Cool Boarders 2

Cool Boarders 2

14.10.2013 08:42:53

An FAQ/Walkthrough for
Cool Boarders 2


Game: Cool Boarders 2
Platform: PlayStation
Author of FAQ/Walkthrough: Tom Hayes
Version: 3.0
Last updated: October 15th, 2002


1. Introduction
2. Character statistics
3. Board statistics
4. Move Listing
5. Walkthrough
1. White Resort
2. Sunset Downhill
3. Bear in the Forest
4. Railroad trip
5. Take It Easy
6. Pipeline Canyon
7. Freezing Point
8. Winding River
9. Snow Ruins
10. Dive into the Cave
6. Secrets
7. Shortcuts
8. Copyright Information

Version History

Version 3.0 - October 15th, 2002
- Updated the format.

Version 2.0 - November 18th, 2000
- Updated Introduction.

Version 1.0 - March 20th, 2000
- First version.


1. Introduction


The graphics in Cool Boarders 2 are reasonably drawn. The tracks are huge, and
for this reason, lose some of their detail. You can see the lines where the
parts of the track have been joined, and this can be annoying in some places
when you see lots of these little white lines on the track. Everything else,
such as houses, trees and the backgrounds, are drawn to a reasonable standard,
but could have been improved. The characters are well drawn, and are animated
very well. The tricks that the characters do in the game look very similar to
the tricks that real snowboarders do. Other than a few minor problems, the
graphics are well drawn, and suit the game well.

The first thing that makes this game so fun is the range of tricks you can do!
There must be at least 20 tricks you can do, and then you can mix those tricks
with combinations, flips and spins! There are so many modes of play in this
game. You can compete in Big Air mode, where you attempt to do the biggest and
best tricks in order to get the best points. You can enter Master mode, where
you have to do tricks of increasing difficulty down a seemingly never-ending
course. There's Half-pipe mode where you can do tricks in a half-pipe (only one
half-pipe course is in the game, which is a shame). There's the Board Park mode
where you can practice all of your skills on a level filled with a variety of
obstacles such as cars, buses, rails and ramps. And finally there's the
Tournament mode, where you have to compete in 10 huge levels against other
competitors. With all these different modes of play, it's very difficult for
this not be a fun game!

This game has so many modes of play (see the gameplay section of this review),
that it's very difficult to become bored of this game. There are always new
combinations of tricks to try out, and you can always add a few extra spins or
flips to these tricks to make them look even better. Master mode is very fun,
as you can do trick after trick in an attempt to get the furthest down the
course. You can always try and improve your scores in Half-pipe and big air
mode. And the Board Park is always something to do when you're bored. Add to
this already huge game a design your own board feature and a two-player mode,
and you have one of the most long lasting games ever made!

Cool Boarders 2 will last a very long time, due to all of the different modes
of play. There are a few graphical flaws in the game, such as white lines that
appear on the track, but this doesn't detract from the gameplay value of the
game at all. Everything seems to have been worked on in this game, such as the
levels and all the different modes of play. It's just so fun trying to get a
new high score, or trying to do a new trick. There has just been so much effort
put into this game, and that's what makes Cool Boarders 2 the excellent game
that it is.


2. Character Statistics



Balance - | | | |
Jump - | | | | | |
Maximum speed - | |
Power - | | | |
Quickness - | | | | | |
Technique - | | | | | | | |


Balance - |
Jump - | | | |
Maximum speed - | | | | | | | | | |
Power - | | | | | | | |
Quickness - | |
Technique - | | | |


Balance - | |
Jump - | | | |
Maximum speed - | | | | | |
Power - | | | |
Quickness - | | | | | |
Technique - | | | | | |


Balance - | | | | | | | | | |
Jump - | | | | |
Maximum speed - | |
Power - | |
Quickness - | | | | | | | | | |
Technique - | | | | | |


Balance - | | | | | | |
Jump - | | | | | | | |
Maximum speed - | | | | | | | |
Power - | | | | | | | |
Quickness - | | | | | | | | | |
Technique - | | | | | | | |


