Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor

Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor

17.10.2013 22:44:46
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor Relics & Artifacts guide
Version 1.00 9/25/2003
By Ross C-D

do as you please with this FAQ as long as it is not used for making a profit
, and as long as credit is given to the author.
Relics & Artifacts FAQ's

Q. How soon can I start getting some of these items?
A. Pretty much at the start of the game the red dragon living in the dragons
lair on emerald isle will quite often give up the goodies early. (Assuming
you can kill it)

Q. How can I guarantee that I will get a good item?
A. "SAVE" before you loot the dragon's corpse, even better use the infamous
"Multi Looting" Technique (see next question).

Q. The "Multi Looting" Technique, what's that about?
A. Due to what I believe to be a programming bug or glitch in the game corpses
may not disappear when looted - getting yet another item, in short you can
exploit this bug almost endlessly; unfortunately it's very random, just save,
if the corpse goes reload and keep trying ( i had enough stuff to equip my
party three times over - all of it top of the range weapons & armor ).

Q. any other opportunities for the good stuff and "Multi Looting"?
A. Yes Plenty, Wormthrax the dragon living in tatalia also is a good source use
the same technique above (killing him is the crusader promotional quest).

at least 2 dungeons i know of give guaranteed relics/artifacts in chests
(Clanker's Laboratory & colony Zod's Dungeon ( what you get is determined
when you enter the level not when you open the chest)

Late in the game (or early if your like me and make the trip to nighon & the
land of the giants before rescuing the dwarves) blue & red dragons + blood
titans also have high chances of good drops.

Q. what can i do to increase the chance of getting them?
A. Equip items/armor etc that increases the luck stat for the person looting
the corpses, also have NPC,s like chimmney sweeps that boost your luck.

Q. which ones are the best?
A. any that complement your characters abilities and class (such as "Justice")

Q. any that just plain suck?
A. "Mash" has to many negatives that outweigh the one positive, other than that
"Evil" persuasion stuff is no use to me ("Walk in the Light")

Q. is there a limit to how many i may have at one time?
A. Yes i think there is - somewhere between 13-15 before you will stop getting
them from corpses.

Q. What about the obelisk & arcomage treasures?
A. I dont consider them either arifact or relic.

Q. I cant be bothered spending all that time looking for relics etc, how else
can i get them.
A. use a hacking utility like "MM7VIEW" (use google)

The Artifacts & Relics complete List (29 in total)

Amuck (Axe)

Type: Relic

Attack: +11, Damage: 3d7 +11

(Might +100, Endurance +100, Armor Class -15) The original name of Amuck has
been lost in time, but the blade retains a magically keen edge and all of its
original power. Fantastic strength and vitality are conferred upon the owner
at the expense of a proper sense of fear. Wielders of Amuck don't much bother
dodging blows in battle.

Value: 30000


Ghoulsbane (Large Axe)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +15, Damage: 1d9 +15

(Undead slaying, Immunity to paralysis, 3-18 fire damage) Ghoulsbane was
commissioned by the Church of the Sun more than 150 years ago as part of their
effort to destroy the ever growing population of undead created by the Church
of the Moon. Though powerful, it is only one weapon, and the undead are legion.
the Church of the Sun fell in 1083 A.S.

Value: 20000


Splitter (Axe)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +11, Damage 4d2 +11

(Explosive impact, Fire Resistance +50) Though powerful, Splitter is never
wielded by a single owner for long. The blade gives off great blasts of fire
when struck, and the magical protection against fire the weapon offers isn't
enough to completely shield a user from the blast.

Value: 20000


Ullyses (Bow)

Type: Artifact

Shoot: +10, Damage: 5d2 +10

(Accuracy +50, 9-12 water damage) The Archer's dream. Ullyses requires no
arrows, firing bolts of ice formed when the string is drawn back. Its origins
are unknown, but the style suggests Elvish make.

Value: 20000


Ania Selving (Crossbow)

Type: Relic

Shoot: +9, Damage: 4d2 +9

(Accuracy +150, Bow skill +5, Armor Class -25) Master smith Ivan Selving named
this crossbow after his only daughter Ania, calling it his second best creation
ever. Archers using this crossbow rarely miss their targets, but their
concentration and slow, careful movements make them easy targets in turn.

Value: 30000


Corsair (Sword)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +13, Damage: 2d4 +13

(Stealing skill +5, Disarm skill +5, Luck +40) Corsair is one of the finest
weapons ever turned out by the Regnan armories. Ever true to their nature,
Regna's smiths fashioned a weapon that would aid their imperial "tax collection
" efforts on the high seas and coastal towns. To this date, Regna has not
forged a weapon that didn't advance their selfish goals at the expense of

Value: 20000


Iron Feather (2-handed sword)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +10, Damage: 4d5 +10

(Might +40, 6-15 points of Electrical damage) an impossibly light two-handed
sword, the Iron Feather boosts the Might of its owner to make wielding the huge
weapon even easier. The combination almost makes it possible to use the sword
in one hand--the huge size of the blade being the only problem.

