Star Ocean

Star Ocean

17.10.2013 04:55:38
^*+_| |^*+_
^*+_| Star Ocean Weapons Guide v1.81 |^*+_
^*+_| made by ^Vercingetorix^ [] |^*+_
^*+_| (feel free to contribute anything) |^*+_
^*+_| |^*+_
(c) 2000
(***read version info v1.61 --> information on the magical rasp!)

Organized Alphabetically and by User
(NOTE*: if there is more than one user for a given weapon then it WILL
be repeated)
(NOTE**: if there is more than one way to customize the weapon and
customizing is the ONLY way to achieve it, I will display two (2)
examples of how to customize it that are worth it -- the rest you
can find yourself -- BUT (and a BIG BUT AT THAT) if there are more
than two (2) GOOD customizations then I will add them as well)

I. How to read this list
II. Magical Attributes (the elements)
III. Additional Info Key
IV. Currently Looking For...
a. Claude
b. Ashton
c. Celine
d. Rena
e. Dias
f. Bowman
g. Precis
h. Opera
i. Ernest
j. Leon
k. Noel
l. Chisato
VI. Version Info
VII. Contributors/Contributions/Thanx
VIII. Disclaimer

How to read the list:

"Name" -- "Description: what it says in the dialog box in the game"
"Stats": Atk - attack power, Hit - accuracy, Mag - magic,
Gut - Guts, Stm - Stamina, Luc - Luck, Crt - Critical
"Attributes": ATK - attack attributes
DEF - defensive attributes
"PLUS": additional effects made by weapon
"????": where/how to find/buy/customize it
"$$$$": purchase price:
resale price:
(*NOTE: this is WITHOUT the use of the "Identify All!" Super
Specialty Command AND with ALL characters having the Tool
Knowledge skill at level 10)
"Xtra": additional info (see chart below) (only present if applicable)

(NOTE: This is NOT my work. I decided to put this since I myself wasn't
completely sure what were the CORRECT names of the magical atrributes for
the weapons.)
** THIS IS FROM A.Brea's FAQ (there is MUCH more there, so read it)

-- (symbol: Brown Cube)
-- Utilizes the forces of the ground, causing earthquakes or cave-
ins to damage the target. Useless against flying/airborne

-- (symbol: Water Drop)
-- Utilizes various forms of water, from icicles to tidal waves,
to freeze or drown the target. Useful against fire enemies.

-- (symbol: Fire)
-– Utilizes the power of heat and fiery explosions to scorch and
burn enemies.

-- (symbol: Cloud)
-– Utilizes the forceful power of wind, forming whirlwinds and
tonados around the enemies.

-- (symbol: Lightning Bolt)
-– Utilizes the power of thunder and lightning to shock its

-- (symbol: Five-pointed Star)
-– Controls the mysterious extraterrestrial forces which fall from
above to crush the enemies.

-- (symbol: Star-studded Vortex)
-– Has the power to extract and consume life energy from living
beings, also known as "Negative energy."

-- (symbol: Yellow Sphere with a Smiley Face)
-– Has the power over high intensity light that conquers evil.

-- (symbol: Black Sphere with a Red Eye)
-– Manipulates the power of shadows and darkness that creeps up to
an unsuspecting victim.

-- (symbol: White Cube)
-– Has the power to control the extra dimensional density, which
can summon demons from another plane or crush its target with
gravitational energy.

(n/r) -- CANNOT be reproduced
(n/c) -- CANNOT be used for customizing
(n/e**) -- CAN be customized, but CANNOT be equipped
(n/c**) -- CAN be eqipped, but NOT customized by the specified character
(*mr*) -- Magical rasp required for customizing the weapon
(magical rasp may NOT always be required but it sure makes it
EASIER to customize)


Ashton: Starlight
Celine: Full Moon Rod
Chisato: Flare Gun


"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol


"Aura Blade" -- A shining sword made of light possessed of the force of
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 32
"Attributes": ATK: Light
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize -- MANY combinations
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 338,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Broad Sword" -- A broad sword about a yard long with a special wide
"Stats": Atk: 60 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Cross: Weapon Shop "Royal Hunt"
"$$$$": purchase price: 600 fol
resale price: 130 fol


"Dull Sword" -- A sword with a dulled blade. No matter what it won't
cut anything.
"Stats": Atk: 2 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 1
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 6 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Eternal Sphere" -- A strong, magic sword possessed of the infinite
powers of the Universe.
"Stats": Atk: 1600 Hit: 70 Mag: 0
Gut: 40 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 25
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: Star(+) Vaccuum(+) Light(+) Dark(+)
"PLUS": increases attack chances by 2 (star effect)
"????": customize Minus Sword with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,300,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Flame Blade" -- A magic sword with the power of flames that will burn
up the enemy due to a Crest engraved on it.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Mars: Tool Shop: "Roof's"
2) also in chest in Heraldic Forest - for all you cheap people
out there (myself included))
"$$$$": purchase price: 4,800 fol
resale price: 1,560 fol


"Force Sword" -- This magic blade converts the reason of the user into
light and splits the energy.
"Stats": Atk: 908 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": each hit costs 2 MP
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) OR (the cheap way out) pickpocket Dr. Mirage in Armlock
"$$$$": purchase price: 50,000 fol
resale price: 16,250 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Golden Fangs" -- An extremely beautifully decorated sword made of pure
gold. But unfortunately, gold doesn't hold an edge
well so it's next to worthless.
"Stats": Atk: 10 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize All-Purpose Knife with a Gold
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 13,000 fol


"Grand Stinger" -- A famous sword known to be able to slice even steel
as if it were butter.
"Stats": Atk: 620 Hit: 120 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: Star
DEF: Star(+) Vaccuum(+)
"PLUS": user takes damage with each attack
"????": 1) customize Oriental Blade with a Rune Metal (Dias)
2) customize Ignite Sword with a Sapphire (Dias)
3) customize Sharp Edge with a Damascus (Claude)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Gusguine" -- A strong sword made for piercing.
"Stats": Atk: 250 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Lacour: Weapons Shop "Straight"
"$$$$": purchase price: 4,500 fol
resale price: 1,462 fol


"Heart Breaker" -- A strong magic sword that finds the enemy's weakness
and instantaneously robs him of his life.
"Stats": Atk: 550 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Veil Piercer with a Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65,000 fol


"Holy Sword Farwell" -- A legendary sword whose strength is said to
increase with the courage of its owner.
"Stats": Atk: 1900 Hit: 70 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": rewarded after defeating Phoenix in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a -(do u REALLY want to sell this baby?)- ;)
resale price: 5,200,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Ignite Sword" -- A magic sword that glows with the Flame of the Red
Lotus because of the Heraldic Crest engraved on its
"Stats": Atk: 720 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapon Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 17,000 fol
resale price: 5,525 fol


"Levatine Sword" -- A legendary magic sword whose strength increases the
more danger its owner falls into.
"Stats": Atk: 3000 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 50 Stm: 50 Luc: 0 Crt: 35
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": attack power increases as HP decreases
"????": rewarded after defeating Wise Sorcerer in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Long Edge" -- A sword with a blade longer than usual to attack enemies
in a wider area.
"Stats": Atk: 285 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 5
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Lacour: Weapons Shop "Knockout"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,300 fol
resale price: 6,396 fol


"Long Sword" -- A normal sword about a yard long.
"Stats": Atk: 30 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) Regis gives it to Claude
2) buy at Salva: Weapons Shop "Ferguson's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 200 fol
resale price: 65 fol


"Marvel Sword" -- A long sword prized for its sharpness forged with the
wisdom of the ancients.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 100 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": find in chest in Field of Power
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 113,750 fol


