Armored Core

Armored Core

17.10.2013 06:53:18
By I2485(
Version 1.1(11-05-00)

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically with my permission. (Please give credit where it's due) This
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If there is something that you want to add or you want to correct something,
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Version 1.0(09-04-00)
This is the first version.

Version 1.1(11-05-00)
I've added the Ex Arena, more mail, more mission and more credits info

Rank: 1
Pilot: Hustler One
AC: Nine-Ball
Comment: The strongest undefeatable
Raven, he is both feared
and sought after by those
ranked below him.

Rank: 2
Pilot: Pandora
AC: Tragedy
Comment: Named after a goddess
from before the Great
Destuction. "Pandora"
is inscribed on the AC.

Rank: 3
Pilot: Max
AC: Great S.
Comment: His AC causes the ground
to shake. He's a
heavyweight with an
attack style to match.

NO. 03627
Rank: 4
Pilot: No. 03627
AC: P27
Comment: A death row inmate who'll
be released if he conquers
the Arena. He's nicknamed
the "Grim Reaper."

Rank: 5
Pilot: Rob
AC: Sleek
Comment: Equipped for rapid
movement, his weapon
of choice is the
pulse rifle.

Rank: 6
Pilot: POW.H
AC: Auto
Comment: An AC resembling a
powerful man. He bets it
all on a machinegun and
loads of extra ammo.

Rank: 7
Pilot: Carson
AC: Albatross
Comment: A quick, dangerous AC. He
waits patiently for his
opponent to expend all
their ammo, then attacks.

Rank: 8
Pilot: Pascal
AC: Charger
Comment: This AC's pilot is an ex
jockey and is known for
the rapid approaches he
makes on his targets.

Rank: 9
Pilot: Brothers
AC: Double Take
Comment: A well balanced AC run by
two brothers. The younger
one is the pilot and
the older one is the mechanic.

Rank: 10
Pilot: Fayde
AC: Shadow Master
Comment: Nicknamed "The Shadow",
this AC uses its blade
effectively and is able
to vanish from radar.

Rank: 11
Pilot: Spin Kid
AC: Bad Moon
Comment: This lightweight unit's
pilot enjoys attacking
from the air, and used
to be a yo-yo champion.

Rank: 12
Pilot: Sherbert
Comment: A member of the FOG AC
team. He prefers weapons
that are rapid fire and
is very aggresive.

Rank: 13
Pilot: Bug Collector
AC: Swallow Tail
Comment: An avid insect collecter,
the pilot named his AC
after a type of butterfly.

Rank: 14
Pilot: Prime
AC: The Wolf
Comment: A gambler who makes all
his decisions with the
toss of a coin. A very
skilled pilot.

Rank: 15
Pilot: William
AC: Icy Blue
Comment: AC known for its head-on
approach. The pilot enjoys
surfing when not competing
in the Arena.

Rank: --
Pilot: Ninya
AC: Stalker
Comment: Behind this simple, cutesy
emblem hides an aggressive
AC/pilot combination with
the firepower to prove it.

Rank: --
Pilot: Sweet Devil
AC: Evil Kiss
Comment: Unrelentless in his
attacks. By the time
he closes in on his
opponent it is all over.

Rank: --
Pilot: Fritz
AC: Barrel
Comment: A well known partier on
the AC Arena Circuit.
Most wonder how he ever
got this far.

Rank: --
Pilot: LD
AC: Poison Tail
Comment: This AC's pilot mounted his
weapons on a four-legged
base and painted it red
to resemble a scorpion.

Rank: --
Pilot: Hyptismo
AC: Haunted
Comment: Uses both automatic and
single fire weapons. He
never gives his opponent
a chance to get warmed up.

Rank: --
Pilot: Bugzy
AC: Hercules
Comment: With his thick, powerful
arms this pilot is feared
as a nasty street fighter
within Isaac City.

