Aliens vs. Predator 2

Aliens vs. Predator 2

12.10.2013 22:14:32
Aliens Vs Predator II
Predator Walkthrough
Version 1.02

Copyright 2003 Wood Elf
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Quicksearch Note:
You can use the Find command (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the part you need. If you
need help on level two, type 1.02. And if you need help on the first part of
level two type 1.021

1.00 Predator Walkthrough
2.00 Controls
3.00 Weapons
4.00 Versions
5.00 Credits and Thanks
6.00 FAQ

1.00 Predator Walkthrough

1.01 Hunt


You get your first taste at my favorite race, Predator. They don't have a
motion detector or a natural sense like Aliens, they have visors (as long as
they have their helmet).

You get these weapons to start out with:

1 Wristblades:
These are your basic melee weapons. Left-Click does a basic hit. Right-Click
pulls your arm back and when you release, it does a more powerful hit than

4 SpearGun:
The basic ranged weapon. It works great with the zoom that the predator has. It
shoots ammo that looks like forks.

\ /

After you fire, be sure to pick up the ammo or you could run out.

Left-Click just shoots a single fork. Right-Click is good against high HP units
since it fires 3 forks straight in a row.


One very nice ability the predator has is cloaking (C) which makes you
practically invisible against humans and predators (it doesn't affect aliens).

If you use Cloaking or anything else too much, you can ALWAYS recharge your
energy by hitting T. This makes you move slower and jump lower. Plus you can
not attack so it does make you vulnerable. On top of that, it disables cloaking.

Also, if you run low on Health, hit G to fully heal you. But it does cost
half of your energy.


Move about Visors, V goes to the next and B goes back one.

Thermal - Detects Human's body heat. It's normally Red, Yellow or Orange color.
If you see Purplish/Light Blue, it should be a cyborg (part Human and part

EM Vision - Detects Aliens. They will show up as glowing red.

Technology Vision - This shows off technology-like objects (guns), but most
importantly, Predators!.


Time for the Walkthrough. When you first start, switch to your Spear Gun and
turn to Thermal Vision and walk to the edge of the cliff. Start to zoom to half
way then around and look for the "Human Prey". Pick a target and aim for the
head and click the mouse.

If you shot correctly and got the head, the fork should have stuck the head
into the ground or wall. Walk off the cliff and if you can get another shot, by
all means take it. After you check or fire at a new target, walk to the head of
the old first hit if you shot him perfectly. When you get to the head, put your
cross-hair on it and hit E (Action Button) to get the ammo back.

This is where I like to cloak and pull out my cool claws and cloak. Start
running forward and look left at the end. There should be a cave, follow
through it.

There should be a guard talking to a scientist, and a ladder up to a cliff with
a guard up there. Right-Click if you have your claws out, and run toward the
guard and aim for his head. If you ran straight toward him he should start to
fire RIGHT when you are able to attack him. (Cloaking does not make you
completely invisible, but mostly.)

Like all scientists, they will run and cower in fear at Predators or Aliens,
good ol' brave humans...

Anyway, time to take care of the other guard. Walk back to the ladder and start
climbing by just moving forward while looking up. When you get up, take a few
swipes and that should take him out.

After you take him out, you should see a tunnel, go through it.

At the end, you should see a rock with 1 guard on each side and scientist
walking away from it. You can either A: Use your claws or B: Take out your
SpearGun and hit them in the chest. The reason you don't want to get these guys
in the head is because most likely the right ones head would go into the water
that is acid-like, and the other will be far away and it may disappear before
you get to it.

On a cliff where 2 plants are, there will probably be 2 dead bodies. Look left
and you see a fellow predator. Jump to the cliff (Ctrl+Space Bar) and when you
get to the predator, he should give you a Combistick

2 Combistick:
This is a spear, not a stick. It is more powerful and has longer range than the
wristblades. Left-Click swings it horizontally and Right-Click does it

After you receive the spear, the other predator will start to run off. Continue
and you will see another tunnel (AGAIN). At the end of the tunnel, there will
be trees to practice your jumping skills. If you fall to the ground, there are
some plants that shoot some green toxins into the air if you get too close.

