Escape from Monkey Island

Escape From Monkey Island

15.10.2013 14:52:07


PS2: Escape From Monkey Island Walkthrough V1.2


Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! This deliciously DEMONIC walkthrough is brought to you by Tom
Carlisle (AKA Murray, the all-powerful demonic skull) and covers the PS2
version of the game. To date, I haven't found any differences between this and
the PC version, but e-mail me at if you
find any. The Playstation 2 version of this game is infinitely superior to the
PC version, if you ask me, due to they're being no EVIL (mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha)
system requirements, and no EVIL (Ok, I'll stop this now) bugs. But that
doesn't matter, really. This game is probably the funniest in the Monkey
Island series, but only if:

A. You have played Secret of..., LeChuck's revenge, and Curse of...
B. You have a basic understanding of American (AKA 'Pop') culture
C. You have seen all the Star Wars films.

The other games are superlative-defying masterpieces, some of the funniest
games ever created. Try hunting out the "Monkey Island Bounty Pack"- if you
can find it, it costs 20 quid and has the first three games in. Well worth
playing before this, as some jokes will be lost on you otherwise.

So, into the bulk of what you actually logged on to find- the walkthrough!
This walkthrough CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS! If you want to make the most out of
this, ONLY look at the puzzle you are stuck on. Don't worry if you are stuck;
the game is hugely frustrating and harder than any others. Just enjoy it. And
feel your soul being gently ripped from your body in this walkthrough of
incomprehensible EEEVIL!!! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!

I am always open to contributions, suggestions, fan mail, etc., and I will TRY
to reply to any e-mails sent to me in a pretty quick fashion, so feel free to
email these (plus any criticisms, which I don't like) DO NOT e-mail me about
any typos. I will hunt you down and kill you personally. I will try to answer
any question you may have about the game as well, but only if it IS NOT ON THE
WALKTHROUGH. Sometimes I'll find it, other times you'll get a letter (well,
e-mail) of apology. So go ahead- e-mail me at

Table of Contents
(1) Copyright Information
(2) History
(3) Characters
(4) Prologue & Act I: Things to do on Melee Island when you're dead
(5) Act II: Enter the Manatee
(6) Act III: Escape from Monkey Island (AT LAST!)
(7) Act III+: Guybrush kicks unusually large butt
(8) Stuff, and where to find it.
(9) Fun Stuff
(10)Thanks to...
(1) Copyright Information

Escape From Monkey Island, and all of the names, places, etc. are copyrighted
trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. This FAQ/Walkthrough is
copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any part without the consent of Tom
Carlisle (the author).

Current placement of this FAQ (E-mail me for permission to place it elsewhere) (Gamefaqs) (neoseeker)

If you find it anywhere else, please let me know!

(2) History
08. 07. 01- Worked for 3 hours doing entire character section. Slept.
09. 07. 01- Worked 5 hours non-stop doing walkthrough. Tired. Sent off as
version 1.1
12. 07. 01- worked for 2 hours non-stop on the Stuff, and where to find it,
and Fun stuff sections. Published as v 1.2.
15. 07. 01- very slight update, amended a few grammatical errors (Creepy. I
just spelt grammatical wrong) and added David Davidov's tip.
(3) Characters

I tried to include everyone on the credits list. In alphabetical order. Sorry
if I missed anyone (Who am I apologising to? The voice actors, I guess.) E-
mail me if I'm wrong!

Admiral Casaba
A complete and utter idiot who is straight out of a Monty Python sketch
("Wheel out the REALLY BIG CANNON!!!") He fires a cannonball at any three
pirates talking as he reckons that it's a conspiracy against him. Paranoid,
but useful on Knuttin Atoll...

Bank Manager
"Very funny, Mister Threepwood" His nasally voice starts to grate after a
while, but he seems likeable. He also has oblique glasses. Until YOU allegedly
steal all his money, he seems alright. You don't meet him after you've caught
Pegnose, which is a pity, as I wanted an apology.

Boulder Guy
The boring git throwing rocks at your house. Rude and uncouth, he's a member
of the union and is entitled to regular snack breaks. if only he had
some snacks...

Chess player Santiago (I think, but it may have been Castaneda) fancies her,
but frankly, I don't know why. She is seriously annoying, and giggles a lot. A
popular rumour is that she is a parody of that popular singer, what's-her-
name...Brittany Spears, that's it! It's a lie, or misinformation. If she was a
parody, it would have been a LOT more blatant.

The first relic from MI1 (barring Guybrush and Elaine). You first meet her
with Otis by the town hall. I didn't recognise her at first, and Otis baffles
me. Why does he speak with a pseudo-French accent? She is funny at he micro-
groggery, and other than that basically uninteresting. Although she IS
extraordinarily sardonic....

He's a chess player, intent on winning his game. Concentrating very hard.

Charles L. Charles
Posh and very irritating, it's obvious who he is. Quite why Guybrush doesn't
guess is beyond me, but this guy is NOT someone you would want as a
politician, being evil demonic (CENSORED for little ones! Isn't it irritating
how no one says HELL in this game? Instead, it's HECK! Oooh, scary) spawn.
Yep, that's LeChuck all right.

Deadeye Dave
Good old Dave seems to have a permanent cold as well as being completely
blind. He has brilliant smell and hearing, though. And gives out free
prosthetics to good customers...

Diving Judges
"Whoa, dude.... Marco de Pollo wins again" The hippie judge is classic. Just do
the right moves to wow him.
"Grasshopper...Your head is too flat." Typical Chinese mentor. Need to
streamline your head. Pity he doesn't speak like Yoda, though.
"I have a beautiful red-headed wife to look after..." Look at the pamphlet you
pick up from Stan to bribe the grouchy judge.

(What shall we do with the) Drunken Sailor
"Hnngh"..."Tnghh"- yes, he is drunk, not constipated, and quite funny if you're
bored. He also has the last bowl of pretzels in the SCUMM bar, and a balloon.
Now what can you do with that?

Elaine Marley-Threepwood
She's now Guybrush's lawfully wedded wife. For richer or for poorer...
Apparently, she wants to be out on the open seas with Guybrush, swashing
numerous buckles (Hmm...) incidentally; the voice actor playing her in this is
completely different to the one in Curse of Monkey Island. She is still the
love interest of Ghost Pirate from HECK, LeChuck. Damn!

"Elayne" (Planet Threepwood waitress)
Blonde haired, typical bored waitress. Nothing more to say except for the fact
that she is extremely curt.

Father Allegro Rasputin
A ghost priest, founder of the church of LeChuck, treats him like a god. Bit
of a nutter really. Thinks you are three metres tall, have red skin, horns and
a tail, and the number 1138 on your forehead.

He's got a rebel spirit but won't stand up to Ozzie Mandrill (BOO!) He owns
the House 'o' sticks, is old, kind, and reeeal observant...

Ask him to hoy a few darts anywhere you choose. Try telling him to "hit that
guy over there"- you'll "crack" the camera lens. He can also hit that balloon
over there, giving the drunk a wicked shock...