Rank: --
Pilot: Inky
AC: Regulon
Comment: He has won hard battles
using only the simplest
of weapons. His skills
are clearly advanced.

Rank: --
Pilot: Armadillo
AC: Hard Scale
Comment: Prides himself on his
iron-clad defensive
capabilities, even against
energy-based weapons.

Rank: --
Pilot: Superb Hunter
AC: Super Bow
Comment: An AC/pilot combination
that takes advantage of
speed over all else. His
quickness is impressive.

Rank: --
Pilot: Flash
AC: Light Maker
Comment: Believes that victory
should be achieved with
style and class. Prefers
fancy weapons.

Rank: --
Pilot: Maeve
Comment: Also a member of AC team
FOG. His hunting skills
have been compared to
those of an eagle.

Rank: --
Pilot: Frog Man
AC: Lucky Hopper
Comment: Designed his AC to
resemble a frog. His
attacks incorporate
many leaping maneuvers.

Rank: --
Pilot: Ideal
AC: Goldy
Comment: Fights for the love of
cold hard cash. The AC is
gold-plated and carries
the emblem of a hammer.

Rank: --
Pilot: Locagos
AC: Toll-Keeper
Comment: His AC touts a blue scheme
and his attacks are so
aggressive he nicknamed
himself "Thunder".

Rank: --
Pilot: Noble
AC: Starmine
Comment: The son of a high ranking
corporate exec, his
weaponry is much more
impressive than his skill.

Rank: --
Pilot: Advantage
AC: Shield IX
Comment: Considered the best at
mid-range battles, he does
not allow his opponents
to get too close.

Rank: 1
Pilot: Ernst
AC: Phoenix
Comment: His AC consists of basic
parts, but still remains
well balanced offensively
and defensively.

Rank: 2
Pilot: Moon
AC: Crescent Ib
Comment: A true gentleman when away
from the Arena, but a
fearsome, cold-blooded
competitor in battle.

Rank: 3
Pilot: Vlad
AC: Fallen Fortune
Comment: His emblem is actually a
good luck charm. He is
known to be very careful
and superstitious.

Rank: 4
Pilot: D. Deep
AC: No Line
Comment: An archaeologist, he likes
fighting in filthy inland
waters. His exp. dates to
the Great Destruction.

Rank: 5
Pilot: Rianon
AC: Cthtraeth
Comment: His combat skills only add
to his piloting abilities.
His blue figure is feared
as a sure sign of death.

Rank: 6
Pilot: Adverse
AC: Power V2
Comment: Renown for his "never
quit pkilosophy, no
matter how bleak the

Rank: 7
Pilot: Invisible Q
AC: Bounty
Comment: Proud of the price on
his head, he survives
only by eliminating those
who would see him death.

Rank: 8
Pilot: Seafarer
AC: Conquistador
Comment: The number of weapons
mounted on his upper body,
earned him the nickname
"Walking Pillbox".

Rank: 9
Pilot: Zweit
AC: Wieder
Comment: This AC's setup emphasizes
defense. This limits its
offensive capability but
offer greater mobility.

Rank: 1
Pilot: Tall Spot
AC: Wild Fin
Comment: Has the speed expected of
a four-legged AC. Comes
equipped with powerful
weapons and missiles.

Rank: 2
Pilot: Searcher
AC: No Limit
Comment: A doctor of internal
medicine, he enterd the
Arena to test the limits
of his body and mind.

Rank: 3
Pilot: Karl
AC: Blood Lizard
Comment: Reptiles are his passion
and hobby, he keeps many
as pets. His mid-range AC
is called "Blood Lizard".

Rank: 4
Pilot: Lynx Minx
AC: Kitten
Comment: A Raven who enjoys fast-
paced combat. He prefers
fighting in wide open
areas devoid of obstacles.

Rank: 5
Pilot: Proverbio
AC: Terror
Comment: A Raven with a legendary
lineage. His skills are
above avarage, but he
handles pressure poorly.

