Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

16.10.2013 11:40:31

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Resident Evil 2: Leon Scenario 2 Guide
Platform: Nintendo 64
Version: Final
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
My website:

Created: Friday, July 7th, 2000 11:37 AM
Last Updated: 11/02/00 01:22 AM
Size: 50.0 KB (51,277 bytes)


4. Walkthrough
5. FAQ
6. Tips
7. Things to Avoid (speed only)
8. EX File List
9. Enemy Shot Chart
10. Rankings
11. Bosses
12. Herb Mixing
13. Credits
14. Contact Info



I'm doing this Leon Scenario 2 Guide for some reasons. One is that I
absolutely adore Resident Evil 2, and the Nintendo 64 version is better
than the PlayStation version, IMHO. Secondly, Leon has the more challenging
Scenarios than Claire, and I like that as well. And lastly, Leon's Scenario
2 is the toughest Scenario in the whole game of Resident Evil 2, because
of they nasty Tyrant and such. Also, there are only _2_ guides for the
Nintendo 64 version of Resident Evil 2, and none of them are complete
(one of them covers Claire's Scenario 2, and the other covers mostly
Leon's Scenario 1....and that's it). So enjoy this guide, where I walk
you through the game, although I don't get very much in-depth, since
most of you gamers out there already know about the world of Resident
Evil 2 by now...Oh, and I will also point out the Locations of all of
the 'special' EX Files that are exclusive to the Nintendo 64 version of this
great game.


2. Legal Stuff



This FAQ can only appear on the following sites:

-Cheat Code Central

If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address:

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen,
altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically,
and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to
this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above.




Version 1.01 (07/14/00)

• Fixed some stuff

Version 1.0 (07/12/00)

• Final, complete version. Yay!

Version 0.2 (07/07/00)

• First version


4. Walkthrough



Right when you start the game, work your way around the rubbish here, and
over to the tiny cabin. Inside you should find the Cabin Key. Grab it, then
leave this room and approach the nearby door on the larger Cabin. Use the
Cabin Key on it and run through it, and make your way to the back stairs of
the Police Station, near some stairs.

Use the stairs to find the entrance to the Police Station, and enter the
hallway full of crows. Grab any herbs here, then work your way to the
main balcony, overlooking the main floor (the one with the statue). Run
up to the Emergency Ladder, activate it (lower it), and run to the other
end of the path to find the Unicorn Medal. Now make your way downstairs
and to the main floor with the statue (use the Emergency Ladder).

Once down here, run up to the desk and take the Shotgun here. Now use the
Unicorn Medal on the large statue to get the Spade Key from it. Unlock the
blue-ish door here, because you will need to get through it later. Head back
upstairs to the second floor, and use the hallway of crows to get to the
Squad Room, and get the Valve Handle from inside. Return to the crow
hallway, and exit back outside to the wreckage. Use the Valve Handle on
the on the broken water valve to put out the fire on the crashed
helicopter. Take the Shotgun Shells from the now-gone fire, then re-enter
the Police Station.

Run through the hallway of crows again, and avoid the Tyrant, but you
might take some damage, so use some Herbs. Exit the hallway, and
make your way through the area where the crashed helicopter crashed
inside the Police Station. Avoid the Lickers as best as you can (or you
can use your Shotgun), then enter the room at the end of this hallway.
Inside here, grab the Blue Card Key from inside, then go back downstairs
to the Main Hall with the statue.

Use the Blue Card Key on the main computer on the desk where you got the
Shotgun to unlock some doors. Now head through the doors nearest to the
statue. Pass by the Licker or kill him, your choice, and follow the
hallway until you get to the Briefing Room. Inside here, go to the back of
the room and use your Lighter on the fire place to reveal the Red Jewel. Now
continue down the hallway and go up the stairs at the end, and follow
the hallway at the top of the stairs until you get to a statue puzzle.
Just push the statues on the two greyish areas on the ground so that they
face the main statue. This will cause another Red Jewel to come loose.
Take it.

