Lord of the Rings II: The Two Towers

Lord of the Rings II: The Two Towers

18.10.2013 05:02:30
Lord of the Rings II: The Two Towers - Walkthrough

Aragorn on the Plains of Estemnet
When you start the game, you control Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in The
Plains of Estemnet. Right away you are attacked by six orcs. After they
are dead, head north. You will see a message; continue heading north,
then you will GET some ale, and after that an elf brooch. Walk around
the battlefield if you want to talk to the Riders of Rohan. North of
them is some rations. GET them. Go into the north-west passage and see
an old man. The second time he appears, tell him !SARUMAN, and he will
turn into Gandalf.

Frodo on the Cliffs
You will be transferred to Frodo and Sam, recently dropped off near
Mordor. GET all the stuff- make sure you give an elf cloak to each of
them as they make them partially invisible andharder to hit (you won't
be able to see this). Go south-east. It is hard to get down the cliffs
but keep trying. Find Gollum near the tree on the third cliff. HIDE
from him. USE the rope or the elf-rope to capture him. Head south into
the marsh until you come to the north-east pond. On the east side of
this, Gollum will catch a fish. Go to the path of lights.

Pippin in Fangorn
Now you are using Pippin Took and Merry Brandybuck. They are weak
characters, and you need to get an ent to protect them as fast as
possible. They are also in the maze forest of Fangorn, fortunately not
too difficult to map or traverse. On the west path is Quickbeam, but he
doesn't want to help you yet. So, head over the live tree bridge and
then go west to Treebeard. Answer Yes to accept his hospitality and GET
ent draught. Say !SARUMAN to Treebeard. Answer No to his question so
you can explore. You now have Quickbeam to watch over you. I made him
the leader as he is a strong fighter. On your way to the bridge,
Stiffbranch will ask you for an ent draught. Don't give it to him now
because you aren't hurt, but later this will come in handy as he heals
you plentifully. Go across the bridge and then go west as far as you
can, and then north. GET the two rations. Then go back to the north of
the bridge and go north. Go west as soon as you can for two black
acorns; believe me, you'll need them to pacify the huorns (tough, evil
ents) especially if you didn't RECRUIT Quickbeam. Go north again and
you will get a message saying you are wanted back at the Entmoot. Go
back to Treebeard.

Gandalf in Estemnet
Go deeper into Gandalf's forest and COUNTERMAGIC the magic cache. You
will GET loads of stuff. Go back to the entrance of the forest. Travel
south-west to Estemnet. On the way there you may or may not meet up
with a magic (cage?) which will release four Barrow Wights if you
COUNTERMAGIC it, and then you get nothing. I just avoid it. You may
also meet six orcs (probably the messengers) outside the Burnt Forest-
they also give you nothing. Luckily, there is a man in Estemnet called
Bregowine who will restore your health with a meal if you answer Yes to
his question. Go east from Estemnet and meet with Heof who says that if
you clean the pool of the orc shrine, he will give you the skill RIDE.
You can skip this if you want. Go west and then ATTACK the shrine at
the north of the pool. Six barrow wights will appear, and after they're
dead, the shrine will crumble. Go back to Heof and he will give you the
skill RIDE. Back at the pool there is a horse called Sunhood. RIDE him
and take him to the north of the pool. Now you have a pool of infinite
healing. Heof says show your RIDE skill to the Riders of Rohan. I
couldn't figure out how, but I don't think it's vital to the game.

Frodo in the Dead Marshes
Follow the ghostly path to the Keep if you like. Inside are three
levels, you entering on the middle one. On the top floor is a bat
dropping bespattered altar and about seven bats. After fighting them I
found nothing, so my advice is to skip the top level. If you go
downstairs there is a prisoner elf (Gilglin) who keeps saying 'he
wouldn't let me sleep.' I found no way to make him join me. If you
want, use PERCEPTION on the north-east sarcophagus. A ghost appears and
asks for the star ruby (When I gave it to him he turned into a Vampire
so I suggest you don't bother). At the north of the big black box, a
vampire will grab you and pull you inside. After fighting him and three
bats, you get a dagger and a spirit-key. EQUIP Gollum with the dagger
and USE the spirit-key on the door in the north-east corner of the
middle level. On entering, USE the phial on the cauldron, blessing you
with the word of power !ELBERETH. USE the phial also on the altar, to
relieve some of the darkness. That's about it for the Keep. Exit and
you will see a mud hut to the north. Inside is either a live man who
will kill or be killed, or a dead man, slain not too long ago. I found
nothing else inside. There are a few sinkholes hidden in the marsh, and
if you choose to go in them, you will find one oath-sworn elven
prisoner (Nendol), and in another a ghost you can ATTACK for the
star-ruby. The exits to these sinkholes are found on the edges of the
caves. When you leave the marsh and the dead battle-grounds you will
either: meet six, four, or two orcs; encounter a huge army which you
must SNEAK past or HIDE from; the road to Ithaldien; or just a message
that you have entered Ithaldien. (There may be others.)

