

16.10.2013 05:38:34
Emergency: Fighters for Life Strategy Guide

By Scott R Garcia

Mission 1: Accident on the highway No walkthrough is necessary here,
as there's already a tutorial function in the localized version.

Mission 2: Fire in apartment building No walkthrough is necessary
here, as there's already a tutorial function in the localized

Mission 3: Mountain climber missing No walkthrough is necessary here,
as there's already a tutorial function in the localized version.

Mission 4: Formula 1 race Required vehicles and crew: F102 with 2
standard Firefighters (2) F104 with 1 standard Firefighter (2) F201
with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (2) F110 (3) Procedure -Arrange all
vehicles along the racecourse. -Park an F102 on the green area
directly adjacent to the first stack of tires. These are close to
the entrance to the racetrack. A fireman should remove the two tires
from the track and get back into the car. The other fireman should
proceed to the door of the race control tower. -Send the second
F102, together with an F104 to the start/finish line and proceed
west, where a second tire is lying on the track. On the way there,
you'll find two civilians, who have mistakenly ended up between the
racecars. Have some firemen escort them from the track. -One fireman
should carry the tires to the green area. There are three more tires
lying a bit further south. Carry these off as well. -Now proceed a
bit further south. There's a stack of tires lying at the edge of a
curve. ----Park both vehicles here, on the green area. The crew
should remain in their vehicles. -Park all your other vehicles on
the green area south of the entrance to the racetrack. --Now your
vehicles are well disbursed. Choose the fireman standing in front of
the race control tower and click on the tower entrance. This signals
the start of the race. -After the accident, three racecars remain on
the track. Proceed as follows: -Send the F104, which is located
closest to the accident site. Put out the burning car as quickly as
you can, using at least one, preferably two, fire extinguishers.
-You can free the injured drivers in two of the cars by using your
metal cutters, located on board the F102 vehicle. -There are a total
of three injured persons. Treat them ASAP and take them away in
ambulances. -Once you've taken care of the injured, you'll need to
get the demolished racecars off the tracks. Send in the F110 and
haul them away from the mission area. -Now get all your remaining
vehicles from the area and the mission is completed.

Mission 5: Arsonist sets fire in apartment building Required vehicles
and crew: F301 with 1 Police Officer (1) F104 with 1 Firefighter
with oxygen mask (3-4) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (1)
Procedure: -Send the three F104s immediately to the mission area.
Two F104s should start battling the flames which are already raging.
Send the third to the new fire as soon as it breaks out. You can
send another F104 later for assistance. -For safety's sake, send a
fireman, equipped with an oxygen mask, into all homes (whether
burning or already blackened) to look for injured persons. Should he
find any, carry them immediately outside, have a doctor treat them
and take them away. -Carefully examine the mission area. All doors
are normally closed. If you see an open door, the arsonist is either
in the house or has just left it. That means he must be somewhere in
the area. He's travelling on foot, so keep your eyes peeled! If you
see someone going from house to house, or waiting for people to
leave their houses, you've found him! -As soon as you've located the
arsonist, wait for him to enter a house. Then send the F301. Select
the police officer and wait for the arsonist to leave the house
again. Now you can arrest him and take him away in the F301. -After
the arrest of our culprit, you must put out all fires burning in the
town. The mission is then successfully completed.

Mission 6: Raft tipped over Required vehicles and crew: F117 with
Motor Boat (1) F102 with 2 standard Firefighters (2) F201 with 1
Doctor, 2 Orderly units (2) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1)
Procedure: -First get an F102 over the bridge. Send the vehicle's
two firefighters to the west and east of the bridge with life
preservers for the drowning children. It is critical that ALL those
in the water get a life preserver immediately! -As soon as all
"swimmers" have their life preservers, all other vehicles should
arrive in the mission area. Send the vehicles on the road due west,
until they reach a small path leading south from the river. You'll
see some tents set up on the side of the path. -The two firemen
should get out of the second F102 and take out their power saws. At
the southern end of the path is a small bay, where you could launch
a motor boat if the two trees weren't in the way. So send the two
firemen in to cut down the trees and remove the trunks (the easiest
thing to do is simply move them to the side, where they are out of
the way). -As soon as you've cleared the path to the bay, a red
marker starts blinking. "Install" the motor boat at this location
and it will automatically launch into the river. The motor boat
should speed as quickly as possible toward the swimmers and pick
them up. Now bring the boat back to the bay and the waiting vehicle.
Drop the injured swimmers off at the riverbank. -As the motor boat
is picking the swimmers out of the river, you should get the
orderlies to bring the injured to the road, where the doctors can
treat them. As soon as all five injured persons have been treated,
you can take them away in the ambulances. You have then successfully
completed the mission.

Mission 7: Gas explosion in a shopping center Required vehicles and
crew: F102 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F104 with 2 standard
Firefighters (1) F301 with 1 Police Officer (1) F201 with 1 Doctor,
2 Orderly units (4) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1)
Procedure: -First off, get your police officer to move the
"rubberneck" spectators hanging around the shopping center's
southern entrance. He should take them to a secure place, as far
from the shopping center as possible. -Put out the burning mobile
home with your F104, before the adjacent vehicles also catch fire.
You should gather all your vehicles and crew here. -Meanwhile, send
one of the firemen from the F104 to the northwest and have him
circle the shopping center. He'll find a small building marked
"GAS". Turn off the gas immediately, or there'll be an explosion.
-The two firemen from the F102 should start clearing up the rubble.
Two injured civilians are buried here somewhere. You must find and
treat ALL injured persons, whether in front of, or within the
shopping center area. But don't let your crew members walk over the
spark-spraying hi-voltage power cable! -While your firemen are
clearing away debris, send another fireman to the shopping center's
northern entrance. He should "hit" (i.e. first click on the fireman,
then the door) the first door on the western side of the northern
entrance. There's a fuse box on the back wall of the room. "Hit"
this to turn off the dangerous hi-voltage power line. -Now you can
send two firemen into the room previously blocked by the power
cable. There are two more injured people in the room. Bring them
outside, where the doctors can treat them. When their condition has
stabilized, take them away in ambulances. The mission is
successfully completed once all injured persons have been stabilized
and taken away.

Mission 8: Roller coaster accident Required vehicles and crew F102
with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F301 with 1 Police Officer (1) F201
with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly
unit (1) F203 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1) Procedure: -Get the
officer to send the rubbernecks as far away as possible. As usual,
they are hampering our efforts. To do this, select the officer, then
hold down the left mouse button, form a box around the rubbernecks
and point to the location where they should go. During the mission,
some of these will behave like typical rubbernecks and try to return
to the accident site. You'll need to keep them away. -Take the three
injured persons lying on the ground to the area in front of the
blue-and-white beer tent. Have the doctors treat them there. -Now
you need to get the roller coaster car free from the rubble. First,
a fireman must remove the long, dark-red beams which are laying
across it. After you've dealt with these, remove the harness
directly in front of the car. -Now a fireman can use his metal
cutters to free the injured people in the roller coaster car. After
initial medical treatment, evacuate them with your F203 Helicopter.
-Take the remaining injured from the scene with the ambulances and
the mission is completed.