Now go through the next door to the right of the statues, and enter the
S.T.A.R.S Office. Inside here, take the Magnum out of the Locker. Leave
the room, and continue down the hallway, and go through the door. Here you
will find Sherry Berkin. She'll leave quickly, so search the dark hallway
for some Ammo and the Diamond Key. Leave the way you came in here, and
make your way to the Library, which is on the other side of the Police
Station. Intentionally fall through the floor and you will now have to
solve the shelf puzzle:

S1: Right
S2: Right

Take any herbs in here, then you will get a Plug from solving the Puzzle.
Now go back to where you first found Sherry, but on the way go into the
Locker Room, get the Heart Key and the Green Herb. Now return to the room
back where you got the Blue Card Key, near the Lickers.

In here, approach the statue towards the back, and use the 2 Red Jewels on
it, and you will recieve another Plug. Head downstairs to the Interrogation
Room to find another Plug (it's in the only unlocked door in the 2-door
hallway). Leave the room, and enter the Press Conference Room. Use your
lighter to light the 3 torches in here:

- 12
- 13
- 11

Light them in that order. This will allow you access to the Gold Cog. Grab
it, and avoid the Tyrant as you leave the room. Now follow the hallway
down to the stairway that leads down to the Police Station storage area
(basement). Follow the corridor, and go into the electrical room, and make
your way to the back of the room. Restore the power by solving this switch

U- Up
D- Down

___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | | | | | | |
| U | | D | | U | | D | | U |
|___| |___| |___| |___| |___|

If you did this right, power will be restored to the Police Station. Return
back upstairs, and make your way to the second-floor of the Police Station,
and go to where the inner-wreckage was, and into the hall with Chief Iron's
office. Enter his office, and grab the Crank from inside the office, then
leave the room. Make your way to the third-floor of the Police Station, and
into the Gear Room.

Use the Crank on the hole near the stairs to lower them, and climb up them.
Now use the Gold Cog on the empty slot in the gears to reveal a hidden
switch. Flip the switch, then approach the newly-opened door. Grab the
Plug from inside here. Return downstairs and to the basement, and go into
the Garage past the electrical room.

In here you will meet Ada Wong. Agree to help her push the truck out of the
way to save Ben, and go through the door to get to Ben's cell. Speak to him,
then take the Manhole Opener from the shelf near his cell. Now go back
the way you came, and use the Manhole Opener on the Manhole near the dog
kennels. Go down the ladder. Make your way through the sewers, and go into
the open room where there is a door that uses the Chess Plugs to open it.

Search the room, then exit it to find Ada again. This will start a small
quest where you play as Ada. Move into the area with the boxes, and move
them so that they are all lined up. Go up the stairs and hit the switch
to activate the water. The boxes should have made a bridge to get to the
other side of the room. Just search the area with Ada to find some Ammo
and the Club Key. Now go back to where you met Leon.

She'll give Leon whatever she picked up, including the Club Key. Go back
the way you came, and go past the Garage, and through the Watchman's hall,
avoid the dogs, and enter the Autopsy Room and get the Red Card Key. Leave
the room and enter the Weapons room by using the Red Card Key on the lock
and take the Side-Pack. Now return back up the the third-floor of the
Police Station, and back into the Gear Room. Take the Knight Plug if you
haven't, then drop into the vent and you will drop back into the basement
with the cells.

Go back to Ben's cell and see if he's there. You will find out SHOCKING
REVELATIONS in the story...but I won't ruin anything for you. After ALL of
the coversation and mucky stuff, go back through the sewers and to the
room with the Plug-Powered door is. Once in here, you will have to face
a mutated William Birkin. Just dodge his attacks (he is rather slow),
and blast him with your Shotgun till he drops. Once he is down for the
count, run past him and place all four of your Chess Plugs into the
door. The door should unlock. Enter it.

Run through the sewers, and ride the nearby elevator to another hallway, and
then follow that hallway to find Mrs. Birkin. She'll shoot you, so someone
will have to take over for you to find Annette. You will now take control
Ada. Follow Annette through the hallway and throught the sewer, and up
the ladder and through the large fan. Soon enough, you will find her. After
the long cut-scenes, Ada will "take care" of Annette. Use the ladder that is
nearby, and go across the bridge to re-gain control of Leon again.

