Tales of Destiny 2

Tales of Destiny 2

16.10.2013 06:26:05
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -----------------------------------------------------------------------

By: JohnB
Contact Info: gopackers7@aol.com
Latest Version: Version 1.1 (October 7, 2001)
Next Update: Version 1.2

1.) Introduction

2.) Characters

3.) Story

4.) Menus/Controls
A.) Map Screen
B.) Town/Dungeon Screen
C.) Main Menu Screen
D.) Battle Controls

5.) Walkthrough
A.) Disc 1
B.) Disc 2
C.) Disc 3

6.) Ending

7.) Secrets/Subquests
A.) WonderChef Locations

8.) Items/Weapons List
A.) Tools
B.) Weapons
C.) Armor
D.) Equipment
E.) Food
F.) Valuables

9.) Version History

10.) Special Thanks

11.) Legal Stuff


Hello everybody, I'm JohnB, and welcome to my first FAQ/Walkthrough. I
hope you'll bear with me as my inexperience with FAQ writing will
undoubtedly show. My email address is located at the top of this
walkthrough, and you are encouraged to email me with any
questions/comments/errors/omissions/contributions regarding this FAQ.
Due credit will always be given. Please give me your feedback.
Constructive criticism is always welcome!

I was inspired to do this FAQ after reading the numerous well-written
FAQs at GameFAQs by such prolific authors as ATadeo, Kao Megura, and
Nemesis. "Why don't I give it a shot?" I thought to myself. So, I did
(or better put, I am, as this FAQ is a work in progress :). Enough
talk, let's get to the FAQ!

NOTE--This walkthrough is for the US version of the game. I don't have
any idea if it differs in any way from the Japanese version. Also, if
it's not in the FAQ, I don't have the answers. I'm doing this FAQ as I
play through the game for the first time.


Life in the sleepy village of Rasheans has been serene and peaceful for
many years. Then one day, a strange spacecraft crash-lands in the
nearby forest. When the local teenagers, Reid and Farah, venture into
the forest to investigate, they find amid the wreckage a mysterious
young girl who brings a message from a distant place--a message of
impending doom. Driven only by their desire to help the mysterious
young girl, Reid and Farah leave Rasheans and set out to learn the truth
about the fate of their world. Who is this girl? What other mysteries
will they encounter? What is this unknown force that threatens their


Will be completed in the next update!

Map Screen
X--Enter towns and dungeons
O--Cancel selection
"Triangle"--Open the main menu
"Square"--Open the travel menu
"Start"--Turn ON/OFF navigation map and compass display
"Select--Listen to the game hints
L1--Rotate the screen left
R1--Rotate the screen right
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start--Soft reset
Town/Dungeon Screen
Directional Buttons--Move character
O + Directional Buttons--Run
"Square" + Directional Buttons--Move diagonally
"Triangle"--Open the main menu
L1--Shoot with the freeze ring
R1--Shoot with the Sorcerer's ring
L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start--Soft reset
Main Menu Screen
Directonal Buttons--Select commands
X--Confirm selection
O--Cancel/Return to previous screen
"Triangle"--Equip Screen--Remove item
--Change the AUTO COOK setting (must be ON)
--Items Screen--throw away items in inventory
"Square"--Cook Screen--Toggle AUTO COOK option ON/OFF
--Toggle item/attribute description
--Skills Screen--Toggle character skills ON/OFF (Battle Mode
must be set to AUTO)
"Start"--Customize Screen--Display the Adjust Screen
L1/R1--Scroll menu screens
L2/R2--Items Screen--Scroll LEFT/RIGHT to select an option
Battle Controls
"Select"--Switch the battle mode of the player character
"Triangle"--Open the Battle Menu
"Square"+ D Pad LEFT/RIGHT--Scroll Battle Screen (Use only when the
Battle Menu is displayed)
"Square"+ D Pad UP/DOWN--Zoom Battle Screen IN/OUT (Use only when the
Battle Menu is displayed)
O--Use Special Skills
--Special Skill 1
--(+ D Pad UP) Special Skill 2
--(+ D Pad LEFT/RIGHT) Special Skill 3
--(+ D Pad DOWN) Special Skill 4
D Pad LEFT/RIGHT (twice)--Dash
D Pad LEFT/RIGHT (continuous)--Escape
L1+D Pad UP--Command all allies to "jump"
L1+D Pad DOWN--Command all allies to "gather"
L2 or R2--Special Skills shortcuts
R1+D Pad--Switch target

Disc 1
Forest near Village of Rasheans
Party: Reid
Items: Wooden Shield, Spectacles, Apple Gel
Enemies: Night Raid, Slime, Rocky Hawk
The beginning area is very more or less straightforward. Once you gain
control of Reid, head out to find Farah. When you get to the screen
with what looks like a floating green crystal, check it out. Your HP
will be restored, and you will learn that it is a loading point. Open
the chest to get a Wooden Shield, and the bag to get Spectacles. Go
west for two screens, and you'll see another item bag. Grab it for an
Apple Gel. Head back to the screen with the load point and restore your
HP if you need to.

