Call of Duty

Call of Duty

17.10.2013 08:58:44
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Brought to you by Qbsean10:

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Version 0.585
Updated 1/14/2004
( A comprehensive guide written by )
| Qbsean10 to help gamers of all |
| ages with the most intense World |
| War 2 shooter; Call of Duty. |

(1.) Table of Contents )

1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction/Legal Disclaimer/Contact Info
3. Controls
4. Options
5. Weapons and Items
A. American
B. British
C. Russian
D. German
E. Stationary
6. Vehicles
A. Car
B. Truck
C. Tank
7. Single Player Walkthrough
A. American
1. Training
2. Pathfinder
3. Burnville
4. Dawnville
5. Car Ride
6. Brecourt
7. Chateau
8. POW Camp
B. British
1. Pegasus Night
2. Pegasus Day
3. Dam
4. Truck Ride
5. Airfield
6. Ship
C. Russian
1. Stalingrad
2. Red Square
3. Train Station
4. Sewer
5. Pavlov
6. Factory
7. Rail Yard
8. Tank Drive Country
9. Tank Drive Town
D. Bonus Missions
1. American - "Hurtgen"
2. British - "Rocket"
3. Russian - "Berlin"
8. Battle Tactics
9. Multiplayer
10. Codes/Secrets
11. Reader Contributions
12. Frequently Asked Questions
13. Version History
14. Credits and Thank Yous
(2.) Introduction/Legal Disclaimer/Contact Info )

( Introduction ) -
In war, no one fights alone. From the fields of France to the Volga River -
from the smallest squads dropped behind enemy lines, to the massive divisions
that won the war on multiple fronts - the soldiers of the Allied Forces
stopped the German Army by standing and fighting together, side my side.

Hello, hello. This is my second guide and I'm really looking forward to
having a great time writing it. Let me start by saying this: Call of Duty is
simply, without a doubt, the most intense World War 2 First Person Shooter
ever (FPS). This is a squad based action game, so you wont find yourself
completing these levels by just running through and firing at the Germans.
This game will literally have you ducking and dodging as if you were really in
these powerful battles. With that said, on with the guide.
( Legal Disclaimer ) -
This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than,, and or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission of the author. Use of this guide on any other web site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

The Document Is Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Qbsean10
( Contact Info ) -
My AIM Screen Name is "The Qbsean10". I am on all the time, just drop me a
line and ask away. Also, if you wish to contact me using email, you can email
me at Please enter "Call of Duty FAQ" or "Call of Duty
Walkthrough" as your subject line. Also, I have a strict policy on junk mail.
Please read the entire guide before asking me a question. Use Ctrl and F to
bring up the find option. Type in a word or phrase and click Find.

I will accept:
Unanswered Questions

I will not accept:
Hate mail
Questions in which answers can be found in guide

So please, have fun, but be respectful. Thanks.
(3.) Controls )

Because this is a PC Shooter, the controls are completely customizable,
meaning you can choose anything you want to be any movement you want.
However, I find that the default controls, with a few tweaks, work great. You
won't need to cross over, or sit in any funky style to play this game. These
are the controls that I use and that I have grown accustomed to:
( Look ) -
Look Up - Unbound
Look Down - Unbound
Mouse Look - Unbound
Center View - Unbound
Free Look - Yes
Invert Mouse - No
Smoother Mouse - No
( Move ) -
Forward - W
Backpedal - S
Strafe Left - A
Strafe Right - D
Lean Left - Q
Lean Right - E
Stand/Jump - Spacebar
Go to Crouch - C
Go to Prone - Ctrl
( Shoot ) -
Attack - Left mouse
Toggle Aim Down the Sight - Right mouse
Aim Down the Sight - Unbound
Melee - Shift
Reload - R
Change Rate of Fire - Z
Next Weapon - Mouse Wheel Down
Previous Weapon - Mouse Wheel Up
( Save/Interact ) -
Show Objectives/Scores - Tab
Use - F
Screenshot - F12
Quick Save - F5
Quick Load - F9
Enable Console - No
(4.) Options )

Depending on what kind of computer you're playing on, you may find that CoD
will lag or perform horribly. Then again, if you're running CoD on a power
computer like mine, you may want to beef up the settings so you can fully
enjoy the game. I've tweaked my settings so that they are just high enough
that my game will not lag on the most intense level: Stalingrad. Basically,
when you reach Stalingrad, climb up to about half way, then look back towards
the sea and just look from left to right and right to left. If your game
lags, tone down your settings slightly. These are my settings, tweaked to
perfection to get the most out of the game on my computer:
( Graphics ) -
View Mode - 1024 x 768
Full Screen - Yes
Character Textures - Extra
General Textures - Extra
Texture Filter - Bilinear
Texture Quality - Default
Nvidia Distance Fog - Yes
( Sound ) -
Subtitles - Yes
Sound Quality - 44khz (High Quality, Most Memory)
Sound Provider - Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio
( Performance ) -
Wall marks - On
Ejecting Brass - On
Dynamic Lighting - Everything
World Dynamic Light Quality - Nicest
Model Detail - Low
Sync Every Frame - Yes
Show Blood - Yes
Number of Corpses - Insane

(5.) Weapons and Items )

Throughout Call of Duty, you will fight on the sides of 3 different countries;
America, Great Britain, and Russia. Also, you have the ability to use your
enemy's (the Germans) weapons as well. Along the way you will be able to use
a variety of Semi-Auto, Auto, Pistol, and Explosive weapons. Here is a key to
help you understand what to look for:

Range - How much distance the weapon can fire
Rate of Fire - How fast the weapon can discharge a round
Damage - How easily the weapon can injure the enemy
Mobility - How fast the gun can be readied when switching weapons