Mission 9: Bus accident on the motorway Required vehicles and crew:
F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (5) F203 with 1 Doctor, 1
Orderly unit (2) F301 with 1 Police Officer (1) F102 with 2 standard
Firefighters (1) F104 (2) F110 (1) F204 (1) Careful, without a
Mobile Command Unit, you can only deploy 10 vehicles at the same
time. This means you won't be able to deploy all your vehicles
simultaneously. First send 3 F201s to the mission area. You can get
the other two F201s later, when the first vehicles have left the
area. Send in your F110 last. Procedure: -To successfully complete
this mission, you need to perform several tasks almost at the same
time. These actions are as follows: -Extinguish the burning bus with
the 2 F104s. -Get a fireman with metal cutters to open the bus (once
the flames are out, of course) and free the two injured people.
-Stop the traffic on the motorway by sending the police car due west
to the T-shaped scaffold. "Hit" this to roll out a sign warning
drivers of the impending traffic jam. Now the officer can turn back
the traffic. -Send a fireman to the wrecked car, which is lying on
the motorway north of the bus, and cut it open with the metal
cutters. This will free the injured person inside. -You must get all
injured persons medical treatment ASAP. There are some extremely
critical cases among those already lying in the open. You can solve
this mission if a total of two people die, but this will badly
affect your score (not to mention your conscience). So try to get
through with no casualties. If an injured person should die, you can
try bringing in the F204 for a resuscitation attempt. Have the
orderlies carry the victim in on a stretcher and lay him/her down on
one of the vehicle's four beds, where a doctor can start treatment.
-Critically injured people are easy to recognize. In contrast to
those with only slight injuries, they aren't moving. You should
always treat them on the F104's beds or evacuate them immediately by
helicopter. -Haul the wrecked car away with your F110 Transporter.
You can then restore the normal flow of traffic on the motorway and
remove the traffic jam warning sign. The mission is now completed.

Mission 10: Football championship Required vehicles and crew: (Note -
there are several solutions to this mission. The one described here
uses the fewest possible vehicles and crew, and is only possible
with a trick! Another solution, which requires a much larger
deployment, is described in the game's hints) F301 with 2 Police
Officers (1) F302 with 1 Police Officer (1) Procedure: -Send the two
officers to the right-hand stadium exit and block it off completely
- post one officer directly to the left of the turnstile, the other
directly to the right. This way the spectators will be unable to
leave from this exit. -Now wait until ALL spectators who are leaving
the stadium via the remaining exit have departed on the train
waiting in the lower section of the mission area. -Now the officers
can clear the right-hand exit. More spectators will start to leave.
As soon as they have departed on the train, the mission is
successfully completed. -It's possible that a few hooligans (easy to
recognize with their red and blue shirts) could refuse to board the
train. Arrest them and take them away with the F302 to complete the

Mission 11: Jack-knifed gasoline truck Required vehicles and crew:
F117 with a Bulldozer (1) F102 with 1 standard Firefighter (1) F105
with 1 standard Firefighter (1) F301 with 1 Police Officer (1) F201
with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1) Procedure: -This mission requires
you to get all your vehicles started as quickly as possible and to
steer them precisely. -Important - you mustn't park any vehicles
around the manholes north of the accident site. You must also make
sure no civilians or crew members are standing there. If the truck
explodes, the manhole covers will fly around wildly, causing death
and destruction! -First get the mass of spectators away from the
accident site. A police officer should take them as far away as
possible. -Right after that, send a fireman from the F102, equipped
with metal cutters, to cut open the truck's cab and free the injured
driver. -Get the driver out of the truck. The F201 is waiting a
short distance away. Here you can give him medical treatment. -While
you're cutting open the cab, send the F117 to push away the sand
pile lying to the right of the accident site. Push it over the
puddle of fuel to the left. Do this by unloading the bulldozer,
selecting it and "hitting" the pile of sand. -Now send the F117
away. You can't prevent the explosion, but at least you've managed
to cushion it somewhat. Make sure that after you free the driver and
push the sand pile, no vehicles or persons are anywhere near the
truck! -Should the explosion injure any civilian, get him/her
immediate medical attention and, together with the injured driver,
transportation from the scene. If a house should catch fire put it
out with the F105. You can also use the hose from the F105. Send a
fireman into the houses around the explosion site to evacuate any
civilians trapped in their burning homes. -Once you've removed all
injured from the mission area and put out all the fires, you have
successfully completed the mission.

Mission 12: Raging forest fire Required vehicles and crew: F302 with
1 Police Officer (2) F102 with 1 standard Firefighter (1) F105 with
1 standard Firefighter (5) F111 Procedure: -Start the mission by
using your F111 Firefighting Plane on the burning area northwest of
the Boy Scout camp. This will buy some time as the rest of your
crews arrive at the mission area. -Send the two F302s immediately to
the forest path (the one which leads to the Boy Scout camp). They
should drive up the path and park at the point where it turns off to
the west. The officers should get out of the vehicle. Use one
officer to escort all the Boy Scouts to the vehicles. -Meanwhile,
distribute your F105 Pumpers as follows: -Send 2 F105s to the
northeastern sector, where the red motor boat is docked. You must
prevent the fire there from spreading to the houses. As soon as you
have the situation under control, these two pumpers can join the
others (see below). -Send 1 F105 directly to the clubhouse near the
tennis courts. Use this vehicle to douse the clubhouse and put out
the fire threatening to spread from the trees behind it. Send the
fireman from the vehicle, equipped with a hose. Attach the hose to
the nearby hydrant and start dousing the northwest section of the
courts. -Send 1 F105 directly south of the tennis courts due west
into the forest and put out the fires there. -Send 1 F104 to the Boy
Scout camp and start battling the flames there. -Evacuate the Boy
Scouts from the mission area with the F302s. -Using the power saws
from the F102, you can cut some paths through the forest, enabling
the pumpers to get closer to the blaze. This is especially useful
around the closed barriers to the east of the camp, since the forest
there cannot be reached with pumpers. This means it will either burn
a long time or require you to use your firefighting plane - both
solutions having a negative impact on your rating. As soon as you've
put out the flames around the barriers, cut down enough trees to the
right or left to allow more pumpers to proceed north and east to
battle the fires raging there. -Once all fires have been put out,
the mission is successfully completed.

Mission 13: Crash at a fast-food restaurant Required vehicles and
crew: F102 with 2 normal Firefighters (1) F117 with Bulldozer (1)
F105 (3) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderlies (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1
Orderly (1) Procedure: -Dispatch your F105 Pumpers as follows: -Send
1 F105 to the southeast region. Part of the forest is burning there.
-Send 1 F105 to the burning trees directly south of the crash site.
These should prevent the flames from reaching the houses. -Send 1
F105 directly to the fast-food restaurant to put out the fire there.
-Move the plane wreck with your bulldozer far enough to the right
that the restaurant entrance is no longer blocked. -Send a fireman
from the F102 to cut open the restaurant entrance with the metal
cutters. -After the fire has been put out, there are some injured
persons still in the restaurant (normally 3 of them). Send two
firemen from the F102 to carry them out. Once outside, the doctors
can treat them, after which you can send them off in the ambulance.
When all fires are extinguished and all injured persons are safely
on their way to the hospital, the mission is successfully completed.

