Lost in Time

Lost in Time

17.10.2013 13:54:12


This walkthru gives explicit instructions on playing LOST IN TIME
to a successful conclusion. It does, however, assume you have read
pages 17 through 22 of the Game Manual and are familiar with the
various methods of controlling Doralice's actions.

Also note when taking items out of dressers and chests, very often
more than one item is to be found. _However_ only one item can be
retrieved at a time. You _must_ open the container again to get the
next item.


Highly confused, Doralice find herself in the hold of an old
fashioned ship...



Get the lamp from behind the barrels that are next to the chest.
Use the lamp on the barrels near the tub of water. Pick up the
sponge and wet it in the tub of water. Use the wet sponge on the

Use the lamp on the opening and you will descend to the Bilge.


Get the oil from inside the large cask that is on its side. Use the
oil on the pump handle. Get the corkscrew by the chain. Return to
the hold.


Use the corkscrew on the knot which was behind the poster. You will
meet Yoruba and record his story. Yoruba will give you his knife.
Cut a step in the post with the knife and you will ascend to the mid


Go to the three containers and take the towel out of the middle
one. Use the towel on the ring at the back of the ship. Take the
soap form the open niche. Use the soap on the rusted cannon. Use the
soap flakes on the door. Open the door and you will meet Melkior,
hear his story and then tell your own...




Look at the vehicle. Take the apple from the basket and feed it to
the horse. Get the battery from the tractor. Take also the pack and
small pipe out of the tractor's tool box.

Read the note on the gate. Suck acid out of the battery with the
small pipe and apply the acid to the gate lock.


Take the manor door handle and the portrait above the door. Wind
the wire around the handle to make a coil. Push the key through the
lock using the dart.


Go to the barrel outside the lighthouse. Take the vinegar and
return to the manor door.


Pour the vinegar into the empty battery and use the coil on the
battery to create an electromagnet. Use the magnet on the space
below the door to get the key.


Take the oar and the roasting spit from the fireplace. Take the
copper wire and the resin from the small cupboard. Fix the fuse with
the foil from the pack. Return to the lighthouse.


Use the dart on the cork in the barrel. Pick up the barrel. Smash
the window with the roasting spit and take the hose. Tie the hose to
the lighthouse door handle. Go to the strange building.


Put the portrait in the hole in the steps. Click on the portrait
and enter the age of Philibert when he died. (i.e. Subtract one year
from the other and enter the difference.) Click on the cross and the
elevator will appear. Tie the other end of the hose to the railing
inside the elevator. Operate the elevator button. The lighthouse
door will open. Pick up the damaged hose and return to the


In the lighthouse, take the wooden shoe. Use the rusted key in the
shoe to open the basement door. Ignore the basement area for now.
Return to the ground floor of the lighthouse. Take a glass shard
from the basement window that you smashed in earlier

Go up to the second floor. Open the drawer and take the book and
paint remover. Open the dresser with the oar and take the razor.
Look through the field glass at the shipwreck. Get a close up of the
wreck and focus in on the symbols. Note the background colour of
each of the three symbols, the item depicted in each and their

Go up to the lamp. Take the kerosene from behind the curtain. Cut
off a piece of curtain with the razor. Return to the vault.


Click on the portrait to call the elevator. Get in and take the
elevator down to the crypt.


Look at the chest. Make the symbols on the chest match those you
saw on the shipwreck. Note the following: The gun represents the
cannon. The knife represents the sword. The bullet represents the
cannonball. The chest will open when you select the matching
symbols. Take the ship's log and the piece of fiberglass.

Use the barrel to reach for a bottle. Use the cork to knock down
the bottle that's too high to reach. Take the rust remover. Go to
the lighthouse basement.


Open the canal by turning the wheel. Put paint remover on the
algae. Then scrape the algae with the glass shard. Put the roasting
spit in the socket and spray it with rust remover. Open the gate.
Return to the garden.


Go the well. Attach the hose to the faucet. Look closely at the
hose. Apply the fiberglass, then the resin, to the tear on the hose.
Place the hose end in the well. Turn on the faucet. When the well is
full, fetch the cork and return to the lighthouse basement.


Bail out the boat using the wooden shoe. Stuff the patch of curtain
into the leak and hold it in place with the cork. Use the oar on the
boat. You will end up swimming to shore by a fisherman's cabin.


