

29.09.2013 15:47:48
Version: Final - September 19, 2001
Creator: Ed Osciak III
Alias: Psycho0022
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Email: manji37@hotmail.com

Copyright 2001, Ed Osciak III
This walkthrough may not be changed, reproduced, or printed in any form
without the author's expressed permission. This FAQ is owned and made
by me. Feel free to print out and distribute this FAQ as long as
nothing is changed.


Section 1: Game Introduction
Section 2: Returning To A Previous Game
Section 3: The Character's Title Rank
Section 4: Weapons
Section 5: Armor
Section 6: Shields
Section 7: Magic
Section 8: Items
Section 9: Magic Item (Player Items)
Section 10: Limited Powerups
Section 11: Shops
Section 12: The Monster List
Section 13: Walkthrough

+ Eilos: Home Sweet Home?
* The Road To Apolune

+ Apolune
* The Road to the Tower of Trunk
* The Tower of Trunk
* Obtaining the Magic Shield and Death Magic
* The Road to Forepaw

+ Forepaw
* The Quest of the Three Springs
* The Tower of Fortress
* The Spring in the Sky
* The Tower of Fortress Revisited
* The Tower of Undiscovered Spring
* The Road to Mascon

+ Mascon: The Misty Town
* The Tower of Unlimited Red Potions (optional)
* The Road to the Tower of Suffer
* The Tower of Suffer
* The Road to Victim

+ Victim
* The Path to the Fire Magician
* Journey to the Tower of Mist
* The Tower of Mist
* Obtaining the Ace Key
* The Road to Conflate

+ Conflate
* Retrieving the Battle Helmet
* Retrieving the Battle Suit
* Discovering the Magic Rod
* The Road to Daybreak

+ Daybreak: The Border Town
* Going back to Conflate (Dwarf Ring)
* Traveling Back to Daybreak
* Journey to the Tower of Fraternal
* The Tower of Fraternal
* The Castle of Fraternal
* Retrieving the Dragon Slayer
* Revisiting The Guru of Fraternal
* The Journey to Dartmoor

+ Dartmoor: The Evil Town
* The Road to Evil Fortress
* The Evil Fortress: Final Battleground

Section 14: Acknowledgments


The Elf town, Eolis, was once a town boasting peace and prosperity.
Yet, now it is on the verge of destruction. Meteorites are raining down
upon the World Tree and crazed monsters have take the opportunity to run
amuck. Wells are drying up and people are in the grips of fear.

To restore peace again, someone has to penetrate the giant World
Tree and overthrow the Evil One that lives in the Evil Fortress. This
is where you come in. You have been on a long journey. You come to
find that it is almost deserted. Many men have been sent out but nobody
has ever returned. You are the last hope of restoring peace and
prosperity to your home town as well as returning order and peace to the
World Tree.


Usually in each town, there is a Guru who will mediate with you by
chanting a Mantra. This will be in the form of a password so be sure to
write it down for future reference. Be sure to remember the location of
every Guru that you meet so that you will know where to save when you
need it most.

When you have decided to continue you progress, via a password, the
experience that your character receives will be at the lowest point for
the last title rank earned. Also, your golds will be dictated by your
title rank as well. (See Section 3 for Conversions) However, you will
be able to keep any items that you have acquired in the previous game.
In other words, try to use as much golds as you can if you are obtaining
a password before turning the game off!


Your character's Title Rank is related to how many monsters have
been disposed of. Each monster that you encounter throughout the game
will give your player a certain amount of experience points when
defeated. To gain a new Title Rank, you will have to attain enough
experience points that each Title Rank demands. When you have gained
enough experience points for a new Title Rank, enter a Guru's Church or
Shrine so he can appoint you a new Title Rank. Make sure you live up to

Below are the Title Ranks that can be obtained, the amount of
experience points needed to obtain them, and the Golds that are given
when returning to a previous game:


Novice - -
Aspirant 1000 500
Battler 2200 800
Fighter 3500 1200
Adept 4800 1600
Chevalier 6200 2100
Veteran 8000 2800
Warrior 10000 3500
Swordsman 12500 4300
Hero 15000 5200
Soldier 18000 6200
Myrmidon 22000 7500
Champion 26000 9000
Superhero 30000 10500
Paladin 35000 13000
Lord 45000 15000


You will not be able to do any damage to any of the monsters of
Faxanadu if you are unarmed. Once you have obtained a weapon, you will
have to equip it before you can use it. Here is a rundown of the
weapons that can be used and obtained:

HAND DAGGER: This weapon may have the least power of all the weapons
that can be obtained but it is the first one you will come across. This
dagger also has the shortest reach.

LONG SWORD: This weapon will deal twice the amount of damage than the
Hand Dagger to any monster. Also, the Long Sword sports twice the reach
of the Hand Dagger.

GIANT BLADE: This three-pronged sword is 50% more powerful than the
Long Sword and is the strongest weapon that Golds can buy.

DRAGON SLAYER: This sword is the most powerful weapon in the World of
Faxanadu. The Evil One cannot be defeated without it and it requires
two hands to wield.


You will not be able to get very far without armor to protect you
from enemy attacks. Once you have obtained a piece of armor, you will
have to equip it so that you can wear it. Here is a rundown of the
armor that is available to you:

LEATHER JERKIN: When you enter into the world of Faxanadu, this is the
armor that you will be wearing. This armor provides minimum protection
from damage inflicted by monsters.

STUDDED MAIL: This armor will reduce the damage inflicted by enemy
monsters by about 5%.

FULL PLATE: This armor, when worn, will cover your entire body. It is
twice as strong as the studded mail and will reduce the damage inflicted
by enemy monsters by about 10%.

BATTLE SUIT: This armor must be retrieved in the game and is designed
for fighting. This is the strongest armor available and will reduce the
damage inflicted by enemy monsters by about 20%.


Wearing armor may protect you from physical attacks but it will not
protect you from magical attacks. Buying and equipping a shield will
help absorb some of the damage dwelt by enemy magic attacks. Here is a
rundown of the shields that can be obtained:

SMALL SHIELD: This shield will be able to absorb half of the enemy
monsters' magic attacks.

LARGE SHIELD: This shield will be able to absorb approximately 75% of
the enemy monsters' magic attacks.

MAGIC SHIELD: This magnificent shield will be able to absorb
approximately 90% of the enemy monsters' magic attacks.

BATTLE HELMET: This helmet not only looks great but will absorb
approximately 95% of the enemy monsters' magic attacks.


There are five types of magic that can be learned in the World
Tree. After buying and learning a magic, be sure to select it in the
sub menu in order to use/perform it. Here is a list of the types of
magic that exist in Faxanadu:

DELUGE: This magic is the least powerful magic. However, it is good
for taking out aerial enemies the buzz around.

FIRE: This magic is 150% more powerful than the power of Deluge.
However, it works the same way that Deluge does in the form of a
fireball but pack more of a wallop.

THUNDER: This form of magic is 400% more powerful than the power of
Deluge. However, when an enemy is hit by this, they will be propelled
away from you.

DEATH: When this magic is used, you will launch a deadly spike ball
which will destroy anything in it path. It is also 600% more powerful
than the power of Deluge.

TILTE: The most powerful magic that Golds can buy. Emitting this will
send a small fire out that will then explode at a 45 degree angle that
will cut anything in it's path. It has been dubbed the magic of curses
and is superior to all other forms of magic.


RED POTION: Taking one of these potions will completely restore your
health meter. They can be found mostly in every town's Hardware Store.

MATTOCK: This tool will be able to destroy certain man made wall that
impede your progress.

WING BOOTS: Putting on these boots will allow you to fl through the air
in order to get to those hard to reach places.

KEYS: You will need these to open special doors. There are five types
of keys: Jack, Queen, King, Ace, and Joker.

HOUR GLASS: This nifty little item will stop the movement of all enemy
monsters for a short period of time, allowing you to sneak right past


These items are magical in nature but when collected will show up
on the "PLAYER" sub menu. These items will automatically work when they
have to just by possessing them in your collection. Here is a list of
the magic items that you can obtain:

SAPPHIRE RING: This is otherwise known as the Elf Ring. It will
identify you as a member of Eilos.

RUBY RING: With this ring in possession, you will gain the strength to
be able to move rocks with ease.

SAPPHIRE RING: This is otherwise known as the DWARF RING and will allow
you to enter the Tower of Fraternal.

DEMON'S RING: This ring will allow you to enter the Evil Fortress. A
guru is waiting to give it to you in the Castle of Fraternal.

ELIXIR: If you die while carrying on of these, the medicine in the
Elixir will automatically fully restore your health meter and magic

MAGICAL ROD: This rod will automatically make your magic attacks more

PENDANT: Wearing the pendant will automatically strengthen the
offensive power of your weapons.

BLACK ONYX: Having this stone in possession will reduce bodily harm
caused by enemy monsters' attacks.


The following powerups will take effect immediately when picked up
and will last for a short period of time:

GLOVE: Picking up the Glove will give you more offensive attacking
power with weapon strikes.

OINTMENT: Picking up the Ointment will render you invulnerable from
enemy monster attacks.

POISON: Touching this will decrease your health meter by a fixed
amount. Try to steer clear of it like the plague.


Every time you enter into a town, you will be able to visit the
shops that are scattered about. Below is a description of the
characteristics that portray each place in town:

PALACE: This is the place where the King resides in the town of Eilos.
This also the place where the King gives you Golds, and where the
journey begins.

GURU'S CHURCH/SHRINE: A place where you can save your progress via
mantra (password) and where a new Title Rank can also be granted.

GYMNASIUM #1 (Eilos): A martial arts dojo which will teach you in
weapon usage. Training here will also restore most of your health

GYMNASIUM #2 (Eilos): A magic dojo which will enlighten you in magic
usage. Enlightenment will also restore most of your mana pool.

SALOON (Wine Bottle): A place where you can talk to the local
townspeople in order to learn important information.

HOSPITAL (Medical Cross): For a small fee, the doctor will offer you a
treatment here which will fully restore both your magic pool and health

HOUSES (Cabin Sign): A good place to gain the latest gossip from the
local townspeople as well.

