Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Battle Arena Toshinden 3

13.10.2013 09:26:30
Battle Arena Toshinden 3

version 1
This FAQ was written by Grant Allen

Hi This is the first FAQ I have written. I do however think that
this will be helpful to
those who would like to try playing as Vermilion. Unlike in Toshinden
2, Vermilion is now perhaps one of the hardest characters in the game
to use effectively. Vermilion is the ONLY character in the game with
out chain combos. This makes it very difficult to win. However with
the information provided in this FAQ you will hopefully be able to win
more often than you lose. In this FAQ I will give you tips and tricks
as well as the damage and descriptions for all his attacks. I hope
this helps.

First thing you need to know is how to get Vermilion. To get
Vermilion beat the game with Nagisa. To get more colors for Vermilion
and every body else beat the game with everybody. Now beat the game on
difficulty 5 with Verm to get Sho. Beat the game with Sho on level 6
to get Abel. Beat the game with Abel on level 7 to get Naru. Beat the
game on level 7 to with Naru to get access to more colors. Square and
X are new colors.

The Verm for you.
Triangle= Orange hair with a black tuxedo with an orange tint,
and golden guns.
Circle= Gray hair with a black tuxedo with a blue tint, and
silver guns.
New colors
Sqaure= Purple hair with a black tuxedo with a green tint, and
golden guns.
X=(this is my favorite) Blue hair with a black tuxedo and golden


HCF=Half Circle Forward
S=Weak Slash
T=Hard Slash
X=Weak Kick
O=Hard Kick

Press select to reload 1 bullet into each gun. If full of ammo Verm

Move Name How to do Requirements Damage /

Flip And Shotgun Blast T+O (throw) requires 1 shotgun ammo 14.2%
Flip And Misfire T+O (throw) out of shotgun ammo 6.25%
Pistol Shot S requires 1 pistol ammo 3.3%
Pistol Whip S out of pistol ammo 2.2%
Shotgun Blast T requires 1 shotgun ammo 4.5%
Double Overhead Smash T out of shotgun ammo 1 Hit 4.7% 2 Hits 11%
Double Hit Kick X 1 Hit 2.3% 2 Hits 4.5%
Rolling Low Kick C+X 1 Hit 2.3% 2 Hits 5.8% 3Hits 5.8%
Shadow Kick O 4.7%
Rolling High Kick C+O 1 Hit 4.7% 2 Hit 8.3% 3Hits 12.5%
Low Pistol Shot C+S requires 1 pistol ammo 3.4%
Low Pistol Whip C+S out of pistol ammo 2.3%
Low Shotgun Blast C+T requires 1 shotgun ammo 4.1%
Low Fierce Pistol Whip C+T out of shotgun ammo 4.7%
Skyward Pistol Shot F+S requires 1 pistol ammo 3.3%
Skyward Shotgun Blast F+T requires 1 shotgun ammo 4.1%
Weak Arctic Flash HCF+S see move descriptions
Fierce Arctic Flash HCF+T see move descriptions
Jumping Pistol Shot J+S requires 1 pistol ammo 3.3%
Cannon Ball J+S out of pistol ammo 2.3%
Jumping Shotgun Blast J+T requires 1 shotgun ammo 4.1%
Puppet Death J+B+T 10%
Puppet Death J+T out of shotgun ammo 10%
Cannon Ball J+X 2.3%
Swan Dive J+O 4.1%
Diving Pistol Shot F,F, S requires 1 pistol ammo 3.8%
Diving Shotgun Blast F,F, T requires 1 shotgun ammo 4.5%
Jump Kick F,F, X 2.3%
Dive Kick F,F, O 4.7%
Elbow Crush (Parry) B+T 4.7%
(These following moves are performed when facing away from opponent)
Quick Pistol Shot S or T requires 1 pistol ammo 2.5%
Low Shotgun Shot C+S or T uses 1 pistol ammo 3.5%
Turning Kick X or O 4.7%
Sweep C+X or O 4.7%
(These are moves that have special requirements before they can be used) Damage
Puppet Master S+T or X+O must have a flashing overdrive meter 8.3%
God Blast S+X requires Soul Orb 1Hit 10% 2Hits 12.5% 3Hits 15%
Aerial God Blast J+S+X requires Soul Orb 1Hit 12.7% 2Hit 15% 3 Hits 15.8%
Executioner F, B, F+T desperation, life bar must be flashing 28.5%

