Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

15.10.2013 18:48:52
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Breath of Fire III Walkthrough/FAQ
Written By: DTurner
Date 04/12/02
Version 1.4

Table of Contents:

I. Revision History

II. Introduction

III: Game Basics

IV: Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Childhood

1a: Getting Started
1b: Chasing a Beast
1c: Heroes from the Cedar Woods
1d: Separation
1e: New Friend
1f: The Tower
1g: The Plant
1h: The Arena
1i: Back to Wyndia
1j: Fixing the lighthouse
1k: End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Adult

2a: Getting Started
2b: The Ogre Road Monster
2c: Investigating the Plant
2d: Runaway Princess and the Guardian
2e: Getting a Boat
2f: Finding a way across the ocean
2g: Black Ship
2h: New World
2i: Square One and Dragnier
2j: Desert of Death
2k: Caer Xhan & Orbital Station
2l: End of Game
2m: Clear Game Save

V. Dragon Gene Splicing Guide

VI. Masters List/FAQ

VII. Faerie Village Guide

VIII. Weapons List

IX. Armor, Shield, and Helmet List

X: Character Bio's plus best Equipment


XII. Thanks

XIII. Copyrights

I: Revision History:

04/12/2002 Ver. 1.4
- Alternate Final Boss strategy submitted to me by Psycho Penguin has been

04/04/2002 Ver. 1.3
- Alternative D. Zombie strategy submitted to me by Jason G. has been added

01/16/2002 Ver. 1.2
-Added tip received from Zero One for the Shroom Boss Fight

10/30/2001 Ver. 1.1
-Got 1 new and very frequently asked question in the FAQ

2/24/2001 Ver. 1.0 Completed Walkthrough
-Ran Grammer check on the new sections
-Got Unusual Dragon Skills on Guide

2/14/2001 Ver. 0.75 Sections 2a-2g completed.
-Ran grammar check on completed sections
-Got Hybrid Dragon skills on Guide

2/7/2001 Ver. 0.5- Finished Chapter 1, ran grammar check on chapter 1.

1/30/2001-Started FAQ

II. Introduction

I bought Breath of Fire III on a whim, and it turned out to be one of my
favorite RPG's I ever played. This game is long and intriguing and stuffed in
one CD. But it manages to have you play it for over 60 hours until you
finally beat it. I admit some parts of this game is very tricky, and
hopefully my 3 year late FAQ will help those who bought the sequel and went
back to get this one!

Huge and Massive spoilers are going throughout the guide. I do NOT warn about
spoilers. So if you are spoiled then that is your own problem. I'm sorry but
if you need to look at a guide you take a high risk of being spoiled. To find
exactly what you are looking for press Ctrl + F and type in the place or name
you are looking for. This way you avoid any chance of being spoiled

III: Game Controls

Directional Button:
Title Screen: Highlight Menu Item
World Map: Move character around World Map
Area Map: Move character in 8 directions
Sub-Screen: Move Cursor to menu item
Fighting screen: Move Cursor to menu item
/_\ (Triangle) Button
Title Screen: Step back from Memory Card entry (Load Game only)
Area Map: Use Weapon (Cancel Selections)
Sub-Screen: Cancels Selections
Fighting Screen: Cancels Selection
X (Cross) Button
Title Screen: Selects New Game/Load Game
World Map: Makes Selection
Area Map: Make Selection, Speak, and Investigate
Sub Screen: Makes Selection
Fighting Screen: Makes Selection
O (Circle) Button
World Map: Run/Walk
Area Map: Run/Walk
|_| (Square) Button
World Map: Opens Sub-Screen
Area Map: Opens Sub Screen
R1 Button:
World Map: Changes Perspective
Area Map: Changes Perspective.
Fighting Screen: Escape/ Run Away
L1 Button:
Area Map: Change Party Leader
Fighting Screen: Charge
R2 Button:
Title Screen Makes Selection New Game/Load Game
World Map: Hold with L2 to bring up Save Quit Menu
Area Map: Hold with L2 to bring up Save Quit Menu
Sub Screen: Makes Selection
Fighting Screen: Makes Selection
L2 Button
Title Screen Makes Selection New Game/Load Game
World Map: Hold with R2 to bring up Save Quit Menu
Area Map: Hold with R2 to bring up Save Quit Menu
Sub Screen: Makes Selection
Fighting Screen: Makes Selection
Start Button
Title Screen: Starts Game
World Map: Opens Camp (When possible)
Area Map: Positions Camera for View Change
Select Button
World Map: Turns Help message on-off
Fighting Screen: Shows all Action Options
IV: Walkthrough


1a: Getting Started

First chose New Game, then Name your character, I named him Dyse, you can
name him whatever you want. But for the Guide's sake we will call him Dyse.
Set all the other variables to your liking and then go to quit. When the game
starts Mogu and Gary will be looking at a frozen dragon inside of a huge
chrysm. They will have explosive tied to it they would ignite these. They
will think the dragon is dead but it turns out he is not! Now, you will be in
a battle use Whelp Breath on both of them. Then check the one on the right
for a Melted Blade. Now go down then make a right then go up. When you reach
the fork make a right, another miners will be there.

He will ask if that you are really a dragon it doesn't matter what you
answer he will run away. Now go down and you will meet two more miners who
are not afraid of you. Use Whelp Breath on them as well. Now go down the
flight of stairs on your left, two miners will be down there, kill them with
your whelp breath. There is nothing down there, so go back up the stairs. Go
right then down then make a left into the next area. This miner will call for
help, walk strait and he will run behind a control panel. A big miner will
try and stop you and you will fight them. Go and use whelp breath and
something will tell you not.

Then you will not be in a fight; the man behind the controls will hit you
with a crane and knock you out. They will take the dragon away in a cage;
they will put the dragon on a train and take him somewhere. You will be
knocked out while this is going on. When you can control it somewhat shake
the D-Pad to get out of the cage. Now you will see a scene where a boar is
walking and a tiger boy is crouched behind some bushes. The Boar will hear
noise get scared and run off. Something alerted the boar and the boy goes to
see what happened. The tiger boy will go and see two currs about to kill a
small naked blue haired boy. That's Ryu, the main character in the game.

After he kills the boars the tiger boy walks off, but his conscience is
eating at him. He can't do it, Ryu will call for Mommy, and the tiger boy
will reluctantly take Ryu with him. You will then find out in the next scene
that the tiger boy is named Rei. You will see Rei with Ryu on his back,
taking him to a small hut in a tree, a boy who is around Ryu's size is
demanding food. Then Rei shows up, the purple haired buy thought Ryu was
food. You then find out that the purple haired boy is named Teepo. Rei tells
Teepo to get him situated in Teepo's bed. Then you will see Ryu sleep and
Teepo and Rei are discussing Ryu around the bed while he is sleep.

Rei assumes that Ryu is an orphan. Teepo was an orphan, and Rei found Teepo
too. Then after some more discussion they decide to leave Ryu alone for now.
Ryu then has a dream, a man and a winged woman is in his dream. The dream
won't make any sense now. Now you will be in control of Ryu, go check the red
book on the right side of the room, you can save your journey up to this
point so do so. Then go down the stairs, check both of the dressers for a
vitamin and a worm. Now go outside, go right and around the back of the
house. Now walk along the man made path, when you come to a fork, go up then
let then into the next area.

Go left and then down pass the cage that Ryu as the dragon was in. Keep going
down and get the bag containing a green apple. Now keep going down then make
a right then exit into the next area. On the next screen keep right then go
down. You will be on the world map, there is not much to do but go to the
town of McNeil just go strait down. When you get there you will see Rei being
kicked out of a house, then Teepo being kicked out. They will then see Ryu in
his robe, they now realize he will be one of the gang and want to see if they
can use them to help them steal. Rei and Teepo will run off go down, and you
will see them outside of the weapons shop.

Speak to Teepo, he will call you Ryu! He says your name must have appeared to
him in a dream since Ryu didn't tell it to him. Right after this Rei will
come running out of the weapons shop. You will see Rei and Teepo alone, and
then Ryu will walk up, he will be in normal clothing. Now, they will decide
to do today's work, by hitting Yraall Road and mugging someone. Ryu starts at
level 1, Teepo Level 1, Rei level 5. They tell Ryu about how they mug people
for money and stuff they carry. Now you will have control over everyone! Go
strait down pass the fields, you will end up on the world map. Go down and
enter the place called the Yraall Road.

This will also be the first place in the game you will encounter enemies. If
you encounter any boss goblins try and learn motivate, and unmotivate from
them. If you see any red goos try and learn Burn. When you are ready to
continue go down, Teepo will talk about how him and Rei want to leave the
Cedar Woods for a big city like Wyndia, but Rei says they should worry about
food. Rei says the tree looks good, and a finger will point you to where Rei
is talking about. Now go to where the finger pointed. Rei will also tell you
how they mug people by swiping them with a sword. You can to by pressing
Triangle although they don't tell you that but if you need some change just
use your sword and press triangle.

Suddenly a Big Guy will appear on the road, Teepo will tell you to try and
mug him. Teepo will push Ryu into the big guy. Doesn't that just beat all,
the big guy won't be mugged, and his name is Bunyan. He says if you see Rei
and Teepo that they'll be sorry next time they see Bunyan. The mugging
attempt didn't go as planned, and Rei figures since Bunyan is out here there
is no one to guard his house or his food. When you regain control over the
characters go to the tree on the right behind it is a bag with a treasure
inside. Now go left then go up and you'll be back on the world map. Now go
strait up and into the Cedar Woods. Once inside go up then make a right. Then
go up an incline then go right then down.

Go strait down and then left when you see the house put Rei in lead. He will
pick the lock. When inside Rei suggests splitting up to find some food. Rei's
tail will knock over the plate, and Ryu will grab it before it breaks. Now
you will have control over Ryu, go to the upper right part of the room and
down a ladder. Check the cupboard there for a Beef Jerky. Rei and Teepo will
come down the stairs and see that Ryu has found food. Now they will get out
of there, before you will regain control you will hear the door. Doesn't that
just beat all Bunyan's home! Rei decides to take a peek at what Bunyan is
doing. Eventually you will hear some rumbling, then you will hear a squeal
from Rei.

Teepo says he will go check on Rei, Teepo will then ascend the ladder and
some rumbling will then occur. Now you will have control over Ryu. Go up the
ladder, Bunyan's not there, so go outside. You will see Bunyan, and he will
punch Ryu in the face. When you wake up, you will be tied up and Bunyan will
lecture you about how stealing is wrong. Teepo will be very defiant and say
that what they were doing is working. Bunyan will then free Rei, and send him
off to Mt. Glaus. Rei thinks that he is leaving Ryu and Teepo there as
hostages, but he has something else planned for them to. When Rei walks off
he says they will work. This will open up one of few mini games!
Mini Game I
Chopping Wood

The idea here is for Teepo to place the log while Ryu uses his sword to cut
it. Swipe too fast and you will cut Teepo. Swipe too slow and you will miss
the wood. You have to hut the wood just as it's about to fall over. You have
30 seconds to chop the wood, my personal best is 25 logs.

Teepo doesn't care about anything Bunyan has to say and he suggests going
after Rei to try and help him. Now go right then go up and then go right
again and you will be back on the world map. Press start to set up camp rest
and save your progress. When you are out of camp go right and then go up to a
? spot. When you enter go right across the bridge, then go down. Then go
left, when you see the big rock, put Teepo in the lead and have him kick the
smaller rock underneath it. The big rock will fall in the stream, blocking
the water off. Walk into the stream, go down then go right then get the chest
containing a Weather Vane.

Now go back to the bridge keep right then go up until you hit a wall. Then go
right again, then go up. You will be back on the world map, go left then go
up. And you will be in Mt. Glaus. When you enter go up across the bridge and
keep going up until you hit a steep hill. Go left and up the not so steep
hill next to it. You may have noticed two treasures on the rocks in the steep
hill. By sliding down the hill at the right point you can get the Heavy Caro
and the Cloth Shield. When you get them go up the dirt path next to the steep
hill and make a right. Teepo will tell Dusk is coming, he will see a house
and there may have been a chance that Rei is spending the night there.
1b: Chasing a Beast

Levels: Ryu 5; Teepo 5; Rei 5

Now when you go inside the house Rei will be there. Rei tells Teepo that
Bunyan ahs sent him in the mountains to kill the beast alone. Teepo doesn't
understand why he would send Rei by himself into the mountains but, Bunyan
thinks that Rei could of did it by himself. Now Rei decides that they all
should just rest right now. You will hear the rest music, and you will be
awoken by the screech of the monster and Teepo. The monster is outside, when
you gain control go outside, the monster will come down and block the party.
You will have to fight him!
Boss Fight I
Formation Attack: Rei Lead
Difficulty: Easy
Exp: 0 Zenny 0 Item: 0
HP: 140

Special Attacks:
Nue Stomp: Attack on one member

Your main form of offense is Rei attacking Teepo using Flare and Ryu healing,
and when healing isn't needed Ryu should also attack. The Nue just does the
Nue Stomp, which isn't that damaging. Keep on the offensive and the Nue will
run off after it's hurt badly.

After the battle go back in the house and rest. Go back outside and check the
statue next to the house, it's a dragon statue people pray to for a safe
journey. In other words it's a save point. Save at it, then go up past the
tree stumps and go right into the cave. Teepo will notice the trail of Nue
blood so they should follow it. Go right along the trail of blood, then go up
at then go right. The blood trail will end, search the remains in the corner
for 200 Zenny. Now leave back out and Teepo thinks he may have jumped into
the water. Go left then go strait down at the fork, check the remains there
for a Talisman, don't equip this.

No go back up and make a right, then go up. You will be in another room with
water in it. Teepo figured out that the Nue must have jumped in the water and
they could jump in the water as well. They will make Ryu go first and then
Rei and Teepo will follow. You will be taken into a hole behind the
waterfall. They will dry off, if you are not certain about your levels of
your health, go back out and you will be taken back to civilization. When you
are ready come back here. Go strait and into the hole in the wall, Rei will
see the Nue's eyes and Teepo will mention he's probably tired.
Boss Fight II
Nue 2
Form Normal
Difficulty: Easy
Exp: 36 Zenny: 50 Item None
HP: 275

Special Attacks:
Nue Stomp: Attack on one member
Jolt: Minor lightening attack on All, (It can only use it once)

Use the same strategy here, although it's harder here. Since the Nue will
Reprisal every attack you put on him. Rei should attack it, Teepo should use
Flare, and Ryu should heal and when heal isn't needed he should also attack.
The Nue will use Jolt once, and when it does it's at half HP. You should have
everyone cure them self in that round since that will take a lot out of the
party. After that Jolt the rest of the battle will go smooth, and in two
rounds the Nue will be out.

The Nue will fall back against the cave and die. It was trying to protect its
cave. Check the Nue and you will be able to go into the cave behind him. You
will see 3 dead Nue cubs! Doesn't that just beat all, the Nue was a mother!
She didn't realize that her cubs were dead and was still bringing food back
for them. Rei will realize that this wasn't such a great thing. You will
regain control over the party and when you do go back out of this cave, and
then keep walking left and then jump into the current. You will be whisked
out of the mountain and back outside. After everyone dries off. Bunyan will
congratulate you on a job well done.

Rei assumes that Bunyan knew that the Nue had cubs, and that's why he wanted
him to kill the Nue.
1c: Heroes from the Cedar Woods
Levels: Ryu 7; Teepo 7; Rei 7

It's spring time the tree's are green the birds are chirping and there is a
chest somewhere in the woods! You will see Teepo coming back home Teepo comes
bearing food. Now Teepo wants to go down to the village and brag about
killing the Nue. Rei will think they shouldn't brag about it, but he is
curious about what the villagers are saying about the heroic effort. When you
gain control go to the room on the left and go down the ladder. There is a
healing herb in the cabinet, then go back up to Ryu and Teepo's bedroom and
use the diary to save. Now leave the Cedar Woods and go to the forest. Teepo
has already begun bragging. The townspeople will eventually come up to you,
and surround the party.

They will be impressed at the fact that you 3 brave kids have risked your
lives to make there's easier. They will tell you how your heroes and you
won't have to steal any more. Everyone will eventually lose interest and
leave. Then Teepo will toot his own horn even more by adding on to the fact
that you're heroes. You will notice a green cloak man still standing around.
Speak to him, his name is Loki he wants you to help him with something. He
will give you details in his shack near the farm. For now go to the weapon
shop, you should have enough money to buy three Bronze Swords. Equip one to
each of you. Then go to the item shop next door and buy a fishing rod and as
many healing herbs as you have money left.

Make sure to leave at least 1 Zenny left. Then go back up and out on to the
world map. When you are there go strait down and make a left, you can fish.
There are some decent low level fish that can be caught in this fishing hole.
Read the games tutorial for now until I write one of my own maybe. Then go
back to where the farm is, don't enter and make a left. Then go to where you
see that stump enter there. A man with a big book is there. His name is Mygas
and he is the game's first master. Apprentice Ryu under him only, and no one
else. He will only become your master if you give him all your Zenny. See you
spent just about all your Zenny so a few loose Zennies will be easy to part

When you are done go to farm. Go to the small hut you may have checked it out
in one of your earlier travels. Loki will be there, in so many words he will
tell you he wants you to break into McNeil's place and steal back all the tax
money. Teepo sort of goes off of what Loki is saying, and think that the
people will really love them, if they break into McNeil's and take back the
money. They will be the king's of the people! Sounds like a plan Loki
suggests waiting for nightfall to go through with this. Nightfall will come
and Loki will tell you when. When it's night you will be outside another hut,
and Rei suggests splitting up to look for a way into the compound.

Go back in the house and check the dresser for a vitamin. Now go back outside
of the house go strait up and then make a left. Look for the discolored "fix"
part of the wall. You may have seen workers here earlier claiming how no one
will be bale to get in through here. Anyway Rei and Teepo will show up, and
Rei will lean on the wall the wall will fall down and so will Rei. Doesn't
that just beat all? That was a pretty crappy job on fixing the wall! But the
main point is now you are in! Once you go left the guard there will stop you.
He will recognize Rei, and then realize that since you killed the Nue he
won't be able to beat you.

So he will let you past if you have 50 Zenny. If you don't then go down then
make a left in the hedges. Examine the dead end a man will be hiding, if you
don't squeal on him he'll give you 50 Zenny! Now take this back to the guard
and he will let you through. Now go up, then up some stairs. Examine the
corner of the wall on the left and you will find a wallet. Now make a right
and speak to the guard there, he will let you pass since that is his wallet
you found. Now go right and you will see a guard with a lantern. Do not touch
the light or talk to this guard. Guards with lanterns care about their work,
and they will throw you out if they catch you.

When the light is away go down, keep going strait down. Climb the tower that
has a bell on it. Have Teepo kick the bell, and one of the guards will think
it's time for him to take a break. Now climb down, and then go up then make a
right. Then go op the small flight of stairs on your right. Speak to the
guard having a cigarette. He won't let you past, but if you get rid of the
guard dog it will be the dog's fault and not yours. Doesn't that just beat
all? They're a bunch of lazy goof offs. Now go down the small stairs and keep
down. The dog will see the party. Teepo will feel funny about killing such an
innocent dog. But Rei will tell him they have to.
Boss Fight III
Form Normal
Difficulty: Easy
Exp: 28 Zenny: 10 Item: Steal Vitamin
HP: 250

Special Attacks:
Snap: Attacks, lower defense.

This battle isn't difficult at all. Pooch will only attack, and use Snap.
Whoever he uses Snap on, you should always have Ryu cure them because two
more attacks afterwards will kill this party member. Everyone should attack
on offense, no reason for Teepo to waste any AP. Rei should try and steal
that vitamin but it really isn't necessary. Ryu should heal when healing is
needed, with either magic or items.

Now go back up and the guard will let you past. Go right and down the stairs,
keep right and speak to the man in front of the small house. The man will
wonder about a girl named Mina. Now go left, to the stairs then go down. You
will see 3 people a man on this side of the hedges and a man and a woman on
the other side. Speak to the man on this side and then go right and down and
around the hedges. That's Mina with some stuttering wimp man. Now go back up
to the guard, and talk to him, Rei will tell him that Mina is with another
man which will cause him to run off! Now go and see what he was guarding! A
chicken coop! Teepo will be going around stealing eggs.

Teepo figures, that the eggs are good enough and they should leave. Suddenly
a big Rooster comes downs that is not to pleased!
Boss Fight IV
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 29; Zenny 0; Item: None
HP: 270

Special Attacks:
*Jump*: Does random damage
Ovum: Turns one party member into an egg.

Well Rocky will use jump 90% of the time so, try to have Ryu learn it. When
he does have Ryu use Jump on him, have Teepo attack and Rei attack. He will
also use Ovum, which has a 1% chance to actually turn you into an egg. So
this attack is basically a free hit so wail on him until he is defeated!

After the fight all the chickens will run out. Rei and the gang will leave
the coop and hear all the guards going to chase the chickens. Go back to the
left side of the compound and then go up the stairs. Then go up and make a
right. Rei will hear something, he will see 4 guards guarding the door to the
manor. Rei will decide to be a decoy, he then says he will meet you on the
roof and then he will run past them. When he does the guards go and chase
him. Ryu and Teepo will sneak into the door. Rei will then jump on the roof.
Now Ryu and Teepo will be inside. Now go to the room on your right, Teepo
will feel that someone is watching them even though there is no ghosts.

When the scene is over go down then go right. Speak to the butler he will
allow you to sleep in the bed. Take a rest then save the game. After that go
left and up and out of the room. Then try and go up the stairs, An invisible
power will pull Ryu and Teepo back. A voice will say no trespassing it's
Torast the ghosts of the 5th McNeil! You will have to fight him!
Boss Fight V
Torast McNeil
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 16; Zenny 8; Item: None
HP: 120

Special Attack:
Sleep: Puts one party member to sleep

This battle is pretty easy just attack him on the offense. All he does is use
sleep and attack. When he attacks the sleeping member it wakes him up. Your
level should be high enough where curing after this won't even be an option.
Since his sleep won't put both of you asleep this battle basically will fly

After the battle Torast will become a small flame and run up the stairs. Now
go up the stairs make a left, and then go left again. Loot the room that is
open for gems. Go up and take the vitamin from the cabinet. Go strait up and
you will see McNeil! Yeah, he is McNeil but not the current McNeil. It's
Kassen the 3rd McNeil!
Boss Fight VI
Kassen McNeil
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Very Easy
EXP: 19 Zenny 20: Item: None
HP: 55

Special Attacks:
Leech Power: Takes small percentage of one member HP and turns it into HP for

It just attacks and uses Leech Power. Which takes away about 4 HP if your
level for both is like 7. Just have Teepo attack and Ryu use jump. There is a
small chance that he will actually do anything meaningful in this battle, so
again curing won't even be an option. You can probably beat him in 3 rounds
if you are quick enough.

After the battle Kassen will turn into a flame and run away. Go right when
you come to a room go in it. Then try and go down the stairs. A voice will
stop you, it's the voice of Goltel the 12th McNeil!
Boss Fight VII
Goltel McNeil
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 18 Zenny 4: Item: None
HP: 150

Special Attacks:
Weaken: Lowers Defense of one member
Blunt: Lowers Power of one member

Goltel doesn't even attack all he uses is Weaken and Blunt. So really it's
pretty pointless to use those. Now, Teepo should use Simoon, and Ryu should
use Jump to put him away very quickly. If you get two good jumps and Simoon
back to back this should be able to kill him.

Goltel will become a flame and go down the stairs. Go left then check the
cupboard next to the bed for a Multivitamin. Go down the stairs. Go left and
you will end up in a hallway. Go to the room on the left. Once inside make a
left check one of the dressers for a vitamin. Keep left until you see a
flight of stairs. Go down and another McNeil will appear. Teepo will cut him
off before he can even say his name. He is Doksen the 8th McNeil!
Boss Fight VIII
Doksen McNeil
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 23 Zenny 29: Item: None
HP: 140

Special Attacks:

This McNeil doesn't do anything fancy. Just use jump and Simoon (If Teepo
still has the AP for it). If Teepo is out of AP then just use a normal
attack. Occasionally Doksen when use a Reprisal attack on you. He will not be
able to kill you unless you come in to this battle with extremely low HP.

After the battle Teepo feels bad about cutting him off. Then the screen will
shift to the hallway where the portraits of 5 McNeil's hang. They all
complain about how you defeated them. The one on the right side of the room
says it's up to the living McNeil to stop you. When you gain control of the
party. Continue going down then go right. Press the button near the elevator
and it will go up. Then go up the flight of stairs in the room the elevator
takes you to. Teepo will notice a bed in the room. Check it and get some
rest. No ghosts came out while you were sleeping. Now check the diary on the
right side of the room.

Save your game and go up the ladder. You will be on the roof. Rei is no where
in sight. Teepo will notice smoke coming out of the chimney of the adjacent
part of the manor. That's got to be where the living McNeil is, but how do
you get over there since all the doors are nail shut. Now go right then go up
some stairs, walk across the roof edge then down some stairs. Do this about
twice and you will be at the end of the room, go down the sludge and an item
will stop you. What's a Grappling Hook doing on the roof. The screen will
shift and you will be back in the middle of the roof. Teepo will realize you
won't be able to make it to the other side on your own.

Rei will show up, Rei knows a way over but he needs to find something. Ryu
will hand Rei the grappling hook. Rei will twirl the grappling hook slip on
the sludge and use his cat like reflexes to jump to the other side. It was
pretty cool and he makes it seem like he did it on purpose. He will then
twirl the grappling hook from the other side. Ryu and Teepo will walk across.
After a funny scene where Teepo makes Rei feels guilty you will have control
over he party. Go up and some stairs. Then go down a flight of stairs. Go
left and through the opening. You will see the living McNeil chasing a
"vixen" around the room.

