WWF War Zone

WWF War Zone

17.10.2013 10:01:43

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Revision: 4.24
Date: 08.28.98

Written By Frank Chan warzone@icemaster.org
Presented by WWF War Zone Web Coverage



Frank Chan (aka. The IceMaster) is in no way associated with TitanSports,
Acclaim Entertainment, nor any other company involved in the licensing,
development, marketing, and/or distribution of WWF War Zone.

You may distribute this document in any form, free of charge. You may NOT
make modifications to it and claim it as your own work. If you would like
to include any of its contents on your own web site, please give credit
where credit is due.


WWF War Zone, the World Wrestling Federation, its logos, characters, and
their likenesses, are registered trademarks of TitanSports Inc.

Copyright (C) 1998 TitanSports Inc.

++ What's New? ++

Revision 4.24
A few minor changes.
Revision 4.23
Added Choke Slam when opponent is on the top turnbuckle (UT/Kane). Some
minor corrections.
Revision 4.22
Corrected the choosing your outfit and Rattlesnake for N64.
Revision 4.21
Changed the page URL, sorry about that.
Revision 4.20
Added "Running at Fallen Opponent" moves for everyone. A few other
minor additions and changes.
Revision 4.14
If you were having trouble getting the Basement cheats, make sure you
don't change difficulty settings during the course of the Challenge (ie.
started on Hard and changed to Medium for even one match, or vice versa)
both versions of the game default to Medium. From the numerous reports
I've received, it looks like the older attribute chart for N64 was
right. A few other minor changes.
Revision 4.13
Corrected the N64 attribute points distribution chart, should be right
now. Added (P) for Pins, (H) for rest holds, and (S) for submission
holds in the move listings, a big thanks to Crock Pac who was already in
the credits. Added a few misc moves for the custom move sets thanks to
Kevin Rossow, also already credited.
Revision 4.12
Added the FMV code for the PSX version, and the N64 attribute points
earning chart, I've yet to have time to confirm all of it so if anything
in it is wrong, feel free to drop me a line. Some minor changes and
Revision 4.11
Added the Scorpion Deathdrop (Reverse DDT) for the Pit Scorpion move
Revision 4.10
Added Dude Love and Cactus Jack as seperate sections. Some minor
corrections and additions.
Revision 4.02
Added way too many moves to list here, thanks a lot to Daniel Lee.
It seems you can earn Polished mode in the N64 version with ANYONE.
Obviously, you can't earn it more than once (as was the case with any
of the other cheats that can be earned by any one of two people) so the
first time you get the WWF title is when you unlock Polished. Added
more FAQ Q&A based on recent questions that have been asked too many
times. It also doesn't look like there's any way to get the remaining
cheats in the PSX version (the ones marked with question marks) other
than using a Game Shark, which usually means they were "dropped" from
the game before the final PSX version was ready for shipment (they were
"removed" without actually removing the game content) which happens
quite often in this business. Other minor changes.
Revision 4.01
Added Polished mode for N64. Apparently, Kane gives you both More Duds
AND Polished and Triple H gives you Polished in the N64 version. I
obviously don't have the time to test all of the Basement Features and
Modes so if you have tried getting the WWF title anyone in the N64
version, feel free to submit what you've discovered in the Basement if
it's different from what's listed here. Also added the N64 vs PSX
comparison above.
Revision 4.00
Added all the known secrets for the Nintendo 64 version of the game.
Removed the past "What's New" entries to shrink this down a bit.

++ N64 vs PSX ++

Here's a head-to-head comparison of the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation versions
of WWF War Zone for those of you who own both systems and are trying to
decide on which version to buy.

Graphics: N64
The graphics are much cleaner and more crisp in the N64 version, thanks
to the use of the 640x480 "Hi-Rez" screen mode. It eliminates the usual
"blurry" look that plagues most N64 titles. Of course, that's not to
say the PSX version's graphics are bad, they're amazing for a PSX game
actually, looks better than most other N64 games. On the nit-picky side
though, the cube on the selection screen explodes after loading the
character data in the PSX version but it just disappears with no effect
in the N64 version (which takes no time to load, of course) but if you
really care about details like these, then I'll point out the WWF logo
on the bottom left corner of the screen in the N64 version too, which
isn't in the PSX one.

Sound: PSX
Obviously, the PSX wins hands down when it comes to sound. The real
theme music is included and more voices are in the game. On the other
hand, that's not to say the N64 version has bad sound for a cart-based
game either. The MIDI renditions of the theme music (at least most of
them) are horrible, but the intro and menu music are good renditions of
the originals, and the wrestlers' and commentators' voices are really
crisp, thanks to the space available on a 16MB cartridge. One thing
that really needs to be pointed out regarding the theme music though:
the PSX version plays only a LITTLE portion of the wrestler's theme in
his Challenge intro and doesn't play it at all in the post-match. The
N64 version, though plays as little of it in the Challenge intros, DOES
play it in the post-match (and it really does improve the feel of a
post-match celebration). So unless you like to sit there listening to
the music in Biography mode for a few hours, the real themes in the PSX
version are pointless.

Gameplay: Same
There are NO differences in the gameplay between the two versions. You
can tip the balance to either side if you have a preference for one of
the controllers over the other, but you're on your own with this one.

Overall: N64
I know this one will draw some heat, but honestly, I'd have to say the
N64 version is a better choice if you have both systems. The PSX
version has FMV's of the wrestlers challenging you to a grudge match but
they're not enough to make a game better. Of course, if you're a horny
teenage mark who actually likes watching those badly-rendered FMVs of
Sue inviting you into her limo or have so much time in your hands that
you like to just sit there listening to the theme music in the Biography
mode, you might like the PSX version more. For the rest of you: the N64
version isn't missing enough sounds to actually make it noticeable
during a match, and most of the MIDI renditions of the themes are
horrible, but I'd say that's all worth the trade for 2 extra game modes
(Royal Rumble and Gauntlet), no load time, and better in-game graphics.

++ Table of Contents ++

Section 1 ......................... Introduction
Section 2 ........... Frequently Asked Questions
Section 3 ............................. Controls
Section 4 ................. Basic Play Mechanics
Section 5 ....................... Shawn Michaels
Section 6 ......................... Steve Austin
Section 7 ...................... British Bulldog
Section 8 .............................. Faarooq
Section 9 .............................. Goldust
Section 10 ............................ Triple H
Section 11 ............................. Mankind
Section 12 ............................ The Rock
Section 13 ....................... Ahmed Johnson
Section 14 ........................... Bret Hart
Section 15 ........................... Owen Hart
Section 16 .......................... Undertaker
Section 17 ........................ Ken Shamrock
Section 18 ................................ Kane
Section 19 ............................ Thrasher
Section 20 ................................ Mosh
Section 21 ........................... Dude Love
Section 22 ......................... Cactus Jack
Section 23 .............. Cheesemeister Move Set
Section 24 ............... Pit Scorpion Move Set
Section 25 ................... Colossus Move Set
Section 26 ...................... Twist Move Set
Section 27 ................. PlayStation Secrets
Section 28 ................. Nintendo 64 Secrets
Section 29 ........................ WWF Attitude
Section 30 ...................... Finishers List
Section 31 ............................. Credits

++ SECTION 1: Introduction ++

Welcome to the WWF War Zone Text FAQ for the Sony PlayStation and
Nintendo 64 video game platforms. The latest revision of this FAQ can always
be found at WWF War Zone Web Coverage (http://warzone.sports-gaming.com) in
the Text FAQs section. If you have downloaded it from any other location,
please check to see if you have the latest revision before e-mailing me with
any questions or corrections you may find. As much as I appreciate feedback,
please understand that I receive an average to 30 to 70 e-mails per day, it
gets annoying when half of them are pointing out mistakes that I have already
corrected in a newer revision.

++ SECTION 2: Frequently Asked Questions ++

Why are Bret Hart, British Bulldog, and Ahmed Johnson still in the game?
WWF War Zone's development began between late 1996 and early 1997, long
before any of these three wrestlers left the World Wrestling Federation.
Since they left in late 1997 and early 1998, three new wrestlers were
added to the roster, while keeping these three in the game, (getting the
"best of both worlds" as Acclaim has put it): Kane, Headbanger Mosh, and
Headbanger Thrasher, all three of which were not originally in the game's
line-up when development began.

Why is Dustin Runnels still Goldust?
By the time Goldust became "himself" again (Dustin Runnels) by burning the
Goldust outfit and doing a "shoot" segment, WWF War Zone was already in the
process of being finalized. It was way too late to change the name text
throughout the game, re-film the movies of Goldust making challenges and
comments, and so on. Of course, you can make Dustin in his current form and
just give him the Goldust move set, if you like.

Are there any "codes" to unlock Basement cheats?
No. There are absolutely no codes (button sequences) to unlock the basement
cheats. The only way to unlock them is to earn it by winning the WWF title
with a particular wrestler (see the Secrets sections for details).

Are there going to be Game Shark codes in War Zone?
I've had a few people ask this, if you did you have no idea how a Game Shark
works. The Game Shark, and similar devices in the past such as the Game
Genie and Pro Action Replay, "patch" the game code in the RAM to produce
unintended effects. This is completely beyond the reach of the game's
developers. In most cases, any game that is popular enough that someone has
tried to make Game Shark codes for it (which are "hacks", if you will) does
"have Game Shark codes". But saying "there IS a way to access the cheats in
War Zone without getting the WWF title, use Game Shark codes!" (which I've
actually had a few people say to me) is like saying "You CAN get into any
house you want, pick the lock!". In a litteral sense: yes, of course you
can. Here is the Game Shark codes for unlocking all the secrets in the PSX
Unlock All Features 8007A0F0 07FF
8007A0F2 1000
Unlock All Modes 8007A0F4 3FFF
8007A0F6 2000
These are the only GS codes I will be including in this FAQ, possibly along
with Unlock All Features and Unlock All Modes for the N64 version once they
have been created. Check out the Game Shark Code Creators Club web site at
http://www.cmgsccc.com/ for other GS codes created so far.

