Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny

Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny

13.10.2013 02:50:35
Wolfenstein 3D FAQ v1.0


by Mikael Grizzly




1.0. Background
2.0. Episodes
3.0 Weapons
4.0 Stuff
5.0 Enemies
6.0 Bosses
7.0 Hints
8.0 Credits


1.0 Background

Wolfenstein 3D is one of the first FPS ever made. Released in 1994 by
Id Softwate this game quickly became the most important game of the year,
featuring great textures, four weapons and many, many, many scenery objects,
speaking (or rather shouting) enemies, and an animated weapon.

In the game you get points for killing enemies and collecting treasures.

Every 40,000 points will give you a free guy.

2.0. Episodes

Wolfenstein 3D consists of six episodes, each with nine levels and a boss.
At the beggining of each episode you start with 100% health, a P'08 Luger and
one 9mm clip. You have to fight your way through enemies and gather equipment
as you go.

Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein

In this episode you (as William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz) you have to escape the
Wolfenstein Castle and gain contact with the resistance. Unfortunately you
only get to play the first part.

Boss: Hans Grosse
Levels: Simple, not complicated
Enemies: Dogs, Soldiers, SS Waffen Soldiers

Episode 2: Operation Eisenfaust

Here William Blazkowicz has to find doctor Otto Fettgesicht, the scientist
who raises the dead turning them into undead mutant zombies. He is
hiding in Castle Hollehammer, where Blazkowicz was caught.

Boss: Dr Schabbs
Levels: Big, a little bit complicated
Enemies: Dogs, Soldiers, SS Waffen Soldiers, Officers, Undaed Mutant Zombies

Episode 3: Die, Fuhrer die!

As the Nazi war machine falls, Hitlers hides in his titanic bunker beneath
the Reichstag. BJ has to go in and assasinate Hitler, ending his madness
and the war.

Boss: Adolf Hitler himself
Levels: Vary, from small, not complicated to big and complicated.
Enemies: Dogs, Soldiers, SS-Waffen soldiers, Officers, Hitler Clones

The nocturnal missions (a prequel to the first three episodes)

Episode 4: A dark secret

The Allied forces send William Blazkowicz to kill dr Otto Giftmacher, the
twisted scientist who is one of the Masterminds of the Giftkrieg/Poison War.

Boss: dr Otto Giftmacher
Levels: Big and complicated (stupid mazes!)
Enemies: Dogs, Soldiers, SS-Waffen Soldiers, Officers

Episode 5: Trail of the madman

After killing dr Giftmacher, William has to recover the plans of the Giftkrieg
which are located deep in the fortress of Erlagen guarded by a giant guard...

Boss: Gretel Grosse (yes, the sister of Hans)
Levels: Again: big mazes
Enemies:Dogs, Soldiers, SS-Waffen Soldiers, Officers

Episode 6: Confrontation

After acquiring the Plans, BJ proceeds to the military installation in
Offenbach to kill the mastermind of the Giftktieg

Boss: general Fettgesicht
Levels: Big, complicated mazes.
Enemies: Dogs, Soldiers, SS-Waffen Soldiers, Officers

Wolfenstein is available for download from sites that offer freeware and
abandonware. You should check out the Underdogs! (www.underdogs.com) for
your free copy.

3.0 Weapons

William can be equipped with three types of guns and a knife!

During your journey you will find 9mm clips with 8 bullets in.

3.1 Knife

Your basic HtH weapon. No ammuniton required.
The knife is silent, fast and wont raise the alarm, if you kill
someone with it.


3.2. Parabellum P'08 Luger Pistol

Some players say that the pistol in Wolf3d is Walther P38, but the Walther has
a hammer, and the gun in Wolfenstein does NOT have a hammer, therefore it is
the Luger P'08.

P'08 was developed by Georg Luger, and quickly became a standard side arm in
the German army (but later was replaced by Walther P38, because the P'08
had to be clean to work properly, and it was hard to keep the weapon clean
in the middle of battle).

