Dune 2000

Dune 2000

12.10.2013 19:03:19
D U N E 2 0 0 0
FAQ/Strategy Guide for IMB-PC Compatible
Final Version
By: “A” Tadeo
Created: April 10, 2001
Date last Updated: May 2, 2001
Mail me at: aaron20@edsamail.com.ph
Home Page: http://surf.to/aaronph


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You also cannot use this FAQ/Strategy Guide as a guide for you to make your
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Hello again everyone! Welcome again to one of my guides. This will be the
first time I’ll be tackling a Strategy Game. The PC is the best platform to
play strategy games because of the flexibility of the mouse and keyboard
controls. Dune 2000 is such game that takes advantage of the PC’s power. If
you remember, Dune was released years ago as a DOS game. I was able to play
it then and I really enjoyed it. When Westwood announced, after so many
years, that they will bring back Dune as a Windows game. This includes
cinematics, enhanced graphics and excellent music and sounds. The gameplay
and strategy is almost the same between the two versions of Dune though.
That’s all. Let’s get it on. By the way, take note that I’ll be concentrating
on the lists and the strategy elements of the game.


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i. Introduction/E-mail Policy
ii. Updates/Revisions
I. Game Overview
II. The 3 Houses
III. The Units/Buildings (per unit strategy)
IV. Mission Strategies
1. Atreides
2. Ordos
3. Harkonnen
V. General Strategy
VI. Credits/Acknowledgements


- Fixed Atreides Mission 9
- Full Ordos and Harkonnen Missions
- Lists Complete
- All Strategies placed


I. System Requirements

IBM-PC Compatible 233 MHZ
Microsoft Windows 95/98
16 MB (32 MB recommended)
Video Cards with 4MB Video RAM
Sound Card

For more info about hardware for use with Dune 2000 for Windows, please check
the “ReadMe” file at the Dune 2000 Start Menu Group. It’s very long and it
would be impractical to put it all up here.

II. Game Information

The PC has been the best platform for strategy games. You can play well using
the mouse to gather your units and pummel your opponent’s base. Not to
mention, the keyboard interface where you can just press a key to command a
unit in coordination with your mouse. This game’s control is easy but it
needs getting used to.

In Dune 2000, you’ll choose between 3 houses. The Atreides, Ordos, and the
Harkonnen. Each will vie for the spice-rich Dune. Each of them has their own
mentats who will guide you. The houses have different styles of play,
different storylines, different strengths and weaknesses, different units,
and even different allies. But at the end, it will be your planning that will
prove who is the best house among the 3.

Another thing you should know, and I think you’ll like it, is the multiplayer
option. You can Duke it out with your 5 other friends for fun. You can also
set allies and enemies, and you can also give handicap to more experienced
players to even up the battle. Onto the game!



Mentat: Hayt DeVries

Harkonnen, the ruthless and the most devastating house of them all. In terms
of units, they are superior to the other 2 houses. But Spice harvesting is
their weakest point. They live on Gidi (GD) Prime and they pose threat to
anyone, even the Emperor.

1. Powerful Units
2. Nuclear Weaponry
3. Heavier Armor

1. Spice Harvesting is poor
2. slow-moving units


Mentat: Edric O

The Ordos are economical people. They plan their resources well and have lots
of units to spare. But then, they get most of their equipments through
smuggling and they work with deception.

1. Easy Spice Harvesting
2. Can build lots of units in a short time
3. Stealth Support
4. Quick-moving units

1. Weak Armored Units


Mentat: Noree Moneo

Atreides, the weakest of the 3 houses who live on Caladan, the Water World.
We can say that they are the good guys in this game. Their superiority is Air
Combat. They also have the devastating Sonic Tank in their arsenal.

1. Air Superiority
2. Fremen Support

1. Weak Units


BUILDINGS (in alphabetical order)

_ _ _

Requirement: IX Research Center
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: The Atreides Palace will enable you to summon the Fremen allies.

_ _

Requirement: Wind Trap
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Produces and Trains infantries

_ _

Requirement: Construction Yard
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Provides sturdy foundation for buildings

_ _ _

Requirement: Construction Yard
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Provides sturdy foundation for buildings


Requirement: Barracks
Armor: Medium
Purpose: They will provide defense for your base by attacking any enemy
unit within its range. It is very effective against vehicles
but it is less likely to be effective against infantries.

_ _ _

Requirement: IX Research Center
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: The Harkonnen Palace will enable you to use the Death Hand
Missile (Nuclear Bomb).


Requirement: Refinery
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: Heavy Factories will enable you to build heavy vehicles such
as tanks and harvesters.


Requirement: Outpost
Armor: Light
Purpose: High Tech Factories enable you to create airborne units


Requirement: Outpost, Upgraded Heavy Factory
Armor: Light
Purpose: Enables the you to build more Advanced Units

_ _ _

Requirement: Refinery)
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Produces Trikes and Quads

_ _ _

Requirement: IX Research Center
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: The Ordos Palace will enable you to summon the Saboteurs.