Rank: 6
Pilot: Solitude
AC: Ancient
Comment: An AC design phasing to
the eye. Its combat
performance rating also
receives high marks.

Rank: 7
Pilot: Depiction
AC: Smoke
Comment: Exceotionally fast AC. Its
speed is complemented by
rapid-fire cannons, making
for a deadly combination.

Rank: 8
Pilot: Orbit
AC: Colossus
Comment: Equipped with a variety of
missiles allowing for many
different attack patterns.
Somewhat slow though.

Rank: 9
Pilot: Dual Assault
AC: Micro Satellite
Comment: Unsurpassed destructive
power, offset somewhat
by its less effective
shoulder weapons.

Rank: 1
Pilot: Dynamite
AC: Blockbuster
Comment: Very aggressive. Wreals
more havoc than required
during missions. Ammo
useage exceeds rewards.

Rank: 2
Pilot: Kroeger
AC: Primate
Comment: This AC's weapons and
overall design make it
a platform that can raise
to almost any occasion.

Rank: 3
Pilot: RT
AC: Takeoff
Comment: Weapons on the left and
right sides are identical.
Emblem was retrieved from
an ancient wreckage site.

Rank: 4
Pilot: Trust
AC: Unfold
Comment: An AC equipped with
powerful weapons wielded
by fine tuned joints, he's
known for his accuracy.

Rank: 5
Pilot: Bloom
AC: Blue Petal
Comment: Multiple missile launchers
and a long range rifle,
create a style opposite
of his partner's.

Rank: 6
Pilot: Pest
AC: Red Petal
Comment: Bloom's partner. he has no
need for fancy weapons and
prefers a simpler fighting

Rank: 7
Pilot: Swimmer
AC: Odd Fish
Comment: An arkward weapons and
parts load out is
reflected in his equally
strange emblem choice.

Rank: 8
Pilot: Strangle
AC: Bulky Hand
Comment: Powerful missile launchers
on both shoulders make
this AC an imposing and
dangerous foe.

Rank: 9
Pilot: Pellen
AC: 45
Comment: Evades missile lock-ons by
utilizing repeated low
trajectory jumps. He was
a champion long jumper.

Rank: 1
Pilot: Tread
AC: Commander
Comment: A soldier who survived the
Great Destruction. He is
quite old, but still a
formidable opponent.

Rank: 2
Pilot: Milo
AC: Ragnor
Comment: Expands ammunition at an
appaling rate. Believes
the more he fires the
more likely he'll connects.

Rank: 3
Pilot: Bullet
AC: Powder Magazine
Comment: Believes that missiles are
the ultimate weapon. He
despises those who use
energy-based weaponry.

Rank: 4
Pilot: Scorch
AC: Energy Shell
Comment: A firm believer in the
benefits of energy-based
weapons. Despises those
who rely on missiles.

Rank: 5
Pilot: Fenrir
AC: Hound
Comment: Conviced that the only
way to achieve success in
the missions is with a
heavily equipped AC.

Rank: 6
Pilot: Moby
AC: Wrath
Comment: Derives great pleasure
from knocking flying ACs
out of the air. He has
earned the nickname "SAM".

Rank: 7
Pilot: DOUBLE57
AC: Darkness
Comment: A rare sight, this AC is
equipped only with a
flame-thrower and extra
ammunition. Remarkable!

Rank: 8
Pilot: Warren
AC: Chariot
Comment: A long time member of
the Arena, his logo is
representative of his
search for the truth.

Rank: 9
Pilot: Artemis
AC: Pressure
Comment: Calms his nerves before a
battle by eating huge
amounts of chocolate. An
avarage pilot at best.

Subject: Request
Sender: Lana Nielsen
Message: Congratulations. How does it
feel to finally be a Raven?
I'm your RAVENS' NEST contact, and
the person in charge of handling
negotiations with requesters to
sort out your missions. Orders
must be followed to the letter.
Your first mission is already
available. It shouldn't be too
difficult, but remember to be
wary of any unforeseen obstacles.
Exercise caution at all times.

