F, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP (Next to)
Stage: D, B, F, F, HK (Next to)
Fatality 2 "Torso Kick (N64 MKT ONLY)": D, D, F, F, LK (Half Screen)
| Description: Cage starts smoking and does a red shadow kick and kicks
your torso off and the top half of your body falls down on the feet.

Fatality 1 "Decapatation": D, D, F, F, LP (Next to)
| Description: Cage delievers an upppercut which knocks his opponent's
head off.
N64 MKT TRICK: RIGHT after doing the Fatality movement hold down LP+BL+LK to ge
t 3 additional heads knocked off.



Opening Storyline:
As a chosen warrior, his identity is a mystery to all. It's believed th
at he is the survivor of an attack by Shao Kahn's extermination squads. As a re
sult, he is viciously scarred and kept alive only by artificial respirators and
a rage for ending Shao Kahn's conquest.

After returning from near death Kabal swears revenge against his attack
ers. He fights alongside the other Earth warriors. When he defeats Motaro and t
he mighty Shao Kahn he proves that he truly is the chosen one. Before the invas
ion Kabal lived a life of crime. He was once a member of the Black Dragon along
with Kano. Now Kabal devotes his life to fighting injustice; he will give crim
e's inner circles a new reason to fear.


Spin: B, F, LK
Energy Ball: B, B, HP
Ground Blade: B, B, B, RUN



Fatality 1 "Head Inflate": D, D, B, F, BL(sweep)
| Description: Kabal puts a tube that feeds air into his OOP"s head thu
s causing a violent explosion

Fatality 2 "Mast of Death": Run, BL, BL, BL, HK(next to)
| Description: Kabal takes off his mask screams once, then twice at the
OPP killing em

Friendship "Marshmellow ": Run, LK, Run, Run, U
| Description: Kabal pulls out his sword with a marshmellow on it and
a fire appears and he roasts it

Animality " Rhino Charge": Hold HP, F, F, D, F,Release HP(next to)
| Description: Kabal Turns into a rhino and charges the OPP

Babality: Run, Run, LK(past sweep)
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, HP, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, LP, HP, LP (next to)
Stage: BL, BL, BL, HK(next to)


Opening Storyline:







Opening Storyline:
Kano is thought to have been killed in the first Tournament. Instead, h
e's found alive in the Outworld, where he once again escapes capture by Sonya.
Before the actual Outworld invasion, Kano convinces Shao Kahn to spare his soul
. Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors how to use Earth's weapons, and Kano
is the man to do it.

When Shao Kahn lets Kano live he fails to realize the resourcefulness o
f the scheming human. Kano lures Kahn's army away on a false mission, then nuke
s them using a stolen weapon. He fights the remaining warriors and finally defe
ats Kahn himself. Kano's true intention is to take over the souls which Kahn on
ce possessed. But Kano is unable to control the spirits as they escape and atta
ck him. Rumored to have suffered a violent death Kano was ignorant of the fact
that he saved the world he tried to conquer.


Physco Cannonball: F, D, F, LK
Upward Cannonball: F, D, F, HK
Cannonball: Hold LK 3 Seconds, Release
Knife Throw: D, DB, B, HP
Knife Uppercut: D, DF, F, HP
Grab 'N' Shake: D, DF, F, LP
Air Throw: BL (In Air)



Fatality 1 "Skeleton Pull": Hold LP, F, D, D, F, Release LP (Next to)
| Description: Kano rips out his oppponent's entire skeleton.

Fatality 2 "Laser Beam": LP, BL, BL, HK (Sweep)
| Description: Kano blows up his opponent with a beam of laser from his

Friendship "Chew Gum": LK, Run, Run, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Kano blows a bubble and it pops in his face.

Animality "Crime Spider": Hold HP, BL, BL, BL, Release HP (Next to)
| Description: Kano turns into a huge killer spider.

Babality: F, F, D, D, LK (Past Sweep)
Stage: U, U, B, LK (Next to)
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, BL, HK, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
With Goro missing, Kintaro steps up to take his place as Supreme Ruler
of Shao Kahn's armies. Stronger and more agile than his predecessor, he is enra
ged by Goro's defeat. Kintaro vows to take revenge on the Earth warriors respon



Grab & Pound: F, F, HP
Teleport Stomp: D, U
Fireball: B, B, F, HP
Growl: D, D, LK





Opening Storyline:
Kitana is accused of treason by the high courts of the Outworld after m
urdering her evil twin Mileena. Shao Kahn appoints a group of warriors specific
ally to catch his daughter and bring her back alive. But Kitana must find a way
to reach the newly crowned Queen Sindel first and warn her of their true past.

Kitana evades the evil clutches of Shao Kahn and escapes into the unkno
wn regions of earth. She survives an assasination attempt by the vile creature
Reptile and allies herself with her one time comrad Jade. Together with help of
Earth's warriors, Kitana reaches Sindel and turns the queen against her Empero
r. With Shao Kahn defeated, the earth is transformed back to it's
original state as is Kitana's realm of Edenia. She will be forever in debt to h
er friends on earth as she rules the new realm of Edenia at queen Sindel's side


Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Fan Toss: F, F, HP+LP
Square Wave Punch: D, DB, B, HP


4 Hits (23% Damage): HK, HK, LK, B+HK
4 Hits (25% Damage): HP, HP, B+LP, F+HP


Fatality 1 "Fan Decap": B, D, F, F, HK (Next to)
| Description: Kitana decapitates her opponent with her fan.

