Monkey Hero

Monkey Hero

10.10.2013 00:18:43
****/\/\onkey |-|ero****

Walkthrough Version 1.1 By Domus
Contact me at

Hi! Welcome to my Monkey Hero Walkthrough. This is my first walkthrough/FAQ, and
I hope you like it. It's copyright Lisa Lake 2002. If you rip this off, in any
way, shape or form, or even give it to someone as a 'freebie' or 'bonus' without
my express permission, you're breaking the law. My team of lawyers will be at
your door before you can say 'holy smeg'.

1. Description of Monkey Hero
2. Walkthrough
a. The Library
b. The Secret Cave
c. The Ruins
d. The Maze Dungeon
e. The Dream Shrine
f. The Mausoleum
g. Dragon Mountain
h. The Tower of Manna
i. The Spaceship
j. The Nightmare Realm
3. Secrets
a. The secret places
b. The Flying Cloud
c. Deja vu
d. Playing messenger
4. Dream Crystal Locations
5. Big Peach Locations
6. Thanks and notes

Part 1 - The description

Monkey Hero is a game for the Playstation. It is very similar to 'Zelda: Link to
the Past' for the SNES. Ok, you're a monkey, not a man, and everything is in
monkey terms. But there are many parallels. Hearts? Now they're peaches. Faries?
Now they're mushrooms. The list goes on. Let's just say there's a lot in common.

Part 2 - The walkthrough

Woah, that was a wierd dream. And then you fell into a pit. Not your monkey day.
Start by picking up a box. (the circle button) Hurl it at the slug in the room
with you. That felt good, didn't it? Repeat with the slug in front of the door.
Then head up through the door. There's some boxes blocking the way. Pick up
those suckers and smash them into the wall. Note the two barrels to the left.
Push on them, and they'll roll. If you push to the left, you can smush two slugs
into paste. Then, head out to the upper part of the room. Use the barrel there
to smush the slug up top. Then head east and through the door. In this room
you'll meet a monkey miner. Say hi to him (walk up to him and press the circle
button). Then head north.

Ooo, your first treasure chest. You can't quite open it yet. Head up to the top
of the room. You'll find a switch. Press up against the top of it, and you'll
flip it on. Watch what it does to the top door. Pretty neat, huh? You can go
through it now. You'll see a smaller chest than the one before in this room. Go
up to it and press the circle button. Tahdah! It's a gold key. Remember that
keys come in boxes like this. You'll want to know it in the future. Head south
to the room with the big chest and open it up the same way you opened the little
one. It's...a stick? Well, a STAFF, to be more precise. Your first weapon! Swing
it with the X button, or hold down the circle button to charge with it.

Head south through the door. The two big blocks will move aside, letting you go
southwards. Try out your new staff on the slug. Then head south through the
door. There's another two slugs here, and you can pop those too. Ignore the slug
in this room you can't reach. It's not important. Head west out the door.

Wow, that's some strange black stuff, huh? It's this game's way of showing a
pit. In other words, don't try to step on it. Just keep heading west here. Climb
up and down the small sets of stairs and pop the slugs as you go. When all the
slugs are gone, a treasure chest will appear to the east of the stairs,
containing 20 coins. Once you've gotten it, head west out the door.

In this next room, you'll see a cart of gems moving back and forth across a pit
on a track. Wait until the cart is all the way to the right end of the track,
and then run across ahead of it. Once you're across, head south out the door,
and out of the cave.

Part 2-1 - The Library

Talk to the old man outside the cave. He'll give you a MAGIC HEADBAND, so he can
talk with you, long distance. Head south on the stone road, through the giant
peaches. You'll meet your first slime here. It's green. It's jelled. It's
square. It's takes two hits to pop, but you can do it. Once the slime is dead,
talk to the soldier. You'll find out the NIGHTMARE KING has invaded the library!
Head south on the road to head towards the library. You'll soon see a mushroom
man between two blocks. Talk to him and he'll give you a mushroom, and show you
the way to the library. A mushroom is a very good thing. If you want, you can
keep it active by pressing L1. Now that you have a mushroom, if you lose all
your health, you'll be ressurected. Follow the mushroom man west to the library.
A nightmare will appear! Whack him good a few times with your staff. He'll pop,
and Mr. Mushroom will appear from behind a tree. If you like, you can laugh at
him for being a coward. Keep heading east and you'll reach the library. Go north
through the library entrance.

Eeek! There are slimes here. Push barrels onto them, or pop them with your
staff. Once they're gone, a librarian will appear. Reassure her, and then watch
as the bookcases spread wide. Head north on the path they've revealed.

As soon as you enter this room, you'll see a slime to your right. But he's
behind a bookcase! Hmm, how to splat him? Press against that bookcase, and watch
it fall on him and turn him into soup. Repeat this on the north bookcase. It'll
fall and let you go northward. Press the circle button at the fountain for a
quick health boost, then head east.

You'll come to a room with slimes, boxes, and bookcases. Pop the slimes, and
head east. Push over the eastern bookcase between the two pillars. Then push the
one right to the north of it, the horizontal one. Open the chest behind it for a
gold key. Then, head north and east. Push the switch and open the eastern door.
Then head through it.

Kill all the slimes in this next room. A librarian will appear. Talk to her, and
then head through the south door. Make your way to the chest, and open it. It's
that map the librarian was talking about. When you're outside a building, you
can press the select button to see where you are. Head north, and talk to the
librarian. She'll open the north door for you. Go through that sucker.

Hit the upper right switch in this room to open the north door. Head through it
and into a room of nightmares and slimes. Slaughter those guys, and hit the
switch in the eastern part of the room. It opens the east door, and gives you a
treasure chest with a silver key. Head east from here.

In this room, pick up the box that pens in the nightmares. Throw it at them, and
then staff the rest. Use your silver key to go through the east door. Flick the
switches and shove the bookcases over on the badguys. A treasure chest will
appear containing a gold key. Head back west, and then north, to find a big box.
Open it with the gold key to get the SCROLL OF HOVERING. Now you can fly over
small gaps by holding down the X button, letting it charge until you see blue
sparks, and then releasing the X button. Practice by hovering over the two
slimes that appear in the ditch, then head south and east twice.

You'll come to a room containing two purple mushrooms, with a ditch in the
middle. Dance around the purples for now. Use your new hover skill to hover over
the ditch, and head south. Kill the nightmares in this room by rolling barrels,
and head east.

Kill the first nightmare in this room you come across. Then look to the north.
The path appears blocked, but it really isn't. Use your amazing monkey strength
to move the giant peach (press up against it). Kill the other nightmares and go
west. You'll find two sets of boxes. Pick up and smash the left hand pair, and
then hover over the ditch south. You'll find a switch. Hit it, and a treasure
chest will appear. Jump into the ditch and run up the stairs. Grab the 20 coins
in the chest, splat the slimes, and head east.

In this room you'll see two giant peaches. Push the bottom one left and the top
one up. It'll open the west door, and give you a treasure chest with a silver
key. Use the silver key to go through the east door.

Flick the switch you find in this room to open the north door. Head north, and
you'll see a familiar room. Hover north, grab the chest with the mushroom in it,
and hover back south and through the door you came in. Then head through the
south door of this room.

Hover east over the pit in this room. Whack the slugs, and hover south. You'll
find a switch. Hit it, and grab the 5 coins in the treasure chest that appears.
Then head out the west door.