Subject: Arena
Sender: Lana Nielsen
Message: When we first met on the Network,
you mentioned becoming a Raven
because there was someone you
wanted to kill.
AC Nama: Nine-Ball
Pilot: Hustler One
Top ranked AC in the Arena.
That is all we know.
All that is needed for you to
participate in the Arena is a
corporate sponsor. This opportunity
will present itself...eventually.
Let me warn you though, anyone
who attempts to face Nine-Ball
in battle will surely be destroyed.
If you're willing to risk your
life. I can arrange it so that
one day you will fight him.
That is all.

Subject: Sponsor
Sender: Lana Nielsen
Message: A corporation has extended an offer
to sponsor you in the Arena. The
sponsor is [PROGTECH], one of the
companies operating the Arena.
There is one condition though, you
must defeat all Ravens currently
associated with the Arena.
The company wants to see what you're
capable of. I've done some research
and it doesn't matter who you fight.
But remember, they're all Ravens,
just like you. That is all.

Subject: Arena Registration
Message: Good day. I'm a representative
from PROGTECH and I have had
the privilege of observing your
We have taken note of your
abilities and have decided
to sponsor your entry in the
Plese accept, as a small gift,
50000C and an AC Part
we have developed.
We look forward to your
success in the Arena.

Sender: Lana Nielsen
Message: PROGTECH is a company that has
grown significantly during recent
years. This is largely due to
their groundbreaking achievements
in AC-related development.
A brilliant scientist, who servers as
the company's head of development,
is behind a number of their
revolutionary parts. The part you
received is probably one of these.
The Arena is nothing more than a
convenient place for PROGTECH to
advertise. So take care, and don't
let them take advantage of you.
Should your rating increase, due
to success in both the Missions and
the Sub-Arena, you may be called up
to the actual Arena. That is all.

Subject: Emergency
Message: An emergency situation has arisen.
We have a request thet needs your
immediate attention. Please read
the request description for more

Subject: Mysterious MT
Sender: Elan Cubis
Message: Hello, my name is Elan Cubis, I'm
the head of devolepment at PROGTECH.
Thank you for your assistance the
other day.
I believe the attack was directed
at our research group. This is a
relatively common occurence in our
business, but there was one aspect
about it that bothered me.
Specially, the MT that appeared
from out of the water. It would be
hard, given current technology, to
build an amphibious MT. I know of
no group that has had success.
It's possible a technology lost
during "The Great Destruction" has
been rediscovered. I fear an unknown
organization, possesing advanced
technologies, may be involved.

Subject: Warning
Sender: Lana Nielsen
Message: As I ezplained earlier, I am your
RAVENS' NEST contact and the one
who will supply you with your
orders. You will follow the orders
you're given and do as I say!
Even if approached by a sponsor,
you are not to accept any missions
without my approval. Don't let it
happen again! That is all.

Mission: Eliminate Fugitive
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 32000 C
Theater of operations: Isaac City Botanical Zone No. 7
Enemy forces: Security MTs (unknown number)
Objective: Capture Fugitive
Message: We've received a request asking
for assistance in tracking down
an escaped criminal.
The fugitive is a chronic corporate
hacker. He has hijacked an
Armored Car and locked
himself in the Botanial Zone.
He hacked into the facility's
security system, and all security
MTs are now under his control.
The offensive capability of a single
MT is no match for an Ac, though
they can be a nuisance when
encountered in groups. Immediately
destroy all MTs you come across.
The building's structural data
has been prepared. Your goal is
to capture the fugitive. You
have permission to take him out
if necessary.

