Fire Prowrestling D

Fire Prowrestling D

16.10.2013 15:54:30

Fire ProWrestling D: Toshiaki Kawada by ViperMask
Version 1.09, Last Updated 2006-01-29 View/Download Original File
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=====Fire Prowrestling D Character Guide: Toshiaki Kawada=====
== ==
==By: ViperMask ==
==Version: 1.09 ==
== ==
==System: SEGA Dreamcast (R.I.P. Dreamcast) ==
==Publisher: Spike ==
==Developer: Vaill Corporation ==
== ==
==Creation Date: March 28, 2003. ==
==Completion Date: April 02, 2003. ==
==Last Update: October 04, 2003. ==


1. Revision History
2. The History of Toshiaki Kawada
3. Skill and Parameter Stats
4. Move list
5. Strategy
5.1. General Strategy
5.2. Strikes
5.3. Grapples
5.4. High Flying Moves
5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)
6. Links
7. Thanks and Special Thanks
8. Other FAQs By Me
9. Copyright

==1. Revision History==

10/04/03 - 1.09 - New Information box, 79 character limit, more faqs by me, and
the high flying section has been updated.

09/30/02 - 1.05 - Copyright updated.

1.04 - Added new FAQ to the "Other FAQs By Me" section.

1.03 - Fixed some format errors. The contents have been fixed too. Updated
Other FAQs By Me. Minor Copyright correction.

04/02/03 - 1.00 - First release.

==2. The History of Toshiaki Kawada==

Toshiaki Kawada is a multiple time Triple Crown Champion and has always been
called one of the best workers in the history of Puroresu. Yet in Japan, he
was looked at as the man that would never be the "ace", EVEN THOUGH many of the
"smart" Puroresu fans said that he should be the ace. He was the man that put
Mitsuharu Misawa over as the ace dispite him working with all of his heart and

But Kawada has also been credited for fighting in a "dream match" of All Japan
vs. New Japan by defeating Kensuke Sasaki in a New Japan ring in Tokyo Dome
October 9th, 2000. Countless classic matches against Mitsuharu Misawa and
other All Japan talent. And for the infamous "Ganso Bomb" Spot or "Kawada
driver" on January 23th, 1999, when Kawada tried to powerbomb Misawa, but
Misawa countered it with a Hurracarana, but Kawada finally recountered by
dropping Misawa straight on his head.

He started as a "gopher" for Giant Baba, paying his dues as a young kid like
Mitsuharu Misawa and Kenta Kobashi and he wrestled for various indy promotions
in Canada (Montreal and Calgary) with former WWF and WCW Superstar Tom Zenk.
Zenk said that "Baba wanted him to learn English and American wrestling
culture, meet the boy's and be a talent scout." But always praised him as a
incredible worker and I quote: "At 23, he was already an incredible worker with
great moves, like walking the top rope, doing a backflip, and taking you over
with an arm drag."

Matthew Randazzo ( said that "Kawada IS King’s Road, and
he is the only worker today who can uphold that tradition. NOAH’s style has
gone far, far past King’s Road, into an entirely different style (which I will
address one of these days) that hasn’t completely found its bearings."

Those words have so much meaning to it after Mitsuharu Misawa left with over
half of the All Japan roster to form Prowrestling NOAH. You see, Kawada
REFUSED to join NOAH because he said that he can't turn back on King's Road and
the spirit of Giant Baba. He is "keeping face." Remaining loyal to the
tradition of King's Road and All Japan Prowrestling. But hopefully it will all
be worth it considering the turmoil Japanese Prowrestling is in now.

As Zenk said: "Kawada worked his ass off... all the time. He’d learned self
respect and discipline at the dojo. You can still see it in his work 15 years
later. 15 years he gave 100% for how many yen? Compare that with the money
Turner paid to the working marks who killed WCW.

With Baba dead, and loyalties divided everywhere, and considering how crippled
most of the Japanese boys are today... I hope it was worth it ‘keeping face.’"

==3. Skill and Parameter Stats==

Real name:...............Toshiaki Kawada
FPD Name:.................Toshiie Kazama
Promotion:........All Japan Prowrestling
FPD Promotion:..Olive Japan Prowrestling
Height............................183 cm (6 ft.)
Weight............................110 kg (243 lbs.)
Birthdate......................12.8.1963 (December 8th, 1963)
Offensive Skill.................Orthadox
Return Skill....................Orthadox
Critical Type...................Striking
Special Skill................Second Wind
Recovery (when bleeding)..........Medium
Respiratory (when bleeding).......Medium
Awareness (when bleeding).........Medium
Neck Strength.....................Medium
Arm Strength........................High
Waist Strength....................Medium
Foot Strength.....................Medium
Movement Speed....................Medium
Ascend Speed......................Medium
Ascend Skill...................Can Climb

Parameter - Offense Parameter - Defence
=================== ===================
Punch.............7 Punch.............8
Kick..............8 Kick..............7
Suplex............7 Suplex............8
Submission........5 Submission........6
Stretch...........7 Stretch...........6
Power.............5 Flying............7
Instant Power.....7 Crush.............8
Arm Power.........6 Vs. Lariat........7
Technical.........4 Technical.........7
Rough.............7 Rough.............8
Ground............5 Ground............4

Total Skill Points (on a scale from 0-300): 231

==4. Move list==

NOTE: All of the move names were taken from Du Vong's Microsoft Word Format
Move List.

Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F].

Standing (X)................................Horizontal Chop
Standing (A).......................................Low Kick
Standing (B) + d-pad............................Middle Kick
Standing (B)..............................JUMPING HIGH KICK [F]
Standing (X) + (A)........................Koppou Abise Giri
Running (X).................................Front High Kick
Running (A)..........................................Lariat
Running Counter (X)...................Back Spin Around Kick
Running Counter (A).............................Waki Gatame
Running to corner................................Kenka Kick

Grapple (X).......................................Elbow Pat
Grapple (X) + Up..................................Body Slam
Grapple (X) + Left/Right.....................Face Knee Lift
Grapple (X) + Down.................................Axe Kick
Grapple (A).......................................Step Kick
Grapple (A) + Up................................Brainbuster
Grapple (A) + Left/Right................................DDT
Grapple (A) + Down...............................Piledriver
Grapple (B)....................................STRETCH PLUM [S]
Grapple (B) + Up..............................Dangerous DDT
Grapple (B) + Left/Right....................Impact Straight
Grapple (B) + Down.........................SPIRIT POWERBOMB [S]
Grapple (X) + (A)............................Powerbomb Whip
Back Grapple (X).................................Neck Smash
Back Grapple (A)..........................Back Brain Lariat
Back Grapple (B)...............................Stretch Plum
Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down..............SHEER DROP BACKDROP [S]
Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right.................German Suplex
Back Grapple (X) + (A)...................German Suplex Whip
Back Grapple Counter (X).........................Elbow Butt
Back Grapple Counter (A)......................Overhead Kick

Opponent Down Moves
Opponent Face Up at Head (A)....................STRETCH PLUM [S]
Opponent Face Up at Head (B).....Football (Soccer Ball) Kick
Opponent Face Up at Feet (A).....Face-Away Single Prawn Hold
Opponent Face Up at Feet (B)................Knee Stamp (Leg)
Opponent Face Down at Head (A).............Crucifix Arm Hold
Opponent Face Down at Head (B).....................Chon Kick
Opponent Face Down at Feet (A)....................Prawn Hold
Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)..Ashi-kake-Hiza-Kudaki (Knee)
Running at Downed Opponent (B)..............Double Knee Drop

Mount Moves
Mount Position (X)...............................Mount Punch
Mount Position (A).........................Crucifix Arm Hold
Mount Position (B)........................Reverse Prawn Hold
Mount Position Counter.......................Front Neck Lock
Front Facelock Attack (X).....................Face Knee Lift
Front Facelock Attack (A)....................Front Neck Lock
Front Facelock Attack (B).....................Powerbomb Whip
Front Facelock Attack Counter.................Watermill Drop
Back Mount Position (X).....................Back Mount Punch
Back Mount Position (A).............Torso Wrap Choke Sleeper
Back Mount Position (B)....................Crucifix Arm Hold
Back Mount Position Counter.......................Back Press

Post and Apron Moves
Post (X)..............................Diving Back Elbow Drop
Post (A)...................................Double Foot Stomp
Post (B)........................................Sledgehammer
Post (X) + (A).......................Diving Double Knee Drop
Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).............................None
Run-Up Post vs Downed (A)...............................None
Corner Grapple (B) + Up.......Top Rope Avalanche Brainbuster
Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right....Kushi-zashi Windpipe Chop
Corner Grapple (B) + Down....................Guillotine Whip
Front Avalanche Counter...........................Elbow Butt
Back Avalanche Counter........................Backhand Elbow
Apron Grapple From Inside.........................Elbow Butt
Apron Grapple From Outside...............Outside Brainbuster
Running to Out of Bounds................................None
Slingshot to Outside............................Sledgehammer
Slingshot to Inside.....................................None

Double and Triple Team Moves
Two Platon Front Grapple...............Combination Powerbomb
Two Platon Back Grapple...........................W.Backdrop
Two Platon Corner.......................High Jack Piledriver
Three Platon Front Grapple................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Back Grapple.................Triple Hammer Blow
Three Platon Corner.......................Triple Hammer Blow

Analog Stick Left...........................Two Arm Crossing
Analog Stick Right...............................Wrist Check
Analog Stick Up........................................Ganko
Analog Stick Down................Single Middle Finger Salute

==5. Strategy==

5.1. General Strategy

Toshiaki Kawada is a Orthadox wrestler. Most of his moves are rated C, and
that is his only weakness. He has high stats, a Striking criticals and none of
his endurance is on low, so you can use that to your advantage.