Fatality 2 "Kiss of Death": RUN, RUN, BL, BL, LK (Next to)
| Description: Kitana kisses her opponent and he/she stretches and blow
s up.

Friendship "Bubble Time": D, B, F, F, LP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Kitana blows bubbles.

Animality "Bunny": D, D, D, RUN (After Mercy) (One step away)
| Description: Kitana turns into a homocidal bunny!

Babality: F, F, D, F, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, BL, LK, BL, LP, BL, HP, BL
Stage: F, D, D, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Kung Lao's plan to reform The White Lotus Society comes to a halt when
Shao Kahn's invasion takes the Earth by storm. As a Chosen Warrior, Kung Lao mu
st use his greatest fighting skills to bring down Shao Kahn's reign of terror.

When Kahn invades Earth, Kung Lao must scrap his plans of reuniting the
White Lotus society. He instead must focus on the new tournament. He seeks Liu
Kang and together they battle Kahn's forces fearlessly. Using the knowledge he
obtained as a Shaolin monk he fights in the name of his great ancestor - the o
riginal Kung Lao. He emerges victorious but suffers from injuries during battle
with Kahn. Believed to have passed away Kung Lao joins his ancestor in a new l


Double Teleport: D, D, U
Teleport: D, U
Hat Toss: B, F, HP
Dive Kick: D+HK (In the Air)
Shield Spin: F, D, F, RUN (Tap RUN, and use B and F to move side to side)



Fatality 1 "Death Vac": Run, BL, Run, BL, D (Anywhere)
| Description: Kung Lao spins and vacuums in the victim to their death.

Fatality 2 "Hat Boomerang": F, F, B, D, HP (Next to)
| Description: Kung Lao throws his hat and seperates the victim into se
ctions with repeated returns.

Friendship "Fetch Doggy": Run, LP, Run, LK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Kung Lao throws his hat and a dog goes after it.

Animality "Leopard Pounce": Run, Run, Run, Run, BL (Next to)
| Description: Kung Lao finishes off his opponent in the form of a Leo.

Babality: D, F, F, HP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, HK, BL, HP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
After the Outworld invasion, Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of
Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion and has thwarted Kahn'
s schemes in the past. Of all the humans, Kang poses the greatest threat to Sha
o Kahn's rule.

After thwarting Shao Kahn in the past, Liu Kang finds himself the main
target of Kahn's extermination squads. But Kang is the reigning Mortal Kombat C
hampion and proves it by easily defeating Kahn's minions. But it's the apparent
death of his friend Kung Lao that enrages Kang and enables him to find the str
ength to defeat Shao Kahn. Then before the portal closes, Liu Kang is greeted b
y Princess Kitana and thanked for saving the Earth and the Outworld.


Red Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 4 seconds, B, F, Release
High Fireball: F, F, HP
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3-5 Seconds, Release



Fatality 1 "Shaolin Pyro": F, F, D, D, LK (Next to)
| Description: Liu Kang disappears and the victim goes up in flames.

Fatality 2 "The Power of a Klassic": U, D, U, U+BL+Run
| Description: Liu Kang disappears and an MK1 machine is dropped on the
victim, blood spills out from underneath.

Friendship "Shadow Puppet": D, D, D, Run (Past Sweep)
| Description: Liu Kang makes a shadow puppet of the MK Dragon logo

Animality "MKII Dragon Food": D, D, U (Sweep)
| Description: Liu Kang turns into a dragon and bites off the top half
of his opponent.

Babality: D, D, D, HK (Past Sweep)
Stage: Run, BL, BL, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Murdered by her twin sister Kitana, Mileena finds herself brought back
to life by Shao Kahn himself. Her skills as a vicious fighter will be needed to
defeat Earth's chosen warriors. Her ability to read the thoughts of her twin s
ister will enable Kahn to stay one step ahead.

Winning the third tournament enables her to reclaim her thrown as Outwo
rld queen. With the help of Baraka they threaten the earth warriors into a four
th Mortal Kombat where they can gain supreme control of the Outworld and earth


Sai Throw: Hold HP 3 Seconds, Release
Teleport Kick: F, F, LK
Roll: B, B, D, HK


6 Hits (30% Damage): HP, HP, HK, HK, U+LK, U+HK
4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, U+LP, D+HP


Fatality 1 "Tack 'em": B, B, B, F, LK (Full Screen)
| Description: Mileena takes a jar full of nails and pours them into he
r mouth and she then spits them out toward her opponent at a great speed.

Fatality 2 "Suck 'em Up": D, F, D, F, LP (Next to)
| Description: Mileena removes her mask and reaches over to kiss her op
ponent but she really sucks them in and spits them back out in pieces.

