

18.10.2013 07:40:47
Faq authored by Mehdi Malekzandi
Sacnoth/SNK 1999
Sony Playstation
Last Revised 4/4/2000
Version 0.1
0. Faq Dominant Info
A. Legal Terms
B. Revision History
C. Credits
I. Basic Knowledge
A. Story
B. Characters
-Koudelka, Edward, and James-
-Charlotte, Roger Bacon, The Sea Captain and his
wife, the Elias, and Elaine
C. Menu
D. Levels
-Character level requirements, weapon/magic level

II. Disc 1
-From the start of the game to the accidental arrival in
the basement-
III. Disc 2
-From the basement dungeon to the culmination of All
Saints Day-
IV. Disc 3
-The outside of the castle to the explosive entrance to
the monastery-
V. Disc 4
-The final battle to settle the evil of the monastery
VI. Item List
A. Weapons
-From fist to Sacnoth-
B. Armor
-Rags to Plate Mail
C. Relics
-Find the pendant that you lost in the intro?-
D. Restore Items
-Cure potions, MP restores, etc.
VII. Miscelleneous
0. A: Legal Terms:
Koudelka is sole copyright of Sacnoth and SNK, as well as any character
names and story events, and are used without permission. All other
aspects of this faq are Copyright of Mehdi Malekzandi.

Neither this faq nor any part within may be reproduced on any media,
including but not limited to CDRoms, strategy guides, your own faq,
etc. This faq may be distributed as long as it is free and not
manipulated in any way. Any realization of failure on these terms
will result in rigid and merciless reaction on the part of the author.
0. B: Revision History
4/4/2000 -> I just started this faq in reaction to meeting someone who
had some questions about the game. This is a heavy amount of work, and
previously, I have never written a faq for an RPG. I know that this is
a bad read for many of you. I apologize.

I. A. The Story
In Scotland there lies an old castle belonging to a rich man. The
legend is that the castle used to be a monastery. Deeper rumors said
that the monastery was the torture grounds for countless innocent
people. The castle is haunted by the ghosts of these angry souls. On
of these ghosts calls for a young girl, named Koudelka, to clear up the
rot that's been festering in the castle.
I. B. Characters |
Koudelka Iasant: |
A young girl with psychic powers. She was orphaned at a young age
because the villagers in her home feared her supernatural powers. She
arrives at the monastery in response to a voice beckoning her to come.
She comes in with great magic ability, so I neglected to up her strength
and just stuck with vitality and magic values (intelligence, piety,
Edward Plunkett |
A thrill seeker who is constantly trying to find his passion. He comes
to the monastery seeking to make his own fortune, but only finds himself
trapped in the evil that surrounds the monastery. His strength is
great, so I used him as my brawler. Strength is a good value to upgrade
all the time, as well as vitality (without saying :) and dexterity and
James O'Flaherty |
A bishop sent from the Vatican to recover the lost scriptures. Although
he preaches his faith and condemns the infidels, he also secretly comes
with an ulterior motive that lies beyond the Vatican's lost scriptures.
He's kind of slow, but otherwise well rounded. Try to bring up his
speed and vitality first, then decide which way you want to raise him,
magic or physical.

Roger Bacon |
A scolarly monk who has lived forever. His extreme age has withered
away his humanity, leaving him to be a funny little raisin of a person.
He was so intelligent, that he knew the entire scripture by heart that
James is looking for. He makes regular appearances throughout the game.

Charlotte |
A little girl who has never known her mother. She haunts the castle,
fueled by the power of her inextinguishable hatred for the mother she
never met. Supposedly, she drowned in the cruise ship that the keeper
of the house used to captain.
The keeper and his wife |
These two people seem nice at first, but in reality, they are too messed
up to even turn your back on. They make many attempts to kill Koudelka,
and many of the dead bodies in the castle are their handiwork.
Elias the thief |
This guy wanders around the castle trying to find all the treasure that
he can, and he sure has found a lot of it. But he is trapped in the
house by his greed, and as long as he knows there is more in the house
that he has not claimed, he has to stay.
Elaine |
Mysterious woman who summoned Koudelka to the castle in the first place.
She had died long ago at the hands of house thieves, and her death
sprung many insane reactions from the people who loved her. The keepers
of the house became psychotic, killing any strangers who enter the
house. Her husband, Patrick, sought the legendary scriptures from the
Vatican that would allow him and his knowlege of chemistry to ressurect
the body of his wife, and having obtained these scriptures, he created
the monster that now plagues the castle.

I. C. Menu |
In progress...

I. D. Levels |
You team starts at level 1. From there, the system for raising levels
follows thusly:
2 -> 400
3 -> 900
4 -> 1600
5 -> 2500
6 -> 3600
7 -> 4900
8 -> 6400
9 -> 8100
10 -> 10000
15 -> 22500
20 -> 40000
25 -> 62500
30 -> 90000
40 -> 160000
50 -> 250000
70 -> 490000
90 -> 810000
99 -> 980100 You'll be there in no time :)

Magic and weapon ability also raise up in levels. Let's say that you
can cast a level 1 flame. It hits one enemy and does moderate damage.
Level two can hit enemies in a small radius for good damage. Level
three hits many enemies in a wider radius for great damage, as expected.
Weapon ability is a bit different. Level two allows for two hits, and
level 3 allows for three hits. For example, if Koudelka has a level
three heavy sword ability, she'll hit three times with her Sacnoth
blade. Groovy.

