Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

14.10.2013 10:38:02
By: Ethan Madsen
Original Writing: December 30, 1999
Latest Writing: January 17, 2000

This is my first FAQ, so I might be a little awkward this time around.
Let me know how I done, and tell me if you could find an easier way to do
this trick I'm about to tell you, without the use of the gameshark or other
cheating devices.

-Ethan Madsen-

Table of Contents:

1. Legal Notice (Updated)
2. Description/Intro
3. Items You Need
4. How to do the Trick
5. Uses of the Trick
6. Miscellaneous Stuff (Updated)
7. Thanks (Updated)
8. Revision Notices (Updated)


This FAQ/walkthrough/guide is copyright of Ethan Madsen. It may not
be redistributed in any form or fassion without the approval of me and me
alone. Permission will definitely not be granted to reproduce this FAQ for
personal, profitable, or promotional gain, unless a thorough agreement is
made between the party wanting to use it and I. Failure to abide by these
legal terms can and will lead to civil actions. If I agree to let you use
it, it must be in its original and unaltered form, or action will be taken
against you. Just to let you know, it is a crime to copy OR illegally
redistribute protected work. This FAQ is protected by the International
Copyright Law, and is punishable of no less than than $5000 if convicted in
the court of law. You have been warned.

Final Fantasy VII Copyright 1997 Square Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Final Fantasy and Squaresoft are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd


This is a trick to get Lucky Seven's, the very rare phenomenon that
happens to FFVII players possibly once in their careers. That excludes those
who use a gameshark code to do it, but I'm not exactly sure there is one,
though. Anyway, I myself have never gotten lucky sevens normally. I wanted
to for so long, but I was never "Lucky" enough to do so. One day, I was
inspired to get it, no matter what...

I was having problems defeating the Emerald Weapon, and my friend
defeated him with lucky sevens, in which he recieved halfway through the
battle. So, I came to the conclusion that that's what I needed to finally
put an end to its dark reign. So many times before, I came close to beating
it. I've recorded over a million hit-points of damage, and he still would
not die. Depression set in, but I soon pulled myself out of it. I kept
telling myself that there was a way to do it, to get the ever elusive 'Lucky
sevens'. I sat down at the game, and the first thing I tried doing was to
get lucky, hence the name. That didn't work to well, and that certainly
wasn't the way to go. It could take hours or days to get it. (But with my
method, it would only take a few minutes, with virtually no risk of it not
working.) From there, I had to look for a better way......

Strangely enough, I found myself at the basic roots of all that is
evil......MATH!!! Yessiree. You heard it right. Math. I needed the
valiant and bold powers of math on my side to figure out this problem. As I
pondered about it one day, I came to the conclusion that the answer to this
puzzle was right there, just out of my reach. I knew that the programmers at
Squaresoft figured that gamers like me would try to cheat and recieve lucky
sevens without actually getting lucky, and they tried to stop that, because I
noticed something they did with one of the items that is needed to do this
trick. I will tell you about it in the Micellaneous Stuff section. Anyhoo,
I tried all of the mathematical formula's I devised, but they weren't
working. Yet, one faithful day, I had finally broken the code. The trick
that I created is the only one of its kind I have seen. So far, I am the
only one that knows of it. And now, without farthur hesitation, I present to
you, one of the greatest tricks ever to be found in an FF game....


Here is a list of the items that you need, may need, or might want to
use. I am sure there are better combinations of items to use besides the
ones I have listed, but these are the ones I used. And since I haven't
played FFVII in a long time or done the trick in a while, I will probably not
list the better items that could be used, because I have simply forgot or I
didn't thoroughly explore the different item possibilities that are

You must have...

a. Cats Bell accessory= restores hp as you walk.(Get it in Chocobo
b. 15 High-Potions= restores 500 hp per use(Buy at most shops)
c. 2 Potions= restores 100 hp per use.(Buy at most shops)
d. Hp max OVER 7777.(use hp-plus materia to help you out)
e. Demi 2 spell of Laser enemy skill.(Learn in the crater from dragon

Suggested items/wpns/spells/materia:

a. Demi 3
b. Time materia with stop learned, linked to sneak attack materia
c. Manipulate Materia

********************************************************************** is the moment you've all been waiting for. It is time for
me to pass on my vast knowledge to the world. So, here it is, the lucky
sevens trick. I will list these in steps, in chronological order to be exact.


O.k. The first thing that you need to do is check your items menu to see
if you have the following items listed above that you need. If you do not
have any of those items, go get them. Also, if you do not have any of the
suggested items, or only a few of them, it won't make the trick impossible,
but just a bit more challenging and possibly longer. If you have all of the
necessary items, you must now go into battle. I suggest that you go to the
narrow strip of land jutting out near the Gold Saucer, were you can fight
enemies called beachplugs. If you don't won't to go there, go somewhere were
you can manipulate the enemy easily. While in battle, manipulate the enemy
or kill off a few of them, then manipulate the remaining monster that is
left. With that accomplished, choose the party member you want to have lucky
sevens. Now, I suggest that you use 'Demi 3' on that party member and attack
that member until his/her hp is below 154. I repeat, BELOW 154 HP! Once you
have accomplished that, kill off the monster and get ready for step 2.


