Alien 3

Alien 3

17.10.2013 18:41:20
-Alien 3 Faq/Walkthrough For NES-
Version 1.3 Created (7/18/02)
By JBenno (Josh Lawson) (
Copyright (c) Josh Lawson (2001)

Version 1.3 Created To Change My Contributor Name
Version 1.2 Created To Change Appearances
Version 1.1 was made to correct a typo and change the appearance of the
document. Version 1.0 (the original) was created (7/31/01).

I. Introduction

A. The Story
B. Options
C. The Arsenal And A Few Items
D. Controls
E. The Enemies
F. Walkthrough
G. Copyright Info

I. Introduction

This is a step by step walkthrough. This game was designed on the players
ability to work their way through complex mazes to rescue the prisoners. If
you follow the walkthrough closely, you will complete the game in the least
amount of time needed. This is a timed game, so pause as you read this

A. The Story

The setting of this game takes place on a remote planet in far outer space.
From the previous movie, Lt. Ripley, Newt, and Hicks escaped from the aliens
on an EEV ship. They were frozen in cryogenic tubes for deep sleep. Lt.
Ripley's EEV crashed into the Fiorina 161 Prison Complex planet. Newt and
Hicks died upon impact. Lt. Ripley was knocked unconscious and a face hugger
implanted an alien inside her. The prison complex's medical officer, Clemens,
saved Lt. Ripley. Lt. Ripley found out about a loose alien in the complex,
and about her "company's" plans to bring alien colonies to Earth. Ripley
decided to rid the planet of the aliens.

B. Options

From the start-up screen, you can turn the music and sound effects on/off.
In the configure menu, you can listen to various sound effects and music from
throughout the game. You can change the difficulty of the game (recommended
for beginners), from Normal, to Hard, to Easy. You can also change the number
of tries you get (up to nine of them). When you are done, return to the main
screen and start the game.

C. The Arsenal and A Few Items

Pulse Rifle- It is an effective weapon against the aliens. However,
the rifle seems to run out of ammo.
Flame Thrower- The flame thrower is a very good weapon for close
quarters fighting. It takes care of aliens rather
Grenade Launcher- It is one of my personal favorites. It is the best
long-range weapon in the game. It is capable of
taking out those steel reinforced doors.
Hand Grenade- The hand grenade is usually the least used weapon in
the game. They are good for taking out aliens hidden
in the ceiling and hard to reach aliens.
Radar- When picked up, the radar is handy for locating the
First-Aid Kit- It restores Lt. Ripley's health meter.
Weapon Refills- They restore ammo when you run out. Pulse rifle ammo
looks like a shrimp. Flame Thrower ammo looks like a
red tank. Grenade Launcher ammo has a golden tint to
it. And Hand Grenade ammo looks like a stick.

D. Controls

Left/Right - Hold in either direction to run or crawl.
Up/Down- Hold in either direction to climb ladders. Press up to open
doors and press down to crouch.
A Button- Press to shoot weapon.
B Button- Press to jump.
Select - Press to select a weapon.
Start- Press to pause the game.

E. Enemies

Small Alien- These guys creep slowly along the ground. They also take
refuge in the air-shafts and are by far the easiest to

Big Alien- These guys harm Lt. Ripley the most. If your not careful,
they will mow over you. There is one in the entire game
that hides in the ceiling and some are attached to the

Guardian- These massive aliens are the hardest. Use the grenade
launcher to easily dispose of them. They leap from one end
of the room to the other and they spit acid towards you.

Face Hugger- These guys are very pesky. You shouldn't run into them
though. If you encounter one, and it latches on your face,
press left and right repeatedly to remove it.

Pods- They house the face huggers. They are easy to kill.

F. Walkthrough

Pay very close attention to the walkthrough and you'll complete the game
without using one continue.

Mission 1 Prisoners: 4 Time: 4:00

Prisoner 1
You will start outside the complex. Go right and kill the big alien. Continue
right until you reach a ladder. Go down it, then go down the ladder you see
to the right. Go right and defeat two big aliens. Go right and up to the console,
press up and open the door. Go right, kill a big alien, then jump down into
the pit. When you hit the floor go left and kill a big alien. Go all the way
left to release prisoner 1.

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, go back to the ladder you went past and go up it. Kill the
small alien and go left. Kill the big alien attached to the ceiling and
continue left. Open the door and continue left. Jump over the opening in the
floor and then jump up the mini platforms. Release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
From prisoner 2,jump down the mini platforms and into the opening in the floor.
Go down the ladder (not all the way) and get off onto the floor. Jump right
over the hole and go right. Open the door and continue right. When you get
to the ladder, go up it. Go right and jump down into the pit. Once you hit
the floor, a big alien will run past you. Kill it and go left. Another alien
will try to jump at you, so kill it, then open the door. Go all the way left
to release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go right and go down the ladder you passed, and release
prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go back up the ladder and go right. Kill the small alien
if you haven't already. Go all the way right and you will be at the air-shaft.