"Minus Sword" -- A cursed sword that has great negative strength in its
blade that will wound even the user's soul.
"Stats": Atk: 599 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: Vaccuum
DEF: Star(+) Vaccuum(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Sharp Edge with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 52,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Sacred Tear" -- A blade whose name means 'god-striker', halves the
consumption of MP for its user.
"Stats": Atk: 1250 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 30
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
"????": Dr. Mirage gives it to Claude
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Sawed" -- A large sword with countless tiny teeth along its blade to
pulverize its target.
"Stats": Atk: 990 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 60 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket the grocer at North City: "Account" Weapons;
2) can also be customized (several combinations)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 130,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Sharp Edge" -- A sword made by a famous swordsmith and known for its
unbelievable sharpness.
"Stats": Atk: 222 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": Gamgee gives it to Claude after the Lacour Tournament of Arms
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 4,550 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Silvance" -- A sword made of the legendary metal Orichalcum that
invokes the roar of thunder.
"Stats": Atk: 1210 Hit: 99 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 30
"Attributes": ATK: Light
DEF: Light(+) Dark(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": customize (need magical rasp) Veil Piercer with a Mithril (and
other combinations)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 234,000 fol


"Silver Fangs" -- An extremely beautifully decorated sword made of pure
silver. But unfortunately, silver doesn't hold an
edge well so it's next to worthless.
"Stats": Atk: 12 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize All-Purpose Knife with a Silver
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 10,400 fol


"Sinclair Sabre" -- A primitive sabre.
"Stats": Atk: 100 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Clik: Weapons Shop...
2)find in Herlie - chest in Zand's Mansion
"$$$$": purchase price: ... fol
resale price: 279 fol


"Veil Piercer" -- A sharp blade with a tip like a needle to be able to
cut through anything.
"Stats": Atk: 480 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": "buy" at Eluria Colony Armory (find in barrels)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 2,600 fol


"Windsley Sword" -- A famous sword known to cut not only flesh but also
a warped mind, forged by a forgetten swordsmith.
"Stats": Atk: 1400 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Claude (no..
so that's it?.. hehe)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 780,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Walloon Sword" -- A type of long sword.
"Stats": Atk: 240 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Lacour: Weapons Shop "Slayer"
2) receive in a random battle at Cross Mountains(where XINE is)
"$$$$": purchase price: 3,900 fol
resale price: 1,267 fol


"Worn-out Sword" -- A narrow sword that has been sharpened too much and
has lost its balance.
"Stats": Atk: 3 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket from:
1) Traveler (in purple) at the entrance to Cross
2) Soldier in the Throne Room in Lacour Castle (only on the
day of the Tournament)
3) Soldier above the staricase in Lacour Castle (only on the
day of the Tournament)
4) Soldier sitting in front of the clock in Lacour Front Line:
"Field Hospital" (after the 1st attack by Shin)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Both Shaver" -- A pair of short swords truly made for battle use.
"Stats": Atk: 120 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Salva: Weapons Shop "Ferguson's"
2) pickpocket the Fighting Man in Brown in Lacour: Tavern "La
Cour de Lacour"
"$$$$": purchase price: 850 fol
resale price: 275 fol


"Doubledemon Sword" -- A pair of magical swords said to (be) forged from
the flames of darkness that plunge the user's
heart into evil.
"Stats": Atk: 700 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": keeps you in a constant berserk mode (attack power goes up, like
when someone he likes/loves dies in battle) (RED FACE)
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Ashton (no..
you're kidding me?.. hehe)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 188,500 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Double Masher" -- A pair of thick short swords that destroy anything.
"Stats": Atk: 799 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Doubledemon Sword with a Sapphire (other combinations
possible) (need magical rasp)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 26,665 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Gemini" -- A pair of beautiful short swords dusted with the brilliance
of the stars that leave a trail of light as they move.
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 50 Crt: 21
"Attributes": ATK: Star
DEF: Fire(-) Light(+) Dark(+)
"PLUS": increases attack chances by 1
"????": customize Lotus Eater and a Meteorite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 260,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Guard Sword" -- A pair of sword swords that are designed to parry
attacks easily because of their special curved shape.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 10 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 11
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket Ashton in Lacour
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 10,400 fol


"Holy Cross" -- A pair of holy swords of legend said to exorcise all
evil with their shining white blades.
"Stats": Atk: 1240 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 80 Crt: 18
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize (a ridiculous amount of options)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 364,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Holy Sword Farwell" -- A legendary sword whose strength is said to
increase with the courage of its owner.
"Stats": Atk: 1900 Hit: 70 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": rewarded after defeating Phoenix in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a -(do u REALLY want to sell this baby?)- ;)
resale price: 5,200,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Levatine Sword" -- A legendary magic sword whose strength increases the
more danger its owner falls into.
"Stats": Atk: 3000 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 50 Stm: 50 Luc: 0 Crt: 35
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": attack power increases as HP decreases
"????": rewarded after defeating Wise Sorcerer in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Lotus Eater" -- A weapon reputed to devour people's hopes and dreams.
"Stats": Atk: 1150 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find in Fenial: 2nd floor
"$$$$": purchase price: 188,000 fol
resale price: 61,100 fol


"Melufa" -- A pair of evil swords stained with darkness as they are said
to have been tempered with the blood of the devil.
"Stats": Atk: 1320 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 100 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: Water(-) Light(+) Dark(+)
"PLUS": adds 30% more HP to its user
"????": customize Scyther with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,560,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Pair Nuts" -- A pair of legendary short swords said to possess the
spirits of 2 twin divas that impart a love of song to
their user.
"Stats": Atk: 380 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 12
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Smaller with a Moonite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 13,000 fol


"Scyther" -- A pair of shinning swords that combine to slice up the
enemy in a flash of movement.
"Stats": Atk: 820 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find at Field of Courage
"$$$$": purchase price: 180,000 fol
resale price: 5,850 fol


"Shield Sword" -- A pair of short swords that have hit guards especially
designed to parry attacks easily.
"Stats": Atk: 490 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": "buy" at Eluria Colony Armory (find in barrels)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 3,250 fol


"Smaller" -- A pair of short swords coated with the scales of poisonous
moths, giving it the additional effect of poisoning
anything they cut.
"Stats": Atk: 180 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Cross: Weapons Shop "Royal Hunt"
"$$$$": purchase price: 2000 fol
resale price: 650 fol


"Twin-Edge" -- A pair of short swords prized for their sharpness.
"Stats": Atk: 340 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Lacour: Weapons Shop "Knockout"
2) pickpocket the Maid in the Center of Lacour Castle
3) find in the Sanctuary of Linga
"$$$$": purchase price: 3000 fol
resale price: 975 fol


"Twin Picks" -- A pair of sharp short swords for piercing.
"Stats": Atk: 500 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket Ashton in Armlock
2) customize Scyther with an Iron (but why?)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 26,000 fol


"Twin Swords" -- A pair of easy to use short swords.
"Stats": Atk: 40 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) innitially equiped
2) pickpocket Zand's Minion on 1st floor of "Zand's Mansion"
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 104 fol


"Wobbly Sword" -- A sword so thin it can't cut anything to speak of.
"Stats": Atk: 3 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 1
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 6 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Bent Rod" -- A frail rod that looks like its about to break any minute.
"Stats": Atk: 5 Hit: 0 Mag: 1
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 28 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Clap Rod" -- A magic staff that annihilates the enemy with just a touch
due to the Heraldic Crest engraved upon it.
"Stats": Atk: 280 Hit: 0 Mag: 30
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize strong weapon with a "common" gemstone (green
beryl, etc)
2) find in Fenial: 7th floor
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,625 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Crest Rod" -- A special staff for Heraldic wizards with crests engraved
at its ends to increase attack strength.
"Stats": Atk: 100 Hit: 0 Mag: 25
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) find in Mountain Palace
2) buy at Lacour: Waepon Shop "Straight"
"$$$$": purchase price: 1,200 fol
resale price: 624 fol


