Companions of Xanth

Companions of Xanth

15.10.2013 16:50:53

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**** COMPANIONS OF XANTH | FAQ version 1.01 ****
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Author: Lou Huang (lou at corvalis dot net)
Date: 2003 November 1


I. Introduction to this FAQ
II. The Walkthrough
III. Point Breakdown
IV. Item List
V. Strategies and Answers to the Troll's Games
VI. End of Game Bug
VII. Closing Statements


I originally wrote this in July of 1995, approximately two years after Legend
Entertainment released Companions of Xanth. The FAQ, which consisted of two
parts -- a walkthrough and an item list -- has been moved from hard drive to
hard drive in the many years since that time, having never been seen by the
public eye. I no longer remember what I wrote it for. But there it was, and
just recently I decided to convert, consolidate, and expand the FAQ
(originally written in Windows 3.1 Write) into a text format that could be
distributed over the Internet. I have also decided to make a few
considerable revisions to the language. You are looking at that updated
format right now.

Because it has been many years since I last played this game, there is not
much details that I can recall, other than having derived many hours of
enjoyment while I was playing it. If you picked up this game and are looking
for some helpful resources, I will definitely help where I can. You may
e-mail me (see address at the top of this document) on anything that is not
covered here and I'll do my best to see how much I can remember. However,
this is a disclaimer that in all likelihood I *may not know* the answer to
your question, so just keep that in mind. There may even be further updates
to this FAQ, if the demand is there (or the mistakes are too great), but this
is all up in the air at this point.

There is only one place to find this FAQ: On the ever-excellent GameFAQs
website, at You should not be seeing this FAQ
posted anywhere else.

By way of introduction to the game, I will just say that Companions of Xanth
is a game based on Piers Anthony's book _Demons Don't Dream_. Some retail
copies actually come with the book pre-packaged in the box. If you were
fortunate enough to pick up one of these packages, I highly suggest you read
the book. It will not spoil the game but you will gain a familiarity with the
environment that may make things less confusing for you (especially if you
have never read anything in Anthony's Xanth series). I won't say more than
this; you can look up better summaries of the book or the series elsewhere.

Alright; let's jump in.


There are several ways to do things, and here are some shortcuts. If you
click on one item, then click on another item, it will automatically be using
the Put verb. Unless, of course, there are variations of Put: Attach, Rub,
Use, etc. and will be different depending on the item. If you click on one
item, then on a person, you will attempt to give it to that person.

Double-clicking any one person will take you into a conversation with that
person. Notice that this does not work on inanimate objects, such as
the pail, manacles, Com-Pewter, etc.

And, if the sentence that appears in the window is in gray print instead of
the normal white, that means you won't need to do that. That might give
hints, like if you tried to put something on another, and the sentence is
gray, don't bother putting anything on it anymore, or you just can't put that
thing on others. That way, you won't bother to something that won't work.

One more thing. If we tell you to wait, we mean press the Wait button.
Just by doing nothing, nothing will happen, because computers in Mundania
don't necessarily have minds of their own. So every time you execute a
sentence, or move to another room, I will refer to those as turns.

The game is divided into thirteen sections (which I have arbitrarily

1. Mundania
2. Welcome to Xanth
3. Isthmus Village
4. Void
5. Region of Earth
6. Region of Fire
7. Region of Water
8. Com-Pewter
9. Region of Air
10. Gap
11. Humfrey's Castle
12. Gourd
13. The Ending

You start out here. No, you are not in Xanth yet. Your character doesn't
even know about it yet. Take the post-it and the envelope, and head for
the kitchen. If you want, you can open the envelope and read the letter,
but if you do it now, you won't be able to get the heart in the kitchen.

Ooops! It's too dark to go anywhere. Turn on the lights. There should be
a small switch somewhere, and you'll have to hunt for it in the dark.
Once you can see your way around, head for the kitchen.

By now, the phone should be ringing. That's your friend Edsel on the
phone with something really important to tell you, but only if you've
read the letter. If you haven't read the letter, then Edsel won't tell
you anything. Don't worry, he'll call you back later.

Take the teabag on the table. Open the icebox, then take out the mustard
and the sandwich. If you haven't yet read the letter, you can take the
heart. There's chocolates inside. You can now read the letter, if you
haven't done so.

Edsel will call every once in a while. After you've read the letter
from Pia, wait till he calls and answer the phone. Edsel will tell
you about this game he has called Companions of Xanth. You can find out
more about it if you want, but your main goal is to get the game from
Edsel, despite your character's doubts about liking it (or even wanting
it!). Edsel will tell you he's sending it through the mail. Go back to
the entrance to get it.

If you read the post-it, you'll get some phone numbers. If you wish,
you can call those phone numbers.

When someone has to deliver a package to you, and it can't fit in the
mailbox, where do you find it? Just outside the front door, of course.
Open the door, then wait until the package appears. Take it. Open it.
Go to your computer, if you just can't wait to play your new game. Or
you can just look at the stuff in the box. Like, fill out the card, read
the manual (and call that phone number, for the fun of it), read the
Com-Pendium, and so forth.

If you have the CD-ROM game, you'll have a CD. Put it in the CD drive
under the floppy drive.

If you have the disk game, you'll have a disk. Put it in the floppy drive.
You won't have a CD drive. Don't forget to close the hatch, too, or the
disk won't work.

Turn on the computer. A tiny figure will appear on the screen. Look at it.

Talk to Grundy
Talk to Grundy to find out about the game, since your character finds the
game manual in the box too boring. And if you're ready to pick your
Companion, or you know about all that stuff already, just tell him you
want to pick your Companion.

Picking your Companion
Your choices are Jenny Elf (who also comes with Sammy Cat), Che Centaur,
Nada Naga, or Metria Demoness. The only Companion good enough to get you
out of the cave (and into the game) is Nada. Well, it was nice of the
game designers to make it look like you had a "choice." But you can try to
play with the others as Companions, just to see what they do.

(If you really liked Jenny Elf and wished you could have stuck with her,
for whatever reason, don't worry. You'll trade Nada for her later. But
that is much, much later in this game.)

Why is everything all black-and-white? Put on the 3D glasses that came
with the game, if you want color.

Nada will manage to get you out the right door, if you wait several turns.
That was easy!

Well, okay, you're not at Isthmus Village yet. But you're almost there.
No, there's nothing to be done here, after you've watched your opponent,
Kim, leave with Jenny Elf (well, Jenny got Kim out fine!).