Mission 14: Protect the atomic waste transport Required vehicles and
crew: F302 with 3 Police Officers (5) F303 (3) F110 (1) F201 with 1
Doctor, 2 Orderlies (1) Procedure: -You can take your time with this
mission at the beginning. First, distribute your vehicles as
follows: -The vehicles meet on the main avenue of the mission area.
If you send them a little more to the south, you'll reach a forest
road. Now send the vehicles as follows: -Send 1 F302 to the west,
through the forest road, until it reaches the edge of the mission
area - where the transport starts. You'll see the train already
waiting to leave. Disembark all police officers. Send one police
officer to the gate directly to the west of the forest road and have
him open it. He should enter the area and go south until he reaches
the large gate currently preventing the train from travelling east.
He should remain there. -Send 1 F302 along the forest road due west
until it reaches the first turnoff heading north. This is where all
the police officers should disembark. -1 F302 should travel a short
distance on the forest road and remain there. All police officers
should disembark. -Each F302 on the forest road is equipped with a
water cannon. Be sure to set the option "Water On"! -Send 1 F302
further south on the main avenue until it reaches the junction
heading east. Here it should go east and travel until it reaches the
country road (the one running north). This is where the officers
should disembark. -Send the remaining F302 further east until it
reaches the construction vehicle on the northern bend. Disembark all
officers here. One officer will position himself on the tracks
approximately parallel to the bend. Here he prepares to "stop" the
train. -Send the Flatbed F110 Transporter to the construction
vehicle. -You should park the F201 Ambulance somewhere around the
middle of the mission area. You'll only need it if anyone gets
injured during the mission. These should be quickly treated and
taken from the scene. -As soon as all vehicles and crew are in
place, the police officer waiting at the train station will open the
gate and the train begins to move. -Now the task is to have the
police officers, which are posted along the forest road, arrest all
the demonstrators coming toward the train tracks from the north.
Once arrested, they should be immediately placed in the F302. It's
critical that no demonstrator reaches the tracks! You should post
your water cannons so that they douse the demonstrators, thereby
making the officers' job easier. -It is also possible that some
demonstrators also approach the tracks from the area to the east of
the mission area. Get the officers posted at the country road to
arrest them. -The officers on the tracks will stop the train in
order to load the atomic waste container onto the F110 Transporter,
leaving the empty train behind. -There shouldn't be any other
hooligans approaching the tracks. All water cannons should return to
the F110 Transporter, which will first travel north, then east to
the container unloading area.. -There are 5 black-clothed hooligans
at the unloading area. You should push them away to the south with
the water cannon vehicles. These are slowly making their way from
the north, with water cannons loaded and ready. -If the water
cannons don't do the trick, you'll have to arrest the hooligans. Use
the officers in the F302 which haven't seen any action yet, since
this may be the only truck with any room in it. Keep in mind that
you'll have to arrest the hooligans before they manage to throw
their "molotov cocktail" firebombs. Do this by spraying a steady
stream of water at them, while the officers close in. -As soon as
the unloading area is free of hooligans, the transporter can enter
and unload the container. The mission is then successfully

Mission 15: Fire in the subway station Required vehicles and crew:
F102 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F301 with 1 standard Police
Officer (1) F103 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F201 with 1
Doctor, 2 Orderlies (3) Procedure: -First send the Policeman and the
four firemen from the F102 and F103 into the subway station. Two of
the firemen are equipped with hoses. The other two must carry metal
cutters. At the same time, you'll need to send two orderlies into
the station. -The policeman should get all the injured civilians out
of the station. Once this is done, he can leave. -Start loading
(using the orderlies) the injured people lying by the hydrants onto
stretchers and carry them to the parking lot in front of the station
entrance. Here the doctors can treat them. -As soon as the two
hydrants are free, the firefighters can attach their hoses and begin
battling the flames. Keep in mind that you fire on the subway car is
smoldering. This means you can temporarily put it out, but it will
flare up again. The only way to prevent this is to keep a hose
pointed at it (spraying water, of course) during the entire mission.
-While this is taking place, the two firefighters with the metal
cutters should open up the three subway cars. -Once they have
managed this, the firemen drop the metal cutters and begin carrying
the injured (4 in all) from the cars to the outermost station
platform. Here you can have the orderlies take them outside, where
the doctors can treat them and send them off in ambulances. -As soon
as all the civilians are out of the subway station, all injured are
taken off to the hospital and all flames at least temporarily
extinguished, the mission is over.

Mission 16: Tornado Required vehicles and crew: F101 (1) F102 with 1
standard Firefighter (2) (F204) (1) F117 with Bulldozer (1) F110 (5)
F103 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) Doctors and Orderlies: If
you've carefully followed our instructions until now, you should
have at least 75,000 credits on your account. We recommend that, for
each injured person you find in the mission area (total of 10), you
send a helicopter with one doctor and one orderly on board. If you
don't, you'll have to simultaneously operate a large number of F210
Ambulances and at least two F204 Mobile Medical Units. This method
might be cheaper, but requires much more time and effort. Procedure:
-Success in this mission requires you to perform multiple actions at
the same time and, above all, very quickly. Here are the actions in
no particular order. -The F103 should go systematically from house
to house. If you hold the mouse button while drawing a box around a
house, the you'll see if any injured people are inside. If so, you
must immediately send a firefighter to get carry the him/her onto
the street. Be sure to check every house! We recommend you get the
doctor and orderly to treat each injured person as soon as the
helicopter lands (see the Required Vehicles and Crew, above). To
keep the crew coordination from getting out of hand, let the doctors
treat each injured person until all the injured (total of 10) are
found and treated. Once this has happened, you can evacuate the
injured, person by person, out of the area. -There are two wrecked
cars at an intersection near the entrance to the mission area.
There's an injured person in one of them. You'll have to free the
driver with a fireman, equipped with a metal cutters (from the first
F102). -Take both cars away with your F110 Transporter. You should
take care of this right away, otherwise you won't have enough free
vehicles later in the mission, which will require the expensive
solution of enlisting a second Mobile Command Unit. -There are two
uprooted trees on the street crossing the entire northern part of
the city. Haul each of these away with an F110 Transporter. As this
relatively unimportant task isn't very time critical, you should
save this for the very end. -The remaining F110, together with the
second F102, should go to the knocked-over power mast, located on
the same street as the uprooted trees. Send the F102 a bit to the
east. There's a small house with a red roof. This is where the power
cable ends. The fireman should leave his vehicle and "hit" the house
to turn off the power. Now return him to the power mast and use his
metal cutters to cut the wires lying over the injured. Once this is
completed, you can haul the mast away with the F110 and get the
injured medical treatment. -In the eastern section, you'll see an
oil tank lying on its side, which is blocking the entrance to a
house. There are two injured persons inside, so you'll have to move
the tank with the bulldozer from the F117 before the firemen can get
them out. -The mission is successfully completed once you've
satisfied these conditions: -The two wrecked cars have been taken
away. -The two uprooted trees have been taken away. -All injured
and/or dead persons have been taken away.