"Dragon's Tusk" -- A legendary staff possessed of the wisdom of the
dragon, increasing its Heraldic power.
"Stats": Atk: 990 Hit: 8 Mag: 360
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 6
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Holy Rod with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 338,000 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Holy Rod" -- A magic staff that heals the wounds of the user with an
inner, holy strength.
"Stats": Atk: 520 Hit: 0 Mag: 240
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Light
DEF: none
"PLUS": gain HP during battle
"????": find at the Field of Love
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65,000 fol


"Magical Rod" -- A staff strengthened for attack strength by being
studded all over with jewels.
"Stats": Atk: 150 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Clap Rod with a Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 2,600 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Million Staff" -- A staff that restores the user's own MP by an amount
equal to 1/5 of the damage received from an enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 800 Hit: 80 Mag: 800
Gut: 0 Stm: 30 Luc: 30 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": replenishes MP by 1/5 the damage incurred from an enemy (and it
is VERY expenisve) ;)
"????": find several of these in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 10,400,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Prime Prayer" -- A magical staff that makes its user loquacious due to
the Heraldic Crests engraved over the entire staff.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 80 Mag: 80
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 5
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Celine
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 520,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Rod" -- A normal staff carved from wood.
"Stats": Atk: 10 Hit: 0 Mag: 5
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: 10 fol
resale price: 2 fol


"Rod of Snakes" -- A magical staff that reduces the MP consumption rate
of the user by half.
"Stats": Atk: 700 Hit: 60 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 6
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
"????": customize (various combinations)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 325,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Ruby Rod" -- A magical staff that produces bursts of burning flame from
its tip.
"Stats": Atk: 680 Hit: 0 Mag: 300
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 80,000 fol
resale price: 26,000 fol


"Ruby Wand" -- A staff reinforced for attack strength with rubies at
its ends.
"Stats": Atk: 70 Hit: 0 Mag: 20
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Mars: Tool Shop "Roof's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 600 fol
resale price: 312 fol


"Silver Rod" -- A beautifully decorated rod made of mithril silver.
"Stats": Atk: 350 Hit: 0 Mag: 250
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapons Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 9,800 fol
resale price: 3,185 fol


"Silvermoon" -- A magic staff that restores the MP of its user with the
power of the silver brilliance of the moon.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 0 Mag: 300
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": recover MP gradually during battles
"????": 1) customize Silver Rod with a Moonite
2) pickpocket Celine in Armlock
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 104,000 fol
"Xtra": (*mr*)


"Tongue Twister" -- A magical staff that slows MP consumption down to
2/3 the normal rate.
"Stats": Atk: 300 Hit: 0 Mag: 25
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": reduces spell cost by 1/3
"????": customize Rod of Snakes with a Crystal(other combinations
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 32,500 fol



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Braised Knuckles" -- A magic knuckle with a crest engraved on it, which
can throw blazing flames.
"Stats": Atk: 599 Hit: 30 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 6
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Titan's Fists with a Rainbow Diamond (Bowman)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 9,750 fol


"Cestus" -- Spike studded knuckles to increase attack strength.
"Stats": Atk: 140 Hit: 0 Mag: 20
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Mars: Tool Shop "Roof's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 1,400 fol
resale price: 455 fol


"Dragon's Claws" -- Strong knuckles with sharp claws that are said to be
able to rip the scales of a dragon.
"Stats": Atk: 490 Hit: 20 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 26
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 1 attack
"????": pickpocket Noel at Armlock
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 27,105 fol


"Empresia" -- Woman's knuckles that give the wearer unlimited calm and
"Stats": Atk: 1220 Hit: 70 Mag: 300
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 30
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Kaiser Knuckles with a Moonite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390,000 fol


"Fallen Hope" -- This legendary weapon resonds to the strength of will
of its owner. Halves the MP consumption for its user.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 50 Mag: 300
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
"????": Dr. Mirage gives it to Rena
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a


"Fellper Nails" -- Knuckles with claws attached to give their user cat-
like moves.
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 50 Mag: 30
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Rena
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 162,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r)


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Hard Knuckles" -- Knuckles reinforced with steel bands for attack
"Stats": Atk: 58 Hit: 0 Mag: 10
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Clik: (?)
2) pickpocket Edda (owner of Weapons Shop "Slayer") in Lacour
"$$$$": purchase price: ... fol
resale price: ... fol


"Kaiser Knuckles" -- Knuckles mae from the legendary metal orichalcum
possessed of unbelievable destructive power.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 60 Mag: 200
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 4
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Rune Full Moon with a Mithril (Rena)
2) customize Hard Knuckles with a Mithril (Rena) (WOW!)
3) customize Dragon's Claws with a Star Ruby (Noel)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 241,800 fol


"Knuckles" -- A weapon for strengthening the fist to avoid injuries when
striking the enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 30 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Salva: Weapons Shop "Ferguson's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 110 fol
resale price: 35 fol


"Magical Gloves" -- Magical knuckles fortified with an engraved Heraldic
Crest to increase the Heraldic powers of the wearer.
"Stats": Atk: 688 Hit: 50 Mag: 60
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 12
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Metal Fangs with a Mithril
2) customize Pain Cestus with a Star Ruby (Rena)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Metal Fangs" -- Knuckles with sharpened metal claws attached to greatly
increase attack strength.
"Stats": Atk: 400 Hit: 0 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": "buy" at Eluria Colony Armory (find in barrels)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,625 fol


"Pain Cestus" -- Knuckles fortified with metal spikes for more attack
"Stats": Atk: 580 Hit: 0 Mag: 80
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapons Shop: "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 15,000 fol
resale price: 7,800 fol


"Rune Full Moon" -- Magical Knuckles said to have been made from
moonlight itself, containing the Heraldic powers of
the full moon.
"Stats": Atk: 900 Hit: 0 Mag: 150
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 1
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find at Field of Power ;)
3) pickpocket Rena in Armlock
"$$$$": purchase price: 50,000 fol
resale price: 16,250 fol


"Soreceress Knuckles" -- Beautiful and elegant woman's knuckles blessed
by Mana.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 0 Mag: 180
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Rune Full Moon with a Sage's Stone (Rena)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 29,250 fol


"Wierd Slayer" -- A weapon that can fell beings not of this world (wierd
enemies) with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 10 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": 1) kills all monsters with wierd in their names in one blow
regardless of their HP
2) absorbs 1/2 the damage inflicted on the enemy (if not a
wierd enemy)
3) BUT if attacked by an enemy there is a chance IT can absorb
1/2 the damage IT inflicts.
"????": find in Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Worn Knuckles" -- These knuckles were made so poorly that you can't
even get your fingers into them.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 2 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Baselard" -- A type of short sword.
"Stats": Atk: 180 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket the Indecisive Man in Lacour: Weapons Shop
2) customize Wallon Sword with a Sapphire (but why? hehe)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 292 fol


"Bastard Sword" -- A 1.5 meter long sword that can be used with either
one two hands.