If your playing against him, avoid arm submissions because his arm strength is
high. Other than that...GOOD LUCK against him. Just try to put on good match
in the spirit of Giant Baba!!

5.2. Strikes

Despite the fact that his strikes are "C" ranked moves, he has the ability to
"CRITICAL!" someone with a strike. Unfortunately, the only moves I can find
that would "CRITICAL!" someone is his finisher, the Jumping High Kick, and the
Impact Straight (a grapple). So when your opponent is dazed, go for the
Jumping High Kick!

When early in the match use the middle kick to fend off the opponent. Anyone
with the middle kick or similar middle kick moves can fend off the opponent
with this very useful move.

And of course use the low kick when your close, or you can use the horizontal
chop when your a bit farther away.

When it comes to the Koppou Abise Giri, I would tend to avoid the move since it
cannot "CRITICAL!" But when your opponent is "dazed early" (shaking head
around, hand on forehead) you can use it to knock him down because it is pulled
off much more quickly than the Jumping High Kick.

5.3. Grapples

Because of the Orthadox fighting style, there is really no grapple strategy.
Except when your opponent is tired enough, use the Impact Straight for a chance
at a "CRITICAL!" and use his Spirit Powerbomb to finish off your opponent via a
grapple. Besides it's his specialty.

A very cheap and BORING strategy is to use his Stretch Plum right away.
Appearantly in the series, you can use your stretch and submission grapples
(usually associated with the B button) early in the match. But it's not really

When back grappling, use the Sheer Drop Backdrop specialty move when your
opponent is tired enough. It's a wicked headdrop move!

5.4. High Flying Moves

Why do I even have a high flying strategy section here??? Kawada is NOT a high
flying wrestler. He is not Hayabusa. But for the purpose of a guide, his high
flying moves are all rated C. I wouldn't use it myself except for like once in
a while. To me, the best thing to do is pick up your opponent and use the
Jumping High Kick on him to try to land a "CRITICAL!"

5.5. Opponent Down Moves (Submissions and Opponent Down Strikes)

Use the football kick when your opponent is down face up, and the chon kick
when your opponent is face down. If you want to inflict more damage, use the
running double knee drop. When it comes to his Stretch Plum specialty, I would
only use it when your opponent is tired enough to use B button grapples on him.
Like I said before, submission holds in this game are INEFFECTIVE!

==6. Links==

The Great Hisa's Puroresu Dojo - - Created by Hisaharu
Tanabe. Has info on All Japan.

Puroresu Power - - A great news page for Puroresu. - - You can download moves here and this is where
I got the Stats. Du Vong's move list is also available here.

==7. Thanks and Special Thanks==

Thanks goes to...

The Fire Prowrestling community and Puroresu fans all over the world.

A Very Special Thanks goes to...

Bill Wood for letting me use part of his format.

"IceMaster" Frank James Chan - The man who started the North American Fire
Prowrestling Revolution. Whatever he is doing now I wish him the best of luck
and success.

The original members of Human Entertainment for creating the best wrestling
games in the world.

Spike for keeping the tradition of Fire Prowrestling alive by hiring most of
the original members.

Vaill for creating Fire Prowrestling D.

Toshiaki Kawada for being one of the best workers in the world.

Special Thanks goes to...

Hisaharu Tanabe, the Puroresu expert on this side of the Pacific Ocean.

All of the sites up above.

==8. Other FAQs By Me==

PC - Fallout 2 - The CAR FAQ.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Tigermask Character Guide.

SEGA DREAMCAST - Fire Prowrestling D - Bret Hart Character Guide.

ARCADE - Initial D: Arcade Stage Guide.

ARCADE - Poker Ladies Guide.

SONY PLAYSTATION 2 - Initial D: Special Stage Guide.


==9. Copyright==

Fire Prowrestling D is copyrighted by Vaill Corporation and their parent
company Spike Co., Ltd.
March 1st. 2001 - 2002.

Fire Prowrestling D: Toshiaki Kawada Character Guide Version 1.00 and future
versions of this FAQ is copyrighted by ViperMask, 2002, 2003, and so forth.

This FAQ is for private and personal use only. Retail use is prohibited.

This FAQ can only be used with PERMISSION by ME; VIPERMASK.

Also this FAQ is ONLY AVAILABLE on these sites:,,

If anyone sees another site other than the list above using my FAQs, please
tell me.

If anyone sees anyone ripping off this FAQ (like converting it to HTML), please
tell me.

For permission to convert the FAQ into another language, contact me first.

Contact Information: Contact ViperMask at
r3m0v3XxxDownward_Spiral_SoldierxxX@r3m0v3yahoo.comr3m0v3 (remove the r3m0v3)

Fire ProWrestling D: Toshiaki Kawada by ViperMask
Version 1.09, Last Updated 2006-01-29 View/Download Original File
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