Star Ocean: The second Story

Star Ocean: The Second Story

14.10.2013 15:00:16
|Star Ocean: The Second Story Private Actions FAQ Version 1.5 |
|By: X Crono X (Kenneth Brinkmeyer) |
|Email: |
|Aim :EviL Crono X |
|GameFAQ's Message Board Name: X Crono X |

This is the Star Ocean 2 Private Actions Guide. Anyone familiar with
game will know that Private Actions play a big role in the game. It is
what determines your characters friendship and romance levels, good or
bad depending what choice you make. This could very well be the only
version of this FAQ, if I receive confirmation for anything I might
missed. Or if I or anyone else discovers any other Private Actions I
don't have listed then will update ASAP. This is my very first FAQ hope
it's good and people gain a lot of help from it. Not sure if this might
be the only FAQ that I ever write, who knows it could very well be. All
I can say is if another great game like this comes out that I gain a
of knowledge on, then could very well see another FAQ by me.
Part I: Revisions and Updates
Part II: PA Key
Part III: Claude's Private Actions
Part IV: Rena's Private Actions
Part V: Private Actions that can be done by both Claude and Rena
Part VI: Credits and Thanks

Part I: Revisions and Updates
Version 1.5 Date Made: April 28, 2002
Revised my FAQ to make it more readable thanks to a tip, the person who
gave me the tip will be mentioned in the Credits and Thanks section.

Part II: PA Key
A single star (*) will indicate that this Private Action will need to
seen to recruit a character into your party.
Two stars (**) will indicate that this Private Action will continue in
another town.
Three stars (***) will indicate a fixed ending between the characters
involved in that Private Action.
+F indicates that it will raise the friendship levels between the
characters involved in the Private Action.
-F indicates that it will lower the friendship levels between the
characters involved in the Private Action.
+R indicates that it will raise the romance levels between the
characters involved in the Private Action.
-R indicates that it will lower the romance levels between the
characters involved in the Private Action.
N/A indicates that no emotional levels are changed between characters
involved in the Private Action.

Part III: Claude's Private Actions

Private Actions for the planet Expel
|Arlia Village|
1.Location: Rena's House
Characters involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: After rescuing Rena from Alan in the Salva Drift
What's going on: Rena is thinking about an event in the past
Results: If you ask Rena what she's thinking about +R, the other two
answers will +F only.

2.Location: Out front of Hearn's Shop
Characters involved: Claude and Celine
Time it happens: Anytime you have Celine in your party
What's going on: Celine offers something to Claude
Results: If you accept it +R, if you don't and blow her off -F

3.Location: Down by the creek between Rena's and the Mayor's House
Characters involved: Claude, Rena and Precis
Time it happens: After the Arms Tournament
What's going on: Rena and Precis are fighting over Claude
Results: If you pick Precis then +F and R between Claude and Precis,
-F and R with Rena. If you pick Rena then +F and R between Claude and
Rena but -F and R with Precis.
|Salva Drift Mining Town|
1.Location: Inside the Dolphin Kick Jam Shop
Characters involved: Claude and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime you have Precis in your party
What's going on: Precis is buying jam and asks Claude to guess the
Results: ** continues in Linga

2.Location: In front of the building next to the jewelry/weapon shop
Characters involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Rena asks Claude what his father is like
Results: +R

3.Location: In front of the building next to the jewelry/weapon shop
Characters involved: Claude and a Little Girl
Time it happens: After you stay at the Inn in Cross
What's going on: The little girl asks Claude if he's the warrior of
Results: If you choose that you are the warrior +F with all the party
members you currently have in your party. Saying that you aren't the
warrior -F with all the party members you currently have in your party.
Saying you don't know if you're the warrior N/A and the little girl
give you a harmonica.

4.Location: Inside the Fairy Tear jewelry shop
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: After staying at the Inn in Cross
What's going on: Rena is looking at jewelry, she likes this necklace in
particular that costs 200FOL Claude will offer to buy it.
Results: If you buy it then +R with Rena and Claude and you get the
Pendant, if you don't buy it then -R.