In this next room, you'll see four giant peaches. Go to the southeast one, and
use the circle key to grab it. You can drag it over the red button in the
center. Once you've done that, the west door will open. Head through it. Pop the
nightmares in this next room, and push the peach aside. Grab the two chests
behind the giant peach. One contains a gold key, and the other has 10 coins.
Now, head east. Repeat the 'drag the giant peach' trick, and head east once
more. Then hover over the pit and go through the northeast door.

Dodge the two mushrooms in here, and use the gold key you got to go through the
north door. Head for the second set of boxes you find on the right. Bust these
open and grab the BIG PEACH in the chest hiding behind. Now you'll have an extra
peach in your health! Then go through the north door. Bash the boxes here, and
hover west over two pits. Bash the box to the north, and go through the gap.
Hover east, flick the switch, and hover back. Go north through the newly opened

Pop the slimes, and step on the middle button in this room. Kill the two
nightmares that appear. Then push the giant peaches on to the two remaining
buttons to open the west door. Head through it. Kill everyone in this hallway
and keep heading west. In this next room, push the upper giant peach to the
west, to open the west door. Go through. Grab the mushroom in the treasure
chest, then step up to the magic book.

Strategy: Whack him with your staff or the boxes when he's not inhaling. Pop the
slimes he spits. When the battle's over, grab the magic book, talk to the
librarian that appears, get the first book page and you'll be teleported

Part 2-2 - The Secret Cave

Go east away from the library. Talk to the monkey captain and agree to help him,
as long as you're there. Head back north to the cave area. You'll notice a
second entrance to the east. Head in there. Hover over the pits in this room,
dodging the mushroom. Go north through the hole in the wall. Kill the cavemen in
here. Ignore the crane, it's useless, and keep going north. You'll come to a
moving minecart. You want to get on top of it, using the ramp between the two
barrels. Ride it north, and get off at the end ramp. Go to the western pair of
barrels, stand between them, and hover to the north.. Hover north again, and
you'll find a switch. Hit it, and then return to the start of the second mine
cart. You'll see a door heading south if you head west a bit. Go in that room
and grab the treasure chest. You've now got a gold key. Jump on the second cart
and ride it to the end. Go through the north door.

Dodge the mine carts here, and stand on the track. Follow it around to the side,
and the hover onto the main platform. Grab the big chest. Now you've got a
massive HAMMER, perfect for poping those annoying purple mushroom men you
couldn't kill until now. Use L1 to make it active, and then press the square
button to pound that stake into the ground. Neat, huh? Now head back out of that

Head south through the peaches, and then west to the dojo. Along the way, stand
in the wierd circle with the lightning bolt, and press the circle button to turn
it on. This is a warp point for later. Now talk to the old man and head through
the gate. Visit the second hut to the east and learn how to use firecrackers.
They're just like bombs in Zelda. First, hit L1 to make them active. Use the
square button to light one, pick it up with the circle button, and hurl it by
pressing the circle button again. Blow up the slimes to get your own personal
supply of firecrackers.

Once you're done with the boom-booms, head towards where you came in. To the
west of there, pick up all the blue fruits. Once all four are gone, you can open
the chest to the north for 20 coins. Then, head out of the dojo. Head south from
here to the broken bridge. Hover south over the gap, and keep going south.

You'll find you'll be at the beach. Watch out for the squeaky crabmen. Hit them
a few times and they'll pop. Head into the hut here. Talk to the girl and agree
to help her out. Then, head out the hut and to the south. You'll find the
beached ship. Head inside. Kill all the baddies, and make your way to the
treasure chest. You'll get a BIG PEACH, and find a map on the bottom. Head back
to the hut. The happy girl asks you to tell her sister. Head south and west to
find her hut. Tell her where the treasure is. Then go back to the first girl.
She'll give you a shiny new staff.

Head back towards the second sister's hut and then head north. Pound the stakes,
head north, and go into the entrance of the ruins.

Part 2-3 - The Ruins

Use your hammer to break the giant skulls, and head through the west door. Grab
the chest with 20 coins in it, and go North. Talk to the giant elephant head and
go through the east door. Grab the chest with the mushroom in it, and flick the
switch. Return to the elephant room, and head north. You can push on the strange
bamboo sticks in this room to turn them. Use your hammer to pound the stakes,
and grab the chest with the silver key. Kill the baddies that appear, and then
head back to the entrance area. This time go out the east door. Grab the
treasure chest with 10 coins in it on the way.

Use the hammer in this room to make your way to the red buttons. Stand on both
of them and the middle path will open up. Head through the north door, using
your silver key. Kill the nightmares in this room, and make your way to the
ditch where there are blue slimes jumping in a circle. Chuck a dynamite down
there to kill them. Then drag the big block out of your way. Make your way
around the room to the switch. Hit it, and go through the north door.

Hover over the pit in this room. Ignore the chest and the star platform to the
east. You can't get these until later. Pound the stake and hover southwest over
the pit. Pound the two stakes, push the bamboo, and get the treasure chest with
the silver key. Then head out the west door.

There's a lot of doors here. Go south first, and kill all the nightmares in this
room. The doors will open, and you'll get a chest with a BIG PEACH. Then head
back north. Smash the big skull and climb the stairs. Hover on to the moving
star platform. Smash each stake as it goes around. When all four are smashed, go
through the northwest door. Make your way through the small stake-maze and hit
the switch. Grab the mushroom in the chest. Watch out for the hoppers that
appear. They're mean buggers. Go back to the room with a lot of doors, and head
for the southwest one. In this room, go to the ditch with the slimes. Flip the
switch, and hover north over the other ditch to get to the switch in the middle.
Then head west. Go down the stairs and you'll find two big blocks. Push them so
they line up with each other. Grab the gold key from the chest that appears and
head back to the room where you found the big peach. Go west from there. Watch
out for the hoppers, and make your way through the west door. Because you hit
the switch above earlier, the blocks in this room will move aside, and let you
make your way north.

There are two passages that lead north in this room. Take the eastern one.
You'll come across your first warp pads. Step on the orange ones to warp to
another place. Repeat until you reach the silver key door. Then step on through
it. Don't be freaked by the big skull here. Take a quick detour northwards and
grab a treasure chest with 20 coins. Then take the south path to the big chest.
Open that puppy up, and you have the MEGA BRACELET. See that scary skull? You
can push it around like it was... well... something much lighter. Grab the chest
behind it for mushroom, then head back to the warp pads. Step on the orange one
and you'll go to a room with several of the big skulls. Kill the baddies, and
then push the skulls so they all fit into their little squares. Grab the
mushroom in the chest that shows up, and head north.

In this room you have to hover on to the moving star platform. Watch out for the
buzzard. Wait until he dives to whack him with your staff. Push the skulls into
the squares again to make a gold key appear. Then push the skull away from the
door, head through it, and prepare to fight.

Boss fight: Boss Monk

Start by making your way through the maze. If a fireball heads towards you,
whack it with your staff. When you get to the top, the fireflickers all merge
into one big boss. Use your staff to reflect back the green balls he throws at
you. Dodge the white ones. Once all the little monks are gone, he will start a
wierd green gas attack. Just stand still where the gap in the gas is, so you
won't get hit. Then whack the green balls. Repeat until he's toast. Grab the
book page, and you'll be teleported out.

