Imperium Galactica

Imperium Galactica

18.10.2013 01:22:47
v1.05, 21 February 2004
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Imperium Galactica Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ/Walkthrough)

"In desperation the admiralty of the Old Empire decides to use its secret




1. Preface
- 1.1 Notes
- 1.2 Credits and Legal
- 1.3 Version
2. Introduction
- 2.1 What is Imperium Galactica?
- 2.2 Who wrote and published Imperium Galactica?
- 2.3 What are the requirements to run the game?
- 2.4 Where can I get the game?
- 2.5 What versions are there?
- 2.6 Where can I get the latest patch?
- 2.7 Where did everyone go?
3. Gameplay
3.1 Setup
- 3.1.1 What does the hard difficulty level change?
- 3.1.2 The computer voice is annoying. Can I turn off?
- 3.1.3 Why aren't buildings being repaired when I turn auto-repair on?
- 3.1.4 Are there multiplayer or free-play modes?
- 3.1.5 Can I stop the CD-ROM being accessed every time I look at the
Equipment and Research screens?
3.2 Interface
- 3.2.1 What command screens are available? Why don't all the F-keys work?
- 3.2.2 How do I change the speed?
- 3.2.3 How do I switch between colonies from the surface view?
- 3.2.4 Why can't I zoom out? How do I view the whole map?
- 3.2.5 How do I view messages?
- 3.2.6 Can I communicate with aliens and other shipping?
3.3 Important Concepts
- 3.3.1 How do I deal with non-strategy elements?
- 3.3.2 Do the aliens wait for the missions to be completed before developing
their empires?
- 3.3.3 How do credits, energy, morale, buildings, production and similar
- 3.3.4 What role does technology play?
3.4 Colonies and Buildings
- 3.4.1 Why can I not build a certain building?
- 3.4.2 How do I repair buildings?
- 3.4.3 Why can't I turn power "on"?
- 3.4.4 What do different buildings do?
- 3.4.5 What differences are there between planet types?
- 3.4.6 How do I colonize planets?
- 3.4.7 Why can't I build more than 5000 buildings?
- 3.4.8 Can I see what my colonies need at a glance?
- 3.4.9 Can I change the colony name?
- 3.4.10 What buildings can I build in the alien colonies I've captured?
- 3.4.11 Can I flatten or clear un-buildable areas like rock formations?
- 3.4.12 What do the 'Major incident on planet...' messages mean?
3.5 Combat
- 3.5.1 How do I move ground units between store, colonies and fleets?
- 3.5.2 How do I increase the number of ground units a planet can hold?
- 3.5.3 How do I invade an enemy colony?
- 3.5.4 Can I group combat units in battle?
- 3.5.5 Why do my defensive buildings not concentrate fire on the enemy?
- 3.5.6 Can I retreat?
3.6 Fleets and Equipment
- 3.6.1 How do I change, re-equip, or create new fleets?
- 3.6.2 Can I automatically re-equip or upgrade equipment on fleets and units
on planets?
- 3.6.3 Which planet is unused equipment stored on?
- 3.6.4 How do I repair ships and vehicles?
- 3.6.5 How do I build new units and equipment?
- 3.6.6 How do I build Flagships?
- 3.6.7 Can I build the Leviathan?
- 3.6.8 Can I rename fleets?
- 3.6.9 How do I use Virus Bombs?
- 3.6.10 Can I build alien ships and equipment once I capture their colonies?
- 3.6.11 How do I find planets?
- 3.6.12 What ships are available?
- 3.6.13 What equipment and weapons are available?
- 3.6.14 What limitations are there on fleet sizes and speeds?
- 3.6.15 How do I sell excess or obsolete equipment?
- 3.6.16 Can I train ships' crews?
- 3.6.17 What is the difference between ship weapon types?
- 3.6.18 How do I upgrade Space Bases?
3.7 Taxation and Morale
- 3.7.1 Where do I set taxation and see morale?
- 3.7.2 How is tax income calculated?
- 3.7.3 Can I generate additional revenue?
- 3.7.4 How do I improve morale?
3.8 Research
- 3.8.1 How do I research things?
- 3.8.2 If a Dev. Centre is destroyed, do I keep existing research?
- 3.8.3 What units are research times in?
- 3.8.4 What science level and requirements are needed for new research? Is
there a technology tree?
3.9 Aliens and Diplomacy
- 3.9.1 What types of aliens are there?
- 3.9.2 How strong are alien forces?
- 3.9.3 What do the relationship numbers mean?
- 3.9.4 What do the diplomacy options mean?
4. Walkthrough
4.1 Lieutenant (Disc 1)
- 4.1.1 Initial Resources
- 4.1.2 Strategy Overview
- 4.1.3 Getting started
- 4.1.4 Requests for help
- 4.1.5 Re-equip your command ship
- 4.1.6 Colony development
- 4.1.7 Cover the Thorin's retreat from Garthog forces
4.2 Captain
- 4.2.1 New Resources
- 4.2.2 Strategy Overview
- 4.2.3 Opening moves
- 4.2.4 I repelled the Garthog fleet and the plot seems to have stalled. What
did I do wrong?
- 4.2.5 How do I produce a Cruiser 1?
- 4.2.6 Colony development
- 4.2.7 Garthog pirates
- 4.2.8 Doctor Catherine Reinhardt
- 4.2.9 San Sterling smuggler
- 4.2.10 Governor escort
- 4.2.11 Garthog invasion
- 4.2.12 Virus infection
- 4.2.13 Build up your fleet
- 4.2.14 Escort Admiral
- 4.2.15 Second virus infection
- 4.2.16 Spies
- 4.2.17 More building
- 4.2.18 Escort money transport
- 4.2.19 Stolen prototype
4.3 Commander (Disc 2)
- 4.3.1 New Resources
- 4.3.2 Strategy Overview
- 4.3.3 Colony development
- 4.3.4 Research and production
- 4.3.5 Blockade Zeuson
- 4.3.6 Why does nothing happens after the Zeuson blockade order?
- 4.3.7 More dreams
- 4.3.8 Garthog attacks
- 4.3.9 Initial invasion strategy
- 4.3.10 Garthog colony development
- 4.3.11 Escort prototype
- 4.3.12 Why does nothing happen after escorting the prototype?
- 4.3.13 Defeating the Garthogs
- 4.3.14 Why can't I attack Garthog 5?
- 4.3.15 I got promoted to Admiral without capturing any Garthog planets. What
4.4 Admiral
- 4.4.1 New Resources
- 4.4.2 Strategy Overview
- 4.4.3 Opening moves
- 4.4.4 Expansion
- 4.4.5 About robotics
- 4.4.6 Defense
- 4.4.7 How do I get promoted to Grand Admiral?
4.5 Grand Admiral
- 4.5.1 New Resources
- 4.5.2 Strategy Overview
- 4.5.3 Diplomacy
- 4.5.4 The End
5. Strategies
5.1 Combat
- 5.1.1 Delaying tactics
- 5.1.2 Ground defense...?
- 5.1.3 Or space defense...?
- 5.1.4 Or no defense...?
- 5.1.5 Ground combat
- 5.1.6 Space combat
- 5.1.7 Don't make enemies of races you can avoid at the start of the game
- 5.1.8 Defeating the Dargslans
5.2 Fleet Composition
- 5.2.1 Flagships and destroyers without fighters
- 5.2.2 Only operate a number of fleets your economy can resupply
- 5.2.3 Maximise ships' loadouts
- 5.2.4 Fighters create a diversion
5.3 Empire Building
- 5.3.1 Defend first, attack later, and only deploy just before you are
- 5.3.2 High tax paying, but happy citizens
- 5.3.3 Research everything and build the best
- 5.3.4 Use the ground on planets wisely
- 5.3.5 Maximise production
6. Cheating and Editing
6.1 What are the cheat codes?
6.2 Are there any editors available?
6.3 How do I hex edit a saved game?
7. Technical Issues
7.1 Where can I get help with a technical problem?
7.2 What does the "Change video mode during animations" setup option do?
7.3 Why doesn't my Soundblaster compatible card work?
7.4 How can I get the game to work in Windows XP/2000/ME?
7.5 Why does the patched version cause graphics problems with ATI cards?
7.6 Why does the game crash with error code 200?
7.7 How do I take screenshots?
A. Planet List
B. Research Science Level Requirements
C. Technology Tree




1.1 Notes

Imperium Galactica was, in my opinion, a beautifully quirky space strategy
game. Part galactic strategy, part real time combat, part colony building,
part adventure story. Ambitious and not entirely successful. The manual
introduced some features, tried to guide the player through the first
missions, and gave some technical help; but never got into any depth. Given
its storyline driven nature, and general complexity of the game, Imperium
Galactica needs an FAQ more than most games. I could only find basic
hint/cheat documents, including notes by Peter Knutsen ( ) and a draft FAQ
by "Gorshcov S E" (although I have not seen the text). So I started writing
this. This FAQ aims to introduce key concepts within the game, guide you
through the ranks to Grand Admiral, consider different strategies, and provide
a limited reference work on things like planets, buildings, equipment, and
spacecraft. It is based on the patched European English (UK) version, with
additional material based on the US and Hungarian version. I'm not aware of
any gameplay variations between versions released in different parts of the


1.2 Credits and Legal

This FAQ was written by Tim Howgego (also known as timski), copyright 2003-4,
unless otherwise stated. Errors and suggestions should be reported to tim (at)
capsu (dot) org. Please put "Imperium Galactica" somewhere in the email
subject field. This FAQ includes ideas and strategies posted on, other forums including Infogrames', and
contained in a semi-official hint list by Mega Products ( ) - contributors are
noted with the relevant text. This FAQ is in the public domain: You may copy
and repost this FAQ, but the content of the document, including the credits,
must remain unchanged. Informing the author that you are hosting it is
appreciated, but not mandatory. Ensuring you host the most recent version is
also appreciated, but not mandatory. If converting from text to HTML, please
note the use of fixed width text in diagrams and greater/less-than characters.
Imperium Galactica (TM) (c) 1997 GT Interactive Software Corp. Other
trademarks and copyright are owned by their respective trademark and copyright
holders. This is not an official FAQ. It is not endorsed by the game's
developers or publishers.


1.3 Version

This is version 1.05, 21 February 2004. Latest changes: Virus Bombs and
several minor corrections.





2.1 What is Imperium Galactica?

Imperium Galactica is a real-time space based strategy game, with
adventure/roleplay elements. It features a mixture of space fleet movement and
exploration, planetary colonies and production, strategic combat, research and
development, and competing alien computer controlled players. It is most
similar in style to the first Master of Orion game, but with important
differences. Imperium Galactica is primarily real time, not turn based (it is
arguably not true real time, because battle sequences are played out one at a
time and most commands can be given while the game is paused). The game
introduces the player to different features slowly as a series of missions and
promotions, rather than allowing the player to control everything immediately.
One can only play as one race, and the storyline and galaxy is the same each
time, limiting Imperium Galactica's replay value. Imperium Galactica is not
directly related to the early 1980s "Imperium Galacticum" strategy game by
SSI, although they share a similar premise and design.


2.2 Who wrote and published Imperium Galactica?

The game was developed by Digital Reality ( ),
and published by GT Interactive Software. Programming was by Istvan Kiss and
Ferenc Szabo; graphics lead by Csaba Gyarmati, Karoly Rozsa and Tamas Fodor;
music by Tamas Kreiner; and design by Gabor Feher. The game was released in
March 1997. Imperium Galactica was the second in a collection of similar games
by the same development team, starting with Reunion in 1994. It was followed
by the sequel Imperium Galactica 2.


2.3 What are the requirements to run the game?

Minimum requirements are: 486DX4 100mhz or Pentium processor, 8MB RAM (16MB
under Windows 95), 550K free conventional memory, SVGA video card with 1MB
RAM, Soundblaster 2 or compatible sound card (must be truly 100% compatible),
4x speed CD-ROM drive, 65 MB hard drive free, mouse, MS-DOS 5.0. The game can
be played under Window 95/98, although this may result in "reduced
performance". Many people are able to get the game running under Windows ME
(often running under DOS), 2000, and XP (often requires workarounds to get
sound - see How can I get the game to work in Windows XP/2000/ME? below),
however not everyone is successful. On faster machines, the patch may be
required to stop the game crashing.


2.4 Where can I get the game?

Imperium Galactica was re-released as a budget title (in the United Kingdom at
least) by Infogrames in 2002/03. Original copies can sometimes be found via
sites such as CDAccess ( ) or


2.5 What versions are there?

I know of five release versions - United States, European English (United
Kingdom), French, German and Hungarian (thanks to Lord Grak).


2.6 Where can I get the latest patch?

The latest patch is 1.3, available here: . The patch
fixes "runtime error 200" and various gameplay glitches.


2.7 Where did everyone go?

In spite of the game's age, there is still a small online community discussing
Imperium Galactica here, .






3.1 Setup

General Technical Issues are covered by a later section.


3.1.1 What does the hard difficulty level change?

From the manual - all your equipment must be made before it appears on your
new ships, your colonies generate less income, you start with less credits,
and your spacecraft shields are weaker. Aliens are more aggressive and tend to
make better decisions, in theory making them overall more challenging


3.1.2 The computer voice is annoying. Can I turn off?

Yes. Toggle it on/off via the options screen (press Esc or O). You will still
get important audio cues for things like new messages, but you won't be told
continually which screen you are looking at.


3.1.3 Why aren't buildings being repaired when I turn auto-repair on?

You probably do not have enough spare cash to repair damaged buildings. Use
this option with care.


3.1.4 Are there multiplayer or free-play modes?

There is no multiplayer support. There is no specific free-play mode - you
must first complete the initial storyline and missions. Once you have
completed these, the game becomes more open-ended.


3.1.5 Can I stop the CD-ROM being accessed every time I look at the Equipment
and Research screens?

Yes. If you have enough hard drive space, try copying folders Eq_anims and
Eq_animw from Disc 2 into the main game directory on your hard drive.



3.2 Interface

3.2.1 What command screens are available? Why don't all the F-keys work?

The interface is slightly bewildering, with different screens designed with
similar buttons in completely different places. You can walk between different
rooms on your command ship, which is pretty at first, but ultimately wastes
time. Consider using F-keys to navigate between screens. Certain screens can
only be accessed once you have achieved a specific rank. Here is the full list
of screens:

- ESC or O - Options, load, save and exit.
- F1 - Bridge. Access and send messages from here.
- F2 - Starmap. Strategic overview of planets and fleets. You also initiate
attacks from here.
- F3 - Colony. Planet surface view. Build and repair facilities from here.
- F4 - Equipment. Manage fleet composition, planetary units, and orbital
facilities from here. To change location or fleet, select it from the mini-map
bottom centre.
- F5 - Production. Order production of spacecraft, weapons and equipment, and
sell excess stock. Requires Captain.
- F6 - Research. Specify and fund current research. Requires Commander.
- F7 - Information. Contains details of current planets, fleets, buildable
structures (greyed entries can be built, just not on this planet), colony and
military status of selected planet, financial summary, and database known
technology ("Inv"). At Grand Admiral rank, the alien relationships table is
available here.
- F8 - State Room. Database of more general information, with a small help
section and the apparently useless (well not quite, see the Walkthrough)
record message facility.
- F9 - Local. Ship's bar, where you can occasionally meet and talk to members
of your crew. Requires Captain.
- F10 - Diplomacy. Talk to alien ambassadors (click in the center of the
screen). Requires Grand Admiral.


3.2.2 How do I change the speed?

Use the arrow like controls in the top left of the screen, or press 1, 2, or
(later in the game) 3. The button in the corner of the screen freezes the game
(as does pressing Space), but still allows you to issue commands and make
changes within the game. Ground battle speed can pre-set on the options screen


3.2.3 How do I switch between colonies from the surface view?

Either (1) use +/- to cycle between colonies (these keys work from the Colony
screen within Information, and are useful for browsing through your empire to
look for problems); (2) click Planets, pick a new planet from the list, and
then click Colony or press F3; or (3) click Starmap or press F2, click on a
new planet or use the Prev/Next buttons top right, and then click Colony or
press F3.


3.2.4 Why can't I zoom out? How do I view the whole map?

Initially only a small part of galaxy is visible. As you gain further ranks
more of the map will become available. By Admiral the whole map can be seen.
The starmap has three different mouse modes - Normal, Scroll and Zoom. Scroll
enables scrolling when clicking the right mouse button. Zoom changes the left
mouse button to zoom in, the right to zoom out.


3.2.5 How do I view messages?

Go the bridge and select the panel on the right of the screen. Click play,
then click on the message. Don't be alarmed by the tendency of characters'
speech to not match their mouth movements :-/ .


3.2.6 Can I communicate with aliens and other shipping?

At Grand Admiral rank you gain basic diplomacy features - see Aliens and
Diplomacy below. In battles you can communicate with opposing ships by using
one of the screens in the bottom half of the battle interface. Select the text
box screen by using the buttons on the far left or right of the screen. Then
click on the first line of text to start a conversation (in some cases there
will be a choice of text). Such communication can be done whilst the battle is



3.3 Important Concepts

3.3.1 How do I deal with non-strategy elements?

Imperium Galactica may drive hardcore strategy fans mad fairly quickly. The
early part of the game is exceptionally linear, and gives very little warning
of impending threats, as DuaneVP comments: "This game will unfold the same
EVERY time unless you do something wrong like the time you let a merchant ship
spread the virus and had to quarantine two planets when you weren't expecting
it. You play this game until you encounter a problem. It doesn't matter what
direction you take because eventually you will have to back up. You'll never
be able to anticipate problems because you've already been taught that the
game will NOT give you any clues as to what you might be facing. You revert to
earlier saves and proceed in a fashion that will allow you to overcome the
problem you now know you'll face in the future."

If this is proving a problem, try approaching the first part of the game as
you would an adventure or puzzle game: Saving frequently, and being prepared
to try different parts of the plot several times before you succeed. Do not
approach the first part of the game as a pure open-ended strategy game, where
you expect to make mistakes which you can recover from in the course of the
game. Imperium Galactica normally won't allow you to take heavy loses early in
the game and come back, but it will expect you to be able to deal with huge
new threats that appear with almost no warning.


3.3.2 Do the aliens wait for the missions to be completed before developing
their empires?

No. From Stormcloud: "The main concept you should know about Imperium
Galactica is that it's realtime and dynamic. This means, that while you're
pandering away to complete your allotted missions, all the other races are
increasing their strengths - settling on empty planet, building space
fortress, ground based space cannons etc." All other things being equal, the
longer you delay the early missions, the greater advantage your competitors
will have. Aim to progress to rank Commander as fast as possible. There are
reasons why you might wish to delay the last two ranks slightly, as discussed
in the Walkthrough.