When you're ready, take the east path from the load point. You'll come
across a strange looking creature that keeps saying "Kwekee". Follow it
(you don't really have a choice). You'll come across Farah along with a
strange looking girl, who looks to have some sort of jewel on her
forehead, outside of an apparently crashed ship of some kind. This girl
begins to speak-sort of. It's nothing but gibberish, and neither Reid
nor Farah can understand what she's saying. Eventually, Reid suggests
leaving the area as it might be dangerous. Suddenly, the ship explodes,
but fortunately everyone's alright. After listening to some more
gibberish from the girl, Reid and Farah decide it's best if they take
this girl to the elder's house of Rasheans Village.

Rasheans Village
Party: Reid, Farah, Mystery Girl (eventually)
Items: Life Bottle, Orange Gel, Collector's Book, Lens (2)
Enemies: ????????
The village elder, Khamran, tells Reid and Farah that they (the village)
will investigate what happened in the forest. He then tells them that
he must cast the girl out of the village for everyone's safety. After
arguing over this for a short while with Reid and Farah, someone
(literally) bursts into the elder's house by bursting through a wall.
The mystery girl confronts this mystery man (so many mysteries already
^_^), and he knocks her down. This is your first BOSS fight.
BOSS FIGHT: ?????? HP: 1000
This is your typical, pathetic, first BOSS encounter in most RPGs. Just
get him in a corner and slash away. You should be able to finish him
off in less than a minute. Your spoils for this battle are a Life
Bottle and an Orange Gel.

After the battle the mystery man, who ironically also speaks gibberish,
disappears into thin air. Khamran begins to wonder if Reid and Farah
are going to bring disaster to the village again like before. Like
before? They don't go into details. The elder then commands the girl
be banished from the village at once. Farah agrees to the elder's
request, but tells him that she will go with the girl.

Now at Farah's house, Reid asks Farah if she's sure that she wants to
leave. Farah tells him yes, and that she is going to take the girl to
the Town of Academia to find Keele, who might be able to understand what
the girl is saying. As Farah is about ready to leave, the mystery girl
runs to Reid and grabs hold of him. Farah feebly attempts to explain to
the girl that they are leaving, but Reid is staying. The girl will not
let go, however. In fact, she grabs him tighter, and the jewel on her
forehead begins to pulsate (which apparently causes Reid some pain).
Reid eventually decides to go along with them, but warns that it'll be a
dangerous journey, and they should get prepared before they leave.

Now you have control over Reid again, and your party consists of Reid,
Farah, and the mystery girl. You can immediately leave the village if
you wish, but there a few items you can get, along with your first
encounter with the WonderChef. You can find the WonderChef in the house
just south of Farah's. Search the piggybank and he'll appear. Now
you'll learn how to make a "Sandwich" (you need a WonderChef to teach
you that?). Other places of note in the village are the Elder's house,
where you can find the Collector's Book, Reid's house, where you can
find a Lens, and what looks like a ruined building west of the
Traveler's Shop, where you can find another Lens. Buy any items at the
shop you want, and leave the village.

Say my name, Say my name
Party: Reid, Farah, mystery girl
Items: None
Enemies: None
When you leave the village, head south and cross the bridge. The scene
will switch from the world map to the bridge itself. Here a fairly
humorous conversation takes place where Farah and Reid try to teach the
girl how to say their names. After a couple of tries, the girl gets it.
Then to the surprise of Reid and Farah, the girl says her name, which is
Meredy (finally, I can stop typing "mystery girl").

