Jagged Alliance

Jagged Alliance

17.10.2013 01:46:20
Jagged Alliance

FAQ Version 2.1

by: Dzwo-Ren Li

I think this document should worth the name "FAQ" now. I think
most of the information are what I want to know when I played "Jagged
Alliance" first time, maybe other people want to know these too. So I
creat this document to help whoever needs help.

Table of Content:

I. Introduction
II. Suggestion for Novice Players
III. Trouble Shooting
IV. Items Information
V. Sectors Information
VI. Q & As
VII. Miscellaneous Information
VIII. Suggestion for Veteran Players ( Later, see explanation )

I. Introduction:

"Jagged Alliance" is a game created by "Madlab Software" and
distributed by "Sir-Tech". The technical support line for "Sir-Tech"
is (315) 393-6644, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm ( USA, EST ). If you
have any trouble in getting this game to work, this is the number you
should try. Any attempt to find the answer in this document might fail.
If you have e-mail address and you have any question ( or suggestion )
about this game, you can try to mail to:

Brenda Garno < 76711.33@CompuServe.COM >

She or someone else will be glad to help you. If you have any
suggestion that you wish to see something, say, in Jagged Alliance 2,
then this is the address that you should send the information to.

"Sir-Tech" has provided a patch for this game. The file name is
"Ja111.zip". Version is 1.11, please do not use version 1.1 because
they said it is not a good one. You can find this file by:


or get it directly from FTP sites:


According to "Sir-Tech", the version 1.12 is the same one as the
version 1.11. The reason for them to put the 1.12 instead of 1.11 is
a little bit hard to understand for me ( commercial reason? ).

This game is only available as a CD version by now. The system
required to run the game is:

IBM compatible PC, 486DX-33 or better
4MB RAM ( minimum ), 8MB ( recommended )
CD-ROM driver
15 - 25 MB HDD space, 38 MB ( recommended )
( I personally recommend 50 MB if you want to keep all the
animation and other stuff. )
DOS 5.0 or better
256 color VGA
Sound Support: Ad-Lib, Sound Blaster family, Pro Audio Spectrm,
GUS, Roland LAPC-1/MT-32, MPU401-interface General

Rumor ( just rumor ) has it, "Sir-Tech" might release a disk version
which will not have all the speech ( from Brenda Garno ). Also, someone
said "Sir-Tech" is working on a "modem" version ( Jagged Alliance - head
to Head ) sequel which can let you play with your friend ( Charles,
Sir-Tech Software ). I don't know much about these rumors now.
( Someone said in Swedan, there is a Disk Version couple weeks before the
CD version get there, I don't know whether the Disk Version is authorized
by Sir-Tech or not. )

There is also a DEMO in the net. "GamesDomain" and "HappyPuppy"
( WWW ) both has it. Also, several major FTP sites have this DEMO.
The DEMO version has an unique sector ( other than our 60 ) for
you and only six fixed mercenaries for you. There is no speech but
has the "OK" response. If you don't have the access to either WWW or
FTP sites, I do believe "PC Gamer" ( the one with a CD-ROM in each
issue ) has this one in the CD-ROM in July, 1995.

I created the first version of this document on July 4th ( Ver.
1.0 ) which contains only 3 parts: Sectors Information, Items list,
and the Encrypted Codes. Then, Peter Kuesters < UZS240@IBM.rhrz.uni-
bonn.de > started to provide his information about this game. Then I
had the modified version ( 1.1 ) on July 9th which adds 2 more parts:
Q & As and Miscellaneous Stuffs. Version 2.0 has been re-organized and
adds more Q & As and an advice for novice players. This is the version
2.1 which adds a Trouble Shooting section, more Q & As and modify some
information ( please check by yourself, just a quick browse ). And, I
decide to take out the "mini" because this document is no longer a
"mini" one.

For the record, I did not take out any information from old version.
So, you can just keep the latest version and throw those old version

I still lack the information about the trouble shooting. This part
is difficult to build because most of the players did not have problem
in getting it to run. Whenever there is a player who can not make the
game to run and can't get it to work even after following the instruction
in the quick reference, most of them can not be solved. I really can not
help here. I had problems in getting my game to work too. All I had done
was merely "by-passing" every possible problems. I don't know whether
this will work for everyone, but it works for me. Please check it out
in section 3 ( Trouble Shooting ).

From version 2.0, I intend to separate those spoiler information
from the general non-spoiler advice. So, if you are the person who
doesn't want to watch those spoilers before you finish your game, then
you can just look at those general advice then stop at the "Warning"

Special Note: Peter Kuesters is currently the best player of all.
Just check his record then you will agree with me.
He promised to provide an advice for the veteran
players, but unfortunately, he will not be available
until mid-October ( Business, I guess ). So, that
part will be delayed till he comes back.

If anyone wants to provide any information about this game which is
not included in this document, here is my e-mail addresses:

< li@chem_petro.engr.ukans.edu > ( preferred )
or < ren@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu >

I thank all the following persons for providing information about
this game ( though some of them might never know about this ):

( In random order )

* Peter Kuesters < UZS240@IBM.rhrz.uni-bonn.de >
Torbj|rn Lindgren < tl@ae.chalmers.se >
RICHARD KENAN < eefacdk@prism.gatech.edu >
Laurant Pierre < lxp@wg.icl.co.uk >
* Carsten Engelmann < engel@yacc.central.de >
Eugene V Kalinin < ekalinin@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu >
Jean-Marc Tanzi < jmt@legend.cma.fr >
John Abel < J.Abel@az05p.bull.com >
C.C.C. Leung < leungccc@eee.bham.ac.uk >
Susi < Eugene@Susi.TU-Chel.ac.ru > or < susi@RS6000.TU-Chel.ac.ru > (?)
Franz Pestenhofer < pestl@cublx1.cube.net >

And, also for those who has posted the info in the news that I saw
it but forgot to keep it ( I just remember the content ).

Mr. John Abel had made real nice Mercs' tables in Excel 5.0 format.
I think he will be glad to share this table with all of you. I decide
to use Mr. Tanzi's table in Section 7 ( Miscellaneous Information )
because I am a little bit lazy in converting Mr. Abel's table into
text ( sorry, John ).

Because I don't know what to do, I could not make this document
available in any FTP sites. If you know what to do, any help will be
welcome. For the WWW, Hakan Tandogan < hakan@speedy.franken.de > has
kindly provided his homepage to carry this document at:

( There is a pretty good, user friendly, editor in this homepage.
If you are frustrated after many tries, "jaedit15" is the program
you need. )

Other WWW sites ( GamesDomain & Gamer's Ledge ):


Other than this, you can either download it from NewsGroups or
send me an e-mail requesting for this. You will be welcome to send this
document to whoever wants it as long as no $$$$$ is involved. If you
really feel this document helps you solve your problem(s), an e-mail
to me will be glad. I will try to send the newer version ( if any ) to
you when it is available.

There is a Strategic Guide ( not FAQ ) in CompuServe. The author is
Wade. D. Glasscock < 76153.2466@Compuserve.com >. If you have access to
this network, you may want to have a look at it. If you have the WWW
access, then you can try GamesDomain:


I had reviewed this guide. The spoiler and non-spoiler information
are all mixed together. If you don't want the spoiler, please consider
carefully before you look at it. There are some mistakes, especially
like "Spectral Shield too heavy" stuffs. But, generally, the suggetions
in this guide are good for Novice Players. You may have different
oppinions after you gather some experience for yourself.

Finally, some announcement:

"Jagged Alliance" is a registered trademark of "Sir-Tech Software,
Inc." The application software and logos, etc. are all Copyrighted by
"Sir-Tech Software, Inc."

II. Suggestion for Novice Players:

Congratulation you just got a good game ( in most people's opinions )
for yourself. Before you start, let's talk about something that might
not mention in the manual or not emphasis in the manual.

The Final Goal of this game is to win the island back for Jack.
Base on this, you have to make a lot of choices to run your campaign.
The way you run this campaign will definitely influence the outcome. So,
you must decide what do you want to do before you really start it.

The first thing I will suggest you to do is studying the "Mercenary
Profiles at a Glance" which is in game manual pp. 46 & 47. This is the most
important part of the document ( no kidding )! There are always some mercs
who suit your game playing style. Don't ask any people about "what is the
starting team of yours" stuffs, the best combination is purely based on
your style. Some mercs can let your team works fine, some might just waste
your money and contribute nothing. The choice is yours. Here are some tips
in choosing your team ( base on the priority ):

(1) Marksmanship: You want to finish your enemy as soon as possible,
so a higher marksmanship merc is more useful than a lower one.
Higher than 90 is the best, 80 - 90 is good, 70 - 80 is OK, 60 -
70 is still acceptable, and below 60, you had to think about it
for more than once. Once you start the game, you can tell the
difference. According to this, you should consider Ivan. Fidel,
and Ice at the beginning. For others, you must consider their
other skills ( versatility ).

(2) Agility: This is the main factor to determine how many APs he/
she can get. Usually, the older ones will have lower Agility,
so I never consider them. Best choice is over 88. If not, over
80 is still OK. You must reconsider when it is below 80.

(3) Salary: The fund at the beginning is limited. If you can not
do the things well, you will face some financial problem couple
days later. So, make plan on Day 1 is very important.

(4) Medical, Explosive, Mechanics: These are in the same order.
You do need someone to bandage the wounded guys, so at least
one person with some Med. knowledge is necessary. If you are
doing pretty well ( cautious player ) you may not need those
high Med. guys because these guys are always expensive. Someone
with 20 - 40 in Medical skill should be good enough.

Disarm Explosive is pretty tricky. The higher the skill the
better. But, this doesn't guarantee he/she can always disarm an
Explosive safely when his/her skill is very high. 40 is the
minimum requirement. 80 or even 90 is highly recommended.

Mechanic part is tricky too. This one can be divided into two
parts: at home or in the field. For at home, there are some
other factors, Dex., Wis., must be considered too. To make it
short, Sparky or Speck is the best choice for this. For in the
field, you might want he/she has more APs, higher Mar., and maybe
some other skills because this person might need to fight as well
as picking locks. Vinney becomes a pretty good bargain at the
beginning. Later on, you might want to consider Boss, Static, or
even Magic ( the best choice, let Mike do this job is a waste,
you only need Mike to pick lock very late in the game ). Mechanical
skill over 80 is highly recommended.

(5) HPs, Wisdom: No brainer for the HPs. There is no evidence for the
influence of Wisdom, but obviously, the higher the better.

