

16.10.2013 22:14:19
(Presumed) "GUILTY"
(c) 1995 Psychnosis & Divide Zer0
(Innocent Until Caught 2!)
I. Introduction
Authors & Credits
Solve/Walkthrough By
II. Before Starting...
III. WalkThrough 1 (Ysanne Andropath)
IV. WalkThrough 2 (Jack T. Ladd)
V. Greetings
I. Introduction


Authors & Credits:
Creative Director: Andy Blazdell
Technical Director: Simon Lipowicz
Additional Programming: Glyn Kendall
Background Art: Stuart Hughes
Animation: Jack Willies - Gary Welch - Tahir Rashid
& Aziz Rashid
3D Modeling: Andy Day
Music: Ian McCue
Sound Effects: Shout Ltd.
Sound Drivers: John Miles
Language Translation: Alpha Translations
MIDI/OPL/Sound Cards... : The Fat Man

Solve/WalkThrough BY: Psychotron & Oxygene Of mCC 1995!

Interface: Point & Click

Sound : 123456[7]8910 [Using SB can sometimes give problems..]
Graphics : 1234567[8]910
Difficulty : 12345[6]78910 [Problems are sometimes hard to find, but
it is not too difficult...]
Overall : 123456[7]8910 [Which is very good to us :)]

II. Before Starting...

- A game saved using a speaker, can't be used with a saved game of SB..
- Points are written down most of the time, not always...
- U can't die in this game, so don't worry... saved games are only needed
when u want to continue the game (LucasArts Style)
- Don't try to look for clues too far... look for clues on places where you
haven't done anything yet...
- If your inventory is full just drop some items you are 100% sure of you
don't need anymore...

III. Walkthrough 1 (Ysanne Andropath).

Playing with "Ysanne Andropath".

As the introduction said we'll find out that Jack T.Ladd (JTL) screwed up
the hyper-drive of your ship. Now they have to stick to Impulse Power but
they have one problem... fuel shortage.

We begin on the bridge/cockpit.
Take the medical kit, and take the lunchbox. Use your lunch box.
You'll find a fork and a knife (take them). Use your medical kit and take
the syringe.
Talk to the ship's computer (Booba), it'll tell you that you're near a planet
registered as a mining colony.

Use the console. Press the survey button and you'll notice a planet called
LIXA. Press the land button and you'll land on the planet. Talk to booba
again and it'll tell you that there are no readouts from the planet and it
will give you a diagnostic cartridge.

Leave the bridge through the left door, then take the door in the middle.
Use the control panel and it'll open, and stand on the elevator in the
middle of the room.

(Watch the animated sequence)

Go to the right. Enter the temple. In the temple go to the door to the
left and you'll find the computer. Take the disk out of the first disk
drive. Go out again, and go on the other door on the right. You will see
an elevator, stand on it. If you're below go through the door on the
right. Take the pickaxe and exit. Take the elevator again. Talk to JTL.
and use 'I need you to go down in that elevator'. Use your knife and cut
the rope twice. You'll get a cable. Talk to elevator shaft and JTL will
return. Take the cable and click on the pickaxe. (Grappling Hook) [7.9%]

Go down the elevator and take the left exit. Then take the grappling hook
and click on the Cavern Roof. [8.6%] Use the grappling rope and you'll
swing like Tarzan. Go to the left.

You'll find a corpse. Examine the corpse and you'll find an ID card from
a Mining Colony's Executive officer. Go back to the cavern and swing again.
[10.1%] Go back up with the elevator. Go back to the faulty computer and
put the ID card in the PCMMMMXCIA slot. [10.8%] TAKE at the secondary
computer and you'll get a working circuit board. [11.5%] and put it in the
MAIN computer again! [12.3%] Now, put the empty disk in the disk drive to the
left. USE the console again. Make sure you use your ID card in the slot.
If all goes well, you should get "the log is being transferred to disk".