Weapon/Magic level chart:
1 -> 0
2 -> 1000
3 -> 2000

And each time you use a weapon you get a certain amount of points, like
40 points per use. That's the same for magic.

II. Disc 1 |*

Area 1: (2 F) The Attic |
After defeating the monster with the aid of Edward's gun, talk to
Edward in the screen to the left. Koudelka will heal him and help him
back on his feet. Regardless of if you want him or not, he's on your
team. Go past the door that Edward was blocking. You will enter a
room with two doors and a potion. The upper door is locked, but you'll
come back to it in the second disc. Go through the lower door.
Area 2: (2 F/3 F) Next to the attic |
You are in a hallway at the lower left hand side of the screen. There
is a door to the top middle and a door to the upper right and a box of
bullets. Go to the door in the upper middle. You will enter a room on
the 3rd floor from the bottom. There is a vital item in the center and
a door in the back. Take the item and head to the back room. In this
room is a "pan." Go back to the main hallway in the area where you
found the bullets and go to the door in the upper right.
Area 3: (2 F/ 1 F) The Stairway to the first floor kitchen |
You arrive in a more lit hallway with candles on the walls and decrepit
off white wall paper. There is a stairwell leading to the first floor
in the middle left side, and a hallway in the upper right side. As you
walk to the hallway in the upper right side (bird's eye view from the
chandelier), check the painting on the wall. You'll find a dirk in it.
You'll also see a door at the end of the hallway, but don't enter it.
Go back to the previous screen and descend all the way down the stairs
to the first floor. The first floor has two rooms, one at the near end
of the hall and one at the far end of the hall. Enter the near end of
the hall to begin a movie sequence.
Area 4 (1 F) The Keepers and the Kitchen |
The keepers of the house are a wife and a husband. They seem eager to
help you out by offering food and bullets. Although they are kind,
Koudelka is distant and cold. Edward doesn't think too much of it and
eats all the soup they give him. Afterwards, the party ends up in the
hallway. Slip into the room at the far end of the hall and you'll
enter another movie sequence in which Edward is told by Koudelka that
the food was poisoned. There are rooms to the left, right and top of
this room. Go left and right first to retrieve a knife and cheese, then
head to the top room. The area to the right leads to two other rooms
(and a ball of cheese), but head back to the previous room and into
the upper door.
Area 5 (1 F) Barrel room |
You take a walkway in a room with a barrel (among other things) that
leads to a door in the upper middle of the screen. Follow the path
through two rooms to get a herb. You actually might just forget this
herb. It's not that important. Go back to the kitchen and the area
that had the cheese (see last Area 4) and pass through the room in the
upper right doorway.
Area 6 (1 F) Ovens |
The entrance has a circular step path leading to the floor, and to the
lower left of the screen you find a listel and a hammer. The listel is
great for restoring MP. By now you might need it. Go into the room to
the right and you'll see the ovens and a pipe on the floor. Get the
pipe and equip it on either physical character you prefer. The pipe
allows you to do mega damage compared to anything else in your arsenal
right now. In the upper left, behind the ovens, is the path to the next
area. Proceed to through that door.
Area 7 (1 F/ 2 F) The Evil Plant |
You enter a room with green everywhere and a man unconscious on the
floor. Make sure you have your team fully energized (as much as
possible, and that they have the best weapons they can hold right now.
Go to the back of the room and pick a fight with the plant thing, which
is the first boss.

BOSS: Planter
HP: 1126
MP: 28
Tip: Flame him

After burning the plant to death, go to the front of the room and wake
up the unconscious man. His name is James O'Flaherty, and
unfortunately, he'll join your team too. Right where James was laying
should be a save fountain now. Save your game and restore your party
cheaply here. This is the best place at the moment to raise your levels
before moving on. When you are ready to go, head back to the stairway
to the second floor and go up and into the hallway in the upper right by
the painting. Enter the door at the end of the hallway that you were
told to neglect earlier.
Area 8 (2 F) The diamond trio |
This room is small, and has a listel (Mp restore) and a door at the end.
get the listel and head through the door. You'll end up outside. At
the upper right is the door back into the monastery. Make sure to pick
up the bullets in the shed next to the door. Enter the door to the
upper right. This dark room is a hallway. As you walk to the door on
other side, a bullet whips through the window. After hitting the deck,
the Koudelka and Edward curse the keepers of the house (who tried to
kill them already). James retorts that they are good god loving
people that are way better than the godless Edward and Koudelka.
Whatever, James is a nuisance, but he can distract the enemies so they
keep him. At the end of the hall is the door. Pass through it to enter
a small room with a door in the upper right. The door may be hard to
see, but try to enter it and you will awaken the second boss.

BOSS: Fainda A (red)
HP: 1225
MP: 96
Tip: none

BOSS: Fainda B (blue)
HP: 1225
MP: 67
Tip: none

BOSS: Fainda C (green)
HP: 1225
MP: 67
Tip: none

Overall, the tip is to jump out quick and not let these guys have space
to move, and then focus all your efforts on one Fainda and kill it off
quick (pipe works well). After the battle, pass through the door to the
next area.
Area 9: (2 F) The little girl, Charlotte |
This earthy hallway is lined with stone walls and torch light. Follow
the hallway up a room. There's a door unlocked on the right, but keep
going up the hall to the top path. You'll find a young girl in a nice
ball room dress. Edward foolheartedly chases after her in a nice FMV
(one of the last ones on this disc). You'll see a path at the bottom of
the area by where the ghost went, but no ladder to get down it. So head
back to the door you neglected (under my orders :) in the earthy
hallway, and you'll enter the next area.
Area 10: (2 F) Getting the rope ladder from Mira |
This room has a listel and a path on the left hand side of the screen.
Go to the left and you'll see a door on the upper left side of the
screen. Enter the door. You find yourself in a room with a cabinet.
Open it and check the dead body out. This is the third boss.