_ _ _

Requirement: Barracks
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Enables you to see a map of the terrain. The Outpost needs power
to operate so if there’s no power, the map will be temporarily

_ _ _

Requirement: Wind Trap
Armor: Medium
Purpose: Refineries are where Harvested Spice are processed. Each
Refinery can hold up to 2,000 Solaris worth of Spice.

_ _ _

Requirement: Upgraded Heavy Factory
Armor: Medium
Purpose: The Repair Pad can repair all your vehicles in the game. Just
take note that repairing uses Spice. If you ran out of spice,
the repaid pad will be useless.


Requirement: Upgraded Construction Yard and Outpost
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: They are the best defense for your base. They automatically
targets your opponents and is very effective against any
intruder. But, they need power to operate so try to keep
your power level as high as possible.


Requirement: Refinery
Armor: Light
Purpose: Can hold extra Spice worth 1,500

_ _ _

Requirement: Outpost and Heavy Factory
Armor: Heavy
Purpose: Starports will enable you to acquire reinforcement buy buying
armaments from the merchant guild. You are allowed to buy 6
vehicles per order and it will take time for them to arrive.
As for the vehicles, sometimes they will be cheaper than the
ones you normally build on the factories, but sometimes there
will be no stock of the vehicle/s you might need so you’ll have
to wait for a while.


Requirement: Wind Trap
Armor: Medium
Purpose: They provide defense against intruders, especially Saboteurs.
Just remember that they cannot be repaired.

_ _

Requirement: Construction Yard
Armor: Light
Purpose: Provides Power to the base


UNITS (in alphabetical order)

House: All
Requirement: High Tech Factory
Weapon: none
Range: n/a
Speed: 96 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: Perhaps one of the most useful units in the game, the Carryalls
will automatically transport your harvesters to the refineries
thus making it a short trip. They will also transport units
to the Repair Pad when instructed to.

House: All
Requirement: Heavy Factory
Weapon: Shells
Range: Medium
Speed: 40 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: none
Use/Strategy: Combat Tanks are the backbone of your army. They are versatile
and are useful against almost all units in the game. They are
also the best squishing weapon around.

House: Harkonnen
Requirement: Harkonnen Palace
Weapon: Nuclear Warhead
Range: n/a
Speed: 280 km/h
Armor: n/a
Note: none
Use/Strategy: The most powerful support weapon in the entire game, the Death
Hand will obliterate anything it reaches. Although very
powerful, the Death Hand oftentimes miss the target. Here’s a
tip, aim a little bit higher than your target.

House: Harkonnen
Requirement: Heavy Factory and IX Research Center
Weapon: Dual Plasma Charges
Range: Medium
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Heavy
Note: none
Use/Strategy: Needless to say, the Devastator is the most powerful attack
unit in the game. It is effective against almost every opponent
in the game. You can also order it to self-destruct and damage
nearby units and buildings. The downside is that the Devastator
is slow-moving and its rate of fire is very low.

House: Ordos
Requirement: Upgraded Heavy Factory and IX Research Center
Weapon: Missile Clouds
Range: Medium
Speed: 36 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: none
Use/Strategy: With the Deviators, you can temporarily turn and enemy vehicle
into your ally. There are 2 ways to bring them back to normal.
First, after waiting for a while. Second, if that unit is hit
by any weapon. Deviators can also cause damage to units and

House: All
Requirement: Upgraded Barracks
Weapon: none
Range: n/a
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: They are used to capture enemy buildings. If you plan on
capturing one, give the Engineer some escort or simple clear
a path for them to run because there are no transporters.

House: Atreides
Requirement: Atreides Castle
Weapon: 10mm Assault Rifle and Rockets
Range: Medium
Speed: 16 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: none
Use/Strategy: The Fremen have the uncanny ability to stealth themselves
before assault. Use them wisely. They are effective against
heavily armored units as well infantries. Keep them away from
Siege Tanks though as the tank will need only 1 shot.

House: All
Requirement: Heavy Factory
Weapon: none
Range: n/a
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Heavy
Note: One is included with a Refinery
Use/Strategy: Collects Spice. Can be used to squash infantries.

House: All
Requirement: Barracks
Weapon: 9mm Assault Rifles
Range: Short
Speed: 16 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: The most basic attack unit. Light Infantries are strong when in
groups. They can destroy light armored units easily. But beware
of the units with Heavy Armor that can crush them. Also, they
are perfect for taking out Troopers.

MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle)
House: All
Requirement: Heavy Factory and Repair Pad
Weapon: none
Range: n/a
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: none
Use/Strategy: MCV can be deployed to build a Construction Yard. If you have
the option to build one, do so. This will make sure that you
will always have a Construction Yard as enemies will try to
destroy it first and foremost.

House: All
Requirement: Upgraded Heavy Factory and IX Research Center
Weapon: Missiles
Range: Long
Speed: 36 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: none
Use/Strategy: Tanks will be afraid when they see this Missile Tank. It can
pierce through armor and can attack airborne units. But then,
they are weak against infantries and troopers. What should you
do then? Squish them.