Quickbeam in Fangorn
As you go over the bridge, Quickbeam insists that you go off and find
some fresh clean Entwater, away from where the burarum (orcs) have
been. Generally travel west until you reach the riverbank clearing
furthest west. Quickbeam will help you over the deadfall to a secluded
spot. GET the four Entwater bottles. Treebeard has told you that you
must ask Leaflock and Skinbark what they know about the orcs. Leaflock
is located in the north-west section of the forest in a medium-sized
clearing, Skinbark in the north-east in a larger clearing. If you have
trouble getting there, wander about until you find Longroot. He likes
to walk, so if you ask him about Skinbark or Leaflock, he will take you
there. TRADE Leaflock some Entwater. (To the west of Leaflock is a sort
of spiral, at the end of which is Greenroot. Asking him about ENTWASH
will cause him to give you four bottles of the Entwater.)

Gandalf in Estemnet (2)
Heal yourself, RECRUIT Sunhood, and go back to Estemnet. TALK to Leofyn
and she will say she wants her husband's sword, a bag of gold, and her
son back as a wergild. Go north into the Burnt Forest until you come to
a party of orcs. SNEAK or HIDE until three or four have left. ATTACK
those remaining. After they are dead, you will get a sword. Question
the uruk about GOLD, and then SNAGA, and he will tell you where it is
hidden. Go north into the north-east forest passage. Go to the east and
help Harding and Folwyn drive off the orcs. It turns out they are the
children of Leofyn and Harca. Two down, one to go. Go into the west
part of the fork and GET the bag of gold from the dead snaga. Now
return to Estemnet and Leofyn will thank you. You get to keep the sword
and the gold but not Harding and Folwyn. EQUIP Aragorn and Legolas with
their chain-mail. Now you can go south and meet Dorlas. Dorlas will
tell you plenty of useful things like: There are horses being chased in
the south-east; his brother Walcnouth is wandering about somewhere
south of Estemnet; the messenger orcs must be stopped; and other things
about battles. Walcnouth will give you some chain mail, which I gave to
Gandalf. If you choose to free the horses, travel east and slightly
south of Dorlas and ATTACK the parties of three orcs and three uruks. I
guess it's just a good deed. By the way, there is food and ale and
athelas just sitting around, so if you want to search for it, go ahead.
Go south to leave the plains and Sunhood will leave you. Travel west
along the river until you come face to face with Deorl and his
Rohirrim. TALK to Deorl and he will conduct you to Edoras. Travel south
to enter the city.

Frodo in Ithaldien
If you are not on the road, then Sam may ask Gollum to hunt for food. I
don't think it makes much difference as he runs off when a fight starts
anyway. If you keep to the road you will in all likelihood be attacked
by three Harads. They are almost impossible to beat with two hobbits.
It is very difficult so I am assuming you bypassed them. If you do
manage, an oliphant will run off to the south, but I think it runs off
anyway. After crossing the bridge south of the Harads, keep to the
road. You will meet Faramir and his men. USE the phial to prove you
aren't servants of the Dark Lord. Answer Yes. Heal all and teach Frodo
and Sam HERB LORE. Now when they USE athelas, they will get a lot of
health. In the east of the room is a shovel. GET it and the rations and
other stuff laid out for you. Go up the north stairs and answer No to
Anborn's question. Go to Gollum and CHARISMA him. Leave the cliffs.
EQUIP Damrod and Mablung with swords. Put Faramir in the lead as he is
the best fighter. Around south somewhere is the Mumak, a huge oliphant.
CHARISMA him and he will join the group. Go to the crossroad and head
slightly east. GET the statue head, CLIMB the statue, and USE the
statue head. Faramir says something is missing, a polished gem. CLIMB
down, and go to the east. ATTACK the four orcs and immediately be
PERCEPTIVE and READ. I have a feeling this paragraph has something to
do with the missing gem, but I cannot be sure. Along one of the rivers,
Gollum will want to catch fish. Allow him, and if you are in the right
place, he will spit out a gem. USE this gem on the statue after
CLIMBING it. The bridge which the Mumak cannot cross is over the east
end of a strangely split river. On the north side of the east end, JUMP
in (Mumak and all!) to resurface in a damp cavern. Before taking many
steps, however, you will be plunged into darkness. USE the phial. Go
north if you feel like fighting the Mewlip (It looks and fights like
Gollum-I can't believe a warrior was killed by it!). Then, JUMP the
chasm and USE the shovel to clear away the rubble from the tomb
entrance. Enter and GET the bracelet from the corpse in the north-west
corner. Look at the message the invisible ghost on the east side gives
now. DISCARD the bracelet when you are near a Numonerean woman's 'cold
as death' sarcophagus. Go east for a shield. GET it and EQUIP someone
with it. Exit the tomb and USE Sting to fight your way through the
webs. Kill the Mewlip and leave the gold. Exit through the river. On
the south side of the entrance river end, there is a scorched ring and
a man answer him NO, USE athelas and if you wish RECRUIT him.