How do you earn Attribute points for Created Wrestlers?
The highest possible number of Attribute points is 40, you're normally given
25. Here's a chart listing how to gain the remaining 15 points in the PSX

Game Mode Requirement and Difficulty Points
========= ========================== ======
CHALLENGE Win the WWF Title on Hard 6pts
VERSUS Win a match on Hard 2pts
TAG Win a match on Medium or Hard 3pts
CAGE Win a match on Medium or Hard 2pts
WEAPONS Win a match on Hard 2pts

Since the N64 version has extra game modes, the way to earn attribute points
is also different:

Game Mode Requirement and Difficulty Points
========= ========================== ======
CHALLENGE Win the WWF Title on Hard 4pts
ROYAL RUMBLE Win a Rumble on Medium 2pts
ROYAL RUMBLE Win a Rumble on Hard 3pts
GAUNTLET Win a match on Medium or Hard 2pts
VERSUS Win a match on Hard 1pts
TAG Win a match on Medium or Hard 1pts
CAGE Win a match on Medium or Hard 1pts
WEAPONS Win a match on Hard 1pts

Note: Apparently, you must win the Royal Rumble once on Medium and then once
on Hard to earn all of the possible 15 points. Also, you canNOT earn
the same amount twice (ie. win Versus on Hard twice to get 2pts), you
have the do each of the above once to earn all 15 points, that's why
they add up to 15.

For those of you who don't want to earn all 40 points with each of your
created wrestlers, just do it with one of them and create the rest by
loading your first one, changing him, and saving him in a new slot.

When does the Challenge mode end?
When you quit the game. There is no end to defending the WWF title after
you earn it, earning it is as much as you can accomplish in the mode. From
then on, it's just eternally defending your belt against challengers. Don't
bother continuing after winning the belt unless you have that much time on
your hands to kill.

Will there be a PC version?
Absolutely not. No reasons have been given up to this date so don't bother

What is the Fire Pro series and where can I find it?
The latest installment to the Fire Pro series is "Fire Prowrestling S: 6Men
Scramble" for the Sega Saturn. It's a 2D wrestling game with the most
innovative and realistic features, many of which still un-matched in any
other game including War Zone. Despite having a cult-following around
the world, it never made it to the American market, but you can order it,
along with an adaptor cartridge, from The Rage at http://www.therage.com/ if
you own a Saturn.

++ SECTION 3: Controls ++

Sony PlayStation
L1 = Dodge Left R1 = Dodge Right
L2 = Climb R2 = Run
/\ = Punch O = Tie Up
[] = Kick X = Block

Nintendo 64
L = Dodge Left R = Dodge Right
C-Up = Climb C-Right = Run
B Button = Punch C-Left = TieUp
A Button = Kick C-Down = Block

++ SECTION 4: Basic Play Mechanics ++

Power Meters
Your power meters starts off green. When it's drained you will be stunned
until the stun meter runs out, then your new power meter will be a more
yellowish shade of green. This will eventually get to shades of yellow,
orange, and finally red, at which time the wrestler is at his weakest.

The Stun (Recovery) Meter
When one of your power bars is drained, you will be stunned. While you're
stunned, you won't have control of yourself until the stun meter is drained.
Rapidly press buttons to recover faster. If your opponent is stunned, use
stomps, elbows, or whatever other moves you have for fallen opponents in
your arsenal.

The Hold Meter (Rest Holds)
When a wrestler is in a normal hold, the power meter will be replaced by
a red Hold meter with the word "HOLD" beside it. While it's draining, the
wrestler doing the hold mashes buttons to inflict more damage while the one
in the hold has to mash buttons to try to escape faster. The more worn out
you are, the longer you will stay in a hold.

The Pain Meter (Submission Holds)
When a wrestler has been put in a submission hold once his Power meter has
reached red, the Power meter is replaced by the Pain meter with "PAIN"
beside it. It starts to slowly empty out, but also fills up as more
pressure is applied by the wrestler doing the hold. The wrestler doing the
submission hold mashes buttons to apply more pressure, his opponent must
mash buttons to try to escape. If the Pain meter fills up, the wrestler in
the submission hold will submit.

The Pin Meter
When a wrestler is being pinned, the power meter will be replaced by the
red Pin meter. It slowly empties, and the wrestler being pinned can mash on
the buttons to try to empty it faster. Once it's empty, he will kick out,
so he must try to empty it before the referee counts to 3.

The Move Damage Meter
The small meter under your power bar is the Move Damage Meter. It shows how
much damage is being inflicted by the move you're performing.

The TieUp System
Use Block in a TieUp to Irish Whip (throw to ropes). Every wrestler in War
Zone has 9 moves (not counting the Irish Whip) that he can do from a TieUp.

1 Kick
2 Punch
3 TieUp
4 One Direction, Kick
5 One Direction, Punch
6 One Direction, TieUp
7 Two Directions, Kick
8 Two Directions, Punch
9 Two Directions, TieUp

The actual directions used for 7, 8, and 9 are different for each wrestler.
As a basic rule: Whoever tries the weaker move will win the TieUp. However,
you can pull off a more damaging move than the one your opponent is trying
by gaining a TieUp Advantage: The name of each wrestler appears white at
first. Performing non-TieUp moves will darken it to different shades, and
you'll have gained the advantage for a TieUp. The darker the shade, the
greater your advantage is. Here is a chart of the relative advantage:

White 0
Light Blue 1-3
Medium Blue 4-6
Dark Blue 7-9

You can win a TieUp if your Move Damage minus Advantage is less than your
opponent's Move Damage minus Advantage. For Example. If you throw a punch
(damage = 2) and your name is light blue (Advantage = 2), your total number
is 0. Your opponent uses a TieUp (Damage = 3) and his name is still white
(Advantage = 0). 3 - 0 = 3. You win the TieUp.
To further complicate this system, here's the way it avoids "cheesy" players
who always try the low damage moves:
TieUp moves 6 and 9 always beat move 1.
TieUp moves 5 and 8 always beat move 2.
TieUp moves 4 and 7 always beat move 3.

Basic Maneuvers
- When your opponent is standing on the apron facing inside, and you're
standing inside the ring, you can suplex him into the ring using TieUp,
or Kick or Punch him off of the apron and to the outside with Kick or
Punch respectively.
- When your opponent is standing inside the ring near the ropes and you're
on the apron, you can hip toss him to the outside with TieUp or Punch him
using Punch or Kick (you can't kick from that position, Kick button just
- When your opponent is outside on the arena floor and you're inside the
ring, you can do an attack to the outside when you're standing near the
ropes by hitting Kick or Punch (the move can be a Slingshot Dropkick,
Flying Clothesline, etc. depending on who you're using).
- When your opponent is outside on the arena floor and you're inside the
ring, you can do a running move to the outside by running toward the ropes
in the direction of your opponent and hitting Punch (usually a Slingshot
Cross Body Block), Kick (usually a Slingshot Diving Dropkick), or TieUp
right before you would bounce off the ropes.
- When your opponent is inside the ring or on the apron, and you're standing
outside on the arena floor, you can pull him outside with Punch, Kick or
TieUp (you can't use Kick if they're on the apron though).
- When your opponent is hooked on the corner face first, use Punch, Kick, or
TieUp to slam his head on the turnbuckle. Use R-TieUp or L-TieUp to
perform a Belly-to-Back Suplex.

Weapons Match
- To pick up a weapon in a Weapons Match, hit TieUp when you're stading over
it (while it's flashing white).
- Use the weapon you're holding with either Punch or Kick, hit TieUp again
to drop it.

Steel Cage Match
- When you're at the top of the cage in a cage match, hit Down to climb out
(you'll just drop back in if your opponent's power bar isn't red yet), or
either Punch, Kick, or TieUp to dive onto your opponent (a different move
depending on whether your opponent is up or lying down inside).
- When your opponent is at the top of the cage, you can shake the cage wall
with TieUp to make him fall off (unless he has climbed to the outer side
- When you're standing between your opponent and the cage wall in a Steel
Cage Match, hit R-Punch or L-Punch to slam his head onto the cage.

Tag Team Match
- To turn your attention to the other opponent in a Tag Match, hit the Climb
- To tag your partner in a Tag Match, hold the direction toward your partner
when you're standing near him.

Royal Rumble (N64 Only)
- To throw an opponent over the top rope, push him to the edge of the ring
until he's touching the ropes (if he isn't there already) when he's
stunned (standing). Now hit R-R-Block or L-L-Block (same as the Irish
Whip for everyone). It usually works better if you align yourself so that
you're directly facing the direction of the ropes and your opponent is
facing directly away from them while touching them.

Taunts and Poses
Every wrestler can taunt his opponent or show off to the crowd during a
match. These combinations work for everyone:
Taunt: Press Punch + Block
Pose: Press TieUp + Kick
(Note: If you do this near the ropes with Shawn Michaels, he leans
back on top of the ropes instead of doing his normal pose)
Flex: Press Punch+Block on Top Turnbuckle

Hints & Tips
- Much like performing in front of an audience as a real wrestler, you must
try to please the crowd in War Zone. Continually using the same moves will
not get them behind you.
- You can reverse an opponent's move by pressing Block at the right time.
Timing is very important, mashing on Block won't work.