House: Atreides
Requirement: Upgraded High Tech Factory
Weapon: 500 lbs. Bomb
Range: n/a
Speed: 168 km/h
Armor: n/a
Note: none
Use/Strategy: They drop the bombing site 3 times devastating anything below.
It can only be damaged by anti-aircraft weapons, specifically
missiles and rockets. They also need some time before they can
be used.

House: All
Requirement: Upgraded Light Factory
Weapon: Armor-Piercing Rockets
Range: Short
Speed: 54 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: They are fast and incredibly useful against almost any vehicle
in the game. They can also take out bases but they are no match
against turrets and Missile Launchers.

House: Ordos
Requirement: Light Factory
Weapon: 20mm Cannons
Range: Short
Speed: 84 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: Much like the Trikes, but the Raider is faster and more
powerful. They will be very effective in taking out infantries
and lightly armored vehicles.

House: Ordos
Requirement: Ordos Palace
Weapon: Stealth and C4s!
Range: n/a
Speed: 16 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: Stealth is limited but it recharges after use
Use/Strategy: Saboteurs will destroy any building it reaches. Use them
wisely. The perfect targets are the Construction Yards and
the factories. First, clear a path for them then let them
literally demolish the opponent’s base.

House: All
Requirement: Upgraded Heavy Factory
Weapon: Heavy Shells
Range: Long
Speed: 30 km/h
Armor: Heavy
Note: none
Use/Strategy: The Siege Tanks are very useful against infantries. But it
is very weak against heavily armored vehicles. Also, take into
consideration their slowness in movement.

House: Atreides
Requirement: Heavy Factory and IX Research Center
Weapon: Sound Wave
Range: Medium
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Medium
Note: Damages everything in its path
Use/Strategy: The Sonic Tanks are very damaging indeed. They release sound
waves or sonic booms in front damage everything in its path
including your own units. They are best for defense support
to the Turrets. They also prove to be very effective against

House: Atreides
Requirement: Light Factory
Weapon: Heavy Machine Guns
Range: Short
Speed: 64 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: The Trike’s advantage is speed. They can evade most attacks.
Trikes are very useful against infantries as it can kill them
easily with its machine guns. But then, Trikes are powerless
against the heavily armored tanks.

House: All
Requirement: Upgraded Barracks
Weapon: Missile Launchers
Range: Medium
Speed: 12 km/h
Armor: Light
Note: none
Use/Strategy: They are very useful against armored tanks and vehicles. But
don’t let them go anywhere near infantries. Having troubles
with turrets? They are the best units for the job.


Notes: Here are some things you should know about how I describe missions.
- When I talk about selection, it means what land you chose on the map of
Dune for your next mission. Remember that before a new mission begins, you
can select at most 2 places. This can help you out to choose which 2 maps
you’re going to choose.


Objective: Collect 2,500 Solaris Worth of Spice
Map Size: Very Small

Starting Units:
Top Map: 5 Light Infantries, 3 Trikes
Bottom Map: 5 Light Infantries, 2 Trikes

New Units and Buildings:
Harvester, Concrete, Construction Yard, Wind Trap, Refinery, Silo

This mission will be ridiculously easy. All you need to do is build a
Windtrap and a Refinery then collect spice. Defeat the few of the Harkonnen
here if they come close. Beware of the worm!


Objective: Destroy All Harkonnen Forces
Map Size: Small

Starting Units:
Top Map: 3 Light Infantries, 5 Trikes
Bottom Map: 4 Light Infantries, 3 Trikes

New Units and Buildings:
Light Infantry, Trike, Barracks, Light Factory, Outpost

In this mission, you’ll have to build up your forces and attack the Harkonnen
Base leaving no one alive. In the Top Map, the location of the base is to the
south of your base. In the Bottom Map, the enemy base is located to the
south, and a little bit to the west, of your main base. To win, build up at
least 15 Trikes. Go to their base and destroy their Trikes and Infantries.
Destroy the Barracks first and then destroy the Construction Yard. Destroy
anything else.


Objective: Harvest 5000 Solaris worth of Spice
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
Top Map: 2 Quads, 2 Trikes, 2 Light Infantries
Bottom Map: same

New Units and Buildings:
Trooper, Quad, Wall

On the top map, the location of their base is to the right of yours. At the
Bottom Map, their base is located to the northwest. In this mission, you need
to build up a large group of Trikes and Quads. Make 15 Trikes and 10 Quads.
Number them separately. The Trikes should take care of the infantries and
Troopers, while the Quads take on the enemies’ Quads.


Objective: Protect the Fremen Sietch and destroy the Harkonnen
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
6 Combat Tanks, 2 Trikes, 1 Quads, 3 Light Infantries

New Units and Buildings:
Engineer, MCV, Combat Tank, Heavy Factory, Repair Pad

The Fremen Sietch is located to the southeast corner of the map. The enemy’s
base is just beside (to the left and a bit to the north) the Fremen base.
Now, that you have control of Combat Tanks, build a considerable amount of
them, around 15, and support them with Quads and Trikes. You can also send
some reinforcements to the Fremen to protect their Sietch.


