Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX

16.10.2013 07:47:12

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Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX: Secrets FAQ ver. 1.1


1. About FAQ
2. Version History
3. Controller Codes
4. Game Shark Codes
5. Point Bonuses
6. Glitches
7. Notes & Thanks

About this FAQ

This FAQ is a copyright of Mike Truitt ( if you have any
questions or comments about this FAQ e-mail me. If you would like to use
this FAQ in any way shape or form on your site, just e-mail me and I
will most likely allow you to post it

Version History

1.0 - Just started finished FAQ
1.1 - Fixed Setup a little bit. Added More Codes

Last Updated: Sunday, July 15, 2001

Controller Codes

Enter the following codes at the Puase Menu.....

Hold L1 and Press What code does.....

Down - Circle - Circle - Down Fat Tires
Square - Up - Circle - X Add 8:00 to run
Square - Left - Up - Right Perfect BalanceS
Square - Circle - Circle - Up - Down - Down Huge Score
Left - Down - Triangle - Circle - Up - Left - Triangle - Square
Always Special
Down - Down - Up - Circle - Circle - Square Tiny Score Mode

Game Shark Codes

Mat Hoffman Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 800609C0 00FF

All Competitions Won 800609CA FFFF

All Goals Completed 800609C4 FFFF
800609C6 FFFF
800609C8 FFFF
800609CC FFFF

Unlock All Bikes 800609EE 00FF

Max Stats 800609F0 0A0A
800609F2 0A0A
800609F4 0A0A
800609F6 0A0A

====================================== Mike
Escamilla Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 800609F8 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060A02 FFFF

All Goals Completed 800609FC FFFF
800609FE FFFF
80060A00 FFFF
80060A04 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060A26 00FF

Max Stats 80060A28 0A0A
80060A2A 0A0A
80060A2C 0A0A
80060A2E 0A0A

====================================== Cory
Nastazio Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060A30 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060A3A FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060A34 FFFF
80060A36 FFFF
80060A38 FFFF
80060A3C FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060A5E 00FF

Max Stats 80060A60 0A0A
80060A62 0A0A
80060A64 0A0A
80060A66 0A0A

====================================== Joe
Butcher Kowalski Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060A68 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060A72 FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060A6C FFFF
80060A6E FFFF
80060A70 FFFF
80060A74 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060A96 00FF

Max Stats 80060A98 0A0A
80060A9A 0A0A
80060A9C 0A0A
80060A9E 0A0A

Rick Thorne Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060AA0 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060AAA FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060AA4 FFFF
80060AA6 FFFF
80060AA8 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060ACE 00FF

Max Stats 80060AD0 0A0A
80060AD2 0A0A
80060AD4 0A0A
80060AD6 0A0A

Dennis McCoy Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060AD8 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060AE2 FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060ADC FFFF
80060AE0 FFFF
80060AE4 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060B06 00FF

Max Stats 80060B08 0A0A
80060B0A 0A0A
80060B0C 0A0A
80060B0E 0A0A

Kevin Robinson Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060B10 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060B1A FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060B14 FFFF
80060B16 FFFF
80060B18 FFFF
80060B1C FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060B3E 00FF

Max Stats 80060B40 0A0A
80060B42 0A0A
80060B44 0A0A
80060B46 0A0A

====================================== Simon
Tabron Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060B48 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060B52 FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060B4C FFFF
80060B4E FFFF
80060B50 FFFF
80060B54 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060B76 00FF

Max Stats 80060B78 0A0A
80060B7A 0A0A
80060B7C 0A0A
80060B7E 0A0A

Tony Hawk Codes

Unlock Tons Of Covers 80060BB8 00FF

All Competitions Won 80060BC2 FFFF

All Goals Completed 80060BBC FFFF
80060BC0 FFFF
80060BC4 FFFF

All Bikes Unlocked 80060BE6 00FF

Max Stats 80060BE8 0A0A
80060BEA 0A0A
80060BEC 0A0A
80060BEE 0A0A

Misc. Codes

Infinate Balance, Infinate Special, 80026F80 090A Easy
Big Air, and Grind Meter

Infinate Balance, Infinate Special, 80026F80 090F
Grind Meter, Moon Jump
Note: The two codes just listed CAN NOT be used with each other