BOSS: Mira
HP: 1225
MP: 62
Tip: Straight up violence. Smack her down :)

After beating Mira, check the cabinet again to get the rope ladder.
Take the rope ladder back to the room where the ghost was and attach it
to the floor to climb down to the next area.
Area 11: (1 F) The bottom of the rope ladder |
You are at the bottom of the rope ladder. Head to the path on the left.
You then end up in a hallway that has two directions, left and up. Go
up to the upper room to get bullets and "drivers." Go back to the
previous screen and head into he room on the left which will just take
you to a small room with a door to the next area. Go to the next area
through that door.
Area 12: (1 F) Reflections of self |
The room you enter has a church-like decorum, with stained glass windows
and an altar. Step up to the altar to fight the fourth bosses. You'll
get a puzzle piece and earrings. :-/

BOSS: Dark Edward
HP: 961
MP: 14
Tip: just beat him up

BOSS: Dark Koudelka
HP: 784
MP: 44
Tip: just beat her

BOSS: Dark James
HP: 841
MP: 40
Tip: I personally had to kick his butt first.

After beating these mirror images of your teammates, step on the altar
and save your game. This is the last save point on the CD. Head over
to the room on the right and a FMV starts up in which the floor let's
loose and the team falls through to the bottom floor.

III. DISC 2: |*
Area 13: (B1 F) The dungeon |
You get up from the fall and find that you have landed in a prison area
of some sort. Move to the room to the upper screen, and from there head
left. On your way out, grab the bullets and a leaf. There's also a
boss here.

BOSS: ???
HP: 1225
MP: 44
Tips: ?

This boss looks like a courtier or a pirate type of a guy that wields a
saber. Best idea is to send one decoy up and attack (Edward) and hold
back the other two members for long range magic attacks. Move to the
next room after beating the boss. In this room you find a mace (great
weapon!) and a fist (brass knuckles type), and a ladder to go upstairs
on the upper right. Go up.
Area 14: (B1 F) Twin dolls |
You enter a hallway with two children dead on the floor, a door next to
then on the left (locked) and a path below them. You can try to talk to
the dolls and begin a battle, but I don't know how to beat them. :(

BOSS: ???
HP: 2401
MP: 144
Tips: run.

The two girls don't attack very much, but your attacks will do nothing
to them, which is super annoying. They are impervious to all magic.
I'll have to figure them out for the next revision of this faq. After
dealing, or not dealing with the girls, go to the lower screen. This
screen has a path to the upper right. Take that path.
Area 15: (B1 F) |
You enter the room from the lower left. The path leads up the upper
right. On your way out pick up the whiskey. You head into the next
screen from the bottom center, and have to swing around the upper left
hand side. While you do that, get the rifle shells and head into the
upper left side.
Area 16: (B1 F) The root |
This room has four outlets around a huge root. You can go left,
right(where you came from), down or through a path up and around the
corner at the upper middle of the screen. Take the around the corner
path to check out a door. Go back to the four outlet room and go down
this time. You'll enter a shrine. Step into the shrine to fight the
seventh boss.

BOSS: Mad Friar
HP: 3025
MP: 168

After beating the boss, you can save your progress. Then go back to the
previous screen (with the four outlets and the root) and go to the path
on the left. You'll enter a room with pistol bullets on the floor and a
door on the left side of the screen. Go through he doorway.
Area 17 (B1 F) The royal treasure! |
You enter a treasure room, and before stepping too far in, you enter a
movie sequence where the members of the party talk about the loot.
There is a pack of bullets in the loot and a quiver of arrows. There's
a bow gun that you should be dying to get on the bottom of the treasure
room screen. There are 2 doors on the left side of the screen. Take
the far door, and from that room, go up the stairs.
Area 18 (1 F) Back on the first floor |
Pick up the Listel at the top of the stairs. Note the scratching in the
corner of the wall Go through the big wooden door. In this room (beyond
the door next to the stairs) there are three important items. Pick them
all up. Head through the door at the bottom right hand side of the
screen. You enter a large room with a big chandelier at the top. The
room also has an altar in the center and an area on the right side.
Fight the boss guarding the altar and then head right

BOSS: Dark Yang
HP: 2916
MP: 250
Tips: -

When you headed over, the chandelier conveniently falls, almost killing
your party. Coincidence? I think not. Make sure to check the wreckage
to get the decomposed arm of St. Daniel Sciotious (yumm). Keep moving
right across the next two screens until you reach the stairs to the
second floor.
Area 19: (2 F) The thief and his six shooter |
Taking the stairs up to the second floor, you meet the thief, Elias.
This guy is accompanied by two non-violent obstacles that you need to
destroy before going head to head with the long distance murderer.

BOSS: Elias
HP: 2116
MP: 84
Tip: Take out his trash before you try to kill him.

BOSS: Crates
HP: 1296
MP: -
Tip: Take out this trash first, as it sits prominently in the middle of
the battle field.