Keep going right until you are at the end of the shaft. A small alien will
creep up the ladder, so dispose of it. Go down the ladder. Go right and then
down the ladder and then keep going right and don't stop until you pass the
door in the open room.

Mission 2 Prisoners: 5 Time: 4:20

Prisoner 1
You start outside the complex once again. Head left and kill a big alien.
Keep going left until you get to a ladder. Go down it. You'll see another
ladder to the left. Take it down and there'll be flame thrower ammo and a
first aid kit to your left. Continue down the ladder and when you get to the
bottom, go left and release prisoner 1.

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, go right and kill a small alien. Go right and open the door.
Kill an alien attached to the ceiling and keep going right. There'll be a
hole in the floor for an elevator. Ride the elevator down and go left. Kill
a big and a small alien, then jump over the elevator shaft and go left until
you get to a ladder. Go up the ladder and release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
========== From
prisoner 2, go down the ladder and right to the elevator shaft. Go
down it, then go left and kill two big aliens. Continue all the way left
to release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go back to your right and ride the elevator up. Go all the
way right and get on the elevator. When you get to the top, go right. Jump
up the mini platforms and go right until you get to a door. Open it and go
right. Kill the big and small aliens and continue right until you see a ladder.
Go down the ladder and go right to the elevator shaft. Go down it and head
left. Jump over the pit and go left. Release prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go right and down into the pit. When you hit the bottom,
kill a big alien, go left and open the door. Go left and release prisoner
5. Go right and down the ladder. Go down another ladder. Pick up the flame
thrower ammo to your right, then kill a small alien to your left. Keep going
left and you'll be in the air-shaft.

Once you go all the way left in the air-shaft, take the ladder down. A small
alien will creep up the ladder. Go right and down the ladder. Go right then
go up a ladder. Go right and go down a ladder. Take the shaft to the left
and kill two small aliens. Take a ladder down and go left. Take the ladder
down and go all the way right to the exit.

Level 1 Guardian Prisoners: 0 Time: 2:00
Switch your weapons to the grenade launcher. Get close to where the guardian
is and duck. When the guardian comes over to you, light it up with the grenade
launcher. When the guardian is dead, go right. You will pick up the pulse
rifle, flame thrower, grenade launcher, and grenade ammo. Go right and go
through the door.

Mission 3 Prisoners: 5 Time: 4:30

Prisoner 1
Go right and open the door. Go down into the pit and take the ladder down.
Do not go all the way down. Take the small shaft to the left. You'll pick
up flame thrower and grenade launcher ammo. Take the ladder down. Go all the
way down. Kill the small alien to the right and take the ladder down again.
Go right and jump down on the mini platforms. Be careful not to fall down.
Once you see the platform to the left, jump onto it and keep going left.
Release prisoner 1.

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, jump down the pit. When you hit the floor, collect the
grenade and grenade launcher ammo and head all the way right. Kill the big
alien on the way. Once you get to the far right wall, wait for the elevator
to come down. Ride up until you get to the top, then go left. Go through an
air-shaft and release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
========== From
prisoner 2, go right to the elevator shaft, and jump over it.
Continue right and kill a big alien. Head up the elevator. Head left and
go all the way up the ladder. Head up the platforms and go right. Kill a big
alien. Kill another big alien and release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go left and jump into the pit. Go down the ladders and go
right. Kill a big alien and jump down the elevator shaft. On the way down,
take the second alcove to the left. Go left and release prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go right and jump down the shaft. Go left an release prisoner
5. Go left to get to the air-shaft.

Once you go all the way left in the air-shaft, go down the ladder. Go left
and take the ladder down. Then go all the way right to the exit.

Mission 4 Prisoners: 5 Time: 4:00

Prisoner 1
Go to the right and jump on the elevator. Take the elevator down to the first
alcove on the left. Go left and open the door. Go left to release prisoner

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, go right and take the elevator up to the top to where you
started. Go right and kill a small and a big alien (big alien is attached
to the ceiling). Go right, then head up the ladder. Take it to the very top
and go left. Kill the big alien, then jump up the mini platforms and go left.
Continue left and release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
From prisoner 2, go right and jump down the mini platforms. Go right to the
ladder and go down, but not all the way. Go right and jump up the mini platforms.
Go right and kill a big alien that is attached to the ceiling. Go right and
get next to the pit and carefully walk off and stick to the edge. Walk down
the mini platforms to the left and go to the alcove on the left. Open the
door, kill a big alien and release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go right to the mini platforms and jump down. Once you hit
the floor, go right to the elevator and ride down it. Once you are at the
bottom, go left and release prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go right and kill the big alien if you haven't already done
so. Go right into an air-shaft and once you are at the edge by the elevator,
jump up the mini platforms. At the top of the mini platforms waits prisoner
5. Jump down the mini platforms and ride the elevator to the bottom. Kill
a big alien and head left to the air-shaft.

