Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2

16.10.2013 15:04:00
Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 FAQ v0.1
FAQ Written by Z-Force (

I. Intro
II. Disclaimer
III. Version History
IV. Places to get this FAQ
V. Legend
VI. Basics
a. Changes from R2R 1
b. Punching
c. Defense
d. Taunting
VII. Rumble Mode
VIII. Fighters
a. Afro Thunder
b. Selene Strike
c. Boris "The Bear" Knockimov
d. Butcher Brown
e. Angel "Raging" Rivera
f. Mama Tua
g. Joey T.
h. Jet "Iron" Chin
i. Lulu Valentine
j. J. R. Flurry
k. Johnny "Bad" Blood
l. "Big" Willy Johnson
m. Freak E. Deke
n. G. C. Thunder
o. Wild "Stubby" Corley
p. Freedom Brock
q. Rocket Samchay
r. Robox Rese-4
s. Michael Jackson
t. Shaquille O' Neal
IX. Championship Mode Hints
X. Training Modes
XI. Secrets
XII. Character Rankings.


Due to the popularity of my original Ready 2 Rumble FAQ, I have decided to
begin a FAQ for the sequel. This FAQ is based on the Dreamcast version of the
game, but should be applicable for the PS2 and whatever other versions are
available. If you wish to use this FAQ on your page, feel free to, just let
me know that you are using it so I can add your site to the list. This FAQ is
a copyrighted work, and I will NOT be happy if you try using it for profit.

Version History

V0.1 (10-26-2000) The very first version. Most of the basics are up, much
more to come.

Places to get this FAQ

All moves assume your character is facing right

f = forward
b = back
u = up
d = down
RH = Right High (Y on DC controller)
LH = Left High (X on DC controller)
RL = Right Low (B on DC Controller)
LL = Left Low (A on DC controller)


Changes from R2R 1

- Better graphics
- Better Computer AI. The computer is now considerably tougher to beat,
especially in the higher levels. You won't be able to blow through all the
opponents like you could before.
- More fighters. Many of the original fighters return, along with several new
ones, including Guest Stars, Michael Jackson and Shaquille O' Neal.
- New and improved Championship Mode
- Tournament and Team Battle Modes, great for 2 player action.
- New Rumble Flurry system , explained below
- Parrying punches, explained below as well.
- You can now move for a time after knocking a foe down, Use this to your
advantage by hitting a few more blows or doing a taunt to gain some RUMBLE
- Arch Rivals, each character has a rival character, when you fight that
rival, there are special sayings that the fighters will have for each other.

Punching: Your 4 buttons each do different punches. If you just press the
button, you will do a left or right jab or body blow. Don't underestimate
these punches as they are useful for softening up an opponent. If you press a
button plus a direction, you can do more powerful punches such as a hook or
uppercut. These are more powerful, but also are slow.

Defense: R blocks high, L blocks low. Blocking is useful to stop weaker
punches, but if the other guy is throwing heavy artillery, combine L or R with
a direction on the stick. This will allow you to duck or sway. Sometimes,
it's possible to rope-a-dope your foe by holding a block button and pressing
various directions on the stick. This is a fun way to frustrate people.
(Note, these two statements were blatantly ripped off my original R2R FAQ,
but they still hold true here) In Round 2, you can now do a parry by double
tapping L or R. If you time these right, you can deflect the opponent's
punch, leaving them open to a big counter.

Taunting: You can now do 4 different taunts. Use the combinations A+X, B+Y,
A+Y or X+B. A major change is that you can now gain RUMBLE letters if you can
complete a taunt without getting hit.


You gain RUMBLE letters by connecting with good punches or taunting. Press
the L and R triggers to enter Rumble Mode once you have one or more Rumble
levels built up. In Round 2, you can earn up to three RUMBLE levels, the
color of the letters will go from yellow (level 1), Red (level 2), and finally
White (level 3) When you are in Rumble Mode, your power is increased. You
can also hit X + Y to pull a rumble flurry, which is a powerful flurry of
blows. At level 2, your flurry's power is increased, and at Level 3... it
becomes a single super blow, which knocks the foe out of the ring, gaining you
the victory. At the end of a round, you lose a level of RUMBLE power, and if
you are knocked down, you lose all of em.