Head back to the control room with all of the dead bodies (near where Ada
shot Annette), and get the Wolf Medal from the bodies. Go to the large bridge
in the sewers near you, and use the Valve Handle to lower it. Run across
the bridge, then use the Valve Handle again to raise it for later. Continue
along through the corridor, and if you DID NOT kill the alligator here, just
release the steel cansister on the left hand wall, and shoot it when the
Alligator picks it up to kill him. Enter the dump room beyond the alligator
hallway to meet Ada again. Now climb the ladder and search the dead bodies
to find the Eagle Medal.

Return to the large fan that you passed through earlier with Ada. Now it's
going fast. Use the Valve Handle to stop the fan so you can pass it. Climb
the ladder and go through the fan to the other side of the sewer, and use
the Eagle and Wolf Medals on the control panel near the waterfall. When the
water stops, go through the newly-found door.

Find the switch to the cable car, and activate it. Now enter the car and
use it to get to the Factory. Inside, you must fight parts of Birkin again.
Don't shoot him at all. Just let Ada blast him and he'll leave in time. Once
the cable car stops, exit it, and light the flare with your lighter to reveal
the Weapons Box key. Grab it, then enter the Factory. Follow the hall to the
left, then at the end go right to find a dead body. There are some Shotgun
parts on it, so take them. Go through the nearest door, and follow the path
until you reach a fork in the road. Go left and up the ladder at the end to
get some Ammo. Leave the room and head into the monitoring room. You will
find the Control Panel Key in here. If you look at the monitors, you will
see that the Tyrant is coming your way, so use the Magnum to kill him. Grab
the Magnum Rounds off of him, then leave the room. Return all the way back to
the Save Room where Ada is, and use the Control Panel Key on the panel near

Leave and go back outside to the lift, and hit the button next to it.
Enter the lift. Grab the Magnum Rounds from the back of the lift, and you
will see Birkin injure Ada. Equip either the Custom Shotgun or Magnum, and
go outside to fight Birkin again. Blast him with enough powerful rounds so
that he stays far away from you. When he is down, go back inside the lift
and you will see another cut-scene.

Leave the lift when it stops, and run straight into the Save Room. Save your
game and dump whatever you need to. Now push the nearby box onto the lift
elevator. Push it to the room with the other boxes so you can get this done
fast. Now find the smaller elevator and take it down a level to find some
Lickers. Run through the next room and into the room with the Main Elevator
Power Switch. Activate it, then leave and go all the way back to the main
elevator that you just activated. Use it, and kill the nekkid zombies here,
and go down the corridor, and head through the right hand hallway, then
go through the eastern door. Head left until you find another door, and go
through it. Continue through the next door to find the Fuse Case, then
use it on the computer here to get the Main Fuse. Go back to that fork with
the power generator in the center, and use it on the generator. Now go
through the west door instead.

Enter the B.O.W room and turn on the sprinkler system if you need to by
using the computer, and then grab the Flamethrower from the locker here. Now
also take the Lab Card Key from this room. Light that plant that is coming
through the hole in the wall with your Flamethrower, and go into the hole
to find a room with some ammo. Take it, then leave. Flip the nearby switch
on the wall to open a shutter, and flame the plant-things. Go through the
door that they were near, and go down the long ladder and go through the
door at the bottom. Kill the Lickers in here, then go into the lab. Use
the Weapon Box Key on the weapon box (duh), and you should get the Magnum
Parts. Head into the inner lab and get the Power Room Key and Lab Card Key.

Head back towards the elevator, and into the Lab by using the Lab Card Key.
Inside, blast off any bugs that are on the computer, and enter "Nemesis"
(good choice, no?) as the user name, then use your fingerprints. Now head back
to where you fought those Plants near the shutters, and enter your finger
prints. Go back to the Main elevator and ride it to B1.

Return to the place where you pushed that crate from a while ago, and climb
up it, and use the crates to get to the Power Room. Now Ada will help you
get away from the Tyrant here. Grab the Master Key from the floor, then
go to the area where Claire hid Sherry from Claire's scenario.