There are 2 ways, straight or to the right.

The right side leads to a closed off area with 3 guards standing. There is no
real reason why this way matters.

Left leads to an area where you should see trees and water on the ground.
Predators need to be careful around water since it decloaks them.

Anyway, I personally like to jump down on the ground and start aiming the
"Human Prey" (some reason I find that funny) with your SpearGun. Or you may
just want to try out your Combistick. If you want to use that, I would suggest
that you go tree to tree.

After you finish the humans, jump back up on the trees and find the other
tunnel. The ground will just end and you will fall into water. There is a right
and a left. On the right, you cannot reach (at least for me), so go to the

Once you get out of the tunnel there will be 4 or 5 guards. They should be easy
to take out with your Combistick. After you finish with them, continue. There
will be a path that you follow Straight-Right (straight leads into acid water).

There will be a boulder and hill behind it. A guard will pop out from the left
and the right side of the boulder. Don't worry about them, just clock and
crouch. Another Predator will come and take care of them.

When you get close to the Predator, you will pick up his 2 SpearGun ammo and a

6 Disk:
This is one of my favorite weapons. This disk will follow the enemy as long as
you get a lock. To get a lock, you need to go on the enemy's tracking vision.
If it goes too far and you cannot get it, just hit F and it will fly back for a
energy cost. This weapon will kill most people in one hit.

Now that you one of my fav weapons, try it out on the guards that are ahead.
There will be multiple hills that you can jump over and attack the enemy or
shoot and move. Turn your Thermal vision on and pull out your Disk and take
those humans out!

After the hill place, you have to walk up a spiral path. While walking, you
will hear a walky-talky saying they captured 2 specimens, your predator allies.

At the top there will be 2 guards that you should be able to take down easily.
Then go through a tunnel and fall to the ground. There will be a lot of guards
you need to take out. I think the best is to cloak and run around with your
SpearGun. Fire at close range and pick up the ammo you used.

After that battle, look for the large metal door. Then to the left, there will
be a tunnel.

At the end, you will face for the first time, Aliens. The best way to take down
aliens that are chasing you is to use your spear, if they do not see you, use
your SpearGun.

After you fight a few, walk around until you see a high cliff. (You should hear
roaring). The biggest type of alien called Predatorian. These guys are harder
to kill than any other, I personally use Disk and then return it and repeat.
Once you finish killing him... NEXT LEVEL

1.02 Trap

First thing I need to say is DO NOT ATTACK THE HUMANS NEAR THE APC. The APC
will attack you and can even see you when you're cloaked. You need to forget
them. Look left and follow the path into a tunnel. At the end you will see a
APC driving. Turn on your Thermal vision and look at the ground. There should
be 2 guards at the bottom that you should be able to take out with your

Follow the path the APC took. You will see 2 boxes and 2 guards behind them.
After you are done with those, jump up on the nearest tree and jump up a branch
higher. Then to the right there is a place you can jump up on a cliff. Keep
following the path until you can go straight or right, go right. Then there
will be another fork, chose the right.

You should see a tree, do a power jump to a branch on it. Then go up a branch
level and look for a cliff (there are a lot of cliffs and tunnels in this
game). Once I jumped on the cliff, a guard comes around the corner. When I got
on the cliff, I was able to get rid of him with a SpearGun shot.

At the end of the tunnel, fall off to the left of the cliff. Look right for
guards. Then look left, there are 4 more guards far away. One is probably
shooting at you if you are not cloaked.

After you finish those weak humans off, look for a steel door. I believe to the
left there is a cliff that you need to get to (by trees of course). Follow
through the tunnel and you need to follow a path.

While walking you should hear roaring wind, 2 transport vessels flying by. Keep
moving until you go into a tunnel. Then follow through it and you should see a
guard talking on a walky-talky. Take him out.

You should be able to see a head with your Thermal vision. Hit him in the chest
or a shoulder because the head, along with the ammo, will be high up on a cliff
where you can't get it.