Mission 17: Violent mass demonstration Required vehicles and crew:
F101 (1) F303 (11) F302 with 3 Police Officers (5) F104 with 1
standard Firefighter (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderlies (1)
Procedure: -Use two F303 Water Cannon Vehicles to stop the
demonstration either before or at the first intersection. Just place
them right in the path of the demonstrators. The water cannons are
automatically turned on. -There are two black-clothed hooligans
among the marchers. Before the demonstration continues, you must
arrest them while the water cannons are preventing them from
throwing their "molotov" firebombs. -Thee are a total of three roads
crossing the mission area from north to south. Send a police officer
to each of these streets to turn back traffic. This should happen
before the demonstration march starts up again. -To the north and
south there are a total of 8 park trails leading into the mission
area. During the demonstration, hooligans will try to enter the
mission area using these trails AND the last cross street before the
speaker's platform. Prevent this by posting an F303 with active
water cannon at the start of each trail and the cross street. Any
hooligans who manage to enter should be immediately arrested. Post
the officers from the F302 vehicle near the water cannons. The
hooligans favorite vandalism targets are civilian traffic, parked
cars and, of course, all your vehicles and crew. -If a fire breaks
out, you must extinguish it immediately with your F104 Pumper. Take
care that nobody gets injured during this mission. If so, make sure
they are treated and transported from the scene. -The mission is
successfully completed once you've satisfied these conditions: -The
two hooligans marching in the demonstration have been arrested and
taken away. -Any and all fires have been put out. -Any and all
injured persons have been transported from the scene. -The
demonstration march has reached the speaker's platform at the
eastern end of the street.

Mission 18: Bomb set off There are two possible solutions for this
mission. The ideal solution is that you defuse the bomb before it
goes off. If the bomb does go off, you'll need to treat the injured
and get them taken away. Here's how you can prevent the explosion:
Required vehicles and crew: F110 (1) F103 with 2 standard
Firefighters (1) Procedure: -The bomb is in a blue-and-white VW bus
(the only one parked on the street). You first need to load the VW
bus onto the F110 Transporter. -While this is going on, equip the
two firemen in the F103 with power saws. To the southwest of the VW
bus is a small treeless land area which juts a bit into the river.
Some trees block the entrance to this area. The firefighters should
cut down the two trees nearest to one another. -Once completed, the
firemen can drop the saws and move the felled trees to the side.
-Now the transporter can drive onto the land area and "hit" the
river. The VW bus sinks harmlessly. The explosion is prevented and
the mission is over.

Mission 19: Propeller plane crashed Required vehicles and crew: F117
with Motor Boat (1) F102 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F105 with
1 standard Firefighter (1) F104 with 1 standard Firefighter (1) F201
with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderlies (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly (1)
Procedure -There's a yellow traffic sign just before the bridge. The
forest here isn't quite as thick as it is elsewhere. Get one of the
firefighters from the F102, equipped with a power saw, to cut down
the two trees just above the three diagonally standing ones. The
second firefighter from the F102 should move the tree trunks out of
the way. -The F117 can now use this clearance to drive directly to
the river. A red marker is blinking there. If the F117 "hits" this
marker, the motor boat will automatically launch into the river.
-You should have the following crew members board the boat: -A
firefighter from the F102, equipped with a power saw -The second
firefighter from the F102, equipped with metal cutters -The
firefighter from the F104, equipped with a fire extinguisher -The
firefighter from the F105, equipped with a rope -The motor boat now
travels north on the river, until level with the crash site, where
another red marker is blinking. If the motor boat "hits" the marker,
it will anchor here. Now you should disembark your crew. -First take
care of the puddle of fuel next to the plane. The fire extinguisher
should do the job here. Afterwards, the fireman can put the
extinguisher away. -Now the fireman with the metal cutters can cut
open the plane, freeing the injured pilot. He can then drop the
cutters. He should carry the pilot immediately to the boat, which
will bring him back to the F117. Leave the pilot there and have a
doctor treat him. -There are still three firemen at the crash site.
One is equipped with a saw, the other with a rope and one has no
equipment. They should leave the crash site go west to the rock
crevice, then south. Here there's a small rock formation sandwiched
between two larger ones. On the left side of this are two trees
clumped closely together. The fireman with the saw should cut these
down, while the one without equipment should move the trunks to the
side. -There's small chapel further to the south. That's where the
second injured person is lying. Leave him there for now. -There's
another rock crevice a short distance south. Just to the north of
this is another clump of two trees. Cut these as well and move the
trunks over to the side. -When this is done, the fireman should put
down the saw and go to the crevice, "hitting" it. He'll then
automatically throw a flare into the crevice, revealing a third
injured person. -The fireman with the rope "hits" the injured person
and pulls him out of the crevice. The fireman can now drop the rope
and carry the injured party to the stop where the motor boat was
anchored. At the same time, one of the two remaining firemen should
pick up the injured person lying at the chapel and carry him to the
boat. -Send the motor boat back to the anchor site. The firemen and
the two injured persons now board the boat. Take them back to the
F117, where the doctors can treat them and send them off in an
ambulance. Once this is done, the mission is over.

Mission 20: Accident at a nuclear power plant Required vehicles and
crew: F301 with 1 Police Officer (3) F104 (2) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2
Orderlies (1) F109 with 2 Firefighters equipped with ABC Protection
Suits (3) F108 with 1 Firefighter unit with a jumping net (1)
Procedure: -You should first post the three F301 Police Cars at the
end of the two streets which cross the entire mission area from east
to west. There is one exception - keep the point where your vehicles
enter the mission area clear. At the other three spots, the officers
must exit their vehicles and stop the oncoming traffic. You need to
carry this out quickly and precisely, as the first civilian traffic
starts flowing shortly after the mission starts! -Now send the two
F104 Pumpers onto the plant grounds. The first task is to put out
the burning building in the northeast sector. -While this is going
on, you should send the F108 Supply Truck with the inscription "SUN"
to the building. When the firemen exit the vehicle, the jumping net
will unfold automatically. The unit can "hit" the building, upon
which the civilian standing on the roof jumps into the net. -Post
two F109 ABC Vehicles in front of the plant gate. The firemen inside
should leave the vehicle and enter the grounds, in order to bring
any contaminated civilians to safety. First take care of the two
injured persons lying in front of the burning building. After you've
carried them away, you can escort the uninjured persons. -Your
ABC-protected firemen should get all contaminated persons, including
the two injured, into the ABC Vehicle as quickly as possible. As
soon as they are de-contaminated, they leave the vehicle. Lead them
to the side, in order to make room for more contamination victims.
The exceptions, of course, are the two injured. After they're
decontaminated, a doctor must treat them, before sending them off in
the ambulance. -Meanwhile, send the third remaining ABC Vehicle into
the region east of the plant grounds. The firemen must search each
accessible house for contaminated civilians. Get them out of the
houses and into the ABC Vehicle. -The mission is successfully
completed once you've satisfied these conditions: -The suicidal
director has been saved. -All fires on the plant grounds have been
extinguished. -All injured persons have been taken away. -All
contamination victims have been de-contaminated.

