Labyrinth of Time

Labyrinth of Time

13.10.2013 05:07:46
Labyrinth of Time Walk Thru...

Note: Capitalized words have an expanded note at
the end.

You begin in the SUBWAY car. Of the four
directions you can go, two are non-productive. One
(south) leads to a VAULT DOOR that is screwed
shut, while another (east) leads to an open door.
Go thru the open door. This lands you in a hotel.
To your right is a door leading to the bathroom.
There is nothing of interest in the bathroom, but
the toilet works...try it! To your left is a
locked door (SERVANT'S ROOM). Go down the hall a
bit further. To your right will a door that is
closed but will open (ROOM 14). Inside are several
things, the most important of which is a locked
closet. You can't get in there...yet. Go further
down the hall, and turn left at the end. To your
right will be a door leading to the MIRROR MAZE;
to your left an ELEVATOR; and straight ahead, a
view of the LABYRINTH CENTER (the floating castle).
Note that there is a LAUNDRY CHUTE to your left as
you are looking at that castle. For now, take the
elevator up (note the gauge on the right side of
it). You are now in a reception area. To your left
is a locked door leading to an OFFICE, while dead
ahead is a MOVIE THEATER. Go to the back of the
movie theater, and you'll find a PUZZLE. Left from
the reception area is a hallway (lounge) leading
to a crystal view. From this view, turn left and
go forward -- it will look like there's nowhere to
go, but trust me... following the next hallway to
the end will put you in an OLD TRAIN CAR. To your
right is a locked door. (You will never open this
door :-( ). To your left, the walkway down the
train car. Follow it down to the end. Through the
door straight ahead is another view of the
LABYRINTH CENTER. Through the door to your right is
the lovely old town of REVOLVER SPRINGS. Go
through the train station to enter the town, and
visit the bar, the printer, the sheriff, the
cemetary, and the mine. In the sheriff's station,
you can open a drawer to get a BRASS KEY. (This
key opens the closet in ROOM 14). You can also
pick up a bottle of whiskey in the bar (never
used), and play with the printing press in the
printer shop. If you go into the mine, you will
find that you can't go very far -- there's a
BRIDGE SECTION in the way. Go back to ROOM 14; use
the BRASS KEY to open the closet, and take the
JOURNAL and the CARD KEY. Both are necessary. Go
now to the MIRROR MAZE. Go through the maze; do
NOT spend your COIN (yes, you have one; you began
the game with one) on the MAGICIAN - yet. He will
only tell you that you will wish you had that coin
later, and he ain't kidding. Go to the end of the
maze -- the room with the funny machine with the
green and blue buttons (TELEPORTER). Insert the
card key into it and press one of the buttons. The
green button will take you to the LIBRARY; the
blue one will take you to the MUSEUM. At the
museum, you can look at some exhibits - notice the
phonograph. Looking at computer screens will allow
you to gain access to information about the
exhibits. Notice that one of the exhibits is
broken and empty...You can go into the next room
to pick up an alien belt (which isn't necessary)
and play with three levers. Nothing seems to
happen when you pull them...or does it? You find
out later. Try setting them all down. The library
has a number of computers that will give you
information about a variety of things. This
information will help you figure out what is going
on. There is also another room with a view of the
labyrinth center, and a room with another
teleporter (no card key required). Press the
button, and you'll end in a cave; follow it out to
a mountain road. Run under the falling rocks and
you'll find yourself in a hall of the Palace of
Knossos on Crete. Going forward through the next
door (into another hallway), you can go right --
to yet another view of the labyrinth center, but
this one is called the BRIDGE PLATFORM. If you go
left, you enter the palace. Go left again to enter
a courtyard and get to the MEDIEVAL MAZE. Go
forward to look around the MINOAN PALACE. In the
palace, you will find a LABRYS (battleaxe) in a
circular fountain. Take it. You will also find a
locked door. In the Medieval Maze, wander around
till you find the HELMET (you'll need that to get
back under the falling rocks) and the end of the
maze. At the end, you'll find a closet with a CAN
OF PAINT (take it!); to the right, there is a door
into a DINER. Go to the back of the diner --
there's a JUKEBOX back there. Look closely at it.
There's a SILVER KEY there, which will open the