Quickbeam in Fangorn(2)
Go see Linandel the ghost in the north-middle part of the forest. TALK
to him a bit, and then go along the passage to the ruins. GET the ent
seed. USE the ent seed where it glows. Go back to Linandel and ask him
about RUINS. He will tell you there is a secret entrance. Back in the
ruins, the entrance is in a new-grown tree on the far north-east wall.
Enter and GET the fountain water. Use PERCEPTION around the elven
symbols to find a secret entrance. Enter and GET the magic sword and
magic bow. Exit cavern and go back to Linandel. Chat some more, and
head off to the bridge. Once in the middle, USE the fountain water and
GET the lembas. Go back to Linandel. You should now have a ghost who
will always heal you. Go to Skinbark in the north-westclearing, and
fight off the six orcs attacking him. Question Gazmog and Skinbark
thoroughly. TRADE some Entwater to Skinbark if you want. Wander around
all the dead end passages near him until four orcs attack you. Kill
them and be PERCEPTIVE to find their secret camp. You can skip this
part if you want, but I recommend doing it if you have Linandel to heal
you. Enter the nearest house and kill Flizpot. GET the chain mail, the
key, and the silver pennies. EQUIP one of the hobbits with the chain
mail. In the next house are six orcs in a circle. Kill them and GET the
leather armour and the rest of the stuff. EQUIP the remaining hobbit
with it. In the third house are four orcs. Kill them and GET the
shield, rations, and hot food. EQUIP the hobbit in leather armour with
the shield. Below the third house are four orcs burning the trees. Kill
them and go west. Twiglate the ent will join your party. North of the
northern house is a secret passage. Enter this and kill the four orcs
that attack you. GET the ent seed. CLIMB the trap on the southern wall.
Teach some people about ELVEN and HERB LORES in the library. USE
Saruman's key on the silver doors. GET the source water. USE it in the
dead tree room. GET the vine and rations. You can explore the
underground passages to the west if you like, but I prefer to wait
until I use Aragorn's company as less orcs attack and I have more room
to carry stuff then. I will assume you will wait. If you want to abate
the threat of the huorns forever, find the clearing below Greenroot's
spiral and slightly to the west on the automap. TRADE the giant huorn
there a black acorn or two. He promises not to attack you. Head back to
Treebeard now. If on the way you meet Redcone the Healer ent, ask him
HEAL, and CLIMB his branches. This fully restores your health. Once you
meet the Entmoot and Treebeard, they will transport you to a crossing
near Isengard. With Treebeard in your party, head west until you reach
Isengard (a very large fortress). Enter from the south and kill the
last of Saruman's orcs.

Gandalf to Edoras
Cross the bridge. You will be stoped by Riders of Rohan. Use RIDE on
them. Go east to Edoras

Faramir in Ithaldien
Be PERCEPTIVE on that ring. GET the sword, shield, and torch. EQUIP
Frodo with the shield and Gollum with the torch if he has no dagger. I
think if you go to that ring earlier, there is a Southerner who answers
by referring you to paragraphs. I don't know what to do with him. If
you feel you have finished with Ithaldien, TRADE what you need from
Faramir, Mablung, Damrod, Anborn, and the Mumak as they will abandon
you the minute you enter Morgus Vale. Take the path east of the
crossroad into Morgus Vale.

Frodo on the evil bridge
Follow the path to the bridge. USE phial to free Frodo.