Mission 21: Heavy rains are threatening the dam a) Before the dam
breaks Required vehicles and crew: F102 with 2 standard Firefighters
(1) F302 with 1 Police Officer (1) F117 with Motor Boat (1) F113 (1)
Procedure: -There's a small town located in the western section of
the mission area. Note the 4 persons standing outside. Send the F302
Police Truck to evacuate them. You should NOT try to evacuate the
civilians still in their homes, as there is not enough time before
the dam breaks to allow for even a single extra action! -There's a
telephone booth to the right of the church and a street that ends
there. Send the F102 to this spot, disembark the two firemen, and,
with power saws, cut down the trees blocking the path to the
riverbank. Drop the saws and move the tree trunks out of the way.
The firemen should get back into the vehicle. -Send your F113 Bridge
Repair Vehicle to the riverbank and "hit" the blinking red marker. A
bridge will then appear over the river. Send your F102 and F117 over
the bridge as quickly as possible. -Send both vehicles on the road,
due north. Now head east, then through the tunnel and onto the high
ground, where they should come to a stop. You should quickly
de-install the F113 and send it back to the base. -The dam will
break and the second part of the mission begins. b) After the dam
breaks Additionally required vehicles and crew -F203 with 1 Doctor,
1 Orderly crew (?) Procedure: -Once the dam breaks, you are faced
with the following situation: -Two people are swimming in the water
-A total of 11 people are standing helplessly on the roofs of their
houses, which barely extend above the water level. Several are
injured, though the number changes each time you start the mission.
-You should first choose the F117 with motor boat, which is situated
on high ground. "Hit" it with the blinking red marker and the motor
boat will launch into the water. Now you can save the two "swimmers"
and bring them to high ground. -At the same time, you should bring
two helicopters crewed with doctors and orderlies on the high
ground, where they can start treating the injured. Use the
helicopter to evacuate them after they receive medical attention.
-Launch the motor boat into the water again, this time with one of
the firemen from the F102 on board. Now go from rooftop to rooftop,
saving the people trapped there and bringing them all to high
ground. To do this, just "hit" the rooftop with the motor boat. The
fireman gets out of the boat (if you select the appropriate option
in the Motor Boat Menu), picks up an injured person and carries
him/her onto the boat. Once there, the boat returns to the F117
vehicle on the high ground. -Depending on the number of injured,
you'll have to fly your helicopter a few times to and from the high
ground - bringing them for treatment and then evacuating them from
the scene. You'll also have to do quite a bit of "motor boating"
from rooftop to rooftop. Naturally, this can be time-consuming, so
get a move on and don't waste any! -When all injured persons are
taken care of, you'll need to get the uninjured civilians from the
rooftops onto the high ground. A fireman must assist each one onto
the boat. Only 4 people can fit in the boat at a time, so you'll
have to do a bit of "motor boating" here as well. -The mission is
completed once you've brought all civilians - injured and uninjured
- onto high ground.

Mission 22: Plane crash at an Air Show Required vehicles and crew:
F102 with 1 standard Firefighter (1) F105 (4) F301 with 1 Police
Officer (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (see below) F203
with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (see below) F202 with 1 Doctor (5)
F101 (1) Note: You'll have to deal with a large number of injured
persons in this mission, many of whom are seriously hurt. In
addition, some are already dead from the beginning. How many die is
purely a matter of the speed in which you carry out the mission.
There are some things you should keep in mind. First off, don't send
too many ambulances and/or helicopters with doctors and orderlies
into the mission area. Coordinating them is difficult and could cost
valuable time. The best thing to do is send 5 doctors (as listed
above) in the quick F202 vehicle. They can quickly separate the
injured from the dead and treat them immediately, stabilizing their
condition. Once their condition stabilizes, you can fly the injured
out of the area with F203 Helicopters. Procedure: -This mission also
requires you to perform several actions almost simultaneously. Here
is a list of these. -Send the F301 Police Car to the area around the
airport entrance, where the "rubberneck" spectators have gathered.
The police officer should get out and send all the spectators to the
northeast, away from the grounds. Don't forget to bring the officer
in safely when he's finished! -At the same time, bring two of the
four F105 Pumpers to the airport grounds, turn east on the taxi way
in front of the hangars, then go south across the grass until they
reach the runway. Note that one of the injured pilots is lying here!
Now go as quickly as possible to the west and turn north at the end
of the runway, where you'll see some burning airplane parts. It is
important to a) extinguish these immediately with the F105 Pumper,
and b) send the other F105 to cool down the planes and fuel tanks
sitting by the hangars to the north. You don't have much time before
these, too, catch fire and explode! -Once you've put these fires
out, proceed to the burning hangars to the north and extinguish
these as well. Don't let the flames reach the fuel tanks and don't
forget the burning bushes! -Now send your other two F105s onto the
grounds. They should turn west as soon as they pass the entrance to
the airport. Here you'll find some more burning plane parts and
hangars. Put out the flames as quickly as possible. -Send the F102
and the F202 Doctor's Vehicle to the injured pilot lying on the
southern runway. The fireman in the F102 should cut the tangled
parachute lines with his metal cutters. Once free, have a doctor
treat him. Later you can fly in a helicopter with an orderly and
carry him to safety. -Park the last four F202 Doctor's Vehicles
south of the airport entrance in the area around the plane wreckage.
The doctors should start systematically examining the people lying
scattered around the area. Leave the dead alone. Stabilize the
condition of any person still breathing before moving on to the next
one. -Send a helicopter in immediately for each injured person. Each
helicopter should have a doctor and an orderly crew on board. -The
mission is successfully completed once you've satisfied these
conditions: -All fires on the airport grounds have been
extinguished. -All injured persons have been taken away. -The
injured pilot has been cared for and evacuated (and is still alive).

Mission 23: Fire in bio-weapons factory Required vehicles and crew:
F111 F101 (1) F107 (2) F113 (1) F109 with 2 ABC-Firefighters (2)
F105 (4) F103 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2
Orderly units (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly units (1) Procedure:
-First send in your F111 Firefighting Plane to deal with the fire
area spreading west to the river. Keep in mind that the plane is
unusable for a few minutes afterwards. As soon as it's operational
again, use it against the flames closest to the river. This way you
can make sure the flames don't jump the river and threaten the town
to the west of the mission area. -If you're unsuccessful here, and
the flames spread beyond the river, you must do the following: -Send
the F103 along the road in the southernmost section. There's a point
where the road runs extremely close to the riverbank. In fact there
are only two trees separating the two. The firemen can cut these
quickly with power saws and move them out of the way. -Now you can
use your F113 to build a bridge across the river. -Send one or more
F105 Pumpers across the river to the opposite riverbank and
extinguish the flames. Your Firefighting Plane could also come in
handy here. -Send the two F107 vehicles as quickly as possible to
the factory grounds and put out the fires there. Prevent the flames
from jumping from one factory building to another! If you sense
there's a danger of the flames burning out of control, send in your
F105 Firefighting Plane. But don't let it get too close to the fire!
-Post the two F109 ABC-Vehicles and the Ambulances directly in front
of the entrance to the factory grounds. The firemen with ABC
protection suits can enter the grounds and carry out the injured (3
in all). These are lying in the area around the burning building you
dealt with at the beginning of this mission. Get them into the
ABC-Vehicle for decontamination. After they're "clean", have the
doctors treat them and take them away in the ambulances. -Now get
the ABC-Firefighters to take the uninjured persons (6 in all) into
the ABC-Vehicle and decontaminate them. -The mission is successfully
completed once you've satisfied these conditions: -All fires in the
mission area have been put out. -All injured persons have been
decontaminated and taken away. Any persons who did not survive have
also been taken away. -All uninjured persons have been

