Star Ocean

Star Ocean

15.10.2013 19:40:26
For U.S. Version Only On PSX¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

By Dan GC

Last updated: 08/05/99 05:46 PM PT
First Edition: 07/31/99 07:31 PM PT
Document Info: 28 K (29, 577 Bytes)
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Star Ocean: The 2nd Story was/is...
Created by: tri-Ace
Creator of Most FMVs: Links
Produced by: Enix
Published by: SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Released: June 9, 1999 in US

If you can help me with anything: basics, more strategies, etc., or if
you just have questions, comments, etc., E-mail them to
One more thing, don't E-mail with questions that are
already in this FAQ, otherwise, I'll discard them or tell you to check
the FAQ.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Updates
Part 2: Introduction
Part 3: Bosses
- Darkfeather & Weird Knight x2
- Blood Gerell & Hunting Gel x5
- Dream Shade x3
- Miel 32
- Weird Beast
- Funny Thief LV 99, Dream Shade, & Funny Thief x3
- Mithril Eater
- Erysin Beast
- Geo Guardian
- Dragon Tyrant
- Phoenix
- Wise Sorcerer & Dream Shade
- Gabrie Celeste
Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Part 5: My Comments and Stuff
Part 6: Special Thanks
Part 7: Author Information

Copyright Disclaimer:

This Document Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

This FAQ is for personal and/or private usage only. If reproduced, it
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purposes: publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being
incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way without FULL AUTHORIZATION
from myself and any cohorts I may have.
This FAQ was created and owned by me, Dan GC
Any Copyrights and Trademarks not specifically mentioned in this FAQ are
acknowledged. Always give credit where it is due.
All trademarks and the such are Copyright to their respectful owners.

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This FAQ can be found at:
Part 1: Updates
Version 0.2 8/05/99:
Changed equipment for fighting Gabrie Celeste, added something at the
end of the "Introduction," added a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) in
the FAQ section

Version 0.1 7/31/99:
First Edition
Part 2: Introduction
Well, well, well, you've made it to the Cave of Trials, have ya? The
Cave of Trials is a fun and difficult place. But the problem is, you
can't save ANYWHERE inside the Cave of Trials, you have to return
outside to the World Map to save. You can buy this item from Santa
called 'Go-home Frog' which allows you to escape to the first floor of
the Cave of Trials. But you won't get that until you go to the 11th
Floor and do something there.
If you manage to beat the final boss of the Cave of Trials, there
won't be ANY random battles whatsoever as long as you stay in the Cave
of Trials, but if you leave the dungeon and go back in, random battles
will start. Also, if you stay in there, all doors will be open, so you
can get ANY items you were unable to get and won't have any trouble
with it. In my opinion, the hardest floors are the 10th and 13th Floors.
The 10th floor has hourglass guys that can cast Dream Peace (which stops
all of your characters) and there are the blob monsters that can eat
your character whole. The 13th floor, you fight regular enemies in
random battles that look exactly like previous bosses you have fought,
except for the color.
Many people cheated in the Cave of Trials, they used a GameShark code
that allowed them to save anywhere, but at least that wasn't as serious
as using a GameShark code for invincibility and stuff like that. Anyway,
I've ranted long enough.

The descriptions of all bosses are from Ian Kelley's Walkthroughs.

The names of the bosses are from the Japanese version as well as the
Weaknesses/Resistance, so correct me if I'm wrong. I can't get the U.S.
names because I already beat the Bonus Dungeon and didn't have a spare
save so I can start all over from the beginning of the dungeon. I saved
after I beat all of the bosses up to the last one.

The strategies are made for Full-Active battles, if you are playing the
Standard (turn-based) or Semi-Active way, too bad, this FAQ just isn't
for that type of gameplay. You'll have to look elsewhere, heh heh heh.

All battles in the Cave of Trials, I assume you have Bunny Shoes
equipped on all of the characters you are using. If not, then go back to
Energy Nede and get those Bunny Shoes at the Bunny Races! Once you get
the Valiant Boots and Valkyrie Boots (two of each available in the Cave
of Trials), replace the Bunny shoes for the characters you are using
with those equipment (Valiant Boots for males, Valkyrie Boots for

This FAQ is based on Galaxy mode, hence the high levels if you're
playing on Earth mode. I base it on Galaxy because it's in the middle
(Earth, Galaxy, Universe).
Part 3: Bosses
While in the Cave of Trials, you should always have Claude and Rena in
battle. The other two characters will be fighters (your best fighters
in your opinion other than Claude). Every character should have their
best equipment and the final changes for the Killer Moves they have.

