Virtual Springfield

Virtual Springfield

17.10.2013 13:53:29

Written and maintained by SubSane
Last Updated January 7, 2004



1.1 Game Details
1.2 Story

2.1 Controls
2.2 Status Screen
2.3 Cursor Icons

3.1 Town Square
3.2 Aztec Theatre
3.3 Town Hall
3.4 Stone Cutters HQ
3.5 Library
3.6 Moe's Tavern
3.7 Springfield Elementary
3.8 Noiseland Arcade
3.9 Kwik-E-Mart
3.10 Simpsons' House
3.11 Flanders' House
3.12 Springfield Gorge
3.13 Nuclear Power Plant
3.14 Krustylu Studios
3.15 Retirement Castle
3.16 Cemetary
3.17 Church

4.1 Collector Card List
4.2 Item List
4.3 Mini Games
4.4 FAQ/Information


6.1 Version History
6.2 Guide Credits
6.3 Contact Information
6.4 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION =============================================

1.1 Game Details

This game was developed by Digital Evolution, and published by Fox
Interactive. Released in 1997.

1.2 Story

Welcome to Springfield, home of Moe's Tavern, Krustylu Studios, Apu's
Kwik-E-Mart, and oh yes, the Simpsons. Run amok with your favorite
characters in the first complete, 3D re-creation of their town
featuring all original animation and sound effects along with a
newly recorded script from the cast of the show.

Your visit begins as you're dropped off in the Springfield town
square. From there you navigate your own course in this "pea-size
town with lima bean size dreams." Don't forget to look both ways
before crossing the street--you never know who could be speeding.

Your options are limitless in Springfield. Stop by the lovely
Simpsons' abode, where you can check under Bart's bed, open Homer's
mail, flip through the family photo album and channel surf on the
Simpsons' TV to check out Homer's favorite programs, dial the Cory
hotline with Lisa and make prank phone calls with Bart.

As a Virtual Springfield visitor, you will be greeted by the lovely
town folk and can enter other shops and buildings in Springfield. To
get some religion, you can attend church and either listen to the
Reverend Timothy Lovejoy's uplifting sermon, or click on the
Simpsons' heads to hear what they are really thinking! You can browse
at the Kwik-E-Mart and shoot the bad-old burglar, rifle through
Bart's school locker or the teacher's desk, or play mini games at
the Noiseland Arcade. Visitors can also collect 74 trading cards
hidden inside shops and other locales.


===== 2.0 BASICS ===================================================

2.1 Controls

You will need a computer mouse to click on stuff. The mini game
controls will be in the Mini Games section.

- - - -
Open......Alt + 1
Save......Alt + 2
Quit......Alt + 3
Collect...Alt + 4
Music.....Alt + 5
Sound.....Alt + 6
Unpause...Esc or Enter

- - - - -
Open......Command + O
Save......Command + S
Quit......Command + Q
Collect...Command + C
Music.....Ctrl + M
Sound.....Ctrl + S
Unpause...Esc or Return

The arrow keys can also be used to walk around from place to place.

2.2 Status Screen

There are a couple of things on the screen besides the environments.
Here is an explanation of the various menus and options that can be
clicked on the screen.

From the top-left to bottom-right:

Area name
- - - - -
There is a green bar in the upper-left corner that displays the name
of the area you are in.

- - - -
The compass is in the top-center of the screen. Here you can see the
direction you are currently facing.

Card viewer
- - - - - -
The card viewer is the little red switch just to the right of the
compass. Click on it to view the collector cards you currently have,
and click on the cards to view the different ones.

Help menu
- - - - -
The help menu is the button next to the card viewer. It says HELP.
In there you can view general information, some of the locations,
and information about the game.

Voice controls
- - - - - - - -
The picture of Bart is the voice control. Click on it to adjust the
in-game voices volume.

Music option
- - - - - - -
The button below the voice controls is the music option. Click on
it to turn the music on and off.

Open menu
- - - - -
The open menu is the donut box in the bottom-left corner. Click on
this menu to open saved games.

Save menu
- - - - -
Next to the open menu. Click here to save your current game.