Mission: Destroy Berserk MTs
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 36000 C
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Weapon Factory
Enemy forces: Combat MTs (unknown number)
Objective: Destroy all combat MTs
Message: The mission requester is PROGTECH.
Their Weapon Factory's
Maintenance Computer has
malfunctioned, and the Combat MTs
produced there are out of control.
The computer continue to produce
the faulty MTS, and the situation
is worsening. Thankfully the problem
has not spread outside the facility,
but it is only a matter of time.
Your mission is to restore the
situation at the factory. As long as
the computer is functioning, it will
continue to produce MTs. Destroy
the computer, then the combat MTs.

Mission: Recover Meteorite
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: R&G Industries
Reward: 38000 C
Theater of operations: North Heaven's Rock
Supply Point No. 8
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Message: The requester is R&G Industries.
This mission pertains to the
anticipated impact of a meteor
with our planet.
The meteor's existence has long
been known, but it wasn't until
just recently that a discovery
was made indicating that the
meteor may contain rare minerals.
R&G Industries would like to recover
the meteor, but there is a problem.
Several of their competitors also
want possesion of it and are
willing to fight for ownership.
Your mission objective is to
eliminate any units, sent by R&G's
competitors, intent on retrieving
the meteor. You must not allow it
to fall into their hands.

Mission: Retrieve Secret Files
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Izumo Materials
Reward: 33000 C
Theater of operations: Isaac City Underground Passage
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy the Armored Car
Message: Izumo Material's research group was
just attacked and top-secret files
stolen. The attacker escaped through
the city's Underground Passage
and is still at large.
Security forces have been deployed,
but our assistance has also been
requested. Find and destroy the
Armored Car that the thief
has commandeered.
The Armored Car is highly visible,
and the thief can't run forever.
He must have planned an alternate
means of escape.
Your target is the Armored Car,
ignore all other enemies you may
encounter. Act quickly.

Mission: Assault Transports
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 35000 C
Theater of operations: Union Line Undersea Tunnel
Enemy forces: Trucks x3
MTs x4
Objective: Destroy all enemies
Message: You've been requested to execute an
attack on a specific group of units.
They are transporting materials
which must be destroyed.
We aren't sure which units are the
ones carrying the material. In
order to guarantee its destruction,
all units must be eliminated.
According to our information at
this point, the group consists of
three trucks, and four MTs. Though
they may have reinforcements we are
not aware of.
If even one unit escapes, the
mission will be a failure.
You must eliminate them all.

Mission: Cavern Invasion
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: -
Reward: 0 C
Theater of operations: SE Isaac City Cavern
Enemy forces: AC x1
MTs (unknown number)
Objective: Destroy AC and escape
Message: Rumor has it, that a group of
enemies have infiltrated the
Cavern in the SE sector
of the city.
According to our information, the
Cavern is being used by a company to
store important materials. We think
the enemy forces that entered the
Cavern are after these materials.
The target is a Raven AC
hired as an escort. Ignore all
other enemies. Seek out and
destroy the AC, then escape.

Mission: Attack Terrorists
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: -
Reward: 0 C
Theater of operations: Isaac City East Construction Site
Enemy forces: Sub-Arena AC Goldy
Objective: Destroy enemy AC
Message: I've sent out a mission request to
all Ravens on the NEST network.
The request I sent out, was for the
removal of MTs attacking the
Construction Site East of the
city. The real objective is for you
to crush any ACs that take the bait.
Goldy, from the Sub-Arena, has
already accepted the mission. MTs
are easy targets for Ravens, so she
probably won't be ready for you.
Take her when she least expects it.

Mission: Attack Chrome HQ
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: -
Reward: 0 C
Theater of operations: Chrome Corporate HQ
Enemy forces: Sub-Arena AC Hercules
Objective: Destroy AC in 3 minutes
Message: Your target is a Raven recently
hired by Chrome, Isaac City's
largest corporation. The Raven
is Hercules, a member of
the Sub-Arena.
He has signed a long-term contract
with Chrome as a guard at their
Corporate HQ.
Chrome already has a complex
security system in place, the
Raven has been hired to put
additional pressure on anyone
attempting to breach their HQ.
I can take care of the security
system, but not the Raven. We
have three minutes tops, you
must destroy him within that
time frame.