Talk to Nada. Find out about her, and where you should be going. This is
a good time to get acquainted with some information on Xanth, particularly
for players who have never read the books, but even for Xanth veterans,
you might like to know that the layout of Xanth is somewhat changed in
the game. More on this later.

So, when you're ready, go to the northeast.

There's quite a few things to be done here. You can take the cherry bomb
and the buttercup right now, but the other stuff will have to wait. Don't
take the butter out of the buttercup! The butter will melt a little every
five turns, and will melt completely in 20 turns, if it's not in the
buttercup. So leave it be.

Important note about the cherry bomb. If you waste it here, it'll be
okay, since you can always come back and get another. But, don't waste it
once you've entered the Void. You won't be able to backtrack.

If you try to leave this screen, you'll notice you won't be able to go
northwest and southeast, since you get confused every time you try. So go

If you know about tangle trees (there are quite a few of them in Xanth)
you'll know not to get close to one now. In this game, you can't die
without Nada warning you first. However, you can always choose to ignore
her warning, but why would you do that?

If you look in the spring, you'll see where Kim is.

Isthmus Village
Finally you're here. Your first Game challenge.

Talk to the headman, and find out about his problem. If you agree to get
rid of the censer-ship, he'll give you a key. Use the key to unlock the
gate. Then open the gate. Now you have two ways to go. Go north first.

Take the sailcloth, which is right there on the pier. Now how about the
rope? This is the first time (besides the cave) that you need Nada to
help you do something. Tell her to change into her naga form, and then
to go under the pier to see what's there.

Nada will bring back the rope, with an anchor, too. You can tie those
together to make a hook, which will come in handy.

You can now go up to the censer-ship, but you don't have the solution to
douse the censers. So make your way back to the crossroads.

See the log in the brook? Pry it off with the hook. You got what you
wanted, now go back to the Village.

Isthmus Village
Give the log to the headman, and tell him to carve it into a board.
Wait a turn.

If you haven't already (back when we went first came to the Village),
take the lamp covers on top of the streetlights. You'll need both. Also,
take the rock lying off to the side of the street. Go east.

Road between the cliffs
If you want, you can go on. For those who want to get things done, and
done fast, stay here.

Look at the boulder. Notice it's just right for a flat board. You've got
one! Put it on the boulder.

Nada will tell you there's something missing. What you're doing here is
making a catapult, but Nada doesn't get it. Put the rock on the board.
Tell Nada to whack it with her tail. Now you can get the pail that kept
escaping (it's on the next screen, which you might have seen if you went
over to explore that region a bit).

Meadow/Road on cliff
This is the area where the pail keeps escaping, and the scene will repeat
itself if you can't get past the pail. Try talking to it!

If you've made the catapult (on the previous screen) and sent the rock
into the air, it will land in the pail. Pick it up, and you recover the
rock. Now you can go past the pail.

Ice Palace
Getting past the eye screen is very easy. Talk to it. Eventually you'll
come across a reason to pass him, but that's only if you know where to

You can open the mailbox, take the letter, and read it, but it's not
required. You do have to give it to the Fairy Nuff, though, eventually.
When you finally get clearance, open the door and go in.

Take the tee lying on the ground. Now go north again.

Take the egg on the ground, and go find the Fairy Nuff.

Fairy Nuff
Talk to the Fairy about the censer-ship at the Isthmus Village. He will
ask you some questions.

"How many censers are there?"
[*questions and answers are incomplete]

When you answer the questions correctly, he will give you the recipe to
his solution. Read it, and remember as much as you can, or write it down.
If you ever forget what you still need, talk to Nada. She'll tell you.
Or this FAQ will, below.

Making the Solution
You should have the egg already. Put it in the pail. Do the same for the
butter. Don't forget to take it out of the buttercup!

Go back to the Ice Palace. Take three eye screams (the only one you can
take is the one of the right closest to you, but another will reappear in
a turn) and put them in the pail. Or, just put the pail on the eye

Go to the forest. Nada will cough. Well, it seems the bush next to the
spring is dropping cough drops. You'll need two. Tell Nada to get one
for you, then ask her again for another.

Go to the crossroads. You'll need to put the pail in the brook three
times to get its water. If you've got some water in the lamp cover (yes,
you could do that) it won't work; you can't dump it in the pail. Now for
the firefly. Catch it with the buttercup. Then put it in the solution.

And finally something from the censer-ship. Put the sailcloth in the
pail. When you're done with the solution, give it to the Fairy Nuff.
He'll divide it in two, into the lamp covers, so you can dump one into
into each censer. The Fairy Nuff will take back his pail and his recipe.

Douse one censer with one lamp cover, then go to the other one. Douse
that one too.

You'll manage to get out of the screen, so you're really in Xanth, and
you'll be treated to a cut-scene where Demon X(A/N)th and Demon E(A/R)th
talk (just like in the introduction cut-scene).

Leaving Isthmus Village
The headman will congratulate you and give you a sword. He will take back
the key, lamp covers, and the rock. He will also mention a shortcut the
Fairy Nuff knows about.

Go to the Fairy Nuff and talk to him. He'll show you the shortcut. If
you haven't given him the letter to him already, he'll take it. He won't
read it, thinking it's nothing, but luckily you've already solved that
problem. So, take that shortcut!

Fun things to try
The things mentioned here are stuff you didn't have to do, but you get
some funny or just weird responses. Or it's just fun to do.

Have you...
... Put some water or the butter in the lamp cover?
... Tried to pry the log off without the hook?
... Thrown the key?
... Tried climbing trees while you're a screen? When you're not a screen?
... Tried climbing the scaffolding in back of the Ice Palace while you're
a screen? When you're not a screen?
... Found out about Nada's cousin Pierre?
... Tried giving the buttercup to Nada?
... Taking the lamp covers or the rock after you're done with the censer-
... Catching another firefly or taken another buttercup (with butter) even
if you don't need it anymore?
... Picking the flowers at the Isthmus Village?
... Looked at the Witch Booth at the fair?

This is actually the only screen in the Void, considering how you won't be
able to go anywhere else. If you wait, or try to walk around after a
while, a door shimmers in and out of view. Talk to Nada. Tell her about
it, then wait again. Nada will see it. Talk to her again, and say the
most positive thing involving a door (for instance, say you're certain
there is one). Don't say something like, "I must have been imagining that
door I thought I saw." Repeat this until the door stays. Then walk out
of it. You'll come to the Region of Earth.