Mission 24: Race riot Required vehicles and crew: F302 with 2 Police
Officers (3) F105 (1) F203 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (?) F110
(1) F303 (3) Procedure: -Some general rules - should any injuries
occur during this mission, whether to your crew, civilians or
hooligans, you must get them immediate medical attention, including
transportation from the scene. The hooligans you arrest are carrying
"molotov cocktail" firebombs and might not go quietly, so there's a
high risk of injuries. You may have to use F203 helicopters crewed
with doctors and orderlies. -Your first task is to arrest the
black-clothed hooligans as quickly as possible. Here's how to do
this. -Send an F302 and an F303 Water Cannon Vehicle (with "cannons"
ready) into the mission area, then directly southeast. Since the
F303 will reach the mission area first, let it lead the way. Don't
wait for the F302 to arrive - this goes for all subsequent actions
as well! In the southeast sector, there's a road leading all the way
to the east. Follow it until you reach the two hooligans. Hold these
guys in check with the water cannons until your two police officers
arrive. Arrest them and take them away in the F302. -Send one F302
and an F303 (also with "cannons" ready) north from the mission area
entrance to the first intersection. Two more hooligans will approach
from this direction. Deal with them just like you did the last two -
arrest 'em! -Send another F302 and F303 to the northeast. There's a
park with a water fountain in the middle. Position the two vehicles
by the western entrance to the park, where two more hooligans will
show up. Arrest them. -As soon as you've arrested these six
hooligans, arrange your vehicles again, keeping them always in pairs
(F302+F303). -Send one pair to the southernmost barricades, located
near the prison. Send a water cannon right up to the barricades and
push the hooligan standing there as far back as possible, so he
can't throw any more firebombs at the oncoming traffic. -Send
another pair to the easternmost barricade by the prison. For a
better perspective, turn the house directly to the south invisible.
Now you can push the hooligans back with your water cannons. -Send
the last pair to the northernmost barricade. Push these hooligans
back as well. Your water cannon should do the trick. -This action
might not proceed without a hitch. If the hooligans manage to throw
their bombs, fires could break out on the barricades or even the
houses. Put these out immediately with your F105 Pumper. -Now that
the hooligans are gone, send in your F110 Transporter to haul the
barricades away. This will clear the way to the demonstrators in
front of the prison. -Your officer should order all "peaceful"
demonstrators to leave the scene. Do this by clicking on the
officer, then hold down the left mouse button and make a box around
all demonstrators. Then click on a location far from the prison and
you'll see all "peaceful" demonstrators go there. -But not all the
demonstrators are peaceful! There are still some "men in black"
around. Push these hooligans in from three sides with your water
cannons. Send in four police officers to arrest them. Make sure to
send in your strongest (i.e. those with the fewest injuries)
officers. This won't be an easy arrest. The hooligans could still
manage to throw their firebombs despite the stream of water. Keep
your officers moving at all times! -If anyone is injured (hooligan
or officer), he must be treated right away and evacuated, ideally by
helicopter. -As soon as you've removed all barricades in front of
the prison and arrested all hooligans, you're mission is
successfully completed.

Mission 25: Poison gas attack in the subway Required vehicles and
crew: F102 with 2 ABC-Firefighters (1) F301 with 1 Police Officer
(1) F104 (1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (1) F201 with 1
Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1) F109 with 2 ABC-Firefighters (2) F203
with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (?) Procedure: -General rule: Only
firefighters with ABC Protection Suits may enter the subway! -First
send the two firefighters, equipped with metal cutters, from the
F102 into the station. Cut open the doors to the subway car and drop
the metal cutters. -Now send the four remaining firemen from the two
F109 ABC-Vehicles into the station and start bringing out the
injured and the contaminated. -Once this is done, the culprit will
try to make a run for it. He's been hiding in the house directly
next to the pillar with the SIM sign on it. Get an officer to arrest
him and take him away in the F301. Be careful - if he manages to
elude arrest long enough to reach your vehicles, he'll firebomb
them. Should this happen, put out the flames immediately with the
F104, treat any injured and take them away. Send in an F203
Helicopter for each injured person. -There are a total of three
injured people in the subway station, one is located in the subway
car, while two are on the platform. The firemen should first bring
them into the ABC-Vehicle, where they can be decontaminated, if
necessary. As soon as you bring the injured person outside, you may
see the yellow contamination symbol. If you do, get them
decontaminated right away. Then have the personnel in the two
ambulances treat them and take them away. -Meanwhile, take the
uninjured contaminated people (7 in all - two are in the subway car)
from the station and into the ABC-Vehicle for decontamination. -The
mission is successfully completed once you've satisfied these
conditions: -The culprit has been arrested and taken away. -All
injured persons have been decontaminated and taken away. -All
uninjured people have been decontaminated.

Mission 26: Burning luxury liner There are many ways to successfully
complete this mission. We've described here the easiest variation,
rather than the most efficient and highest scoring. Required
vehicles and crew: F101 (1) F115 (2) F203 without crew (3) F201 with
1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (?) F110 (1) F117 with Motor Boat (2) F105
(4) F111 Procedure: -Although it's risky to use the fire-fighting
plane around civilians, you'll have to take the chance and use it
repeatedly here to put out the flames on the ship's deck. If you've
held to our instructions, you should have at least 160,000 credits
at the start of this mission. This means that financing the
expensive F111 shouldn't be any problem. -You'll need to get the
crates out of the way first, since they're blocking the entrance to
the harbor area. Use your F110 Transporter for this. Stack the two
crates on the left and move them to the side to make room for your
other vehicles. -There are a total of five injured persons on the
ship's deck. Bring in your helicopters as quickly as possible and
carry them to the road. -Make sure you have at least 4 F201
Ambulances crewed with doctors and orderlies posted at the roadside
at all times, so the injured brought in on the helicopters can be
treated right away. The moment an injured person is taken from the
scene in an ambulance, another should be sent in. -Send the F105
Pumpers into the harbor area and spread them across the length of
the ship. This will let you douse the largest possible area. Make
sure the flames don't spread beyond the crates at the dock's edge,
to the oil tanks or the houses in the eastern section of the mission
area! As soon as one of the crates catches fire, put it out
immediately with an F105. -Send in the two F115 Pumper Boats.
They'll arrive (via water, of course) at the northwest section. One
should proceed quickly east behind the ship. The other should go
southeast in front of the ship. The Pumper Boats have a much greater
range than the standard F105 Pumpers, which makes them ideal for
preventing the fire from spreading. -Meanwhile, send your F110
Transporter to the northwest part of the harbor area. There are two
crates there, which you should haul away. -Now you can bring the
F117 to the spot where the red marker is blinking and launch the
motor boat. The boat will let you rescue the passengers who jumped
into the water to escape the flames. While the first boat is loading
its maximum of four swimmers, send the F117 away. Bring in another
F117 and launch a second boat. -Once you've loaded the swimmers into
the boat, you'll need to get them on land. To do this, you must park
an F117 right on the red blinking marker. "Hit" the motor boat with
the F117 and the passengers on board will lie injured on the ground.
Now you can take them by helicopter to the waiting doctors at the
road. -Should a shark threaten the swimmers, you can keep it at bay
for a while by "hitting" it with the motor boat. -The mission is
successfully completed once you've satisfied these conditions: -All
fires have been put out. -All passengers are off the ship. -All
"swimmers" have been rescued. -All injured and/or dead persons have
been taken away.