3.3.3 How do credits, energy, morale, buildings, production and similar

The basic premise of resource management should be familiar to those that have
played other strategy games. It is worth noting what resource is needed for
what, and which things require upkeep and which do not. In summary:
- Credits: Needed for investments in infrastructure, fleets, equipment, and
research, and repairs to damaged infrastructure. Raised via taxation, trade
income, and potentially sales of excess equipment. Held in a single galaxy
wide treasury. Credits are not required for general upkeep.
- Colony Energy/Power: Allows colony buildings to operate. Created by colony
power stations. Under-powered buildings may have reduced output, and
chronically under-powered buildings will be shut down completely.
- Colony Workforce: Allows colony buildings to operate. Created by having a
large enough population in the colony. Population appears to grow so long as
basic needs are met and morale is reasonable (see below). Rates of growth are
far greater than natural reproduction might suggest. Under-staffed buildings
may have reduced output.
- Colony Basic Needs: Primarily living space, food and hospital cover, in
order for population to grow. At high population levels, other items such as
Fire Brigades may be required. Met by provision of certain basic buildings in
the appropriate volume.
- Colony Morale: This includes both taxation morale and support for your
actions by colonists - both tend to change for similar reasons. Higher morale
allows higher taxes to be levied, makes the planet less likely to rebel, and
means the population grows faster. Met by lower taxes, morale boasting
buildings, Police Stations, and/or ensuring basic needs are met.
- Factories: Increase the speed at which military units and equipment can be
created. Those units allow significant defense, and conquest.
- Development Centres: Allow additional levels of research to be accessed,
which allows certain technology to be researched, and allows new and improved
units, equipment and buildings to be used.


3.3.4 What role does technology play?

You start the game technologically backwards. Early engagements with aliens
will be hopelessly one-sided. Research (available at Commander level and
later) requires you first to gain additional planets, since you can only build
one research facility (Dev. Centre) on each planet - this is covered in more
detail under Research. So, in order to develop you *must* expand, but
expansion will increasingly require aggression, and aggression benefits from
technology. Aliens seem to make few, if any, technological developments, so
eventually you will become technologically superior to them, at which point
the battles get a lot easier.



3.4 Colonies and Buildings

3.4.1 Why can I not build a certain building?

Buildings may appear unbuildable (with a red cross on the build screen) if you
have no Colony Hub, if the building type is not appropriate to the planet type
(for example, a Park cannot be built on a Frozen planet type), or if the
building or building type is restricted to a certain number per colony (for
example, you can only build one of each factory type per colony).


3.4.2 How do I repair buildings?

Left click on the building, and click "Damaged". It will then display
"Repair". Repairs use up cash and full repairs will take a day or more,
depending on the type of building. Once damaged is reduced below 50%,
buildings become operational. You can opt to auto-repair all buildings on the
Options screen, however will not prioritise repairs and early in the game will
tend to drain your treasury.


3.4.3 Why can't I turn power "on"?

Buildings that are more than 50% damaged cannot be "turned on" - repair them
first to at least 50%. In colonies with chronic power shortages, buildings may
not be turned on. Limited power supply will be diverted towards essential
buildings like housing. Power can otherwise be toggled by clicking on the
building, and then clicking On/Off.


3.4.4 What do different buildings do?

In summary (Satellites and Orbital Bases are listed under What equipment and
weapons are available?):

Colony Centre:
- Colony Hub: "The colony hub is the prefabricated colony center automatically
deposited on planet by a colonization ship. You can only build other
structures on a planet if you have a colony hub." Cost 40,000. Energy 0.
Workers 960. Includes basic facilities to meet the food requirement of 5000
people, and the basic hospital requirement of 10,000 people.

Housing (where people live):
- Apartment Block: "Apartment blocks are more expensive to build than prefab
housing but can provide living space for more people." Cost 12,000. Energy
1200. Workers 70. Capacity 15,000 people.
- Arcology: "Arcologies are expensive to build but allow the largest
population of colonists per square meter." Cost 16,000. Energy 1500. Workers
100. Capacity 30,000 people.
- Prefab Housing: "Prefab housing is the cheapest low capacity housing
available for your colonists..." Cost 5,600. Energy 850. Workers 60. Capacity
7000 people.

Power (produce energy):
- Fusion Plant: "The Fusion Plant is most efficient on planets with a ready
supply of fusible materials (deuterium, tritium, helium-2)." Cost 24,000.
Energy 0. Workers 500. Output ~9900 Kwh. Cannot be built on Desert, Neptoplasm
or Rocky planets.
- Nuclear Plant: "Nuclear Plants use the old-fashioned technology of atomic
fission to generate power." Cost 8000. Energy 0. Workers 290. Output ~3500
- Solar Plant: "Advanced, super-efficient photovoltaics combined with high-
temperature superconductors and orbital light focusing field arrays make Solar
plants the most efficient power source." Cost 16,000. Energy 0, Workers 350,
Output ~9000 Kwh. Cannot be built on Frozen or Liquid planets. Research as

Life Sources (produce food and water):
- Phood(TM) Factory: "Phood(TM) Factory utilizes the latest advances in
genetically engineered MeatBeast(TM), FastGrain(TM) and Sculpted Algae(TM) to
produce large quantities of food for hungry colonists." Cost 10,000. Energy
2000. Workers 500. Output 40,000t (feeds 20,000 people). Research or capture
as Commander.
- Hydroponic Food Farm: "The Hydroponic Food Farm facility grows natural foods
in an unnatural environment, extracting maximum yields from such exciting
foodstuffs as grains, fungi, and algae." Cost 4200. Energy 1300. Workers 300.
Output 15,000t (feeds 8000 people).
- Water Vaporator: "Moisture Vaporators extract moisture from the air to
provide drinking supplies. Water deficient planets need Vaporators to avoid
slow population growth." Cost 45,000. Energy 800. Workers 210. Output 12,000
(people?). Cannot be built on Earth-type, Frozen, Rocky, or Liquid planets
(thanks to Alain Roy for correction). Eventually required on Cratered and
Desert planets.

Factories (manufacture spacecraft and equipment, and ground units; limited to
one per type per colony):
- Equipment Factory: "The Equipment factory increases the colony's equipment
production capacity." Cost 20,000. Energy 2600. Workers 460.
- Spaceship Factory: "The Spaceship factory increases the colony's spaceship
production capacity." Cost 20,000. Energy 4000. Workers 430.
- Weapon Factory: "The Weapon factory increases the colony's weapon production
capacity." Cost 24,000. Energy 3000. Workers 390.

Development Centres (allow research, one level of research per centre; limited
to one of any type per colony);
- A.I. Dev. Centre: "The AI Development Centre increases your colony's
knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, which increases your Development
capabilities." Cost 46,000. Energy 2000. Workers 360.
- Civil Eng. Dev. Centre: "The Civil Engineering Development Centre increases
your colony's knowledge of Civil Engineering, which increases your Development
capabilities." Cost 30,000. Energy 2000. Workers 560.
- Computer Dev. Centre: "The Computer Development Centre increases your
colony's knowledge of Computer technology, which increases your Development
capabilities." Cost 42,000. Energy 2000. Workers 560.
- Mechanics Dev. Centre: "The Mechanics Development Centre increases your
colony's knowledge of Mechanics, which increases your Development
capabilities." Cost 34,000. Energy 2000. Workers 620.
- Military Dev. Centre: "The Military Development Centre increases your
colony's knowledge of Military technology, which increases your Development
capabilities." Cost 52,000. Energy 3000. Workers 420.

Commerce (generate additional treasury cash; limited to one per type per
- Bank: "Banks provide financial investments for local commerce increasing
trade and income on the colony." Cost 16,000. Energy 500. Workers 230. Trade
revenue (from Traders' Spaceport and/or Trade Centre) doubles. Useless without
a Traders' Spaceport or Trade Centre in the colony.
- Trade Centre: "The trade centre forms the hub of colonial commerce, the
presence of one increases weekly trade income." Cost 17,000. Energy 1000.
Workers 360. Revenue 1200 credits per day. Research as Admiral.
- Traders' Spaceport: "Integrated commercial spaceports, automated customs
processing facilities, robot dockworkers and Spacemerchant's Guild make the
Traders' spaceport a valuable revenue source." Cost 10,000. Energy 1700.
Workers 250. Revenue 600 credits per day.

Civilian (assorted buildings primarily serving immediate needs of local
- Bunker: "Bunkers are heavily reinforced structures which provide your
colonists with a safe haven during attacks by enemy forces, greatly reducing
casualties." Cost 18,000. Energy 500. Workers 30. Research as Admiral.
- Fire Brigade: "Fire brigades automatically repair damaged colony structures
up to 50% free of charge. They are very useful when a colony is being
bombarded from orbit or assaulted by ground forces." Cost 12,000. Energy 1200.
Workers 300. Required by colonies with more than 30,000 people.
- Hospital: "Hospitals improve colony morale and health, fight disease and
find solutions to the challenges of life on alien planets allowing the
population to grow more quickly." Cost 13,000. Energy 900. Workers 280. Meets
basic hospital requirement for an additional 20,000 people.
- Police Station: "Police Stations are demanded by the colonists on
sufficiently populated worlds to reduce crime to acceptable levels." Cost
26,000. Energy 1200. Workers 400. Meets notional basic policing requirement
for 50,000 people, but additional Police Stations improve tax morale. To
maintain extreme levels of taxation, use one Police Station per 10,000
population (in combination with morale boosting buildings - see below).

Radar (allow ships within range of planet to be seen on the map):
- Field Telescope: "The Field Telescope is a high powered and focused radio
wave detector that can be used to find enemy fleets at a greater range than
the Radar Telescope." Cost 10,000. Energy 2500. Workers 160. Research as
- Phased Telescope: "The Phased Telescope is the ultimate in long range
sensing equipment, accurately locating enemy fleets at extreme ranges." Cost
25,000. Energy 2000. Workers 180. Improvement on Field Telescope. Similar
range to Hubble 2 (satellite telescope). Research as Admiral.
- Radar Telescope: "The Radar Telescope detects nearby enemy fleets in space,
helping to give warning before enemy attacks." Cost 4000. Energy 2000. Workers

Orbital Guns (fire from the planet at orbiting enemy spacecraft, limited to 5
of any type per colony):
- Fusion Projector: "Getting hit by a shot from a Fusion Projector is like
running into a small sun. It inflicts severe damage on enemy starships that
stray into its range." Cost 32,000. Energy 4000. Workers 160. Improvement on
Plasma Projector. Research as Admiral.
- Ion Projector: "The Ion Projector is used to protect your colony from attack
by enemy starfleets. It fires a stream of high energy charged particles that
can damage most enemy ships." Cost 10,000. Energy 2000. Workers 120.
- Meson Projector: "The Meson Projector fires a stream of subatomic particles
that decay into highly explosive matter. These projectors can easily cripple
an unsuspecting starship." Cost 40,000. Energy 5000. Workers 165. Improvement
on Fusion Projector. Research as Grand Admiral.
- Plasma Projector: "Plasma projectors fire bolts of superheated matter that
can inflict heavy damage on enemy starships." Cost 17,800. Energy 3000.
Workers 150. Improvement on Ion Projector. Research as Commander.

Planetary Shields (shield orbital guns):
- Hyershield: "Utilizing the warping effects of millions of micro-
singularities to absorb weapons fire, the Hyper shield protects your colony
from Destructors [bombs] and Virus Bombs." Cost 35,000. Energy 6000. Workers
120. Research as Admiral.
- Inversion Shield: "The Inversion Shield consists of carefully balanced
fields of gravitons with reversed spin, which form a highly repulsive barrier
around your colony protecting from attacks from space." Cost 15,000. Energy
4000. Workers 50. Planetary shield. Research as Commander

Garrisons (house ground units and include anti-ground force turrets):
- Barracks: "The Barracks is the simplest fortification available. During a
ground assault it will fire on nearby enemy tanks and allows you to house four
tanks for your own defenses." Cost 15,000. Energy 1000. Workers 360.
- Fortress: "The Fortress greatly improves your colony's defenses against
ground assaults. It fires at enemy tanks and has storage space for eight of
your own defensive tanks [or vehicles]." Cost 30,000. Energy 1500. Workers
530. Research as Admiral.
- Stronghold: "The Stronghold is the heaviest fortification available for
defending your colonies from ground assaults." Cost 50,000. Energy 2000.
Workers 550. Garrisons 12 vehicles. Research as Admiral.

Fleet Support:
- Military Spaceport: "Military spaceports allow the construction and support
of military spaceships. They also can provide some local System Defense Boats
to aid in protecting the colony from attacks." Cost 75,000. Energy 3000.
Workers 310. Allows capital ships to be deployed, and fighters and tanks to be
added and removed from fleets. Also allows fighters to be added as system

Morale (buildings that specifically raise colony morale):
- Bar: "A social space where colonists bond with one another through the
shared ritual consumption of perception altering substances such as NeoPro
Brandy, bars raise colony morale." Cost 6300. Energy 700. Workers: 410.
- Church: "Spiritual Indoctrination Centers, Churches foster the belief in an
ephemeral spiritual reward for worldly suffering, increasing colony morale at
very low cost." Cost 4000. Energy 100. Workers 90. Churches are cheap, small
and effective, making a Church a good early addition to a new colony.
- Park: "Parks provide a physical reminder of the colonists homeworld. These
pleasant, relaxing oasises of faux-nature raise colony morale." Cost 14,000.
Energy 200. Workers 100. Cannot be built on Desert, Frozen, Cratered, Liquid
or Neptoplasm planets. Can only be built on Earth type and Rocky planets.
- Recreation Centre: "The Recreation centre provides such healthy
entertainments as Hyperpool, FlashPong, and Billiards. These entertainments
improve morale on the colony." Cost 7500. Energy 500. Workers 230.
- Stadium: "The stadium provides a location for performances and sporting
events to be put on for the colonists. Full Contact Arcturian Rules Football
has proven very effective at raising morale." Cost 50,000. Energy 1000.
Workers 350.


3.4.5 What differences are there between planet types?

There are seven different planet surfaces. A full Planet List is contained in
the appendices:

- Cratered: Cannot build Park.
- Desert: Cannot build Fusion Plant or Park.
- Earth Type: Does not require Water Vaporator. Tends to sustain higher
- Frozen: Does not require Water Vaporator. Cannot build Solar Plant or Park.
- Liquid: Does not require Water Vaporator. Cannot build Solar Plant or Park.
- Neptoplasm: Does not require Water Vaporator. Cannot build Fusion Plant or
- Rocky: Does not require Water Vaporator. Cannot build Fusion Plant.


3.4.6 How do I colonize planets?

You need to build a colony ship, only possible at Admiral rank or higher.
Assign the ship to a fleet and send it close to an empty planet, then select
"colonize". You cannot colonize planets that already have a colony on them.


3.4.7 Why can't I build more than 5000 buildings?

Patching the game removes this limitation.


3.4.8 Can I see what my colonies need at a glance?

Yes. Under Information (F7), select Colony Info and the appropriate colony
from the map. Basic needs are shown, with critical problems (like lack of
food) in red and less critical problems (like power shortages) in yellow.


3.4.9 Can I change the colony name?

The manual says yes. The reality appears to be no.


3.4.10 What buildings can I build in the alien colonies I've captured?

Human 'alien' colonies (former AFT and FNS colonies) can build everything you
can build on your home planets. On non-human alien planets, you can always
build Dev. Centres, factories, Arcologies, Nuclear Plants, Hospitals, Phood
Factories, Police Stations and Military Spaceports. You can also build newly
researched items where the alien race has the technology, but perhaps did not
allow you to capture it. For example, Garthog planets can build Plasma
Projectors once you have researched them, but you cannot capture these items
because they are destroyed when you invade. Not all technology, such as Solar
Plants, can be built on alien colonies.


3.4.11 Can I flatten or clear un-buildable areas like rock formations?

No. This can be very annoying on certain planets, where half of the area
available for buildings is taken up with obstacles.


3.4.12 What do the 'Major incident on planet...' messages mean?

These normally indicate that a Nuclear Plant on the planet named has been
heavily damaged. These messages can be somewhat confusing, because when (as
Commander) you send a SitRep enquiry to the planet from the Bridge, the
governor tells you everything is fine. If you examine the colony carefully
you'll see the problem.



3.5 Combat

3.5.1 How do I move ground units between store, colonies and fleets?

Fleets must be near a planet with a Military Spaceport to transfer vehicles.
You can transfer vehicles between planets at any time. On the equipment screen
(F4), select the planet or fleet, then the vehicle type. Click Del to move
vehicles from planet/fleet to store, Add to move them from store to
planet/fleet. There is no delay caused by moving vehicles between planets,
meaning relatively small numbers of vehicles can be used to defend entire


3.5.2 How do I increase the number of ground units a planet can hold?

Build additional Barracks, Fortresses and/or Strongholds on the planet. A
planet without any such facilities can only hold a maximum of 8 defending
ground units. These buildings add 4, 8 and 12 additional units per building,


3.5.3 How do I invade an enemy colony?

Attack the planet with a fleet that includes vehicles. Vehicles can be
assigned to a fleet which contains a Flagship, while that fleet is close to a
planet with a Military Spaceport. Three flagships, each equipped with cargo
pods will increase the number of vehicles you can attack with. If the colony
you attack is protected by orbital defenses or an enemy fleet, your fleet must
first defeat those defenses. If your vehicle-carrying ships survived, you will
automatically launch into a land combat, with the option to position your
forces round the boundary of the colony. You need to destroy all the enemy
vehicles (including non-combat units that may be hiding behind buildings, like
Radar Cars) and all their military buildings (Barracks, Fortresses and
similar), after which the colony will fall to you.


3.5.4 Can I group combat units in battle?

Select multiple units by dragging a marquee around the units with the mouse.
Assign them to a group by pressing Shift + 1 to 9. Pressing 1 to 9 will
reselect the group. Alternatively, select all units of the same type using: T
(tanks), R (rocket cars), L (flagships), C (cruiser/destroyer) or F
(fighters). "A" selects all units. After the first few battles you will get to
choose your formation at the start of the battle. The "Group/Single" toggle
displayed at this time will either group your fighters up into one space, or
attempt to place fighters individually.


3.5.5 Why do my defensive buildings not concentrate fire on the enemy?

Shwatzy comments: "You can select your turrets and manually target the most
dangerous tanks first."


3.5.6 Can I retreat?

You can retreat from space combat (use the button on the left hamd side of the
space combat screen), although if the enemy fleet is faster it may
continuously re-engage you. You cannot retreat from ground combat.



3.6 Fleets and Equipment

3.6.1 How do I change, re-equip, or create new fleets?

In order to re-equip, or add new ships, the fleet needs to be close to a
planet with a Military Spaceport. Only capital ships can have equipment
loadouts altered - not fighters. Modify equipment by selecting the ship, which
displays an image of the vessel on the right of the screen. Click on one of
the green boxes on that image, and then move the appropriate item of equipment
between the ship and the inventory below - you may need to first remove
equipment before you can add new items. Note that not all equipment can be
removed, notably hyperdrives. To add new ships to an existing fleet, select
the fleet and vessel type on the Equipment screen, then use the Add to deploy
units. Fighters may also be removed to storage, capital ships may not. To add
a new ship to a new fleet, first create a new fleet by selecting a planet with
a Military Spaceport, then pressing "New" from the equipment screen. You may
split and move ships between two fleets in the same location via the Equipment
(F4) screen. You do not need to be near a Military Spaceport to split, join
and transfer currently deployed vessels. If you transfer ships, the fleet
receiving the new ships will be indicated on the screen as "Secondary". If you
have several fleets in the same location, you may need to move one or more
away first.