Go back to the ship's bridge and take the disk to Booba. Then talk to her,
use 'Can you read this disk...'. She'll tell you there was an invasion of
aliens from another dimension and that you must close the portal before it's
too late. [13.7%] Talk to Booba again and choose 'We must stop this alien
invasion'. Now Booba will tell you that she can track down the source of it,
and she'll add the 2 planets to your ship's console. They are called 'GELT'
and 'BROYGUS'.

Click on GELT and then click on TAKE OFF. Space again. Then click on LAND.
Go to the Elevator and enter the planet.

Talk to the hostess (Lucky Star Casino) and you'll need to find a way to get
in the casino. Choose 'about this Xanvier Zeb...' and then you say 'I'm
actually his wife...' Now you can enter the casino. [14.4%]

Enter the second floor (door on the left). Talk to the concierge. If you
talk enough, you'll find out that the window cleaning company is named
'SMEAR 'N' CLEAR'. You'll need to know this!

Enter the third floor (door on the right). Talk to Ruthie. You may talk
with the boss about your gambling authorization. Your ship will be impounded
for the aliens as a business deal with Tennant. In the meantime you'll get
full access to all facilities. [15.9%]
Leave the office, and go down to the first floor (door on the right).

You've entered the casino. Talk to the croupier. Talk to gambler and choose
'Keep on talking babe...', then ask for some chips, and he'll give them to
you. [17.3%] Now you can play, and ask for as much chips as you want...
(He'll also give info of suspicious cheating in the casino, get a clue?)
Now during the blackjack game, steal 2 IDENTICAL cards (take MY CARD). [18.8%]
Then go to the boss again (Tennant) on the top floor, talk to the lady first
and you'll tell her you have evidence of cheating in the casino. She'll
let you in. Then talk to the chief and you'll get your ship back (whoah),
but he won't tell you where the beacon is (damn). [20.2%]

You want to go back to your ship, but you still need the location of the
beacon, and you're not leaving untill you've got it. So you'll go back to
Tennant's and talk first to the receptionist. And tell her that you work
for the window cleaning company. [21.0%] She'll give you the key of the
window. Go inside and use the console, you'll find out the whereabouts of
the beacon. Now use the window key on the window. [21.7%]

Walk on the ledge. Now you're on the top of the building. Use the beacon,
and go back down. [23.1%] Go to your ship and use the console. Click on
data, to display the planets, and then click on co rdinates (603704).
Use the panel with the numbers to enter these co rdinates. Click on Take-Off.
Click on the other planet (BROYGUS) and click on land. Exit from your ship.

Follow the animated sequence. Go to the right and talk to the Colonel.
Pick up the stick. Use the flagpole to get the flag. Go to the right again.
You'll get on a oasis. Take the stick and click it on the fruit in the tree.
Use the empty syringe on the fruit. [26.8%] Go back to the left twice and
go below. Go to the right. Use the flag on the oildrum as a wick. [27.5%]
Go back to the colonel, and watch him closely, you'll see that he puts off
his spectacles once a while... grab em fast! [28.2%] Then, head for the
place with the oildrum again and use the spectacles on the oildrum. She'll
light it up and ... kabooom... You'll see that the guard at the tank has
left to check it out. [28.9%] Use the full syringe on his cup of coffee and
he'll faint. [29.7%]

Use the tank. Once inside the tank, use the console (fire system) and you'll
notice that the safety is still on... Now, examine the window of the tank and
you'll see that Jack Ladd will come to the resue and fix the problem... Use
the console again! Now, you'll see a red triangle on the monitor, that's the
enemy tank you need to destroy. Use the Turret movement system (arrows!)
until that red triangle is EXACTLY inside the green square. Then press the
fire button (it's in the middle of arrows). Once done, use the door again
and the soldiers will thank you. [32.6%] Go a screen to the right.
Yeah, the other beacon, use the beacon and you'll get the other co rdinates.
Head back into the ship [33.3%]

Use your console, use Survey, Data, co rdinates (other is 525681). Take off.
Then the ship's computer will tell you that she's picked up a distress call
from colonists. She'll put the data on your console. Use Survey and
pick the fourth planet, use data (LOWE'S PLANET). Land there. And exit
your ship. [34.0%]

On the planet, talk to Narm N'Palm and ask some stuff (I.X.M.F...) then talk
to the colonist's leader. Then follow the small sequence. [35.5%] Go to
the left (Tents) and then to the left again (Jungle). Pick up pack of flares,
the automatic rifle and the ammunition clip. [36.9%] Take the Ammo clip on
the rifle BEFORE you enter the cave. Talk to Jack Ladd again about the caves
and Narm N'Palm...