Balance - | | | | | | | | | |
Jump - | | | | | | | |
Maximum speed - |
Power - | |
Quickness - | | | | | | | | | |
Technique - | | | | | | | | | |

Snow Man

Balance -
Jump - | | | |
Maximum speed - | | | | | | | | | |
Power - | | | | | | | | | |
Quickness - | | | | | | | | | |
Technique - | |


3. Board Statistics


Freestyle Boards

Type 1

Maximum speed - |
Response - | | | | | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | | | | | | |

Type 2

Maximum speed - |
Response - | | | | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | | | | | |

Type 3

Maximum speed - | |
Response - | | | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | | | | |


Maximum speed - | | | |
Response - | | | | | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | | | | | | |

All-Around Boards

Type 1

Maximum speed - | | |
Response - | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | |

Type 2

Maximum speed - | | | |
Response - | | | | |
Stability - | | | |

Type 3

Maximum speed - | | | | |
Response - | | | |
Stability - | | | |


Maximum speed - | | | | | | |
Response - | | | | | |
Stability - | | | | |

Alpine Boards

Type 1

Maximum speed - | | | | | |
Response - | | |
Stability - | |

Type 2

Maximum speed - | | | | | | |
Response - | |
Stability - | |

Type 3

Maximum speed - | | | | | | | |
Response - |
Stability - |


Maximum speed - | | | | | | | | |
Response - | | |
Stability - | |


4. Move Listing


Right - Spin to the right
Left - Spin to the left
Up - Front flip
Down - Back flip
Up + Right - Misty flip
Up + Left - Misty flip
Down + Right - Misty flip
Down + Left - Misty flip
L1 - Shifty
Down + R1 - Lien Air
Up + R2 - Indy Grab
Up + R1 - Mute Grab
Down + R2 - Stalefish
Down + L2 - Method
L1 + L2 - Shuffle
Up, Up + R1 - Nose Grab
Down, Down + R2 - Tail Grab
Up, R2 + L2 - Indy Nosebone
Down, R1 + L1 - Tweak
Up, R1 + L2 - Stiffie
Down, R1 + L2 - Melancholy


5. Walkthrough


1. White Resort

Level Statistics

Length - 2660 metres
Maximum Slope - 28.4 degrees
Average Slope - 16.8 degrees

Level guide

Hold down from the start, and drop down on the left side of the tree. You will
now be in a long straight section, with nothing much to worry about except a
few small bends. After a while, you will come to a checkpoint. Drop down the
small jump, and go through the village, going through the small bends as you
go. Near the end of the village, there will be an extremely tight corner. Use
the square button and the left direction button to move through here, and then
quickly press the right direction and square to get through the next corner.
Carry on through the checkpoint, and down a bit further until you get to a
section with trees on the bank. Swerve as far left as you can, and then use the
square and the right direction button to get through this corner. Carry on down
the rest of the course to the finish!


Near the start of the level, at the 1st jump, don't jump off of the left side
of the jump. If you jump off the right side, there is actually a rooftop that
will boost you high in the air, and allow you to get far more points.

Things to try

At the checkpoint before the village section, jump to the right to land on the
snowy rooftop.

2. Sunset Downhill

Level Statistics

Length - 2959 metres
Maximum slope - 32.2 degrees
Average slope - 23.1 degrees

Level guide

Zoom down the hill at the start and ride over the first big jump. Swerve
through the three mild bends around the rocky area, and you will soon come to a
checkpoint. Jump through the checkpoint, and stay to the left when you land in
the icy area. Continue along and go through the exit at the left side of the
icy area. When you come to the first tight corner, hold square and left. Carry
on down the course, and you will find yourself in another slidy icy area. Jump
over, or swerve around the logs that litter this place, and then jump over the
two jumps. AGH, more ice! Quickly swerve to the right as soon as you land, and
you will shortly find yourself looking down on one rather steep looking
mountain. Glide down here as quickly as you can, and stay as low as you can on
the curve at the end of the mountain. Carry on down the rest of the course
until you get to the end.