3.6.2 Can I automatically re-equip or upgrade equipment on fleets and units on

Yes and no. The options screen (Esc) allows you to re-equip tanks to planets,
and bombs and missiles to spacecraft. This assumes you have excess stocks of
such items available. You cannot automatically replace lost equipment on
ships, nor can you automatically upgrade equipment. This can make upgrading
ships very time consuming. Bershe comments: "Here's a trick - if you have 10+
ships of any type in a fleet, they are categorized together... So, select the
category, select the (for example) laser pod. Hit the '+' button to fully load
the ship, then push enter. And repeat until fleet is outfitted. This is MUCH
more efficient."


3.6.3 Which planet is unused equipment stored on?

It isn't stored in any one place. Unused equipment (not assigned to planets or
fleets, or mounted on spacecraft) is held in a virtual storage, which can be
accessed from anywhere. Is this good game design? Tim Chown comments:
"Deploying on any planet is fine as long as you can't remove and add the way
it is now. After all, your weapon factories are all grouped together for
production purposes. But to be able to instantly transfer from 1 planet/fleet
to another is something that should be corrected."


3.6.4 How do I repair ships and vehicles?

Capital ships which have been damaged repair naturally over time. You cannot
speed this process up. Heavily damaged capital ships may have lost equipment.
Lost equipment will not repair over time, and needs to be re-equipped from
stores - see How do I change or re-equip a fleet? above. Damaged vehicles and
fighters repair instantly between battles.


3.6.5 How do I build new units and equipment?

Production is only available at Captain rank and higher. You can only build
what you have researched, know to start with, or capture from aliens. You need
at least one factory per type of production (spacecraft, weapons, equipment).
Additional factories will allow faster production - this increases the "full
capacity" value on the relevant production screen. Each colony can build up to
one factory of each type. Production needs to be ordered, and paid for with
credits, via the Production screen (F5). You can produce up to 5 different
things at once in each category, biasing the rate at which each is produced by
altering the "Importance" value. Production itself is not planet specific, and
items produced go straight into the store of unused equipment. Buildings are
included on the production screen, although they are not produced via it -
they are simply built on the relevant colony.


3.6.6 How do I build Flagships?

Flagships, including Colonization Ships, require you to have at least one
Orbital Space Factory orbiting around a planet. You do not need the orbital
factory to be in the same location you wish to deploy Flagships. Flagships are
deployed in the same way as other ships - around planets with Military
Spaceports. This means you only ever need one orbital factory in your empire
(just ensure you defend it adequately).


3.6.7 Can I build the Leviathan?

No, not in normal play. Although unpatched versions of the game may fool you
into trying, and may then cause technical problems - don't try. You can only
have one Leviathan, the "Thorin", your command ship as Admiral. From GT: "The
Leviathan was removed from the game late in development. It was found that the
game was too easy if you could build as many of these as you wanted." From
Karthik: "You can actually build it but you can't research it. Use the cheat
code to get all the inventions. Once done you can build the Thorin."


3.6.8 Can I rename fleets?

Yes. On the Equipment screen (F4), select the fleet, then click on the fleet
name in the bottom left panel. You should see a cursor appear. Delete the old
name and type in the new.


3.6.9 How do I use Virus Bombs?

From Matt Forrestal: "Only the Thorin seems to be able to use them, and it can
only carry four." From vakundok: "[They] lower the population of the target
world, reducing the tax income of your enemy." Alain Roy writes: "I attacked
Persol 2 (20,000 inhabitants) with virus bombs. Population fell at about 8000.
Another attack went down to 3000 and so forth up to about 500. Does not work
below this population. After the attacks, population started to move up again,
but at a lower speed."


3.6.10 Can I build alien ships and equipment once I capture their colonies?

No. You can use the factories on alien colonies to produce your own equipment,
spaceships and weapons. In rare cases you may capture existing building
technology, such as Phood Factories from the Garthogs, but that's all.


3.6.11 How do I find planets?

Most planets will only show up on the map after you fly within radar range of
them. To retrieve further information about the planet, select the planet, and
then click Add Sat. You'll need a Survey Satellite in stock - you only get one
to start with, but you can produce them with Captain rank. Colonized planets
can be spied on using Spy satellites, which can be researched at Commander
rank and higher. To automatically determine planet ownership, move a ship
equipped with a Phased Array close to the planet.


3.6.12 What ships are available?

Here is a list. Satellites and Orbital Bases are listed under What equipment
and weapons are available?. Optimum equipment loadouts are given after the

- Cruiser 1 (Thunder): "Another leftover from the Old Empire, it is outdated
but cheap and readily available." Cost 15,000. One available as Captain,
research as Commander.
- Cruiser 2 (Thunder-II): "The designers concentrated on the shield generators
of this upgrade to the Thunder Class, but this additional mass without
stronger drives made it a bit sluggish." Cost 25,000. Research as Admiral.
- Cruiser 3 (Cahudhri): "Advanced drive systems, coupled with heavier armor,
and cutting edge targeting and fire control make this the most feared cruiser
in the Empire's arsenal." Cost 36,000. Research as Grand Admiral. From Mega
Products: "Cruiser IIIs are recommended as the ultimate goal of your research.
Not only are they superlative ships-of-the-line in their own right but each
carries a payload of four missiles and four bombs each. When you have these
you'll find you have the payload to conduct protracted campaigns without refit
and find the subsequent rapidity of your invasions invaluable."

- Destroyer 1 (Guardian): "This is the most commonly encountered light
destroyer. A leftover from the times of the Old Empire, its main advantage is
its low cost and ready availability." Cost 12,000.
- Destroyer 2 (Warrior): "The Warrior Class are just refitted Guardian Class
destroyers, well equipped with more modern weaponry, but still vulnerable due
to a low power shield generator." Cost 17,500. Research as Commander.
- Destroyer 3 (Jabberwocky): "The Jabberwocky Class is the principle of
destroyer development. Good shields, heavy firepower, and dual magnetic ram-
pump drive system for high speed and versatility." Cost 22,000. Research as

Fighters (fighter loadouts cannot be customized):
- Fighter 1 (Raptor): "The Raptor is a simple no-frills fighter craft. It is
armed with dual laser cannons and has a low powered magnetic deflection shield
for defense." Cost 2000.
- Fighter 2 (Valkyrie): "The Valkyrie is a superior fighter to the Raptor in
every respect. It has a quad laser battery for firepower, a higher gauss mag-
def shield and more powerful drives." Cost 3200. Available as Captain.
- Fighter 3 (Hammerhand): "Carrying dual twin laser weapons load, the
Hammerhand is an incremental improvement on the Valkyrie. It also has a new
shield design with high capacity field inductors." Cost 3000. Research as
- Fighter 4 (Streak): "The Streak is a deadly craft, swift and lethal. 4 twin
lasers, coupled with the most advanced drive tech available. When designed, it
became a serious threat in combat." Cost 7400. Research as Admiral.
- Fighter 5 (WraithFighter): "The WraithFighter utilizes advances in stealth
technology combined with a new phase coupled dipole mag deflector shield array
to achieve an almost unhittable fighter." Cost 10,000. Research as Admiral.
- Fighter 6 (Strikebomber): "The Strikebomber is a heavy craft designed for
dropping unguided high yield bombs on heavy craft. It is a real threat but
must have a fighter escort for optimal effect." Cost 12,000. Research as Grand

- Colonizat. Ship: "The Colonization ship is used to establish colonies. These
immense vessels carry construction tools, colonists, everything needed for a
new start on a virgin planet." Cost 80,000. Research as Admiral.
- Flagship 1 (Mammoth): "Powerful shields, heavy weaponry, and capable of
carrying ground assault forces..." Cost 80,000. Available as Commander.
- Flagship 2 (Python): "A bit slower than the Mammoth, the Python's firepower
is far superior. The ground unit payload has also been enlarged and its
shields are much stronger." Cost 130,000. Hyperdrive 5 only - although by
default it may come with Hyperdrive 4. Research as Admiral.
- Flagship 3 (Kraken): "The Kracken has heavy shields [all flagships can fit
the SuperHvy shield], massive firepower, and the capability to land a fully
equipped army on enemy worlds. The Kraken is the jewel of the Empire's
fleets." Cost 230,000. Research as Grand Admiral.
- Leviathan: "The Thorin is the only surviving Leviathan Class Flagship. It is
significantly more powerful than the Kraken Class Flagship." Cost 1,000,000
(but cannot be produced). Available as Admiral.

The table below shows the maximum equipment loadout possible, both in terms of
number of items and the most technologically advanced item that can be fitted.
In most cases lower-technology items can be fitted, although some of the
highly advanced vessels can only fit higher-technology items. A list of
abbreviations is given at the bottom. The value 'vehicles' refers to the
number of vehicles that can be carried without a pod. For further explanation
of equipment types, see What equipment and weapons are available? below.


| Shi-|Laser| | |Miss-| |Cargo| ECM |Hyper|Vehi-
Ship | eld |Wpns |Guns |Bombs|iles |Radar| Mod | Mod |drive|cles
Colonizat. Ship | 1xSH| | | | | 1xPA| | | 1xV5|
Cruiser 1 | 1xSH| 8xUP| 2xNG| | | 1xFA| | | 1xV4|
Cruiser 2 | 1xSH|13xUP| 8x**| | | 1xFA| | | 1xV5|
Cruiser 3 | 1xSH|16xUP|20xMG| 4xV2| 4xMH| | | 1xSK| 1xV5|
Destroyer 1 | 1xMS| 6xUV| | | | | | | 1xV2|
Destroyer 2 | 1xMS|14xUP| | | | | | | 1xV3|
Destroyer 3 | 1xMS|18xUV| 4xNG| | | 1xFA| | | 1xV5|
Flagship 1 | 1xSH|14xUP| 8xPG| 8xV2| 6xMH| 1xPA| 1xHC| | 1xV5| 5
Flagship 2 | 1xSH| |15xMG|12xV2|12xMH| 1xPA| 1xHC| | 1xV5| 8
Flagship 3 | 1xSH|20xUP|20xMG|20xV2|14xMH| 1xPA| 1xHC| 1xSK| 1xV5| 10
Leviathan | 1xSH|24xUP|22xMG| 4xVB|12xMH| 1xPA| 1xHC| 1xSK| 1xV5| 12
** = 3x Plasma Guns, 5x Ion Guns.

- FA = Field Array
- HC = Heavy Cargo Pod
- MG = Meson Gun
- MH = Mul-head Missile
- MS = Medium Shield
- NG = Neutron Gun
- PA = Phased Array
- PG = Plasma Gun
- SH = SuperHvy Shield
- SK = Shocker ECM
- UP = UV Pulse Laser
- UV = UV Laser
- VB = Virus Bomb


3.6.13 What equipment and weapons are available?

Here is a list. Quoted in-game text unfortunately contains a few statements
that are blatantly incorrect - my comments on these are in square brackets:

Bombs (damage planetary facilities from orbit, must be replenished after use):
- Bomb v1.0 (Destructor): "Destructors are used for attacking ground based
targets from space. They are needed to take out ground based defenses [you can
attack ground facilities with other weapons, but bombs are often more
efficient]." Cost 1400.
- Bomb v2.0 (Heavy Destructor): "An improved destructor, it has a large blast
radius and kills thousands of colony inhabitants if they are unprotected."
Cost 1950. Research as Admiral.
- Virus Bomb: "The Vius bomb carries a payload of particularly virulent prions
which are capable of killing all known lifeforms. After the planet is
'cleansed' the virus dies out." Cost 5000. Research as Admiral.

Cargo Pods (allow additional vehicles to be carried by flagships - from Mega
Products: "Cargo pods are cheap, relatively easy to research and are a vital
addition to every flagship. The extra cargo capacity they add will make all
the difference in any ground battle they transport tanks to."):
- Cargo Pod: "This allows flagships to carry 3 additional ground vehicles."
Cost 7400. Research as Commander.
- Heavy Cargo Pod: "The Heavy Cargo Pod gives the flagship to which it is
retrofitted room for an additional 5 ground vehicles." Cost 10,000. Research
as Admiral.

ECMs (redirects incoming missiles):
- Fuzzbox ECM: "The Electronic Counter Measures detects incoming missiles, and
redirects them. The more time the ECM has to detect the missile, the more
reliable it is." Cost 7000. Research as Admiral.
- Shocker ECM: "The Shocker ECM is an active countermeasures system. Using
lasers, radio burst beams, gravitic pulse fields and neutrino emitters it
confuses and diverts missile attacks." Cost 13,500. Research as Admiral.

Guns (high damage, projectile based energy weapons):
- Ion Gun: "The Ion Gun fires streams of positive and negatively charged ions.
The two streams maintain cohesion until impact where the streams collapse in a
huge blast." Cost 1200. Research as Commander.
- Meson Gun: "The ultimate weapon, the Meson Gun sprays short lived micro-
singularities, easily crippling fleets of fighter craft." Cost 4000. Research
as Grand Admiral.
- Neutron Gun: "The Neutron Gun is an improvement on the Ion Gun. Instead of
charged ions it fires electrically neutral neutrons which increases beam
cohesion and fire rate." Cost 3200. Research as Admiral.
- Plasma Gun: "The Plasma Gun fires a burst of superheated matter. A direct
hit shatters hull plates with heat and shorts out electrical systems,
crippling the target." Cost 2140. Research as Admiral.

Hyperdrives (allow capital ships to move; every such ship must have one):
- Hyperdrive v1.0: "This upgrades some of your spaceships [all capital ships
start with at least this]. They will be able to travel 15% faster with this
improved drive system [this is the basic drive, there is nothing to upgrade
from]." Cost 2000. Fleet speed (assuming whole fleet equipped) 28.
- Hyperdrive v2.0: "The upgraded spaceships will be able to travel 20% faster,
with 15% less fuel consumption [ships don't use fuel]." Cost 3200. Fleet speed
30. Research as Commander.
- Hyperdrive v3.0: "This module upgrades your flagships [also can be fitted to
most other capital ships]. Two extra boosters help increase the speed of the
ship by 22%." Cost 4300. Fleet speed 32. Research as Admiral.
- Hyperdrive v4.0: "Your upgraded ships will be able to travel 30% faster than
their original speed [...whatever that was]." Cost 6000. Fleet speed 34.
Research as Admiral.
- Hyperdrive v5.0: "High fuel consumption is the only disadvantage of this
thruster system. It provides a 35% speed upgrade, with a 20% boost in
manoeuvrability." Cost 9000. Fleet speed 36. Research as Grand Admiral.

Lasers (accurate, low damage, energy based weapons):
- Laser: "The Laser has been a common weapon since the early 21st century.
Accurate and efficient, its main drawback is its lack of damage dealing
capability." Cost 620.
- Pulse Laser: "The Pulse Laser is a simple upgrade, increasing the rate of
fire, and thus the amount of energy delivered to the target ship." Cost 900.
Research as Commander.
- UV Laser: "Advances in high wavelength focusing techniques allow UV Laser to
deliver significantly higher energy output, increasing the lethality of the
weapon." Cost 1400. Research as Admiral.
- UV Pulse Laser: "Once the basic technique was perfected it was a simple step
to upgrade the Pulse Laser to the focusing system. This is the most powerful
laser available." Cost 1750. Research as Admiral.

Missiles (damage to spacecraft and sometimes orbital structures):
- Missile v1.0 (STK-1): "The STK-1 is a simple missile, carrying a high
explosive load and using an uncomplicated turn and track targeting system."
Cost 900. Manoeuvrability 6. Speed 500.
- Missile v2.0 (STK-1F): "This new version of the STK-1 is more manoeuvrable
and faster." Cost 1500. Manoeuvrability 8. Speed 850.
- Mul-head Missile: "This missile, when it explodes, will burst into small
multi-head explosives, which clear a large area of fighter aircraft." Cost
6200. Research as Admiral.

Orbital Bases (game categorises these as spacecraft; deploy via Equipment
- Space Base 1 (Defender): "Space Stations are used to protect your planets
from attack. They have heavy firepower and strong hull. They are the key to an
effective defense." Cost 65,000. Available as Commander.
- Space Base 2 (Giant): "The Giant has massive firepower, and is capable of
putting up a stiff resistance to enemy fleets that attempt to assault the
planets it guards." Cost 90,000. Research as Admiral.
- Space Base 3 (Colossus): "The Colossus is the largest of all defensive
stations. It can be a formidable foe for even the largest of starships." Cost
125,000. Research as Grand Admiral.
- Orbital Factory: "Orbital Factories provide the zero-G construction
facilities needed to build your gigantic flagships." Cost 80,000. Needs to be
deployed around a planet, but once deployed flagships can be added at any
planet with a Military Spaceport. Research as Commander.

Radars (ship based sensors that reveal the location of fleets);
- Field Array: "The Focused Field Radar Array can be equipped onto any of your
spaceships [no - not Destroyer 1/2 or Cruiser 3]. It detects any ships within
5 parsecs." Cost 9000. Research as Commander.
- Phased Array: "The Phased Field Array is a series of tuned Radar Arrays
which can be carried by a flagship, their combined power detects and
identifies spaceships and planets as well [earlier types detect planets, but
this radar also provides information about colonies, such as ownership]." Cost
16,000. Research as Admiral.
- Radar Array: "The Radar Array can be equipped onto any of your spaceships
[again, not Destroyer 1/2 or Cruiser 3]. It detects any ships within 2
parsecs." Cost 5000.

Satellites (game categorises these as spacecraft; deploy via starmap, by
selecting the planet and clicking the "Add Sat" icon, or similar):
- Adv Spy Sat: "This upgraded Spy Satellite has significant stealth
enhancements and better sensors to detect and report on the ships and space
bases around enemy planets." Cost 2300. Gives same information as Spy
Satellite, plus full building names. Research as Admiral.
- Hubble 2: "A powerful Radar Telescope Satellite named after a famous Old
Earth scientific satellite. The Hubble 2 can detect enemy fleets over very
large distances." Cost 2100. Research as Admiral. Range is about the same as
Phased Telescope.
- Survey Satellite: "The Survey Satellite is used to gather information on
unexplored and unknown plants." Cost 120.
- Spy Satellite: "Spy Satellites are used to detect and monitor alien
communications, activities and fleet movements." Cost 1000. Reports colony
ownership, population and building damage. Research as Commander.

- Heavy Shield: "This unit upgrades the shield power by 20% [there is no
standard shield - default shielding is no shielding]. It uses a pulsed field
technology." Cost 12,000. Research as Admiral.
- Light Shield: "Using higher gauss mag-def fields than standard shields, this
upgrade increases the shield strength of the ships by 10% [erm]." Cost 4000.
- Medium Shield: "Also utilizing higher gauss mag-def fields this upgrade
increases the shield power of ships by 15% [another slightly odd statistic]."
Cost 7500. Research as Admiral.
- SuperHvy Shield: "Like the Medium Shield, this is a redesign of the core
mag-def technology. Pulsed EM fields upgrade the shield power of flagships
[and Cruisers] by 25%." Cost 19,000. Research as Grand Admiral.