Enter the caves, but make sure you click fast on USING rifle... the caves
can be a bit confusing but wander around until you come up this hughe creature
called the spawner, then shoot FIRST the limbs and then the head... [40.5%]
You can always lit a flare (use flare) as it gives you points. [+0.7%]
Head back outside. Follow the sequence. Go back to the ship.

Use the console. Take Off. Use console, and now use triangulate. You'll
find a new planet. Talk to Booba, and after that she'll be infected by a
virus, so you must land on the nearest planet to give her time to reboot.
Only one problem you can't use the console anymore. Go to the elevator room.
Use the airlock control panel. Then use the fork on the panel.
You'll get access to the airlock. [42.7%] Enter it and you'll be in space.
"swim/fly" to the PANEL (up right), it's a bit below the radar and above the
cockpit. Use the panel, and it will deactivate Booba. [43.4%]
Return to the ship's cockpit. Use the console. Survey the area, and click
on the new planet (HAVEN). Land. Head down to the planet.

Go to the right. Enter the ruines. Then take the second door in the middle
on your right, until you come to a high priest. Talk to him.
(Artefacts, lights...) Head down outside (left), and walk to the other screen
on the right. Stand on the strange platform. You'll drop down into a holy
chamber. Jack will take advantage of this and will eat the sacrifices.
Follow the sequence and you'll both end up in Jail. (swell) [45.6%]
Walk to the Window, and you'll jump out. [50.0%] Go to the right, into the
wine cellar, then go again to the right. Take the bag of yeast. Go back to
the left and use the bag of yeast on the vat. It will explode and the will
ruin the monks clothes, he'll go for a swim and follow him. Take his Robe.
[56.5%] Use the robe. [58.6%] Take the flower. [60.8%] Go to 2x right,
and go up. Take the first door on the top. Enter the door and talk to Jack.
You'll tell him you'll create a diversion. Use the flower and you'll get
5 petals. [71.7%] Then talk to him again about a trail of diversion.
Go back to the swimming monk and put a petal on that place, now go to the
right and put in each room a petal until you've reached the cell.
Now, enter the cell and exit it again, they'll capture Jack and he'll
jump into the light... (will this be the end of him). Go back to the ship.

Talk to Booba again, and follow the sequence. Head for the elevator, but
now enter the docking station..

Go into the door with the red light, then head downwards. Pick up the Plug.
[76.8%] Go to the left. and to the left again, talk to the Grubby Little man.
He'll give you a shattered transatron. [79.7%] Take the electrical cord and
use it with the plug [82.6%] Go to the left, and talk to jack. Then, take
another electrical cord. [85.5%] Use this cord again on the other cord with
plug to have a long extension. [88.4%]
Go to the place with the Rubble in front of an exit and go below, you should
find an electromagnet... Now use the electrical cord on the electromagnet
to clear away the rubble in front of the door. [91.3%] Enter the door
and take the Shard on the floor, Use this shard on the shattered transatron
[97.1%] Great, now use the working transatron on the Dimensional
Anomaly (right side)!...

Wow, you saved the galaxy... The end! [100%]

IV. Walkthrough 2 (Jack T. Ladd).

Playing with "Jack T. Ladd.".