The next thing to do is to go to a place where there are no enemies,
such as a town. I always go to the Chocobo farm, or you could go inside the
Highwind. Now, equip the 'Cats Bell' accessory on the person that is getting
lucky sevens. In other words, the one that you were beating up on during the
previous battle. Here comes the tricky part. You must walk around really
slow, monitering your hp, until it reaches EXACTLY 154 hp. Absolutley 154!!!
Walk very slow and check the hp level constantly, because it is really easy
to go over if you are not careful. Just to let you know, your hp goes up by
2 every step. Note that large steps may go over the 2 hp gain per step.
When you get in the 154 hp vacinity, start taking jerky, small steps by
slightly tapping the d-pad(Directional-pad). Once you have exactly reached
154, promptly un-equip the Cats Bell. If you accidently go over, just repeat
step 1 and you'll be back on track. Go out of the town or wherever you are
and save immediately. On to step 3.
{NOTE: Check out the 'Miscellaneous Stuff' section for info on the Cats
Bell, and the mystery of the item.}


I strongly suggest that you go to Cactuar Island for this step. You
won't to avoid enemies in groups, as you must not let the party member who
will be recieving lucky sevens take any damage whatsoever. On catuar Island,
you will most definitley run into one enemy alone, the elusive and evasive,
Cactuar! Another great reason that this place is a good place is because the
Cactuar is susceptible to both stop and manipulate, especially manipulate.
When you go into battle, try having the combination of Time materia
with Stop learned, and Sneak-attack materia. If your sneak-attack materia
isn't at a high level, there is a small chance that it will succeed, though,
so get ready to use maniplate as soon as the battle begins. Once the Cactuar
is manipulated or stopped, cast either demi 2 or laser on the party member
recieving Lucky 7's, and that will take their total hp to 77. Kill it or run
from battle and save. If your Lucky 7's guy was hit, start over at step 2 if
they didnt die, and if they did die, start over at step 1. But, most likely,
you will succeed if you followed this guide correctly. {NOTE: Check out the
'Miscellaneous Stuff' to find out were the location of Cactuar Island is.}


Here is the final step. Go to your item menu and use 15 high potions
and 2 potions on that member, totalling exactly 7777 hp! And there you have
it, easy lucky sevens without the use of cheating devices or pure luck.


Well, there aren't many uses for the trick. You just can't get lucky
sevens, go down to the crater, and beat Sephiroth with it. The reason for
this is because, once you enter the first battle with it, it will
automatically be used before any other battle commands are executed,
including the enemies. Once it is used, your hp total will sadly drop down
to 1, and you have to do the trick all over again to get it back. But, for
me, there was one very significant use though. The total annialation of the
omni-potent Emerald Weapon. I'll give you the lowdown and statistics of the
battle listed below, with the help of lucky sevens of course.

* Emerald Weapon recieved 1,079,669 total damage before dying.
* Used only 1 Mega-Elixer during fight.
* Lucky Sevens at first of battle.
* 6 Knights of the Round.
* No party members died.
* Emerald Weapon got off only one attack the entire match, which was
emerald shoot.
* Beat Emerald Weapon on April 2nd, 1999, Friday 10:50 P.M., after 1
year, 5 months, and 23 days after first getting and playing the game.

My basic strategy was to hit him hard and fast, and that I did. With
the materia mime, I mimed Cloud's Knights of the Round and kept doing it
until he died. The E. Weapon couldn't recooperate from my ballistic wailing,
and I owe most of the victory to the Lucky Sevens, as it nearly took away 50%
of its hp. So, the basic main use of 'lucky sevens' is to really wup-up on
the E. Weapon, and the prize you get from doing so is well worth it.
(The total damage I delt him is an actual number. I added up every bit
of damage delt with a calculator. The way I did this was pausing the game
after damage was delt by any character or source, typed it in on the
calculator, and got the grand total, 1,079,669. Also, I recorded all of that
info on a piece of paper, because I was so excited and I wanted to remember
that moment as one of the greatest videogame moments ever.)


This section is devoted to miscellaneous things, like where and how to
get the items that are listed, among various other topics.