Note on All Moves
The directional system in War Zone are NOT like typical fighting games.
When you see "Right" (R) listed, it's ALWAYS Right. When you see "Left" (L)
listed, it's ALWAYS Left. They are NOT relative to your position on the
screen (they're not "Forward"/"Toward" and "Back"/"Away").

Note on Finishers and "Hidden Moves"
Finishers and "Hidden Moves" canNOT be done in Training Mode. These are
moves that are not listed in the in-game menus. Unlisted moves aren't
necessarily "hidden moves" though, only the ones that can't be done in
Training mode. "Hidden moves" (and most finishers) usually involve three

Notations for Move Listings
(P) Pin (Triggers the PIN meter)
(H) Rest Hold (Triggers the HOLD meter)
(S) Submission Hold (Triggers the PAIN meter)

++ SECTION 5: "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels ++
"The Showstoppa'! The Main Event! The ICON!"

From: San Antonio, Texas.
Height: 6'1" Weight: 227lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 4
Toughness: 5
Speed: 9
Recovery: 6.5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-D-U-Kick+Block or L-D-U-Kick+Block FINISHER: Sweet Chin Music
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
U-U-Punch Arm Drag
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Body Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crucifix (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
U-U-Kick Flying Head Scissors
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Headlock Takedown
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-D-TieUp Small Package (P)
U-Punch or D-Punch Discus Punch
R-Punch or L-Punch Inside Forearm
U-Kick Drop Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Punch Standing Moonsault (P)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Running Elbow Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Reverse Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Leg Lock Chokehold (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-U-R-Kick or L-U-L-Kick Figure Four Leglock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Step Over Toe Hold (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Elbow to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Hold Block (When Still Facing Away) Moonsault (P)
U-U-Kick+TieUp Shooting Star Press
Kick+Block Fist Drop
Punch+TieUp Splash
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-Kick+TieUp or L-U-Kick+TieUp Hurricanrana
Hold Block (When Still Facing Away) Moonsault
Kick+Block Sunset Flip (P)
Punch+TieUp Bionic Elbow
Punch Drop Kick

Tied Up
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Double Underhook Suplex
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Brainbuster
R-D-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Samoan Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Arm Drag
Punch Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp German Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Victory Roll (P)
Punch Abdominal Stretch (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
U-D-U-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Top Rope Hurricanrana
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Monkey Flip
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Swinging DDT
Kick Chest Chop
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Splash in Corner

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Kick Hurricanrana
Kick Dropkick Against Running Opponent
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Punch+TieUp Running Hurricanrana
Kick Cross Body Block
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Crucifix (P)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Wild Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 6: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ++
"Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!"

From: Victoria, Texas.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 252lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 6.5
Toughness: 6
Speed: 5
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 6.5

Both Standing
R-R-U-TieUp+Block or L-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: Stone Cold Stunner
(WITH Setup Kick)
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Vertical Suplex
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Body Slam
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Clothesline
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Cobra Clutch (S)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Front Backbreaker (Pendulum)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Hammerlock (H)
D-D-Kick or U-U-Kick Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Short Arm Clothesline
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Spinebuster
R-Punch or L-Punch Inside Forearm
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
D-Kick or U-Kick or R-Kick or L-Kick Kick (to Stomach)
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Driving Elbow

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-U-D-Punch or L-U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Reverse Chinlock (H)
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
D-U-D-Kick or U-D-U-Kick STF (Stepover Toehold Facelock) (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Step Over Toe Hold (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Texas Cloverleaf (S)
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-R-Punch+Kick or L-L-Punch+Kick Frog Splash
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Driving Elbow
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-TieUp+Block or L-U-TieUp+Block Shoulder Tackle
Kick+Block Forearm Smash
Punch+TieUp Clothesline Off the Turnbuckle
Punch Bionic Elbow

Tied Up
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp FINISHER: Stone Cold Stunner
(Without Setup Kick)
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Brainbuster
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Powerbomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Inverted Atomic Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch DDT
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Hammerlock (H)
Punch Backbreaker
TieUp Fisherman's Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-L-D-TieUp or L-R-D-TieUp Reverse DDT
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Side Slam
Punch Cobra Clutch (S)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope SuperPlex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Repeated Elbows

Standing, Opponent Running
U-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Back Body Drop
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Kick Running Clothesline
Punch Lou Thesz Press with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 7: The British Bulldog ++

From: Manchester, England.
Height: 6'0" Weight: 253lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 8
Toughness: 6.5
Speed: 6
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
D-U-D-Punch+TieUp or U-D-U-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: Running Power Slam with Pin
D-U-U-Punch Hanging Vertical Suplex
D-D-U-TieUp Overhead Face Press
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-D-Punch Arm Drag
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Bearhug
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Body Slam
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Cricifix (P)
D-D-Kick Fireman's Carry
U-U-Kick Hip Toss
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Small Package (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Snapmare
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Forearm
U-Kick Dropkick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Punch Running Elbow Drop
TieUp Running Knee Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-U-L-Punch or L-U-R-Punch Camel Clutch (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Stump Puller (H)
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-D-L-Kick or L-D-R-Kick Boston Crab (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Texas Cloverleaf (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Spinning Toe Hold (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Kick+Block Splash
Punch+TieUp Kamikaze Headbutt
Punch Knee Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-L-TieUp+Block or L-R-TieUp+Block Clothesline
Kick+Block Body Press
Punch+TieUp Sunset Flip (P)
Punch Torpedo Dropkick

Tied Up
U-D-TieUp or D-U-TieUp FINISHER: Running Power Slam (P)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Double Underhook Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Hanging Vertical Suplex
R-Kick or L-Kick Fisherman's Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Samoan Drop
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Top Wristlock (H)
TieUp Chest Breaker
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-L-TieUp or L-U-R-TieUp Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Victory Roll (P)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Atomic Drop
Punch Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent Hooked on Corner
D-U-R-Kick or U-D-L-Kick Top Rope Superplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Oklahoma Stampede
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Super Plex
Kick Kick to Ribs
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Slap Face

Standing, Opponent Running
Kick Drop Kick Against Running Opponent
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Punch+TieUp Crucifix (P)
Kick Flying Shoulder Tackle
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Swinging Neckbreaker

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 8: Faarooq ++

From: Warner-Robins, Georgia.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 270lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 8
Toughness: 7
Speed: 4
Recovery: 6.5
Charisma: 4

Both Standing
U-U-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: The Dominator
D-D-R-TieUp or D-D-L-TieUp Overhead Gorilla Press Slam
R-R-U-Punch or L-L-U-Punch Choke Slam
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Bearhug
U-U-Kick Hip Toss
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Knee to Face
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Clothesline
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Shoulder Breaker
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Sidewalk Slam
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Spinebuster
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Swinging Neck Breaker
D-Punch or U-Punch Choke
R-Punch or L-Punch Forearm
L-Kick or R-Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-U-L-Punch or L-U-R-Punch Camel Clutch (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Knee to Back (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Blatant Choke (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-D-L-Kick or L-D-R-Kick Boston Crab (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Inverted STF (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Elbow to Groin
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-R-Punch+Kick or U-L-Punch+Kick Double Foot Stomp
Kick+Block Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Driving Elbow
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-TieUp+Block or L-U-TieUp+Block Shoulder Tackle
Kick+Block Forearm Smash
Punch+TieUp Clothesline
Punch Axe Handle Smash

Tied Up
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Sidewalk Slam
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Brainbuster
D-R-TieUp or U-L-TieUp Powerbomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Gut Wrench Power Bomb
R-Punch or L-Punch Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Northern Lights Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Chest Breaker
TieUp Side Slam
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-L-TieUp or L-U-R-TieUp Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Atomic Drop
Punch Full Nelson (S)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Guillotine Whip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Super Plex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Super Plex
Kick Choke With Boot
Punch Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
R-Punch or L-Punch Sidewalk Slam
Kick Boot to Face
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Flying Shoulder Tackle
Punch Running Clothesline

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 9: Goldust ++
"Remember the name of... Goldust."

From: Hollywood, California.
Height: 6'6" Weight: 260lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 6.5
Toughness: 7
Speed: 4
Recovery: 8
Charisma: 4

Both Standing
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Vertical Suplex
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Abdominal Stretch (H)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Body Slam
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
D-D-Kick Hip Toss
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Knee Breaker
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Neck Breaker
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Sleeper (S)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Snapmare
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Punch
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Slap
Kick Knee (Close) or Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Butt Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Stump Puller (H)
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-U-L-Kick or L-U-R-Kick Headbutt to Groin
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop Onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Spinning Toehold (H)
D-Kick Double Foot Stomp
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Kick+Block Butt Drop
Punch+TieUp Fist Drop
Punch Knee Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-TieUp+Block or L-U-TieUp+Block Shoulder Tackle
Kick+Block Forearm Smash
Punch+TieUp Flying Butt Bump
Punch Bionic Elbow

Tied Up
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Brainbuster
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Bulldog
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick DDT
R-Punch or L-Punch Vertical Suplex
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Samoan Drop
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Atomic Drop
TieUp Inverted Atomic Drop
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-D-D-TieUp+Block or L-D-D-TieUp+Block FINISHER: Curtain Call
L-R-D-TieUp Reverse DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Atomic Drop
Punch Abdominal Stretch (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Super Plex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Chest Drop
TieUp Repeated Elbows

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Punch Back Body Drop
Kick Dropkick
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Running Dropkick
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Uppercut From Knees

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 10: Triple H ++
"Two Words, Suck It!"