Afro Thunder
Hometown: New York City, NY
Height: 5'7"
Weight 121 lbs
Reach: 70"
Age: 24
Rival: G.C. Thunder
Profile Afro Thunder might have gone Hollywood for a while, but he's back.
Spurning boxing for 3 years to pursue a career in action films, he returns
with a purpose: upstaging his cousin G.C. Thunder, who entered the boxing
arena in an attempt to fill Afro's shoes. The movie industry may have
temporarily sapped him of his boxing skills, but Afro's stage presence and
incomparable showmanship are fine tuned. The bitter family rivalry has
inspired a newfound motivation in Afro, who promises to make a headline making
ring return
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + RH
B, B, RH, RH
B, B, RH

U/D + LL, RH

Selene Strike
Hometown: Brasilia Brazil
Height: 6'2"
Weight 130 lbs
Reach: 80"
Age: 27
Rival: Mama Tua
Profile The towering Selene Strike is fighting her way back. After having
suffered a serious setback when she went down at the hands of new boxer, Mama
Tua, a fight which she had figured to dominate. Strike, has been battling the
demons of her own confidence. Now training with Lulu Valentine, Strike has
added new boxing techniques, by utilizing her gymnastic skills and strength
training, which have resulted in a restored assurance in her own abilities.
She'll start the championship journey with faith in herself and some new
weapons of war.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RH
B, B + RH
B, F + RL

F, F + RH, RL, LH
B, B + RH, RH, RH

Boris "The Bear" Knockimov
Hometown: Zagrev, Croatia
Height: 6'3"
Weight 218 lbs
Reach: 73"
Age: 33
Rival: Butcher Brown
Profile When describing Boris "The Bear" Knokimov, opponents use the word
"sellout." Knokimov prefers the term "opportunist." Aware of the advantages of
his boxing prominence, Knokimov has for the past three years gone on an
endorsement blitz, advertising himself and his products on infomercials the
world over, which have garnered him a particularly strong following in his
homeland. Realizing that a return to the ring would lengthen his 15 minutes of
fame, and his capitalistic endeavors, Knokimov is back with logos,
sponsorships and renewed vigor.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, B + RH
F, B + RH, LL
B, F + RL
U, D + LL OR D, U + LL

F + LL, RH, LH
B, F + RL, LH, LH, RH

Butcher Brown
Hometown: District of Colombia
Height: 5' 9:
Weight 235 lbs.
Reach: 82"
Age: 26
Rival: Boris Knockimov
Profile Banned from boxing two years ago for using the mystical and deadly
knockout punch dubbed "The Devastator" in an annihilation of "The Bruiser"
Bruce Blade, Butcher Brown has been reinstated and is tanned, rested and
ready. One problem: his former mentor, who long sought to instill some much-
needed mental stability into the life of Brown, has since retired. Although
he's physically ready to rumble, Brown must follow the path of mental
discipline in order to regain the championship.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + RH
B + LH
B + LH, RL, LL
B, F + RH, LH, RL, LL

B + RH, LH

Angel "Raging" Rivera
Hometown: Monterrey, Mexico
Height: 5'9"
Weight 153 lbs
Reach: 71"
Age: 26
Rival: Rocket Samchay
Profile: Although Angel "Raging" Rivera's name is usually preceded by the
word "showboat," he's far from being all style and no substance. He finally
nabbed a championship when he defeated Rocket Samchay in a grueling,
controversial twelve-round battle. Rivera began his career as a pugilistic
purist, eschewing flashiness for sound, conventional technique but altered his
approach after a loss to an unorthodox foe. The transformation complete,
Rivera proves that style points do count.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + RH
F, B + RL
F, B + RL, RH
F, B + RL, RL, LL, RL

F + LH, LH, LL
U/D + LL, RL, LH
U/D + RH, LH

Mama Tua
Hometown: Kalopei, Oahu
Height: 6'0"
Weight 400 lbs
Reach: 77"
Age: 55
Rival: Selene Strike
Profile Mama Tua entered the Ready 2 Rumble ring quite by accident, but it
will be her opponent's mistake if they take the 400-pounder lightly. Mama took
up boxing as a means of working out and staying fit, but soon realized she had
an affinity for handling heavyweights due to her long days raising son Salua,
the famed boxer who recently turned wrestler. The family skills are evident in
Mama, who obviously doesn't need to live vicariously through her children.
Short on ring experience but long in the tooth (and on the scale), Mama is an
intriguing competitor.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RH
B, F + LL
B, B + RH
B, B, F + RH