Desert road
Congrats! You got a green gem on the sword, for escaping the Void.

North of here is a barrow. The door won't budge, preventing you from
going past in that direction. So go back and to the southeast, where
there is a spring.

Love spring
Actually, you don't know it's a love spring. Not yet. I'm kind of giving
it away earlier. But you'll soon find out! There's Metria, trying to
trick you into drinking the spring water. You can try it, although Nada
will warn you against it, but as always, you can ignore her just to see
what happens (and it will end the game). Wait and refuse Metria every
time she tries to get you to drink. Eventually she'll get bored and
leave, but because you conquered that challenge she'll open the barrow
door for you.

Go to the barrows. Don't go southeast; you won't be able to.

It's very mazelike, so it's easier to find your way around using the Map.
But don't do it yet. In six turns you'll be trapped in the dark, and you
lose Nada momentarily. Don't worry; wait, and in four turns the lights
will come back on and Nada will be with you again.

But what's gotten into her? She wants to go to the love spring! You
thought it was dangerous.

Love spring
She'll drag you there, but don't listen to her. Refuse constantly. Is
she really who you think it is?

It's Metria. Demons (or demonesses) can change how they look. Eventually
she'll change back to her regular form. After you're done talking to her,
you'll get a finder. Return to the barrows.

Click the Map button the lower-left corner. Explore the place; you can't
die in the barrows. Read the descriptions, so you know where you are!
Don't worry about the drops of water, rat's footfalls, warm air, echo, or
flapping wings; they mean nothing.

The following is a list of the important rooms; if you get a description
containing any of the following items, return to Picture mode and follow
the instructions here. The stationary rooms (Switch, Plaque, etc.) have a
special picture on the map, so you won't have to remember exactly where
it's located. You will need all of them.

This is in the second part of the barrows. Take it. It will become a
jar, showing the ironwood tree behind the door. Take the jar. You'll
come back to the ironwood tree later.

Look in it. You'll see what your opponent, Kim, is doing. You can talk to
it if you want, but nothing will happen.

Take it.

Get on it. You'll reach an area of the barrows not accessible by normal
walking. Explore again.

Take it.

Touch the plaque. All you can make out is the word "Mack." Don't do
anything to it now; you'll have to backtrack to later, when you get to
the Region of Fire.

Flip it. Another one appears, so flip that too. Continue until no more
switches appear. Don't flip the wrong one! Then, flip them all again (no
order necessary), so that it turns into a metal rectangle with nothing to
flip. When they are all flipped, they will fade into the wall and a big
button will appear. Press the big button to make a door appear. Go down
to rescue Nada. Or, if you wish, you can explore some more. But after
you rescue Nada, you can always come back as long as you're still in the
Regions of Fire or Earth. For further instructions on rescuing Nada, see

Have you noticed that Metria was lying about the usage of the finder?
Instead of being closer to Nada if the number's higher, you'll be closer
if the number's lower. Of course, you have to turn it on first. The
finder will take you closer to the Switches (see above) if you follow
the lower numbers. But some paths will lead you away while you're trying
to get closer. Another reason to use the map so you don't get confused.
However, the number at the Switches are at 1, while at the Stone Plaque
(see above) is at 0! What's wrong? Nothing is. If you opened the door
at the Switches room, the stairs will lead you to the dungeon underneath
the Stone Plaque room!

Nada is trapped here. Don't look at her! In fact, don't say anything
that will indicate that you are looking. For instance, don't say "You
look terrible." Hopefully you get the idea.

If you have the jar, you can take some blue agony moss on the walls.

To rescue Nada, talk to the manacles.

Look at the item list above. If you've got everything you can take from
the barrows, head for the ironwood tree.

Ironwood tree
If you know about Xanth (or read about it in the Com-Pendium) you'll know
agony moss eats quickest through metal. Well, ironwood trees are made of
metal! Use the agony moss on it. You will enter the Region of Fire.

Well, you've got another gem on your sword! It must mean every time you
"conquered" a region another gem appears.

You can move on; there's nothing to do here.

There's nothing to do here, either.

Lava lake
You need to get rid of the hot dog, before you can do anything else.
Talk to Nada. You'll notice something new you can say to her. Select
that. Get her to put her hair in a bun. She'll give it to you.

The bun won't do anything with the hot dog. Put some mustard on the bun!
The dog will go away, letting you talk to the fireman.

Talk to the fireman. You'll learn about the firewall, and some ancestor
of his named Mack who got past it. He doesn't know the secret now, but
you do remember the name Mack, do you? You have seen it earlier.
Continue past the fireman to the firewall.

Take the piece of charcoal lying on the ground. Return to the Region of
Earth, and go to the stone plaque.

Region of Earth Revisited - Stone Plaque
You're at the plaque, right? If not, use the Map mode to get there.

Put the paper on the plaque. Then use the charcoal on it. Read it. The
directions to get past the firewall will come out clearly now. Take the
paper if you want, for future reference. It's really not needed
otherwise. Return to the lava lake.

Lava lake
Have you noticed the pointy rock there yet? It's got an opening perfect
to use as an oven. That's where you're going to bake your mixture. But
first, the ingredients.

The flour is easy, pun-wise. Put the buttercup in the mortar, which is a
perfect mixing bowl.

The fireman will give you a bag of firewater every once in while, while
you're making the mixture. Use that in the mortar. If you don't, the
fireman will take it back, but don't worry. He'll give it to you again if
you wait.

Once you've got the two ingredients in the mortar, use the pestle with it.
You'll get some dough. Bake it in the opening in the pointy rock. Wait
until the descriptions say that the dough is baked to golden brown. Take
it out, and you'll get the firecracker!

The sight of the firecracker will scare away the fireman, but a pointing
hand will appear. It threatens to shoot you. Say what you want; it can't
hurt you. It will disappear under the lava soon.

Go to the firewall.

Throw the firecracker in the firewall. Or light it first, it really
doesn't matter, since Dug will do one or the other automatically. Wait
until the firewall is gone. Now go to the opening, ahead.

If you can't get out, you can ask Nada. Or read this: Throw the hook into
the opening and climb out.

Well, you've got another gem for going past the Region of Fire -- a violet
one. But you've lost the paper, charcoal, bun, pestle, finder, and the
mustard. And your hook. You won't need them anymore. But since there's
nothing to be done in this area, move on.