Objective: Capture the Barracks at Sietch Tabr
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
1 Quad, 1 Trike, 3 Light Infantries, 1 Trooper, 2 Engineers

New Units and Buildings:
Missile Tank, Carryall, High Tech Factory, Gun Turret, IX Research Center

Once the mission begins, you’ll need to capture the opponent’s Starport
within 10 minutes. Once you’ve captured it, you’ll be given a MCV to start
building your base. Now, build units until you have 5 Trikes and 5 Quads, now
go directly to the north and capture the Starport with your Engineers. Then,
bring the MCV back at the main base and strengthen your base. The main base
of the opponent is to the northwest.


Objective: Destroy all Ordos Forces
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
Left Map: 1 MCV, 2 Combat Tanks, 1 Siege Tank, 1 Missile Tank,
2 Light Infantries, 1 Trooper, 1 Trike, 1 Quad
Right Map: 2 Combat Tanks, 2 Trikes, 1 Quad, 3 Light Infantries,
2 Trooper

New Units and Buildings:
Siege Tank, Starport

First let’s delve into the locations of the enemies. On the left map, the
enemy would be to the north of the initial position of your MCV. There will
be a smuggler’s base at the northwest corner. In the right map, their main
base is to the southwest of yours. And the Smuggler’s base is directly to the
south. All in all, you should build as many units as you can. 40 is the ideal
number. It should contain mostly of Combat Tanks and Quads. You should also
have some Siege Tanks, Missile Tanks, and Trikes.


Objective: Destroy House Harkonnen
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
2 Combat Tanks, 1 Siege Tank, 1 Missile Tank, 2 Trikes, 7 Light Infantries,
5 Troopers

New Units and Buildings:
Sonic Tank, Ornithopter, Rocket Turret

The location of the enemy base is at the northwest corner of the map. Their
second base is located to the northeast of your base. This time, build as
many Combat and Missile Tanks as you can and support them with Quads. Send
around 50-60 units to their base to make sure that you’ll be able to
penetrate their defense and eventually defeat the Harkonnen.


Objective: Destroy all opposing forces
Map Size: Large

Starting Units:
1 Light Infantry, 1 Quad, 1 Trike, 1 Trooper, 5 Missile Tanks, 2 Combat
Tanks, 2 Siege Tanks, 1 Sonic Tank

New Units and Buildings:
Fremen, Atreides Palace

This battle is a little bit tougher than the previous battles. You’ll now
have to fight Ordos and Harkonnen. The Harkonnen base is at the lower right
and the Ordos is at the lower left. Now, here’s what you might encounter. In
the beginning of the battle, around 5 minutes after you start, an Ordos
Saboteur will infiltrate your base. So, I suggest that you build Rocket
Turrets as fast as possible and close all entry points. Trust me, those
Saboteurs will be very annoying. There are 2 openings to your base, one on
the top right and one at the bottom. Put numerous Rocket Turrets for base

If you plan on attacking, I suggest that you attack the Ordos first. You can
also destroy the Smuggler’s base at the upper left corner of the screen if
you want. This is because Ordos is much stronger than Harkonnen at this
point. The Harkonnen won’t be a threat because they will run out of spice
early. So, build at 2 groups with at least 40 units each and attack Ordos
from 2 sides. Beware of the Ordos Deviator, which will turn your units into
theirs. Destroy them at once when you see them.


Objective: Destroy everything!
Map Size: Extra Large

Starting Units:
Left Map: 4 Troopers, 6 Light Infantries, 1 Quad, 1 Combat Tank,
1 Missile Tank, 2 Trikes
Right Map: 8 Combat Tanks, 7 Light Infantries, 3 Troopers, 2 Siege Tanks,
2 Trikes, 2 Quads

New Units and Buildings:

This will the toughest battle among the Atreides’ missions. You now have to
take care of 2 enemies. The Harkonnen, and the dreaded Sardaukar. With 2
enemies, you need to build your base fast. Either map you choose, the bases
will be to the north. But I do suggest that you take on the map on the right
because your 2 bases are near each other and can be easily defended. Your 2
bases on the left map will be quite far apart and most likely, one will fall
to the enemy. There will be auxiliary bases but they are easy to take over.

Now, here’s what you should do. Try your best to put Rocket Turrets all over
your base to defend against intruders. Then, build 80+ units (including
Combat, Missile, Siege Tanks, including Quads and Trikes) and attack the
Ordos first. Then, regroup and attack the Sardaukar. Beware that the
Sardaukar’s units are stronger than yours so your only advantage will be

Now, for the final attack. The house Harkonnen will be tough even with 80+
units. I suggest you attack Harkonnen with 100+ units because you’ll be
surprised when you attack them. They have tons of tanks including the most
powerful tank in the game, the Devastator. Destroy the Devastators, then the
Missile Tanks and then the Turrets. Take care of the other units as well.
After penetrating their base, victory is now at hand. Congratulations on
finishing the Atreides Missions!


Objective: Collect 2,500 Solaris Worth of Spice
Map Size: Very Small

Starting Units:
Both Maps: 4 Light Infantries, 2 Raiders

New Units and Buildings:
Harvester, Concrete, Construction Yard, Wind Trap, Refinery, Silo

This mission will be ridiculously easy. All you need to do is build a
Windtrap and a Refinery then collect spice. Defeat the few of the Harkonnen
here if they come close. Beware of the worm!