HARDWARE STORE (Shield/Sword): A tool shop where you can buy and sell
weapons, shield, items, etc.

FOOD SHOP (Bread/Meat): When you eat the dried meat bought here, you
magic pool and health meter will be restored by approximately 40%.

KEY SHOP (Key): Here, you can but and sell special keys that will be
needed to unlock those specially marked doors.


Throughout the World Tree of Faxanadu, you will have to battle
thorough many crazed and disturbed monsters that are under the Evil
One's influence. To make matters worse, they are all intent to impede
your quest for peace and prosperity. Some enemy monsters will leave
food when defeated while others will leave Golds. However, disposing of
any monster will yield valuable experience points. Here is a breakdown
of every enemy monster that appears in the World Tree and the amount of
experience and gold/food that they leave you when it is defeated.

SKULL HEAD: This is the first monster that you get to sink your blade
into. Its attack is that it will do a triple jump attack into you.
Nail it when it lands.
EXPERIENCE: 20pts. GOLDS: 59g.

SPIKED CRAWLER: This creature will spin around towards you and try to
poke you. Either use Deluge to defeat them in the early going or simply
jump over them.
EXPERIENCE: 30pts. FOOD: 5% health increase

ZOMBIE: This monster is blue colored and will simply try to walk into
you. They are basically just walking around aimlessly.

HUMAN GARGOYLE: This creature will run around back and forth. If you
approach it, it will try to jump over you and run you over from behind
you. When you walk toward him, he will leap over you. Turn around and
attack with your blade. When it hops over you again, repeat this
process to defeat it.
EXPERIENCE: 55pts. GOLDS: 100g.

FROGMAN: The frogman will actually be able to leap higher than the
Gargoyle can. They will float in the air a little bit longer too. Use
the same tactics as you did with the Human Gargoyle but the timing of
your attack is a tad slower.
EXPERIENCE: 33pts. GOLDS: 100g.

DWARF (sub-boss): This enemy is quite huge and will usually fly around.
When it lands, it will usually flap it's wings together to project five
fireballs at you in succession. Your best bet with this enemy monster
is to use magic at a safe distance until you get a decent sword and
shield later on in the game.
EXPERIENCE: 90pts. GOLDS: 720g.

DEATH ANGEL: This little pest will fly around in a pre-determined
pattern and will try to slice you with a sickle that this entity
carries. Simply discover the pattern and strike when they stop in
EXPERIENCE: 25pts. FOOD: 5% health increase

ASIAN ZOMBIE: Like their Zombie counterparts, they pretty much walk
around aimlessly and try to walk into you. Also, they wear the hat that
Raiden of Mortal Kombat made famous.
EXPERIENCE: 26pts. FOOD: 5% health increase

WHITE MAGE: This enemy will take a couple of step towards you and will
then try to take you out by projecting a deluge fireball at you. Try to
take them out as quickly as possible.
EXPERIENCE: 65pts. GOLDS: 115g.

HORNETS: These insects will fly around in a strange pattern but are not
as precise as Dark Angels. They sting you hard and fast. Eventually,
(pardon the pun) they will make a b-line towards you. Take this
opportunity to strike.
EXPERIENCE: 25pts. GOLDS: 53g.

WHITE COBRA (sub-boss): This deadly snake is twice the size of you.
Its only weakness is that big cobra head. just don't let the cobra get
close and continually target the head to defeat it by jump striking.
EXPERIENCE: 75pts. GOLDS: 224g.

ROCK VAULTER: This creature uses a devise that drops rocks down from
above. It is best to avoid the rocks and try to move past it by going
underneath of it. The best way to attack him is to get behind him.
Otherwise, avoid the rocks at all costs. It should be known that only
magic attacks will defeat him.

DWARF KNIGHTS: This monster carries a shield and a sword and is the
same size as you. Basically, they will walk up to you with no fear and
lounge at you. To destroy this monster, simply stand still and attack
with your sword. If you move while striking, he will hit you more times
than not.
EXPERIENCE: 58pts. GOLDS: 150g.

DRAGON SERPENTS: These dragons will be there as a nuisance to block
your path. They will just hover up and down. Walk up to them and poke
them a couple of times.
EXPERIENCE: 35pts. FOOD: 10% health increase

QUADAPUS: This four legged creature is two times the size of you and
striking at its long legs is no good. Instead, the head is the only
sure shot. Keep knocking this creature back with jumping sword attacks
so you don't get trampled.
EXPERIENCE: 120pts. GOLD: 480g.

VOODOO MAGES: These pesky humans should be disposed off as soon as they
are seen! They will bang their charms and the screen will flash causing
damage to you. They are just about the strongest magic users in the
game and the only way to defend against their curse magic is to kill
EXPERIENCE: 13pts. GOLDS: 100g.

DARK MAGE: This magic user can appear anywhere on the screen and will
launch a smaller version of death magic at you. When and if he appears
in front of you, let him have it with the blade of your sword.
EXPERIENCE: 62pts. GOLDS: 200g.

BLUE ANGELS: They like to fly around like Hornets and will try to bump
into you. Swing away with your sword attack to bring them down.
EXPERIENCE: 35pts. GOLDS: 56g.

FLYING SQUID: Why these creatures have a Merlin looking hat on, I'll
never know but they move horizontally back and forth and slow down from
time to time. Stand in one place and strike when they get close.
EXPERIENCE: 30pts. FOOD: 15% health increase

CRYSTAL BALL SEAL: Definitely one of the weirdest monsters in the game.
This magical creature has a crystal ball for a head and a Merlin hat for
a body. An excellent source of food. They will slink towards you.
When they get close, let them have it with your sword attack.
EXPERIENCE: 30pts. FOOD: 15% health increase

HORNET SWARMS: These insects attack you by swooping down and triple
stinging you. There is really nothing you can do but swing away with
your sword attack until they are defeated. They usually like to attack
when you are on a ladder.
EXPERIENCE: 29pts. GOLDS: 115g.

FEMALE MAGES: The humans will walk right up to you in an evening gown
type attire and cast a smaller version of death magic against you. Just
block their death projectile and swing away with your sword.
EXPERIENCE: 10pts. GOLDS: 120g.

TAURUS: This monster is half man, half bull. The Taurus will just
stand there waiting for you to approach. When you do, the Taurus will
try to spear you by charging at you. When it does, spear the bull
instead, Ole!
EXPERIENCE: 45pts. GOLDS: 90g.

HAWK MAN: This creature is half man, have hawk. It will wait for you
to get close and will jump the whole length of the screen vertically to
escape. When it lands, attack and conquer.
EXPERIENCE: 35pts. GOLDS: 56g.

GLADIATORS: These warriors are well armored and swing around a ball and
mace. They will usually try to jump at you in order to smack you upside
the head. To dispose of this threat, try to use your sword while
hopping at them, or wait patiently to attack them when they land from
their hop.
EXPERIENCE: 84pts. GOLDS: 180g.

VOODOO MASK WARRIORS: These monsters sport a cool looking tribal mask
and are not afraid to take a run at you. To defeat them, simply stand
in place and attack so that they will run right into your sword.
EXPERIENCE: 40pts. GOLDS: 78g.

RIOT GUARD: This heavily armored skeleton will simply walk up to you
with his shield to protect it and a spear pointed at you like a joust.
To defeat it, stand in place and attack with your sword when it comes
into range.
EXPERIENCE: 49pts. GOLDS: 190g.

BONE DEMON DOG (sub-boss): This monster is a pretty cool monster to
look at. His basic attack is to jump back and forth over you. Also, he
will try to crush you when he lands. To defeat it, let him jump over
you and when he lands, use your sword attack. Timing is everything.
EXPERIENCE: 158pts. GOLDS: 440g.

DUCKMAN: This creature waddles around and jump attacks you with its
beak. To dispose of this monster, use you sword strike when the enemy
gets in close.
EXPERIENCE: 48pts. GOLDS: 128g.

TIKI STATUE: This one-eyed freak with huge choppers will appear out of
nowhere by burrowing above ground. So watch where you tread. A couple
of sword attacks will do the trick.
EXPERIENCE: 15pts. GOLDS: 120g.

CROCODILE MAN: This croc will move their head back and forth a lot. Be
careful, if you get too close to them, they will charge you and take a
bite out of your behind. When they decide to take a run at you, sword
attack them and they will be the hunted.
EXPERIENCE: 58pts. GOLDS: 98g.

DEATH NEST (sub-boss): this fowl monster is usually attached to the
ceiling and will emit usually three white ghosts at a time to attack
you. This monster is best to run from but if you must kill it then go
right ahead. Use your Tilte Magic to dispose of the nest.
EXPERIENCE: 84pts. GOLDS: 512g.

KING DWARF: This monster is huge and has twice the wing span of a
normal Dwarf. He will fly real high, but when he lands, attack him with
your sword once. Then brace yourself for a fury of rapid fireballs.
One of the most powerful monsters in the game.
ITEM GIVEN: Dragon Slayer Sword



EOLIS: Home Sweet Home?

HERO: "I've been on a long journey. I came back to my home town to
find it is almost deserted. The gate is closed, people are gone, and
the walls are crumbling. I wonder what happened?"

After a short cut scene, Walk to the right and hit up to go through
the door to enter the town of Eolis. When you are in town, talk to the
first guy that you see and he will tell you to see the king immediately
even though you have just arrived. Now, walk past two doors to the left
and speak to the woman who is pacing about outside of the Church. She
will instruct you to see the Guru before you speak to the King. Then,
enter through the door into the Church to see the Guru and speak to him.
He will give you the ELF RING which will identify you as a citizen of

Exit the Church and continue walking to the left. Then, jump over
the two Spiked Crawlers and continue to the left. There will be a total
of four to jump over. Finally, when you see the guard outside of the
castle, talk to him and he will state that the King is waiting for you
inside. Enter the castle by using the door. Go to the left and speak
with the King. He will state that disaster has befallen us. The Elf
fountain water, which is our life source has stopped. You are the last
hope. then, he will provide you with 1500 Golds to begin your long and
dangerous journey with. Exit the castle and walk to the right to where
you must visit the Shops.