Troll bridge
A troll will appear and he will threaten you to pay or be eaten. Tell him
you want to do something for him for free, in exchange for passage. He
will agree. His challenge to you is to find a key, which he lost in his
house. Before you go down into his house, go north to the path. Take the
hose from the hydrant, but turn off the hydrant first. Now go under the
bridge to his house.

Troll's house
Since you can't go past the troll to his bedroom, scratch that. Since you
don't want to go up, scratch that too. Go west, young man.

If you looked in the well, you see the key lying down there. It is too
dangerous to jump in. If you talk to Nada, she says the buttons on the
far wall may do something significant. Look at the buttons if you want.
Press the center blue-colored button.

Put the hose in the sink. The other end will dangle out into the well.
Turn on the faucet. The water will rise, then get siphoned out into the
well. The water there will rise too. You may turn off the faucet, but
there is really no need. The blue button prevents the water from
overflowing and flooding the entire house.

Now you can swim down and get the key. Go back to the troll and return it
to him.

Troll's house
Now you have another challenge. Play any of the three games in the trays
and you will be released. You can play blocks, pentominoes, or
matchsticks. The matchsticks are the easiest.

See Section V below for strategies or answers to the troll's games.

Once you win, you keep the game, and get a crowbar too. You get an
aquamarine gem on your sword. Now take the Shortcut to Success, to meet

Fun things to try
Have you...
... Tried to turn on the faucet without pressing the blue button? without
the hose in it at all?
... Turned on the hydrant after you took the hose?
... Leave via the paths before finding the Troll's key?

There's nothing to be doing here, except to get your bearings together to
meet Pewter. You can't collect any of the moss, nor can you do anything
with the waterfall.

Pewter's cave
Pewter only explains the rules once. In case you forget, talk to Nada.
What she doesn't explain is that you have to take a tile, open the
cylinder, put the tile in, and close the cylinder. If you forget the
description or the hint word, talk to Com-Pewter. Your Com-Pendium can
help with the answers. So can this FAQ, and here they are:

1) Hint word is 'reaps'. Answer is 'Asparagus Spears.' Take the 'S' tile.
2) Hint word is 'seat.' Answer is 'Blind Dates.' Take the 'D' tile.
3) Hint word is 'cones.' Answer is 'Papershell Pecans.' Take the 'P' tile.
4) Hint word is 'rest.' Answer is 'Bum Steer.' Take the 'E' tile.
5) Hint word is 'mail.' Answer s 'Lamia.' Take the 'A' tile.

1) Hint word is 'some.' Answer is 'Chocolate Moose.' Take the 'O' tile.
2) Hint word is 'ocra.' Answer is 'Cobra Vine.' Take the 'B' tile.
3) Hint word is 'seal.' Answer is 'Golden Fleas.' Take the 'F' tile.
4) Hint word is 'paints.' Answer is 'Panties.' Take the 'E' tile.
5) Hint word is 'gleans.' Answer is 'Tangles.' Take the 'T' tile.

Hey wait! There is no 'T' tile! Well, you've got a T in your inventory.
Use the tee or the tea bag.

But you still lose. What's the problem?

Grundy Golem
Grundy, your host, wasn't expecting you back so soon. It seems that
Com-Pewter didn't know you were in a game so he didn't give you a chance
to beat him. So you get a second chance.

Back to Com-Pewter
Look in your inventory. You've caught Grundy's virus! Since a virus can
destroy a computer, put the virus in the cylinder. Com-Pewter will crash,
letting you escape to the northeast to the Region of Air.

You'll also get treated to another cut scene with Demons E(A/R)th and

See the cart? Try putting the wheel back on. Since you can't, go west
to inside the shack. Or click on the door, then click on the new verb

Ma Anathe's home
The woman sitting on the rocker is Ma Anathe. Talk to her. You'll need
to get the sign from the mountain.

Before you leave, take the sock hanging on the far wall. Go back outside
the shack and go to the northeast.

Road to Mountain
Take the windbag off to the side of the road. Go north.

Look at the boat. You need a sail, some wind, and something to cut the
line tied to the mooring. Two of these you can do now, but we'll go over
it later so we can do all three at once. Find the ogre hut, which is
southwest from the shack.

Ogre hut
You'll come to an ogress standing outside the hut. Talk to her.
Her dilemma is completely opposite from Ma Anathe's, isn't it? Go to
the northeast.

The ogre boy there apparently wants his ball back. Put the sock on the
vent, blocking off the spray and giving the ogre boy his ball back. He
will offer to do something for free. Go back to the shack.

Now put the wheel back to the cart. You couldn't do it before, but with
the ogre boy's help, you'll manage it.

Push the cart, and it'll reveal the sail you're looking for. The sign on
the cart told you where it was the whole time. Now you can go back to the

Put the sail on the sailboat. Untie the line from the mooring. Finally,
open the windbag to create a wind. You'll sail off to...?

The Mountain stairs are guarded by the Guardian. Answer his ten questions
correctly, and you'll be able to go onto the stairs. The answers, in this
order, are:

1) an Error
2) an Airedale
3) a Window
4) Air Conditioning
5) an Errand
6) a Windbag
7) an Airplane
8) an Airbag
9) Windmill
10) a Breeze

Now you can go up the stairs.

Keep going up. You'll come to a sign, in between cones. It says
"Mountain Closed." A sign's a sign, so take it. You know who to take
it to.

By the way, who is Kilroy?

Ma Anathe's home
Give the sign to Ma. She'll turn back to the beautiful lady she said she
was before. She'll give you what's left of the ugliness potion, to
dispose of forever. You don't need to do that. Take it to the ogress.

Ogre hut
After giving the potion to the ogress, she'll tell you where the Gap is.
Notice a new exit, southeast, on the compass rose. Go there.

10. GAP
You'll get a purple gem for completing the Region of Air. A deerfly will
come, warning you about the Gap Chasm. After a while of talking, it will
go away. Continue northeast.

More desert
A copperhead snake will come, again warning you about the Gap like the
deerfly before. It will also go away. As before, the only thing there
is to do is to continue to the northeast.

Even more desert, but at least closer to the Gap
A yak will appear, not warning you about the Gap like the copperhead snake
and the deerfly had before. Yes, it will go away. Keep going northeast.

Edge of the Gap
Kim, Jenny, and Cyrus (remember them from the mirror?) will come, after
Nada decides there is no way she will come with you down into the Gap.
After some discussion of how to proceed next, it will turn out that Jenny
Elf and Sammy agree with you, while Nada agrees with Kim and Cyrus. As a
result, you'll switch Companions with Kim.