"Stats": Atk: 150 Hit: 10 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Grand Stinger with an iron (why?)
2) customize Worn out sword with an Orichalcum
3) made many more, but forgot the combinations
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 325 fol


"Crimson Diablos" -- A sword known as "The Crimson Devil".
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 50 Luc: 0 Crt: 24
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: Light(+) Dark(+) Void(+)
"PLUS": 1) doubles attack power during battle
2) prevents instant-death spells like Word of Death
"????": customize Soul Slayer with a Sage's Stone
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,144,000 fol :)


"Cromlea Sword" -- A magic sword of darkness said to be forged of the
essence of evil itelf. It cuts out the soul of all
who touch it.
"Stats": Atk: 1399 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Dias
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 754,000 fol


"Dull Sword" -- A sword with a dulled blade. No matter what it won't
cut anything.
"Stats": Atk: 2 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 1
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 6 fol


"Flame Blade" -- A magic sword with the power of flames that will burn
up the enemy due to a Crest engraved on it.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Mars: Tool Shop: "Roof's"
2) also in chest in Heraldic Forest - for all you cheap people
out there (myself included)
"$$$$": purchase price: 4,800 fol
resale price: 1,560 fol
"Xtra": (n/c**)


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol


"Grand Stinger" -- A famous sword known to be able to slice even steel
as if it were butter.
"Stats": Atk: 620 Hit: 120 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: Star
DEF: Star(+) Vaccuum(+)
"PLUS": user takes damage with each attack
"????": 1) customize Oriental Blade with a Rune Metal (Dias)
2) customize Ignite Sword with a Sapphire (Dias)
3) customize Sharp Edge with a Damascus (Claude)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Hard Cleaver" -- A magic sword that creates a molecular breakdown in
everything that it touches.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 30
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize The Hope of Breeze with a Rainbow Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 71,500 fol


"Holy Sword Farwell" -- A legendary sword whose strength is said to
increase with the courage of its owner.
"Stats": Atk: 1900 Hit: 70 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": rewarded after defeating Phoenix in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a -(do u REALLY want to sell this baby?)- ;)
resale price: 5,200,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Ignite Sword" -- A magic sword that glows with the Flame of the Red
Lotus because of the Heraldic Crest engraved on its
"Stats": Atk: 720 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapon Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 17,000 fol
resale price: 5,525 fol


"Levatine Sword" -- A legendary magic sword whose strength increases the
more danger its owner falls into.
"Stats": Atk: 3000 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 50 Stm: 50 Luc: 0 Crt: 35
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": attack power increases as HP decreases
"????": rewarded after defeating Wise Sorcerer in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Long Sword" -- A normal sword about a yard long.
"Stats": Atk: 30 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) Regis gives it to Claude
2) buy at Salva: Weapons Shop "Ferguson's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 200 fol
resale price: 65 fol


"Marvel Sword" -- A long sword prized for its sharpness forged with the
wisdom of the ancients.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 100 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 15
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": find at Field of Power
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 113,750 fol


"Murasame Sword" -- A curved sword that is always moist for superior
splitting power.
"Stats": Atk: 552 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 10 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 22
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) find in Eluria Tower
2) customize Ignite Sword with a Damascus/Orichalcum (but why?)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 6,500 fol


"Oriental Blade" -- A curved sword specially tempered to have splitting
"Stats": Atk: 448 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket the Fighting Man (in blue) in Lacour: Tavern "La
Cour de Lacour" (inside the Tavern by the entrance)
2) customize Murasame Sword with a Rainbow Diamond (but why?)
3) customize Walloon Sword with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,625 fol


"Pleiad Sword" -- A magical curved sword said to be so sharp that it
intstantly slices anything in two.
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 30
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: Fire(+) Water(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Whirlwind with a Mithril (MANY combinations)
2) customize Walloon Sword with a Diamond (GOOD)
3) customize Ignite Sword with a Meteorite (GOOD)
4) customize Grand Stinger with an Iron (GOOD)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Ruin's Fate" -- A strong magical sword that lures all things to their
destruction with the force of darkness possessed in its
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) customize Grand Stinger with a Crystal (good)
3) customize Ignite Sword with a Diamond (GOOD)
"$$$$": purchase price: 190,000 fol
resale price: 61,750 fol


"Sharp Edge" -- A sword made by a famous swordsmith and known for its
unbelievable sharpness.
"Stats": Atk: 222 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": Gamgee gives it to Claude after the Lacour Tournament of Arms
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 4,550 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c**)


"Sharpness" -- A famous blade with unbelievable sharpness forged by a
famous blade-smith.
"Stats": Atk: 500 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 40 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 33
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": Dias's weapon for the Lacour Tournament of Arms (can only be
seen when playing with Rena as the Main Character, but you
can't use it in the game so don't worry)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Soul Slayer" -- An fearsome evil sword possessed with negative forces
that completely destroy the pieces of an enemy's body
after being split.
"Stats": Atk: 982 Hit: 10 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 12
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Ignite Sword with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65,000 fol


"The Hope of Breeze" -- An elegant sword possessing the power of a
soothing breeze from heaven.
"Stats": Atk: 770 Hit: 30 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: Wind
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Ignite Sword with a Rainbow Diamond
2) pickpocket Dias in Armlock
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 52,000 fol


"Walloon Sword" -- A type of long sword.
"Stats": Atk: 240 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Lacour: Weapons Shop "Slayer"
2) receive in a random battle at Cross Mountains(where XINE is)
"$$$$": purchase price: 3,900 fol
resale price: 1,267 fol


"Whirlwind" -- A sword that creates around it when brandished due to a
Heraldic Crest engraved on its blade.
"Stats": Atk: 781 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 13
"Attributes": ATK: Wind
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket Dias in Giveaway
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 52,000 fol


"Worn-out Sword" -- A narrow sword that has been sharpened too much and
has lost its balance.
"Stats": Atk: 3 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket from:
1) Traveler (in purple) at the entrance to Cross
2) Soldier in the Throne Room in Lacour Castle (only on the
day of the Tournament)
3) Soldier above the staricase in Lacour Castle (only on the
day of the Tournament)
4) Soldier sitting in front of the clock in Lacour Front Line:
"Field Hospital" (after the 1st attack by Shin)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65 fol



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Bagh Nakh" -- Knuckles with hooked metal claws for more attack
"Stats": Atk: 165 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Lacour Front Line: General Store "Lacour Store"
"$$$$": purchase price: 1,400 fol
resale price: 434 fol


"Braised Knuckles" -- A magic knuckle with a crest engraved on it, which
can throw blazing flames.
"Stats": Atk: 599 Hit: 30 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 6
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Titan's Fists with a Rainbow Diamond (Bowman)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 9,750 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Giant's Fist" -- Mysterious knuckles that possess a giant's destructive
powers and make the wearer tougher.
"Stats": Atk: 470 Hit: 10 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 80 Luc: 0 Crt: 26
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": raises MP by 30%
"????": 1) "buy" at Eluria Colony Armory (find in barrels)
2) find in Eluria Tower
3) customize Rune Full Moon with a Rainbow Diamond (but why?)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 6,032 fol


"Hard Knuckles" -- Knuckles reinforced with steel bands for attack
"Stats": Atk: 58 Hit: 0 Mag: 10
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Clik: (?)
2) pickpocket Edda (owner of Weapons Shop "Slayer") in Lacour
"$$$$": purchase price: ... fol
resale price: ... fol


"Hecatoncherie" -- Gigantic knuckles that possess the strength of a
legendary giant.
"Stats": Atk: 630 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 27
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 2 attacks
"????": buy at North City: "Account" Weapons
"$$$$": purchase price: 16,200 fol
resale price: 5,265 fol


"Kaiser Knuckles" -- Knuckles mae from the legendary metal orichalcum
possessed of unbelievable destructive power.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 60 Mag: 200
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 4
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Rune Full Moon with a Mithril (Rena)
2) customize Hard Knuckles with a Mithril (Rena) (WOW!)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 241,800 fol