Vehicles (used in ground combat):
- Behemoth: "The Behemoth uses a spun-titanium weave armor plate for
unparalleled defense." Cost 17,500. Fire range 5. Speed 3. Armor 7. Research
as Grand Admiral. Unique to humans. Other aliens have their own special
vehicles - see What types of aliens are there? below.
- Heavy Tank (Rhino): "The Rhino Heavy Tank is the core of the Empire's ground
forces." Cost 7000. Fire range 4. Speed 4. Armor 6. Research as Admiral.
- Hvy Rocket Sled: "The Heavy Rocket Sled sacrifices armor for speed and more
powerful rockets." Cost 24,200. Fire range 8. Speed 7. Armor 1. Research as
- Light Tank (Cougar): "This Cougar Light Tank is often used as a recon
vehicle due to its speed and armor." Cost 3000. Fire range 2. Speed 5. Armor
- Medium Tank (Tiger): "Trading speed for armor and range, the Tiger is a
battlefield mainstay." Cost 4800. Fire range 4. Speed 4. Armor 4. Research as
- Radar Car: "The Radar Car is a specialized recon vehicle with powerful side-
looking radar, lidar, and magnetic detectors." Cost 10,000. Garthogs counter
this with their Radar Jammer. Although recon by eye is a pain sometimes, this
vehicle is rarely needed in battle, and takes up a slot that could be filled
with something mopre deadly.
- Rocket Sled: "Vulnerable, but fast and agile, the Rocket Sled is a hit and
run raider." Cost 10,000. Fire range 9. Speed 6.5. Armor 2. Research as
Commander. If used with care - not in the front line and firing at stationary
targets, these units can be highly effective.


3.6.14 What limitations are there on fleet sizes and speeds?

Individual fleets have limited stack sizes - you can only add so many of
certain types of vessel. Each fleet may have up to: 3 Flagships, 25
Cruiser/Destroyer, and 30 Fighters per type. Fleet speed is determined by the
lowest rated hyperdrive fitted to any capital ship (Flagship, Destroyer or
Cruiser) in the fleet. In order for hyperdrive upgrades to make any
difference, the entire fleet needs to be upgraded. Fighters that travel with
capital ships maintain the same speed as the ships they escort (I presume they
are carried with the capital ships). Fighters in a fleet that contains no
capital ships (i.e. just fighters) will travel far slower.


3.6.15 How do I sell excess or obsolete equipment?

You can sell items which are not deployed via the Production screen (F5).
Slect the item and click on the "sell" button. You cannot sell capital ships
that have already been deployed, although you can strip them of most of their


3.6.16 Can I train ships' crews?

No, however, capital ships' crews gain experience with every kill. Five or
fewer kills they are classed as "Novice", 6 or more kills as "Advanced", "Pro"
at 12, and "Ace" by 30. You can view this information when in space battles.
Unfortunately trained crews cannot be transferred between ships, so by the
time crews become experienced, their ships tend to have become obsolete and
their experience is increasingly useless.


3.6.17 What is the difference between ship weapon types?

Lasers are rapid firing, but do light damage. They tend to be most effective
against smaller fast moving targets. Guns are projectile based, and are more
likely to miss moving targets, but will do a lot of damage when they hit.
Bombs are used against planet based targets. Missiles are used against space
based targets. Bombs and Missiles must be replenished after use, and there is
a chance they will be shot down before they reach their target. Fighters can
be turned into effective missiles by ordering Kamikaze attacks (proper
missiles are cheaper, but kamikaze attacks can sometimes be an easy way out of
a particularly difficult battle).


3.6.18 How do I upgrade Space Bases?

Once you have three of an older type in orbit, additional new types will start
to replace older types. You may have no more than three Space Bases in orbit
around each planet. Space Bases cannot be downgraded. For example, adding a
Base 2 around a planet with three Base 1s will result in two Base 1s and a
Base 2. Adding a Base 2 where there are only two Base 1s will result in two
Base 1s and a Base 2.



3.7 Taxation and Morale

3.7.1 Where do I set taxation and see morale?

Taxation for the currently selected planet is set under Information (F7),
Colony Info. This screen also displays the current tax morale, and an
indicator of overall morale next to the population total. The later is given
in terms of what the population thinks about you, ranging from hatred to


3.7.2 How is tax income calculated?

Tax is calculated per colony, and levied at midnight on each day. It is based
on, ( Population * Tax Rate ) * Tax Morale (%). On normal difficulty, tax rate
varies between about 0 ("None") and just over 1 ("Oppressive"). However, as
the game progresses tax revenue seems to decline per person, even when the tax
rate and tax morale remain unchanged.


3.7.3 Can I generate additional revenue?

Yes. Construct a Traders' Spaceport, which contributes a fixed 600 credits per
day and/or Trade Center for 1200 credits per day. Banks double revenue from
Traders' Spaceports and Trade Centers. Banks will not contribute anything
unless you have a Traders' Spaceport or Trade Center in the colony.


3.7.4 How do I improve morale?

First ensure you are meeting basic needs for living space, food, and
healthcare. Where possible build morale boasting buildings, such as Churches
and Bars. Such buildings are not available in alien colonies. Tax morale can
be improved by building Police Stations. Several Police Stations in
combination with a full set of morale boosting buildings can sometimes sustain
Oppressive taxation. As population rises, you'll need to add more morale
related buildings to maintain morale. Morale changes slowly over time in
response to your actions - don't expect rapid changes, especially after
capturing alien worlds. Morale for humans is naturally higher on earth-type
planets. Defeating an invader normally raises the morale on the invaded colony
(perhaps this is related to lower total population and hence 'more' facilities
per person). I suspect that building anything in a colony helps morale
slightly - the population feel that they haven't been forgotten and that they
are getting something new for their taxes. I also suspect that improving the
defenses of a planet improves morale slighty, although this is unproven.



3.8 Research

3.8.1 How do I research things?

Research is only available at Commander rank and higher. Research is managed
via the Research screen (F6). Most items need to be researched before you can
build or produce them. There are four factors in resaerch:

- Pre-requisite technology (if any, completed to start)
- Science level (met or exceeded to finish)
- Credit cost
- Time

In some cases you need a pre-requisite technology to commence research. Where
any pre-requisite is not met, the item will appear with a red "X" across the
image. In order to complete research you need to meet or exceed the science
level for the item. Science level relates to the number of Dev. Centres of
each of the five types (Civ, Mech, Comp, AI, Mil) you own. For example, to
complete Fighter 3 technology, you need at least 1 Mech, 2 Comp, 2 AI and 2
Mil Dev. Centres. You can only have one Dev. Centre per planet - this is the
primary limitation on research. Research is aggregated across all the Dev.
Centres in your empire. Ensure that they are fully supplied with energy and
workers to maximise research speed. Specific research projects also requires
credits, and time. You can opt to rush research by increasing the amount of
money allocated (use the button with two arrows on it towards the bottom left
of the Research screen to alter money allocation). Items that need researching
are indicated on most screens with a small disk icon. If the disk is spinning,
it is currently being researched. Research for which you meet any pre-
requisites, but do not meet the all science level (Dev. Centre) requirements,
can be started, but not finished. When you gain the additional requirements,
you can restart research where you left off. Research that you can start, but
not currently finish, is shown with "!" next to the disk icon.


3.8.2 If a Dev. Centre is destroyed, do I keep existing research?

Yes, once you have researched something, you cannot forget it. Dev. Centres
are expensive, but there may be times when demolishing one can allow important
research to be completed without taking control of a new planet. If you lose
one of your planets, former research won't disappear; although this may
prevent current research from being completed.


3.8.3 What units are research times in?

One unit of research time is equal to ten minutes of game time.


3.8.4 What science level and requirements are needed for new research? Is
there a technology tree?

These are included in the appendices - Research Science Level Requirements and
Technology Tree.



3.9 Aliens and Diplomacy

3.9.1 What types of aliens are there?

Here is a list, with descriptions and notes on location, map colour, special
vehicles and strengths:

- Alliance of Free Traders (AFT): "Once part of the Old Empire, the traders
left to create a new empire for themselves. They are a peaceful race of
traders and enjoy good relations with Ychoms." Human race. Colour: blue. Map
location: centre middle.

- Dargslans: "Very little is known about the Dargslans. Intelligence reports
show that they have extremely powerful ground attack forces, as well as a
competent space fleet." Colour: dark green. Map location: top middle. Special
vehicle: Auto-Repair Tank. Expand by invasion, not colonization. Although
Auto-repair tanks are pretty tough, they rarely deploy them in volume. The
main Dargslans ground advantage seems to be an uncanny ability to deploy all
their forces right in front of yours at the start of a battle.

- Dribs: "The Dribs are a proud race, with advanced knowledge of mechanics and
architecture. They have known of the Dargslan race for a long time, since the
Dargslans occupied some Drib territory." Colour: purple. Map location: top
left. Start very close to human colonies and are boxed into a corner. Very
slight Human expansion normally causes them to attack planets like Earth.

- Ecaleps: "With the rapid expansion of their empire, tax revenue has
increased to a very high level. This partially explains their obsession with
money..." Colour: light green. Map location: bottom right. Special vehicle:
Anti-missile tank (immune to Rocket Sled attacks).

- Free Nations Society (FNS): "Once part of the Old Empire, they declared
themselves independent a long time ago. The Free Nations Society has developed
rapidly, occupying territories with ease. The Society is well known for their
arrogant attitude and contempt for the Empire." Human race. Colour: dark blue.
Map location: centre right.

- Garthogs: "The Garthogs are a contemptible and un-trustworthy race, who
implant their young with bio-mechanical devices. They have a special interest
in mechanics and are renowned for stealing the technology of other races. It
is rumored that they destroyed an entire race, known as the Nubs, to obtain
their secrets. The Garthog Empire is close to the Human Empire and there has
been conflict for 10 years." Colour: red. Map location: centre bottom. Special
vehicle: Radar Jammer (disables your radar in battle). Aggressive early in the

- Morgaths: "The Morgaths are an insular and hostile race...." Colour: white.
Map location: bottom left. Special vehicle: Kamikaze tank.

- Sulleps: "The Sulleps are a warlike race with a very strict social
structure. From a very young age, Sulleps are subjected to military training.
Such is their code of combat, it is more honourable for them to die in battle
than surrender. " Colour: Yellow. Map location: bottom middle. Special
vehicle: Mobile artillery. May be aggressive early in the game unless they
attack the Morgaths first. They favour ground combat. Starts with the joint
largest number of colonies (10, joint with Dargslans).

- Ychoms: "A peaceful trader race that enjoys good relations with Alliance of
Free Traders..." Colour: cyan. Map location: centre left. Special vehicle:
Mine-laying saucer. Vessels are weak, planetary defenses fairly strong.


3.9.2 How strong are alien forces?

The table shows the typical firepower values of alien vessels, and typical
orbital defenses, at the time you can first meet them (December 3427 for most,
two months earlier for Garthogs). This table is intended to give an indication
of relative combat strengths, not an absolute guide:


|Firepower |Orbital
Race |Flag-|Dest/|Defense
|ship |Cruis|Base|Gun
ALIENS | | | |
AFT | 285s| ? | 2/3|Meson
Dargslans |1060s| 445s| 2/3|Meson
Dribs | 580s| 410 | 2|Plasma
Ecaleps | 760s| ? | 2|Meson
FNS | 595s| 345 | 2/3|Plasma
Garthogs | 145 | 30 | 1|Ion
Morgaths | 430 | ? | 1/2|Plasma
Sulleps | 675s| 360s| 2|Plasma
Ychoms | 340 | 115 | 1/2|Meson
EMPIRE | | | |
Captain | | 30s| 1|Ion
Commander | 300s| 100s| 1|Plasma
G Admiral |1200s| 920s| 3|Meson
* s = Vessel typically has shields.
* Empire rank values reflect what you should be able to equip by the end of
the rank.


3.9.3 What do the relationship numbers mean?

Numbers on the diplomacy table indicate how 'good' relations are between
aliens, from 0 (hate) to 100 (harmony). Values below 20 make war likely,
values above 80 are often associated with alliances. War status is shown as
red on the table, alliances shown in white.


3.9.4 What do the diplomacy options mean?

You can talk to alien ambassadors at any time, except for a short period after
you last talked to them (they will be shown yellow on the diplomacy screen if
this is the case). If you select a screen and then decide not to pick any
option on it, click the right mouse button to go back. Some or all of these
options will be available:

- Negotiate diplomatic relations: Determines whether you adopt a humble,
neutral, or aggressive stance in negotiations.
- Offer credits: Donate money.
- Improve trade relations: Trade is primarily a method of integrating
societies by sharing goods, rather than contributing credits.
- Forge alliance against...: Allows formation of alliance against non-Dargslan
races. You cannot form an alliance against anyone you are already allied with.
- Demand surrender: Occasionally works against enemies you are on the verge of
destroying. Obviously if you agree to surrender to another alien it is game
- Unite forces against the Dargslans: Allows formation of an alliance against
the Dargslans.

From time to time other alien races may contact you to propose one of these
options, or ask for money. When they are attempting to contact you, an
exclamation mark ("!") will be displayed next to the race name on the
diplomacy screen.





The walkthrough has been divided up by rank. The walkthrough assumes normal
difficulty setting. The storyline is the same on both settings, and the same
general tactics should be applicable. Normal difficulty will give you some
time to learn the game, which you don't get on the hard setting. Timings are
approximate - this partly depends how quickly you respond to missions and
events. One important tip: Make regular saves using different save slots, so
that when things go wrong you can restart a day or week or more beforehand
with the benefit of hindsight. This will save a lot of frustration caused by
needing to restart the game from the beginning.



4.1 Lieutenant (Disc 1)

4.1.1 Initial Resources

- SCREENS: Bridge, Starmap, Colony, Equipment, Information, State Room.
- FLEET: Destroyer 1 (no shield), Fighter 1 x3.
- PLANETS (building damage in brackets):
- - Achilles: Desert, population 8150 (declining), low tax, Light Tank x6,
Nuclear Plant (84%), Radar Telescope (95%), Prefab Housing (90%), Church
(98%), Fire Brigade (82%), Police Station (63%), Military Dev Centre (53%),
Military Spaceport (64%).
- - Naxos: Earth-like, population 4600, moderate tax, Light Tank x8, Colony
Hub, Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, Radar Telescope.
- - San Sterling: Frozen, population 4850, moderate tax, Light Tank x8, Colony
Hub, Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, Radar Telescope.
- EQUIPMENT: Light Shield, Survey Satellite.
- CREDITS: 32,000 (15,000 on hard setting).
- DATE: 13 August 3427.


4.1.2 Strategy Overview

This rank involves rebuilding Achilles and using your fleet in a series of
escort/protection missions. Whilst all this is going on, start building up
your colonies. Don't delay any of the missions - the quicker you gain early
ranks, the easier the later stages of the game will be.


4.1.3 Getting started

First thing to do is freeze the game (icon in the top left hand corner or
press space), and take stock of what you have and familiarise yourself with
the interface. You'll notice that Achilles is in bad shape. Move your fleet
into the centre of the map, where it will be better placed to respond to
threats (select the fleet, and press M or click the Move button and then click
on the destination, or ALT + click on destination), and temporarily increase
the tax rate a notch on Naxos and San Sterling to fund the reconstruction.

Now turn your attention to Achilles. The manual includes a method of solving
the problems, but misses a fundamental issue and omits to mention how useful
the Fire Brigade is at this stage. The most immediate problem is a lack of
Colony Hub, living space and power, however you cannot initially afford a
Colony Hub. Start to repair the Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, and Fire
Brigade and let time pass. Once these buildings are operational (51%
repaired), stop the repairs, and hoard your cash until you can afford a Colony
Hub. Note that the Fire Brigade will repair everything else to just under 50%
(made operational) for *free*. Initially turn off non-critical buildings:
Military Development Centre, Police Station and Spaceport. Once you have built
the Colony Hub, build a Hydroponic Food Farm to solve your food shortages.
With the worst problems under control, you should now be able to increase
taxation on Achilles, and drop taxation slightly on the other two planets.
Address power shortages and start to finish repairs on critical buildings. Not
all buildings need be fully repaired. For example, the Military Spaceport
seems to work just as well at 49% damaged as they do at 0% damaged. Repairing
the Military Spaceport fully will use a lot of credits, so don't repair it


4.1.4 Requests for help

During the first day you will receive a message from a ship needing
assistance. Go to the bridge and play the message. On the starmap, select your
fleet, and press A or click the Attack button and then click on the target
labelled "Pirate", or CTRL + click on the target labelled "Pirate". If you
can't see any pirates, they are probably outside of your radar coverage, close
to Achilles - move your fleet towards Achilles and hopefully they will become
visible. Once the attack starts, pause the battle, and get familiar with the
interface: There is quite a lot of information on units, and different
commands, none of which one has time digest real-time. To attack, select the
attacking units (your units are on the left), and right click on the enemy
unit. Don't loss any of your fighters - retreat damaged fighters by moving
them out of the frontline, if you need to. From Mega Products: "The most
important thing to remember in these actions is that you have direct control
over any allies in the combat. This means you can direct the merchant behind
your own fleet while your fighters destroy the would-be pirates. As long as
you keep the merchant moving you should be fine."

After about 3 days, you will receive an assignment from the Colonel. It
involves escorting a cargo ship. Within an hour a fleet labelled "Transport"
will appear in the top left of the map and start heading towards Naxos. Select
your fleet and issue move instructions, with the destination target the
Transport. Your fleet should follow the Transport close enough to protect it
when the inevitable pirate attack arrives just off San Sterling. Ensure the
cargo ship survives to receive a free Light Shield.

Shortly afterwards (about 19 August) another pirate attack will occur. Dealing
with this one nets you 1000 credit bonus.

Two days later you'll get a message from the governor of Naxos, reporting
combat. Set you fleet to attack one of the pirates. When battle commences,
you'll notice two pirates firing on a third. Engage the pair of pirates, and
protect the rebel.

The next pirate attack occurs around five days later, this time involving a
destroyer. Avoid loses by moving heavily damaged ships out of the battle.
You'll get a bonus of 5000 credits for defending the trader.


4.1.5 Re-equip your command ship

Once the Military Spaceport on Achilles is operational, move your fleet close
to the planet (until the "near planet" in the fleet panel says Achilles), then
on the equipment screen (F4), equip a Light Shield from stores. Shields will
make the next few battles easier.


4.1.6 Colony development

The first new problem you will face on all of your planets is a lack of food
(build Hydroponic Farms), followed by a lack of living space and power. Don't
neglect morale boasting buildings like Churches on Naxos and San Sterling,
which are good for taxation.