Mission: Defend Submarine
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: R&G Industries
Reward: 34000 C
Theater of operations: R&G Industries Steamship Route
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Escort Submarine
Message: Your objective is to escort a marine
transport batallion. You will board
an R&G Industries' Transport
Submarine and accompany it to
its destination.
R&G Industries has become a target
of recent terrorist activities, we
believe that another attack on the
company is imminent.
We have no way to predict what
problems might occur en route.
Therefore, be prepared to handle
any crcumstances that may arise.

Mission: Attack Chrome HQ
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 36000 C
Theater of operations: NW White Land Old Castle
Enemy forces: Gun Emplacements x9
(no other details)
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Message: We have pinpointed the location
of the base that terrorists have
been using for their strikes
against Isaac City. Your mission
is to attack this base.
The base's location is in an Old
Castle in the NW sector of the
White Land Area. The castle,
now a fortress, is protected by
many gun Emplacements.
The gun emplacements surround the
entire fortress and will attack if
given a target. Do not let your
guard down, even for a moment.

Mission: Assist Marine Lab
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 46000 C
Theater of operations: PROGTECH Marine Laboratory
Enemy forces: MT x5
Objective: Destroy all enemy forces
Message: An emergency situation has
come up. We'll be sending
a mission request directly.
The PROGTECH Marine Laboratory
is under attack by an unknown
MT. The attacker's objective is
still unclear.
We've already sent in another
Raven, but he was unable to
complete the mission. The best he
could do was stall the enemy's
invasion of the facility.
An important company official
is housed within the facility.
It is vital that he be rescued
and brought to safety.
As is our right as your sponsor,
we are temporarily revoking your
license to participate in the
Arena. This mission is now your
top priority.

Mission: Destroy Cannon
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Izumo Materials
Reward: 33000 C
Theater of operations: Borian Highland Cannon Ruins
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Destroy the cannon
Message: The requester is Izumo Materials.
We've received information
indicating that a colossal cannon,
built during The Great Destuction,
is in the process of being restored.
Verify this information, and if the
reports we've received turn out
to be true, destroy the cannon
before restoration can be completed.
Izumo Materials, whose emphasis
in space development, has plans
to launch a satellite. The cannon
is apparently set to target this
If restoration of the cannon
is indeed underway, explosive
charges must be set and the
cannon destroyed completely.

Mission: Board Spacechip
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: PROGTECH
Reward: 42000 C
Theater of operations: Derelict Spaceship
Enemy forces: Unknown
Objective: Locate Research Team
Message: A rather strange mission request
as just been received. It entails
the investigation of a recently
discovered Derelict Spaceship.
It isn't known when the
Spaceship was built, but
it was probably sometime
during The Great Destruction.
Many technologies were lost in
The Great Destruction, so any
materials or information found
dating prior to this event are
extremely valueable.
PROGTECH sent a Research Team
to investigate the Spaceship, but
three days have been gone by without any
contact. There must be trouble
Your goal is to locate the Research
Team. Remember, nothing is known
about the Spaceship, so exercise
extreme caution.

Mission: Destroy Giant Tank
Sender: Lana Nielson
Requester: Isaac City Guard
Reward: 40000 C
Theater of operations: Zearm Desert East Barrens
Enemy forces: Tank x1
Objective: Destroy all defenses
Message: The few surviving member of a
successfully splintered terrorist
organization are making a last
stand. They're attacking nearby
facilities with a giant Tank.
Your mission is the elimination of
the terrorist controlled Tank. It
is in the Battleship class and
was most likely built before The Great
Destroy all Tank defenses and
render it inoperable. This will
be much different from fighting
ACs or careful.

-Thanks to Agetech for making this game
-Thanks to gamefaqs for posting this faqs at
-Thanks to Al Amaloo for posting this faqs at

This work is copyright I2485

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