Friendship "Mirror Mirror": D, D, B, F, HP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Mileena removes her mask and takes out a mirror and look
s into it. Because of her ugly face the mirror cracks and falls apart.

Animality "Skunky!": F, D, D, F, HK (Next to)
| Description: Mileena turns into a skunk and sprays a green smoke on h
er opponent who then dies and falls over.

Babality: D, D, F, F, HP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, LP, HP, BL, HK, LK, LK, HK, BL, HP (Next to)
Stage: D, D, D, LP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
In the realm of the Outworld, Motaro's race of Centaurians has long sin
ce come into conflict with the Shokan. When Shao Kahn formed special exterminat
ion squads to eliminate the chosen warriors of Earth, Motaro was appointed to h
this elite group of savage warriors.

No Ending - Just a pic with "MOTARO WINS" below it.


Grab & Smack: F, F, HP
Fireball: F, D, B, HP
Teleport: D, U
Grab & Smack (N64 Version): F, F, F, HP
Fireball (N64 Version): Hold LK 3 Seconds, Release
Teleport (N64 Version): D, DB, B, HK



Fatality 1 "Head Rip (N64 VERSION)": F, F, F, HK (Next to)
| Description: Motaro rips your head off.



Opening Storyline:
He works as a historian and preserver of his people's culture. When Kah
n's portal opens over North America, Nightwolf uses the magic of his Shamen to
protect his tribe's sacred land. This area becomes a vital threat to Kahn's occ
upation of the Earth.

Nightwolf helps other Earth warriors escape to his sacred land. Once th
ere they regroup and form a plan of attack against Shao Kahn's invasion. Nightw
olf has trained hard for this battle; finally he faces Shao Kahn and emerges vi
ctorious. When the Earth returns to its normal state, Nightwolf peacefully rega
ins the lands his Native-American people lost over many years. They establish t
heir own proud nation and soon become the great leaders of Earth.


Red Shadow Shoulder: B, B, F, HK
Arrow: D, B, LP
Hatchet Uppercut: D, DF, F, HP
Green Shadow Shoulder: F, F, LK
Reflecting Glow: B, B, B, HK


7 Hits (41% Damage): LK, HP, HP, LP, HCT HP


Fatality 1 "To Da Moon": Hold BL, U, U, B, F, Release BL, BL (Next to)
| Description: Nightwolf kneels as a beams takes the victim.

Fatality 2 "The Power of Rayden": B, B, D, HP (Half Screen)
| Description: Nightwolf raises his axe and lightning strikes it as he
swings it forward to fry his opponent.

Friendship "Raiden Transformation (PSX MKT)": Run, Run, Run, D (Past Sweep)
| Description: Nightwolf turns into Rayden and an MKII machine appears
with the text "No, but I can do a Rayden Transformation."

Animality "Wolf Attack": F, F, D, D (Next to)
| Description: Nightwolf attacks his opponent in the form of a wolf.

Babality: F, B, F, B, LP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, HK, LK, LK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HK (Next to)
Stage: Run, Run, BL (Next to)
Friendship "Axe Juggle (N64 MKT)": RUN, RUN, RUN, D (Past Sweep)
| Description: Nightwolf Juggles His Axes



Opening Storyline:
Noob Saibot emerges from the darkest region of reality - a region known
as the Netherealm. He belongs to a group called the Brothers of the Shadow, an
d worships an evil and mysterious fallen Elder God. His mission is to spy on th
e events taking place in the battle between the realms and report back to his e
nigmatic leaders.

At first a passive observer, Noob Saibot would soon receive orders to s
ide with the evil emporer Shao Kahn. Saibot's leaders in the netherealm want hi
m to join Kahn's battle to gain his trust and to gain entrance into the Earth R
ealm. When Kahn drops his guard, Noob Saibot is ordered to attack. With both th
e Earth realm and the Outworld's emporer defeated, the fallen elder god
known as Shinnok can take both realms and gain the power he needs to strike bac
k at the elder gods who banished him into the Netherealm.


Disabler Ball: D, DF, F, LP
Clone Throw: F, F, HP
Teleport Throw: D, U


4 Hits (23% Damage): LK, LK, LK, LK
4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, LP, HK
6 Hits (42% Damage): HP, HP, LP, HK, Teleport Throw (D, U), Uppercut


Fatality 2 "Teleport Slam": D, D, U, RN (Next to)
| Description: Noob grabs his opponent and teleports and then starts bo
uncing many times and the opponent explodes.

Babality: F, F, F, LP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LK, LP, BL, LK, HK, HP, LP, BL, LK, HK (Next to)
Stage: D, F, BL (Next to)
Fatality 1 "Lift N Spin": B, B, F, F, HK (Sweep)
| Description: Noob raises his hand and a ring surrounds his opponent,
lifts them up, and then spins them into pieces.

Friendship "Bowling": F, F, B, HP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Noob makes a row of bowling pins fall down infront of hi
s opponent and then he rolls a bowling ball and knocks over most of the pins.

Animality "Anteater Snack": B, F, B, F, HK (Step out of Sweep)
| Description: Noob turns into an anteater and sucks his opponent in fo
r a snack.