Claude: Mirror Slice and Twin Slash

Other fighters:
Ashton: Sword Dance and Dead Triangle
Opera: Hyper Launcher and Alpha on One
Bowman: Sakura Attack and Explosion Pills
Precis: Barrier and Mujin Super Beam
Ernest: Broken Heart and Sonic Whip
Dias: Illusion and Firebird Shock Wave
Chisato: Rising Dragon and Tear Gas

Choose whichever two fighters you want (personally, I chose Chisato
and Ernest).
- Darkfeather & Weird Knight x2
Meeting Place:
Level One

Recommended Level:

160,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

[Weird Knight]
23,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Fire, Dark

This is a a relatively easy fight. The other fighters will take out
the Weird Knights (hopefully) while you can stall Darkfeather. But you
might have to attack Darkfeather, then help the other fighters, then
go after Darkfeather again so she doesn't cast magic. You might have to
keep switching like this. But to stall Darkfeather, just do Mirror
Slice. But, if the other fighter(s) is/are helping you take out
Darkfeather, she'll probably die before the Weird Knights, which makes
it easy from then on.
Darkfeather is wearing Bunny Shoes, so she travels at a considerable
speed. You have to stop her when she is casting a spell. Just run up to
her and do Mirror Slice. After you beat her, if you thought she was
hard, "You ain't seen nothin' yet."
- Blood Gerell & Hunting Gel x5
Meeting Place:
Level Two

Recommended Level:

[Blood Gerell]
60,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

[Hunting Gel]
20,000 HP
Weaknesses: None?
Resistance: None?

The Hunting Gels aren't too harmful, they can't do much to you anyway
since they are SOOOOO slow. If you fought Blood Gerell in the Fighting
Arena in Survival on Energy Nede, then you know how easy (or hard,
depending what view you're looking in) it is. With Claude, just keep
doing Mirror Slice on Blood Gerell until in dies then go after the
Hunting Gels.
Blood Gerell isn't very harmful, he only has two attacks: a projectile
and a bite. Although he can stone/poison you sometimes if he attacks
you. But he's pretty slow, so it doesn't matter. You might want to take
out some of the Hunting Gels first, then when there's only one or two
left, go after Blood Gerell. But you might have to take out Blood Gerell
earlier so it doesn't hurt you or your partners. Otherwise, this battle
is still too easy.
- Dream Shade x3
Meeting Place:
Level Three

Recommended Level:

35,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

Now, these guys aren't hard, but they play cheap. They can do Dream
Peace, which stops time for your party and gives them time to either
attack you or use Dream Peace again. If you see a Dream Shade starting
to do Dream Peace, attack it as soon as possible. This battle will take
a while since characters might die and the such. The only strategy is to
prevent them from using Dream Peace and kill them.
- Miel 32
Meeting Place:
Level Four

Recommended Level:

190,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Everything

This robot is actually pretty hard. But maybe that's because it has a
lot of HP and is resistant to everything. When it attacks, it can cause
you to lose quite a lot of HP. But if you trap it or keep attacking it
continuously from both sides, it won't be too much. Claude just needs to
keep doing Mirror Slice while the other fighters just help with what
they do. He will probably hit your characters a few times, but Rena will
take care of that by healing them.
- Weird Beast
Meeting Place:
Level Five

Recommended Level:

811,200 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Invulnerable against Magic

The first time you fight this thing, it's with Puffy but Puffy isn't
in the battle. You can only do one HP damage per hit to this Weird
Beast. And look how much HP it has, that would take you so long to kill
it. Also, it's invulnerable against magic. So, you should just run away.
Later on in the level, you will encounter Puffy again, she is being
attacked by Dream Shades. After you defeat the three Dream Shades, it's
the same Dream Shades you fought on Level Three, so just follow that
strategy. Puffy will run away after the battle and drop the Weird
Slayer. Equip it on Chisato and find the Weird Beast.
When you find the Weird Beast, you will battle it. Just attack it with
Chisato and it'll die in one hit.
- Funny Thief LV 99, Dream Shade, & Funny Thief x3
Meeting Place:
Level Six

Recommended Level:

[Funny Thief LV 99]
40,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

[Dream Shade]
35,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

[Funny Thief]
30 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance None

Before you go into battle, equip the Funny Slayer on some character
(not Claude). With Claude, go after the Dream Shade and do Mirror Slice.
Now switch to the character with the Funny Slayer equipped and go after
the Funny Thief LV 99 and attack it once. The Funny Thief LV 99 is
overly difficult, and does over 1000 damage per hit, and it is really
fast. So sometimes, the only way to kill it is to Counterattack (note:
a Combat Skill). After killing it, go after the Funny Thieves, they're
easy to kill since they are the Funny Thieves you fight in the beginning
of the game near Arlia. Claude should have killed the Dream Shade with
his Mirror Slice, otherwise, just keep attacking it.
- Mithril Eater
Meeting Place:
Level Seven