4.1.7 Cover the Thorin's retreat from Garthog forces

Around 26/27 August (assuming you haven't delayed), you'll receive instruction
to meet the Admiral Mark Tullen on the flagship Thorin. You must protect the
Thorin from Garthog attackers as it retreats. The Admiral suggests requesting
reinforcements, which you can do by sending a message from the Bridge. This
will add 3 more Fighter 1 to your fleet. Escort the Thorin past Achilles. As
the Thorin escapes, a slow moving Garthog fleet will appear on the map. Attack
it. If you saved the rebel pirate earlier, you'll receive the help of the
rebel pirate and his friends. With reinforcements and the rebel pirates this
fight will be easy. Use the pirate fighters as cannon fodder if you need to;
they are only available for this battle. Without rebel help and
reinforcements, the fight will be somewhat harder. You will probably get
beaten if you only have the starting fleet available. Completing the battle
promotes you to Captain, and makes you a new enemy - the Garthog.



4.2 Captain

4.2.1 New Resources

- NEW SCREENS: Production, Local.
- FLEET CHANGES: Cruiser 1 (no radar), 2x Fighter 2.
- - Centronom: Desert, population 5215, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank, Colony
Hub, Nuclear Plant, Radar Telescope, Prefab Housing, Computer Dev. Centre,
Military Spaceport.
- - New Caroline: Earth-type, population 6422, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank,
Colony Hub, Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, Hydroponic Food Farm, Recreation
Centre (2%), Barracks (1%), A.I. Dev. Centre.
- AVAILABLE PRODUCTION: Fighter 1, Fighter 2, Destroyer 1, Survey Satellite,
Hyperdrive 1, Radar Array, Light Shield, Laser, Bomb 1, Missile 1, Light Tank,
Radar Car. (Note you have no factories.)
- EARLIEST DATE: Late August 3427.


4.2.2 Strategy Overview

This rank's operations shift dramatically from almost trivial missions to
intense combat, and back again, three times over the course of about two
months. You must use the quiet moments to build up your resources in order to
survive the intense combats. This may require you to exhibit a sixth sense:
You will need to build just the right sort of resources at just the right
time. You risk not knowing precisely what you will need until it is too late.
First focus on building up basic ground defenses (to deal with a ground
invasion), while simultaneously building up a solid tax base on your colonies.
In the second phase, start producing fleet enhancements (so you have just
enough to protect the Admiral from attack). In the third phase, maximise your
tax base, while ratcheting up production to the point where you can field a
large, if technologically backward, fleet. As with Lieutenant, don't delay
this rank's missions - doing so will make the later stages of the game harder.


4.2.3 Opening moves

Immediately pause the game and take stock of changes, notably the two new
planets. Both have power shortages, which can be mostly fixed by turning off
the Dev. Centres - you don't need them yet anyway. Both will benefit from
further development, but you probably cannot afford much at the moment.
Priorities should be radar and housing on New Caroline and additional food
production on Centronom. Centronom has a high proportion of unbuildable areas,
so expect to curse it plenty in months to come as you try to fit new buildings
in ;-) .

Ensure Achilles has a full deployment of Light Tanks - strip some from
neighbouring planets to bring Achilles' deployment up to 8. Let time pass, and
you'll see a Garthog fleet decloak (you don't get the kind of radar range
warning you'd expect) off Achilles. Ground combat will start. Deploy your
units and start the battle. Pause the game by pressing space, and issue
orders, then press space again to return to real time. The Garthog will
primarily attack buildings, specifically the radar, power plants, and fire
station. Defend buildings by ensuring you engage every enemy tank, and use you
superior numbers to overwhelm them. Don't fight in narrow streets where only a
few of your tanks can engage and move heavily damaged units to the rear of the
battle if possible. You should be able to win the fight without your buildings
taking heavy damage, and without losing any tanks.


4.2.4 I repelled the Garthog fleet and the plot seems to have stalled. What
did I do wrong?

From Peter Knutsen: "I also found out that you can miss on the storyline, if
you fortify your planets while you're still Lieutenant rank. I built 5 Ion
Cannons on each planet, and they managed to repel the Garthog fleet. The
result of this was that the storyline stopped advancing. Apparently it was
crucial to the storyline that the Garthogs manage to land some ground units so
you can have a ground battle. Because of this, I had to backtrack to a saved
game and then turn off the ground artillery. Once I got to Captain rank, I
turned the cannons on and had no more storyline problems."


4.2.5 How do I produce a Cruiser 1?

Cruiser 1 requires research before it can be produced. You cannot research at
this rank, so you won't be able to produce it, even though it appears on the
production screen. At this stage you can only have one Cruiser 1 - your
command ship.


4.2.6 Colony development

It is tempting to immediately try and start producing things. However,
production facilities are expensive to build, items are costly to make, and a
lot of what you can make you probably don't need at the moment. Instead build
additional Barracks (at least one Barracks per colony within the first two
weeks - I cannot stress this enough if you want to survive the month), and
facilities to encourage population growth (housing, power, food, Hospitals)
and morale (Churches, Bars, Recreation Centres, Police Stations). Once morale
and population start to rise, crank up taxation. You should aim to sustain
Very High+ taxation with 75%+ tax morale. Push your Earth-like planets the
hardest, since they will happily support Demanding taxation if basic morale
boosting buildings are in place. Once you have upwards of 40,000 credits a day
coming in from taxation, you should turn your attention to production, see
below. Don't get too greedy and attempt to milk every last credit by building
*very* expensive items like Stadiums and Water Vaporators straight away.


4.2.7 Garthog pirates

About 2 days after the Achilles attack, Garthog pirates will start attacking
traders. The approach is the same as before, but the enemy is stronger and
better equipped. You'll receive a 5000 credit bonus for saving the trader.
Garthog pirates will return again after the first Virus infection (see below).
Saving the second trader improves your reputation with the "Free Traders
Alliance" - I presume this means better relations with the "Alliance of Free
Traders" (an alien race).


4.2.8 Doctor Catherine Reinhardt

A day after the first Garthog pirate attack, you'll get a message to talk to
the ship's doctor. Go to the Bridge and complete a test by clicking the
appropriate multiple-choice boxes:

- Q1: I lack self-confidence when it comes to relationships! Do these feelings
describe your inner emotions? Yes/Occasionally/Always confident.
- Q2: If I need to make spur of the moment decisions, my responses are often:
Based on logical deduction/Quick judgements/Off the wall assumptions.
- Q3: When I have minor problematic issues, am I still optimistic?
- Q4: Do I ever let my emotions get the better of me? Yes/Sometimes/Never.
- Q5: An inspiring piece of poetry is more important than the most powerful
weapon. Nothing compares to poem/Depends on mood/Mass destruction is the
biggest thrill.
- Q6: I am strong enough to face my fears. Always/Sometimes/Never.
- Q7: When I get the blame for situations beyond my control, I feel: Couldn't
care less/Concerned/Responsible.
- Q8: Because rationality does not always get the desired response, you may
have to resort to extreme measures! At the drop of a hat/Only in extenuating
circumstances/Compromise will suffice.

Does how you answer this test make any difference? From Mega Products:
"Failure to answer these questions adequately can get you thrown off the ship
but only the most rabid psychopath is penalised so if this happens to you...
you probably deserve it." In the months after this test you will see a series
of flash-backs. Shortly after the first flash-back, visit the Local (F9) and
talk to the doctor about the dreams and the test (click with the mouse on


4.2.9 San Sterling smuggler

Shortly after the test, you'll get a message from San Sterling, warning that a
smuggler is inbound. Send your fleet to San Sterling. After around two days, a
ship labelled "Unknown" will appear on the radar. Move your fleet to attack
it. Don't destroy the smuggler, just attack it until you see the text message
"Don't shoot...".


4.2.10 Governor escort

Two days after you dealt with the San Sterling smuggler, the Colonel will
request that you escort the governor of Centronom. Shortly afterwards the
governor's fleet will appear off San Sterling and heads for Naxos.


4.2.11 Garthog invasion

About two weeks after being promoted, you'll receive a message that one of
your planets is being invaded. The strength of this attack can take you by
surprise if you haven't prepared. From Karl Davis: "Build a barracks. It'll
allow 4 more tanks. 8 is the max without one. If you have one you need to go
to the equipment screen for the planet they're going to and add the tanks.
Don't waste your fleet on them at this stage of the game." Tanks can be
stripped from planets that aren't being invaded and re-deployed on the one
that is. This should give you enough tanks to fill your Barracks. Without at
least one Barracks, this fight is almost impossible - you might just do it if
you are prepared to have a few buildings destroyed, but such loses will be
hard to recover from.

From Jason Westpfahl: "At the Captain level, allow the Garthogs to attack your
planets. At this level you don't have the firepower to defeat them in space
combat. Just build up your planet defense systems with barracks and tanks.
After you have successfully fended off several land invasions, the Garthogs
seem to leave you alone."

If you don't have a chance to build Barracks try this trick just after
escorting the governor: Deploy several tanks on every colony except New
Caroline. Remove all tanks from New Caroline. This will make New Caroline
appear to be the weakest target in your empire, and will probably be the
planet the Garthogs invade. Once their fleet is close, deploy 12 tanks to the
planet (this is the only colony you have that starts with Barracks >:) ),
maybe even build a second Barracks and deploy a further four tanks to make the
battle decisive.


4.2.12 Virus infection

Two or three days after the Garthog invasion, you will receive a message from
the governor of New Caroline, explaining that a virus has taken hold on the
planet. You need to quarantine the planet. This means stopping any of the
traders that leave New Caroline from getting to another planet, and preventing
any traders heading to New Caroline from other planets from reaching their
destination. You don't need to kill the traders, merely get them to turn
around: Attack them. At the start of the battle you have two options: (1)
select the lines that appear at the very top of the text box to converse with
the trader (you can converse whilst paused), or (2) engage them with fighters
until you see something like "Don't shoot... we'll turn around" in the text
box, then pull your fighters off and let the trader flee. You may notice that
if you use method 2, rather than 1, traders will keep on trying to leave the
planet. If you use the first method, they tend not to try and break the
blockade a second time. If dealing with many traders, split your main fleet
into two, with one capital ship and some fighters in each fleet. Do this via
the equipment screen (F4). Avoid any ship getting through the blockade -
they'll infect whatever planet they arrive at, immediately quadrupling the
healthcare requirement there. You will probably need to build additional
hospitals on infected planets. This mission can become very annoying if too
many traders get trapped on New Caroline, since you'll need to jump between
battles that are only a few pixels apart. DuaneVP notes: "It is unnecessarily
hard to sort out the stacks of trader ships when trying to enforce a blockade
even with all the other graphic elements turned off." If you get it under
control rapidly, the first infection will last about three days.

After the first virus infection, send a message to the Colonel about it (via
Bridge). He suspects biological warfare of some kind, and will dispatch some
new sensor equipment to look out for virus carriers, although nothing happens


4.2.13 Build up your fleet

By the time of the first virus infection, you should have developed your
colonies sufficiently to have a daily tax revenue of about 40,000 credits. It
is time to start planning ahead, which means building up your fleet: Build
factories and start producing things. What follows are my suggestions. You may
adopt a slightly different combat strategy, in which case modify the
production strategy to suit: Construct two Spaceship factories, and order some
Fighter 2 and Destroyer 1. You will need more Spacecraft factories than any
other type if you favour fighters. Next, build a Weapons factory, and crank
out 5 extra lasers to fit to your existing capital ships. Produce additional
lasers to maximise the weapon loadouts on the new destroyers (this doubles
their firepower). Do not waste time on bombs or missiles (you don't have any
ship that can use them yet), and do not build tanks or radar cars at this
stage. A pair of Equipment factories follow, primarily to produce shields for
your new destroyers. Ensure you have enough cash after new construction to
keep production turning. As new items are produced add them to your fleet.


4.2.14 Escort Admiral

There will be a further Garthog pirate attack after the virus infection, but
the overall pace of events will seem to slow down. Approximately 10 days after
the virus, you'll receive a new order from the Colonel - to escort Admiral
Benson to New Caroline. The Admiral's fleet will start from Achilles. Deploy
and equip recently produced items (ideally you will have your fleet near to
Achilles to start with, where you also have a Military Spaceport from which to
add equipment and units), then move your fleet towards the Admiral's. You can
also request reinforcements by sending a message to the Colonel - this will
add a Destroyer 1 and a few Fighter 2 to your fleet. Late production may be
shipped out to the main fleet by creating a new fleet and adding the new ship
to it, moving the new fleet to the main fleet, and then merging the two
fleets. As you approach New Caroline, you'll be engaged by a Garthog fleet
that includes a flagship. If you have not built a few extra ships, this battle
can be unpleasant. Remember that the Admiral's flagship *is* combat capable.
Vakundok comments: "If you equip the reinforcements and use the admiral's
flagship correctly, the battle can be won with only fighter losses (without
building additional ships)." In particular, don't forget to use the missiles
it carries to soften up one or two of the larger Garthog ships. Winning the
battle nets you 5 free Lasers.


4.2.15 Second virus infection

About 5 days after escorting the Admiral, a second virus infection will occur
on New Caroline. You'll need to repeat the method above. Whilst you are doing
this, Hubble 2 orbital radars satellites will be added to San Sterling and
Naxos: You'll see a video sequence showing satellites being launched, and the
radar coverage around those planets will increase dramatically. If this
sequence does not occur within a day of the infection appearing, check that
you have sent a message to the Colonel about the virus (the option to send
such a message should no longer be available). With the improved radar
coverage, watch Garthog space and you should see a slow moving fleet marked
"Virus trn". You may also see a second enemy fleet marked "Garthog flt" -
ignore that one for now. Split your fleet, leaving one group close to New
Caroline to engage any traders that appear, and set the other group to attack
the virus fleet. The virus fleet is made up of *unarmed* destroyers... if only
other battles were this easy ;-) . Send a report to the Colonel from the
Bridge. The infection will clear up about a day later.


4.2.16 Spies

Around this time, you'll see a video in which your character will start to
think some...thing is spying on them. Go to the Local (F9) and talk to Kelly.
He'll talk about how advanced alien technology is, and then discuss alien
spies. He will suggest using the state room computer to record activity in the
room. Go the state room (F8) and click on "Record Message". A day later,
you'll learn who the spy is. Report your findings to the Colonel (send a
message from the Bridge), and he'll "deal with it" (although nothing will seem
to happen as a result of your report).


4.2.17 More building

Use the two or three 'quiet' weeks to build the additional facilities required
to sustain Demanding taxation (Water Vaporators, Stadium). You may be able to
push the Earth-type planets up to Oppressive taxation. Build additional
factories - aim for one of each factory type per colony. Ratchet up fleet
building - aim to have a full stack (25) of fully equipped Destroyer 1 with
some Fighter 2 escort. Lastly, build a few extra Barracks, which may make the
early part of the next rank easier.


4.2.18 Escort money transport

A week after the virus infection, you'll get another minor mission. View the
Colonel's orders, and then move your fleet to escort the "Money trn" that will
appear off New Caroline. As it approaches San Sterling, a Garthog pirate fleet
will attack. You will only face a few destroyers and fighters, but some are
quite well armed.


4.2.19 Stolen prototype

A week after the money transport escort, the Colonel will inform you that the
Garthogs have stolen a prototype ship (it's a destroyer, not a cruiser). Time
to use those resources you've built up. A Garthog fleet labelled "Prototype"
will appear off New Caroline. Attack it with everything you have. The Garthog
fleet will contain a pair of flagships, with destroyer and fighter escort,
plus the captured prototype destroyer. Each Garthog flagship has about five
times as much firepower as your Destroyer 1s, and will initially try to fight
at range, where their flagships have a significant advantage. You can approach
this as a methodical battle, destroying all the armed enemy ships first, then
destroying the prototype. Alternatively, at the start of the battle throw
everything at the prototype, and hope to destroy it before they destroy you.
The former will tend to minimise loses. The later is a useful tactic if you
don't have a big enough fleet to deal with their flagships. An alternative
approach is suggested by vakundok: "Build five cannons on Achilles and attack
the Garthog fleet with two fighters." If you launch an attack close to a
planet the defenses of the planet will be added to the battle. This adds a lot
of 'cheap' firepower, but such a strategy requires careful timing and advance
knowledge of the enemy fleet's flight path. Destroying the prototype promotes
you to Commander.



4.3 Commander (Disc 2)

4.3.1 New Resources

- NEW SCREENS: Research. Quick Time speed now available.
- FLEET CHANGES: Flagship 1 with 4x Light Tank.
- - Zeuson: Rocky, population 4230, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank, Colony Hub,
Nuclear Plant, Radar Telescope.
- NEW PRODUCTION: Flagship 1 (although needs un-researched Orbital factory to
produce), Space Base 1.
- NEW RESEARCH: Fighter 3, Destroyer 2, Cruiser 1, Spy Satellite, Orbital
Factory, Hyperdrive 2, Cargo Pod, Field Array, Pulse Laser, Ion Gun, Medium
Tank, Rocket Sled, Solar Plant, Phood(TM) Factory, Inversion Shield, Field
Telescope, Plasma Projector.
- EARLIEST DATE: Mid October 3427.


4.3.2 Strategy Overview

The objective for this rank is to defeat the Garthog. This primarily means
capturing all of their planets. Research what you can, then rapidly capture
the weakest three Garthog planets. Research everything else available and
build up a technologically superior fleet, while finishing the war against the
Garthog. You'll have to deal with a few side missions, although less than in
previous ranks. This rank is altogether less scripted, and the game will begin
to feel more like an open-ended strategy game.


4.3.3 Colony development

Zeuson needs to be developed, and should be the focus of almost all your
colony building prior to invading the Garthog. Its defenses and tax base need
to be brought up to a similar standard to all your other colonies. Zeuson can
probably sustain Oppressive taxation with a full set of morale boosting
buildings. Take care that you don't run out of workforce for your buildings,
which may happen if you immediately build *everything*. Within a week, your
treasury should be increasing by about 80,000 credits a day. Most of that cash
will be needed for research and production, in preparation for the coming war
with the Garthog. If you start this rank with an under-developed tax base,
you'll start to struggle with production. For example, a fully equipped
Flagship will cost about 100,000 credits, and you'll need at least three
before starting any invasion. Your old colonies will need new buildings
occasional: Three new Dev. Centres are need for research (see below).
Population growth will require additional facilities for food, housing, and
similar. Watch out for declining tax morale, and build additional Police
Stations at the first sign of trouble. Lastly, keep up with technological
advances, notably the introduction of Phood Factories (overall, superior to
Hydroponic Food Farms) and Solar Plants (superior to Nuclear Plants on planets
that cannot build Fusion Plants).