( A. American Weapons )
( M1A1 Carbine ) -
The M1A1 Carbine, a .30 caliber semi-automatic rifle with a folding stock, is
commonly issued to paratroopers. Though it lacks the stopping power of
larger rifles, it's lightweight, accurate, and compact.
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Fast
( M1 Garand ) -
The M1 Garand is a powerful and accurate semi-automatic rifle. Its primary
drawback is that it can't be conveniently reloaded in the middle of a clip.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - High
Mobility - Fast
( Thompson M1) -
The Thompson submachine gun is effective at close range and fires the
powerful .45 ACP round. It's notoriously inaccurate at a distance but
compensates with a high rate of fire.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - High
Mobility - Fast
( Browning Automatic Rifle ) -
The Browning automatic rifle is a squad support weapon, used to lay down
accurate suppression fire at enemy positions. It is most effective when used
while prone.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - High
Mobility - Slow
( Springfield M1903 ) -
The Springfield M1903, originally developed after the Spanish-American War,
is a sniper rifle equipped with a 4x zoom scope. As a bolt-action scoped
weapon, it has a slow rate of fire and reloads one round at a time.
Range - Very Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Medium
( Colt .45 ) -
A standard issue pistol for American paratroopers; favored by the British
airborne forces as well. The 7-round magazine is small, but the stopped
power of the large .45 caliber rounds makes the Colt useful in a pinch.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast
( M2 Fragmentation Grenade ) -
Fragmentation grenades are very effective anti-personnel devices. The highly
explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing
considerable blast damage. Though they're ineffective against armored
vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Very Fast
( B. British Weapons )
( Lee-Enfield ) -
First introduced in 1907 at the outbreak of the First World War, the Lee-
Enfield rifle is the British Army's standard issue infantry weapon. A bolt-
action rifle, it's powerful and effective at long range. It carries up to ten
rounds, loaded by two 5-round stripper clips.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Fast
( Sten Mark 2 ) -
The Sten Mark 2 is a 9mm submachine gun effective for clearing out rooms and
trenches. Its compact frame and light weight provide excellent mobility.
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast
( Bren Light Machine Gun ) -
The Bren is an excellent machine gun in the role of squad support. Its large
size limits mobility, but allows it to deliver accurate automatic rounds when
fired while prone.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - High
Mobility - Slow
( Colt .45 ) -
A standard issue pistol for American paratroopers; favored by the British
airborne forces as well. The 7-round magazine is small, but the stopped
power of the large .45 caliber rounds makes the Colt useful in a pinch.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast
( MK1 Fragmentation Grenade ) -
Fragmentation grenades are very effective anti-personnel devices. The highly
explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing
considerable blast damage. Though they're ineffective against armored
vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Very Fast
( C. Russian Weapons )
( PPSh ) -
The PPSh submachine gun holds 71 rounds of Soviet pistol ammo and has a very
high rate of fire. It's ineffective at long range and fires a relatively
weak round, but its rate of fire makes for effective suppression and close-
range combat.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Very Fast
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Fast
( Mosin-Nagant ) -
The Mosin-Nagant is a bolt-action rifle capable of very accurate and powerful
long-rang fire. However, its low rate of fire is a liability in close-range
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Medium
( Scoped Mosin-Nagant ) -
Outfitted with a 4x zoom scope, the Scoped Mosin-Nagant is perfect for long-
range sniper work.
Range - Very Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Medium
( Luger 9mm ) -
The Luger pistol carries 9mm ammunition and an 8-shot magazine. It's a
highly prized trophy for Allied soldiers and can often be found as a sidearm
in Russian and American hands.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast
( RGD-33 Stick Grenade ) -
Fragmentation grenades are very effective anti-personnel devices. The highly
explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing
considerable blast damage. Though they're ineffective against armored
vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Very Fast
( D. German Weapons )
( MP40 ) -
The MP40 submachine gun is an effective room-clearing weapon. It has a
relatively minimal muzzle climb even when fired fully automatic in extended
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Fast
( Sturmgewehr 44 ) -
The MP44 is an assault rifle that fires a unique "short" rifle round. Up
close, it can be used as a submachine gun, while at longer ranges it can
operate as a rifle.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - High
Mobility - Medium
( Karabiner 98k ) -
The Kar98k is the standard issue German infantry rifle. It's accurate and
deadly at long range, but suffers from a slow rate of fire due to its bolt-
action mechanism.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Medium
( Scoped Karabiner 98k) -
The Kar98k outfitted with a scope is a formidable sniper rifle.
Range - Very Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Medium
( FG42 ) -
The FG42 is a great multi-purpose weapon. It's one of the deadliest fully
automatic weapons available and the single-fire mode is effective at all
ranges. A 4x zoom scope is standard issue.
Range - Very Long
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - High
Mobility - Medium
( Luger 9mm) -
The Luger pistol carries 9mm ammunition and an 8-shot magazine. It's a
highly prized trophy for Allied soldiers and can often be found as a sidearm
in Russian and American hands.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast
( Panzerfaust ) -
The Panzerfaust (German for "Armored Fist") is an anti-tank weapon, launching
a small charge designed to penetrate an armored tank or vehicle. Due to the
armor-piercing nature of the charge, it's not an effective anti-personnel
device. Each Panzerfaust is only a single shot weapon, but one shot is often
enough to reduce even the largest tanks to smoldering ruins within seconds.
Range - Short
Rate of Fire - One Shot
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Slow
( Stielhandgranate ) -
Fragmentation grenades are very effective anti-personnel devices. The highly
explosive charges reduce their metal casing to flying fragments, causing
considerable blast damage. Though they're ineffective against armored
vehicles, they are extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Medium
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Very Fast
( E. Stationary Weapons )
( MG42 ) -
The MG42 is an entrenched automatic chain gun. Its rounds are less powerful
than infantry rifles, buts its rate of fire delivers more rounds. The MG42
is a basic defensive weapon.
Range - Medium
Rate of Fire - Very Fast
Damage - Moderate
Mobility - Very Fast

( Flak 88 ) -
Unlike its brother the "Flak Vierling", the Flak 88 fires a single armor-
piercing rocket round. Its extreme slow mobility makes it ineffective
against personnel, but deadly against vehicles.

Range - Very Long
Rate of Fire - Slow
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Very Slow
( Flak Vierling ) -
Unlike its brother the "Flak 88", the Flak Vierling fires dual armor-piercing
chain gun rounds. Its slow mobility makes it ineffective against personnel,
but deadly against vehicles.
Range - Long
Rate of Fire - Fast
Damage - Very High
Mobility - Slow
(6.) Vehicles )

Throughout Cal of Duty, you will be able to ride in a total of 4 different
vehicles. Here is a list of the vehicles, your position, and different key
functions inside the vehicle.

( American Car ) -
This 5 person car travels at an insane rate of speed. Due to its rate,
aiming and targeting will be much more harder than firing while walking.
Allies - Sgt. Moody will drive
- Pvt. Elder is in the backseat
Your Position - Passenger's Seat
Button Functions - Reload: R
- Fire: Left Mouse
- Toggle Lean out Window: F (USE KEY)
Mission(s) - Car Ride
( German Kublewagon ) -
A 4 person German car. It's another incredibly fast vehicle, but offers
little to no protection from live rounds.
Allies - Pvt. Elder will drive
- Sgt. Moody is in the passenger's seat
Your Position - Back right seat
Button Functions - Reload: R
- Fire: Left Ctrl
Mission(s) - Car Ride
( German Truck ) -
This large infantry truck is filled with boxes full of Panzerfausts.
Allies - Capt. Price will drive
- Sergeant Waters is in the rear
Your Position - Rear
Button Functions - Reload: R
- Fire: Left Mouse
- Crouch: C
- Stand: Spacebar
Mission(s) - Truck Ride
- Airfield
( Russian Tank ) -
This is the only vehicle in the game in which you can drive yourself. It is
equipped with a self firing Machine Gun, so don't worry too much about close
range German infantry.
Allies - Machine Gunner is manning the MG
Your Position - Tank Hatch
Button Functions - Fire Missile: Left Mouse
- Aim: Mouse Movement
- Turn/Forward: W, A, S, D (MOVEMENT KEYS)
- Line Base With Turret: Spacebar
Mission(s) - Tank Drive Country
- Tank Drive Town
(7.) Single Player Walkthrough )

Before getting into the walkthrough, I just want you guys to remember that
this is a squad based action game. Your teammates will help you out and will
take out enemies for you. Because they can take on enemies, you may find that
this guide does not specify every single German position. There is no
"correct" way to beat this game, nor is there a wrong way. Some ways are just
more fun than others. So, with that said, don't expect yourselves to have the
game play out exactly as it does in the guide. Alright, moving on.
( A. American Missions )

United States 101st Airborne -
As private Martin, fight alongside your squad, dropping behind enemy-lines to
lay the groundwork for the D-Day invasion. Then, take out a battery of German
anti-aircraft guns, engage in a thrilling car chase and a daring POW rescue.
( Mission One: Training )
Camp Toccoa, Georgia - USA
August 10, 1942
0900 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Read each sign (5 Remaining)
[2] Approach the sign indicated by the compass star
[3] Open the gate to the obstacle course
[4] Complete the obstacle course
[5] Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of 12 times
[6] Pick up a Springfield, hit the target a total of 4 times
[7] Pick up a Thompson, hit the target 10 times
[8] Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times
[9] Pick up some Grenades, throw a Grenade into each window and door
[10] Plant the explosives
[11] Go through the last gate to exit training