Cloak then fall to the ground, this is where I use my Blade skills. You can
either use a SpearGun to take the guards down on the ground but I prefer
Wristblades (more fun). There is probably 6 guards and I know there is 1 Cyborg.

These are half human, half machine. They have yellowish-green blood instead of
red. They give off way less heat, so the Predator's sensors don't work as good.
And they give off no pheromones, so aliens cannot see them like other humans.
They carry heavy weapons, like Machine guns and Shotguns (compared to the Pulse
Rifle most troops use). And on top of that, they have more health than normal

Go up where the first guard was and look for a giant tree. Keep jumping from
tree to tree. Try to get higher until you get to the top of that giant tree.
Once at the top, look around for a cliff and jump to it.

Fin part 2

1.03 Interloper

Part 1 1.031


Once you start, turn on your tech vision. The main things you should see are
APCs and sentry guns. This shows you where you should NOT enter. If you look,
you should see multiple water flows on the ground. Look for the one where it
goes out of the wire gate. Walk to it and be sure to stay on the left side.

Cloak when you get there and then power jump over the fence. Take out the
scientist and the guard. When you head to the base, a few guards will be in
your way, so take them out. You can go to the right or left side of the base,
go left.

Keep following the path and DO NOT GO IN WATER. Keep going until you see the
lift, you will have to go through the water to get to it. Kill the people
there, I think there will be 5 total. After that, stand at the boxes. After a
while the lift will start to go up.

Part 2 1.032

At the start, turn your cloaking on. When you have the chance, jump off the
lift into a corner while they shoot a few EMP grenades.

Turn your Thermal vision on and take out your SpearGun and look for the 2
guards on that level. Look for a lot of boxes stacked up high enough to get to
the next floor. When you get up there, you should see a box RIGHT next to you.
Jump onto it and you will see the guard on the other side.

You will see another, smaller stack of boxes. Another guard is there. After you
kill him, 2 of his friends should come around a stack of boxes. Take them out
and then jump from the stack of boxes to the next level.

When I first got to this level there were 2 guards to the right. Look for the
control panels. There will be a guard to take out, and there should be a guard
to the left also.

I'm not sure if you need to, but push the button on the left control panel. But
before you do that, look to the left of the panel and change into technology
vision. Take out the sentry near a box with your Disk.

Jump onto the box, and then jump on the little ledge on the wall. Go there,
then jump on the next level.

Take out the one guard on the other side of the boxes. Be sure to take out the
Sentry gun on the far side.

Walk to the elevator control and go to the panel. Hit E to slide the panel up
and then hit H to pull out your Charge Emitter. This tool is used to over load
circuits and open doors (and other stuff) that enable you to move forward in
the mission.

Once you used it long enough there will be an explosion behind you. A part of
the ceiling has fallen. Climb up it and turn around, and then move toward the
elevator area. Look for 2 little panels and open them up with E and fall down.

Kill the scientist then turn your cloak on. Take out your SpearGun. When the
door opens, fire it on the guard who is walking into the elevator.

Go out and turn left. There will be a guard with a Machine Gun and a Cyborg on
the right.

Keep walking around and you will find some boxes with a guard hiding behind
them. (If you see Sentry guns, you went the wrong way)

You need to keep walking around until you come to 2 sentry guns that are facing
the other way so you can take them down. Look left and you should see a lift,
take it up.

When I got up, there was a guard with a pulse rifle walking by and a guard with
a machine gun on the left. After I killed the machine gun guard, a cyborg came
and started to fire at me with EMP grenades. I ran behind some boxes and healed
my health and energy.

After I healed, I left the boxes and yet another guard came around with a
machine gun.

You need to walk around until you find an open door. Inside there should be 2
guards. After you finish them off, walk up the stairs. End part 2, part 3 now!

Part 3 1.033

After a few seconds, a guard walked down and I used my wristblades to kill him.
Cloak, then keep walking up the flights of stairs until you get to 2 guards.
Kill them.