Now bring Sherry with you to the main elevator, and use the Master Key on
the control panel at the back of it. Now you will be able to get to the
emergency train. Go into the train to find the Platform Key, then leave
the train and use the key on the outer gate near the train. Run onto the
platform and take the 2 High Capacity Plugs so you can restore power. Now
run through the door near the stairs to find the generator where you use
these plugs.

Use them on the generator to restore power, then you must fight the Tyrant.
Blast him with your Magnum, but try to save ammo. Try to waste as much time
as possible, and after a while, Ada will toss you a Rocket Launcher. Aim it
and fire that rocket into the Tyrant's ass. Try to save one Rocket... After
he's dead, go back towards the train. Hit the button near all of the zombies
to unlock the gate. Head through it and get back onto the train. Save your
game at the typewriter, then try to use the lever in the front of the train.
It won't work, so head to the back car of the train to fight the final boss:
William Birkin......again.

This time Birkin is one big blob of goo...and tenticles. Stay as far away
from him as humanly possible, and unload EVERYTHING you have on him:
Magnum rounds, shotgun rounds, pistol bullets, and hopefully a Rocket if you
saved one. After enough damage, he'll die, and you will watch the ending
credits roll, and a damn good cut-scene.



5. FAQ


1) Q: Where is the Valve Handle?

A: It can be found on the second floor of the Police Station, in the
Squad Room.

2) Q: Can I kill the Tyrant?

A: Yes, but only with extreme force.

3) Q: What do I get if I kill him?

A: You can get a clip of Magnum Rounds if you down him successfully.

4) Q: What is the username for the Verification Computer?

A: "NEMESIS", seriously, it's "NEMESIS"

5) Q: Can I get the Grenade Launcher with Leon?

A: No, because it's only for Claire's game. But you CAN get the
all powerful Magnum. :)

6) Q: How many EX Files are there in this N64 version of RE:2?

A: There are approx. 16 EX Files to get.


6. Tips


These are the main tactics that you will need to follow EXACTLY in order to
finish the game in under 3:00, the time it takes to earn the Rocket Launcher,
as well as the Gattling Gun.

• Do not save your game. I know this sounds a little extreme, but when you're
attempting to beat the game in under 3:00, this is necessary. Every time you
save your game, it deducts "points" from your overall ranking. For every time
you save your game, it deducts 50 points from your overall ranking, and 1000
points for the first time you save your game.

• Do not use ANY First Aid Sprays. Using these will also bring your overall
ranking down signifigantly. In order to earn an A rank, you are not
allowed to use any First Aid Sprays.

• Using Herbs is alright, because this doesn't bring your rank down at all.
But always use Mixed Herbs instead of a single herb because it conserves
herbs and space in your inventory. The best combination of Herbs is a red,
blue, and green herb; two green and one red herb; two green and one blue.
Once again, NEVER use just a single herb unless it's absolutely necessary.

• Do not strive to pick up every box of Handgun Bullets you come across. You
will need to pick up plenty of bullets, but you shouldn't need that many,
because you will be killing zombies with your combat knife the most often,
unless you are overwhelmed by zombies. DO NOT go out of your way to collect
handgun bullets, because it just wastes time.

• Use the combat knife whenever you can. Using the knife saves you ammo. For
example, whenever you drop a zombie to the ground that will be a "crawler"
or isn't quite dead, quickly switch to your knife and finish him off.
You should be able to knife to death any zombie after 5-6 bullets without
getting touched at all every time. The downside to this is that it wastes
time, but this can be overcome by...

• Avoiding confrontation whenever possible. It's always best to just avoid
enemies whenever possible, unless it's a powerful foe like the Bandersnatch
or Hunter, in which case you should immediately kill them off to save time.

• Only kill enemies that are in rooms that you will need to revisit later on.
This way you save time because you won't have to kill them later, unless
they re-spawn.

• Do not collect ANY files. They just waste precious time, and are useless.

• Only go to areas that you will need to go to. Going into other areas that
are optional wastes time.