Mission 27: Earthquake a) Before the quake Required vehicles and
crew: F301 with 1 Police Officer (2) F103 with 1 standard
Firefighter (1) Procedure: -There are two small houses in the
mission area, marked "GAS". Send the F103 there. The fireman should
get out of the vehicle and "hit" both houses. Make sure he hits both
houses, otherwise raging fires will destroy the city after the
quake! -After he's "hit" both houses, the fireman must leave the
mission area as quickly as possible. -The two police officers must
see to the evacuation of all civilians from their homes. The
officers must "hit" each house, whereupon all those inside
automatically follow them outside. It's important that ALL persons
evacuate their homes. Otherwise you'll lose a tremendous amount of
time after the quake searching for injured in the rubble. -As soon
as they've brought all civilians into the open, the officers and
their vehicles should leave the mission area. b) After the quake
Required vehicles and crew: F101 (1) F113 (5) F303 (2) F302 with 3
Police Officers (1) F302 with 1 Police Officer (?) F105 with 2
standard Firefighters (2) F203 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (?)
Procedure: -A total of 3 black-clothed hooligans have broken out of
prison. Pin them down with your F303's water cannons and get your
officers to arrest them and take them away in an F302. Make sure to
arrest the hooligans as quickly as you can, otherwise they'll create
mayhem with their firebombs. -A large fissure has erupted in the
middle of the town, running from north to south. There are five
spots along the fissure where you'll need to post F113 Bridge Repair
Vehicles. The spots start blinking in red as soon as you've selected
an F113. To post the vehicle, "hit" the spot. But watch out
-vehicles can only drive over the bridge if they first "hit" it!
-The two F105 Pumpers should cross the newly erected bridge as
quickly as possible and proceed east to the burning houses. As soon
as they've extinguished the flames they can leave the mission area.
Putting out the fires is not necessarily required for a successful
completion; however, if left "untreated" they could hamper and delay
your evacuation efforts. -Now you'll need to evacuate the uninjured
civilians out of the mission area. Use the F302s manned by only one
officer each. It makes sense to always send the vehicles, which can
fit six civilians, in pairs. This will naturally increase the number
of civilians you can rescue in each run. Since the exact number of
civilians changes each time you play this mission, we can't say
exactly how many F302s you'll need. If you properly carried out the
procedures in part a), there won't be any injured people in the
houses! -ALL injured persons must be medically treated and taken
away immediately. Send in a helicopter (crewed with a doctor and
orderly unit) for each injured person, since it will take far too
long to coordinate the large number of ambulances. -After a few
minutes, an aftershock will hit. The message line at the bottom of
the screen will warn you continuously. The following must be
completed before the aftershock hits; otherwise the mission is
unsuccessful: -The three hooligans must be arrested and taken away.
-All injured persons must be evacuated from the mission area.
-ALMOST all uninjured civilians must be evacuated. You can have a
maximum of 6 un-evacuated civilians. -All your vehicles and crew
must be withdrawn from the mission area.

Mission 28: Jet plane has made an emergency landing Required vehicles
and crew: F102 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F105 (2) F201 with 1
Doctor, 2 Orderly units (12) F201 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (1)
F106 with 2 standard Firefighters (1) F101 (1) F113 (2) F108 with 1
Firefighter Units, incl. Jumping net (1) F203 (1) Procedure:
-General rules - You should send three doctors with ambulances into
the mission area right at the beginning. Post the three doctors at
the roadside. Here they can treat each injured person who is brought
in by helicopter during the course of the mission. The ambulances
can then take the injured from the scene, leaving the doctors behind
to treat new arrivals. Each time an ambulance is sent back to base,
send a new one to take its place. -Send the helicopter to the
wrecked plane right at the start of the mission. There are three
injured people lying around the tail area. Evacuate them via
helicopter (one after the other) and bring them to the doctors
waiting at the roadside. After treatment, send them away in the
ambulances. -Meanwhile, send your F102 along the road a bit to the
east until it reaches the scaffold forming a sort of "bridge" over
the road. There's an open grass area a short distance to the north,
which is bordered by four trees. Send the two firemen in the F102 to
cut down the middle two trees with power saws. The firemen should
drop the saws, move the trunks out of the way and get back in the
F102. -Send one of the F113 Bridge Repair Vehicles through the newly
created gap in the trees and onto the grass. Proceed north until it
reaches the blinking red marker. "Hit" the marker with the F113 and
it automatically builds a bridge to the east, over the swamp pool.
-"Hit" the bridge with the F102 and it crosses. Equip your firemen
with power saws and send them out of the vehicle. They're now in a
swamp-free area. To the north are two trees, standing very close
together along the edge of a swamp. The firemen should cut these
down and move the trunks out of the way. Leave one of the firemen
here. The other should get back into the F102. -You should keep
searching the entire mission area, as a few uninjured passengers are
still wandering aimlessly through the marshes. Sooner or later
they're bound to fall in a pool. If that should occur, get one of
the firemen you've posted behind the first bridge to rescue them
before they drown. He should be able to rescue any in this area.
Should any passengers fall into one of the swamp pools to the south
of the plane crash, you'll have to send the firemen who are posted
there. Once you've pulled them from the water, carry them to an open
space and send a helicopter to take them to the road and the
ever-present doctors. As always, take them away after they've
received medical treatment. In the course of the mission, you'll
need to rescue a total of four people in this way. -Now send the
second F113 over the bridge to the blinking red marker located where
the trees used to be. Post the vehicle there (by "hitting" the red
mark, as before) and a bridge will automatically appear over the
swamp pool. -Send the two F105 Pumpers over the two bridges and
proceed to the plane wreck. Use one of the vehicles to douse the
burning engine, while the other cools the wing it is attached to.
Keep in mind that you cannot completely extinguish the engine fire.
However, if you don't douse it with enough water it will heat up and
explode. If this happens your mission is over and out! -Meanwhile,
send the F108 over both bridges and proceed to the plane's tail
section. The firemen with the jumping net should exit the vehicle
and "hit" the passenger standing on the plane's rear exit. The
passenger and all those waiting behind him will now jump into the
net. -Send the F102 and the F106 Ladder Truck to the cockpit section
of the plane where there's another exit, though this one is closed.
The F106 should "hit" the door. The F106 automatically sets up in
front of the plane. -Equip the fireman in the F102 with metal
cutters and "hit" the F106. He'll then start ascending the platform.
-Now select the Ladder Truck and "hit" the closed exit doors. The
ladder now brings the fireman up. -Once at the doors, the fireman
"hits" them, thereby cutting them open with the metal cutters. When
the doors are open, drop the cutters and enter the plane. It is
advisable to let the two firemen leave the F106 and enter the plane.
Do this by selecting the F106 and clicking on "Lower Platform". Now
another fireman can "hit" the F106, which will bring him up to the
doors. -The firemen inside the plane should gather the injured (6 in
all) and take them down the ladder. This is a bit tricky - the
fireman must pick up the injured person, then "hit" the ladder in
front of the exit door. He'll then climb onto the ladder, together
with the injured person and, with the "Lower Platform" command,
descend to the ground. The fireman should then set the person down
on the ground, where the helicopter can take him/her from the scene
and to our roadside doctors. -As soon as you've evacuated all
injured persons and/or casualties from the mission area - even if a
few confused passengers are still wandering around the marshes - the
mission is successfully completed.