Gandalf in Edoras
Go south down the path towards the small castle in the middle. I will
come to the houses later. When Hama stops you at the entrance, DISCARD
all weapons including torches, but not Gandalf's wizard staff. Enter
the throne room and USE the staff or the spell COUNTERMAGIC to free
Theoden of Grima's spell. RECRUIT Theoden, Eomer, and Hama. Now you
must find the great treasures of the Golden Hall. But first, go outside
and get your weapons. Uh-oh, Anduril's gone! You will be able to get it
back later. Go upstairs and into the armoury guarded by four Rohirrim.
EQUIP Aragorn with the magic sword, and the others how you see fit. Go
into Theoden's room, south of Eowyn's, and GET Herugrim. EQUIP Theoden
with it. Then go into Grima's room, be PERCEPTIVE, and DETECT TRAPS.
Use DEVICES to disarm the trap. GET Helm's horn and all iron keys. Go
upstairs and learn SWORDS, RIDE, BRAVADO, CLIMB, and PERCEPTION from
Hambold. You can also be fed a gruel by a mute healer to heal you. Go
upstairs once more. Once upstairs, do not go north. There is an
undisarmable trap there. PICK LOCK chest and read the papers. Go east
then north until you can see an attic. Be PERCEPTIVE and COUNTERMAGIC
Saruman away. GET the sceptre. Go back down to the throne room. Use
PERCEPTION on the chair, and then DETECT TRAPS. PICKLOCK the lock and
GET the Cup of Rohan. Go downstairs into the dungeons. CLIMB into the
well. GET the spiderbane. CLIMB out again. PERCEPT the spider near the
chest and ATTACK it. When it is dead, use PERCEPTION and DEVICE the
trap. PICKLOCK the lock and GET the bridle. You have gained all the
items! Leave the Golden Hall. When you enter the houses, there will be
different effects depending on whether you have King Theoden with you
or not. Also, when you ask people about him they often say nothing. I
don't know if this is a bug, or if they are speechless with shock,
anger, grief, hatred, adoration, sympathy, reproachfulness, ignorance,
or forgetfulness. Leave Edoras and head south-west along the road. Take
the smaller south path when it is available. Enter the first house for
two mugs of ale and four rations.In the second house there are two
orcs. After fighting them GET the two rations, the two ales, and the
sword. In the third house there is a man called Ethelden who acts very
suspicious, but I couldn't get anything out of him. In the fourth house
there is nothing. Follow the path south and take the east path into the

Frodo hiding from the Witch-King
Follow the path east and HIDE from the Witch-King (And you thought you
killed him in Volume One!).

Gandalf at the Gate of the Dead
Go into the east mountain passage and follow the path round. Meet
Saruman and TALK to him to get rid of him. If you attempt to
COUNTERMAGIC him or ATTACK him, he will disappearand lightning will
strike you. Keep going into Saruman's camp. Keep to the path until you
reach the Gate of the Dead. A barrow wight will appear, wielding
Anduril. Luckily you don't have to fight him, but the forced
alternative is not much better. Eight orcs will attack, and after they
are dispatched, eight uruks will appear. When they are finally dead,
Anduril and four healing draughts will be lying on the ground. GET them
and EQUIP Aragorn with Anduril. TRADE the magic sword to Eomer and
EQUIP him with it. Follow the path out and cross the bridge.

Gandalf travelling to Hornburg
Follow path and answer No to lighting a campfire. ATTACK the four orcs.
GET the rope and the two rations. Follow the path north. Go west at the
junction, as King Theoden says. A wounded soldier will die at your
feet, so GET his chain mail and sword. Attempt to cross the bridge
ahead. Answer Yes to accept the help of three fine soldiers.

Gandalf Hunting for the Lost Army of Erkenbrand
Cross the west ford and talk to Elfhelm and his Rohirrim. Question him
about NEWS, ERKENBRAND, and MESSENGER. Stay off the path to avoid
blood-thirsty Dunlands and Dunarchs (Great names). The Dunlands wield
swords, the Dunarchs wield bows, and both are fully shielded by leather
armour. Also, they tend to come in large groups of six or seven. So, go
very slightly north and a lot west until you are travelling along the
feet of the mountains. When you hit the west mountain wall, go south
and kill the two orcarchs (bow-firing orcs) and the four uruks guarding
Erkenbrand and his tiny 'lost army.' Luckily, Erkenbrand's army will
help you.

Frodo on the Staircase
Go north, but not on the path. ATTACK the crow to silence it and avert
the peril of the orcs. Now go up the staircase and CLIMB where it is
hard to climb. It doesn't really matter whether you rest or not when
you are asked. When you can see the cave north of you, TRADE or DISCARD
all of Gollum's stuff. Then TRADE and EQUIP Sam with the mithril and a
shield. Make sure that he has the phial as well. Enter the cave.