Close option
- - - - - - -
If you have the open or save menu on the screen, click on the closed
donut box to close the menus.

Map menu
- - - - -
Click on the map near the center to view the Springfield map.

Collect menu
- - - - - - -
The donut box next to the map is the collect menu. You can view all
collected items in here.

Quit option
- - - - - -
The green trash can in the bottom-right corner is the quit option.
Click there to quit the game.

2.3 Cursor Icons

Since this game is a point-and-click game, the cursor on the screen
is a very important feature. There are various types of cursors that
will appear as you progress through the game.

Yellow arrow
- - - - - - -
The yellow arrow indicates where you may walk. If the arrow over a
spot is yellow, click to go that way.

Red arrow
- - - - -
The red arrow means you can not go to the area that the arrow is
pointing to.

Pointer hand
- - - - - - -
The pointer hand is a hand pointing with the index finger. When you
see this hand, you can either enter into a new area, or you can zoom
in on a specific spot. When you see this hand, click immediately!

Grabber hand
- - - - - - -
The grabber hand is an open hand. When this appears, you can pick
up an item. Always click when you see the grabber.

Slash hand
- - - - - -
The slash hand is a fist with a red slash through it. This means
that you can't click on that spot right now, but come back later to
see if you can.

Stoncutters circle
- - - - - - - - - -
The rotating Stonecutters circle is a loading icon. When this
appears it means the game is loading a new area or spot.


===== 3.0 GUIDE ====================================================

Hmmmm... How to do this. The main point of this game is to collect
all of the 74 collector cards that are scattered in Springfield.

Even though there are 74 cards, there aren't 74 locations for each
separate card. There are a limited number places where you can get
cards, and sometimes a new card may appear where you previously
acquired one.

Anyway, here's how this thing is set up. There are 17 places to visit
in Virtual Springfield, and all of them are in this section. For
each place I point out the cards, items, and mini games that are
located there.

Certain things, like notes on a paper for example, will also be
pointed out because they open up other areas in the game.

The cards appear the first time you enter a room, but might disappear
when you come back. ALWAYS get the cards as soon as you enter a room.

Finally, this is Virtual Springfield! This guide does not cover every
single little thing there is to do in this massive game, so go and
explore if you want to have fun!

3.1 Town Square

~First established in some very old year, Jebediah
Springfield tackled the infamous bear on the very

There isn't much to do at the Town Square, which is where you first
enter Springfield. I guess you can listen to Troy McClure's
introduction speech and ogle the statue of Jebediah Springfield.

3.2 Aztec Theatre

~The Aztec Theatre is Springfield's place for culture
and sophistication. Currently showing "Space Mutants:
The Musical" and "Ernest Gets Constipated".~

Again, there's not much to do. If you click on the box of gummy bears
in the trash can a gummy bear will fall out. Click it to watch it hit
a bunch of people. You can also click on Krusty and the middle of
the aisle to watch other funny scenes.

You're also in a theatre, so why not catch the latest McBain flick?

3.3 Town Hall

~The governing body in Springfield resides in this
grand building. Free from corruption since last

Look under the flag stand on the left side to find a card.

Open the middle drawer of Quimby's desk to find a Krusty key. Use the
Krusty key to open Krusty's office at Krustylu Studios.

3.4 Stone Cutters HQ

~Who keeps gasoline high-priced? Who breeds
radioactive mice? They do... they doooooo!~

Click on the podium and open the box in there to get the CMB key.
This key will let you open the fireplace at Burns' office.

The green book up on the stage is the Book of Possession. Click on it
to get it and have some fun with Flanders' kids.

3.5 Library

~Visit the library while you can because it will be
demolished due to lack of interest. That, and the
old folks really stunk up the place.~

There will be a card in the trash can by the entrance, so grab it!
There isn't much else of importance. Feel free to look around, if
ya need some book learnin'.

3.6 Moe's Tavern

~It's the local pub, a cesspool of disease and public
displays of stupidity. Find Springfield's best and
brightest here.~

If you check under the bar you'll find a couple of things. Check in
the pink box to the left to find Spanky's key. You can use this to
open Principal Skinner's office at the school.