Joey T.
Hometown: Milan, Italy
Height: 6'4"
Weight 287
Reach: 79"
Age: 38
Rival: Lulu Valentine
Profile Joey T. honed his boxing skills as a ruthless hitman, so it shouldn't
come as a surprise that he was completely embarrassed when he lost to a girl,
Lulu Valentine. After that humiliating defeat, Joey T. vowed never to get
knocked down again and has improved on his formerly rudimentary boxing skills.
With Mama Tua as a sparring partner, Joey T. has added a new arsenal of
punches to complement his bone-crushing blows. The next goal for Joey T:
containing that legendary temper.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RL
B, B, F + LL
B + LH + RH

U/D + RL, LL, RH, RH

Jet "Iron" Chin
Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan
Height: 5'8"
Weight 148 lbs
Reach: 78"
Age: 23
Rival: Johnny "Bad" Blood
Profile Jet "Iron" Chin parlayed his homeland popularity and successful run
at the championships of the Rumble Tournament into a prosperous boxing school.
Using distinguished Chinese boxing technique complemented by his own, proven
style, Chin has trained some of the greatest boxers in the globe, including
Afro Thunder and Rocket Samchay. Not ready to retire, of course, Chin believes
that his experience as a boxer combined with being a savvy trainer have made
him a more complete fighter. The "Beast from the East" is ready to rumble!
Other Info:
Special Moves
F, B + RH
B, F + LH
B + LH
B + LH, LL, RL, RH

F + LH, LH, LH

Lulu Valentine
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Height: 5'2"
Weight 108 lbs
Reach: 64"
Age: 27
Rival: Joey T
Profile Lulu Valentine is no one-dimensional woman, and those two dimensions,
boxing and fashion design, hardly seem compatible. But we're talking about
Lulu Valentine, who possesses the fastest punch on the circuit. Critics wonder
whether she's coming back to the ring for a legitimate shot at the
championship or merely to promote her successful line of trendy sportswear.
Either way, Lulu's sure to bring excitement to the canvas, whether it's with
her boxing prowess or signature fashion statements.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, B, F + RH
F + LH + RH
F + LL + RL

F + LL + RL, RL, RH, RH, LH

J.R. Flurry
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Height: 5'11"
Weight 150 lbs
Reach: 75"
Age: 24
Rival: Wild "Stubby" Corley
Profile Maturity has done a lot for J. R. Flurry. Once dubbed "The Prodigal
Pugilist," because of the manner in which he turned on his former coach, Gino
Stilleto, who then met Flurry in the ring and handed him his lone defeat,
Flurry has since tossed aside his arrogant, disrespectful ways. Make no
mistake, you'll still find some attitude from Flurry, but now it is only
punctuation to refined skills and superior knowledge of the sweet science.
Prodigal no longer, Flurry presents a big challenge to all his boxing
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + RH
F, B + LH
B + LH

F + LH, LL, LL, LH
U/D + LH, RH, LL

Johnny "Bad" Blood
Hometown: Papatoetoe, New Zealand
Height: 6'2"
Weight 231 lbs
Reach: 87"
Age: 21
Rival: Jet "Iron" Chin
Profile Johnny "Bad" Blood, brother of former Rumble participant Jimmy Blood,
is a walking contradiction. Despite the fact that he's lived the serene
lifestyle of a sheepherder most of his years, Blood has also tempted death in
his native New Zealand by engaging in the fierce battles of small pubs and
back alleys. And although his Maori fighting ways are savage, Blood exercises
a certain control, partly fueled by his disciplined desire to measure up to
the past successes of his brother.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, B, F + LH
F + LH + RH
B, B, F + RH

U/D + RL, LH, RL

"Big" Willy Johnson
Hometown: Chester, England
Height: 5'9"
Weight 175 lbs
Reach: 72"
Age: 111
Rival: Robox RESE-4
Profile "Big" Willy Johnson is in a time warp, but one that has served him
well. A gritty, old-school boxer, Johnson would prefer to fight without gloves
but has adapted to the modern age by utilizing some current boxing techniques.
That combination of old-time boxing discipline and advanced technical method
has made him a diverse and complete boxer and one who oftentimes confuses his
one-dimensional foes. It's somebody else's job, however, to convince him his
look is about as stylish as a horse-and-carriage.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RH
F, F, B + LH
U, D + LH or D, U + LH