5.Location: Inside the Salva Drift mine
Characters Involved: Claude and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime after finishing Ashton's side quests and
the Hoffman Ruins
What's going on: Ashton talks about all the events that led him to join
your party
Results: +F

6.Location: Beside Alan Tax's Mansion
Characters Involved: Claude, Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime after Bowman is in your party
What's going on: Bowman is talking with a local townswoman, and Claude
eavesdrops on the conversation
Results: N/A if you just walk away, -F is you stay and listen in
|Cross Castle Town|
1.Location: Inside the Cross Church
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime as long Claude and Rena's romance level for
each other is 8 or lower
What's going on: Rena is daydreaming about getting married in a church
Results: If you agree with Rena +F and R, if you don't agree -R

2.Location: In the ally in East of the Church.
Characters Involved: Claude, Rena and Celine
Time it happens: Before Clik is destroyed.
What's going on: Celine and Rena are arguing about Claude
Results: If Claude just leaves N/A, if anything else -R and F with both
Rena and Celine.

3.Location: Budabing Budaboom Item shop
Characters Involved: Claude, Ashton and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime Ashton and Precis is in your party and you
100 or more FOL.
What's going on: Ashton buys a Music Box for Precis
Results: If Claude encourages Ashton, +R between Ashton and Precis and
Claude gets 19,000FOL but -F with all party members with Claude.If he
pulls Precis away +R between Claude and Precis but -F with Ashton and
will lose 100FOL.

4.Location: Budabing Budaboom Item shop
Characters Involved: Claude and Precis
Time it happens: Whenever Precis is in your party and you have 2,000 or
more FOL
What's going on: Claude notices the shopkeeper trying to rip Precis off
for an Aphrodisiac
Results: If Claude doesn't step in N/A and you receive and Aphrodisiac
and lose 2,000FOL.If Claude steps in +R and you get some worthless

5.Location: In front of Cross Church
Characters Involved: Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime Bowman is in your party
What's going on: Claude and Bowman are checking out some women.
Results: +F
|Mars Village|
1.Location: The little store next to Celine's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime after Cross Cave and before leaving for
What's going on: Rena is looking at Jewelry from a traveling salesman
Results: If Claude agrees that the jewelry is nice +F and R with Rena,
and ** continues in Giveaway.

2.Location: The little store next to Celine's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Ashton
Time it happens: Before the Lacour Tournament OF Arms
What's going on: Gyoro and Ururun are fighting and Ashton asks Claude
for help
Results: If Claude ignores Ashton -F and uh R haha don't ask -_-,Any
other answer could either -F or +F

3.Location: In front of the Elders House
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: After visiting Hilton but before the Arms Tournament
and Ashton must be in your party.
What's going on: Rena is having feelings for Claude and Ashton
Results: If you choose the first two answers +R with Rena, but if you
choose the third answer will -R and +F and R for Rena and Ashton, any
the 3 will +F either way between Claude and Rena.

4.Location: In front of Roofs Tool Shop
Characters Involved: Claude, Precis and a Little Boy.
Time it happens: It's either after or before the Tournament of Arms
of fuzzy about this one, if anyone knows the exact time contact me.
What's going on: Precis is arguing with the little boy about Machines
being better then magic
Results: If Claude agrees with Precis +F and R, any other answer -F and
|Port Town Herlie|
1.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: After the Sanctuary of Linga and recruiting Bowman
your party
What's going on: Bowman is trying to treat Eleanor's disease
Results: ** continues in Linga

2.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: After the Hoffman Ruins and Private Action in Linga,
and after getting the Metox from Laguss Mountains
What's going on: Eleanor has gone into a coma, Claude and Bowman must
decide weather to risk using the Metox or not.
Results: Choosing to use the Metox will result in the Final Eleanor PA

3.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: After all the previous PA's and after Hoffman Ruins.
What's going on: Claude and Bowman find out weather Eleanor lived or
Results: Weather she lives or dies is random, if you really want her to
live just reload till she does. Either way results in major +F between
Claude and Bowman

4.Location: Inside the Warehouse
Characters Involved: Claude and Bratty Little Girl
Time it happens: Claude must have chosen the second option in Lacour
What's going on: Claude runs into her again, he can choose either to
help her or leave her
Results: Helping her has Claude attacked by three LessAssasians, **
opens a final PA in Linga. If Claude leaves N/A
|Port Town Hilton|
1.Location: Outside the Stone Tavern
Characters Involved: Claude and Chris
Time it happens: Celine can NOT be in your party, and before you enter
the Arms Tournament.
What's going on: Claude and Chris go have a drink and conversate
Results: N/A if you choose the third option Chris will give you the
General's Ring