Rei say's "Doesn't that just beat all" and McNeil will hear him. Teepo will
make the demand that McNeil gives back all the taxes he got from the people.
Suddenly the 5 ghosts of the past McNeil's will show up. They will realize
the living McNeil is a wimp and form into one tough McNeil!
Boss Fight IX
Almagon McNeil
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Medium
EXP: 70 Zenny 200: Item: Steal Magic Shard
HP: 520

Special Attacks:
Sleep: Can put entire party to sleep
Flare: Minor Fire damage to one member
Astral Damage: Major damage to one member

This battle will be the hardest fought so far. His sleep can put the entire
party to sleep, giving him a free attack, and the party with no chance to
mount any offense of defense. You don't have to worry too much when he casts
flare. Curing will be a must against this McNeil and you should put Ryu in
charge of that. When he is near death he will use Astral Warp, this can kill
a person who is not at full strength. Rei should just attack but try and
steal that Magic Shard. Teepo should use Simoon and Ryu should jump. Try to
stay on the offensive, after like 3 sleeps, not everyone will be effected
giving the "awake" member a chance to recover with items.
1d: Separation
Levels: Ryu 8; Teepo 8; Rei 8

After killing McNeil's ancestors the living McNeil is really a wimp. Rei and
Teepo will badger him about the money. The living McNeil will tell them where
the money is. Even the Vixen will walk out on McNeil calling him a wimp! Ryu
will go back where Teepo and Rei are. McNeil mentions he will have the last
laugh. Now the screen will shift and you will earl dawn at the McNeil
village, there is a sack of money on everyone's porch. Then you will see the
3 boys around the table. Teepo will again be puffing himself up with pride
about how they are heroes. Even Rei is a little anxious to see the reaction
of the people. Before you take off Rei and Teepo's armor, and exchange their
better weapons for crapper weapons.

Leave the Cedar Woods and head for McNeil. Speak to the people, everyone
however will not like their latest prank. They all gave the money back to
McNeil fearing his power. Seems like it's time to find Loki. He will be in
the farm area, but he doesn't want to speak about the events of last night so
loud. He says he will meet you at his hut. Now, go there and a cow will walk
in. Then Bunyan will walk in, Bunyan will talk to the cow and say that McNeil
is under a gang of crooks who don't appreciate getting stolen from. The
"Heroes" better get home before anything bad happens. Now go back to the
Cedar Woods and make your way towards home!

Yikes! When you get on the screen you will hear fire. Then you will see your
tree house on fire. Rei will be checking it out, when he hears Teepo's
scream. The screen will shift, you will see two horsemen. (The one with the
green tail is Sunder, the one with the light blue is Balio) They will mock
the thieves from Cedar Woods. But these two should be nothing to stop the
guys who killed the Nue!
Boss Fight X
Balio and Sunder
Form: Normal
Difficulty: N/A
EXP: ??? Zenny ?????: Item: ?
HP: Balio ? Sunder ?

Special Attacks:
Lightening: Medium Damage to all

Well... there is no beating these guys. They're pretty much invincible, so
you might as well die. Just attack them, and a lightening spell should kill
everyone except Rei. Then one hit should kill Rei afterwards

After the fight you will awaken in Bunyan's house. Go outside and speak to
Bunyan. Ryu will start crying when Bunyan tells him that Rei and Teepo are
not found. Ryu will tell Bunyan he is going to find Rei and Teepo, even
though Bunyan thinks they died Ryu still wants to go to Wyndia to look.
Bunyan says go east along Yraall Road to find them. Go back to McNeil before
setting out, now the people will feel sorry that they burned down your home,
and killed you. The shops will allow you to buy stuff again. Sell the two
Bronze Swords you bought for Rei and Teepo, and get some more healing herbs
before setting out. Then go on the world map.

When you are back on the world map, go and see Mygas. He will teach you the
Frost spell. Now go on the Yraall road and head for Mt. Mynreg. In Mt. Mynreg
you will encounter Nutmages, and Nutroops. Learn Double Blow from the troops,
and kill then using burn or a moltov. You will encounter Tarmen, kill them
using Frost. Once inside go right then down, and get the treasure next to the
Tarman. It's an icicle, now go down some more then right. Then go up the
ladder when you come to it, once up go right and up another ladder. Now make
a left around the mountain and up another ladder. Now go right, you will see
Sunder pissing down the mountain.

Try and walk by him and he will notice you are not Balio. First Sunder will
think that Ryu is a ghost. Then Balio will show up. Then they will think he
is a Zombie. Then Sunder will stab Ryu in the back making him a dead zombie.
Then Ryu will begin to flash and the sword will come out of Ryu! Then he will
become a dragon. Ryu is unconscious though, then you will be inside Wyndia.
You will see Balio and Sunder in front of the king. They tell the king they
have a real live dragon in the cage! Balio will pull back the cloth and Ryu
turned back into a kid! This is hilarious, then they will have to make him
mad, so they start kicking the cage. They Ryu will start crying.

The King has had enough of this mockery, and next thing you know your in
jail. Balio and Sunder will be blaming Ryu for not becoming a dragon. Then
the door will open and the princess will be there. She will want to let Ryu
go, but Balio and Sunder will think they mean them too. She will not want to
let them go, but they will promise they will not pick with Ryu any more. She
lets them go first, Sunder will backhand Nina. They decide a princess is
worth more than a dragon boy. Now you will have control over Ryu, check the
door. Choose to break the door. It won't budge chose to break it again and
the whole door will fall off. Go into Balio and Sunder's cell.

Once inside get the treasure it's a skill ink. Then go and save at the diary.
Now go right then down. Then go down a flight of stairs Sunder will be
messing with Nina Balio will kick Nina over.
Boss Fight XI
Balio and Sunder 2
Form: Normal
Difficulty: N/A or Very Hard
EXP: ??? Zenny ?????: Item: (If you beat them) Asbestos Armor
HP: Balio ? Sunder ?

Special Attacks:
Lightening: Medium Damage to all

Well I couldn't beat them, and since I saved I couldn't gain 8 more levels to
even have a chance. You will have to have Ryu on level 17 to survive the
powerful attacks that these two dish out. You will probably have to be the
Flame Whelp as well. Well I didn't beat them so I don't know, either way the
game will continue on the same way since they won't die.
1e: New Friend
Levels: Ryu 9; Nina 5

Ryu will wake up with Nina, Nina will thank you for allowing her to get away.
Nina then joins the party at level 5. Now go down then go down a flight of
stairs. Now you will be in the Wyndia family crypt. Go left then go down, and
around and up an incline. Check the big statue near the fire. Press "Red",
"climbing","I",,"is","lost","beneath","this". Now you will drop down, go left
then you will dorp down again. Now Ryu will tell Nina that he is looking for
his friends Rei and Teepo. She has never heard of them, but one of her jobs
as a princess is to help those who need it. Go left and into the next room,
keep left in the next area then go down. Then go left and you will be

Now explore the town, they have two weapon shops, two item shops and inn and
a rip off shop. Don't buy any shots from the rip-off medical place. Buy a new
sword for Ryu. Then go right and speak to the kids in the square. Nina will
tell them they are looking for a friend but the kids will think you mean Hide
and Seek. Well it's time to go and look for the brats.
Kid one- Upper right corner from the playing area
Kid two- behind weapons shop
kid three- behind item shop
kid four- behind tree in the cafe area.

When you find all four kids you will be back in the playing area. The main
kid will tell you a kid around Ryu's size was caught stealing from the guy
who lives next to the other item shop. The kid got away and went down the
road. Leave Wyndia, set up camp and rest and save. Then go to the road. Enter
the road, Nina will say they should check the house there. Go inside and you
will hear Nina scream. Ignore her for now and check the dresser for clothing.
Then go outside doesn't that just beat all? Balio and Sunder bagged Nina!
Balio will then punch you in the face. When you wake up you will be in the
pub inside of a town called Genmel.

You will see Balio and Sunder in the main room of the pub with two rather
large men. The other horse guy is Fahl, and the big guy with the wings in the
corner is named Garr. Balio and Sunder will tell Fahl to keep an eye on the
kids but he is pretty drunk. Then Ryu and Nina will try and figure a way out.
Ryu will chew through the ropes, Nina will be quite impressed by Ryu. Ryu and
Nina will try and sneak out, and Fahl will spot you but Garr seems lost in
thought. Fahl is so drunk he doesn't even realize what you are doing. So you
will automatically walk out. When you gain control go to the shop with the
picture of the Manillo on the front. Buy Nina a Mace and leave. Go back on
the world map set up camp and save, then go right and into Mt. Boumore.

Don't even try going over Maekyss Gorge, some idiot's cart tipped over and no
one will pass until some one helps him pick it up. So just go to Mt. Boumore.
Once inside go right and follow along the path. When you reach the fork go
down the ramp and get the treasure it contains a panacea. Go back to the
fork, take the upper right path. Follow along the path and at the next fork
go up the incline and up a ladder. Now go right and speak to the man there.
The man will take you in the house there. Nina will tell the man named Mason
she they are running from two fellows named Balio and Sunder. The men will
allow you to sleep there.

Check the cabinet on the left for a bent sword. Then go through the door and
when you will sleep. When Nina wakes you up check the door, it's locked! Nina
will bang on the door, and Mason will not say anything. Then Sunder will walk
in, Mason will point to the door where Ryu and Nina are at. Nina will hear
Sunder's voice, now go through the door on the right. Put Nina in the lead,
and have her check the control panel. She will tell Ryu to get into the lift.
Then Sunder will walk into the room where Ryu and Nina were at. Sunder will
walk in and try and get Ryu. Ryu will slash him in the face. Then Nina will
get the lift to work using her magic.

Now Nina will try and jump on and miss a few times, finally she will get the
side of it. Then Ryu will pull Nina up. Ryu and Nina will talk about what
just happened and then they will make it to the other side. Go down then down
a flight of stairs. Go right then follow along the path. When you come to a
fork take the lower right path. Now follow the path and you will find a
treasure it contains a life shard give it to Nina. Go back to the fork and
take the upper right path. Now follow along this path until you reach another
fork. Take the upper path here, follow the path and it seems like you reach a
block. Now Sunder will show up.

Sunder will tell you there is no way down from the mountain, Nina will
suggest to Ryu to jump for it. Eventually they do and Ryu turns into a
dragon during the fall and breaks Nina's fall. This is the first time Nina
will see Ryu as a dragon. But the key point is she isn't frightened by it.
Now go down and out of the mountain. Set up camp rest and save. Now go back
on the world map and when you do go along the bottom part of the mountain
until you reach a ? spot. Check this spot and walk left and you will find a
dragon chrysm it contains the reverse gene. (This automatically gives you the
Defender Gene as well). Now leave back out of the ? spot.
1f: The Tower
Levels: Ryu 10; Nina 7

When you are on the world map go right and enter the place called Tower. Nina
thinks that they might be able to stay here or at least find a person who can
take them back to Wyndia. Speak to the Manillo and buy some Healing Herbs
from him. Then go inside the tower using either entrance. Go right and have
Nina use her wand to hit the big crystal you will have 30 seconds to activate
the smaller crystals. Now go left and up the stairs, now right and out then.
Make left go down th left stairs, go right and down another stairs. Then go
up and hit all 4 crystals. If you gave over 5 seconds left the treasure will
be a Wisdom Fruit.

Under 5 you will get a multi vitamin. That is if you hit all 4 crystals with
the wand in time. If you do go in inside and go down the middle path and get
the treasure. Now go back inside and up the few steps. Make a left and up the
stair case. Go right read the sign, it warns you about the monsters inside. I
suggest that for right now you will have to run from most battles inside the
tower for right now. Keep right and go through the door. In the next room
make left and go up the stairs. Then go through the door on the right, there
is a bed here. There is also do a diary so save here and go out and level up.
I managed to get Nina up to level 9 before going on. Ryu's went to level 11.

When you are through leveling up go left then up a flight of stairs. Now go
down and make a right. You will hear lass shatter, a small robot will come
out of the door. Then you will see a huge flash of light then an explosion.
Go in the room, and you will see an older girl around Rei's age in the room.
The robot will alert the girl. Her name is Momo, she will yell to you. Nina
will then yell to Momo but she still can't hear her. Then the screen will
fade, Momo will explain her ears were ringing from that explosion but she can
hear now. But the main point is Momo knows a way to get back to Wyndia! Then
Momo will realize who Nina is.

But, Nina will tell her to think of her as a friend and not a princess. Momo
will allow you to rest there. When you wake up Momo will walk in. Momo will
mention she saw a couple of scruffy looking guys outside when she was buying
from the Manillo. Thankfully, it's not Balio and Sunder it's just a couple of
goons who _work_ for Balio and Sunder. Momo will assure you that they won't
be able to get up there because of all the traps and the monsters that are
attracted to Chrysm. Momo will tell you that you can get out by going up.
Then Momo will join you! Momo starts at level 10. You can read about Honey
(the robot) by checking the shelves in here and then leave the room.

Go right and go into the next room you can read more about Honey. You can
also try a very difficult puzzle. First read the sign then you will be able
to play!
Mini Game II
Floor Switches

This game is pretty difficult but when you figure out the puzzle you will be
much happier. The idea is to turn all the brown squares gray. Bleh, that's
easy! Think again, this puzzle will have you here for at least 10 minutes.
It's hard to actually give you a way to beat it. Since sometimes you will
mess up. But this is a hint on beating it, you will have to try and get one o
the edge pieces brown, and then circling it until you can walk off with
everything gray.

If you figured it out and made everything gray congrats! The door on the
right will open go inside and you will find a flame and an ice chrysm. Also
you will get Skill Ink. Now leave both rooms and head back to the hallway.
When you are back out make a right and go up the stairs. In the next room
make a right and then go up some stairs. Now make a left and follow along the
path and you will reach another puzzle. This one is much easier you have to
find the two matching cubes. The 2nd and 4th one from left to right match so
hit both of those switches. Then go up then left. Now go through the door,
then go down then right and up there stairs.

Then go down and through the door. Once you are inside the room pull the red
lever. Now go up across the lift then keep up make a right and through the
door. In the next room get a treasure it's a Moon Tears. Now go back to the
room with the levers. Pull the blue lever, go down and go through the door on
the left. Now go in the second left room, get the treasure its 800 Zenny. Now
go back to the lever room and pull the red one down, and go right and up the
stairs. When you are up the stairs go down make a left and up the stairs. Now
make a right and up some stairs.

Now get on the lift and go up the stairs on your life. Have Nina hit the
crystal with her magic twice. Get on the brown eldritch lift and get the
treasure it's a breastplate equip that to Ryu. Now jump down and go back up
the stairs and hit the crystal 6 times. Get on the eldritch lift get the
treasure it contains an Ivory Dice. Now jump down twice and make it back to
the crystal. Have Nina hit it 8 times, then get on the lift. Now go up and up
the stairs. Now go right, then go down, and then go right again. Then go up
the stairs now go up and in the door. Get the treasure it's a bamboo rod and
leave back out.

Now go left and up the stairs. Now go forward hit the crystal with Nina's
wand and then go froward and hit the crystal again and go forward. Then hit
the crystal a third time. Now go right and then go through the door. You will
reach Momo's father's old office. Momo will tell you that her father made an
escape device before he passed. You have to find the switch don't bother
checking the bookshelves nothing but X-rated reading material and dirty mag.
Doesn't that just beat all her? Momo's father was nothing more than the
typical old man. Check the two shelves in the upper right corner for a
panacea and 30 Zenny. Then check the desk Momo will find a switch.

Press the switch an alarm will go off! The two scruffy men will be afraid.
Then you will be back in Momo's father office it's a rocket! Everyone will
get on the rocket, and then Momo will ignite the rocket and then she will
start the count. The rocket will go off that then you will see it on the
world map it will go strait up and crash near the tower. Well at least they
made it out alive! momo will then tell you the roof hatch should of been open
and only one person was able to fit on the rocket. But the important part is
they made it. Check behind the tree on the right you will find a dragon
chrysm! The Thorn Gene!
1g: The Plant
Levels: Ryu: 13 Nina 10 Momo 11

Now leave this area and you will be back on the world map. Go left and enter
the coffee, shop follow the sign and go up the path. Nina will want to stop
and have some coffee. Then a waitress will come out and explain no one will
be able to get into Wyndia. She says a couple of strange men are checking out
everyone along the road. Suddenly a bald professor looking dude will appear.
His name is Palet and he recognizes Momo. But Momo does not know him, he says
he knew her father Repsol. He also says they are having trouble at the plant
that her father wanted built. Ryu and Nina will decide to tag along with Momo
since they obviously can't get back to Wyndia right now.

When you gain control go inside the cafe, an item shop is here. Get some new
items and an inn, it's 100 bucks but I'm 99% sure Nina or someone died in
there and you didn't revive her you will need the full HP. Then save, check
the dresser there for a vitamin. Now go out of the cafe area go right and
follow a path leading up. Speak to the woman there her name is D'lonzo, she
is another master but at this point you won't be able to apprentice under her
because you don't have 15 different types of weapons in your inventory. Now
leave the coffee shop and when you are ready go left and enter the plant.
Once inside go right and enter the building.

Go up stairs, search the cabinet for 90 Zenny and a healing herb. Then go
back down the stairs and out of the building. Now go left then up and use the
conveur belt. Once off go up then go right. Then up the incline then on the
conveur to the left. Once off go left then across the other conveur. Once off
go down hit the blue lever and go on the conveur belt. Then make a right and
go down the conveur. Put Momo in the lead so she can speak to Palet. Momo
thought she was there to help fix some of those machines. Palet will tell her
that they already fixed the machines and they need her help on another

He points you to a large onion, Palet informs Momo that they can't sell
products like that. He also says they dispose of those things at the dump.
Well one at the dump got over grown and terrorized some of the workers there.
He wants you to go down to the dump and dispose of a mutant there. Also if
you didn't care for what they were talking about look at Nina tease Ryu until
he starts crying while Momo and Palet are talking. Now slide down the steep
hill, and then leave the plant. When you get on the world map rest and save.
Then go left to the plant. When you enter go down then left. Then go up and
make a right at the fork.

Now go up when you get to the lever move it twice, then get the treasure it's
1200 Zenny. Now go back to the entrance and go up. Then go left then go down.
Get the treasure it's high boots, equip then to Nina then jump down. Go up
and make a left into the next area. Go left then go all the way down. Then go
right go pass the conveur belts. When you get to the wall cure your an entire
party and then equip Momo with the flame chrysm if you have it. Then go down
and enter the cave. Wen you enter you will see an ugly mutant. Momo will say
it's time to chop it up and the mutant will hear you. Also the mutant can
talk and it doesn't want to die!
Boss Fight XII
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 200 Zenny 300: Item: None
HP: 570
Dragon Gene: Flame + Defender

Special Attacks:
Dream Breath: Puts one to sleep

Well this battle really isn't that hard, it can use dream breath on you,
which in the end won't be much of a problem when it loses it's power to
regenerate. You have to burn it in order for it to lose the power. So Momo
should hit him with her flame chrysm bazooka, and Nina should use Simoon. Ryu
should just be the Flame Dragon. Now it won't be able to regenerate plus it
will stop using dream breath. Ryu should hit it with Flame Claw, Nina should
use Simoon and Momo should attack. It just attacks now with an occasional
reprisal, when someone gets too weak Momo should heal that person.

After the battle the mutant will apologize, he had no control over his body.
Then he wants you to destroy him. He wants it because he wasn't meant to be,
and since you came to "dispose" of the "mutant" you might as well do your
job. Then you will be taken to the conveur belt, don't try to be funny and
use the blue switch to make him go back up. Just use the red one. He
basically doesn't want any more dangerous mutants out there. When he dies you
will hear a funny yell. An onion like the one from the plant will jump out of
the fire. Ryu goes to slash it. Nina will block the little onion. Momo will
think that the mutant left its seed here so you can protect it.

Then Momo wants to really study the onion, and then she names him Peco. Peco
only speaks in gibberish. Peco will then join your party. Peco starts at
level 1. Now chose a party, don't include Peco just yet. In fact do not use
Peco for anything until later on. Now leave the dump set up camp on the world
map and save.
1h: The Arena
Levels: Ryu 14; Momo 14; Nina 13; Peco 1

Now go back to the plant. When you do Palet will be near the entrance. Palet
will be glad that you disposed of the mutant, then he wills Momo to stay at
the plant. But Momo says they really need to get back to Wyndia, and Palet
knows a way to get you back. He suggests resting at the inn for tonight. Go
to the inn and they will give you a free room for helping out. When you wake
up Palet has a cart that he normally stores enhanced crops in that will go to
Wyndia. He says for you to hide in the cart and you will be taken to Wyndia.
Everyone will get in the cart. Doesn't that just beat all? When the cart
drives off Palet set you up! He used you to get rid of the mutant, and he
knows that Balio and Sunder want you so that get rids of two problems!

Now the screen will show the cart and Sunder will be out by a bridge. Sunder
tells the little guy in the black cloak to scram, next thing you know
everyone is tied up. He takes them into the arena. Balio and Sunder are now
together they will explain that they are strong and you are weak. Like the
contest only strong survive. Then Nina gets the idea if they enter the
contest that will prove they are strong. At first they will be opposed, but
they realize Ryu's strength and realize no one will bet on children and they
will clean up! Then Balio has an idea, he wants one hostage out of Momo and
Peco, and you can go and train and purchase weapons.

Leave Peco behind. But for laughs leave Momo behind and speak to her, their
planning on doing some unknown stuff to her (that was hilarious). But
seriously take Momo with you and leave Peco behind. Now scour the entire
arena looting lockers, for goodies. At the weapon shop in the arena buy Ryu a
Scramasax. Then equip Momo with the ice chrysm. Unequip everyone else's
equipment. Give all your best equipment to Momo. Then change your battle
order to Momo, Ryu, Nina. This is so she can stand up to the attacks of the
first fight now locate your room in the Fire Hall. Speak to the bunny woman.
She will tell you the rules of the fire hall.

The basic idea is to have 6-person elimination tournament. The added bonus is
that you are suspended on huge platforms by men called Dodai's. So you have
another thing to worry about, which is the Dodai, the Dodai an be defeated
which gives you an automatic victory. The Dodai doesn't get cured every round
neither do you, and does your opponent. When you are ready say so and the
first match will be Claw vs. Momo!
Boss Fight XIII
Form: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 150 Zenny 200: Item: None
HP: 260
Dragon Gene: None
Suggested Party: Momo

Special Attacks:
Blind: Blind's one member
Double Blow: Two hit's in a row

When the battle starts cast protect on Momo. If you are on level 14 and you
gave Momo your best defensive stuff Claw's attacks will not only do 3-8 HP's
worth of damage. Claw will use blind occasionally so use Eye Drops or a
panacea if this happens. Have Momo just attacks don't go after Claw's Dodai
just concentrate on her. Since Momo isn't very accurate the battle will go on
longer than it should cure Momo when she has about 20 HP or lower and the
fight will soon be over.
Right after Momo will have to fight Cawer!
Boss Fight XIV
Cawer + Dodai 1
Form: N/A
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 3000 Zenny 200: Item: None
HP: Cawer: ? Dodai 1: 2000
Dragon Gene: Flame + Defender + Reverse
Suggested Party: Momo, Ryu

Special Attacks:
Protect: Increased Defense of one member
Speed: Increases Speed of one member
Cyclone: Does light wind damage of one member
Frost: Does light water damage of one member
Heal: Does light healing on one member.
Rejuvenate: Does medium healing on one member

Go after the Dodai! Cawer will just use status-enhancing magic on himself or
Dodai 1 and 2. He so stupid he even cures or casts protects on your Dodai!
Just keep bashing the Dodai with the Momo's ice chrysm. Cure your Dodai once
in the blue if he really starts mashing him with attacks and frost. Remember
Dodai 2 is the one underneath you. When his Dodai has 1500 damage, it will
drop lower. Momo will not be able to touch it partly because it's too low for
her to get with bazooka. Now have Momo commit suicide by shooting her self.
Then Ryu will get his turn. Make your self the Ice Dragon! Use Frost Claw on
the Dodai, and eventually he will fall all the way in. This way is much
easier than taking on the last guy.
When the fight is over a Bunny Girl will congratulate you. Now return the
battle order back to normal and the form to defense. Return all the equipment
back to the original owners that you put on Momo. Then make Momo's weapon the
Ammo again. Then leave that Garr guy is next in the Fire Hall, he sort of
congratulates you. Now go to the inn inside the arena to rest and save. Then
make your way to the Null Magic Hall. Find your room, and a bunny girl will
be there to tell you the rules here. The only real rules in the Null Magic
Hall are that all MP using magic is nullified and everyone is silenced. You
are up against Emitai an advanced magic user.

Tell her you are ready then a man will walk in. Nina will recognize him as
Emitai. Emitai will lay down a sad story about his daughter needing an
operation to live. He knows he can't win in the Null Magic Hall, but he could
easily beat Garr with his magic. So basically Emitai wants you to job (throw
the match). Nina then relays to him about one of their friends is held
hostage, and they have to win to get their friend back. Emitai will
understand and leave. You will then see him casts a spell on his two "boys".
Then your party will automatically be in the Null Magic hall. Emitai will
come out with two huge green Golem's!
Boss Fight XV
Emitai and 2 Golems
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 200 Zenny 340: Item: Magician Wand
HP: Emitai: 625 Golems: 750 each
Dragon Gene: Flame + Defender
Suggested Party: Ryu, Momo and Nina

Special Attacks:
Protect: Spirit Blast: Light Physical Attack

First go after Emitai. Ryu should become the Flame Defender Dragon. Accession
isn't magic since it requires no MP, also none of the dragon magic requires
MP :D Ryu should use Flame Claw on the Emitai Momo and Nina will attack.
Emitai and the Golems have very low defense so Nina will do some decent
damage. Eventually after attacking him and curing after some brutal golem
attacks, Emitai will go down. Now the Golems without their master will turn
on each other. Cure everyone full, then just defend until one of them dies.
Finally attack the remaining Golem in a round or so he will die as well.

Now after the battle Nina will feel pretty sad about having to defeat Emitai.
Sunder will walk in and congratulate you on making it to the finals. He will
then say Ryu will face Garr in the finals. You will then see Balio and Sunder
in the office, they will talk about how they will clean up on betting on
Garr. Doesn't that just beat all? They will not let you go even if you win!
When you gain control go to Emitai's room, that big phony! There was nothing
wrong with his daughter it was a hoax! Now go to the inn and rest and save.
Then go to your room in the hall of kings. Talk to the guard and then you
will see Balio and Sunder in Garr's room.