Objective: Destroy All Enemy Buildings and Units
Map Size: Small

Starting Units:
Left Map: 4 Light Infantries, 3 Raiders
Right Map: 4 Light Infantries, 2 Raiders

New Units and Buildings:
Light Infantry, Raider, Barracks, Light Factory, Outpost

This will be the first mission where you are required to destroy the enemy
base. Now, create at least 15-20 Raiders and use them to destroy the enemy
Harkonnen Base. You won’t have any problem at all.


Objective: Destroy All Harkonnen Forces
Map Size: Small

Starting Units:
Left Map: 2 Quads, 1 Raider, 2 Troopers, 3 Light Infantries
Right Map: 1 Quad, 1 Raider, 1 Trooper, 2 Light Infantries

New Units and Buildings:
Trooper, Quad, Wall

This time, you’ll have to deploy Quads that will be more effective in Base
Destruction than the Raiders. On the right map, the Harkonnen Base is to the
lower left corner of the map. On the left map, the Harkonnen Base is a bit to
the southeast of your base. Deploy 30 units (mixed Quads and Raiders) to be
able to efficiently destroy the base.


Objective: Capture Outpost at Sietch Tabr
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
3 Raiders, 4 Light Infantries, 2 Combat Tanks

New Units and Buildings:
MVC, Engineer, Combat Tank, Heavy Factory, Repair Pad

Scattered around the map are small fortifications with Gun Turrets. Your main
objective is to capture the Outpost at Sietch Tabr, which is located to the
north of your base. You can beat the Harkonnen, which is just beside the
Smuggler’s base, if you want to gain more points. But all you have to do is
to destroy the wall surrounding the Outpost and capture it with an Engineer.


Objective: Store 15,000 Solaris worth of Spice
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
2 Raiders, 3 Combat Tanks, 3 Engineers, 4 Troopers, 2 Light Infantries

New Units and Buildings:
CarryAll, High Tech Factory, Gun Turret

In the beginning of the game, go northwest with all your units and destroy
the Gun Turret and infantries of the Atreides. Then, use your Engineers to
capture the Starport and the 2 Wind Traps. Now, build your base and amass a
huge group of Combat Tanks, Quads and Trikes. Around 50 units will do it.
Beware, the Atreides might give you trouble early in the game. Try to buy 3
Siege Tanks for defense as you’ll encounter TONS of infantries. Or, you can
just save in your base and collect spice without beating the Atreides’ base.


Objective: Defend the Starport and defeat all opponents
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
Left Map: 4 Troopers, 1 Raider
Right Map: 5 Light Infantries, 1 Trooper, 2 Quads

New Units and Buildings:
Siege Tank, Starport

This battle will be tough. You are given 30 minutes to defend the Starport.
The hard part is that you are facing 2 enemies, the Atreides and the
Harkonnen. Build up your base fast and defend your starport. If your Starport
is destroyed, the game will be over. Among the 2 maps you can choose, the
better one is to the right. You’re base is in the center of the map, fully
surrounded by enemies but, you can easily fortify it as there are walls. If
you chose the left map however, you’ll have difficulties building your base
as the space is very small compared to the right map. Also, in the right map,
the Starport is much nearer to your base than in the left map. When you
successfully defended your Starport in 30 minutes, you’ll be given
reinforcements from time to time, so build up your forces and strike back!


Objective: Destroy the Atreides and the Emperor’s Forces
Map Size: Large

Starting Units:
5 Troopers, 1 Light Infantry, 2 Siege Tanks, 2 Quads

New Units and Buildings:
Deviator, Rocket Turret, IX Research Center

This mission will be from easy to average. There will be 2 opposing forces
again. The Atreides and the Emperor’s Forces. Your hired mercenaries’
Starport will be located within your base. Protect it. When they attack the
opponent, join them so that you’ll have a much higher percentage of winning.
Use Combat Tanks and Quads this time as the mercenaries will take care of the
Trikes and the infantries.


Objective: Destroy all opposing forces
Map Size: Large

Starting Units:
1 Trooper, 6 Light Infantries, 1 Raider, 2 Quads, 1 Combat Tank, 1 Siege Tank

New Units and Buildings:
Saboteur, Ordos Palace

This will definitely be a tough battle. You’re now up against 3 opponents.
The Atreides, Harkonnen, and the Sardaukar. Build up your base quickly and
provide strong defense for you and the mercenaries’ base. Throughout the
game, watch out for your Harvesters constantly as the Harkonnen and Atreides
will target them at once. Watch out also for the Death Hand and the Air
Strike of the Harkonnen and Atreides, respectively. To win, build up around
80+ units and take on the Harkonnen, then the Sardaukar, and finally the
Atreides. Spice won’t be a problem here. Create 3 Refineries and 3 extra
Harvesters and provide at least 8 Carryalls and you’re set.