OFFICE (near THEATER). Go left from the jukebox,
down a hallway, to come to yet another view of the
labyrinth center. There's a TELEPHONE there --
insert your quarter. 13 more will fall out! Insert
one in the slot on the door marked TOILET. Go
through the door into the HEDGE MAZE. Wander
through till you find the end -- a MAINTENANCE
ROOM. Get the screwdriver, and write down the
combination (for the PUZZLE in the movie theater)
that's written on a note on the wall. Go back to
the library (back the way you came -- you'll need
to use the helmet to get under the FALLINGS ROCKS.
Go back to the mirror maze (orange button), and to
the elevator. Go up to the OFFICE and unlock it
with the SILVER KEY. Inside, you will find some
notes, a falcon statue (both unnecessary) and an
IRON KEY (which will unlock the jail cell in
Revolver Springs). Go to Revolver Springs, and go
down into the mineshaft -- you'll find that the
Bridge section is gone. (Could it be -- did the
levers do something after all?! ) Ram the railcar
into the door to bust it open, and go inside the
room. You'll find Excalibur (unnecessary, but
cute) and a LANTERN (behind the door). Take it. Go
back to the THEATER. Open it using the combination
you got from the maintenance room, and go inside
to find a BICYCLE PUMP and a GOLD KEY (Opens the
servant's room in the hotel). Go back to the
Servant's room. Open it with the gold key. Inside,
you'll find a door with a COMBINATION LOCK and a
closet. Inside, you'll find a SHEET OF PAPER, and
various other unnecessary things. Take the paper,
and read the sign above the fireplace: "Newspaper
and Laundry for Room 14." Now, you have an idea
that Room 14 belongs to Prof. Garrett, because the
phonograph in the room is his (the museum exhibit
said so), and you know from the journal that what
he wants is a newspaper from Revolver Springs (to
find out where the gravesite was moved to) and his
lucky shirt, so...Take the paper back to Revolver
Springs, print a paper using the printing press,
and bring it back. Leave it on the mantelplace.
Now...all you need is the shirt! Go back to the
door south of the subway car. If the subway is
flattened, pump it back up with the BICYCLE PUMP.
Open it with the screwdriver and walk down the
street. You'll get hit with a bolt of lightning
and drop down into a maze. To get out, go east 3
squares and north one -- till you find the brick
room with wiggling shadows. Turn south and go
forward until you get out. (Any of the brick rooms
you come to will do -- they're all the same...)
Head to the ZIGGURAT. Halfway up are two locked
doors. Go to the top of the Ziggurat, turn the
MAYAN STATUE at the top, and go back to the doors.
They are now open. Inside are rooms, and you will
find three levers. Pull one. It will teleport you
back to the Bridge view...and you'll find that one
of the bridges has materialized. Go all the way
back to the ziggurat and repeat this process with
the other two levers. Be sure to pick up the shirt
and drop it in the LAUNDRY CHUTE. Now the bridge
should be complete -- but only if the levers in
the museum are all down, too. Once you've dropped
the shirt in the laundry...reread the
journal....notice it's different! It mentions that
"Cornelius" found a burial site and sealed it off
with a combination the one you saw in
the servant's room...and that it was his 40th
birthday. So try his birth date (04/08/72) in the
combination lock and -- voila -- it opens. Inside
is Minos' tomb. Open the Sarcophagus and take the
MINOAN ARTIFACT. It looks like it'll fit in the
locked door in the MINOAN PALACE, so take it back
and try does. Go inside (THRONE ROOM) move
the throne, and take the can of FRESCO PAINT.
Now...go across the bridge (BRIDGE PLATFORM, in
the Minoan palace) and kill the MINOTAUR by
painting over the two mirrors (one can of paint
for each). Place the LABRYS in its spot on the
minotaur's pedestal. It will rise to reveal the
KEYSTONE of the Labyrinth. Now, all you need to do
is break the keystone...recall that in the
journal, a Mayan king was discussed who had some
sort of tool to destroy enemy buildings? Where do
you s'pose that tool ended up? The museum, of
course! Go back to the museum. Take the MAYAN
ARTIFACT from the now-complete exhibit, and
teleport out. Theoretically, it shouldn't matter
where you teleport to - you will land in the
Revolver Springs jail. However, in practice, my
computer crashed continually when I tried to
teleport to the library, so try teleporting to the
mirror maze instead. Use the IRON KEY to get out
of jail, go back to the Labyrinth center, and break
the keystone...