2.Location: In front of the Stone Tavern
Characters Involved: Claude and Little Boy
Time it happens: After Linga Sanctuary and Claude must know Pick
What's going on: Claude steals a pendant from the little boy
Results: If Claude feels bad and returns the pendant +F with all
in party. If he decides to keep it or ditch it major -F with all
in party.
|Lacour Castle Town|
1.Location: In front of Carnival Food shop
Characters Involved: Claude and Bratty Little Girl
Time it happens: When you first get to Lacour before entering the Arms
What's going on: Claude runs into her and she starts freaking out.
Results: ** if you just leave her there opens another PA up in Linga,
you decide to try to help her opens a PA up in Herlie.
|Linga Town|
1.Location: Inside the Library
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Rena is trying to find out about college and Claude
offers to help her out.
Results: +F

2.Location: Inside the Library
Characters Involved: Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: After the first Eleanor PA in Herlie and before you go
to Hoffman Ruins.
What's going on: Bowman is looking thru books on Eleanor's disease, and
finds out that the legendary herb Metox might be able to cure her.
Results: ** if Claude and Bowman go to look for it opens up the
remainder of the PA's in Herlie.

3.Location: Takemoto Pharmacy
Characters Involved: Claude and Bratty Little Girl
Time it happens: Only if you choose first option in Lacour or second
option in Herlie and defeated the LessAssasins
What's going on: Claude finds that the little girl made it safe back to
her family.
Results: N/A

4.Location: Precis's House
Characters Involved: Claude, Precis and Precis's Dad
Time it happens:After the jam shop PA in Salva
What's going on: Precis's dad makes tea out of the jam she bought and
offers it to Claude
Results: If Claude drinks it -F with Precis if he doesn't drink it +F

Private Actions on Nede
|Central City|
1.Location: Inside the Brandywine Inn
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime before completion of the four fields
What's going on: Rena is having guilty feelings about what happened on
Expel and the Ten Wise Men
Results: If you choose one of the first two options +F and R, if Claude
goes after Rena after speaking with her -F and R

2.Location: Inside the Brandywine Inn
Characters Involved: Claude and Opera
Time it happens: If ONLY Opera and NOT Ernest is in your party, and
before completion of the four fields
What's going on: Opera is starting to think Ernest is dead and is
drinking a lot Claude gets concerned about her drinking
Results: The first choice will majorly +F and R and will ** open
PA in North City. Any other choice +F only.

3.Location: Inside the Brandywine Inn
Characters Involved: Claude and Noel
Time it happens: Between first and second visit to Fienal Tower
What's going on: Noel is stressing over environmental issues and
discusses Nede's reckless history with Claude
Results: First choice will majorly +F and R with Noel, any other choice
|North City|
1.Location: In the field behind the Synard Lab
Characters Involved: Claude and Opera
Time it happens: Ernest can NOT be in the party and if you choose the
first choice in Central City before completion of the four fields
What's going on: Opera is upset again but this time about the sky of
Nede, Claude and her will share a tender moment
Results: The first two choices will majorly +F and R and pretty much
you an Claude and Opera ending, if you don't want them together then
pick the third choice to -F and R

2.Location: Inside the Landscape Inn
Characters Involved: Claude, Celine and a FortuneTeller
Time it happens: Before completion of the four fields
What's going on: Celine is getting her fortune told and Claude walks in
Results: If you choose the first two answers +F a little, the third
answer will +F and R

3.Location: In Chisato's room inside the Blue Flask Tool Shop
Characters Involved: Claude and Chisato
Time it happens: Anytime if Chisato's feelings for Claude are over 10
What's going on: Claude over hears Chisato talking about her crush on
him, then lets her know he's there
Results: The second choice will majorly +F and R and increases the
possibility of a Claude and Chisato ending. Any other choice will only
+F a little

4.Location: In the Courtyard as soon as you walk into town
Characters Involved: Claude and Precis
Time it happens: After your first visit to Fienal Tower
What's going on: Precis is freaking out about what's happening with the
Ten Wise Men, Claude tries to comfort her.
Results: If you pick the first or third choice will majorly +F and R
will increase possibility of an Claude and Precis ending, the second
choice will only +F a little