Luger is fed with 9mm bullets.

DAMAGE: Medium

3.3. Machinen Pistol 40 (MP 40 SubMachine Gun)

MP 40 was the basic SMG of German army during the Second World War.
The Third Reich produced totally over 1,000,000 MP 40's, due to their economic
production process.

The MP 40 is fed with 9mm bullets.

DAMAGE: Medium

3.4. Venom AutoCannon

The Venom did not exist in the World War, and propably it was introduced,
because the player needed a strong weapon to fight with the bosses.

It's fed with 9mm bullets.

BTW: Look at BJ's face when you acquire this gun!


4.0 Stuff

During his missions, BJ will find usefull stuff.

4.1 Dog food

This bowl with dog food (Pedigree?) will heal BJ a bit.


4.2 Meal

A plate with a chicken leg, a lettuce and some rice. Far more effective than
the dog meal.


4.3 1st Aid Kit

A small kit with basic healing items, such as bandages and painkillers.


4.4 Golden Cross

This is a golden cross with rich decoration and precious jewels settled in.


4.5 Chalice

A small golden chalice with rich decoration and rubies settled in.


4.6 Treasure Chest

Beautifully decorated chest filled with goodies.

POINTS: 1000

4.7 Crown

A beautiful crown.

POINTS: 5000

4.8 Orb with BJ's head

This Orb gives you a free life (you can have 9 lives max) and fully heals you.

4.9 Keys

You will find two types of keys: silver and gold.

Silver keys open bright doors.

Gold keys open dark doors.

5.0 Enemies

"Mein leben!"
Dead SS-Waffen soldier

Here are the enemies whom you will encounter (remember, enemies wont run at
you, they strafe as they approach).

Every living human will drop a 4 bullet 9mm clip.

5.1 Soldier

Generic soldier drssed in a brown uniform and a steel helmet

WEAPON: P'08 Luger

5.2 SS-Waffen Soldier

This deadly soldier is a serious threat! Wears a blue uniform with a blue hat.

LIFE: Medium

5.3. Officer

This adversary wears a white uniform with a violet hat.

WEAPON: P'08 Luger
LIFE: Medium

5.4 Dog (German Sheep-dog to be precise)

A brown canine, whom you will be forced to send to the great kennel
in the sky...

WEAPON: Claws, teeth
LIFE: Very low

5.5 Undead mutant zombie

"Gray-skinned berserk soldier" according to the game. They're right. This
zombie has a very high rate of fire, and is very dangerous.

WEAPON: MP 40 in his chest
LIFE: Medium

5.6 Hitler's clone

Hitler has cloned himself! The clones wear dark robes and amulets on their
necks. His energy balls are quite deadly, and there are many of them!

BTW: after you kill one, listen to that laugh!

The clones are present only on the 9th floor of the 3rd episode.

WEAPON: Energy balls???
LIFE: Medium
POINTS: 2000

6.0 Bosses

Each episode ends with a boss. The boss is on the 9th floor of the episode,
and cant nbe mistaken for anything. The boss is big, fat and is equipped with
deadly weapons.

The general rule in fighting with bosses is that you should never! lure them
into corridors. The corridors are narrow, and thus you wont be able to avoid
their shots.



Each boss is worth 5000 points.

Episode 1: Hans Grosse

Hans is a soldier in a blue power armor, and is armed with a double chaingun!

TACTICS: First, before opening the door to Hans, find the secret place.
(It's on the left wall, one of the signs) grab the Venom and the ammo and heal

Next open the door to Hans and fire on him, slowly retreating.
Watch your health. When it drops under 25% run to the secret room (FAST!),
heal up (#1), reload (#2) and run like hell back (if you dont, you will be
forced to fight Hans in that room, which is'nt good). Fire at him again.
Repeat if needed.

Next grab the golden key he had, open the door he was guarding, and escape!

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G=Door which needs a golden key
S=Secret Panel

Episode 2: Dr Schabbs

Schabbs is a fat doctor, equipped with syringes. He throws them at you, so
strafe! He isnt that hard, but he is guarded by zombies!