Go into the cabin. Open the dresser and get the ship in the bottle
and fishy sauce (Nuoc Nam). Get Melkior's note book from under the
chair. Take the handkerchief, nail and bread out of the basket. Use
the chair to climb up to the chandelier. Unscrew the handle at the
top of the chain using the nail. Take the chandelier, look at it and
notice how it falls into three different parts: an anchor, floats
and candles. Leave the cabin.

Pour the fishy sauce (Nuoc Nam) on the bread and throw it on the
roof of the cabin. The seagull will knock the buoy off the roof. Cut
the rope off the buoy with the razor. Tie the rope to the anchor and
use it to climb up the cliff. Return to the lighthouse basement to
collect the rest of your inventory. Go to the garden well.


Cut off the hardened repaired piece of the hose with the razor, to
make a club.


Take a log from outside the door. Enter the manor and put the log
on the fire. Put the metal rod on the fire. Soak the handkerchief in
kerosene and put it on the fire.

Smash the ship in the bottle with the club and strike the match
against the matchbox in the pack. Light the fire. A rectangle of
stone will appear in front of the fireplace. Stand the barrel on the
stone. Smash the barrel open with the club. Seal the opening with
the candle. Take the fire extinguisher off of the trunk. Open the
trunk. Fill the barrel with sand. Use the wooden shoe to transfer
the sand from the sand box to the barrel. A passage will appear. Go
into the passage.



Fill the small pipe with salt water from the puddle.

Take the pliers from the mast. Put the floats by the box. Attach
the copper wire to the wire on the box. Cut the electrified wire
using the pliers. Fill the padlock with salt water. Spray the
padlock with the fire extinguisher. Use the club on the padlock. You
will find a strangely glowing Egyptian sarcophagus. Then you meet




Having recalled your story to Melkior, he demands that you find a
way to untie him. Take the small hook and go down to the hold.


Open the chest padlock with the boat hook. Open the chest and take
the dress and ribbon. Return to the mid deck.


Get one the of the wooden pins using the pliers. Tie the ribbon to
the wooden pin. At the back of the ship, look at the cannonball and
take the broken oar. Tie the oar to the ribbon. Twist the nail with
the pliers and put the nail in the joined together pieces of wood to
make a boat hook.

Go to the closet and fetch down the halyard with the boat hook.
Look closely at the end of the halyard. Put the corkscrew in the
notch and fasten the end of the halyard to the corkscrew. Go to the
port hole and look through it. Pull up the thin rope and look in the
bucket. Take the sawfish bone. Retrieve the corkscrew from the

Return to Melkior and free him. After a long sequence of talking
with Melkior and Oswald, Doralice ends up locked in the Captain's


Go out to the balcony and take the flag from the stern.

Go in the room with a sink and lift up the corners of the rug until
you find a brass key.

Look at the chair behind the desk and get the silver key underneath
it. Open the desk drawer with the brass key and take the blotter and
dagger. Go into the chamber. Cut the rug with the dagger and go
through the trap door.


Go into the cellar. Use the corkscrew on the opening in the post
and take the master key. Leave the cellar and go to the mysterious
door. Open it with the master key.


On the shelf you will find some polish. Leave the storage area and
go to the very elegant door and open it with the master key.


Take the cage from behind the curtain in the corner area. Open the
secretary drawer and take the seal. Leave and go to the hold.


Use the dagger on the spring in the chest. Take the beauty powder
and handkerchief. Return to the cellar.


Use the beauty powder on the post and climb up to the chamber.


Go into the room with the sink. Use the seal in the notch on the
dresser and you will end up in the music room.


Get the record from under the low table and the phonograph from
behind the bar. Return to the cabin.


Open the dresser in the chamber and get the salts flask and the
bowl. Take the banana slices from the dish on the table. Put the
banana slices in the cage. Leave the chamber.

Put the cage on the round table by the painting.

Put the record on the phonograph. Put the phonograph on the music
table. Wind up the phonograph and start it.

Put the bowl under Galipo. Put the salts and paint remover in the
bowl. Put the flag over the cage containing the parrot.

Open the dresser with the silver key. Open the box and take the
iron key.