Recommended Level:

600,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

When you arrive on this level, you should equip the Funny Slayer with
some character since you will encounter Funny Thieves LV 99. But when
you enter the room with the Mithril Eater, take off the Funny Slayer and
equip the best weapon with that person.
Mithril Eater is an overly difficult boss that can parry attacks too
much. Well, the only strategy here is to...attack normally with Claude.
The other fighters will do what they will. Lost Patience is an attack
Mithril Eater can cast ANYTIME it wants to, and it usually causes your
characters to become critical and poisoned, if they don't die from it,
that is. This battle will take a long time.
Claude's normal attack is better than Mirror Slice here. Also, with
the normal attack, you can cause Mithril Eater to be dizzy easier, so it
won't be able to use Lost Patience. You will have to heal your
characters as soon as possible when Lost Patience is used. Keep this
strategy up and Mithril Eater will EVENTUALLY die.
- Erysin Beast
Meeting Place:
Level Eight

Recommended Level:

450,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Star, Fu, Mu

It's only one monster who can eat you up, how much trouble could it
be? Lots of trouble, I'd say. If it eats one of your characters, that
character usually doesn't come out until the monster dies. So, how do
you kill it. Well, with Claude, keep doing Mirror Slice. The other
fighters will aid you. This battle will take a while, but not too long.
- Geo Guardian
Meeting Place:
Level 10

Recommended Level:

400,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

The Geo Guardian is exactly the same as the Guardians you fought in
two of the four Fields on Energy Nede. The only difference is this one
is much stronger and some of its attacks are different. Otherwise, to
defeat this Guardian, just trap it against a wall and keep doing normal
attacks with Claude. The other fighters will aid you here as well.
Sometimes, the Guardian can escape the wall trap, but just hit it with
a normal attack before it can attack again. It's a very simple battle.
- Dragon Tyrant
Meeting Place:
Level 11

Recommended Level:

550,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

The Dragon Tyrant is similar to the Synard you fought on Energy Nede.
Except this one is much stronger. How you are going to beat this? I'm
not sure, but I just used Mirror Slice with Claude, Tear Gas with
Chisato, and Broken Heart with Ernest.
Okay, just control Chisato again. The AI will do the strategies you
want Claude and Ernest to do. Claude will usually keep doing Mirror
Slice or Twin Slash while Ernest will usually do Broken Heart and do
Sonic Whip occasionally. With Chisato (you're controlling her), keep
doing Tear Gas. The hits will do less than 900 damage per hit, but if
your keep this up, it'll be trapped against the wall and will die
- Phoenix
Meeting Place:
Level 12

Recommended Level:

350,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Fire, Wind

You will only have two characters for this battle. The characters you
should use are Claude and Chisato/Opera. You see, after beating the
Dragon Tyrant on the Level 11, there is a door you can't go through.
There's a teleporter nearby that door which transports you to the first
floor of the dungeon. You then have the option of only having two party
members (you have to if you want to get past Level 11).
On your way to Level 12, you should encounter Santa on the sixth
floor (I think it's random when he appears, but he appeared here when I
was going to the Level 12 floor), you can buy stuff from him, buy at
least two 'Go-home Frog's. When you get to the 12th floor, in the room
just up ahead, there will be the Phoenix. If your partner is Opera, the
match will be no problem. If your partner is Chisato, still not much of
a problem.

You should also use Chisato again in this battle. The AI will usually
keep doing Twin Slash with Claude. Okay, with Chisato, keep doing Tear
Gas. It'll eventually die and won't be able to do anything since it's
trapped against the wall.
BUT, if you have Opera instead of Chisato, use Opera. With Opera, just
keep doing normal attacks. The Phoenix won't be able to do anything, and
Claude will just do a buncha' Twin Slashes. It'll die soon enough.
- Wise Sorcerer & Dream Shade
Meeting Place:
Level Nine

Recommended Level:

[Wise Sorcerer]
700,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Earth, Fire, Star, Mu

[Dream Shade]
35,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: None

After beating Level 12, use the 'Go-home Frog' and talk to one of your
party members to bring the party back together. Now, proceed to Level
Nine and examine the coffin. You will see it's open and the boss will
appear and you have to fight it.
This is another pretty easy battle. With Claude, go after the Dream
Shade and do Mirror Slice, it should die after that one Mirror Slice.
If not, just keep attacking normally. The Wise Sorcerer is easy, but
has a lot of HP. When the Wise Sorcerer stops moving and appears to
attack/cast magic, use Mirror Slice. Just keep doing Mirror Slice until
it dies. Don't worry about the other characters, they'll do what they
will to kill the Wise Sorcerer. This battle is a little too easy, if I
do say so myself.