Rasheans River Pier
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: None
Enemies: None
Head Southwest a couple of screens to find a bunch of men working.
Farah asks one of them how they can get to Mintche. The worker tells
her that this is the way they need to go, but due to a landslide, the
road is out. Reid suggests that they rest here today, as they won't be
able to do anything. Farah, however, wants to give it a go. Now you'll
see a nice FMV showing some kind of an explosion in the sky.
Afterwards, Farah decides that it might be too dangerous after all. One
of the workers suggests to the group that they go to the Regulus Dojo.
The master of the dojo might have a way for them to get to Mintche. On
their way leaving the pier, Reid and Farah begin to wonder where Meredy
came from (they're JUST starting to wonder??). After another failed
attempt at communicating with Meredy, she earns the title "Traveling

Regulus Dojo
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: Leather Helm, Apple Gel, Orange Gel (2), Lens, Manual, Lid
Shield, Manual
Enemies: Monks
Upon entering, you'll see two buildings. An inn is to your left, and a
weapon/armor/item shop is to the right. Check out the second floor of
the inn to find a Lid Shield. The WonderChef also makes another
appearance here. Search the bag near one of the beds, and he'll show
himself. You'll learn how to make Beef Stew (Bear Meat, Cabbage,

When you're ready, head up to the dojo itself. Farah comments on how
nothing much has changed since she was last here. Head up again, and
after a brief conversation, you'll enter the dojo. Reid steps forward
and asks if anybody's there. Out of nowhere, 8 monks drop from above
and surround Reid. A battle will ensue. It'll be 8 on 1, with the "1"
being Reid. Just use your special skills (Lightning Blade works well)
and you'll have no problem winning.

After Reid wins, Franco (the dojo master) enters the room and
congratulates Reid and tells him he is impressed with his sword skills.
Farah and Franco have a brief reunion of sorts, and she explains their
situation to Franco. He tells them to meet him in his room.

Before you take one of the three paths up (it doesn't matter which one-
they all lead to the same area), there's a few items to get in this
room. You can find a Leather Helm (left side of the room), Apple Gel,
and an Orange Gel (both near the bottom of the room). Now head up.
Before talking to Franco, go into the room on the bottom. Search the
left-hand side to find an Orange Gel. Exit, and go to the next room.
Here you can get a Lens (near the table on your right). Also while in
this room talk to the two monks. Talk to the monk on your right and
answer "Manual" to his question, and you'll receive the Manual. The
other monk will talk to you about advanced fighting techniques. Exit
this room, and go to the next one. In here you'll see two monks
training. The monk closest to you will talk to you about combat basics.
Talk to the other monk to train. You'll fight 8 monks, but you get your
whole party to fight with. You can't lose or die, and you get both
EXP. AND GALD for winning.

Now you're ready to see Franco. Speak with him, and you'll go into his
room. In Franco's room, he tells you that he can tell you aren't lying
to him, and he teaches Farah the "Healer" skill. He then asks Reid if
he wants to join his dojo, but Reid declines the offer. Paollo will
then enter (he was at the River Pier). Franco tells Paollo to assist
the party in getting to Mintche. Paollo quickly agrees, and tells the
group to meet him in the Craymel Arts training room (it's the bottom-
most room of the 4 rooms). Go there. When you enter the room, Paollo
explains that they can use the Rasheans River as a shortcut to get to
Mintche. The party, however, is concerned about the danger involved.
Paollo tells them that they can borrow the strength of the Water
Craymels to help them get through. Reid doesn't understand, so Paollo
explains to him Craymels/Craymel Arts/Craymel Cages. Paollo then tells
everyone to meet him at Rasheans River Pier.

Rasheans River Pier (revisited)
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: None
Enemies: None
Head to the end of the pier and you'll see Paollo standing there. The
groups asks how they're going to survive in the river due to the rough
waters. Paollo tells them that he will calm the Water Craymels, which
will calm the water. He then says some gibberish, apparently the same
gibberish Meredy speaks, as an "!" appears over Meredy's head. She
approaches Paollo and says something to him. Paollo just responds
"Y...Yes". For some odd reason, neither Reid nor Farah follow up on this.
But anyway, Paollo tells them to use the raft to get down the river, and
they should be O.K. You'll now get to play your first mini-game, River

The object of this game is simple. Use the D Pad LEFT/RIGHT buttons to
maneuver the raft in the appropriate direction. The "X" button
accelerates the raft. When the raft is at full acceleration, you can't
move it with the D Pad. If you hit something, the raft will spin out of
control for a couple of seconds. Your reward for doing a good job in
this game is, well, nothing that I know of.

When the game is over, you'll be back at the world map screen. Mintche
should be in view. Head there.

Town of Academia/Mintche University
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: None
Enemies: None
Farah notes at how lively the town is, and Reid wonders how they'll be
able to find Keele in such a busy place. Farah says that they should
check out Mintche University. They should probably be able to find
Keele there. To get there, go straight ahead and take a left, and then
take the path heading up.

When you enter the University, Farah asks the receptionist where they
might find Keele. The receptionist asks what relationship the group has
to Keele, to which Farah replies that they are family. Their father is
sick, and they must get in touch with Keele right away. The
receptionist tells the party Keele's ID number and where to find him.
Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, Meredy jumps up onto the
receptionists desk and spontaneously beings dancing. Its pretty funny.
When Meredy's done, Farah thanks the lady for her help, and they rush
into the next room.