• Pick up any herbs you come across. Since you are only allowed to use Herbs,
then you'll need as many as you can get.

• Never collect Ink Ribbons. This will waste time because you shouldn't
be saving your game at all.

• Be prepared to spend some serious time with your Dreamcast. In order to get
an A rank, you can't save at all, so you'll have to beat the game in
one straight sitting.

• Skip ALL cut-scenes and FMV scenes. These also waste time, and will cause
your rank to lower. Press start to skip these.

• Run. Every second you walk is another wasted second, and they all count.
If you want to have good button control, get used to gripping the controller
with your right hand so that your thumb wraps around the base opposite the
trigger. Switch to button mode "C" in the options. Then you can always
have the run button depressed, and be able to switch to your inventory
without having to stop running. It's a little awkward at first, but once
your pinky gets used to pulling the trigger it works much better than using
one thumb for all four buttons.

• Avoid confrontation at all costs. Avoiding fights will save you
plenty of ammo and health.

• Run a lot. Running around a lot will cause you to solve puzzles
faster and will shorten the game time overall. Running also allows
you to avoid enemies easier.

• Save some ammo. You should always save your best ammo (i.e: Acid
Rounds, Magnum bullets) for later bosses and stronger enemies.
Don't use your Magnum on zombies, or your Grenade Launcher on crows,
and stuff like that.

• Try not to use First Aid Sprays. Using First Aid Sprays can also
bring your overall rank down. Try to use herbs instead.

• Mix your herbs. Instead of using just one green herb, try mixing
it with another green herb, or a red herb. This will reduce the
space in your inventory, and will help you out immensly.

• Save your blue herbs. Blue herbs can only be used for poison, so
pick up any that you can, and save them for later.

• Use your Inventory Box. Duh. Using the inventory boxes will allow
you to store items for later, and will save you inventory space.

• Save your ammo. Duh.

• Save your herbs. Use them to mix with each other. Try not to use
a single green herb.

• Save your larger weapons for later. Saving your larger weapons (like
your submachine guns or grenade launcher) allows you to have them
for boss fights, therefore giving you the edge in the boss fights.

• Only save your game if you really need to. This way you have less
amount of saves, and your overall ranking will be better.

• Use the maps. Using the maps you have found decrease the chances of
you getting lost, and will make the game easier to play and less
frustrating in the long run.

• Mixing Herbs:
I found out that the most cost-effective way is to mix dual-green herbs
esp. when you're running away from Hunters/Sweepers. This way
you'll end up with more than enough herbs for the whole game. (not very
useful is it ^^;)

• Super-dupa Knife:
This technique is not really that hard, but works wonderfully against
zombies. First allow them to lunge at you, at that time you should be
facing away from them already (preferble to the left or right) once the
lunge is on, run onw step forward, and immdeiately aim and swipe. You
will deal critical damage, and more often than not kill it with one to
two swipes. No ammo wasted. But do this for fun, not for speed games


7. Things to Avoid

NOTE: Only pay attention to this section if you are trying to beat the game
quickly to get the Rocket Launcher or special characters. That is all.

Here is a list of certain things to avoid in the game:

• First Aid Sprays
• Handgun Bullets (unless you really need them)
• Files
• Maps
• Ink Ribbons
• Typewriters
• Optional areas (i.e., Side-pack room)
• Any special weapons like Spark Shot or Gattling Gun


8. EX File List


Here is the list of every EX File:

1.) Jill's Report
2.) MA121 Progress Report
3.) Operation Instructions
4.) Robert's Note
5.) Dario's Note
6.) Mercenary's Note
7.) David's Letter
8.) Jill's Note
9.) Rebecca's Report
10.) Brad's Note
11.) Umbrella Memo
12.) Journalist's Note
13.) Mother Virus Report
14.) Chris's Report
15.) Want Ad
16.) City Pamphlet

And now their Locations in the game:

1.) Inside the rear room of the Police Station, main floor, in the rear
cabinet (Scenario A). Where the crank is.

2.) Inside the Culture Experiment room lab (Scenario B).