All Cinematics 1 Unlocked 50000938 0000
0005ED36 FFFF
Note: The code just listed CAN NOT be used with Unlock All Bikes

All Cinematics 2 Unlocked 8005ECTC FFFF

Unlock Granny THPS Warehouse and Burnside 8005ED00 0079

Skip to Restart 910980CC

Stop Timer 9109BDCC

Fat Tires 80026F80 0001

Show Grind Meter 80026F80 0002

Fat Tires and Grind Meter 80026F80 0003

Moon Physics 80026F80 0004

Fat Tires and Moon Physics 80026F80 0005

Double Moon Physics 80026F80 0006

Fat Tires and Double Moon Physics 80026F80 0007

Infinite Special 80026F80 0008

Fat Tires and Infinie Special 80026F80 0009

Grind Meter and Infinite Special 80026F80 000A

Fat Tires Show Grind Meter and Infinite Special 80026F80 000B

Moon Physics and Infinite Special 80026F80 000C

Fat Tires Double Moon Physics Infinite Special 80026F80 000D

Show Grind Meter and Moon Physics and 80026F80 000E
Infinite Special

Fat Tires, ShowGrind Meter, 2x Moon Physics, 80026F80 000F
Full Special Bar, Infinite Special

Remove On Screen Display 80026F80 0010

All Stats at 10 80026F80 0020

Remove On Screen Display and All Stats at 10 80026F80 0030

All Stats at 13 80026F80 0080

Load THPS1 School in place of Bike Factory 300D13D7 0053
300D13D9 0053
300D13DA 0063
300D13DB 0068
300D13DC 006C

Note: This code will work even for Career Mode. The goal names will be
the same even though you will have to find the tables not the lights.

Point Bonuses

Hoffman Bike Factory

100 Points

At the start of the level turn around and go into the bowl, grind the
edge of the bowl where the lever is. When you hit the lever the door to
the secret area will open up. Make your way outside, in front of you
when you come outside is a plat form with a dirt quarter pipe on either
side, jump off of one of the quarter pipes and go over the platform,
doing this will get you the bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level turn around and go into the bowl, grind the
edge of the bowl where the lever is. When you hit the lever the door to
the secret area will open up. Make your way outside and turn to the
right a little. On the right wall is a platform with a quarter pipe on
wither side. Jump from one of the quarter pipes and over the platform.
Doing this will get you the bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level turn around. There should be a drop, jump down
that drop. When you land you should have a wooden rail that is right by
you. Grind that rail and after a little bit you should get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the rollin and jump off of the quarter
pipe, when you land you should be facing another quarter pipe. Jump off
of the middle of that quarter pipe and you should get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the rollin and turn right. Go out of
the half pipe and turn right. In front of you should be a fun box. Jump
over the fun box and land on the other side. When you land there should
be a large quarter pipe in front of you. Jump off of that quarter pipe
and get some air. This should get you the bonus.

Construction Yard

100 Points

At the start of the level ride forward, and a little to the left. In
front of you should be a metal quarter pipe. In the middle of the
quarter pipe is a little dirt hill. Jump off of the quarter pipe and
over the hill to get this bonus.

100 Ponits

At the start of the level ride forward. In front of you should be a
trail leading to another area. Follow the trail down to that area. When
you get there, you should see a building with a quarter pipe on either
side of the building is a quarter pipe. Ride down to the right of the
building and jump off of the quarter pipe and jump onto the building.
You should get the bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level ride forward. In front of you should be a
trail leading to another area. Follow the trail down to that area. When
you get there, you should see a building with a quarter pipe on either
side of the building is a quarter pipe. Ride down to the left side of
the building and jump off of the quarter pipe, and onto the building.
This should get you the bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level turn to the left, there should be a dirt area
to the left of a quarter pipe. Go up that area, and you should be on a
platform where you can see the bottom level. Jump off of the platform
and down to the bottom level. You should see a bulldozer in one corner
of the area. The front of the bulldozer can be used as a quarter pipe.
Jump off of the quarter pipe and you should get the bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level turn to the right a little bit. You should see
a long curved metal quarter pipe. Jump off of the quarter pipe about a
third of the way down and you should get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level turn to the right a little bit. You should see
a long curved metal quarter pipe. Jump off of the quarter pipe about two
thirds of the way down and you should get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level ride forward until you get to a kicker ramp.
Jump off of the ramp and onto the roof, when you land jump to the other
roof. There should be a quarter pipe in front of you, jump off of the
quarter pipe towards the trail leading to the next area and you should
be able to get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level ride forward. In front of you should be a
trail leading to another area. Follow the trail down to that area. When
you get there turn to the left, you should see another trail that leads
to a third area. Go down that trail, at the base of the trail will be a
kicker ramp. Jump off of the right side of the kiker ramp and land in a
grind on the rail that is by the wall. Doing this will get you this