After the intro sequence, use the (light) switch just next to your cell door
on the middle right side. use it until it's broke. Then talk to the droid
passing by about the broken light. Pfeuw, you're out. [1.4%]
Take the food pellet, and Funnel. [2.9%] Go to the second screen on the left
where the reactor is, and take the fire extinguisher. [3.6%] Now go back to
your cell and take the other door (first door) on the left. Then take the
middle door until you've reached the room with the airlock... Take the
cloathanger. [4.4%] Use the cloathanger until you got a twisted wire.
Go back to the reactor. Use the extinguisher on the thermostatic shield.
[5.8%] Then talk to the robot. She'll warn Ysanne about the hyperdrive.
Now go back to the cells and then go to the bridge/cockpit. Take the Cuddly
Toy and the pass card! [8.0%] Go back to the reactor. Now, you'll see that
Ysanne has left the panel open. Take the panel (hyperdrive). [8.8%]
Now use the food pellet to get a chewed pellet [9.5%]
Go back to the airlock room. Use the pass card on the control panel. [10.2%]
Put the hyperdrive in the airlock. Follow the sequence. [11.0%]
Use the elevator platform to get on the planet. Follow the sequence.
Go back to the ship. Go to the bridge. (left) Talk to the ship's computer.
(Booba). Go to the reactor. Take the gas canistar. [11.7%] Go to the planet.

Take the fuel can. Use the chewed pellet on the broken fuel can to fix it.
Use the funnel on the repaired fuel can. [13.2%] Go to the right.
Enter the temple. Take the Air pipe (Hose). Go outside again and to the
left. See the snowplough? Check it out and you'll find a fuel pipe.
Use the hose on the fuel pipe to get a can full of fuel. [15.4%]
Go inside the temple again, and take the first door on the left until
you encounter a computer. Take the key. [16.1%] Go back to the snowplough
and if you look hard enough you should encounter a panel on it. Use it and
take the toolrack. You'll get a screwdriver. Head for the unexploded missile
(computer room). Use the screwdriver on the missile. [18.3%]
Use the missile to de-activate the warhead. Take the warhead. [19.8%]
Go down the elevator and go the room on the right with the rockslide.
Put the warhead on the rockslide. [20.5%] Use the warhead.
Go back inside (right) WOW. an entrance!
See the drilling rig, look at it carefully. See the Refuelling tank. Use
your repaired fuel can on it to fill her up. You'll also spot a keyhole.
Yep, use the key on the keyhole to start the engine. Use the gas canister
on the gas outlet which is also on the machine. Now you have a full can.
[23.5%] Go back to the ship and put the full gas canister back into the
canister holder (reactor room). [24.2%] Talk to Ysanne. Follow the
sequence about the alien invasion...

Head for the planet (Elevator/lift). Follow the sequence. Go to the
screen on the right. Talk to the colonel. Go back to where the scooter is
(ship), and hotwire the scooter using the twisted wire. [25.0%] Use the
scooter. [25.7%] Talk to Ysanne and the goal on this planet is to find
and steal back the gyro. Go to the colonel, examine the small tent (latrine)
more carefully, take the guyrope. Go to the scooter. Use the guyrope on the
grille. Then use the rope on the scooter. Use the rope (He'll connect it to
the scooter). [27.9%] Now, this one was hard to find. Head back in front of
the ship where the scooter was. Just a bit below the stairs you'll find a
SPANNER. Take it. [28.6%] Use the spanner on the grille to losen the bolts.
Use the scooter. Walk inside and take the gyro back. [30.8%] Go outside
and go the right. Click on the tank. Watch the sequence. Now a bit to the
left of the door of the tank you'll find the ammo chambers, go a bit upwards
until you find CONTROL chamber. Use it and he'll put it to ON (green).
Watch the sequence. Go to the right. Use the beacon. Go inside the ship.
Go to the reactor room and use the gyroscope on the navigation core. [33.8%]
Talk to Ysanne. Follow the sequence. You'll now land on Gelt and Ysanne
wants you to stay on board...