Guybrush Threepwood
The pirate with amusing trousers. The hero. The man with the stupidest name in
the Caribbean. Yes, It's THAT Guybrush Threepwood. Hilarious, sardonic, dryly
witty and multi-talented, the man with pockets bigger than Cloud Strife has
seen some pretty big monkey heads in his day... He's also defeated LeChuck three
times (He's now the demon ghost zombie pirate LeChuck. Hmm) and is married to
Elaine. According to Planet Threepwood, he is eight feet tall, covered in
scars and has the ghost of his favourite parrot on his shoulder. According to
the Church of LeChuck, he is three metres tall, has red skin, a gargantuan
tail and horns, and the number 1138 on his forehead. Okay...scared now...

Harbour Mistress
She's fat, she's round, she bounces on the ground...quite what Otis is doing
with her is beyond me, but she is seriously irritating, and strictly by the
books. If you're doing something wrong, she'll find you...mark my words...

Hellbeard the pirate/puppeteer
A bit of a nutter, but an all right nutter nonetheless. He communicates
through puppets of Guybrush and LeChuck, until you convince him otherwise, and
scare him senseless with a blue painting.

Herman Toothrot
An oddball from M-I1 and M-I2. He's lost his memory, and needs you to hoy a
lot of stuff at him to get it back. Help him out for one of the game's biggest

A camp perfume salesman with perfume that scares Guybrush. He talks about
himself in the third person, and is currently testing 'Eau de LeChuck'.
Riiiiight... He doesn't mind if you steal a bottle, oddly, considering he is an
ex-pirate, but nevertheless he can't have been very good as he is even less
fearsome than Guybrush!

Ignatius Cheese
He used to own the SCUMM bar before it was converted and is one hell of
navigator. However he likes his voyages with adventure, and will not think
twice before sailing into tropical storms. Guybrush thinks his name is stupid-
which is odd, as it isn't really- "Cheese?" "Aye?" "Cheese?" "Aye?!"

Inspector Canard
ASTOUNDING reference to all comedy police officers ever, this is a very
suspicious character that runs the Hall 'o' Justice. Not suspicious as in
Fester Shinetop in MI1, but suspicious of YOU instead. Will not believe your
pleas for innocence- unless, of course, you can prove it?...

Jojo Jr.
"I still can't believe you're a talking monkey!" For those who haven't played
MI1, Jojo Snr was the monkey who helped Guybrush in that. Jojo tells you a
hilarious story about how SOMEONE (i.e. you) left Jojo Snr hanging on a totem
pole, BUT NEVER TOLD HIM TO LET GO!!! What's that he's wearing? A bronze hat
of honour? That sounds useful... try using it with the giant monkey head...

Jolly Pirate (AKA George Lucas)
Answer him a few simple questions for your FREE caricature. GREAT... He seems
all right, but is only for use when you've got the monkey mug in your hand.
And he doesn't know what the Internet is...

Jumbeaux LaFeet
Son of Tiny LaFeet- nice name, mate!- He has two parrots cursed. One always
lies, the other always tells the truth. This is useful for finding his
father's bronze hat, stolen by the evil Ozzie Mandrill enterprises (The Cads!)
and buried under a rock. He gets very upset when talking about his late
father. Poor bloke (I really felt sorry for him).

"Mr. LeChuck, you have a nasty habit of SURVIVING" Now in the form of L.
Charles, he has risen from the dead numerous times, and isn't going to let
being demonic stop him. He (CENSORED AS IT RUINS THE PLOT) now, and still
loves Elaine. But she's washing her hair for the next seven years. Damn.

LUA Bar Chef
Like the chef in the first game, he won't let anyone in his kitchen and is a
psychopath. It seems that LucasArts didn't want to offend anyone Japanese by
having a stereotyped sushi chef, but the fact that he's French is more than a
little odd. Nevertheless, he likes his art, which can't be a bad thing. And
you just KNOW that his painting is hiding something...

LUA Bar Waitress
She never saw the SCUMM bar in all it's glory, and is stuck in the hellhole
serving a torrent of sushi and strange-coloured tropical drinks. She is very
frank and very stereotypical.

Marco De Pollo
"Marcooooo" "Pooooolooooo". Childhood trauma has led him to be the greatest
plank diver in the world (tm), but nonetheless, GUYBRUSH still manages to beat
him (With a little help from some hyperactive seagulls) so he must be bad. I'm
sure his name is a parody of something, but I can't remember what. He's a
ponce. He walks like, talks like and is one. Full stop.

Marley Family Lawyers
The music in their offices is very good. They are funny, citing from films
such as A FEW GOOD MEN and THE FIRM. Talk to them about saving your mansion.

From the first game, Meathook looks a little different and his parrot is dead,
but he's retained his tattoo act and is still a cool character. He is now an
accomplished wax painter, and has sold some stunning paintings- one
particularly interesting one is hanging in the LUA bar...

Miss Rivers
She sort of reminds of my art teacher, only my art teacher is probably the
nicest person in the world. So she's not really like my art teacher, then.
Employed by Ozzie Mandrill, she must rid the world of all pirates because
Ozzie Mandrill tells her to. (Let me deviate slightly and talk about another,
similar character- Adolf Hitler) She's a little odd, but I love some of her
phrases "What do you mean I failed? This sucks!" "Your tests were good, dear;
but your attitude sucks!"

Pull the finger on the hand in her room. "You pulled?" She has an uncanny
habit of telling you what you are about to say before you say it.
Refreshingly, she has moved AGAIN (this must be costing her a LOT) and now has
an unbreakable five-game deal with LucasArts. Like Guybrush, then.

A wannabe member of civilisation who is a bit thick. He tries hard, but his
piratey instincts tell him to murder, loot and pillage. Miss Rivers fails him
for being thick. C'mon, be a bit more sympathetic! Witch. Poor old Mungle. I
actually felt sorry for him. But then I have a conscience. Damn.

Murray, the all-powerful demonic skull
Cower, brief mortals! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Murray is SO the best character in the
game. He may only appear for a couple of minutes, but he is classic! He's the
bouncer/ greeter at Planet Threepwood and regales you with his heat-stopping
tale of malice and evil. He is my role model. Look out for sub-game Murray
Ball. Pity he doesn't have a bigger part, actually. Roll on MI5! He is easily
the best character in this one.

An incredibly accurate dart player.

"Carla, save me! The nasty man wants to take us back to Monkey Island!" A
relic from MI1, he speaks in a strange accent but is very, very funny. Has a
habit for getting thrown in jail for picking flowers. Odd. A victim of
capitalist oppression. Possibly in a relationship with the Harbour Mistress.

Ozzie Mandrill
Typical domineering Australian developer. Pure evil. Easily tricked by
Freddie, the stick-man (Did you get that?) (CENSORED AS IT RUINS THE PLOT) to
rid the world of pirates. Certifiable nutter. Could have been out of a Bond
film. Grumpy, bad-tempered and the villain in this game.

