Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

13.10.2013 15:19:38
Tenchu FAQ v 1.0
by Scott Dilley

Version history

v 1.0 first version


OK, this is the first version of my Tenchu FAQ. I've gotten a lot
of questions about this game, so I decided it was time for a FAQ. If
anyone has any comments, suggestions, or additions please E-mail me at
sdilley@uswest.com (all contributors will be given full credit.) This
FAQ, or any of it's parts are not to be used for monetary gain, or
submittal to any form of magazine or publication, without proper credit
given to it's author, and any contributors. You may print or
electronically duplicate this FAQ only in its entirety.


I'm very rusty on my Japanese, therefore I will only be giving a
synopsis of the story, and not a full translation. If any one out there
would like to translate the story, I would be happy to make a space in
this FAQ specifically for that purpose.

Your first mission is to kill a wealthy, and evil shogun. Upon
completion, you return to find your home town crawling with ninja. When
you reach your Dojo, your mentor tells you some one has taken his
daughter and your ninja counter part. You then set off on the trail,
and after rescuing your counter part, you set out to rescue your mentors


This is where I've been getting the most questions, mainly on how
to save the game.

Main Menu

There are three choices here,

Start Game Begin a game
Training Start a Training game
Options Enter the Options Menu

Options Menu

Difficulty Easy or Hard
Sound Stereo or Mono
Music Volume
SFX Volume
Sound Test
Test Music (D-pad left or right to cycle through tracks,
circle to choose)
Test SFX (D-pad left or right to cycle through tracks,
circle to choose)
Memory Card
Autosave On or Off
Load Game
Save Game
Dual Shock On or Off


These are the weapons you can use during the game, you can have
four different kinds of weapons at a time, and no more than fifteen

Normal Weapons

Most of these are available at the beginning, the rest you get when you
complete your first mission. How many items you have on stock depends
on how many points you get when you complete each mission.

Ninja Stars Throw these at enemies using the same targeting system
as the grappling hook.
Caltrops You throw these behind you, when an enemy runs
over them, they take
damage, they will also cause damage to you.
Medical potion Use this to regain lost health.
Bomb Throw the bomb at enemies to cause some damage, if you
throw it while they
are too close, you'll get hit too.
Smoke Bomb Throw the Smoke bomb to cause enemies to choke, then
take care of them
while they can't do anything.
Mine When you use this, you place it in front of you, make
sure that you jump back a
few times after placing it. This causes a lot of
Sake Throw this to attract an enemies attention, then run
up and kill them. This is
also poisoned, so if they drink it they can't fight.
This is the most useful item
in the game, and can last you an entire level with
just a couple if your careful.
Sleeping potion When you use it, you throw a sleeping powder at
your enemy, then attack them
while they snooze.
Five colored rice The most useless item in the game, use it as a
marker of where you've been.

Secret Weapons

To get the Secret weapons, you need to complete each mission with a
score of 400 or more. There are nine secret weapons, one for each
mission and one for the training mission.

Ninja knives You throw four knives ahead of you, best if used
from farther away, since they
start out in a wide spread pattern, then track
Yellow Scroll Teleport a short distance forward, use to get
away from enemies quickly.
Red Scroll Causes a flame to ignite in front of you, doing damage
to any enemies who are
standing there, very hard to aim.
Luck Charm While you are glowing, you cause extra damage.
Purple Scroll Use this to create a clone of yourself and
confuse enemies.
Leaf When you have one of these, if your health goes to
zero or below you'll regain
half of your health instead of dying.
Uniform Put this on and you'll be able to walk past the
guards for a limited time.
Bone Use this to call up the ninja dog, who will attack any
enemies in the area. Has
a limited duration, and if he takes too much damage
he'll disappear.
Clay Flute This flute has unlimited uses. Use it when some an
enemy notices you (yellow
globe) and it will make a noise of an animal
appropriate for the level.


Listed below are the various missions, there objectives, and short
tips on completing it. Remember, there are several ways to get from the
start of the level to the end, and one of the best parts about the game
is the variety of ways you can play it.

Training- This is a pretty simple level, kill all the enemies and run
out the door at the end. To get a perfect score you can't be noticed by
anyone. Remember, you can use throwing stars to kill without being

Mission 1- Get to the main house and kill the evil and lecherous shogun.
Beware, since he'll sick a hired swordsman against you, then shoot at
you from across the room. If you maneuver the swordsman between you and
the shogun, he'll get hit by the bullets.