On this floor you can visit three rooms. The door closest to you in the
Fire Craymel Laboratory (FCL). If you enter there, a scientist will ask
you if you are going to volunteer for an experiment to see how people
withstand high temperatures. Reid simply says "Bye" and you exit the

The room next to the FCL is the Light Craymel Laboratory (LCL). This is
where you need to go, but you can feel free to explore the rest of the
university first if you wish. There's only one other room besides the
LCL that you need to worry about. For a real treat, head to the third
floor (I think), and go into the room marked "Beginner's Exam". I won't
spoil it for you (see secrets/sidequests section for more information).
Its well worth it though if you're a fan of Namco in general and the
first Tales game.

As you're about to enter the LCL, Farah tells Meredy to wait outside.
Farah and Reid head on inside. When you enter, talk to the person
standing in the back to ask about Keele. He introduces himself as Zank,
a research assistant. Before he can tell you where Keele is, Meredy
bursts into the room, says some gibberish, and it looks like her stone
does something. Whatever it is, it causes everything in the lab to go
haywire, which results in an explosion. Dean Carlyle (the head of the
University) comes in (he's fast, isn't he?) and asks the group if
they're responsible for the damage. Reid trys to explain, but Carlyle
won't take any excuses and tells Zank to kick them out of the University

The scene shifts to one of the empty classrooms, where Zank tells Reid
and company not to worry about anything, that Carlyle will soon forget
about it. He then asks if Meredy speaks the Melnics Language, which is
the language used for all Craymel Mage spells. Reid asks if Zank can
understand what Meredy is saying, but he can't. Zank says that a
Craymel Mage shouldn't be able to speak such pure Melnics. They all
begin to wonder if maybe Meredy is an Imperial Craymel Mage, and if she
has some connection to Keele. Maybe Meredy has some sort of divine
message to deliver? They need to find Keele, but where would he be?
Zank tells them that Keele should be at Mt. Mintche Observatory. He was
suspended from school due to his belief in the World Destruction Theory.
Because of this, Keele turned Dean Carlyle and everyone else at the
university against him. On their way out, Farah and Reid wonder if
Meredy really could be an Imperial Craymel Mage. Meredy then earns the
title "Craymel Mage?".

You're free to do whatever now. Stock up on new weapons, armor, and buy
some items. Also, the WONDERCHEF can be found in the flowerpot on the
right side of the cafeteria in the town. He'll teach you how to make a
Hamburger (Bread, Lettuce, and Bear Meat). Another mini-game can be
played here, Craymel Ball. See the Mini-Games section below for
instructions on how to play. When preparations are complete, head for
Mt. Minche.

Mt. Minche
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: Saber, Pole Axe, Apple Gel, Orange Gel, 600 Gald
Enemies: Rock Golem, Harpy, Rocky Hawk
Mt. Mintche is located southwest of Academia. The first thing you'll
probably notice upon entering are the enemies coming out of the cave.
Only three will come out, but if you defeat one, another will come out
of the cave. Above the cave you should see a flickering boulder. Head
up and push the boulder over the flickering one and it'll fall over the
edge and block the cave. Do the same for the other cave on the screen.
Before heading up, grab the two treasure chests for an Orange Gel and
Saber. Continue on, and you'll be asked on the next screen if you want
to camp. Choose "yes" if you desire, then go up. On the next screen
you'll find two more caves. Just do the same as before to block them.
Here you can grab an an Apple Gel, Pole Axe, and 600 Gald. Head left,
cross the bridge, and you'll back on the world map in fron of Mt. Minche

Mt. Minche Observatory
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy
Items: Holy Bottle
Enemies: none
It appears as if nobody's here when you first enter. Keele will come in
from behind you (how'd they miss him) and startle the group. At first,
Keele starts rambling on about Craymels and distortion fields. He
thinks you've come from the University. It's not until Farah tells
Keele who she is that he recognizes her and Reid. Meredy does her usual
and begins talking in gibberish again. Farah and Reid explain to Keele
that Meredy only speaks the Melnics Language. They came to see him to
find out if he can understand/help her. Keele agrees and he and Meredy
head off.