Pegnose Pete
An evil thief who's nose was bitten off by a duck, he robbed Lucre Island's
bank, and framed you. Resides in the Mystes 'o' Tyme. Not really very nice.
TERRIBLE OJ Simpson joke, too.

Salty old Cur (bait shop owner)
He seems all right, apart from the fact that he hangs out in a fish shop, has
no sense of smell, guts fish for fun, seems to think that bait can be BROKEN
and runs a termite circus (!!!) Actually, judging by all that, he seems like a
bit of a nutter, really.

Like Castaneda. Intense, not easily provoked. Fancies Brittany, bank teller.
Good @ chess.

SCUMM Bartender
Possibly a relic from the first game, he wants to join your crew but his boss
refuses. So just arm-wrestle his boss into submission and sail off into the
sunset! No problem.

Stan the dodgy Salesman
I could cope with him in MI1, but ever since he started speaking, he's the
most annoying thing ANYWHERE. Try to avoid him in this. You really don't need
to talk to him, unless you need a Monkey Mug ticket. He just makes me yawn.

Starbuccaneer's Counter Clerk
Typical work experience boy. Just like dorky teenager from the Simpsons.
Makes some VERY strange comments on his coffee.

Timmy The Monkey
Elaine's pet monkey. He mysteriously arrives on Monkey Island (tm) at the same
time as Guybrush. He likes bananas (As monkeys do), and will follow you for

Mooching around the statue of Tiny LaFeet, he knows a lot about it but is a
typical geeky tourist- "Ohh! A scavenger hunt! How exciting!"
stupid as that sounds.

A student at Miss Rivers' pirate transmogrification academy. She gets good
marks, but according to Miss Rivers fails, as her attitude sucks. She is rude
and laughs at other people's misfortune.

(5) Prologue & Act I - Things to Do On Melee Island(TM) When You're Dead


The Beginning! Enjoy the BRILLIANT theme tune then watch in horror as we find
Guybrush prisoner on his own ship! Evil pirates have attacked, and Guybrush
must stop them (As usual). You, as Guybrush, are tied to the mast. Manoeuvre
to the right to notice a brazier of hot coals. Use the SQUARE button (PICK UP)
on the hot coals in the brazier to start juggling a hot coal with your feet.
Look around. What needs lighting? The cannons! Turn left towards the cannons,
select "KICK RED HOT CHUNK 'O' COAL AT LOADED CANNON", (Try kicking it at the
enemy pirate!) then press select (default CROSS). The coal lights the cannon,
and then...BOOM! The enemy ship explodes, and Elaine and Guybrush are safe.
Great! You've solved the easiest puzzle in the game. Don't fret...It gets a LOT

Act I - Things To Do On Melee Island(TM) When You're Dead

Melee Island(TM)
I half expected Guybrush to say, "It's quiet. TOO quiet." But he didn't. Damn.
No, so obviously nobody was expecting Guybrush and Elaine back. Hmm...odd,
considering she's their much-beloved governor. Ohh! So she's been pronounced
dead now, has she! GREAT! That's JUST what they need after their honeymoon.
And worst of all, some maniac with a catapult is trying to demolish their
house! Admittedly, he's not having much success, but he's trying nonetheless.
This is bad news. Take a look around- walk away from the catapult and go
through the gap in the wall.

Go to the map, then head to the harbour (There's nothing to do in the town
yet) look to the side of the shack and pick up the POPPED INNER TUBE. Now go
to town.

Head to the SCUMM bar, go inside, and talk to the darts players about THE
HOLES IN THE WALL. They reckon that they can hit anything, huh? Try them, see
if they can live up to their promises. Talk to the bartender, and ask about
snacks. He tells you that the drunk has the last PRETZEL BASKET. Hmm. Go over
to the drunk, try to talk to him, fail, and laugh at his idiocy. He won't give
you his pretzels; why should he- it's HIS birthday. The balloon tells you that
much. Go back to the darts guys. Ask them to HIT THE BALLOON OVER THERE. They
succeed, the balloon pops, and the poor drunk passes out (Sorry to keep
harking on about this, but I really felt guilty about doing this) and you can
steal the KUDU JERKY PRETZELS. Head back to the mansion. Use the POPPED INNER
TINKER WITH THE CATAPULT CONTROLS so the bloke resets them to his "Calibration
Cactus", hits the inner tube, the rock bounces off, and hits his catapult. He
laughs, at the pitiful damage the boulder has done to his catapult...then it
rolls off a cliff! Brilliant! "Oy! What are you doing? Those things don't grow
on trees, y'know!" Now you've got to stop him coming back. But first spend a
moment feeling blissfully superior. You are your own master. Now watch the

Go back to the SCUMM bar. Go to opposite the drunk. Talk to the CRUSTY SAILOR.
This is I. Cheese, and he's class. He tells you that an Ozzie developer is
trying to buy the bar, and that only by Insult Arm-Wrestling has he managed to
keep it. Ask him about Insult Arm Wrestling, and about him joining your crew.
Challenge him, and beat him.

Head left and talk to the two pirates outside the town hall. Pester them about
knowing them until they give in and tell you their identities- Carla the sword
master and Otis the flower picker, both from MI1. (I as embarrassed when I
first found out who they were, as I didn't recognise them at all.) Promise
them good jobs if they join your crew, then head for the MANSION.

Enter the mansion. Go to the desk by the window and pick up the CONTRACT. This
is a CUSHY GOVERNMENT JOB CONTRACT FORM. (DON'T pick up the contract on
Elaine's desk, as this is a manual labour contract and so it is absolutely
useless) Take it to ELAINE, and get it signed. Take the SIGNED CUSHY
GOVERNMENT JOB CONTRACT FORM to Otis and Carla. Now you have a crew.
Excellent! Now, in typical Monkey Island routine, you have to get a ship...

Return to the map and go to the harbour. Annoy the HARBOUR MISTRESS. Tell her
that you are commandeering a ship. She dismisses you, saying you do not have
proper authority. Well, we'll see about that! You're the husband of the
governor! Go to Elaine and whine about not having authority. She gives you the
a ship. Your WIFE'S ship. guessed it. It had to be THAT ship. Guybrush
protests "But it's pink!" he feebly tries. "All the other pirates will laugh
at me!" "Hmm, I get the feeling that you're used to being laughed at." Oddly,
no-one mentions it. But Guybrush appears to have a fear of pink in this game,
like his long-time fear of porcelain (Why is he scared of porcelain, anyway?)
Anyway, on to Lucre Island (tm).

Lucre Island(TM)
So Guybrush has been told to go and see the Lawyers. But this being a MONKEY
ISLAND game, something has GOT TO go wrong. And it does. But I'll get to that
in a minute. Go to the lawyers like a good boy, and listen to the BRILLIANT
music there, before regaling the lawyers with some nice lawyer jokes ("What do
you call a bunch of lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?" "A terrible tragedy?"
"A horrible waste?" "A potential negligence litigation lawsuit?" "A GOOD
START!") and saving your mansion. The lawyers give you a letter, so read it
(It's quite funny. You just KNOW that something's going to go wrong here) and
weep. Then go to the bank to pick up H.T. Marley's heirlooms.