Oooops! You, Jenny, and Sammy accidentally fell into the Gap!

Inside the Gap
If you talk to Jenny, you'll find out that the cloud hovering above the
Gap is Cumulo Fracto Nimbus, the worst cloud of all Xanth. It gives you
ideas, according to Dug. Well, his idea was to make fun of Fracto, so
that his storms will block you from the dragon and then you can escape.

To make fun of Fracto, (after saying "Like this. By the way...") click on
the third statement each time. Repeat until the cloud lets his storm go.
It's very important to do this right after talking to Jenny, so you don't
waste too much time while the dragon comes closer. During the storm,
you'll be rescued by Che, but not before you get to see what is going on
at the edge of the Gap with Kim....

Che drops you off here, in front of Humfrey's castle. Jenny tells Sammy
to find the most direct route in. It's on the wall somewhere. If you
move the mouse up from the spot Sammy was looking at, you'll come to
another word on the bottom of the picture. Instead of 'wall,' it will be
'loose brick.' Click it. Then click the new verb, Press.

The entire brick will slide away, revealing a switch. Flip the switch to
open the gate. But at the same time, the drawbridge will be raised.
You'll have to find a way to lower it. Go in.

You can lower the drawbridge very easily, if you know how. Click on the
bridge, then select the new verb Draw. Draw the bridge on the path. Keep
doing this until the entire bridge is drawn on the path, letting you pass.

You can't open the main door. You can, however, open the wee door, by
just opening it or knocking. An eye (no, not an eye screen) will appear.
You'll automatically talk to it. You can't get any info like this, so
talk to it again.

Okay, how? Go back to the courtyard.

If you head to the northwest or northeast, you'll come to the moat, which
is occupied by a serpent. To the northwest is the serpent's head. If you
went to the northeast, going west will take you to the other side of the

Moat (Serpent's head side)
Look at the serpent. Talk to it. Or whatever. After a while, talk to
Jenny. A new thing to say will appear: "What do you make of this giant
dragon, Jen?" Choose that one. Jenny will begin using her talent to find
out what's wrong with the serpent. Wait a couple turns, and Jenny will
tell you what she found out.

The cricket was bothering the serpent. If you tried putting something
into the jar, it will tell you that the jar was made for collecting moss
(which you did in the barrows) or small insects. And the cricket's a
small insect! Put the jar on the cricket. The serpent will go to sleep.
Go east.

Moat (Serpent's back side)
The serpent's coils will have been twisted to make a somewhat sturdy
bridge for you to cross to the little "island" between the moat and the
castle. Cross it.

Take the lok pic, which is somewhat to the north of the grate. Then use
the crowbar to open the grate. Go down into it.

If you didn't take the lok pic, Jenny will give it to you.

When you come in, you can see a creature slithering away at the far end of
the sewer. You'll also get to see Cyrus and Merci falling in love.
Go to the west to the panel.

See the panel? You can flip any of the five switches up or down. Though
it's extremely pointless to keep doing so in any order until something
happens, you may stumble on something. However, it's easier to decode,
literally, what the eye said, and flip those switches. When you get the
correct order, the platform will start to vibrate and take you to Humfrey.

The correct order, from left to right, is down, down, up, down, up.

You can actually go through all this stuff without ever lowering the

Free Questions! Humfrey normally charges a year of service for each
Question, but that would make for an extremely long and boring game if you
were bound to it. Since Humfrey knows everything, don't be afraid to ask.
Ask all the Questions you can. Some can get you important info.

Finally, though, the session will end. Humfrey will give you a gourd, to
look in so you can make your way to the prize!

Gourd room
This is where you look in the gourd. You can't do anything with Nada or
Kim, even if you want to try to block their view from the gourd, which
would snap them out of it and take them away from the prize. You can't do

Look into the gourd!

Path to Mansion
You'll first get to see what's going on in between the two Demons again.

Nothing to do here, so go to the northeast.

Mansion front yard
So, how do you get past the zombie? And how do you open the front door?
How do you get the cane? Most importantly, where do I go from now?

These are, more or less, the questions people ask themselves before
noticing there is another path to the northwest. Take it.

Mansion back yard
To open the cellar doors, try using the lok pic. Then, you'll be able to
go down.

Boy, is it dark! Too bad you don't have a light. Well, if you move the
mouse around a bit, you'll notice there's stuff here. Take the twine, to
the left of the jar, and on the right side of the stairs (which is the
biggest thing around here) somewhere in the middle. Don't worry, you'll
find it.

And near the lower right corner there is a skeleton. Move the mouse
around the skeleton are until you find the key. Use it to unlock the
door, above the stairs. Although some light comes through after you open
it, there's not enough to even see what's in the room. To satisfy your
curiosity, there's a ski mask, dead bat, black cat, rat hole, axe, ice
pick, spider, corpse, and a hand, among the other stuff mentioned above.

First floor landing
The only place to go from here is the stairs. However, the lever will
click, turning the stairs into a slide, and you'll slide back down to the
ground. Try tying the twine to the lever. It will be tied also to the
staircase, preventing the lever to move. Now you can go up.

Second floor landing
Whoops! Nada's here, just closing off the stairs to the attic. Jenny
seems to be pretty optimistic about things. See the sign? It claims that
the button above is opens the attic stairs. Press it.

Obviously the sign was lying. However, you needed to do that. Ever
wonder why mistakes can turn out useful after all? But that's beside the

Take the pills.

Now to get out of here. You can escape from the hearth. Take the third
book from the left on top of the hearth, and the secret door will
activate, ushering you out to the first floor landing.

First floor landing
Look at the pills. It says "Pain-B-Gone."

You may have noticed the cane just outside the window pane. You can't open
the window manually, but that's what the pills are for. Use it on the
pane, to make the Pane-B-Gone. (Groooan! Not another stupid pun!) Now
take the cane and go up the stairs again.

Second floor landing
Before, you couldn't have reached the hook. Using the cane, you can!
Open the trap door with it, and climb up.

You get a large red gem in the middle of the sword. According to Humfrey,
you can now use the sword effectively.

If you've tried giving the sword to Nada before she traded Players, she'll
tell you that she believes you'll use it, to win.

So, all indications are that you'll have to use the sword. Somehow.
To stop Kim and Nada.

Your Companion can't help. It's against Game rules.

And don't even think about talking to Kim! (Although you could.)

It's rather simple, really. All you need to do is throw the sword at the

Well, you're back in Mundania. Kim would call. Answer the phone.
And enjoy the ending sequence...