If you click on the cabinet behind Moe a secret door will open up.
There will be a secret card in the back next to a panda crate. Just
open all the crates to get it.

You can also play the Love Tester mini game that's in the back by
the bar.

3.7 Springfield Elementary

~Despite the bitter teachers and disturbed principal,
students still manage a solid D average. Highest in
the district!~

Ok, if you go into Ms. Hoover's class, you'll find that the bottom
drawer of her desk is locked. You need to go to the Simpsons' house
and pick up the note from Lisa's desk to unlock Ms. Hoover's drawer.
After you get the gerbil food you can open the cabinet under the
gerbil and find a card hidden in the back.

The door to Skinner's office is locked, but if you got the key from
the pink box at Moe's you can unlock his office. Click on the radio
on the wall opposite his desk to get a card.

Check Skinner's e-mail, the one from This will
allow you to use the telescope at the cemetery.

Get the note from under Bart's bed, then you can open the lockers.
Click on the taped piece of paper to get access to the lower drawer
at Retirement Castle.

Look in Milhouse's desk to get a hint about one of the mini games.

3.8 Noiseland Arcade

~Noiseland Arcade is a virtual wonderland... of games.~

The Larry the Looter game is a game of robbery. Stealin' stuff is
all you do.

Krusty's Carnival of Cash is one of those where you have to aim the
coins into a hole to win.

Slugfest is a boxing game where your main goal is to clobber your
opponent to a bloody pulp.

The Bumblebee Game is based on everyone's favorite and highly
respected entertainer, the Bumblebee man! In the game all you must do
is splatter him with tomatoes.

3.9 Kwik-E-Mart

~Need beer? Boobie magazines? Rotting hot dogs? This
is the place to be.~

There are several displays in front of the counter, but the Chowder
Chips display is the important one. Click on the sea captain to have
him blow out a card from his pipe.

If you click on the door behind Apu you'll get to play the Apoom mini
game. In this oddly familiar game you have to literally kill the
thugs who are trying to get a five finger discount. Man, that is one
powerful broom...

3.10 Simpsons' House

~Here it is, the best most important location in the
Springfield universe! Er, um, actually it's just the
Simpsons' house...~

Once you're in the living room go to the left to find yourself in
the backyard. Go up in the treehouse. Click on the balloons to play
the Balloon Toss mini game.

Check the window of the treehouse to find a card taped to a tree

If you go to Homer's room and search the top-right drawer, you'll
find various mementos. Click on the Butterfinger wrapper at the
bottom to read a note about the power plant. You have now unlocked
the Donut Toss mini game at the power plant.

You can also check the sink in the bathroom to play the Sink Race
mini game.

If you click on the right drawer of Lisa's desk, you will get a note
about feeding the gerbil at school. This will allow you to unlock the
bottom drawer of Ms. Hoover's desk at the school.

Search the left drawer of Bart's desk to find a slingshot. You can
then play the Slingshot mini game.

Click on Bart's bed, then click on the piece of paper up in the wood
to get access to the lockers at Springfield Elementary.

You can find a card under the monkey paw in Maggie's room.

3.11 Flanders' House

~If ever there was a church away from church, it
would be Flanders' house.~

Check the bookcase by the couch. There will be a card on the second
row behind some books.

Click on the bar to play the Bar Game mini game.

3.12 Springfield Gorge

~Springfield's little bit of nature. Set to be
bulldozed in 2009.~

There isn't much here, except the great view of Springfield.

3.13 Nuclear Power Plant

~Despite what you have heard, the nuclear plant is
not responsible for three-eyed fish, two-headed
birds, or babies with twelve toes.~

Click on the dark lower panel at Burns' office. It's on the left
under a candle. You'll get a card from it.

Go in the nuclear rod room (large room). There will be a card under
a gray paper on the left side.

Get the Butterfinger wrapper from Homer's drawer at the Simpsons'
house, then pull the lever at Homer's office to play the Donut Toss
mini game.

Get the CMB key from Stonecutters', then you can enter the fireplace
at Burns' office.

3.14 Krustylu Studios

~Birthplace of Channel 6 News, home of The Itchy and
Scratchy Show, and stomping grounds for Springfield's
favorite drunk clown, Krusty the Clown!~

Look under the Labor Laws poster in the lobby to get a card.