At the bank, a miserable Ozzie git is having problems. This is OZZIE MANDRILL,
and he's pure evil. When Ozzie leaves, talk to Brittany, who let's you into
the vault to get items from your safe deposit box. After you open the chest,
the bank is GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD. Either this is a potential cloning
scandal, a case of time travel (don't rule it out), or it's someone in
disguise. Obviously, however, it's not you, but you have to get out to prove
that. Pick up everything the vault - the OLD SWORD, the SMALL SEA SPONGE, the
safe deposit box and take the MUSIC BOX and the BOTTLE OF FINE GROG. Go to
the door, and use the OLD SWORD with the only hinge you can reach- the bottom
hinge. Use the BROKEN SWORD ( this an intentional gag or not?) with the
crack in the door, widening it. Use the sponges with the crack, and then pour
the grog on to them (Alternatively, pour grog on each before putting them in
the crack. Your choice). The door blows right off its hinges! You're free...oh,
wait a minute, and they think you robbed a bank! DAMN!!!!

Framed for bank robbery, eh, Guybrush? Tut, tut. Better find the REAL
criminal- the no-nosed pirate. CANARD places you under 'house arrest' but due
to your non-residence on the island, you are not permitted to leave the
island- as a temporary 'home'. If that makes ANY sense at all. CANARD very set
on believing that you robbed the bank. To prove your innocence, find the real
thief, prove he was at the crime, and find the stolen money. Easy enough,
right? Weeeeell...this IS a Monkey Island game...

Finding the Real Thief
Go to the iron maiden. Look at it. Guybrush says something HILARIOUS in
dudespeak. Pick up the TIN OF CHICKEN GREASE. Go to the House 'o Sticks, watch
Ozzie Mandrill whining about his stick, and pick up the WOOD SHAVINGS. Talk to
FREDDIE if you want, then head outside to the perfume stall (Try looking at
the Grassy Knoll beforehand; useless, but funny) Pick up an EMPTY SPRITZER
BOTTLE from the large pile, Then steal the COLOGNE from the main stall (You
can find out that this is EAU DE LECHUCK now or later). Go to the bank, use
the BROKEN SWORD with the manhole cover, and pick it up. (Note: if Guybrush
couldn't pick it up in the first place, how can he carry it in his pocket?)

Go to the bait shoppe. Guybrush will make a comment on how bad it smells. Pick
up the FREE BAIT, leave the shop and pick up the DUCK, return to the fountain
and use the EMPTY SPRITZER BOTTLE on it to get the HOME-MADE PERFUME. Use the

Go to the map, and go to the MYSTES 'O TYME. Use the HOME-MADE PERFUME on the
PUDDLE, then return to the map and go to the mansion. Look for a FLOWER, pick
it up and combine it with the HOME-MADE PERFUME. Voila! Now try smelling the
HOME-MADE PERFUME- If you have smelt the HANDKERCHIEF in advance, Guybrush
will tell you that they smell absolutely alike. Obviously, a no-nosed pirate
will need a fake nose, so head to town and voila!

The palace 'o Prostheses is near! Go in to meet the blind shopkeeper, DEADEYE
DAVE. He tells you about his advanced sense of smell and hearing. Spray him
with the HOME-MADE PERFUME, and he tells you PEGNOSE PETE's fake name
(Completely random) He also has directions through the MYSTES 'O' TYME, but
since his filing monkey ran away, he can't find them. He tells you to feel
free to have a try. This frustrated me at the time. Each symbol is a section
of the alphabet:

Rabbit: A-D
Palm Tree: E-H
Pumpkin: I-M
Monkey: N-S
Banana: T-Z

When I played this, Pegnose's name was Kaise. R. Sose, so I inputted PUMPKIN,
MONKEY, MONKEY. Now press the button to get directions to PEGNOSE PETE's
house. Weird. They're like a train schedule. Write the directions down on a
piece of paper. Now where have you seen a clock before? The chess players had
one. Head towards them (They're near the docks, on the large view that shows
all of Lucre Town) and talk to CASTANEDA. He tells you that SANTIAGO has a
crush on BRITTANY. Distract him by choosing the stupidest option on the menu,
until he messes up one of his moves. SANTIAGO laughs at him, so go over there
and distract him by muttering about BRITTANY. He also messes up a move, and
CASTANEDA laughs at him, starting an intense war of words. In the chaos, steal
the CLOCK, and then go to the map, travelling to the MYSTES 'O' TYME.

I hate this next bit. It is incredibly confusing and frustrating, and I caused
about three time paradoxes the first time I played. Damn! Use the CLOCK with
the RAFT, then use the raft. Did you write down the directions? Good. Match
the times to the directions (i.e. 12:50 East) until you meet yourself. Yeah,
you heard me right. Remember what I said in the bank robbery section? Write
down what the other Guybrush gives you, and in what order he does it. Also
write down what answer he gives you when you ask him what number you are
thinking of at the current time. Continue following the directions, until you
meet yourself on the other side of the gate. Give yourself the items in the
order you were given them, and answer the question you asked yourself

Now continue following directions until you find PEGNOSE's house. You hear
OZZIE MANDRILL and PEGNOSE talking it the hut. (This puzzle had me whooping
with delight when I realised how to solve it) Use the TIN OF CHICKEN GREASE on
the welcome mat, and then use the DUCK on the window. PEGNOSE PETE screams
(His nose was allegedly bitten off by a duck), runs outside, slips on the mat,
and falls into the crawdaddy trap. Yippie-Ki-Yay!

Proving Pegnose was there
(This bit had me baffled for about a week, and is unfairly frustrating. Take
heed, LucasArts!) Look at the MANHOLE COVER. It has random names on it,
which is frustrating. Go to DAVE's shop, and ask about getting some ST.
SWITHENS DAY GIFTS FOR YOUR FRIENDS. Ask about free prostheses, and use the
names on the manhole cover in the story he tells you. You receive the
PROSTHETIC SKIN. Go to the bank, use the PROSTHETIC SKIN on the MANHOLE, to
get a TRAMPOLINE! (YUK!) Bounce up to the window, take the SCUPPERWARE in the
bottom-left table, and pull the PULL-CHAIN. Look at the furthest left light
fixture from the balcony to see a weird shadow of a nose on the wall. CANARD
comes in mysteriously, takes the nose, and you've proved PEGNOSE was there!
Yippie-Ki-Yay, no-nosed ******! Watch the cut-scene of Elaine being massacred
at the polls.

Finding the Loot
Head to the PALACE 'O' PROSTHESES, and use the music box with DAVE. Steal the
bait shoppe, pick up some more free bait. Combine it with the SCUPPERWARE
("There! Now my bait will stay fresh!") Go to the termite circus and use the

Go to the map, and head to the FORBODING MANSION. Enter it to meet OZZIE
MANDRILL in person. He's a miserable git. Spray EAU DE LECHUCK (Aka COLOGNE)
on his dingoes and he'll break his stick. Head to the house 'o sticks, and
as MANDRILL storms in.