Garr will want to know why Ryu is so strong. Balio and Sunder will tell him
that he is a dragon. Then Sunder will crack a joke on Garr being afraid of
Ryu. Garr will not like that but Garr does seem to be deep in thought about
the situation. Now it's time for the fight Ryu will be introduced as Super
Boy Ryu! Check the crowd and you will get a glance of Chun-Li! Garr will come
out to a lot of flashy lights and you will then get a glance of Sakura in
attendance! Garr will be introduced as the wings of death, the champion of
champions, Mr. Dynamite Garr! Then Garr tells Ryu to come at him with
everything or he will kill him! Rumor has it if you don't turn into a dragon
it will be a game over!
Boss Fight XVI
Form: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
EXP: ??? Zenny ???: Item: ?
HP: ????
Dragon Gene: Frost + Defender + Reverse

Special Attacks:
Lucky Strike: Powerful attack

As soon as the fight starts since you are faster than Garr turn into the
Frost Dragon. Use Frost Breath on him and when he gets you weak use the Frost
Claw on him. Garr has a natural weakness to ice, so to take off good damage.
When you turn back into a boy, he will automatically hit you with a very
powerful attack.

The announcer will then declare Garr the winner. Everyone will cheer and they
will ask Garr wants and the Master of Ceremonies Balio will present whatever
it is to him. Garr oddly wants Ryu and his friends! Balio will be mad because
that is not what they agreed on. If Garr can't have them he will take Balio's
life! Well the announcer will announce Ryu and his friends as Garr's prize.
Then you will be back in the room and Ryu will be resting in the bed. Garr
will come in and tell you he will take care of you from now on and that he
held back on not killing Ryu. Then he goes to free the hostage. Now go to
Balio and Sunder's office.

You will see Balio and Sunder facing the wall while Garr is laying down the
facts. Since the kids belong to him he wants them two to leave them alone and
let them go. After Garr and your party leaves they still want to go back
after you! Then Nina will ask Garr why did he let them go. He tells you
because Ryu is of an ancient race of dragons with indomitable power called
the brood. Then he tells you to meet him in the eastern land in a place
called Angel Tower to find out. Now leave Genmel Rest and Save.
1i: Back to Wyndia
Levels: Ryu 17; Momo 14; Nina; 14 Peco 1

Now head to Maekyss Gorge. Walk right across the bridge, there will be a gang
of scruffy men there. Doesn't that just beat all? In the back of all the men
the 2 horsemen Balio and Sunder! Will these assholes ever give up?!? The
brothers will send out three of the scruffiest men there!
Boss Fight XVII
Bully 1; Bully 2; Bully 3
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 80 Zenny 350: Item: 3 Beef Jerky
HP: 200 each
Dragon Gene: Don't use
Suggested Party: Ryu, Momo, and Nina

Special Attacks:
Bully 2: Blind

Don't go all out here. You will have to save some for the next battle. Nina
should use jolt, and Momo should use Quake and Ryu should use items to heal
or just attack. Bully 2 used blind once but it didn't blind anyone. This
battle should be other in 4 rounds tops if you don't have to cure.

After the fight the brothers will come up to you, and they will mention the
gang of guys behind you. Behind you the only thing there is Garr! Oh yeah a
lot of guys layed out by Garr. Garr warned them to leave you alone, then Garr
joins the party! Garr comes in at level 13. Start the Garr chant! When they
tell you to select a party use Garr, Ryu, Momo, use the Attack formation with
Garr in the lead. Then when you go back to the game Balio and Sunder talk
about their true power. Balio and Sunder will stand together and then a light
will flash. They became Stallion! According to Stallion no one who has seen
them like this has lived to tell about it! This even has Garr nervous!
Boss Fight XVIII
Form: Attack Garr leads
Difficulty: Semi-Hard
EXP: 267 Zenny 500: Item: None
HP: 1400
Dragon Gene: Flame + Defender
Suggested Party: Garr, Ryu, Momo

Special Attacks:
Barrier: Raises Magic Defense
Resists: Nullifies Magic
Jolt: Minor lightening damage
Utmost Attack: Does Medium Damage to all

This battle won't be easy, you should solve all your curing problems during
the first round. Ryu should become the Flame Dragon and use the Flame Claw.
If that starts to not work then Ryu should just attack. Momo should cure and
when that's not needed she should attack. Garr should also attack, and when
his Resist runs down Garr should use Pyrokenesis. Most of what Stallion does
won't kill you, but if you are low on HP when he does Utmost attack then
you'll be in trouble. He will only do Utmost Attack when he gets to low or
about half HP. He will not use it a lot though thankfully.

After the battle Garr will say they should take Nina back to Wyndia and that
Ryu should accompany him to Angel Tower. Then Nina will mention that Ryu's
reason for being out here is that he is looking for two of his friends name
Rei and Teepo are missing. Garr will say that they are probably dead, of
course Ryu will then start crying when he hears that. Then Garr will just lay
down the facts about how guys like Balio and Sunder are ruthless. Then Garr
will want to get moving when you gain control, go left then go down. Keep
going down and check the bushes near the house for a dragon chrysm. It's the
frost gene!

No more needing to use reverse to become an Ice Dragon! Now go in the house
and check the dresser for 400 Zenny. Now go back out and on to the world
map. Go left and into the Yraall Region, see Mygas and since you gained about
8 levels or more since the last time you seen him he will teach you all his
magic. Now, go out of here and go into the Cedar Forest to see Bunyan. Speak
to Bunyan and he is now a master as well. Definitely put Peco under him,
since if you haven't used Peco yet then you can get like 12 levels in an hour
come back and learn everything! When you are done and picked up all the magic
with Peco head back to Wyndia area.

Before going into Wyndia check the ? spot on the side path thing in the
Wyndia town on the world map. You will find a man their named Durandal,
apprentice Nina to him. If Nina is not in the party then put her in it. Then
speak to the guard in front of the castle, the guard will want to know what
happened to those crooks Balio and Sunder but Nina is more interested in
contacting her father on her return. Then you will be sitting with the king
at dinner. King Wyndia will offer Ryu his thanks at dinner. He finds it hard
to believe a normal boy could have done all Nina said he did. Then Nina
almost spills the beans about him being a dragon.

Garr cuts him off, and asks for a passport to cross the bridge. Nina will be
upset that you want to leave her so fast. Then the screen will shift to
Nina's room. She will still be upset that Ryu and the others have let her.
Then you will hear a scream and a glass shatter. Check the dresser in her
room for 120 Zenny then go down the stairs. Go left and speak to the maid and
she said something like a rat startled her. Then you will se Honey run by and
she will say that's it. Go down then go right, and go down the flight of
stairs that is next to the guard. Then go left and then down another flight
of stairs. Then you will be in the kitchen.

Now go left again and down another flight of stairs. You will be in a room
with a lot of crates. Go to the upper part of the room. Now check behind the
crates and you'll find honey. Honey will see Nina and run away. Now go up to
Nina's room, and go into the door next to it. Honey will be running along the
edge Nina will go after her and when she does Honey will jump. Nina will fall
with honey, Honey will have a white aura glowing around her, and they will
gently float on the ground. Honey will look like she died. You will then see
Ryu's camp. Momo can't find Honey anywhere. She'll ask Ryu and Garr who are
siting near the fire and they haven't seen her.

Momo will then call for honey and Nina will show up with honey. She has Honey
with her Momo and Nina will go in the tent to work on honey. Ryu will start
to follow them but Garr will call him back. Garr will tell Ryu that he will
find out more about the brood once he reaches Angel Tower. He then says he
might die soon as he finds out the history of the brood. Nina will overhear
this and say she doesn't want Ryu to die alone. Nina will then plead Ryu's
case on being a good dragon. Then the screen will shift back to the world
map, set up camp and rest and save.
1j: Fixing the lighthouse
Levels: Ryu 18; Garr 15; Momo 14; Nina 14; Peco 13

Now go on the world map and go right until you reach checkpoint. When you
enter Garr will tell you that this bridge will lead to the eastern lands. He
will say you will probably have a problem with getting the runaway princess
across. Garr Ryu and Nina will go to the guard they will let Ryu and Garr
through, but one of the guards will recognize Nina. Garr will tell them
that's his daughter and they will at first be bewildered but being seeing how
large Garr is, they figured just to let them through. Garr did it because Ryu
saved Nina several times and he probably only uses his power when Nina is in

Then Nina will ask Ryu if that is why he uses his powers of course Ryu will
try to avoid her, but if it is Nina wants to get stronger so he won't get in
trouble. When you get back on the world map follow the path right then make a
left and go into the small hut there. Go inside and check the dresser for a
life shard and go back outside. Go around the back of the house and down the
steps. Then go right and you will find the Thunder Gene. Combine this with
the Frost and Flame Genes and you will get Trygon! Now go back to the world
map. When you do go left until you get back to the Genmel in Central Wyndia.
Go to the pub and speak to Fahl.

He is now a master! He won't let you be his apprentice unless you win 30
battles in a row without rest. Take Garr, Peco and Ryu to the cedar woods.
When 30 random battles and then go back to Genmel. Make sure to count each
battle, and when you get there he will allow you to be his apprentice. Put
Garr on Fahl. Now you can get on with the rest of the game. Go back to the
Rhapala region and go into the town called Rhapala. When you get there locate
the weapon shop, and buy Ryu a Moon Sword and a Scalemale. Don't equip either
yet. If you have more powerful armor than the scalemale then don't buy it.
Now go left and in the building with the cat face in front.

Speak to the man there he will tell you to speak to the guildmaster if you
want to purchase a ride on the boat. Now go to the inn, when you get their go
down the steps and you will find a pub. Speak to the bearded man at the table
with the Manillo. He is the guildmaster, he doesn't run operations right now
and you have to speak to his daughter Shadis. Now leave the Inn and go to the
wharf. Speak to the woman who has the same body and face as D'Lonzo. She is
near the big flexing sailor. She is Shadis, then you will see the big sailor
named Zig picking on a small wimp guy named Beyd. After he is done messing
with him Beyd will help you.

Shadis will be in a rotten mood, and she will tell you the ship is not coming
back. Plus she has to marry that big oaf Zig. Now according to Beyd they
can't sell you a rid right now. Now go to the entrance of the wharf and
Shadis will be there. She has calmed down and she is sorry she can't help
you, but if you speak to her father he might allow you to use the road. From
speaking to the townspeople you will find out that the lighthouse is broken
and that is the reason the ship is not coming back. Now go to the Inn then
into the downstairs section. Shadis's father will tell you that you can't use
the road because a volcano erupted recently and destroyed the road. There is
no way pass the lava.

Well leave Rhapala and you will automatically be in camp. Everyone is settled
in the fact that there is no way now without the boat being around. Then Nina
gets the idea that if they were to fix the lighthouse then maybe the boat
would come back. Then that doesn't work because the guild probably wouldn't
let them pass. Then Nina will wonder about the Shadis Beyd situation. About
how Shadis likes Beyd and Beyd loves Shadis. Since they can't do anything she
figures to play matchmaker and get them together! Now you will be back on the
world map, set up camp for real and save. Then go back in Rhapala's wharf,
then Nina wants to talk to Beyd.

She will ask him if he loves Shadis, he will get pretty defensive. Then she
will asks him if he thinks Shadis likes him. Since Shadis is right there he
is pretty embarrassed and wants to go somewhere else. Then Beyd will lay down
the facts about the Guild needs someone strong like Zig to marry Shadis and
run the business. Then Nina suggests that Beyd get stronger so that he can
run the business. Beyd thinks that is ridiculous and it's easier said than
done. Then he will want to get back to work. Then the screen will shift and
you will hear Zig laugh. Then go back to the wharf and speak to Beyd he says
that Zig is going to fix the lighthouse and defeat the monsters there.

If he were to do that he would be the strongest guy around. Then Nina will
remind him that if he were the strongest around then Zig will certainly marry
Shadis. His heart will get into it and Beyd now wants to be trained so he can
be strong enough to fix the lighthouse. Beyd has never used a sword he wants
light equipment, he will give you 1000 Zenny to fix him up with good
equipment. Speak to Beyd again and tell him you got the equipment. Tell him
you are ready. The screen will shift to the Town Square.
Mini Game III
Training Beyd

First equip Beyd with the Moon Sword and the Scalemale. Here is what needs to
be done to get him trained.
For Beyd's HP: Attack him it raises his HP.
For Beyd's Power: Attack him to raise his Power
For Beyd's Defense: Attack him while defending.

There are 20 rounds of battle. The battle is over when the 20 rounds are up,
or Beyd dies or he happens to kill you.

Then switch your party to Ryu, Nina, and Peco. Pool off all their equipment.
At first you will want to have Ryu attack him, and Nina cure him, and Peco do
nothing. Try to keep Beyd's Hp high in the first few nights of fighting. When
you get down to 1 turn have Ryu become the Flame Defender and hit him with a
Flame Breath. To kill him and that will be all he can take. When you think
Beyd is ready to take on Zig, put your best 3 fighters against him, and if he
can survive like 6 rounds (No dragons from Ryu) then he is more than ready
for Zig.

When you feel you are done trading Beyd speak to him. Chose to the lighthouse
and Beyd will tell you he is not ready yet. Then Zig will overhear this, then
Zig will say since he is the strongest guy around you will have to beat him
to get to the lighthouse. Then the screen will shift to the square, Iggy
Zig's friend will say since this is a duel don't try and help Beyd. The
battle will start, just defend until you Zig gets a lucky strike. When he
does he will wave to Shadis, cure Beyd when this happens, and then hit Zig.
If you trained him enough Beyd enough he will win easily. After Beyd's wins
he will tell Shadis he wants to run the Guild with her.

Then you will be back on the world map go to the beach on the lower let part
of Rhapala where the fishing spot it. Go to the ? spot there, you will find a
man who looks like a half Manillo half man. He is Giotto, the next master. If
you have a rodmaster rank he will allow you to apprentice under him. If you
don't just fish some more. When you are done here go back to Rhapala go to
the wharf and find Beyd. He's all beat up! He will tell you he won't be able
to make it to the lighthouse. But, he will allow you to go in his place. He
will give you a guild badge to show to the man who is blocking the way to the

Get the two treasures if you gave him what I told you to, you will have a
Claymore and a Crepe Cape. Go to where the man is blocking the lighthouse he
will see the Guildbadge, and then he will allow you to go past. Now, you will
end up on the world map, walk back to a normal area and rest and save. Then
go to lighthouse, when you get their go up. Then go right and up the stairs.
Then go up another flight of stairs, then go right and up the stairs. Keep
right and get the coin from the treasure. Now go back to the first flight of
stairs and make a right. Have Momo destroy the crates with her bazooka, Now
go right and down the stairs.

Go down and make a left at the bridge. Follow the path until you reach some
stairs and go up the stairs, then go right and up a ladder. Now go up some
stairs and then go left then go up. Then go into the door and read the sign.
Now go right and down the stairs, then go left and down two flight of stairs,
then go left and through the door. Rotate the camera to see the three chest.
There are 3 fire chrysms go back through the door. Now go up, make a left
then go down and go through the door. Go left and up the ladder. Read the
sign on the wall it well tell you to put a chrysm in, and hit the lever when
the line hit's the center.

When all 4 small lines flash you hit X. Now put a chrysm in the shoot on the
left. Then go to the lever, a graph will start hit x quickly when it hits the
center. When it is open, go through the door on the left. Then go right hit
the switch and go up the stairs. Then go down and right and hit the switch
that is nearby. Then go right and up. Some green lizard will be there, cure
up everyone, Momo will think it's cute, and Garr won't think it's a monster.
So check it out, it seems like a statue since it's not move. So just ignore
it, try and walk down the stairs and a huge eye will roll down!
Boss Fight XIX
Form: Attack Garr leads
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 750 Zenny 1000: Item: None
HP: 1100
Dragon Gene: Thunder + Defender
Suggested Party: Garr, Ryu, and Momo

Special Attack:
Eye Beam: Takes away half HP

The main thing to worry about is the Eye Beam. His normal attack attacks all
so that will be a problem. But it isn't that powerful. Ryu should use Thundr
Breath on it, while Garr attacks, and Momo cures or just attacks. Since
Thunder Breath does decent damage you really don't have much to worry about.

Now go up the flight of stairs, and keep going up the spiraling stairs until
you are on top of the lighthouse. In the corner you will find a Dragon Chrysm
it's the Eldritch Gene. Now hit the blue switch someone will scream and tell
you to turn the lighthouse off. Then a Faerie will appear! The Faerie will
smash the switch with a club. The Faerie is the one who had the Gazer come to
protect the lighthouse so no one will turn it back on. The Faerie will give
you a Faerie Tiara and fly back out the window. Now leave the lighthouse.
When you are on the world map Rest and Save.
1k: End of Chapter 1
Levels: Ryu 19; Garr 16; Momo 16; Nina 14; Peco 14

Now go to the field of flowers that is right there. When you do you will be
prompted to use Faerie Tiara chose yes, and you will be inside a new land. Go
left up the hill and into the small house. 3 Faeries will be inside they will
tell you they wanted the lighthouse off because of the monster. Then the
faeries will start to fight amongst each other. Then Nina will tell the
faeries they will kill the monster for them. The faeries will tell you that
the monster only comes out at nightfall. Now leave the house go left then
down, and on the beach. You will be prompted if you want to wait for
nightfall, choose yes.

The screen will shift to nighttime, and Momo will spot a red fin sticking out
of the ocean here. Momo suggests getting it when it head sticks out. The
screen will go black and you will hear fighting noises followed by a yelp.
Then you will see a red dolphin lying on the shore. Now, the dolphin will
wake up and Momo will apologize. She thought the dolphin was the monster. The
dolphin says it knows nothing about a monster, but Momo thinks that the
Faeries might have been afraid of a dolphin. Momo and Nina will go back to
the dolphin to find out for sure. When they leave the dolphin will spit on
Ryu. Then the dolphin will speak in Australian. You will get a prompt if you
didn't understand the dolphin it can be translated into English.

Either way the girls and the faeries will show up, and the faeries will tell
you that he is the monster. Then the faeries will get mad at the dolphin and
call him a dummy. The dolphin doesn't like it and will break his shell and
show his true form!
Boss Fight XX
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 300 Zenny 300: Item: None
HP: 1200
Dragon Gene: Thunder + Eldritch
Suggested Party: Ryu, Nina, and Momo

Special Attacks:
Tsunami: Water attack on all
Intimidate: Causes you to lose a turn

Now this battle should be simple since it does Tsunami a lot but Tsunami
isn't that powerful, but you may be forced to cure after a couple of them.
Ryu should become the Magical Thunder Dragon. This way he is granted
Myollnir, the dolphin is weak towards electricity and this one does 300 HP
worth of a damage! Since it takes 10 AP's, you probably will only get 3 turns
out of it before it fails to work. When Ryu turns back have him just attack,
Nina should use Simoon, and Momo should just attack.

After the battle go to the faeries house, one of them will lay a kiss on Ryu
and he will lie unconscience afterwards. The faeries will thank you, and they
have no problem with you leaving the lighthouse on any more. Then a new
faerie will be born right before your eyes, now with the dolphin gone they
can have friends and animals around! Then you will rest in the morning just
go back to the flowers the way you came in and you will be back on the world
map. Now go back to Rhapala and speak to Beyd the ship has not come back yet,
he will tell you to go and see Sinkar, Shadis' father he will probably let
you use a road. Go to the Inn and down the stairs and speak to Sinkar.

Sinkar will tell you about an old guild shortcut, this shortcut goes through
the volcano. He will then give you a letter to show to the guards that there
so they will let you through, then he will tell you it's located in Mt.
Zublo. Leave Rhapala, Save at camp and go to Mt. Zublo. When you are inside
go up then make a right then go up the stairs. Then follow the path until you
reach a cave go inside. Go right then go down until you reach a four-way
fork. Then take the left path, then go down and make right into a hole in
wall. Now go right then go strait down, you will probably get hit on with the
lava on the way down.

Then go right then go up and up the stairs and make a right into the whole in
the wall. Now go right then down then follow the path, until you reach a fork
keep going right. Until you can walk on to the lower level with the lava when
you can put Ryu in the lead and have him walk left and get the dragon chrysm.
It's the Miracle Gene, then go down and get the treasure its Flame Talons.
Now get back to safe ground and cure Ryu. How go back and when you reach the
fork go down. Make a right and an old man will come out of the cave he will
think you followed him here. Then he will summon two dragons from the lava
and fight you!
Boss Fight XXI
Gisshan, Charyb, Scylla
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Hard
EXP: 500 Zenny 1000: Item: None
HP: Gisshan 800; Charyb; 1100, Scylla 1100
Dragon Gene: Frost + Eldritch
Suggested Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr

Special Attacks:
Sleep: Puts party to sleep
Snap: Attacks one lower defense of one
Wall of Fire: Fire attack on one member
Vitalize: Medium curing one/all

You will want to kill Gisshan first because he will cure his pets, plus he is
pretty annoying and as the lowest HP. Ryu should turn into the Magical Frost
Dragon, Momo should equip the Ice Chrysm if you didn't sell it. Garr should
just attack like normal. As the dragon Ryu should not use Blizzard, just use
Ice Claw on Gisshan until he drops. When he is gone if Ryu is still standing
as the dragon he should use Blizzard. When Ryu turns back to normal have him
cure with items or have him just attack.

After the battle go right and into the hole that Gisshan came out of. Get the
treasure containing a life shard on the way out of the cave. Once you are on
the world map rest and save. Now, go up and left to the place called Urkan
Tapa. Make sure Garr is with you, go in the building to the right and speak
to the Priest there. His name is Hondara he is a master if you have learned
all of Durandal's techniques he will allow you to be his apprentice. When you
are done with him go up the stairs and have Garr push the heavy rock in front
of the door. Speak to the old man he will tell Garr to go to Angel Tower and
join his comrades.

Explore the town find the weapon shop and buy new weapons as much as you can
afford plus some items. You will find out that everyone here knows "The
Guardian" which is Garr. You will also find a pretty cool statue of a guy who
looks exactly like Garr. (It's not Garr, look at the nose, and he doesn't
have the chain and some other things). When you are done go out of Urkan Tapa
and you will be automatically in camp Garr and Ryu will be up and next to the
fire. Garr will tell you more, he is an Urkan Warrior, also called a
Guardian. He also tells you some more things and then you will be back on the
world map. Set up came for real rest and save.

Now go to Angel Tower, go up the stairs and make a right when you see the
broken side. Jump down until you reach the ground. You will see stairs going
up and going down. Go down the stairs and see a naked woman in a forcefield,
but for now just go up the stairs. Then go through the opening in the wall.
Go down the stairs make a right and go down the stairs. Then make a right and
then go down and up the stairs, then go down. Then make a right and go
through the door. Then go up and then down the stairs. Here you will have to
position the two blocks that are near the plat form with the stairs to
connect with the other side. Then you have to push the other block so it will
connect to allow you to go down the stairs.

First push the block near the stairs up, then go down, push the block there
all the way to the wall. Have Garr get behind it and push it to the right
until half of it its on the opening on the right. Then push the block up,
then have Garr get on the left side and push the block to the left, the block
is in it's original spot. Now go back to the left and push the block there
down until it touches the wall. Now go back to the second block and push it
until it touches the platform with the stair. Have Ryu slide through the
space between the two blocks and then switch to Garr. Have Garr push the
block until it touches the wall there then come back and push the block into

Then have Garr come back around to the stairs climb up them and you will then
have access to go down the stairs, on the platforms. When you go down the
stairs Garr will tell Nina to go back him and Ryu need to be alone. Now go
left and you will see a monument with plaques, each plaque has a name of a
guardian and a number. The one on the left has Garr 299. Garr will then tell
you, that those are the other 3 Guardians also known as Dragon Slayers! The
number is the number of dragons each killed during the war. Garr will tell
you more about the war and then he will want to kill the final Brood.
Boss Fight XXII
Garr 2
Form: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 400 Zenny 0: Item: None
HP: 380
Dragon Gene: Frost + Eldritch

Special Attacks:
Fireblast: Medium Fire attack

Garr can be killed easily. While using the magic frost dragon use Blizzard it
will do a lot of damage, or you can just use the Frost Claw. Either one is
pretty powerful. Garr use's the Fireblast like once because of his low AP. So
just take advantage of his slow ass, when you become a boy again just attack
him. He isn't very strong either.

After the battle Garr realizes he can't beat the true power of the Brood.
Garr want's to be finished off by Ryu, but a voice will scream no. Ryu will
flash and become a huge dragon, Garr will recognize it as the Kaiser Dragon.
The Kaiser will disappear and a bunch of rocks will fall on Garr. Ryu will be
walking alone, and the man from Ryu's dream in the beginning of the game will
try to talk to him, then Ryu will become a green dragon. This will end
chapter one...


2a: Getting Started

A dragon will be running around the mines like in the begging of the game.
This time Garr will be chasing it. Garr will get it down by hitting it with
his spear. The dragon will flash and become a man. It's Ryu! He's all grown
up he is also naked. Garr will tell him he vanished for years. Then Garr will
ask for Ryu's forgiveness pick whichever you want. Garr has brought Ryu some
clothing. Then the screen will fade and Ryu will be dressed. When you gain
control go down then go right, then go up and right, and out of the room.
Garr will be there and he will realize that Ryu was just like all the brood
he thought 400 years ago. Garr wants to know why was their a war, and he
wants Ryu to let him live until he finds out the answer to the question.

Now Garr will join you, by the way Ryu came in for me as level 20. Garr came
in at level 17. Go right then go all the way down and then make a left. Go in
the room then go down and left. Then go up, ride the lift to the B2. Garr
will ask Ryu if this is where he was born. The strong Aura of the Brood must
have brought Ryu to life. Go down and make a right and save at the diary. Now
go back out of the room go down until you reach the area with the tracks.
First pull the blue switch and have Garr push the cart. The cart will go
around and land at a dead end. Now follow the tracks and flip the lever there
and have Garr push the cart again, it will go back to where it was when you
fount it.

Now have Garr push it again, follow where it went don't hit any switches and
have Garr push it again and it will destroy the rock. Garr will say that's
there way out, but a black mist will appear. The black smoke will ask Ryu why
is he allowing Garr to live. Then a puddle of blood will appear. Then a
Dragon Zombie will appear where the smoke was. Then the Dragon Zombie will
want to know where Garr is taking Ryu. Garr tells him to meet God, because
Garr and Ryu want to know the truth. Then the Dragon Zombie will demand Ryu
to kill Garr. Ryu will refuse, and then the Dragon Zombie doesn't understand
why he doesn't hate Ryu. Then a voice will say don't hate, and the battle
will start.
Boss Fight XXIII
D. Zombie
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Very Hard
EXP: 500 Zenny 300: Item: None
HP: 2500
Dragon Gene: Defender + Eldritch

Special Attacks:
Rotten Breath: Poisons All
Bone Dance: Attack; Confuses All

This is considered one of the hardest battles in the game. Since you only
have two slow characters the difficulty increases. Ryu should become the
Magical Defense Dragon. Cast Restore on the D.Zombie to do some serious
damage to it, I was hitting him for 500 each time. But you will probably only
be able to get it off 3 times if you are lucky. If he uses rotten breath
don't even bother to waste a panacea or an antidote because he will use it
all the time. Garr should only attack, nothing else really works well, and
you should cure often whenever needed because his attack it pretty powerful.