3.) On the dead corpses in the sewers, the ones in the small alcove
(Scenario B).

4.) On the counter in the Kendo Gun Shop (Scenario A).

5.) On the rear seat on the bus towards the begining of the game (Scenario A).

6.) On the vending cart right when you begin the game (Scenario A).

7.) On the rear desk in the Squad Room, main floor of Police Station
(Scenario A).

8.) Inside the S.T.A.R.S Office, 2nd floor of Police Station, on a desk.
(Scenario A).

9.) Also inside the S.T.A.R.S Office, 2nd floor of Police Station, on another
desk (Scenario B).

10.) Near the stairs outside the Police Station where you find Brad Vickers.
(Scenario B).

11.) In the Lab area, inside the room with the vaccine (Scenario A).

12.) Main floor of Police Station, on a desk in the Observation Room
(Scenario A).

13.) In the Lab area, B5 basement level. In one of the labs. (Scenario B).

14.) Inside the hidden room where Chief Irons dies (Scenario B).

15.) Inside the Monitoring Room near the first lift, where you meet the
Tyrant on the way out. Inside the cabinet (Scenario B).

16.) Upper level of the Library, to the very right of the shelves.


9. Enemy Shot Chart


Mutated Birkin: Outside the Lift to Lab area:
Equip either the Custom Shotgun or Magnum, and go outside to fight Birkin
again. Blast him with enough powerful rounds so that he stays far away
from you. When he is down, go back inside the lift and you will see
another cut-scene.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: TONS of bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: TONS of arrows
Grenade Rounds: 10+ rounds
Flame Rounds: 10+ rounds
Acid Rounds: 10+ rounds
Magnum Rounds: 10+ rounds
Shotgun: 15+ shots
Automatic Guns: ???


These things are just like the giant spiders in the previous RE games.
They are poisonous, so try to stay out of their way, and kill them

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 5-10 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 5-13 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Flame Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Acid Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Magnum Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Shotgun: 2-3 shots
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


The crows are replacements for the bats from the later RE games, and
are just as annoying. You can try to kill them, but if you just use your
lighter, they will stay away from you.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 1-4 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 1-6 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1 Round
Flame Rounds: 1 Round
Acid Rounds: 1 round
Magnum Rounds: 1 round
Shotgun: 1 Shot
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


The Lickers are some S.O.B's. These guys were in none of the
previous RE games, but you should still be able to beat them. The Lickers can
kill you easily, so it's best to avoid confrontation altogther. They are
fast and strong, so if you must kill them, kill them quickly with either
a Magnum or Shotgun blast.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 10-20 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 20+ arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Flame Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Acid Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Magnum Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Shotgun: 1-2 shots
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


These are just like the ants, since they are small, and are a waste of
ammo. Just run right by them and save ammo.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 1-2 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 1-4 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1 round
Flame Rounds: 1 round
Acid Rounds: 1 round
Magnum Rounds: 1 round
Shotgun: 1 shot
Dual Automatic Guns: 1-3%
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


The Parasites are able to latch on to you and feed off your health. The
only way to get them off is to wait for them to get off, or blast them
before they can get on you.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 1-2 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 1-4 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1 round
Flame Rounds: 1 round
Acid Rounds: 1 round
Magnum Rounds: 1 round
Shotgun: 1 shot
Dual Automatic Guns: 1-3%
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


The tenticle comes out of the Labs ever so often, and will retreat after
you shoot at it for a little bit. Can be dangerous, so keep your

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 10-20 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 15-25 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Flame Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Acid Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Magnum Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Shotgun: 3-4 shots
Flamethrower: 10%
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


Your garden variety zombies, these are the living dead. Very common, the
zombies can be dangerous when they are in groups. Avoid them to save
health and ammo. There are several types of zombies in the game. Here
are the one's that I've encountered:

- Naked Zombies
- Soldier Zombies
- Police Officer Zombies
- Scientist Zombies

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 5-8 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 8-12 arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1 round
Flame Rounds: 1 round
Acid Rounds: 1 round
Magnum Rounds: 1 round
Shotgun: 1 round
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