SUBWAY: It's crushed, what do I do? Puff it back
up using the bike pump you'll find in the room
behind the THEATER.
It's got a BRIDGE SECTION on it, what do I do? Go
to the museum and mess with the levers on the
alien machine.

VAULT DOOR (south of subway car):
How do I open it? Open it with the screwdriver you
will find in the MAINTENANCE ROOM behind the
THEATER. The loose screw isn't important, but
makes for some bad puns later when you try to use
it on things.

SERVANT'S ROOM (across from bathroom in hotel):
How do I open the door? With the gold key you will
find in the room behind the THEATER.
How do I open the COMBINATION LOCK? See below...
What do I do in the closet? Take PIECE OF PAPER
and print a newspaper in the printshop in Revolver
Springs. Leave it on the mantelpiece.

ROOM 14:
What is important here? You need to open the
closet to get the card key and the journal. The
key is in the sheriff's office in Revolver
Springs. Note the presence of the'll see it later.

MIRROR MAZE (across from elevator, through clown's
mouth; or, orange button on teleporter).
What does the machine at the end do? The machine
is a teleporter. It will take you to a variety of
places, but you need a CARD KEY first.

COIN (start with it)L:
When do I use it? Don't use it at the magician or
the jukebox until you have first put it in the
telephone and gotten 13 more out.

MAGICIAN (in mirror maze):
Should I use him? Once you have put you coin in
the telephone on the upper level, and gotten 13
coins out, you can spend a couple on the magician.
He will give you some good hints. You will only
need the coins to get through the door (TOILET)
across from the telephone, and once you've gone
through the maze on the other side and found the
clue, the gold key, and the screwdriver at the
end, you shouldn't need to go this way again.

How do I use it? Try pressing the buttons.

How do I get in? With the silver key you get from
the JUKEBOX in the DINER.

How do I solve the puzzle? The MAINTENANCE ROOM
that you can get to through the HEDGE MAZE behind
the door marked TOILET at the back of the DINER
has the combination on the wall.

What combination do I need? It's in the
maintenance room at the end of the hedge maze, but
here it is:
7 2 9 10
1 11 5 13
8 15 14 12
3 4 6

As for how to solve it...fiddle. Or, get the top
row correct. Now...leave that row alone. You now
have 10 outer tiles and two inner ones (looking
only at the bottom three rows). Get the outer
tiles in the correct order by putting, one at a
time, them in the inner spaces and rotating the
outer ones until you can swap that tile into it's
correct spot. Repeat 10 times to get all the outer
tiles correct. If the inner tiles are not in the
right order, fiddle around some more...

How do I get to it? Construct a bridge by moving
the bridge platforms with the six levers -- three
in the museum (move all down), three in the
ZIGGURAT (move all back). Bridge will appear at
the bridge platform across from the MINOAN PALACE.

How do I get in the door at the end? You don't.
Ever. Bummer.

What do I do at the Cemetery: Nothing. Play Taps.
I can't get down the mineshaft - what do I do? Use
the levers in the MUSEUM to move the bridge
section, then push the railcar into the door.

MINE: How do I get past the Bridge section? Move
it using the levers in the museum.

LANTERN: behind door in MINE.

Where is it? It's in a drawer in the Sheriff's
What does it open? It opens the closet in ROOM 14.

what's it for? It works the teleporter at the end
of the mirror maze.

what's it for? It gives you a general idea what's
going on; it gives you major hints as to what
you're trying to accomplish; and it gives you a
clue to open the combination lock in the servant's
room....but only after you have left the old west
newspaper on the mantel in the servant's room and
put the shirt from the Ziggurat in the laundry

TELEPORTER (at end of mirror maze)
How do I use it? Insert card key into slot above
button (hard to tell it's a slot...), press

LIBRARY (green button on teleporter):
How do I restore the bad data in the computer? You

MUSEUM (blue button on teleporter):
What do I do with the levers? Move them. They move
the bridge sections you'll see scattered around.
What do I do with the alien belt? Nothing. Wear
it, if you like the colors!