There should be a open door with a guard just standing there. After him, walk
to the right and just keep going. There will be a lift and a guard near it. The
next part is very hard to explain what to do, so I took these screenshots ^_^

After that jumping, when you reach an actual platform, there should be a
Cyborg. Kill him. From that noise, most likely 3 guards will come to figure
what it was.

Do not move yet. If you go forward without cloaking, 2 guards with Sniper
Rifles will kill you before you can even see them. Run straight and then to the
right. Keep moving until you can climb up a ladder. At the top, there will be a
cyborg to the left.

After you get rid of him, go to the right and there will be another cyborg.
There will be a small ladder that goes up to an elevator. Go up there and the
doors will shut. A door thing will open above and shoot EMP, movie time.

1.04 Unexpected Allies

Part 1 1.041

When you start, you have been disarmed. You only have your Wristblade and
Charge Emitter.

At start, go left and you will see a elevator control panel but it does not
work. Go over the panel and hit E (Action) to open it. Then hit H to pull out
your Charge Emitter. Keep using it until the elevator opens. Go inside it and
take a ride up.

Walk to the door and you should hear 2 guards talking. When they say "Let's
check in here" the door should open and 2 guards will be standing there. Take
those guys out.

Go past the door and then you need to flip a switch to open another door. You
can go left or right, take the left. Flip the switch near the door and go
through it.

The door will be locked so climb down the ladder and then look for a green
light. Flip the switch near the green light, one of those iris things will
open. Keep climbing down until there is another switch, hit it and then keep
going down.

Once you get on the ground, there will be a guard waiting for you. Take him out.

To the right is a locked door, so head to the left. Pass the first door since
it's locked, then open the second. The goal here is to jump up to a panel. It's
hard to say where so I will take a screen shot ^_^

You need to attack the panel and then use your Charge Emitter. The door under
the panel is now open, go in it. Keep following the path until you see 2
guards. Take them out and open the door.

There should be a scientist cowering in fear at the table. On the table there
will be a Remote Bomb.

Remote Bomb 8:
This is what it says it is. You chuck it into the ground or walls with
Left-Click then when you want it to blow it up, Right-Click. It takes a while
to master this weapon but it can be very good. It's good for Campers on-line.

There should be a huge sign with a huge W on it. To the left there is a panel
you need to Charge Emit. The door to the left will open. Inside there will be 2
guards to take out.

Open the door in there and take out the cowering scientist. You will find
another Predator Mask and a Net Gun.

Net Gun 7:
This weapon shoots a net at an enemy. It will make the enemy immobile until
they destroy the net gun. The Marines need to use a knife. Predator can use
WristBlades or Combistick, and Aliens just use claws. This weapon works the
best on Marines and worst on Aliens.

The other door will open in 2 rooms back. You can try your Net Gun out and test
it out on the guard that will be firing on you.

After you net him, you kill him. Go forward into a huge control area and there
will be a ladder in the middle (odd...). Go up.

Now you are in a huge pipe, keep going through it. This part will end soon.

Part 2 1.042

When you first start, go left since there is a sealed door ahead. Before you
fall down, you can hear 2 guards talking. Stuff like...

"So you're saying if I flip those two switches the thing will go BOOM?"
"I don't believe you"

Fall down the pipe and take the guards out. The door is locked, I wonder what
you should do. *Wink*

Look for the switches to the right of the steam vent thing and flip it. Then
back up from the area and wait for it to go BOOM!


There will be a hole in the wall. On the other side there will be 3 dead
scientists (snicker). Keep walking to the door and open it.

Go to the open door to the right and pick up a CombiStick. There will also be
your cloaking machine.

Keep walking forward and open the door. Go to the room to the left. Look at the
area to the right, remember it. There will be 1 scientist near a dead predator
body, 2 scientists just walking and 1 guard. Take them out.

Walk to the area where the weapons are located and you should be able to pick
them up with E. You will get a new weapon...