The first shop that you will come to is the Martial Arts Dojo. For
200 Golds, you will be taught how to fight. If you decide to take him
up on the offer, your health meter will be replenished by 70%. The next
shop to the right will be the Magic Dojo. For 200 Golds, you will be
taught how to use magic. If you decide to take him up on the offer,
your magic pool will be replenished by about 70%. Then, walk to the
right and hop over the four Spiked Crawlers. If you talk to the man
outside smoking a pipe, he will ask if you have a weapon for fighting.
This is your next task.

Enter the next door to the right and you will be in the Hardware
Store. Talk to the Tool Man and this is what you will be able to
purchase in the town of Eolis:

Hand Dagger 400
Red Potion 160
Elixir 320
Deluge (Magic) 400

You definitely want to buy the hand Dagger for a weapon and the
Deluge for magic usage. Do not forget to equip them when you exit the
store. Also, you will want to pick up an Elixir as well. This will
leave you with 380 Golds. Exit this store and proceed to the right, to
the door to the right. Enter the Key Shop and talk to the Locksmith.
These are the types of Keys that you will be able to buy in Eolis:

Key J(ack) 100

You definitely want to purchase one of these because you will need
it to exit town. Finally, walk to the right and walk by the Church and
enter the shop to the right. In this final shop, which is the Food
Shop, the butcher will sell Dried Meat to bring energy for 50 Golds. Do
this three times to fully replenish your health and magic pool. Each
time you eat, both your health meter and magic pool will be restored by
approximately 40%. Cheaper then the dojos! This should leave you with
130 Golds. Now, you are prepared to proceed on this journey.

Talk to the citizen of Eolis which is walking to the right and he
will tell you to go straight ahead and you'll find the town of Apolune.
Continue to the right and take out the Skull Head who is guarding the
door. Then, take the Jack Key out of you inventory and use it on the
door to exit the town of Eolis.


When you leave the town of Eolis, you will have to fend off a Skull
Head. Continue to the right. Next up are two Skull Heads. One is
lurking on the ground and one will hop down to join the fight. Defeat
them and continue to the right. Then, you will have to defend against
two Spiked Crawlers and one Skull Head will join the fray. Use your
magic attack of Deluge against the Spiked Crawlers and dagger attack
against the Skull Head. Now, continue on to the right. Lastly, you
will have to defeat a Spiked Crawler and another Skull Head. After
destroying them, make your way up by climbing up the six ladders to the
right and head on up.

When you arrive at the top of the mountain, the Skull Head will
usually jump off the cliff to the left leaving you with a Spiked Crawler
to contend with. Use Deluge Magic and be done with it. Then, continue
to the right. On this stage, you will have to destroy two more Skull
Heads. Take them out and move on. Now, you will meet Zombies that are
moping around. Use your dagger attack on the Zombie on the ground and
climb up the ladder to defeat the other Zombie. Then, you may enter the
Hardware Shop on the outskirts of Apolune to the left.

Talk to the Tool Man and he'll show you what you can purchase. You
will not be able to afford these items this early in the game but they
are very useful. We will come back to this shop a little later, so
remember where it is at. Here is what you'll be able to buy later:

Magic Shield 7600
Death (Magic) 12500

When you exit this shop, you will have to fend off that Zombie
again. Continue to the right. Here, you will have to kill one more
Zombie and one more Spiked Crawler. After defeating them, head right
through the arced gate and you will enter the town of Apolune.


When you first enter Apolune, talk to the woman that is pacing back
and forth. She will state that there are Dwarfs all over in the Tower
of Trunk. Go out of town, turn right and go straight, then you'll find
the Tower of Trunk. This is your next destination but shop around the
town first.

You should first stop in the Hardware Store. Talk to the Tool Man
is he'll show you what you will be able to buy in Apolune:

Small Shield 800
Hand Dagger 500
Deluge (Magic) 500
Red Potion 300

You definitely want to purchase the Small Shield and a couple of
Red Potions. If you do not have enough Golds, then kill more monsters
before proceeding. When you buy the Small Shield, do not forget to
equip it. Otherwise, it is useless. Then, enter the Key Shop to the
right and talk to the Locksmith. These are the Keys that you will be
able to purchase in Apolune:

Key J(ack) 140

You definitely want to purchase a Jack Key because you will need it
to open the door that leads into the Tower of Trunk. The next door to
the right is the Saloon. Talk to the townspeople to learn more about
your next quest. Exit the Saloon and go into the Church to the right if
you have gained enough experience for a new Title Rank. The Guru will
give you a new Title Rank the first time you talk to him. If you talk
to him again, he will give you a mantra (password). After writing down
the password, exit and head to the Hospital to the right.

After entering the Hospital, talk to the nurse and the doctor. The
doctor will ask if you need a treatment. It is 250 Golds. If you
accept to get a treatment, your health meter and magic pool will be
fully recharged. Exit the Hospital and go through the door to the right
and talk to more townspeople. They will give you more information about
your next quest. When you are ready to proceed and have all the items
described above, exit the town to the right.


When you head out to the right, you will have to defeat a Zombie on
the ground and also the Skull Head that jumps in. Proceed to the right
where you will have to kill off two more Skull Heads. Then continue to
the right where a Skull Head and a Spiked Crawler will try to stop your
progress. Finally, when you head to the right, you will have to take
out another Skull Head and another Spiked Crawler. Here is also where
the Tower of Trunk resides. Take out the Jack Key from your item
inventory and use it to enter the Tower of Trunk.


Now that you are in the Tower of Trunk, a Skull Head is there to
welcome you and two Spiked Crawlers are on the top ledges. Take out the
Skull Head and move on to the right. Then, you will have to fend off
another jumping Skull Head. There is a ladder if you want to take out
the two Spiked Crawlers. Otherwise, proceed to the right. Then, defeat
another Skull Head and then head up the ladder which is to the right.
Use your Deluge Magic on the unsuspecting Spiked Crawler and hop across
the gaps to the next ladder on the left. Climb up this ladder.

Here, there will be a Human Gargoyle running back and forth. Jump
down and hit him with your dagger attack each time he lands. Then move
forward to the right where there is another Human Gargoyle to play with.
Keep going to the right and get ready to battle on more Human Gargoyle.
Next, climb up the ladder to the right and take out the Spiked Crawler
with your Deluge Magic. Then climb up the ladder to the next floor.

When you reach this floor, there will be two Spiked Crawlers (one
straight ahead, one above you) and a Frogman to squash. Take out the
Spiked Crawler with a jumping dagger attack and stand where it used to
be. Then, as the Frogman jumps towards you, thrust at it with your
dagger. Finally, proceed to the right. This scene is kinda set up like
the last one but the Spiked Crawlers are on the floor. Defeat them
first and then squash the Frogman to move on to fight with the first
sub-boss, the Dwarf.

DWARF BATTLE: This monster is real easy to defeat. He will fly real
high and then swoop down low to fire off five fireballs at you from his
mouth in one second bursts. However, they will never touch you. Stand
on the top ledge on the bottom, pretty much where you walked in and fire
off 13 shots of your Deluge Magic to get the job done. When the Dwarf
is defeated, it will leave you with the MATTOCK.

Now, head back the way you came, battling monsters along the way
and go into the town of Apolune. Talk to the Guru to obtain a new title
and also get a mantra while you are there. Do not forget to write down
the password. Your next quest is a side quest to obtain the Magic
Shield and learn the power of Death Magic.


This process will probably take you about an hour to accomplish but
it will make the game a heck of a lot easier. After getting the Guru's
mantra, take a couple of Red potions and a Jack Key with you. Re-enter
the Tower of Trunk and head back up to where those two Human Gargoyles
are lurking. Keep fighting them by going back and forth between those
two screens until you have saved up 7500 Golds. For each Human Gargoyle
killed, you will received a 100 Golds. Then head back to the shop that
is on the outskirts of Apolune. Purchase the Magic Shield from the
Toolman and equip it. Then, save your progress with the Guru's mantra
at the Church in Apolune. Write down the password and then hit reset on
your Nintendo.

Now, use the Continue option and enter the password that the Guru
just gave you. You should have anywhere from 1200 Golds to 3500 Golds
when you return depending on your Title Rank! Then repeat the same
process described above until you have saved up 12500 Golds. Then head
back to the outskirts of Apolune and enter that Hardware Shop again.
Purchase the Death Magic from the Toolman and equip it at your leisure.
Now you have the most powerful shield in the game and the second most
potent magic in the game! Basically, you want to save Death Magic for
those big monsters like Dwarfs because it depletes your mana pool meter
about 15% for each usage. Finally, save your progress with the Guru's
mantra at the Church in Apolune. Write down the password and hit reset
on the Nintendo. Then use the Continue option and enter the password
that the Guru just gave you. Now you are ready to continue on your
dangerous journey!


Exit Apolune and walk to the right and kill any monster that dares
to cross your path. When you get to the Tower of Trunk, continue your
quest by walking to the right. Now, you will see a man-made wall. Take
the Mattock out of your inventory and bring down the wall crumbling
down. Then climb the ladder and then descend down the ladder to the
right and dagger attack the two hopping Skull Heads. Next, climb the
ladder to the right and hop on the ladder above you that leads up
to...the next floor where you will have to defeat another Skull Head.

The progress to the right, where you will have to contend with a
Skull Head and two Death Angels. First, take down the hopping Skull.
Then, wait for the Death Angels to stop. When they do for the brief
second, attack and conquer. Now, climb up the ladder to the right and
then jump across the gap to the left. When you walk to the left, you
will have to take out an Asian Zombie. When you are finished with the
Zombie, hop to the left and climb up the ladder to fight...another Asian

Notice on this screen that there is a GLOVE in the left hand
corner. We are going to go retrieve it. Crush the Asian Zombie and
walk to the right. Then quickly climb up the ladder and make your way
to the left. A White Mage will fire off a Deluge Shot at you but it
won't reach you in time. Now, all that you have to do is to hop across
the gaps to the left. Before you hop on the ledge with the Spiked
Crawler, take it out with your Deluge Magic. Then hop across and touch
the GLOVE, which grants your more offensive power! Next, head to the
right and take out that White Mage. If he fires of a Deluge shot,
simply block it with your Magic Shield. After, you take down the White
Mage, walk to the right where you will have to do battle with another
White Mage and a Dark Angel. After the area is cleared, walk through
the arches to the right and enter the town of Forepaw.