Go back to the Dojo area. See the stake in the ground? Pound that down. Head
east across the bridge. Ignore the big skull for now. Keep heading east, then
south, then east, north and east. You should reach a sign that reads "Pig pen
north", "Monkey village west", "Bamboo Grove South." Pound the stake between the
torches and then go north. Talk to the pig and agree to fight his pets. Whack
the guys that appear with your staff until they pop. Then talk to the pig again
to get 250 coins. Go back south to the sign, then south again. Head east in this
area until you find a sign that reads "Bamboo Grove". Go north through the
torches and talk to the gardener. Go through the maze and push the giant peaches
back into place. Use your hammer to brake stones and kill baddies.
When you are done go back and talk to the guardian. He will move the giant peach
in the center of the maze and let you into the maze dungeon.

Part 2-4: The maze dungeon

Talk to the mushroom man and use the Fire Crackers he gives you to blow open the
North wall. Kill the purple mushrooms with your hammer. Then head North. Don't
worry about the darkness in this room, just head straight north. Roll the barrel
to pop the slugs, and then go west. Watch for the nightmare in the dark, and go
south. Go west when you come out this door and go North through the door near
the one you came out of. Watch out for the mushrooms they shoot spines. Go east,
Roll the barrels and kill all the slugs. Get the silver key that appears and
head to the silver key door you saw on the way. Ignore the big chest in this
room and go to the far southeast part of the room. Blow open the crack in the
north wall with dynamite to get a DREAM CRYSTAL. Then head down the stairs.

See the hive-like thing in this room? Whack it with your staff. A firefly will
come out. These neat critters light the way for you. Up to two will come out of
each hive. Now that you've got light, hover over the ditch to the north, and go
out the North door. Kill the spine mushrooms in this room and go through the
north door. Kill the slugs in this room, and then break all the skulls. A
treasure chest will appear with a Gold key. Go back and use it on the big chest
you saw.

Yay, now you have the GOURD. You can use it to trap fireflies. Make it active
with the L1 button, and then use the square button to suck in the fireflies. Now
head back down the stairs again. Hit the hive, and trap a few fireflies in your
Gourd. Now head north. See the big snow globe like thing? When you have a
firefly in your GOURD go up to it and press the SQUARE button. It will light up
the globe and open up the West door. Head through it. Kill all the Purple
mushrooms in here for a Silver Key. Then use the Silver Key to go through the
Silver Key Door. use the crates in here too kill the mushrooms in the center. It
may help to release a Firefly to light the way. Grab the chest with the 20 coins
in it, and then and then head north. There is an arrow made of big skulls in
this room. Go east where the arrow points and follow the trail, hovering over
the gaps. Grab the two chests with 50 coins each and exit the way you came. Head
south through the door in the mushroom room. Release a Firefly in this room to
help you light the way. Kill all the mushrooms and go ut the east door. Refill
your Fireflies at the hive here. Head out the east door, grabbing the treasure
chest with the Silver key along the way.

In this room, pound the first two stakes you see. Flick the switch behind it.
Then climb the stairs, pound the stakes up there, and hover south to a treasure
chest with 20 coins in it. Head out the way you came in. Go through the south
silver key door.

Release some Fireflies in this room to light your way and pound down all the
stakes near the right door. Then go through the South door. Put a firefly in the
globe here for a 50 coin treasure. Now head out the west door. Kill the
mushrooms with crates or dynamite. Go through the north door. Be sure to grab
some fireflies before you leave. In the room to the north put a firefly in the
globe to get a gold key. Then head back to the room where you pounded all the
stakes and go through the gold key door. Push barrels in this room to kill
Mushrooms. Use a Firefly in the globe to open the south door. Watch out for the
pits in this next room. If you kill all the slugs you'll get a BIG PEACH. Go out
the west door. Use a Firefly in this room to help you light your way across the
pit. Pound all the stakes to open the door. There's one on the left side one on
the right side and two in the middle. Then when the west door opens throw the
barrels in this room to kill the slugs and continue west.

Boss fight: Mushroom creature

Strategy: Pound the stakes beneath the two read spots as he goes over them to
vent steam and cook his goose. Grab the storybook page and you're out of there.

Exit the maze, and head east to the mushroom village. Visit the mushroom leader
in the first hut to get the MUSHROOM POUCH. Now you can hold up to three
mushrooms. Also visit the second hut for a BIG PEACH. The third hut to the south
has a mushroom man selling mushrooms. You can come back here to buy mushrooms if
you run out. Before you leave the village step on the stone with the lightning
bolt and press the circle button to activate it. Head back to the Library area.
You'll notice a big tree with stakes around it. Pound those stakes and enter the
hole in the tree. This is Monkey Village.

Head south to the town square. In the upper right you'll see a sign in front of
a hut that says "Spear Instruction". Go in the Hut to learn how to use spears.
Spears work like Firecrackers, but they fly straight and don't blow up walls.
Once you've learned how to use spears head into the hut on the upper left side
for a dream crystal. Once you have that, head one screen east. Enter into the
first hut and talk to the woman there. This is Ma Baker. She'll give you a PEACH
TIN. You can buy pieces of peach pie that refill small bits of health. Also talk
to the monkey Leutentant outside the hut. Before you leave the village activate
the Lightning Bolt Stone.

Go back to the Dojo. Pound the stakes near the entrance, and head to the sign
that reads "Historical Excavation". Step South to enter a secret cave. Hover
onto the platforms in the pit to find a man who will sell you a DRAGON BONE
STAFF for 500 Coins. Leave the dojo and go back to the big bridge. Right next to
the sign that says "Dream Shine- North" there is a big skull, pull the skull out
and head into the passage behind it. You'll find a strange gate with two firefly
globes. Put a Firefly in each globe to lower the gate. Step on the blue spiral
to enter the dream shrine.

Part 2-5: The Dream Shrine

Head west from the spiral and stand between the two pillars on the west edge of
the cloud. Take a 'hover of faith' straight west. You'll land on another cloud.
Hover northwest from this one to land on a third. Hover north on a series of
clouds to find a treasure chest with a mushroom. Head back to that third cloud,
and then continue cloud-hopping east. One more hop north, and you'll find a pair
of peach trees. Head through them to get to the castle area.

Head north into the castle, and kill all the nightmares in the first room. Go up
the the throne to find the dream king himself! Talk to him, and agree to help
him rid his castle of the nightmares. He'll follow you to release the gate
around the dungeon area. Keep him from being hit. If he's hit more than a few
times, he'll go back to his throne and you'll have go and get him again.

Head into the lower west door of the throne room. You'll run into a foursome of
pikemen. As far as I know, there are no ways to kill these jerks. Just flee
north, up the stairs, as fast as you can. Then head east from that room into the
big hallway.

Three of the rooms off the hallway have refills and goodies in them. You don't
need to go into them, but you will get mushrooms, pie bits, dynamite, etc, if
you need them. One of these rooms is the north door. You can make a detour if
you wish. Otherwise, head for the door just south of the door you entered

Hey, lookie down there! It's the throne room. You can go into the door to the
south for a quick bit of coinage, if you need it. If not, head for the east
door. You'll find yourself in the hallway again. The east and north door are
goodie rooms. Bop in again if you need a refill. Otherwise, follow the hall to
the north, then west, and go through the south door.

Yipes, loads of pikemen. If you feel daring, you can flick the switches in this
room for 20 coins each. Otherwise, go through the south exit. Walk east up the
stairs to the roof. The king will lower the gate, and you can head on through to
the castle dungeon.

Whack the nightmares in this first room and head through the south door. There
are three giant peaches in this room. Push them in the right order to open the
door. The correct order is lower peach, left peach, right peach. If you push the
wrong one, it will make a squeaky sound as you push it. Once the door is open,
head on east.