200 Points

At the start of the level ride forward. In front of you should be a
trail leading to another area. Follow the trail down to that area. When
you get there turn to the left, you should see another trail that leads
to a third area. Go down that trail. When you get to the bottom you
should see a large kicker ramp along the wall, jump off of that kicker
ramp and land in a grind on the rail that leads behind the bulldozer.
When you get to the end of the rail jump off and land in a grind on the
next rail. This should get you the bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level turn to the left, there should be a dirt area
to the left of a quarter pipe. Go up that area, and you should be on a
platform where you can see the bottom level. In front of you will be a
large kicker ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and land in a grind on
the rail that is going left to right. At the end of that rail is this

London Underground

100 Points

At the start of the level you should see a rail. Grind that rail, and
about half way down is this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. In the back of the area is
a quarter pipe that is on top of a platform. In the middle of the
quarter pipe is this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. In the back right of the
area is a curved rail. In the middle of the rail is this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. In the middle of this hallway is a rail. Grind this
rail, and you should get this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, and in front of you is a kicker
ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and over the half pipe. When you land
there should be a room in front of you. In the right corner is this

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, and in front of you is a kicker
ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and over the half pipe. When you land
there should be a room in front of you. In the left corner is this

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, then when you get to the third
area turn left. You should see a quarter pipe on the back wall. Transfer
off of the quarter pipe at a low angle to get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps and then turn a little to
the right. You should see two quarter pipes. Go to the second one, and
jump off about halfway and you should get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. At the base of the
escalator is this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. You should see two funboxes
in front of you. Go to the one on the left and jump over it. You should
then get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, then when you get to the third
area turn left. You should see a quarter pipe on the back wall.
Transfer off of the quarter pipe at a high angle to get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, then when you get to the third
area turn left. After a little bit there should be a kicker ramp on your
right. Jump off of the kicker ramp and over the half pipe. Doing this
will give you the bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get to the second
fun box turn around and face the door. You should see a quarter pipe on
the right side of the door. Jump off of the very left edge of the
quarter pipe to get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you come out turn to
your right. You should see two quarter pipes. Go to the nearest quarter
pipe and jump off of the middle of it. Doing this will get you the

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you come out turn to
your right. You should see two quarter pipes. Go to the nearest quarter
pipe and jump off of the right edge of the quarter pipe and start to
grind on the rail above the pipe. At the end of the rail is the pipe.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the right. You
should see a quarter pipe on top of a platform made by a quarter pipe.
Get up onto the platform and jump on the quarter pipe on the edge of the
wall. When you land there will be a kicker ramp in front of you. Jump
off of the kicker ramp and grind along the rail that leads up to the
high platform. When you first get on the platform turn to your left and
you will get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the right. You
should see a quarter pipe on top of a platform made by a quarter pipe.
Get up onto the platform and jump on the quarter pipe on the edge of the
wall. When you land there will be a kicker ramp in front of you. Jump
off of the kicker ramp and grind along the rail that leads up to the
high platform. Once you are on the platform go to the left side and go
to the end of the platform and you should get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the steps. When you get there skate
forward until you get to the back of the room, and then turn right. Go
down the escalator and into the second area. Then turn to the left and
go up to the top of the platform. You should see a hallway leading to
the third area. Go down this hallway, and in front of you is a kicker
ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and over the half pipe, doing this
will get you this bonus.

Bluetorch Competition

There are no point bonuses in this level.

Park, New York City

100 Points

At the start of the level keep on going strait until you get to the
fence at the end. Then turn to the left and you should see a kicker
ramp. Jump off of the kicker ramp and into the area with the fountain.
Use the outside of the fountain as a kicker ramp to jump into the top of
the fountain. Then quickly jump towards the branch coming from the tree.
Doing so will get you the bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level ride forward until you get to the gap between
the fences. Then turn to the left, you should see a kicker ramp in front
of you. Jump off of the kicker ramp towards the fountain, and you should
get this game.