As you begin, you start facing Captain Foley. He will explain your days work,
and then tell you to look at each sign. With 5 all together, it should take
you a minute to read them all. The first 2 are straight ahead of you, the
third to your right, and the final 2 on the far wall.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Read each sign (0 Remaining)

Foley will proceed to explain how your compass works. After he does, he will
tell you to move to the star. Look at your compass and turn until the white
arrow is pointing to the star. Walk forward until you reach it.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Approach the sign indicated by the compass star

Next, Foley is going to make you run the obstacle course. Face away from
Foley and run down the path to the gate of the obstacle course. Run into them
and they will open.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Open the gate to the obstacle course

Private Elder will sympathize for you, but it doesn't stop Foley. As soon as
you start, crouch through the tubes and under the fence. Stand up and jump
over the next 3 obstacles. As you approach the barbed wire, fall to a prone
position and crawl all the way through. Once you're at the other end, stand
up and run up the ladders by simply walking into them and jump off the edge.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Complete the obstacle course

Foley now wants you to go through the building to the other side and meet up
with Sergeant Moody for your weapons training. Follow your compass and arrive
at Moody's watch tower. First, you'll be practicing with the M1A1 Carbine.
Press the USE button near the Carbines to pick them up.
AUTO SAVE: Weapons Training
Once both Carbines are in your possession, fire at the target 6 times. Then,
practice firing while crouching, in the prone position, and while moving.
Finish your clip to complete the Carbine training.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [5] Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of
12 times

Move on to the Springfield rifle course. Moody wants you practice firing the
rifle with the sights on. Fire twice at the target. Aim down the sight (ADS)
and fire 2 more rounds. Notice the difference in accuracy; you will be much
more accurate while in ADS.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [6] Pick up a Springfield, hit the target a total of
4 times

As you move on to the Thompson submachine gun training, you will need to
replace your Springfield with the Thompson. While the Springfield is out,
press the USE button near the Thompson to switch them. Turn around and fire
10 rounds into the target.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [7] Pick up a Thompson, hit the target 10 times

Moody will then explain how you will move slower with ADS, but you will be
more accurate. Then, he will tell you about Melee attacking. Try it on your
own then switch weapons and fire 3 times at the target.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [8] Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times

Move on to the Grenade training. Moody tells you to pick up the grenades.
Move up to the concrete wall and practice leaning right/left and throwing
grenades. Once you have thrown a grenade in both windows and the door to the
left, proceed to the Explosives training.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [9] Pick up some Grenades, throw a Grenade into each
window and door
AUTO SAVE: Explosives Training

From here, Moody will explain health packs; pick them up if you injured
yourself during the grenade training. Move to the table near the tower and
pick up the Explosives. Moody tells you to run to the wall on the far end of
the pit. Press the USE button near the wall to plant the Explosives, then run
back to the table and watch the fireworks.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [10] Plant the explosives

Turn back and head left through the exit gates. Walk to the star on your
compass to complete training.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [11] Go through the last gate to exit training
( Mission Two: Pathfinder )
Outskirts of St. Mere Eglise, France
June 5, 1944
2330 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Link up with Sergeant Heath

As soon as you start, you are parachuted down to the landing zone. You must
link up with your officer, Sergeant Heath. Once you've landed, turn to your
left and walk over to the inclined slope. Up ahead a German will taking a
leak near the tree. Take out your first enemy with a single shot to the
head. Follow up the path and continue to the building far ahead. Once you
pass the enclosed pen area, turn left and run down the path to find Sergeant
Heath's parachute dangling from a tree. He didn't make it.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Link up with Sergeant Heath
NEW OBJECTIVE: [2] Get the Sergeant's legbag

On the ground are the Sergeant's legbag and his M1 Garand. Pick up the legbag
and switch your Carbine for the Garand.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Get the Sergeant's legbag
NEW OBJECTIVE: [3] Set up the radio beacon

Down the path in a bunker. Crouch down and Aim Down the Sight ADS with the
Garand. You'll see a single German. Cap him, then wait for his partner to
come out and take him out as well. Pick up your Carbine again and sprint over
to the bunker. Pick up any health if you need it, then leave the bunker
through the exit on the left. At this time, 2 German infantry trucks and a
halftrack will start rumbling down the road. Turn to the right and activate
the flashing beacon.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Set up the radio beacon
NEW OBJECTIVE: [4] Defend the drop zone
[5] Make your way to the nearest town
AUTO SAVE: Calling in the Cavalry

Within moments, drop ships will start launching your allies into the field.
Make your way to the wall on the far right side and open fire on the MG42
hidden in the right upstairs window of the house across the street. Your
buddies will drop in and fight alongside you. Crouch down and continue to
fire on the house until the area is secure. Once your squad starts moving
towards the house, follow them. Take out a German in the first floor window
as your buddy kicks in the door. Enter the house.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Defend the drop zone

Make your way through the house, but be wary of a German hiding behind a mound
of debris around the corner. Once he's taken care of, exit the house through
the back door and take cover behind the boxes to your left. Waste the three
Germans and continue. The window above you will open; take out the enemy
hiding behind it. At the same time, 2 more Germans will rush from the door to
the right. Hopefully, your squad will be able to take them out for you.
Enter the house and move up the stairs on the right.
AUTO SAVE: Cutting through the Opposition

There will be a German or two on the landing above you; take them out. Back
down the stairs and enter the living room to your right. If your buddies
haven't already taken care of them, eliminate 3 more enemy soldiers. Be sure
to check outside for stragglers. Run out through the door on the right side
of the room. Your squad will be waiting for you near a trench. Jump down
into it and follow your teammates.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [5] Make your way to the nearest town
( Mission Three: Burnville )
Ste. Mere Eglise, France
June 6, 1944
0020 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Destroy "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft Tanks (3 Remaining)

You will start out in the trench that you jumped into at the end of the
Pathfinder mission. As you move ahead, pick up any health you may need, and
then continue into the field. As you approach your squad, Foley initiates the
"Move Up" command. Follow the squad through the field. As you near the other
side of the road, mortars will suddenly explode everywhere and 3 MG42s will
open fire; 2 in the building (1 in lower window, another in the upper) and a
3rd to the far right.

Dodge the mortars, but close in on the buildings. Hide behind the cow
carcasses and slowly pick off either the MG42 in the upper window or the one
to the far right. I suggest aiming for the upper window gunner because you
are directly in his line of fire. Once you've downed him, or he's stopped
firing, stand up and run to the fence as fast as possible. Hide behind the
large wooden plank for protection. Lean out from both sides and take out the
remaining MG42s.
AUTO SAVE: Sweeping the MG42s

Follow the squad around the fence and toss a grenade in the upper window if
necessary. Once you've cleared the house, continue with the squad to a large
stone wall. As you do, a German will pop out from the upper window in front
of you. Also, 3 more Germans will charge from your left. Take out the window
gunner then turn and fire on the 3 others. Foley should have already taken at
least 1 one out by that time. Get on the opposite side of where the 3 Germans
charged and lean left around the wall. You will have a clear shot of 2 or 3
more enemies.