4.3.4 Research and production

Research, specifically the right kind of research, is the key to winning this
rank. It is important to understand what limits research. You start with Dev.
Centres on Achilles (Mil), New Caroline (AI) and Centronom (Comp). Assuming
you haven't built any more, you have three planets without Dev. Centres. You
can only have one Dev. Centre per planet. Since you can't colonise planets at
this rank, only invade, you'll be limited to six Dev. Centres until you start
taking Garthog planets. Focus on what you need for an invasion, because until
you capture an enemy colony, you won't be able to develop much else. This
primarily means better tanks, and the means to move them in volume. Aim for 1
Civ, 1 Mech, 1 Comp, 1 AI, and 2 Mil: New-build 1 Civ, 1 Mech and 1 Mil
between the three planets without Dev. Centres. This will allow:

- Medium Tanks - Invasions with Light Tanks will be drawn out and messy.
Medium Tanks have greater range and armor. If you favour ground combat defense
against invaders, these tanks will help there too.
- Orbital Factories - Allow Flagships to be built. Flagships carry vehicles
and start to make space battles with the Garthog more balanced.
- Cargo Pods - Increase the number of vehicles that a flagship can carry by 3.
This increases the maximum number of vehicles you can drop into any one ground
battle when invading (at this rank) from 15 to 24.
- Spy Satellites - Gain additional information about invasion targets
(marginal bonus advantage).
- Ion Guns - Improve the offensive strength of your flagships and Cruiser
(marginal bonus advantage).

An alternative strategy involves early development of Pulse Laser and
Destroyer 2. This favours early space combat, however leaves you without new
flagships or ground combat advances, and so ultimately makes invasion really

Divert resources towards completing available research throughout this level:
Always be researching something (even if you can only partly complete it), and
try to allocate the maximum amount of credits to research. Don't produce new
Destroyer 1 unless your fleet was badly damaged by the last battle of Captain
rank: You don't need many Destroyers if you invade quickly using Flagships
with Missile and Bomb tactics, and they'll rapidly become obsolete. As soon as
research allows, build fully equipped Flagships (aim for a total of 6), plenty
of Medium Tanks (aim for 40+), and surplus supplies of Missiles and Bombs
(close to 100 of each by the end of the rank). If you find your Equipment
factories are under-utilised initially, consider building Light Shields (your
Destroyer 2 will need them), but only if you have enough credits once
everything else is being researched and produced.


4.3.5 Blockade Zeuson

A week after promotion, the Colonel will order you to impose a blockade on
Zeuson to prevent the rebel governor from leaving. Do *not* impose any kind of
blockade against passing traders, as the orders suggest. Move your main fleet
to Zeuson and wait. Let the grey coloured traders come and go freely. After
three or four days, a blue coloured (Free Traders Alliance) fleet labelled
"Unknown" will leave Zeuson. Attack it. When the battle starts, pause and talk
to the enemy fleet via the text box to get some extra storyline, but don't let
them pass >:) . Once they've sustained heavy damage they'll say they are
returning to the planet. Let them. Later that day you'll see a short video
sequence and get a congratulatory message from the Colonel. Move your fleet
towards the Garthog side of the map, in preparation for coming events.


4.3.6 Why does nothing happens after the Zeuson blockade order?

Several people have reported that the storyline appears to stall at this
point, with nothing happening for months, and no further contact with the
Colonel after the initial order to blockade. First, ensure that you are not
blockading Zeuson to regular traders, only prevent the blue "Unknown" fleet
from leaving. Secondly, make sure when engaging the "Unknown" fleet, you don't
kill their capital ship - allow it to return to the planet.


4.3.7 More dreams

The flashbacks will continue. Around this time, check the Local (F9). Talk to
Brian, your ship technician about research and then robotics.


4.3.8 Garthog attacks

About two weeks after promotion, the Garthogs will resume attacking your
planets. Either deal with them on the ground, or engage their fleets before
they arrive. The former tactic tends to be an easier fight if you have a few
Barracks on the target planet, but inevitably causes damage to population and
buildings. Engaging their fleet is viable if you have two or three flagships
available, which you may do by the time of the first attack: Firing at their
(vehicle carrying) flagship(s) with missiles is a great opener - once the
flagship(s) are badly damaged they will turn and run. You have a small speed
advantage over them, so keep on re-attacking as they flee, until they have
nothing left. These attacks will continue somewhat randomly until the Garthogs
are defeated, however, once you start capturing their planets, the frequency
of invasion seem to drop.


4.3.9 Initial invasion strategy

From anemofrost: "...You took too long in invading the Garthogs. When I was
playing, I invaded with only one fleet carrying max amount of tanks. The enemy
had only about 8 or 9 on each planet and I succeeded easily. It was the first
time I played, so I must have went through it as fast as possible." At the
start of November, planets Garthog 1, 2, 3 and 5 are lightly defended:
Typically by a few Ion Projectors (although you may come up against the odd
Plasma Projector or Inversion Shield), around 10 mixed vehicles (mostly Light
and Medium Tanks), and at least one Fortress. Garthog 1 and 5 tend to be
slightly better defended. Garthog 4 is the toughest, since it has all of the
above, plus a pair of Base 1s in space. Garthog 4 also has about twice the
population of the other planets.

As soon as you have 3 fully loaded Flagships (with 24 Medium Tanks and bombs),
start picking off the easiest three Garthog planets. Avoid attacking whilst
their main fleet is in the area. Bomb the planet based defenses from outside
their firing range, sending bombs in very quick succession to reduce the
chance of them being shot down. If faced with an Inversion Shield, destroy
that first. Once the space defenses are destroyed, ground battle will
commence. Place your units away from their buildings, and don't engage the
enemy until they are clear of the Fortresses. Once their vehicles are
destroyed, attack the Fortresses one at a time. After the battle re-equip with
new bombs.


4.3.10 Garthog colony development

Captured Garthog colonies have a few initial problems. Firstly, you can't
build Barracks or Fortresses. The basic Garthog military building is a
Fortress, but you can't research Fortresses at this rank, and you probably
won't be able to capture them: The manual refers to the possibility of these
buildings surrendering, but I've never seen it happen. This probably means
that these planets will need to be defended from space for the rest of this
rank. Secondly, the aliens hate you. Population growth will go negative, and
tax morale will drop dramatically. You can't build the types of morale
boosting buildings you can on your human colonies. Instead, drop the tax to
nothing, build Police Stations, and repair damaged buildings. After a few days
the situation will start to recover, and you can raise tax back up to Low
while sustaining population growth. The more police stations you build, the
higher tax morale. Don't expect to raise tax above Low without population

Garthog colonies will contribute production (most will already have Spaceship
and Weapons factories), and you can build those all-important Dev. Centres
straight away. You will capture the plans for Phood Factories in one of your
invasions - you'll be able to build them on your human colonies too.


4.3.11 Escort prototype

About two weeks after the Zeuson blockade, the Colonel will order you to
escort a cargo ship. A fleet labelled "Prototype" will appear off Zeuson and
head towards the right hand side of the map - escort it with at least a pair
of flagships and a few destroyers. This mission can catch you off-guard on the
wrong side of the map. The Prototype fleet moves very slowly, so you should
have enough time to reach it before it is attacked by a Garthog fleet. Defeat
the Garthog fleet to gain a Destroyer 2. Be warned that the Garthog may launch
an attack on one of your planets around this time, and the escort will take a
few days to complete, so you may wish to split your fleet before commencing
the escort.


4.3.12 Why does nothing happen after escorting the prototype?

The scripted missions stop after this point. Some players get stuck here
because they don't realise what the main objective of this rank is: Defeating
the Garthogs.


4.3.13 Defeating the Garthogs

It is possible to take all of the Garthog planets rapidly without new
technology. The battle would be tough, but you could win. The problem with
this approach is you will start Admiral rank lacking technology, fleet power,
and full colony development. Once you reach Admiral you'll have other new
problems to deal with. Complete this rank too quickly, and you may find
yourself over-stretched as Admiral.

By the time the Escort Prototype mission is complete, you should be close to
having Destroyer 2 in production. Don't neglect Bombs, you'll need plenty of
those if you follow the method below. All this new technology will put a lot
of strain on your factories, particularly Weapons factories, which will be
busily turning out Tanks and Bombs. Don't waste resources trying to re-equip
Destroyer 1s. The best Destroyer 1 loadout still has half the firepower of a
Destroyer 2. It is better just to build new Destroyer 2s and eventually use
your Destroyer 1s as a strategic reserve. Cruiser 1 are mostly inferior to
Destroyer 2s. They can mount radars (and later make good cheap scouts) and a
pair of Ion Cannons, which are great against targets that don't move much.
When dealing with lots of smaller targets, the 14 Pulse Lasers each Destroyer
2 can carry make a big difference to battles. At this stage, your Flagships
should be capable of handling most of the larger targets. Do not produce large
volumes of Pulse Lasers to replace Lasers - they become almost obsolete early
in the next rank.

Once you have a moderately well equipped, undamaged fleet (no need for a full
stack of Destroyer 2), engage and destroy the main Garthog fleet as it travels
between planets. Their fleet is fast, so you will need to position your fleet
directly in their path to attack. Don't engage it near either planet because
the planetary defenses hinder you. If the their fleet retreats damaged, wait
for it to come past again in a few hours (it only has two planets to patrol,
so its actions are kind of predictable ;-) ) - eventually you'll destroy it.

Re-equip and add in newly produced equipment. You should by now have six
flagships, in two fleets, with bombs, missiles and vehicles, and a mix of
Destroyers and Fighters of different classes. If you don't have two fleets,
you will need to fly back and forth quite a lot, delaying your invasion, and
giving the Garthogs more time to counter it. Move everything close to Garthog
4. Take your first three flagships with a small Destroyer escort (not a full
stack, just enough to counter fighters and not get in the way of flagships).
Bomb the planetary defenses at range. Release bombs rapidly in batches of 6-9
to reduce the number that get shot down. Once you are out of bombs, retreat.
Send in the second set of flagships to bombs the remaining defenses. Retreat,
and return with your other set of Flagships, this time with more Destroyers
and Fighters. Close in one of the Bases, letting the smaller ships draw fire
whilst the larger ships do the damage. You will lose some ships, just make
sure all your flagships survive. Once one Base is destroyed, retreat. Rinse
and repeat with your second fleet on the remaining Base. Ground combat will
follow. Try to destroy the Rocket Sleds early, else they'll destroy you from
afar. You may not have enough firepower to take the planet in the first wave.
If so, immediately attack with your other fleet, and the second wave should
capture the planet.

This will be the hardest fight against the Garthogs, so why take Garthog 4
now? It severely limits their ability to invade you (you'll probably never see
another invasion fleet). It gives you more resources to complete the final
available research projects (Garthog 4 has *2* Dev. Centres - Civ and Comp)
and build up your fleets in preparation for Admiral. It will give your fleets
time to recover and repair.

Replenish loses, build at least a full stack of Destroyer 2, and give the
fleet they are with Hyperdrive 2s: If all the capital ships in a fleet are
equipped with upgraded drives, the fleet will move faster across the map.
Since the map is about to get quite a bit bigger, you'll appreciate the speed
bonus. When ready and repaired, go and invade the final Garthog planet.
Capturing the last Garthog planet promotes you to Admiral.


4.3.14 Why can't I attack Garthog 5?

If the planet shows with grey text rather than red, add a Spy Satellite to the
planet. This will identify the planet's race, and allow you to attack.


4.3.15 I got promoted to Admiral without capturing any Garthog planets. What

You probably engaged a passing Dargslan fleet in combat. This will skip the
rest of the rank, and opens up the whole map. Unfortunately you will have a
new (technologically advanced and aggressive) enemy, a small fleet, only a
handful of planets, and lousy technology. This option is nothing short of
suicide. Only attack Garthog fleets and planets during this rank. Also see
Don't make enemies of races you can avoid at the start of the game, below.



4.4 Admiral

4.4.1 New Resources

- NEW SCREENS: The whole map is now visible, but only partly explored.
- FLEET CHANGES: Leviathan (Thorin) with 6x Light Tank, Cruiser 1, 6x Fighter
- NEW PLANETS (statistics at earliest date):
- - Earth: Earth-Type ;-) , population 12,300, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank,
Space Base 1, Colony Hub, Arcology, Prefab Housing, Nuclear Plant, Fusion
Plant, Hydroponic Food Farm, Fire Brigade, Hospital, Barracks, Military
Spaceport (16%), Radar Telescope, Military Dev. Centre, Bank, Traders'
Spaceport, 2x Stadium, Church, bar, Recreation Centre.
- - Edgepolis: Desert, population 5100, moderate tax, Colony Hub, Prefab
Housing, Nuclear Plant, Spacecraft Factory, Military Dev. Centre, Military
Spaceport, Bank (3%).
- - Giantropolis: Rocky, population 5300, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank, Colony
Hub, Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, Radar Telescope.
- - Myridan: Rocky, population 4800, moderate tax, 8x Light Tank, Colony Hub,
Nuclear Plant, Prefab Housing, Police Station (0%).
- NEW RESEARCH: Fighter 4, Fighter 5, Destroyer 3, Cruiser 2, Flagship 2,
Colonization Ship, Adv. Spy Satellite, Hubble 2, Space Base 2, Hyperdrive 3,
Hyperdrive 4, Fuzzbox ECM, Shocker ECM, Heavy Cargo Pod, Phased Array, Medium
Shield, Heavy Shield, UV Laser, UV Pulse Laser, Plasma Gun, Neutron Gun, Bomb
2, Virus Bomb, Missile 2, Mul-head missile, Heavy Tank, Heavy Rocket Sled,
Trade Centre, Hypershield, Fortress, Stronghold, Bunker, Phased Telescope,
Fusion Projector.
- EARLIEST DATE: Mid November 3427.


4.4.2 Strategy Overview

The aim of this rank is introduced as production and research in the face of
technologically advanced alien races. Read between the lines and this means:
if production and research doesn't increase dramatically we'll be over-run by
aliens. By now, you will appreciate that production needs a solid tax base,
and research needs planets. Rushing through the early ranks will start to pay
dividends now, because many planets are yet to be colonised, so you should be
able to make many early advances without having to invade anyone. There are no
side missions at this rank, and because the game is less structured from this
point on, the walkthrough is far less detailed: You will be familiar with most
strategies and concepts from earlier ranks. If you have not already done so,
read the Strategies section below.


4.4.3 Opening moves

There is no immediate hostile threat (unless you are really unlucky), however
your empire is now far too large to defend with one fleet. Also remember that
your Garthog colonies probably still don't have Fortresses, so plan to defend
those from space initially, even if you defend them on the ground in the long
term. I suggest keeping your main fleet (with all those Destroyer 2s with
Pulse Lasers plus the Thorin instead of one existing Flagship 1) close to
Achilles and the Garthog planets, and using your secondary fleet (mostly
mashed up Destroyer 1s) to guard your new Human colonies towards the top of
the map.

Now turn to your new colonies. Earth has almost enough facilities to support
Demanding taxation: Add a Police Station and ratchet up the tax. The main
problem with Earth is its chaotic urban planning - you start with relatively
few areas in which to build because there are many "not quite big enough" gaps
between existing buildings. In weeks to come, consider demolishing some of the
cheaper buildings, and rebuilding them to save space. Giantropolis and Myridan
are in need of comprehensive development, much as you did for Zeuson in the
previous level. Food will probably be the first thing to run short. Note that
Myridan (and Edgepolis) have no radar coverage, so early on ensure that your
second fleet is positioned with radar coverage of these two. Edgepolis is a
weird military planet. It starts with a chronic power problem, which can only
be solved by turning three of the non-critical buildings off (which three
depends on your initial expansion strategy, see below). It has *another* Mil
Dev. Centre, but you'll need to power it first. The oddest feature is the
Bank, which is completely useless without a Traders' Spaceport. Edgepolis of
course ultimately needs all the same investments as Giantropolis and Myridan.
Lastly, don't neglect your most recent Garthog acquisition - adding a Police
Station or three may be all you need to do.


4.4.4 Expansion

Take a peek at the new research options and the newly enlarged (mostly
unexplored) map. Mass production of old technology should be avoided, because
it won't be long before it is all obsolete. Instead divert resources to
exploration, colony building, and research.

Exploration is two-fold. First you need to fly within radar range of a planet
for it to appear on the map. You then need to deploy a Survey Satellite to
give you basic information on the planet. The later involves mass production
of Survey Satellites, which you should do right away. For the former, I
suggest reequipping your two Cruiser 1s, and possibly any spare Flagships, to
carry Hyperdrive 2 and Field Arrays. Split them into separate fleets (one ship
in each), and then have them zig-zag across the map. As you discover new
planets, deploy Survey Satellites.

You should be within one new Dev. Centre of being able to research the
Colonization Ship, UV Laser and Medium Shield. The first is critical if you
plan to expand initially by taking empty planets, the second more essential if
you are considering engaging aliens. I'd advise the first option initially -
colonization of empty planets, for two reasons: (1) Even with a few ship
upgrades, many of the alien races will prove tougher opponents than the
Garthog. Attacking many will lead to counter-attacks, and before you know it,
you will be fighting a war and not expanding much. You will loss most wars at
this level unless you have technology and a solid tax base. (2) Human colonies
have more long term tax raising potential than alien colonies, because you can
build many morale boosting buildings. Alien planets have more than a seed
population when you take the planet, but have no long term advantages.

Colonization ships are produced with a lot of equipment they do not need -
strip what you can before sending them out to settle new planets. When
building new colonies pay careful attention to population levels. Whilst the
Colony Hub is being built they will decline. Once the Colony Hub has been
completed, immediately add some power and housing. I tend to also add a Church
to help initial morale, and often a radar, depending on location and
circumstances. Do not try and build a large range of buildings, because you
won't have enough people to operate them. Once the population is in the 3000-
5000 range, start adding morale related facilities and basic defenses. Once
you have a solid tax base, move on to things like factories.


4.4.5 About robotics

About a day after promotion you'll see another dream/flashback sequence. Go to
the Local and talk to the ship's new doctor about robots. He'll give you some
information about Professor Reinhardt's new "weapon" (that surname is
familiar, huh?). Return to the Bridge, and send the message "Earth Devel".
You'll get an explanation of what you are, and what role you have been built
for. Slightly surreal. Try to avoid thinking too hard about how your wife and
Johnny (your kid) fit into all this ;-) .


4.4.6 Defense

Within a month of promotion you will probably come under attack from aliens.
Some you may be able to repel in conventional warfare. The Dargslans will
initially cause serious problems. They seem to be most likely to attack you
early, unprovoked, and their technology and military strength is vastly
superior to your own. I suggest employing Delaying tactics (see below). It is
possible to repel the Dargslans at this stage with a mixture of suicide
tactics and robust ground defenses, but you'll probably waste the majority of
your military dealing with one attack. Subsequent attacks then become
progressively harder to repel. Also, position one of two of your survey ships
(Cruiser 1 with Field Arrays) close to their planets, to improve the chance of
getting an early warning of their attacks. Their planets are a long way from
your starting planets, but their fleets travel quickly.


4.4.7 How do I get promoted to Grand Admiral?

Brent LaPoint writes: "If I am not mistaken, I was promoted to Grand Admiral
after my first attack on a dark green world [Dargslans] of the mysterious
invaders. I didn't even win but I still got promoted." Aaron P Teske replies:
"Well, I got promoted after colonizing six or seven worlds and capturing one
from the white race [Morgaths]." In my experience, promotion tends to occur
after the first engagement with the Dargslans, although I suspect you need to
have also colonised a few planets and fought at least one other alien race too
- in essence revealed the Dargslan threat and demonstrated that you are
expanding your influence in the galaxy. Promotion to Grand Admiral rank can
come within a month of promotion to Admiral.