BOSS: Barrels
HP: 1296
MP -

Elias gives you a cool pistol, but you'll never shoot as much as him in
one turn :( Don't worry though, he's dead. :) You get the key to his
room and behind him is the next area. Before you go in the room next to
Elias, head back to the treasure room and enter his locked bedroom using
his key. You'll find a roma, bullets, and a special item, as well as a
tip for passing the puzzle room that Elias was guarding. Now go back to
the room at the 2nd floor next to Elias's corpse.
Area 20: (2 F) The puzzle room |
You find the answer to this puzzle in two rooms. One is Elias's room,
and the other is the top of the stairs that led from the basement to the
first floor (area 18). The room is a 4x4 matrix.

[9] [8] [7] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [6] [ ]
[ ] [2][3,5][4]
[ ] [1] [ ] [ ]

This room also has shotgun bullets.

It is presently possible to head back to the kitchen where you had that
glorious soup, so head back to the first area of disc 2 and try to find
a way back to the kitchen.
Area 21: (1 F) Back in the Kitchen |
In the kitchen you find a badge, rifle bullets, a dragon piece. As
you move around to the back of the kitchen, you'll find a potion and a
mask, and Koudelka will see some paintings in the room with the potion.
Look at them to get a hint about that Charlotte girl from the end of
disc 1. After that "What happened here?" line, head back to the puzzle
room and enter the room next to it.
Area 22: (2 F) The Library |
As you enter library, you can either go to the path on the mid left, or
the lower right. Go lower right and then take the stair in the center,
down to the first floor. Go to the back and check out the clock. Now
head back upstairs and go to the left path mentioned at the beginning
of the paragraph. You enter a small room with a chest at the bottom
left and globe. Inside the chest are letters to Charlotte and a puzzle
piece. You need the letters from Charlotte to put her soul to rest for
good, so make sure you get them. So check out the chest and there
should be a little bang from it when the pieces line up correctly. No
go back to the clock.
Area 23: (1 F) Back to the clock |
Go back downstairs to the clock you were just at and go to the room to
the right of it. Grab the hi potion from the cabinet in the middle and
move to the path on the left. This room has a rack like machine and a
few other things, like a door in the upper right side. Enter the door
and you're in a small room. To the right are rifle shells, and to the
left is an important puzzle item for later use. You may be running low
on space. Drop your potions. A save area is about to spring up. :)
Enter the room right in front of you.
Area 24: (1 F) Another save point |
You enter a room and see a statue in the center. Walk up to the statue
and fight the guardian.

BOSS: Kimaira
HP: 4225
MP: 211

Now save and go back to the room with the rack.
Area 25: (1 F) The hole in the wall |
Hop through the hold in the wall next to the rack, and you'll find
yourself in a hidden passageway with a quiver of arrows and a “melody
disk.” Take the both and head through the door at the lower right of
the hallway, and just speed right to through this room into the room to
the right. You’ll end up in a hallway with a door at the far end
(locked entrance to cathedral) and door on the left, as well as a window
on the right. There is a puzzle piece on the floor in the center. Get
that. Enter the door on the right and place all your pieces on the
stained glass window to the left. If you had all the pieces, the door
above the clock (area 24) will open. Go there now.
Area 26: (2 F) Above the clock |
The room behind the clock is a puzzle in which the player has to make a
“4” path through the 5 points on the floor.

Each number represents the circle on the floor in the order that they
must be passed over from 1~5 (begin to finish)
3<2<1 <-Begin

Successfully hitting a mark on the floor will result in a click sound.
When all five marks have been set, the door in the back of the room
unlocks. Enter that door.
Area 27: (2 F) Roger Bacon |
When you enter the room, you will enter a FMV in which you meet Roger
After the FMV, make sure to pick up the piece of puzzle glass on the
floor. Maybe check out the other end of the room. Now head back to the
hallway you arrived in from Area 25, and enter the door at the far end
that was once locked. You will enter a church hall (looks like that to
me) where everything is a complete mess. Take the path at the bottom of
the screen to find the room with the shotgun, and then maybe move a
little further to the bottom to check out the exit (not necessary).
Take the path upto the other end of the cathedral and keep going until
you step up to the hole in the wall. Another FMV will begin, in which
the church bell rings for All Saints day, or something, and a spirit
force builds up enough strength to summon a demon. Koudelka has to
fight the demon on her own, but if she decides to run away, you will
just begin the next disc.

BOSS: Gargoyle
HP: 8836 Disc 2 -> 31684 Disc 3
MP: 774 Disc 2 -> 1664 Disc 3
Tips: No magic will work on the Gargoyle on this disc. He is nearly
invulnerable, unless maybe you are super strong. I had a mediocre party
at that time, so I had to run. In disc 3 he is more vulnerable to any
attack, but he is so strong that it may be best to leave him alone.
If you think you want to fight him in the third disc with your whole
party, keep in mind this fact: His STR of 32 increases to 115, and his
AGL of 1 increases to 77 after disc 3...