This works well with Boss. Hold X + Down + Right from the start, and let go
just as you are nearing the top of the jump. You should hopefully do a double
misty 1080, and will get a lot of points! Add two grabs to this, such as Up, R1
+ L2 and Down, R1 + L2, and you can get even more points!

Things to try

The start of the mountain is good for getting some huge air. Do the biggest
spin you can off of the jump.

3. Bear in the Forest

Level Statistics

Length - 3120 metres
Maximum slope - 49.6 degrees
Average slope - 29.4 degrees

Level guide

Glide down the start of the course, swerving around the mild bends, and ride
over the 1st jump. Swerve through the vast amount of stupid trees that are in
this level, and stay on the right hand side of the course as you go over the
2nd jump. Swerve around the trees for a while longer, and you will eventually
come to a VERY sharp curve. Hold square, right and down, and you might be able
to make it around this extremely tight corner. Carry on, and swerve once again
around a few trees until you arrive at a checkpoint. Jump through this, and
once again twist and turn through all of the trees until you arrive at another
checkpoint. Stay on the right side as you go through the checkpoint, as this
part of the checkpoint has a jump. Carry on once again through the extremely
annoying trees, until you arrive at what could possibly be the biggest jump in
the entire game. Jump over this, and then continue on to the finish.


Use the square button to swerve between the trees.

Things to try

Get through the entire course without hitting one single tree.

4. Railroad Trip

Level Statistics

Length - 2770 metres
Maximum slope - 34.0 degrees
Average slope - 23.5 degrees

Level guide

Swerve around the first two mild corners, and jump over the first jump. Carry
on down the course, and you will soon find yourself on an icy section, leading
up to a nice little jump through a checkpoint. Carry on down the level a bit
further to find yourself near a brown log. AHA, This must be one of those
things snowboarders grind on! To do a grind, jump 90 degrees onto the log, so
you land sideways, and then balance using left and right directions. Continue
down the course, holding right as you take the exceptionally long corner. Go
over the jump, and then swerve around the rocky corners onto a kind of half-
pipe. For some reason, the game doesn't consider this to be a half-pipe, and
won't let you do tricks when you go up it. Ah well, continue down this half-
pipe, and go over the checkpoint. Hold right as you swerve around some pretty
tight corners, and then jump over the three jumps on the way to the end of the


This is pretty much a slow course. If you want to get through it quickly, hold
down as much as you can.

Things to try

That log about quarter of the way down the course looks useful. Can you grind
the whole thing?

5. Take It Easy

Level Statistics

Length - 1674 metres
Maximum slope - 34.9 degrees
Average slope - 22.6 degrees

Level guide

There's a nice easy corner leading up to the 1st jump. Jump over this, and
swerve around the mild corners on the way to the 2nd jump. After this, stay on
the left side of the track, to avoid falling off of the mountain. Go along this
bit of track for a while, and eventually you will drop down into an area where
rocks are on all the sides. Glide down the middle of this part, and then hold
left as you go around the corner. There's a nice easy ride up to the 3rd jump,
so glide over this. There will be some pretty tight corners coming up, so make
sure you use the square button to swerve around them. You should soon enter a
tunnel, with a huge jump at the other side. After this, there are a few
annoying trees dotted all over the track. Stay to the left side of the track,
and you should soon notice a jump. This is the 5th jump, and after this is the


Having trouble beating this course in tournament mode? Use the shortcut (see
the shortcuts section for more detail).

Things to try

A back flip/front flip through the shortcut.