Alternative Strategy by Jason G.

I have recently been playing Breath of Fire III and noticed an alternative
strategy for fighting the Dragon Zombie that you first fight as an adult.
First of all, I equipped Ryu with the silver knife rather than the feather
sword as it has the holy property and does more damage to undead. Secondly,
since I didn't have much AP to use during the fight, I only used eldritch to
transform into a whelp with restore rather than defender + eldritch which
costs an initial additional 8 AP and then 4 more per round. I got to use
restore an extra one or two turns using the whelp instead and it did the same
damage with restore. Also, if Ryu runs low on HP while using the whelp then
just have Garr use a vitamin. Using this method the fight only took about 2
minutes and I didn't have to use any items.

After the battle the Dragon Zombie will disappear and become a black ball, it
will go to Ryu and become the Shadow Gene. You will see a winged woman
appear, she will tell you that he was not a true dragon and point to Ryu and
say that's a true dragon. You will get the Fusion Gene, Garr will not
understand what that meant and neither does Ryu. When you gain control go
back to the room with the diary to rest and save. Then when you get back here
go right and through the hole in the wall. Then go right until you reach a
fork. Go down then go up the stairs. Then go through the door there and go
right until you reach a fork.

Go up and right and you will reach a treasure, it's a lion's belt equip it to
Ryu. Now go back to the original fork when you came from the hole in the wall
and go right. Go in the room there and hit the switch. Hit it twice and the
platform will be raised on the outside. Go right and you will be outside,
walk a bit and the chief will call to Garr. Garr and Ryu will automatically
walk down to where he is. The man will ask about if the dragon is gone. Then
he will ask about Ryu, Garr will avoid the subject. Then the man will tell
you that the dragon killed a lot of their men. Ryu will drop to one knee, and
Garr will say he is probably tired.

Now go right and Garr will tell Ryu that he has little control over himself
as a dragon. Now keep right and go down and into the first house. The foreman
is there, he want's Garr to stay around just incase another dragon appears.
Garr says they have to get going and he tells Garr to be safe on Ogre Road a
monster is attacking everyone who goes past. He will tell you to check out
Syn City for more information. Now when you gain control go into the next
house and use the diary there to save.
2b: The Ogre Road Monster
Levels: Ryu 21 Garr 17

Now leave the mines and you will be automatically see a scene where Ryu is
attacking the miners. Then you will be in camp and Ryu can't sleep. Ryu will
go outside and talk to Garr, Garr will tell him that they are going to Angel
Tower again to speak to God. Then the screen will go back to the world map.
Now go down then make a right to the wall and you will find a hut enter it,
then go in the hut. Emitai! Speak to him and he will lay down a fabricated
story of the Tournament of Champions how he was the _Mighty_ Emitai and he
threw the match to a few kids. If you have 10,000 Zenny which you probably
don't you can be his apprentice. When you get it, come back he is a great a

Now leave the hut and go right towards Syn City, before entering go to the
Ring of Flowers, and to the Faerie Realm. Speak to Cadis the Faerie in
charge, and she'll tell you that they are having trouble here. They can't run
themselves, and they may die without your help. To find out how to help the
Faeries read my Faerie section. When you are situated leave this place. Then
go left into Syn City. You can get some new weapons for Ryu and Garr here, so
purchase whatever you have the Zenny for. Speak to the dirty bum near the
shop, if you have 20 Zenny give it to him, and purchase info about the

He will tell you it's a monster that attacks everyone coming out of Syn City.
To really learn more go check out Ogre Road for yourself. Go right then down,
and set up camp right before Ogre Road, Rest and Save then go into Ogre Road.
Now go down and follow along the path until you reach a fork, go down and you
will see a black blur. Then a huge Tiger will show up!
Boss Fight XXIV
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 0 Zenny 0: Item: None
HP: 930
Dragon Gene: Shadow + Reverse + Defense

Special Attacks:
Snap: Attack's lowers Defense
Focus: Raises Strength

This battle isn't too difficult, although the Weretiger is pretty fast, but
it doesn't have the strength of Ryu or Garr. Ryu should become the Holy
Dragon, and use Shining Claw. Weretiger will not do much damage to Ryu as a
dragon, but after some blows Garr will become weak, so have him cure himself.
Garr should just attack, and eventually the battle will be over.

Now go down and you will be on the world map Rest and Save. Then go down and
right and go into Mt. Levett. Once inside go right then up the hill. Make a
left at the fork. Then just follow along the path and you will eventually be
outside on the other side of the mountain. Now you will be near the Yraall
Road. Then go in the Yraall Road and the guards will be there, they are
investigating someone who was selling goods from the farm here to Syn City.
Garr will suggest just staying in McNeil until it's over. Garr will suggest
staying at the Inn for a little while. The woman who runs it will be outside,
you can check out the village first, and that Loki is still around.

Then go speak to the woman who runs the Inn. She will tell you that McNeil
Village has had some problems lately, like the weretiger attacking people.
She will tell you that the Weretiger ran injured into the woods, and Garr
will think it's probably the same tiger they fought earlier. She will give
you a free room if you kill the Weretiger. After the rest Save here, and
leave McNeil and go into the Cedar Woods. Go back to the screen where your
treehouse to be. You will see a scene where Rei is looking for Ryu and Teepo
in the river next to the house after the fight with Balio and Sunder. Walk a
bit and you will hear the Weretiger roar Ryu will want to go alone from this

Now go up along the path, and you will hear some more roars. Doesn't that
just beat all? The weretiger was Rei! Rei will recognize Ryu! Rei will be
surprised that you were able to beat him on the Ogre Road and Rei didn't even
hold back. He is glad that at least Ryu is still alive. Rei will tell you
what he did when he thought the two men killed his brothers. He fount out
they was from Syn City. He stayed along the road watching people coming out
of Syn City, trying to find where those guys went and to kill them. He was so
mad he began attacking everyone along the road for years. He still feels that
Teepo was not avenged and will jump away.

When you gain control go back to Garr and Ryu will tell Garr that he knows
the weretiger and he went to the village. Now go back to McNeil and you will
see your old friend Loki all torn up. People will say something ran by and
attacked him. Now go to the farm and towards McNeil Manor, Garr will
understand why Rei want's revenge and then he will ask Ryu why he doesn't.
Then the screen will show McNeil all tied up, and soldiers escorting him out,
a woman will be with the soldiers. She will tell them to arrest McNeil and
she knows about men like Balio and Sunder, and Garr will say they are dead.
It's Nina! She will recognize Garr and Ryu.

Garr will tell her to send the mayor off to Wyndia, so they can go talk. Then
the 3 will be sitting in the little field outside of the Manor, Garr will
tell her what happened at Angel Tower. After hearing it they will ponder
about the brood but for now Nina wants to go to Syn City. When you gain
control go right and you will see Rei's shadow and hear a roar. Now leave and
go back to the world map, go to Yraall Road. They're still not letting you
through so go to Mt. Levett, when you are through there go to Syn City. Nina
will feel something is wrong and Garr will smell blood. Check out the people
it seems that Rei has attacked everyone.

Now speak to the man lying on the ground at the entrance to the headquarters,
sell him a healing herb and walk into the headquarters. Get the treasure
there and speak to the man against the wall. He will tell you some monster
was looking for the boss, but he went to the checkpoint to the north a long
time ago. Now leave the headquarters, Garr will come to the assumption that
Rei is still trying to make up for the past. Now leave Syn City, Rest and
Save on the world map and head to the checkpoint. When you enter you will a
blur then the weretiger. He will turn back into Rei, Rei will throw a knife
at Don Mikba. Mikba will leave Rei alone if he just leaves him alone.

Rei will slash Mikba, and then Ryu will show up. Rei will still feel bad
about Teepo meanwhile Mikba will become a monster. He will knock Rei out, and
then you will get a party prompt, make the Party Ryu, Garr, and Rei, chose
Defense as the form. Mikba will recognize Ryu's name as the one who killed
Balio and Sunder!
Boss Fight XXV
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Very Hard
EXP: 1000 Zenny 3000: Item: None
HP: 2400
Dragon Gene: Not Recommended
Suggested Party: Ryu, Garr, and Rei

Special Attacks:
Venom Breath: Poisons the entire party
Resists: Blocks all magic
Quake: Earth Magic whole party
Multistrike: An attack attacks one 3 times or less.
Lucky Strike: Powerful attack

First you will want to revive Rei, have Ryu give him an Ammonia, and Garr
give him a Vitamin. On the next round Rei will automatically become a
Weretiger. Ryu should NOT become a dragon, he will need his AP to heal Rei.
Because Mikba hit's hard. Like the D.Zombie don't bother wasting turns
getting rid of the poison. Garr should just attack and Ryu should always cure
people with items or magic. The only real thing you got to worry about here
is the fact that Mikba reprisal's a whole lot. And when you attack you have
an 80% chance of him Reprising, and then attacking that person as a normal
attack. His attacks are powerful and one attack to anyone and you will need
to cure.

The Weretiger is imperative to win this battle because it hit's so hard. So
your main focus should be keeping it alive. You might want Ryu to use
Influence on it because it is berserk and has a 5% chance of attacking you in
the battle, which can kill you.

Mikba will laugh at Rei after the battle, and killing him was what Rei is
suppose to use the power God gave him for. Also he tells Rei that all this
time he has hunted Balio and Sunder, Ryu killed them years ago! Then he will
die. Then the screen will shift to everyone standing outside of the
checkpoint house. They told Rei what happened at to Ryu after they all splits
up. Rei still wants to avenge Teepo and he wants Ryu to come with him to kill
McNeil Village. But Rei was just kidding. Rei always thought that the power
he had was stronger than anyone was.

But then he ran into Ryu and realized his powers are not nearly as great as
those Ryu has. Then Garr will lay down the facts on having true power. Then
Rei is interested in also going to meet God, because Rei wants to know why he
has powers, and why such power exists. Rei will then join the party! Rei
joins at level 20.
2c: Investigating the Plant
Levels: Ryu 22; Rei 20; Garr 19; Nina 14

Now, go into the checkpoint station and take a healing herb and 80 Zenny from
the cabinets. Use Rei to pick the lock to the door, inside you will find a
treasure containing a deluxe rod. Now leave set up camp rest and save. Go all
the way to Wyndia the investigation of McNeil is over so the path is not
blocked. When you hit Egynok road a scene will start. Garr will mention they
will need a new passport to get to the East. Nina will tell you that she
probably won't be able to go with you this time. Besides the king blames Ryu
for her running away the first time, Nina comes up with an idea. She thinks
since Ryu helped in getting rid of Syn City and if he comes with her to
investigate the plant that then the king will forgive him.

Now go back on the world map, and go to Genmel. See Fahl if you still have
Garr apprenticed under him. Also get some items while you are in Genmel then
go to the plant. Go to where Palet use to be and you will find Momo! Honey
will recognize Ryu and try and get her attention. Momo will not recognize
Ryu, then Honey will tell Momo that Ryu has come back. She will be surprised
that Ryu is alive but she will speak with you when she is done fixing the
machine. Then the screen will shift to the upstairs part of the Inn, Ryu and
Nina will update Momo of the events that occurred after the split up at Angel
Tower. Momo want's to know more but Nina is more concerned with the problems
at the plant.

Momo will tell you that Palet is missing. Because of this the plant is having
a lot of problems, Momo may know where Palet has went. Then Momo will join
the party; she comes in at the same level you left her as. Leave the Inn and
Nina will be interested in what happened to Momo. After the Angel Tower
incident Momo took Peco back to the Tower to study him. Then she couldn't
handle it so she thought that maybe Palet could help her. Ryu and Nina will
be surprised that Peco is still around, Momo will tell you about the
Yggdrasil to the east is where Peco spends all of his time now. Now leave the
plant and go right to the tree with ? over it.

Here you will find Peco and some animals staring at the Yggdrasil. You will
get a brief history of the Yggdrasil Tree. Doesn't that just beat all? Peco
hasn't changed! Peco still speaks in gibberish as well. Anyhow he will join
your party, he will come in at the same level you left him on. Now arrange
the party anyway you like for now, and when you are done have Peco check the
Yggdrasil. The Yggdrasil can speak to Peco, it will tell Peco that it's in
pain and needs something to help it. If you have a wisdom fruit on you the
Yggdrasil will become a master, if you don't when you get one return to the

Now go back to the plant and you will realize something is wrong. Speak to
the workers they will tell you that the green houses are full of smoke. Now
go to the top left area of the plant. Speak to a man there he will tell you
that he has gathered some stones and he was going to throw them into the
windows to break the glass on the greenhouses. You must have Peco in the
party to do this, agree to help the man. Have Peco push the rock to the X.
Then go to the left, then try not to break your speed run up and the rock
will break the window and release the gas. Now go back across the conveur.
This one here is easy; all you have to do is push it to the edge.

Get a run start and it will break through. After that the whole place will
begin to shake. Then some green smoke will come out of the furnace. If you
don't have Momo in your party you will need her so go back out and come back
with her then go into the furnace. Take a protein and a healing herb from the
cabinet. Then have Momo use her bazooka to blow off the door to the furnace.
She will notice a ladder and decide to check out the place. Momo will be
excited by all the machinery here and think that this is some type of secret
laboratory. When you gain control go right and then go up and then go through
the door. You will be in a room with 4 computers.

Have Momo check the computer with the 1 on it. Then she will remember a door
here that had a 1 on it, plus they will need a password. By having a password
and putting it into the computer the door will open. Momo will type in Palet
and the door will open. Before going there go check the door behind you and
you will find a bed rest and save here. When you are done leave this room and
the computer room. Then go down and make a left all the way and go through
the 1 door. Then you will be in a room with a lot of different number doors
go left and go through the other 1 door. When you get in go down the stairs
and get the ammonia from the cabinet.

Then go down the flight of stairs here as well. You will be in a room full of
chrysm poison. If you stay too long you will automatically leave the room
because of the poison is too much. When you get in the room go up and then
check the last square of plants you'll see that plants were called REPSOL.
This is a password so leave this place and go all the way back to the
computer room. Have Momo go to the 2 Computer, and the password will open the
2 door. Now go to the room with all the number doors in it. Go through the 2
door, go up then left and down the stairs. Go right and on to the pipe, keep
right and you will find a dragon chrysm.

It's the Force Gene, now go back out and get off the pipe, go around the pipe
and you will find a memo on the floor. It will talk about experiment AA. AA
is another password, go down and hit the switch to the conveur belt. Then go
through the door. Get the treasure on the right its Sleep Shells. Equip these
to Momo. Then go over the conveur belt. Now go right and you will be back in
the computer room. Have Momo check the 3 Computer, she will put in AA and it
will open the 3 door. Now go back to the room with the numbered doors and go
through the 3 door. When you get in go up then go right and then go left near
the door. Some chrysm gas will be leaking out. Now go in this room, here you
will find a mutant!
Boss Fight XXVI
Form: Attack Ryu leads
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 700 Zenny 300: Item: None
HP: 2500
Dragon Gene: Flame + Miracle
Suggested Party: Ryu, Momo, and Peco

Special Attacks:
Syphon: Takes hp from user and turns it into it's own HP.
Molasses: Lowers speed of user
Quake: Earth Magic to all

First thing you do is have Ryu become the Fire Behemoth. Then after that use
Flame Claw, this will take away 600 HP's off his life. Do this for like 4
rounds and he is toast, no need to worry about any of his magic because they
won't do much to the Flame Behemoth. You may have noticed that he has a
protective coating one magic attack removes that so he is susceptible to
fire, and he can't evade as much.

After the battle go out of the room then go left and up the stairs. Read the
book it will tell you to arrange the numbers in order. After you copy down
the 5 numbers go back to the computer room. The password is 1-3-2-5-4 this
will open the 4 door. Now go to the bedroom and rest and save. Then go
through the door there on the right, then go strait and up the ladder. Then
go through the 4 door. Make a right and go on the pipe, then go up and get
the treasure it's wisdom ring. Equip this to Ryu, then go right then go down
the ladder. Now go strait and you will see Palet. Palet will be talking about
reviving his dead mother, using an elixir made from Chrysm Ore and Yggdrasil

Palet will pull the switch to start the process, then he will talk about how
he perfected the technique so his mother won't be a mutant or an ugly onion.
Momo and company will come to where Palet is. Of course Palet will lie to
Momo, Momo will blame Palet for all the monsters. Palet will then tell Momo
that her father Repsol was the one who created the machine and the idea. He
wanted to use the machine to bring Momo's dead mother back to life. Repsol
canceled the study and the experiments because it defied the laws of nature.
Palet doesn't think it's wrong and thinks it's a good idea. He doesn't care
about the laws of nature he just wants his mother back to life.

Then Palet will drink the elixir to become a mutant and to protect his mother
because he doesn't want to be stopped.
Boss Fight XXVII
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Hard
EXP: 1300 Zenny 300: Item: None
HP: 2600-2900?
Dragon Gene: Fusion (Momo Hybrid)
Suggested Party: Ryu, Momo, Peco

Special Attacks:
Ragnarok: Major Earth damage to all
Lava Burst: Medium Fire damage to all
Head Cracker: 3x attack, major damage
Restore: Major curing/one member
Blitz: Defense ignoring attack on all/based on HP, drains half HP away

Momo and Peco should try and say alive, While Ryu uses Fusion to become the
Momo Hybrid Dragon. Use combustion as this hybrid this takes off about 500 HP
each time used. If used every round he should die in 5-6 rounds. The main
difficulty is magic like Ragnarok and Lava Burst. If Momo and Peco are not
fully cured then they will die, and if they die no one is around the keep
Ryu's Hp up, and since the Momo Hybrid doesn't have much HP. (around the same
as Ryu had in my game) It can die pretty easily as well.
Alternate Shroom Strategy:
By: Zero One

Starting off the fight, I used Momo to cast her Might spell on Ryu to
bring up his attack power. My current tactic was attack with Ryu as the
lead member. Peco at that time for me, was very low on levels so i told
him to defend. I told Ryu to use his shield spell to raise all of the
party's defense. On the second turn, I told Momo to cast Speed on Ryu.
Peco to defend. And Ryu to use the accession with the combination above.
He transformed into the Behemoth. This cause Momo and Peco to leave the
screen so I no longer had to worry about them. On the next turn, I told
Ryu to use hone of his Dragon Abilities, Focus also to raise his attack

On that same turn, Shroom attacked Ryu and he Reprisaled with a
Critical doing 1477 damage. The next turn I put Ryu on auto attack using
the L1 button. He attacked doing 350 damage or so. And once again
Reprisaled doing about 450 damage. Since the behemoth has about 450
health. You won't have to worry about him dying. you just have to watch
the ap. So, I greatly recommend this tactic, because with the Hybrid,
you still have to worry about Momo and Peco who die real easily.

After the fight Momo will really be thinking about all the stuff he said, but
she will be happy that they got rid of Repsol. Check the cabinet on the other
side of the room to get 400 Zenny. Then hit the blue lever to let Repsol's
mother finally Rest In Peace. Go back to the bed room to rest and save and
make your way out of the furnace and out of the plant. You will automatically
be back in camp, Nina will thank Momo for her help in closing down the plant.
Momo realized it would have been done sooner or later. Then Momo will talk
about her father, stopped for a good reason, even though he loved her mother
he couldn't go on with it. Then Momo will decide to go east with Ryu, because
there is nothing left for her here.
2d: Runaway Princess and the Guardian
Levels: Ryu 24; Rei 20; Garr 19; Momo 18; Peco 16; Nina 14

Now when you gain control head for Wyndia, when you get there Ryu Rei and
Nina will be together. Nina will tell Rei to come with her to the castle, and
tell Ryu to go back to camp. She says this because her father thinks he
kidnapped when she ran away from the castle. Plus since she didn't know Rei
as a child nor did the king he will look like another guy and not part of the
gang that brought her back the first time. Now go to the castle, the
gatekeeper will let you in. Nina and Rei will be kneeled before the king.
Nina will tell Daddy Dearest that she has busted up the Syn City crime
organization. She has also shut the plant down.

She couldn't do it without the help of her tailed friend here. The king will
thank Rei and the king knows Rei need a passport to go east, so the king will
get one made immediately. Meantime Nina will give Rei a tour of the castle!
Now loot the place for items if you failed to do so on your first trip inside
the castle. When you are ready to proceed with the game go down the stairs.
Nina will tell you that the dungeon is nearby and she will tell you Ryu was
once in the dungeon. You will find Honey following you. Nina will tell you
about how honey jumped off the balcony and that helped her escape the first

Now go in the dungeon that previously locked door with the frog in it is now
open! Go in there and get the treasure. When you are ready to proceed with
the game go up the stairs. Then go to Nina's mother room. Nina's mother room
is on the left staircase. Have Nina speak to her mother Sheila. Sheila will
tell Nina that she is important, and she needs to stay in the castle more and
take care of her. She will thank Rei for going through the trouble. Now go
downstairs and Nina will wonder if the passport is ready. Then you will be
with the king and the king has the passport. He will give it to Rei. He wants
Rei to stay and eat with him. But Nina urges Rei on, Nina then tell Rei he
better leave before they find Ryu and the others in camp.

Nina will then tell Rei she will have to stay here this time, and then a man
will run pass. Then Sheila will stop you, she will ask Rei if he is friend's
with Ryu. The guard who ran pass said he saw Rei speaking with the people
that accompanied Ryu here the first time. Sheila will call Ryu a con man and
a hoodlum. Nina will speak harshly to her mother and defend Ryu. Then Rei
will feel that he needs to say something, and he needs to plead Ryu's
defense. Then the king wants Rei arrested Rei and Nina will then run away.
The guards will block the entrance of the castle. Then Honey will jump out of
Nina's pocket and run down the stairs. Nina suggests following Honey because
last time she led her out of the castle.

Now go down stairs all the way to the storage room with the crates. Honey
will go down to the small hallway with the locked room. Now go down the
ladder and Honey will be ramming the door, Nina will tell Rei to pick the
lock. After Rei does it, Honey will activate the machine there. Then Honey
will disappear into the white beam of light. Rei will go back outside and the
guards and Sheila will be blocking the way back upstairs. Sheila will demand
for Nina to stay in the castle, but Nina tells her she has to go. Then go and
run into the light and you will disappear like Honey did. You will be in a
new place. When you gain control go up the ladder and out of the door, you
are right outside of the castle in Durandal's house!

Now leave here and you will automatically be back in camp. Rei and Nina will
tell the others what happened at the castle. Then you will hear the rest
music and get a party prompt chose who you like. Now you will be outside of
the castle so head for the checkpoint. When you get there will be no trouble
letting you past so head over the bridge and you will be in the Rhapala
region. Now go to Rhapala if you want it's not necessary now, but you can see
that Shadis and Beyd are still there. Shadis had a baby! She can't help you
right now and neither can Beyd so speak to the people here. According to them
the ship has broke down and you have to take the road if you want to get over
to the Urkan side.

Well leave here and you will find out that the road is repaired! When you get
over to the Urkan side go to Angel Tower. Make sure Garr is in the party. The
guards there will allow Garr through, then Garr will tell you why it is
important that guardians go and speak to Garr. After the war and after they
feel all evil is out of the world. They must speak to God and enter the Stone
Sleep. Then Garr will begin to pray, a voice will say that god won't come.
The naked woman will show up instead she will tell you she needs to be freed
in order to speak with God. Doesn't that just beat all? You need to find
Guardian Gaist to free her! The others will ask Garr what happens and he
tells them that he needs to find Guardian Gaist.

Garr will tell you that they should go to Urkan Tapa to find out more. Now go
to Urkan Tapa and speak to Sudama the old meditating man. Garr will tell
Sudama that he didn't see God. Sudama will simply tell Garr that he has
doubts so God won't appear. Garr will then ask Sudama if he knows where Gaist
is. Sudama will tell him he is in a cave to the west. Now stock up on items
while here then leave Urkan Tapa. Now when on the world map go down and left
and enter Tidal Flats. Walk pass the Manillo and he will tell you that if you
are quick you can be in and out before the tide changes. Then the tide will
go down, so enter the cave.

Once inside go up and make a right, follow along the path make a left then go
up. Then follow along that path and make a right at the fork. If the tide
changes wait for it to go back down then continue. When it does go down the
ladder then go right and follow along the path and you will find a Thunder
Ring. Now go back to the ladder and go down another one. Then go down and on
a raft. Ride the raft to the lower side, and go down and out of the screen.
Then go right and up the incline and you will find the Deadly Blade. Now go
back down and into the cave. Now go back across to the other side on the
raft. Then make a left and climb up a ladder.

Then go down and out of this cave and make a left. You'll find a Dragon
Chrysm, it's the Gross Gene! Now keep left and you'll be back on the world
map rest and save. Then go to Cliff, you can speak to the deadbeats in Cliff
if you chose to they will tell you that the non fighting Guardian is still
here. To find him go up, then right up the rock path then keep up and into a
small cave and you will find Gaist. Then the screen will shift Garr, Gaist
and the others will talk about the war. Then Gaist will want to know why is
Ryu here, and why is Garr traveling with a Brood. Garr will tell him, and
then Garr will tell Gaist they need his help to free Deis. So he can go and
meet God.

Gaist will agree to help you but first he has to speak to Ryu alone. Garr and
the other person will leave. Gaist will talk to Ryu about how the Guardians
kill the Brood. Then he will tell Ryu why he left the war. He couldn't take
the killing any more, and he was tired of it and he really didn't care about
the war or what God wanted. He just wanted to be his own person. He will then
tell Ryu to go and speak with Garr. Now go out and speak to Garr, Garr will
tell you that Gaist wants to test Ryu. Then Garr will want to know how
serious is Ryu about all of this, does he really want to know the truth or is
Ryu just going along and he doesn't really care about God.