After beating this boss, use the 'Go-home Frog' to teleport to the
beginning, go outside, sleep in Arlia, go back to the dungeon and save
before going in. Well, now it's time to fight the final boss of the
Cave of Trials. Do you think you're ready? The random battles are
insanely difficult on the last level (Level 13) so you might want to
run away from all of the random battles on Level 13.
- Gabrie Celeste
Meeting Place:
Level 13

Recommended Level:

1,000,000 HP
Weaknesses: None
Resistance: Star, Light

This battle took me about 24 minutes to beat. I say to have Bunny
Shoes on all of your characters, but you can equip the best greaves you
have for the characters you are using in battle and use Skanda Compress
in battle to make everyone faster, but when they die, they lose it, I
think. The characters you should use in this battle:

Weapon: Eternal Sphere
Armor: Valiant Mail
Shield: Valiant Guard
Helmet: Duel Helm
Greaves: Valiant Boots
Acc. 1: Fairy Ring
Acc. 2: Tri-emblem

[Chisato] or [Ashton]
Weapon: Weird Slayer Weapon: Melufa
Armor: Battle Suit Armor: Valiant Mail
Shield: Valkyrie Guard Shield: Valiant Guard
Helmet: Mithril Helm Helmet: Duel Helm
Greaves: Valkyrie Boots Greaves: Valiant Boots
Acc. 1: Fairy Ring Acc. 1: Fairy Ring
Acc. 2: Tri-emblem Acc. 2: Tri-emblem

[Leon] or [Celine]
Weapon: Million Staff Weapon: Million Staff
Armor: Ishtar's Robe Armor: Ishtar's Robe
Shield: Valiant Guard Shield: The Armband of Kali
Helmet: Isis Tiara Helmet: Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc. 1: Fairy Ring Acc. 1: Fairy Ring
Acc. 2: Tri-emblem Acc. 2: Tri-emblem

Weapon: Fallen Hope
Armor: Ishtar's Robe
Shield: The Armband of Kali
Helmet: Isis Tiara
Greaves: Valkyrie Boots
Acc. 1: Tri-emblem
Acc. 2: Tri-emblem
Everything at Level 10; disable Flip

Same as above

Everything at Level 10; disable Flip

Same as above
Mirror Slice

Rising Dragon and Tear Gas

Sword Dance and Tri-Ace (optional)

Extinction, Growth, Protection

Meteor Swarm, Angel Feather

Fairy Heal, Fairy Light, Raise Dead, Growth, Protection, Angel Feather
"Protect Friends!"

"Protect Friends!"

"Attack till all MP are gone!"

"Aid Friends!"
Well, the spells Gabrie can cast take a short time to cast, but you
should have enough time to hit her out of it. All of her attacks are
very deadly. They can usually kill your characters in a few hits.
If she successfully casts any spell and you don't have enough
resistance, you will either become critical or just die. I'm going to
list her physical attacks, but I don't know the names of them, so I'm
just going to make up fake names.

[Cross Blast]
This is an attack that is similar to Claude's Ripper Blast, but much
deadlier. Crosses pop up out of the ground in a similar fashion to
Ripper Blast, but more crosses come out and usually kills any character
hit by the crosses.

[Homing Discus]
This attack is a homing discus, or otherwise frisbee, that does quite
a lot of damage to your characters. It follows the character it's after
and usually hits that character.

This exactly isn't a barrier, but she is invincible when she does
this attack. She spins around the room much faster than Bunny Shoes
speed and does too much damage to any character no matter how much

[Star Guard]
This isn't an attack, but when she parries, stars come out to hit any
character(s) in front of her. It's similar to knight shields in which
"sparks" come off the shield to hit the enemy when it's used to parry.
If you have Leon, use him instead of Celine. If you don't have Leon,
use Celine. Rena will constantly heal the fighters because they are
there to damage/distract Gabrie Celeste, which is pretty hard.
Well, if you think you're good enough, you will need to control BOTH
of your fighters. It's not as hard as it seems. But then again, you
might need to use three or all of the characters, but usually only two.
If your fighters are strong enough, they will hurt Gabrie Celeste
about 1000 HP per hit. Chisato's Tear Gas repeated tactic won't work
very well here (aww...only if it did, heh). I said you have to control
both of your fighters, right? Well, here's the strategy:

Let your magic people do what they will (Leon/Celine will cast their
best spell which is Extinction/Meteor Swarm respectively). The magic
attack will always do 9999 damage except when Gabrie is doing the
barrier attack. Rena will heal and cast spells at the same time.
The magic people will be casting magic, so you should be given enough
time to attack Gabrie. If a character dies or is low on HP/MP, use
items. A remedy for MP is Fairy Glass, which temporarily halts the
consumption of MP. You can also use Merlin Drink, which restores MP to
its fullest. HP is Fresh Syrup, which restores HP to its maximum. You
can use either Smelling Salts, Resurrection Mist, or Resurrection Bottle
to revive a character. Although Resurrection Bottle only restores the
character's HP to 60% while the Smelling Salts and Resurrection Mist
restore them to their maximum. Basically, you'll be low on many of your
items after this battle.
A tip here is to use the quick character select which is L2 as
default, it switches between the leader and the character you used last
other than the leader. You may also have to use different characters
just to use items because the fighters will be busy, while sometimes,
the magic users aren't the busiest.
Now, using both fighters, it won't be easy, but it won't be hard.
Okay, you should start out using Claude. Go up to Gabrie and use Mirror
Slice. This will keep her busy enough for your other fighter (which is
Chisato or Ashton, right?). Now, switch to that ohter fighter, go behind
Gabrie, and use Rising Dragon or Sword Dance. If you keep her busy
enough, you can keep her between both characters by just using Mirror
Slice and Rising Dragon/Sword Dance. But that won't work for long.
You'll have to keep trying to do this, although it'll probably only work
once for each fighter per trap.
Another strategy is to keep attacking normally from behind with Claude
and use Rising Dragon with Chisato. The Eternal Sphere stars can hit
Gabrie for some damage, if you're strong enough. The Eternal Sphere is
a replacement for Chisato's Tear Gas ToD.
This battle will take a long time, but you'll eventually do it.
Part 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Are you working on a hidden/secret/bonus dungeon boss guide?
Yep, here it is. Heh.

Help me, I'm stuck on [insert boss name here]! How do I beat him/her?
You have enough strategies for the Cave of Trials bosses in this FAQ.

The items you say in your FAQ are in Japanese, I have the American
Well, well, well, my, my, my, yea, okay, enough of that. That really
wasn't a question, but it was linked to another question like listing
something for them or whatever. Have you checked your items/equipment?
No, I mean it, have you really? The items and equipment in all of my SO2
FAQs are from the U.S. version, but some of the boss names as well as
the resistance/weaknesses are from the Japanese version.
Part 5: My Comments and Stuff
First of all, I'd like to say this: if you have any corrections for
me, such as the Weaknesses and Resistance, and Boss names, then e-mail
me at and correct me. This is because most of the
stuff is from the Japanese version, and I tried to put all of the US
names and stuff replacing the Japanese stuff.

You might want to use Noel instead of Rena when fighting Gabrie
Celeste because when you want to revive a character, just use an item.
Also, Noel can equip the Million Staff like Leon and Celine. This makes
them the strongest magic users.

It took me over an hour to type up a strategy worthy of anyone to beat
Gabrie Celeste.
Part 6: Special Thanks
Ian Kelley (
Allowing me to use the boss information (HP/Descriptions) from both of
his excellent SO2 Walkthroughs

Creating this game

Producing this game

Making most of the FMVs in the game

Publishing the game

My Most-Previous FAQs:
Got most of the layout from either of them
Part 7: Author Information
Name: Dan GC
E-mail: LB Dan
Web page: None
Under Construction
ICQ: None

"You're funny. But keep it up and you'll just piss me off." ~ Xenogears'
Don't plagiarize! It's bad! And always give credit where it is due!
This Document Copyright (c) 1999 Dan GC

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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The Second Story Customizing Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Wepaons Guide

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The Second Story

16.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Customization Guide

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The Second Story Spell Combining

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The Second Story Claude Kenny

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean

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The Second Story Rena's Scenario

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The Second Story Claude's Scenario Walkthrough

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The Second Story

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Second Story North American

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The Second Story Secret Dungeon Boss

15.Oktober 2013
The Second Story Rena

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Second Story Killer Boss Guide

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The Second Story Claude Boss Guide

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The Second Story Claude

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The 2nd Story Plot Summary

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean (Intro)

16.Oktober 2013
The Second Story
engl. Cheats

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 1

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 2

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FAQ für/for Star Ocean Teil/Part 3

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engl. FAQ für/for Star Ocean
engl. FAQ

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