Go all the way left into the air-shaft and take the ladder down. Go left then
take another ladder down. Head all the way right to the exit.

Level 2 Guardian Prisoners: 0 Time: 2:11
From the start, go all the way right and head down the ladder. Leave the first
aid kit alone just in case you need it. When you get to the bottom of the
ladder, go right and pick up the grenade and grenade launcher ammo. Switch
to your grenade launcher and face your left. Do not pass the ladder or you
can be harmed by the guardian. When the guardian appears, light the guardian
up with the grenade launcher. Repeat the process and when the guardian is
dead, head left, pick up the flame thrower ammo and continue left to the exit.

Mission 5 Prisoners: 6 Time: 4:45

Prisoner 1
Start by going right. Kill the big and small aliens you see. Jump down the
pit to the right. Once you hit the floor, go right and kill the big alien
attached to the ceiling. Go right and open the door. Continue right until
you get to the ladder. Go down the ladder and go left through an air-shaft.
Jump over the small pit and continue left. When you reach the elevator shaft,
jump over it and continue left. Release prisoner 1.

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, go right to the elevator shaft. Go down the elevator and
go right. Release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
From prisoner 2, go down the ladder and go to the right. Pick up the grenade
ammo. Go left and jump down the elevator shaft. Once you hit the floor, go
to your left and release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go right to the elevator shaft you jumped down. Wait for
the elevator to come down, then get on it. When you see an alcove to the left,
jump to it. Go left and open a door. Continue left and kill a big alien. Release
prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go right and get on the elevator and ride it to the top.
Get off on the platform that has a ladder. Go up the ladder and wait for the
elevator. Go up it and head right. When you get to the pit with the mini
platforms, carefully jump down the mini platforms to the right. When you see
an alcove to the right, jump onto it and continue right. Open the door and
go all the way right to release prisoner 5.

Prisoner 6
From prisoner 5, continue right to the pit with an elevator (moving right
to left), and go right. Head back (left) to the edge of the pit, and carefully
jump down the mini platforms. Once you are at the bottom, go left to release
prisoner 6. Go all the way right to get to the air-shaft.

Go right in the air-shaft and take the first ladder down. Go right and take
another ladder down. Go left and kill a small alien. Then go up another ladder
and go left. Go down another ladder and then go left. Kill a small alien and
then go down a ladder. Go left then go up a ladder. Go left, then go down
a ladder. Kill the small alien that is climbing it. Go left then take a ladder
down. Then go left down a long tunnel and exit the stage.

Mission 6 Prisoners: 7 Time: 4:30

Prisoner 1
Go right and go through the small air-shaft. Go right and release prisoner

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, kill a big alien and go right to a ladder. Go up the ladder
and kill a small alien. Jump up the mini platforms and go to your left. Go
up the ladder and go right. Kill a big alien and continue going right through
the air-shaft. Kill a big and small alien, then go right to the pit. Jump
down the pit, and once you hit the floor, go right. Kill a big alien and
continue right. Open the door and continue right. Kill a big alien attached
to the ceiling and open another door. Go right and release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
The hardest one in the game to find! From prisoner 2, go right and go up the
ladder and release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go down the ladder. Go to your left until you get to the
ladder. Go down the ladder. Go right and kill the big alien attached to the
ceiling. Go right and open the door. Continue right and go all the way down
the air-shaft. Go to your left and jump up on the platform (it is a little
tricky to do) and release prisoner 4.

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go right and back into the air-shaft. Climb up the ladder
until you see the shaft to the left. Take the shaft, and keep going left and
you will see prisoner 5.

Prisoner 6
From prisoner 5, go left and kill a big alien. Carefully jump up the mini
platforms. Climb up to the top, then release prisoner 6.

Prisoner 7
From prisoner 6, carefully get back on the mini platforms and head towards
your left. Open the door and go all the way left. When you get to the door,
open it, and release prisoner 7. Go right and go to the ladder you passed.
Go down the ladder and head left. Take the elevator down and go right to the

Go right and take the first ladder down. Go right ALL the way and take the
ladder up. Go right and take the ladder down. Go right and take the ladder
down. Go left and take the ladder down. Go right and kill two small aliens.
Take the ladder up and go right. Kill a small alien and continue right to
the exit.