"Magical Gloves" -- Magical knuckles fortified with an engraved Heraldic
Crest to increase the Heraldic powers of the wearer.
"Stats": Atk: 688 Hit: 50 Mag: 60
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 12
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Metal Fangs with a Mithril (Rena)
2) customize Pain Cestus with a Star Ruby (Rena)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Moon Fists" -- Legendary knuckles siad to be made from a concentration
of silvery moonlight.
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 8
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Rune Full Moon with a Diamond (Bowman)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 286,000 fol


"Titan's Fists" -- Gigantic knuckles that possess the strength of a
legendary giant.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 30 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 50 Luc: 0 Crt: 5
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": increases MP by 30%
"????": 1) find in Fenial: 4th floor
2) customize Rune Full Moon with a Sage's Stone (Bowman)
3) customize Giant's Fists with a Moonite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 91,000 fol


"Soreceress Knuckles" -- Beautiful and elegant woman's knuckles blessed
by Mana.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 0 Mag: 180
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Rune Full Moon with a Sage's Stone (Rena)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 29,250 fol


"Wierd Slayer" -- A weapon that can fell beings not of this world (wierd
enemies) with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 10 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": 1) kills all monsters with wierd in their names in one blow
regardless of their HP
2) absorbs 1/2 the damage inflicted on the enemy (if not a
wierd enemy)
3) BUT if attacked by an enemy there is a chance IT can absorb
1/2 the damage IT inflicts.
"????": find in Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Worn Knuckles" -- These knuckles were made so poorly that you can't
even get your fingers into them.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 2 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Atomic Punch" -- A sort of dangerous mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 1120 Hit: 55 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find at Field of Intelligence
3) find in Fenial: 4th floor
"$$$$": purchase price: 170,000 fol
resale price: 55,250 fol


"Burning Hand" -- A mechanical punching hand that explodes while
"Stats": Atk: 600 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Atomic Punch with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Fire Punch" -- A mechanical punching hand that shoots flames from its
"Stats": Atk: 699 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": ???? (used Treasure Chest to find it)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 22,152 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Great Punch" -- A magnificent mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 850 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapons Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 14,000 fol
resale price: 4,550 fol


"Iron Punch" -- A steel mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 165 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": ???? (used Treasure Chest to find it)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 97 fol


"Magic Hand" -- A big mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 125 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65 fol


"One-Two Punch" -- A high speed mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 280 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Magic Hand with a Silver
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"SD Punch" -- A Super Delicious mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 1150 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Atomic Punch with a Mithril
2) customize Great Punch with a Rune Metal (good)
3) customize One-Two Punch with a Damascus (GOOD)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 104,000 fol


"Spark Hand" -- A mechanical punching glove that emits unbelievable
elecrtic shocks from its tip.
"Stats": Atk: 650 Hit: 30 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: Wind Thunder Light
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize SD Punch with a Rainbow Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Straight Punch" -- A mechanical punching hand that twists like a drill.
"Stats": Atk: 400 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": find in the Sanctuary of Linga
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 162 fol


"Thunder Punch" -- A mechanical punching hand that emits an electric
shock from its fist.
"Stats": Atk: 420 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 25
"Attributes": ATK: Thunder Vaccuum
DEF: Thunder(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) Leon gives it to Precis at Lacour Front Line
2) customize Atomic Punch with a Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 24,050 fol


"UGA Punch" -- An Ultra Great Atomic mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 1300 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 60 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 25
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Atomic Punch with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"SDUGA Punch" -- A Super Duper Ultra Great Atomic mechanical punching
"Stats": Atk: 0 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 60 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize UGA Punch with a Meteorite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Ultra Punch" -- A giant mechanical punching hand.
"Stats": Atk: 650 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) find in Eluria Tower
2) pickpocket Precis in Giveaway
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 650 fol


"Wierd Slayer" -- A weapon that can fell beings not of this world (wierd
enemies) with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 10 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": 1) kills all monsters with wierd in their names in one blow
regardless of their HP
2) absorbs 1/2 the damage inflicted on the enemy (if not a
wierd enemy)
3) BUT if attacked by an enemy there is a chance IT can absorb
1/2 the damage IT inflicts.
"????": find in Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Alpha Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting (alpha) wave photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 690 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) pickpocket Opera in Armlock
3) find at Field of Intelligence
"$$$$": purchase price: 139,900 fol
resale price: 45,467 fol


"Beta Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting (Beta) wave photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 690 Hit: 30 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) find in Fenial: 2nd floor
2) customize X Box with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 195,000 fol


"Black Box" -- Very special energy pack for the "Kalidescope" ray gun
for shooting darkness bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 200 Hit: 20 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Booster Box with a Damascus/Green Beryl/Crystal
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Booster Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kalidescope" ray gun for
shooting normal bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 128 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 48 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Gamma Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting (gamma) wave photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 750 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Beta Box with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 260,000 fol


"Light Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 490 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Light
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Booster Box with an Orichalcum/Rainbow Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: ... fol (?)
resale price: 195 fol


"Psycho Box"-- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting energy waves.
"Stats": Atk:1050 Hit:0 Mag:0
Guts:0 Stm:0 Luc:0 Crt:0
"Attributes": Atk: None
Def: None
"Plus": None
"????": Win A Class Fun City Duel Battle With Opera
"$$$$" : purchase price: n/a
resale price: 258,700 Fol


"Pulse Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting powerful pulse waves but takes time to charge.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Gamma Box with an Orichalcum
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 383,500 fol


"Radio Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kalidescope" ray gun
for shooting radio frequency photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 162 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Booster Box with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"X Box" -- Special energy pack for the "Kaleidoscope" ray gun for
shooting x-ray photon bursts.
"Stats": Atk: 500 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) find at Hoffman Ruins
2) pickpocket Opera in Giveaway
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 12,688 fol



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Cat o'9 Tails" -- A magical whip whose tip splits into 9 when cracked,
each one attacking a different target.
"Stats": Atk: 1280 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 2 attacks
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Ernest
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 380,250 fol


"Dark Whip" -- A jet-black whip created by condensing the darkest
darkness so that it crushes the soul of its target.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: Dark
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Molecule Wire with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 3,640,000 fol


"Flare Whip" -- A magical whip with a Heraldic design engraved in its
grip, making it shoot flames when cracked.
"Stats": Atk: 800 Hit: 80 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 25
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket Ernest in Giveaway
2) customize Light Whip with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 65,000 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Hard Whip" -- A leather whip especially made for combat.
"Stats": Atk: 550 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Lacour Front Line: General Store "Lacour Store"
"$$$$": purchase price: 3,000 fol
resale price: 930 fol


"Invisible Whip" -- A whip made of special steel wire so thin it cannot
be seen by the naked eye.
"Stats": Atk: 950 Hit: 150 Mag: 0
Gut: 40 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 31
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": ** weapon with the HIGHEST accuracy in the game (so far) **
"????": 1) customize Rose Whip with a Meteorite
2) customize Spark Whip with a Meteorite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 338,000 fol


"Leather Whip" -- A normal leather whip made from animal hide.
"Stats": Atk: 60 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 45 fol


"Light Whip" -- A magical whip with a Heraldic design engraved in its
grip, making it emit beams of light when cracked.
"Stats": Atk: 820 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Thunder Vaccuum
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Central City: Weapons Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
2) buy at North City: "Account" Weapons
3) pickpocket Ernest in Armlock
4) customize Hard Whip with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: 14,000 fol
resale price: 4,550 fol


"Limp Whip" -- A whip that is hard to crack because the tip is too
"Stats": Atk: 2 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 35 fol


"Molecule Wire" -- Special combat-use wire with a single-molecule
"Stats": Atk: 799 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 24
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Invisible Whip with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 202,800 fol


"Rose Whip" -- A special combat whip with thorn-like rivets attached to
"Stats": Atk: 600 Hit: 66 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 25
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Leather Whip with a Meteorite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 14,956 fol


"Spark Whip" -- A magic whip with a Heraldic design engraved on its
grip, making it give electrical shocks when cracked.
"Stats": Atk: 1080 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Thunder
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find in Fenial: 1st floor
"$$$$": purchase price: 160,000 fol
resale price: 52,000 fol


"Splinter" -- A special leather whip with rivets attached all over it.
"Stats": Atk: 460 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Hilton: Weapons Shop "Gernecer"
2) find in Eluria Tower
"$$$$": purchase price: 1,300 fol
resale price: 422 fol



"All About ESP" -- ?
"Stats": Atk: 780 Hit: 0 Mag: 70
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": MP cost lowered by 1/3
"????": ?
"$$$$": purchase price: ?
resale price: ?