Tell Garr you want the truth. Then Garr tells you to prepare for Gaist, now
leave Cliff Rest and save on the world map. Now go back to the cliff, then go
see Gaist, if you are ready tell him you are ready. Then Gaist will tell Ryu
to stand in between those two bazaar's, Gaist will absorb the flame and
become a huge Guardian!
Boss Fight XXVIII
Gaist Torch 2x
Form: N/A
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 1000 Zenny 500: Item: None
HP: Gaist 2500: Torches: 500 each
Dragon Gene: Warrior + Frost, then Defense + Frost

Special attacks:
Flare: Minor Fire Damage
Corona: Major Fire Damage based on HP?
Risky Blow: Critical hit; misses a lot

You should become the Frost Warrior, first and take out the torches with two
Frost Claw's. Then quickly Restore form. On your next turn, turn into the
Frost Dragon. You should do this because he can kill the Frost Warrior pretty
easily because Gaist is powerful, and the Frost Warrior has lower HP and
Defense than the Frost Dragon. As the Frost Dragon you should use all Frost
Claws. It may take quite a few rounds but eventually he will fall to them.
Corona may kill you as a dragon, if you are weak and since you can't cure
yourself in dragon form it makes it a little more difficult. But I don't
think curing will be really necessary.

After the battle Gaist will tell you that he had to die to break Deis's seal.
Then Gaist will do some typical final words talk and be glad he died to a
brood since he took the lives of so many. He will be breathing heavy when
Garr and the other member walk in. Gaist will say his final words to Garr and
become sand. Now Garr suggests leaving and going to see Deis so they can free
her and meet God. When you gain control check the sand for a Beast Spear.
This is Garr's best weapon. Now leave Cliff, rest and save on the world map.
2e: Getting a Boat
Levels: Ryu 26; Rei 20; Garr 19; Momo 18; Peco 17; Nina 17

Now go to Angel Tower and find the room where Deis was in. You may remember
it, it was the down stairs room, before entering the side. The pyramid around
her will spin and then disappear, she will stand. She will tell Garr to come
over, she will then beat Garr up :) She will be mad that Garr had her trapped
down here for 500 years and she will punch Garr in the nuts again. Then you
will see a scene from the past where Garr and Gaist were killing dragons.
Deis will show up and will want them to stop killing the dragons but Garr
only answers to God. Then you will be brought back to Angel Tower, Ryu is as
red as an apple!

Garr will want to talk about God but Deis won't want to because the element
is too strong here. She tells Garr to meet her at the volcano to the west.
Then Deis will disappear, Garr will tell you that she means Mt. Zublo. Now
leave the room and leave Angel Tower. Now go to that shrine you may have
noticed in front of Mt. Zublo on the Rhapala side of it. Have Ryu read the
huge plaque on the wall. Then Ryu will be teleported inside, Deis will be in
the half snake half woman form. She will tell you that the naked form was to
imprison her powers. Make sure to tell her you like her better as the snake,
this will make Deis blush :) Then Garr will be brought into the room.

Then Garr will want to know when he will be able to see his God. Deis will
show you by opening Ryu's Dragon Eye. After some flashy magic a beam will
appear over Ryu and point to the north. She will tell you that God is far
away to the north. So far it's across the sea! At this point Deis is too weak
to teleport you across the sea herself. She will then teleport Ryu out of the
room, and then she will ask Garr to protect Ryu. Garr will swear to protect
Ryu. Then she will teleport Garr away, she is out of wind from doing all that
magic. Then you will be on the other side and Nina will be waiting there.
Nina will want to know everything that happened if they met God in there.

Garr will tell her the gist of it. Now leave here and save on the world map.
Now go to Rhapala. Speak to Shadis she will tell you that Beyd went to Junk
Town to get the boat back. Now go back to the Urkan Region speak, Junk Town
if you don't know is directly north of Urkan Tapa. When you get there get
some new weapons and new items if you want. When you are done go down and you
will find Beyd. Go there and a conversation will start Beyd will explain who
he is and they will let him through. Follow Beyd through and you will be on
the world map. Now go down to the Dock enter it. Then go down near the boat
and you'll see Beyd again.
They will tell Beyd they don't have enough parts to fix the boat right now.

They didn't know he was coming so they didn't get around to finding the
parts. Then Ryu and the others will come down and Beyd will turn around and
recognize Ryu. Beyd will be glad to see Ryu again but he will want to know
why Ryu is here. Ryu will tell him he needs a boat, but again the boat is not
ready so there isn't much Beyd can do. If you have Momo in the party have her
speak to Beyd, he will remember Momo is an engineer. Then Momo will speak to
the engineer of the boat and she will offer to look at the engine for them.
Momo will check out the engine and she will know what's wrong. She will give
you a memo, which shows you the parts you need to fix the engine.

When you gain control leave the boat and the watchman will stop you. He will
tell you to speak to the machine guild guildmaster before going to search for
parts. Go back to Junk Town. Go to the second house on the left from the
lower exit of the town. The man on the other side of the table is the
guildmaster. He doesn't really care if you go and look for parts even though
that is supposed to be work for guild members. Now leave here and go to Steel
Beach make sure you have Garr in the party. The man there will try and stop
you but he will let you through. Once inside the actual beach area go up and
then right and you will find a dragon chrysm.

The Mutant Gene! Now speak go left and speak to the big guy with the beard.
He is the foreman he will tell you that only the best fighters of the machine
guild are allowed to go into the freighter. He see's Garr is buff so he
decides to test his strength!
Mini Game IV
Tug Rope

The idea is simple when the monkey lifts the white flag the Foreman pulls his
rope. When the monkey lifts the red flag Garr tugs his rope. If he lifts both
flags then both tug the ropes. You have to make sure you are hitting the X
button fast, and only hit it at the proper time and when the proper flag is
up. If you hit X while the white flag is up then you will mess up. Always
make sure you stay within two meters of the foreman either way. So if he has
12.50M Garr should have no less than 10.50M and no more than 14.50M. When you
get down to about 4 meters it will be over.

After the game the foreman can tell you have something huge on the rope. It's
a huge fish monster the monkey and the Foreman will run away!
Boss Fight XXIX
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 1000 Zenny 200: Item: None
HP: 2800
Dragon Gene: Any except Thunder Gene.
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Venom Breath: Poisons entire Party.
Thunder Clap: Thunder magic on one; Major Damage

This boss shouldn't be too difficult, turn Rei into the Weretiger. You should
motivate Rei to the Angler as the Weretiger. Ryu should be any dragon or
warrior of any element except Thunder since angler is thunder based. Garr
should just attack. The only thing you really need to worry about is the
Thunder Clap because it takes off a lot of HP. But someone should have the
Thunder Ring equipped, and hopefully one of these guys has the Thunder Ring.

The Foreman will be very impressed by this and he will allow you access to
the freighter. When you gain control go up and check the circle thing. That
is part A, now scour the beach for parts press X everywhere. If you did got
everything on the beach you should have: Part A,H,B,G and F. Take these parts
back to Momo she is on the boat in the engine room. Only 3 of these will be
of use to her. Now go back to the beach and to the upperleft in the
freighter. When you are inside check near the top of the divider there for
Part D. Then keep going strait and you will find Part B. Now go back and down
the stairs then down the ladders.

When you are down on the floor go left and you will find part D.. Then go
down and around the back of the divider and you will find Part C. Now go back
on the other side of the divider and hit the lever until it's lever will the
two sides. Do the same for the other lever near the back of the place. Before
going on them go on the left side near the crates and you'll find a part C.
Then behind the crate on the right side you'll find the Robe of Wind. Then
check right next to it and you'll find Part E. Now go back to near the first
divider and you'll find Part H. Return to the first ladder and go up it. Go
around the girders for a Part A.

Now keep going on the girders on the right you'll find another Part C. Now go
back to the ladder and get off the girders. Then go to the middle lever and
search around it for a Part G. Now lower the girder Then go around to the
ladder and get on the girders again. You were suppose to lower the girder low
enough so it would be parallel with the lower crate if you did then you will
get Part F.. That's all the parts now go back out of the freighter and go see
Momo, she is still at the ship in the dock. You might as well give her
everything. She will be glad you have all the parts, Beyd will suggests to
Ryu that they go back to the bridge.

Ryu will be pacing and Momo will tell you from the engine room to start the
engine. The parts worked Momo fixed it! Now the ship will be moving, Beyd
will tell you he has to return to Rhapala first then you can use the ship as
much as you want! He will tell you to relax for now. Now go and speak to
everyone and speak to Nina who is on the outside part of the boat. Nina will
be talking about the wind, and then you will see a scene where Beyd is asking
one of the sailors what happened to the ship this time. Then you will go back
to Ryu and Nina. Nina will notice something out in the ocean, and then you
will be brought back to Beyd and the sailor.

The sailor will tell Beyd that the Black Ship hit the boat! Then you will be
brought back to Nina and Ryu; Nina will see a huge ship out in the distance.
Then you will be back with Beyd and the Sailor, Beyd won't believe it because
the Black Ship only travels in the outer ocean and is too large to travel the
middle sea. Finally you will end up in Rhapala.
2f: Finding a way across the ocean
Levels: Ryu 26; Rei 21; Garr; 20 Momo 18; Peco 17; Nina 17;

Now Beyd will let you have the ship and two sailors who can take you anywhere
you want to go. Then someone will yell wait! Then Zig will show up, he will
want to be the pilot of your ship. He wants to show you that he has what it
takes, and that he is the best sailor there. Beyd will agree to let Zig pilot
your ship. Zig will wait until you are ready so go to the Inn or the world
map to Save. Now go back to the wharf and get on the boat speak to Zig and
tell him you are ready to leave, you will see the boat pull away from the
harbor. He will then ask Ryu where he wants to go, Ryu will tell him he is
planning on going to the outer ocean.

At first Zig will be shocked but Zig feels he is capable of taking you there.
But first Ryu should go talk this type of move over with his friends. Now go
around the boat speaking to everyone and when you are ready go back to Zig in
the deck. Tell him you are ready and since he is the best sailor in the world
he will be able to get you across. Now you will be able to control the boat
your self. The controls are pretty simple, move the boat with the D-pad and
then hold O if you want to boat to go really fast but this puts pressure on
the engine. If the engine overheats you will be forced to wait a few seconds.
For now just go up and the boat will drift to the darker blue outer ocean.

The boat will be shaking pretty badly at first then you will see the boat
going over some very powerful waves. The waves will be too powerful and the
boat will be swaying back and forth. Zig will be forced to go back to the
Middle Sea. Zig didn't imagine that the outer ocean would be that powerful,
Zig says that will be impossible to get across in this boat. Nina will want
to know if it's possible at all to make it across the sea. Then Zig will
mention the Legendary Mariner. Zig will tell you that the sailors have a
legend about a man who made it from the outer ocean to the inner ocean. Nina
will want to know more but sadly that's all Zig knows about it.

Zig tells you there is a town here called Parch and the mayor there knows
about the Legendary Mariner. If you are ready speak to Zig go to the upper
right part of the inner sea and enter Parch. First when you enter go to the
building on the right side of town that has inn weapons and items on it. Get
some new fishing gear and a weapon for someone. When you are done go to the
right side of the town, that's the mayor's house. The mayor is not speaking
to anyone about anything because he hates fish. He won't touch it because it
recently made him sick. You will find out he is from Central Wyndia and not
even a real live Wyndian Princess can cheer him up.

Since he hates fish right now the woman there suggests getting food from his
home in Maekyss. Well right now leave Parch and dock in Rhapala, leave
Rhapala. Now head over to Mt. Zublo to go and see Deis she is better now so
she will allow visitors. Have Ryu speak to her, she wants to be called Ma'am,
so chose Yes Ma'am and she will become a master! Apprentice Ryu to her, for
right now. Now leave here and go to the Wyndia Region then go to Wyndia. The
4 hide and seek kids are still here. But they are all adults and they are all
around Ryu's age. Speak to the tall balding guy, he is the leader Bais. He
will tell you they still play hide and seek and will want to know if you will
play hide and seek with them once more.

Chose to play hide and seek, this time they all won't hide in Wyndia but all
around the world! Each one will give you a hint, and then tell him you are
ready. Then the screen will flash and all of them will disappear. Here are
their locations:
Lang: Behind the second tombstone on the left in Wyndia Family Crypt.
Lee: Behind the left wall of the Wyndia checkpoint.
Wynn: Side of the first house on the bottom of Junk Town.
Bais: Dauna Mines, B3, near the place where Ryu was born.

When you find all four return to Wyndia the big prize for finding them all? 4
New masters... not very cool but 3 of them teach you new forms. When you are
ready to proceed with the game go to the Maekyss Gorge. Go to the house where
you fount the Frost Gene near. Go inside and speak to the woman, she will
tell you about the delicacy here is Shishu. She will then tell you that
Shishu is perfect for a guy who hates fish, since it doesn't taste like fish.
You will need Mackerel, Shaly Seeds, Vinegar and Horseradish. Here are the
basic locations of the stuff.
Mackerel: Catch it in Maekyss River
Shaly Seeds: Tree near the Maekyss House
Vinegar: Coffee Shop
Horseradish: Ogre Road.

First you will need Peco and Garr in your party, have him hit the tree for
until you get some Shaly Seeds. You can keep hitting the tree if you want
more Shaly Seeds. Now leave here and you will see a new fishing spot in the
Maekyss River. You will find that there are mackerel's in the Maekyss River.
You should use the "top" type lure to catch one. You can purchase a Top in
Parch. Catch 2 Mackerel's just to be on the safe side. Now go to the coffee
shop, and go to the main area then go right and down you will find a cloaked
man near a well. Have Garr speak to the cloaked man. A mini game will start!
Mini Game V
Drawing Water

Ok here is the basic idea press triangle about 10-12 time to get the bucket
to drop into the water. When you hear the bucket splash toggle the D pad left
and right. Keep toggling it until you stop hearing a swishing sound. Now
press X the exact number of times you pressed Triangle. Watch Garr when you
see him do a "tug" motion, hit X again and then you will have the water.

Now that you got the water the cloaked man will give you vinegar! Now time to
go across the "world" to Ogre Road. Enter it from the Dauna side, Go to the
upper left part near the entrance which is slightly off the road. You'll find
a strange green patch of grass. Have Ryu chop down the 3 plants there with
his sword and those plants are horseradish! Now leave Ogre Road and go back
to Maekyss. Speak to the woman in the house there and she will give you tips
on putting it together. She will then offer her recipe for Shishu. This is
the recipe, the mackerel is 10, so use 8 shally seeds, 2 vinegar, and 4

Now go back to the east and get in the boat and take it to Parch. Save at the
inn before going ot the mayor's house just incase you screw up on the Shishu.
Speak to the old man in the mayor's house, Ryu will tell him his idea to make
Shishu for the mayor. If you follow the woman's recipe, then you will get it
right. You can screw up the recipe on purpose if you do then you will see the
mayor not want the Shishu. Then Ryu will try it, looked shocked and feint.
Well if you got the Shishu right then the mayor will be interested in Shishu.
He will eat it and love it. Now the mayor will be willing to speak to Ryu
about the Legendary Mariner.

Ryu will explain that he needs to get to the other side of the ocean, and he
wants to know about the Legendary Mariner. Since you gave the mayor the
Shishu he will decide to help you. He will give you some sea charts which if
you follow you can beat the waves and make it to where the legendary mariner
lives! Now leave Parch and go to the Junk Town Dock. Now get back on the
world map, then go up and make a right along the skinny road and go to the ?
house there. Speak to the man there if you want. Go in the house check behind
the curtain on the right for a dragon gene it's the ??? Gene. Now leave here
and go back to the dock.

Now get back in the boat and go to the ? spot near the house off the shore.
You will be on the ocean you will have to make it around the turns using the
small map on the lower right corner. It's pretty simple just go to the upper
part, and then go left through the rocks and then keep going left, you'll
make it to the house but probably with not much time left. When you get there
a parrot will fly on the Legendary Mariner's shoulder and he knows that
visitors are here. He will think you are with the guild at first but he still
invites you in for Coffee. Nina will ask the Legendary Mariner how to get
across the ocean.

First the Legendary Mariner will tell you his name is Kukuys. He will then
tell you he is not a sailor. He will then tell you no boat made for the
Middle Sea could make it across the large ocean. He didn't come here because
he wanted to either, he was a castaway from the other side. Doesn't that just
beat all? No sailor just some loser from the other side of the ocean who
drifted here! He also tells you there is not much of interest on the other
side of the Sea. He will tell you there is a way across the sea you will need
a certain ship to take you there. Momo will mention the Black Ship. Then the
screen will shift to being on the Black ship, you will be right along side of
the Black Ship.

Momo has an idea, shoot the ship. This of course has no effect to the ship,
and the ship has guns! They rotate and detect your boat and shoot it. Zig
will get the ship out of there. They now need another plan since obviously
that didn't work. Zig will tell you to talk it over with your friends before
making a decision. Momo comes up with another plan. She thinks you should ram
the ship from behind. Now speak with everyone else then go back to Zig. Ryu
will tell Zig what Momo said. At first Zig will be surprised by it, but then
he will be willing to ram the ship from behind. Now use the O button to build
up enough speed to catch the ship and then ram it.

Wait for the ship to turn around so you will be facing the back of it. Then
hold O and then you will here a crash. Now Zig will tell you to see if
everyone is all right. Check everyone on the ship everyone seems to be shaken
up but they are all right. Then you will see a scene with Kukuys' again, he
will tell you that the Black Ship is fully automated no one is on board. You
have to get to the bridge and program it to go back to the other side of the
ocean. Now you will be brought back to current times, Momo figures she can
reprogram the ship easily. Then you'll get a party prompt choose Momo and
whoever else you want.
2g: Black Ship
Levels: Ryu 26; Rei 21; Garr; 20 Momo 18; Peco 17; Nina 17;

Now go back into the Guild boat rest and save. Now go onto the Black Ship go
up and through the door. Once inside go and then down the stairs on the left.
Now go right and then up, ignore the door on the right and then go up and
through the door. Now go right and activate the machine chose program 2. Get
on the lift and it will stop at a platform get back on the lift, ride it
until it takes you to a platform near a door. Get off here go up and through
the door. Once you're in the next room go up and get the ID Card from the
machine and go back out. Now get back on the lift and ride it back to the
first platform, then go back to the control panel.

Choose program 3. Ride the lift until it takes you to a lower floor. Now get
off the lift and go down through the door. Now go to the panel and turn on
the crane. Then go back out to the lift and have it ride you back to the
original platform. Now choose program 4, when it takes you to the lower level
go down get off and get the treasure it's skill ink. Now go back to the
platform and ride it back to the original platform, now leave the room. Now
go back to the first room in the black ship. Go in the door. Walk up and hit
the button to start the crane.
Mini Game VI
The Crane

It's simple, hold X and the crane will move to the right. Release it to stop
the crane from going right, then hold X again and it will go up release X to
stop it. You have to get the X right in the middle of the crate to grab it,
the crane will automatically take the crate to where it is suppose to go. Get
the 3 crates to form a bridge, there is also a crate hiding in-between some
larger brown crates. If you can get that then you'll get protectors.

Now go right and across the crates go up into the doorway on the right, once
inside go up and through the doorway. Now keep going up and on the large
crates and get the treasure its Flash Shells. Now go back through the two
doors and go strait down through the doorway. Now hit the blue switch and you
will be able to walk across the beam and go back to the Guild Boat. Go there
Rest and Save and then go back to where the lever was, and go up the stairs
to the right of it. Once up there go left and through the door. Once you are
inside the room go up and get the treasure its skill ink. Now go back out of
the room, right and up and through the first door on the right.

Check the cabinet there for ammonia. Now leave and go into the second door on
the left check the lower left corner in the room where you can't see, and you
will find 2400 Zenny. Leave here go up then right then up the stairs. Put the
ID card next the elevator you will automatically ride the elevator to the
next floor. Once you are on the next floor go right and up the stairs. Have
Momo check the control panel in the room, Momo says she can restart the Ship
and make it go back to the north like it was supposed to. But she will need
to find out what the boost counter says. She will remember where it is and
you will see where it is.

It's the 3rd door on the right from the room where you found the ammonia. She
needs you to check the counter when she starts it she wants to know when it
hits 100. She will remind you the counter will be running while you are going
and coming back. So go to the room, and check the counter, then check it
again you will hear a beep. It beeps everytime it goes up one number. When it
gets to about 60 or so leave the room, and go back to her room, constantly
counting the beeps when you go wait in the control room. When you hear the
100th beep, speak to Momo. If you timed it right you will hear the Black Ship
start to run.

Then you will see Zig in the guild boat he is taking the ship back to the
machine guild. Then Momo will call everyone on to the Black Ship. Then you
will see Ryu's dragon eye opening, and pointing towards where God is. Then
you will see the Black Ship pulling off and leaving. Then Momo will check out
the ship and tell everyone that she won't know how long it takes to get over
to the other side and you should just relax until you get here. You will see
scenes of everyone sort of just lounging around. Then you will see Ryu, Garr,
and Rei talking. Garr wants to know why Rei came along. Rei tells him because
he wanted to know why powers like his, Mikba's and Ryu existed.

Suddenly an alarm will go off. Garr suggest checking out what is the problem.
Leave this room and Nina will be out in the hallway she is going to the deck
to ask Momo what's going on. Go there and Momo will find the switch for the
alarm. She will say something hit the ship and that's why there was an alarm,
whatever it is, is on the prow of the ship. She will open a door on the ship
that leads to the prow. Nina will mention a locked door near their bedrooms.
You will get a party prompt, chose whom you like but I stayed with the
default party Ryu, Garr and Rei. When you gain control go down to where the
rooms are. In the room where the 2400 Zenny was you will find a diary Save

Now go down and left and through the door, now go up and through the open
door. Once you're inside the next room go right then down and then go through
the door. Inside you will find a treasure containing Ivory Dice, now leave
the room. Go up and then down the ramp and then up some stairs. Make a left
and then down the ladder. Now go down and follow along the path and go
through the door, when you enter go right and up the stairs. Then go up and
make a left, keep left ignore the stairs and go down. Keep going down and get
the treasure containing a soul gem. Now go up then right and down the stairs.
Go down then go down another flight of stairs, now go down a ladder.

Then go down around the crates and up a ladder, then go up and through the
door. Go up the ladder in the next room and you will be on the prow of the
ship. When you are out there the ship will start to shake go left and on the
edge of the ship a monster will hit it. Doesn't that just beat all? Another
monster will appear! The game will suggest pressing right to make it to the
middle of the ship, remember only do it when the monsters aren't moving. If
you make it to the middle of the ship, the ship will use its self defense
Boss Fight XXX
Ammonite 2X
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Hard
EXP: 3000 Zenny 1000: Item: None
HP: 2000 each
Dragon Gene: Thunder + Warrior
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:

Tsunami: Water attack: drains Half Hp.
Multistrike: Physical attacks; hits 3 times
Blizzard: Major water damage
Ice Blast: Medium Water damage

First have Ryu become the Thunder Warror. Don't have Rei turn into the
Weretiger; he will attack you more if you are facing 2 enemies. So Rei should
use lightening, Garr should just attack. If you go t to the middle the gun
will shoot them once in a while this does about 60 HP worth of damage but it
takes a turn away from one of them so it good for you. When you get one of
them defeated the other won't use Tsunami any more. He will switch to using
Blizzard which can just about kill, or kill everyone if you are on low HP.
Just keep Ryu doing the Thunder Claw on him and they will die pretty quickly
because it does major damage.

Make sure to feed Ryu any AP restoring items, and make sure Ryu has his HP.
You also should revive any one who dies because the battle is much harder
with one 1 or 2 members alive.

Don't cure after the battle just walk left and go down the ladder. The ship
made it to the other side in a few days without any more problems.
2h: New World
Levels: Ryu 28; Rei 23; Garr 22; Momo 18; Peco 17; Nina 17

Now you will see everyone getting off the ship. Everything basically looks
like the other side according to first inspection. When you gain control go
up you will see that everyone here is dressed like Kukuys! Speak to the
people there is a weapon and an item shop here as well. You probably won't be
able to buy all the new and great weapons they sell here buy what you can and
save some Zenny for some more items. Now leave the town and you will be in
camp. Rei Momo and Garr will be talking about the lifeless people in the
town. Then Rei will see his own reflection, which is supposed to reflect his
inner emotions.

It will ask him if he is scared, but he reassures "himself" that he came here
on his free will and that being here was better than staying on the other
side mugging people on the highway. Now you will see Nina inside the tent
talking about how amazing it is she made it to the other side of the ocean.
Then she'll see herself; she will wonder about how her family at the castle
is worrying about her. But she reassures herself that she is here to be with
Ryu to make sure he is all right and that this is more worthwhile than being
a princess. Then you will see Momo thinking about the machines, how she will
be the fire Engineer to unlock the mystery of where machines come from.

Then Momo will see "herself" she will start to think about how her father
would feel about her now. Then she will reassure herself that finding out
where machines come from is a worthwhile cause and it's worth coming across
the ocean for. Then you will see Nina again, Nina will be talking to Ryu
about how they should try and find more information on God the next day. Then
everyone will rest, now when you are back on the world map set up camp for
real and save. Now go up to the ? path of grass with the tree. There is a
Yggdrasil in this barren land! But more importantly is what is behind it, a
Dragon Chrysm!

Now leave the Yggdrasil tree and go down and right to Steel Grave, which is
upper right from Kombinat. When you enter go right then up, then go right
again and keep going right. You will come upon a ladder go up it, get the
treasure it's UV glasses equip these to someone and go back down the ladder.
Then walk down and go up the ladder on the right next to the steel landing.
Then go right and up and down a ladder, now if you have Momo with you can use
her bazooka to blow off the door here. If you do, then when you enter the
room go up and right and get the treasure. It's a Spanner Rod. Now leave here
and go all the way back up the ladder.

Go down and make a right at the sand incline, go up at the fork here and keep
going up until you are on the world map. When you get on the world map go up
and enter the place called Colony. Make sure you have Momo with you before
entering. When you enter Momo will notice a satellite here (but of course she
won't know what it is but you should unless you live in a cave) Now when you
gain control go up and left, go around the house and up the stairs. Now keep
going up and go into the building. Once inside go left and go through the
open doorway. Now go up and into the building on the right, go up in the
building and open the treasure and you will find a deep diver.