IV. DISC 3 |*
Area 28: (outside) The garden |
After exiting the church, you find yourself still alone outside. Going
from the exit of the church southbound, you reach a fountain at the
center of a 4 way intersection. Go to the left (west) and you'll find a
statue with two people back to back (Statue 1). Go ahead and mess with
the statue. Now go to the area in the upper left, pick up the rifle
shells inside the grate in the ground. Now head back to the (main
intersection) fountain and continue to the path on the right (east).
You see a statue of a woman in front of you (statue 2). Mess with this
statue too. You can see a statue to the upper left from here. So go
there now. Here is the statue of a man (statue 3) mess with him. From
this area you can go to the upper left or lower right. The upper left
is locked, so go to the lower right. In this screen there is a hi
potion and 3 places to go (other than where you came): one is to the
lower left, one in the center (exit to garden - momentarily locked) and
one is in the right. Go to the right and you find yourself in an area
behind a large crypt-like structure. You can go left or right, but go
right to find a fountain with a hi listel. This fountain also has your
pendant, but you need to come back later to get it, so keep this
fountain in mind. So now go back to the screen with the crypt and this
time go left. You find the statue of a matronly woman (statue 4). Mess
with it (the final statue of 4) and you trigger the water level in the
fountains to change. Go back to the pendant fountain and get you
pendant. Equip it on yourself (Koudelka is the best pick for it). Head
south from this fountain to reach an area with one path to the south
east. Go south east and reach an area where you can go south(Sacnoth)
or east (worthless trip kind of). To the south is a statue holding up
one of the best weapons in the game, the Sacnoth. You can't lift it
because it is too heavy for Koudelka (even with 255 STR). You may need
to get Edward and have beaten the Gargoyle from the church before
getting this awesome weapon. Go back to the fork with the hi potion and
previously locked door (exit to the garden), and get out.
Area 29: (1 F) The Keepers' Guilty Secret |
You enter a room inside the monastery with a bloody guillotine. The
blood looks fresh. Check out the area for some bullets, and then head
behind the guillotine to the path bellow. And FMV will start up. After
the FMV is finished, check back around the guillotine to get three
items: a key (special item), a Rifle RD, and a Roma berry. Now you can
go back down behind the guillotine to the room you were strapped down in
Area 30: (B1 F) The torture chamber |
You just came down the ladder into the room with the bloody table, and
there are three other areas in this room. One to the left, one to the
right, and one in the bottom. First go to the bottom or left (almost
same thing). The bottom area shows a door that has been partially pried
open. In the door's proximity you will find shotgun shells and a blood
sample (important). Get both. Talking into the door, Koudelka finds
Edward and James. She has to find a way to the other side by walking
around. Go back to the room with the bloody table and go to the big
double doors. These doors lead to a hallway, which leads to a save
point. Beat the save point's guardian and save your progress, and earn
the RD Shotgun.

BOSS: Garg
HP: 5329
MP: 384
Tips: ???

From the save point, take the path on the left.
Area 31: (B1 F) The blood key |
The room next to Garg's save point has two ways to go: a room to the
upper end, and locked door on the left with a statue of a woman embedded
in the door. Give the statue some blood that you got earlier (area 30)
to open the door. Inside this room is a weird tangle of roots with the
face of a person in them, staring you in the face. Just leave the room
and go to the hallway (that had the statue on the door) and go to the
upper room. Then take the path to the next screen over, and take the
path around the corner and up the stairs out to the courtyard/graveyard.
Area 32: (Outside 1 F) Talking to Roger Bacon|
The entrance to the courtyard has two paths you can take: One to the
upper left, through a gate, and one to the lower left. Go through the
lower left path. You enter the main area of the courtyard which has two
paths, one to the left and one in the upper end. The left path leads to
Daniel's grave, and the one above is the path to Charlotte's grave (the
little girl ghost). First head to Daniel's grave and talk to Roger.
Afterwards, don't forget to look around the grave (in the back) for
goodies like Daniel's Cross (a weapon) and special item. Now go visit
Charlotte's grave and say hi. Go back to the entrance to the courtyard
from the monastery, and head through the gate path in the upper end of
the screen. There is a roma berry on the ground, and two paths to take:
one to the upper right and one to the upper left of the screen. Going
top right, you find yourself back in the monastery in the hallway from
Area 25. Go back through the hole in the wall into the room with the
rack device, where you meet the rest of the party.
Area 33: (1 F) Reunited with Edward and James |
Now that you are back in the main area of the monastery, you meet Edward
and James and they talk about a woman named Elaine. James is still
holding back more than he knows, but you've gotten used to his annoying
antics, right?. Now you should backtrack to the hallway with the little
girls bosses (area 14). The door next to them is open.
Area 34: (B1 F) The other side of the jail cell |
Beyond the door next to the little girls is the other side of the jail
cell where you fell down before. Take the steps upstairs, and (in the
next screen) turn the corner at the top of the stairs to go through the
door on the upper left. This path passes by two potions, but by now you
probably only collect hi potions :). You'll enter a dining room from
the cupboard.
Area 35: (1 F) The dining room and Charlotte |
You need to have gotten the letters from Area 22, and prayed on the
grave in area 32 before you can see Charlotte. If you have done these
two things, walk to the left of the dining table and you'll enter an FMV
in which you talk to Charlotte. Don't forget to pick up the Friar
Brioche and the Star Brioche (relics!). Exit through the door next to
the cupboard that you entered from.
Area 36: (1 F) The mansion |
Follow the path to the top of the screen, and check out the bodies of
people to pick up the pistol bullets and listel that are in the pile of
bodies. Exit the path on the left and enter Patrick's mansion. As you
enter the main hall from the right side of the room, you see paths all
over the place. There is one at the bottom center (locked), one in the
lower right, another in the lower left, and a stairwell that leads to
two more. Start with the path on the lower left, along the way is a box
of shotgun bullets. Enter the door on the lower left and walk to the
box at the far end. Insert the melody disk into the circular opening
and let it play. A drawer will open with a clay tablet. To the right
of the musical machine, you see a door. Pass through and open the save
spot in that room.