Opening Storyline:
As Earth's sworn protector, Rayden finds himself banished in the merger
between Earth and Outworld. When the Elder Gods refuse to assist him in aiding
the Earth, he is forced to take matters into his own hands. He transforms himse
lf into a mortal warrior to fight alongside his human comrades - this time risk
ing his place in the pantheon of gods and giving up his own immortality.

When Outworld and Earth merge, Rayden finds himself battling Shao Kahn
without the assistance of the Elder Gods. The Thunder God must transform into a
mortal in order to exist in the combined realms. When he does this, he puts hi
s own immortality at risk. But Rayden has always found ways of fouling Kahn's p
lots. He guides the chosen Earth warriors into a battle against the Outworld em
porer's armies, then finally faces Kahn himself. The powerful beings fight unti
l the very core of the Earth is shaken and Rayden emerges victorious.


Teleport : D, U
Lightning Shot: D, DF, F, LP
Torpedo Wall Slam: B, B, F (Can Be Done in Air Also)
Reverse Lightning: D, DB, B, LP


4 Hits (36% Damage): HP, HP, LP, F+HP
4 Hits (23% Damage): HK, HK, LK, B+HK
4 Hits (19% Damage): HP, HP, LP, LP
9 Hits (56% Damage): Reverse Lightning, HP, HP, LP, LP, Teleport, 2 Standing HP
s, Jump Kick, Torpedo
6 Hits (36% Damage): HP, HP, LP, LP, Jumpkick, Torpedo


Fatality 1 "Exploding Uppercut": Hold HP for 10 Secs, Release (Next to) (Hold
HP before you end the round) or just Hold BL, HP, Release BL on N64
| Description: Rayden kneels down and deleivers a powerful uppercut to
his opponent which causes him/her to explode into pieces. Then the opponents he
ad drops down to the ground.

Fatality 2 "Death Shock": Hold LK for 3 Seconds, Release, Tap BL+LK Rapidly (
Next to)
| Description: Rayden grabs his opponent and starts to send an electric
al charge thought his opponent's body which causes them to explode.

Friendship "Kidd Thunder!": D, B, F, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Rayden calls opon Kidd Thunder!

Animality "Electric Eel": D, F, D, HK (Sweep) (Mercy First)
| Description: Rayden turns into an electric eel and wraps around his o
pponent and shocks them to death.

Babality: D, D, U, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, LK, LK, LK, HK, LP, LP, LP, BL, BL (Next to)
Stage: D, D, D, HP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Born on Kitana's former world of Edenia, Rain was smuggled away from th
e realm as a small child shortly after Shao Kahn's take over. Thousands of year
s later he resurfaced. His allegiance belonging to Kahn, he chose to betray his
homeland rather than suffer at the hands of Kahn's extermination Squads.

Rain fights valiantly for the emporer Shao Kahn, but it would be Kahn's
own step daughter, The Princess Kitana who turns Rain against him. Like Kitana
, Rain's origins also come from their former realm of Edenia. He learns that hi
s father was once a general in Edenia's army and died at the hands of Shao Kahn
himself. Enraged at the truth about his history, he joins Kitana in aligning w
ith the Earth Realm Warriors. But his allegiance comes under question when he m
ysteriously disappears during an extermination squad attack. To prove his loyal
ty he embarked on a suicide mission to destroy Shao Kahn and end the menace onc
e and for all.


Wrap Roundhouse: B+HK
Lightning Slam: B, B, HP
Tractor Ball: D, DF, F, LP (Then move joystick to controll opponent)


4 Hits (22% Damage): HP, HP, LP, HP
5 Hits (29% Damage): HK, HK, LK, HK, B+HK
9 Hits (56% Damage): Jumpkick, Lightning, Roundhouse, Lightning, Roundhouse, 2
Standing HPs, Jumpkick, Sweep
8 Hits (43% Damage): HK, HK, L:K, HK, B+HK, 2 Standing HPs, Jump Kick
6 Hits (42% Damage): Tractor Ball, Tractor Ball, Tractor Ball, Tractor Ball, Ro
undhouse, Uppercut


Fatality 1 "Reorganization": F, F, D, HP (Next To)
| Description: Rain uppercuts his opponent who then falls down in piece
s all upside down and in wrong place.

Fatality 2 "Lightning Strikes More Than Once": D, D, B, F, HK (Sweep)
| Description: Rain makes lightning strike his opponent repeatively unt
il they explode.

Friendship "Rainy Days": D, F, F, F, LP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Rain makes it rain over his opponent in which makes a fl
ower grow under his opponent's feet.

Babality: F, B, B, HP (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, LK, HK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HP, LP (Next to)
Stage: F, D, F, LP (Next to) (N64 MKT ONLY)
Animality "Elephant Man": BL, BL, RUN, RUN, BL (Sweep)
| Description: Rain turns into an elephant and then screams at his oppo
nent which makes their skin fly off.



Opening Storyline:
Always a reliable servant to Shao Kahn, Reptile is chosen to assist Jad
e in the capture of Kitana. In contrast to Jade's instructions, Reptile is orde
red to stop the renegade Princess at all costs...even if it means her death.