Then go back out of the building, make a left and ascend the stairs. Now you
will see a dragon chrysm, it's the Failure Gene! Now go back down the stairs,
go down and make a right. Now go up the stairs there, then go in the room.
There is a teleporter here like the ones on the other side of the ocean. Now
get the treasure bag on the teleporter it's a key! Now leave back out, then
go down the stairs and go left. Then go up the stairs there, now go down and
right and through the door. Go right then down and you will be on the other
side. No go up the stairs go up make a left and jump off the ledge you will
fall through the window.

Have Momo read the panel to the machine and have her insert the key into the
machine. She will tell you the idea of what you have to do. You have to align
the reflectors, which look like mirrors in a certain way so the laser will
reflect off of them and hit the fuse on the other side of the room. Here is
what you should do, move the lower reflector 3 times, move the left mirror 4
times, and move the one on the right 3 times. If those directions are off but
they should give you the basic idea I think some of those may be more but I
wasn't paying attention and didn't get it proper.

Anyway the machine will turn on the teleporter. So leave here and go back to
the teleporter room. When you do you will see a beam alight go across the
sea. Now leave this room and you will see Honey run away. Follow her go right
and up the ladder, now keep right along the path and through the door. Then
you will be back in what appears to be the freighter from steel beach. Nina
will check it out to see if it is, when she comes back she will confirm it
you are back on the other side of the ocean! Momo will think that the portals
were originally made for people to travel around the world easier. That's why
they have a portal here. Leave here rest and save on the world map.
2i: Square One and Dragnier
Levels: Ryu 28; Rei 25; Garr 22; Momo 20; Peco 17; Nina 17

Go back into the freighter, and go to where the portal was but don't go there
instead take the fork going down. Make a left ignore the first flight of
stairs, and go up the second flight. Keep walking up then go up some more
stairs, then make a right and go down. Now go down the stairs and read the
green statue. This puzzle drove me bananas for about an hour! Here it is to
save you the trouble, the correct order is pull the East lever first, then
the south then the north. When you look at it, it looks so simple! Anyway go
under west girder and walk up the long staircase.

Now go around the girders and follow along the path into the next area. Make
a right and then go around the stairs, then go down and make a left and then
go up another flight of stairs. You will end up in a room with 3 platforms,
the idea here is to get one of the platforms in the middle so you can ride to
the middle square to open the door. This is no simple task, here is basically
what you have to do to pull it off. First you want to get all 3 platforms on
the bottom left corner. Make sure not to touch the one that is closest to the
middle. Take one of the other 2 up and to the other side. So that it will be
facing the 3rd one you are not supposed to touch.

Now take the other one and put it in, or about the same spot as the one that
is on the other side. Now ride it left and it will touch the 3rd one and
bring it back to the end of the bottom left side. Now go back around and ride
the other one on the right side to the left this will push the other one to
the end. Then that one will be alone and you can ride it to the middle. Now
this here will take some trial and error, and a lot of frustration. So if you
screw up very badly even though any screw up can be fixed leave the room to
reset it. Ok when you get the door open go through it then go up the stairs.
Now go down and get the treasure it's a Lacquer Shield.

Now walk up then right and go up some stairs. Then go down and you will be
outside, get the treasure there it's a Barbarossa. Now go back in go up and
then make a left. Now keep left and go through the door. Now go up the flight
of stairs go down, then make a right and then go up the stairs and then go
through the door. Now go left and up the stairs now read the panel there. You
can realign the antenna. Use the D-pad to realign the antenna you have to get
it so you hear no static and that's how you know when you are on a clear path
to the other antenna. Press X when you have the clear path if the satellite
flashes then it was done properly.

Now you will have to go alllll the way back through the building. Go back to
the Teleporter here, when you get there chose Container Yard from the
machine. When you get to the container yard go right and you will find a
dragon chrysm, the Radiance Gene! One more gene and you'll have every gene!
Now go back into the portal and then select Dragnier. When you leave the
portal a man will be bewildered of how you came from the room. An old man
will walk up look at everyone then at Ryu and say it's time to celebrate! Now
you will be at a large banquet and Ryu and the party will be sitting around
the table. They will explain to everyone that everyone in the village are

They tell Garr not to be afraid they gave up their powers and fled the war.
They did it to escape the Guardians! They will refer to Ryu as the Dragon
Prince, then you will eat. Then you will be at nighttime, Ryu will be walking
around the village alone. The old woman will explain to Ryu that his
forecoming was a legend for many generations. The old man will tell Ryu that
a long time ago their ancestors gave up their powers and went underground to
hide from the war. Many people had a child and then went into a deep sleep.
Waiting the day that a Legendary Brood child would be born, and Ryu is the
one they have been waiting for.

Then Ryu will go up to speak to the other old man, he knows where the
Guardian's God is. The screen will have some strange dots on it, and he will
tell Ryu he needs to awaken the true power of the brood within him. That was
just a dream because you will see Ryu being awaken by the old woman. She will
say he fell asleep soon after the dinner. Then she will tell you that his
companions are outside. Check the cabinet on the left for a skill ink. Then
leave and you will see Rei jumping from the building. Rei will be amazed to
see so many Brood. He will then notice Garr standing alone looking depressed.
Rei will come with you to speak with Garr.

Garr will tell you that he stills feel bad about the war. He remembers the
war and even though everyone here doesn't they still see the Guardians as
enemies. He thinks everyone is suspicious that Ryu has a Guardian as a
companion. He thinks the people hate him, and really don't like the fact that
he came here. Then Rei will interrupt and tell Garr how he feels about the
whole thing. He tells Garr it was his idea to meet God, and he is the reason
everyone is here. Since he was going to meet God the others thought it would
be a good idea to meet God as well. He really tells Garr what he means. Then
Griol the old man will come up to Ryu and tell him that the Elder wishes to
speak with him.

The elder is the oldest Brood here. He is so old he remembers the war, this
kind of alerts Garr. Griol will tell you that the elder lives in the well.
There is an item shop here so buy some items before venturing into the well,
and then leave town to rest and save. Now go back inside Dragnier, go to the
well and go down the ladder. When you are inside go left and go down the
other ladder. No go up and then go up another ladder. Now go up then up a
flight of stairs. Notice the mural on the wall it's the same on from the game
intro. No go right and through the first doorway. Check the shelf on your
right for an ivory dice.

Now leave the room and go up and in to the 3rd room on your right. The elder
is inside his name is Jono. He will want to speak with Ryu, he will ask him
if he saw the mural on the wall on the way in. He will explain that the mural
shows Brood history stemming back to before the Great War. It shows each
generation's brood hero struggle against the evil Myria. He will tell you
that Myria is the Goddess that the Urkans believe in, and the one that Ryu is
currently looking for. Jono will tell you that the Urkans never spoke the
name of their God or their enemies. Speaking of Urkans he wants to speak with
the Guardian that came along.

Leave out to the world map, change your party and put Garr in it and come
back to Jono that is if you didn't have Garr in your party. Jono will tell
Garr that the Urkans should of spoken the name of the Brood, and of Myria
since the Brood no longer had a voice in this there would be no way for
others to know what really happened. Then Garr will ask "Honorable Elderly
One" if they hate the guardians? Jono will tell Garr that he doesn't hate the
Guardians, but some among Dragnier probably do. Garr will then ask "Honorable
Elderly One" what does he mean by that. Jono will get mad he keeps calling
him elderly one since Garr is about the same age as him!

Now Jono doesn't wish to speak with Garr any more, or any male's in your
party he wants a female! If you don't have Nina with you go get her, you
could try Momo to get some funny dialogue. But seriously get Nina, Jono will
tell Nina that it was the fate of the Brood. He will tell you the brood have
always fought against Myria. She wanted the Brood killed because they had
enough power to destroy her world, and she feared the power that the Brood
had. Jono will then tell Nina that if the Brood would of fought with all
their power the world would of been destroyed for sure. He then has something
very important to tell Nina but she has to come close.

Jono wants a kiss, tell Nina to do what she wants and she will kiss him. Now
he will be happy and he will call Ryu over. Now Jono will tell Ryu it's time
to end this. Ryu's fait is soon to come, tell him you are ready if you are.
If your party isn't right go back and get who you want. When you come back
Jono tells you the Brood have waited until the chosen one would come to the
world. He says that he is the hidden power of the brood, but he wants to give
up his power. But the only way he could lose his power is by having it taken
away! The room will flash green, which will prevent Ryu from using his Brood
powers. He will then become a huge dragon!
Boss Fight XXXI
Form: Normal
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 2000 Zenny 1000: Item: None
HP: 5000
Dragon Gene: Can't Use
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:

Bad Back: Doesn't do anything
Myollnir: Major lightening attack
Inferno: Major Fire attack

Although Elder may seem to have an incredibly high HP. This battle really
isn't that difficult. Although Ryu has no dragon powers, there is nothing
stopping Rei's Weretiger. Remember have Ryu Motivate Rei to become a
Weretiger. Ryu should cure everyone whenever a nasty spell comes. When there
is no need to cure have Ryu and Garr and attack. Then have Garr just attack.
Now here is the key, he seems to do two attacks either physical or magical
then a badback. Utilize that time for everyone to cure, and make sure you
keep Rei cured because he can't cure himself in this state!

Jono will be impressed by Ryu. Jono will tell Ryu he deserves the true power
of the Brood. Have Ryu walk up to him, he will tell Ryu that the power is
strong enough to destroy the world. He will tell Ryu that the great Brood
Warriors use the power along with their friends to thwart the evil Myria.
It's up to him what he wants to do with his powers. Then Jono will disappear,
and a green globe will remain. Take it, it's the last dragon gene, the
Infinity Gene!!! Now leave the well, and Griol will be outside. He will sense
that the Infinity Gene is now with Ryu. He will tell you exactly where the
Goddess is. He says Ryu must travel through the _Desert of Death_.
2j: Desert of Death
Levels: Ryu; 29 Rei 26; Garr 24; Momo 20; Peco 19; Nina 18

When you are ready to leave speak to the man near the entrance of Dragnier.
But for now go up and to the teleporter go inside. I highly suggest going to
speak with your masters now. Get anything you can from them and come back.
When you are back in Dragnier, go up the stairs above the teleporter and have
Ryu examine the discolored portion of wall. It's Ladon, he is the ancient God
of the Dragons. He will be your master assuming now that Ryu has all the
dragon genes. If you do, apprentice whom you want under him. Now go and speak
to the man near the entrance. He will be able to take you to the Desert of

Now you will be back on the world map. It may be a good idea to stock up on
vitamins in Dragnier. Make sure you have Momo in your party. When you are
ready proceed north to the factory. When you enter the factory go right, then
go down then go right and up an incline. Now go up then make a left and get
the wisdom seed. Now go right then go down and make a left. Then go down and
go right and down a hill. Then go left and down and then hill and now go left
and down. Get the treasure it's a skill ink. Now go back up to the last fork
you came to and go right. Then go inside the building. Once inside go up and
ignore the stairs and go into the doorway.

Go around the right side of the machine, there is a hidden staircase here
descend the stairs. Go left and get the treasure it's a rock breaker. Now
leave here and go back to the stairs. Go up the stairs and you will find a
treasure bag containing ammonia. Now go back out and go back to the doorway
but take the fork from it going left and down the sand decline. Then go up
make a right at the fork, now go into the doorway hit the lever. Then go
inside the doorway there. Once inside go up and hit the lever there. Now
quickly go down avoiding the elctric floor and hit the blue lever. Now
quickly go up if you were fast enough you should have made it to the other

Now go down the stairs on the right, and make a left and go through the door.
Now go right and then down and go through the doorway on the left. Now follow
the path around the building, get the treasure its a Sage's Frock. Go back
out of the room, then go down into the next room. Now go right and pull the
blue lever. Then go right and up and pull the lever. Then go up the stairs,
and read the instructions for the machine. The idea is that the workbot
follows your motion and it can pull the lever by pressing X. Use the Blocks
to stop the Workbot, and so you can get more room. When you hit the 3 levers
leave the dais.

Now go back down the stairs, ho up the ladder and make a left, then go down
the stairs and hit the lever. Now go up and right and get the treasure it's a
Homing Bomb, equip that to Momo. Now go back up the stairs, then go up and
right and through the door. Go up the ladder then go up all the stairs.
There's an emergency switch have Momo blow it off. Then go through the
doorway you'll be on the world map. Walk strait and you will be in the Desert
of Death. There is a diary here use it to rest and save then speak to Horris,
he will tell you that the Goddess lives across the desert.

But it's difficult to get across since no one has. Ask him everything, here
is some advice follow the stars. Only drink one portion of water, and only
drink it when you flash red 3 times from. When you are ready to go into the
desert go up and leave the screen and tell him you are ready. When you are
walking you will encounter a random battle. These are few and far between
it's like the ! screen on the world map because there is a treasure here. You
should use the camera to try and see the treasure. You will also encounter
new enemies. But I am certain they won't be able to kill you, you should be
stronger than they are if you are not then you are not ready for the desert.

Also when the soon rises wait for the game to tell you to break for camp.
Some times if you do it at "False Dawn" It will throw the game off and your
days walking off as well. When you break for camp you have to rest, since
this game is going with a 24 hour day schedule you will sleep for 12 hours
and walk for 12 hours. Make sure you are pointing in the right direction,
when you encounter random enemies the screen will rotate slightly most of the
time however this is not enough to mess up your directions but don't count on
it. Well now on to actual guiding you through.

As Horris told you, you want to be going towards the North Star in the
beginning. You should walk for 1 day and a half, on the start of the second
day hit left 4 times to check the position of the evening star. If the
evening star is right above your head. Hit right 8 times, if you are going
east then you will see that "False North Star" is on the edge of your screen
to the left. Now check the position of the "Evening Star" every time you get
into a random battle or drink some water. In about 2 and a half nights the
star will be down on the bottom and barely visible. Then Dawn will arrive,
you will have to set up camp.

When you go back on the walk you will see that the star is right on the
bottom of the screen. Walk east for 60 steps and it will be gone. Now face
the North Star again and walk north. After about a night and a half you will
see what looks like an oasis ignore it and don't walk towards it, it's just a
mirage. Keep walking north, and eventually that will go away. Near the middle
of the 3rd night you will get a cut scene, your party will notice a hill and
decide to climb up it to see if they see any signs of life or civilization.
All of a sudden that hill will move!
Boss Fight XXXII
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Intermediate
EXP: 2000 Zenny 1000: Item: Power Food
HP: 3000
Dragon Gene: Infinity + Radiance + Trance
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Quake: Minor Earth Damage to all

Plain and simple Manmo is powerful. He isn't a magic user and he used that
Quake all of one time. He Reprisal's a lot although the game doesn't
specifically come out and call it a reprisal. He is quake shouldn't harm
anyone since that is pretty weak attack at this point. Ryu should become
Kaiser II and use Bonebreak, and from then on KaiserBreath. Rei should become
the weretiger, he will 95% of the time hit Manmo. Garr should attack and if
Rei or him gets too weak have him use a vitamin.

After the battle you will everyone has gone back to camp. Nina doesn't look
too good she is suffering from heat stroke. Garr will tell Ryu that they
can't move Nina while she is like this. When you gain control go outside Rei,
will be there and he will be concerned with the princess. He won't blame her
since it's very hot out here it wasn't her fault. Now go over to the Rakda
and slash it with your sword. It will die and you will get its meat. Now with
the Rakda gone there is no turning back. Go inside the tent and go over to
Nina she will eat the meat of the Rakda. Then the party will make it to
Oasis, you will see they built a small town around the oasis.
2k: Caer Xhan & Orbital Station
Levels: Ryu; 32 Rei 30; Garr 27; Momo 22; Peco 20; Nina 19

Some people will come over and help your party. You will then be in a room
with the chief and be around a big feast. The Chief will tell you that they
are caring for your friend right now. Fa'ah the chief will tell you that he
knows nothing of God living over on this side. Garr will ask if there are any
near by Ruins here. He will tell you there is an old city that has no
inhabitants called Caer Xhan. You will then see a scene where Momo is
checking on Nina, Nina has just woken up and according to her she is fine
now. Now you will see Rei speaking to the water woman he will thank her for
the hospitality.

Momo will walk past and go into the chief's house. Nina says she is fine now,
and they have to get going they want to check out the ruins. Now you will get
a party prompt chose who you like and go to the item shop that is on the west
side of the town. Inside will be a man he will tell you about two items he
lost in the desert. If you want to find those items go to the woman Rei was
speaking to and go back into the desert. But if you don't go to the middle of
the town and go up the hill you'll be on the world map so set up camp and
save. Now put Garr in your party and go right to the ? place. When you enter
go right and into the building.

Put Garr into the lead and have him destroy the large crate by pushing it.
Then go up the ladder. You may recognize this place as the Container Yard,
which in fact it is. Go into the teleporter and go see your Faeries, and go
check on any masters since your probably gained quite a few levels in the
desert. When you are done with that leave the Container Yard and head up to
Caer Xhan. When you enter go up make a right and go up the 3 steps. Then go
down, the 3 doors in the building all lead to a weapon and an item shop.
Restock on items while you are here for right now. The weapons here are great
as well.

After that leave out of the shops and go up make a right and go inside the
last building. Go up you'll notice a small robot that looks exactly like
Honey! Keep going up then go into the door. Now go up then go up the stairs,
then go left against the wall you'll be hit by something invisible but don't
go curing right now. Now go down the stairs and go into the door, hit the
switch inside and the lights will dim. Now go back out and you'll see some
lasers. Try to avoid the lasers. (The front character will, the back up guys
will probably get wrecked) Now get the treasure in the middle, it's moon
tears. Now go right and up the stairs, then go right and down some stairs.

Now go up avoid the lasers, go upstairs then go left and out the doors. Now
go up and into the building, then go up and check the computer. Confirm you
want out of emergency mode, now leave here. Then go down left and jump off
the ledge, Now go left then up, then right into the building check the
computer and the gate will open. Now go up the stairs, make a right and go
through the door. You will then hear that the lift for Myria Station is being
boarded now. There will be a scene here were everyone is recognizing the
Myria part, but they don't know how this place is connected to her. Now go up
the stairs and get on the lift.

You will hear an alarm, then you will see some text where it's talking about
what's in stored for the party now they are going to this mysterious place.
When you gain control go up then right, then go down the stairs. Now go down
make a right then go down at the fork make a left. Then go down and through
the door. Get the chest it's gas shells, now go back in go up and make a
right then go up at the fork keep going up. Then go right and up the stairs,
then go down and hit the lever. Now go back down the stairs, now check the
panel next to the elevator. Chose the maintenance deck, now board the
elevator. Now go left and go up then use the panel.

Chose workers area and you will board another elevator, when you get off the
elevator go left. Then go through a door, now go up and into the door, go
right then up then go up the stairs. Check both panels confirm you want to
release the lock on the entrance and that you want to release the lock on the
laboratory area. Now go back down the stairs now go down then left then up
then into the door on the right. Check the lockers you'll find 800 Zenny in
one, and a napalm in another locker. Now go up and you'll find a full diary.
One that allows you to save, change party members, check masters and skills)
Now Rest at the beds here and save.

Now leave the room go up then go up the stairs, check the cabinet for 400
Zenny then go out of the door. Now go right, and up the stairs on the right.
Then go through the door then use the conveyor belt on the right, when you
get off of it go left and through the door. Inside you will find a medical
room with a green light that cures your entire party completely. Now go up
and go through the door in this room. When you are in the next room go up and
make a left and go through the door. Now you will see a panel, on the panel
you can set the electrified squares and the ones that aren't.

It doesn't matter i couldn't figure out anyway to make it through without
nearly killing the person who tried. So when you think you have it set send
anyone through the electrified floor try to make it through as good as
possible. Then go to the lit. When you are off the lift cure the person who
made it through the electrified floor. Now go right then down at the first
fork, then go through the door. In the next area go left then go up, make a
right and go through the door. Now go up then right and get the treasure it's
an ivory dice. Go back down and through the door, press the switch for the
lift and board it.

Now get the treasure it's a slicer, now go through the door, the door will
open because of a fog experiment. Now go back on the lift go back ot the room
with the electrified panel, in the hallway outside of it go up and into the
door. You will see a huge monster through the glass. At first everyone
decides it will be best to leave the monster alone. But you will notice there
is a card key in there and you will have to go in there in get it. Now check
the panel to terminate the sleeping gas. Now go back to the bedroom to rest
and save. Now go back to the room that was blocked because of the experiment
the monster is inside there!
Boss Fight XXXIII
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Hard
EXP: 3000 Zenny 7500: Item: None
HP: 7500
Dragon Gene: Infinity + Radiance + Trance
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Perelizer- Stops movement of one member for the entire fight
Blizzard: Major Water damage to all
Myollnir: Major Lightening to one member
Restore: Major healing on one member

This is a very tough battle. If he perelizes one hopefully you have some
spare Panacea, if you don't then you are down to two characters. Have Ryu
Motivate Rei as the Weretiger. Have Ryu become the Kaiser II. When Ryu is
Kaiser II he should use KaiserBreath, and Garr should cure Rei when he gets
weak that is if he is not perelized. When Ryu becomes human, have him cure
everyone with items or left over AP. During this time Garr should just attack
the Chimera.

Doesn't that just beat all? The card key is crap! Now use the lift inside
here to go down. Now go left and through the door, get the chest its HE
Shells. These shells can be used by Momo to kill plant life. Now make your
way back to the bedroom, put Momo in the party if she is not already. You
will also need Rei in the party as well. Now leave out of the bedroom and go
up the stairs, make a left then go through the door. Go up the escalator on
the right, put Momo in the lead have her use the HE Shells to kill the plants
around the door. Then go through the door. Now go right then go up, now go on
the grass. Then go up and make a left get the treasure then go up and make a
left then go down.

Then get on the walkway go up and then right go to the door have Rei pick the
lock. Now go to the lockers here, you'll find a ginseng go up then left and
check the locker for a wisdom fruit. Then go left and leave the room, now go
left and behind the tree is a treasure containing a silver tiara. Now keep
left and go up, then go right and go up the stairs. Now go right and up and
go into the door. Now go up and use the panel to go to Eden. You'll be in a
place that is so green that it looks like you are outside. Here you'll find a
Goo King. Make sure Rei is as light as possible to try and pilfer it off of
Also more than likely he will steal a Green Apple.

When he does the Goo King will use Ragnarok. So give him his apple back if
you steal it. If you get the Goo King sword run like hell after the battle.
Go to the right of the room and you will find a treasure containing a Soul
Gem. Now go back to the left go up and cross the bridge. You will see a small
bird fly away, and it will land near a man. Then the party will walk over to
the man, then the bird will fly into a wall. The man will turn around it's
the guy from Ryu's Dream! The man will tell Ryu he knew he was coming since
he is a Brood. Doesn't that just beat all? It's Teepo! Rei will recognize
him, and will want to know how did he survive!

Teepo will tell Rei to be quiet he has to talk to Ryu. Teepo will tell Ryu he
is also a Brood, he will then tell you what happened to him after he left. He
fount out he was Brood after the "separation". You will see a scene of the
house burning down, you will see Teepo as a dragon calling for Rei and Ryu.
Teepo will fall into the river, then realize he is a dragon. You will then
see scenes of Ryu's mission, about how all that unnecessary blood had to be
shed. About how they had to go to violence to get a point across, and it was
all useless. You will be back in Eden, Teepo will tell you that the Brood are
too dangerous for the world.

He will then tell you that the Brood existence causes war, it has followed
the race ever since the beginning of time. Rei will ask Teepo if Myria has
him hear to wait for Ryu so he could kill him. Teepo will tell Rei that is
not what is happening here. Teepo will tell him that Myria wants the Brood
under control. So Teepo asks Ryu to stay here with him and Myria. Ryu doesn't
want to, the others Ryu and Teepo will disappear. Ryu will be alone, Teepo
will walk in and tell him he is in his own mind. He can visit his so called
friends minds from here as well. When you gain control go up and you will see
Nina. She will be thinking about how her mother thought of her.

Nina will think that her mother only seen her as the Princess of Wyndia, and
her daughter and never as Nina. Then another Nina will show up and call her
selfish. Although she says she left to go with Ryu and find out about the
Brood she really left to be her own person. When you gain control go up and
check the statue, then go back. You will see Rei, he will be thinking about
the Brood. He will think about how he thought his powers were indomitable,
until he fount out about Ryu as a brood. He will think about what he would do
with that power, how he would use it. Then he would realize he can't control
his power, so he knows he couldn't control that power. When you gain control
walk over to the statue to be cured and save.

Now go up and to the left plaque, then a road to a treasure will appear. walk
left and you will drop down. Speak to the dragon idol and it will ask you if
you really want the treasure. say yes, and walk left and get it, its a
Shaman's Ring. Equip it to Ryu, then go to the right avoid the spikes and go
into the light. Now go right then go up and speak to the dragon idol. It will
tell Ryu to pray to him. Wait there and press nothing, it will open a new
road. So now go up, you'll see Momo. Momo will be thinking of her father. She
will think about how he always wanted to find out more about the Techno Age.
About how he always wanted to find out where the machines came from and who
built them, she is living out his dream.

Now go up you'll see Momo again, she will talk about how the Brood and God
are things she doesn't understand. She will talk about how she wants to meet
God to find out more about the machines. Now when you gain control go up and
into the light. Now walk left and follow the path until you find a flower
like thing. That's a teleporter, walk right and you will see Garr. He will
wonder if hunting the Brood was right. He will think about how the Brood
could of killed him and the other Guardian's easily. He will wonder if what
he did was right. When you again control go up and you will be teleported.
Now go up and then right and be teleported again.

You will see Peco, Peco will tell you he has been watching you. Peco will
tell you to do what is right, he will tell Ryu to do what he wants with his
Brood powers. He will tell you that the Brood power is something to be
respected and feared. But it is not enough to destroy or save the world. Now
go up and be teleported. Ryu will see himself, the other Ryu will ask if he
has come to a decision. Ryu will tell Ryu he can't be self-centered he has to
make the right decision. Your Ryu will tell the other Ryu he has to do it for
his people the Brood, and then the other Ryu will tell him that he has the
power to change the world.

So he has to take care of the entire world with this power. The other Ryu
will tell Ryu that he can't do it and he should allow Myria to do it. Your
Ryu will drop to one knee after hearing this, the other Ryu will tell your
Ryu to give himself to Myria so the world can be saved. Ryu will rise and
realize that is not his thought and walk through him. Now go up and you will
see Teepo, now Teepo will ask Ryu if he is ready. He will tell Ryu that he
needs to forget his so-called friends since they are weak, and self centered.
He will tell Ryu they are all too selfish and self centered to understand the
Brood, they wouldn't know what to do if they were him.