When you first enter Forepaw, talk to the woman who is pacing back
and forth and she will acknowledge that you are in the town of Forepaw.
The first shop that you could enter to the right is the Food Shop. The
Butcher will off to sell you Dried Meat to bring energy for 150 Golds.
I leave it up to you whether to eat or not.

The shop to the right is the Hardware Store. Talk to the Toolman
and this is what you will be able to purchase in the town of Forepaw:

Long Sword 1600
Studded Mail 2500
Small Shield 1100
Red Potion 400
Wing Boots 2800

You definitely want to purchase a Long Sword, the Studded Mail, and
the Wing Boots. the Long Sword will give you a better reach when
attacking monsters. The Studded Mail will give you better resistance
against physical attacks. You will find a pair of Wing Boots a little
later on but you will need the pair you just bought much sooner. If you
have the Magic Shield, then there is no need to buy the Small Shield.
Finally, take the time to buy at least two Red Potions and do not forget
to equip the Studded Mail and the Long Sword when you exit the Hardware
Store. Then walk into the Church to the right and obtain a new Title
Rank and/or a mantra. Write it down and continue the quest.

Your next quest will be revealed when you talk to the townsman that
is pacing to the right. He will state that the water from 3 Springs
flows into the fountain. You must find them and return the water to the
fountain. The Hospital is to the right of the Church and it will cost
you 500 Golds if you need a treatment. Also, speak with the nurse in
the hospital and she will reveal more information about your next quest.
If you enter the next house, the townsman will reveal a possible
location of one of the springs.

Finally, enter the Key Shop to the right and talk to the Locksmith.
These are the Keys that you will be able to purchase in Forepaw:

Key J(ack) 200
Key Q(ueen) 500

You will need to buy one of each type of Key. Finally, before
setting out, you should have two keys, a pair of Wing Boots, and at
least two Red Potions. Now you can proceed to the right. Onward to
restore the three springs!


Head out of town and stand above the ladder. When the Death Angel
flies by, immediately use your sword. The other two will stop for a
split second then move again. If you've managed to get all three in
succession, an OINTMENT will appear above you. Now head up the ladder
to the right by jumping to it and sang the OINTMENT to the left. You
will not take any damage for a short period of time. The, climb up the
ladder and watch out for the Death Angel that swoops down. After
disposing of it, jump up to the ladder to the right and climb. Usually,
the White Mage walks of the ledge to the left. jump across the left and
make quick work of the White Mage. Then hop across to the next ledge to
the left and walk left. This is the entrance into the Tower of
Fortress. Use you Jack Key to gain access to the tower.


This tower is where the first Spring is located. When you first
enter the tower, you will have to defeat two Frogmen. Then move forward
to the right. Here, you will have to contend with a White Mage. Onward
to the right. Now, you will have to battle two White Mages who will
start above you but will usually jump down to attack you. Finish them
off and continue to the right. Then, you can sword strike the Asian
Zombie on the ground, climb the ladder, and use your sword attack to
take out the two Spiked Crawlers instead of using your Deluge Magic!
Then jump to the next ledge to the left and walk left. Stick it to the
two White Mages to knock them down a level and hop across the gap.
Finally, climb up the ladder to next floor.

When you arrive up here, a Human Gargoyle will want to play with
you. Proceed to the right after defeating it. Jump sword strike to
conquer another Human Gargoyle and proceed to the right. Do the same
thing to the next Human Gargoyle and attack the White Mage when it jumps
down. You can either climb up the ladder or go to the right. This is
where the path splits. You will have to return here after retrieving
the Elixir. Now go up the ladder and walk to the left. Smack around
the White Mage with your sword attack and climb the ladder upstairs.

When you arrive on this floor, take out the Human Gargoyle and the
White Mage. Then, climb the ladder and walk left. You will have to
defend against the Human Gargoyle on top but leave the one on the bottom
alone. Besides, he is only guarding POISON. Now hop the small gap to
the left and climb up the ladder. When you get to the top, hop the
small ledge immediately to the right. There will be two Hornet to
dispose of and a White Cobra. Remember, the White Cobra's only weakness
is it's big head! After disposing of these three formidable monsters,
climb the ladder to the right and proceed forward. That music you hear
means that this is a sub-boss battle against the Rock Vaulter.

ROCK VAULTER BATTLE: immediately get across to the right side to avoid
the falling rocks and walk right. Then hop up and climb the ladder and
grab the Elixir. Now equip your Death Magic and inch your way to the
left. You should appear behind the Rock Vaulter. One shot of your
Death Magic will instantly kill this monster. As a bonus, he will leave
you a pair of Wing Boots. Pick them up and then back track to where the
path splits. Remember, where you could go right or up the ladder? In
case you do not remember, go left, down the ladder, right, down the
ladder, right, and here we are!

I hope you've made it in one piece. From here, defeat the White
Mage and Human Gargoyle. Then proceed to the right. You will have to
destroy a White Mage on the ground level and a Human Gargoyle that jumps
down. Climb the ladder to the right, walk left, hop over the gap, and
climb another ladder to the left. Here, you will have to fend off two
more human Gargoyles but there is a gap between you and them. Use your
Deluge Magic to clear the path, hop over the gap, and then climb the
ladder to the right.

When you reach the top, you will see the Guru that is standing next
to the Spring. Walk to the left because he is above you. When you see
this screen, there will be three Hornets to defeat. After defeating
them, climb the ladder and hop the stair stones to the right. Then,
talk to the Guru to the right who is standing by the Spring. He will
ask you for an Elixir to revive the Spring of Trunk. Give him the
Elixir and it will be done. One down, two to go!

From here, go left, down the ladder, right, down the ladder to the
right, and then walk left. Take out the White Mage and Human Gargoyle
that reside here. Then, proceed to the left. You will have to battle
with another Human Gargoyle and continue to the left. You will have to
destroy yet another Human Gargoyle. After killing it, climb up the
ladder and defeat the Asian Zombie. then, hop the gap to the left and
continue left. Prepare to take on a big bad Dwarf or so he thinks!
However, this time only three direct hits from your Death Magic will
bring down this threat. Or you can wait until he makes his way under
the ledge and hop over him to continue to the left. Do the latter of
the two if your magic pool meter is low. Here, you will see three
Hornets flying around. Ignore them and talk to the Guru by entering the
shrine. The Guru will advise you to go below the blue sky and you will
find a spring in the sky. Exit the shrine and take the ladder down to
the left. Do not touch the poison to the left and walk off the ledge to
the right and exit the Tower of Fortress.

Now it is imperative that you head back to town to save your
progress by see the Guru in Forepaw. Also, purchase about three Red
Potions in the Hardware Store and see the doctor in the Hospital for a
treatment if needed. Finally, you will need to buy another Jack Key
from the Locksmith at the Key Shop. You will need this key to get back
into the Tower of Fortress later on. Did you write down the Guru's
mantra and maybe get a Title Rank change? Excellent, time to find the
second Spring.


Exit the city of Forepaw to the right and climb down the ladder to
the right. When you hit the ground, walk to the left and avoid the Dark
Angel. Then, sword strike the White Mage to the left and descend the
ladder to deal with the Frogman hopping around. Continue to the right.
Here, you will have to deal with a White Mage and a Dark Angel
fluttering around. You cannot enter the Tower of Undiscovered Spring
yet because you do not possess the Joker Key yet. Continue to the right
and defeat two more Frogmen. Now is the time to use one of the two Wing
Boots that you have acquired in your inventory.

Fly upwards straight up to the next screen. Dark Angels will try
to clip you as you fly towards the opening upwards. Dodge them as best
you can. Then fly over the White Mage to the right and continue to fly
upwards. Do you see where the Guru is standing? Good, land on the
Spring to the left of him and speak to the Guru. He will bring the
Spring back to life for you. Talk to him again and he will tell you to
obtain the Joker Key from the Guru in the Tower of Fortress. After
that, you can search for the Undiscovered Spring. Two down, one two go!

Now, head back to the town of Forepaw and seek treatment if needed.
Also, it is good to obtain a mantra from the Guru and stock up on a
couple of Red Potions if needed. Make sure you have a Jack Key in your
inventory before setting out to revisit the Tower of Fortress.


Head out from town to the right and head back up to the Tower of
Fortress. You will need the Jack Key to get back in. When in the
tower, here is a quick reference on how to get back to the Guru. Walk
right, right, right, climb up the ladder, hop across the gap to the left
and then walk left. Next, hop across the gap and climb the ladder up,
climb the next ladder and hop the gap left and walk left, hop over the
Dwarf and proceed left. Here, you shall find the Guru's shrine again.

Enter the shrine and talk to the Guru to the left. He will present
you with the Joker Key to open the Tower below the sky. Now exit the
Tower of Fortress and make you way down to the Tower of Undiscovered
Spring. This tower houses the first spring. Then use the Joker Key to
gain access.


When you enter this tower, you will have to fend off a Dwarf from
the get go. Three direct hits from your Death Magic is all that is
needed to stop this threat. Just stay away from the door when you are
casting your Death Magic or you might exit through the door. that would
be bad because then you would have to see the Guru in the Tower of
Fortress again for another Joker Key. When you have defeated the Dwarf,
proceed to the right and talk to the Guru and he will revive the
legendary first spring. Speak with him again and he will give you the
RUBY RING, which will enable you to push the Rock away from the Fountain
below the entrance to the Tower of Fortress. You will have to fight the
Dwarf one more time before exiting the Tower of Undiscovered Spring.

Now head back to the town of Forepaw for the last time and get a
treatment from the doctor in the Hospital. Also, talking to the Nurse
will reveal how to find the path to the Misty town of Mascon. Do not
forget to obtain a mantra from the Guru in the Church. Lastly, maintain
at least two Red Potions in your inventory. Now you are prepared to set
out for the town of Mascon. Move on out to the right.