Ignore attacking the halftrack for now, but do not forget it's there.
Depending on whether you spotted 2 or 3 Germans, another may dash from the
other side where the initial 3 were. Either way, run around the wall and
approach the open window the building. Foley will move the squad up. Wait
for the rest of your squad to hop through the window and clear the building
before going in yourself. Foley now wants you to take care of that Halftrack.
Move to the open window near the halftrack and prime a grenade.
AUTO SAVE: The Halftrack

Wait for a lull in the Halftrack's firing, and then lean out, and toss the
grenade. Wait for the explosion. If you didn't blow him up, try again. Once
you do, Foley will move the squad through a second window and out behind a
wall. Foley wants you to take their left flank. Run straight to a second
smaller chunk of wall and drop to a prone position. Lean right and pick off
the MG42 in the garage. Grenade the house and switch to your Thompson; fire
at anything that moves, allowing your squad time to react and fire precisely.
Once the house is quiet, move up and clear it just to make sure.
AUTO SAVE: Cutting through the Houses

Once in the house, take a left in the main room to enter a small room with 2
windows and a door. Take position between windows and lean out. Fire at the
4 Germans behind the fence. Once you're sure they are done, exit through the
door and cut right towards a large wooden plank. Lean out to the left and
pick off a fifth German standing behind the fence near the house. After all 5
in this area are taken out, move around the plank and get in position where
the 5th German was hiding. Drop to a prone position and take out the 2
Germans, one running out from behind the long house and one hiding behind the

Prime a grenade and throw it into the long house in front of you. That should
clear the building of 2 or 3 Germans. Stand to a crouching position and lean
left around the stone building on your right. You should be able to pick of 1
or 2 more Germans. Watch for another to run out from behind the long house
again. After this, find cover and wait for your squad to move up. Follow
them over the fence and into the cemetery. 2 Germans will come from your
left, and a third German will be firing from an MG42 housed in the church.
Pick off the MG42 and help with the remaining enemies. Enter the church and
clear it.
AUTO SAVE: Flak Attack

Move to an opening on the left side of the church and aim for the two MG42s
near the first Flakpanzer. Take out both MG42s with your Thompson, then open
fire on the Flakpanzer. You squad should also begin to attack the tank from
their flank. Within seconds, you should have the area secured. Exit the
church and turn right. Go through the house and meet up with Foley. He'll
tell you place the explosives on the Flakpanzer. Walk to the glowing yellow
spot and press the USE key. Turn around and run back to your squad to avoid
the explosion. One tank down.
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [1] Destroy "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft Tanks (2

Follow your squad past the tank and into a large battlefield. Behind a long
wall are a handful of Germans and another Flakpanzer. Find cover near your
squad and help them pick off the enemy. Prime and throw grenades to clear out
large chucks. Once the fighting as ceased, slowly approach either the right
or left side of the wall. Enter the ruins carefully and cap any remaining
Germans. Plant explosives on the second tank and step back to watch the
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [1] Destroy "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft Tanks (1

Search the bodies for the FG42 and replace it with your Carbine if you can
find it. Follow your squad through an alleyway and into a smaller house. As
soon as you enter the house, German MG42s will open fire on your position.
Find cover as fast as possible and return fire with the FG42.
AUTO SAVE: The Final Run

If you have any grenades left, use them now. Once these 5 enemies are taken
care of, exit the house and find cover behind the car, the house, a fence, or
anything at the moment. To the far left is the final Flakpanzer, guarded by 6
enemy soldiers. Toss any remaining grenades and open fire with your FG42. If
you haven't already done so, switch your FG42 to Fully Automatic. Once the
Flakpanzer site is clear, move to the right of the street and follow a
building between another cement wall. There will be 2 Germans here as well as
an MG42 facing away from you. Take out all three and then use the MG42 to
clear any remaining Germans near the tank. Once the area is clear, approach
the tank, plant the explosives, and regroup with your squad.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Destroy "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft Tanks
( Mission Four: Dawnville )
Ste. Mere Eglise, France
June 6, 1944
0730 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Assemble with Captain Foley at a safer location

The moment you start, mortars will start dropping in all directions, exploded
all around you. Your squad will hurry to a small building in front of you.
Follow them and enter the building.
AUTO SAVE: Following Foley

Once the mortars quiet down, Foley will tell Johnson to go check it out and
make sure the coast is clear. As Johnson approaches the house across the
street, a single shot will resound and Johnson will fall; dead. Foley issues
the "MOVE OUT!" command and your squad is thrown into another epic battle.
Across the street 2 Germans will hop over the fence. Also, 4 or 5 more
Germans will run out from the house that Johnson was entering. On the far
left side of the map, more Germans will hop the fence and attack you.
Finally, if matters weren't bad already, a Tiger Tank will move in from the
right. You'll have roughly 10 seconds before the Tiger pulls up and starts
attacking, so in that time eliminate as many Germans as humanly possible.
Grenades and the Thompson work great.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Assemble with Captain Foley at a safer location
NEW OBJECTIVE: [2] Get a Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon from the Church

Foley now places you the responsibility of taking out the tank. You'll need
the Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket to complete this job. The Church is on the
far left of the map, so you'll need to run into the Tiger's line of fire in
order to reach it. Before making that life threatening run, approach Foley.
Foley, Jackson, and Baker will agree to run ahead and draw the Tiger's fire.
Use this time wisely and sprint as fast as possible to the Church. Once
there, switch either weapon for the Panzerfaust.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Get a Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon from the
NEW OBJECTIVE: [3] Destroy the tank
AUTO SAVE: Acquiring the Panzerfaust

Equip your second weapon and slowly work your way back to the tank, staying on
the left side of the road to avoid its fire. Once your back, equip the
Panzerfaust and quickly sidestep or lean right and fire the rocket at the
Tiger. KA-BOOM!
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Destroy the tank
NEW OBJECTIVE: [4] Defend the Church
AUTO SAVE: Defending the Church

Follow Foley back to the Church. As you make your back into the Church, pick
up the gun you left behind when you picked up the Panzerfaust. From here, you
can either take position on one of the MG42s, or you can simply use your own
weapon/grenade. Either way, you will need to fire upon an invading armada of
Germans. Lean left/right and fire precisely. You should be able to defend
the Church without but problem.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Defend the Church
NEW OBJECTIVE: [5] Defend the northern approach

Follow Foley back outside and to the right. Cut through the house. As you
near a set of staircases, your squad will be fired upon by more Germans hiding
on the porch.
AUTO SAVE: On to the Northern Approach

Quickly make your way to the right and take cover behind the wall. Lob a
grenade in that direction to take out a few unneeded enemies. 2 or 3 Germans
will hop the fence near the porch, so be sure to take them out before they are
allowed to do any damage. Once you've taken out the majority of their
soldiers, they will begin to retreat. Foley tells the squad to move up and
push 'em out. Take point and eliminate as many retreating Germans as you can.
Work your way back to the far end. As your approach the final German defense,
mortars will explode in all directions. Foley yells to fall back and regroup.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [5] Defend the northern approach
NEW OBJECTIVE: [6] Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions (2
AUTO SAVE: Defending the Northern Approach

Turn back around and regroup with Foley on the porch where the Germans were
harassing you previously. As you near the porch, you will begin to hear the
steady hum of another Tiger Tank. In a moment, it blasts through a cement
wall and begins to mow down your teammates.
NEW OBJECTIVE: [7] Get a Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon from the Church

Run to the far left side, away from the tank, and into the ruins across the
area. You will need to get back to the Church without getting mowed down by
the tank. Head right and past the tank up the steps. Foley should be right
behind your, if not in front. As you walk to the house, the wall on your
right will explode as the tank blows it apart. Enter the house and cap the 2
Germans who attempt to slow your progress. As you run through the second room
of the house, the tank will destroy the wall to your right again. Jump up and
run across the road to find any cover you can. If you think you can make it,
run straight to the Church. The floor will be littered with health packs, so
take as many as you need. Grab the Panzerfaust once your health is set.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [7] Get a Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon from the
NEW OBJECTIVE: [8] Destroy the second tank

Lean out one of the windows and blast the Tiger into burning wreckage.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [8] Destroy the second tank
AUTO SAVE: Pushing Them Back