Mission 29: Crowds pressing in the noble area Required vehicles and
crew: F301 with 2 Police Officers (1) Procedure: -There are two
roads - one in the northern section of the mission area and one in
the southern - with civilian traffic flowing west to east. A rather
noticeable fish truck passes intermittently. -Get a police officer
to stop the truck. -The other police officer should "hit" the
stopped truck. He is rewarded for his efforts with a fish. -Send the
fish bearing (no pun intended) officer to the cat sitting in the
tree. He must simply "hit" the cat, causing the furry animal to jump
into his arms. The mission is now successfully completed.

Mission 30: Forest fire There are many ways to successfully complete
this mission. We've described here the easiest variation, rather
than the most efficient and highest scoring. Required vehicles and
crew: F111 F115 (2) F101 (2) F303 (2) F109 with 2 ABC-Firefighters
(1) F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (depending on how well you
follow the instructions which follow, you'll be forced to deal with
many or just a few injured persons. Employ your F201Ambulances
spontaneously as the need develops. It's advisable to send 3
ambulances into the mission area right at the start.) F103 with 2
standard Firefighters (2) F302 with 3 Police Officers (1) F117 with
a Motor Boat (1) F105 (8) F203 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (?)
Procedure: -This is an extremely complex mission. You'll have to
perform a wide variety of tasks concurrently. Here is a list of
these actions, in approximately chronological order. -Right at the
beginning of the mission, the F111 Fire-fighting Plane must "hit"
the extreme western reaches of the fire. -Now send the required
vehicles into the mission area as follows: -Bring the two F115
Pumper Boats to the southeast. Send one due west until it reaches
the row of four gas tanks. Just north of these are three containers.
Start dousing the forest at this latitude. Send the second pumper
boat a bit to the west, travelling parallel to the road. When it is
level with the end of the road, it should stop and start dousing the
home there. -Post the two F101 Mobile Command Units on the roadside,
as close as possible to the location where your vehicles enter the
mission area. -Send an F105 Pumper south to the gas tanks mentioned
above. Once there, it should start dousing the container furthest to
the right. Your task here is to keep a fire from breaking out,
particularly in the factory. If you fail in your efforts, and a
blaze does ignite, anyone in the area will suffer contamination and
you'll need to call in the ABC-Vehicle. -Send an F105 south to the
house with a telephone booth and start dousing. -Send another F105
to the house where the motorcycles are parked and start dousing that
as well. -Send an F105 to the next house (directly to the north) and
start dousing. -Send an F105 southeast along the road running from
west to east (the one with the manhole covers). Proceed until level
with the second manhole cover (counting from the left). Now start
watering down the forest edge. -Send an F105 along the same road,
proceeding further east until it reaches the third manhole cover
(from left). Start watering down the forest edge. -Send an F105
along the same road, proceeding further east until it reaches the
fourth manhole cover (from left). Start watering down the forest
edge. -Send an F105 along the same road, proceeding until it reaches
the open gas lines, which are marked by a construction sign. Start
watering down the gas line. -Send an F103 along the same road, all
the way to the east, then all the way to the south, until it reaches
the yacht harbor. The two firemen should get out of the vehicle
immediately and start throwing life preserves to the drowning
persons. -Send the second F103 due south until it reaches the four
gas tanks. Here, on the southern banks, is a short sidewalk next to
two deciduous trees. Equip the firemen in the F103 with power saws
and cut down these two trees. Drop the saws and move the trunks.
-Now select the F117 and bring it to the blinking red marker (where
the trees were). "Hit" the marker and launch the motor boat. -Send
the motor boat ASAP due east to the yacht harbor, where the drowning
people are. Take on four swimmers and return to the F117. "Hit" the
F117 and the passengers will emerge, injured, on the riverbank.
Since there's a total of 5 people in the water, you'll have to send
the motor boat twice (unless you were too late and some of them died
in the water). -Send the two newly arrived F201 Ambulances to the
F117 as well. Get the injured people lying at the riverbank
immediate medical assistance and take them away from the scene.
-Send the two F303s and the F302 Police Truck along the "manhole"
road due east, then, at the bend, due south. Further to the south on
the left-hand side is a bar with a neon sign. Four black-clothed
hooligans will emerge shortly from the bar, and start throwing
firebombs at the houses. Post the two F303s, with cannons ready, in
front of the bar. As soon as the hooligans appear, start spraying.
This should keep them from the road. The officers in the F302 should
now arrest them and take them back to the base. If anyone is injured
during the arrest, fly in a doctor via helicopter to treat the
person immediately. Then fly him/her to safety. -While you are
carrying out these actions, keep your eye on the fire. If it looks
like it might spread past the vehicles or the Pumber Boat you've
posted, you'll need to select these and re-deploy them wherever
necessary. Just keep the following in mind - A) you mustn't allow
the flames to reach the homes to the west of the forest. That's why
our F105 Pumpers started dousing the homes at the eastern boundary
right from the beginning. B) Don't let the factory or the gas tanks
to the south catch ablaze. C) Prevent the flames from leaping over
the "manhole" road. D) Don't let the open gas lines burn. E) Keep
the flames from the homes at the eastern end of the forest. Should
the flames manage, despite your diligent efforts, to spread to any
of these objects, send in the F111 Fire-fighting Plane right away!
Keep searching the area and studying the fire. Select the F105
Pumper and the pumper boat posted to the west -The flames will reach
the homes in the western section of the mission area much quicker
than those in the east. Don't try to fight the flames DIRECTLY
everywhere. Rather, you should pick out a few critical objects, like
homes, the container, or the forest edge, and douse these. Do this
properly and the flames will burn out eventually. Once you've
eliminated the danger to the western and northwestern sectors, send
the F105 and the pumper boat which you posted by the gas tanks due
east. Stop parallel to the forest edge and prevent the flames from
reaching the road. -Once the fire on the western side of the forest
is permanently extinguished, your firemen in the two F103 vehicles
can start cutting down and removing the burned-out trees with their
power saws. This will create a gap through which you can quickly
transfer one or two F105 Pumpers to the burning areas in the east.
Once there, they can battle the flames. -The mission is successfully
completed once you've satisfied these conditions: -All injured
persons and/or casualties have been evacuated from the mission area.
-The three hooligans have been arrested and taken away. -All fires
have been put out

Scott R Garcia
Barrow in Furness

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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