Aragorn, the Subquests, and Saruman's Defeat
There are three completely unnecessary subquests that you can complete
now: Helm's Deep, The Underground Passages of Isengard, and The
Mountains of Haryiarn. If you don't feel like adventuring and would
rather just complete the game, go to the section marked Defending

Helm's Deep:
To enter Helm's Deep, cross the little bridge that would otherwise lead
straight into Hornburg and go north. GET any rocks lying about.
Continue north into the valley surrounded by mountains. Go west and
then south. On the east side where the valley starts to narrow is a
secret entrance, but you don't need that yet. Go south and enter Helm's
Deep. Once inside, you must have Captain Hama with you to do anything
interesting. Go west into a food storage room and PERCEPT Reof.
Question her about NEWS, SECRET, TOMB, and GAUNTLET. Go south into the
secret tomb. GET the gauntlet and ATTACK the ghost. Exit the tomb and
then Helm's Deep. You may meet six orcs on the way and after they are
dead you can GET their axe and ale. Go back to the riverbed and USE
gianthands. GET the boulders. Back in Helm's Deep, you can go south to
interview the refugees. Question the woman about REOF, NEWS, BEAST, and
DRAGON. Hmm, sounds like a quest! Go to the room west of the pond and
GET elf-rope and two rations. Go back to the tomb and PERCEPT the
dangerous stalactites in the big room. Go north and kill the six orcs.
GET the sword and axe. The far north-west dead end reveals a secret
passage. CLIMB out. You are in the valley of the mountains. CLIMB back
in for more adventure. Find the pool and dive in by answering Yes to
the question. South-east of the new pool is some rubble. PERCEPT and
GET the gauntlet. There! You now have both gauntlets of the gods. Be
PERCEPTIVE on the picture of a dragon attacking a village to discover
their origin. Go back in the pool and then exit the tombs. Now go into
the north-east room and PERCEPT the hidden and broken elevator. Fix it
with DEVICES and descend to the deeps of Helm's Deep. ATTACK the six
bats in the west cavern if you want. In the north-east passage, a ghost
of an ancient lord will tell you to beware victory. I am unsure of the
identity of the ghost, but I suppose it could be Helm. However, I
thought I killed Helm's ghost when I took the gianthands! There are
many dead ends that have no secrets so eventually you will have to go
south. Go east at the crossroads and ATTACK the six fire serpents.
After they are dead, GET the magic mail, silver pennies, and the sword.
EQUIP someone with the magic mail (I EQUIPPED Aragorn). Kill the seven
bats to the south and GET the gem. Be sure you've got your stamina up
as you must now fight the Dragon! Go east into the big room. ATTACK the
Dragon. It is impossible to kill and will take gigantic bites out of
your health if you don't have chain mail or better. But, once it is
immobilised, USE the gianthands or gauntlets to throw the Dragon into
the pit. Then, USE the boulder to seal the Dragon in forever. The
Dragon is vanquished, the woman's brothers avenged!

The Underground Passages of Isengard:
These passages are very simple and could probably fit into the seventh
level of Moria with no difficulty. Go north to Isengard and walk over
to its east tower. PERCEPT a secret passage and descend beneath
Isengard. DISCARD something so that you will be able to pick up some
tree bark. All wooden doors can be opened by a PICKLOCK skill, all
silver doors with a supply key or Saruman's key. In the library there
is some tree bark. GET this. Enter the armoury and EQUIP all you need.
In the bedroom there are three humans- but after fighting them, there
is nothing to gain. There are loads of things in the storerooms:
torches, flints, knives, rations, ropes, shovels, etc, but I won't talk
you through these. Now go north-west and go through the passage there.
READ the word Nazgul. Orcs may attack you in the large bedroom so I
suggest you stick to the north or south walls. If you exit through the
dead tree room or the north-east passage, you will find yourself in
Fangorn. To get to the three north-west rooms, you must go through a
room with an invisible pit. Stick to the walls like glue and it
shouldn't pose a problem. The room you come to has just one uruk in it,
so the chain mail, sword, and supply key are easily won. The third room
has some sort of strange brick trap which slides back into place the
instant you walk in. Pretty safe trap, I couldn't do anything with it.
Leave the Passages by the far south exit. Now you have rejoined Merry
and PippinRECRUIT them both and go north into the centre of Isengard.
RECRUIT Quickbeam and go back out of Isengard. South-west is an ent
called Fastroot. TRADE him the tree bark for full health and two ent