When Farah and Reid catch up to them, Keele's speaking in Melnics trying
to understand Meredy. You're able to understand what Keele is saying
but not Meredy. He comes to learn that Meredy is from Celestia. Keele
then asks about the strange stone on Meredy's forehead. Apparently
Keele gets too close as Meredy knocks him flat on his rear. Keele asks
Meredy why she came. Eventually Meredy says "In-fe-ri-a", "Ce-les-ti-
a", "BOOM!!". Keele has Reid look through his telescope, and points out
the Dark Matter to him. The Dark Matter has been getting bigger each
day. This is probably the cause of all the strange occurances in the
sky. Meredy probably came to this world in order to warn us of the
impending danger. Keele decides he needs to look into this further, and
he suggests that they all go to Morle Village to see Professor Mazet, an
authority on the Melnics Language. To get there, you'll have to go
through Nostos Cave, which is located east of the Observatory. With
that, Keele joins your party.

Once you gain control of the party again, head back into the
Observatory. Check the group of 4 boxes (all empty), and Keele will
explain to you Holy Bottles. When he's done, head down the stairs and
open the lone box, and you'll get a Holy Bottle.

On your way back down the mountain, Farah suggests the party stop for
the day and camp, as they still have a long ways to go. While they're
sitting around a campfire, Keele says that he hopes to gather enough
information on Dark Matter so that he can return to the University. He
hopes one day to be invited to join the Royal Observatory of Astronomy.
Reid accuses him of being nothing more than an opportunist. Keele
replies that he's just searching for the truth, and he needs the best
environment possible in order to do that. After a bit more talking,
they call it a night. All that's left is to finish heading down the
mountain and head to Nostos Cave.

Nostos Cave
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy, Keele
Items: Panacea Bottle, Buckler, Chain Arms, Battle Axe, Orange Gel (2),
Protector, Life Bottle, Circlet
Enemies: Green Roper, Sprite, Zombie, Specter, Brown Pot, Sea Slug, Egg
As you're about to enter the cave, a merchant will be heading out. He's
holding Egg Bear eggs. Apparently, he and his partner took some and
were spotted by the Egg Bear's parents. This merchant escaped but his
partner didn't. The eggs aren't for sale, but he will sell you some
items if you're interested.

In the cave, Keele notes that the tidal movement seems to be affected by
time. Head east, and start going up. The camera will zoom in on your
party, which shows Keele falling behind the group a bit. Farah asks
Keele if they should stop to rest, but Keele says he's alright. Farah
then notes that they've all grown up to say complicated words, but when
it comes right down to it, we never really do change. You'll then see a
flashback scene from Keele, Farah, and Reid's childhood. An Egg Bear is
chasing Keele in Rasheans Forest. Farah steps in between Keele and the
monster and says she'll fight it. Reid comes in, throws something at
the Egg Bear, and it chases Reid. Keele begins to cry, and Farah tells
him it's ok now. Then Farah starts crying. Back to the group now. The
flashback scene ends.

Once you have control of the group again, ignore the path leading
straight up. Instead, head to the right. Grab the bag for a Panacea
Bottle. Head down and around to the right and take the path leading up
in the upper right corner. Here, grab the two chests on the left first
(Buckler, Chain Arms), and head up to the next screen. Here, you'll
come to a screen with a load point. An Egg Bear suprises the group, and
a BOSS battle will ensue.
BOSS FIGHT: Egg Bear HP: 3200 Str: None Wk: Fire
Even though you only have Keele and Reid for this battle, it's a snap.
Just have Keele cast Fireball repeatedly and have Reid use his Special
Skills. The Egg Bear will be toast in no time at all.

After the battle, the party will set up camp (is that very smart,
considering they were just ambushed there??). Nothing eventul happens
here. Reid and Keele do some more arguing. This time it's over the
quality of Egg Bear meat. Well whatever. When you're done camping,
head up, grab the chest (Battle Axe), and head up and around the ledge.
You'll see some blood on the wall in front of you. Head east. In this
room is the merchant's dead partner along with three dead Egg Bears.
There's nothing to do here that I know of, so head up to the next room
and grab the bag (Orange Gel). When you're ready, head back to the room
with the blood on the wall and take the path leading up to exit the

NOTE--At some point while in the cave, you'll get the message "The tides
are rising". When that happens, you'll be able to grab the chests that
weren't accessible before.

When you exit the cave, follow the road until you come to your next
stop, Morle Village.

Treetop Village, Morle
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy, Keele
Items: Orz Earring
Enemies: None
To get to Professor Mazet's house, keep going up (about 4 screens), then
left and up again. Enter the first (and only) house you'll see. This
is Mazet's house.