You are most likely aware that you may set the top buttons to perform
special moves and things. They are the Kanji with 1 thru 4 after them.
These are the moves you may give him and the ones I recommend that you
give him.
Special 1= Fierce Arctic Flash
Special 2= Skyward Shotgun Blast
Special 3= Elbow Crush (parry)
Special 4= Weak Arctic Flash

I recommend that you set your buttons to.
L2= Roll away from screen
L1= Roll toward screen
R2= Fierce Arctic Flash
R1= Block (or weak Arctic Flash)
You can find out what the buttons do by playing a game and while in
the middle of it pause it and go to button config. Try all the symbols
for L and R buttons.

Move Descriptions And Amount Needed To Kill

Flip And Shotgun Blast---Verm flips on his back with opponent
and kicks them across the arena. While the opponent is flying across
the screen Vermilion shoots them with the Shotgun. If you are out of
ammo the gun misfires. 7 throws with Shotgun ammo to kill opponent, 16
with out ammo.
Pistol Shot---Verm shoots his pistol at opponent. 30 shots to
Pistol Whip---Verm smacks opponent with his pistol. 45 smacks to
Shotgun Blast---Verm shoots his Shotgun at opponent. This move
knocks opponent across the screen. 22 shots to kill.
Double Overhead Smash---Verm does an upward strike and then
brings it crashing down upon their head. NOTE: This is NOT a combo. If
only 1 hit connects it takes 21 hits to kill. If your opponent is
stupid and gets hit by both, then it takes 11 to kill.
Double Hit Kick---Verm knees your opponent then follows up with
a shin kick. If 1 hit connects it takes 43 to kill. If 2 hits connect
it takes 22 hits to kill.
Rolling Low Kick---Verm rolls in a ball and comes out in a low
kick. This move hits low and you can pretty much always follow up any
move that knocks the opponent down with this and still score 3 hits.
If 1 hit connects it takes 43 to kill. 2 Hits takes 21 hits. 3 Hits
takes 17 hits to kill.
Shadow Kick---Verm performs an axe kick that leaves a shadow
trail behind it. This move pops your opponent into the air. You can
pop people back into the air while they are on the ground with this
move. You must hit them really quickly after they first hit the
ground. It takes 21 hits to kill your opponent.
Rolling High Kick---Verm rolls in a ball and comes out in a high
kick. This move hits low. You can usually hit a opponent that is on
the ground with this. If 1 hit connects it takes 21 hits to kill
opponent. 2 hits 12 times to kill. 3 hits to kill the opponent in 8
hits! This is a VERY powerful move because if they get hit by the
first they will get hit by all of it unless he misses.
Low Pistol Shot---Verm fires his pistol from a crouching
position. I believe that this move does more damage then his standing
pistol shot. 29 shots to kill.
Low Pistol Whip---Verm hits his opponent with his pistol. This
is a very weak move. 43 hits to kill.
Low Shotgun Blast---Verm fires his Shotgun from a crouching
position. This knocks opponent across the room.
Low Fierce Pistol Whip---Same as the other but does more damage
and has different sound. 21 hits to kill.
Skyward Pistol Shot---This is a good move, it does less damage
then the Skyward Shotgun Blast but it substantially easier to hit
with. This move shoots at a 45 degree angle. 30 shots to kill.
Skyward Shotgun Blast---This is similar to the above move but
fires MUCH slower. You will need to fire around when they first jump
to hit them. This knocks opponent across the room. 24 shots to kill
Weak Arctic Flash---Verm removes a jar from his coat and flings
a wave of blue powder. The reason I did not include the damage is
because It is nearly impossible to take the percentage of damage
because it hits differently every time. However I estimate that it