Use the Krusty key that you got from Quimby's desk at Town Hall and
go to Krusty's office. Click on the TV to get a card.

Go to the Control Room and look behind the clipboard on the left to
find a card.

3.15 Retirement Castle

~If you're missing an old person, you'll probably find
him or her among the residents of the Retirement

Search the top bookshelf to find a card up there.

Get the note from Bart's locker at the school, then check the lower
drawer to get a Stoncutters ring.

3.16 Cemetary

~Otherwise known as the "zombie district". It may seem
strange and mysterious... and it is. At least the sky
is clear.~

If you go to the school and look at Skinner's e-mail (the one from, you can use the telescope to look at the stars.

3.17 Church

~Welcome to the lord's house. Wipe your feet and
please keep all talk of reality outside.~

Click on the podium and look at the bottom (next to the t-shirt).
You'll find a card.


===== 4.0 OTHER STUFF ==============================================

4.1 Collector Card List

1....Springfield Community Cards
2....Homer Simpson
3....Marge Simpson
4....Bart Simpson
5....Lisa Simpson
6....Maggie Simpson
7....Santa's Little Helper
8....Snowball II
9....Abe Simpson
10...Patty Bouvier
11...Selma Bouvier
12...Ned Flanders
13...Maude Flanders
14...Rod Flanders
15...Todd Flanders
18...Krusty the Clown
19...Sideshow Mel
20...Sideshow Bob
21...Apu Nahasapeemapetilon
22...Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon
23...Seymour Skinner
24...Edna Krabappel
25...Elizabeth Hoover
26...Groundskeeper Willy
29...Milhouse Van Houten
32...Martin Prince
36...Nelson Muntz
39...Jimbo Jones
41...Superintendent Chalmers
42...Ralph Wiggum
43...Comic Book Store Guy
44...Disco Stu
45...The Van Houtens
46...Handsome Pete
47...Montgomery Burns
48...Waylon Smithers
51...Professor John Frink
53...Barney Gumble
56...Kent Brockman
57...Arnie Pye
58...Reverend Timothy Lovejoy
59...Helen Lovejoy
60...Chief Clancy Wiggum
63...Dr. Julius Hibbert
64...Dr. Nick Riviera
65...Mayor Joe Quimby
67...Rainier Wolfcastle
68...Troy McClure
70...Sea Captain
71...Lionel Hutz
72...Hans Moleman
74...Mrs. Glick
75...Special Card

4.2 Item List

Krusty Key
- - - - - -
Go to Town Hall and look in the top drawer to get this key.
It unlocks Krusty's office at Krustylu Studios

- - - -
Go to the Stonecutters' HQ and open the box at the podium.
It opens the fireplace at Burns' office at SNPP.

Spanky Key
- - - - - -
Go to Moe's Tavern and look in the pink box to get this key.
It unlocks Principal Skinner's office at the school.

Stonecutters Ring
- - - - - - - - -
Look in the bottom drawer at the Retirement Castle to get the
ring. You will gain access to the Stonecutters' HQ.

Hamster Food Note
- - - - - - - - -
Look in the right drawer of Lisa's room to find this. You
can now get the gerbil food in Hoover's desk at the school.

Secret Stash Note
- - - - - - - - -
Look under Bart's bed and look in the wood to find this.
You will gain access to the lockers at the school.

Butterfinger Wrapper
- - - - - - - - - - -
Look in Homer's right drawer to get this note. You will
be able to play the Donut Toss mini game at the SNPP.

Gerbil Food
- - - - - -
Look in the bottom-right drawer of Ms. Hoover's desk to get
this. You can then open the cabinet under the gerbil.

Drawer Note
- - - - - -
Look in Bart's locker and click the taped paper to gain
access to the bottom drawer at the Retirement Castle.

4.3 Mini Games

(Note: You can use the mouse with all the games, but the keyboard
is easier.)

Bar Game
- - - - -
Click on the bar at Flanders' House, then the Holy Water.
-The left and right arrow keys move the bottle.
-The up key will shake the bottle.
-Spacebar to shoot the water.