Teepo will tell Ryu the only one who understands the Brood is Myria, and if
he doesn't want to accept that Teepo can't allow Ryu to leave. You will have
to fight alone!
Boss Fight XXXIV
Form: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 5000 Zenny 0: Item: None
HP: 2500
Dragon Gene: Power + Trance

Special Attacks:
Chill: Lowers Speed; attacks

This battle should go by pretty quickly turn into the Myrmidon, cast Holy
Strike about 5 or 6 times. Arwan mostly attacks, but even the Myrmidon has
weak defense so the attacks will where down the Myrmidon. He also uses the
Chill early, it's not much of an attack but it slows down the speedy warrior.
Even so you will still be able to defeat it pretty easily.

After the battle you will be back in Eden. Teepo will tell Ryu he didn't have
to fight if he would of lost he would of just lost his powers and would have
to stay in Eden. Then Ryu will be ready to attack Teepo, Teepo will tell Ryu
he has no choice. He has to kill you, Teepo will flash then you'll get a
party prompt, I chose Ryu, Rei, Garr with a Defense formation. Now it's fight
Boss Fight XXXV
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Extremely Hard
EXP: 5000 Zenny 3000: Item: Dragon Armor & Dragon Sword
HP: 12500
Dragon Gene: Power + Trance
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Triple Blow: 3 Consecutive attacks
Inferno: Major Fire Damage All
Blizzaed: Major Water Damage All
Sirocco: Major Fire + Wind Damage All
Howling: Causes Entire Party to become berserk

First thing you should do is try and have Rei Pilfer the Dragon Sword off of
D.Lord. Then once you get it, have Ryu equip it then become the Myrmidon. Rei
should not become the weretiger. You will need him to use your items to cure
Ryu and Garr. As the Myrmidon with the Dragon Sword equipped, Ryu should use
Wind Strike this will take off about 1000 HP each time. The main difficulty
of this fight is that the D.Lord is very powerful, and he can kill the low
defended Myrmidon Rei and even Garr easily. So if anyone dies Rei should be
in charge of reviving that person then curing them since Rei is quicker than
the D.Lord.

You also have to worry about Howling. Howling can send at least 2 members
crazy and this will cause major problems especially if you haven't cured in a
while. You should also make sure you have some Wisdom seeds to throw them to
Ryu, so he can keep the Myrmidon form up as long as possible since it's your
only offense. You should still have that Wisdom Fruit, if you do use that on
him when you run out of seeds.

After the fight Teepo will be near death. He then lays down his last words,
he says this is all the Brood knows. All they know is how to fight and kill
each other. Teepo will tell Ryu he never asked to be born a Brood, he never
asked for the power. He just wanted to be with his brothers Rei and Ryu.
Teepo will become a purple whelp and then die, a card will be lying where
Teepo was. Take it's an important card key! Now go back to the elevator and
leave here. Leave Caer Xhan altogether. There's a shortcut, when you get to
the outside part of the station, go down and through the glass door. Then go
through a door, then make a right and take the lift down.

Go to the container yard then go to Dragnier. Go to the item shop there and
buy as many Multivitamins as possible. After that buy as many Ammonia's as
possible. (You probably won't need 99 of each but it's better to be safe than
sorry :). If you have an ability item shop in your faerie village hopefully
you got it far enough to sell Soul Gems, buy as many as those as possible.
Sell all your equipment you won't need. Old weapons and armor aren't needed
any more, and characters you don't use on a regular basis should have their
equipment sold as well. With the money buy more Soul Gems, then leave and go
back to Caer Xhan.
2l: End of Game
Levels: Ryu 42 Rei 35; Peco 34; Garr 33; Nina 31; Momo 30

When you get back to the Myria Station go through the main entrance. Go
through the glass door go up then make a left. You'll see a door with a slot
near it. Check the slot and the door will open. Now go inside, once you are
inside go up then make a right then go up at the fork. At the next fork make
a left then go up and through the door. Now go up and through another door,
here you'll have to fight 3 Sample 1's!
Boss Fight XXXVI
Sample 1 x3 (3 Nues)
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Very Easy
EXP: 95 Zenny 150: Item: None
HP: 275 each
Dragon Gene: Not Needed
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Chlorine: Can poison 1 member

Just attack them, you are way stronger than the first time you fought a Nue.
If you want to punish these Nue's or kill them quicker have Ryu become Kaiser
II, and use KaiserBreath on it them to kill them with one blow.

After the battle go up and out of the door, then go into the next door.
Boss Fight XXXVII
Sample 3 x2 (2 Mikba's)
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Easy
EXP: 1334 Zenny 3000: Item: None
HP: 2500 each
Dragon Gene: Not Needed
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Venom Breath: Can poison entire Party
Reprisal: Attack right after being attacked
Multistrike: Attack that can hit 3 times

Have Rei become the Weretiger, and if you want have Ryu become any Dragon
Form, like Myrmidon. Have Garr attack you probably won't even need to use any
curing items I am confident you'll make it through this battle without it.

After the battle go up the ladder and go up into the next room. You will find
Moon Tears, Now go let and out of the room. Then go down a ladder, you will
see a diary don't get too froggy go into the next room and use those bed's to
rest. Then go back to the room with the diary to save. In the bedroom there
is a chest containing a Cupid's Lyre. There are more bosses from the game you
can fight if you want to, it's not necessary I just showed you the quickest
path to the last save point. But you might want to for experience and to
teach some of those bastards a lesson. Here is a list of all the bosses in
this area.
3 Sample 1 (Nue)
2 Sample 2 (HugeSlug)
2 Sample 3 (Mikba)
1 Sample 4 (I don't know what it is)
1 Sample 5 (Angler)
2 Sample 6 (Ammonite)
1 Sample 7 (Manmo)
5 Sample 8 (Rocky)
1 Sample 9 (Elder)
1 Sample 10 (Stallion)
1 Sample 11 (Stallion)
1 Sample 12 (Stallion)

When you are ready go down the ladder. when you do Honey will run away. Go
right and follow her. You will see Honey using a Beam of light to open two
huge doors. Then a screen will pop up and say it accepts Honey's Navigator
Code. Continue going right go through a door, and you will be on an elevator.
It will take you down. Now go left as soon as you move the place will light
up and a woman will appear. She says she is an assistant to the Guardian, and
you need to listen to the other assistant's words as well. Keep left and go
through a door. Speak to the woman there, then go down a screen will appear
telling you how Myria separated the desert from the fertile world.

When you are back in control keep going down and go left until you reach a
ramp. Go up it keep going up and keep going up then make a left. Now go up
and make a right. A woman will stop you she will tell you about the
safeguards Myria took to help the world. She will tell you that Myria only
allowed repair and use of existent Machinery and made sure there was no way
to create mass weapons of destruction. When you gain control go right then up
and then go through the door. Speak to the woman and she will tell you about
Chrysm Ore and how she has made it like magic. Leave out of the room and go
down then go right.

Then go down and make a left and get on the lift. Ryu's Dragon Eye will light
up and then a winged woman will appear. The same winged woman from Ryu's
childhood dream. She will call out everyone's name except Peco's and she will
tell you that she is Myria. Garr will speak first he will ask why did the
Brood have to be destroyed? She will tell Garr that the Brood power was much
too great for her small world, and she will tell Garr that this part of the
world is covered in sand because of the Brood she had to save the fertile
side from the Brood. Then Rei will want to know if they should just sit back
and allow her to take care of them.

Myria will tell Rei that is what she wants them to do, she will then tell you
by separating the worlds she has saved the Fertile side from the desert by
using the Ocean. She also says she created the machines and had them sent
over because she knew the fertile side could use them. Then Momo will say
that one day Engineer's will figure out how to make their own machines and
they won't need her old machines any more. Myria will tell her if she buried
them in sand for trying to make their own machines, they wouldn't have time
to make them now would they. Then she will tell Momo that if she allowed
people to make their own machines some one will eventually want to make a
mass destruction weapon for war.

Myria will then tell you that the world use to be larger, that one time Caer
Xhan was a large city which was inhabited by people. The people fought
amongst each other and the desert engulfed the city, she couldn't save the
people of Caer Xhan from this. Then Nina will speak up and agree with Myria,
and she wants to know why does have to die or be locked up in a room like
Teepo. Then Rei will interrupt remembering what happen to Teepo and get mad.
He doesn't like what she did to his brother, and she doesn't want that
happening to his other brother either! So he brandishes his knives, then Garr
will speak up.

He has traveled with Ryu for too long, and he doesn't want that happening to
Ryu either he feels the Brood doesn't have enough power to destroy the world
like she claims they can. Then Garr and Momo will brandish their weapons.
Then Nina will plead Ryu's case as being a good dragon and maybe they don't
need their help they can fix the world on their own. Myria has had enough she
makes' Rei disappear. Then she does the same to Momo Nina and Garr. Then Peco
will walk to the middle and flash and suddenly everyone will return. Peco
will want to know why didn't Myria call his name why can't she recognize him.
Myria will then recognize him as Yggdrasil.

Peco, Yggdrasil rather will tell her that she won't be able to simply banish
them when he is around. Yggdrasil will tell her that her children have
crossed the barriers of the world to see her so they can help their friend
Ryu find out about his race. Myria decides to allow Ryu chose his own fate,
she want's to know if he should give up his power or try and stop her and
live in an unprotected world. Speak to all 5 people and return to Myria. If
you choose to give up your power you will get the alternative ending. If you
choose to let fate take it's course and fight Myria you will get the real
ending. Myria will not like the second choice, then Yggdrasil will show up.

Yggdrasil will tell Myria that it is time to let go, that her children are
strong and they can fend for themselves. She has watched the world for too
long and her children are not as fragile as she thinks they are. Myria just
wants what's best for those who are not as powerful as Ryu, who can't fend
for themselves. But Yggdrasil doesn't think it's fair that the world should
only be limited to her barriers. Myria will see that Ryu won't change his
mind he doesn't want to give up his powers because they are a part of him.
Even though she is reluctant she realizes she has to kill Ryu.
Final Fight
Form: Defense
Difficulty: Hard
EXP: 0 Zenny 0: Item: None
HP: 20,000
Dragon Gene: Infinity + Radiance + Trance
Suggested Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr

Special Attacks:
Inferno: Major Fire Damage to All
Blizzard: Major Water Damage to All
Myollnir: Major Lightening Damage to 1 member
Sirocco: Make Fire+Wind Damage to All
Restore: Major healing to one member
Sanctuary: Dispels all assist magic offense and defense
Evil Eye: Magic attack ignores defense
Venom: Various Status changes to all
Holocaust: Major Non elemental damage to all
Ryu + Rei + Garr

This battle is not super hard just super long it will probably take up to 40
minutes to beat. The Venom will get your party but panacea everyone, if
anyone has not gone crazy. When the battle begins have Ryu become Kaiser II,
and don't have Rei become the weretiger. Wait until Ryu goes back to human
have Rei become Weretiger. When Ryu is Kaiser II, have him use Bonebreak if
you still have it and it has recharged, after that use KaiserBreath. Have Rei
attack and when someone needs curing allow him to do it. Have Garr attack
mainly and if him and Rei need curing then have him cure. When Ryu becomes
human have him start curing and Rei become the Weretiger.

Make sure you Influence Rei to Myria. Garr should still attack, also keep
check on your Soul Gems. Make sure to cure Rei as the Weretiger because he
can't refresh his soul gem on his own. Don't use status-enhancing magic
because she can use sanctuary and it will dispel it so it's like wasting a
turn. When she gets to half hp she will start using Restore, and she will
start using Holocaust. As long as you keep the Soul Gem's up you will be ok
in this battle.
Ryu and others

If you decided on using Peco, use Super Combo that is if you still have it.
Peco should have enough HP where only one Soul Gem will be used. Peco should
also cure if curing is desperately needed. If you are using Momo you should
have her use her curative magic and magic that cure's status changes she is
useful when dealing with Venom. You should also use Status magic with her at
least it will last to the next sanctuary attack. If you went with Nina then
you would need her to mainly use her spells, and have her use items to cure
the other members. She will need to keep Soul Gems on her constantly because
she is weak.

Alternate Myria strategy by: Psycho Penguin

Make sure Ryu has 200 AP, equip him with a shamans ring.
Turn him into mymirdon, and keep using aura.
You should only have to use one wisdom fruit.
Have Rei heal everyone if needed. ball game.

Sit back and enjoy the ending! Make sure to allow the credits roll for the
clear game save!
2m: Clear Game Save

In the clear game save you will do the following,
Get any masters and skills you haven't learned
Listen to Born Again from the music shop in the Faerie Village
Go to the ? house near Parch, if you are a Master of Angling+ he will give
you th Ding Frog Bait, if you become a Master of Angling++ he will give you
the top rod.

My final time
Breath of Fire III: 56:23

That's a Dy$e Guarantee.
V: Dragon Gene Splicing Guide:

Dragon Genes will be used through out most of the game. Of course you
probably know how to use the basic functions of Dragon Genes such as Fire
Whelp, or a Dark Warrior. You may however want to know more about splicing
what works and what doesn't work. This is where I Dyse the magnificent God of
all splicing comes in. Here I will explain to you everything you need, or
wanted to know about Dragon Gene splicing!

The 4 Main Dragon Classes:

Whelp: A Whelp looks like a baby dragon. You normally get Whelps when you use
a Gene by itself either a elemental gene or one that doesn't grant you a
property. Whelps are useful in the beginning of the game but in the end of
the game their low HP and weak strength won't be enough.

Dragon: Well, a Dragon looks like a...Dragon! Dragon's are larger than whelps
and more powerful. Dragons are formed when you combine two genes usually
depending on what genes. Like Flame and Eldritch can give you a Dragon.
Dragon is a basic transformation like the Whelp but it is stronger and has
more HP.

Behemoth: Behemoth looks like a Fat large Dragon. A Behemoth is very powerful
and use Meteor Strike For it's breath. Behemoth also have an Ungodly high HP
level but their draw back is they take up the whole party and since they do
that you can't use your other characters. Behemoth's are great if you are
fighting a very strong enemy and are low on energy, but they use an a lot of
AP. Almost anything combined with Miracle Gene will result in a Behemoth.

Warrior: This is my favorite of the 4. The Warrior looks like a Cross between
Ryu and a Dragon, it has Dragon legs Ryu's head and chest, stand's up right
and has a tail. Every warrior has Aura as a basic attack, which is one of my
favorite attacks in the game. It also has a breath Warrior's are ultra fast
and not only do they look cool they are also pretty powerful. This dragon
resembles the dragon forms of Breath of Fire IV.

Here is a list of Dragon Genes and where you get them:

Use Fire Elemental Magic
By Itself: Create Flame Whelp
Flame Whelp (Red Whelp):
Whelp Breath
Flame Breath
Flame Claw
Restore Form
Found: When you first get Accession
Use Ice Elemental Magic
By Itself: Creates Frost Whelp
Frost Whelp (Turquoise Whelp)
Whelp Breath
Frost Breath
Frost Claw
Restore Form
Found: Maekyss Gorge underneath the 2nd bridge
Near the house
Use Lightening Elemental Magic
By Itself: Creates Thunder Whelp
Thunder Whelp (Blue Whelp)
Whelp Breath
Thunder Claw
Restore Form
Found: House in the Rhapala Region
Use Shadow Elemental Magic
By Itself: Creates Shadow Whelp
Shadow Whelp (Purple Whelp)
Whelp Breath
Shadow Breath
Restore Form
Found: After defeating the D. Zombie
Uses Holy Elemental Magic
By Itself: Creates Radiant Whelp
Radiant Whelp (Gray Whelp)
Whelp Breath
Divine Breath
Shining Claw
Restore Form
Found: In Container Yard
Grants Warrior Class
By Itself: Basic Warrior
Combine with Elements to make Warriors
Basic Warrior (Light Red Warrior)
Restore Form
Found: In Laboratory inside the Plant
Uses Defensive Magic Higher Dragon Defense
Defender Whelp (Green Whelp Extra HP)
Whelp Breath
Blind Counter
Restore Form
Found: When you find Reverse you will get it
Improves Element Magic Curative Spell
Combine With Elemental For Dragon
Eldritch Whelp (Green Whelp)
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Top of Lighthouse
Grants Behemoth Class
By itself: Basic Behemoth
Basic Behemoth (Green Behemoth)
Meteor Strike
Restore Form
Found: Volcano in the Lava
Gives more HP
Gross Whelp (Green Whelp Extra EXTRA HP)
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Tidal Caves
Stronger Attacks
By Itself: Thorn Whelp
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Where Momo's Rocket Crashed
Reverses Most Elements
By Itself: Reverse Whelp
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Near the base of a mountain in the Wyndia
Region near Momo's Tower
Randomizes abilities of different Genes
By Itself: Random Whelp (Green)
Found: Steel Beach
Gives different Dragon Classes
By Itself: ??? Whelp
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Near the Dock of Junk Town
Gives Different Dragon Classes
By Itself: Trance Whelp
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: Yggdrasil Tree across the ocean
Controls Infinity
By Itself: Failure Whelp (Extra Low HP)
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: In Colony
New Dragon Types from other members
By Itself or with Garr: Fusion Whelp
Whelp Breath
Restore Form
Found: After Defeating Dragon Zombie
Grants Kaiser Form
By Itself: Berserk Kaiser
Found: after defeating "Elderly One" in Dragnier

There are also several other classes but these are one time only things, and
you can't mix them like you can do with the other 4. Sadly since I never
originally wrote down the skills of these i will be playing through to put
them here so this won't be complete until then.


Flame + Frost + Thunder

This is a mix of the 3 it produces a Gold Dragon. It is a pretty decent
dragon if you are fighting an enemy where you do not like choosing the

Flame Breath:
Frost Breath:
Thudr Breath:
Dragon Breath:
Restore Form:

Miracle + ???

This is my most hated special class. Even though the Mammoth has an
Ungodly high EXP level. It looks just like the regular Behemoth, but
it's defenses are considerably lower.

Giant Growth
Restore Form

Mutant + ???

Pygmy looks like a Dragon at it's very early stage. It isn't powerful
attacks but it's ebonfire is certainly one of the strongest dragon attacks
in the game.

Dragon Breath
Restore Form

Miracle + Thorn + Reverse

Wildfire is the gold Whelp. This is a decent transformation if you are
fighting a slow enemy with a lot of HP. The Wildfire is VERY powerful
and VERY fast. But the Low Hp makes up for it, but it also has a decent
defense. The Wildfire has a high reprisal rate that is if it survives
getting hit.

Whelp Breath
Restore Form

Shadow + Trance

Tiamat is a decent transformation, it turns the whole party into
a very cool looking snake. This takes up the whole party like the
Behemoth transformations, but it doesn't take down your HP like that
does. So think this as an alternative to Behemoth's. This one however
is much faster than a Behemoth but has no where near the strength of
the almighty behemoth.

Doom Breath
Shadow Breath
Venom Breath
Restore Form

Power + Trance

Ryu becomes a Gold Warrior! This class is awesome because of the
HP and the Ungodly strength. It also has all the elements at it's
command making this one of the best classes in the game.

Flame Strike
Frost Strike
Wind Strike
Holy Strike
Aura Breath
Restore Form
Kaiser I

Infinity + Failure

This tames the Kaiser. The Kaiser is Ryu but he is gold. The Kaiser
has some petty decent attacks like he can call the Kaiser Dragon. He
can also use a Bonebreak attack. He is very strong and has way more
speed than Ryu, although this form eats up a lot of AP.

Kaiser Breath
Bone Break
Restore Form
Kaiser II

Infinity + Radiance + Trance

This Tames the Kaiser, but even more so than Kaiser I. You have all the
same attacks as Kaiser I but this time you are waaaay more powerful
and not only that you also have nearly three times as much HP. If
this isn't enough to waste 15 more AP and turn back quicker I don't
know what is.

Kaiser Breath
Bone Break
Restore Form

Here are all the Hybrid's when Ryu combines with the other party members.
Garr and Ryu don't mix.

Momo Hybrid

The Momo hybrid looks like an armored Dragon, with a smoke stack top. It's
not the best looking dragon but it has some cool offensive statuses, and
Combustion is very powerful once you get it.

Restore Form
Nina Hybrid

The Nina Hybrid looks like a bird but has dragon like wings, and no feathers.
It's very cool looking but it's about the size of a normal dragon. It also
has all the top elemental magic making it a very versatile dragon hybrid.

Restore Form
Peco Hybrid

The Peco Hybrid takes after Peco, it looks just like the little guy except it
has dragon teeth and a dragon tail coming out of his head. A good defensive
dragon with the status breaths.

Dream Breath
Venom Breath
Dragon Breath
Geo Breath
Restore Form
Rei Hybrid

This is the coolest looking Hybrid in my opinion. It's a tiger on all fours
with dragon-striped wings and gold dragon tail, and striped horns. It also
makes the same roar as Rei in Weretiger mode. This dragon is faster than the
Were tiger and put the Weretiger next to the Rei Hybrid and you have an
awesome duo. But it lacks on the actual skills, which makes it not much of a

Dragon Breath
Restore Form
VI: Master Lists FAQ

Well, the Master's are out there. But this is massively confusing. I mean
who do you Apprentice to who, what Master is a stud which is a dud. Well the
Dyse man yet again helps the simple folk with his city slicker ways. I will
tell you who what and where and it's all about masters!

& Bais Oldest Quadruplet Brother &
& Loc: Wyndia Town &
& Req: Win 2nd Hide & Seek Game &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Pwr +1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 3 Level Gains Under Bais: Chain Formation&

& Bunyan the Woodsman &
& Loc: Small Shack Cedar Woods &
& Req: None &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Hp +2 Ap -2 &
& Pwr +2 Int -3 &
& Def +1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Bunyan: Risky Blow &
& 5 Levels: Focus &
& 8 Levels: Super Combo &
& 10 Levels: Disembowel &

& Deis the Sorceress &
& Loc: Cave of Ages &
& Req: Say Ryu Likes her Form Now &
& Recommended Apprentice: Ryu, Momo, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Ap +3 Hp -3 &
& Pwr +1 Def -3 &
& Agl +1 &
& Int +3 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Deis: Inferno &
& 5 Levels: Blizzard &
& 8 Levels: Myollnir &
& 11 Levels: Sirocco &
& 15 Levels: Celerity &

& D'lonzo the Cat Burglar &
& Loc: Top of the Coffee Shop &
& Req: 15 Weapons in your inventory &
& Recommended Apprentice: Ryu, Garr, Momo &
& &
& Stats: &
& Pwr +1 HP -1 &
& Agl +1 AP -2 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under D'Lonzo: Monopolize&
& 3 Levels: Intimidate &
& 4 Levels: Steal &

& Durandal the Normal Guy &
& Loc: Shack next to Wyndia Castle &
& Req: None &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 1 Level Gains Under Durandal: Unmotivate &
& 2 Levels: Feign Swing &
& 3 Levels: Backhand &

& Emitai the Great Magician &
& Loc: Dauana Hills Near a Wall &
& Req: 10,000 Zenny &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina, Ryu &
& &
& Stats: &
& Ap +4 Pwr -2 &
& Int +4 Def -2 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Emitai: Barrier &
& 4 Levels: Mind Sword &
& 6 Levels: Enlighten &

& Fahl the Bartender &
& Loc: Bar in Genmel &
& Req: Win 30 fights without a rest &
& Recommended Apprentice: Rei, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Hp +4 Agl -3 &
& Pwr +1 Int -3 &
& Def +3 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Fahl: Charge &
& 4 Levels: Counter &
& 6 Levels: Resist &

& Giotto the Fishman &
& Loc: Beach Rhapala &
& Req: Have Rodmaster Fishing Rank &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco &
& &
& Stats: &
& Hp +4 Pwr -1 &
& Ap +3 Def -1 &
& Agl -1 &
& Int -2 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Giotto: Trump &
& 5 Levels: Beserk &
& 8 Levels: Sudden Death &

& Hachio the Cook &
& Loc: Kitchen Wyndia Castle &
& Req: The ingredients he wants &
& Recommended Apprentice: Garr Peco &
& &
& Stats: &
& Hp +2 Ap -2 &
& Pwr +2 Agl -2 &
& Def +2 Int -2 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Hachio: Mighty Chop&
& 4 Levels: Demonbane &

& Hondara the Priest &
& Loc: Urkan Tapa &
& Req: Backhand Technique learned &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina &
& &
& Stats: &
& Ap +1 Pwr -2 &
& Int +2 &
& Holy Damage + &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Hondara: Purify &
& 5 Levels: Kyrie &
& 8 Levels: Benediction &

& Ladon the Dragon King &
& Loc: Dragnier &
& Req: All Dragon Genes &
& Recommended Apprentice: Rei, Ryu &
& &
& Stats: &
& Pwr +2 Hp -6 &
& Def +2 Ap -6 &
& Agl +1 &
& Int +2 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 3 Levels Gained Under Ladon: Mind Eye &
& 5 Levels: Holy Strike &
& 7 Levels: Ward of Light &
& 9 Levels: Aura &

& Lang Younger Quadruplet Brother &
& Loc: Wyndia Town &
& Req: Win 2nd Hide & Seek Game &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Def +1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 3 Level Gains Under Lang: Cupid Lyre &

& Lee Oldest Quadruplet Sister &
& Loc: Wyndia Town &
& Req: Win 2nd Hide & Seek Game &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina, Momo &
& &
& Stats: &
& Int +1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 3 Level Gains Under Lee: Magic Formation &

& Meryleep the Faerie &
& Loc: Forest Eastern Wyndia &
& Req: Find her item &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco, Momo, Garr &
& &
& Stats: &
& Agl +2 Hp -1 &
& Pwr -1 &
& Def -1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Meryleep: Charm &
& 5 Levels: Shadow Walk &
& 8 Levels: War Shout &

& Mygas the Wizard &
& Loc: Chopped down Yggdrasil Tree Yraall &
& Req: All Your Money &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina, Momo &
& &
& Stats: &
& Ap +1 Pwr -1 &
& Int +2 Def -1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 1 Level gained Under Mygas: Frost &
& 4 Levels: Meditation &
& 6 Levels: Magic Ball &
& 8 Levels: Typhoon &

& Wynn Younger Quadruplet Sister &
& Loc: Wyndia Town &
& Req: Win 2nd Hide & Seek Game &
& Recommended Apprentice: Nina, Momo, Rei &
& &
& Stats: &
& HP +1 &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 3 Level Gains Under Wynn:Refuge Formation&

& Yggdrasil the Tree &
& Loc: East Wyndia Yggdrasil Tree &
& Req: A Wisdom fruit &
& Recommended Apprentice: Peco &
& &
& Stats: &
& Ap +1 Hp -1 &
& Def +1 Pwr -2 &
& Int +2 Weak Vs. Fire &
& &
& Abilities: &
& &
& 2 Levels Gained Under Yggdrasil Sanctuary&
& 5 Levels: Recall &
& 8 Levels: Shield &

VII: Faerie Village Guide

Arghh My Faeries Keep Dying! My village is not being built! Faeries aren't
being born fast enough. I killed all my faeries by accident! Well Dyse will
yet again astound you with his knowledge by helping you having an efficient
village. Faeries all over the world be bowing before you because you are so

Getting Started:

~ You will start out with 3 Faeries, Each one will have different skills it
depends on your individual game since this is a totally random thing. Each
time I got to this point I notice one Faerie was average one was great at
almost everything and the other was smart and could hunt. Send the one with a
Full Red Bar to hunt. Have the other two be Scholars. One can work on Jobs,
the other can work on Culture.