Plasmacaster 5:
This is my favorite weapon. You can either just click quickly to shoot a small
energy shot or hold Left-Click and charge it up. It also can home in on an
enemy. To home on a Human, go to Thermal, for Alien, EM vision (it's like the
disk for tracking).

After you pick up those items, 2 guards will come in, test out your new gun.

Go to the area I mentioned before, inside that area there will be a door that
you go in. Walk ALL the way down the hallway and look left at the last door.
There will be a machine. Jump onto the machine and turn around. Jump onto the
ceiling vent.

Walk forward and take a right. Hit the panel and Charge Emit it. After you
finish using the Charge Emitter, a guard and 2 scientists will appear. Get them.

Look for the door that is the nearest from the start of the hallway. Inside
there you will get a Plasmacaster weapon and your SpearGun.

Plasmacaster 5:
This is one of my favorite weapons. Just a normal Left-Click shoots a small
energy blast but you can hold Left-Click , it will charge up an attack to do
more damage. Also you can make it home on units if you use the proper vision on
your enemy.

Once you get the 2 weapons, 2 more guards will come along. Test out your new

Head to the door with the panel you Charge Emitted a few minutes ago. Charge up
a Plasmacaster and go through the door. Look to the left and you will see some
barrels and boxes. There is a guard hiding behind the boxes, shoot the barrels
and they will blow up killing the guard.

Walk forward onto a elevator, end part 2.

Part 3 1.043

Just stand still until it stops and jump off it. Take out the 2 guards that
were inside the elevator and the Sentry Gun near the elevator exit.

There will be multiple Cyborg on the very lowest level with Rocket Launchers. I
would cloak and use a full charged Plasmacaster against them. They are hard to
kill, sadly.

NOTE: If you use Plasmacaster, it will decloak you so be sure to re-cloak every
time you shoot.

Look for barrels that say...


After you hit one of those, a huge explosion will happen and it will destroy a
Dropship. Jump down where the explosion happened and wait for a Dropship to
come. Then jump onto the dropship. Finished this level. (FINALLY!)

1.05 Old Debts

When you first start, look to the right and open the grate and fall down the
hole. You should fall for a tiny bit then splash into water. Swim up to dry
land, then switch to EM vision and pull out your Combistick.

Right now I cannot say where to go since there just are too many tunnels,
though you will always end in the same area.

The area will be a wide open with some water in the middle. Prepare to fight a
lot of aliens. After you finish killing those aliens, go to the tunnels from
the opposite side you came from. Follow through those tunnels until you come
out of the cave area.

Once out, there should be aliens starting to run toward you. Turn your EM
Vision on and take out your Plasmacaster. It's a great weapon against aliens at
a long range (where before you were close up). I believe there will be 2 waves
of them.

Right before the hill starts going up, there will be a cave to the right. Once
you get out of the tunnel, there will be a lot of aliens coming for you from
the right (about 15 or so). After the aliens, head to the left until... The
ground breaks apart and you fall hundreds of feet into water!

Just swim to the top and look for the exit to this small water place. To the
right is a steam area that has no purpose. The same with the left, so go to the
only other way possible.

Keep going through the path until you reach a huge pipe. The left way is broken
so walk on the right side. Near the end, 2 of the coolest type of aliens will
appear, Predlien. A Predlien happens when a FaceHugger uses a Predator as a
host for a ChestBurster.

After them, just keep heading toward the building area. Just walk by the
buildings to huge cave area. When you just start heading into the cave area,
aliens should come after you. About 3 in front of you, then 3 behind, then 3

Inside the cave, take the first right. Then there will be a left or a right
path, go right. Keep following the path until you see the elevator. To the left
of the elevator there is a switch, flip it. Go back where the explosion opened
a power box up. Use your Charge Emitter and the elevator should start to work.

Once up, there is a jeep to the right, one of those mech suits that is trashed
in front of you, an open door to the left and a landing pad forward. Go to the
door and walk down the stairs. At the bottom go forward and take a left though
a half-open door. In this room look for the blinking light and flip the switch
near it.