If you still can not decide whom to choose, here is my suggestion:

Fidel ( Explosive ), Ivan, and Ice for shooting. Bud for shooting and
field Doc. Vinney for field mech. Wolf will be a good all around player
but you will encounter some problems with him if you are not doing well.
I recently discard him from my starting list. He is still a good choice
for novice player. Then, you might want to hire Sparky ( a little better
than Speck ), Fox ( Doctor ), and Smoke ( backup Explosive expert ) on
Day 2. Other than these, Larry seems to be a good Doctor + Bomb Dude at
the beginning. Beth is also a nice choice for cheap field doc and fast
girl. Snake seems to be a good shooter plus a Camo-U-Flage at the
beginning. Still, you must remember, only you can decide who is the
best choice for your team. ( Note: Ice might not join you after Day 1
if you did not do well. )

It is a good thing to leave one space vacant. Then, Jack will offer
you native guide the second day. The guide is free and he will also provide
some information about the sector first time your team enters it. All four
guides have different special skills. But don't expect them to kill many
enemies for you.

There are some things you should pay attention for if you are still
not familiar with all the system:

(1) How to get the "Doctor" or "Repair" option at the beginning of the
day. Just put the Medical Kit or Tool Kit in the right hand of the
person and get back to the screen. You will find these two options
are available after you have done this.
Note: Always use 100% kit!

(2) Press the "tree" icon at the beginning of the day to know where are
the four processing plants. You will need a good plan to get these
plants. Make your plan on Day 1!

(3) When your team travels to the other sector, there is a possibility
that you will be in pretty severe situation ( bad luck ), so you
might want to "quick save" before you enter the other sector. The
positions of the enemy are not always the same, so a few trails
might improve the situation. If you use the "Alt-X" instead of
"quick save", then the position of the enemies are the same.

(4) Since the combat is "turn-base", you should have a good look at
the whole sector when you enter it. It doesn't cost any time and
you will be able to arrange your plan to attack this sector. Of
course, you have to assume where the enemy might be. Once you
are familiar with the symbol in the island map, you could probably
tell most of the terrain about the unknow sectors just from the
map. This could be helpful when you decide which part is the best
position to enter that sector. The map is identical to the real

(5) The AI will be different in different level. But, there are one
common thing for all the levels: The enemy will response to all
the gun shot. If you are playing easy level, the enemy might not
take cover all the time and if you try to lure him, he will
probably response to that. In harder level, the enemy will take
cover all the time and might not come out of the door if he
feels it is not safe to do that. In such case, you will need to
have a good plan to get them. Becareful when you are chasing an
enemy. There might be an ambush by other enemy.

(6) Always try to use several mercenaries to kill a single enemy. The
more enemies involve in a battle, the higher chance your mercs get
shot. Even a "Critical" condition enemy can fire at your guys
and sometimes that will be a very lucky shot! So, don't risk at
all. Don't try to kill a "Critical" enemy by walking out of a
cover. Your merc might miss and enemy will have easy shot at
this guy.

Caution: If your merc(s) involve in a battle too long, i.e. the enemy
can shoot at the same guy for many times, there is a pretty
good chance your merc(s) will get hit even he/she is well
covered behind something.

(7) The amount of the ammos is limited. Don't shoot your enemy when
you have no idea whether you have a line of sight or not. Just
don't waste your ammos unless you do it on purpose. Beware of
this then you will always have enough ammos to play.

(8) Always let your mercs hide behind a cover. There is no sure cover
at all. If you can see an enemy, you can shoot him. So does he!
Hiding behind a tree will not guarantee the safety. Bush is the
same. But, at least it is better to hide behind something than
wild open. If the enemy shoots your guy, you can try to shoot
back immediately. This is because there got to be some space for
the bullet to pass.

(9) Had better always reserve 2 APs for your merc to Crouch. That will
reduce a lot of the chances of injury. Don't know what is the
exact difference between Crouch and non-Crouch, but the difference
is pretty obvious when you are playing with or without it. Crouch
behind a bush is probably the best cover you can get.
( Check out the route before you really move him/her. See the
manual about how to do it. )

(10) There are a lot of traps in Metavira. You will probably encounter
this problem from Day 2. The only sure thing is let the Explosive
expert try to disarm it while in real time ( "quick save" before
doing it ).

(11) All the items you can find in the game have some certain usage.
If you can not find the way to use it, then read the items list
in next section. Most of them are simple: A + B => C. Maybe more:
C + D => E.
Sometimes specail skill is essential in doing this.
Hint: Explosive expert is good in making bomb items. Mechanical
expert is good in combining and modifying items.

(12) All the processing plants in enemy hand have detonators. You must
use silencers to take those sectors. If you can find the detonator,
then you might use weapons without silencer after you disarm the
detonator. ( This is the only spoiler in this section. )

(13) Beware of the performance of your team. Check your "team info"
while you are contacting the A.I.M., you will see some detail
information about your team's performance. Some mercs will not
join your team if you fire too many mercs ( turnover rate ) or
have too many causalities ( Are you Dr. Death? ). The interactive
of the mercs will be significant if these two factors are taken
into account.
Also, you can see the difficulty setting at the upper right corner
in this screen.

(14) The first sector you want to start might be sector 50. This one
is pretty easy and has a lot of trees to hide. Almost the enemy
will be always in the north part in this sector so you will not
have big trouble in winning. Suppose you plan to take 3 sectors
on day 1, you can attack S50 -> S49 -> S59. Then you can arrange
4 guards in S49 & S50 while you are attacking S59. Never leave
a sector without any guard!

(15) Beware of the condition of a merc. Low breath ( BLUE BAR ) will
cause a lot of trouble. Non-bandaged wound will keep bleeding.
Read carefully about the special warning in the manual p. 32.
And, after a merc is hit, his/her breath will decrease as well
as the health.

(16) The enemy can launch an attack at your sector across the water,
but your guard won't be able to swim to a water unless this
sector is "safely" linked to your home sector. ( See the manual
for the explanation about this. ) Be sure to put 8 fuards for
every sector adjacent to any enemy sector no matter this sector
is connected by land or separate by water. You might want to put
couple guards in secondary lines so that you can reinforce a
sector which has survived an enemy attack.

* (17) A "Q & A" for Novice Player:
How can I find those things behind a tree or something?
A: If you are close enough or it is dropped by an enemy, you
can always use the "Ins" key to toggle to an overview ( of
all sector ). In this view, all the items that are "visible"
to you will be a flashing dot! Right click the mouse on the
dot will bring you to that position in previous screen. To
check it out, press and hold "Ctrl" key to get the hand
cursor. A pickable item will cause the hand to become "red".

(18) Always use the items with the best condition. 100% gun, 100%
lock kit, 100% Grenade, 100% whatever. If you are using a first
aid or medical kit "in the field", then it doesn't matter. But,
when you are using it at home ( Medical kit and Tool kit ), then
this does matter. The higher the condition of the items, the
less likely you get into trouble. A 100% item never get you
into trouble.

(19) If the item has a number in the lower right corner, then you can
try to put it with other same thing in one pocket. Some items (
Ex: ammos ) can put up to 5 in the same pocket.

* (20) Study the "quick reference" for the control methods. You will
find this study pay off later.

I think I already provide too many information for novice player. Just
remember one thing: record whatever you think is useful and plan before you
launch an attack. You need to try many things before you have a better
idea of this game.

One more thing: your enemy are those "red" guys! Don't shoot at those
"blue" or "yellow" guys. Mercs are in "green". Guards are in "blue". Tappers
in "Yellow". Bad guys in "RED"! This has been explained very clear in the
manual, but obviously too many people did not read manual before starting
the game. Too many people had made this mistake at their first trial.
Hope you are not one of them.

III. Trouble Shooting

This section is really a tough one! I will do my best to help all
of you.

Offical Trouble Shooting: ( Partly quoted from Sir-Tech )

1. Low XMS memory will not let the program run. You must make sure you
have enough memory to run the program. For 4 MB RAM, you can only
run the game by "JAVM.BAT" but it won't run as fast as usual. I can
not remember the exact minimum RAM to start by "JAVM.BAT", it seems
to be about 3.5 MB. ( Brenda mentioned this in the net once. )

2. Many people had reported having problem with "SMARTDRV" running.
Sir-Tech suggests to turn it off before you run the game.
( My problems never come from SMARTDRV. )

3. If the game "freeze" or "lock-up", you can try to hit "ESC" or
press "CTL-F"(?). This might not work.
If you still can not solve the problem by doing this, you are welcome
to call Sir-Tech Technical Support at (315) 393-6644 ( USA ) at the
time mentioned in "Introduction" section.

Some people suggested to disable the "EMM386" if your program won't
run. I can't imagine how can they do it because I was always low in RAM
before I can start the program.

Here are my problems and how I solved ( not really ) them:

1. The game won't start at all. It just keep telling me that I need to
configure the sound before I run the program. I swear I did that for
a dozen times but it just kept asking me to set the sound.

Possible Reason: Sir-Tech did not verify this after I sent them this
idea. I think the program can not recognize the special program for
the old IDE card. I am using an 850 MB HDD with an old IDE card.
That required a special program to let DOS recognize the HDD. I think
the game program can not recognize this special program in BOOT sector
so it refuse to creat a new file in this drive ( while in the setting
section ).

Solution: I brought the CD to a friend's house. Installed the game in
his machine. Copied the suspicous file "sound.cfg" back to my home.
Then, it worked! I can even modify the setting in this file.

2. The game will let the computer down ( need to "reset" it ) after "Exit
to DOS".

Possible Reason: No idea.

Solution: Don't know what's wrong with this so I avoid to quit the game
in the control room ( before sleep ). I always "exit" the game in the
day time by hitting "Alt-X". This way, the DOS will still work.

3. The "Enemy Turn" message seems to stay forever.

Explanation: The longer this message means the more enemies in this
sector. But, sometimes, this message is ridiculous long when you
compare it to other turns that you have waited.

Possible Reason: No idea.

Solution: Try to hit the "Alt-X" or "Alt-R". In this way, the program
seems to have some "Interrupt" to these response. You will get the
screen asking you to confirm the choice. Just hit "No" to let it
go back to the program. Sometimes this still not work, then you have
to really "Alt-X" ( quit to DOS ) and re-start the game again. Believe
me, after doing this, the message will end very soon.

4. The game hangs obviously while someone pick an item ( in the Inventory
screen ).

Possible Reason: Program bug. When you use the "auto-scroll" your
mouse cursor will be in the edge. But, anyone picks up an item will
automatically bring you to the Inventory screen of that person, thus
the program lost the mouse cursor so you can not put the item into
any pocket. The program hangs at this time.

Solution: DO NOT ask two persons to pick two different items at the same
time then moving your mouse for "auto-scroll". This bug happens all the
time if you have A to pick up A1, then ask B to pick up B1, then you
want to monitor some place so move the mouse to scroll the screen
( especially "up" ). Avoid this then you will be happy. Otherwise,
"Reset computer" is the only solution for you.