~ Check back and if you have some more Faeries send ones with a high red bar
to hunt, and place the additional ones for Building. If you got some dud
Faeries (One that excel in one point and everything is low and non existent)
put them in the house.

~ Pull Faeries off hunting when you get 99 Food Icons. You don't need that
many if it depletes too low put another Faerie back on.

~ In the Early going make sure to check back here often if you don't the
faeries will die.

~ Even if you run out of food it's highly improbable that all the Faeries
will die, one of the Hunters will always be around.
The Power Bars:

Red: Hunting and Journeying.

Green: Building and Clearing

Blue- Inn's and Shops

Light Blue- Copying Items, Scholaring

Basic Jobs:

Good Hunters should have a high Red bar when starting off. Gradually as
culture increases pull off hunters who can do other things well and give them
different jobs. When you get 99 Food, remember the number of Faeries and
don't add any more you won't need any more hunters for the moment. If your
food drops low put some of the original living hunter's back on, and get the
number back up. 5 Hunters usually is all you need for building an village.


Clearer Job is to clear land so that the builders can build. I suggest doing
this first before building on the land.


Builders build the rooms, in the house. When you start off have mostly all
your Faeries either building or clearing. Once you have 8 rooms, pull all
Builders and Clearers off they have nothing else to do.

Advanced Jobs

1. Scholar's
Skill Needed: Light Blue

Scholar's do two things, they either design new jobs, or they speed up
culture. By creating new jobs you can make better use of the village for your
own needs. By increasing culture this makes more Faeries and all the faeries
work faster and harder. With a low Culture it will take a while to get
anything happening. When the Culture Level reaches 5 and there are no more
jobs left to do then the Scholar's have done their work.

1 Faerie: Designs New Jobs or Culture
2 Faeries: Jobs and Culture are developed Faster
3 Faeries: Jobs and Culture are developed even faster
2. Merchant's
Skill Needed: Dark Blue

Merchant's sell item's for you to use. One thing about Merchant's is if you
close the shop or move the Faerie working then all your work is gone and you
have to gain the items again. There are 3 kinds of shops you can use, Item
Weapons or Handyman. Item sells items and a few accessories, Weapons sells
weapons Armor and accessories, Handyman sells everything. You have two types
ability and speed for each. Speed shops develop rather quickly but the
quality of items are down. Ability shops take longer but they get better
items in. When the item list is full for all 3 shops pull off additional
faeries the one that weren't selling items.

1 Faerie: Sells Goods
2 Faeries: Good Comes in Quicker
3 Faeries: Goods Come in Quickest
3. Inn
Skill Needed: Dark Blue

Inn, is well an Inn. Like all the Inn's in Breath of Fire III you can Rest or
Save your game. Additional Faeries will give you facts on the game.

1 Faerie: Runs a 10 Zenny Inn
2 Faeries: Tells you basic and not known things about your game
3 Faeries: Tells you extra things about the game
4: Gift
Skill Needed: N/A

Gift Shop gives away free items. Sounds like a Sweet Deal right? Well it's
not really as sweet as it sounds, Generally it takes a while for the Gift
Shop Faeries to give you anything and everything you get you probably already
have or can get from some where else. Don't waste your time with this Job.

1 Faerie: Gives away an item
2 Faeries: Gives away another item
3 Faeries: Gives away another item
5. Fortune
Skill Needed: Light Blue

Fortune Tellers may seem cool at first but don't waste your time with this
job. The fortunes they usually tell are pretty much common knowledge and
nothing here is really helpful. It's fun for one or so but when you are bored
with it, can it for something more useful.

1 Faerie: Tells a Fortune
2 Faeries: Tells another Fortune
3 Faeries: Tells an additional Fortune
6. Explorer
Skill Needed: Red

Explorer's go on expeditions. They go to places looking for items it seem,
there are 3 types of expedition, Day Trip, Night, and Distant. Take Distant
because you usually can net a pretty a decent item from the Faerie. The
problem with Distant Trips is Faeries die when they go out there. You have a
1/4 chance of your Faerie returning safely from a distance but the risk is
worth it. When you have a 5 culture levels the Faeries will replace them
pretty quickly.

1 Faerie: Goes on an Expedition
2 Faeries: Goes on another Expedition
3: Faeries: Goes on a different Expedition
7: Antiques
Skill Needed: Blue

Antiques shop buy *Appear Valuable* items at higher prices than anywhere
else. So make sure when you find one sell it here and not to a normal place.
Antique shop is replaceable so don't keep this place around all the time
since it's waste room for a better shop like an Inn.

1 Faerie: Buy's Antiques
2 Faeries: tells about Antiques
3 Faeries: Tells about Dragon Tear
8: Music
Skill Needed: N/A

Music Shop is sort of like an item shop. Change who is actually playing the
song and you lose your whole collection. There is a huge list of songs here
to listen to, and with that "Great Capcom Library of songs" how can you go
wrong. The Music room is always a cool place to go when you want to listen to
some great music.

1 Faerie: Play's Songs
2 Faeries: Speeds up song Process
When you beat the game this Faerie will sing Pure Again
3 Faeries: Speeds up song process
9: Casino
Skill Needed: N/A

Well we got some naked Gambling Faeries here! Well this is one place I had to
keep the Casino is a mega fun place to go when you are bored or stuck in the
game. You got a couple of games to play here, You have High Low. You play for
Zenny, and you have to guess if the next number will be High and Low. The
other game is a number guessing game where you guess numbers and make money.

1 Faerie: Plays Games
2 Faeries: Also Plays Games
3 Faeries: Allows you to change Faery Names
Clear Game Only
10: Copy Shop
Skill Needed: Light Blue

Well the idea is to give a Faerie an item. The Faerie makes a copy and gives
you two items back. Pretty sweet some times they can't make a copy and they
give you the item back sometimes they ruin both the copy and the original.
But that is pretty rare when it does happen. Pack all your old scholars here
because they are usually the smartest Faeries around.

1 Faerie: Copies an Item
2 Faeries: Copies another Item
3 Faeries: Copies an Additional Item
VIII: Weapons List

Here is a list of weapons that each character can use. Teepo weapons are
identical to Ryu's so he is not included, although Rei and Ryu's are similar
they are have enough differences to grant different lists..

Ryu Rei
--------------*----*-----*-----* *--------------*----*-----*-----*
Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny| |Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny|
| | | | | |
Bent Sword |5 |2 |10 | |Bent Sword |5 |2 |10 |
Dagger |1 |4 |50 | |Dagger |1 |4 |50 |
Melted Blade |1 |6 |30 | |Melted Blade |1 |6 |30 |
Ballock Knife |1 |6 |100 | |Ballock Knife |1 |6 |100 |
Bronze Sword |2 |8 |240 | |Bronze Sword |2 |8 |240 |
Silver Knife |1 |12 |1400 | |Silver Knife |1 |12 |1400 |
Broad Sword |3 |15 |600 | |Broad Sword |3 |15 |600 |
Scramasax |2 |23 |1200 | |Scramasax |2 |23 |1200 |
Moon Sword |4 |32 |2000 | |Moon Sword |4 |32 |2000 |
Flare Sword |4 |38 |3200 | |Thieves Knife |1 |36 |3200 |
Claymore |8 |43 |2500 | |Flare Sword |4 |38 |3200 |
Feather Sword |1 |48 |5200 | |Feather Sword |1 |48 |5200 |
Ashuras Sword |3 |50 |3600 | |Royal Dagger |2 |54 |6200 |
Hidden Dagger |1 |51 |7000 | |Baselard |3 |59 |6500 |
Royal Dagger |2 |54 |6200 | |Katzbalger |1 |61 |9200 |
Deadly Blade |4 |55 |7900 | |Heavy Dagger |2 |67 |7500 |
Baselard |3 |59 |6500 | |Heat Shotel |3 |76 |9500 |
Heavy Dagger |2 |67 |7500 | |Slicer |1 |8 |16000|
Ascension |4 |70 |14000| |Piercing Edge |4 |91 |14500|
Heat Shotel |3 |76 |9500 | |Life Stealer |1 |108 |22000|
Barbarossa |10 |82 |12000| |Holy Avenger |4 |125 |40000|
Piercing Edge |4 |91 |14500| *--------------*----*-----*-----*
Demonsbane |7 |99 |15000|
Damascus Sword|4 |105 |16000|
Seeking Sword |2 |110 |20000|
Holy Avenger |4 |125 |40000|
Dragon Blade |4 |130 |?????|
Royal Sword |8 |158 |55000|
Goo King Sword|4 |180 |65000|

Nina Momo
--------------*----*-----*-----* *--------------*----*-----*-----*
Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny| |Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny|
| | | | | |
Pointed Stick |1 |1 |10 | |Flame Chrysm |1 |50 |500 |
Oaken Staff |1 |6 |50 | |Ice Chrysm |1 |50 |500 |
Mace |3 |12 |200 | |Ammo |1 |58 |500 |
Magician Rod |2 |20 |780 | |Shotgun Shell |1 |78 |2200 |
Quarter Staff |4 |28 |1100 | |Homing Bomb |1 |78 |7700 |
Wind Cutter |3 |34 |2200 | |Sleep Shells |1 |80 |2500 |
Ruby Scepter |3 |43 |3200 | |Flash Shells |1 |96 |5300 |
Laquer Staff |3 |50 |5600 | |Gas Shells |1 |118 |13500|
Hidden Dagger |1 |51 |7000 | |Ghostbuster |1 |155 |22000|
Beryl Rod |4 |61 |7200 | |Ap Shells |1 |158 |10000|
Thunder Rod |10 |69 |9500 | |HE Shells |1 |166 |?????|
Blessed Staff |3 |73 |11000| |Atomic Bomb |1 |198 |16000|
Ouroboros |5 |80 |22000| *--------------*----*-----*-----*

Peco Garr
--------------*----*-----*-----* *--------------*----*-----*-----*
Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny| |Name: |LBs:| Atk:|Zenny|
| | | | | |
Melted Blade |1 |6 |30 | |Spear |2 |16 |750 |
Rippers |1 |10 |600 | |Long Spear |3 |24 |1000 |
Spiked Claws |1 |18 |1300 | |Halberd |4 |33 |2100 |
Flame Talons |1 |25 |3300 | |Rood Spear |4 |41 |2900 |
Tiger Claws |1 |34 |3800 | |Flame Spear |4 |42 |3800 |
Raptor Claws |1 |46 |5800 | |Flying Spear |2 |50 |5000 |
Rockbreaker |1 |55 |8200 | |Piercing Pike |4 |62 |7400 |
Brass Claws |1 |64 |11000| |Gale Javelin |4 |68 |9100 |
Death Claws |1 |73 |14200| |Gigantess |12 |78 |8800 |
Dragon Fang |1 |85 |22000| |Ice Halberd |6 |80 |12500|
--------------*----*-----*-----* |Aries Spear |4 |88 |15500|
|Gunginir |10 |99 |22000|
|Rufad's Spear |2 |108 |65000|
|Dragon Spear |6 |110 |19000|
|Beast Spear |15 |150 |20000|
IX: Armor, Shield, and Helmet Lists

Like the list above many characters share armor shields, and helmets but some
stuff is not shared.

Ryu= 1
Rei= 2
Nina= 3
Momo= 4
Peco= 5
Garr= 6

ARMOR NAME |LBs:| Def:|Zenny|Character |
| | | | |
Clothing |3 |2 |50 |1,2,3,4,6 |
Leather Armor |4 |4 |180 |1,2,3,4,6 |
Waistcloth |3 |5 |210 |All |
LeatherApron |4 |6 |330 |3,4 |
Ranger Garb |4 |7 |520 |1,2,4 |
Mage's Robes |3 |9 |610 |3,4 |
Manly Clothes |3 |10 |1000 |1,2,6 |
Cuirass |6 |12 |520 |1,2,4,6 |
Breastplate |4 |16 |1000 |1,2,4,5,6 |
Lgt. Clothing |1 |16 |2700 |1,2,3,4,6 |
Asbestos Armor|6 |18 |1600 |1,2,4,6 |
Chain Cap |5 |19 |1100 |1,2,4,6 |
Crepe Cape |2 |19 |1300 |3,4,5 |
Scale Mail |6 |21 |1450 |1,2,4,6 |
Mythril Armor |6 |26 |2100 |1,2,6 |
Silver Mail |6 |32 |3900 |1,2,6 |
Magma Armor |8 |38 |4500 |1,2,6 |
Robe of Wind |0 |41 |4500 |3 |
Amber BPlate |4 |45 |6100 |All |
Phantom Dress |3 |45 |6300 |3,4 |
Blizzard Mail |8 |51 |6800 |1,2,6 |
Sage's Frock |3 |53 |9300 |3,4 |
Laquer Armor |8 |57 |8000 |1,2,6 |
Damascus Mail |6 |58 |11000|1,2,6 |
Holy Robe |3 |62 |16000|3,4 |
Burglar Garb |0 |64 |19500|2 |
Force Armor |6 |65 |14000|1,2,3,4,6 |
Royal Armor |8 |72 |18000|1,2,6 |
Diana's Dress |4 |72 |28000|3,4 |
Dragon Armor |6 |73 |42000|1 |
Mist Armor |4 |75 |65000|1,2,4,6 |
Life Armor |8 |80 |48000|1,2,6 |
Gideon's Garb |12 |82 |25000|6 |

SHIELD NAME |LBs |Def. |Zenny|Character |
| | | | |
Bracers |0 |1 |30 |All |
Cloth Shield |1 |3 |150 |1,2,5,6 |
Gauntlet |1 |5 |400 |All |
Bronze Shield |2 |8 |610 |1,2,5,6 |
Buckler |2 |12 |1100 |All |
Protectors |1 |16 |11000|All |
MithrlShield |3 |17 |1600 |1,2,5,6 |
SteelGntlets |1 |21 |3000 |All |
Flame Shield |3 |25 |4300 |1,2,5,6 |
Kite Shield |3 |28 |4700 |1,2,6 |
SpikedGntlts |1 |28 |6800 |All |
Ice Shield |3 |28 |5800 |1,2,6 |
Laquer Shield |3 |33 |6500 |1,5,6 |
Mind Shield |3 |34 |18000|1,2,4,6 |
Dragon Shield |3 |42 |32000|1 |
Aries Gloves |2 |44 |6100 |All |
Giant Shield |5 |45 |15000|6 |

| | | | |
Bandanna |0 |1 |30 |ALL |
Brass Helm |1 |3 |120 |1,2,4,6 |
Glass Domino |1 |6 |450 |ALL |
Iron Helm |2 |6 |380 |1,2,4,6 |
Knight's Helm |2 |8 |720 |1,2,6 |
Mithril Helm |1 |12 |1100 |1,2,4,6 |
Gold Hairpin |0 |14 |2200 |3,4 |
Laurel |0 |15 |1800 |3,4,5 |
Tiger's Cap |1 |17 |5300 |All |
Platinum Helm |1 |18 |2800 |1,2,6 |
UV Glasses |1 |18 |3600 |All |
Lacquer Helm |2 |21 |5500 |1,2,6 |
Sun Mask |1 |22 |7200 |1,2,6 |
SilverTiara |1 |23 |12500|3,4 |
Divine Helm |2 |26 |16000|1,2,6 |
Dragon Helm |2 |30 |18000|1 |
X: Character Bio's Plus Best Equipment

1. Ryu
Age: Child-10 Age: Adult-20
Height: Child- 4'7" Height: Adult-6'
Weight: Child- 80 Lbs. Weight: Adult-175 lbs.
Action: Slashes to cut down small hedges, can steal 2-5 Zenny with this
Weapon: Swords, Knives, Daggers
Magic: Dragon Transformation, Curative Magic

Ryu was found as a small child by Rei. He grew up for a while with Rei and
Teepo, he is the last of the Brood. He is a great worker, he does what he is
told, but he can still tell right from wrong, but he usually went along with
Rei and Teepo anyway. He is peaceful but when Nina is in danger he will do
anything in his power to save her.

Ryu is a gifted fighter, he does no excel in anything, except Wisdom. The
only fault he has is he's not very fast. It's up to you by fighting with him
what he will lean towards. His curative magic is great but most players
don't use this aspect of him because of the dragon transformations. I think
making him the best curing character was a waste of talent.


Weapon: Goo King Sword- Steal from Goo King's.
Armor: Life Armor- In the desert, or trade with Manilo at the Lost
Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal from Beserker
Helmet: Dragon Helm- In a chest at the Lab of the Orbital Station

2. Rei
Age: Child-17 Age: Adult-27
Height: Child 6'2 Height: Adult-6'2
Weight: Child 180 Weight: Adult-180
Action: Picks locks
Weapons: Short swords, Knives, Daggers
Magic: Weretiger, lightening

Rei is a born thief. Well the main fact of this is he is a tiger-human
Rei and his "brother" Teepo live in the Cedar Woods, they steal to eat. Rei
finds Ryu and for a short time he is part of the gang. Rei is uncouth and
cool, but he has a quick temper. Rei is my favorite character in the game and
the entire series for that matter.

Rei is the fastest character in the game. His lightening magic just adds to
the speed and to Rei's mystique. Rei like Ryu has the hidden power since he
can transform into a Weretiger this makes Rei a pretty tough customer.
Although his Weretiger is uncontrollable he is great with one enemy bosses.
His low defense balances out his quick speed.

Weapon: Holy Avenger: Arch Mage Drops this.
Armor: Life Armor: In the desert, or trade with Manillo at the Lost
Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal from Beserker
Helmet: Divine Helm- Wraith's Drop these in the Orbital Station

3. Teepo
Age: Child-12
Height: Child-4'7"
Weight: Child-80 lbs
Action: Kicks Trees for Fruit, Kick people for 1-5 Zenny
Magic: Sorted, all element attacks.

Teepo like Ryu was an orphan. Rei found Teepo in the forest as well, but the
difference here is Teepo and Ryu are a lot different. Teepo is a bit of a
loud mouth and he seems to have the quick temper that Rei has, he is not
afraid of nothing and defies authority. Teepo will do anything to get
popular, and to get respect.

Teepo is a decent fighter he has the strength of Ryu but he is faster. Like
Nina he can use all sorts of Magic spells making him a pretty versatile Mage.
His defense is not as high as Ryu's but he is faster than Ryu.

Weapon: Bronze Sword: Bought in McNeil Village
Armor: Clothing: Already equipped
Shield: Cloth Shield- Fount on Mt. Glaus
Helmet: Bandanna- Fount inside Mt. Glaus

4. Nina
Age: Child-10 Age: Adult: 20
Height: Child-4'5" Height: Adult: 5'8
Weight: Child-60 lbs Weight: Adult: 115 lbs
Action: Uses Magic to start up Chrysm Crystals
Magic: Sorted All Element Attacks, offensive assist magic.

Nina is the young Princess of Wyndia. Nina has some of the same qualities of
Ryu, but she is a bit more inquisitive than him. She doesn't like to see
wrong being done and she will do anything to stop it. She frees Ryu from
prison and hasn't been far behind him since.

Nina is a pathetic character. Fighting wise she is not very useful at all.
Her magic comes in handy when you need it, but most of the time enemies will
destroy her, because her defense is in the toilet. I really advise against
using her.

Weapon: Ouroboros- Purchase in Faerie Village Weapon Ability shop.
Armor: Diane's Dress- Dropped by Revenants in Orbital Station
Shield: Aeries Gloves- Steal from Beserker.
Helmet: Silver Tiara- In a chest in the courtyard of the Orbital Station

5. Momo
Age: Child 17 Age: Adult 27
Height: Child 5'10 Height: Adult 5'10"
Weight: Child 135 lbs Weight: Adult 135 lbs
Action: Uses Bazooka to destroy barrels and walls. Can shoot enemies for 2-10
Zenny, can operate many computers and panels
Magic: Defense/Offense assist, Healing, Earth

Momo is a Human/Bunny hybrid. She is a scientist and she hopes to follow the
footsteps of her late father Repsol. She likes machinery and ugly mutants.
She joins the group when they visit her in the tower that she lives in.

Momo has decent speed, when her attack hits early in the game it is very
useful. Near the end Momo's actual fighting ability depletes and slowly you
will stop using Momo for fighting all together. She also has a weak defense
but not as weak as Nina's. If you level her right and keep her with a defense
Master, Momo can be pretty useful.

Weapon: Atomic Bomb- Purchased at Caer Xhan
Armor: Mist Armor: Dropped by Mist Men in the Orbital Station
Shield: Aries Gloves- Stolen from the Beserker
Helmet: Silver Tiara- In a chest in the Orbital Station Courtyard
6. Peco

Age: ???
Height: 2'6
Weight: 30 lbs.
Action: Headbutts fruit out of trees and bumps rocks. Can steal 1-5 Zenny.
Can talk to Yggdrasils.
Magic: Status Changing

Peco is a mutant onion. He can speak but you can't understand what he is
saying and he likes to sleep a lot. Peco was born by a combination of
Yggdrasil sap and Chrysm energy. Peco joins the team when a mutant plant
gives him to you to watch over so nothing will happen to him.

Peco is a great fighter and probably one of the best in the game. He has
Ungodly high HP, lots of power and a high defense. Shame on those who don't
use the squeaking onion to their advantage. Yeah he may look funny, but don't
let that fool you he's a can of ass whipin' you don't want to open. His slow
speed and low intellect balances him out.

Weapon: Dragonfang- Dropped by Red Drakes in the Lab in the orbital station
Armor: AmberBPlate- Bought in Parch
Shield: Aries Gloves-Steal from Beserker
Helemt: Tiger's Cap- Bought in Faeries Village Weapon ability Shop
7. Garr

Age: 500+
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 380 lbs
Action: Pushes heavy objects like rocks.
Magic: Fire

Almighty Garr is the reining champion of the Tournament of Champions. Garr is
a heavy thinker but you can't tell that by looking at the winged spear
wielding warrior. He is old and very wise he joins the party when he wins
them in the fighting contest.

Ok it's simple...GARR ROCKS! Shame on those who don't use Almighty Garr all
the time. Yeah he may be slow but so what? He hit's VERY hard, he is mighty
he is big and his high HP keeps him alive. He also has a very high defense,
and he has a high immunity to anything with fire. He won't repel it or turn
it into HP but it won't damage him much. The only thing holding this mighty
warrior back is he is slow, and he doesn't have many spells.

Weapon: Beast Spear-Search the Ashes of Guardian Gaist
Armor: Gideon's Garb-Dropped by Armor in the Orbital Station
Shield: Aries Gloves- Steal from Beserker
Helmet: Divine Helm- Dropped by Wraith's in the Orbital Station

NEW! Q1: How do I pray to the statue in Ryu's mind?
A1: First examine it so it will tell you to pray. Next stand there and
do nothing in about 30 seconds or so it will open the path for you.

Q2: How do I get the Asbestas Armor Early?
A2: Defeate Balio and Sunder in the castle

Q3: If I didn't get a dragon gene can I go back and get it?
A3: As long as the area is accesible than you can go back and get it.

Q4: How do I control Kaiser?
A4: Infinity + Failure or, Infinity + Radiance + Trance. I suggest the second
one because it's a lot more powerful than the Failure combination.

Q5: Is there anyway to beat Balio and Sunder in the woods?
A5: No, not even with a gameshark they weren't meant to be beaten. The whole
story of the game would of been altered so much that there would of had to
have been a second scenario made.

Q6: Is there anyway to beat Garr in the Arena?
A6: No, this also would of ruined the game but not as much.

Q7: How many years do you think went by between Chapter 1 and 2?
A7: Some people say 20, but I say it's been 10.

Q8: Should I get this Breath of Fire or it's sequel
A8: I would advise this one, because it's easier and longer.

Q9: Are you going to do walkthroughs for all 4 Breath of Fires?
A9: I changed my mind, no I'm only doing for the PS BoF's although my mind
changes a lot :)

Q10: Where can I find the Tyrant Gene?
A10: It's not in the game, this is a stupid rumor started after the release
of Breath of Fire IV.

Q11: How do I get a Goo King Sword
A11: By stealing it, you have to catch a Goo King in a pack in order for it
to work. Trust me it can be done it's just not as easy as you would think,
it's very rare as well.

XII: Thanks:

SCCAN85- I would like to think him most of all for suggesting this game to
me, when others advised against. Without his suggestion I would not have
written this file or played this wonderful game.

CJayC ( For posting this guide, and all my other random

Zero One (N/A) For the alternate Shroom strategy. Thanks!

Jason G. (N/A) For the alternative D. Zombie strategy. Thanks!

Psycho Penguin (N/A) For the alternate Final Boss strategy. Thanks!

Capcom ( For making awesome games like this one here, and the
other 3 in the series. For also just being a very cool company and tending to
players needs.

Dyse- ( Yeah, I like to thank myself at times because it's
the right thing to do ya know?
XIII: Copyrights:

trademark of CAPCOM CO. LTD. CAPCOM is a registered trademark
of CAPCOM CO., LTD. PlayStation is a registered trademark of
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

This Frequently Asked Questions and Walk Through is a Trademark of Dyson
Turner. It can not be reproduced mechanically or electronically without the
written consent of the author ( If you want to place this
File on your website please e-mail me ( about it before
doing so.

Copyright 2001-2002 by Dyson Turner

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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