Head back up the stairs and across the land pad. Open the panel up on a control
panel and Charge Emit it. After you finish the Charge Emit, Aliens will start
to attack you.

Walk to the center of the landing pad. Then a transport will appear with a huge
load of missiles and starts firing at the steel door. Just stand back.

Then a Predator ship will fire a few shots at the transport and a few aliens
will start attacking you. Then the ship will start flying away.

Head out the door and walk to the building entrance. There will be a Predator
there waiting for you to give you a new Disk. Open the door and keep heading
down the building until the next level.

1.06 New Target

Part 1 1.061

You will start on a elevator that is standing still, look around above you for
a place you can jump to. Up there there should be a air duck that you go

At the end, you will fall into a room with a few lockers and a locked door,
plus a ladder in the middle. Start climbing down and charge up your
Plasmacaster. Once at the bottum, look for a guard talking to a scientist, use
your Plasmacaster on the guard.

Go where the scientist was, I think he was trying to lock a lock. Open the door
and fall down into the dirt area. Keep moving straight forward to a panel, open
it and Charge emit it (it will open a locked door).

Head back where you came from. Right across where the door opens and you should
see a door, go through it. Inside this room there is 2 guards waiting for you.

Head to the right and then left. There will be 2 more guards there. Keep going
until you reach the next door, flip the switch to open the door. There will be
2 guards far away, use your Disk or Plasmacaster.

Turn your technology vision on and look around for Sentry Guns. Walk to the
very left or right of the door. I belive there is 5 total.

After the long search, move into the room and look right. There will be a guard
up a few levels. Use your Plasmacaster to take him out.

Once on top, you should be able to take down 2 more Sentry Guns. From where you
first came from, go straight and then left to an elevator. Flip the switch and
wait for it to reach the top. Up there, there will 2 scientists. Look for a
switch, and switch it of course. The giant box will shake then fall and blast a
hole into the ground, 2 aliens will come from the hole and 2 guards will try to
fight them back.

Go back down and head for the hole. Also kill any aliens or guards on the way.
Fall down the hole. Just walk forward until the next part of the level.

Part 2 1.062

Once you start, just keep walking through the tunnel. Fall down and 3 aliens
will start to attack you. Start to walk to the left and walk up the ladder to
the next level. Just fall to the other side of the electric fence.

Once on the other side, there will be 5 aliens starting to attack you. Keep
following through the tunnel.

Once you get to the next area (where the transport went to), 7 or so more
aliens will start to come from the next transport area. There will be a guard
with a sniper rifle so just keep running by.

There will be a door on the ground that you should go into. Keep walking
through. Once you get out of the hallway and you see a tunnel, look up and you
will see 3 aliens starting to come down on you.

Now jump down step by step because if you don't, you will die. Be careful. Once
you are at the door at the bottom, you will see some guards fighting aliens. A
few aliens will attack you.

After they all are dead, you can move forward. To the left is a locked door so
move right. Keep following the path until you see boxes that are stacked up.
Jump on to them and you should see guards fighting more aliens. If you don't
interfer, the aliens will win. Three surviving aliens will come after you. Once
they are dead, jump into the pit area.

Look for the tunnel to follow through, you should fall down after a little
while. Go to the right and fall down again to the next level.

1.07 Trophy

Part 1 1.071

Almost done!

Once you first start, jump down. Look for the only open area and keep moving
through it. When you start seeing boxes, look for the pipe that keeps leading
forward. It will go into a place where you need to crouch.

There will be a crossroad, the pipe will lead right and there will be a place
to the left. Take the right. Once in this new area, turn your EM vision on and
take out your Plasmacaster and start charging it up. Look for a face hugger
near a Predator corpse. After the face hugger is dead, walk near the predator
and pick up a Pistol and a Speargun ammo.

Pistol 3: (Yes it's called a Pistol)
This is an ok weapon, it does less damage than Plasmacaster but you don't need
to charge it up. Left-Click shoots a straight energy attack and a Right-Click
shoots multiple short ranged shots.