Upon entering, Keele and Mazet exchange pleasantries, and Meredy
interrupts with some more incoherent babble. The party comes in, and
everyone sits in a circle on the floor. Mazet gives each member a pair
of Orz Earrings. He explains that high level Craymel Mages use them.
It allows them to communicate with Craymels. Reid asks what the Orz
Earrings have to do with Meredy. Keele gets it. Craymels speak Melnics
too. Mazet tells them to put the earrings on and to listen closely to
what Meredy is trying to say. They try, but their efforts are
fruitless. Mazet says that it will take time. They all have to be on
the same psychic wave in order for the earrings to work. Suddenly
Meredy gets up, runs around the room a couple times, and bolts out the
door. Reid and Farah chase after. As Keele gets up and is about to
leave, Mazet reminds him that Meredy is human, just like him, and to try
and be understanding.

Now you've got to find Meredy. Head back the way you came in, and when
you have a choice of going right or down, choose to go down (follow the
sign for Morle Backwoods). Meredy ran in here.

Morle Backwoods
Party: Reid, Farah, Keele
Items: Knight Saber, Chirp Whistle, Iron Helm, Panacea Bottle
Enemies: Mocking Plant, Mahogany, Marcroid, Minicoid, Giant Spider,
Evil Needles, Insect Plant
I won't bother explaining how to get through this area as it's totaly
straightforward. Just keep following Meredy. That's it. Along the
way, grab the three treasure chests. When you catch up to Meredy,
you'll see a monster that has cornered Meredy's pet, Quickie. Meredy
tries to save Quickie by steping inbetween her and the monster. The
rest of the group heads over to help her.
BOSS FIGHT: Insect Plant HP: 8800 Str: Water Wk: Fire
&4 Evil Needles
This fight is very easy if you take out the Evil Needles first. They
like to poison you, which can be extremely annoying. Take them out, and
just use your best skills on the Insect Plant. Keele's Fireball skill
works very well here. For winning the battle, you'll receive a Panacea

It turns out that Quickie had gotten separated from Meredy, which is why
she ran out of Professor Mazet's house. Keele tells her that the
monsters around here are viscious, and that she can't go running off
alone like that again! Meredy says she's "Sorry". Finally, the group
is able to understand her! Reid, showing that he's somewhat dense,
starts talking to Meredy without realizing that he's doing just that...
TALKING TO MEREDY. Meredy says Reid isn't too sharp (what gave it
away?). It's suggested that you head back to Mazet's house.

Head over to check the load point if you wish to restore your HP. On
your way back, the group stops to camp. Keele begins to play his
version of 20 questions with Meredy, to which Meredy calls him rude.
She explains that she wants to stop the "Grand Fall", where Celestia and
Inferia come closer together, and eventually, "BOOM", they collide. She
thinks she knows a way to stop this, however. To do this, you'll need
to gather all of the Greater Craymels in Inferia. Keele thinks this is
impossible. Meredy explains that with a "Parasol", Greater Craymels can
enter the Craymel Cage. Keele thinks the party should to go Mazet's
house and ask him about it.

Back now at Mazet's house, he says that you must meet all the Greater
Craymels, and that he might know of a place where you can find them.
Head Northeast from Morle until you come to Undine Stream. If what
Meredy says is true, then the Greater Craymels should appear before you.
You'll then receive another valuable item, "Inferia Map". Mazet teaches
Farah a new skill also, "Detoxify". Very useful indeed. When you leave
his house, Meredy apologizes for all the trouble she caused from the
beginning, when Hyades attacked Reid and Farah in Rasheans (apparently
that's the name of the "mystery man" who busted into the elder's house).
Now you're ready to head to Undine Stream.

Before you leave, head up the ladders near the entrance of Morle. Enter
the shop called "Treetop". Search the small pumpkin, and the WONDERCHEF
makes yet another appearance. This time, you learn how to make a
"Garden Salad" (Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumbers).

Undine Stream
Party: Reid, Farah, Meredy, Keele
Items: Poison Charm (2), Silk Cloak, Feather Cloak, Mace, Melange Gel
(2), Hydra Dagger, Apple Shield, Tailsman, Mental Bracelet.
Enemies: Kick Frog, King Frog, Starfish, Red Roper, Sea Slug, Scorpion,
Evil Needles, Forest Hawk, Undine
This is another very straightforward area that doesn't really need an
explanation. Just grab the chests as you go along, and eventually
you'll come to a waterfall with a cave behind it. Enter...

Upon entering, you'll hear a voice say "You have done well to come this
far". Lots of little floating purple balls appear out of nowhere and
begin floating. Keele recognizes the strange voice as that of Undine, a
Greater Craymel who is keeper of the Holy Waters. He begs her to
forgive the group for trespassing on their land. Then he asks her about
the "Grand Fall". Undine more or less says that it's true and asks the
group what they desire. Meredy pulls out her Craymel Cage and says "I
want you to go in here". Undine replies by telling the group to venture
further within if they are prepared (and you better be). Keele tells
everyone that Undine wants to test their power, to see if they're
worthy. Grab the chest for a Melange Gel, and exit.