Go to his mansion, and tell him that you know he's guilty. Now you can follow
him to PEGNOSE's booty showroom. When you reach the lagoon, head to the trees
that MANDRILL came out of. There's a hidden passage in there. Press the button
on the table to find the heirlooms, behind reinforced glass. Leave the room
and dive into the deep water. It's pitch black. When the fish appear on
screen, open the SCUPPERWARE. One will swim in and you can see underwater.
Head into the secret passage to find the MARLEY HEIRLOOMS and MISSING LOOT.
Pick these up, as well as the ITTY-BITTY BRASS SCREW, and head into town. Go
SCREW to convince him of your innocence. Watch Pegnose's nose get put on,
listen to the OJ Simpson joke, and watch him escape. CANARD insults Guybrush,
and then you can leave.

Back on Melee Island, Guybrush tells Elaine about his exploits ("...and then I
was attacked by an army of Giant Koalas...") before L. Charles turns up and
starts gloating about the idiocy of Melee Island's citizens. He transforms
into all his different forms- Ghost, Zombie and Demon, and Guybrush looks
surprised. Nobody else does. The music swells to a climax as LeChuck walks out
of the door, finishing when Guybrush shouts "Oh Yeah? Well YOU FIGHT LIKE A
COW!" Inspired.

Well, that was a lengthy act, wasn't it? Congratulations!

(5) Act II - Enter The Manatee

Melee Island(TM)
Ask Elaine everything possible in the Mansion, and then head to the
International House of Mojo. (It's the massive great temple thing) Pull the
finger on the hand table (For a laugh, try picking up the hand- "There's only
a few hands I want down my pants (!!) and that's not one of them") and Mojo
spins round. Ask her everything, and you'll learn about the Ultimate Insult
and Grandpa Marley's wedding gifts. Ask her about the gifts, and you will
receive the EARRINGS, the NECKLACE, and the PEN ON A CHAIN. After talking
until you get bored, leave the International House of Mojo and go to the map.

Go to Meathook's house. Talk to Meathook about everything. When you are
finished talking to him, take the PAINT BRUSH from the bucket he gives you.

Head to the harbour. Look at the Grog machine and at the change return slot
to notice something glinting, then take the QUARTER. Use the QUARTER in the
Grog Machine. It gets jammed, so kick, punch, shake, and then yell at the
Grog Machine until the machine spits out dozens of cans of Grog. Pick up a
can. Elaine, being omnipotent, won't let you drink it, so go to the SCUMM bar.
Hmm...something's a little wrong. Why is it called the LUA bar now? Noooooooooo!
It's I. Cheese's worst nightmare! They've turned his bar into a sushi

Enter the LUA Bar. Look at the table just to the left of the door and take
the CHOPSTICKS. Sit down and talk to the waitress (Regardless of your order,
you'll get the flaming scuttlefish) When the flaming fish floats past the
totem pole to the right, use the PAINTBRUSH in the SUSHI BOAT MECHANISM The
flames should be under the painting. Now rush into the kitchen (For a bizarre
Beastie Boys reference, look at the brass mechanical monkey- "That Funky
Monkey!") and use the can of grog with the sushi boat steam generator. The
flames melt the wax on the painting and the chef gives you the blue map- the
wedding gift!

Now go to the harbour, and use the earrings (As Elaine says, they're wooden.
What else in town is wooden?) Use the EARRINGS on the figurehead. It comes
alive, and is not in a good mood. Next use the NECKLACE and the PEN ON A CHAIN
on the FIGUREHEAD, before finally giving her the BLUE PAINTING! Voila! You now
know where the ultimate insult is, and what it looks like. Now give back the
MELEE (tm) ISLAND GUBERNATORIAL SYMBOL and sail to Jambalaya Island!

Jambalaya Island (TM)
I love this island! It is easily the best bit in the game.
There are three parts to the Ultimate Insult - (1) The Silver Monkey Head, (2)
A Bronze Hat, and (3) A Golden Man. All of these are on Jambalaya Island

Getting the Silver Monkey Head
Head into town, and go to STARBUCCANEER'S. Look at the EMPTY GROGGOCHINO CUP
from the outside, then go in and pick it up. Talk to the counter boy and ask
for a refill. This is just in case you mess up he next bit- go to Stan's,
drink it, and ask about his sales pitch. He gives you the PLANET THREEPWOOD
TOKEN at the end. Otherwise, look in the fat woman's bag to see a
STARBUCCANEER'S LOGO MUG. Steal it (Bit immoral, this game) and go to the left
side of the counter to get a free sample of SCHMEAR-WHIZ (tm) MINI BAGELS. These
are terrible, Guybrush tells you, and spits it out, giving you the JUICY WAD

Now go to the map, and go to the gaudy building to meet Stan. Ignore him if
possible, pick up a PAMPHLET from his desk and pick up the GLUE on the

Go to Town again, and go to the MICRO-GROGGERY. Use this on the MANATEE in the
corner. Go to the guy at the counter, ask him about the thing in the corner,
and ask to have a go on it. You succeed after a few hours, and get your PLANET
love him; he is easily the best character. Converse with him for a while,
before going inside. Look at the menu then talk to ELAYNE, order a meal and
show her the coupon. She gives you the monkey mug. While sitting down, talk to
the JOLLY PIRATE. He will draw you a caricature with the mug. Use the
caricature with the glue, and the sticky caricature with the STARBUCCANEER'S
LOGO MUG. Use the fake monkey mug with the monkey mug, and walk away. Well
done. You've got the first part of the ultimate insult!

Getting A Bronze Hat
Go to the MICRO GROGGERY and ask for some grog. The BARTENDER asks for ID
from you, then give you the WIMPY GROG (just strong enough to stun a skinny
parrot.). Leave the bar and look at the statue in the centre of town - it
seems to have been vandalized. Talk to the TOURIST WITH THE NASALLY VOICE who
knows a lot about the statue and its origins. Talk to him and ask him
everything. Go to the docks, and use the COMMUNITY ROWBOAT. As you try to row
you are fired upon by an utter git, ADMIRAL CASABA (or RICARDO LUIGI PIERRE
M'BENGA CHANG NEHRU O'HARA CASABA THE THIRD). Ignore him, unless you want to
be bored, and continue heading towards Knuttin Atoll.

On the beach you will see a bright white and blue building. This is MISS
RIVERS' PIRATE TRANSMOGRIFICATION ACADAMY. It's a brainwashing centre! Talk to
Miss Rivers, tell her you are tired of being a pirate, and you get into
school. In the test, give the most violent answers humanely possible. You fail
so badly that you get the DUNCE'S CAP and you get chucked out of school! Now
go outside, and pull the fire alarm ("Don't try this at home, boys and girls.
False fire alarms cost lives!") Run inside and pick up the whistle from the
chest. Miss Rivers catches you but doesn't take the whistle back. Good. Go to
the puppet show, and talk to L'IL LECHUCK about everything. Ask where he's
been. L'IL GUYBRUSH tells you that CASABA fires on three or more pirates
talking at once. Ask about the puppeteer. When he appears, leave him alone,
then show him the blue painting. He screams in horror and runs off, leaving
his puppets. Pick them up.