"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Ancient Wisdom" -- A book about lost ancient wisdom that reduces MP
consumption rate by half.
"Stats": Atk: 800 Hit: 50 Mag: 380
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 20 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
gain MP during battle
"????": customize Book of Chaos with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 325,000 fol


"Book of Chaos" -- An evil book about the forbidden wisdom of hell.
"Stats": Atk: 950 Hit: 80 Mag: 400
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Dark Void
DEF: Holy(-) Dark(+) Void(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Book of Darkness with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 247,000 fol


"Book of Darkness" -- A book about magic secrest for invoking the powers
of darkness.
"Stats": Atk: 700 Hit: 0 Mag: 80
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Dark
DEF: Holy(+) Dark(+)
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Brain Structure with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 104,000 fol


"Brain Structure" -- A book about the unknown capabilities of the human
brain that reduces MP consumption by half.
"Stats": Atk: 890 Hit: 50 Mag: 80
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
"????": 1) customize Treatsie with a Mithril
2) customize Thick Book with a Mithril (high level or with
Orchestra playing)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 156,000 fol


"Dictionary" -- A book that defines words in alphabetic order.
"Stats": Atk: 340 Hit: 0 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Giveaway(in University): Traveling Salesman in the
2) pickpocket female Editor in Central City: "Nede Publishing
"$$$$": purchase price: 20,000 fol
resale price: 6,500 fol


"Encyclopedia" -- An expensive book that boasts an impressive thickness.
"Stats": Atk: 500 Hit: 0 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket Leon in Central City
2) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
3) find in Mihne Cave
"$$$$": purchase price: 50,000 fol
resale price: 16,250 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Heraldry" -- A thick book that goes on endlessly about the basic
principles of the Heraldic Arts.
"Stats": Atk: 290 Hit: 0 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Central City: Weapons Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
2) find in Cave of Red Crystals (where Synard lives)
"$$$$": purchase price: 7,000 fol
resale price: 2,275 fol


"Heraldry Book" -- A book that describes how to cast Heraldic spells
with only half the MP consumption.
"Stats": Atk: 500 Hit: 50 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": halves the rate of consumption of MP
"????": 1) pickpocket Leon in Armlock
2) find in Fenial: 1st floor
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 156,000 fol


"Holy Scriptures" -- A shining, holy book that can heal a wounded body
by the grace of the gods.
"Stats": Atk: 920 Hit: 50 Mag: 199
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Star
DEF: none
"PLUS": gain HP during battle
"????": Pickpocket the lower guard by in L' Aqua by mayor Narl when
heading for the second time to Fienal Tower.
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 190,500 fol


"Illustrated Book" -- A thick book that explains many things with
"Stats": Atk: 320 Hit: 0 Mag: 22
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) pickpocket Leon in Linga
2) customize Dictionary with a Rainbow Diamond (but why?)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Mental Revolution" -- A book abou the effective use of the brain so
that Heraldic spells can be cast with only 2/3
the MP consumption.
"Stats": Atk: 680 Hit: 0 Mag: 60
Gut: 1 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": MP consumption rate is reduced to 2/3 the normal requirement
"????": customize Encyclopedia with a Star Ruby/Meteorite/Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Million Staff" -- A staff that restores the user's own MP by an amount
equal to 1/5 of the damage received from an enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 800 Hit: 80 Mag: 800
Gut: 0 Stm: 30 Luc: 30 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": replenishes MP by 1/5 the damage incurred from an enemy (and it
is VERY expenisve) ;)
"????": find several of these in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 10,400,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Reference Book" -- A reference book for study and research.
"Stats": Atk: 280 Hit: 0 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Linga: University Co-op "Acedemy Co-op"
"$$$$": purchase price: 2,300 fol
resale price: 747 fol


"Thick Book" -- A very thick and quite heavy book.
"Stats": Atk: 180 Hit: 0 Mag: 15
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Treatsie" -- A rather complicated book about various special fields of
"Stats": Atk: 50 Hit: 0 Mag: 390
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 50 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket male Editor (NOT the one that buys the books) in
Central City: "Nede Publishing Company"
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 260,000 fol



"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Cat's Fangs" -- Knuckles with claws for mroe attack strength.
"Stats": Atk: 120 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: Thunder(-)
"PLUS": adds 2 attacks
"????": customize Knuckles with a Diamond (Noel)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 78,000 fol


"Dragon's Claws" -- Strong knuckles with sharp claws that are said to be
able to rip the scales of a dragon.
"Stats": Atk: 490 Hit: 20 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 26
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 1 attack
"????": 1) pickpocket Noel in Armlock
2) customize Metal Fangs with a Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 27,105 fol


"Eagle's Claws" -- Knuckles with sharpened claws for more attack
"Stats": Atk: 760 Hit: 0 Mag: 110
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 1 attack
"????": buy at North City: "Account" Weapons
"$$$$": purchase price: 20,000 fol
resale price: 10,400 fol


"Fellper Nails" -- Knuckles with claws attached to give their user cat-
like moves.
"Stats": Atk: 1200 Hit: 50 Mag: 30
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": prize for winning Duel Battle in Rank A with Rena
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 162,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/e**)


"Grizzly Claps" -- Special knuckles deal en especially hard blow to the
enemy when used.
"Stats": Atk: 840 Hit: 60 Mag: 200
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 140,000 fol
resale price: 45,500 fol


"Kaiser Knuckles" -- Knuckles mae from the legendary metal orichalcum
possessed of unbelievable destructive power.
"Stats": Atk: 1100 Hit: 60 Mag: 200
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 4
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Rune Full Moon with a Mithril (Rena)
2) customize Hard Knuckles with a Mithril (Rena) (WOW!)
3) customize Dragon's Claws with a Star Ruby (Noel)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 241,800 fol


"Knuckles" -- A weapon for strengthening the fist to avoid injuries when
striking the enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 30 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Salva: Weapons Shop "Ferguson's"
"$$$$": purchase price: 110 fol
resale price: 35 fol


"Metal Fangs" -- Knuckles with sharpened metal claws attached to greatly
increase attack strength.
"Stats": Atk: 400 Hit: 0 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 1,625 fol


"Million Staff" -- A staff that restores the user's own MP by an amount
equal to 1/5 of the damage received from an enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 800 Hit: 80 Mag: 800
Gut: 0 Stm: 30 Luc: 30 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": replenishes MP by 1/5 the damage incurred from an enemy (and it
is VERY expenisve) ;)
"????": find several of these in the Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 10,400,000 fol
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)


"Platinum Nails" -- Holy knuckles that possess the strength of the
legendary white tiger.
"Stats": Atk: 850 Hit: 55 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 2
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": adds 2 attacks
"????": customize Tiger's Fangs with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 258,700 fol


"Serpent's Tooth" -- Special knuckles with a water dragon's fangs to
paralyze the enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 900 Hit: 20 Mag: 50
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 12
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": find in Field of Love
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 234,000 fol