5.Location: Inside the Library
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Rena is messing with the computer and Claude watch's
her as she reformats the entire system.
Results: Will either be N/A or -F a little, it's random what happens
you won't be able to notice it
1.Location: Inside the University
Characters Involved: Claude and Ernest
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Ernest is checking out what's going on in one of the
classrooms, Claude and Ernest talk about tests
Results: +F and R if Claude says he takes it seriously, other wise will
be -F
1.Location: Inside Dr. Mirage's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Precis
Time it happens: After getting the pass to Fun City and before heading
to Fun City with the pass.
What's going on: Precis is fascinated with Dr. Mirage's machine
Results: If you can distract her major +R with Precis if not -F a

2.Location: Yamato Restaurant
Characters Involved: Claude and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Ashton asks Claude if he wants to grab some lunch with
Results: First two choices will +F but the third choice will majorly +R
and ** open another PA with Rena

3.Location: Yamato Restaurant
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Anytime after the Claude and Ashton PA
What's going on: Rena asks Claude if he wants to have lunch with her at
the same place he was with Ashton at.
Results: If Claude refuses +R majorly between Rena and Ashton and will
probably result in a Rena and Ashton ending, If he accepts and order
3rd choice like he did with Ashton will +R between him and Rena and
cancel any feelings Claude has for Ashton.

4.Location: Inside Dr. Mirage's House
Characters Involved: Claude and Leon
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Leon is upset and Claude comforts him
Results: The first two choices will majorly +F the third choice will -F
a little

5.Location: Inside the Inn
Characters Involved: Claude and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Precis plays guess who with Claude
Results: Giving the correct answer +R,giveing the wrong answer -F
|Fun City|
1.Location: The Fortune Telling place above were the Cooking Contest is
Characters Involved: Claude and Rena
Time it happens: Rena's romance level for Claude has to be 12 or higher
What's going on: Claude catches Rena getting her Fortune told about the
two of them
Results: If Claude fakes like he didn't hear it -R, if he accepts her
feelings Rena will majorly +R for Claude

2.Location: Inside Fun City Tavern
Characters Involved: Claude and Leon
Time it happens: Leon must participate in the Cooking Contest and have
friendship level with Claude 8 or higher
What's going on: Leon tells Claude he has a crush on all the female
party members
Results: If Claude helps out +F with Leon, The final result is random
and depends which one Leon likes and how they react to it.

Part IV: Rena's Private Actions
Private Actions on Expel
|Arlia Village|
1.Location: Behind the Church
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: After leaving Arlia but before Cross
What's going on: Claude is getting homesick, and Rena eavesdrops on him
Results: +F with between them

2.Location: In front of the Church
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: After Celine is in your part but before Mars
What's going on: Claude is playing with a dog, then Rena comes up and
they talk about pets
Results: If you choose Claude once had a pet +R any other choice +F

3.Location: Between Rena and the Mayor's House
Characters Involved: Rena and Celine
Time it happens: After Celine joins your party but before Clik is
What's going on: Rena and Celine are talking about their hometowns and
past boyfriends
Results: +F, Can anyone confirm this one? My friend told me about it
have never been able to see it

4.Location: Inside the Mayor's House
Characters Involved: Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime you have Precis in your party
What's going on: Precis is looking at a painting then she discusses art
with Rena

5.Location: Inside Hearn's Herb Shop
Characters Involved: Rena and Opera
Time it happens: Before Linga Sanctuary
What's going on: Rena and Opera are looking at jewelry
|Salva Drift|
1.Location: Inside the Dolphin Kick Jam Shop
Characters Involved: Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime you have Precis in your party
What's going on: Precis is taste-testing jams and Rena joins her

2.Location: By the sign near the exit of town
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: After leaving Arlia
What's going on: Claude is looking at the sky and Rena comes up to talk
to him
Results: If you choose that's threes other worlds +F and R any other
choice +F only

3.Location: Inside the Fairy Tear Jewelry Shop
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime after you have Celine and Ashton in your party
What's going on: Celine and Ashton are looking at jewelry and they
to buy Rena a ring
Results: No matter what you choose +F between them all, I'd pick the
emerald but that's just cause you get an Emerald Ring then.