Grab your second weapon and head out of the Church. Work your way right and
up to another tank. Two of your fellow soldiers will bust open the lid, throw
in a grenade, and run away. Within a moment, the tank explodes in a ball of
NEW OBJECTIVE: [9] Destroy the third tank
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [9] Destroy the third tank

Follow down the street and meet up with Private Parker. He informs you and
Captain Foley about 2 mortar teams. Follow your squad down the road and to an
open field lined with fire teams and 2 mortar teams.
AUTO SAVE: On to the Mortar Teams

Hope down into the field and make your way to the indented groove on the
ground. You will have to literally dive into the "pit" and crawl left into a
long trench.
AUTO SAVE: In the Trenches

Once in the trench, follow it to the large tower. Lob a grenade into the
exposed hole to take out the first MG42 nest and a sniper. Crouch down and
exit the trench. In front of you will be another MG42 nest. Take out the
gunner. Be wary of 2 sometimes 3 more Germans to your left. Take them out
and head left and follow the wall to the back of the field. As you are about
to round the corner, a German will pop out. Take him out then go around to
find the first of the 2 mortar teams. A few rounds should down both soldiers
and eliminate the first team.
OBJECTIVE UPDATE: [6] Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions (1

Head around the right side and take out the third MG42 nest. As you round the
corner, look straight ahead to find the second mortar team. Toss a grenade
across the trench to waste the final team, or simply go over and cap them
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [6] Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions
(0 remaining)
NEW OBJECTIVE: [10] Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car

Head back to Foley, Moody, and Elder waiting for you in an old car. Climb in
the passenger's seat and receive your next orders.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [10] Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car
( Mission Five: Car Ride )
Normandy, Route N13
June 6, 1944
0815 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Report the town's capture to Regimental HQ

As you start you will find yourself in the passenger's seat with the car
speeding down a road. The very first turn holds 5 enemies waiting for you. 2
will be in front of you on the road and the other 3 will be to the right
behind a fence. Take out as many as you can before the car speeds past them.
Soon you'll come to a German Roadblock. 3 or 4 Germans will be waiting for
you. Take them out as fast as possible.
AUTO SAVE: Past the Roadblock

Sergeant Moody will make a right and drive through an open pasture. You will
approach a road just as 2 German infantry trucks rumble past. Elder will yell
in protest as you smash through the fence and straight through the moving
trucks. Take out the Germans riding in the back as Moody turns the car
around. As you leave the scene, you will be chased be 2 smaller German cars,
known as the Kubelwagon. Fire at the driver, tires, or engine to cause the
cars to stall. Within 10 seconds, you will pass another Kubelwagon and it
will join the chase. As you roll into a town, 4 German foot soldiers will
fire at you from a roadblock. Moody will whip the car left and into town.
AUTO SAVE: Entering the Town

After you make a second right, 2 Germans will pop out from an alley way. Gun
them down and continue on. Moody will maneuver the car through a small alley
and out of the town, just as 2 more Germans spring from behind a rusted car on
your right. As you turn right, you'll find a Tiger and 2 more Germans to your
right, and 3 more to your front. This is where your Thompson will come in
handy. Spray bullets in both directions, allowing Moody to step on the gas
and get out of there. You will turn a few sharp corners, and then pass 4 more
Germans on your right. On your left should be a rusted Tiger tank.

You will continue driving straight until you reach a crumbling wall. At this
point a large Tiger will pull up, blocking your path. Moody will back up and
speed down an alleyway. He will then back up and crash into a waiting
Kubelwagon, throwing a German into a frightful explosion.
NEW OBJECTIVE: [2] Find a new vehicle

Elder will start complaining, but Moody cuts him off. You'll have to work
your way through town on foot to find another mode of transportation. Hop out
of the car and follow Moody and Elder into a burning house.
AUTO SAVE: Free Kubelwagon

Take out the 2 Germans in the hallways and third in the room on the right.
Enter the large living room and grab health if you need it. Run out the front
door and make your way either to the car or the building across the road.
Take either spot, and then fire upon the Germans position down the road.
There will be four Germans behind the building on the far right. Lob a
grenade and take them out. Walk to their position and head right through a
crumbling wall and into the street. A single German will be in the road. Hug
the left wall and continue straight. Up ahead will be another Kubelwagon in a
garage, but it's guarded by a German sniper in the top window on the left.
Take out the sniper and run to the car.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Find a new vehicle
NEW OBJECTIVE: [3] Defend Private Elder
AUTO SAVE: Kubelwagon Escape to HQ

To the left of the garage is 2 Germans, and straight ahead is another batch of
5 never ending soldiers. Once Elder gets the car started, you'll be able to
get in.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Defend Private Elder
NEW OBJECTIVE: [4] Get in the Kubelwagon

Go around to the left side and press the USE key to enter the Kubelwagon.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Get in the Kubelwagon.

Elder will tear out of the garage and turn left. He will blow past 3 fences,
each with 2 Germans near them. As Elder turns a hard right, 2 more Germans
will begin firing from in front of the house. You will pass another 2 Germans
before exiting the town. Elder will make another right, past a final 2
Germans. From here, its clear sailing to the HQ.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Report the town's capture to Regimental HQ
( Mission Six: Brecourt )
Brecourt Manor, France
June 6, 1944
0900 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Secure all enemy maps and documents (2 remaining)

As you start you will be with 5 other soldiers including Moody and Elder.
Moody informs the squad to move up, having the other 3 soldiers cover your
flank while you, Moody, and Elder move up. As you reach a rock, Moody will
inform you of 2 enemy MG42s up ahead. He wants to move up and take them both
out. You, Elder, and Moody will attack from the flank while the other 3 guys
attract their fire.
AUTO SAVE: Flank Right

Follow Moody and Elder to the right into some bushes. Aim down the sight with
the Garand and you'll be able to take out both MG42s in front of you without
taking little to no damage. There will be 3 other Germans behind the left-
most MG42, and another 3 in the pit with the right MG. Pick them all off and
move up with Moody to the right-most MG42 bunker where a Flak 88 is perched.
Moody will plant explosives on the side of the Flak gun and command you to get
out of the way. Run to where the left MG42 was and wait with the squad until
the all familiar sound of the Flak's explosions echo throughout the manor.

Follow Moody down the trench until you reach a group of 3 Germans. Crouch
down to avoid taking damage from distant MG42 and take out the 3 Germans.
AUTO SAVE: In the Trenches

From here, move down the trench until you reach a foxhole with a single
German. From here you have two choices:

1. If you have a steady hand and are a well equipped sniper, stay put and use
your Garand to slowly pick off the MG42s. Stand up, take a shot, then crouch
back down. Aim for the MG42s first, then pick off the other troops. All in
all, there should be 3 more in the trench to your left, the 2 MG42 gunners,
and 6 more Germans in the foxhole. This requires patience and skill. If you
lack these qualities, don't worry, just use the second method.

2. If you're not the world's greatest sniper, don't worry. Equip your
Thompson and barge down the trench, taking out 3 more Germans until you reach
the MG42 nests. Lob a grenade into the pit and wait for the explosion. Rush
in and off the remaining enemies.