"Tiger's Fangs" -- Knuckles that possess the strength of a tiger to rip
apart anything.
"Stats": Atk: 600 Hit: 30 Mag: 100
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 20
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Dragon's Claws with a Meteorite
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 104,000 fol


"Worn Knuckles" -- These knuckles were made so poorly that you can't
even get your fingers into them.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 2 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)



"10 Volt Stun Gun" -- The voltage for this stun gun is so low it's
"Stats": Atk: 10 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": unsuccessful customizing attempt
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 39 fol


"All-Purpose Knife" -- A handy kitchen knife that cuts all cooking
ingredients. Increases chances of success in the
Master Chef competition.
"Stats": Atk: 160 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 10
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Fun City: Gift Shop "Gift Box"
"$$$$": purchase price: 12,000 fol
resale price: 6,240 fol
"Xtra": (n/e**)


"Cracker" -- A small firearm that attacks by shooting countless steel
"Stats": Atk: 660 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": increases attack chances by 2 (star effect)
(and you see the steel balls too!) ;)
"????": customize Lightning Gun with a Damascus
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 130,000 fol


"Electric" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting strong
electric shocks.
"Stats": Atk: 280 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Stun Gun with a Rainbow Diamond
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 7,800 fol


"Electro Gun" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting strong
electric shocks.
"Stats": Atk: 410 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": buy at Central City: Weapons Shop "Hyper-on-Hyper"
"$$$$": purchase price: 15,000 fol
resale price: 4,875 fol


"Electron" -- A weapon that attacks by emitting an unbelievable
electrical current.
"Stats": Atk: 830 Hit: 66 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 60
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) customize Spark with a Green Beryl
2) Lightning Gun with a Mithril
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 130,000 fol


"Flare Gun" -- A small firearm that emtis a scorching flame to burn up
the enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 550 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: Fire
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Lightning Gun with a Star Ruby
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 130,000 fol


"Freeze" -- A small firearm that attacks the enemy by blowing out
extremely cold air and freezing the enemy.
"Stats": Atk: 600 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: Water
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Shock Gun with a Sapphire
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 130,000 fol


"Funny Slayer" -- A joke of a weapon that slays monsters called funny
with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1 Hit: 0 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 40
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": kills ALL monsters with funny in their names with one blow
REGARDLESS of their HP (exception: Funnydevil in Cave of
"????": 1)recieve from lost traveler in Salva after he reaches Herlie
(look for a better explanation) ;)
2)recieve after killing Funnythief lvl99 (boss)
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 390 fol
"Xtra": (n/c)


"Lightning Gun" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting an
electric shock similar to a thunderbolt.
"Stats": Atk: 650 Hit: 51 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: Thunder
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": 1) buy at Armlock: Weapons and Tool Shop "Milword's"
2) find in Mihne Cave
"$$$$": purchase price: 158,000 fol
resale price: 51,300 fol


"Psychic Gun" -- A small firearm that changes the user's MP into energy.
"Stats": Atk: 980 Hit: 65 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 70
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": 1) drains 2MP each successful hit (including Killer Moves)
2) increases attack chances by 2 (while there is still MP
"????": customize Cracker with a Sage's Stone
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 286,000 fol


"Shock Gun" -- A small firearm that attacks the enemy by emitting shock
"Stats": Atk: 380 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": pickpocket Chisato in Central City
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: ... fol


"Spark" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting a strong electric
"Stats": Atk: 750 Hit: 60 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 80
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": increases attack chances by 2
"????": find in Fenial: 7th floor
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 78,000 fol


"Stun Gun" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting electric
"Stats": Atk: 200 Hit: 50 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": innitially equiped
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 162 fol


"Voltage" -- A weapon that attacks the enemy by emitting strong electric
"Stats": Atk: 460 Hit: 70 Mag: 0
Gut: 0 Stm: 0 Luc: 0 Crt: 50
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": none
"????": customize Electric with a Silver
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a
resale price: 15,600 fol


"Wierd Slayer" -- A weapon that can fell beings not of this world (wierd
enemies) with one blow.
"Stats": Atk: 1000 Hit: 40 Mag: 0
Gut: 10 Stm: 10 Luc: 0 Crt: 0
"Attributes": ATK: none
DEF: none
"PLUS": 1) kills all monsters with wierd in their names in one blow
regardless of their HP
2) absorbs 1/2 the damage inflicted on the enemy (if not a
wierd enemy)
3) BUT if attacked by an enemy there is a chance IT can absorb
1/2 the damage IT inflicts.
"????": find in Cave of Trials
"$$$$": purchase price: n/a (CANNOT be sold)
resale price: n/a
"Xtra": (n/r) (n/c)



v1.0 -- THANX out to Jack N., the creator of the Items List for Star
Ocean 2, for the inspiration. While looking through his list I
noticed the weapons list and decided to investigate on my own. I
found a virtual universe of weaponry not only in the diverse shops
but also through the MAGNIFICENT customizing option. I decided to
also include how to create or find the items as well as their
price - basically as much info on each weapon as possible. What I
have available so far is but a fraction of weapons available for
each character, however since I began this List while using Claude
as my main character I have (hopefully) most or ALL the weapons he
can use. I thank you for any contributions you can give me (and I
WILL give credit) and I hope that this will reach -- VERSION --
2.0 --! ;)

v1.01 -- IMPORTANT: please confirm that the Sharpness blade CANNOT be
customized or reproduced. Just get all the skills at Linga and
Dias will have 200 SP in the private scene. thanx.
-- Also added a few more weapons, mostly for Opera.
-- Once I get some contributions I will open another section of
the List listing those who contributed.

v1.02 -- Added the contributions section and more info (hope that this
section GROWS, so send me e-mail. I'm also on ICQ and mIRC, just
-- Fixed the format of the List (didn't notice that the TAB in
Wordpad was different from the TAB in Notepad)

v1.03 -- I confirmed that the sword "Sharpness" can neither be
reproduced NOR custmoized (sux doesn't it?)
-- Added an extra option ("Xtra":) --> to save space I made a key.
It only appears under weapons that have the conditions described
in the key. Also added more weapons (most for Ernest, since I
just got him in my party).

v1.04 -- Added more weapons. Wouldn't ya know it... the sword "Sharp
Edge" cannot be reproduced either. Explored Fenial from top to
bottom and found all the weapons there (hopefully).

v1.1 -- I AM DONE WITH CLAUDE's WEAPONS!!! (please verify this, since I
have heard otherwise)(I am doing so myself).
-- Something INTERESTING: there are weapons that several
characters can equip, but ONLY one (1) can customize.

v1.15 -- Added more weapons for Ernest and found MANY resale prices.

v1.2 -- Added a NEW section: "Looking for...". Here I will list
weapons that I have heard of or seen but forgot to get their ino
before I sold them. These are NOT the ONLY ones that are missing
but rather the ones I KNOW that are missing (feel free to
contribute ANY missing info)

v1.25 -- Added more weapons (so what else is new?) ;)
-- There have only been five contributions so far, but they are
GOOD! Hope all future contributors will have the same insight.

v1.3 -- Added more weapons (for Chisato, Noel, and Bowman), and noticed
something new: there are weapons that can be customized by one
character but are used by another. The contributions are still
good and insightful, please keep them comming.