4.Location: Inside Fairy Tear Jewelry Shop
Characters Involved: Rena and Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime after Bowman is in your party
What's going on: Bowman is looking at rings for his wife and Rena helps
him choose
Results: +F and ** continues in Linga
|Cross Castle Town|
1.Location: Cross Cafe
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and Chris
Time it happens: Before you visit Lacour
What's going on: Rena and Celine go to the cafe for tea and find Chris
getting yelled at because he can't pay the bill
Results: If you help Chris ** another PA will open up

2.Location: Cross Tavern
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and Chris
Time it happens: After the previous PA and before you leave for Lacour
What's going on: Celine runs into Chris again and they start falling in
love with each other
Results: ** opens the Final PA

3.Location: In the alley east of the Cross Church
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and Chris
Time it happens: After the previous two PA's and before visiting Lacour
What's going on: Chris tells Celine that he is the prince and is
married but loves her
Results: If Rena takes Celine to stop the wedding in the church *** you
will get the Celine and Chris ending and +F between Rena and Celine, if
she doesn't take her -F and Celine may never see Chris again. Either
choice will ** open another PA in Hilton

4.Location: In front of Cross Church
Characters Involved: Rena, Claude and Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime after Bowman is in your party
What's going on: Bowman and Claude are checking out the local girls and
Rena catches them
Results: -F and R with Claude and Bowman for Rena
|Mars Village|
1.Location: In front of the Elders House
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: After Cross and before you enter the Arms Tournament
What's going on: Claude is looking at the Sky again and Rena starts to
talk to him about it again
Results: If you choose nighttime +F and R, any other choice +F only
|Port Town Herlie|
1.Location: Inside the Warehouse
Characters Involved: Rena and Yul
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Rena helps Yul out of trouble
Results: ** continues to another PA if Rena helps N/A if she doesn't

2.Location: Inside the Antique Shop
Characters Involved: Rena and Yul
Time it happens: After the previous PA
What's going on: Rena meets up with Yul once again, then the guys that
were attacking Yul kidnap Rena on her way out of Town
Results: *** major -R with all male party members, and there might be a
possible secret ending if she losses the fight with Zand, her and
major +F. Can anyone confirm this secret ending?, my friend said he's
got it but I never have usually don't lose to Zand.

3.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Rena, Ashton and Eleanor
Time it happens: Before you enter the Arms Tournament
What's going on: Ashton finds something Eleanor drops and returns it to
her, he comforts Eleanor and asks if Rena could try to heal Eleanor
her powers.
Results: ** opens another PA up

4.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Rena, Ashton and Eleanor
Time it happens: After previous PA and before you enter the Arms
What's going on: Rena and Ashton go to check on Eleanor and find out
that she has gotten really sick, Eleanor's Doctor says there may be
if they could find the legendary herb Metox
Results: ** opens another PA up

5.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Rena, Ashton and Eleanor
Time it happens: After the first two PA's and when you return from
Laguss Mountains with the Metox
What's going on: Eleanor is cured thanks to the effort of Rena and
Ashton and everyone is rejoiced
Results: *** Ashton will get a special ending with Eleanor, and him and
Rena +F majorly, if you don't bring back the Metox then no ending and
Ashton and Rena +F a little

6.Location: Eleanor's House
Characters Involved: Rena and Opera
Time it happens: Anytime after Opera is in your party and before you
cure her with Ashton, to see a good scene make sure Opera has the
Seventh Ray weapon
What's going on: Opera finds something of Eleanor's and returns it to
her, Eleanor then tells Opera she has never seen a rainbow if Opera has
the Seventh Ray she will grant Eleanor's wish
Results: +F between Opera and Rena, but part of Herlie or Hilton gets
destroyed I don't remember which. If anyone knows for sure contact me.
|Port Town Hilton|
1.Location: In front of Stone Tavern
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and one of Celine's old friends from
Time it happens: Only after completing all of the Celine and Chris PA's
in Cross
What's going on: An old friend runs into Celine and they start having a
conversation and Rena comes over
Results: If Celine and Chris are together and Rena tells -F with
if she doesn't tell +F, and if Celine and Chris are not together then
for either answer.