does slightly more than a Pistol.
Fierce Arctic Flash--- Verm removes a jar from his coat and
flings a wave of blue powder. The reason I did not include the damage
is because It is nearly impossible to take the percentage of damage
because it hits differently every time. However I estimate that it
does slightly more than a Shotgun Blast. This is a great move because
it covers a wide area and stays out awhile. It is also hard to knock
Verm out of it. NOTE: The sparkles falling from the jar can damage the
enemy. Most people I play will run into it thinking that the move had
Jumping Pistol Shot---Verm fires his pistol from the air. The
force of the gunshot will knock Verm back a little. 30 shots to kill
Jumping Shotgun Blast---Verm fires his Shotgun from the air. The
force of the gunshot will knock him back pretty far. 24 shots to kill.
Puppet Death---When Vermilion is jumping through the air and the
move is performed he will begin to drop from the air. He will continue
to travel with his momentum. He is in sort of a crouched state until
you hit your opponent, then one of his tazer wires will get wrapped
around there neck. He will hit the ground and yell She-nay (die) as
they pop into the air and then get shocked. This is perhaps
Vermilion's greatest move. If you time it correctly you can hit them
in the back therefore ignoring there block. This move takes 10 hits to
kill the opponent.
Cannonball---As Verm is jumping he rolls himself into a ball and
strikes the opponent. This move does little damage but travels across
the screen. It takes 43 strikes to kill the opponent.
Swan Dive---While Verm is jumping and the move is performed Verm
will "Swan Dive" into the opponent. NOTE this is a really funny move.
If you miss or hit for that matter you will fall on your face. You can
get up right after words. 24 "Swan Dives" to kill opponent.
Diving Pistol Shot---Verm rolls at the opponent and as he stops
his roll, he fires the pistol. This is a REALLY good move. This move
tracks really well. If you use this as they attack you will roll
around them and fire.
Diving Shotgun Blast---Verm rolls at the opponent and as he
stops his roll, he fires his Shotgun. This is a REALLY good move. This
move tracks really well. If you use this as they attack you will roll
around them and fire. This knocks them across the screen.
Jump Kick---Verm does a pathetic little hop and side kicks them.
This is a really weak move. It comes out fairly quick but it takes 43
kicks to kill a person.
Diving Kick---Verm runs and vaults on his hand to kick with both
legs, after the move he falls on his back. This is a useful move
because it has good range and does good damage. You can almost ALWAYS
hit an opponent laying on the ground. It takes 21 kicks to defeat your
Elbow Crush (parry)---Verm flashes white for a moment and turns
around then spins around striking is opponent with his elbow. This
move does good damage and knocks opponent across the room. 21 crushes
to kill opponent.

(These move descriptions are for his turnaround moves)

Quick Pistol Shot---This is a quick pistol shot. Both weak and
fierce attacks perform the same move. 40 shots to kill the opponent.
Low Shotgun Shot---Verm fires a shot from his Shotgun. The thing
is that it looks and sounds like a pistol shot. It uses 1 pistol ammo
but it does not require one. NOTE: This is a REALLY horrible move. It
never hits I highly recommend that it NOT be used. It takes 28 shots
to kill opponent.
Turning Kick---Verm spins and delivers a weird looking kick to
the opponent. This has good strength and speed. 21 kicks to kill the
Sweep---Verm sweeps opponent. This is a good move it does good
damage and has no drawbacks. 21 sweeps to kill.