6. Pipeline Canyon

Level Statistics

Length - 3841 metres
Maximum slope - 41.3 degrees
Average slope - 30.8 degrees

Level guide

Zoom straight down the beginning of this extremely fast course, and you should
arrive at the 1st jump. After this, use the square button to swerve around the
corners. After a while, you should arrive at a part with three poles. Be
careful going through this part, and zoom straight on to the 2nd jump. You
should soon arrive at a part of the course that has a blue fence on the left
side. Drop down the hill, and then swerve off to the left and follow the course
along, taking the sharp turns using the square button when necessary.
Eventually, you should arrive at yet another jump. After this, it's a nice
gentle ride down to a checkpoint. Soon after, you should come to a part of the
course with nothing on the right side. Stay on the right side to avoid the two
pipes that stick out of the ground. Carry on down the course and you should
notice a long bendy pipe. This is great fun if you can actually get on the
stupid thing. Carry on after this to another jump, which leads on to a sharp
corner. After this, there is a very sharp corner with a drop on the right side.
Hold left as you go around this corner, and then glide down the rest of the
course to the finish.


Having trouble beating this course in tournament mode? Use the shortcut (see
the shortcuts section for more detail).

Things to try

There is a very long, snow covered pole near the end of this level. Can you
grind the entire thing?

7. Freezing Point

Level Statistics

Length - 3674 metres
Maximum slope - 49.8 degrees
Average slope - 40.1 degrees

Level guide

Tap left and right to get around the first few corners, and then use the left +
square combination to get around the particularly difficult corner. Carry on,
and jump over the first huge jump near the trees. There is a few more corners
before a rocky area. Most of these rocks are pretty harmless, and can be glided
over. Some of them however, can not. It's best to just avoid them completely,
and glide around them. After the rocky area, there is what could possibly be
the tightest corner in the game. Use right + square + down to get around this
corner, and then carry on down the course to the 2nd jump. Carry on down the
course, and you will soon be in an icy bit, followed by a 3rd jump, followed by
another icy bit. After this, there's a bridge, which leads on to a few corners,
and then a checkpoint, which is actually a huge gap in disguise! Jump over the
gap, and then follow the course until you get to another huge jump. After this,
you should notice a few yellow warning signs. Swerve to the left as you take
the first corner, and then quickly swerve to the right as you take the next
corner. Carry on down the rest of this course until you get to the finish.


This is the fastest course in the game! Use square as much as you can, even for
the little corners.

Things to try

Getting down the entire course without falling over once.

8. Winding River

Level Statistics

Length - 2950 metres
Maximum slope - 34.7 degrees
Average slope - 29.6 degrees

Level guide

Jump over the first gap near the start, and then use the right + square
combination to go around the particularly nasty corner. After this, there is a
few mild bends, leading up to a hidden corner. It looks like the track carries
on, but it doesn't, it turns to the right. So hold right as you swerve around
this corner, and carry on down this lengthy part of the track. Hold left as you
reach the corner in the icy tunnel, and then zoom out the checkpoint on the
other side. There's another hidden corner around here. Hold left as you reach
the suspicious looking track, and then jump the gap at the other side. Glide
down the bumps, and then hold right + square to get around the corner. There is
a checkpoint near here, which neatly hides a big gap. Jump through the
checkpoint, hopefully clearing the gap, and continue down the course. After the
trees, there is a kind of slope section in the course. Jump onto the slope, and
you should be able to make it up the other side. Jump over the two jumps that
are in this part of the course, and then swerve around a few mild corners until
you get to the finish.


Pay attention to the corners. There are two corners in here that are cunningly
disguised as pieces of straight track.

Things to try

Getting down the entire course without falling over once.

9. Snow Ruins

Level Statistics

Length - 2664 metres
Maximum slope - 62.7 degrees
Average slope - 46.2 degrees

Level guide

Zoom down the extremely fast first part of this course, and you should soon see
a snow covered rock in the distance. If you go to the left of the rock, it is a
quicker, but much more difficult way. If you go to the right of the rock, it is
a slower, but much easier way. After the rock, there is a jump over a gap.
There is a few more tight corners, and then suddenly you drop right down in to
the steepest part of the course! Use the square to make it down this part of
the course. Oh no, not another rock! Again, choose whether to go left or right.
After this rock, there is yet another jump over yet another gap, into yet
another steep part of the course. Carry on down the course, using the square
button to get around some of the tight corners in the steep section. You should
soon arrive at another jump, which secretly hides a gap. Jump over this, and
zoom down to the next jump, which also secretly hides a gap. After this, it's a
nice gentle ride down to the finish.