Objective: Finish it. =)
Map Size: Extra Large

Starting Units:
Left Map: 6 Combat Tanks, 1 Siege Tank, 2 Raiders, 5 Light Infantries,
1 Quad, 2 Troopers
Right Map: 3 Combat Tanks, 2 Quads, 1 Missile Tank, 1 Siege Tank,
3 Light Infantries, 2 Troopers

New Units and Buildings:

If you’ll ask me, choose the right map. The location of your base will be
guarded by the Mercenaries’ base. Build up a minimum of 90 units, including
Combat Tanks, Quads, Missile Tanks, Siege Tanks, and Deviators. Then, take on
what’s left of the 3 enemies. The opponents will now have numerous units
compared to the previous battles so most likely, you’ll be regrouping again
and again. Just keep in mind that you MUST build units non-stop. This is the
best time to use the Saboteurs. Target their Construction Yards and their
Castles. That should secure victory.


Objective: Collect 2,500 Solaris Worth of Spice
Map Size: Very Small

Starting Units:
Left Map: 5 Light Infantries, 2 Trikes
Right Map: 6 Light Infantries, 2 Trikes

New Units and Buildings:
Harvester, Concrete, Construction Yard, Wind Trap, Refinery, Silo

This mission will be ridiculously easy. All you need to do is build a
Windtrap and a Refinery then collect spice. Defeat the few of the Harkonnen
here if they come close. Beware of the worm!


Objective: Destroy the Atreides
Map Size: Very Small

Starting Units:
Left Map: 4 Light Infantries, 2 Trikes
Right Map: 4 Light Infantries, 3 Trikes

New Units and Buildings:
Light Infantry, Trike, Barracks, Light Factory, Outpost

This is yet another easy mission. Since this will be you first time to beat
an entire base, build 15-20 Trikes and your set. The Atreides Base on the
left map is to the northeast. As for the right map, the Atreides Base is on
the southeast corner of the map.


Objective: Destroy the Atreides
Map Size: Small

Starting Units:
Top Map: 2 Troopers, 2 Light Infantries, 1 Trike, 1 Quad
Bottom Map: 2 Troopers, 2 Light Infantries, 2 Trikes, 2 Quads

New Units and Buildings:
Trooper, Quad, Wall

This will be a fairly easy mission. You now have control over the more
powerful Quads. The base of the Atreides on the Top map is located directly
south of your base. As for the Bottom map, the base is located. Now, build up
25 units, mostly Quads, and bring it to the base of the Atreides and wreak


Objective: Destroy all hostile forces
Map Size: Small

Starting Units:
2 Combat Tank, 4 Light Infantries, 1 Trooper

New Units and Buildings:
MCV, Engineer, Combat Tank, Heavy Factory, Repair Pad

You have 2 objectives here. First, destroy the Fremen base at the northeast
part of the map and destroy the Atreides Base to the south-southwest of the
map. Deploy 20 Tanks, 10 Quads, 10 Trikes and you’ll be able to penetrate and
eventually, demolish the entire base.


Objective: Destroy all Ordos forces while protecting the Outpost
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
1 Combat Tank, 5 Light Infantries

New Units and Buildings:
Missile Tank, Carryall, High Tech Factory, Gun Turret, IX Research Center

This battle will be tough if you don’t know what to do. First of all, send
ALL your starting units and the following reinforcements to the Modified
outpost to the south. You’ll meet lots of Infantries here. After surviving,
build up your base as quickly as possible. Build up 50 units and destroy the
base at the right side. After that, destroy what’s left of the Ordos in the
lower left corner of the map.


Objective: Destroy the enemy Starport
Map Size: Medium

Starting Units:
Left Map: 7 Light Infantries, 3 Troopers, 2 Combat Tanks, 1 Trike
Right Map: 4 Light Infantries, 2 Troopers, 2 Quads, 1 Trike

New Units and Buildings:
Siege Tank, Starport

Here is another fairly easy battle. Build up your base and mass-produce 60+
units. There are 2 bases, one of which is the main base where the Starport
is. Now, create defenses around your base because the enemy will definitely
target your Construction Yard and they will try to penetrate from different
directions. Make full use of the Starport and keep on building units to amass
a sufficient number of units.


Objective: Destroy the opposing forces
Map Size: Large

Starting Units:
4 Light Infantries, 2 Troopers, 1 Engineer, 2 Combat Tanks, 1 Siege Tank,
2 Trikes, 2 Quads

New Units and Buildings:
Devastator, Rocket Turret

This battle will be a little bit tougher. You will be surrounded by 2 bases.
An auxiliary base to the west and the main base (it’s huge) to the east. This
time, create around 15-20 Devastators and support them with 60-70 normal
units. Attack first with the normal units and then, let the Devastators
demolish everything.