Walk right and stand where the ladder is. When the Dark Angels
come into striking distance, sword strike away. Then climb the ladder
to the left and hop onto the ladder to the left and hop onto the ladder
above it and climb. Next, take out the Dark Angel and the White Mage
that hops down to join the fight and then walk to the left. Defeat the
two White Mages and then walk to the left. Jump on the fountain in the
middle of the screen that is now bursting with water and push against
the rock. When it is moved, it will reveal a ladder to the left. Climb
the ladder and use the Queen Key in your inventory to open the door to
the path to Mascon.

When you enter this part of the game, it will be a little bit hard
to see anything because of all the mist. Here, you will have to contend
with two Hornets and a White Mage. After disposing of them, continue to
the left. Then, you will have to defeat two more Hornets and another
White Mage. Next, climb the ladder to the left and climb up the next
ladder to the left as well. When you arrive upstairs, you will have to
defend against a Dwarf Knight and a Hornet. After killing them,
continue to the right and prepare to smash another Dwarf Knight and two
more Hornets. Proceed to the right. Next up, you will have to destroy
two more Hornets and another Dwarf Knight. Finally, hop on the ladder
and climb, then jump over the purple wall to the right and climb down
the ladder to enter the town of Mascon.


If you talk to the citizen who is pacing, he will inform you that
this is the misty town of Mascon. Enter the Saloon to the left and talk
to the townspeople inside. The female will speak of stores in
inconvenient locations. You have already found the most important one.
The guy will speak of the meteorite and the poisoning of the water.
Exit this Saloon and proceed to the right. The next shop you could
enter is the Food Shop. The Butcher will offer to sell you Dried Meat
to bring energy for 180 Golds. I leave it up to you whether to eat or

The next shop to the right is the Hardware Store. Talk to the
Toolman and this is what you will be able to purchase in Mascon:

Large Shield 3500
Thunder (Magic) 1200
Mattock 800
Red Potion 600

You definitely want to buy the Thunder Magic just to have in your
inventory. Also, make sure you have at least two Red Potions in your
inventory before proceeding. It is more wise to take along four Red
Potions just in case because there is no Guru in this town. The next
shop that you should enter is the Key Shop and talk to the Locksmith.
These are the Key that you will be able to purchase in Mascon:

Key J(ack) 500
Key Q(ueen) 600

You definitely need to pick up a Queen Key to enter the Tower of
Suffer later on in your quest. Now exit to the right. Enter the
townhouse and talk to the townspeople. The female will give you a
little history of this town. The man will inform you that the meteorite
is being worshipped at the Tower of Suffer which is located above a
Guru. Lastly, the last place to visit is the Hospital. If you need
treatment, it will cost you a 1000 Golds here. Also, the Nurse gives
you information about the item HOUR GLASS>

Now, the next part of the game is completely optional. I call it
the Tower of Unlimited Red Potions. You will need an extra Queen Key if
you want to enter this tower. Otherwise if you want to continue the
Quest, skip down to THE ROAD TO THE TOWER OF SUFFER.


Head out of town to the left and climb the ladder. Then hop over
the Dwarf Knight to the left and sword attack him. Ground the two
Hornets flying about. Then, climb the ladder and hop to the ladder to
the right. Climb on up. When you reach the top, you will find two more
Hornets and a dragon Serpent to kick around. make you way to the left
by jumping over the gap. Eliminate two more Dragon Serpents and make
your way to the left. Finally, make sure you destroy the Dragon Serpent
and the two Hornets before jumping across the two gaps. The second gap
is to the right of the door. Take out the Queen Key from your inventory
and get ready for a small challenge. Enter into the Tower of Unlimited
Red Potions.

There will be a Dwarf Knight to the left and a Voodoo Mage at the
top of the screen. Defeat the Dwarf Knight quickly and walk to the
left. The Voodoo Mage will cast her magic every couple of seconds.
Then climb the ladders up and quickly go right. Keep walking to the
right, climb the ladder and take down the Voodoo Mage. Then have a Red
Potion handy. If your health drops below 90%, use it! Continue to the
left. Hop to the ledge and jump down to combat the Voodoo Mage and the
Dwarf Knight. Then, climb the two ladders to the left and walk left.
Now all that you got to do is jump across four ledges and jump back
after grabbing the Red Potion. Then walk right and then walk left again
and it will reappear. the only catch is that if you miss the jumps, you
will have to battle a Quadapus.

When you have gotten your fill of Red Potions, make your way back
to the town of Mascon and heal up at the Hospital. You might have to
use one of those red Potions along the way back but hey, you've got
plenty now! Onward to the Tower of Suffer.


Make your way out of the town of Mascon to the right and climb up
the ladder. There will be three hornets to deal with. When you are
finished with these insects, climb down the ladder to the right. When
you make your way to the bottom, you will have to bop your way through
two Hornets and a White Mage. Then continue your progress to the right.
Here, you will have to defeat a Dwarf Knight and two Blue Angels.
Continue to the right. You will have to walk two more screens by
battling this same hoard of enemies. Continue to the right. Here, you
will see two Dwarf Knight and a Townhouse. Defeat the first Dwarf
Knight and climb up the ladder. Then, hop the small gap and climb down
the ladder to the right and battle the other Dwarf. Then enter the
Townhouse Building.

Next, speak with the female of the house and she will give you
information about the Dwarfs and the meteorite. then, talk to the man
of the house. He will state that you will get to the Tower of Suffer
soon, so you are on the right track.

Exit the Townhouse and face-off with the Dwarf Knight again. Then,
climb the ladder to the right and jump across the two gaps to the left
to reach the ladder in the top left corner. Climb this ladder to the
top and take out the Dwarf Knight and the two Blue Angels that await
you. Continue to the right. Now, you will have to contend with a Dwarf
Knight and two Blue Angels at the top. Climb the ladder to the right
and hop across the three gaps to the left and jump to climb up the next

When you get to the top of the ladder, wait a few seconds and a
Dwarf Knight will fall into the gap. Then hop across the first gap and
jump across the gap to the right. Do not worry about the White Mage.
Continue to the right. You will come to a huge castle with three doors.
Defeat the two Dwarf Knights and enter into the Guru's shrine which is
in the middle door. The doors on the left and the right are shops that
were overrun by monsters.

Enter the Guru's Shrine and talk to the Guru who will meditate with
you. He will give you a mantra that will help you save your progress.
Write it down and exit the Shrine. You will have to battle those two
Dwarf Knights again. Then hop on the ladder to the right, climb it and
then jump three gaps to the left. Continue your progress and hop across
three gaps to the left. The White Mage and Dwarf Knight will usually
walk into the gaps! Then climb the ladder to the left up. When you
reach the top, you will have to battle two Blue Angels and a dragon
Serpent. Do not forget to hop the little gap to the right before
knocking on the Town of Suffer's door. Then, take out the Queen Key and
open the door to enter the Tower of Suffer.


When you enter this tower, you will have to battle a Frogman on the
ground and two Human Gargoyles that join the battle from the top. After
defeating all three monsters, climb the ladder to the right all the way
up. Then you will appear next to a wall to the left. Walk right.
Next, you will have to fend off two Frogmen that will be hopping around.
Move on after conquering and climb the ladder to the right up and then
walk left to climb up the next ladder.

When you make your way to the top, a Dwarf Knight will try to do
you in. Defeat this monster and continue to the right. Ignore the
White Mage or kill it if you wish to. Then, you will have to take on a
Quadapus and a Dwarf Knight that jumps down from the top. When all is
clear, move on to the right. Dispose of the Quadapus and continue to
the right. The two Dwarf Knights are of no concern to you here. Then,
you will have to defeat a Quadapus and a Dwarf Knight will jump in.
When all has been resolved, climb the ladder to the left and hop over
the gap to the left. Continue walking left. Here, you will have to
make mince meat out of two Dwarf Knights. then, continue traveling to
the left. The Dwarf Knight will usually fall through the gap which you
have to leap across. Then, climb the ladder to the left. Equip Death
Magic before going up through.

Now, you will face-off against a Dwarf Knight and he is guarding
something good. Three direct hits with your Death Magic will flatten
the fiend. If you run out of magic, attack with your sword when it
lands from being up in the air, and block its magic attacks with your
Magic Shield. When the Dwarf has been defeated, proceed to the right.
You will have to fight one more Dwarf. This would be a good time to use
a Red Potion if your health is below 80%. When you have successfully
defeated this Dwarf, the PENDANT will appear. Grab it and now your
offensive sword attacks will become stronger. Now you have the escape
the Tower! Go left and run past the Dwarf Knight and take the ladder

Then, walk to the left to avoid the Dwarf Knight. Wait a second
and let the White Mage walk under you. Next, jump to the left and hop
to the left. Immediately walk right and descend the ladder. Drop down
to the ground and walk to the left. Climb the ladder down and walk to
the right. Defeat the Frogman and descend the ladder and proceed left.
The descend on the ladder. Finally, defeat the three monsters that you
met in the beginning of the tower and exit through the door in the
bottom left.

From here, defeat the monsters and go down the ladder to the left.
Then, take out the White Mage and jump across three gaps to the right.
Continue to the right and defeat the Dwarf Knight on the ground. Then
enter through the middle door and listen to the Guru's mantra. Write
down the password. Also, he might be able to provide you with a new
Title Rank as well.


Exit the Guru's shrine and take on the two Dwarf Knights again.
Then climb the ladder to the right and hop the three gaps to the left.
Wait for the White Mage to fall off and then jump across three more gaps
to the left. Walk left. Then attack the Dwarf Knight at the bottom.
When the Frogman leaps down, destroy it as well. Now, remember those
Wing Boots that you have sitting in your inventory? Yup, equip these
and fly to the top left ledge. When they wear off, climb up the ladder.

Finish off the Dwarf Knight and continue to the right. Ignore the
dark Mage, for he is too high up to be attacked. Here, you will have to
contend with a Dwarf Knight and a White Mage. After dismantling them,
jump on up to the right. Squash both of the frogman and jump on the
ladder to the right. Make your way across the ladders to the left and
climb up to the next area. Climb real quick and destroy the Dwarf
Knight and the two Hornets that are buzzing around. Then make your way
up the brick steps and climb down the ladder to the right. Lastly,
enter the town of Victim.


