Star Ocean

Star Ocean

14.10.2013 18:14:18

Star Ocean: The Second Story
Killer Boss Guide
made by Nicko ( )

version 1.0

Author's Note:
This my first FAQ, if you found any errors and misspelling here, contact
and tell me. I made this FAQ because the killer boss is quite
challenging but they are still killable.
So, I made this FAQ to help how beating them (I hope so).
I beat all the bosses with Claude, Ashton, Chisato, and Rena.

Basic strategy to Win - the Bloody Armor -

Basic strategy to win every battle with the killer boss is simple. Just
equip your fighter character with the Bloody Armor, this make them
invisible to any attack (zero damage) to prevent the negative effect
(losing character HP very fast) use Rena cast Fairy Light every time
(turn off all spell except Fairy Light), if Rena dies use Resurection
Mist, if yours HP below 1000 use Angel Statue.

I think with this strategy you're unbeatable (I use this to beat
Indalecio Limiter OFF). Note that to successfully execute this strategy
make sure yours HP is maximum (9999 or above 9000), this for prevent
losing HP to fast.

Important Note :
Your fighter character Battle Skill must level 10 (all), for Rena the
important skill is Motormouth, Parry, Spirit Force.

The Killer Boss Guide

This section is strategy, data how to beat the killer boss without
Bloody Armor. If you found another strategy that useful, send me email.
Well, if you play Star Ocean: The Second Story deeply, you'll know that
there's three killer boss inside the game.

First :
You'll encounter her at the final level of the Trial Cave (lv. 13), make
sure you are at level 160+ before fight her and equip Bunny Shoes, she's
the most weak killer boss here.

Gabrie Celeste
HP : 1,000,000
MP : forgot (email me if you know)
Stronger Point : Star, Light
Weakness Point : nil

Description :
Celeste is the final boss of Trial Cave. She is Gabriel in the first
Star Ocean. I think she is the most weak boss here. If you can't win on
her, don't ever try to beat the other boss.
She's very easy if you use Bloody Armor strategy, remember keep guard
Rena for harm if you execute this strategy.

Gabrie Celeste attacks arsenal:

## Air Slash
Actually this attack more deadly than Claude's and Dias's Air Slash, it
can do critical damage (up to 5000+ damage). However, this attack is
easier to dodge (with Bunny Shoes, of course).

## Throwing Circle
Another deadly attack, do 4000+ damage of each circle (she throw about
2-3 circle). Easy to dodge if you far enough from her.

## Circle Barrier
This the most annoying attack, not only attack but she's invisible while
do it. She barriered by circle and go crazy moving around the
battlefield and damage all character that hit her (quite good at 2000-
4000+ damage) with super-bunny shoes speed. The only way to stop it is
cast magic (although does zero point).

## Star Guard
This move is same as Star Guarder that you met before (it's knight with
huge shield that produces star if you hit him). Don't attack her frontal
(use flip skill) to hit her.

## 'Hang'
The most unique move, if your character hit Celeste and she parries it
sometimes you'll get 'hang' for a while, this is really dangerous and
harmful because you can do nothing for a few second. To prevent this
make sure that you're always attack from behind (flip skill). 'Hang' not
only perform Celeste but many of normal enemy in the Trial Cave can do
it, including the killer boss later.

## Star Flare
You know it don't you, it does 4000+ damage (already equip star
resistance). The huge advantage here is Star Flare can heal Claude if he
equip Eternal Sphere with another star resistance.

## Noah
Best water spell, does 5000+ damage and kill character that not equip
water resistance.

## Foehn
The spell that most used by Celeste, it only does medium damage 3000-
4000+ damage points.

Remember that all the damage points above is damage with the equiped
resistance and defense value 1000+.

In-Battle Character:

Claude : Attack with all MP
Weapon : Eternal Sphere / Holy Sword Farwell
Armor : Valiant Mail / Battle Suit
Shield : Pallas Athena
Helmet : Duel Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Atlas Ring
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : Ripper Blast -> Final Proficiency
Killer Move 2 : Mirror Slice / Head Splitter
## With this equipment Claude strength stats should around 5000-6000+
points, and can do maximum damage (9999 points) each hit.

Ashton : Attack with all MP / Protect Friends
Weapon : Levantine Sword / Holy Sword Farwell
Armor : Valiant Mail / Seraphic Garb
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Duel Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Tri-emblem
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : tri-Ace -> Final Proficiency
Killer Move 2 : Sword Dance / Hurricane Slash
## Ashton strength stats should around 4500-5000+ points, same as Claude
he can do 9000+ damage.

Chisato : Attack with all MP / Protect Friends / Spread out and Attack
Weapon : Weird slayer
Armor : Valkyrie Mail / Battle Suit / Seraphic Garb
Shield : Algol
Helmet : Jeanne's Helm / Mithril Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Tri-emblem
Acc.2 : Lunatic Earring / Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : Preparation -> Final Proficiency
Killer Move 2 : Tear Gas / Flame Thrower
## Chisato not very useful here, her attack is only medium damage (5000-
7000 damage points).