Which ever way you chose, make your way to the Flak gun in the center. Moody
will place another explosive on the gun, then move down the trench. Follow
right behind and the Flak explodes. He will lead you into a bunker under the
hill. Inside, 4 Germans will be waiting. I suggest priming a grenade as you
approach the bunker, then toss it in and hopefully it will take out at least
2. While they are still stunned from the explosion, rush in the take them out
with the Thompson. Continue through the bunker to meet 2 more Germans in a
control room. Take them out, grab the documents on the table, and continue on
with Moody.
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [1] Secure all enemy maps and documents (1 remaining)
NEW OBJECTIVE: [2] Destroy the enemy artillery guns (4 remaining)
AUTO SAVE: German Bunkers

Head out into the trenches again and meet up with the medic. He appears to be
too shocked to help anyone. As he stands up, he'll take a bullet to the head.
Moody needs you to cover him while he goes to rescue an injured soldier.
NEW OBJECTIVE: [3] Provide Covering Fire for Sergeant Moody

Provide covering fire into the waves of Germans with your Thompson. Crouch
often to avoid any flying lead. Once Moody makes it back, he'll tell you that
he needs to stay back and help the wounded soldier.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Provide Covering Fire for Sergeant Moody
NEW OBJECTIVE: [4] Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody

Walk over to Moody and he'll hand you the explosives.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody
AUTO SAVE: Got the Explosives

Turn left and run like mad down the trench. Once you reach the Flak Gun,
crouch down and plant the explosives on the flashing yellow marker. Run back
in the trench and lay flat on your stomach until it blows.
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [2] Destroy the enemy artillery guns (3 remaining)

Hop up and whip out your Garand. Take cover behind the sandbag on the far
wall. Lean left and right and pick off the MG42 straight ahead. Pick off 2
or 3 more Germans in the bunker before attempting to exit your hiding place.
Cover the MG42 and make sure another German doesn't have the chance to re-take
it. Once your sure the bunker is clear, climb out of your hiding spot on the
far left where the explosion cracked the walls. Lie down in the mortar hole
to your right and peek out over the edge. Clear the area of any remaining
Germans. By the time the battle ends, you should see nearly 40 German corpses
sprawled all around this field. 'Tis be the tides of war.

Run to where the MG42 was harassing you and plant explosives on this Flak gun.
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [2] Destroy the enemy artillery guns (2 remaining)

Follow down the trench until you reach a lone German.
AUTO SAVE: German Retreat

The problem is, there's a whole mess of Germans around the corner and another
MG42 on top of the hill. This part can be tricky, and it's always a pain to
see Elder die. Yes, Elder will inevitably die because he just isn't careful
and will run straight into the battle. Up until now, Elder was a super
solider; an invincible killing machine. Within a moment that will end. Mourn
his loss, but continue on. Lie prone and slowly crawl down the trench, taking
out any Germans that try assaulting you. There will be 3 Germans in the
trench, 3 more near the Flak Gun, and a lone MG42 gunner. Once this group is
taken out, approach the Flak and plant the explosives.
OBJECTIVE UPDATED: [2] Destroy the enemy artillery guns (1 remaining)
AUTO SAVE: 3 Flaks Destroyed

Follow up the hill to where the MG42 sat. Up ahead is a large farmhouse.
Assault it with .45 ACP rounds until both Germans are taken out. Enter the
farmhouse. Be wary of the 2 Germans waiting around the corner to your left.
Up ahead are 4 more enemies. 3 are behind a low wall and the fourth is behind
a well. Pick off all 4 with the Garand by flanking right behind another wall.
From here you should be able to take out all 4. Continue to another house
where 2 more Germans occupy the first floor.
AUTO SAVE: Approaching the Manor

Follow through the house and up some stairs into a living room. 2 Germans
will try and halt your movements, but I your Thompson thinks otherwise. Once
these 2 are taken care of, enter the bedroom and grab the documents on the
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Secure all enemy maps and documents
AUTO SAVE: Second Documents Captures

Hop on the MG42 and defend the house from the waves of Germans pouring into
the Manor. Don't worry too much about those who make it into the house, your
buddy will take them out for you. Concentrate on the lines of enemies until
you are sure the coast is clear. Back out of the house and take out any
German stragglers who were waiting for you. As you exit the house, turn your
attention to the MG42 in the window to your left. Lob a grenade and assault
the gunner with the Thompson (if you're out of ammo grab an MP40).

As you exit the vicinity take out 3 more Germans to your right. Ignore the
others straight ahead, for you'll be turning left instead. Go left under the
AUTO SAVE: The Last Gun

OK, this is it. This part is a bit tricky. If you have any grenades left,
lob one towards the gun in hopes of taking out all 3 Germans guarding it.
Depending on your remaining health, you have 2 choices:

1. Rush the Flak and plant the explosives, whilst dodging plenty of bullets

2. Play it conservative and pick off all remaining Germans.

Just for the sake of argument, I'll point out all enemy positions. There are
3 Germans on the Flak Gun, a lone sniper in the window behind you, 2 Germans
from the left and another 2 from the right, and a single German in the far
back. Once you plant the explosives, step back and wait for the final
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Destroy the enemy artillery guns
( Mission Seven: Chateau )
Bavarian Alps, Germany
August 7, 1944
0130 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Break through the main gate
[2] Find a way into the chateau
[3] Secure any documents and plants
[4] Find the secret communications room
[5] Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your weapon
[6] Find and secure the prisoners
[7] Clear the way to the extraction point

As you start, you'll find yourself with Foley and 4 other soldiers. Within a
moment you are joined by Moody who has scouted ahead. He reports that there
is a single MG42 up ahead on the left and a guardhouse on the right. You are
to take point and assault the MG42 to allow your squad to move in.

Follow your orders and move up the far right side of the road. As soon as the
MG42 bunker is in sight, drop to your stomach and unload a few rounds until
the gunner drops. Once he's taken out, move up to the rock in front of the
'42 nest. Crouch down and lean right into the road. 4 Germans will rush from
the guard house, so take them out. Let your squad help a bit too. Once these
4 are taken care of, approach the guardhouse. Throw a grenade into the
shattered window on the shack and wait for a single remaining German to appear
from the communications room. Foley will make a smart remark and tell you to
lead on. Continue up the road and drop 2 Germans guarding the gates. As you
near the gates, a German infantry truck will pull up just in front of you.
Lob a grenade then hide to the left or right of the entrance.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Break through the main gate
AUTO SAVE: Beyond the Chateau Gates

Including the driver, there will be a total of 4 Germans in the truck.
Hopefully your grenade will take 1 or 2. Rush in and take down the remaining
few. Continue down the road behind the truck and take out a single German
moving up on the right wall. You will encounter 2 more Germans in the next
small area on the right. After you pass through the 2nd gate here, look right
and aim up to take down the sniper on the roof.

Turn left and take out another German. At this moment another truck will pull
up with 4 enemies. A well placed grenade should take them all out. Continue
past the truck as yet another one pulls up. Again, lob a grenade then run to
your left and hide the garage. Careful, a German may be hiding here. Once
the coast is clear, make your way past the 3rd truck and into the back lawn of
the Chateau. A lone German will attack from the right corner; give him some
lead. Turn right and then enter the Chateau.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Find a way into the chateau
AUTO SAVE: On the Inside

Once inside, a German will be hiding behind the wall on the left. Once you
enter a long hallway, take cover behind a large vase on the left hand side of
the wall. Lean left as far as you can to avoid taking any fire from the
German up ahead. Lean out right, lob a grenade, and lean back to the left.
Wait for the explosion then rush his position and take him out if he was not
already downed. Head up the stairs and look left immediately at the top and
assault this stunned German. Head right and take down a single German at the
very far end of the hallway. 3 more enemies will be hiding in the room ahead;
so if you have any grenades remaining throw one down there and take cover on
the outcropping to the left. Lean out and pick off any stragglers. Enter the
room and head into the hallway. 2 more Germans will be waiting here. Pick
them off and run into the bedroom. Grab the documents on the counter and make
haste to get out of there.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Secure any documents and plants

Work your way back as normal until you reach the bottom of the stairs.
AUTO SAVE: Hallway Menace Looms

The moment you step into the hallway, the doors ahead of you will burst open,
revealing 2 armed Germans; off them immediately. Take cover behind the right
door. Lean out to the left and aim up a bit and take out 2 more Germans on
the balcony. Turn left and head into the showcase room. Continue through and
into a stairwell room. The moment you enter, a door to the far left will
burst open and 3 Germans will pour out. At the same time, 2 Germans will
attack from the door straight ahead at the top of the stairs. Toss a grenade
then run back before taking too much damage. Drop to you stomach and pick off
the remaining targets as quickly as possible. Rush the scene after a few
moments and clear the room of all remaining threats. Once done, turn left up
the stairs and follow down a hallway.
AUTO SAVE: Through Twisted Corridors

Now that you're on the balcony turn left and take out the 2 more Germans.
Towards the front of the Chateau an infantry truck will pull up and 3 Germans
will hop out. They are coming for your blood. If you get the chance, take a
few shots and hopefully take out at least one German. If you missed at least
one turn back in the hallway and wait for the guys from the truck.