Now keep following the pipe again. After a little while, the pipe will just go
into the dirt so keep following it. You will find out that this is the left
side. Turn your EM vision on and you will see a Facehugger coming toward you,
take him out.

Once you areback to the boxes area, jump on them and you will see a broken
grate. Go in it. Keep walking through it until you see the end of the grate,
attack it and fall down. Look for the sign that says...

"This area is monitored by Automated Sentry Guns"

Open up the panel and Charge emit it to disable the Sentry guns, plus the door
will open. Go through it.

Once you look around, you will notice that this is the area you started from.
Go straight to the newly opened door. Inside there, a few aliens will attack
you so be careful. Keep walking through the tunnel until you reach a new area,
huge aliens will start to attack you from the back and front.

Look for a switch that controls the giant laser, make it go up. For now, you
cannot make it fire the laser so continue through the next tunnel area. In the
next area, there will be a huge explosion, aliens will start to attack and
Cyborgs will start to attack back.

Take out the Cyborgs then walk where they were. Look at the ground where the a
door is, 2 sentry guns will be there. Take them out. Look for a huge pipe going
into a tunnel, that's where you will go. While walking a single Runner (A type
of Alien) will attack you.

Keep walking until you hear the guy who stole your mask...

"Does your race ever tire? Or does the hunt give you strength?"

When you hear that, there will be 4 aliens that will start to attack you. Keep
walking until you see a huge alien. I use the Pistol and keep Right-Clicking
until he dies.

Part 2 1.072

Even closer to finish the Predator campaign.

The guy will talk to you again...

"I have met your kind before. You could not kill me. I have seen you without
your mask. I am not afraid of you."

In this area, you just need to keep jumping from cliff to cliff for a while.
Can't say much what to do since it's just jumping.

Once you enter the tunnel area after all that jumping, he will talk again...

"Do you hear that? The bugs are coming for us. My gear will protect me. I
cannot say the same for you."

Just keep walking. You will hear aliens dying. Once around the corner, you will
see their bodies. Once you see them, more aliens will come and attack you
(about 5 total).

In the next area, there will be a crator that steam is shooting out and
burning, dead alien eggs. A lot more aliens will start to come for you again.
On the other side of where you came from, there will be another tunnel. After a
while there will be a crossway, take the left.

In here you will hear machine gun fire, also an alien will attack you. On the
other side of the room, there will be a tunnel again.

Again, there will be a crossway, take a left. The area will be the same as
before, where you first went in a tunnel after the jumping. Again there will be
aliens that will attack you. After 3 aliens, look to the left, you should see a
hole, you can get in there by jumping.

Keep walking through this tunnel until there is a high cliff, shoot your pistol
up there a few times and then jump up since there are 3 aliens up there. Just
keep walking until you walk through a big pile of steam.

Once out of those tunnels, there will be a huge space ship. Walk to it. Look
for the giant pipe that is infected by the aliens. Walk in it and fall down. In
here it will look like a huge version of the area after you did all the
jumping. There will about 6 aliens there.

There should be a tunnel on the other side. Keep walking through it, a few
aliens will attack you along the way. At the end of the tunnel, you will get to
a water area and there is alien saliva falling from the ceiling. From here, you
just need to keep jumping from cliff to cliff to get higher up.

There will be a huge tunnel that you follow through, just keep walking. After a
little while there will be a huge open area, and it looks like a HUGE egg in
the middle (I don't know what it is though).

Walk near the pit and prepare for a BIG battle. A alien QUEEN will jump down
and start attacking you. This one is very tough... After a long battle with the
queen, about 5 more aliens come out and start attacking you before you can
recover from the battle.

Note: If you are really having trouble, you could use the
MPDoctorDoctor <6> code to heal. But I would suggest to try it without cheating
a few times first

Note 2: Some times the Queen gets stuck on the huge pillar in the middle. Once
I was able to use the Disk so many times and recharge my energy before she was
able to get out.

Note 3: The queen gives you HUGE amounts of trophies. You can attack the head
infinite times (I believe). Each time you hit, it gives you 3 more to your head

Anyway, after that battle, go to the newly opened tunnel where the normal
aliens come from.