Reptile is ordered by Shao Kahn to find and kill Kitana. He is successf
ul in completing his task but upon returning, finds himself shunned by the Empe
ror. Shao Kahn promised Reptile that if he was successful that he would resurre
ct Reptile's race. Shao Kahn never had any intentions of fulfilling his promise
. Enraged, Reptile turns against his master and defeats him in battle. But by k
illing his master, Reptile destroys the one chance to ever know his true race.


Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Slow Forceball: B, B, HP+LP
Fast Forceball: F, F, HP+LP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Invisibility: U, D, HK (Do Again To turn Back)
Running Elbow: B, F, LK



Fatality 1 "Mealtime": B, B, F, D, BL (Jump distance)
| Description: Reptile eats his victim section by section from top to b

Fatality 2 "Serotonin Meltdown": F, F, U, U, HK (Sweep Distance)
| Description: Reptile melts his opponent into a puddle of human waste
by puking a load of serotonin (acid-like Reptilian saliva) on him/her.

Friendship "Lizard in a Box": D, F, F, B, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Lizard head jumps out of a box

Animality "Monkey Trouble": D, D, D, U + HK (Next to, After Mercy)
| Description: Reptile takes monkey form and chases his opponent away.

Babality: F, F, B, D, LK (Past Sweep)
Stage: BL, RN, BL, BL (Next to)
Brutality: HP, BL, HK, HK, BL, HP, LP, LK, LK, BL, BL+LP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
When Shao Kahn makes a failed attempt at stealing the souls which occup
y Earth's hell, Scorpion is able to escape from the nether region. Free to roam
the Earth once more, Scorpion holds allegiance with no one. He's a wild card i
n Earth's struggle against the Outworld.

Scorpion is inadvertently released from his damnation in hell when Kahn
's plan to overtake that realm goes away. Free to roam earth, Scorpion is enlis
ted by the Emperor to aid him and his quest to destroy the chosen warriors. But
his alliance to Shao Kahn falters when he discovers one of the chosen warriors
to be Sub-Zero. Scorpion was vowed to protect the former ninja as restitution
for killing his brother. Shao Kahn finds himself the victim of his own scheme a
s Scorpion is forced to turn against him. He destroys the Emperor and the earth
is returned to normal. Scorpion finds himself once again roaming the pits of h
ell only to one day rise again.


Spear: B, B, LP
Throw: BL (In Air Next To Opponent)
Teleport Punch: D, DB, B, HP
Forward Teleport Punch: D, DF, F, HP



Fatality 1 "Toasty!!": D, D, U, HK (Jump Distance)
| Description: Scorpion rips off his mask and performs his classic TOAS
TY Fatality.

Fatality 2 "The Hand of Hell": F, F, F, B, LP (Sweep)
| Description: Scorpion summons a flaming hand from hell to pull the vi
ctim underground.

Friendship "Skull in the Box": B, F, F, B, LK
| Description: Scorpion takes out a box and a skull jumps out.

Animality "Inferno Penguin": F, U, U, HK(Mercy first, Next to)
| Description: Scorpion turns into a penguin and lays a bomb under his

Babality: D, B, B, F, HP (Past Sweep)
Stage: F, F, U, U, LP
Brutality: HP, HP, BL, HK, HK, LK, HK, HP, HP, LP, HP (Next to)
Fatality 3 "Gang Beating (N64 MKT ONLY)": F, F, D, U, RUN (Next to)
| Description: Scorpion raises his hands as a bunch of Scorpion Clones
raise up and run at you and the screen fades to black as you get beaten to a pu



Opening Storyline:
Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9. He was the first of t
hree prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor was once a human
assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. He volunteered for automation because of his
loyalty to the Clan. Sektor survives the Outworld invasion - he has no soul t
o take.

After eventually terminating Sub-Zero, Sektor is attacked by Shao Kahn'
s army. Unfamiliar with the Outworld warriors, Sektor fights back. He targets K
ahn and all Outworld beings as threats to the Lin Kuei. Kahn's minions are no m
atch for Sektor who fights his way into the fortress. Once inside Sektor initia
tes his self destruct sequence. The resulting explosion is so massive that it c
loses the portal and returns Earth back to normal.


Double Missile: B, B, F, LP
Single Missile: F, F, LP
Homing Missile: F, D, B, HP
Teleuppercut: F, F, LK (Can be done in the air)



Fatality 1 "Compactor": LP, Run, Run, BL (Sweep)
| Description: Sektor extends a huge compactor from his chest and squis
hes his opponent into bodyparts in a spilling of blood.

Fatality 2 "Cyber Toasty": F, F, F, B, BL (Full Screen)
| Description: Sektor fries his opponent with a flame shot from his low
er arm.

Friendship "Hammer": Run, Run, Run, Run, D (Past Sweep)
| Description: Sektor rings the bell on a hammer game.

Animality "Killer Bat": F, F, D, U (Next to)
| Description: Sektor turns into a giant bat and decapitates the victim

Babality: B, D, D, D, HK (Past Sweep)
Stage: Run, Run, Run, D (next to)
Brutality: HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP, HP, HP, BL, LP, HP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead Sorcerer. He once fell out of favor with his
emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through Tournament Battle. But the
always scheming Shang Tsung is instrumental in Kahn's conquest of Earth. He ha
s now been granted more power than ever.