Talk to the ship's computer, and choose 'Ysanne is in danger...' now you'll
have permission to leave the ship. Go to the lift/elevator and go down to
the planet. Talk to the hostess. She won't let you in. Talk to the man
passing by to find out about the collegues. Right after this when he leaves
the room, click fast on exit and you'll tell the hostess you're with the guy.
[34.5%] Take the first floor/door on the right. (casino) Talk to the second
croupier to play this unusual game. You'll loose for sure and you'll loose
the ship, hehe. You'll arrive at the kitchen. [35.2%]
Take the chef's hat on the table.
The right form is:
- Small Jug (Sweet broth)
- Large Jug (Sour puree)
- Spices (Bitter Mix)
Then give the result to the chef. [37.5%] Talk to the concierge. Ask
about the etiquette some more. Head outside to the third floor (top).
Talk to the receptionist. (Miss Fjord) Talk to her some more. Go inside
the office. Talk to the boss (Tennant) about the love life. Talk to Ruthie.
Talk to Tennant again. [38.2%] Go outside and talk to Ruthie. Ask her to
do you a favor of returning back the ship. (love this part!)...
Talk to the receptionist again, and go back inside. Talk to Tennant.
Talk to Ruthie. [38.9%] Go to the casino. (u must win 40 credits=3times).
Talk to the gambler on the second table. After this, look at him carefully,
take his pockets to get credit chips. (5 credits) Don't worry, you can
pickpocket him as much as you want. [40.4%] Talk to the croupier. Use
the credit chips on the croupier to play. If you win then you can talk to the
gambler to find out the rules. (It's actually simple but if you gamble
then it's good to save your game a lot). [41.1%] Go to Tennant.
(receptionist first). Use the credits on Tennant. [41.9%] Head back in
the ship. Talk to Ysanne. As a result of a distress call you'll
land on a colonists planet. Head for the planet. (lift/elevator)

Talk to Narm. Follow the sequence. Talk to the colonist's leader.
Follow Narm to the left until you've reached the front of the cave (Jungle).
Take Narm's Boots. Use the Cuddly Toy on the BitePuppy (dog).
Take Narm's Boots to get his socks. (The odeur will scare of all aliens)
[44.1%] Then go into the caves until you come up with Narm and the Eggs.
(Can take long) Talk to Narm. Take an Egg. Give the egg to the colonists
Leader. Head back for the ship. [47.0%] Talk to Ysanne.
Talk to Ysanne again. Head down to the planet.

Follow the sequence. Head right into the first door. Take the door on the
right (middle one) and talk to the High Priest. Go outside. Talk to Ysanne
and take the door on top of the screen until you come to the chapel.
Take the sacrificial Offerings. [49.2%] Once in jail, walk to window to
escape. [53.6%] Enter the door on the right. Go to the right again and
take the bag of yeast. Go to the monk (left) and use the bag of yeast on the
vat of wine. Follow the monk outside. Take his robe. Use the robe.
Go to Ysanne. (she's in the brown door after you've entered the top door and
just before the chapel). Talk to her TWICE. Now go back where the flower
was. [64.7%] Use the flower to get all 5 petals. Starting from the
spot you are standing, begin with the flower itself and put a petal on the
floor in EVERY room until you enter until you've reached Ysanne. Go back
outside. Follow the sequence. Head back for the ship. Go to the cockpit/
bridge. [77.9%] Talk to Booba. Once you've reached the corrupticon head
down using the docking-door instead of the elevator.

Go through the door with the red light on top. Head downwards (door below
where you entered the room). Take the directory. Use the directory to find
out Narm N'Palm's I.X.M.F. number. [83.3%] Go to the left. Then take the
room on top/left. Talk to P'PauD'P'Pau. Go to the left again and talk to
Ysanne. [83.8%] Go back to where you've found the telephone directory.
Search for a console and use it. Go to the right door and talk to Narm to
get the transatron shard. Go downwards again and then to the left.
Now this room go a bit down and talk the door below/right. Take the broken
crystal on the floor [92.6%] Take the shard and put it on the crystal to get
a complete transatron. [95.5%] Use the Transatron on the Dimensional
Anomaly. [98.5%]

Wow, you saved the galaxy... The End! [98.5%]

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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