F, F, B + LH, LL, RL, LL
(U, D + LH or D, U + LH) THEN LH, LH, LH, LH

Freak E. Deke
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Height: 5'11"
Weight 128 lbs
Reach: 74"
Age: 19
Rival: Freedom Brock
Profile New to the tournament is the uncanny, punk rocker Freak E. Deke,
sporting a pair of protective goggles and a mohawk. He credits battling in
various punk rock concert mosh pits for his pugilistic skills and high
tolerance for pain. Many underestimate the ability and experience of this
wiry, frenetic boxer who wants to turn the Rumble Tournament to anarchy.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RH
B, F + RH

B + RH, LH, RH

G.C. Thunder
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Height: 5'7"
Weight 118 lbs
Reach: 70:
Age: 20
Rival: Afro Thunder
Profile G. C. Thunder may be a tad diminutive, but he's no lightweight when
it comes to boxing or flamboyant fashion. Cousin and longtime rival of Afro
Thunder, G. C. has a fair amount of critics who claim he's more performer in
the ring than boxer. That hasn't dissuaded him from using his boxing success
as a vehicle for opening a chain of hair facilities or from making the claim
that he'll become the next world champion.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, B + RH
F + LL + RL
B, F + LH

F + LL + RL, LH, RH

Wild "Stubby" Corley
Hometown: Corsicana, Texas
Height: 6'2"
Weight 145 lbs
Reach: 77"
Age: 21
Rival: J.R. Flurry
Profile The story of Wild "Stubby" Corley is enough to bring a tear to your
eye. After losing his left hand in a freak rodeo accident, the gritty Corley
was fitted with an artificial glove during his rehabilitation and discovered
an odd ability for the sweet science. Having given up rodeo, Corley, who is
called "The Fastest Jab of the West," is dedicated to boxing and is out to
prove to the world that he'll be able to beat the best with just one hand. One
real hand, that is
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + RH
F, F + RL
B, F + RH

F, F + RL, LH, RH

Freedom Brock
Hometown: Santa Cruz, California
Height: 5'11"
Weight 129 lbs
Reach: 76"
Age: 38
Rival: Freak E Deke
Profile To get a top-ring performance from Freedom Brock, simply tell him
he's battling an opponent for a killer wave. Brock's life's work is surfing
and boxing is just a detail. A detail, however, that finances his surfing
excursions, so although he's laid-back, Brock gets pretty motivated when he
hits the canvas. The critics may question his commitment, but the coasts from
Australia to Mexico are littered with the broken bodies of local surfers who
dared take on Brock and his unorthodox fighting style.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
F, F + LL
F, F + RH
B, B + RH

U/D + LH, LL, RH

Rocket Samchay
Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand
Height: 6'2"
Weight 165 lbs
Reach: 78"
Age: 26
Rival: Angel "Raging" Rivera
Profile Rocket Samchay has his eyes on the championship. Or 'eye,' that is.
The boxer has only one remaining organ of sight after losing the other
courtesy of Angel "Raging" Rivera's thumb. A return to his native Thailand to
compete in Thai boxing tournaments helped him regain focus and add some lethal
new moves. Having honed his skills among some of the greatest Asian fighters
in the region, Samchay brings a special resiliency in his quest to succeed in
the Rumble Tournament.
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + LH
F, B + LH
B, F + RH
F, B + RL

U/D + LH, RH
F, B + RL, RH, LH

Robox Rese-4
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Height: 5'11"
Weight 150 lbs
Reach: 80"
Age: 1
Rival: Big Willy Johnson
Profile ROBOX RESE-4 may be being used as a marketing ploy, but don't tell it
to its face. If anything non-human can have a face, that is. Designed to
advertise for ROBOX, an aerobic boxing cardio-fitness machine that is looked
on as perhaps the next great health invention, ROBOX RESE-4 does more than
just exercise. It is an enhanced version of the machine that is able to take
punishment and, when prompted, hand some back. The days of the stationary bike
are gone!
Other Info:
Special Attacks:
B, F + RH
F, B + RH
F, B + LH

U/D + LL, RL, RH

Michael Jackson
Hometown: ?
Height: ?
Weight ?
Reach: ?
Age: ?
Rival: ?
Profile ?
Other Info: ?
Special Attacks: ?

Shaquille O' Neal
Hometown: ?
Height: ?
Weight ?
Reach: ?
Age: ?
Rival: ?
Profile ?
Other Info: ?
Special Attacks: ?

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