Value: 20000


Puck (Sword)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +14, Damage: 3d3 +14

(Speed +40, Swift) Ancient and fey, Puck's enchantments cause it to practically
fly for the enemy's throats. No one knows when or where Puck was forged, but
the Faerie origins are unmistakable.

Value: 20000


Wallace (Sword)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +12, Damage: 3d4 +12

(Armsmaster skill +10, Personality +40) Wallace has somehow found its way into
the hands of rebels and rabble rousers for centuries. The weapon magnifies both
the ability and the confidence of its wielder, frequently leading its owners
to take risks they might otherwise have avoided. Though none of its owner's
ambitions have been fulfilled, no one has ever declined to carry Wallace once
they have heard its siren song.

Value: 20000


Charele (Spear)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +18, Damage 3d9 +18

Built at the behest of Hareck I during the formation of the Regnan "Empire",
Charele was named after his wife, Queen Charele. It was left in Regna's only
Erathian outpost during the chaos following Hareck's poisoning death in
590 A.S.

Value: 20000


Gibbet (Spear)

Type: Artifact

Attack: +12, Damage: 3d6 +12

(Undead slaying, Dragon slaying, Demon slaying) A humorless weapon, to say the
least, Gibbet was forged by Mekorig the Blind to help end the Age of Monsters,
and promote the age of Man, A noble idea, but one that hasn't worked out very
well. Gibbet often goes missing for years, only to be rediscovered in some
dragon's hoard by ambitious adventurers. The power of the weapon often inspires
such adventurers to move the weapon to another dragon hoard, where it once
again goes missing for years.

Value: 20000


Ethric's staff (Staff)

Type: Relic

Attack: +9, Damage: 2d4 +9

(Of Dark Magic, Meditation skill +15, Decrease hit Points over time, Evil)
Much more a tool than a weapon, Ethric's Staff was fashioned by the worlds
first lich--Ethric the Mad. The staff magnifies Dark magic, drawing from the
life force of its user. Since Ethric's life force was magically sustained,
this wasn't a problem for him. Mortals, however, will slowly feel their life
force drain away while they hold the staff.

Value: 30000


Justice (Flail/Mace)

Type: Relic

Attack: +14, Damage: 2d4 +14

(Undead slaying, of Mind magic, of Body magic, -40 speed, Good) forged in the
halcyon days at the beginning of the Church of the Sun, Justice is a powerful
weapon for Good. at the cost of a speed, Justice is one of the mightiest relics
a Paladin or Cleric can wield for the Path of Light.

Value: 30000


Mekorig's Hammer (Hammer/Mace)

Type: Relic

Attack: +13, Damage: 2d5 +13

(Of spirit magic, Might +75, air Resistance -50) This is the very hammer the
great Mekorig the blind used to turn out so much of the world's finest
enchanted equipment during his many years as Master of the Mekorig Foundry.
The hammer's connection to the elements leaves the wielder vulnerable to
elemental magic, but is a small price to pay for the enhanced Self ability and
Might the hammer provides.

Value: 30000


Mash (Mace)

Type: Relic

Attack: +15, Damage: 1d3 + 15

(Might +150, Intellect -40, Personality -40, Speed -40) It is said that Mash
was the answer to the First Ogre's prayer to the Gods for a weapon that would
make it stronger than anything else. Annoyed, the God's cursed the First Ogre
with Mash, and all Ogre's have since borne the mark of that act--strong, but
slow, dull, and stupid. In any event, Mash is yours now.

Value: 20000


Old Nick (Dagger)

Type: Relic

Attack: +8, Damage:2d2 +8

(Disarm skill +5, 8 points of Poison damage, Elf Slaying, Evil) Secretly
passed from one Assassin to another for centuries, Old Nick happily vanished
from history's sight during the Battle for Morning--a joint Human-Elvish attack
on the Assassin's guild nearly 200 years ago. It is said that Old Nick has
killed more people than the Plague. Now that you've found this evil weapon,
you're going to throw it down a well..aren't you?

Value: 30000


Yoruba (Plate Mail)

Type: Artifact

Armor: +60

(Immunity to disease, insanity, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stone conditions,
Endurance +25) Named after its owner and creator, Yoruba is an extremely
tough, magic resistant suit of plate mail. Because of the armor's prohibitive
expense, it was built in piecemeal fashion--and it shows. Different pieces are
made of different materials, with the most expensive ones in the breastplate.
There are two puncture holes in the breastplate that the original owner never
repaired, possibly for sentimental reasons.