From: Greenwich, Connecticut.
Height: 6'4" Weight: 246lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 8
Toughness: 6.5
Speed: 5
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 4.5

Both Standing
R-D-L-Punch+TieUp or L-D-R-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: The Pedigree
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Clothesline
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
U-U-Punch Hammerlock (H)
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Knee Breaker
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Face
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Neck Breaker
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Fisherman's Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Sleeper (S)
D-Punch or U-Punch Inside Forearm
R-Punch or L-Punch Punch
D-Kick or U-Kick Kick
Punch Wild Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Fist Drop
Punch Knee Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-D-L-Punch or L-D-R-Punch Blatant Choke (H)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Knee to Back (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-U-R-Kick or L-U-L-Kick Figure Four Leglock (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Texas Cloverleaf (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Stepover Toe Hold (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Driving Elbow Drop
Punch Knee Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-R-TieUp+Block or U-L-TieUp+Block Cross Body Press
Kick+Block Diving Clothesline
Punch+TieUp Shoulder Tackle
Punch Axhandle Smash

Tied Up
R-D-Kick or L-U-Kick Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Double Underhook Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Power Bomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Fisherman's Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Northern Lights Suplex
Kick Hammerlock (H)
Punch Neck Breaker
TieUp Shoulder Breaker
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-U-TieUp or L-U-U-TieUp Shoulder Neckbreaker
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Atomic Drop
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Pump Handle Slam
Punch Cobra Clutch (S)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
Kick Choke with Boot
Punch Chest Chop
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
U-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Drop Toe Hold
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Clothesline

While Running
Kick Running Drop Kick
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Cross Body Block

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 11: Mankind ++
"Have a nice day!"

From: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 287lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 8
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6.5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: The Mandible Claw (S)
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Body Slam
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Clothesline
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Cobra Clutch (S)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Front Backbreaker (Pendulum)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Hip Toss
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Knee Breaker
D-D-Kick or U-U-Kick Leg Drag
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Neck Breaker
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: The Mandible Claw (S)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Knee to Back (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Indian Deathlock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Headbutt to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Punch+TieUp Splash
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-U-TieUp+Block Forearm Smash
Kick+Block Bionic Elbow
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Axhandle Smash

Tied Up
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp FINISHER: Mandible Claw (S)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Brainbuster
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Power Bomb
R-D-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Samoan Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Inverted Atomic Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch DDT
TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp Side Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crossface Chikenwing (H)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Nerve Hold (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Swinging DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Tree of Woe
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Forearm Smashes
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
U-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Drop Toe Hold
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Kick Swinging Neck Breaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 12: The Rock ++
"You smell what The Rock is cookin'?"

From: South Pacific.
Height: 6'5" Weight: 275lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 6.5
Toughness: 7
Speed: 6
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 4

Both Standing
R-R-U-Punch+TieUp or L-L-U-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: The Rock Bottom
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-L-U-Punch or L-R-U-Punch Maivia Hurricane
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Ace Crusher
U-U-Punch Arm Drag
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Headlock Takedown
D-D-Punch Japanese Armdrag
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Short Arm Clothesline
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Shoulder Breaker
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Spinebuster
R-Punch or L-Punch Discus Punch
U-Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Punch
Kick Standing Jump Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Running Knee Drop
TieUp Splash

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Reverse Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Scissor (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
D-U-D-Kick or U-D-U-Kick STF (Stepover Toehold Facelock) (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Inverted STF (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Spinning Toe Hold (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-R-Punch+Kick or L-L-Punch+Kick Frog Splash
Kick+Block Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Fist Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-R-TieUp+Block or U-L-TieUp+Block Cross Body Press
Kick+Block Diving Clothesline
Punch+TieUp Shoulder Tackle
Punch Dropkick

Tied Up
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Double Underhook Suplex
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Brainbuster
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Inverted Atomic Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Sidewalk Slam
Kick Arm Drag
Punch Shoulder Breaker
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-L-TieUp or L-U-R-TieUp Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Victory Roll (P)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Crossface Chikenwing

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Top Rope Hurricanrana
R-U-L-Punch or L-U-R-Punch Top Rope Super Plex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Swinging DDT
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Choke with Boot
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Splash in Corner

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Kick Hurricanrana
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Punch+TieUp Running Hurricanrana
Kick Running Dropkick
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Crucifix (P)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 13: Ahmed Johnson ++
"The Pearl River Powerhouse"

From: Pearl River, Mississippi.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 305lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 9
Toughness: 7
Speed: 4
Recovery: 4.5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-Kick+Block or L-R-U-Kick+Block FINISHER: Pearl River Plunge
R-R-U-Punch or L-L-U-Punch Choke Slam
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Bearhug
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Body Slam
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Power Bomb
U-U-Kick Hip Toss
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Kneebreaker
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Short Arm Clothesline
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Sidewalk Slam
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Snapmare
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Spinebuster
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Torture Rack (S)
R-Punch or L-Punch Discus Punch
D-Punch or U-Punch Inside Forearm
D-Kick or U-Kick Standing Jump Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Splash
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp (Can be Tripled)
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Fist Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-L-R-Kick or L-R-L-Kick Leg Lock (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Head Crunch (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Splash
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Wishbone Leg Splitter
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Splash
Punch Axe Handle Smash
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-L-Punch+Kick or L-R-Punch+Kick Kamikaze Headbutt
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Driving Elbow
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-TieUp+Block or L-U-TieUp+Block Shoulder Tackle
Kick+Block Forearm Smash
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Bionic Elbow

Tied Up
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Side Slam
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Brainbuster
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Power Bomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Samoan Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Bulldog
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Backbreaker
Punch Atomic Drop
TieUp Gutwrench Powerbomb
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Pump Handle Slam
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Side Slam
Punch Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Guillotine Whip
Kick Choke With Boot
Punch Backhand Chop
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Spinebuster
Kick Sidewalk Slam
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Flying Shoulder Tackle
Punch Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)
TieUp Running Clothesline

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 14: Bret "Hitman" Hart ++
"The Excellence of Execution"

From: Calgary, Alberta. Canada.
Height: 6'0" Weight: 235lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 6
Speed: 6.5
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 7

Both Standing
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Body Slam
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Clothesline
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crucifix (P)
D-D-Kick Fireman's Carry
D-D-Punch Drop Toe Hold
U-U-Kick Hip Toss
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Knee Breaker
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Leg Drag
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
D-D-TieUp Small Package (P)
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Spinebuster
R-Punch or L-Punch Inside Forearm
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
U-Kick Dropkick
Punch Punch
Kick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Splash

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-D-U-Punch or L-D-U-Punch Painkiller (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Leglock Chokehold (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Scissors (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block FINISHER: The Sharpshooter (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Headbutt to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Driving Elbow Smash
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-L-Punch+Kick or L-R-Punch+Kick Kamikaze Headbutt
Kick+Block Driving Elbow
Punch+TieUp Elbow Drop
Punch Knee Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-R-TieUp+Block or U-L-TieUp+Block Cross Body Press
Kick+Block Bionic Elbow
Punch+TieUp Sunset Flip (P)
Punch Dropkick

Tied Up
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Samoan Drop
R-D-Punch or L-U-Punch Piledriver
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Side Backbreaker (Pendulum)
R-Kick or L-Kick Neck Breaker
R-Punch or L-Punch Inverted Atomic Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Northern Lights Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Top Wristlock (H)
TieUp Atomic Drop
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp German Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Russian Leg Sweep
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Atomic Drop
Punch Crossface Chikenwing (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-L-R-Kick or L-R-L-Kick Top Rope Super Plex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Monkey Flip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Swinging DDT
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Forearm Smashes
Punch Climb and Pummel

Standing, Opponent Running
D-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Dropkick
Punch Drop Toe Hold
TieUp Back Body Drop

While Running
D-TieUp or U-TieUp Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch+TieUp Crucifix (P)
Kick Running Dropkick
Punch Hart Attack (Dropping Clothesline)
TieUp Swinging Neck Breaker

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 15: "The Black Hart" Owen Hart ++
"Enough is enough, and it's time for a change!"

