Ace Combat

Ace Combat

16.10.2013 16:04:13
Air (Ace) Combat FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.0 (02/26/02)
by awbachellor (

This document si copywrighted by awbachellor © 2002
This is my first FAQ/Walkthrough. I really didn’t know how to set
it up, so I just tried it like this. If there is any questions
about this FAQ, please send me an e-mail witn Air Comabt in the
subject line. If you ask me a question that is already covered in
this walkthrough, it will be dismissed with no thought to it. I
hope you find this helpful and enjoyable, as it was fun to make.
Thanks for taking time to read it.
Table of Contents
1. Version History
2. Controls
3. Mission Walkthrough
4. Jets
5. Wingmen
6. Codes
7. Gameshark Codes
8. FAQ
9. Legal Info
1. Version History
V.1.0 (02/2?/02) Completed everything except for the FAQ
2. Controls
Main Menu
D-Pad Moves To Selection
Start Accept Selection
Circle Accept Selection
X Cancel
In Game (Novice)
Up Go Down
Down Go Up
Left Turn Left
Right Turn Right
Select Change View
Start Pause
Triangle Next Targer
Square View Map
Circle Fire Missle
X Fire Maching Gun
L1 Air Brake
R1 Afterburner
In Game (Expert)
Up Go Down
Down Go Up
Left Roll Left
Right Roll Right
Select Change View
Start Pause
Triangle Next Targer
Square View Map
Circle Fire Missle
X Fire Maching Gun
L1 Air Brake
L2 Yaw Left
R1 Afterburner
R2 Yaw Right
Mission Select
D-Pad Point To Mission or View Aircraft
Select Option Screen
Circle Accept Selection
X Cancel Selection
3. Mission Walkthrough
Make sure you save after every mission so that if you crash in
the next one, you don’t loose your jets.
Mission 01 Destroy Enemy Supply Lines
Reward: 5,000,000
“This is an evaluation of your operational abalities. Intelegence
reports an enemy supply unit moving to resupply their forward
posistions. You should have the advantage of suprise. We should
have localized air supperority for the duration of the operation.
“Target: C-5A Supply Unit
“Good luck.”
E-767 (2) 300,000
MIG-31 Rookie 50,000
C-5 (4) 70,000
F-4 Rookie 10,000
Tips: Take out the support aircraft before the C-5’s.
Recomended Jet: F-14
Mission 02 Fighter Superiority!
Reward: 1,000,000
“Immediate mobilization required. Our base’s posistion has been
compromised in the last enemy push. Reports indicate imminate
arival of bombers. Scramble and ace those bogeys!
“Target: B-52 Bomber Force
“Good luck.”
TNDF-2(2) Rookie 30,000
B-52(3) 100,000
C-5 70,000
AV-8(2) Rookie 30,000
Tips: Take out the support aircraft before the bombers.
Recomended Jet: F-14
Jet Unlocked: TNDF-2
Mission 03 Intercept!
Reward: 2,000,000
“AWACS reports and enemy incursionin our sector. We are divirting
you from local air support to forward opperations. Neutralize the
approaching units.
“Target: Enemy Attacking Force.
“Formation makeup is unknown. Expect enemy fighter support and a
tough dogfight. Good luck.”
Unknown (8)
Tips: Fly straight throught the pack and make a hard U-turn.
Recomended Jet: F-14
Mission 04 Night attack on a costal city!
Reward: 7,000,000
“Up till now, our offensive missions have been constrainedby the
presence of civilians in Donet City. A recent evazuation of that
city permets us to engage hard targets within the city permiter.
“Target 1: Computer Communiation Center
“Targer 2: Enemy Headquarters Building
“Night conditions should neutralize enemy ground fire. However,
the city has at least three intercepters available. We haave no
intelegence on force composition. From now on you will have a
wingman assigned to you. Inform him of the operation before
departure. Good luck!”
TNDF-2(2) Rookie 30,000
F-4(2) Rookie 10,000
MIG-31(2) Rookie 50,000
F-15 Rookie 40,000
Tips: Take out the surface-to-air bunkers before the jets and
Recomended Jet: F-15
Mission 05 Destroy pipe-lines!