Head back to the balcony once they are taken care of. Lean out to the right
onto the balcony and aim for a German behind the doorframe on the right. Run
to the room and take down 2 Germans who rush from the door on the left. Run
left and down the hallway. Take out another 2 unsuspecting Germans on the
stairs. At the bottom of the stairs turn right and rush the room. Turn your
attention to the 2 Germans on your right and off them. Look towards the
fireplace towards the golden eagle staff. Run over to it and press the USE
button to activate the secret door/fireplace.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [4] Find the secret communications room

From here, there should be 5 radio comm. sets on the table and a door to your
right. Equip the pistol to avoid wasting your BAR/Thompson ammo. Place a
single bullet in each communication set.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [5] Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your
AUTO SAVE: Sabotaging the Communications Room

Turn around while equipping one of the machine guns and take out the 2 Germans
hiding in the closet. Head back into the dining room as Foley and Moody head
in. The congratulate you and kick in the double doors on the left. A single
German will fall dead as Foley and Moody pump him full of lead. Turn right
and head down the stairs to flank the enemies at the bottom. Help Foley and
Moody take out the 3 Germans in the wine cellar here. Head down another set
of stairs. Up ahead is the locked door where Ingram and Price are being held
captive. 2 Germans (one from each side) will attack from the left and right.
AUTO SAVE: Foley and Moody Lead the Way

Foley and Moody will place explosives on the door and take cover. Head back
into the larger room and hide behind the large boxes. Once the door doors, an
MG42 will erupt and start spraying bullets. This '42 is on the floor, so
you'll have to be quick about leaning out and taking him out due to his
extreme aim. Another German will rush in from the right and try taking
position on the MG42. Take him out before he has the chance. To the right of
the MG42 is the jail cell; along with 3 more German Guards that need to be
taken care of. Find Price in the far right cell.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [6] Find and secure the prisoners
AUTO SAVE: Captain Price Must be Escorted

Although Price is safe with you now, it seems the Germans took Ingram to
another camp. You'll have to quickly extract Price from the Chateau. Head
back the way to came and head up the stairs back into the wine cellar.
Eliminate 4 Germans here and continue up the stairs. 4 Germans will be
attacking in the stair room. Head straight through and past the balcony room.
To your left will be 4 more Germans. After these guys are down and out, head
straight and you'll be all set to escort Price. Once he's outside, hop out
through the window and follow Foley to the car.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [7] Clear the way to the extraction point
( Mission Eight: POW Camp )
Dulag IIIA - Strasshof, Austria
September 18, 1944
0320 Hours

Starting Objectives -
[1] Eliminate the guards at the main gate
[2] Locate Major Ingram

As you start, Foley will let you know that you will only have 10 minutes to
complete this mission from the first shot you take. Any longer and the place
will be locked down and swarmed with Germans. It's up to you to infiltrate
the main gate and allow Foley to drive the truck in. At the main gate there
will be 2 MG42 nests, and 4 Germans. Approach the left side slowly and drop
prone when the first MG nest is visible. A patrolling German will walk
directly in front of a second German. If you fire at the perfect time, you
can take out both Germans in a single shot. The 10 minutes countdown will
begin. Take out the third German in the same area and then quickly turn right
to find the fourth and final enemy. Cap him and move on.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [1] Eliminate the guards at the main gate
AUTO SAVE: Entering the Camp

Step out of the way of the truck and let it smash the gates. Whip out your
Thompson and enter the POW Camp. The moment you step inside, swarms of
Germans will attack your position. I suggest turning to the right and making
your way around the enemy. Make your way past 2 sets of logs and take out 3
Germans rounding the corner ahead. Pass the corner and look left to find
another German. From here head straight and follow your squad. A few Germans
will attack from both sides from buildings. Down them all.
AUTO SAVE: Approaching Tower

Continue through an alley way and into a main courtyard with a large
watchtower in the center. Enemy positions vary every time, so take cover and
do your best to eliminate them all. Once done, head under the tower and turn
AUTO SAVE: Entering Common Area

Go through a gate in the fence and walk straight. The door to a cabin on the
right will bust open and 3 Germans will attack. Give them a few Thompson
rounds in return. Head straight into the Common Area and down 4 or 5 more
Germans patrolling here. Head into the cafeteria room.
AUTO SAVE: Entering Kitchen

Take down 3 Germans who enter from the opposite door. Continue to that door
and cross a smaller cafeteria. Once outside, equip the Springfield and look
right. At the top of the Guard Tower will be a single sniper. Put a bullet
through his head and continue to the right into the Jail Cell. Major Ingram
is already choking the guard here. Release the Major from his cell.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [2] Locate Major Ingram
NEW OBJECTIVE: [3] Escort Major Ingram back to the truck

You should be around 6 minutes here. If you have more time than that, great.
If not, you're still in great shape. Now, exit the Jail Cell.
AUTO SAVE: Escorting Ingram

Continue back though the cafeteria, taking out 4 Germans in the process.
AUTO SAVE: Exiting Kitchen

Continue through the common area and back to the large tower and the
AUTO SAVE: Returning to Tower

Once in the courtyard, a German Infantry truck will pull up. Take out the
passenger(s) and then the driver when he gets out. Pick off the remaining
soldiers and continue on.
AUTO SAVE: Returning to Truck

From here you have two options; run and gun, or pick and shoot. Storm the
Germans with your Thompson firing and try to take them on, or sit back and
snipe them one by one. The choice is yours, so pick one and do it. Once
you're sure the coast is clear, lead Ingram back to the truck.
OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: [3] Escort Major Ingram back to the truck
------------------------ AMERICAN CAMPAIGN COMPLETE! -------------------------
( B. British Missions )

British 6th Airborne Division -
Join the British Special Forces as Sergeant Evans, and take part in the famous
assault, capture, and defense of Pegasus Bridge. Disable German artillery
emplacements on Eder Dam, go undercover to sabotage the legendary battleship
Tirpitz, then make a daring escape.
( C. Russian Missions )

Russian Infantry -
You are conscript Alexi, a peasant drafted for the battle of Stalingrad. If
you survive, move up through the ranks - taking on more dangerous missions
such as sniper missions and ambushes until you are promoted to tank commander.
( D. Bonus Missions )

(8.) Battle Tactics )

Just by playing this game for a few minutes on the hardest difficulty, you
should know that you WILL NOT survive if you simply run into battle with your
guns blazing. Unless you have precision aiming and extremely fast reflexes,
this run and gun method is basically out of the question. What SHOULD you do
to stay alive? Here's a complete list.
( Multiplayer Tactics )
1. Always Keep Moving -
This is easily the most important skill you must master before becoming
a Call of Duty God. When I say "move" not only do I mean switching
positions, but as well as physically running. Snipers are targeted easily
because most of them sit in a single position and camp. I'm not saying don't
camp, but set yourself a boundary, whether you're in a room or a bunker. You
don't have to leave the area itself, but switch positions continuously. Not
only will you be less noticed and harder to target, but you'll expand your
view. For any other player, you'll always want to run around. If you find
yourself in a close-quarters battle and don't move, you WILL be shot and you
WILL be killed. If you circle your enemy will firing a barrage of bullets at
him, he'll have a much harder time attacking back then if you were crouching
in a corner without moving.