(These moves all have requirements that must be made)
Puppet Master---Vermilion swipes his arm downward, if the
opponent is in range then they become entangled in tazer wires. They
will struggle as they are being shocked. Finally Verm shoots the
opponent. This is a great move, it's unblockable, has good range, does
good damage, and its hard to knock him out of it. The one downside is
that it fills up your opponents overdrive meter really quick. It takes
12 Puppet Masters to kill the opponent. This requires your Overdrive
Meter to be full.
God Blast---Vermilion fires a large white stream of energy. This
is a really powerful move, it comes out really quick. You can bounce
the opponent off the wall with this move for a total of 3 hits. This
can be hurtful to the opponent. Requires 1 Soul Orb
Aerial God Blast---While in the air Vermilion stops and fires a
large yellow stream of energy. This is more powerful than the God
Blast but a lot harder to hit with. I usually save my Soul Orbs for
ground combos. Requires 1 Soul Orb.
Executioner---Vermilion Fires both his pistol and Shotgun for
about 10 hits. This is Vermilion's most powerful move. This move
whips out really quick and I believe that you can shot people on the
ground with it. A good method to use is to either shoot them as they
are falling. In the middle of a move or as you are getting up, type in
the combination. It takes around 4 ( more like 3 and a half)
Executions to kill opponent. Like I said a really powerful move.


After using Verm for a while I have discovered he has NO
combos.BUT he has a few juggles. All of the hits in his juggles need
to hit for them to work.

Shadow kick, pistol shot, walk close to grounded body, Shadow
kick, Shotgun Blast.

This next combo works if your opponent is not trying real hard to get

Fierce Arctic Flash (this should knock them down), Fierce Arctic
Flash, Low Pistol Shot, Low Shotgun Blast.

Verm has a lot of juggles. You can figure out most of them. You can
set them up with a Shadow Kick. Also you should ALWAYS try to hit the
opponent while he is down. Like if you shoot them and they fall down
try to pump in another shot. Also if you knock them down you can do
his leaping kick and still hit them. Both Arctic Flashes will hit them
on the ground but his best ground move would be his low kicks.

He has two more combos that you might not discover.
Jump at the opponent and hit with a Puppet Death. Now keep trying to
fire his God Blast. If not near a wall you will get 4 hits. If you are
close to a wall you will get 5. If to close to a wall Verm will not
hit with the God Blast because he will face the wrong way.

Also jump and use the Puppet Death move. If it connects keep
trying to use his Puppet Master move. You should snag them on the
ground and pop them back into the air but then they fall on the
ground before the move is complete. They will get off the ground and
continue to be shocked. NOTE one time a friend of mine did his
overdrive move and knocked me out of the continuation.


Vermilion can usually pump in more shots while your victim lies on the
ground. Use his Puppet Death and Rolling high kick often. If you run
at the opponent and then use the rolling High Kick.

Verm's Puppet Master move is powerful but comes with a price. It fills
up your foe's Overdrive Meter very quickly.

Verm is really powerful once you learn how to use him try different
things find what works for you.

Verm taunts when you full on ammo. Verm is one of the only characters
who can break out of his taunt at any time. By the way it fills the
opponents Over Drive Meter when you reload your gun.


Save/ Load

Save on top
Load on bottom

Press the O button to choose. (Then you have a yes/ option with no on
the bottom.)

0 to 7

Normal - Overhead - Far - Far Overhead

60 - 99 - Unlimited
[ In the 2 player mode only]

1 - 2 - etc.
[In the 2 player mode only]

Frames per Second
30 - 60
[In the 60fps mode the backgrounds will be less detailed]

Vermilion's Translations

When Vermilion wins and says "she-nay" he is saying "die" in

I am not sure what he says at other times. Or what his endings
mean. If anyone could send me what they mean I would greatly
appreciate it and you would receive full credit for translations. Send
Translations to

Wrapping up

I think that this about wraps up this FAQ. If you would like to
request additional information or have comments or criticism then
Email Thanks for reading, I hope this helps.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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