2.Location: In front of the Skill Guild
Characters Involved: Rena and a Little Girl
Time it happens: Before the Arms Tournament
What's going on: A little girl is lost and Rena tries to help her find
her mom
Results: +F with every party member Rena speaks with while searching
the little girl's mother, +F and R with Ashton if Rena speaks to him
|Lacour Castle Town|
1.Location: In the alley way on the way to Gamgee's Forge
Characters Involved: Rena, Celine and Precis
Time it happens: Before the Arms Tournament
What's going on: Celine and Precis are talking about Claude and Rena
listens in
Results: The first two choices +F between all three, if you choose the
third Celine and Precis +F but both -F with Rena
|Linga Town|
1.Location: Precis's House
Characters Involved: Rena and Precis
Time it happens: After the Hoffman Ruins and before returning the
stone to Lacour
What's going on: Precis's dad is missing and Precis and Rena go to
search for him, just go an act like your leaving town and her dad
walk in then Precis yells at him for worrying her
Results: +F between Rena and Precis and you will recive a Meteorite

2.Location: Bowman's House
Characters Involved: Rena, Bowman and his Wife
Time it happens: After the previous PA in Salva
What's going on: Bowman gives the ring he bought to his wife

3.Location: Inside the Library
Characters Involved: Rena and Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime you have Bowman in your party
What's going on: Rena sees Bowman studying and tell him the she would
like to go to college, and Bowman says if Rena would like he'd be happy
to let her stay with him and his wife
Results: If Rena accepts +F majorly and +R a little, if not only +F or

Private Actions on Nede
|Central City|
1.Location: Inside the Weight Lawyer Restaurant
Characters Involved: Rena and Chisato
Time it happens: After Chisato joins your party
What's going on: Chisato is buying lots of eggs then wonders what she's
going to do with them all
Results: If you pick one of the last two choices +F, if you choose the
first one -F

2.Location: Inside the Brandywine Inn
Characters Involved: Rena and Noel
Time it happens: After Noel joins your party
What's going on: Noel is complaing about the cities lack of harmony
Results: If you continue the conversation +F and R, if you blow him off
3.Location: Near the Skill Guild
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: Between your first and second trip to Fienal Tower
What's going on: Claude is talking to himself about the defeat they
suffered against the Ten Wise Men and Rena eavesdrops on him
Results: If you keep on listening to Claude +R if you walk away -R
|North City|
1.Location: The field behind the Synard Lab
Characters Involved: Rena, Claude and Opera
Time it happens: Ernest is NOT in your party, Rena's romance level for
Claude is 10 or higher and her friendship level for Opera is 8 or
higher, and will remain there until you complete the four fields
What's going on: Claude an Opera are having a secret romantic meeting
and Rena catches them and gets mad and feels betrayed
Results: If you let Claude explain might be able to save the romance
between them, other wise -F and R majorly with Claude and Opera from

2.Location: Somewhere in North City
Characters Involved: Rena, Ernest and Noel
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Noel feels that he's different then everyone else and
is ashamed about it, Rena and Ernest try to comfort him
Results: If you pick the third choice +F and +R majorly between all
three, and will increase chances of more couples being together for
ending. The other two choices will -F or N/A between all three of them

3.Location: Courtyard as soon as enter North City
Characters Involved: Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Rena and Precis friendship level must be 8 or higher
What's going on: Precis is wishing she had a brother or sister, then
Rena comes along and they compare childhoods

4.Location: In Chisato's room at the Blue Flask Tool Shop
Characters Involved: Rena, Chisato and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Chisato and Rena are looking thru Chisato's jewelry
and find a necklace with Ashton's name on it and Rena decides to take
back to Ashton
Results: -F between Ashton and Chisato, Rena N/A and Ashton -F with
1.Location: Inside the University
Characters Involved: Rena and Claude
Time it happens: Claude and Rena's romance level for each other must be
10 or higher and Claude cant have one higher with any other female
What's going on: Rena runs into Claude
Results: +F and R if you remain quiet and run into Claude outside the
University, any other choice will either -R a little or N/A

2.Location: Inside the Mandarin Inn
Characters Involved: Rena and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime before completion of the four fields
What's going on: Ashton has no clue what his birthday is no and
wondering how to find out
Results: The best way to increase +F and R is suggesting Gyoro and
Ururun have different birthdays, either way long as your not mean to
all answers will +R
1.Location: Inside Dr. Mirage's house
Characters Involved: Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime between getting the pass for Fun City and
What's going on: Mirage's machines distract Precis
Results: Unlike in Claude's Rena cant distract Preics so -F
|Fun City|
1.Location: Outside the Fun City Battle Arena
Characters Involved: Rena and Celine
Time it happens: Celine must know compounding and Rena and Celine's
friendship level is 8 or higher
What's going on: Rena sees Celine getting chased by a bunch of men and
some women
Results: If you go after Celine +R majorly for a brief period with
Celine then -F, if you choose to borrow some of the perfume and run
Claude he will +R majorly for a brief time for Rena and -F with him for
Rena. If you choose to just throw it away N/A