Treatment Plant

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp. At the bottom you should see
dirt ramps. Go over the ramps, and you should see a large quarter pipe
with a rail next to it. Ride over to the rail, right above the rail is
this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp. At the bottom you should see
dirt ramps. Go over the ramps, and you should see a large quarter pipe
with a rail next to it. Ride to the center of the ramp and get some air.
Then you should get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp. At the bottom you should see
dirt ramps. Go over the ramps, and you should see a large quarter pipe
with a rail next to it. Then turn to the right, and you should see a
ramp with rails on the either side of it. Grind the rail on the left. At
the end of the rail jump off and you should get this gap.

La Harba, California

200 Points

At the start of the level turn around and get into the big half pipe.
Then on the side that is divided, jump out of the right side and into
the other area. If you did this right you should get this bonus.

200 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp and turn a little to the
right. You should see a dirt funbox. Jump over the funbox to get this

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp, then turn a little to the
right. You should be in a dirt area. Go through the dirt area and to the
back of the level. You should see a quarter pipe. Jump off of the
quarter pipe in an angle towards the roof. Doing this will get you the

400 Points

You should see a green ramp as soon as you start. Jump off of the
quarter pipe and land in a grind on the wire that goes across the
street. As soon as you get on the wire you should get the bonus.

400 Points

You should see a green ramp as soon as you start. Jump off of the
quarter pipe and land in a grind on the wire that goes across the
street. At the end of the wire jump off and you should get this bonus.

400 Points

At the start of the level go down the ramp and then turn to the left.
Keep on riding until you get to the end, then turn to the right. You
should see a green ramp. Jump off of the green ramp and land on the
roof. Once you are on the roof go over to the ramp that leads to the
next roof. Jump off of the ramp and go into the bowl on the next roof.
Jump out of the bowl in the direction opposite of the wall, and if you
went at the right angle you will get this bonus.

CFB Competition

There are no bonuses for this level

THPS 1 Warehouse

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the either rollin, then turn around
and you should see three quarter pipes, jump off of the middle quarter
pipe towards the far left quarter pipe and you will get this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the either rollin, then turn around
and you should see three quarter pipes, jump off of the middle quarter
pipe towards the far right quarter pipe and you will get this bonus.

100 Points

At the start of the level go down the left rollin. When you are at the
bottom turn to the left a little bit and go to the kicker ramps. Jump
off of the near kicker ramp and go towards the long quarter pipe that
goes along the back wall. Jump off of the quarter pipe and you should
get this bonus.

THPS 1 Burnside

There are no bonuses for this level.


There are many glitches, the strangest one that I have heard of was sent
to me by Jeff Taladay, he said that he went to THPS Warehouse and when
he got into the half pipe it was full of water, I have not had this
happen to me yet, but I willwork on finding a way to get it to happen.
Besides that one, so far I have only found the obvious floating biker in
many of the levels.

Not quite a glitch but....
In the London course, go to where you jump to get to the secret hall.
and when you jump, where you grind on that pole just before the secret
hall, jump off the pole early so that you fall just short of the secret
hall ( when in the air hold triangle ) you should land on a sign, which
is below the hall. Just hold on to triangle and nothing else, because
as you grind on top of the sign, you move towards the wall on the side
of it. If you are just holding on to triangle, you will bounce off the
wall and back onto the sign ( grinding again ) this will then make you
grind backwards, and you will hit the other wall and then land back on
the sign, and so fourth. You can do this as long as you would like.
This one was sent in by Mike Miles

Another Glitch that is quite common and happens nearly everytime. First
you need to have granny, then when you jump off of a quarter pipe have
her do her X Up. You should see two pink lines come flying out of her

Notes & Thanks

This is a copyrighted work for Mike Truitt , any usage of this faq not
noted by its author is banned, if you want to have it on you site, just
e-mail me at and I'll be more than happy to allow you to
have it on your site, but you MUST ask. This FAQ must have my name,
Mike Truitt on it, if you see it on any site that does not give me
credit, then please notify me. I got these codes off of the Official
Game Shark Code Site, IGN Codes, and Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Visual
(c)2001 Mike Truitt

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Move List by Mike Truitt
Engl. FAQ

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