When Shao Kahn overtakes the Earth he needs Shang Tsung to help locate
the surviving humans. Granted new powers he soon discovers his dark emporer's t
rue plan; as soon as the remaining warriors are disposed of, Kahn will take Tsu
ng's own soul. After learning of this, Tsung turns on his master. He catches Mo
taro off guard and then defeats Shao Kahn. But before the Earth can return to n
ormal Tsung takes all the souls as his own. He will forever rule Earth with his
own brand of evil.


Ground Fire: F, B, B, LK
Single Fireball: B, B, HP
Double Fireball: B, B, F, HP
Triple Fireball: B, B, F, F, HP
Human Smoke Morph (N64 ONLY): BL, RUN, LK
Johnny Cage Morph (N64 MKT): F, D, F, HP
Johnny Cage Morph (PSX MKT): B, B, D, LP
Classic Sub Zero Morph: BL, BL, RUN, RUN
Ermac Morph: D, D, U
Jade Morph: F, F, D, D+BL
Kitana Morph: F, D, F, RUN
Reptile Morph: RUN, BL, BL, HK
Scorpion Morph: D, D, F, LP
MK3 Sub-Zero (PSX MKT ONLY): F, D, F, HP
Robo Smoke (PSX MKT): F, F, LP
Rain Morph: RUN, BL, LK (FAST)
Noob Saibot Morph (PSX MKT): F, D, D, B, HK
Shao Kahn Morph (PSX MKT): B, F, HK
Motaro Morph (PSX MKT): F, D, B, HP
Kintaro Morph (PSX MKT): Hold LP for 3 Seconds, Release
Goro Morph (PSX MKT): B, B, B, LP
Classic Jax Morph (PSX MKT): D, B, F, HK
MK2 Kung Lao Morph (PSX MKT): B, D, B, HK
MK1 Rayden Morph (PSX MKT): B, B, F, RUN
MK1 Kano Morph (MKT PSX): F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, U, DF
Baraka Morph (N64 MKT) :
Baraka Morph (PSX MKT): D, D, LK
Cyrax Morph: BL, BL, BL
Ermac Morph: D, D, U
Jade Morph: F, F, D, D+BL
Jax Morph: F, F, D, LP
Johnny Cage Morph (N64 MKT): F, D, F, HP
Johnny Cage Morph (PSX MKT): B, B, D, LP
Kabal Morph: LP, BL, HK
Kano Morph: B, F, BL
Kitana Morph: F, D, F, RUN
Kung Lao Morph: RUN, RUN, BL, RUN
Liu Kang Morph: F, D, B, U, F, D
Sheeva Morph: F, D, F, LK
Sektor Morph: D, F, B, R
Mileena Morph: R, BL, HK
Robo Smoke Morph (N64 MKT): B, B, D, LK
Rayden Morph (N64 MKT): BL, RUN, BL
Rayden Morph (PSX MKT): D, F, B, LK



Fatality 1 "Unholy Bed of Spikes": Hold LP, D, F, F, D, Release LP (Next to)
| Description: Tsung rises a bed of spikes up from the ground and slams
his opponent onto it.

Fatality 2 "Soul Taker": Hold LP, Run, BL, Run, BL, Release LP (Next to)
| Description: Tsung makes his victim's body rise up to allow their sou
l to be taken.

Friendship "Jouster": LK, LK, Run, Run, D (Past Sweep)
| Description: Tsung jumps around as a Jouster.

Animality "Snake Swallow": Hold LP, Run, Run, Run, Release HP (Sweep)
| Description: Tsung morphs into a huge snake and swallows his opponent

Babality: Run, Run, Run, LK (Past Sweep)
Stage: U, U, B, LP (Next to)
Brutality: HP, BL, BL, BL, LK, HP, LP, LP, BL, HK, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Long ago, Shao Kahn rose to power in the Outworld, usurping the realm f
rom Kitana's parents and taking Queen Sindel for his bride. Then she died. Now,
centuries later, Sindel is reborn. And since Shang Tsung failed to win the Ear
th Realm through Mortal Kombat I and II, her rebirth is the means by which Kahn
will finally seize the planet forever unless...

No Ending - Just shows the pic from MK3 of him as a silhouette on a thr
one and the text "SHAO KAHN WINS" below the pic.


Hammer Smash: B, F, HP
Fireball: B, B, F, LP
Grab & Punch: F, F, HP
Shadow Charge: D, F, LP
Upwards Shadow Charge: D, F, HP
Taunt: D, D, LK
Laugh: D, D, HK
Throw: LP (Next to)
Shadow Charge (N64 Version): F, F, HP
Laugh (N64 Version): D, D, RUN
Taunt (N64 Version): Hold BL, U, U, RUN
Fireball (N64 Version): F, D, F, LK
Upward Shadow Charge (N64 MKT): D, D, F, HK
Hammer (N64 Version): F, B, B, HP



Fatality 1 "Hammerin' (N64 MKT ONLY)": F, B, B, HP (Sweep)
| Description: Shao Kahn hammers you into the ground half way, and then
laughs. Then he hammers you once again and you explode.