BOSS: ???
HP: 9216
MP: 422
Tip: Fire and water have an effect on it, but I can't say how they
affect it. :(

On your way back tot he main hallway, check out the painting of the
woman in this room (with the save spot. You'll enter a movie sequence
with James and Koudelka talking about Elaine. After that, go back to
the main hallway.
Area 37: (1 F) Going to Patrick's Room |
After making it back into the main hallway mentioned in Area 36, take
the route on the lower left, which takes you up a couple of boxes to a
door high up on the wall. Inside the room is a quiver of arrows. Check
out the device on the wall next to the door on the left (unlocks doors
at top of staircase). Now pass through the door on the right (forget
the left for now) to enter the top of the staircase, and walk across to
the door at the far left of the screen. You have just entered Patrick's
room. There is a scale on the right. Check the weight it gives. Go to
the other side of the room and pick up the stuff on Patrick's desk: roma
berry, rifle bullets, and Patrick's memo, which mentions 70 Kilo. Then
go through his fireplace.
Area 38: (B1 F) Secret passages |
At the bottom of the fireplace passage is a hallway. There's a twig on
the floor and a scale on the lower right side. The door on the upper
right side is locked. Step on the scale and answer the weight by
subtracting the number given from the scale in Patrick's room (45) from
70 kilos (as mentioned in the memo). Now you can enter the locked door
to a room with a little plank bridge in the center. Inside the next
room lay three items: one special necessary item, a shotgun6, and
shotgun bullets. If you follow the room tot the other end, you find the
door is locked. Head back to Patrick's room.
Area 39: (2 F) Talking with Bacon again |
Exit Patrick's room and go across the path at the top of the stairs to
the other room, and then go into he door at the left (next to the little
machine, the door I told you to forget about in area 37 :). You'll have
a little scene with Roger Bacon who rants (as usual). Make sure to go
back to the area mentioned in Area 15, where you picked up the rifle
bullets. There is a septic tank like thing with a spigot. Toggle the
spigot to fill a bottle up with a water sample (for nitro glycerin later
on). Now you can go back down to the room (through the fire place)
where the door was locked (plank bridge room mentioned in last area).
Go through the previously locked door and you will find a little
mechanical altar with four kings praying. You have to turn the kings a
certain way.
I think they start like this:
1> 2> <3 <4
and you want to get
<1 2> <3 4>
which can be obtained by answering yes, no, no, yes.
This room also has pistol bullets and a roma berry.
Area 40: (1 F) Entering the cathedral |
From the altar, go to the room through the door on the left. Then pick
up the shotgun shells on the floor and follow the path to the left. The
big door was unlocked by the mechanical altar you just adjusted. You'll
enter the cathedral at the main intersection. There are a few paths to
choose, up, down, or right. Go right, and keep going until you reach a
dead end. Go up to the altar and climb up to get the Chirubride heavy
sword (need the special item mentioned in Area 38). Go back to the main
intersection and check the door on the left. It's so sealed that only a
bomb can open it. Good to know. Head back to the main intersection and
go to the upper path. There is a save spot. If you already beat the
Gargoyle, or don't plan on doing it, fight the save spot guardian to
open the spot and end the 3rd disc.

BOSS: ???
HP: 8281
MP: 348
Tip: Light magic

The last boss just earned you the X Bow. Groovy.
Area 41: (1 F) Optional- Kill a Gargoyle |
Go back to the graveyard (right outside the room with the rack through
the hole in the wall, remember?). You should be on the screen mentioned
in Area 32 where the roma berry was. There is a path to the upper left
that you didn't take before. Take it now. You'll find yourself in the
room from area 25 that led to the entrance to the cathedral. The
Chirubride is a great weapon to take out that Gargoyle with, Might as
well get it over with. Afterwards, go back to the main intersection of
the cathedral and beat the save spot boss to enter the 4th disc.

V. DISC 4 |*
Area 42: (2 F) Back in Patrick's Office |
Go to Patrick's room. If you have the water sample from the sewer
area's septic tank (area 15) James will go in the lab and set up a
bottle of nitro glycerin. While he's at work, a dramatic conversation
occurs between Koudelka and Edward, in which they get drunk and Koudelka
trashes him. After the smoke settles, James has the bomb ready.
Area 43: (1 F) Gate crashing |
Take the bomb back to the cathedral and form the main intersection, head
to the door on the left that was sealed so tight. An FMV will start up
where the bottle bomb is placed at the foot of the door and Edward
shoots it, exploding the door open. Right after, the party enters the
room and finds a living plant organism that has grown to gigantic
proportions. You can either walk to the top or left of the screen. Go
left to observe a coffin (can be opened in a minute), and then take the
path to the upper screen. There is a staircase and an area in the rear
of the screen. First go to the rear to view the depth of the plant that
you are dealing with, then head all the way up the steps until you find
an organ like machine with keys you can push. There are eight rows with
four buttons each. Hit the first and third buttons on the third row
from the top, and the second and fourth buttons on the fifth row from
the top to open the coffin passage way at the bottom of the staircase.


Area 44: ( B1 F) Inside the coffin |
As the party explores the area beneath the coffin, they find the body of
Patrick. He's become plant food for the behemoth of a plant that has
taken over the castle. The scene cuts to the party sitting around a
camp fire trying to plan the next move. James flips out and tries to
cover the area in gasoline, telling Koudelka and Edward to split,
leaving James alone to die. If you talk to him, an FMV starts in which
he takes the old arm of Daniel (can you believe how long you carried
it?!), make a prayer to him for help and drops the arm in the water.
All of the sudden, flames burst and the party escapes to the outside.
Area 45: (1 F) Climbing the tower of the cathedral |
From the outside of the cathedral, you have to climb up to the fourth
floor of the tower (through about seven screens). During this time,
you'll have to fight the roots that are burning.