Balloon Toss
- - - - - - -
Go into the treehouse at the Simpsons' House and click on the
-Left and right arrow keys to move the balloon.
-Up and down keys for distance.
-Space bar to fire balloons.

- - - - -
Go to Bart's room and look in the left drawer of his desk.
-Use all the arrow keys to aim.
-Space bar to fire.

- - -
Go to the Kwik-E-Mart and click on the door behind Apu.
-Use the numeric keys to choose a weapon.
-Space bar to fire weapons.

Donut Toss
- - - - - -
Get the Butterfinger wrapper from Homer's room, then click on the
lever at Homer's office at the SNPP.
-All of the arrow keys to move the donut.
-Space bar to throw donuts.

Larry the Looter
- - - - - - - - -
Go to the Noiseland Arcade and click the first game on the left.
-Right arrow key to move to the right.
-Up arrow key to break the windows and steal stuff.

Krusty's Carnival of Kash
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Click on the arcade in the middle on the left.
-Click the gold button to release a coin.

Super Slugfest
- - - - - - - -
Click on the far arcade on the left side.
-Player 1 uppercut: X, X, W
-Player 1 pounding: X, D, A
-Player 1 finisher (red health): D (wait), D (wait), Z
-Player 2 uppercut: 2, 2, 8
-Player 2 pounding: 2, 6, 4
-Player 2 finisher (red health): 6 (wait), 6 (wait), 0

Smite of the Bumblebee
- - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the green arcade on the right (Frink's playing).
-Left and right arrow keys to move hand.
-Space bar to throw tomatoes.

4.4 FAQ/Information

Q: Is this a 3D free-for-all in the magical land of Springfield?

A: Not quite. The only actual 3D element would be the streets.
Everything else is just plain ol' animation.

Q: Then why did Fox Interactive claim it was 3D?

A: To sell it, duh.

Q: I heard there was a Bart Cave. Where is it?

A: That was just an Internet rumor back in the late 90s. The Bart
Cave never existed, unfortunately. Come on Fox Interactive,
Virtual Springfield 2!

System Requirements (from '97. Hah!)

- - - -
Pentium 75Mhz
Windows 95 (or higher)
DirectX compatible graphics and sound cards
6 MB free hard drive space

- - - - -
Power PC 66 MHz
System 7.0 or greater
1 MB free hard drive space


===== 5.0 CODES & SECRETS ==========================================

1. Hold Shift, V, and S and click on any location on the map to
automatically go there. No walking involved!

2. There is an easier way to get cards. Go to Krustylu Studios and
click on the Labor Laws poster in the lobby to get a card. Then go
into the Control room and look under the clipboard for another card.

Now keep going back and forth between the lobby card and control
room card and the cards will never run out.

3. Once you get all 74 cards, look through them to view a secret
75th card. It will give you a secret Web link. Unfortunately, the
link is no longer active.


===== 6.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================

6.1 Version History

January 7, 2004: Version 1.2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Added a whole bunch of stuff, including more detailed controls and
a FAQ section.

July 10: Version 1.1
- - - - - - - - - - -
This is just another rewrite for one of my old FAQs.

April 12: Version 1.0
- - - - - - - - - - -
Completed the entire guide. Have fun!

6.2 Guide Credits

Thanks to...

1. Matt Groening. The man created 'The Simpsons', which has been on
the air for 14 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy
bearded bastard!

2. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds
of individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers, voice
actors, animators, producers, gofers, and every other person
involved... thank you!

3. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space
Mutants' guide. It inspired me to write guides for Simpsons video

4. Fox Interactive and Digital Evolution for the game.

5. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own

6.3 Contact Information

The address is:

The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely
respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without
a subject. Put 'Virtual Springfield FAQ' or something similar in the
subject line.

6.4 Legal Stuff

1. "Virtual Springfield" is copyright © 1997 Fox Interactive. The
Simpsons and any related Simpsons characters are property of
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

2. This guide copyright © 2003-2004 SubSane. This guide may be
distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and
UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced
for commercial purposes.

If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is
being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide
removed from that location.

3. The following sites will always have the latest version:


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