Opening Storyline:
She was hand-picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal protecto
r. However, she becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty towards her race of S
hokan when he places Motaro as the leader of his extermination squads. On the O
utworld, Motaro's race of Centaurians are the natural enemy of the Shokan.

While Sheeva serves her master on Earth, her race of Shokan are being p
unished on the Outworld. Kahn now favors Motaro's race of Centaurs and aids the
m in defeating the shokan. After learning of these events Sheeva turns on her m
aster. She defeats Motaro and in a rage brings down Kahn. In
freeing the Earth she also frees the Outworld. She then returns home and works
to restore the pride and respect of her race.


Teleport Stomp: D, U
Ground Stomp: B, D, B, HK
Fireball: D, DF, F, HP



Fatality 1 "Ground Pounder": F, D, D, F, LP (Next to)
| Description: Sheeva pounds her opponent into the ground.

Fatality 2 "Shokan Skinner": Hold HK, F, B, F, F, Release HK (Next to)
| Description: Sheeva grabs her opponent with all 4 arms and rips all t
heir skin to the ground.

Friendship "Plate Balancing": F, F, D, F, wait, HP (Past Sweep)
| Description: Sheeva balances plates on sticks on each hand.

Animality "Scorpion Stinger": Run, BL, BL, BL, BL (Sweep)
| Description: Sheeva morphs into a scorpion and stings her opponent.

Babality: D, D, D, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Stage: D, F, D, F, LP (Next to)
Brutality: HP, LP, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP, HP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
She once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his queen. Now, 10,0
00 years after her untimely death, she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intent is
every match for Shao Kahn's tyranny. She is the key to his occupation of Earth.

Sindel receives visions of her true past and turns against Shao Kahn. S
he discovers that her true king was named Jerrod. They once had a daughter name
d Kitana and ruled a realm called Edenia; before Kahn took it away in their own
Mortal Kombat. He used Sindel as a pawn in his quest for Earth and took Kitana
as his own daughter. But in defeating Shao Kahn, Sindel frees the Earth. In
doing so, she also liberates Edenia and insures a reunion with her 10,000 year
old daughter - Kitana.


Ground Fireball: F, F, LP
Air Fireball: D, DF, F, LK(in air)
Fly: B, B, F, HK
Scream: F, F, F, HP
Double Fireball: B, B, F, LP



Fatality 1 "Sonic Skinner ": Run, Run, BL, BL, Run & BL(next to)
| Description: Sindel screams and rips all the OPP"s flesh off

Fatality 2 "Hairspin Mutilation": Run, Run, BL, Run, BL(sweep)
| Description: Sindel wraps her hair around the OPP and then spins them
like a top causing the flesh to fly off her OPP

Friendship "Football Kick": Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, U(past sweep)
| Description: Sindel Kicks a football and makes a field goal

Animality "Wasp": F, F, U, HP (Next to)
| Description: Sindel takes the form of a huge wasp and repeated stings
her opponent.

Babality: Run, Run, Run, U (Past Sweep)
Stage: D, D, D, D, LP (Next to)
Brutality: HP, BL, LK, BL, LK, HK, BL, HK, LK, BL, LP (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Smoke, unit LK-7T2, is the third prototype cyber-ninja built by the Lin
Kuei. He tries to escape the Lin Kuei automation process with Sub-Zero but is
captured. His memories are stripped away, leaving behind an emotionless
killer. However, Sub-Zero believes that within this machine is a human soul try
ing to escape.

Smoke was once a friend and ally of Sub-Zero when they both tried to es
cape from being turned into machines by their ninja clan. But Smoke is captured
and transformed into a cyborg with a mission to find and kill his old partner.
But Smoke soon finds himself being persued by Shao Kahn's minions. He learns t
hat he still has a soul and his true mission is the distruction of the Outworld
invaders. He defeats Kahn and saves the world but is forever trapped in his ar
tificial body.


Harpoon: B, B, LP
Teleuppercut: F, F, LK
Toggle Invisibility: U, U, RUN
Air Throw: BL (in Air)



Fatality 1 "Doomsday": U, U, UF, F, DF, D (Full Screen)
| Description: Smoke drops a load of bombs to blow the world.

Fatality 2 "Bombing": Hold RUN+BL, D, D, DF, F, FU, U, Release BL+RUN (Sweep)
| Description: Smoke drops a bomb down his opponent's throat and they e
xplode into parts.

Friendship "Horn": Run, Run, Run, HK (Past Sweep)
| Description: Smoke extends a horn from his chest and blows t at his o

Animality "Bull Charge": D, F, F, BL (Full Screen)
| Description: Smoke charges at his opponent in the form of a bull.

Babality: D, D, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BL, BL, LP, LP, HP, HP, BL, BL (Next to)
Stage: F, F, D, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
Sonya Blade disappears in the first Tournament, but is later rescued fr
om the Outworld by Jax. After returning to Earth, she and Jax try to warn the U
.S. Government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof, they watch helple
ssly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion.