Rena : Aid Friends
Weapon : Empresia
Armor : Seraphic Garb
Shield : Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Grave : Valkyrie Boots
Acc.1 : Tri-emblem
Acc.2 : Emerald Ring / Mental Ring
Spell turn on : Fairy Heal, Fairy Light, Dispel, Raise Dead, Angel
Feather, Growth, Star Flare.
## Rena it's very important here, use one of fighter character to
protect her and don't let her MP down below 100.

Strategy :
Level recomended : 170
Make sure have at least 5 Resurrection Mist, 2 Merlin Drink and 20+
minutes before you fight her. I beat her with that requirements.

The basic strategy is keep Celeste busy (never let her cast magic) and
keep Rena+Claude alive. Use Claude to distract Celeste by using Ripper
Blast KM (prevent Hang and more safe and fast, because it executes from
far enough to Celeste) and it does 3-5 hit (wow). While you distract
Celeste, Chisato should support with her Preparation from far and far
enough to Celeste and Ashton attack Celeste with his KM2.

If Celeste use her Circle Barrier, then use Rena cast Star Flare or
(usually) Ashton use his tri-Ace for good. If your character die use
Resurrection Mist especially to Claude and Rena. Note that Ashton will
use tri-Ace than his another KM, let him do so (tri-Ace quite useful
here and does around 9000+ damage).

EXP : forgot (email me if you know)
Item : Silver Trumpet

Congratulations ! you just beat one of three killer boss. Now the second

Second :
To encounter her, you must have Pitch and Sense of Rhythm talent and
compose the Evil Melody song from the silver Trumpet. Play it the
dungeon (or world map) go out from the status screen and you'll fight
her. To get both talent, try to play every music randomly (sometimes it
open the character talent).

HP : 3,300,000 (wow)
MP : 20,000
Stronger Point : Dark
Weakness Point : nil

Description :
I think she's immortal, I already bet her five times! The first three
times I use normal strategy and second twice I use the Bloody Strategy,
and she still can be summoned by the Silver Trumpet.
It's going to be a long fight, sometimes she can dies although her HP
not reach zero. I don't know why about this (if anyone know email me
about this).

Iselia attacks arsenal :

Basically all of her physical attack is same as Celeste attack, the
different is her attack more deadly and powerful plus his Throwing
Circle cause Stone status !

Magic attack : (She cast magic more faster than Celeste)
## Shadow Flare
Very damaging! damage 6000-8000+ points, kill character with no dark

## Word of Death
Awful magic, never hit (always miss) so don't worry whenever she cast
this magic.

## Meteor Swarm
One of the best spell in the game, kill character with no star
resistance. With star resistance do 8000-9000+ damage. With Angel
Armband equipped it's heal you for good.

Remember that the Hang move more frequently affect your character if you
attack her frontal.

In-Battle Character :
* the equipment same as above, except that mention here.

Claude : Attack with all MP
Weapon : Levantine Sword / Holy Sword Farwell
Acc.1 : Stone Check
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring / Tri-emblem / Angel Armband
## Stone Check to prevent Stone status, strategy same as you fight
Celeste. Both KM (Ripper Blast and Mirror Slice) better at Final

Ashton : Attack with all MP
Weapon : Holy Sword Farwell / Levantine Sword
Acc.1 : Stone Check
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring / Tri-emblem
Killer Move 1 : Sword Dance
Killer Move 2 : Hurricane Slash
## This time use Ashton to distract Iselia same as Claude, no need to
cast tri-Ace (it took a long time).

Chisato : Attack with all MP
Acc.1 : Lunatic Earring / Atlas Ring
Acc.2 : Tri-emblem
## Use Chisato as back-up with her Preparation.

Rena : Recovers Friend only
Acc.1 : Tri-emblem / Angel Armband
Acc.2 : Tri-emblem
Spell turn on : Fairy Heal, Fairy Light, Raise Dead.
## Don't let Rena dies, she's very important here.

Strategy :
Level recomended : 180
Must have plenty of Resurrection Mist and HP/MP restoration.

Fight Iselia is different with fight Celeste, Iselia cast magic more
faster than Celeste. So strategy use for Celeste not work very well
here. Use Claude and Ashton as the attacker, Chisato backup both of the
from far away. With this endurance you may achieve victory.

To take advantage fight her, try to fight her in small battle area (like
in Feenal), this prevent her to run away. The real problem is if Iselia
use her Circle Barrier, try to spread out don't close to her (it's very

If you use Bloody Armor Strategy, it's only matter of time (victory 99%
on hand). Keep Rena/Noel live as healer, and you'll win.