From: Calgary, Alberta. Canada.
Height: 5'11" Weight: 227lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 6
Speed: 8
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Abdominal Stretch (H)
U-U-Punch Arm Drag
D-D-TieUp Double Underhook Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
U-U-TieUp Fisherman's Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Small Package (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Snapmare
D-Punch or U-Punch Inside Forearm
R-Punch or L-Punch Punch
D-Kick or U-Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Wild Punch
Kick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
D-Punch Splash
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Running Knee Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Leglock Chokehold (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
D-Punch Splash
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block FINISHER: The Sharpshooter (S)
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Reverse Indian Deathlock (S)
U-L-U-Kick or U-R-U-Kick Inverted STF (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Surfboard (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Wishbone Leg Splitter
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
D-Punch Splash
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Block while facing away Moonsault Press (P)
U-U-Kick+TieUp Shooting Star Press
Kick+Block Somersault Senton Splash
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Kamikaze Headbutt

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-R-Kick+TieUp or L-L-Kick+TieUp Spinning Heel Kick
Punch+Kick+TieUp Sunset Flip (P)
Kick+Block Hurricanrana
Punch+TieUp Missle Dropkick
Punch Forearm Smash

Tied Up
R-D-Kick or L-U-Kick Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Piledriver
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Double Underhook Suplex
R-Kick or L-Kick Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-Punch or L-Punch Samoan Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Arm Drag
Punch Neck Breaker
TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp German Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Atomic Drop
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Victory Roll (P)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Back Suplex
Punch Crossface Chickenwing (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
U-L-D-Punch or U-R-D-Punch Super Plex
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Corner Hurricanrana
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Monkey Flip
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Swinging DDT
Kick Kick to Ribs
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Splash in Corner

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Kick Hurricanrana
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Running Belly-to-Belly Suplex

While Running
Kick+Block Running Hurricanrana
Kick Spinning Heel Kick
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Flying Forearm

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 16: The Undertaker ++
"The Phenom"

From: Death Valley
Height: 6'10" Weight: 328lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 7
Toughness: 6.5
Speed: 4
Recovery: 7
Charisma: 4.5

Both Standing
D-D-D-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver (P)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Ace Crusher
D-D-Punch Choke Slam
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Shoulder Neck Breaker
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Short Arm Clothesline
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Snapmare
D-U-TieUp Throat Toss
D-Punch or U-Punch Choke (H)
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Thrust to Throat
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick or Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Head Crunch (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-R-Kick or L-R-L-Kick Leg Lock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Surfboard (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-L-Kick+TieUp or L-R-Kick+TieUp Driving Elbow Smash
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-L-Kick+TieUp or L-R-Kick+TieUp Forearm Smash
Kick+Block Axhandle Smash
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Dropkick

Tied Up
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Chokeslam
R-Kick or L-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch DDT
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Gutwrench Powerbomb
Kick Back Breaker
Punch Atomic Drop
TieUp Sidewalk Slam
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp Side Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Reverse DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Shoulder Neck Breaker

Opponent Hooked on Corner
D-D-U-Kick Top Rope Superplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Guillotine Whip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex
Kick Choke with Boot
Punch Climb and Pummel

Standing, Opponent Running
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Spinebuster
Kick Boot to Face
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Swinging Neck Breaker

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
U-U-TieUp Choke Slam
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 17: Ken Shamrock ++
"The World's Most Dangerous Man"

From: Sacramento, California.
Height: 6'1" Weight: 235lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 6
Toughness: 6
Speed: 7
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Ace Crusher
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Crucifix (P)
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Kneebreaker
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Leg Drag
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Reverse Painkiller (H)
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
U-U-Punch Short Arm Clothesline
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Sidewalk Slam
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Small Package (P)
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Swinging Neckbreaker
D-Punch or U-Punch Discus Punch
R-Punch or L-Punch Forearm
U-Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Wild Punch
Kick Kick to Thighs
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
D-Punch Standing Moonsault (P)
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Fist Drop
Punch Front Elbow

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-U-D-Punch or L-U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
U-R-U-Punch or U-L-U-Punch Fuji Arm Bar (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Leglock Chokehold (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Reverse Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Scissor (H)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-Kick+TieUp or L-R-U-Kick+TieUp FINISHER: Ankle Lock Submission (S)
R-U-L-Kick Reverse Fuji Leg Bar (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Texas Cloverleaf (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick STF (Stepover Toehold Facelock) (S)
D-Kick Falling Headbutt
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-R-Punch+Kick or L-L-Punch+Kick Frog Splash
Block while facing away Moonsault Press (P)
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Kamikaze Headbutt
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-Kick+TieUp or L-U-Kick+TieUp Hurricanrana
Kick+Block Cross Body Press
Punch+TieUp Shoulder Tackle
Punch Drop Kick

Tied Up
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Double Underhook Suplex
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-Kick or L-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Top Wristlock (H)
TieUp Sidewalk Slam
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-L-TieUp or L-U-R-TieUp Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Victory Roll (P)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Hurricanrana
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Super Plex
Kick Chest Chop
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Kick Hurricanrana
Kick Drop Toe Hold
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Running Belly-to-Belly Suplex

While Running
Punch+TieUp Running Hurricanrana
Kick Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Cross Body Block

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 18: Kane ++
"Through Hellfire and Brimstone!"

From: Unknown
Height: 7'0" Weight: 325lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 4
Recovery: 6
Charisma: 4

Both Standing
D-D-D-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver (P)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Ace Crusher
D-D-Punch Choke Slam
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Shoulder Neck Breaker
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Short Arm Clothesline
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Snapmare
D-U-TieUp Throat Toss
D-Punch or U-Punch Choke (H)
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Thrust to Throat
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick or Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Head Crunch (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-R-Kick or L-R-L-Kick Leg Lock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Surfboard (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-L-Kick+TieUp or L-R-Kick+TieUp Driving Elbow Smash
Kick+Block Double Foot Stomp
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-L-Kick+TieUp or L-R-Kick+TieUp Forearm Smash
Kick+Block Axhandle Smash
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Dropkick

Tied Up
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Chokeslam
R-Kick or L-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch DDT
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Gutwrench Powerbomb
Kick Back Breaker
Punch Atomic Drop
TieUp Sidewalk Slam
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp Side Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Reverse DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Shoulder Neck Breaker

Opponent Hooked on Corner
D-D-U-Kick Top Rope Superplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Guillotine Whip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex
Kick Choke with Boot
Punch Climb and Pummel

Standing, Opponent Running
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Spinebuster
Kick Boot to Face
Punch Clothesline
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Swinging Neck Breaker

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
U-U-TieUp Choke Slam
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 19: Headbanger Thrasher ++

From: His Own Private Hell
Height: 6'2" Weight: 245lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 4.5
Toughness: 5
Speed: 8
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 6.5

Both Standing
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-U-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Ace Crusher
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Crucifix (P)
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Fireman's Carry
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Headlock Takedown
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Reverse Painkiller (H)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Sidewalk Slam
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Spinebuster
R-Punch or L-Punch Inside Forearm
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
U-Kick Dropkick
Punch Wild Punch
Kick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Punch Standing Moonsault (P)
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Running Elbow Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Leglock Chokehold (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Scissor (H)
D-Punch Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-D-L-Kick or L-D-R-Kick Boston Crab (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow to Groin
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Reverse Indian Deathlock (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick STF (Stepover Toehold Facelock) (S)
D-Punch Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Leg Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-U-U-Punch+Kick or L-U-U-Punch+Kick FINISHER: Stage Dive
U-U-Kick+TieUp Shooting Star Press
Kick+Block Leg Drop
Punch+TieUp Somersault Senton Splash
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-Kick+TieUp or L-U-Kick+TieUp Hurricanrana
Kick+Block Cross Body Press
Punch+TieUp Sunset Flip (P)
Punch Axhandle Smash

Tied Up
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-D-Punch or L-U-Punch Sidewalk Slam
R-D-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Brainbuster
R-Kick or L-Kick Fisherman's Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Side Slam
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Samoan Drop
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Neck Breaker
TieUp Inverted Atomic Drop
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-U-L-TieUp or L-U-R-TieUp Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Shoulder Neckbreaker
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Side Slam
Punch Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-D-R-Punch or L-D-L-Punch Super Plex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Flying Head Scissors
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Hurricanrana
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Swinging DDT
Punch Chest Chop
TieUp Splash in Corner

Standing, Opponent Running
U-Kick Hurricanrana
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Power Slam
TieUp Spinebuster

While Running
Kick Flying Forearm
Punch Flying Clothesline
TieUp Swinging Neckbreaker

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 20: Headbanger Mosh ++

From: His Own Private Hell
Height: 6'0" Weight: 243lbs.
Personality: Fan Favorite (face)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 6
Speed: 7
Recovery: 5
Charisma: 6

Both Standing
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Ace Crusher
U-U-Punch Arm Drag
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Crucifix (P)
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Double Underhook Suplex
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Flying Head Scissors
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
U-D-TieUp Hip Toss
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Knee to Face
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Kneebreaker
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Leg Drag
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Neck Breaker
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Reverse Painkiller (H)
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
R-Punch or L-Punch Punch
U-Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Wild Punch
Kick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Standing Moonsault (P)
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Splash

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Leglock Chokehold (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-U-D-Kick or L-U-D-Kick Wishbone Leg Splitter
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Elbow to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Kick+Block Driving Elbow
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Kamikaze Headbutt

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-L-U-TieUp+Block or L-R-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: Mosh Pit (P)
R-L-Kick+TieUp or L-R-Kick+TieUp Hurricanrana
Block while facing away Moonsault
Kick+Block Cross Body Press
Punch+TieUp Shoulder Tackle
Punch Drop Kick

Tied Up
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Brainbuster
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Double Underhook Suplex
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Power Bomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Sidewalk Slam
R-Punch or L-Punch Samoan Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Shoulder Neck Breaker
TieUp Gut Wrench Powerbomb
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp German Suplex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Victory Roll (P)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Shoulder Neckbreaker

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-L-D-Kick or L-R-D-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Monkey Flip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Suplex
Punch Chest Chop
TieUp Splash in Corner

Standing, Opponent Running
R-Punch or L-Punch Sidewalk Slam
Kick Dropkick
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 21: Dude Love ++

From: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 287lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 8
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6.5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: Double Arm DDT
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Body Slam
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Clothesline
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Cobra Clutch (S)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Front Backbreaker (Pendulum)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Hip Toss
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Knee Breaker
D-D-Kick or U-U-Kick Leg Drag
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Neck Breaker
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: The Mandible Claw (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Knee to Back (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Indian Deathlock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Headbutt to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Punch+TieUp Splash
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-U-TieUp+Block Forearm Smash
Kick+Block Bionic Elbow
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Axhandle Smash

Tied Up
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp FINISHER: Mandible Claw (S)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Brainbuster
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Power Bomb
R-D-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Samoan Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Inverted Atomic Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch DDT
TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp Side Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crossface Chikenwing (H)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Nerve Hold (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Swinging DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Tree of Woe
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Forearm Smashes
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
U-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Drop Toe Hold
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Kick Swinging Neck Breaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 22: Cactus Jack ++
"Bang bang!"