The rest of this area is again, straightforward. I will say that on the
next screen is a treasure chest that's fairly well hidden. On the right
hand side, there's a Hydra Dagger in a chest that's well covered by
trees. Grab that, along with the other treasure, and continue on.
Eventually you'll come to a load point. You're about to encounter
you're first tough fight, so save, heal, and if you don't have a good
supply of Life Bottles, Apple Gels, and Orange Gels, leave and go buy
some. When you're properly prepared, head up to face you're toughest
fight yet, Undine.
BOSS FIGHT: Undine HP: 6800 Str: Water Wk: Lightning
This is one tough cookie. Whatever you do, do NOT have the Hydra Dagger
equipped on Reid, as it will do little to no damage on Undine. Use
everyone's best skills, and avoid using anything water-based. It's
probably a good idea to have Farah heal the entire fight. Undine uses
two nasty attacks, Spear of Baptism and Subterranean Divide, both of
which will probably hit you're entire party. You're Gel items and Life
Bottles come in handy here, as you'll no doubt exhaust your TP quickly,
and most likely a couple characters will die at some point in this
battle. Your spoils for winning are a Tailsman and a Mental Bracelet.

For winning, along with the spoils, Undine agrees to help you. But
she's just one of the many Greater Craymels, and in order to acheive
your goal, you'll need to find, and get help from, all of them. Before
she can tell you where they are, however, she enters Meredy's Craymel
Cage. You'll get a little Craymel Cage tutorial, and learn the Craymel
Arte "Spread". Restore your HP and the load point, and head out.

Your pary will stop and take a break at the cave where you first
encountered Undine. Here Reid and company discuss how they'll find the
rest of the Greater Craymels. Reid suggests heading to Inferia City.
Everyone eventually agrees, and Keele tells you that in order to get
ther, you'll have to go through the Forest of Temptation first (head
Southeast along the river and cross the bridge).


As soon as I beat the game....


Rasheans Village|Sandwich |Bread, Cheese, Lettuce

FIND: Search the piggybank in the house just south of Farah's.
Regulus Dojo |Beef Stew |Bear Meat, Cabbage, Carrots

FIND: Second floor of the inn. Check the bag(?) near one of the beds
Academia |Hamburger |Bread, Lettuce, Bear Meat

FIND: Search the pink flower in the cafeteria and he'll appear
Morle Village |Garden Salad |Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumbers

FIND: Search the smaller pumpkin in the "Treetop"

**********************ITEMS/WEAPONS LIST*******************************
Apple Gel |Restores 30% of character's HP
Dark Bottle |Temporarily increases enemy encounter rate
Orange Gel |Restores 30% of character's TP
Melange Gel |Restore's 30% of character's HP and TP
Holy Bottle |Temporarily reduces enemy enounter rate
Life Bottle |Revives a deal ally
Panacea Bottle |Cures abnormal physical conditions
Spectacles |Scans the enemy's HP and attributes

Battle Axe | Reid | Axe |Designed for use in battle
Chain Arms | Farah | Knuckles |Arms knitted with metallic chain
Chirp Whistle | Meredy | Whistle |Whistle in the shape of a chick
Francesca | Reid | Axe |Iron Axe that's easy to handle
Hand Axe | Reid | Axe |An axe used for hunting
Hydra Dagger | Reid | Dagger |A dagger made from mystic metal
Knight Saber | Reid | Sword |Crafted for use by royal knights
Leather Arms | Farah | Knuckles |Arms made of tanned leather
Long Spear | Reid | Spear |Spear used by Imperial Guards
Long Sword | Reid | Sword |Sword made of 3 feet of iron
Mace | Keele | Mace |Has a metallic lump on the tip
Pole Axe | Reid | Axe |Axe w/attributes of a halberd
Power Arms | Farah | Knuckles |Leather arms-inc. attack power
Rod | Keele | Rod |Simple rod made of bone
Saber | Reid | Sword |Crafted & designed for slashing
Whistle | Meredy | Whistle |Whistle blown to signal command