Part IV: Private Actions both Claude and Rena can do

Private Actions on Expel
|Arlia Village|
1.Location: The Mayors House
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Opera
Time it happens: After Opera is in your party and before you go to
Hoffman Ruins
What's going on: Opera is on the balcony looking into Shingo Forest at
where she crashed her ship
Results: * must see in order to recruit Ernest

2.Location: Honeymooner's House
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Bowman
Time it happens: Anytime Bowman is in your party
What's going on: Bowman is checking up on the couple, who are expecting
a baby

3.Location: Hearn's Herb Shop
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Ashton
Time it happens: After Ashton is in your party and before you visit
Lacour for the first time
What's going on: Gyoro and Ururun feel neglected and want Ashton to buy
them accessories, Ashton does know what to do and asks for your help
Results: +F and R with Ashton if you buy the accessory and will lose
thirds of your FOL, if you don't buy it -F and R with Ashton and you
keep your FOL
|Salva Drift|
1.Location: Outside of the jewelry/weapon shop
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Opera
Time it happens: Anytime Opera is in your party
What's going on: Opera will make a bet on who the next person that
out of the store is going to be
Results: If your Claude betting that it will be a woman +R with Opera.
If your Rena betting that it will be a man +F with Opera

2.Location: The Dolphin Kick Jam Shop
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Celine
Time it happens: Anytime Celine is in your party
What's going on: Celine wants to buy some jam but the shopkeeper isn't
Results: If you look for the shopkeeper +F with all party members and
with Celine, you will find the shopkeeper in the entrance of the Salva
Drift Mine
|Cross Castle Town|
1.Location: In the alleyway leading to the Castle
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Ernest
Time it happens: After staying at the Inn
What's going on: Ernest is on his way to somewhere and you run into him
Results: * must be seen in order to recruit Opera and Ernest in your
party or just Opera in your party
|Port Town Clik|
1.Location: At the big Fountain
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Fillia
Time it happens: Before Clik is destroyed
What's going on: Fillia is predicting the destruction of the town
Results: If you pickpocket Filia N/A and will get an item called the
Mischief, ** continues in Central City

|Mars Village|
1.Location: Roof's Tool Shop
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Before you enter the Arms Tournament
What's going on: Precis wants to play Hide n Seek
Results: If you play +F and ** continues in Giveaway if not then -F and
doesn't continue

2.Location: Celine's House
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena, Bowman and Celine
Time it happens: Celine must NOT be in your party but Bowman is
What's going on: Celine and Bowman say they once were supposed to be
Results: N/A and Celine gives Bowman a Holy Ring
|Port Town Hilton|
1.Location: Inside Hilton Island Inn
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Celine
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Celine is stressing over her weight
Results: If your Claude its best just to walk away N/A any choice he
makes will -F majorly, if your Rena any choice will +F especially the
first choice
|Lacour Castle Town|
1.Location: To the west of the Tavern
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and an Old Woman
Time it happens: Before you enter the Arms Tournament
What's going on: The Old Woman wants you to do her a favor
Results: Accepting the offer N/A but the old woman will give a Star
and Rainbow Diamond, refuse to do the favor for her and -F with all
party members
|Linga Town|
1.Location: As soon as you walk into town
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Precis
Time it happens: Anytime before the Arms Tournament
What's going on: You meet Precis
Results: * must be seen in order to recurit Precis into your party, if
you Claude you need to go see Precis in front of Bowman's Pharmacy, if
your Rena you need to go to her house and have tea with her dad

2.Location: Outside Linga Academy
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and a Salesman
Time it happens: Anytime you have 1,980FOL or more
What's going on: You run into a salesman selling a book
Results: If you buy it then you'll get a random skill book to boost
skills, if you don't buy it then you don't get the book and N/A