5. Guards M.I.A.?

Explanation: Sometimes at the day times, I need to move the guards
into a newly gained sector in 2 or 3 batches. There could be a batch
of guards just keep showing the sign of "moving" ( light blue ) till
the day ends. They never arrived! They are missing even the next day
started. Also, they are not counted in the Native Deaths pool. Just

Possible Reason: Program bug. I guess there is a flag missing or
something like that. I never reported this problem to Sir-Tech.
If I do a lot of "quick save" after I move the guards and also
use some "quick restore" after a bad start in next sector before
these guards arrived, the problem might occured.

Solution: None. Just keep monitoring the situation of the guards
in Guard Management screen ( not all the time ). Wait until the guards
arrive before you launch another attack. If you still have to attack
the next sector ASAP, then try limit the times of "Quick Save" and
"Quick Restore" might reduce the chance of this situation to happen.

* * * * * * * *

Warning: Spoilers from now on

* * * * * * * *

IV. Items Information

When you want to use an ( usable ) item in the field, like grenade, medical
kit, lock kit, live explosive, or wall probe, just put the item in the main
hand then "use it". You should see a symbol of these items ( red cross,
key, bomb, wall probe ). Move the symbol to where you want to use this
item and then left click the mouse. If the position is a rightful place
to use this item, this symbol will become a "red" one, check this out
before you use it.

Radio: Not very important.
( Someone said you only need one radio in your team. )

Extended Ears: Hear noise farther than normal. Have those better guys wear
this thing. Put it in the position of "radio".

Canteen: Need 5 APs. Increase Breath ( Blue Bar ) significantly while
it is under 80%. Just put it in the head of the silhouette in
the "Inventory" screen. Not the picture! Will automatically
re-fill in the morning in version 1.11, will disappear in
version 1.0 after you use it up.

Beer: Same as Canteen.

Camo-U-Flage: Put it in the body will last about 2 days that may cause
enemy harder to see you and "shoot" you. Use it the same
way as the Canteen. ( In "Inventory" screen )

First Aid Kit: Need explain?

Medit Kit: Ditto. Need to put it in right hand on whichever guy you want
him/her to be a doctor that day. The option of "Doctor" will
only show up in such condition. Note: Had better use 100% kit
every day. Can use either at home or field.

Tool Kit: Use it to repair items. Also need to put in right hand, then the
"Repair" option will show up. Note: Had better use those 100% kit
every day. Also, it can only be used at home for repair purpose.

Lock Kit: To open a locked door. Did not see any difference between a 100%
kit and not 100% kit. Though too low ( like 50% ) might cause

Rock: Throw it to get the attention of enemy. If they did not find you,
they might go to the place of the Rock to check it out. You can
ambush them then. A rock can also be thrown into a door. Bad guys
may come out of the door. This thing is not that good in HARDER
level since enemy has better AI in this level.

Silencer: Attached with Colt .45 & 9mm Beretta. Will reduce the sound of
the gun shot. Other enemy might not hear the battle here. A
modified .357 Magnum can use this device too.

Sniper Scope: Attached with 9mm Beretta, .357 Magnum, .12G Rifle, M14,
and M16. Will provide more precise shooting.

Metal Detector: Can detect items underground ( most of the time ). Has a
limited range ( 2-3 squares away ).

Wall Probe: Can hear and determine the status of the enemy in the other
side of the wall. May detect enemy TWO walls behind! Sometimes
might hear the important message! Could make mistake: I once
detect a never exist enemy! ( Might be a bug. )

Crowbar: Used to open Crates and Chest. Sometimes for the door ( not sure
about this one ). Need stronger, healthier, and more breath ( BLUE
BAR ) mercenary to do it. Will deteriorate graduately.

Camera: ?

Alarm Clock: ? ( Maybe like detonator. )

2-5 Pockets Vest: Provide the ability to carry item(s).

Helmet: Provide 5% protection.

Kevlar Helmet: Provide 10% protection.

Kevlar Vest: Provide 20% protection on the body. Most of the time, the hit
position is on the body!

Spectra Shield: Provide 40% protection. Prevent damage from most hand gun
and Shot Gun.

Ultra Shield Vest: Provide 20% additional protection. But, can not wear
pocket vest at the same time. Can not combine with

Compound-17: Combine with Armor will increase the protection by 50%
( Treated Armor ).

Note: In order to provide a sufficient protection against a hand gun
with a direct hit, you need the protection up to about 25%.
( Minimum requirement: Treated Kevlar Vest ) But, each hit will
still reduce the condition of armor and merc's breath.

Chunk of Steel: Make a weapon becomes a modified one. Must let those
High Mechanical skill person do it.
Note: Beware of the restriction. The low mechanical skill person not only
can't do it, but also will damage the weapon.

Sun Goggle: Provide better marksmanship(?).

Gas Mask: Provide protection from Tear Gas or Mustard Gas.

Glass Jar: Use to make "Molotov Cocktail".

Gas Tank: Make "Molotov Cocktail" or "Eagle" items.

Oil: Make "Molotov Cocktail" or "Eagle" items.

Rag: Make "Molotov Cocktail" or "Eagle" items.

Note: You will need a bomb dude to combine the following items ( the
Molotov Cocktail and Eagle items ). Also, the sequence is very

Molotov Cocktail: Glass Jar + Gas + Oil + Rag. Will work like a Grenade.

Eagle Fearball: Gas + Oil + Rag + Grenade. Must install like an Explosive.
Double Grenade effect.

Eagle Screamer: Gas + Oil + Rag + Tear Gas. Must install like Explosive.
Double Tear Gas effect.

Eagle Silencer: Gas + Oil + Rag + Stun Grenade. Must install like Explosive.
Double Stun Grenade effect.

Eagle Dog: Gas + Oil + Rag + Mustard Gas. Must install like Explosive.
Double Mustard Gas effect.

Grenade: Throw it for explode purpose. Make direct damage. Will destroy
a wooden door.

Tear Gas: Throw it to spread an area with tear gas. Will last 1 to 3 turns.
Continuously inhale it will cause the breath ( blue bar ) to
decrease. Won't work when Gas Mask is used.

Stun Grenade: Throw it for slight explode ( -1 HP ) and reduce about 50%
breath! A continuous one will cause the victim lies on the
ground for several turns.

Mustard Gas: Throw it will explode like Grenade. Also, causing some kind
of continuous damage like Tear Gas or something like that.
Gas Mask can prevent the damage from the second part, but
not sure about the explosion part. ( Need additional info
here. ) It won't blow away wooden door like Grenade.

Detonator: Will make the Explosive "alive".

Explosive: Must combine Detonator to work.

C4: Like Explosive, must combine Detonator to work.

Live Explosive: Explosive + Detonator. Need to set and wait a short time.
Will open metal door, wall, tree.

Live Plastic: C4 + Detonator. Works like Live Explosive. Can't tell the
difference ( waterproof? ).

Mine: Install to the ground. ( I never use it. )

Knife: Use to kill the opponent next to Grunt. Grunts will automatically
use it when he/she was attacked by snake in water.
Caution: If the knife is not in his/her main hand when attacked by snake,
it will take 1 - 2 turns to get the knife to the main hand. This
could be detrimental!

Combat Knife: Better knife than Knife. ( How good? )

S & W .38: Worst gun you can get. Need a lot of APs.

.38 ammo: 6 bullets box.

Colt .45: Much better weapon in early stage. But, not good enough. Can
combine with Silencer. ( Never try the modified one. )

.45 ammo: 6 bullets clip.

9mm Beretta: Good hand gun. Shoot faster and better. Can use
it in short range even in Sector 1. Can combine
with Silencer or Sniper Scope.

9mm ammo: 15 bullets clip.

.357 Magnum: Most powerful hand gun. Can combine with Sniper
Scope. But a modified Magnum can also combine
with a Silencer.

.357 ammo: 10 bullets box.

.12G Shot Gun: Good when opponents are still using hand guns.

.12G ammo: 6 bullets box.

.12G Rifle: Better in early stage. Can replace .12G Shot Gun. Can combine
with Sniper Scope. Using the same ammos as Shot Gun.
Note: As my note in sectors, this thing will show up when you get the .12G
Shot Gun. That makes the SG almost useless.

M14: Next to the best weapon. Can combine with Sniper Scope.

M14 ammo: 20 bullets clip.

M16: Best weapon. Can combine with Sniper Scope. A modified M16 could make
damage even when the opponent is wearing Spectra Shield or Ultra shield.
Only the Treated Spectra Shield can prevent the damage ( partly ) from
this thing.

M16 ammo: 20 bullets clip.

Lab Coat: Let you know that Brenda is already been kidnapped.

Blouse: Let you know Brenda is near.

Bloody Bra: Let you know Brenda is here. Don't know why they use a bloody

Note: "Lab Coat", "Blouse", and "Bloody Bra" can use like "Rag" in those
combined items.

Paper: Give you some hints about the game. Not very important. You can
ignore all these and still finish the game. Combine the torn pieces
will give you a combo for opening the safe and get Brenda's
Journal inside.

Flowers: Rumor these 4 flowers are the cure ( Antidote ) of the virus of
Fallow Trees. I never use them.

Money: $$$ will automatically added to your pool at the end of the day. I
never have the problem of someone disappear with $$$. Need someone
to tell everybody about such experience.

Special Note: There ared some special items like, SmokeBall, Eagle
SmokeBall, Gas Detector via editor. I have no idea of
what are these and how to find/use them.

V. Sectors Information:

General Notes for this section:
(1) The information may not complete.

(2) "*" in front of a sector means this sector may have some important
object(s) or mission(s) at that stage. Which means, the object may
not be important later.

(3) The entry position of the sector is written in abbreviated form.
"N/S" means I think either from "North" or "South" doesn't make any
difference, although I feel N is better than S. "N-W" means from
"North" but had better in the "western" part which means actually:

(4) All the Crates and Boxes ( those yellow ones ) will be counted as
"Crates". I did not list the "drawers". Some of the "Crates" are
actually empty, I still list them because it is a little bit difficult
to remember which one is empty :P. I don't want to confuse all of
you because I can not remember all of them.

(5) Items list in the sector without "parentheses" means they are not
found in the crates, maybe in open area, maybe in drawer. Items list
in "parentheses" means these items are somewhat important and I think
it should be mentioned even you will always find them in the crates.
I guess you will always open the crates, won't you? Some important
items list in the sector with "B" in "parentheses" right behind these
item(s) means you may get them from those bad guys. Although sometimes
this doesn't happen.

(6) "Traps" means both "Mines" and "Detonators". ( You should understand
what I mean. )

(7) All the keys are not so important so I did not list any of them.

(8) The condition of the items are not so important so I did not list them.

(9) Please forgive me for any typo.

Sectors Information:

S60: Helmet, Tool Kit, Knife, 4 Pocket Vest, Crowbar, S & W .38, and
.38 ammos.