Objective: Destroy the Ordos
Map Size: Large

Starting Units:
4 Combat Tanks, 1 Siege Tank, 1 Light Infantry, 2 Troopers, 1 Trike, 1 MCV

New Units and Buildings:
Death Hand Missile, Harkonnen Palace

This battle will be from average to difficult. First of all, defend the north
and south entrances of the base with at least 5 Rocket Turrets each. Take
care also of the Ordos Saboteur as it can remove your Construction Yard (or
any building for that matter) faster that you can say “Hey!?!?”. Now, to make
sure of your victory, build 30 units first and go northwest from your base.
You'll find the (Yellow colored) mercenaries there. Capture their Heavy
Factory and they will be persuaded to fight for your cause. After that, amass
100 units composed Devastators, Missile Tanks, Combat Tanks, and Trikes. Let
the Siege Tanks defend your base from Infantries. Now, go north from the
mercenaries’ base and destroy the Ordos. If you destroy their palace, the
Atreides will be shaken of the immense power of Harkonnen and becomes
hostile. You can attack the Atreides if you want for more points, then
obliterate Ordos once and for all. Also, provide support using the, now
available, Death Hand Missile.


Objective: Destroy all enemies!
Map Size: Extra Large

Starting Units:
Top Map: 2 Combat Tanks, 2 Siege Tanks, 1 Missile Tank, 1 Trike, 1 MCV,
1 Trooper, 4 Light Infantries
Bottom Map: 1 Devastator, 2 Missile Tanks, 2 Siege Tanks, 1 Trike,
10 Troopers, 2 Light Infantries

New Units and Buildings:

This will be very tough if you don’t know what to do. First, let’s examine
our enemies. There’s the Atreides and ever-vigilant Sardaukar. First, defend
your base in all directions to prevent enemies from penetrating. Beware,
because this time, you’ll meet lots and lots of enemy units compared to the
previous battles. First, defend your base. After the enemies’ attack, charge
with your forces and head for the Sardaukar first. If you destroy the
Sardaukar Castle, they won’t receive any reinforcements from now on. After
destroying their base, regroup your forces (repair Devastators) and plan your
final attack against the Atreides. You’ll be stopped by 40s or even 50
Atreides Tanks. Go for the ones with weak armor first (Siege Tanks, Missile
Tanks, Quads, and Trikes) and then, destroy the turrets. Finally, eliminate
the tanks and go in the base. Destroy everything! Congratulations! You’ve
finished Dune 2000 (Harkonnen)!


Here are some general strategies you can use against your opponents. May it
be the CPU or a friend. I am using these strategies while I play and I think
this will help you out too. I also tried to make it a little bit humorous.


Creating a base from scratch is really hard to do. You’ll have to plan
beforehand where to put your buildings. You’ll also take into consideration
the side of the land where you can put your buildings. Try to make a base
that is not too crowded. This means that, your buildings should have spaces
between them. This will be especially useful when an enemy sneaks in.

Another thing to remember is to have a few spaces on the outline of your
base. This will be the place where you should put up those Turrets and Walls
for defense. Scatter them throughout your base also, as this will minimize
the damage you receive from Ornithopters of the Atreides.

Now, what should you do when you ran out of space and you really need some
place to put your building up? Build a Mobile Construction Vehicle and deploy
it where there are no enemies, and if it is possible, put your next base near
your main base so that you can easily defend it when someone sneaks in. Or,
the enemy might not attack your second base because it is near your Main Base
and they’re scared of reinforcements.


Well, this is the hardest part in the game indeed. You need to establish a
good base in order to win. Now, planning your base isn’t that hard. You must
first think about how to get Spice as you’ll definitely need it throughout
the battle. Then, plan also where your defenses should be put up to be able
to fortify your base and make it impenetrable. A good thing to keep in mind
is to keep spaces in your base. Factories, Starports, and Barracks beside
each other will confuse you. Here is the building sequence I found very
effective against any opponent.

First, let’s start with the MCV, unless there’s already a Construction Yard.
Now build concrete to be able to put up a Wind Trap. After that, build 2
Refineries. This will make Spice harvesting a cinch. After building the
Refineries, build a barracks and then an Outpost to be able to see the entire
map. From here, you can do 2 things. You can either fortify your base by
putting up gun Turrets or Rocket Turrets, the latter being more effective. Or
you can head straight to continuing base building by putting up the factories
and a Starport. Walls are optional, but it is definitely useful against
Fremens and Saboteurs. Also, the computer AI sometimes disregards walls and
they will only go for the entrance of your base.


To be able to win, you should have a sufficient number of units in your
arsenal. If possible, always outnumber your opponent so that you’ll have few
units to spare against their defenses (especially the turrets). To gain more
units, a Starport is the best way. You can be delivered 6 units at a time and
this won’t prevent your building of units using the factories and barracks.
Also, Spice should be abundant and you should build units (especially Tanks
and Missile Launchers) all the time.

Your asking, how to get as many units as fast as possible? Here’s what I did.
First off, build Tanks and Quads/Trikes at the same time without stopping.
When the Starport is available and you have Spice, order reinforcements.
You’ll see that in just minutes, you’ll be swarming with units.


One of the most essential things you should do is to efficiently number your
units. This way, you can easily call on groups of units and you don’t have to
select them all again.

To number a group of units, just select the group you want to be number then,
press Control + the number you want to assign to them. To call the group,
just press the number assigned to them. If you want to add new units to an
existing group, first choose the unit or group of units you want to add.
Then, press and hold Shift then press the number of the group where you want
to add them. Finally, press Control + the number to make the group official.