From: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 287lbs.
Personality: Rule Breaker (heel)

Strength: 5
Toughness: 8
Speed: 5
Recovery: 6.5
Charisma: 5

Both Standing
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: Double Arm DDT
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Body Slam
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Clothesline
D-D-TieUp or U-U-TieUp Cobra Clutch (S)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick DDT
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Front Backbreaker (Pendulum)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Hip Toss
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Knee Breaker
D-D-Kick or U-U-Kick Leg Drag
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Neck Breaker
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Samoan Drop
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Single Arm DDT
D-Punch or U-Punch Haymaker
R-Kick or L-Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
Kick Leg Drop
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Leg Drop
Punch Fist Drop
TieUp Falling Headbutt

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-TieUp+Block FINISHER: The Mandible Claw (S)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Knee to Back (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Indian Deathlock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Elbow Drop onto Leg
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Headbutt to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
U-U-Punch+Kick Somersault Senton
Punch+TieUp Splash
Punch Elbow Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-U-TieUp+Block Forearm Smash
Kick+Block Bionic Elbow
Punch+TieUp Diving Clothesline
Punch Axhandle Smash

Tied Up
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp FINISHER: Mandible Claw (S)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Brainbuster
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Power Bomb
R-D-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Samoan Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Inverted Atomic Drop
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Vertical Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch DDT
TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-U-TieUp or L-L-U-TieUp Side Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crossface Chikenwing (H)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Reverse DDT
Punch Nerve Hold (H)

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Swinging DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Tree of Woe
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Superplex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Forearm Smashes
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
U-TieUp Power Slam
Kick Drop Toe Hold
Punch Back Body Drop
TieUp Arm Drag

While Running
Kick Swinging Neck Breaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 23: Cheesemeister Move Set ++

Both Standing
R-R-U-Punch+TieUp or L-L-U-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: Running Power Slam
(Without Pin)
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-D-U-Punch or L-D-U-Punch Hanging Vertical Suplex
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Drag
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Arm Wrench (H)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Body Slam
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Crucifix (P)
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Fireman's Carry
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Headlock Takedown
U-U-Punch Hip Toss
D-D-Punch Japanese Arm Drag
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Small Package (P)
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Spinebuster
R-Punch or L-Punch Snapmare
U-Kick Standing Dropkick
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Leg Lock Choke Hold (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Painkiller (S)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Camel Clutch (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Leg Grapevine (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Texas Cloverleaf (S)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Boston Crab (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
R-L-Punch+Kick or L-R-Punch+Kick Frog Splash
Kick+Block Diving Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Diving Fist Drop
Punch Double Foot Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
R-U-Punch+Kick or L-U-Punch+Kick Hurricanrana
Kick+Block Shoulder Tackle
Punch Missle Dropkick

Tied Up
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp FINISHER: Running Power Slam (P)
D-R-Kick or D-L-Kick Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Brainbuster
D-U-TieUp Hanging Vertical Suplex
R-Kick or L-Kick Northern Lights Suplex
R-Punch or L-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Arm Drag
Punch Hip Toss
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Belly-to-Back Suplex
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Side Slam
Punch Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Swinging DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Super Plex
Kick Kick in Corner
Punch Chest Chop
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Drop Toe Hold
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 24: Pit Scorpion Move Set ++

Both Standing
R-L-U-Kick or L-R-U-Kick Hurricanrana
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Vertical Suplex
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Fireman's Carry
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Leg Drag
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Headlock Takedown
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Small Package (P)
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Snapmare
D-D-Kick Drop Toe Hold
U-U-Kick Knee Breaker
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Neck Breaker
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick DDT
U-U-TieUp Crucifix (P)
R-U-TieUp or L-U-TieUp Body Slam
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Samoan Drop
U-Kick Dropkick
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Short Arm Scissor (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block FINISHER: Scorpion Deathlock (S)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Headbutt to Groin
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Kick+Block Diving Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Diving Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
U-U-TieUp Sunset Flip (P)
Kick+Block Missle Dropkick
Punch+TieUp Cross Body Press
Punch Bionic Elbow

Tied Up
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Double Underhook Suplex
D-U-TieUp or U-D-TieUp Piledriver
R-Kick or L-Kick Inverted Atomic Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Neck Breaker
R-TieUp or L-TieUp DDT
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Top Wristlock (H)
TieUp Atomic Drop
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
U-D-U-TieUp Scorpion Deathdrop (Reverse DDT)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Pump Handle Slam
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Side Slam
Punch Atomic Drop

Opponent Hooked on Corner
R-L-U-TieUp or L-R-U-TieUp Stinger Splash (Splash in Corner)
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Swinging DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Monkey Flip
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Super Plex
Kick Kick on Corner
Punch Forearm Smashes
TieUp Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Drop Toe Hold
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 25: Colossus Move Set ++

Both Standing
D-U-D-Punch+TieUp or U-D-U-Punch+TieUp FINISHER: Choke Slam
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-U-TieUp Throat Toss
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Gut Wrench Powerbomb
U-D-TieUp Short Arm Clothesline
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Neck Breaker
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Body Slam
D-D-Punch Hip Toss
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Snapmare
D-D-Kick Arm Drag
U-U-Kick Knee Breaker
U-Kick Standing Dropkick
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Arm Wrench (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Head Crunch (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Knee to Inside Leg (H)
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Surfboard (H)
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Leg Lock (S)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Kick+Block Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Diving Fist Drop

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
Kick+Block Axhandle Smash
Punch Bionic Elbow

Tied Up
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Piledriver
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Power Bomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Sidewalk Slam
R-Punch or L-Punch Gutwrench Powerbomb
R-TieUp or L-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Hip Toss
Punch Atomic Drop
TieUp Back Breaker
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Reverse DDT
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Shoulder Neckbreaker
Punch Atomic Drop

Opponent Hooked on Corner
D-U-TieUp Guillotine Whip
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Splash in Corner
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Top Rope Double Underhook Suplex
Kick Choke With Boot
Punch Charging Shoulder

Standing, Opponent Running
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Drop Toe Hold
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 26: Twist Move Set ++

Both Standing
R-L-U-Punch+Block or L-R-U-Punch+Block FINISHER: Torture Rack (S)
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Vertical Suplex
R-R-Block or L-L-Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Bearhug
R-D-Kick or L-D-Kick Sidewalk Slam
R-U-Kick or L-U-Kick Knee Breaker
R-U-Punch or L-R-Punch Gut Wrench Power Bomb
R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp Snapmare
D-D-Punch DDT
U-U-Kick Hip Toss
R-D-Punch or L-D-Punch Body Slam
L-L-TieUp Neck Breaker
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Samoan Drop
D-D-Punch or U-U-Punch Short Arm Clothesline
U-Kick Drop Kick
D-Punch or U-Punch European Uppercut
R-Punch or L-Punch Haymaker
Kick Kick
Punch Punch
Kick Quick Kick
TieUp TieUp

Standing Over Fallen Opponent
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pin

Running at Fallen Opponent
Kick Running Knee Drop
Punch Fist Drop

Standing at the Head of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Rear Chinlock (H)
R-L-Punch or L-R-Punch Leg Lock Chokehold (H)
D-U-Punch or U-D-Punch Head Crunch (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp
TieUp Pickup By Head

Standing at the Feet of Fallen Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Wishbone Leg Splitter
R-L-Kick or L-R-Kick Elbow Drop Onto Leg
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Half Crab (H)
D-Kick Knee Drop
D-Punch Elbow Drop
Punch Fist Drop
Kick Stomp

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Down
Kick+Block Diving Knee Drop
Punch+TieUp Frog Splash
Punch Driving Elbow Smash

On Top Turnbuckle, Opponent Standing
Kick+Block Shoulder Tackle
Punch+TieUp Axhandle Smash
Punch Flying Clothesline

Tied Up
D-U-Kick or U-D-Kick Brainbuster
R-U-Punch or L-U-Punch Piledriver
R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp Power Bomb
R-Kick or L-Kick Samoan Drop
R-Punch or L-Punch Bulldog
R-TieUp or L-TieUp DDT
Kick Arm Drag
Punch Hip Toss
TieUp Back Breaker
Block Whip (Throw to Ropes)

Behind Opponent
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Side Slam
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Belly-to-Back Suplex
Punch Pump Handle Slam

Opponent Hooked on Corner
U-D-U-Punch Super Plex
R-R-Kick or L-L-Kick Guillotine Whip
R-R-Punch or L-L-Punch Swinging DDT
R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Kick Choke with Boot
Punch Climb and Pummel
TieUp Backhand Chop

Standing, Opponent Running
Kick Standing Dropkick
Punch Drop Toe Hold
TieUp Power Slam

While Running
Kick Swinging Neckbreaker
Punch Running Clothesline
TieUp Double Leg Takedown with Punches (H)

Standing, Opponent on Top Turnbuckle
Punch Punch
TieUp Pull Opponent Off

++ SECTION 27: PlayStation Secrets ++

FMV Movies Code
In the PSX version, you can enter the following code at the Title ("Press
Start") screen to view all the FMV (Full-Motion Video) movies in the game:
1) Up+Triangle, Right+O, Down+X, Left+Square x4
2) R1+L1, R2+L2 x2
You'll see "Movie 1". Use Up and Down to scroll through them and hit X to
play it.