EXP : 1,100,000 - 1,300,000 (it's random - don't know why)
Item : Angel Armband (wow) – must use Discovery Card

Congratulations! Iselia is beaten (although not really die) now the last

Third :
You'll fight him at the end of the game, in his normal form (Limiter ON)
he's very easy, but after he show his true form (Limiter OFF) he's madly
crazy boss. To fight Indalecio Limiter OFF, you must see PA (Private
Action) in Central City (first, you must save at the final save point in
Feenal). The save point just before you fight Indalecio (this mean you
must go in-out Feenal - suck).
At Central City go to City Hall and meet Filia, after a scene Filia will
disappear and Indalecio Limiter turn OFF !!!!

Indalecio Limiter OFF
HP : 1,500,000
MP : 16,000
Stronger Point : Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Thunder, Dark.
Weakness Point : nil

Description :
I think he is the most powerful boss in SO2.
His ability :
- Move more quickly than Bunny-shoes speed !!!
- As he move he can cast a very powerful magic !!!
- His normal attack is very powerful.
The most annoying is he can cast magic as he move (we can distract him
cause he move more quickly than Bunny-Shoes speed, so you'll be death
quickly cause his magic so powerful).
The only way beat him is use Bloody Armor strategy (I use this strategy
to win).

Indalecio attacks arsenal :

## 'Normal Attack'
His normal attack are annoying (3000-4000+ damage each hit). His normal
attack is unparryable, it's just a spark of light that hit character.
Fortunately, it's heal character that equip Angel Armband.

## 'Hang'
You know that don't you. It very harmful, try to attack from behind.

## Star Spray
This is insane! a burst of star spray hit one character multiple times
(up to 15 hit!) although one hit only do 500-600 damage. The star same
as star that produce by Eternal Sphere/Angel Armband, the different is
the star is more aggressive in number and speed.

## Divine Wave
Another insane attack, circle spread out from his body to protect him,
character hit by the circle can turned to Stone! And do 4000+ damage.

## Divine Comedy
Indalecio original magic, the scene is very great, fortunately the
damage is only 6000-7000+ damage. And cause zero damage to character
that equip Angel Armband.

## Explode
Best fire spell, kill character with no fire resistance, do 9000+ damage
with fire resistance. Fortunately heal character that equip Angel

## Star Flare
Only Cause 3000+ damage with Star resistance.

## Southern Cross
Quite powerful magic, does 6000+ damage with star resistance, heal
character that equip Angel Armband.

## Earthquake
Indalecio most powerful magic I think, it cause 9999 damage with the
earth resistance. Sometime just damage 4999 points (don't know why).

In-Battle Character :

Claude : Attack with all MP
Weapon : Levantine Sword
Armor : Bloody Armor
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Duel Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Atlas Ring
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : Mirror Slice
Killer Move 2 : Ripper Blast
## Claude's strength should around 8000+ points, and he always do 9999
damage every hit.

Ashton : Attack with all MP
Weapon : Holy Sword Farwell
Armor : Bloody Armor
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Duel Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Atlas Ring
Acc.2 : Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : Sword Dance
Killer Move 2 : Hurricane Slash
## Ashton's strength should around 7000+ points, same as Cluade he can
do damage 9999 points.

Chisato : Attack with all MP / Protect Friends !
Weapon : Weird Slayer
Armor : Bloody Armor
Shield : Valkyrie Guard / Algol
Helmet : Duel Helm
Grave : Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Atlas Ring
Acc.2 : Lunatic Earring / Atlas Ring
Killer Move 1 : Preparation
Killer Move 2 : Tear Gas / Flame Thrower
## Her Preparation do a lot of damage (although not 9999 points), use
her as back-up.

Rena : Recovers Friends only
Weapon : Empresia
Armor : Valkyrie Armor / Seraphic Garb
Shield : Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Grave : Valkyrie Boots / Bunny Shoes
Acc.1 : Angel Armband
Acc.2 : Emerald Ring / Mental Ring
Spell turn on : Fairy Light
## Just have Rena to recover another character.

Strategy :
Level recomended : 190
Have at least 5 Blackberry to refill Rena's MP and Resurrection Mist,
just in case if Rena dies. And have Angel statue as back up.

Bloody Armor strategy the only way to win.
Simple fighting 3 fighter character attack Indelacio at the same time
while Rena healing them continuously (prevent losing HP to fast - die).
Most of Indalecio attacks arsenal will heal Rena (because she equip
Angel Armband). The problem is if Indalecio cast Earthquake, it'll kill
Rena. Resurrect Rena with Resurrection Mist and if your HP below 1000
use the Angel Statue.

Keep the endurance going and victory will be yours.

EXP : 1,400,000 (random)
Item : nil

Now, you beat all the killer boss. But the ending not change (there's
script 'The truth has not discovered yet' at the end) why?
I don't know about that. If anyone know, mail me about that.


1. tri-Ace, Enix, LINKS for create this exciting game.
2. Game FAQS for the great information.

====================== SO2 : Killer Boss Guide =========================
=============================== End ====================================

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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