*S59: 9 Crates, Crowbar. ( N )
Note: If you did not find Micropurifier in Sector 50, then it should
be in this Sector.

S58: 3 Crates, Crowbar, Metal detector (B). ( N )

S57: 1 Crate, Extended Ears ( B ). ( E )
Note: If there are only 3 or less than 3 bad guys, the Extended Ears
may not exist. Also, very dangerous to open the doors here.

S56: 7 Crates ( 2 Grenades, Live Plastic, C4, Camo, C-17 ), Ultra Shield.
( E/N )
Note: May need Grenade or Explosive to open the second door safely.

S55: 1 Crate. Spectra Shield ( B ). ( N-E )
Note: May need at least 1 Grenade to take care of those bad guys in
SE corner. Otherwise, .... Also, have someone swim to the
island from East maybe helpful.

*S54: Third Processing Plant. 2 Crates, Tool Kit, Kevlar Helmet, Lock Kit
( B ), 2 C-17, Mod. Beretta ( B ). ( N/E )
Note: Detonator(s)? May need one explosive to open the SE door.
I had taken this plant with ".12G Rifle" without plant been
sabotaged ( only once ).

S53: 5 Crates, Crowbar, Mod. Magnum ( B ), Chunk of Steel. Traps in west
of bridge and west of island. ( W )
Note: May need explosive to open the door safely.

S52: 4 Crates ( Lots of $$$, Spectra Shield ). ( W )

*S51: 3 Crates ( M16 ), lots of Traps ( at least 47 ). ( N )

*S50: Micropurifier ( B ), 6 Crates ( Colt .45 ammos ). ( S )
Note: Sometimes you did not find the Micropurifier in this sector.
In such case, just take Sector 59. It will be there.
Carsten Engelmann said he found this thing in S49 in his
last game. I think this is just a very rare case.

S49: 15 Crates, Chunk of Steel. ( Wall Probe? ) ( E-S )

S48: 12 Crates(?) ( .12G ShotGun ). ( N-E )
Note: There are a lot of traps near the crate of SG.

S47: 3 Crates. Lots of traps in the west part ( at least 19 ).
( E/N/S )

*S46: 2 Chunk of Steel, Crowbar, Sniper Scope ( B ), 4 Gas Tanks,
.12G Shot Gun in an open crate. ( N-W/E/S )
Note: Peter Kuesters says Ver 1.0 has 3 Chunk of Steel.

S45: 12 Crates, C-17 ( B ), Metal Detector. Lots of Traps. ( )

S44: 9 Crates. Spectra Shield, 2 Camo 50% ( B ). ( S/N )

S43: Nothing important. ( E )

S42: 12 Crates ( M14 ). ( N-W )
Note: You will need a lot of time to get this one. Maybe use an
Explosive to open some passway will be a better idea.

*S41: 3 Crates ( M16 ). Lots of traps all over the places. ( N )

*S40: 9 Crates ( 9mm Beretta, 9mm ammos, .357 magnum ammos ), .357
magnum. ( S )
Note: Take this sector on Day 1 will make your life easier. If you
are playing in Harder level, this sector is a key point for
Day 1. Save your first Chunk of Steel for this .357 Magnum.
Magnum in the open area in the east. The ammos are in the
crate on island.

S39: 7 Crates, Metal Detectors ( B ). 5 Traps. ( E-N )
( Sorry for the error in previous versions. I knew there are 3 other
crates, ammo, empty, and explosive, in the northern part, but for
some reason, I forgot to count them. )

S38: Items ( Sun Goggle, Kevlar Vest & Helmet, 2 1st Aids ) in house.
( E )
Note: This is probably the first sector that you met an enemy
with those long range weapons ( .12G ), be careful.

*S37: 5 Crates ( 4 Silencers, 9mm ammos ), .12G Rifle in woods, Crowbar,
Metal Detector ( in bed ). ( E )
Note: Use a Grenade to subdue the bad guys behind the metal door
then open the door and shoot them.

*S36: 4 Crates ( Camo in a boobytrap crate ). 8 additional Crates on Day
9 in the morning. These special items include: .12G Shot Gun, .357
Magnum, 2 Grenades, Mines, and Ammos. ( E-N )

S35: Ultra Shield Vest ( B ), Camo ( B ). ( I did not remember these two
items. ) Traps in South. ( E/N/W )

*S34: 7 Crates ( M14 ). ( S/E )
Note: Need to enter this sector at least twice.

*S33: 9 Crates ( M14 ). 6 Traps in west of island. South bridge has trap.
( E/S )

S32: 2 Crates, ( 5 ) Canteens. Traps between houses & to the west. ( E )

*S31: Fourth Processing Plant. 5 Crates. ( E )

*S30: Water Poisoning mission. 9 Crates, Gas Tank, Glass Jars, Extended
Ears ( B ). ( W-S )

*S29: Water Poisoning mission. 6 Crates. ( S-middle/S-W )
Note: May need 1 Grenade for the bad guys in the middle.

*S28: Brenda's new lab. $3,000 hidden ( must use metal detector ).
10 Crates ( knife, ammos, medit kit ) ( E/S )
Note: Most annoying sector in the game. Had better take it later
in the game.

*S27: Second Processing Plant. 4 Crates, Camo, Spectra Shield ( B ). ( S )
Note: Need lots of Silencers ( from S37 ). There must be a second
detonator in this sector. May need 2 Grenades.

S26: 9 Crates ( lots of ammos ), Extended Ears ( in crate? ). Bridges
will explode. ( S )

S25: 5 Crates, Compound-17. ( N-E/E/S )
Note: Need a lot of times.

*S24: Brenda is HERE! 5 Crates ( 3 Stun Grenades ). ( S/N )

*S23: Head Stone in island! 13 Crates, 4 Live Plastic. Traps in islands
and near bridges. ( E-N then N-W, twice )
Note: Best way to get the "Head Stone" is swim to the northeast
island. May need 2 explosives to take care of the bad guys
staying inside those 2 northeast buildings.
If you take care of the detonator will keep the bridges from

S22: ? Crates, Chunk of Steel in island. Lots of traps near shore. ( S )
Note: May need 1 explosive for the southeast building.

S21: 4 Crates. ( E )

S20: 6 Crates ( Spectra Shield, Kevlar Vest, Explosive, money, and Medit
Kit ). 1 Trap (?). ( S )

S19: 8 Crates ( 9mm Beretta ), Explosive, Crowbar, Gas Tank, Oil, Spectra
Shield ( B ). ( E/N )

S18: I don't remember I ever find the replacement. ( W-N )

S17: 8 Crates ( weapons & ammos, Chunk of Steel, C-17 ), Gas Tank, Oil,
Metal Detector, Tool Kit. 6 Traps in north part. ( W )

S16: Extended Ears ( B ). Nothing in huts. ( S )

S15: 2 Crates ( .12g rifle , Extended Ears ). ( E/S )
Note: May need Explosive to open the padlock door.

S14: 8 Crates ( 6 Mines, Metal Detector ). ( N-E/E-N )
Note: Use Explosive to blow the tree away.

S13: 8 Crates ( M16? Ammos ). Lots of money ( > $3,500 ) in the clothes
hang on the wall. ( W-N )
Note: May need "Rock" to lure the bad guy out from west entrance.
Beware of the bad guy in the south room! Don't check the 4th
cloth ( for money ) until this bad guy is finished.

*S12: Scientific Journal in NW corner of building! 7 Crates. ( W/S-W )
Note: This is how I got the Journal twice using the same method.
Use Explosive to open the wall next to the safe. Have "Mike"
waiting in the corner and using a lock kit to open the safe,
then move one step away. The third guy comes and picks up the
journal. This is because I always forgot to bring the combo
with team in that day.
Remember to bring the "Combo" with you then you don't need
Mike to open the safe.

S11: Nothing but bad guys. ( S-W )

*S10: 2 Crates. 3 Traps that will open a passway to another 3 Crates ( M14
& M14 ammo )! ( S )
Note: May need 1 Explosive to open the door.

S9: Nothing but bad guys. ( E )

*S8: 4 Flowers. Magnum ( B ), Metal Detector ( B ). ( S )

S7: Lots of $$$ in the islands. Need at least 2 pocket to hold them.
( W )

S6: Oil in hut. ( S-W )

S5: 1 Crate. M14 ( B, trapped! ), Metal Detector. ( S )

S4: Nothing but bad guys. Never wait until Day 31. ( E )

S3: 8 Crates ( M14? M16? ). Lots of traps outside. ( S )
Note: Trust me, there is nothing worthy outside. Get into the
building and get out of this sector ASAP.

S2: 17 Crates ( 2 M16s, M14, ammos, Comp-17, Chunk of Steel, etc. ).
Traps in the wall switch box. ( E )
Note: I always "open" a door from east, then ambush the bad guys

S1: Enter from East or SE. Need a lot of grenades ( all kinds ),
Explosives and whatever you have. The number of the bad guys is
unlimited unless you mange to get into Santino's room. Fallow
Sappling in the NW corner in that room. You will need a healthy
fast guy to get it. Getting this "Fallow Sappling" is not that
There are some crates in this sector, but I did not care about

VI. Q & As

Questions List:

(1) How to prevent "Rescue Brenda" mission?
(2) What is the benefit of rescuing Brenda?
(3) How to know which sector has processing plant?
(4) How to take processing plant without being sabotaged?
(5) Where are those "detonators"?
(6) What is the "Water Poisoning" mission?
(7) What is "Fallow Tree Dying" ( Plague ) mission?
(8) Can I throw a Grenade over a tree, into a building?
(9) Why there are not many Natives willing to work for me? What can I do?
(10) I am running out of MONEY, what can I do?
(11) "Dynamic Lab" just drop the price of the sapping, what can I do?
(12) Is there any good strategic about the order of taking the sectors?
(13) Is the number of enemies unlimited in Sector 1?
(14) Is there a good strategic to save Brenda?
(15) Why my guys can not open a Crate?
(16) What is the max. sectors taken in 1 day? Which level?
(17) How many game days do you need to finish the game?
(18) What is the best starting team?
(19) Who will not work with whom? What are the interaction between
these Mercenaries?
(20) How can I determine whether my merc can shoot at the bad guys?
(21) Can I shoot through the wall, trees, bushes?
(22) How can I use "Fidel" more effectively? He always refuse to take
(23) Is "Max. Aim" necessary?
(24) Is "Crouch" necessary?
(25) How come the condition of my equipment drop so fast?
(26) What to do with those "Useless" items?
(27) What happen with the equipment with those fire/quit mercs?
(28) What's the difference between "M14" & "M16"?
(29) When will the gun becomes "Jammed"? How can I fix it?
(30) What is the difference between the different difficulty level?
(31) Can I re-hire the merc who takes the money and run away?
(32) Can I prevent Santino from suicide so that I can let somebody kill
him with knife?
(33) How can I get the baby Fallow Sappling tree?
(34) What does Ivan say?
(35) Can I buy equipment? Is there enough bullets to use in the game?
(36) How can you win/lose the game?
(37) How are action points calculated?
(38) I don't want to try out all mercs but I would like to hear their
voices. How do I get it ?
(39) What is the difference between experience levels?
(40) What are the information in those Encrypted Notes?
(41) How to install the DEMO version of this game? It just keep asking
me for a disk.
(42) Should I use a native guide? Whom should I use?
(43) I don't want to fire mercenay so I just let him/her killed. That
seems to be a better idea than getting complain by firing him/her.
Is this good?
(44) Can enemy attack my sectors across the water?
(45) Do I need to put guards in all of my sectors? Is it necessary to
always put 8 guards in my sectors?
(46) Sometimes, the enemy sector has less than 8 guards even it is late
in the game. How can this happen?
(47) How to find those items hidden behind a tree?
(48) What is the factor that influence the performance of my work?
(49) Why the condition of the item degrades after I combine it with
something else?
(50) The items are too many, I can not carry all of them. What can I
(51) Can I heal a guard?
(52) Can I heal the enemy?
(53) Some of the guards is not in perfect condition. Can I replace them?
(54) Did Brenda leave any message for you?
(55) Is there any "official cheat" ( bug ) in the game?
(56) Is there any recipes for combining items?
(57) Can I change the difficulty setting after I start the game? How can
I check what level am I playing?
(58) There are too many keys, what can I do?
(59) How can I know whether there is a window in the side of the building
that I can not see? What can I do?
(60) What is the "three corners" Elio mentioned in sector 30?


(1) How to prevent "Rescue Brenda" mission?
A: There are 2 ways. (1) Don't let enemy take this sector after you
have taken it. Whatever mean method you use will be fine. (2) Re-
take the sector before the day is over. I did not get this mission
once when I re-take the sector immediately ( I was nearby, in the
2nd plant mission, at that time ).

(2) What is the benefit of rescuing Brenda?
A: A lot of $$$$$$$$$.

(3) How to know which sector has processing plant?
A: Hit the green "TREE" button at the beginning of the day. I hate
this because the document did not say it. I found this by accident.

(4) How to take processing plant without being sabotaged?
A: You need a lot of silencers and kill whatever enemy you have
encountered immediately. Do not fire while enemy is moving, the
"INTERRUPT" situation. If enemy still have enough APs, they will
let the other guys know you are there. The 2nd processing plant
has either 1 or 2 detonator. One is on the wall in the island (
refer to Q5 ), I suspect the other one is in the buildings with
the plant. Some people just disarm the first detonator and keep
using non-silence gun. Nothing happened. But, there is another
person ( other than I ) has possession of the first detonator and
still had plant been sabotaged with loud gunshot sound. I don't
know where is the 3rd plant's detonator. I had shooting those
outside guys with ".12G Rifle" and the plant is still there after
I took the sector ( once ). I think this is purely luck. The 4th
plant always has less than 8 bad guys there, so I can take care
of them with "Silencers" without knowing where is the detonator.

(5) Where are those "detonators"?
A: Here are some graphics about the detonators ( by Peter ):

The detonator in plant 2 on the island (rough layout)
******* D = door
* * * = wall
* * 1 search north wall here to detect detonator
*1 *
* *

The detonator in the sector with the bridges (S26?):
small house in the NW:
******** 1 search west wall here
* *
*1 *
* *
* ****
* * D

The detonator in Sector 23 (Bridges):
the SE-building:
* * 1 search west wall to detect detonator
D *
* *
*1 *

Hoang Pham < hpham@eskimo.com > mentioned about the detonator
in plant 4, but I lost the information about this.

(6) What is the "Water Poisoning" mission?
A: I heard this before I got the game. So, I always arrange my team
to take the lake before the end of day 3. I don't know what will
happen if you do not take the lake after day 3. In this mission,
you need to take BOTH sector 29 & 30.

(7) What is "Fallow Tree Dying" ( Plague ) mission?
A: I never had such kind of problem. I heard people were talking
about "Antidote" for this, but I am not sure. Here are the info
provided by Peter:

Some time after you take a certain sector ( someone said 55, but
I really don't know which one ) a virus starts appearing. You can
get rid of it either by bringing the flowers to Brenda or by
recovering the antidote. The antidote is in Sector 7, if you did
not possess it before the virus started. It is in Sector 41, if you
already possessed Sector 7 but not Sector 41. If you possess both
sector 7 and sector 41, the virus will probably never appear.

( My note: 55 is not correct. I always possess this sector before
Sector 7, and I never encounter this virus in my game. )

Here is another alternative: ( by ? )
Just use the explosive to blow the infested tree away then the
virus won't spread. ( Surely this is not a scientific way. )

(8) Can I throw a Grenade over a tree, into a building?
A: You can throw a Grenade over trees. If there is an open path into
the building, you will be able to throw it in. But, be warned!
There is also a possibility that the Grenade will hit the wall,
so ..... I am not sure whether you can throw it through a window
or not. Even you can do it, that seems too risky.

Someone in the net mentioned that you can place the "Eagle"
items in the window, then it will explode as if installed inside
the house. The "Eagle Silencer" and "Eagle Screamer" seemed to be
more effective than others in this case. ( I did not try this. )

(9) Why there are not many Natives willing to work for me? What can I do?
A: Because you are not doing a good enough job, so that the Natives
still don't trust you. The number of Sectors you have taken, the
number of the bad guys you have killed, the number of Natives
that had died, all these will contribute to the result. If such
kind of situation happened, the only way to do is to "RAISE" the
salary of the Natives. This is a one-way ticket, so I don't think
you want to do this. The better way is taking more sectors then
more Natives will be happy to work for you.
This is why I said taking S40 on day 1 is so important. If you
are playing in HARDER level, take 4 sectors on day 1 will give you
70 Natives on day 2. After you hire 39 tappers, you can still have
31 guards on day 2. That is really helpful.

(10) I am running out of MONEY, what can I do?
A: Please refer to the information of the sectors. Make sure you get
all those $$$ in each sector. Once again, you had better take more
sectors and gain more trees so that you can get more incomes.
Beware of the fact that more trees means more processing plants.
And, this is the other thing you need to think about it.

(11) "Dynamic Lab" just drop the price of the sapping, what can I do?
A: There is nothing you can do to prevent this to happen. I suspect
this event is triggered by the fact that you own the second
processing plant. After couple days, with all the info that Jack
had told you, they will drop the price in 2-3 days. The only
thing you can do is getting more TREEs. The more trees you own,
the better chance that "Dynamic Lab" will raise the price again.
I don't know how many trees will trigger the first raise. But one
thing is for sure: get more trees! They will raise the price for
$20 each time.
There is also another possibility that this event is triggered
purely base on the time. The EASY level will happen later, the
HARDER level will happen a lot faster.

(12) Is there any good strategic about the order of taking the sectors?
A: I don't think so. One thing is for sure, if you are not taking
some sectors, some events will happen that forces you to take
certain sector later. At that time, you will know what sector
is important that you should take them ASAP.

(13) Is the number of enemies unlimited in Sector 1?
A: YES! You need to get into the building ASAP. One person claims
the number is limited, this is not true. Although the "Enemy
Turn" message will be quicker for some time, that is because
the computer is "Generating" more enemies.

BUT, the number of enemies seems still follow the "8" rule. If
one enemy did not die, the other one will not be generated. One
time I happened to "Stun" 5 enemies just across the river for
more than 10 turns, that game was so easy that I only need to
take care of 2 enemies in each turns. Those 5 guys just keep
lying there. ( Of course, I keep using Tear Gas & Stun Grenade
to keep them there. )

The generating rate might depends on the level. Someone reported
that they only encountered 6-7 enemies in Sector 1 when playing
in EASY level, then that's it. For HARDER level, the enemy will
be generated in enemy turn whenever a bad guy has died.

(14) Is there a good strategic to save Brenda?
A: Here is one I heard in News Group. Let Magic swim across the
water. Sneak to the back of the south building. There is a door
there. Let him open it. There will be a Crate with 3 Stun Grenades
and another door. Open this door, then you will find Brenda. I did
not use it, but I think this should work. ( I entered from North,
killed 3 bad guys, then the sector is clear. )

(15) Why my guys can not open a Crate?
A: The crate is nailed too tight. You will need a Crowbar to open
it. Furthermore, the merc is not healthy, not strong enough or
tire ( BLUE BAR low ) will not do the trick. The condition of
the Crowbar will also influence the chance of opening it. BTW,
there are some Crates that are so tight that only certain mercs
with almost full health can open it. In such condition, make
sure the BLUE BAR is in the highest position.

(16) What is the max. sectors taken in 1 day? Which level?
A: 7 by Peter Kuesters. He did it twice without using any Alt-X.
In HARDER level. Here is the information about these two days:
S14 -> S15 -> S16 -> S17 -> S18 -> S8 -> S7
S48 -> S58 -> S57 -> S47 -> S46 -> S56 -> S45
( I guess he did not spend time to clean those mines and traps. )

(17) How many game days do you need to finish the game?
A: Peter Kuesters can do it in 12 days ( he said he might be able to
do it faster if not taking all the sectors ). But, not everybody
can do this. According to the "average 3 sectors per day" rule,
you should be able to finish it by day 20. Of course, the more
experience you have, the better you can do it. My first game
took 27 days ( NORMAL ). Second one took 20 days ( HARDER ). I
think this should be normal for a veteran players.

(18) What is the best starting team?
A: Don't think there is an answer for this. Almost everyone pick
Ivan at the beginning. But, there are still some person who did
not do it. As long as you have a team with "Sharp Shooter",
"Doctor", "Mechanic", and "Bomb Dude", then this team should be
good enough.

(19) Who will not work with whom? What are the interaction between
these Mercenaries?
A: Here are some of them:

"Sparky" doesn't want to work with her brother "Gary".
"Gary" doesn't want to work with his brother "Larry"
( what's wrong with this family anyway ).
What about "Sparky" & "Larry"?

"Hurl" will quit if you have "Fidel" in the team ( or, killed by
"Fidel" ). ( Uh, "Hurl" is a male, not a female. )

"Fox" will quit if you have too many casualties. She will not come
back if you fire her. She will come back if you improve your
casuality situation.

"Wolf" can't stand you raise salary of any other people.

"Mike" & "Scully" are good friends. So do "Magic" & "Sidney". Any
one of them will quit if their buddy is killed or fired.

A lot of mercs will quit if you can not paid the salary of any
mercenary. Same when you don't pay the the chopper's fee to deliver
a dead merc's body back.