Mission 2- You must make your way through the town, then over the bridge
and up the path to your dojo, where you talk to your mentor. Some
enemies will jump on the rooftops, so be careful while running around on
the roofs, or you'll be spotted.

Mission 3- This time you start off in a forest, with several cave
entrances in the valley floor. This level is a bit tricky, you need to
find the main cave (it's the biggest one, with jail cells all over the
place.) Once in the main cave, make your way to the slender bridge
across a large pit. There will be a doorway on ether side of the pit,
you want to take the right one. Jump to it from the middle of the
bridge, then follow the tunnel the rest of the way around. The boss is
a great big guy with a club, who has a bear, and sometimes a wolf as
pets. Be very careful of the bear, some of his hits can take off half
of your health bar.

Mission 4- Your objective here is to reach the shrine, then climb to
the top right hand side. Once there you'll drop back down to the ground
and fight another great big guy with a club. After finishing him off,
the guy who taunted you at the end of mission 3 appears, and you have to
fight him. He doesn't use a weapon, but his feet are powerful, so be
careful. Once you knock off about half of his life, he runs and you
follow after.

Mission 5- You must make your way through this pirate infested town to
the largest ship (the one that's pictured in the level select.) Once
there, you will fight with a large pirate, just hack away to defeat him.

Mission 6- Here your at a mountain pass, and must make your way up all
the way up. There are lots of places to fall, so you'll need to use
your grappling hook a lot. When you get the long, skinny precipice,
just go to the very end where you see a flower to finish the level.

Mission 7- Here you must face the martial arts guy in black. Make your
way to the top of his temple, then defeat him. Beware, he has a health
potion, and will use it when his bar is half gone, so keep a close eye,
and hit him when he try's to take a drink. This level is very large, so
to get the most points, you'll need to take the time to explore.

Mission 8- This is the final level, and the longest. You need to make
your way up the steps and through the several gates. This first part is
very open, so you'll need to be careful going up so your not seen.
Climbing up the side and using the trees for cover is your best bet.
Once you get to the main temple, you'll fight the martial artist in
black for the final time, then jump down to the inner temple. Follow
the passages to the end, and you'll finally see a big rock slab, jump
into the hole after it moves. The final boss is very tough, and the
lightning that shoots out of his sword is unblockable, so you'll need to
move around a lot. The easiest way I've found to beat him is using the
bone to summon the dog, this will distract him so you can run in and


The Scoring system for each mission goes something like this.

1. Sneaky kills you have
2. Regular kills you made
3. Times you've been spotted ( your orb turned orange ) max point is
400, each time you are spotted you
lose some, after being seen for 6 times, it's pretty much pointless
to hide yourself, because this rating
will be near zero by then.
4. Innocent's you've killed, this score is deducted from the sum of 1,2,
and 3.

If you score above 400 total, you'll get a secret weapon.


Each character is essentially the same, and uses the same set of
controls. The differences between the two is: Rikimaru has a shorter
attack combo with his sword, but causes more damage with each hit, Ayame
has a longer attack combo with her knives, but they cause less damage
per hit. Other than that, there isn't much of a difference (although I
personally think Ayame looks better.)

Attack Maneuvers

square Attack, press repeatedly for
multiple attacks
up, up, square Lunging attack
up, down, square Attack behind you while turning
left, square Left attack
right, square Right Attack
hold left, square, square Double Left attack (Ayame
hold right, square, square Double Right attack (Ayame
left, square, right, square Double Left attack (Rikimaru
right, square, left, square Double Right attack (Rikimaru
X, square Jump attack

Other Maneuvers

R1 Crouch
R1, double tap right Roll to the right
R1, double tap left Roll to the left
R1, double tap up Roll forward
R1, double tap down Roll backwards
R1 against a wall Sneak along a wall
X Jump
X, left Jump to the left
X, right Jump to the right
X, down Jump backwards
X, up Jump forwards
X, up, up Dive forward
X, down, up Jump forward, twisting in air, to face
opposite direction
triangle Activate item
L1 Look
R2, L2 Cycle through inventory


I'll add more as soon as I have more info. If you would like to
contribute, please E-mail me at sdilley@uswest.com, Thank you.


This FAQ was created by Scott Dilley

thank you to

Michael M. Wang, for sending me the correct scoring system.

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Japanische Version: Alle Level.

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