Value: 20000


Governor's Armor (Chain Mail)

Type: Artifact

Armor: +36

(Half damage from missile attacks, +10 to all statistics) Owned by Colonial
Governor Padish at the Time of the Silence, This fantastic armor has resurfaced
in many of the great treasure hoardes throughout history. Like most creations
turned out by the Heavenly Forge, it is nearly indestructible, and its like
can no longer be made by nay forge in the land.

Value: 20000


Harecks Leather (Leather Armor)

Type: Relic

Armor: +30

(Stealing skill +5, Disarm skill +5, Water Walking, Luck +50, All Resistances
-10) This leather armor was specially built by the Regnan armory for Hareck
the First, Lord of Regna, and Emperor of the Endless Ocean. The armor did
everything a glorified pirate like Hareck could hope for, except protect him
from poison. The mighty first Emperor of Regna died just after dinner while
wearing the armor, poisoned by his wife's hand.

Value: 30000


Glory Shield

Type: Relic

Armor: +24

(Of Spirit Magic, Shield skill +5, Body Resistance -10, Mind Resistance -10)
One of five such shields known to exist, the Glory Shield was built during the
Time of Wonders. It was especially tuned to promote spirit magic, but that same
attunement leaves the wielder somewhat open to Mind and Body based attacks.

Value: 30000


Kelebrim (Shield)

Type: Relic

Armor +20

(Immunity to stone condition, Half damage from missile attacks, Endurance +50,
Earth Resistance -30) One of the first shields to issue from the Kelebrim
Foundry, this one bears the simple stamp "Kelebrim" on the inside under the
hand strap. It has very powerful enchantments meant to protect from the
medusas gazes, but like many grand enchantments, it comes with a flaw.
Kelebrim Weakens it's owners resistance to Earth magic.

Value: 30000


Phynaxian Crown (Headgear/Crown)

Type: Relic

(Of Fire Magic, Water Resistance +50, Personality +30, Armor Class -20) This
is the lost (WAS the lost) crown of the short lived Empire of Phynax. When
worn, the crown's jewels smolder with barely restrained fire magic, and cast
reddish light upon the face of the wearer. The crown amplifies any skill in
Fire magic the wearer may have, and fiercely resists water based attacks.

Value: 30000


Scholar's Cap (Headgear/Hat)

Type: Relic

Armor: +2

(Learning skill +15, Endurance -50) The Scholar's Cap vastly improves the
ability of the mind to absorb and retain experiences. The effect is so intense
that the wearers frequently forget to care for their bodies while swimming in
the sea of their thoughts.

Value: 30000


Taledon's Helm (Headgear/Helm)

Type: Relic

Armor: +14

(Of Light Magic, Personality +15, Might +15, Luck -40, Good) Owned by Taledon,
Divine High Priest and High Holy Conduit of the Church of the Sun from 870 A.S.
, this powerful helm probably contributed to his untimely death in 881. It is
said that an object may take so much enchantment--try to put too much in, and
something negative squeezes out. In this case, the negative made the wearer
profoundly unlucky. Taledon, arguably the most powerful figure of his time,
veteran diplomat, soldier, and priest, was crushed beneath the wheels of a
runaway peasant's wagon while crossing the street in Steadwick.

Value: 30000


Seven League Boots

Type: Artifact

Armor: +15

(Speed +40, of Water Magic) So named for their boost to their wearer's reflexes
and pace, the boots true function is to ease the use of Water Magic in order
to speed travel. Anyone using the boots is destined for greatness, but not
necessarily honor. Much mischief can be attributed to previous owners of these

Value: 20000


Hands of the Master (Gauntlets)

Type: Artifact

Armor: +12

(Unarmed skill +10, Dodging skill +10) The Hands of the Master are meant for
Monks, but a few Thieves have put them to use with excellent results. Most of
the owners have gone on to fame and fortune, but the last one obviously didn't
do so well.

Value: 20000


Ruler's Ring

Type: Artifact

(Of Mind Magic, of Dark Magic) The Ruler's Ring was made in 744 A.S. by Joshua
Stom, chief alchemist for the Warlocks of Nighon. Although not an inheritly
evil artifact, the ring was created to control and conquer, nothing more.

Value: 20000


Titan's Belt

Type: Relic

(Might +75, Speed -40) Like so many similar items, the Titan's Belt increases
the might of its wearer at the expense of speed. The only difference with this
relic is the magnitude of the trade off.

Value: 30000


Twilight (Cloak)

Type: Relic

Armor: +13

(Speed +50, Luck +50, All resistances -15, Evil) The sinister Twilight Cloak
has been used by spies and assassins for centuries. The nature of the
enchantment is so beneficial to those professions that the loss of magical
resistance is easily overlooked.

Value: 30000


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