2. Crouching Means Less Noise -
This is a commonly made mistake by many new players. When you stand and
run full force, you're going to make a lot of noise. When you crouch and
walk, you'll be nearly silent. This is perfect if you're sneaking up on an
enemy or entering a building when you don't want to make too much noise.
Plus, you're more accurate when crouched. Disadvantages include limited
vision (cant see over things) and a slower pace.

3. Take Your Time -
Don't rush constantly. Unless there is less than a minute left on the
game clock, take your time and check the area before moving on.

4. Pick Your Shots -
You don't have to fire the moment an enemy comes into your view. Not
only will you alert them of your position, but you will most likely miss.
Unless the player is an immediate threat (opens fire on you right away), take
your time and try positioning yourself to where you can make the perfect
shot. When you open fire on any enemy, they will most likely take cover and
then flank around behind you and cap you in the back of the head. Wait for
the perfect opportunity to waste him.

5. Travel in Pairs -
Ever been sniping only to have an enemy knock you out from behind? Ever
been running along with your Thompson only to be sniped down by a Kar98k?
This will eliminate that problem. Work together! Have an MG (Machine
Gunner) and a Sniper travel together. That way, the MG is covered from
snipers and the sniper is covered from close attacks.

6. Strategize
You're probably thinking, "What the hell, this is a war game, not chess!
There's no strategy!" Well, war is all about strategy. I can't tell you nor
write about "how" to strategize, but I'll give you 2 basic pointers. First,
always confuse the enemy. If you have stayed back and sniped for the past 3
rounds, chances are that they have figured it out. What to do? Grab an MG
and rush them when they don't expect it. Second, predict your enemies'
movements before rushing in. Assume the enemy's position and slowly advance
towards it but while watching your flanks as well.

7. Secure the Area -
You'd be surprised at how often players will run through a house without
checking every corner. In those corners, campers will more than likely be
sitting and waiting for you. Make sure you know that the area is secure
before moving on to avoid being capped in the back.

8. Check Your Back -
Not only your back, but all your flanks. You should turn a full 360
degrees to avoid any flanking. The last thing you want is an enemy attacking
from the back and a second charging from the left.

(9.) Multiplayer )

Coming Soon!!!
(10.) Codes/Secrets )

Cheating in Call of Duty requires you to edit your game. To do so, RIGHT
CLICK on your CoDSP shortcut. Click CREATE SHORTCUT and rename this new
shortcut something like "Edited CoD" so you can tell which is which. Next,
RIGHT CLICK on the new file and go to PROPERTIES. Under the SHORTCUT menu,
add the following line to the end of the TARGET line:
+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

Your new file should like somewhat like this one:
''C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe'' +set thereisacow 1337 +set
developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0

If it does, great. Now, start up your CoDSP by running the game through the
new shortcut with the edited TARGET line. During a game mode, press the "~"
button located above TAB. This brings up the CONSOLE MODE. From here, you
can type in cheats and press enter to activate them. To hide the CONSOLE, hit
the "~" key 2 more times. If some cheats do not work, enter "setrandom
sv_cheats 1" in the CONSOLE before entering the cheat. Enter the following
codes for these effects:

give - Give Item
give health - Full Health
give all - Full Health, All Weapons
give ammo - Give Ammunition
notarget - Enemies ignore you
noclip - Walk through walls
debug <0-1> - Debug mode
developer <0-1> - Developer mode
jumptonode - Jump to node
ufo - Fly mode
kill - Suicide
cvarlist - List all Cvars
cvardump - Dump all Cvars
cvar_restart - Restart all Cvars
cmdlist - List console commands
shaderlist - List all shades of current map
imagelist - List all images of current map
snd_list - List all sounds currently used
entitylist - List all entries currently used
bindlist - List all currently bound keys
gfxinfo - List all graphics info
savegame - Save game
loadgame - Load game
reset - Reset variable to default
cinematic - Play a cinematic
cg_crosshairAlpha - Set crosshair transparency
g_gravity - Set gravity
cg_hudAlpha - Set HUD transparency
ai_corpsecount - Set number of corpses
cg_shellshock - Set shellshock duration
g_gameSkill - Set skill level
g_knockback - Set weapon knockback power
map - Play selected map
(11.) Reader Contributions )

Coming Soon!!!
(12.) Frequently Asked Questions )

Coming Soon!!!
(13.) Version History )

Here's a checklist of all completed areas. A "[ ]" means it hasn't been
started, a "[X]" means it is complete. A "[/]" means the area is in progress,
but not finished. Finally, a "[!]" means you can expect it in the next

[X] 1. Table of Contents
[X] 2. Introduction/Legal Disclaimer/Contact Info
[X] 3. Controls
[X] 4. Options
[X] 5. Weapons and Items
[X] 6. Vehicles
[/] 7. Single Player Walkthrough
[X] A. American
[/!] B. British
[ ] C. Russian
[ ] D. Bonus Missions
[X] 8. Battle Tactics
[/] 9. Multiplayer
[X] 10. Codes/Secrets
[ ] 11. Reader Contributions
[ ] 12. Frequently Asked Questions
[X] 13. Version History
[X] 14. Credits and Thank Yous

Version History -
Initial Version - Version 0.43 (Started on 12/12/03, Finished on 12/14/2003):
This is where it all began. I started the guide, and added the complete
layout. I have finished sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 13, and 14. Aside from
that, I have started the American Missions walkthrough and I'm currently done
with 1-3.

First Update - Version 0.585 (Started on 12/16/2003, Finished on 1/14/2004)
Fixed most, if not all spelling/grammar errors. I had a single formatting
problem, and updated much of the guide. The American Missions are completed
and finished. That means 1/4 of the Main Campaign is finished. Also, Vehicle
descriptions and strategies have been added. Finally, Battle Tactics has been
completed as well. My contact information is also updated, so if you're
wondering why I wasn't online, check it out and you'll understand. Finally,
to comply with 2004, I had to update any Copyright Info to include 2003 as
well as 2004. This update marks the halfway point of the guide.
(14.) Credits and Thank Yous )

This guide is dedicated to the Veterans of our Foreign Wars. God bless.

Writer of this FAQ: Qbsean10
Editor of this FAQ: Qbsean10

Game Developer: Infinity Ward
Game Publisher: Activision
Lead Producer: Vince Zampella
Project Lead: Ken Turner
Lead Programmer: Jason West
Lead Designer: Zied Rieke
Art Director: Justin Thomas
Music: (A great hooray for) Michael Giacchino

Thanks to all the programmers of this wonderful game and contributors to this
guide. Thank you guys, for making this guide what it is today.

A very, very special Thank You to for putting this up on the

Sites this guide can be found at:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Qbsean10

---------------------------------End Document---------------------------------

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Dt. Munitions- und Waffentrainer

17.Oktober 2013
Weapons Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

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Engl. Leitfaden

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Weapon Guide
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Dt. Endsavegame

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