From Mega Products: "As this event ties in with the story I'll keep that to
myself but if things are looking a bit dicey at Admiral try the following to
speed your passage. Equip a single flagship with limited ground forces and
decent radar and send it to the top right hand corner of the star-map. Use
your satellites to investigate any worlds you discover on your passage,
(concentrating particularly on worlds in the corner if you're running low on
material). Eventually you should find a green world: when you do, attack it.
The result of this conflict should catapult you to Rank 5."



4.5 Grand Admiral

4.5.1 New Resources

- NEW SCREENS: Diplomacy, alien relationships table added to Information.
- NEW RESEARCH: Fighter 6, Cruiser 3, Flagship 3, Space Base 3, Hyperdrive 5,
SuperHvy Shield, Meson Gun, Behemoth, Meson Projector.
- EARLIEST DATE: Mid December 3427.


4.5.2 Strategy Overview

This rank is a logical extension of Admiral, and you will initially continue
whatever you were doing as Admiral. The Dargslans are significantly stronger
than other aliens races. The objective of this rank is to destroy them. The
implicit suggestion upon promotion is that you should use diplomacy to forge
alliances against the Dargslans. Precisely what you do is up to you - so long
as you survive, the game will keep on going. This is the final rank, and there
are no missions or storyline.

My preferred strategy is to encourage the other aliens to engage one another,
while colonising new planets, building up my tax base, and researching. This
approach normally buys enough time to be in a position to start turning out
fairly deadly fleets with which to conquer the galaxy, but leaves a large
empire almost undefended for a month. Once you have a pair of fleets that are
equipped with all the technology available, you are almost unstoppable. Keep
the offensive momentum up and you won't need to worry about defense. A slower,
somewhat more methodical approach would be to research and build up an
intermediate technology fleet, one that is powerful enough to repel most
invaders, but not powerful enough to destroy the Dargslans.


4.5.3 Diplomacy

Start talking to at least some of the aliens via the Diplomacy screen straight
after promotion. Check existing relationships first, and target those aliens
with bad relationships (low numbers) with the Dargslan. Offer trade and
attempt to get them to join with you in an alliance against the Dargslan. You
should be able to get a few aliens on-side, and improve relationships enough
with some others that they don't attack you immediately. The aim is twofold:
(1) to get a few other aliens onto the Dargslan war list, thereby reducing the
proportion of attacks against you; and (2) to reduce the number of aliens that
immediately turn against you. For example, if you don't talk to the Ychom,
they can become nervous and will start attacking you. However, they may be
quite keen to go to war against the Dargslan, so an alliance with them meets
both criteria. Precisely how much success you have initially seems to vary on
your empire's relative size and combat performance. You won't have the
technology to start battling the Dargslan effectively for many months, in
which time your allies will start to get concerned by your lack of action.
Also, certain races will not be impressed by diplomacy alone, and some, like
the Free Nations Society, may be just spoiling for a fight. Once you start
capturing Dargslan planets and destroying their fleets, the other aliens
should be willing to ally with you.


4.5.4 The End

The objective is to defeat the Dargslan. Once they surrender or their final
colony is destroyed or captured, the game ends and you win. You do not need to
conquer every planet on the map or destroy all the other races.






5.1 Combat

5.1.1 Delaying tactics

From anemofrost: "Here's a tip for Grand Admiral Rank. The Dargslan invade
with a full fleet of three flagships and 25 ships, all of which are fully
loaded. Early on, any confrontation will result in your fleet being destroyed.
What you can do is simply get any of you outdated vessel (destroyer 1, cruiser
1, destroyer 2, whatever) and send it to attack the invading Dargslan fleet. A
fighter might work but I'm not sure. The vessel(s) you sent will be destroyed,
and the invading Dargslan fleet will actually retreat back to their colony.
This trick may or may not work on the other races you fight in Admiral or
Grand Admiral Rank. As for me, I only use it on Dargslan because I find it fun
to crush other fleet I come across."

From Dan Ward: "Scenario - Alien fleet on its way to one of your planets. You
have no hope of destroying their vastly superior fleet, or of winning the
ground battle. Solution - Send a fleet consisting of one fighter to intercept
them in deep space. After the space 'battle' (which consists of one missile
blowing up your fighter), the alien fleet will turn around and go home!"

This works best for those races that attack you from the other side of the
map. The time it takes them to travel to and from your space is far greater
then the time it takes you to build and equip new ships. For this reason it is
probably the ultimate delaying tactic: buying you time to prepare while enemy
resources are tied up shuttling across space.

Richard Harper uses this technique to capture planets: "I usually send weak
fleets against the Dargslan giant sized but extremely poorly armed fleet, and
once I have destroyed the bulk of the fighter defences I retreat, they bugger
off back where they came from. I used this tactic many times to retake a
planet after they invaded and never once having retaken a planet, or invaded
it did I build any kind of defence on it because it was a piece of p*ss to

From Shwatzy: "If you see an enemy fleet heading toward one of your planets,
send your fleet with at least one tank near that planet. Once the AI takes
over your planet, it will usually then go after another of your planets with
all its tanks from the first invasion... meaning the planet is undefended. So
just wait until the fleet has moved away a little bit then swoop in and
reclaim your planet. The AI fleet will now turn around and go back to re-
conquer that planet. So move your fleet off a a little ways, leave no tanks on
the planet (and demolish any buildings the AI started) and repeat the process
once the AI re-takes that planet. I have had the AI running around in circles
for many years with this strategy. Note that if the AI fleet is faster than
yours it will probably try and take out your fleet instead, but if you are
just as fast you are usually safe. The great thing about this strategy is that
you can put all your money into research early because you only need a small
fleet or two, plus a few tanks."


5.1.2 Ground defense...?

From Robert Warren: "I rarely ever fight an Enemy fleet. Instead I build
plenty of ground defences, let the enemy land and then destroy them on the
ground. The fleet has no tanks and so retreats. I haven't lost a planet except
the first one the Dargeslan invaded." Having absolutely no space defense will
bounce a lot of attackers: Many of their fleets have no ground forces.

Shwatzy writes: "Instead of trying to take out an enemy fleet, research the
Heavy Fortress ASAP and place 4 in a tight box on each colony. The AI is not
too smart about attacking in force with tanks... I have easily taken out 50
enemy tanks with 4 Heavy Fortresses before. Note that you can select your
turrets and manually target the most dangerous tanks first. Plus your
fortresses have a much greater range than most tanks the AI builds."


5.1.3 Or space defense...?

From Brandon Moore: "I saw a fleet on course to hit one of my planets and my
covering fleet just wasn't quite fast enough to catch it. I threw all the
remaining fighters I had in defence of the colony, along with the single Ion
Projector that it had. The fleet arrives, and to my surprise, it is the same
fleet that has been making abortive attempts on my colonies all game. I had
whittled it down to just 2 flagships and one of those other not so small, not
so big ships, (I think it was a missile carrier). I spent my 18 fighters on
the smaller ship and in the assault on one of the flagships. I ended up with
an Ion projector nose to nose with a flagship. Just like the old west. So we
began to slug it out. Something some of you may not know, the Garthog
flagships shoot slower than the Ion Projector. I win. Around 40% damage to the
projector and no more flagship."

From Doug Jacobs: "If you do come under attack from an invasion fleet,
remember, only the flagships can carry tanks, so if you can blow them they
can't invade. Planetary defenses (guns, starbases) are very useful."

One of the main advantages I see to space based defense is that your
population doesn't get killed, which they do during ground attacks. Civilian
deaths will dent your tax revenue for months or years after the battle.


5.1.4 Or no defense...?

From summon: "Never build any ground barracks - defend in space or just let
the computer take the planet, then immediately take it back. If you defend on
a planet, you may lose 40 units and the planet is devastated. If you build no
defences, you get the planet back practically undamaged and you don't lose a
million credits in lost structures defending the planet." Don't try this early
in the game, when you have no vehicle carrying flagships.

Enemies will tend to attack poorly defended colonies in preference to colonies
with large numbers of vehicles deployed. This means you can sometimes fool
them into attacking a specific planet, by removing the entire garrison from
one planet, and keeping small garrisons on all other planets. Once they have
committed their fleet to the attack, deploy large numbers of tanks or move
your fleet to engage their fleet. You can use this tactic to favour combat on
or around certain planets. For example, those that have large numbers of
Barracks/Fortresses, facilities like Fire Stations, are simply easier to
defend, have lower resident population to be killed in the crossfire, or are a
convenient base for your defensive fleets.


5.1.5 Ground combat

From Darrell999: "Always let the enemy tanks come to you, especially when
you're invading. If you have two groups far away enough from each other to
divide their forces, but close enough to support each other if necessary,
helps a lot. Always concentrate fire from at least 3 of your tanks on to 1 of
the enemy tanks and blast away one enemy at a time. Also, when invading,
always stay away from the city and take out the enemy tanks first. THEN take
care of the fortresses. NEVER attempt both at the same time."

From Mega Products: "Gun emplacements are about fifty percent effective when
deprived of a power supply." While damaging power plants first may make
fortresses and similar easier to take, such actions will leave a newly
captured colony with chronic power shortages.

Doug Jacobs comments: "For planetary invasions, build fortresses. They'll
allow you extra tanks during combat (more guns more better). Also, the
fortress will add its guns to the foray (more guns more better). As for
fighting the fight on a planet... use 4 or 5 of your tanks to attack 1 of


5.1.6 Space combat

From Doug Jacobs: "Flagships are essential for attacking planets and taking
out other flagships, via missiles ;) . To use missiles/bombs in combat,
because I couldn't figure it out, click on the ship you wish to fire, then
click on Bomb/Fire, then right click on the target (ship or planetary
building.) Each click fires one missile/bomb. I usually use them in groups
*clickity*clickity*clickity*." Bombs, fired at range, can reduce casualties
against heavily fortified planets (four or five Meson Projectors or similar)
to nothing. The only disadvantage is the need to keep re-arming, which means
regular trips back to planets with Military Spaceports, and full order books
for bombs at Weapons factories (towards the end of the game, one planet might
need an entire fleet-load - more than 50). From Mega Products: "The effective
use of these two weapons [bombs and missiles] is the difference between a
successful attack and an embarrassing debacle. Due to the speed of combat I
would advise pausing the combat before firing to select the next ship to fire
a salvo. Once you have a ship selected, un-pause, (as a fire order when paused
will launch only one bomb or missile), and fire a full salvo at no more than
two targets before pausing and repeating the operation. As with all combat in
the game it's better to destroy a few targets quickly than damage many and let
them all keep firing at you. Once in combat the guns and lasers will look
after themselves but it's important to remember that the bombs and missiles
will never be fired by the computer and consequently always need to be
targeted and fired manually."

Make considerable use of the pause button to issue orders - yes it is a real
time game, but controlling 30 or 50 units live-time is near impossible unless
the enemy is overwhelmed. Early in the game don't be afraid to retreat units
that are taking heavy fire to behind the frontline. Later, when battling with
full stacks and far more firepower, retreating specific units can be hard
because all the surrounding space is full of ships, and damage tends to occur

Once you have them, use Meson Guns at the extreme of their range to destroy
Space Bases. Move your (flag)ships to just outside the range of the Space
Bases, leave them, and they will start firing on the Bases. Get too close and
planetary defenses will start firing at your ships. Get the positioning just
right, and one ship can destroy three Base 3 without taking any casualties.

Peter Knutsen notes: "Don't group your fighters (so you have all of them
occupying a single square). It's neat because then your heavier ships can move
close to the enemy and help kill him, but your fighters will die quickly. When
a heavy ship has destroyed a fighter (any kind of ship, actually) it will have
to aim the guns at a new ship, and this means that there is a brief time
period where the enemy ship won't shoot (maybe 1/3 second, maybe a whole
second). But if you have several fighters occupying the same square, then
there is no need to aim the guns again, so your fighters will have a shorter


5.1.7 Don't make enemies of races you can avoid at the start of the game

From Darrell999: "Leave the Yehoms alone. I took over their planet at Center
II (up in the NW part of the map) right after they colonized it. Within two
days, they hit me at New Caroline, then at Centronom. Kicked my ass at both
planets... and I was as loaded defensively as I could be." At the start, let
the plot make enemies for you - you should have quite enough to deal with,
without making new enemies.

From bershe: "If you happen to see an evil-looking-dark-green fleet passing
through your space, keep AWAY! Attacking it will promote you to Admiral,
which, without at least a few Garth planets is complete suicide, since the
other races are like 500% more advanced."


5.1.8 Defeating the Dargslans

Richard Wesson comments: "They don't have an unbeatable fleet. Your fleet, if
packed full of ships with top technology, should be able to take out the
typical Dargslan fleet. Once engaged, sit there and let the Dargslan ships
come to you. Concentrate your fire on cruisers not fighters if you have a
choice. Multi headed missiles seem to work well against fighters - use mostly
those against fighters. If they're down to one planet, they should be willing
to surrender, too. They surrendered to me with one or maybe two planets left.
Try catching the fleet away from a planet, too. It can't magically regenerate
that way. But I don't know if the fleet ever leaves the planet if they have
only one planet left. So load up with 30 cruisers 3 flagships and 60
type5/type6 fighters." Whilst preparing, delay their attacks - see Delaying
attackers above.

Clamato comments: "The thing I hate is that the race you fight when you hit
Grand Admiral -always- has a full fleet. I blasted them to death and they ran
with like 1 Flagship and a couple Cruisers. So I attacked again 2 seconds
after the battle results screen disappeared. The fleet was back to full again.
There were no planets around, no other fleets. They just -magically- received
a new fleet." There are many accusations that the AI cheats and creates large
fleets in the later stages of the game. While the method by which replacement
ships are added seems to favour AI fleets, it is hard to prove that the ships
are being created out of thin air. Most of the races you fight later in the
game have spent their whole game quietly building up their empires. It is
possible that they have a large number of ships in reserve (just as you can
produce but not deploy units), but are restricted in the number of fleets they
may have at any one time. Eventually the large fleets will stop being produced
- I've seen them only able to produce a one-ship fleet once they were down to
their last two planets.



5.2 Fleet Composition

5.2.1 Flagships and destroyers without fighters

From Stormcloud: "Each attack group consists of 1 Leviathan flagship + 2
Advanced flagship ... plus 15 Advanced Heavy Cruisers and 10 Advanced
Destroyers. Why I chose this battle fleet mix up? 1) Leviathan class flagship
sucks when in comes to carrying capacity of space-ground missiles (used to
destroy those dangerous ground based space cannons), so it's pointless to use
too many of these to assault planets. A few bad points are - it's bigger,
turns like a pregnant whale and have a shield strength like a standard
flagship. 2) Those 15 Heavy cruisers with flagship type shields will make
mince meat out of any enemy fleet. Not to mention they also carry several
space-ground missiles. 3) I use the destroyers to catch up on stragglers when
the enemy retreat. They're fairly manoeuvrable ships, but with weak shielding.
A few will die in each battle, but these are expendable. I don't really use
fighters much. It takes too long to build a respectable amount, and they die
like mayflies in battle."


5.2.2 Only operate a number of fleets your economy can resupply

From Robert Warren: "I find two powerful fleets are enough to carry out
invasions, since I can only just afford new bombs, missiles and facilities to
support them both."


5.2.3 Maximise ships' loadouts

Bershe writes: "Always make sure ALL of your ships have a shield generator and
are fully loaded." This is particularly important in later battles, when you
start using and attacking full stacks of ships, and the main limitation on
fleet power is how many vessels you can stack in one fleet.


5.2.4 Fighters create a diversion

Early in the game, use fighters to swarm around enemy flagships: The fighters
will mostly die, but they will soak a lot of enemy firepower in the process,
giving time for your capital ships to do the real damage. From Mega Products:
"You'll lose several each battle but they're a cheap screen for your flagships
and have enough AI to be able to look after themselves."



5.3 Empire Building

5.3.1 Defend first, attack later, and only deploy just before you are attacked

From Richard Wesson: "There is no decisive technology, just incremental
improvements. I can keep the Dargslans away with: 3 Starbase-2s, 5 Meson
Projectors, and Hypershield. This combo takes down their usual fleet of three
flagships 15 cruisers 60 fighters in pretty good order. I don't have 3
starbases everywhere; I just keep three ready when I see that nasty green
fleet coming. But it is slow! There is a lot of production/building before you
have an adequate force for invasion." The ability to deploy pre-produced units
and bases from store is very useful. Pre-produced Starbases can be added to
system defenses immediately, unlike colony based buildings, that cannot be
pre-produced, and so may not get completed in the time between invaders being
spotted and arriving. A highly aggressive strategy works if you can capture a
significant proportion of your enemy's colonies very quickly. If not, they
will start sending fleets to attack your colonies.


5.3.2 High tax paying, but happy citizens

From Doug Jacobs: "Keep the people happy, and taxes high (very high or
demanding preferable)." I suggest striving for Demanding or Oppressive
taxation >:) . Ensure highly populated worlds have a lot of morale boasting
buildings - meaning at least one of each type they can build, plus a pair of
Police Stations. This works well on planets which have a lot of room to build,
but might not be a feasible for all planets. Captured alien colonies cannot
build many morale increasing buildings (mostly you are stuck with Police
Stations), and hate you from the start, so your options are more limited.
Don't build secondary revenue raising buildings (like Traders' Spaceports)
when you can construct things that raise morale instead - in the long term,
ultra-high taxation will contribute far more to your treasury.


5.3.3 Research everything and build the best

Doug Jacobs wrote: "Naturally you've researched _everything_ [available at
your current rank] right? Build the best of what you've got." You start the
game technologically backward in comparison to other aliens. Research is
fundamental to beating most of the alien races in combat. Fleet sizes and
planetary deployments are capped, so you can't rely on overwhelming (low-tech)
numbers in most circumstances. Where you can attempt to use overwhelming
numbers (for example wave assaults), you'll probably find that the opposition
can build their high-tech replacements faster than you can turn out low-tech
replacements. Research also streamlines your colony operations, allowing new
building types that tend to do what older buildings but better, or using less
space for the same result, allowing more buildings in colonies.


5.3.4 Use the ground on planets wisely

The main long term limitation on colony development is how much space is
available for building. Imperium Galactica is not a simulation, it's a game,
and consequently you'll find oddities like planet Earth only able to sustain
20 buildings... Try to plan a few buildings ahead, and reserve space for large
buildings that will be hard to fit in later. Later in the game, don't be
afraid to demolish and rebuild a poorly positioned building if doing so will
allow you to build several others. Accept that some planets simply won't be
able to construct everything, and restrict development to essentials. For
example, a Traders' Spaceports may be a nice money spinner in a low population
colony, but they occupy a lot of space that might be better used providing
facilities to support higher taxation of the resident population.
Alternatively consider that Nuclear Plants are far cheaper than Fusion, but
they occupy the same space and Fusion Plants have three or four times the
energy output of Nuclear. Where possible, plan military buildings so that they
can provide a useful defense. For example, group several towards the centre of
the colony, making it hard for large numbers of enemy tanks to get near, and
increasing the chance of the guns on these buildings doing any significant


5.3.5 Maximise production

From bershe: "Build all three types of plants [factories] (weapon, ship,
equipment) on ALL your planets. This will greatly improve your war machine."
You can only build one of each type of factory per colony.