BTW: Schabbs quarter is located in a tower, and you fight him at night.
Just look what is behind the column...

TACTICS: Heal yourself, and reload (ammo should be there somewhere)
Then proceed to his chamber, killing zombies as you encounter them.
When you enter the room you will be attacked by two zombies. Schabbs will be
behind them. Kill the zombies and lure Schabbs to the main room, where
you will be able to avoid his syringes by sidestepping.
As you strafe, remember to shoot him!

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If you are hurt, or short on ammo there are some 1st Aid Kits, and 9mm Clips
In the back room (#1).

Episode 3: Adolf Hitler

My dad completed this episode :)

Adolf comes in two stages: In a Power Armor with four AutoCannons. It is
approximately as tough as Hans. Then, after you destroy the armor, he will
fight you on foot, with only two chainguns. Now he is half tough as Hans.

TACTICS: Get the chaingun and ammo. Heal. Go to the next room, kill the clone
and the guards. Go further, and kill more guards and two clones.
Grab the gold key, proceed to the beast's lair.

As Hitler comes out run to #1. Reequip and heal. Then battle the Beast.
The tactic for him is simple. Shoot at him, hide behind a column.
Shoot, hide. When you are low on ammo or badly hurt, heal up at #1
or get the ammo from #2.
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Episode 4: Otto Giftmacher

He is the mad scientist who created the poison gas. He wears a white uniform,
and looks like a fat officer. Is armed with a Rocket Launcher.

TACTICS: Before you get to fight him, you will have to complete a maze.
Wont describe it (the idea of mazes in a FPS game isnt bright). But
remember! Before you fight with him be sure you are at your maximum health,
and have the chaingun with 99 bullets!

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S= Silver key door
G= Otto Giftmacher

As you enter fire at Otto, and sidestep to avoid his rockets. If you are low
on ammo resupply at #1. Otto is easy to kill, so you should'nt have
much trouble killing him.

Episode 5: Gretel Grosse

She is a sister of Hans, and looks pretty much the same, except for the fact,
that she has a pink power armor and has locks. She shares statistics with
her brother.

TACTICS: In the first room grab the chaingun and heal/resupply.
Go futher and meet Gretel.
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G=Door -> Gold key

After resupplying proceed to the main hall and fight with Gretel.
She is equipped with two chainguns, but there are columns. Shoot at Gretel,
then hide behind the column. If you are hurt, go to #2. If you are out of
Ammuniton go to #1.

After defeating Gretel get the Gold key and as you open the G-Door, start
shooting, because there is many bad guys there. After they're toast,
go round the corner, and grab those plans!

Episode 6: General Fettgesicht

This coward is hiding deep in the military installation in Offenbach.
He wears a brown uniform, and is equipped with a chaingun and
a rocket launcher.

TACTICS: Heh, if you proceeded this far, then you should know enough about
fighting bosses. Some tips:
- There are treasures around. As you fight the general, pickem up
- General is well protected by his guard. Eliminate them first
- Keep your finger on the trigger, and good luck!

7.0 Hints

-Strafe when you fight; you will be harder to hit
-Watch your ammo, especially if you use the AutoCannon/Chaingun
-You can lure enemies by shooting - they hear you
-If you kill a guard with a knife, no one will notice it
-To maximize the effect of a healing item, use it when you are badly damaged
For example: If you have 97% health its okay to eat dog food, but not good
to use a 1st Aid Kit
-There are many secrets in this game; "use" walls to check if there is a
hidden room behind (you can get a MP 40 on the first level this way)
-Explore the map. Sometimes you will find more treasures and weapons!

8.0 Credits

I wish to thank my Dad, who completed Episode 3. I love U.

You can post this FAQ everywhere as long proper credit is added.

No portions of this FAQ can be copied, altered or damaged in anyway.

You can use information in this FAQ, but cant copy the text.

Copyright Mikael Grizzly, 2003

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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