Watch out for the cloud in this next room. You can't do anything against it yet.
Just head out the north door. Grab the silver key in this room. Then run south
into the cloud room. Head through the east door. Kill all the nightmares in this
room for a mushroom, and push the giant peaches in the center back into place
for some coins. Go through the north door. Grab the chest in here for some more
coins, while dodging more bolts. Then it's west and south, and back to the cloud
room. This time, go out the south door. Pick up the pots and grab the silver key
in here, while avoiding the cloud's thunderbolts. Head out the east door. Run
east again across the bridge. In this next room, splat to ground level and grab
the chest for some coins. Then climb the stairs north of the chest, and hover
west and south. Use a silver key to go through the silver key door. In this next
room, hover north, and use the second silver key to go through this silver key
door. Splat to the floor, and grab the treasure chest in the corner for a gold
key. Then head out the north door.

There's a lot of stuff going on in this next room, but first thing's first -
head for the big chest. Climb the stairs in front and open that puppy up. You've
now got the SUPER GRAPPLE! You can use it with the square key to either hook on
to grapple-hooks, or to kill sky enemies. Get some practice stunning that evil
cloud that's been zapping at you for so long. Once you've had some revenge,
grapple up to the east door. Kill the nightmares in here for a silver key. Exit
the room, and grapple up by the north door. Before you go through it, hover
south for a treasure chest with some coins. Go through the north door, and drag
the giant peach in here to get to a chest with a mushroom. Go through the west
door and you'll come to a room made mostly of pit. Hover west, and use your
grapple to get up on the platform with the treasure chest. Open it up for a BIG
PEACH. Yum. Head back to the room that had the big chest. Then, grapple up to
the west door. Go on through, and grapple up to the divider in the middle of
this room. There are three stakes up here. Hit the top one, then the bottom one,
then the middle one, to open the doors. Go west. It's another big pit room. Use
your grapple to get to the treasure chest again. This time it's got a silver
key. Exit north through the silver key door. Grapple to the chest in here to get
a gold key.

Go back to the big chest room. Grapple to the north door. Go through, then east.
When you get to the platform that held the big peach, hover southwest. You'll
find a silver key door. Head on through. There are two peaches blocking your way
to the gold key door. Push the first one so you can get past, then push it back
into place. Then drag the second one into the left hand corner. Make your way to
the gold key door, and go through. Kill all the nightmares and head out the east
door. Kill the egg-dropping vulture with your grapple, and go through the south
door for some quick coinage. Head back north, and then out the east door.

Use your grapple here to get on to the platform, and then ride the star platform
north. Get on the star platform in the next room. If you want some quick coins,
hover off to the east onto the second platform you see. Grab the chest, and then
hover back on to the star platform when it comes around again. Exit to the

Boss fight: Cloud Lord

Strategy: Use the grapple to draw his hands towards you, and hit them with your
staff. Dodge the lightning he spews. When one hand is gone he will throw little
sparkly things on the ground. Dodge these and keep going with the grapple on his
hand. When both hands are gone he'll start spewing tornados. Dodge these and go
after him with your grapple. Aim for where he's going to be as he circles, and
you'll hit him more. When he's done for, grab the page, and you're out of there.

Now would be a good time to go back to the mushroom village to get some more
shrooms. As long as you're there, why not stop and get the explosive spears?
Exit the village and head south. You'll come to a strange gate with two firefly
globes. Put fireflies in each of the globes to lower the gate. If you need spare
Fireflies there's a hive in a secret cave in the screen to the north underneath
a clump of four blue berries. Go in the gate to meet the weird inventor, who
will give you a set of five exploding spears. You can blow up a whole lotta
stuff with these babies.

Head back to the bridge. Head east, then north. Watch out for the invisible guys
in this area. Keep heading north until you find a sign that reads 'snowy pass'.
Then head north one more time. You'll find a small building. This is where the
undertaker lives. Talk to the guy, who begs you to help him out. Tell him you'll
save the day, and follow his directions to the mausoleum. You should find a sign
that reads 'Spooky Graveyard'. Head north here. Kill the ghouls who make weird
noises and go through the two strange statues. Go into the first small stone
structure you see that has a door open to the side. Grab the firefly in here.
You can also open the southeast coffin for a bonus mushroom. Then exit the
structure, and head west one screen. You can read some of the gravestones on the
way for a laugh. I like the one that says '1200 baud'. Anyway, in this next
area, head to the northwest, and you should find a sign. When you try to read
it, you won't be able to, unless you use firefly light. Release a firefly, and
read that sign. Wow. Bet you didn't expect that, huh? Go into the skull to enter
the mausoleum.

Part 2-6: The Mausoleum

Hover north over the ditch in this first room, and go through the north door.
This room is dark, but if you head east, you can find a hive to brighten things
up a bit. Head out the north door. See the ghost in this room? You can't hurt
him yet. Just avoid him, and step on the star platform. If you want, you can
hover to the south off of it for some coins. Ride it east across the pit. See
the crack in the wall here? Behind the pots? Dodge the Ghost, and blow that
puppy up with dynamite. Avoid ghost number two, and grab some yummy coins. Then
head out the south door. Hover south over the pit, and then repeat over the next
pit. Go south out this first door. Kill the baddies in here, and use your
grapple to get up to the button. Step on it, and head out the west door. Pound
the stake in this room, and plop down to the lower level. Avoid the ghost, and
go through the west door. In this next room, kill all the baddies, and then
grapple up to grab the chest with the gold key. Leave this room and grapple back
up to the upper level. Go out the north door. Make your way north, splatting
eyeball goons along the way. Grab the treasure chest with the silver key, and
split out the door you came in. Head east, and north, until you're back to the
room with the pits. Hover north over the pit to where the three crates are, and
then southeast, and then northeast. You should be in the area to the right of
the three crates. One more hover north, and you can go through the silver key
door. Splat everyone in this room, using your grapple to get to the higher
slugs. Go out the southeast door. If you want to tangle with the ghost, there's
a mushroom in the chest you see in the ditch. If not, then head up the east

Watch out! There are falling floors in this room. Quickly make your way to the
orange warp pad, while dodging ghosts. Avoid the pikemen, and go through the
north door. Watch out again here! There's a big swinging sharp thing. Try not to
get hit by it, and head north again. You'll find a big chest, containing....

The CANDLE! This is great. Not only can it light the way in dark places, but you
can use it to kill ghosts! Just select it with L1 and light it on a nearby torch
with the square button. Go up to a ghost, and fry his rear end. The candle has
some drawbacks, though. It goes out if you get hit, or if you run with it. Keep
that in mind. Light your candle on the torches in here, and head out the south
door. Kill the ghosts, if you feel like it, and light the burnt out torch to the
east. The door will open. Go on through. Hover over the two gaps in this room,
dodging pikemen. Step on the first orange warp pad. Open the second coffin in
the second row for some coins. Then step on the warp pad to the south. Go to the
second orange warp pad now. Follow the path around the edge of this room and
step on the orange pad. You should now be in a room with and orange pad, a blue
pad, and a swinging sharp thing. From the center of the grey squares, run
straight south, trying your darnedest not to get hit by the pendulum. I know it
looks like there's no path there, but there is one. Sadly, it's made of falling
blocks. But it's still a path. Go for it! If you fall, you can always take the
warp pads in a loop again. When you've made it, head out the south door. Kill
the eyeball guys in the little cul-de-sac, and take the west door. Use your
grapple to get up to the lit torch in this room. Light your candle, and hover
down to the ground. Don't worry, it won't go out. Light all the torches in the
room. Go through the north door first. Kill the critters in this room and open
all the coffins, and you'll get a mushroom. Go back south. Then take the door
west. Kill everything in this room, ghost included, for some coins. Then exit to
the south. If you want to, you can open up the second coffin in this room and
release a ghost. When you kill him, you get 20 coins. Step on the orange warp
pad. Then step on the next one. Light your candle on the torch here if you need
to, and head northward. Use the candle to burn down the spiderwebs blocking the
way. Go north, and hover over the pit to the orange warp. Burn through the webs
again, and step on the warp again. Through the webs once more, and on the warp
once more.