If you overuse your mercs ( without letting them to rest enough
during the day time ), many of them will quit! Maybe not the
first day, maybe the second day when you treat them the same

"Biff" doesn't want to kill anybody. If he really kills a bad
guy, he will quit and say thing like, I want to go back to school.

"Skitz" will kill "Sparky".

** "Reuben" will kill "Ivan"(!) and other people.

"Fidel", "Leech", and "Skitz" will refuse order while in the middle
of a combat.

"Kaboom", "Larry", "Moses", and "Pops" will forget order after some

When you fire "Venney", then hire "Magic" & "Scully", "Scully"
will ask for double salary because "Vinney" said something to him.

** Someone said if you fire "Tex", he will say bad things to many(!)
people in A.I.M.

(20) How can I determine whether my merc can shoot at the bad guys?
A: There is a basic principle: If you can see him, you can shoot
him! ( Use the function. ) If that is in an wide open area,
you can shoot whoever your team can see ( not the shooter ). But,
range too far may not cause any damage ( especially the handgun ).
If this is in the woods, then the best way to determine whether you
want to shoot him => "Interrupt"! In "Interrupt" situation, that
means your merc has a pretty clear line of sight, so you can
guarantee he has a chance to hit him.

Exception: When your merc is behind a lot of Bushes, you may want
to forfeit this chance. There is a higher chance that
you will hit the bush than the bad guy.

(21) Can I shoot through the wall, trees, bushes?
A: This part is a little bit tricky. If you find you can not shoot
through the wall, but the bad guy(s) can, you might be a little
bit frustrated. BUT, you can shoot him back! If you find you was
hit behind the wall ( bad guy shoots through the wall ), then you
shoot back immediately and don't move this merc. You can get him
in the same way. But, if you move, this condition will not happen
and you will be still shooting at the wall. Don't know about the
trees, but the bushes have the same condition. If the bad guy can
shoot you, you can shoot him. Of course, bad guy will take the
first shot and your merc(s) has better chance to get hurt.

(22) How can I use "Fidel" more effectively? He always refuse to take
A: He always refuses to move IF HIS TARGET DID NOT MOVE. So, you
have to make sure he is in a well covered place before you can
take that shot. When his target moves, he is willing to move
again, so move him before shooting.

There are two other ways to do the trick: hitting "esc" or remove
the weapon from his main hand ( then put it back ).

"Leech", and "Skitz" has the same problem, and you can treat them
the same way.

(23) Is "Max. Aim" necessary?
A: Yes in some cases. In wide open place, "Max. Aim" will have much
better chance to hit the target. Also, in "Interrupt" situation,
"Max. Aim" is better because you will have a pretty good line of
sight, and this "line of sight" maybe very precious in the woods.

But I really doubt it when the enemy is behind a cover or wearing
a good body armor. In such case, sometimes 1 or 2 APs less than
"Max. Aim" will have a better chance than "Max. Aim".

Yet, this is not guaranteed because "not Max. Aim" also means
"Chances to miss". But if you hit, the damage is usually greater
than "Max. Aim" in this case. There are a lot of variables here
and I don't know exactly how they work.

I would simply suggest that you use 1 or 2 APs less than "Max.
Aim" in the woods for couple times, and decide by yourself when
do you want to use "Max. Aim" and when do not.

(24) Is "Crouch" necessary?
A: YES! Although this always take 2 APs, but it worth it. Especially
"Crouch" behind a bush. But, be sure your mercs are wearing a
Helmet. "Crouch" also means the chance of "Hit on the head" is
increased too.

(25) How come the condition of my equipment drop so fast?
A: Two reason. (1) Staying in the water for a longer time. (2) Hit
by explosive or grenade.
Keep using it ( gun ) will drop the condition too, but not that

(26) What to do with those "Useless" items?
A: You will need to fix it at home before you want to use them. Gun,
Grenade, Wall Probe, Metal Detector, Explosive, Eagle items,
Molotov Cocktail, and Armor are all fixable. Don't remember what
else can be fixed. All the kit ( First Aid, Medical, Tool, Lock ),
Camoflage, Compound-17, and Crowbar are not fixable. I don't
remember about the Chunk of Steel, but you DON'T need to fix it.

There is another usage of these "Useless" Grenade type items.
Put them in those "Eagle" items and the condition will be around
70 - 80 %. That is already pretty good.

(27) What happen with the equipment with those fire/quit mercs?
A: If you fire him/her, you keep all the equipment. If he/she quits,
he/she will bring the equipment with him/her. So, fire him/her
before he/she quits. ( Beware of your turnover rate. )

(28) What's the difference between "M14" & "M16"?
A: Peter Kuesters made a little experiment with this once. He has
"Magic" using Mod. M14, "Scully" using Mod. M16. "Scully" has
slightly better armor. "Magic" wins all the times. But, my own
experience shows the difference between these two things are
difficult to tell. In sector 1, most of the time, M16 is better
than M14; BUT, sometimes, M14 has better effect than a M16. Who
knows, both weapons are GOOD! Sometimes, I think a direct hit at
the "Bulleyes" ( heart, maybe ) with good body armor maybe worse
than a hit at the other part of body ( say, arms, legs ).

(29) When will the gun becomes "Jammed"? How can I fix it?
A: Not sure about this. The only thing I know is a gun in perfect
condition ( 100% ) never "Jammed". I had a 98% mod. Beretta
"Jammed" once. And it takes about 7-8 times of re-firing to fix
it. And I had used a 70% gun about 10 shots without "Jammed".
Maybe firing too many times in a short time ( too many bad guys,
huh? ) will increase the chance.

There is no better way to treat a "Jammed" gun in the field. As
manual said, continuously firing it might do the trick. The most
times I used was about 7-8 times ( for that 98%! condition mod.
Beretta ). There is a person in the net said he fired more than
20 times before it worked again! I think this is purely depends
on your luck. Of course, a mechanical at home can always fix it
for you, but you won't be able to get it until the next day.

Torbj|rn Lindgren said, let a higher Mechanical skill merc shoot
it in the field will have a better chance to make it work again.
He suggested skill over 40 for doing this.

(30) What is the difference between the different difficultylevel?
A: One thing I am sure, the starting fund is different. "Easy"
gives you $25,000. "Normal" gives you $20,000. "Harder" gives
you $15,000. Cash flow handling becomes very important early in
the game in "Harder" level.

The price for the chopper is different. $600 for "Easy", $800
for "Normal", and $1,000 for "Hard". Same for delivering a dead
merc back.

The AI is different. But I can not exactly describe this part.
In "Harder", the enemy will always tries to hide behind cover,
come out to spot you and hide again, so that the other bad guys
can come and shoot you or throw a grenade on you. The tendency of
enemy using a grenade is increased too. The enemy will probably
ignore the rock when you throw it.

The number of bad guys in S49, S50, S59 ( for your first day
mission ) is different. "Normal" only has 4 in each sector,
"Harder" has 6! On day 2, "Harder" always has 8 bad guys in every
sectors, "Normal" still has 6 on day 2. That's all I know.

Carsten tested the "Easy" and found there is only 2 enemies in
first three sectors.

Also, the last sector ( S1 ) will be different. The "Easy" level
seems can not regenerate the enemy quick enough. The "Harder" will
always regenerate a new enemy in their turn whenever you kill one.

(31) Can I re-hire the merc who takes the money and run away?
A: ?

(32) Can I prevent Santino from suicide so that I can let somebody kill
him with knife?
A: Probably not. Someone ( I don't remember who ) in the net said
something about this:
Guess he is like the Obi-wan in Star War. Once he decide to
suicide, nobody can stop him. I tried to sneak to the other side
of the wall and use those "Eagle" stuffs and there is no damage
to that wall! Nothing can break the wall with the switch.

(33) How can I get the baby Fallow Sappling tree?
A: This is a little bit tricky too. The bomb will explode while you
are moving your guys. The sequence of the bombs to explode seems
to be the same. You will need some practice or "Alt-X" to do this.
You only have about 2.5 turns to do this. Otherwise, the baby
Fallow Sappling tree will be destroyed. Use those quick guys.
Don't forget one thing, there are two traps in that room too.

(34) What does Ivan say?
A: The following is from "Eugene":
When you hire him (the best part). "O'K, I'll work for you, damn
When enemy is shooting him: "I am in the middle of the fight" or
"they are shooting at me!"
When he spots enemy: "I see an enemy, he doesn't see me"
When he finds an item: "I see something"
When he suspects a bomb: "It may be a trap"
When he is tired ( low in Breath ): "This hot is killing me"
When he kills the last enemy in the sector: "This place must be
safe now"
When he receives an order: "O'K,O'K"
When he kills an enemy: "Good"
When he got shot: "Damn!"
When he needs bullets: "My bullets are gone"
When he search an empty crate: "Nothing"
When he opens an empty crate: "Empty"
When he can not open a crate: "I can't open it"
When it is late in the evening ( 6pm ): "It's getting late. I think
we'd better go back."
When you ask him to shoot your own team member: "So, that's the
way the Wild West does it!"
When the team is travelling to another sector without him: "We
must be together."
When you fire him: "I wish you spent your holiday in Kiev!"
( My personal note: I think maybe Ivan is from Kiev, so if you
spend holiday in Kiev, he has a chance to stab you there :). Is
this reasonable? )
When Santino suicide: "He is serious. It will blow up."
When the game finish: "I am proud of the job we did here."

The following is from "Susi": ( Susi's translation is a little bit
direct, without the modification. )
1. Well, I'll work for u, damn capitalist.
2. I see something.
3. I can't open it.
4. It's mien-trape. (?)
5. A, there's it look like. (?)
6. It's can be trap.
7. I see enemy. He don't see me.
8. At me shooting.
9. I am in the hit of the battle.
10. My weapon is jammed.
11. I have end ammunitions.
12. This hot killing me.
13. This place must be safe now.
14. Don't touch me.
15. A... then on west this is made thus.
16. I want u have the holiday in Kiev.
17. NYET- No. ( Re-hire him. )
18. I pride work, some we ended here.
19. Seems, something in pocket. ( Brenda's lab coat. )
20. Good, good. ( "Eugene" uses "O'K, O'K". )
21. Good. ( after a kill )
22. Damn. ( when he see bad guys )
23. Nothing (or) Empty

(35) Can I buy equipment? Is there enough bullets to use in the game?
A: No and Yes. You can not buy anything so use ammos cautiously.
The amount of the ammos will be more than you need if you are
not shooting anything like crazy. Furthermore, if you planned
on how to kill enemy when you see one, that will save some
bullets. To prove my statement, I had these ammos right before
I attacked Sector 1 ( on HARDER level ):
.38 ammos box: 62 .45 ammos clip: 18
9mm ammos clip: 19 .357 ammos box: 17
.12G ammos box: 11 M14 ammos clip: 23
M16 ammos clip: 21
Like these should be more than enough to finish S1.