On normal difficulty setting, new spacecraft will be delivered with a partial
set of weapons. In some cases (for example, fully equipped Cruiser 3s),
production of weapons may be accelerated significantly by producing ships you
don't need. These are added to a reserve fleet and immediately stripped of
most of their weapons. The weapons are then re-deployed on the ships that will
make up your main fighting force, maximising their loadout in a relatively
short space of time.





6.1 What are the cheat codes?

From GT's former site: "While in the game hold down SHIFT, and type KAROLY.
This will activate the cheat codes. Then just hit the correct key to activate
a cheat. The following is a list of keys and what they will do:

- C = All colonies and inventions
- C = Second time gives you cheats on planets
- V = +100,000 credits
- 5 = Lieutenant
- 6 = Captain
- 7 = Commander
- 8 = Admiral
- 9 = Grand Admiral

There are some side effects to using cheat codes. For instance, When the cheat
codes are activated in IG there are some minor graphical glitches in the lower
left hand corner of the game. These appear to be 4 flashing '0's stacked on
top of each other. Also the story line gets out of whack if you skip levels.
If you increase your rank to 5, you will see the map to the whole galaxy. If
you move your fleet to an area you are not supposed to be in yet, and reduce
your rank back to 1, you will lose your fleet."


6.2 Are there any editors available?

Yes. An editor was written by David Scouten at ZoneSoft Software, called
"IGEdit", which allows changes to things like credits and known research. The
most recent version is 1.36, size approximately 75KB. It is available from
various cheat sites, including .

A smaller (1KB) file is available for the UGE game editor, written by dark88,
which gives additional cash. Again this is available from various cheat sites,
including .


6.3 How do I hex edit a saved game?

From Ron Blue: "Before you do this you should have made and saved to the
planet under the equipment option seven fighter, seven tanks, and seven radar
cars. The number seven is rare so this is likely to help you avoid problems
but three would work also. First make two copies of a saved file under two
different names. Next run your xtree program or ztree [I assume any hex editor
will work here]. Now load up the save file which is the last one you just
made. Now search for the name of a planet that has a spaceport.

For discussion lets assume you did this for New Caroline: Search through the
file until the name shows up. You now have found the New Caroline section in
the save file. You will notice that 07 00 00 00 00 00 will show up early in
the file and that other patterns of 07 00 00 00 exist. The first 07 is the
number of fighters you have stored at the space port at the planet New

Go to the 07 and type in FF 20. You now have about 9000 fighters if you saved
the file as this time. There are a total of six types of fighters that you
will research and develop. Therefore, you can go ahead and change:
07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 to FF 20 FF 20 FF 20 FF 20 FF 20 FF 20
You now have about 9000 fighters of each type that will show up as you
research and develop them at the planet New Caroline.

Now look for the next 07. This will be seven tanks. Therefore change:
07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 to FF 20 FF 20 FF 20 FF 20
You now have about 9000 tanks of each of the four types which will show up as
soon as you have researched and developed them.

The next 07 is seven radar cars. Therefore change:
07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 to FF 20 FF 20 FF 20 FF 20
You now have about 9000 radar cars and missile cars of different types. Save
the file after escaping from the edit option.

Now run the program Imperium Galactica and go the equipment part under the
planet New Caroline. You will notice that you have hundreds of fighters, tanks
and radar cars at New Caroline. Delete all of them under each category which
will give you about 9000 for each category. They will be stored under your
general account. You will need the tanks and fighters to win the game quickly.
Sell the radar cars for 10,000 under the production part of the program. Your
income can be as high as 99 million. Remember the extra equipment that you
have given yourself will only show up after you have developed the new





7.1 Where can I get help with a technical problem?

In the first instance refer to the official technical support FAQ, .


7.2 What does the "Change video mode during animations" setup option do?

Disabling this option ("-") may solve problems with the video animations
freezing. Enabling this option ("+") may solve non-video related graphics


7.3 Why doesn't my Soundblaster compatible card work?

Only 100% compatible cards are supported, and not all that claim to be are. Or
so the story goes. PAS and Ensonique are known not to work, but there may be
others. Running the game under Windows 9x seems to be more forgiving than DOS.
Lastly consider utilities like VDMSound. Although the game runs without sound,
you'll miss a lot of background plot, and may miss important notification of
attacks and new messages.


7.4 How can I get the game to work in Windows XP/2000/ME?

From The MiL: "[I] clicked the install.exe and the screen clicked to change
resolution, went black, then dropped me back to the desktop. ... I seem to
have overlooked a small option called 'CPU SlowDown' under Abandon Loader.
After slowing my CPU down (WAY down, like 75%) the game played perfectly. ...
I've been getting all these AT 200 errors and I didn't even think to check for
a patch. So I downloaded and installed the latest patch for IG1 and VOILA!
Everything works GREAT, and there's none of this CPU slowdown crap and I got
rid of that loader altogether. ... I got the sound working by checking out the
IRQ, DMA and base address of my sound card's legacy driver under the device
manager and then using the game's manual sound setup." You may need a third
party utility to handle sound, such as VDMSound. Gregorius comments: "I have
XP and IG1 works just fine (except for the sound). Just make sure you have the
IG1 patch, on some machines the 2nd patch makes things worse, and it's good to
make sure that you have a SoundCard emulation (at least) at A220/240 I5/7 D1."

Gregorius provides a translation of Hungarian instructions for installing from
unpatched versions that refuse to install on newer computers: "(1) Download
both patches. (2) Extract them into a directory (ie: C:\TEMP). First the 1.2
then the 1.3. 1.3 should overwrite 1.2. (3) Then in DOS prompt enter the CD
drive (for example D). (4) Then enter the following: C:\TEMP\install . (5)
Install should start, install the game. (6) After the install is complete copy
all files from C:\TEMP to the install directory of the game. The directory
where you have installed it." It is not obvious whether this method works with
other language versions, but the general approach might work, even if the
precise details of patches and directories need to be modified.


7.5 Why does the patched version cause graphics problems with ATI cards?

After patching to 1.3, apply the small ATI card patch available at the bottom
of this page: .


7.6 Why does the game crash with error code 200?

This is fixed by the latest patch.


7.7 How do I take screenshots?

When running under Windows, you *may* be able to use Print Screen, Alt-Tab out
of the game, and paste into an application such as Paint. This does not work
for everyone. When running in DOS, Karthik suggests: "If you want the screen
capture utility downoad it here: . To use the
utility, unzip all the files into a directory named ST. Then type in ST to
load the program into your memory. After that run IG1 and then when the
appropriate cinematics play press ctrl+alt+t together to get a picture






A. Planet List

|Gr-|Starting |
Planet |id |Race |Type
Achilles | Q |Empire |Desert
Andromeda 1 | Y |Ecalep |Neptoplasm
Andromeda 2 | Y |Ecalep |Neptoplasm
Andromeda 3 | Y |Ecalep |Neptoplasm
Andromeda 4 | Y |Ecalep |Neptoplasm
Andromeda 5 | T | |Neptoplasm
Andromeda 6 | Y | |Earth
Andromeda 7 | Y | |Neptoplasm
Center 1 | L |Ychom |Rocky
Center 2 | L |Ychom |Cratered
Center 3 | L |Ychom |Rocky
Center 4 | L |Ychom |Frozen
Center 5 | L |Ychom |Cratered
Center 6 | G |Ychom |Frozen
Center 7 | M |AFT |Earth
Center 8 | M |AFT |Desert
Center 9 | M |AFT |Desert
Center 10 | R | |Cratered
Center 11 | M | |Desert
Center 12 | L | |Desert
Center 13 | L | |Frozen
Center 14 | L | |Earth
Center 15 | K | |Rocky
Center 16 | L | |Frozen
Centronom | L |Empire |Desert
Earth | F |Empire |Earth
Edgepolis | K |Empire |Desert
Exterior 1 | P |Morgath |Frozen
Exterior 2 | P |Morgath |Desert
Exterior 3 | P |Morgath |Desert
Exterior 4 | V |Sullep |Rocky
Exterior 5 | V |Sullep |Rocky
Exterior 6 | V |Sullep |Cratered
Exterior 7 | W |Sullep |Desert
Exterior 8 | W |Sullep |Liquid
Exterior 9 | W |Sullep |Frozen
Exterior 10 | X |Sullep |Frozen
Exterior 11 | X |Sullep |Liquid
Exterior 12 | X |Sullep |Desert
Exterior 13 | R |Sullep |Cratered
Exterior 14 | P | |Rocky
Exterior 15 | R | |Liquid
Exterior 16 | V | |Rocky
Exterior 17 | B | |Rocky
Exterior 18 | X | |Neptoplasm
Exterior 19**| P | |Frozen
Exterior 19**| U | |Cratered
Exterior 20 | U | |Earth
Exterior 21 | V | |Liquid
Exterior 22 | W | |Frozen
Garthog 1 | L |Garthog |Earth
Garthog 2 | R |Garthog |Frozen
Garthog 3 | R |Garthog |Frozen
Garthog 4 | Q |Garthog |Rocky
Garthog 5 | Q |Garthog |Cratered
Giantropolis | F |Empire |Rocky
Magellan 1 | N |FNS |Rocky
Magellan 2 | N |FNS |Earth
Magellan 3 | N |FNS |Earth
Magellan 4 | N |FNS |Rocky
Magellan 5 | S |FNS |Rocky
Magellan 6 | N |FNS |Cratered
Magellan 7 | N |FNS |Desert
Magellan 8 | O | |Neptoplasm
Magellan 9 | T | |Desert
Magellan 10 | S | |Frozen
Magellen 11 | R | |Rocky
Myridan | K |Empire |Rocky
Naxos | Q |Empire |Earth
New Caroline | Q |Empire |Earth
Outer 1 | A |Drib |Liquid
Outer 2 | A |Drib |Desert
Outer 3 | A |Drib |Rocky
Outer 4 | A |Drib |Rocky
Outer 5 | C |Dargslan |Earth
Outer 6 | C |Dargslan |Earth
Outer 7 | C |Dargslan |Desert
Outer 8 | C |Dargslan |Earth
Outer 9 | I |Dargslan |Liquid
Outer 10 | E |Dargslan |Earth
Outer 11 | I |Dargslan |Liquid
Outer 12 | E |Dargslan |Liquid
Outer 13 | J |Dargslan |Liquid
Outer 14 | J |Dargslan |Liquid
Outer 15 | F | |Liquid
Outer 16 | A | |Earth
Outer 17 | A | |Earth
Outer 18 | B | |Desert
Outer 19 | G | |Desert
Outer 20 | H | |Frozen
Outer 21 | C | |Frozen
Outer 22 | H | |Liquid
Outer 23 | I | |Liquid
Outer 24 | O | |Earth
Outer 25 | E | |Neptoplasm
Outer 26 | J | |Earth
Outer 27*** | E | |Frozen
Outer 28 | E | |Rocky
Outer 29 | O | |Liquid
Outer 30 | E | |Cratered
Persol 1 | G | |Cratered
Persol 2 | H | |Liquid
Persol 3 | G | |Liquid
San Sterling | Q |Empire |Frozen
Zeuson | K |Empire |Rocky
** = Yes, there are two planets named Exterior 19.
*** = Exceptionally small buildable area.



B. Research Science Level Requirements

Here is a table showing item, rank at which the research first becomes
available, number of Dev Centres of each type required, research credit cost
(expressed as basic cost/maximum rushed cost), and any pre-requisites. Items
that are available at the start of Commander rank (and so do not require
research) are excluded.


| | Number of Dev. Centres | Cost |
Item |Rank|Civ |Mech|Comp| AI |Mil |(000cr)|Pre-requisites
SPACECRAFT | | | | | | | |
Adv Spy Sat | A | 0 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 7/12|Spy Satellite.
Colonizat. Ship | A | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 60/100|Field Arry, Light Shld.
Cruiser 1 | Co | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 12/24|Light Shield.
Cruiser 2 | A | 0 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 28/50|Field Array, Pulse
| | | | | | | |Laser, Med Shield.
Cruiser 3 | GA | 1 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 40/70|Hyperdrv 5, Medium
| | | | | | | |Shield, Bomb 2.
Destroyer 2 | Co | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | ?/32|Pulse Laser.
Destroyer 3 | A | 0 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 26/44|Field Arry, Plasma Gun,
| | | | | | | |Hyperdrive 4.
Fighter 3 | Co | 0 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 8/12|
Fighter 4 | A | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10/18|Fighter 3.
Fighter 5 | A | 1 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 18/22|
Fighter 6 | GA | 0 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 20/24|Missile 2.
Flagship 2 | A | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 90/150|Phased Array, Hvy
| | | | | | | |Shield, Hyprdrv 4.
Flagship 3 | GA | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 7 |120/180|Flagship 2, Meson Gun,
| | | | | | | |Bomb 2.
Hubble 2 | A | 0 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 6/10|Spy Sate, Field Array.
Orbital Factory | Co | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 24/40|
Space Base 2 | A | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 68/110|Pulse Laser, Ion Gun,
| | | | | | | |Space Base 1.
Space Base 3 | GA | 6 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 6 |140/200|UV Pulse Lasr, Ion Gun,
| | | | | | | |Missile 2.
Spy Satellite | Co | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5/8|Survey Satellite.
EQUIPMENT | | | | | | | |
Cargo Pod | Co | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6/10|
Field Array | Co | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 11/18|Radar Array.
Fuzzbox ECM | A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 7/11.2|
Heavy Cargo Pod | A | 3 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 9/14|Cargo Pod.
Heavy Shield | A | 0 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 13/24|Med Shield, Neutron Gn.
Hyperdrive 2 | Co | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8/14|Hyperdrive 1.
Hyperdrive 3 | A | 1 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 10/18|Hyperdrive 2.
Hyperdrive 4 | A | 3 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 12/20|Hyperdrive 3.
Hyperdrive 5 | GA | 4 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 15/24|Hyperdrive 4.
Medium Shield | A | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 12/20|Light Shield.
Phased Array | A | 1 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 13/22|Field Array.
Shocker ECM | A | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 8/12.6|Fuzzbox, Missle 2.
SuperHvy Shield | GA | 1 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 16/30|Heavy Shield.
WEAPONS | | | | | | | |
Behemoth | GA | 3 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 18/32|Heavy Tank.
Bomb 2 | A | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 6/10|Bomb 1.
Heavy Tank | A | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 15/24|Medium Tank.
Hvy Rocket Sled | A | 2 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 14/24|Rocket Sled.
Ion Gun | Co | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5/8|
Medium Tank | Co | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 12/20|Light Tank.
Meson Gun | GA | 0 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 18/28|Neutron Gun.
Missile 2 | A | 0 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 7/12|Missile 1.
Mul-head Missile| A | 0 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 11/18|Missile 2, Bomb 2.
Neutron Gun | A | 0 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 11/18|Plasma Gun.
Plasma Gun | A | 0 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 7/12|Ion Gun.
Pulse Laser | Co | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 5/8|Laser.
Rocket Sled | Co | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 7.8/14|
UV Laser | A | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 6.5/12|Pulse Lasr, Solar Plnt.
UV Pulse Laser | A | 0 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | ?/14|UV Laser.
Virus Bomb | A | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 20/30|Bomb 2.
BUILDINGS | | | | | | | |
Bunker | A | 3 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 7/8|
Field Telescope | Co | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10/14|
Fortress | A | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 10/18|Ion Gun.
Fusion Projector| A | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 |18.3/34|Plasma Projector.
HyperShield | A | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 16/30|Inversion Shield.
Inversion Shield| Co | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 8/14|
Meson Projector | GA | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 40/60|Fusion Projector.
Phased Telescope| A | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 10/20|
Phood Factory | Co | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 6/10|
Plasma Projector| Co | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 10/14|
Solar Plant | Co | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9/12|
Stronghold | A | 5 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 |22/29.6|Plasma Gun.
Trade Centre | A | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 6.7/12|
Item |Rank|Civ |Mech|Comp| AI |Mil | Cost |Pre-requisites
| | Number of Dev. Centres | (000) |
Rank (at which research first appears):
* Co = Commander
* A = Admiral
* GA = Grand Admiral



C. Technology Tree

The diagram below shows the relationship between pre-requisites for developing
new technology. It excludes items that do not need to be developed or are not
related to any other item. New technology also needs science level
requirements to be met - see appendix Research Science Level Requirements


Survey Satellite-->Spy Satellite-->Adv Spy Sat
,-->Hubble 2
Radar Array-->Field Array--------->Phased Array----.
| | | |
| | '-------------. |
| '------------. | |
v | | |
,----->Colonization Ship | | |
| | | |
Light Shield-->Medium Shield-]|[]|[->Heavy Shield-]|[->SuperHvy Shield
| | | | | ^ | |
'->Cruiser 1 | | | | | | '----.
| | | | | '-------. |
| '--------]|[]|[-------]|[---. | |
| | | | | v v
| ,-------' | ,-]|[--]|[-->Flagship 2-.
| | v | | | |
| | ,->Destroyer 3 | | v |
| | | ^ | | Cruiser 3 |
v v | | | | ^ ^ |
Cruiser 2 | | ,-------' | | | |
^ | | | | | '----------. |
| | | | | | | |
Hyperdrive 1-->2-->3-]|[]|[->Hyperdrive 4-]|[->Hyperdrive 5 | |
| | | | |
.->Fortress ,-----]|[-' ,----------' | |
| | | | | |
Ion Gun-->Plasma Gun-]|[-->Neutron Gun-->Meson Gun | |
| | | | | |
| '-----------------]|[------. | | |
| | | | ,------------]|[-'
| Space Base 1 | | | | |
| | | | v v |
| v | | Flagship 3 |
'--->Space Base 2 | | ^ |
^ | | | |
| | v | |
,---]|[------]|[->Space Base 3 | |
| | | ^ | |
| | ,------' '-------. | |
| | | | | |
| | | ,->Destroyer 2 | | |
| | | | | | |
Laser--]|[->Pulse Laser-->UV Laser-->UV Pulse | |
| ^ Laser | |
| | | |
| Solar Plant-' | |
| | |
| ,----------------------' |
| | ,-----------------------------------'
| | |
Bomb 1-]|[----------->Bomb 2-->Virus Bomb
| |
'----. |
| v
Missile 1-->Missile 2-->Mul-head Missile
| |
| '->Fighter 6
Fuzzbox---->Shocker ECM

Fighter 3-->Fighter 4

Cargo Pod-->Heavy Cargo Pod

Light Tank-->Medium Tank-->Heavy Tank-->Behemoth

Rocket Sled-->Hvy Rocket Sled

Plasma Projector-->Fusion Projector-->Meson Projector

Inversion Shield-->HyperShield



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