The following points list gives you how many points are given for each
particular event or task.

5 Reading Pia's letter
15 Accepting bet from Edsel
2 Taking the package
9 Successfully started Companions of Xanth on the computer

No points are given here.

9 Coming to Xanth, after the cave
5 Picking up a buttercup
3 Taking the butter from the buttercup
5 Talking to the Headman and getting the key
1 Taking one lamp cover
1 Taking the other lamp cover
8 Getting the rope and anchor
10 Prying the log with the hook
9 Getting the board from the Headman
15 Putting the board on the boulder
8 Telling Nada to whack the catapult with her tail
7 Taking the pail
8 Taking the tee
2 Taking the egg
3 Getting recipe from Fairy Nuff
8 Catching a firefly with the buttercup
25 Prepared entire solution
15 Dousing the first censer
15 Dousing the second censer

5 Taking the shortcut into the Void
10 Making the door appear
3 Opening door
2 Going into the unknown

10 Resisting Metria and getting her to leave
10 Getting the finder
2 Taking the pestle
5 Looking in mirror
5 Getting on pad
8 Taking the jar
3 Taking the mortar
7 Filling the jar with the agony moss
12 Rescuing Nada
8 Putting the agony moss on the ironwood tree

5 Reaching Region of Fire
15 Getting rid of the hot dog
10 Talking to the fireman
5 Taking the charcoal
10 Putting the paper on the plaque
10 Rubbing the paper with the charcoal
5 Looking at the paper (with charcoal marks)
10 Getting the firecracker
10 When the pointing hand appears
3 Talking to pointing hand
3 Lighting the firecracker
2 Throwing the firecracker into the wall of fire
10 When the wall of fire blows up
5 Throwing the hook at the opening

2 Reaching the Region of Water
5 Agree to find troll's key
5 Taking the hose
10 Putting the hose in the sink
20 Successfully filled well with water without overflowing
10 Taking the key from the well
5 Giving key to troll
5 Winning one of the troll's puzzles and getting a crowbar

5 Talking to Nada when you come to the tunnel
3 Answering Com-Pewter's first question right
3 Answering second question right
3 Answering third question right
3 Answering fourth question right
3 Answering fifth question right
3 Answering first question of second round right
3 Answering second question right
3 Answering third question right
3 Answering fourth question right
10 Putting tee in cylinder, as answer to fifth question of second round
10 Putting virus in the cylinder

3 Reaching Region of Air
5 Talking to Ma Anathe
7 Taking the sock
10 Talking to ogress
12 Getting help of ogre boy
7 Taking the windbag
12 Attaching the wheel on the cart
10 Pushing the cart
5 Taking the sail
5 Putting sail on the sailboat
5 Untying line from mooring
13 Opening windbag
7 Answering Guardian's questions right
8 Taking the sign
20 Giving the sign to Ma Anathe and receiving the potion
20 Giving the potion to ogress

10. GAP
4 Reaching Gap
10 Reaching edge of Gap
5 Going into Gap with Jenny
6 Making fun of Fracto
6 Making fun of Fracto again
6 Making fun of Fracto a third time
6 Making fun of Fracto a fourth time
6 Making fun of Fracto the last time
10 Fracto starts snowing and messing up Stanley Steamer

15 Landing at the castle gates
8 Pressing loose brick
5 Flipping the switch to open the gate
4 Drawing the left side of the bridge onto the path
4 Drawing the center of the bridge onto the path
4 Drawing the right side of the bridge onto the path
10 Catching cricket with jar
10 Going across serpent to grate
10 Using crowbar on grate
5 Entering sewer
5 Reaching platform
25 Flipping correct switch pattern on the panel
15 Getting a gourd from Humfrey
15 Looking in gourd

5 Going to the back yard
10 Unlocking the lock on the cellar doors with the lok pic
5 Entering the cellar
10 Taking the twine
10 Taking the key
10 Unlocking the door with the key
15 Tying the lever with the twine
5 Taking the pills
15 Taking (or looking) at the third book from the left on top of the
10 Getting rid of the window pane
10 Taking the cane
15 Pulling down the trap door with the cane
5 Getting to attic and getting the red gem on the sword
25 Throwing the sword at the Prize

No points are given here.

0-99 Rank Amateur
100-199 Never Done Nothin
200-299 Nearly Neophyte
300-399 Daring Dabbler
400-499 Master of None
500-599 Master Mundane
600-699 Puzzle Master
700-799 Adventuring Brute
800-899 Dragon Wrangler
900-999 True Believer
1000 ???

I received a total of 978 points in the game. Am I missing 22 points?

IV. ITEMS LIST {incomplete)

This is the items list for Companions of Xanth (both in Mundania and Xanth),
in alphabetical order. It will tell you where it's found, what it's for, and
if necessary, how to get it and other things about it. The "How" will be there
if there is a sequence of things to do to get it. Otherwise, just take it.
"Other" will tell things that doesn't go in any of the above. For instance,
if it melts, it will be under there.

Where Under the pier in the Isthmus Village.
How Tell Nada to go under the pier and look around. She will give it
to you.
What Tie it with the ROPE to make a HOOK.

Where It's in the dungeon walls, under the barrows.
How You need the JAR to get it.
What To get rid of the manacles on Nada's wrists.

Where It's inside the ENVELOPE [in Mundania]
How Open the envelope.
What ???

Where You get it from Nada.
How When you're facing the hot dog in the Region of Fire, ask Nada to
put her hair up into a bun. She will give it to you.
What Use this with the MUSTARD and the hot dog will go away.

Where It's in the BUTTERCUP, at the crossroads.
How In order to use it you must take it out of the buttercup.
What It's used in the RECIPE for the SOLUTION. You can also put it in
the LAMP COVERS but it won't do any good.
Other It will melt a little every five turns if it stays out of the
buttercup. When it does, you can exchange it for another.
The butter will melt completely in twenty turns.

Where At the crossroads, under the cherry tree.
What It contains a pat of BUTTER which you will need. When it's empty
you can catch a FIREFLY with it. It's also an ingredient in
Mack's Sure Fire Cracker Mix. See FIREWATER or DOUGH for details.
Other Try giving it to Nada!

Where It's in the Companions of Xanth game box (see GAME).
How After opening the PACKAGE and the game box, you can take it out.
What You can fill it out. But you can't mail it, since you don't have
a stamp and a mailbox. Well, maybe there's a mailbox outside your
house, but it's raining.