First, talk to the lady who is pacing around town. She will state
that it is dangerous
outside of town without a Magic Shield. Good thing that you already own
one eh? Then, enter the Church to meditate with the Guru. Write down
the mantra that he bestows upon you and go into the Hospital to the
right to get treatment. If you require treatment, it will cost you 2500
Golds. this should replenish that Magic Pool Meter of yours as well as
your Health Meter. Exit the Hospital and speak to the people in the
Townhouse to the right. They will both give you clues that two Player
Items actually exist.

The Meat or Food Shop is to the right. The Butcher will offer you
Dried Meat to bring energy for 250 Golds. If you could not afford the
treatment at the Hospital, buy the Dried Meats three times to fully
restore both your Magic Pool Meter and Health Meter. Exit this shop and
enter the Key Shop to the right. Talk to the Locksmith and these are
the Keys that you will be able to purchase in the town of Victim:

Key K(ing) 1500
Key Q(ueen) 1200

You will need to purchase four King Keys in this town. There is no
Key Shop in the town of Conflate. And unless you feel like coming back
to this town, but them now! Then, talk to the Guru again and he will
give you another mantra. Write it down, an then hit reset on your
Nintendo system. Re-enter the password that you have just gotten
through the Continue option and you will have at least 9000 Golds when
you return as well as the four King Keys that you have just bought!

Now enter the Hardware Store that is to the right of the Key Shop.
Talk to the Toolman and this is what you will be able to purchase in

Full Plate (Armor) 5200
Mattock 1200
Red Potion 800

You definitely want to pick up the Full Plate Armor and equip it
when you get outside. Also, make sure you are stocked with four Red
Potions in your inventory. Since you are only able to have eight items
in your inventory, this will fully utilize your inventory. Don't both
talking to the people in the Saloon for they are miserable. Finally,
exit this town to the right and head for the hidden Fire Magician.


Climb up the ladder and destroy the Flying Squid. Then jump down
and take out the one at ground level. Be careful, they hurt if they hit
use. The descend the ladder to the left. Immediately fall to the
ground and destroy the Flying Squid to clear the path to the right.
Next, when the White Mage drops down, tag her. then defeat the Crystal
Ball Seal. Eat the food and continue to the right. Wait for the White
Mage to drop down and the defeat her. Also, take out the Crystal Ball
Seal and jump up the stone stairs to the right. then hop on the ledges
to the left and jump to climb the ladder upstairs.

Immediately get to the top because two Hornets Swarms will be
coming for you. Also, you will have to fend off another Crystal Ball
Seal. When the coast is clear, hop over the small gap and proceed to
the right. Next, defeat two more Crystal Ball Seals and continue your
progress to the right. here, you will have to defend against a White
Mage and a Crystal Ball Seal. Clear the way and continue to the right.
Tow Frogmen will defend the Magician's door. Defeat them and enter
through the Fire Magician's Door.

Walk up to the Fire Magician and speak with him. For 3000 Golds,
he will teach you the Fire Magic. Speak to him again for some wise
advice and then exit. Now we will head for the Tower of Mist where the
Meteorite is said to be worshipped.


Exit and make the two Frogmen croak and then walk on through to the
left. Defeat the White Mage and continue to the left. Defeat the two
Crystal Ball Seals, gather the food, climb the ladder, and jump to the
right. Then, wait until the Crystal Ball Seal drops into the gap.
Next, jump across that gap to the right and make your way up the ladder.
Climb up fast because you will have to deal with two Hornet Swarms and a
Fling Seal.

When you have cleared the path, jump the big gap to the left and
continue left. Here, walk the ledge to the left and hop the gap but
watch out for the Flying Squid. Timing is everything. (NOTE: Do not
worry about traveling to the castle below. There is nothing but Female
Mages and Taurus to fight in there. Nothing special.) Defeat the
Flying Squid, grab the food, and continue to the left. Immediately take
out the Voodoo Mage before is can damage you. The first Castle is
locked by the Ace Key. Enter the second Castle to the left to find out
how to obtain the Ace Key.

After talking to the townsman, exit and defeat the Voodoo Mage
again and continue walking to the left, but jump over the POISON! then
defeat another Voodoo Mage and climb the ladder. Jump across the two
gaps to the left and walk left. Take out the White Mage and keep
walking to the left. Then, two Frogmen want to play with you. Squash
them and continue to the left. Squash two more Frogmen and continue
your quest to the left. Then defeat the White Mage and clip the
Hawkman. Next climb both ladders to the left.

Watch out for the Flying Squid that is overhead. Use your sword
attack when you've got it cornered against the right wall. Then, climb
the ladder to the right and watch the Hawkman jump mindless into the
gap. jump the large gap to the left and continue to the left. Now, you
will have to defend against a Hawkman and two Hornets. After destroying
them, proceed to the left. Finally, defeat two more Hornets and another
Hawkman. Go up to the door to the Tower of Mist and use one of your
King Keys to enter this tower.


When you first enter the Tower of Mist, you will have to contend
with two Gladiators. Pummel them and continue to the right. Here, you
will have to defeat two more and then walk to the right. Then, you will
have two Voodoo Mask Men taking runs at you. Dispose of these men and
climb the ladder to the right. Then climb down the ladder and equip
your Death Magic. Three direct hits will destroy the Dwarf rather
quickly. Head up the first ladder and down the second ladder and
proceed to the right. Then dispose of the Quadapus and Hawkman that
impede your progress. Climb the ladder to the right and continue
onward. Do not engage in combat with the Riot Guard. Instead, climb
the ladder and jump across the gap to the right. Then, immediately have
your sword ready to spear the Voodoo Masked Men. Next, jump over the
second gap to the right and continue onward. Now, use the ladder to
climb down and be prepared to battle the dreaded Bone Demon Dog.

BONE DEMON DOG BATTLE: The key to this battle is timing. First, drink
a Red Potion if your health is low. Then, walk towards it. It will try
to jump over you. When it does, walk where it is jumping to and sword
strike it when it lands. Repeat this simple process and land thirteen
sword strikes to become victorious.

After the Bone Demon Dog is defeated, you will have to fight your
way back out of the castle. Here is a quick recap of the way to go but
first, do not forget to pick up the Black Onyx. It will increase your
defense against monsters attacks. Here is the recap: Go back down the
ladder, then left, left, left, down the ladder, left, left, up the
ladder, down the next ladder, and up the big ladder and then left. Then
after the Dwarf, it is a straight shoot back to the door from where you
began in this Tower. You might need to use another Red Potion. Now,
you must travel back to the townsman who will give you the Ace Key for
retrieving the Black Onyx.


Now that you've exited the Tower of Mist, take out the two Hornets
and the Hawkman and continue to the right. Then deal out some more
punishment by contending with two more Hornets and another Hawkman.
Proceed to the right. Now, jump down into the gap where you will have
to face-off against the Hawkman and the White Mage again. Proceed to
the right and squash the two Frogmen hopping about. Then move onward to
the right. Here, dispose of two more Frogmen and continue to the right
but be careful here. You will have to hop across three small ledges.
Jump to the first ledge and take out the Flying Squid before hopping
across the next two. Then, continue to the right. Now quickly impale
the Voodoo Mage and continue to the right. Finally, enter the
townsman's house and speak to him. He will give you the Ace Key when he
sees that you have the Black Onyx. The door to the right is the
entrance to the road to the Town of Conflate.


Use the Ace Key, one the door to the right and you will now be on
the branch path to Conflate. You will have to fend off a Duckman and a
Dar Angel before going to the right. Then, again dispose of the Duckman
and the Dark Angel and proceed to the right. Next, you will have to
contend with two Gladiators. Finish them off and progress to the right.
Before hopping to the next ledge, sword strike at the Tiki Statue and
continue to the right. Make quick work of the Gladiator and climb the
ladder upstairs.

Make your way up to the Crystal Ball Seal, defeat the monster, and
advance to the left. You've got to be careful here. Take down the two
Dark Angels flying about. Then, jump sword strike the Dragon Serpent
off the ladder. Then, climb up the ladder. Now, dispose of the two
Crystal Ball Seals that impose upon you and take the path to the right.
You will touch POISON along the way but it cannot be avoided. Next,
destroy the Flying Squid and continue to the right. Finally, defeat the
two White Mages that separate you from the town of Conflate. Enter
Conflate by advancing to the right.


Enter the first door which is a Townhouse. The townsman will speak
about Conflate. Exit this door. The Food Shop is the next door that
you will come to. The Butcher will offer to sell you Dried Meat to
bring energy for 350 Golds. As you already know, the choice is yours to
make. Exit and talk to the Guard. He will state that he is protecting
a very important man. Enter the church and talk to the Guru. He will
probably grant you a new Title Rank but more importantly a mantra.
Write down the password and do not forget it. You might just need it

Exit the Church and enter the Hospital if you need treatment. If
you need a treatment, it will cost you 1800 Golds. Exit the Hospital
and enter the Hardware Store to the right. Talk to the Toolman and this
is what you will be able to purchase in the town of Conflate:

Giant Blade 8500
Magic Shield 9800
Wing Boots 5500
Red Potion 1000

You must buy the Giant Blade because it is one of the best swords
in the game, only surpassed by the Dragon Slayer. Also, you might want
to stockpile four to five red Potions in your inventory. Exit the
Hardware Store and equip the Giant Blade. Next, head into the Saloon to
the right. Talk to the citizens inside and you will learn more about
the fate of Conflate. Save with the Guru again before heading out of
Conflate to the left. Also, speak with the townperson outside of the
Hardware Store and he will state that the legendary shield and helmet
can be found in the World Of Branch. Lastly, talk to the townperson in
the townhouse one more time before leaving. He will tell you to see the
Guru when both the Helmet and the Shield are obtained.


Head out to the left and take out the two White Mages. Then
continue to the left. Destroy the Fling Squid, grab the food, and
advance to the left. You will have to touch POISON, but do not fret.
Fend off the two Crystal Ball Seals, grab the food they leave and make
your way to the left. Then, defeat the White Mage that is guarding the
door and bring out the King Key from your inventory. Use it to enter
the door to the green leaves path.