Go into the room with the sink. Put the polish on the handkerchief
and polish the sink with the handkerchief. Use the blotter on the
sink and note the code of numbers and letters.

Go to the painting and click on it. Click on the safe and set the
code to the code revealed by the blotter on the sink. Take the small
box. Examine the small box carefully. There are two secret openings
that can be triggered by turning the box round about and clicking on
the top and middle respectively. The top opens to reveal a small
key. The middle opens to reveal a lock. Use the small key in the
lock and you will find Philibert's gun. Pick up the gun and cage
containing the parrot. Return to the mid deck.


Go to the back of the ship and open the niche by pulling the ring
with the towel. Put the cage in the niche. Close the niche and you
should notice the clamps around the bar holding down the trap door
have opened. Open the niche and pick up the cage. The bar should now
be freed. Unlock the trap door with the iron key and you will enter
the aft hold where Yoruba is shackled.


You greet Yoruba and then introduce Melkior. An argument ensues
which you win. Search the floor and the crevice and you will
something shiny. Pick it up with the pliers. It is Yoruba's
necklace. Use the magnetite with the gun. Open the mast with the
pliers. Get the bale of cotton from behind the box and place it by
the mast. Use the boat hook to search the top shelf of the mast. You
will find an empty bottle of rum.

Shoot the shackles to free Yoruba. He is hurt but don't worry.

Melkior has lost the coordinates to St. Cristobald! Use the wet
sponge on the rum bottle and give the label to Melkior. Melkior now
has the coordinates to teleport the three of you to St. Cristobald
and he does so.




After another argument with Melkior, he gives you a holocom and you
receive instructions as to what to do here. Go to the waterfall.


Talk to the child, Amilcar. Amilcar will tell you his manicou is
cold so offer the flag to the manicou. Amilcar will tell you his
manicou is hungry. Use the corkscrew on the coconut and collect some
coconut milk from the coconut with the small pipe. Offer the coconut
milk to the manicou. If you try to open the passage yourself you
will fail. Instead use the parrot (in the cage) on the passage and
the passage will open. You will hand over the parrot to Amilcar but
keep the cage and a key. Go into the passage and you will end up at
Makandal's cabin.


Open the cage with the key and you will find some coins. Knock on
the cabin door. After Makandal has 'greeted' you, you put the coins
through the slot in the door. Makandal asks you to fetch a piece of
Deli's clothing. You will find yourself at Deli's cabin.


Knock on the cabin door. As soon as you are able, take the book.
Wait for Delia to leave then immediately pick up the mirror and use
it on the spider. Take the piece of clothing. Delia asks you to have
Makandal drink the potion she hands you and to retrieve his drinking
glass. Return to Makandal's cabin.


Makandal offer you a drink. Click on the window to get Makandal to
open it. Put the holocom on the table and start it. The holographic
projection of Melkior frightens Makandal. Pour the potion into
Makandal's glass, the leftmost one. When Makandal returns he is
still stunned. Take his glass. Return to Deli's cabin.


Here you will meet Velvet and hear her story.


Velvet takes you to the kitchen at the plantation where you meet
Celeucie and Maximin. Melkior transmits a message saying that
Jarlath has captured him. Return to Deli's cabin.


Knock on the cabin door. Delia will give you an invertor potion. Go
to Makandal's cabin.


Knock on the cabin door. Makandal will give you a bequiet potion.
Go to the property.


Go into Serapion's cabin. Use the invertor potion on the bequiet
potion. Give the speakable potion to Serapion. Serapion tells you
some more about the Jarlath and Velvet.

Enter Serapion's cabin again and talk to Serapion about the dog. He
will give you some salt.

Use the invertor potion on the salt. Give the sugar to the dog. Go
to the kitchen.


Here you will find a snake threatening the baby Maximin. Take the
bag from the table and take out the flower and the vanilla. Fill the
bag with embers from the fire and put the bag on the stool to
attract the snake. Put the bag, with the snake in it, on the fire.


Jarlath appears and tells you his full story. He then attempts to
kill you. When you are both stopped at the crevice, throw the flower
at Jarlath and he will fall to his death.


You awake to meet your lawyer...or is it Melkior, the time agent?!

Read the Confidential Report. Perhaps Melkior and Doralice will
work together again.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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