Where It's lying in front of the firewall in the Region of Fire.
What Rub the PAPER with it, once you put it on the plaque at the

Where In the cherry tree at the crossroads.
What Throwing the cherry bomb will cause it to explode in three turns,
killing you and ending the game. It does not appear to serve any
other known purpose... See section VI, the End-of-Game Bug for
something really weird you can do with it.
Other Don't even try using it after you get in the Void! There's no way
to get another one if you waste it.

Where The bush near the spring in the forest has some.
How After you get the RECIPE from the Fairy Nuff, you will hear a
cough from Nada every time the bush drops a cough drop into the
spring. Tell Nada to get one for you.
What You need to get two of them for the recipe.

Where It's in the Companions of Xanth game box (see GAME).
How After opening the PACKAGE and the game box, you can take it out.
What Put it in the disk drive on your computer to get the game to work.
(And make sure you turn on the computer and close the drive, too!)
Other Once you put it in the disk drive, you won't be able to take it

Where You have to make it out of other things in your inventory.
How Mix the BUTTERCUP and the FIREWATER in the MORTAR with the PESTLE.
Generally, just follow Mack's Sure Fire Cracker Mix directions.
What Bake it in the opening in the pointy rock in the Region of Fire.
When it's baked to golden brown, you will get a FIRECRACKER
Other After you get the firecracker, the dough is gone.

Where In the cup in front of the fair.
What It's needed for the RECIPE the Fairy Nuff give you.

ENVELOPE [in Mundania]
Where It's next to your computer.
What Open it and there's a LETTER from Pia that you can read.

ENVELOPE [in Xanth]
Where In the mailbox at the Ice Palace.
How Open the mailbox and take it!
What It contains a letter from the Headman to the Fairy Nuff
requesting help.
Other Fairy Nuff will take it before you leave, after he tells you the
shortcut, if you don't give it to him first.

Where In the snow in front of the Ice Palace.
How The only one you can really take is the one nearest to you on
the right.
What It's one of the ingredients of the RECIPE the Fairy Nuff gave you.
Other You'll need three, but luckily for you another one keeps
reappearing in that spot. You can also use the PAIL on the eye
scream three times and you will get the same effect. This will
melt completely in five turns.

Where You get it from Metria at the spring in the desert.
How Six turns into the barrows, the lights will turn off and you
will lose Nada momentarily. When she appears, she will insist
that the spring is safe and will take you there. Don't listen to
her! It's actually Metria and when she finally changes back, ask
her what she did with Nada. She will give you the finder.
What To find Nada's location.
Other Metria was lying about the switch numbers being higher the closer
you are to Nada. Turn on the finder while in the barrows, and the
lower the number, the closer you are to Nada.

Where You'll get it from the DOUGH.
How After baking the dough to a golden brown and taking it out, it
will turn into a firecracker.
What For blowing up the firewall so you can go past it.

Where There's a lot of them at the crossroads.
How Catch one by using the BUTTERCUP. But the buttercup has to be
empty, first.
What It's one the ingredients in the RECIPE the Fairy Nuff gave you.
Other If you kill it you'll have to get another. Also, it will escape
after a while.

Where The fireman, in the Region of Fire, has it.
How After talking to the fireman, he will give it to you every once
in a while.
What It's an ingredient in Mack's Sure Fire Cracker Mix. Mix it with
the BUTTERCUP in the MORTAR, then use the PESTLE on it.
Other The fireman will snatch it back if you don't use it properly
just yet, but if you just wait a while he'll give it to you

Where You'll find it in a PACKAGE at the entrance to Dug's house.
The door has to be open.
How After reading the LETTER from Pia, wait for Edsel to call. If
you agree with his deal he will deliver it to you. Take it
out of the PACKAGE.
What Open it to get the DISKS, TOME, CARD, MANUAL and the GLASSES.

Where It's in the Companions of Xanth game box (see GAME).
How After opening the PACKAGE and the game box you can take it out.
What While in Xanth, you need to be wearing it to see it in color. In
Mundania it has no effect.

Where In the icebox in the kitchen.
How Open the icebox.
What A tasty treat.
Other You can take it only if you haven't yet read Pia's LETTER.

Where You make it out of other items in your inventory.
How Tie the ANCHOR with the ROPE.
What To pry the LOG from the log jam at the crossroads.

Where In the barrows.
How Take the door ajar, and it will turn into a jar. (Haha.)
What You can put some blue AGONY MOSS in it.

Where You get it from the headman at the Isthmus Village.
How When you first come to the village, talk to headman. If you agree
to get rid of the censer-ship, he'll give that to you.
What To unlock the gate to the rest of the village and the censer-ship.
Other The headman will take it back after you've got rid of the

Where On top of the streetlights at the Isthmus Village.
What The SOLUTION will be divided into these two containers, after
you've made it and given it to the Fairy Nuff. Then, dump it into
each of the censers. You can also put water or butter into it but
it won't do any good.

LETTER [in Mundania]
Where It's in the ENVELOPE [in Mundania].
How Open the envelope.
What Read it to find out that Pia is breaking up with you.
Other You can't get the HEART after you read the letter.

LETTER [in Xanth]
Where It's in the ENVELOPE [in Xanth].
How Open the envelope.
What After reading it, you will have a reason to tell the Eye Screen
let you in.
Other The Fairy Nuff will take it, along with the envelope, before you
leave on the shortcut, if you haven't given it to him already.

Where It's on the log jam, in the brook, at the crossroads.
How Use the HOOK to pry it off.
What Tell the headman at the Isthmus Village to make it into a board.
Use it on the boulder at the road between the cliffs. Put on the
ROCK and it will become a handy catapult. Tell Nada to whack it
to send the rock into the PAIL so it can't escape.
Other After using it you can't take it back.

Where It's in the Companions of Xanth game box (see GAME).
How Open the PACKAGE, then open the game box and take it out.
What If you read it, all you get is a Technical Support number which
you can call on your phone.

Where It's in the barrows.
How Get on the pad in the main part of the barrows to come to a place
there that is not connected to the rest of the barrows. Explore
and you'll come across it.
What You make Mack's Sure Fire Cracker Mix in it. Put the FIREWATER
and the BUTTERCUP in it, then use the PESTLE on it.

Where It's in the icebox in the kitchen of Dug's house.
How Open the icebox and take it.
What You can put some on the SANDWICH. You will also need to use it
on the BUN to get past the hot dog in the Region of Fire.