Here, you will have to deal with two flying Dark Angels and a
Crystal Ball Seal. After clearing the way, continue to the left. Next,
tackle the two Crocodile Men with your sword attacks and move on to the
left by climbing down the ladder and walking. Now, prepare to battle
the Bone Demon Dog that is guarding the Battle Helmet. Deal with it as
you have dwelt with the last one you have fought. When this monster is
defeated, the Battle Helmet will appear to the left. Grab it and it
will be stored in your inventory.

You will not be able to equip it until you find the Battle suit and
the legendary Dragon Slayer. Head back to the town of Conflate and
speak with the Guru so that he gives you another mantra. Make sure that
you are stocking at least five Red Potions. Did you right the mantra
down? Excellent. Head out of town to the left.


Now, you must set out to retrieve the Battle Suit. Battle again
with the White Mage and make your way to the left. Bring down the
Flying Squid and then climb up the two ladders. Finally, you will have
to fend off another Crystal Ball Seal. Jump up to the right and take
out the King Key from your inventory and use it to enter through the

When you enter this section of the World Of Branch, you will have
to defeat a Crocodile Man. Then proceed to the right. Next, two
Duckmen want to peck at you. Defeat them both and proceed to the right.
Next, ground the two Dark Angels before even thinking about a jump
across the gap. Also, use your Deluge Magic to destroy the Tiki Statue
as well. The, leap across the gap and advance to the right. Here, you
will have to contend with two more Crocodile Men. Defeat them and
proceed to the right where you will have to crush a Gladiator. Keep
going to the right and enter through the door that he was guarding.

When you enter through the door, you will have to crush another
Gladiator. Also, you will have to bring down a Hornet or two. Then,
jump to the ladder to the right and walk right. Then forget about the
Dwarf Knight and jump down through the gap. Here, you will have to
contend with a Crocodile Man and a Duckman. Then, advance to the right
and prepare to destroy another Bone Demon Dog. Do not forget to use a
Red Potion if your health meter is low. After the Bone Demon Dog has
been defeated, grab the Battle Suit. Now, all that you need is to find
the Dragon Slayer to be able to equip the Battle Suit and Battle Helmet.


Exit to the left and take out the two Crocodile Men or just walk
underneath them and continue to the left. Then, destroy the two
Crocodile Men, climb the ladder, and hop over the gap to the right.
Now, jump the gap to the right and defeat the other one. Finally,
climb up the ladder to the left. Defeat the Spiked Crawler who is
guarding the Magic Rod to the right. Pick it up and now your magic
attacks will become stronger!


Now climb down the ladder and head back to the left. Ignore the
Crocodile Men on the way down. Next, defeat the two Crocodile Men, head
up the small ladder, and advance to the left. Her, you will have to
defeat the Crocodile Man and the Duckman again. Next, climb up the
ladder. A Riot Guard will try to block your way. Keep climbing to the
top of the ladder and hitting the sword strike button until the monster
is defeated. Otherwise, you will be knocked back down into the gap.
Climb the ladder to the right, defeat the Crocodile Man, and head up the

Here, you will have to defeat an annoying Voodoo Mask Man to
advance to the right. Then, you will have to contend with two Riot
Guards and a Dark Mage. After disposing of them, continue to the right.
Now, you will have to defend against a Dark Angel and another Riot
Guard. you will achieve nothing by going down, so take the ladder to
the right up.

Up here, you will have to dispose of the Dark Mage and a Duckman.
Then climb the ladder all the way to the left and make your way to the
ledge in the top right corner all the way across to the right. Do not
forget to jump over the small gap that the column is hiding. Lastly,
take out the Riot Guard and climb down the ladder to face the Duckman.
Then, walk to the right to enter the town of Daybreak.


Talk to the lady pacing about and she will tell you that this town
is on the border. Then, enter the Key Shop which is the first shop in
town. Talk to the Locksmith. These are the Keys that you will be able
to purchase in the town of Daybreak:

Key K(ing) 1200
Key Q(ueen) 1000

Make sure that you have three King Key before leaving this town.
You will definitely need them later. Exit the Key Shop and enter the
Hardware Store to the right. Talk to the Toolman and this is what you
will be able to buy in Daybreak:

Tilte (Magic) 15000
Giant Blade 11500
Red Potion 1200

Tilte Magic is the most powerful magic in the game. Buying this
will complete your magic collection. Also, make sure you leave Daybreak
with a couple of Red Potions in your inventory. Exit the Hardware Store
and enter the Food Store to the right. Talk to the Nurse who is
shopping and she will state that the Guru of Conflate who has the Dwarf
Ring. This will be your next quest. Next, the Butcher will offer you
Dried Meat for 500 Golds. Exit and enter the Saloon to the right and
talk to the townspeople. They will give you information about Dartmoor
and the Magic Cane, which you've already found. Finally, see the Guru
who will meditate with you in the Church. Write down his mantra so that
you can save your progress.

Inventory check. Do you have three King Keys? At least three Red
Potions? Good, now you must revisit the town of Conflate and you will
need the Keys to get back to Daybreak. Exit Daybreak to the left.


Since you have already been to Conflate, this is where you will
have to back track. Here is a recap on how to get back to Conflate to
obtain the Drawf Ring and the monsters that you will have to fight on
each screen.

+ Climb the ladder and walk left. (Duckman, Riot Guard)
+ Climb down two ladders. (Dark Mage, Duckman)
+ Make your way to the left. (Riot Guard, Dark Angel)
+ Continue walking to the left. (2 Riot Guards, Dark Mage)
+ Continue to the left and climb down the ladder. (Voodoo Mask Man)
+ Jump to the left ledge and continue left. (Duckman, Riot Guard)
+ Jump across the gap to the left and exit through the door.
+ Use the King Key on the Door. (Gladiator, 2 Hornets)
+ Continue to the left. (Gladiator)
+ Jump up the stairs to the left. (2 Crocodile Men)
+ Hop over the gap and go left. (Tiki Statue, 2 Dark Angels)
+ Continue to the left. (2 Duckman)
+ Jump up the stairs to the left. (Duckman)
+ Exit through the door.
+ Climb down the ladder. (Crystal Ball Seal)
+ Hop down and continue to the right. (Flying Squid)
+ Continue to the right. (2 White Mages)

Finally, you will re-enter the town of Conflate! Immediately see
the Guru in the Church and speak with him. He will tell you not to rely
on you magic power alone during the last fight against the Evil One. He
will also state that you can only wear the Battle Helmet and the Battle
Suit when you obtain the Dragon Slayer. He will then give you the Dwarf
Ring to open the door to Dartmoor. Then, talk to him again to obtain a
mantra to save your progress. Write it down and stock up on Red Potions
at the Hardware Store and seek treatment if needed. Then exit the town
to the left.


Since you have already been to Daybreak, you already know where you
have to travel to. but just in case you have forgotten the way, here
is a recap on how to get back to Daybreak and the monsters that you have
to fight on each screen.

+ Continue to the left. (2 White Mages)
+ Climb the two ladders in the middle. (Flying Squid)
+ Jump up the stairs to the right. (Crystal Ball Seal)
+ Use the King Key to open the door.
+ Continue to the right. (Crocodile Man)
+ Continue to the right. (2 Duckmen)
+ Hop the gap and continue to the right. (2 Dark Angels, Tiki Statue)
+ Continue down the stairs to the right. (2 Duckmen)
+ Continue to the right and go through the door. (Gladiator)
+ Continue to the right by jumping to the top ledge. (Gladiator)
+ Continue to the right by jumping on the top ledge. (Crocodile Man)
+ Then climb the ladder. (Riot Guard)
+ Continue to the right. (Voodoo Mask Man)
+ Climb the ladder to the right. (Dark Angel, Riot Guard)
+ Make your way across the ladders at the top. (Duckman, Dark Mage)
+ Climb the ladder down and to the right. (Riot Guard, Duckman)

Now, you will re-enter the town of Daybreak. Immediately speak to
the Guru in the Church so that he can meditate with you. Write down
your password and get ready to prepare for the final stretch of the
game. To prepare, make sure that you have seven Red Potions in your
inventory. At this point in the game, there will be no need for Keys
anymore. So go enter the Hardware Store and stock on up! Seek
treatment at the Hospital or visit the Food Store for energy revival of
both your Health Meter and Mana Pool Meter. Then, proceed to the right
to exit Daybreak to continue your quest for peace in the World Tree!


When you exit Daybreak, you will have to take on two Hornets and
two Riot Guards. Then, continue to the right. Then, you will have to
ground two more Hornets and a Riot Guard. Pulverize them and walk
onward to the right. Next up is a White Mage and another Riot Guard.
Next, continue on to the right. Finally, take on the White Mage and the
Crystal Ball Seal and climb on down the ladder to the door. Enter the
door automatically to begin your quest in the Tower of Fraternal. The
Dwarf Ring is the key that will open it for you.


When you enter this tower, you will have to fend off a Duckman on
the ground level. Next, climb up the ladder to tackle the other
Duckman. Now make your way to the left. Here, you will have to take
down a Human Gargoyle. Finish him quickly and continue to the left.
Then, take on the Duckman an do not bother to go into any of the four
doors because they have all been overtaken by monsters. Climb down the
ladder to battle the Gladiator and continue to the right. Take out the
Duckman if you want to. Then, climb down the ladder immediately to the

Now, you will have to take on a Dark Angel and a Dwarf Knight. The
Crystal Ball Seal will be on the other side of the wall. When you have
cleared the path, head down the ladder where the Dwarf Knight was
guarding. Now, hop down and take out both of the Riot Guards. Then,
proceed to the left. Stand still and poke at the Riot Guard. When he
is disposed of, jump into the pit to the left. When you hit the ground,
swing away at the Duckman and the Dwarf Knight. Then, climb the ladder
to the right and hop across the three gaps to the left. Next, bring
down the two Hornets with your Deluge Magic. Then jump across the three
gaps to the left. If you don't make it, take on the Quadapus and climb
up the ladder to the left. Once again, take out the Hornet with Deluge
Magic and hop across the three gaps to the townhouse to the left. The
Dwarf Knight will usually fall into the gap. Enter and speak with the

When you speak to the lady, she will tell you to see the Guru in
the Castle of Fraternal. Next, talk to the man of the house. He will
state that the Dragon Slayer is in the hands of the King of the Dwarfs.
Finally, exit the townhouse to the right. Then, knock out the Hornet
and climb across the ladders to the right. Then, destroy the two
Hornets with your Deluge Magic and hop across the three ledges to the
right. Here, jump on down and destroy the Duckman and the Dwarf Knight.
Push onward to the right. Next, beat up on the Taurus and ground the
two Hornets buzzing about and climb the ladder to the left. Jump across
the three gaps and make your way to the right. Poke at the Gladiator
and hop over the small gap. Then hop to climb the ladder to the right.
When you get to the top, charge the Taurus and continue to the right.
Here, you will need to destroy the Dragon Serpent and climb the two
ladders upstairs that are side by side.