(36) How can you win/lose the game?
A: The final goal is to beat Lucas Santino. If you manage to get
into the last room of sector 1, Santino will suicide and you
will win the game. Skip any sector before winning sector 1 does
not matter. Don't know what is the condition to lose the game.
Just know that if you lose Sector 60, then you lose the game.

(37) How are action points calculated?
A: Health, Agility, Experience level, and Breath. Agility is the most
important one. Health, Experience level, and Breath will modify
the number. ( I don't think Dexterity is taken into account. This
is only my personl opinion. ) I do believe there is a upper
limit ( 25 APs ) and a lower limit ( ? APs, check Turtle ) for
this value.

Carsten Engelmann had tested and found an equation about this

APs = health/20 + agility/10 + dexterity/20 + (exp.lev.+1)/2

The breath is hard to put in the formula because there is no
numerical value in the game.

Note: I had not fully verify this formula yet. There seems to be
a little error there. The calculated APs might be differ
from real one with 1 or 2 APs. But, that should give you
some idea of how fast he/she is.

(38) I don't want to try out all mercs but I would like to hear their
voices. How do I get it ?
A: Information provide by Carsten Engelmann:

On the CDROM are all the sound files. They are mostly 11kHz,
stereo and 8bit. The format is probably VOC. They can be played
with Mediavision's playfile.exe.
Look for the file e.g. 'nat' and play it with playfile.exe or
'vplay -S -s11' under Linux. It's the collection of Elio's sayings.
Other mercs have numbers. E.g. Bud has 11, Reuben has 20. I don't
have a Soundbalster so I don't know the tools but it's probably the

(39) What is the difference between experience levels?
A: He/she will have higher Salary ( of course ), more AP ( +1 ), see
farther and have more chances to identify a trap, etc. while he/she
increases the experience level. Each level will increase the salary
by 50%, and AP by 1 ( most of the time ). Probably also increase the
ability in other areas but this part is not so obvious.

(40) What are the information in those Encrypted Notes?
A: (a) Code: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Real: C F V H N W P B X L K M E I S A Z D R T O Y

(b) All Personnel,
Stay clear S4 on D31
Stork is a Boobytrap

(c) All Personnel,
Scientific Journal
is not to fall into
enemy hands, first
sign of enemy
presence near my lab-
Journal is to be
destroyed immediately

(d) It's a note from "Hervos". He said Mr. Lucas is making a
baby Fallow Tree. ( You need a native to read this note. )

(e) Thanks/????????????????????? ( Somebody help me here! )

(41) How to install the DEMO version of this game? It just keep asking
me for a disk.
A: The DEMO version will ask you to put the files in floppy disks
before the installation. This will work. But, if you use the
function "SUBST" of DOS to emulate a drive ( say, Z: ), then
you can just install it from hard drive ( root directory of
Z: ).

(42) Should I use a native guide? Whom should I use?
A: It depends. The advantage of native guide is Free, Advice, and
an extra man to carry items. Each one has his advantage & dis-
advantage. Like Elio, he is very fast, but his marksmanship is
too low ( 23 ). Hamous ( ?, the second one ) has pretty decent
marksmanship but he is way too slow. I personally prefer Elio
because he is fast and strong enough to open a lot of crates.
I don't really need him to fight. Other people prefer Hamous
just because he can join battle. It just depends on the way
you play.

(43) I don't want to fire mercenay so I just let him/her killed. That
seems to be a better idea than getting complain by firing him/her.
Is this good?
A: Surely the other mercs will not complain because the turnover
rate does not increase in this case. BUT, beware of the side
effect! This will increase the casuality rate and also need
chopper to send the dead body back. Also, I heard someone
mentioned this once that if a merc's "buddy" got killed, he/
she will quit. Then, you have to increase the salary of him
to keep him/her. Remember, his/her equipment will be gone if
he/she quits! I don't recommend such kind of tactics.

(44) Can enemy attack my sectors across the water?
A: Yes. If the sector is adjacent to an enemy sector, then enemy
can launch an attack from there. So, be sure to put 8 guards

(45) Do I need to put guards in all of my sectors? Is it necessary to
always put 8 guards in my sectors?
A: If the sector is not directly adjacent to an enemy sector, then
it is not necessary to put guards there because enemy can not
attack this sector directly. If this sector has enemy sector(s)
adjacent to it, then you had better put guards there because the
enemy might get a "free" sector if there is no guard there. You
had better always put 8 guards in such kind of sectors. But this
depends on your situation. If your financial can afford 8 guards
in all the sectors adjacent to enemy sectors, than it is the best
way to protect it. If your financial can't afford it and you wish
to risk a little bit, then you should consider what level you are
playing at. If that is "harder", you may want to put less than 8
guards in those sectors where enemy just attacked yesterday. If
a sector is separated from enemy sector by water, then you can
consider put less guards there. If you are playing in "Normal" or
"Easy" level, then you can consider just put 6 - 7 guards in your
sectors and reduce the amount of backup guards.

(46) Sometimes, the enemy sector has less than 8 guards even it is late
in the game. How can this happen?
A: Remember the enemy can launch attack on your sectors? That's why
sometimes the number of them has decreased. If you remember to
memorize the number of enemies that sent to attack your sectors,
then you can calculate how many enemies left in the sector. If
you attack that sector immediately, then you are going to face
only that number of enemies there. Of course, sometimes you need
to guess which sector they launch the attack before the day ends.
One more thing, if you did not attack that sector immediately or
the next day, there is a pretty good chance that the enemy will
reinforcement that sector pretty soon. The shortest time to get
a reinforcement in an enemy sector is about 4 hours in my own
experience. 1 day is my most common experience.

Note: enemy can reinforce across water, but you can't if that
sector is not linked.

(47) How to find those items hidden behind a tree?
A: See advice (17) in suggestion for the Novice Player.

(48) What is the factor that influence the performance of my work?
A: I don't have the formula here. One thing is for sure: the daily
performance ( the one at the end of the day ) is based on the
number of the enemies that you had killed, not on how many sectors
that you had taken. Your casualities and number of Natives died
might be considered but the factor is not clear. The overall
performance was based on these factors too. But, the turn over
rate ( the mercs that you had fired ) might be a factor here.
( Is there anyone has a formula? )

(49) Why the condition of the item degrades after I combine it with
something else?
A: There are two reasons for this to happen: (a) the person to
do this job does not have high enough relative skill (b) the
condition of one ( or several ) item(s) is not good enough.

It is pretty easy to make up if it is the case one: just let
someone else to do it. The person with the right skill will
usually increase ( or maintain ) the condition after he/she has
done the job.

The second one is a little bit tough. You will need to have some
experience about what condition is good to combine the items.
After you had tried several times, you will probably have an
idea of this. I would suggest you to try it out if the condition
is over 50%. If it is under 50%, then you had better have it
fixed before using it.

(50) The items are too many, I can not carry all of them. What can I
A: Some of the items can be put in the same pocket with other same
( or different ) items. You don't need to put each item in each
slot. Check out the figure of the item. If there is a small number
in the right lower corner, then you probably can put it together
with other same items. For example: ammos. There is a limitation
of how many of the same items can put in the same slot ( pocket ).
Maximum number is 5. But there are some items, medical kits, sun
goggles, which you can put less ( 2 ) in the same pocket.
Other than this, you can also combine things before you put it
in the pocket. For example: Silencer or Sniper Scope with the
gun. That will same some rooms.

Caution: If the item is for repair, the Silencer or Sniper Scope
which combined with the gun will not be fixed unless it
is detached.

If the items are really too many that you are still running out
of the pockets ( it happens all the time ), then you can determine
which items are needed immediately and which are not. Then, put
those necessary items in your pockets. Put those not necessary
items in some certain place in the sector. ( There is no rain or
thief in Metavira, so don't worry about these items. ) You can
always come back latter to collect them.

(51) Can I heal a guard?
A: Yes. If you find a guard just injuried or is in poor, weak,
critical, or dying condition, you can always try to let a merc
to heal him. If the guard does not have wound, you will find
the merc just stand next to the guard ( that means the wound
does not need bandage ).

(52) Can I heal the enemy?
A: Yes. Once there is a person in the net said he healed the enemy
but the enemy still attacked the merc after been treated! He just
let his merc kill that enemy anyway. ( I never try this. )

(53) Some of the guards is not in perfect condition. Can I replace them?
A: Probably not. Since you can not control the guard except the ask
part of them to move. You can only hope these weak ones will move
so that you can isolate these weak ones.

(54) Did Brenda leave any message for you?
A: Put her "lab coat" in the right hand, then you will find a message
like this:


(55) Is there any "official cheat" ( bug ) in the game?
A: Yes. Carsten found one:

Before a "quick save", let your mouse cursor hold an item ( like
Medical Kit ) before doing this. Then, use "quick restore" of this
one. You will get two items instead of original one after the

(56) Is there any recipes for combining items?
A: I guess not. I believe those "Molotove Cocktail" and "Eagle" items
were gotten via trial & errors.

(57) Can I change the difficulty setting after I start the game? How can
I check what level am I playing?
A: No. If you go to the team information screen, you can see this in
the upper right corner ( first one ).

(58) There are too many keys, what can I do?
A: True. There are too many keys and you can not tell the difference
from them. There is a way to make your life easier: Only use the
keys you found in the same sector. If there are any key left,
then throw it away.
My suggestion is simple. Other than the above mentioned method,
just bring the "Padlock Keys" with you. The Padlock are much
harder to be picked. Once you have Mike, just bring a Locksmith
kit with you. There is only 1 door that Mike can not pick in
the island. ( You can use explosive on that one. )

(59) How can I know whether there is a window in the side of the building
that I can not see? What can I do?
A: Carsten reminds me about this problem. Sometimes, when the mercs
walking around these hidden windows, they got shot. There seems
to be no way of telling the existence of the window.

My method works most of the time: When a merc is moving to the back
of the building, let him/her stand next to the wall! Move him/her
square by square! If there is a window, he/she will see 1 square
in the building 1 square(!) before he/she stand right in front of
a window. In this case, this merc has only slightly chance to be
shot. This is the method I used all the time.

After you have confirmed there is a window there, you can always
send a merc with "Wall Probe" to verify the existence of the enemy
inside the building. If there is no enemy, then you should be able
to move safely around the window.

(60) What is the "three corners" Elio mentioned in sector 30?
A: Most of the people believe the treasure is actually in sector 28
rather than 20. That is the "three corners".