BOSS: Root A
HP: 5329
MP: 220
Tip: Earth resistant

BOSS: Root B
HP: 1020
MP: 409
Tip: Earth resistant

At the fourth floor you reenter the cathedral and see a huge blossom.
Make sure Koudelka has the pendant, or you're going to see the bad
ending (kind of cool actually). Walk up the right side of the room and
you'll enter an FMV (with or without the pendant), in which you come
face to face with Elaine's undead body.

BOSS: Elaine "Larvae"
HP: 11881
MP: 435
Tips: resistant to earth

After beating her, run up to the 7th floor of the tower (about 9
screens). While you run, Elaine will try to hunt you down. When you
reach the top, a FMV starts up in which Elaine transforms into her next
stage of growth.

BOSS: Elaine "Pupa"
HP: 22801
MP: 1020

The way you fight Elaine determines the ending you get. I tried to beat
her with straight up violence, but that earned me the sad ending. I'm
not sure, but I think that the way to earn the better ending is to let
Elaine take out Koudelka and Edward, and then have James take her out on
his own. Best advice is to send out Edward to slug it out with her, and
as he runs out to greet her, her mobility is hindered, so you can wait a
space behind the body of the fallen comrade and force her to resort to
her powerful magic.

VI. Item List |
---------->A. Weapons |
name: Hand (default)
type: Fist
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 0
Ammo: 0
Other: At least it doesn't break at all...

name: Fist
type: Fist
STR: 6~8
VIT: 0
DEX: 5~6
AGL: 12~14
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30
Ammo: -
Other: -

name: Baganaka
type: Fist
STR: 8~10
VIT: 0
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 16~18
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30
Ammo: -
Other: -

Name: Cashai
Type: Fist
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 9~10
INT: 5~6
PIE: 9~10
MND: 5~6
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 100~256
Ammo: -
Other: Elemental

Name: Lanbar
Type: Club
STR: 10~12
VIT: 3~4
DEX: 5~6
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Pipe
Type: Club
STR: 14~16
VIT: 4~5
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Rod
Type: Club
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 9
PIE: 9
MND: 9
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30
Other: Elemental

Name: Club
Type: Club
STR: 10~12
VIT: 3~4
DEX: 4~5
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Hammer
Type: Club
STR: 14~16
VIT: 4~5
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Mace
Type: Club
STR: 0
VIT: 4~5
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 5~6
PIE: 3~4
MND: 4~5
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30
Other: Super strong on Koudelka, plus makes her magic stronger.

Name: Sickle
Type: Club
STR: 18~20
VIT: 5~6
DEX: 8~9
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Daniel Cross
Type: Club
STR: 0
VIT: 6~7
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 8~9
PIE: 13~14
MND: 6~7
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 100~255
Other: elemental

Name: Roger's Tsue
Type: Club
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 99
PIE: 99
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 255
Other: elemental

Name: Knife
Type: Knife
STR: 4~6
VIT: 0
DEX: 4~5
AGL: 3~4
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: B Knife
Type: Knife
STR: 6~8
VIT: 0
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 4~5
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Dagger
Type: Knife
STR: 8~10
VIT: 0
DEX: 8~9
AGL: 6~7
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Dirk
Type: Knife
STR: 8~10
VIT: 0
DEX: 8~9
AGL: 6~7
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Saber
Type: Light sword
STR: 10~12
VIT: 0
DEX: 2~3
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 5~6
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Tarwo
Type: Light sword
STR: 16~18
VIT: 0
DEX: 4~5
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 8~9
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Rapier
Type: Light sword
STR: 10~12
VIT: 0
DEX: 4~5
AGL: 0
INT: 3~4
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: S Node
Type: Light Sword
STR: 12~14
VIT: 0
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 3~4
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Nerizen Node
Type: Light sword
STR: 16~18
VIT: 0
DEX: 16~17
AGL: -3~-2
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 16~17
Breaks after: 100~255

Name: W Node
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 12~14
VIT: 0
DEX: 6~7
AGL: -1~0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Scimitar
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 16~18
VIT: 0
DEX: 8~9
AGL: -2~-1
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: L Node
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 20~22
VIT: 0
DEX: 10~11
AGL: -3~-2
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: B Node
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 22~24
VIT: 0
DEX: 11~12
AGL: -3~-2
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Garahado Node
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 7~9
VIT: 0
DEX: 7~8
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 100~255
Other: elemental

Name: Chirubride
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 35~37
VIT: -5~-4
DEX: 35~37
AGL: -3~-2
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: -6~-5
Breaks after: 100~255
Other: Hp enhancer

Name: Sacnoth
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 70~72
VIT: 0
DEX: 23~25
AGL: 8~10
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 100~255

Name: Gargoyle claw
Type: Heavy sword
STR: 99
VIT: 99
DEX: 99
AGL: 99
INT: -20
PIE: -20
MND: -20
LUC: -20
Breaks after: 3

Name: Axe
Type: Axe
STR: 12~14
VIT: 4~5
DEX: -1~0
AGL: -2~-1
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Taberl
Type: Axe
STR: 20~22
VIT: 9~10
DEX: -2~-1
AGL: -4~-3
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: B Axe
Type: Axe
STR: 24~26
VIT: 10~11
DEX: -2~-1
AGL: -5~-4
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: W Axe
Type: Axe
STR: 27~29
VIT: 11~12
DEX: -3~-2
AGL: -6~-5
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Negation's Neno
Type: Axe
STR: 40
VIT: -10
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: -10
PIE: -10
MND: -10
LUC: -10
Breaks after: 15~30
Other: elemental