Wow, a few choices here. Light all the torches first, for a gold key. Then step
on the lower right warp. Wait, don't step on the orange one in here. Instead,
head north and kill all the eyeball guys. You can use your candle to light the
way, although it's likely to end up being snuffed out. In any case, once you've
killed all the eyeballs, light the two torches by the north door with your
candle. It'll open. Go on through. Run through the pikemen in here to the north
door. Step on the star platform as it approaches. Light your candle on the
torches before you get on, if you need it. Light all the torches in the room.
Then grapple up to the platform to get a chest with 20 coins. Then head up the
stairs to the north. Open the chest here to get a BIG PEACH. Not very well
hidden, huh? No matter. Don't worry about the warps you can see below. You can't
fall into the ditches. Go to the north and step on the one warp pad at the top.
If you feel like it, fall in the pit here, slay the mushroom crawlies, and grab
the chest for 5 coins. Otherwise, just take the platform, then step on the warp

It's pretty dark in this next room, so take your candle out. Make your way
westward, then step on the warp pad. Now, step on the left warp pad. Light the
torch in this next room for a chest containing 50 coins. Then step on the orange
pad. Now, step on the right pad. The star platform in this room doesn't go all
the way to the end, so you'll have to hover on to it. Watch for the ghosts, too.
Step on the second star platform. It doesn't go all the way to the end, either,
so you'll have to hover off it. Step on the orange warp pad. Then step on the
right warp pad. Take the right hand branch of this room, and grapple up on top.
Step on the orange pad up here. It's another one of those falling tile things,
so run quickly to the south. At least there's no sharp thing. Step on the warp

There's some very strange beasts in here. They're kind of like flying ram-heads.
Throw some spears at them, and they'll pop. Don't miss the treasure chest in the
middle of the room. It has a mushroom in it. Watch out for some spear-guys at
the east end of the room. Step on the warp pad and get ready for a weird fight.

Boss fight: Squeaky Voice/Ghost Rat Boss

Eek, this is one weird-looking dude. Your job: Light the torches until you can
see the big white rat, then hit him with your staff. He charges at you faster
and faster as he takes more damage. He'll often overrun you, so use it to your
advantage. It seems like it takes forever and a half, but keep hitting him, and
he'll die in time. Grab the page and you're out of there.

Exit the graveyard area and go back to the man who asked you to kill the rat.
He'll give you a dream crystal for your trouble. Go back to the area in front of
the graveyard, and go south. Light your candle on the torch, and watch out for
buzzards. Go north, and light the torches in front of the statue. He'll give you
a BIG PEACH. Now, head east and north. You'll see a sign that says 'Dragon
Mountain' on the way. Talk to the soldier standing there, and then go into
dragon mountain. Head north up the stairs. Kill the dragon in this room with
your grapple, and head across the bridge, out the east stairs. Light your candle
on the torch in this room and then head up the many flights of stairs. Hover
your way across the last gap and go out the east stairs. Use your grapple to get
up a few platforms here. When you reach what seems like the end, hover south,
and you'll find more platforms. Eventually, you'll find a hole in the wall to
the south. Go through that. Walk along the edge of the mountain here to the
west. Enter the north door you find at the end. You'll find more stairs, gaps
and grapples. Make your way along until you get to the south door. Head on out.
Go west here, hovering from bit of bone to bit of bone. You'll find a hole to
the north. Go through. Walk along the platform here. If you have trouble making
it out, look for where there's no shiny bits in the black. It's safe to walk
there. Follow it south. Walk west under the ribs, and you'll find a big skull.
Step into the eye-hole.

Part 2-7: Dragon Mountain

Hover north across the gap in the walkway here, and go out the west door. Pound
the stake, and confront the spinning nightmares. These guys are a pain in the
rear. If all else fails, press them up against a wall so they can't walk away
when you try to hit them. When they're dead, push the switch, and light your
candle on the torch. Use the grapple to grapple up to the higher level, and
light the torches there. A chest will appear with a silver key. Use that to go
through the silver key door to the west. There's more spinning guys in here.
Whack them and go up down the stairs to the north. Is it me, or did it just get
zeldaesque in this room? Push the block down, and go out the west door. Kill the
slimes, and push the block on the left-hand button. Get your hammer out, smash
the skulls, and while you're at it, smash the mushroom men. They might just give
you mushrooms. Exit out the west door. Kill the slimes, but watch those barrels.
They've got TNT in them. Use your grapple and grapple up to the higher level.
Hover over to the switch and hit it. A treasure chest will appear with a
mushroom. Now, go back to the Zelda-copy room and push the block east. Go
through the south door. Kill the big-fisted men in here, if you feel like it.
Walk back out the way you came in. Push the block up, and go east this time.
Then go through the north door. Uhoh, pikemen! Scatter them with your staff, and
run through the south door. Dead end? Nope. Get out your grapple and grapple
your way on to the higher platforms. Hover over to the switch in the upper left
corner, and hit it to make a 10-coin chest appear. You might want to kill the
dragon, too. Head through the south door. See that star platform? You want to
hover on to it. Watch out-there's a dragon in here, too. Once you're going back
and forth on the star, edge to the south. You should be able to make out a
platform to hover to. Once you're there, step on the second star platform.
You'll see a treasure chest. Hover over to it and grab a gold key! Then step
back on the platform, and ride it west to the warp pad. Step on that, and you're
right above the Zelda room. Go down the stairs, and push the block down. Go
east, and then step out again and push the block west. Then go through the south
door. Go south again. Pound down all the stakes in this room, and drag the block
on to the bottom button. Go through the northwest door. See the black stuff in
here? It's not a pit. It will hurt you when you step on it, though. Be careful.
Hover east as far as you can, and then run, if you have to, to get to the
switch. Flick it, and make a dash for the north door across the spikes. Ow Ow
Ow. Hey, look, it's a big chest. Wasn't that worth it? Inside is the GUARDIAN
STATUE. Feed it coins, and it makes you invincible for a while! Neat, huh? Make
your way back to the Zelda room, using the statue to protect you from the
spikes. Go up the stairs, and through the north door here. You might want to
light a candle first. Make your way through the mini-maze filled with nightmares
in this room, and go out the north door. Kill the dragon in this next room, and
fall down the hole. Crush the skull in front of you, and step on the star
platform. As it goes around the room, crush all the skulls. Then step off on the
east side of the room, and hover over to the chest for a silver key. Exit off
the southwest platform using your grapple. Wait until you see the star platform
in this next room. You'll have to hover on to it. It takes a bit of timing, so
don't feel bad if you fall a few times. Once you're on it, use your grapple to
climb up to the west door, and go through it. Kill the nightmares in this room,
and go out the south door. Kill the bats, and go south again. Kill the
nightmares in this room, and smash the skulls. When you get to where there are
four mini-paths, take the bottom one for a treasure chest with 50 coins. Then
take the one above it for a warp pad. Step on the pad and you'll be in familiar
territory. Make your way back to the dragon room where you fell down the hole.
Use the silver key you got in the silver-key door.