Random Select
To let the computer choose a wrestler for you at the selection screen, hold
Up and hit Block.

Choosing Your Outfit
Most of the wrestlers have two outfits, Austin and Goldust have four. For
your first outfit, you can hold L1 when choosing your wrestler or just
choose him normally. For the wrestler's second outfit, hold L2 while you
choose him. For Austin or Goldust's third outfit, hold R1 when choosing,
or for their fourth outfit, hold R2 when choosing.

Call for a Run-In
To call for a certain wrestler to run in during a match, hold all four top
buttons (L1+L2+R1+R2) and press a direction + a button. Each combination
of a direction and a button corresponds to each of the 16 wrestlers in the
game. Note: it becomes a Handicap match with you and whoever you called in
against your opponent, but no matter what happens, your opponent will win by
Disqualification. Also, it can only be done in a 1-on-1 Match (either VS or
Challenge mode). Here are the combinations corresponding to the wrestler
it calls out:

Button Combination Wrestler
================== ========
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Kick Steve Austin
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Punch Faarooq
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+TieUp Mankind
L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Block Ahmed Johnson
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Kick Ken Shamrock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Punch Kane
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+TieUp Thrasher
L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Block Mosh
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Kick The British Bulldog
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Punch Shawn Michaels
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+TieUp Bret Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Block Owen Hart
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Kick The Rock
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Punch Goldust
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+TieUp Triple H
L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Block The Undertaker

The Basement
To access the basement, hit L1 and then R1 at the elevator (Main Menu).
It's a menu with a FEATURES and MODES column. Winning the WWF title in the
Challenge mode on Medium or Hard with a certain wrestler will earn a
particular Feature or Mode.
NOTE: You MUST stay on either Medium or Hard throughout your Challenge. If
you change the difficulty setting (ie. started in Hard, changed to
Medium half way through, or vice versa) you will NOT earn the cheat.

FEATURES Win With Description
======== -------- -----------

Cactus and Dude Mankind Unlocks Cactus Jack and Dude Love as
hidden characters.
Ladies Night Shawn Michaels Unlocks the FEMALE body type for use in
or Triple H the creation mode.
Sue Bret Hart Unlocks Sue the ring girl as a hidden
or Owen Hart character found under "Custom". She uses
Bret's move set.
Trainer N/A (Just Unlocks the Trainer (Jeff Robinson, a
Access the game tester) as a hidden character found
Training Mode) under "Custom". He is uses Bulldog's move
New Duds Kane Adds more shirts, jackets, etc. for use in
the creation mode.
Extra Gold Goldust Unlocks Goldust's 3rd (DustyDust) and 4th
(MarilynDust) outfits. See "Choosing Your
Outfit" in this section.
Extra Cold Steve Austin Unlocks Austin's 3rd (Jeans & Black Vest)
and 4th (Jeans and AUSTIN 3:16 T-Shirt)
outfits. See "Choosing Your Outfit" in
this section.
RattleSnake Any "Custom" Unlocks RattleSnake (a "maxed out" Steve
Wrestler Austin) as a hidden character under

MODES Win With Description
===== -------- -----------

Beans Either of the Makes players burp and fart during matches
Headbangers when it's enabled.
Big Head Bulldog and Inflates the size of the wrestlers' heads.
The Rock
Ego Ahmed Johnson Makes the wrestler's head inflate when he
gets cheered, and shrink when he gets
No Meters Undertaker Removes all of the power meters.
No Wimps Ken Shamrock Disables Blocking.
or Faarooq

++ SECTION 28: Nintendo 64 Secrets ++

Random Select
To let the computer choose a wrestler for you at the selection screen, hold
Up and hit Kick.

Choosing Your Outfit
Most of the wrestlers have two outfits, Austin and Goldust have four. For
your first outfit, you can hold C-Down when choosing your wrestler or just
choose him normally. For the wrestler's second outfit, hold C-Right while
you choose him. For Austin or Goldust's third outfit, hold Top R when
choosing, or for their fourth outfit, hold C-Up when choosing.

Call for a Run-In
To call for a certain wrestler to run in during a match, hold both of the
top buttons as well as the Z trigger (L+R+Z) and press a direction on the
digital pad + an attack button. There are 16 combinations of a direction
and a button, each corresponding to one of the 16 wrestlers in the game.
Note: it becomes a Handicap match with you and whoever you called in
against your opponent, but no matter what happens, your opponent will win by
Disqualification. Also, it can only be done in a 1-on-1 Match (either VS or
Challenge mode). Here are the combinations corresponding to the wrestler
it calls out:

Button Combination Wrestler
================== ========
L+R+Z+Up+Kick Steve Austin
L+R+Z+Up+Punch Faarooq
L+R+Z+Up+TieUp Mankind
L+R+Z+Up+Block Ahmed Johnson
L+R+Z+Down+Kick Ken Shamrock
L+R+Z+Down+Punch Kane
L+R+Z+Down+TieUp Thrasher
L+R+Z+Down+Block Mosh
L+R+Z+Left+Kick The British Bulldog
L+R+Z+Left+Punch Shawn Michaels
L+R+Z+Left+TieUp Bret Hart
L+R+Z+Left+Block Owen Hart
L+R+Z+Right+Kick The Rock
L+R+Z+Right+Punch Goldust
L+R+Z+Right+TieUp Triple H
L+R+Z+Right+Block The Undertaker

The Basement
To access the basement, hit the top L and then the top R at the elevator
(Main Menu). It's a menu with a FEATURES and MODES column. Winning the WWF
title in the Challenge mode in either Medium or Hard with a certain wrestler
will earn a particular Feature or Mode.
NOTE: You MUST stay on either Medium or Hard throughout your Challenge. If
you change the difficulty setting (ie. started in Hard, changed to
Medium half way through, or vice versa) you will NOT earn the cheat.

FEATURES Win With Description
======== -------- -----------

Cactus and Dude Mankind Unlocks Cactus Jack and Dude Love as
hidden characters.
Ladies Night Shawn Michaels Unlocks the FEMALE body type for use in
or Triple H the creation mode.
Sue Bret Hart Unlocks Sue the ring girl as a hidden
or Owen Hart character found under "Custom". She uses
Bret's move set.
Pamela ?? Unlocks Pamela (Iguana Staff member) as a
hidden character found under "Custom".
She uses Triple H's move set.
Trainer N/A (Just Unlocks the Trainer (Jeff Robinson, a
Access the game tester) as a hidden character found
Training Mode) under "Custom". He is uses Bulldog's move
New Duds Kane Adds more shirts, jackets, etc. for use in
the creation mode.
Turok ?? Unlocks Turok the Dinosaur Hunter as a
hidden character under "Custom". He uses
The Rock's move set.
Extra Gold Goldust Unlocks Goldust's 3rd (DustyDust) and 4th
(MarilynDust) outfits. See "Choosing Your
Outfit" in this section.
Extra Cold Steve Austin Unlocks Austin's 3rd (Jeans & Black Vest)
and 4th (Jeans and AUSTIN 3:16 T-Shirt)
outfits. See "Choosing Your Outfit" in
this section.
RattleSnake Any "Custom" Unlocks RattleSnake (a "maxed out" Steve
Wrestler Austin) as a hidden character under
** NOTE ** In order to get Rattlesnake in
the N64 version, you must first beat VS,
Tag, Cage, and Weapons mode on Hard with
your created wrestler before winning the
WWF title in Challenge with him.
Pasta ?? Unlocks Long Hair for use in the creation

MODES Win With Description
===== -------- -----------

Beans Either of the Makes players burp and fart during matches
Headbangers when it's enabled.
Shorty ?? Makes the wrestlers short.
Big Head Bulldog and Inflates the size of the wrestlers' heads.
The Rock
Squeaky ?? Vince McMahon's and Jim Ross' voices are
Bigfoot ?? Inflates the size of the wrestlers' feet.
Giant ?? Makes the players huge?
Ego Ahmed Johnson Makes the wrestler's head inflate when he
gets cheered, and shrink when he gets
Little Head ?? Makes players heads small.
Headless ?? Makes the players headless.
Hangmen ?? Makes players tall and skinny.
No Meters Undertaker Removes all of the power meters.
No Wimps Ken Shamrock Disables Blocking.
or Faarooq
Polished Anyone Makes the floor and ring canvas shiny.

++ SECTION 29: WWF Attitude ++

WWF Raw is War
Catch Raw and War Zone (the half of the show from which this game's
title came), Monday Nights at 8:57PM Eastern on the USA Network.
Seen on TSN in Canada, check local listings.

Check local listings for other weekly World Wrestling Federation programs,
including Shotgun Saturday Night (or WWF New York), SuperStars, Challenge,
and Live Wire.

Pay-Per-View Time of Year Description
------------ ------------ -----------

Royal Rumble Late January Features the 30-man Royal Rumble matchup
in which two participants start off, and
a new one enters the ring every 2 minutes.
Participants are eliminated by being
thrown over the top rope and onto the
arena floor. Once all 30 have entered,
the last man remaining is declared the
winner of the Royal Rumble.

WrestleMania Late March One of, if not the, most recognized
events in the world. The WWF's biggest
card of the year, showcasing its biggest
stars and usually including appearances
by celebrities.