3.Location: Bowman's Pharmacy
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Bowman
Time it happens: After the previous Honeymooner PA in Arlia
What's going on: You ask Bowman's wife who is in charge
Results: -F with Bowman

Private Actions on Nede
|Central City|
1.Location: Nede Chronicle office
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Chisato
Time it happens: After speaking to Rayfus at Giveaway about the secret
password to the database
What's going on: Chisato is trying to figure out the password for
Rayfus, she asks if you can come back later
Results: ** opens another PA

2.Location: Nede Chronicle office
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Chisato
Time it happens: After previous PA
What's going on: Chisato has figured out the password and want to go
back to Giveaway to give to Rayfus
Results: ** continues in Giveaway

3.Location: Main Lobby of City Hall
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Fillia
Time it happens: Only if you seen the previous PA with Fillia in Clik
and saved at the last save point in Fienal Tower before fighting
What's going on: Fillia tells you she is the daughter of Indalecio, and
begs you to kill her before her soul is taken over by her father, she
disappears and leave the Isreafil's Tear behind
Results: Seeing this will make battle with Indalecio A LOT harder, veiw
it at your own risk
1.Location: Giveaway
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Precis
Time it happens: If you picked the first choice in the Mars PA
What's going on: Precis wants to play hide n seek and says that you
promised you would play this time.
Results: If you play and find her +F and you get a Bomb, the three
she hides in are in the hallway on the right inside the University, in
the library inside the university and behind a pillar in town

2.Location: Library inside of Giveaway University
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Chisato
Time it happens: Before you talk to Narl after completion of the four
What's going on: Chisato is doing research on the Ten Wise Men, she
suspicious when notices only half of the story is being told
Results: N/A

3.Location: Noel's House
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Noel
Time it happens: Noel can't have any romance levels 10 or over with any
female party member
What's going on: a friend of Noel's shows you into his house, and Noel
wants to set her up with a man
Results: +F with all the male party members with Noel, and +R with all
female party members
|Fun City|
1.Location: The Gift Shop
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Ashton
Time it happens: Anytime
What's going on: Ashton is flipping out about the barrel in the store,
neither Claude nor Rena can distract him
Results: -F a little

2.Location: Outside of the Fun City Battle Arena
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena and Marianna
Time it happens: After beating Berle in Armlock and before going to
Fienal Tower the second time
What's going on: You find Marianna still alive and then she faints
saying a few things to you
Results: N/A but if you talk to her while she's laying in the bed at
Inn she'll give you two items a Silver Cross and a Slayer's Ring. The
Slayer's Ring is a good accessory for Claude if he has the Eternal
Sphere Sword

3.Location: Inside the Battle Arena to the left
Characters Involved: Claude or Rena, Ashton and Precis
Time it happens: Ashton has to know the Killer Move Sword Dance, and
friendship level between him and Precis must be 8 or higher
What's going on: Ashton is teaching Precis the Sword Dance move
Results: Precis will teach it to Bobot and get a new Killer Move that's
called Holo-Holograph

Part V: Credits and Thanks

First off credit goes to Tri-Ace and Enix for making such a great game,
hope they release more great games in the future. Secondly I did most
this FAQ from memory mostly and a little that I've written down while
playing, and also getting some info from my friend. So if I left out a
Private Action or put down the wrong time or if anyone can confirm the
stuff I wasn't sure about contact me with the information and I'll add
it in ASAP and give you credit. I hope this FAQ helps a lot of people
out and that everyone enjoys it I worked hard on it. And like I
mentioned before this is the first time I ever wrote a FAQ, not sure if
it'll be my last we'll see what happens.

Thanks go to Tri-Ace and Enix for making the game. And thanks also goes
out to GameFAQ's for having a really good gaming info site.
Special thanks and credit goes to ChefGhost, for giving me tips on how
to write a good FAQ. Special thanks to Rena Chan for giving me the tip
on how to make my FAQ more readable.

This document is protected under US Federal and other International
Copyright Laws. Violators will be prosecuted. (c) 2002 Kenneth "X Crono
X" Brinkmeyer. All Rights Reserved

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Private Actions FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Customization Guide

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Zaubersprüche kombinierenFAQ

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Gespeichert vor der Iselia Königin mit Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Leon, Chisato und Noel auf Level 255, sehr gutem Equipment und jeder Menge Waffen und Items.

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