Sonya defeats her arch enemy Kano high atop a skyscraper near Shao Kahn
's fortress. She then comes face to face with the emporer himself. In an
incredible display of courage, Sonya wins. When the world returns to its normal
state, Sonya has no trouble convincing her superiors to form the Outer World I
nvestigation Agency; devoted to protecting the Earth against possible future in
vasions from other realms.


Energy Rings: D, DF, F, LP
Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
Square Wave Punch: F, B, HP
Upwards Bicycle Kick: B, B, D, HK



Fatality 1 "Kiss of Death": B, F, D, D + Run (Anywhere)
| Description: Sonya blows a kiss and her opponent goes up in flames.

Fatality 2 "Gum Launch": Hold BL + Run, U, U, UB, B, DB, D, Release BL+Run (Hal
f Screen)
| Description: Sonya blows a huge bubble at her opponent that squishes
them into a pile of remains.

Friendship "Instant Garden": B, F, B, D, Run (Past Sweep)
| Description: Sonya grows a garden of flowers.

Animality "Hawk": Hold LP, B, F, D, F, Release LP (Next to)
| Description: Sonya turns into a Hawk and kills her opponent.

Babality: D, D, F, LK, (Past Sweep)
Stage: F, F, D, HP (Next to)
Brutality: HP, LK, BL, HP, LK, BL, HP, LP, BL, HK, LK (Next to)


Opening Storyline:
When the Outworld portal opens over a large city in North America, pani
c and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was the leader of a riot contro
l brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He finds himself the lone survivor
of a city once populated by millions.

Ignorant of why his soul was spared from the Outworld invasion, Stryker
receives a vision from Rayden. He is instructed to travel west. He eventually
meets the rest of Earth's warriors and learns the true meaning of his survival.
He travels back to the city he swore to protect. Kahn is unfamiliar with this
new kombatant and is caught off guard. Stryker defeats the warlord and saves th
e entire planet. The chaos that consumed the city in the hours before the invas
ion are gone.


Fire Gun: B, F, HP
High Grenade: D, DB, B, HP
Low Grenade: D, DB, B, LP
Baton Trip: F, B, LP
Baton Throw: F, F, HK
Double Grenade: F, D, B, LP or HP



Fatality 1 "Bomber": D, F, D, F, BL(next to)
| Description: Stryker straps a bomb to his OPP

Fatality 2 "Tazer": F, F, F, LK(half screen)
| Description: Stryker launches a tazer at his OPP then fries them

Friendship "Mortal Traffic": LP, Run, Run, LP (past sweep)
| Description: Stryker holds up a stop sign as the entire MKT cast trou
nces on by

Animality "T-Rex": Run, Run, Run, BL(sweep)
| Description: Stryker Morphs to a T-Rex And eats the OPP

Babality: D, F, F, B, HP(past sweep)
Brutality: HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP,LK, HK, HP, LK, LK
Stage: F, U, U, HK(next to)


Opening Storyline:
The ninja returns unmasked. He was betrayed by his own ninja clan - the
Lin Kuei. He broke the sacred Codes of Honor by leaving the Clan and is marked
for death. But unlike the Ninja of old, his pursuers come as machines. He must
not only defend against the Outworld menace, but must also elude his soulless

In vicious battle Sub-Zero faces Cyrax and Sektor; but not alone. He fi
nds his third Lin Kuei assassin - the Elusive Smoke. Before automation Smoke an
d Sub-Zero were allies. Sub-Zero helps Smoke recall his past and gains him as a
n ally once again. Sub-Zero defeats his cyborg assassins with the help of Smoke
and finds it takes all his own inner strength to defeat Kahn and his Outworld
minions. The former ninja once again disappears into the Shadows. His legacy is
known only by a select few.


Ice Freeze: D, DF, F, LP
Ice Shower: D, DF, F, HP
In Front of Ice Shower: D, DF, B, HP
Behind Ice Shower: D, DB, B, F, HP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Ice Clone: D, DB, B, LP



Fatality 1 "Overhead Shatterer": BL, BL, RUN, BL, RUN (Next to)
| Description: Sub-Zero lifts his opponent overhead and shatters them i
nto pieces of cold parts.

Fatality 2 "Statue fall": B, B, D, B, RUN (Sweep)
| Description: Sub-Zero freezes his opponent with a cold breath of wind
, they fall over and crack to chunks of ice.

Friendship "Snowman": LK, RUN, RUN, U (Past Sweep)
| Description: Sub-Zero forms a snowman over himself.

Animality "Polar Bear": F, U, U (Next to)
| Description: Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and feeds on his oppone

Babality: D, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Stage: B, D, F, F, HK (Next to)
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP (Next to)



Credits go out to all who helped the Active MKT Web Site.

The list of credits can be found at:


Mortal Kombat Trilogy (C) 1996 Midway Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
MIDWAY, MORTAL KOMBAT, the DRAGON LOGO, and all character names and
pictures are registered trademarks of Midway Games, Inc.

Midway Games Inc. in no way endorses this faq.


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Human Smoke

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