Walk to the beach on the east side of the island. Talk to the metabolically
challenged pirate (Jumbeaux LaFeet). He tells you that his father was Tiny
LaFeet and that he stole the hat from the statue. He then tells you he buried
under one of the rocks, but can't remember which one. Walk one screen to the
right - I hate this bit, it's the worst bit in the game, much worse than
Monkey Kombat.

Use the whistle to call the parrots. Use the WIMPY GROG with ONE of the
parrots. Now ask it a question to find out if it lies or tells the truth. I
gave it to the truthful parrot. The rock the hat is under is random, so here
is the general pattern to follow:

1) Use the WHISTLE (now called the PARROT CALL)
2) Ask one of the parrots if the hat is buried under this rock
3) If it is the truth teller and says no, wait for the parrots to land again
and find out which direction you should go (make sure you get the truth
telling parrot!)

If it is the truth teller and says yes, go to the next section

If it is the liar and says yes, wait for the parrots to land again find out
which direction you should go (make sure you get the truth telling parrot!)

If it is the liar and says no, go to the next section

(An easy way to know which parrot is which is to do this - whichever parrot
can't sit still is drunk on grog. So for me, the truthful parrot was
tottering back and forth - always ask the truth telling parrot the question to
make this go quicker!)

Once you have found the correct rock, use LI'L GUYBRUSH & LI'L LECHUCK to get
Admiral Casaba to fire on you with the cannon. Casaba will miss you, but blow
the boulder up for you, leaving a big hole. At the bottom of the hole is the
Almost there...

Getting A Golden Man
Go back to Jambalaya Island(TM). Head to the tall rock and watch the world's
best plank diver, Marco de Pollo. Talk to this pompous git about his
childhood, why he's a diver, how to dive, etc. Go to the left to ask the
judges and to find out how to get certified. After a particularly nasty
medical process, you will receive the DIVING CERTIFICATE. Head back to where
Marco de Pollo is. Use the baby seal oil on the table with the JUICY WAD OF
CHEWED UP BAGEL CHUNKS WITH SCHMEAR WHIZ(TM). A seagull lands. This is a clue,
showing that seagulls like it. Talk to the judges to find out how to get good
marks. The hippie judge tells you how to do the moves:

Alpha Monkey: left
Keelhaul: up
Rum Barrel: down
Spinning Swordsman: right

The wise old judge tells you that your head is too flat.
The grouchy judge tells you he's been bribed. Look at the TIME SHARE BOOKLET
you picked up from Stan's, to see him with a girl who is NOT his wife. Show
this to him and he'll give you a fair score. Now challenge MARCO DE POLLO to a
contest. Watch his moves, and then when you get up top wear the dunce's cap
and copy his moves using the instructions above. You should get three 10's.
Now the tables turn. You have to do a dive, and he has to beat it. Do any
dive. Before he dives, he puts the baby seal oil on. This makes him a seagull
attractant. He dives and is hideously scarred for life by evil seagulls.
Guybrush and the omnipotent crowds cruelly mock him, and you receive the
golden man. Now you have an ultimate insult...

A cut-scene shows L. Charles taunting Elaine on Melee(tm) Island. She goes crazy,
upon losing the election. Guybrush gets the ultimate insult stolen (GASP!) and
is banished to (NOOOOOO) Monkey Island (tm)!!!!!! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

(6) Act III - Escape From Monkey Island(TM)

How could it not happen? Finally, you're actually here to escape from it, and
it's changed just a LITTLE since you were last here. Timmy the monkey is there
to greet you at the start of Act III, as Guybrush becomes seriously depressed
("It's like my life is a never-ending series of...of puzzles. Don't try to
comfort me, Timmy. Oh. Ok. I'll do for the children. Order of business: 1) Get
off the fershlugginer island. 2) Stop Ozzie and LeChuck destroying the pirates
of the Caribbean with the ultimate insult. 3) BUY SOME NEW SHOES!!!!) Pick up
the NOTE from the tree- it's from HT (HERMAN TOOTHROT. OR IS IT???) Go to the
map, and visit the campsite to meet HERMAN TOOTHROT (OR IS HE???), albeit
without his memory. Pick up the NOTE and the COCONUT, then move off to the

Head to vista point, and take note of the canals and rocks. This is where
timing is vital. It's a bit hard, and frustrating if you don't get it first
time. Pick up a rock, throw it in the right canal. Pick up another rock, and
when the first one hits a tree branch, throw the rock you have into the middle
canal. Pick up another rock. When the second rock hits a branch, throw the
third rock into the left canal. Pick up one more rock, and when the third rock
hits a branch, throw the fourth rock into the left canal. The rocks will fly
out to the lava field and create a pool of lava! Success!
(NB: Each rock only hits one branch. If you are confused about which rock is
which, just look for a branch that has not yet been hit.)

Hike to the canyon (North east of the campsite), and look at the cactus on the
right. Pick up the BANANA PICKER, this being one of the most useful items in
the whole game.

Head to the castle on the volcano. You see a monkey throwing a milk bottle
into the lava field. The island is random! Be careful! Go into the castle, and
everything, and then ask to go on the lava boat (It's...Pink!). Get your BANANA
PICKER ready at the bottom of the lava fall. Steer the boat towards the milk
bottle and grab it with the BANANA PICKER. Next head into the lava pool you
made. Climb out of the boat, 'USE' the tree to make a bridge. Walk a cross it
to the map.

Go to the beach that you started on, use the BANANA PICKER with the bananas
repeatedly until the whole bunch falls down. Give one to Timmy, and he follows
you. Go to the canyon, and walk to the metal door. Open the vent, and use a
banana with it. Timmy runs through. Close it, and use a Banana with the
portal. Timmy opens the whole door.

Go through the tube and use the BANANA PICKER to get the WEEDWHIPPER in there-
its on the left of the machinery.

Return to the lava field, use the WEEDWHIPPER on the patch of weeds. Guybrush
does a DISCOVERY CHANNEL (tm) as the lava drains away, activating the machinery
in... something.
Go across the stone bridge to the village.

Talk to Jojo Jr. Ask repeatedly about his hat, and he tells you about MONKEY
KOMBAT. For more detail on this (Extending on what he says) go to and look for the FAQ entitled "Monkey Kombat FAQ" by David
Moore. Give the SHIELDS to the Musically Inclined Monkey, who gives you the
accordion. Look for monkeys on the map to play MONKEY KOMBAT against. It's
completely random, so just copy other monkey's moves until you have learn all
of them.

Triangle- Ack
Square- Oop
X- Eek
Circle- Chee

It's needlessly complex and takes hours to explain. You'll understand it
better if you play it yourself. Listen to Jojo Jr. and David Moore instead.