A different type of zombie, the zombie dogs are very fast. Stay away
from them if you can, but if you have to fight, then you should just
shoot them until they go down, then run away.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 5-10 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 10+ arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1 round
Flame Rounds: 1 round
Acid Rounds: 1 round
Magnum Rounds: 1 round
Shotgun: 1-2 rounds
Automatic Guns: 2-5%


Mutated Birkin: 1st Encounter:
Once in here, you will have to face a mutated William Birkin. Just dodge his
attacks (he is rather slow), and blast him with your Shotgun till he drops.
By the way, watch out for his swinging pipe, because that can cause tons
of damage, and also beware of the little bugs that crawl all over you...
they're parasitic.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: TONS of bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: TONS of arrows
Grenade Rounds: 4+ rounds
Flame Rounds: 4+ rounds
Acid Rounds: 4+ rounds
Magnum Rounds: 4+ rounds
Shotgun: 7+ shots
Automatic Guns: ???


Giant Mutated Alligator:
Continue along through the corridor, and if you DID NOT kill the alligator
here, just release the steel cansister on the left hand wall, and shoot it
when the Alligator picks it up to kill him.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: 10-20 bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: 20+ arrows
Grenade Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Flame Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Acid Rounds: 1-3 rounds
Magnum Rounds: 1-2 rounds
Shotgun: 1-2 shots
Automatic Guns: 1-3%


Tyrant: Train
After you have restored power, you must fight the Tyrant....again.
Blast him with your Magnum, but try to save ammo. Try to waste as much time
as possible, and after a while, Ada will toss you a Rocket Launcher. Aim it
and fire that rocket into the Tyrant's ass. Try to save one Rocket...

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: TONS of bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: TONS of arrows
Grenade Rounds: 10+ rounds
Flame Rounds: 10+ rounds
Acid Rounds: 10+ rounds
Magnum Rounds: 10+ rounds
Shotgun: 15+ shots
Automatic Guns: ???


FINAL BOSS: William Birkin
This time Birkin is one big blob of goo...and tenticles. Stay as far away
from him as humanly possible, and unload EVERYTHING you have on him:
Magnum rounds, shotgun rounds, pistol bullets, and hopefully a Rocket if you
saved one. After enough damage, he'll die, and you will watch the ending
credits roll, and a damn good cut-scene.

How Much Ammo it Takes to Kill it:
Handgun Bullets: TONS of bullets
Bow Gun Arrows: TONS of arrows
Grenade Rounds: 10+ rounds
Flame Rounds: 10+ rounds
Acid Rounds: 10+ rounds
Magnum Rounds: 10+ rounds
Shotgun: 15+ shots
Automatic Guns: ???


10. Rankings



| Rank |
| |
| A |
| B |
| C |
| D |
| E |

How to get "A" rank:

• Don't use any First Aid Sprays
• Do not use any special weapons (i.e., Gattling Gun)
• Do not save more than 6 times, or get more than 5 Ink Ribbons
• Beat the game in under 3:00 hours


11. Bosses


Mutated Birkin: 1st Encounter
Once in here, you will have to face a mutated William Birkin. Just dodge his
attacks (he is rather slow), and blast him with your Shotgun till he drops.
By the way, watch out for his swinging pipe, because that can cause tons
of damage, and also beware of the little bugs that crawl all over you...
they're parasitic.

Giant Mutated Alligator
Continue along through the corridor, and if you DID NOT kill the alligator
here, just release the steel cansister on the left hand wall, and shoot it
when the Alligator picks it up to kill him.

Mutated Birkin: Outside the Lift to Lab area:
Equip either the Custom Shotgun or Magnum, and go outside to fight Birkin
again. Blast him with enough powerful rounds so that he stays far away
from you. When he is down, go back inside the lift and you will see
another cut-scene.

Tyrant: Train
After you have restored power, you must fight the Tyrant....again.
Blast him with your Magnum, but try to save ammo. Try to waste as much time
as possible, and after a while, Ada will toss you a Rocket Launcher. Aim it
and fire that rocket into the Tyrant's ass. Try to save one Rocket...