*The Cats Bell*

To get the Cats Bell, you must race in the Gold Saucer at the Chocobo
races. You have to have an S class chocobo and win an S class race. I
suggest that you have a gold chocobo, since there is a very tough oponent in
there that randomly appears to race you. After winning, the prize you get is
randomized. Just keep trying and you'll eventually win it.
Also, about the mystery of Cats Bell. If you noticed, whenever you walk
with the Cats Bell equipped, your hp goes up by 2. But, if your hp is an odd
number, say 51, your hp will not stay odd. It goes up by 1 then 2 from there
on. They did this because, if you eventually walked around enough, the
number will reach 7777, and therfore, you could easily recieve LS(Lucky


You can learn this enemy skill from the dragon monster on the first
level of the Crater, on the part were the path spirals down to the bottom.
Manipulate him and cast it on the party member that has the enemy skill
materia on him. Laser has the same effect as Demi 2.

*Cactuar Island Location*

Cactuar Island is located south of Cosmo Canyon, in accordance to the
world map displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. It is
undetectable on the map, much like the materia cave that holds the ancient
and powerful Knights of the Round materia. It is at the border of the
southern part of the map, on the ocean, below Cosmo Canyon. Just search that
area until you find it.

*Other Additional Info*

* If you're thinking about getting all of your characters lucky sevens,
you can! But....there is a catch to this. With one character that has lucky
sevens, they will attack around 64 times, dealing 7777 per hit. With 3
characters, it is not cumalative. They will divide up that number among
theirselfs, and that is not the best thing to do, so just stick with one
charcter with LS.


* FYI, you cannot mime Lucky Sevens. I believe the character will just
do nothing or perform a regular attack, if memory serves me right.

* Here is a little tip that always seemed to help me. The character that
is recieving LS should be placed in the third slot, or the bottom slot in
other words, on the main menu screen, by using the _order_ command in the
menu. For some reason, the enemies do not attack the party member in the 3rd
position as much as the others...

* Another little bit of information: Whenever you are trying the 3rd step
of the trick, make sure that you do not have any kind of elemental defense
against "_GRAVITY_" If you don't know, go to the 'status' option on the main
menu and click on the character you are wanting to recieve Lucky Sevens.
While on that menu, press the circle button to bring up another menu, which
tells you in detail what you are strong against, weak against, etc. If it
says anything under gravity beside the "halve" damage setting, it needs to be
taken off.
The main item that could be causing this might be the linked materia
combo _Elemental_ and _Gravity_, linked on your charcters armor. Take it off
and your problem should be solved, unless there is another
armor/accessory/other thing that gives you protection from gravity. Just
find it and take it off, and the demi spells should deal normal, specified

I will most likely be writing more FAQ's later on, so be sure to check
them out. Games that I am currently thinking about writing FAQ's for are as

*Gain Ground (Old Sega Genesis game) {*IN PROGRESS*}
*Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
*Any Others I Feel Like doing

(7.) THANKS (Updated!)

Well, you're definitely going to be suprised on who I thank this time.
My number one thanks goes out to.......(drum roll)........All OF MY PRESCHOOL
TEACHERS, for teaching me the basics of math that helped me break the code of
the lucky sevens! Also, all of the other teachers that kept nagging me and
telling me to never give up on all of those impossible math questions.
There....with that off my chest, I'm going to thank Squaresoft for a
superlative RPG that, in my opinion, was the best FF to date. Oh, and about
the programmers. Sorry guys, but I guess I out-smarted you. Or, was it that
you guys actually meant for there to be a way to get lucky sevens without
cheating. Oh well, the world may never no......

Another thanks goes out to 'Emptyeye', a contributor to Gamefaqs, for
raising the question about miming the Lucky Sevens.(Refer to the
_Miscellaneous Section_ about 'miming' LS.)

Yet another thanks goes out to 'i_novak85' for pointing out the problem
with having gravity nullification equipped while doing the trick. (See the
_Miscellaneous Section_ for more info. on this topic, which is under -Other
Additional Info.-)

-Ethan Madsen-

(8.) REVISION NOTICES (Updated!)

v1.0--December 30, 1999:

This was the original writing of the Lucky Sevens FAQ!

v2.0--January 15, 2000:

Added the _Revision Notices_ section, fixed some spelling/grammer errors
here and there, deleted a possible FAQ that I was going to write (Legend of
Zelda: Ocarina of Time ain't gonna happen, since there is so many already
up.), Added a FAQ that I will do (Gain Ground anyone.), Put some additional
text that needed to be put in, and added new info. in the _Miscellaneous

v3.0--January 17, 2000:

Updated Revision Notice (Well Duh!), updated Legal Notice, updated
Thanks section, updated the Miscellaneous Stuff section--adding something
about defense against gravity attacks, Put the original date and current
up-dated date at top of FAQ, put some more additional text I thought was
necessary, and added little things you most likely wouldn't notice.

This FAQ is copyright of Ethan Madsen(1999). Any resemblance or
relation to any other FAQ is purely coincedental, so don't try sueing me or
anything like that. I also detest plagiarism, and I wouldn't want anybody
ripping off my work, so I advise that you don't do it either. Final Fantasy
VII copyright 1997 Square Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Final Fantasy and
Squaresoft are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd

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