King of the Ring Mid/Late June Features the elimination tournament that
determines the year's World Wrestling
Federation King of the Ring. Such names
as Bret "Hitman" Hart and "Stone Cold"
Steve Austin have acquired this crown in
the past.

SummerSlam August The World Wrestling Federation's major
card in the sizzling summer season.
Similar to a WrestleMania, but with no
celebrities and lots of heat.

Survivor Series Late November Features four-on-four elimination matches
in which teams take part in tag team
action. Members of the teams are
individually eliminated, the first team
to lose all of its members loses the

For the months of February, April, May, July, September, October, and
December, the World Wrestling Federation presents "In Your House"
Pay-Per-View cards with a subtitle oriented to its storylines.
All Pay-Per-View cards are now approximately 3 hours long.

++ SECTION 30: Finishers Quick Reference Sheet ++

The following is a quick reference sheet that contains all of the
wrestlers' individual Finishing Moves for your convenience. You may cut it
out and distribute it seperately in printed form or as an individual text
file. However, I ask that you please leave it unmodified, and put a link to
the WWF War Zone Web Coverage site at http://warzone.sports-gaming.com/ if
you want to distribute it on your own web site.

Directions Explaination
When a move is listed with a yellow AND green direction, it means that you
can use either one. For example, if the first green is Up and the second
green is Down, while the first yellow is Down, and the second is Up, it
means that you can use Down - Up OR Up - Down. If both greens are Down and
both yellows are Up, it means you can use Up - Up OR Down - Down. Some of
the finishers that involve directions work this way too, so in order to
eliminate some of the confusion, I will list ONE way to do it. If you see
it listed elsewhere in a different way, it's likely that neither are wrong.
Unlike the typical fighting game system, Right and Left are NOT relative to
your position in War Zone.

L = Left R = Right U = Up D = Down

cut here --> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WWF War Zone PSX and N64 Finishers Quick Reference Sheet
Compiled By Frank Chan, Last Modified on Saturday, August 18th 1998
Presented by WWF War Zone Web Coverage at http://warzone.sports-gaming.com
** NOTE: Finishers can be done once your opponent's Power Meter is red. **

"Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
Sweet Chin Music: R-D-U-Kick+Block or L-D-U-Kick+Block (Both Standing)

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Stone Cold Stunner with Setup Kick: R-R-U-TieUp+Block or L-L-U-TieUp+Block
(Both Standing)
or Stone Cold Stunner without Setup Kick: R-R-TieUp or L-L-TieUp (Tied Up)

"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith (Pin)
Running Power Slam: D-U-D-Punch+TieUp or U-D-U-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)
or U-D-TieUp or D-U-TieUp (Tied Up)

The Dominator: U-U-U-TieUp+Block (Both Standing)

Curtain Call: R-D-D-TieUp+Block or L-D-D-TieUp+Block (Behind Opponent)

Triple H
The Pedigree: R-D-L-Punch+TieUp or L-D-R-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)

Mankind (Submission Hold)
Mandible Claw: R-L-U-TieUp+Block (Both Standing or Head of Fallen)
or R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp (Tied Up)

The Rock
The Rock Bottom: R-R-U-Punch+TieUp or L-L-U-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)

Ahmed Johnson
Pearl River Plunge: R-L-U-Kick+Block or L-R-U-Kick+Block (Both Standing)

Bret "Hitman" Hart (Submission Hold)
The Sharpshooter: R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block (At Feet of Fallen)

"The Black Hart" Owen Hart (Submission Hold)
The Sharpshooter: R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block (At Feet of Fallen)

The Undertaker (Pin)
Tombstone Piledriver: D-D-D-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)
or D-U-TieUp (Tied Up)

Ken Shamrock (Submission Hold)
Ankle Lock: R-L-U-Kick+TieUp or L-R-U-Kick+TieUp (Feet of Fallen)

Kane (Pin)
Tombstone Piledriver: D-D-D-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)
or D-U-TieUp (Tied Up)

Headbanger Thrasher
Stage Dive: R-U-U-Punch+Kick or L-U-U-Punch+Kick (Turnbuckle, Opp Down)

Headbanger Mosh (Pin)
Mosh Pit: R-L-U-TieUp+Block or L-R-U-TieUp+Block (Turnbuckle, Opp Standing)

Dude Love and Cactus Jack (Mandible Claw is a Submission)
Double Arm DDT: R-L-U-TieUp+Block (Both Standing)
Mandible Claw: R-L-U-TieUp+Block (Head of Fallen)
or R-L-TieUp or L-R-TieUp (Tied Up)

Cheesemeister Move Set
Running Power Slam without Pin: R-R-U-Punch+TieUp or L-L-U-Punch+TieUp
(Both Standing)
or Running Power Slam with Pin: R-D-TieUp or L-D-TieUp (Tied Up)

Pit Scorpion Move Set (Submission Hold)
Scorpion Deathlock: R-R-U-Kick+Block or L-L-U-Kick+Block (At Feet of Fallen)

Colossus Move Set
Choke Slam: D-U-D-Punch+TieUp or U-D-U-Punch+TieUp (Both Standing)

Twist Move Set (Submission Hold)
Torture Rack: R-L-U-Punch+Block or L-R-U-Punch+Block (Both Standing)

ALL Finishers, as listed, have been tested by Frank Chan (IceMaster)
and work perfectly in the PSX and N64 versions of War Zone. If you're
having trouble doing one, just keep trying.

cut here --> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

++ SECTION 31: Credits ++

Written By Frank Chan (The IceMaster) ................ warzone@icemaster.org

shiftee ............................................. shiftee@starshadow.com
Nintendo Power Magazine ............................ http://www.nintendo.com
The N64 Monopoly ..................... http://www.nintendojo.com/wrestling64
PSM Online ........................................ http://www.psmonline.com
WARRIORMAN .............................................. Warrior330@aol.com
ralph ................................................... ralphmad@yesic.com
Ian .................................................... ljohn03@sprynet.com
Bonohio .................................................... Bonohio@aol.com
SLICKB13 .................................................. SLICKB13@aol.com
dopehat ............................................. Glzwpk@cjnetworks.com
Bryce G. Orsborn ........................ Orsborn_Family_Wanganui@xtra.co.nz
Ryan Murray .............................................. emmons@chesco.com
Jason Kos ............................................ miniongsd@hotmail.com
Lessthnjke .............................................. Lessthnjke@aol.com
CHASEBLUES .............................................. CHASEBLUES@aol.com
CL ........................................................ clombard@cbu.edu
YZ125rulez .............................................. YZ125rulez@aol.com
PHIL DO ................................................ SKINS71@prodigy.net
Mash3033 .................................................. Mash3033@aol.com
KToby02 .................................................... KToby02@aol.com
Jason I Miller ......................................... JASON78@prodigy.net
BIG TITAIN ............................................... hyabusa@webtv.net
William .............................................. William@azstarnet.com
jeremy .................................................................. ??
Spencer Chestnut .................................... mchestnu@pen.k12.va.us
TJ Amburgy ........................................... amburgtj@your-net.com
Sox1917 .................................................... Sox1917@aol.com
Razor678 .................................................. Razor678@aol.com
Tom ..................................................... abigailb@c3net.net
IVBenoit .................................................. IVBenoit@aol.com
Freakshow ....................................... the_town_drunk@hotmail.com
AK47 ....................................................... AK47@onecom.com
Jeff Evans .......................................... jeff_evans@hotmail.com
Ben S ................................................... IceMan316X@aol.com
Larry Swank .................................... swankl@thunder.indstate.edu
Kevin Rossow ....................................... woobusmallard@webtv.net
Eric Strauss ....................................... acerimrat@earthlink.net
Bear1103 .................................................. Bear1103@aol.com
Raven466 ................................................ raven466@iserv.net
cjarman ............................................... cjarman@frontier.net
GoBlue5551 .............................................. GoBlue5551@aol.com
James ....................................................... JRGNYR@aol.com
Robert G. Dell-Ross ............................... gt7451a@prism.gatech.edu
Francois Collette ..................................... crazytrain@total.net
Immortal Demon ..................................... ImmortalDemon@webtv.net
Tom Albanese ................................................ jntalb@ica.net
Crock Pac ............................................. crockpac@hotmail.com
Francisco Barreto ....................................... kikobb@westnet.com
Shoe ................................................. shoe@intermediatn.net
Eric Cartman ......................................... mage46_n2@hotmail.com
Daniel Lee .............................................. danny619@yahoo.com
John Moskunas ............................... bigjohn@harford.campus.mci.net
C.S. ...................................................... Kisstu@erols.com
Chris Forbis .......................................... cforbis@igateway.net
Daniel Lammers .......................................... AntHacker6@aol.com
Showstoppa ............................................. stefan@nothinbut.ne
James C. ............................................... fifa@gamesmania.com

Note: In most cases, countless people submit the same recently-found move
or cheat. I make my best effort to credit the original source, but
this usually isn't possible, so it would usually have to be credited
to the first person who's e-mail I read or the first place I saw it
on. If you have submitted a cheat or move, you know who you are,
thanks anyways. Also, please DO NOT submit moves or cheats based
only on what someone else has listed, try it yourself first! There
are a lot of non-working rumored cheats that get submitted to me by
countless people.

Special Thanks: Michael Meyers, Acclaim Representative .... MMeyers@aklm.com
Mike Archer, War Zone Producer ............ MArcher@aklm.com
Vince Bracken, Project Manager ..... vbracken@iguana-slc.com

Copyright (C)1998 WWF War Zone Web Coverage
-End of File-

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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