FINAL BOSS: William Birkin
This time Birkin is one big blob of goo...and tenticles. Stay as far away
from him as humanly possible, and unload EVERYTHING you have on him:
Magnum rounds, shotgun rounds, pistol bullets, and hopefully a Rocket if you
saved one. After enough damage, he'll die, and you will watch the ending
credits roll, and a damn good cut-scene.


12. Herb Mixing


| | |
| Herb Color/ | Amount of health it replentishes |
| Combo | |
| | |
| Green (G) | 25% health |
| Blue (B) | Heals poison |
| Red (R) | Increases the strength of the |
| | green herbs |
| | |
| G+G | 50% health |
| G+B | 25% health and heals poison |
| G+R | 100% health |
| G+G+G | 100% health |
| G+B+R | 100% health and heals poison |
| | |
| F.Aid Spray | 100% health and heals poison |

How to Mix Herbs:
| | | | |
| | | | |
| Green | Green | N/A | 2x Green |
| | | | |
| Green | Blue | N/A | Green+Blue |
| | | | |
| Green | Red | N/A | Green+Red |
| | | | |
| Green | Green | Blue |2xGreen+Blue |
| | | | |
| Green | Green | Green | 3x Green |
| | | | |
| Green | Blue | Red | G+B+R |

-From JL Lee:
I found out that the most cost-effective way is to mix dual-green
herbs for most of Claire's part and green-red herbs for the first
part of Chris', esp. when you're running away from Hunters/Sweepers.
This way you'll end up with more than enough herbs for the whole
game. (not very useful is it ^^;)

Condition Guide:
| | | |
| | | |
| Green | Fine | 100% - 50% |
| | | |
| Yellow | Caution | 50% - 25% |
| | | |
| Orange | Caution | 25% - 10% |
| | | |
| Red | Danger | 10% - 0% |
| | | |
| Purple | Poisoned | 100% - 0% |


13. Credits


Jeff "CJayC" Veasey- For creating the best web site on the planet, and for
accepting all of my FAQs

Me- For making this FAQ! :p




Shameless Self-Promotion: Other Strategy Guides by me:
-Ape Escape
-Brave Fencer Musashi
-Crash Team Racing
-Fear Effect
-Gran Turismo 2
-Hot Shots Golf 2
-Legend of Mana
-Medal Of Honor
-Metal Gear Solid
-NBA Live 2000
-Need for Speed: High Stakes
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4
-Syphon Filter 2

-NBA Live 2000
-Mario Party 2
-Perfect Dark

-Crazy Taxi
-Dead or Alive 2
-Hydro Thunder
-MDK 2
-Sega GT: Homologation Special
-Sega Rally 2
-Sega Swirl
-Resident Evil Code: Veronica

-Metal Gear Solid


My website:
E-Mail Address:


Types I WILL accept:
- Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ
- Comments
- Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others
- Corrections for this FAQ
- Any mail asking if you can use this FAQ on your website. Read the
Legal Stuff section for all the details.

Types I will NOT accept:
- Hate mail
- Small contributions that will NOT help anyone
- Chain letters
- Any mail that is in ALL CAPS
- Any mail that demands an answer
- Mail asking me to send you this FAQ
- Unconstructive critism
- Any questions that are already answered in this FAQ

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen,
altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically,
and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute to
this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above.

This document intellectual and legal property of...

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_ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ )
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One final word:

"Don't Do Drugs!"

nd of Document~

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

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Dt. Megatrainer (für US-Version)

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Engl. FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

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Diverse Spielstände

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Dt. Trainer für God-Modus und Munition

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Alle Geheimisse freigespielt.

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Japanische Version: Tofu Scenario.

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Alle Modi sind auswählbar.

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für : Anzahl der Gegenstände im Inventar, Gesundheit und Anzahl der Speicherungen (für Schlußbewertung)

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Leon Scenario 2

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Claire Scenario

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16.Oktober 2013
Dt. ausführliche Lösung mit Karten im Word-Format

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Scenario B FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Leon Scenario 2 FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Leon Scenario 1 FAQ

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Leon FAQ

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Hunk FAQ

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Files FAQ

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