Before you step on the star platform in this room, go along the walkway that
surrounds the south side. Flick the switch, and then get on the platform. Ride
it west, and start north up the walkway. See the switch on the platform in the
middle? Get back on the star platform and hover over to it. Give it a flick.
Then get back on the star platform, and head out the northeast door. Push the
TNT barrels here and get into the southern portion of the room. There's some
strange fire-ghosts in here. You can light your candle on them. Use the lit
candle to light the two torches in the other part of the room. Then swat the
fire ghosts with your staff to pop them. A treasure chest will appear, holding a
gold key. Go through the southeast door and kill the dragon. Then step into the
pit in the floor. You'll fall down straight south of the Zelda room. Make your
way to the room right above the Zelda room. Use your gold key to go through the
gold-key door.

Wow, a big room filled with lava. The tiles in this room fall, so be careful.
Run across, and avoid the sharp swinging thing. Exit out the south door. See the
pair of blocks in the light in this room? Push the bottom one upwards, and a
chest will appear, containing a silver key. Then head west, and step on the star
platform above the sea of lava. Watch out for the nightmares on the other side.
Kill them, and leave via the west door. Smash the skulls in this room, and get
ready to play with star platforms. They go up and down, and side to side, all
over a pit of lava. Hover to the first one, and kill the dragon flying around.
Wait until it gets next to the platform going in a square. Then step on to it.
You'll see a third platform going side to side. As soon as you think you can,
hover on to it. Then as soon as it abuts the next platform, the one going up and
down, make a transfer. Once this last platform is near the top, hover off onto
safe land, and exit through the north door. Kill all the mushroom men in here.
You should get at least one mushroom, if you're in need. Then push the stone
blocks so they make a square. A chest will appear containing a BIG PEACH. Yum.
Use your silver key, and go through the silver key door to the north. Pound the
stakes, and use the protection statue you just got to protect you from the
spikes. Pound the stakes at the other end, and kill the big fists over there.
Then go through the east door. Talk to the dragon bones in here, and get the
mushroom chest that appears. Then, go through the north door.

Boss fight: Phoenix

Strategy: Use the grapple to attack. Stay out of the way of the wind and black
smoke attacks. When the fireballs chase you, run away, then swat them with your
staff. The best time for attack is during the wind. Once the birdie bites it,
grab the page, and get out of there.

Leave the Dragon Mountain area and head back to the Snowy Pass. Head South, then
east, then east again. You'll come upon some farmers being attacked by
nightmares in the eastern part of this area. Kill the nightmares, and pound the
stakes down to get to the farmers. Some more nightmares will appear. Pop them as
well. Then talk to the farmers. Pound the stakes behind them, and get the 100
coin chest. Then walk past the chest to the east. There's a lot of stones in
this area. Break them with your hammer and make your way eastward. Watch out for
the egg dropping buzzards. Kill them with the grapple if you want. When you get
to the orange warp pad, step on it.

Drag the skull you see to the north out of the way, and walk on the path it was
blocking. Put a firefly in the globe you find, and walk between the two peaches.
Watch out for the pikemen. Keep heading north, and you'll come to a big tree
with a door in it. Go in the door.

Part 2-8: Tower of Karma

Talk to the Tower Guardian. Tell him you're ready, and he'll... change you into a
slime?! Yep. This tower is pretty easy. You just need to keep climbing the
levels, and avoiding all the monsters. You can't kill them, because, well,
you're a slime. It's fun to bounce around, at least. Anyway, one you've been
slimed, head through the north door.

Step on the star platform here, and ride it north to the switches. Flick the
switches, and then avoid the weird bug and go through the north door.

Use the barrels in this room to kill the mushroom men, and then push the two
lower peaches down. Push the upper peach out of the way, and go through the
north door.

Climb the left set of stairs here and step on the red button, while avoiding the
slime. Step on the star platform it activates, and ride it across to the other
platform. Avoid the second slime, and hit the button on this platform. Splat to
the ground (quite literally) and, dodging the third slime, go through the north

This level is a bit like the bonus levels in the old gauntlet game. Hit the
switch, and then run (or blob quickly) to get the bonuses that appear. Then head
out the north door.

Hop on the star platform in here, and hop on to the next one as they line up.
Then hop onto the one after that. Watch out for the buzzard. Exit North.

Push the peaches on to the buttons to open the door in this room. Stepping on
the extra buttons makes little peaches appear north of the other button on the
opposite side. Exit north.

Flick the switch, and walk on the falling tiles across the pit. Remember, if you
can't see colored sparks in the background, it's safe to walk on. Watch out for
the nightmare at the end. Exit north.

Flick the switch in this room and exit north. Watch out for the buzzard that

Boss Fight: Tower Guardian/It's monkey time!

You can't fight while you're in blob form, so just dodge when he turns you into
a slime. Eventually you'll have an identity crisis and turn back into a monkey.
Kill all the slimes that come at you to win. Grab the page through the west
door, and you're done. That was quick, wasn't it?

Head back to Snowy Pass. Don't forget to grab the BIG PEACH that appears in
front of the tree, first. Once you're at the sign that reads 'Snowy Peak', step
south a few steps, then head west. Activate the Thunder Stone, and keep going
west. You should find a sign that reads 'Gypsy Village - North'. Take a few
steps to the east, and then walk north. You'll be in Gypsy Village! There's not
really much to do here. You can buy items at the tent/store to restock, and
activate the thunder stone. Talk to the man blocking Sandy's tent, too. Then, go
to monkey village. In the pub (it's to the west of the town square) you'll find
that man's brother. He's scared, and doesn't want to go outside. Agree to give a
message to his brother. As long as you're in the area, talk to the guard outside
the library, and he'll ask you to find the monkey scouts and give them the news.
You're really just a furry mailman, aren't you? Anyway, head back to the gypsy
village and give the man his message. Go into the tent he was blocking to find a
girl named sandy. She says she'll be in the swamp later. Go back to snowy pass,
and head south. See the tree standing alone by itself in this area? Head
straight south from that tree, into the gap in the woods. You'll find the monkey
scouts. Another message?! Egad. Leave the monkey scouts and return to the area
with the tree. From there, head east. In the eastern part of this area, you'll
find a skull set into some trees. Pull it out and go into the path it was
blocking. Head north into the hole in the big tree. This is the swamp. Watch out
for the hoppers here. Head east through a hole in a tree. You'll find a hut. Go
inside, and talk to Sandy. She'll give you the password, plus a nifty METAL
STAFF! Head back to the swamp. Activate the thunder stone, and talk to the Left
statue. He'll give you a mushroom. Then go north to the space ship. Talk to the
statue in this area, and enter the hatch that opens.