Return to the campsite, and throw the COCONUT at Herman, followed by the MILK
IS!!!!!!! Talk to him after the Cut-scene to get the MELEE ISLAND(TM)

Go to the monkey village and beat Jojo Jr. To bat him, you will need to have
written down EVERY move. Trust me, it's hard. Get the BRONZE HAT and use it
with the giant monkey head. Use the BANANA PICKER on the MONKEY NOSE to open
the mouth. Use the MELEE ISLAND(TM) GUBERNATORIAL SEAL with the prominent slot
to reveal the _REAL_ SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND(tm). Finally! You've ESCAPED FROM

(7) Act III+ - Guybrush Kicks Unusually Large Butt

You start inside the MECHA-MONKEY. Walk to the right and pick up the REALLY
BIG PLANK. Use it with the smallest tower. Climb the SMALL TOWER and jump on
the PLANK. After a few jumps you reach the top of the tallest tower. Pull the
EXCESSIVELY LARGE SWITCH. After a pulse-poundingly exciting cut-scene, you
begin MOOOOOOOONKEY KOOOOOOOOOOMBAT! With a giant LeChuck statue! He cannot be
beaten by conventional means, but try getting three draws and making him pound
his head....
Congratulations! You've done it! (With my help) Thanks for reading this!

(8) Stuff, and where to get it.

Question to readers: Would this be better in alphabetical order? At present,
it is in the order that they are in the walkthrough. Email me with your
opinions, PLEASE?

Popped Inner Tube
Found: Next to the shack in the Harbour
What's it for?: Use it with the FUNNY-LOOKING CACTUS at the Marley Mansion and
then give the BOULDER GUY the KUDU JERKY PRETZELS and tinker with the catapult
controls. He recalibrates the catapult to the cactus- the rock rebounds and
destroys his catapult.

Bowl of Jerky Pretzels
Found: With the drunk at the SCUMM Bar
What's it for?: The Catapult operator is entitled to snack breaks- give these
to him so you can tinker with the catapult.

Cushy Government Job Contract Form
Found: On the desk in the Marley Mansion
What's it for?: Otis and Carla will join you on your voyage if you get it

Melee Island(TM) Gubernatorial Symbol
Found: Given to you at Marley Mansion
What's it for?: Use it to get a ship, and also as the mysterious 3rd and a
half piece of the Ultimate Insult (I say A HALF, as both are needed for the
REAL ultimate insult)

Old Sword
Found: Inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank vault- one of H.T. Marley's
What's it for?: This opens the bank vault door a bit, and also allows you to
get the manhole cover. As well as having a terrible BROKEN SWORD joke

Small Sea Sponge
Found: Inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank vault
What's it for?: Jam it into the crack to widen it further

Medium Sea Sponge
Found: Inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank vault
What's it for?: Jam it into the crack to widen it further

Large Sea Sponge
Found: Inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank vault
What's it for?: Jam it into the crack to widen it to bursting point.

Found: Inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank vault
What's it for?: Appears useless, but gives a clue to the EVIL (Mwa-ha-ha-ha)
robber of the Lucre Island bank.

Music Box
Found: Lucre Island(TM) bank vault- in the open safe deposit box
What's it for?: Distracts DEADEYE DAVE allowing you to steal the WOODEN
PROSTHETIC HAND from the box of finely-crafted prostheses.

Bottle of Fine Grog
Found: Lucre Island(TM) bank vault- in the open safe deposit box
What's it for?: Makes the sponges expand, widening the door and blowing it
off it's hinges!

Tin of Chicken Grease
Found: Lucre Island(TM) Hall of Justice- by the Iron Maiden
What's it for?: Use it on the welcome mat at PEGNOSE PETE'S house for a
slippery surprise!

Cologne (Eau De LeChuck)
Found: Scents and Sensibilities stand on Lucre Island(TM)
What's it for?: Spray it on OZZIE MANDRILL'S dingoes to irritate him into
breaking his cane.

Empty Spritzer Bottle
Found: Next to HUGO (Perfume man)
Use With/For: Store ingredients in it to make HOME-MADE PERFUME.

Wood Shavings
Found: In the House o' Sticks, on the sideboard
What's it for?: Use it with the EMPTY SPRITZER BOTTLE.

Home-Made Perfume
Found: Add ingredients together.
What's it for?: Smells like PEGNOSE PETE- spray it on DEADEYE DAVE to get
PEGNOSE'S real name.

Found: Waddling outside bait shop.
What's it for?: PEGNOSE PETE'S nose was bitten off by a duck- he's scared of
them. Throw this into his house to chase him out.

Found: Pick it from outside OZZIE MADRILL'S house.
What's it for?: Use it in the HOME-MADE PERFUME

Manhole Cover
Found: Outside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank
What's it for?: Look at it to find out names. Ask DEADEYE DAVE for free
prostheses, use names in story, get PROSTHETIC SKIN.

Found: Steal it from CASTENADA and SANTIAGO by distracting them.
Use With/For: Use it in the Mystes 'o' Tyme.

Prosthetic Skin
Found: Given to you by DEADEYE DAVE
Use With/For: Use with open manhole to make trampoline to enter bank.

Wooden Prosthetic Hand
Found: In the box of finely crafted prostheses in the PALACE 'O' PROSTHESES.
Use With/For: Use with termite circus to get TERMITE-INFESTED PROSHETIC HAND

Found: Desk inside the Lucre Island(TM) Bank
Use With/For: Use with the FREE BAIT to catch a BIOLUMINESCENT FISH
underwater to make a lantern.

Free Bait
Found: In the bait shop, to the right
Use With/For: Combine it with the SCUPPERWARE to attract a glowing fish,
which can then be used as a lantern.

Marley Family Heirlooms
Found: Inside Pegnose Pete's booty showcase ("It's booty-tastic!")
Use With/For: Clues to Ultimate insult, prove you didn't rob bank, nice
presents (?!)

Itty-bitty Screw
Found: Inside Pegnose Pete's booty showcase ("As showrooms go, I would rate
it a 78. It had a good beat, and I could dance to it")
Use With/For: Prove PEGNOSE PETE was bank robber.

Found: In Marley Family heirlooms, MOJO finds it in Act II.
Use With/For: Use them on the figurehead of the Dainty Lady

Found: In Marley Family heirlooms, MOJO finds it in Act II.
Use With/For: Use them on the figurehead of the Dainty Lady

Pen on Chain
Found: In Marley Family heirlooms, MOJO finds it in Act II.
Use With/For: Use them on the figurehead of the Dainty Lady

Paint Brush
Found: MEATHOOK gives it to you when you ask about his candles.
Use With/For: Jam into the sushi boat propulsion mechanism at the LUA bar.

Found: In the Grog Machine at the Harbour
Use With/For: In the machine (Duhhhhhhhhh!)

Can of Grog
Found: In the grog machine (Well, actually out of it once you've yelled at
Use With/For: Use it in the sushi boat steam generator in the LUA bar kitchen
to stop the sushi boats.

Blue Painting
Found: At the LUA Bar, hidden behind the wax painting.
Use With/For: Give it to the figurehead of the Dainty Lady to learn how to
make and where the ultimate insult is.