When you are upstairs, attack the charging Taurus and climb up the
ladder to the right where you will have to defeat another Taurus. Then,
jump attack the Dwarf Knight and hop on the ledge where he was just
standing via the little stone to the left. Finally, jump over the gap
to the right. Make your way through the number 2 shaped maze by
defeating two Dwarf Knights and a Crystal Ball Seal. Your goal is to
climb down the ladder at the bottom right of the screen. Then, hop
across the small gap to the left and go through the door automatically
by using your Dwarf Ring. Welcome to the Castle of Fraternal.


When you enter into the Castle, you will have to contend with two
Hornets from the start. After disposing of them, hop up the stair and
continue right. Here, you will have to fend off two Hornets, a Duckman,
and a Spiked Crawler. After defeating these monsters, climb the ladder
to the right down and the next one right below it down. Wait on the
ladder until the Duckman jumps off the ledge to the right and then hop
down to that ledge. Next, climb down the ladder to the right and
continue right thus ignoring the Quadapus. Here, you will have to
defeat a Human Gargoyle. Do not worry about the one on top. Proceed to
the right. Now, you will have to defeat a Quadapus. After disposing of
it, climb down the ladder to the right. Hop on down and make quick work
of the Quadapus. Finally, enter the Castle Church to speak with the

Walk to the left to speak with the Guru. This Guru will give you
more information about the Dwarfs and the meteorite. You will need to
see this Guru again when you have retrieved the Dragon Slayer. Now, we
will go and seek out the King Dwarf to retrieve the Dragon Slayer.


Exit the Guru's Church, defeat the Quadapus, and climb the ladder
to the left. Then, hop across the three gaps to the right and climb
back up the ladder to the right. Next, take out the Quadapus and
continue to the left. After dealing with the Human Gargoyle, climb up
the ladder to the left to deal with the other one. Then, climb up the
ladder to the left. Next, take out the Bone Demon Dog by standing on
the stone to the right. the wall will shield you. Sword attack him
without it scratching you and climb the ladder to the right. Finally,
walk to the left. Then, walk back to the right. An Hour Glass should
appear! Pick up the HOUR GLASS and walk down the ladder to deal with
the Bone Demon Dog again. Once he is defeated, climb down the ladder to
the left.

You will have to deal with the Human Gargoyle again. Take him out
and proceed to the right. Defeat the Flying Squid before attempting to
jump across the two gaps. Then, continue to the right. Now would be a
good time to use a Red Potion if your Health Meter is low. Your next
move is to climb the ladder to the right which is in the middle.
Remember that Hour Glass you've just picked up? Use it right away
before the Death Nest can spit any White Angels out. This will stop the
monsters progress for a short time. Climb the ladder to the left and
hop across the two gaps to the right. Be careful not to touch the
POISON in the middle. Finally, climb down the ladder and enter through
the door to battle with the King Dwarf.

KING DWARF BATTLE: This is where all those Red Potions will come in
real handy. The King Dwarf will be hovering in the air. When he swoops
down, nail him with your Giant Blade for two hits. Then, brace yourself
and defend with your Magic Shield because he will unleash four rapid
fireballs from his mouth. Then repeat the pattern. When your health
get too low, revive it with a Red Potion. Nine direct hits will bring
down the King of Dwarfs. When the Dragon Slayer appears to the right,
grab it and equip it! Also, you will now be able to equip the Battle
Helmet and the Battle Suit. After equipping everything, it is time to
pay the Guru of Fraternal Castle another visit.


Head out the door to the left and then climb down the ladder in the
middle. Hop off the ladder and continue to the left. Take out the
Flying Squid and the Quadapus and climb down the ladder and dispose of
the Quadapus and climb down the ladder in the right hand corner. Then
enter the Guru's Church and speak to the Guru. He will tell you that
the monster that you have just defeated was King Grieve. The Evil One
changed his appearance but King Grieve protected the Dragon Slayer from
the Evil One. This is the only sword that will defeat the Evil One.
Finally, he will bestow upon you the Demon's Ring which will open the
door to the Evil Fortress. Now it is time to prepare for the final
battle by finding the town of Dartmoor.


Exit the Guru's Church to the right. Defeat the Quadapus again and
climb the ladder to the left. Then, jump across the three gaps to the
right and climb up the ladder. Next, defeat the Quadapus and head on
over to the left. Take out the Human Gargoyle and continue to the left.
Defend against the Quadapus and the Duckman and climb up the ladder to
the right then jump to and climb up the ladder in the middle. Defeat
the Hornets, the Duckman, and the Spiked Crawler. Then climb up the
ladder and continue to the left. Lastly, destroy the two Hornets and
exit the Tower of Fraternal to the left.

From here, drop down and defeat the two Riot Guards. Then, jump up
over the barricade to the left. Next, you will have to contend with a
Gladiator. After he has been killed, climb the ladder to the left and
hop over the barricade to the left. Next, kill the Dragon Serpent an
climb the ladder until you can go left. Then, take out the Taurus and
climb down the ladder. Hop on the ledge and continue to the left.
Defeat the two Hornets and the Taurus and walk to the left. Take out
the Duckman and the Dwarf Knight first. Next, climb up the ladder to
the left and hop across three gaps. Lastly, climb the ladder in the
upper left hand corner up.

When you reach the top of the ladder, take out the Riot Guard and
continue to the right. Immediately sword strike to take down the Riot
Guard. Then, climb the ladder up and dispose of the Dwarf Knight at the
top. Dartmoor is on the other side of that wall to the right. Also,
take out the Dark Angel before climbing the two ladders to the left.
Dispose of the Duckman and jump through the small gap to the right. You
will kinda drop in on Dartmoor. Kill the Crystal Ball Seal and walk to
the right.


Walk right to the second half of town and seek treatment
immediately at the Hospital. It is 3000 Golds here. Then enter the
Hardware Store which is the last shop in this town. Talk to the Toolman
and this is what you will be able to purchase in Dartmoor:

Giant Blade 13000
Red Potion 2000

You definitely want to sell the Giant Blade that you have in your
inventory for Golds. Then, buy eight Red Potions to fill up your
inventory. Exit the Hardware Store and enter the Saloon and talk to the
townsman. He will state that magic does not work against the Evil One.
If you want to visit the Food Shop, the Butcher will offer to sell you
Dried Meats to bring energy for 800 Golds. No need to visit the Key
Shop because no keys are needed. Finally, visit the first building in
town which is the Guru's Church. Talk to him and he will meditate with
you. Write down his mantra which is the password. Now, you are
prepared to take on the Evil One in the Evil Fortress. Exit the town of
Dartmoor to the left.


Exit the town of Dartmoor to the left and battle the Crystal Ball
Seal. Then, head up the ladder and jump over it to the left. Take out
the Dwarf Knight and the Dark Angel and climb down the ladder in the
middle. Drop down and take out the two Riot Guards. Then continue to
the left. Stand still and sword attack the Riot Guard. Then, jump in
the big gap to the left. When you land, dispose of the Dwarf Knight and
the Duckman and then walk to the right. Clear the area of the Taurus
and the two Hornets. Next, climb the ladder to the left and hop across
the three gaps to the right. Finally, jump over the small gap and
defeat the Gladiator. Then, enter through the door automatically using
the Demon's Ring. Then, enter through the red door to the immediate
right automatically to enter in the Fortress of the Evil One.


The Evil Fortress is like a maze but I will provide you with a
direct route to the Evil One. Walk to the right and climb down the
ladder in the lower right hand corner. Fall down and take out the two
Hornets and the Frogman. Then, hop over the gully in the middle and
continue to the left. Next, hop over the gap in the middle and avoid
the rocks from the Rock Vaulter while doing this. Then, ignore the
Death nest in the left hand corner. When the coast is clear, climb up
the ladder in the middle, by hopping to the ledge to the right. When
you reach the top, climb the ladder to the right and use your Tilte
Magic on the Death Nest. When the coast is clear, jump to the ledge to
the left where the Death Nest once was. Next, take out the two Hornets
and walk across the top ledge. Hop to the very small ledge to the left
and climb the ladder up. When you reach the top, take out the Riot
Guard to the right. Then climb up the ladder to the right and destroy
the Bone Demon Dog. Finally, enter through the door to the left to
encounter the Evil One.

FINAL BATTLE: The Ugly one..uh..I mean Evil One has four legs and an
alien looking head. Anyway, that big alien head is its weakpoint. If
your health is low, take a Red Potion to revive it. To defeat the Evil
One, keep jumping and sword striking its head with the Dragon Slayer.
Also, have that Red Potion ready when your Health Meter dips below 25%.
He likes to spit fireballs from his mouth and will try to trample you
with its legs. Just keep jumping and sword striking him in the head.
When you register 13 hits to the Evil One's noggin, the Evil One will
writhe in pain and will be destroyed forever. Congratulations! You
have finally restored peace to the World Tree. Stand by for a pretty
descent ending by Nintendo 8 Bit Day Standards.


I would like to thank GameFAQS.com for continuing to provide a
great service for all of the hard-core gamers out there. See ya next
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