Part 2-9: The Spaceship
Watch Out! There are big cannons in this room that shoot at you. You can't kill
them. Step on the orange warp pad. There are weird robots in this room that lay
dynamite. Bash them with your hammer. Go through the west door. The Green bars
in this room are like spikes, Don't step on them. Walking on just the squares,
hit the red button to open the door and turn off the cannon. Grab the treasure
chest for 50 coins, and exit out the west door. Be careful this next room has
poisonous gas in it. Use your statue of protection, and push the weird globes
onto the squares. The South East door will open, go through it. In this next
room avoid the cannons and push the globe to make your way through. Then run
back and quickly step on the button and run through the south door. In this
corridor You'll meet the alien boss. Whack him once with your staff, and he'll
disappear. Exit south. Step on the star platform in this room and ride it west.
Hover onto the next star platform going south. Ride that one south to the third
and exit through the south door. If you fall off the star platform mid way
through, just keep running. You can use your grapple to get up at the end. In
the south room you'll find a cannon, and more weird robots. Push the south west
orb to open the west door. Head west in this next room hovering over the hot
pipes, and avoiding the crystal stars. Use the statue in the next room and run
quickly to the south and step on the button. Run through the globes that open
and step on the second button. Open the chest to get a BIG PEACH. Exit to the
north. Step on the star platform here and hover east to the button. Step on it,
and then grapple to the north door and go out. Grab the chest in here for the
gold key, and kill the slimes that appear. Go back to the room where you pushed
the south west orb. Go through the south door in this room and step on the warp
pad. Hover west to the orange warp pad. Repeat. Hover south west top the lower
warp pad. Kill the weird robots in this room. Hit the red button above the blue
warp pad. Then run east and hit the red button east of the door, then run west
and hit the red button west of the door. The door will open, go through it.
Hover to the star platform in this room, and hover to the button, dodging cannon
fire. Hit the button and go through the north door. Dodging crystal stars hit
all the buttons in this room and grab the chests for a mushroom and coins. Go
south and then East. Wait for the star platform to come near and hover over to
it. Ride it across to the other side and grapple up. Hit the button and go
through the east door. Go north. And kill all the red slimes in this room. Exit
through the north door. Grab the treasure chest for some coins, and then step on
the orange warp pad. As soon as you warp, run to the North east corner of the
room and step on the button to turn the cannons off. Then open the big chest.
You'll get the STUN STATUE. Feed it coins, and it freezes enemies in the room.
Then step on the orange warp pad. Kill all the slimes in this room to get a
mushroom. Then step on the eastern warp pad. Step through the east door.

Boss Fight: Alien X

Strategy: Hit him with your staff as he first appears. Watch out for the fire
balls he shoots. When he appears behind the barrier throw sticks of Dynamite at
him. Dodge the bombs he throws. He alternates between sides so anticipate his
moves. When he's toast, grab the page and you're out of there.

Head back to Dragon Mountain (where the sign that says 'dragon mountain' is).
From here, go east, and you'll find the nightmare shrine. Activate the thunder
stone, and then go southwards. Talk to the guardian statue, and he'll lower the
gate. Step on to the red swirl and you'll be transported into the land of

Part 2-10: The Nightmare Realm

Head north from the swirl. Kill the big-fisted guys in this area and head east.
Kill the fisted guys, and hover north. To the northwest, you can barely see a
platform. Hover on to that. There's another platform off to the northwest. Hover
there. Exit to the Northwest. Hover west, and step on the warp pad. There's a
friendly nightmare in this next room. He'll sell you exploding spears and pie
pieces. Buy what you need, and exit out the west door. Walk down the many
flights of stairs, and exit to the south. Kill the spinning nightmares, and step
on the east warp platform. Walk to the north, and go into the north door.

Boss fight: Nightmare king (part 1)

Strategy: Walk away from him as he sucks in. When he stops inhaling, nail him
with spears. Kill any slimes he spits out. Try not get hit by the big beam he
shoots. He's pretty easy this go around. When you kill him, exit to the north.

There are blocks running across the pit in this room, but there's a big gap in
them. Charge up your hover, then run across to the gap. Hover across the gap to
the other side. Don't wait until you're on the blocks to charge up, because they
fall. Once you're across, thump down the stake to the east. Go past it, and
flick the switch to the south. Exit out the east door. Dodge the crystal stars
in this hall, and grapple your way on to the raised platforms. Careful, because
the crystal stars can block your grapple, and ruin your day. Exit out the east
door. You'll be in a room that's mostly pit. Go to the north part of the
platform you're on, and you should see a star platform. Hover on to it. When it
rises to the top, hover east on to the thin platform. Walk along it south, and
make a hover of faith southward. You'll land on a small square platform. Kill
the annoying buzzard, and look to the southwest. You should see a platform with
four stakes on it. To the east of that is a star platform. Hover on to it. Pound
down all four stakes and the platform will start moving. Ride it east. Watch out
for the buzzard. Pound all four stakes on the eastern platform, and then step
back on the star platform. Hover onto the platform to the northeast of the
eastern stake platform. There's a star platform that runs north-south off this
platform. Step on it, and ride it north. You'll find a switch. Hit it, and then
hover south next to the eastern door. Grab the chest that appears for 100 coins,
and exit out the east door.

This room is a pain in the monkey-butt. There are buzzards all over, and it's
all hard moves. Get your grapple out, and get ready. Then step on the star
platform. Wait about one second, and then grapple east. With luck, you'll be
lifted up on to a higher platform. Wait! Don't step on the star platform on the
other side. Instead, hover east. You'll land on a second platform, and see the
corridor take a turn to the north. Now, wait until the second star platform
comes from the north, and hover on to it. Grapple north, quickly. With timing
and luck, you'll pop up on to the higher platform. Don't get on the star
platform again. Instead, hover north three times. Then, step on the star
platform as it heads north. Step off, and head out the north door. Congrats,
you've just finished the hardest room in the game.

In this next room, there are 9 poundable objects, arranged in a square. Pound
them in this order:










To open the west door. Go through it. Watch in this next corridor, because the
tiles fall. Get out your grapple, and run west. Grapple up on to the small
platform. Hop down on to the star platform on the other side. Grapple up to the
next platform to the west. Hover off it (remember those falling blocks) and go
through the west door.

Now you should be in a big, darkened room. This is a bit complex, but not too
dangerous. First, hover west off the gap in the railing right in front of the
door you came out of. You should be able to make it to the platform with the
switch. Hit the switch, and hover to the ground, avoiding the crystal stars.
Head to the north end of the room, and you'll see a grapple on the wall. Use it
to get back to the higher level. If you stand right in front of the silver key
door, you should be able to make out a star platform that comes into sight time
to time to the southwest. Hover on to it, and pound your way to the switch it's
circling. Get back on the star platform. When it gets to the south of the
switch, hover south off of it. You'll land on another platform. Hover east, and
you'll find yourself on a switch platform. Hit the switch, and then hover off
this platform, avoiding the crystal stars. Get back up on the higher level using
the grapple you used before. You'll see that the torch in the northwest corner
of the room is lit. Use your candle to light the other three torches in the
corners of the room. Then, get back on the star platform, and hover south. Light
the two torches here, and you should have a pretty good view of the room. Fall
off this platform to the north and get the treasure chest that's appeared on the
floor. It contains a mushroom, which you'll probably need by now. Get back to
the upper level, and hover off the gap just to the west of the south door. Flick
the switch, and hover back near the south door. Go to the area of the east door,
and pound down the two stakes. Hover west, and on to the southern of the two
platforms you can get to. Flick the switch. Head out the west door. Kill all the
nightmares in here, and use your candle to light all the torches. You'll get
four chests! Raid the 180 coins in them, and exit the way you came in, to the
east. Then head out the south door of this big room.