Where It will be at the door at the entrance to Dug's house.
How After reading Pia's letter wait for Edsel to call. Agree with his
deal and he will send you the GAME which is inside the package.
Be sure to open the door, too.
What Open it, and you will get the Companions of Xanth game box,
PLASTIC wrap, and the PAPER.

Where You'll be able to pick it up at the meadows.
How Put the board (see LOG) on the boulder at the road between the
cliffs. Then put the ROCK on it. Tell Nada to whack it with her
tail and the rock will land in the pail, preventing its escape.
What Use it to make the SOLUTION written on the RECIPE given by the
Fairy Nuff.
Other It belongs to the Fairy Nuff. He will take it back when you're
done with it.

Where On the package (see Package).
How Open the package.
What Put it on the plaque in the barrows. Then rub CHARCOAL on it to
see the message.

Where In the barrows.
How Explore!
What It's used with the MORTAR.

Where In the PACKAGE.
How Open the package.
What ???

Where It's on the computer.
What If you read it, you can call those numbers on the phone.

Where The Fairy Nuff has it.
How Tell him that the people at Isthmus Village need his help in
getting rid of the censer-ship. Answer his questions right and he
will give it to you.
What Read it to find out what ingredients you need to make the
SOLUTION. Talk to Nada to find out what else you need for the
solution, if you forget.

Where At the Isthmus Village.
What Put it on the board (see LOG) after it's on the boulder at the
road in between the cliffs. Then tell Nada to whack the board
with her tail, to send it into the PAIL to keep it from escaping.
You take it back when take the pail.
Other The Headman of Isthmus Village takes it back after you've doused
the censers on the censer-ship.

Where Under the pier at the Isthmus Village.
How Tell Nada to swim under the pier and she will get it for you.
What Tie it with the ANCHOR to make a HOOK.

Where On the pier at the Isthmus Village.
What It's one the ingredients in the RECIPE the Fairy Nuff gives you.

Where In the icebox in the kitchen of Dug's house.
How Open up the icebox and take it.
What I guess you could eat it.

Where You make solution by following the RECIPE given by the Fairy Nuff.
How See the walkthrough for detailed instructions on assembling the
What The solution is used to douse the censers on the censer-ship.

Where The headman of Isthmus Village has it.
How As you are leaving the village, the headman will give it to you.
What You win the game with it!

Where On the table in the kitchen of Dug's house.
What It can be used as a substitute T in Com-Pewter's puzzle.

Where It's lying on the fairway in Isthmus Village.
What It can be used as a substitute T in Com-Pewter's puzzle.

Where In the Companions of Xanth game box (see GAME).
How Open the PACKAGE, then open the game box and take it out.
What Read it to get all sorts of useful information.

***** this is not a complete list.


Currently, I only have the answers to the Matchstick game. Fortunately, you
only need to play one of the three games to get past the Troll. I felt that
the Matchsticks was easiest, so it was the only one I played.

The column will be starting positions of the matchsticks, and on the right
is the final position you will need to solve the puzzle. Some of the puzzles
have more than one answer, but I have only given one.

1. Move two sticks to form two squares.
_ _
_|_|_ |_|_
| | |_|

2. Move three sticks to form two squares.
_ _ _ _
_ |_ |_| |
_ _|_| |_ _|

3. Move four sticks to form two squares.
_ _
_| | | | | | |_|_|

4. Move two sticks to form three squares.
_ _
| |_| |_|_
_|_ _| |_|_|

5. Move three sticks to form three squares.
_|_ _ _
_| |_ _|_|_
|_ _| |_| |_|

6. Move four sticks to form three squares.
_ _ _ _
|_|_ |_| |
| |_|_ | _|
|_ _|_| |_ _|_|

7. Move three sticks to form four squares.
_|_ _
_| |_ _|_|_
|_ _ _| |_|_|_|

8. Move four sticks to form four squares.
This one is slightly tricky (at least, my solution to it). You could
easily obtain the solution on the right by moving only two sticks, but
the requirement of the puzzle is to move four. What you could do is
move two sticks from the lower right into position at the top, then
take two other sticks inside the larger square and move it to where
the first two sticks used to be.
_ _ _
|_|_ | _|
|_|_|_ |_|_|_
|_|_| |_|_|

9. Move two sticks to form five squares.
_ _
|_|_ _| |_|_ _
|_ _ _| |_|_|_|
| |_| |_|

10. Move three sticks to form five squares.
|_| |_ _|_|_
|_ _|_| |_|_|_|
_|_|_ |_|

11. Move four sticks to form five squares.
_ _ _ _
_|_ _|_ |_|_|
_|_ | |_|_|

That's it!

... nothing here!

... nothing here!


There is a very odd bug at the end of the game that can result in all sorts
of really, really weird stuff. It involves the seemingly useless Cherry Bomb,
which blows up in three turns if you use it. You also have to do this at
the end of the game, when you are at the Prize.

Just before throwing the Sword at the Prize (which wins the game) use the
Cherry Bomb. Then, you can throw the Sword at the Prize. You will win the
game, but at the same time, you will also die, because the Cherry Bomb blows
up on you. Essentially you will have caused the game to let you win and die
both at the same time.

As you are dead, tell Grundy Golem that you want to start over. What happens
next is all sorts of wacky, crazy stuff starts happening in the new game.
Puzzles that have to be solved can now easily be bypassed, the graphics are
rife with glitches, and so on. You can make it all the way up to the Region
of Water, but at that point the bugs become so numerous you cannot progress
any futher. This is just a weird and random treat to people who have
already beaten the game and just want to mess around a little more. Enjoy!


Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful. I do welcome all suggestions
and corrections, as there are not many FAQs available on GameFAQs for this
classic game.

Thing's I'm Missing
- The Fairy Nuff's questions and answers. Does he have more than one?
When I originally wrote this it seemed to indicate he has more than
one question, but I am not sure.
- Strategies to the troll's other two games (blocks and pentominoes).
- I ask the question "Who is Kilroy?" I don't remember the reference in
the game, but my best guess about Kilroy is the narrator of the song
"Mister Roboto" by Styx.

Version History
1.0 First version October 24, 2003
1.01 - Added end-of-game bug November 1, 2003
- some formatting improvements
- some minor spelling/grammatical fixes

Copyright Information
(c) 2003 Lou Huang
Xanth, Companions of Xanth, Legend Entertainment, and all other associated
names are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights are reserved.
Do not copy or reprint without permission!

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