v1.35 -- Rumor has it there is also a sword named "Golden Fangs" for
Claude, I will add it but please verify this is true.
-- Something INTERESTING: I decided to use Bowman in the Cave of
Trials to level him up, and equipped him (and Chisato) with the
"Wierd Slayer". I noticed that the only equipment that they had
in common was that weapon, AND that they both absorbed about half
the damage they inflicted to the enemy. They also had the Slayer's
Ring and Link Combo equipped, but so did Claude and Ashton, yet
they did not absorb HP (please try it out to verify this) THNX

v1.4 -- Added more weapons (mostly for Chisato) and more resale prices.
-- I got ALL of Claude's weapons! (feel free to shut me up bad by
proving me wrong HEHE) ;)

v1.45 -- Added more weapons and included YET another section to better
explain the weapons system for the game. Also added a Table of
Contents to make it easier to find a specific section. ENJOY! ;)

v1.5 -- Added MORE weapons (WHEN WILL IT STOP?!?) and got more useful
info through contributions. THNX again! ;)

v1.55 -- Added more weapons, yet it is getting MUCH harder to find any
new weaponry. If I am EVER to reach version 2.0, I need
contributions from ANYONE. If you know something about a weapon
or know of a weapon that doesn't appear PLZ send it over. I don't
even care if you call me an idiot for not noticeing it! ;)

v1.6 -- I heard of two more weapons for Ashton (Starlight and Pair Nuts
or something like that) PLZ check it out! Added more weapons and
the contributions are still good! keep 'em comming! ;)
-- Changed the format just a bit. Hope you like it. (LOL)

v1.61 -- Nothing new, just felt I needed to clarify something: The
magical rasp isn't NECESSARY for custoizing. As your level
increases (along with the stat "Luck"), your chances for
customizing increase. You don't need the magical rasp FOR
CUSTOMIZING (Blacksmithing is something else and you NEED it there
without exceptions) if you are level 150 or so (hehe... good
luck). You can get rare weapons by using the customizing
combinations that I give in my FAQ, yet expect it to take a WHILE
without the magical rasp. At level 80 (with the magical rasp) i
was able to customize the swords "Gemini" with Ashton by accident
(on the first try). was able to customize the
swords "Gemini" WITHOUT the magical rasp (after 20 or so attempts
with the combinations I gave in my FAQ). In theory, it is
possible to customize every weapon without the magical rasp.
(However, I DON'T recommend it HEHE)

v1.7 -- Added most of the missing information

v1.71 -- A Contribution (09-Aug-2000)

v1.72 -- --> with this contribution HOPEFULLY I can
finish Leon's Weapons section... =) (19-Aug-2000)

v1.75 -- Guess I wasn't done with Leon's stuff. Got a few more items to
go; any contributions would help, especially since my memory
card was damaged and I lost all my saves, so please, any other
contributions should have AS MUCH info as possible! ^_^
(18-Feb-2001) - Long time eh? heh

v1.80 -- Added 2 more items from my "Missing Items" list. Just got a few
more to go to reach the FINAL version. ^_^ (13-Apr-2001)

v1.81 -- Added the Pulse Box from Opera and hopefully finished that part
of my FAQ. Only 4 more weapons left. I can't find them myself
now, since I lost my PSX Save Games (memory card damaged) and I
haven't had time to play ALL my RPG's again... ^_^(14-Apr-2001)

Noel Herradura ----> []
-- ALL the pickpocketing info (except those in private actions,
unless otherwise specified) THNX!!! ;)

Jack N. -----------> []
-- I read through his FAQ and took the info on Claude's weapon
"Silver Fangs". (WHERE THE %^&$ CAN U FIND THIS???) My deepest
thanx (hope you don't mind me using the info) ;)

Yulius Leonard ----> []
-- GREAT CONTRIBUTION! --> it is possible to customize the Kaiser
Knuckles in Disc 1 by customizing "Hard Knuckles" with a Mithril
(find Mithril in random battles in Cross Mountains OR use Item
Creation Command "Survival" to get it (GOOD LUCK))

Erik Ray ----------> []
-- get SD Punch by customizing a "One-Two Punch" with a Damascus

Sherwin Tam -------> []
-- Reading through his FAQ I found some VERY interesting info on
various weapons:
1) "Melufa" increases Ashton's HP by 30% while he uses it
2) "Titan's Fist" increases the maximum MP for Bowman by 30%
3) "Crimson Diablos" DOUBLES Dias's strength when used in battle,
and also protects him from instant-death spells (ex: Word of
-- He also has a VERY insightful FAQ... reading it is recommended!

Levatine Sword ----> []
-- get Sorceress Knuckles by customizing Rune Full Moon with a
Sage's Stone
-- get Empresia by customizing Kaiser Knuckles with a Meteorite

?????????????? ----> []
-- get Silver Fangs by customizing "All-Purpose Knife" with a Gold
-- get Golden Fangs by customizing "All-Purpose Knife" with a
Silver THNX! (and keep 'em comming!) ;)

Aya Brea ----------> []
----------> []
-- Aya's FAQ contains the info displayed at the beginning related
to the Magical Attributes of ALL of Star Ocean 2's weaponry. I
felt that it was necessary to include this information (since I
wasn't even sure what were the TRUE names of the elements (magics)
that were represented by the symbols in the status windows. THNX!

Foxine ------------> []
-- get Psycho Box from Fun City Duel Battle Rank A with Opera
-- get Pulse Box by customizing a "Gamma Box" with an
-- get SDUGA Punch by customizing UGA Punch with a Meteorite
-- get Treatsie by pickpocketing one of the reporters/publishers
in Central City.
(keep 'em comming, and THNX!)

Tony Ho -----------> []
-- thanx for the info on Chisato's "Cracker"! VERY USEFUL!

?????????????? ----> []
-- proving that it is possible to customzie rare weapons WITHOUT
the magical rasp. THNX!

Chris -------------> []
-- thanx for sending in the missing info. How to get Pair Nuts,
Magic Box, Burst Box, Seventh Ray. THNX!

?????????????? ----> []
-- The Doubledemon Sword for Ashton keeps you in a constant berserk
mode(attack power goes up, like when someone he likes/loves dies
in battle). THNX! (Would have never figured this out myself!)

?????????????? ----> []
-- The information for Leon's Holy Scriptures AND where to find it

Remi Fontaine -----> []
-- Insane amount of information: Force Sword, Grand Stinger,
Cat's Fang, Dragon's Claws, Eagle's Claws, Giant's Fist,
Hecatoncheire, Platinum Nails, Holy Rod, Tongue Twister,
Ancient Wisdom, Holy Scriptures, Cat o' 9 Tails,
Levantine Sword, and most of the info for LEON - All about ESP.

?????????????? ----> []
-- Full info on Psycho Box - AND in the FORMAT that I wanted!!!

Justin Giuce ------> []
-- Another BIG help - Bastard Sword in the correct format again;
all I had to do was copy-paste ^_^ (makes my job a BIT easier)

Artemis-kun -------> []
-- Info on the Pulse Box - and in the FORMAT that I wanted! I am
beginning to se a pattern here - and I LIKE IT! ^_^ THNX.

This FAQ can be freely distributed, however ONLY in its entirety and
with due credit to its author. It has taken me ALOT of time and effort
to do this. If you wish to use this information for your own FAQ or web-
page, etc. PLEASE give credit I don't mind sharing this information,
otherwise I would not have sent it to I give credit to
ANY contributions, and I only expect of others what I expect of myself.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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The Second Story Customizing Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Wepaons Guide

17.Oktober 2013
The Second Story

16.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Customization Guide

14.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Spell Combining

14.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Claude Kenny

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Star Ocean

15.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Rena's Scenario

17.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Claude's Scenario Walkthrough

14.Oktober 2013
The Second Story

16.Oktober 2013
Second Story North American

15.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Secret Dungeon Boss

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The Second Story Rena

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Second Story Killer Boss Guide

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The 2nd Story Fighter Battle Strategies

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The Second Story Claude Boss Guide

15.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Claude

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The 2nd Story Plot Summary

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean (Intro)

16.Oktober 2013
The Second Story
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 1

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 2

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 3

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ für/for Star Ocean
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