Reward: 12,000,000
“Reconnaissance indicates a weak link in their fuel supply
infastructure. A single pipeline transfers all crude oil from
their fields to their refinery. Strike both the pipeline and the
“Target: Oil refinery plant and oil field.
“Use the pipeline as a refrence to the refinery. Locate and
destroy. Good luck!”
F-14(2) Veteran 40,000
Tips: Take out the surface-to-air bunkers first.
Recomended Jet: A-10
Mission 06 Destroy production site!
Reward: 84,000,000
“The enemy has proved to have siginificiant resounces. The war of
Arritrition is not to our advantage. We are now targeting key
infastructure sites.
“Target: Resources mining system and production plant.
“Intelegence reports stealth fighter operating in this theater.
Remember, their lack of radar signature makes visual sighting
essential. Good luck!”
F-16(2) Rookie 20,000
SU-27(2) Ace 40,000
F-117(2) Rookie 10,000
MIG-31(2) Veteran 50,000
Recomended Jet: F-15
Mission 07 Supress radar base
Reward: 12,000,000
“The enemies ADCRS, Air Defense Command and Radar System, has
been identified. We can expect a steep drop in enemy
effectiveness if this site is destroyed. The enemy has an
effective SAM kill zone around the target. It’s one weak point is
a narrow ravine leading to the base.This requires percision, nap
of the earth flying.
“Target: Enemy Radar Site
“You have no effective countermeasures to this model of SAM
(Surface-To-Air Missile). Exit the ravine and you are toast. Good
RAH-66(5) 10,000
Tips: Wait on this mission until you get the R-C01, and don’t
worry about the helos. Oh, and avoid hitting the walls.
Recomended Jet: R-C01
Mission 08 Destroy enemy staging zone!
Reward: 12,000,000
“Regaining Donet City is a prome strategic consideration for the
enemy. To forestall future opperations we will strike their
staging area.
“Target: Staging facilities and B-1, B-2 bombers.
“Our goal is to hit them before their inscursion begins. Good
B-1(2) 150,000
B-2(3) 300,000
MIG-29(2) Veteran 20,000
YF-23(2) Rookie 100,000
Tips: Don’t worry too much about the YW-23’s, just take out the
ground units.
Recomended Jet: F-15
Mission 09 Destroy military port facilities!
Reward: 8,400,000
“Naval Intelegence Report: A transport heading to Nouikotte Bay.
Since it may be a troop transport, we need to sink it before it
docks. Wollow up with destruction of the island port facilities.
The opposition is expected to consists of an enemy fighter wing
of unknown composistion and patroling Aegis warships. The Aegis
missile system is highly effective; eliminate the warships
quickly. Good luck!”
MIG-29(2) Rookie 20,000
F/A-18(2) Veteran 30,000
R-C01(2) Rookie 30,000
Tips: Take out the jets first, then work on the ships before teh
rest of the mission.
Recomended Jet: SU-27
Mission 10 VIP recovery mission!
Reward: 12,000,000
“Your mercenary unit has proven it’s reliability. We request you
aid in the extraction of one of our officers from enemy mountain
fortress. We can only send one unit without allerting the
“Target: Cripple enemy air defense.
“Only you have the requisite skills. You will be paid handsomley.
Good luck!”
?(6) ? ?
Tips: Protect the plane or you loose.
Recomendes Jet: SU-27
Mission 11 Repel enemy from captured port.
Reward: 1,200,000
“The captured point has becoma a key resupply facility for our
forces. We cannot allow the enemy to cripple or recapture it.
Current intel suggests the enemy is preparing a bombing rair
utilizing stealth bombers. Even one can devistate the facility.
Keep alert!
“Target: Enemy bomber force.
“Good luck!”
B-2(2) 300,000
B-52 100,000
B-1 150,000
MIG-29(2) Rookie 20,000
R-C01(2) Rookie 30,000
Tips: Destroy the bombers first.
Recomended Jet: SU-27
Mission 12 Storm the mother ship!
Reward: 9,800,000
“The enemy is commiting it’s huge mother ship to this theatre.
They are growing desperate. Eliminate their mother ship and their
naval capability is crippled. There are no reference points on
the ocean. Pay attention to the opperational map.