VIII. Miscellaneous Information

Comments for those high Marksmanship mercs: ( All the APs here are
confirmed by myself. )

Mike: Perfect! Well, except the Salary. ( 23 APs )
Lynx: Good one, and well worth the price. ( 18 APs )
Leech: Slow but OK with that price. Will refuse order like Fidel while
in the middle of a combat. ( 13 APs )
Kelly: Not that good. His response ( "INTERRUPT" ) was bad. I am a
little disappointed about him. Other people still think he is
OK. The possible reason is he can not see very far. That should
be the reason why his response is not good. ( 22 APs )
Magic: Very Good! Highly recommended. Well worth the price. ( 22 APs )
Hitman: OKay. But he is too slow. ( 16 APs )
Spike: So far, the only comment I got said his salary seems too high!
( I have no idea about this guy. )
Ivan: Good one. What can I say, almost everyone has him at the beginning.
He is very strong too. ( 19 APs )
Sidney: Not good. Like Ivan at the beginning, but a little bit slower.
( 18 APs )
Scully: Good one, worth the price. ( 22 APs )

Ice: Good one. Easy to improve Marksmanship to about 88. Also
very fast and healthy. ( 19 APs )
Fidel: Good one. Best Bomb dude. A little bit slow. ( 17 APs )
Snake: Good shooter and has a Camo-U-Flage with him. The drawback is
low HPs and no significant secondary skill. ( 19 APs )
Bud: Good shooter and somewhat useful field doc. His 78 marksmanship
can be easily raised to 80 by the killing number. ( 16 APs )

Strongly suggest: ( in order )
Mike, Magic, Scully, Lynx, Ivan, Ice, Fidel.
Bud and Snake depends on your choice.
( You may have some opinion about Ivan should be higher than Lynx, but
I have the reason to put him in front of Ivan. Lynx is a little bit
slower but you can count on him while in Sector 1. You can put him in
a position where you usually put Mike there, and Lynx can still handle
it very well because of his 99 marksmanship. )

Attribute of all four Native Guides:
( From < sca@advge.magwien.gv.at > in newsgroup )

sal hp ag dex wis med mec mk exp
Elio 0 83 84 81 58 0 0 23 1 ( 17 APs )
Hamous 0 66 68 66 35 0 2 74 1 ( 14 APs )
Native # 3 0 74 62 88 74 0 70 24 1
Native # 4 0 68 55 88 82 46 0 11 1

Here are the tables for all Mercs' different skill ranking. When you
have some special requirement ( like a Bomb Dude ), you can check into
the table of the Explosive and determine which one you want. I think this
should be handy. These tables are prepared by Mr. Jean-Marc Tanzi. I
correct some numbers and change part of the order. Note that the APs
he used here were calculated from Carsten's equation. Some of them are
really wrong but it is a little bit too hard to correct all of them, so
just keep that in your mind. ( If you want a spread sheet form, you
can either e-mail to me at my "first" address, or ask John to send it
to you. )

By Salary:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26

By HPs

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21

By Agility:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24

By Dexterity:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22

By Wisdom:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21

By Medical skill:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21

By Explosive skill (over 30):

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26

By Mechanical skill (over 30):

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21

By Marks.:

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26

And last by APs: ( Just for reference )

NAME ID Sal. He Ag Dx Ws Me Ex Mc Ma Rk AP
Herman Regents Turtle 250 53 8 21 85 2 5 12 75 2 8
Murray McGillicutty Pops 2800 38 14 4 88 18 6 9 85 9 8
Reuben Reuban 35 57 45 39 28 0 1 0 32 1 10
Willy Augustin Weasel 180 56 44 36 60 0 40 5 54 1 10
Murray Ebstern Moses 1900 49 39 29 89 29 31 88 84 5 10
Rev._Clyde Potter Rev 740 74 46 41 54 15 41 15 64 2 12
Dr._Bernie Gloveless Bernie 2650 69 39 48 85 94 0 4 75 3 12
Howard Melfield Carp 575 55 54 52 77 2 5 15 67 2 13
Bruce Bonner Skitz 90 48 60 51 31 0 69 0 47 1 14
Dr._Raffitto Leevon Raffi 100 70 93 14 29 4 2 2 44 1 14
Larry Roachburn Larry 140 46 72 54 58 49 82 7 50 1 15
Edward Stockwell Ears 375 72 67 58 79 22 18 26 54 1 15
Samuel Garver Sam 2750 75 58 55 91 11 22 65 86 4 15
Dr._Margaret Trammel Stella 3500 85 24 75 88 89 0 21 69 3 15
Lance Fisher Lance 230 76 69 61 56 21 0 0 44 1 16
Tex_R. Colburn Tex 275 71 71 57 52 0 2 32 65 1 16
Gary Roachburn Gary 315 83 68 59 60 11 14 22 67 1 16
Mary_Beth Wilkens Beth 330 77 90 36 80 44 0 22 55 1 16
Speck_T. Kline Speck 365 69 51 77 86 11 8 99 49 1 16
Walter Yuntz Wally 650 82 55 62 83 24 48 95 24 2 16
Timothy Jenkins Leech 1150 63 58 70 54 9 17 10 98 2 16
Dr._Clifford Highball Cliff 3000 73 60 53 87 79 10 0 83 3 16
Carl Goodman It 155 95 55 74 29 0 0 3 61 1 17
Megan Roachburn Sparky 205 52 68 88 51 0 28 86 47 1 17
Elroy_B. Tolken Elroy 345 63 54 88 39 12 6 81 55 1 17
Capt._Bob Adams Bob 1200 81 68 66 97 37 33 26 72 2 17
Dr._Eli Summers Eli 1400 81 73 58 77 70 0 65 49 2 17
Dr._Ahmad Koolhan Doc 1750 74 77 61 83 83 0 3 66 2 17
Biff Apscott Biff 95 73 74 71 58 0 0 0 47 1 18
Vincenzo Massimo Vinny 385 73 75 74 65 0 4 87 65 1 18
Lt._Bud Hellar Bud 1100 73 79 75 69 19 8 18 78 2 18
Frank Hennessy Hitman 1800 80 81 40 74 3 34 11 93 3 18
Wink_E. Dickerson Wink 240 92 80 68 59 2 1 2 38 1 19
Helmut Grunther Grunty 490 82 79 76 72 14 25 40 69 1 19
Patrick Phillips Screw 1500 82 66 71 68 4 24 82 64 3 19
Fidel Dahan Fidel 1550 88 83 64 71 3 97 6 85 2 19
Hector Alvarez Hector 410 79 84 88 72 6 17 38 61 1 20
Lesley Peterson Smoke 560 78 87 80 44 7 90 20 69 1 20
Jimmy Upton Jimmy 800 84 82 73 47 0 16 92 56 2 20
Johnny Edwards Snake 1150 65 89 86 57 0 22 12 80 2 20
Peter Sanderson Wolf 1850 87 73 84 74 44 32 48 74 2 20
Russel Hunter Rusty 1650 74 71 89 68 0 71 30 64 3 20
Victoria Waters Vicky 2850 79 85 72 85 16 28 90 80 3 20
Kirk Stevenson Static 3100 79 66 95 60 10 24 98 80 3 20
Maj._Spike Scallion Spike 6000 77 69 86 85 11 53 76 92 5 20
Hurl_E. Cutter Hurl 400 100 81 71 55 44 0 0 60 1 21
Ice Williams Ice 1300 90 88 87 71 0 0 35 86 2 21
Dr._Mark Kranhium Needle 1900 92 80 81 88 98 6 34 62 2 21
Glen Hatchet Boss 2950 80 76 84 71 9 53 99 84 3 21
Rudy Roberts Lynx 3300 81 79 86 71 23 50 19 99 3 21
Dr._Mitch Shudlem Mitch 3800 83 71 88 97 96 24 13 56 3 21
Marty Moffat Kaboom 210 71 93 91 13 0 84 27 58 1 22
Cynthia Guzzman Fox 515 77 85 100 76 60 8 15 54 1 22
Sidney Nettleson Sidney 4000 80 70 91 78 39 14 0 91 4 22
Ivan Dolvich Ivan 1500 94 90 95 83 5 40 10 91 2 23
Col._Leo Kelly Kelly 4700 95 87 91 81 13 0 67 94 4 23
Corp._Len Anderson Len 6500 96 83 89 83 43 47 54 83 5 23
Earl Walker Magic 5600 90 99 98 80 14 22 91 93 4 24
Robert Sullivan Scully 7500 90 90 96 93 26 58 61 91 5 25
Mike Mike 12000 97 95 94 96 67 97 98 99 8 26

The ending words of each Mercenary:

Mike: We showed them!
Scully: Some people just never learn!
Magic: One day, Metavira will come up in a conversation, and I'll
be able to say I was there! ( Best one. )
Lynx: Success! This island belongs to us!
Fidel: We do it! We do it good!
Ivan: ??????
Hitman: We showed'em, Ace! We showed'em real good!
Sidney: We've beat him! This island belongs to Jack!
Sparky: Like that was awesome... Real awesome ...
Elio: It be quiet in Metavira again.
Kelly: What a way to put it away!
Ice: We showed them, man! We showed'em good!
Boss: That was a job well done!
Speck: I never been prouder than in the work we've just accomplished!
Fox: Whew... That was close! But... It's over now. We did it!
Biff: I can't believe it's finally over.
Pops: I could not have picked a better way to end my career.
Hurl: I'm shaking like a leaf, but we did it! The island is safe!
Tex: HEEHAW... We did it, partners!
Reuban: Reuban fix island. Everything good now!
Ears: We've done it... This place belongs to Jack again.
Moses: That's it for me! This is the perfect moment to retire!
Screw: We pulled it off! Santino's history!
Beth: It was pretty hairy, but we did it!
Grunty: It's been a long haul! But a job well done!
Bob: This is definitely one of my proudest victories!
Doc: That was close! But it's all over now!
Kaboom: That was fun!
Carp: That was quite a piece of work.
It: I gotta get a real job!
Smoke: Whooooweee! Chalk one up for the good guys!
Bernie: Our work is done! It's Jack's Island now!
Wink: We did it!
Gary: Ya... We did it!
Larry: Yaaaaahhh... Would a breuski(sp?) go down nice right about now!
Rusty: I don't think Santino will ba a problem anymore!
Jimmy: It's over! We're running the show now!
Hector: We do job... Metavira be safe now... Jack be happy!
Leech: We're running this place now!
Raffi: We da best!
Lance: It sure feels good to get that first one under your belt!
Weasel: Thisthing is finally over!
Spike: Boy did we kick butt!
Wally: We've done it!
Turtle: This calls for a celebration! Perhaps, some fine dining...
Sam: We've done it son... This island belongs to Jack now!
Cliff: One day I'll be able to tell my grandchildren about this place...
Eli: They'll be talking about this one in the trade papers for years
to come.
Elroy: I'd say we've earned our pay!
Skitz: I'll never forget this place.

VII. Suggestion for Veteran Players ( Later, see explanation )

Wait until Peter comes back!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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