Name: Spear
Type: Spear
STR: 10~12
VIT: 3~4
DEX: 3~4
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: P Spear
Type: Spear
STR: 16~18
VIT: 4~5
DEX: 4~5
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Lance
Type: Spear
STR: 18~20
VIT: 5~6
DEX: 5~6
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Grieve
Type: Spear
STR: 22~24
VIT: 6~7
DEX: 6~7
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Izeluborn
Type: Spear
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 3~4
PIE: 6~7
MND: 4~5
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 100~255
Other: poison elemental

Name: Miton
STR: 6
VIT: 6~7
DEX: 0
AGL: 6~7
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: S Pata
STR: 8~10
VIT: 8~9
DEX: 0
AGL: 8~9
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: W Pata
STR: 10~12
VIT: 10~11
DEX: 0
AGL: 10~11
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Barbara
STR: 12~14
VIT: 12~13
DEX: 0
AGL: 12~13
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: 15~30

Name: Bow Gun
Type: Projectile
STR: 38~40
VIT: 0
DEX: 10
AGL: 4~5
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 1

Name: X Bow
Type: Projectile
STR: 56~60
VIT: 0
DEX: 20
AGL: 6~7
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 1

Name: Rifle RD
Type: Projectile
STR: 14~16
VIT: -6~-5
DEX: 18~20
AGL: 5~7
INT: 0
PIE: -6~-5
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 4

Name: Shotgun RD
Type: Projectile
STR: 23~25
VIT: -4~-3
DEX: 16~18
AGL: 7~9
INT: 0
PIE: -7~-6
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 2

Name: Rifle
Type: Projectile
STR: 6~8
VIT: -3~-2
DEX: 9~11
AGL: 3~5
INT: 0
PIE: -3~-2
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 12

Name: Shotgun 2
Type: Projectile
STR: 14~16
VIT: -4~-3
DEX: 8~10
AGL: 4~6
INT: 0
PIE: -4~-3
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 2

Name: Shotgun 6
Type: Projectile
STR: 21~23
VIT: -7~-6
DEX: 14~16
AGL: 7~9
INT: 0
PIE: -7~-6
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 6

Name: SA Pistol
Type: Hand gun
STR: 3~5
VIT: -2~-1
DEX: 4~6
AGL: 5~7
INT: 0
PIE: -2~-1
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 6

Name: DA Pistol
Type: Hand gun
STR: 6~8
VIT: -4~-3
DEX: 8~10
AGL: 4~6
INT: 0
PIE: -4~-3
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 6

Name: Old Pistol
Type: Hand gun
STR: 8~10
VIT: -5~-4
DEX: 10~12
AGL: 8~10
INT: 0
PIE: -5~-4
MND: 0
LUC: 0
Breaks after: -
Ammo: 10

----------->B. Armor |
Name: Rag
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 6~7
MND: 0
LUC: 2~3

Name: Sorsh (Sash?)
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 10~11
MND: 0
LUC: 3~4

Name: Robe
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 15~16
MND: 0
LUC: 5~6

Name: L Mail (leather)
STR: 0
VIT: 6~7
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 2~3

Name: C Mail (chain)
STR: 0
VIT: 15~16
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 5~6

Name: P Mail (plate)
STR: 0
VIT: 16~17
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 0
PIE: 0
MND: 0
LUC: 6~7
----------->C. Relics |
Name: Ring
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 3~4
PIE: 6~7
MND: 4~5
LUC: 0

Name: J Ring
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 7~8
PIE: 14~15
MND: 10~11
LUC: 0

Name: Brioche
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 8~9
PIE: 4~5
MND: 3~4
LUC: 0

Name: Badge
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 12~13
PIE: 6~7
MND: 4~5
LUC: 0

Name: Jewel
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 9~10
PIE: 6~7
MND: 12~13
LUC: 0

Name: Rosario
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 7~8
PIE: 5~6
MND: 10~11
LUC: 0

Name: Friar Brioche
STR: 0
VIT: 9~10
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 9~10
PIE: 7~8
MND: 5~6
LUC: 0

Name: Star Brioche
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 18~20
AGL: 0
INT: 9~10
PIE: 7~8
MND: 5~6
LUC: 0

Name: Pendant
STR: 0
VIT: 0
DEX: 0
AGL: 0
INT: 7~8
PIE: 5~6
MND: 10~11
LUC: 15~16
----------->D. Restore Items |
Pan (bread) -> HP + 150
Cheese -> Hp + 250
Drivers -> Hp + 350
Potion -> Hp + 500
Hi Potion -> Hp + 1500
Roma -> Hp + 9999 and Mp + 999
Listel -> Mp +40
Hi Listel -> Mp + 100
Elixir -> Hp and Mp to 9999
Whiskey ->revives fallen comrade

IVV. Miscelleneous |

10 21 32 43

01:11:11 -> Besh no yubiwa (some kind of finger ring)
02:22:22 -> Ogden's Shatsu (Ogden's undershirt)
03:33:33 -> kuronuni no esa (??? food)
04:44:44 -> Charu no Eben (
05:55:55 -> Tamacosoziru
10:10:10 -> Ogden's Ono (Ogden's Axe)
11:11:11 -> Gargoyle Claw
22:22:22 -> Roger's Tsue (Roger's cane)

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11.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

14.Oktober 2013
Kurz vor dem Kampf gegen den Endgegner.

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