First and foremost, you must know what house your enemy is. This way, you can
target their weaknesses (listed on the 3 houses section of this guide) to
your advantage. Also, try to know the weak spot of their base where you’ll
find the less resistance (less turrets and units). And as a rule of the
thumb, don’t attack when the enemy is obviously stronger than you are.
Example, don’t attack 5 tanks with 5 Quads.


A good defense is a good offense. The best way is to defend your base until
the enemy runs out of units before attacking. That’s the easy part. Now, how
do you put up a good defense? It really depends on what units are coming in.
When infantries are on their way, send in your Trikes and Light Infantries.
If they managed to reach the base, your Siege Tanks will pulverize them. When
Tanks come in, it’s time to use heavy artillery. Use Combat Tanks and Missile
Tanks. Devastators and Deviators are good defense units as they can deal
damage and confuse the enemy, respectively.


The best way to enjoy the game is to play it with friends. There are lots of
strategies in one-on-one battles but here are some multiplayer (2-on-2 or
more) strategies you can do.

First, you can provide defense for your ally. Bring some units to him and let
some stay in your base. Wait for the opponents to attack and when you succeed
in stopping them, it’s your turn to send your units to their base. When
attacking an opponent’s base, attack from various directions. This will
definitely confuse the player and eventually lose his/her base.

Here’s another strategy. Talk to your partner and decide which one is team A
and team B. Team A will attack enemy harvesters and Team B will stop the
opponents from protecting their harvesters. This way, the opponents will lose
Spice giving you the advantage.


I. Leave my Harvester alone!

This is, I think, the most effective way to loosen up your opponent. Target
their Harvesters to prevent their Spice from accumulating, therefore halting
production. It will weaken their army and you’ll be able to win with your

II. So, there you are.

One of the hardest part in this game is scouting the area. The most effective
way is to send a Trike to do the job. It is fast and agile and will evade
most of the attacks by the enemy. If you plan on scouting through an enemy
base, a good thing to do is to send at least 3 Trikes depending on the size
of the base.

III. Spice, Spice, more Spice!

Getting sufficient Spice should be your main goal aside from beating your
enemy. The most effective way to harvest spice is to put your refineries near
them. If the spice is far away, spend some credits for CarryAlls. They will
transport your Harvesters directly to the Refinery.

IV. Eeeek, a worm!

When you see a worm, don’t panic. Stay on the safety of the land and it won’t
reach you. But then, you can make it disappear. How? By simply attacking it.
Use infantries to defeat it. You can also provide support by using Missile
Launchers as it has an excellent range.

V. Penetration

Now, how do you penetrate a well-defended base? If there are Gun or Missile
Turrets, finish them off at once because they can be repaired. Next, target
the light armored vehicles. After that, let your tanks squash the infantries,
and finally, destroy the heavy artillery. Tada! You’re in!

VI. My Legion will crush you Brigade

As usual, having advantage by the number of units will give you a 75%
(approximately) chance of winning the battle. The only problem you’ll have is
when the path is narrow and you can only have a few units pass through at one
time. This strategy isn’t always true. A hundred light infantries can’t beat
50 Tanks.

VII. Up or Down? Both!!!

Another good way of penetrating a base is to attack it from 2 opposite sides.
This will ensure that you’ll be able to go inside on either side or perhaps
on both sides. This is a good strategy especially for Multiplayer games.
Computer AI will not panic when you use this one. =)

VIII. Squish ‘em

Tired of having hundreds of infantries in your way? Use Tanks and Harvesters
to squish them. If they are running in packs of five, you can squish them all
at once.

IX. You can’t land here

Sometimes, when you see enemy Carryalls trying to drop reinforcements, you
can use your tanks to stay below to prevent the units from disembarking. The
Carryall will try to land elsewhere. But occasionally, the Carryall will just
leave without dropping the units.

X. Sonic Boom!

You take control over a Sonic Tank and you’re facing infantries, what do you
do? Attack them with it and they’ll die (most likely) with one blast of its
sonic boom.

XI. There’s nothing wrong with repairing

Most of the time, your units (especially tanks) will incur a lot of damage.
Take time to repair them instead of trying to push them towards the enemy,
which will be suicidal. Just select them all and bring them to the Repair
Pad. If you have Carryalls, they will carry your units to the repair pad
automatically. It’s really better to use units with full health then see them
topple one by one from the Turrets of the enemy.

XII. Come and get me!

The best way to lighten up the opponent’s forces is to lure them into narrow
spaces and surprise them with your units just waiting for the kill. To do
this (against the CPU), attack its harvesters and their units will surely go
for you. As for a human opponent, just let them come to you. =)


- Thanks to Westwood Studios for bringing one of the best classic strategy
games to the Windows platform.

- Thanks to my Sis for waiting patiently for me (again) while typing and
playing on my PC.

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can
view and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given
to him. Congratulations man, keep up the excellent work!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget
anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have
something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if there
are same info sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any
suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once
you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top
of this Strategy/FAQ. Thank you very much!

Dune 2000(tm)
is a registered trademark of Westwood Studios

The Dune 2000 FAQ/Strategy Guide
Copyright April 2001
“A” Tadeo

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