“Target: Mother ship and enemy fleet.
“Good luck!”
F-4(2) Veteran 10,000
EF-2000(2) Rookie 30,000
F-14(3) Veteran 40,000
Tips: This one’s hard. I went after the jets first, but don’t
forget about the ships. They are deadly.
Recomended Jet: SU-27
Mission 13 Reconnaissance
Reward: 1,400,000
“Despite the elimination of all oil refineries, the enemy
continues to conduct operations. You are assigned to recon for
undetected fuel refineries. Although this is just recon, engage
and eliminate any opposistion patrols. Good hunting!”
Tips: Destroy it all and watch your radar.
Recomended Jet: SU-27
Mission 14 Destroy refueling center!
Reward: 14,000,000
“Our recon work has identified the last fuel depot. Go and bomb
it flat.
“Target: A group of fuel production bases.
“The enemy is using it’s top guns in this theater. Keep focused
and good hunting!”
A-10(2) Veteran 10,000
SF-39(2) Veteran 40,000
YF-23(2) Veteran 100,000
SU-27(2) Ace 40,000
Tips: Watch out for ground fire and air assult by both aircraft
and helos.
Recomended Jet: SU-27
Mission 15 Take a fortress!
Reward: 28,500,000
“Our offensive operations are now concentrated on the scorpion
island fortress. The base itself is a hard nut to crack, but we
will isolate it by eleminating it’s bridge and central runway.
“Target: Red suspense bridgeto the island and it’s air foce base.
“There will be plent of Ack-Ack and SAM defense around the
runway. Go in for one pass then the break off operations. Good
SF-39(2) Ace 40,000
F-14(2) Ace 40,000
F-22(2) Veteran 100,000
F/A-18(2) Ace 30,000
Tips: Watch out. They are shooting from everyehere.
Recomended Jet: A-10
Mission 16 Strike
Reward: 13,300,000
“The enemy is on his last legs. One more strike should lay him
out. Take your unit throught the ravine to the enemy
headquarters. Intel is sketchy on force composistionnear the
headquarters, so keep on your toes. Fly low on your way in.
Everything above the ravine is a SAM kill zone. Good luck!”
RAH-66(5) 10,000
Tips: Hope you can navigate this good.
Recomended Jet: R-C01
Mission 17 Discovery of airborne fortress
Reward: 28,500,000
“Urgent message! Enemy giant airborne fortress discovered. This
may be your final task. Eliminate it before it reaches our air
space. Good luck!”
Giant Fortress.
Tips: Launch with support and just concentrate on the fortress
guns and engines.
Recomended Jet: F-22
4. Jets
MIG-29 Fulcrum Starting
F-14 Tomact Starting
F-4 Phantom Starting
F/A-18 Hornet Starting
MIG-31 Starting
F-117(S) Mission 01
TNDF-2 Mission 02
F-15 Eagle Mission 03
A-10 Thunderbolt Mission 04
YF-23 (S) Mission 05
F-16 Falcon Mission 05
SU-27 Mission 08
R-C01 Mission 08
EF-2000 Mission 09
SF-39 Mission 09
F-22 Raptor(S) Mission 14
5. Wingmen
Name Jet Level Wages Unlocked
William F-4 Rookie 1,000,000 M.3
Baron F-117 Veteran 1,000,000 M.3
Philip TNDF-2 Rookie 2,000,000 M.3
Sergeo F-14 Rookie 3,000,000 M.3
Yully MIG-31 Veteran 3,000,000 M.3
Riho F/A-18 Veteran 5,000,000 M.4
Timothy MIG-29 Veteran 5,000,000 M.4
Joe F-15 Veteran 7,000,000 M.5
Bill F-16 Veteran 8,000,000 M.5
Sally A-10 Veteran 6,000,000 M.6
Juliette EF-2000 Veteran 9,000,000 M.8
Martin YF-23 Ace 10,000,000 M.8
Ana R-C01 Ace 10,000,000 M.9
Yang SU-27 Ace 11,000,000 M.9
Fritz SF-39 Ace 13,000,000 M.14
6. Codes
All of these codes came from Game Winners (
I’ve tried to give credit to everyone who submitted a code. I
will not gaurentee that these codes will work, so if you have any
questions, ask Game Winners and not me.