Keep walking until you hear the guy again.

"Come Hunter, let's finish this."

Now time for the SECOND boss battle. Turn your techno vision on and take out
your pistol or Plasmacaster and aim up for him. Stay near the entrance to this
area. If you are hurt, just run back and restore your health and energy. After
a little while he should be dead.


2.00 Controls

2.01 Shared

Forward W
Backward S
Turn Left Left Arrow
Turn Right Right Arrow
Strafe Left A
Strafe Right D
Strafe + Arrows K
Run Caps Lock
Run Toggle M
Jump Space Bar
Fire Mouse Button 0
Alt-Fire Mouse Button 1
Next Vision V
Look Up Home
Look Down End
Center View Delete
Mouse Look Insert
Objectives/Score Tab
Send Message Enter
Team Message \
Taunt Backspace
Crosshair Toggle .

2.02 Predator

Crouch Shift
Crouch Toggle /
Use E
Next Weapon Q
Previous Weapon Z
Reload R
Zoom In PgUp or Mouse Wheel Up
Zoom Out PgDn or Mouse Wheel Down
Charge emitter H
Cloak C
Disk Retrieve F
Wristblades 1
Combistick 2
Pistol 3
Speargun 4
Plasmacaster 5
Disk 6
Net Gun 7
Remote Bomb 8
Last Weapon X
Energy Shift Device T
Medicomp Device G
Previous Vision Mode B

Weapons 3.00

Wristblades 1;
These are your basic melee weapons. Left-Click does a basic hit. Right-Click
pulls your arm back and then when you release, it does a more powerfull hit
than Left-Click.

Combistick 2:
This is a spear, not a stick. It is more powerful and has longer range than the
wristblades. Left-Click swings it horizontally and Right-Click does it

Pistol 3: (Yes it's called a Pistol)
This is an ok weapon, it does less damage than Plasmacaster but you don't need
to charge it up. Left-Click shoots a straight energy attack and a Right-Click
shoots multiple short ranged shots.

SpearGun 4;
The basic ranged weapon. It works great with the zoom that the predator has. It
shoots ammo that looks like forks, I mean like...

\ /

After you fire, be sure to pick up the ammo or you could run out. Left-Click
just shoots a single fork and a Right-Click is good agaisnt high HP units since
it fires 3 of them straight in a row.

Plasmacaster 5:
This is my favorite weapon. You can either just click quickly to shoot a small
energy shot or hold Left-Click and charge it up. It also can home in on a
enemy. To home into a Human, go to Thermal, for Alien, EM vision (it's like the
disk for tracking).

Disk 6:
This is one of my favorite weapons. This disk will follow the enemy as long as
you get a lock. To get .a lock, you need to go on the enemy's tracking vision.
And if it goes to far and you cannot get it, just hit F and it will fly back
for a energy cost. This weapon will kill most people in one hit.

Net Gun 7:
This weapon shoots a net at an enemy. It will make the enemy immoble until they
destroy the net gun. The Marines need to use a knife, Predator can use
WristBlades or Combistick, and Aliens just use claws. This weapon works the
best on Marines and worst on Aliens.

Remote Bomb 8:
This is what it says it is. You chuck it into the ground or walls with
Left-Click, then when you want it to blow it up, Right-Click. It takes a while
to master this weapon but it can be very good. It's good for Campers on-line.

Version 4.00

I keep getting E-mails how people want to post my walkthrough on their site, so
I added the rules on the FAQ.

Fixed some errors, not much.

Just got this FAQ on GameFAQs.

Credits and Thanks 5.00

Me for making this.
Sierra for creating this great game.
CJayC for creating the BEST game site ever.
Every one who helped make the Aliens and Predator Movies and Games.
Split Infinity for giving me some suggestions on my guide.

FAQ 6.00

Q: While playing as the predator, how do you get trophy's?
A: You need to attack corpses head with a melee weapon. The Wristblades I think
is the best to get them with.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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