Apple Shield |Reid |Shield/Evade 10, Luck 5
| |
DESCRIPTION: A mystical apple-shaped shield
Buckler |Reid |Shield/Defense 4, Evade 2
| |
DESCRIPTION: A small iron shield
Circlet |Keele |Head/Defense 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A silver circlet with embroidered patterns
Cloak |Farah, Meredy |Body/Evade 5
| |
DESCRIPTION: A cloak made of durable cloth
Feather Robe |Keele |Body/Def 9, Evade 3, Luck 2
| |
DESCRIPTION: A feather-light robe
Iron Helm |Reid |Helmet/Defense 3
| |
DESCRIPTION: A helmet made of iron
Iron Wrist |Farah, Meredy, Keele |Shield/Defense 3
| |
DESCRIPTION: Small wristband made of iron
Leather Helm |Reid |Helmet/Evade 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A helmet that protects only the head
Lid Shield |Reid |Shield/Defense 2, Attribute
| |Fire
DESCRIPTION: Fire resistent kitchenware--Can also be used as a shield
Protector |Reid |Body/Defense 7
| |
DESCRIPTION: Only covers the chest to increase mobility
Ribbon |Farah, Meredy |Head/Defense 2
| |
DESCRIPTION: A red ribbon
Robe |Keele |Body/Defense 12, Evade 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A robe made of thick cloth
Silk Cloak |Farah, Meredy |Body/Def. 10, Int. 1, Luck 2
| |
DESCRIPTION: Made of silk. Wear it for the refined look
Soft Leather |Reid |Body/Defense 2
| |
DESCRIPTION: An armor made of softened 2-layer leather
Wristband |Farah, Meredy, Keele |Shield/Defense 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A cloth used for wiping off sweat
Wooden Shield |Reid |Shield/Defense 3, Evade 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A shield made of durable wood
Cape | All |Cape/Defense 1
| |
DESCRIPTION: A generic cape made of cloth
Mental Bracelet| All |Amulet/---
| |
DESCRIPTION: Defeat an enemy to recover 3% of TP
Poison Charm | All |Amulet/Attribute Water
| |
DESCRIPTION: Protects against HP and TP reducing Poison & Weak
Tailsman | All |Amulet/Defense +5%
| |
DESCRIPTION: A protective charm. Increases defense by 5%
Thief's Cape | All |Cape/Defense 5, Evade 5
| |
DESCRIPTION: The cape of choice for pirates

Bear Meat |Meat of an animal that inhabits Inferia
Bread |The aroma is excellent when it is well baked
Cabbage |One of the most versatile vegetables around
Carrot |A vegetable that tastes sweet when boiled
Cheese |Fermented milk. Its scent is not enjoyed by all
Cucumber |Turns yellow when heated. Eat it while it's still green
Egg |Used in various cuisines. A high source of protein
Kirima |The official fruit of Inferia
Lemon |An extremely sour fruit
Lettuce |The undisputed King of Salad
Onion |A popular vegetable grown around the world
Rice |Cooked. Steaming it to perfection can be difficult
Strawberry |Tasty w/milk and cream. Excellent topping on a cake
Tofu |Processed soy bean. Known for its soft texture
Tomato |Tasty fruit. Can be made into a juice or sauce

Collector's Book |A must have. Have you recorded everything?
WHERE FOUND: Second floor of Elder's house in Rasheans Village
Inferia Map |A map of Inferia (duh)
WHERE FOUND: Given to you by Professor Mazet before heading to Undine
Manual |Unlocks MANUAL control.
WHERE FOUND: Regulus Dojo--go into the room two down from Franco's.
Talk to the monk on the right and answer him "Manual".
Orz Earring |Communicate beyond the language barrier
WHERE FOUND: Given to you by Mazet during your first meeting with him
************************VERSION HISTORY********************************

Version 1.0: October 5, 2001--Initial Version. Layout of the FAQ was
created. Introduction, Story, and Controls sections completed.
Walkthrough completed up to just before entering Mintche for the first

Version 1.1: October 8, 2001--Items/Weapons section is up. Started a
WonderChef location section in the Screts/Sidequests. Messed with the
layout of the FAQ a little bit. Fixed a couple of spelling errors.
Walkthrough complete through Undine Stream. Next update should have the
walkthrough complete through at least the end of Disc 1.
*************************SPECIAL THANKS********************************

+-To me, for writing this FAQ

+-To the ToDII instruction manual for information on the story and
various menus

+-To Namco, for bringing this game stateside

+-To you guys, for reading this and (hopefully) enjoying it

+-To GameFAQs, for posting my first FAQ

****************************LEGAL STUFF********************************

This FAQ is copyright 1997, 2000 by Namco. This FAQ is copyright 2001
by me, JohnB (gopackers7@aol.com). You may use this FAQ for your
personal use only. It may not be distributed, modified, or used in any
other way without my express written permission. All other rights
reserved. As of right now, this FAQ may only appear on, and only on,
www.gamefaqs.com and www.psxcodez.com. If you want to use this FAQ on
your site, ask me first please.


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Craymel Artes FAQ

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