Entering Cheat Mode:
Hold R1 + Circle before the "bird" logo loading screen appears.
A new black screen with the phrase "Now Loading" and bouncing CDs
in the background will confirm that cheat mode is active. If the
normal "bird" screen appears, then the code was not entered in
time. Each time a code is successfully entered, a small Namco
character will appear in the lower left corner.
999,999,000 credits:
Enter cheat mode and press Down, Circle, Triangle(3), Circle,
Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle+Triangle, then press and hold
Circle+Triangle again at the bouncing CD screen. Begin the game
and enter the fighter selection screen. The amount of credits
available will be set to the maximum.
Change plane's color:
Enter cheat mode and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left,
Right, then hold R1 at the bouncing CD screen. For two player
mode, replace the controller actions with Left, Right, Left,
Right, Down, Up, Down, Up, Circle(2), Triangle(2), then press and
hold Triangle again.
Change wingman plane's color:
Enter cheat mode and press R1 + Start (10).
Hidden mini-game:
Enter cheat mode and press Up, Left, Down, Right. Begin game
play, then return to the title screen. A mini-game lasting
approximately six seconds will begin while the main game loads
again. The Ace Combat icon can be controlled with Left or L2, and
Circle or R2. Press R1 to switch between three control options.
Destroy as many of the ships and missiles as possible before the
small bird walks from the left to right side of the screen.
Extra fighters:
Complete the game under the easy difficulty level. Allow the
credits to complete after the Boss is defeated. The phrase "Extra
10" will appear on the top right corner of the title screen after
it reappears. Use the plane select option to access the extra
Skip mission overview (Japanese version):
Press Triangle + Start.
Remove captions (Japanese version):
Pause game play, press L1 or R1, and resume the game. The
Japanese text on the right side of the screen will disappear.
Wingmen can draw enemy fire and planes during a mission. Choose
a veteran wingman in a fast plane. Rhio in the F/A-18 is a good
7. Gameshark Codes
All gameshark codes are from the Code Makers Game Shark Code
Creators Club ( Again, I will not gaurentee
these codes work and if you have any questions about them, please
send them to CMGSCCC,
01 Unlimited Missiles 800EEB0C 0040
02 Unlimited Guns 300EEB10 0027
03 Unlimited Fuel 800EEB00 8FFF
04 Invinicible 800EEA2C 00C8
05 Max Money 8001013C 967F
8001013E 0098
06 Infinite Money 8001013C FFFF
Level Status Modifier Codes
07 Level 01 30096E29 00??
08 Level 02 30096E2A 00??
09 Level 03 30096E2B 00??
10 Level 04 30096E2C 00??
11 Level 05 30096E2D 00??
12 Level 06 30096E2E 00??
13 Level 07 30096E2F 00??
14 Level 08 30096E30 00??
15 Level 09 30096E31 00??
16 Level 10 30096E32 00??
17 Level 11 30096E33 00??
18 Level 12 30096E34 00??
19 Level 13 30096E35 00??
20 Level 14 30096E36 00??
21 Level 15 30096E37 00??
22 Level 16 30096E38 00??
23 Level 17 30096E39 00??
24 All Levels 50001101 0000
30096E29 00??
Quantity Digits to Accompany Level Status Modifier Codes
00 Unfinished/Locked
04 Opens The Level
05 Level Beat With An X Through It
06 Level Beat With Your Base On It
8. FAQ
No Questions at this time.
9. Legal Information
This walkthrough was created by awbachellor(
It is not to be used for profit. It is not allowed on any web site
except for GameFAQ’s( and Playstation
( If if you see this on any site other than
GameFAQ’s, please e-mail me to let me know. Stealing any part of
this walkthrough to be used in another without permission is
prohibited. If there is a part of this FAQ you would like to use in
your own, please e-mail me for permission. Using this document and
passing it off as your own is plagerisim and prohibited by law.
awbachellor © 2002
Air Combat has it’s own copyrights which, if infringed upon, are
punnishabel by law.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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16.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle spezials freigeschaltet.

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engl. Cheats

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