The Mountains of Dunland:
Behind Fastroot's tree is a path into the Mountains of Dunland. Take
this as far as it goes. Talk to the old man if you want, especially
about ROHAN, HARYIARN, SARUMAN, and EAGLES. Along the path some more
are two Dunarchs and a Hiyalate. However, only the Hiyalate seems to
want to fight from this direction. Continue through the mountains until
you reach an area where one of your group will warn of an avalanche.
USE rocks or boulders to stop the avalanche. Go south until the music
changes. PERCEPT the evil eagle flying towards Isengard. When you come
to a house, you have reached Haryiarn. Stay away from the northern
square because a mob of humans will order you to leave town. Walk
between the houses and mountains to protect yourself. In the
north-western house is Toryin the Lorist. Question him about EAGLES and
ROHAN. The west-middle house contains nothing. The south-west-middle
house has a silent shopkeep. The south-west house has four Dunlands who
dislike your kind and will attack you if you don't leave. The
south-east house has a silent bartender in the dining room and four
fighters in the bedroom. The south-east-middle house has three Dunlands
who will attack if you don't leave. The east-middle house contains
nothing. The north-east house has Sargulk the Spy in it. CHARISMA him
and question him about SARUMAN, EAGLES, and ORCS. You can either let
him escape or ATTACK him. To enter the egg cache east of the village
you need Gandalf to perform a COUNTERMAGIC spell. So, come back later
with Gandalf and, for now, exit the mountains by going south. PERCEPT
the lone crow.

Defending Hornburg
Now go back to Hornburg, the place which you were supposed to defend. In
Hornburg there is a dwarf called Flamebeard who will give you two sets
of chain-mail. EQUIP those who need it. In the armoury they will give
you what few weapons they have left. EQUIP those who need them. There
is also a Rohirrim in the bar who will feed you some ale and rations.
If you enter the south-west room, you will see a message saying the
battle has begun. Try to exit Hornburg. Fight off the two Dunarchs and
the six orcs. Then go to the bridge and kill all six uruks. Answer Yes
to defend the gatehouse and kill the five Dunlands and three Dunarchs.
Retreat to the Keep, enter, and USE Helm's Horn. Exit once more and
refight the two Dunarchs and six orcs. In total, you fought twelve
orcs, seven Dunarchs, six uruks, and five Dunlands. Well done! You have
successfully defended Hornburg. Gandalf will join your party and tell
you that you must now meet Saruman. On the way you can COUNTERMAGIC or
!FELAGUND the magic cache and go north round the hairpin at the
mountain junction. You will then receive the word of power !GWAIHIR
which can transport you to Isengard, Edoras, Estemnet, or Helm's Deep
instantly. Quite useful but you don't have much time to use it. If, on
the path to Isengard, you meet a band of Dunarchs and Dunlands who want
an item of value, TRADE all you can. I never found the item they wanted
so maybe you should just avoid them.

Isengard and Saruman's Tower:
In the walls of Isengard, to be accessed only from the inside, are
lookout posts. In them, going clockwise from the south, are: nothing,
four orcs, and broken junk. In Saruman's Tower there are four humans
who you can ATTACK and then GET Saruman's key from. Also there are
three humans guarding an elf cloak, a magic sword, and an elf brooch in
a seemingly empty room. EQUIP Eomer with the magic sword. Upstairs you
library. There is also a human (saying his prayers?). Go upstairs once
more. !EDRO (open in elfish) the big locked doors and ATTACK the two
corrupt eagles inside. GET the two eagle eggs and the healing draught,
and notice you have learnt the word of power !MANWE. There are two
things you can do from here: 1. Go upstairs and where it refers you to
a paragraph, either CLIMB or say !MANWE. GET the palantir. 2. See
Saruman in the north-east room and COUNTERMAGIC his spell-binding
words. GET the palantir. You have now freed Edoras and the surrounding
kingdoms of the threat of the White Hand. But a more important quest

Frodo in the Last Cave
Go deeper Hey! Gollum's gone! USE Sting or star ruby to cut through the
webs. Uh-oh! The Ringbearer is gone! And now Gollum attacks you! Now
you know why Gollum should be disarmed and Sam strengthened. Beat
Gollum- not too hard, and then USE the phial on Shelob. Head towards
your friend and listen to the orcs. Phew! Frodo's just unconscious. But
he is being taken away by the orcs!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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