Starbuccaneer's Logo Mug
Found: At STARBUCCANEER'S, in the lady's bag.
Use With/For: It looks like the SILVER MONKEY MUG. Use it with the CARICATURE
and the GLUE to get a FAKE MONKEY MUG.

Juicy Wad of Chewed Up Bagel Chunks and Schmear Whiz
Found: Yuk! Spit it out after trying the free sample of mini-bagels at
What's it for?: Schmear-Whiz is made from salmon. Sea birds like salmon. Use
salmon with MARCO DE POLLO, and you get...

Time Share Brochure
Found: On STAN's desk
Use With/For: Blackmail grouchy diving judge.

Planet Threepwood Coupon
Found: Either tame the MANATEE at the Micro-Groggery or withstand STAN's
sales pitch using the GROG-O-CHINNO.
Use With/For: To get a meal and the mug at Planet Threepwood.

Monkey Mug Caricature
Found: Go to Planet Threepwood and ask the JOLLY PIRATE for it while sitting
down with the MONKEY MUG.
Use With/For: Use it with the JAR OF GLUE and the STARBUCCANEER'S LOGO MUG so
you can switch it with the SILVER MONKEY MUG at Planet Threepwood.

Wimpy Grog
Found: Given to you at the Micro-Groggery by the bartender
Use With/For: Stun ONE parrot on Knuttin atoll to make it easier to find the

Dunce Cap
Found: fail miserably at Miss Rivers' pirate transmogrification academy on
Knuttin Atoll.
Use With/For: Wear it during the diving contest. The wise old judge will give
you a 10.

Found: In the pirate transmogrification academy in the chest.
Use With/For: It sounds just like a parrot. Use it to call the parrots on the

Li'l Guybrush & Li'l LeChuck
Found: Steal them from HELLBEARD on Knuttin Atoll.
Use With/For: Makes ADMIRAL CASABA fire on you when you have found Tiny
LaFeet's hat.

Bronze Hat
Found: Under a random boulder on Knuttin Atoll
Use With/For: One of three pieces in the Ultimate Insult

Diving Certificate
Found: Pass the diving competition medical.
Use With/For: Needed to compete against MARCO DE POLLO.

Golden Man
Found: Prize for the diving competition
Use With/For: Part III of the ultimate insult.

Note (from beach)
Found: On the beach you start at on Monkey Island(TM)
Use With/For: Pointless
Found: Cluttered clearing on Monkey Island(TM)
Use With/For: Pointless, again.

Found: Campsite on Monkey Island(TM)
Use With/For: For regaining HERMAN TOOTHROT'S memory.

Banana Picker
Found: In the canyon on Monkey Island(TM), by the cactus.
Use With/For: Grab things out of reach.

Found: In the skull inside the FIRST CHURCH OF LECHUCK.
Use With/For: Give to MUSICALLY-INCLINED monkey to get ACCORDION.

Milk Bottle
Found: On an island in the lava field in Monkey Island (tm)
Use With/For: Another piece to regain HERMAN TOOTHROT'S memory.

Bunch of Bananas
Found: High up on the beach on Monkey Island(TM)
Use With/For: Give to Timmy so he follows you.

Weed Whipper
Found: Behind the heavy metal door in the mine in the canyon.
Use With/For: Rip weeds out of the ground on lava field.

Found: Dropped by MUSICALLY-INCLINED MONKEY when he is given SHIELDS.
Use With/For: Last thing needed to regain HERMAN TOOTHROT'S memory.

Melee Island Gubernatorial symbol (II)
Found: Given to you by HERMAN TOOTHROT after conversation with him about his
past life.
Use with/For: Operating giant (CENSORED AS IT RUINS PLOT)

Really Big Plank
Found: On the island in Act III+
Use With/For: Use it as a springboard with the SMALL TOWER.

(9) Fun stuff
This is a collection of things which made me laugh. Others are mentioned in
the walkthrough, but these are some you might have otherwise missed.

- Notice PEGNOSE PETE'S OJ Simpson joke in the cut-scene when his nose is

- Get all the pieces of free prosthetic rubbish from DEADEYE DAVE and combine
WHAT IT'S FOR. Somebody please tell me. (Thanks to David Davidov for reminding
me of this tip)

-Try to get MEATHOOK to do the tattoo trick from MI1. The first time, it's
barely visible, but second time it looks brilliant.

-Leave MURRAY to talk a bit on his stool. Eventually he will come out with:
"FEEL your soul being gently ripped from your body by this restaurant of
uncompromising EEEEEEVILLLLLL! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Classic.

-For some reason, I mysteriously acquired the sub game MURRAYBALL (Like PONG,
but with Murray) If anyone knows how to get it, PLEASE e-mail me, as I messed
up badly and lost my save with MURRAYBALL on it. Also, does anyone know what
the other sub-game is, and how to find it? Pleeeeeeease?

-If you change in the tent at the diving competition 13 times, Murray the Evil
Skull will attack your foot and you will give him a swift kick (Thanks to
Juventus_FSU for this tip)

-After the end credits, listen to Guybrush whine pitifully!

(10) Thanks to...

Juventus_FSU: You helped me get through the game the first time, and helped me
solve the bronze hat puzzle, as well as finding the MURRAY secret. I owe you one
hell of a favour.

David Davidov: For reminding me about the ABOMINATION OF NATURE bit. And sending
me the first e-mail about this walkthrough. Very gratifying. Thanks.

God: For making the earth, and me, and the people who made this great game.

Www. Gamefaqs. Com: For publishing this, and being the best FAQ site in the

LucasArts: For making the funniest games ever. You've brought humour back in to
my life. Thanks, Guys.

Mark Knopfler and the rest of Dire Straits: I couldn't have written this without
brilliant music to keep me going.

Bono, the Edge, and the rest of U2: Exactly the same as above.

Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard: Brilliant GLADIATOR music.


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Dt. Lösung im pdf-Format

04.Oktober 2013

27.September 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

30.September 2013

29.September 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Lösung für die Demoversion

01.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Ermöglicht es Video-und Audio-Dateien aus dem Spiel zu extrahieren

02.Oktober 2013
Savegame und dt. Lösung für den Monkey Kombat

02.Oktober 2013
Lösung im UHS-Format

02.Oktober 2013
Hilfe für Monkey-Kombat im Word format
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung im Word-Format
Engl. Lösung

26.September 2013
Lösung für die Monkey Kombat-Rätsel als Excel-Datei

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

04.Oktober 2013
Monkey Kombat Help File
Engl. Hinweise

22.September 2013
Dt. Hinweise im Word-Format (Anmerkung: es sieht so aus als ob der Monkey Kombat doch zufallsgesteuert ist)

04.Oktober 2013
Affenkampf-Hinweise im Word-Format
Engl. Hinweise

01.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

02.Oktober 2013
Beleidigungen und Lösung für die Demoversion

28.September 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
11.Februari 2016
24.Februari 2018
22.Oktober 2014
13.December 2013