Level 3 Guardian Prisoners: 0 Time: 2:05
This guardian is a little tougher because you do not have any place to hide
from it. Quickly switch to your grenade launcher and then when the guardian
comes to you, light it up with the grenade launcher. There are no first aid
kits, so you must kill the guardian before it kills you. Once you kill it,
go to the right and go through the door.

Mission 7 Prisoners: 4 Time: 4:30

Prisoner 1
Go right and jump over the pit and continue right. Open the door and continue
right. Kill a big alien and continue right. Jump down the pit and when you
hit the floor, head left. Keep going left until you get to the ladder. Go
down and go towards your left. Wait for the elevator to come up and get on
it. Face your right, and when you come to an alcove in the wall, jump to it.
Go right through the air-shaft and release prisoner 1.
Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, go right and jump down the pit. Go left and kill a big and
a small alien. Continue left and jump over the pit. Go left and release
prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
From prisoner 2, head right and jump into the pit. Release prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, wait for the elevator to come down and get on it. Head to
your right and when you go to the far wall, jump up the mini platforms. When
you get to the top, take the ladder up and release prisoner 4. Continue jumping
up the mini platforms. At the top, go right and kill a big alien. Continue
right and kill another big alien. Continue right and kill another big alien.
Then go down the ladder. Go left and open the door. Kill a small alien and
continue left. Jump down the mini platforms and go right. Open the door and
continue right. Jump down the pit and when you hit the floor, the air-shaft
is to the left.

Go all the way left in the air-shaft. Take the ladder down and go left. Take
another ladder down and go left again. Take the ladder down All the way and
then go right. Then take the ladder down All the way again and go left. Take
the ladder down then go all the way left to the exit.

Mission 8 Prisoners: 5 Time: 4:00

Prisoner 1
Go right and open the door. Go right and carefully go down the mini platforms.
Do not jump down the pit! Carefully release prisoner 1.

Prisoner 2
From prisoner 1, climb up the mini platforms and go right. Kill the small
aliens. Continue right until you come to a pit. Wait for an elevator (moving
right to left) to come to you, then go right. Kill a small alien, then open
a door. Go right and jump down into the pit. Once you hit the floor, go left
and kill a big alien. Keep going left and release prisoner 2.

Prisoner 3
From prisoner 2, jump down the pit and once you hit the floor, go right. Open
the door and keep going right. Kill a big and small alien, then go right.
Climb up the mini platforms and once you come to an alcove, go right. Release
prisoner 3.

Prisoner 4
From prisoner 3, go left and continue climbing the mini platforms. Once you
are at the top, go right. Kill a small alien, then go right. Release prisoner

Prisoner 5
From prisoner 4, go left and jump down the mini platforms. Once you are on
the floor, go left. Jump over the pit and keep going left. Open the door and
continue left. Kill a big alien and continue left. Go into the air-shaft and
go down. Once you are at the bottom, go right until you reach a pit. Wait
for an elevator (moving right to left), and get on it. Continue right while
picking up the grenade launcher ammo. Keep on going right until you are at
another pit. Wait for another elevator (moving right to left), and keep going
right. Open the door and keep going right. Release prisoner 5. Then go right
and jump down the pit. When you hit the floor, head to your left. Kill a big
and small alien and continue left. You'll reach the air-shaft.

Go all the way left in the air-shaft. Take the ladder down, then go ALL the
way right. Then take a ladder down and go right. Take the ladder up and go
right. Take the ladder down and go right. Take the ladder down and go right
again. Take the ladder down then go right again. Kill a small alien and take
the ladder down. Go right and take the ladder down. Go right once more to
exit the level.

Level 4 Guardians Prisoners: 0 Time: 4:15
This is the last and final level in the game. You also have to put up with
double trouble. There are no first-aid kits or weapon refills in this level.
Quickly switch to your grenade launcher. Just stay where you are at, and when
the guardian comes to you, light it up with your grenade launcher. Continue
the process until it is dead. You'll probably run out of grenade launcher
ammo. Go right and carefully go down the mini platforms. Go left into the
alcove, and go all the way left. Switch to your pulse rifle and shoot the
second guardian. Once your ammo runs out, switch to your flame thrower. You
have to be close to the guardian. Once the guardian comes close, torch it.
Within a couple of torchings, the last guardian alien will die. Go right and
go through the door. Sit back and watch the ending (not a lot to see except
a picture of Ripley and the credits flashing on the screen). I bet you thought
this game would never end!

G. Copyright Info

This Walkthrough/Faq was written by Josh Lawson. Copyright (2002). This
Walkthrough/Faq is for private and personal use only. This Walkthrough /Faq
is not to be published in any book, or magazine. It cannot be published on
any other website without my prior permission. If you take information from
this walkthrough, please give me full credit for what you took and do not
alter my information. If you find this on any other site, please contact me.
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engl. FAQ

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