There's some spikes here, so use your protection statue. Dash south until you
hit solid ground, and then dash west. You'll run into two treasure chests with
20 coins each. Using your protection again. Dash all the way east until you hit
solid ground. Wait! Don't dash south. That's a pit. Wait until the star platform
comes across, and use it to cross the pit. Halfway through the ride, there's
some stakes to the west. Pound those, and ride a second platform to 40 more
coins, if you want. Otherwise, just ride the first star platform straight south.
Use your statue one more time, and run west. Pound the stakes in your way, and
grab the two chests. You'll get 20 coins... and a silver key! Make your way back
to the big, dark room. Relight your candle on the lit torch, then use the silver
key in the north door. There's a ditch in this room containing slimes. Ignore it
at first, and walk to either side, killing the two nightmares in the room. When
they are dead, the blocks in front of the ditch will move, and you can go into
it. Kill the slimes, and grapple out to the north. Exit through the north door.

This is another annoying room. See the two crystal stars? About half of all the
tiles north of them are falling tiles. The easiest way to do this is to pretend
they're all falling tiles, and hover around them. In this room, there are five
poundable things. Pound them in this order:






A treasure chest will appear, containing a gold key! Head back to the big dark
room. Exit out the west door. You'll be in the room with the four chests. Go out
the west door here. You'll be in a room with five stakes. Pound them in this






Grab the chest that appears, and get the 100 coins within. Exit out the south
door. A star platform will move on by in front of you. Ride it to the west and
push the switch behind the stakes. Then ride it east. Get off on the little
platform, get your grapple ready, and step on the second star platform that
comes by. Grapple up over the platform that's in your way, and splat down on the
other side quickly. Step west off the platform, and hover over the small gap.
Walk west a little, and hover over another gap. Exit out the west door.

Dodge the crystal stars and walk west. Hit the switch that's in the middle of
the floor. In the north/south part of this corridor, you'll find some pikemen.
Bat them out of the way, and run south. Make a turn to the east, dodge one more
crystal spike, and splat a few bats. Exit out the southeast door. You're almost

You'll notice you're back near the entrance again. Use the gold key on the north
door. Walk through. There's some pikemen in this room. Avoid them, and run out
either the east or west door. They both lead to where you're going. Kill the
nightmares in the corridor, and go out whichever door you didn't come in. Kill
the last few nightmares in this room, and go through the north door. Open the
chests in here to fight your final nightmares and to get a gold key. Walk over
the ditch and the villagers will give you one last pep talk. Steel yourself and
head through the north door, to face the final battle.

Final Boss: Nightmare king

Walk north, and you'll encounter the nightmare king. He'll suck the pages out of
you. They'll drain some of his power. You'll see him for what he really is. He
has one part for each book page.

Part one: Just hit the sucker with your staff.
Part two: When the lights flash on, mark where he is, and go over to that area.
When they flash on again, hit him with your staff.
Part three: Avoid the falling areas! They'll light up before he makes them fall.
Take out your gourd, and use it to suck him in. Just keep him bottled in there
for a minute and he'll take a hit.
Part four: He'll suck out all your dynamite! When he chucks it at you, pick it
up and chuck it back. When the lights go on, take out your hammer and hit him
with it.
Part five: Just like part four, only with explosive spears! Wait until he's
through with the spears, and then pick up the dynamite he throws, and chuck it
back. When the lights go on, pound him!
Part six: Just like five.
Part seven: Just like five. Hit him here, and you've won! Watch the ending, and

Part 3: Secrets

These are special things that aren't mentioned in the rest of the walkthrough.

Part 3-1: Secret Places

There are lots of secret caves and holes, all over the land. The best time to
grab these is after the mausoleum, when you have all the basic tools you'll
need. In most of these caves, you need to kill the monsters inside to get a
treasure chest.

Secret Places, in no particular order
1. Pull aside the big skull in Snowy Pass (Dream Crystal)
2. Pound the stakes one area east of the bridge (100 coins)
3. In the area of the East exit to Monkey village (100 coins)
4. In the white tree forest, West of Pig's place - Hover east from the star
platform and light all the torches (Dream Crystal)
5. West of Mushroom Village, under a clump of four blue berries (fireflies)
6. Against the east edge of the inventor's hut - Hover over to the button,
and then hover over to the treasure before time expires (50 coins)
7. To the East of the Dojo, under a clump of four berries (Dream Crystal)
8. Between two stones in the mine mountain area (BIG PEACH)
9. To the West of the Library (Dream Crystal)
10. North of the Beached Ship - Dynamite through the east wall (Dream Crystal)
11. Southeast of the Gypsy Village (Nothing)
12. East of the area of the East exit to Monkey Village, southeast corner (Big

Part 3-2: The Flying Nimbus

The flying Nimbus is a great tool that you can use to teleport yourself around
the Waking World. After you've bought the Dragon Bone staff, talk to the peach
tree in the Dojo. He'll give you a Sour Peach. Take it to Ma Baker. She'll give
you a Peach Pit. Plant it in the Mystic Grove, north of the Gypsy Village. The
Dream King will appear and lend you his MAGIC CLOUD. You can use it to go to any
place you've activated a Thunder Stone.

Part 3-3: Deja vu?

There are lots of treasures to be gotten by returning to places you've been
earlier in the game. You can use new tools to get treasures you couldn't reach

The first mine: Find a pair of stakes to pound down. Kill all the slugs in that
room, and you'll be rewarded with 100 coins.

Keep heading down, and you'll find a room with a hook you can grapple to.
Grapple up on it, and hover southwards to find a chest with a Dream Crystal.

The secret cave: Blow open the east wall in the room with the crane for a Dream

The Ruins: In the room north of the room where you use dynamite to blow up the
slimes, push the big skull out of the way. Step on the button behind it. Use the
star platform that activates to ride to a Dream Crystal.

The Dream Shrine: Take the Northeast door from the throne room. Light all the
torches in this room for a Dream Crystal

Mausoleum: Light both torches in the first room for a Dream Crystal

Part 3-4: Playing messenger

Keep Relaying messages between the various monkey people. When you deliver the
final message, head back to the monkey scouts. They'll reward you with a BIG
PEACH and a Dream Crystal.

Part 4: Dream Crystal Locations
1. Push the peach in the Dojo.
2. Blow open wall in big Chest room in the Bamboo Grove Dungeon.
3. Samuel in Monkey Village.
4. Man in snowy fields hut (after killing rat boss)
5. Secret Place 1
6. Secret Place 4
7. Secret Place 7
8. Secret Place 9
9. To the East of the crane room in the secret cave
10. In the Ruins, north of the Dynamite Slime room
11. Secret Place 10
12. First Mine Basement
13. In the Dream Shrine, to the Northeast of the Throne room.
14. First room of the Mausoleum
15. From the monkey scouts

Part 5: Big Peach Locations
1. In the library, behind a bookcase
2. In the Beached Ship
3. In the Ruins
4. In the Maze Dungeon
5. In the Mushroom Village
6. In the Dream Realm
7. In the Mausoleum
8. In front of the fat statue near the Graveyard
9. In Dragon Mountain
10. In front of the Karma Tower
11. In the Spaceship
12. Secret Place 8
13. Talk to Master Sage before you get all 20 crystals in the southeast hut in
the Dojo
14. Secret Place 12
15. From the Monkey Scouts

Part 6: Notes and Thanks

Thanks to Mike Zaite, for helping me type this, and for putting up with me
playing it when he wanted to do something interesting.

Thanks and sorry to FFXTIDUSFFX. I probably rained on your parade by making a
walkthrough while you were midway through yours. Sorry about that.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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