Although not the fastest course in the game, this is one of the most difficult.
Even pressing square won't help in some cases around the corners in this
course! Use a combination of square + down + left or right to get around some
of the corners.

Things to try

Getting down the entire course without falling over once.

10. Dive into the Cave

Level Statistics

Length - 1295 metres
Maximum slope - 58.5 degrees
Average slope - 30.2 degrees

Level guide

At the beginning of the level you are faced with two tunnels.

1st left tunnel

For the first part of this fast tunnel, stay near the right side, as there is a
drop on the left side. After a while, you should arrive at a jump. Zoom over
this, and stay in the middle of the track as you cross the thin bridge. Jump
through the checkpoint, and over the gap.

1st right tunnel

Glide down this icy tunnel, swerving around the mild corners, until you get to
a jump, with a small gap. Jump over the gap, and stay in the middle of the
track as you cross the thin bridge. Jump through the checkpoint, and over the
You should soon be faced with two more tunnels.

2nd left tunnel

Go down this tunnel, and you should soon be outside of the cave. Swerve as far
right as you can on this corner, and you should arrive back in the cave again.
When you get to the part where light is coming through, stay to the left side
of the course to avoid falling down the drop. Glide over the jump, and stay in
the middle of the track as you cross the long thin bridge. Go through the
checkpoint, and then jump through the huge jump at the end of the course.

2nd right tunnel

Stay to the right side of this tunnel to avoid hitting that ledge, and then
glide over the jump. You should be in a part of the tunnel with pillars
everywhere. Glide around these pillars by using the square button. Stay in the
middle of the track as you cross the long thin bridge. Go through the
checkpoint, and then jump through the huge jump at the end of the course.


The fastest route seems to be: 1st left tunnel, 2nd left tunnel shortcut.

Things to try

Go through either of the 1st tunnels, and then go through the 2nd right tunnel.
There is a small ledge in this tunnel, and it is actually possible to grind it!
Can you grind the ledge?


6. Secrets


Secret Characters

Boss - Win the Mirror Tournament event.

Gray - Score over 37.9 points in the half-pipe event.

Snowman - Do over 100 tricks in the master big-air event.

Secret Levels

Dive into the Cave - Break all of the records for all of the levels in
freestyle mode.


7. Shortcuts


1. Take it Easy

About half-way down the course, there is a section with lots of trees on the
left hand side. Somewhere within that mass of green there is actually a
shortcut. Swerve around the trees, and try and go as far right as you can.
Hopefully, you will fly out the other side and land on the other part of the

2. Pipeline Canyon

This shortcut is near the part of the course with the blue fence of the left
side. Once you are at the blue fence, you should notice a snow-covered pole
leading off into the distance. Grind this pole by jumping onto it sideways.
Alternatively, get to the shortcut by jumping up the part of the mountain where
the pole goes.

3. Freezing Point

About half-way down the course, there is an area on the left side of the course
that has some trees. Hold left when you get to this area, and jump until you
reach the top of the hill. This is a very annoying shortcut because of the
stupid amount of trees!

4. Snow Ruins

This is the most creative, most fun shortcut in the entire game! Whereas all
the normal shortcuts in the game just skip a bit of the track, and don't take
you anywhere new, this shortcut takes you to a whole new part of the level! But
this is also the most difficult shortcut in the game, so don't expect it to
work straight away. Here's how to do it: About half-way down the course, in the
distance, you should see a roof. If you want to take the shortcut, slide over
the jump, and angle yourself so you are pointing the front of your board at the
roof. Hopefully, you should land so that you go inbetween the pillars. Enjoy
the most amazing shortcut in the game!

5. Dive into the Cave

Go through either of the 1st tunnels, and then go through the 2nd left tunnel.
Near the beginning of the tunnel, you should notice a small ledge on the right
side of the tunnel. Jump up onto the ledge. You get to go through a waterfall,
as well as having the opportunity to jump down one of the biggest drops in the


8. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2000-2002 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way.

The latest version of this document can be found at

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