FALLING ROCKS (after teleporter in library):
How do I get past them? The first time -- just
run. Henceforth, you'll need a helmet, which
you'll find in the MEDIEVAL MAZE.

MINOAN PALACE (teleport from library, beyond
falling rocks):
How do I open the door in the palace? Use the
MINOAN ARTIFACT you'll find in Minos' sarcophagus
in the tomb behind the combination lock in the
servants room.
What's the labrys for? Later...much later. Yes,
you need it.

MEDIEVAL MAZE (near Minoan palace):
I can't pick up the shield on the wall...No, you

HELMET (medieval maze):
Use this to go back under the falling rocks.

CAN OF PAINT (in closet at end of MEDIEVAL MAZE);
FRESCO PAINT (throne room):
What's it for? Use it to paint the mirrors at the
Labyrinth Center and kill the minotaur.


JUKEBOX (on upper level, in the diner):
Should I use it? Same as for the magician, but the
jukebox doesn't do anything :-(
Be sure to get the silver key from it.

What's it for? Opens the OFFICE near the THEATER .

TELEPHONE: at back of diner.
What do I do with it? Put in a'll spit
out 13 more.

TOILET: across from telephone. You need a coin for

HEDGE MAZE: Behind door marked toilet. You'll only
need to go through it once.
Plan your coins accordingly.

MAINTENANCE ROOM: At the end of the hedge maze, or
behind the theater.

BICYCLE PUMP (from maintenance room)
What do I do with it? Use it to puff up a crushed
subway car.

GOLD KEY (from maintenance room):
What does it fit? The servant's room in the hotel.

What's the deal with these stupid things?
You will need to use them to get into the labyrinth
center. They are controlled by six levers - three
in the museum that you can get to by using the
teleporter (BLUE button), and three in the lower
level in the Ziggurat. To get them all in place,
all three levers in the museum must be DOWN, while
all in the Ziggurat must be UP (the opposite of
how they all started!). Intermediate settings
leave them in other places - like on top of the
subway car, inside the mine, inside the Ziggurat
at various places, and so forth.

What do I do in the closet? You don't need the
broom, the bucket, or the teapot that you can pick
up there. You do, however, need the piece of paper
to use in the printing press in Revolver Springs
to make a newspaper. You will need to leave that
newspaper (not the newspaper you can get outside
through the vault door) on the mantel, underneath
the sign...after you have done this and put the
shirt that you will find in the Ziggurat in teh
laundry chute, check out the journal again...

LAUNDRY CHUTE (all the way at the end of the hall
in the hotel)
Dump in the shirt that you find in the ZIGGURAT.

SHEET OF PAPER (servant's room closet)
Use it with the printing press in Revolver Springs
to print a paper.

LIGHTNING: I keep getting hit by lightning and
landing in a surreal maze. What do I do?
This is supposed to happen.

Get through by going east 3, north one to get to a
brick room with wiggling shadows and go south.

ZIGGURAT (After surreal maze):
I can't see. What do I do? Light the lantern you
brought from the MINE in Revolver Springs. If you
didn't bring it...well, I hope you saved the game!
How do I open the doors? Twist the statue at the

MINOAN ARTIFACT (in Minos' sarcophagus, behind
door with combo. lock in servant's room) Opens
door in Minoan Palace.

LABRYS: From round fountain in Minoan palace.
Place on Pedestal in labyrinth center after killing
the Minotaur.

THRONE ROOM (behind door in MINOAN PALACE): What
do I do? Push throne to the side.

MINOTAUR (Labyrinth center)
How do I kill him? Paint over the two mirrors.
He's only an illusion...

How do I break it? Use the MAYAN ARTIFACT.

Where is it? It appears in the museum after you
dump the shirt in the laundry and put the
newspaper on the mantle in the servant's room.

There are some doors you can never open. One is in
the Ziggurat; one is on the old railway car; most
of the rooms in the hotel can't be opened either.

Comments? Gripes? Offers of free computers?

E mail me at

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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