Brave Soul

Brave Soul

15.10.2013 23:53:05
Brave Soul Guide By: Zeigard

Version 2

Copyright (c) 2004 Mark del Rosario
contact Add:

Do not post it on any website without my permission. Do not change
the name of this faq and write your own name claiming it yours because
it's not. And lastly do not reproduce this guide except for personal


Table of Contents

1.Expect on next update
2.Openning Poem
3.Character Profiles (In my own POV)
4.Character Events
5.Guild Missions
6.Force/Extra/Required Missions
7.Endings (doesn't contain how to get it, you have to do it)

1. Finish the Poem
2. Finish Caroll Character Events
3. Finish it with only Rudy
4. Find out every dungeon character appearance
5. Find out the 8 endings (i have only 5)
6. Double check on mission expiration
7. try to think up more things to add


This is a world of mystery and fantasy...
There are many living beings that are more superior than humans,
And there are many wonders which not yet solved.
Giant dragons that the ground,
Creatures that migrate from dark to dark,
Lifeforms that are never seen before...

Labyrinths covered by darkness,
Huge fortresses that reach up into the sky,
Wilderness which continues infinitely,
Terrains where nobody has stepped into...
Tempted by these wonders, adventurers have begun their journey.
Into the world of mysteries,
And into the tempting darkness...

With that wary feeling that rushes into the heart,
When it coincides with curiosity.
...This may be a hopeless challenge

If they start this dream to pursue this challenge,
Then they will never be awaken from the dream.

This is because,
They have friends who are already habitants of this dream world.
They are prisoners who cannot live without their dreams and destiny.
Entangled by the urge to solve these mysteries,
They dream of tomorrow's light which is not seen yet.
They all hope for tomorrow's adventure.

The unknown world,
The unknown enemies,
The unknown treasures,
This is an unpredictable adventure.

However, during these journeys
will they put their lives in jeopardy.

Labyrinths with no reachable ends,
Enemies that are too strong,
Mystery which cannot be solved,
Creates a huge wall called 'despair.'

Even so,
They won't regret their paths
Which lead them to this unknown world.

Rather, their hearts jemped suddenly
When they know danger is forthcoming.
...This is who adventurers are.
Hiding their minds in which uneasiness has been crushed deeply

They are not being timid.
They are not acting like cowards.
They just became more cautious
To step forward in their journey.

They explore familiar grounds,
And fight against weak enemies,
They will talk about their adventures with a cold tone.

Even so, they realize deep in their hearts


Class Description: Swordsman (or in this case a Hunter)
Your Main Character. The only character you can control.

He is the son of Gale a strong swordsman of Soleil. You were disinherited
and thrown out of the house to become a man, with only an armor and a sword
left behind by your father you choose to become a Hunter. And so the search
for fame, glory and ofcourse your ONE true girl whether it is your Moon
Goddess or not you decide. (You can only have one girl per game)

Skills are:
Life Potion - Use a Life Potion to replenish LP
Magic Potion - Use a Magic Potion to replenish MP
Elixir - Use an Elixir to replenish LP and MP and Revive
Wind Slash - A Projectile Attack
Power Strike - A small ranged all direction attack
Star Blade - An Enhaced version of Wind Slash. Can Pierce through foes
(can be obtained by finishing Special Mission Hunter G)
Class Description: A Little Blue Dragon
Favorite Hang-out: Inn

Rudy's partner. A cute little blue dragon who will NEVER leave your party EVER.
She was saved by Rudy a long time ago since then the hero and the dragon
developed a bond to each other. Which is why you could understand the meaning
of every "kyuu!" the little dragon tells you (which by the way becomes an
earsore after a time). But unknown to the Hero she has her own Secrets and I'll
leave it to you to find out ^_^

Skills are:
Life Potion - Use a Life Potion to replenish LP
Magic Potion - Use a Magic Potion to replenish MP
Fire Breath - A small fireball. Shell only Damaging move

Class Description: Support type Magic-User
Favorite Hang-out: Park

Her Brother was possessed by the Dark Lord and ran off. Her Father and Sister
chased him to somewhere far away and fought with him causing the death of his
father and brother living Alicia alone to the care of their Aunt. But having
no news of her Sister she went out to find her.

Skills are:
Healing - Heal a characters LP
Attack Force - Non-Elemental Magic attack
Bind - Paralize an enemy
Shield - Increase the chance to avoid attack
Heal All - Heal the whole party
Magic Lance - Enhanced Version of Attack Force
Regenerate - Increases LP Recovery Rate
Barrier - Decreases Magic Damage
Resurrection - Revives one character and Restores full LP

Marin (Marine)

Class Description: Melee type & a Summoner
Favorite Hang-out: Market

She is naive and simple-minded. Has a child-like personality.
Came from the western continent were people of the ancient race of dogs and
cats were born. Now she is on her own alone in an unknown region where people
know little of her kind. She has an ability to communicate with other
enchanted creature which can help her. She also has the ability to summon
elemetal creatures to aid her.

Skills are:
Gnome Summon - Summon Earth Spirit to fight by your side
Windy Summon - Summon Wind Spirit to fight by your side
Salamander Summon - Summon Fire Spirit to fight by your side
Sylph Summon - Summon Water Spirit to fight by your side

Caroll (Carroll)
Class Description: Sorceress
Favorite Hang-out: Library

A stuck up girl. She doesn't like to lose and doesn't like to be 2nd best.
Strong will, she always speak her mind. In my Opinion The most unique
character of them all. She's probably the only one in your party who agrees
to a good deal regardless of ethics, she likes makiang a profit. The only
character that doesn't think much of the hero at the start. Also my Favorite
character of them all. She learns her spells from books from magic ruins and
some from her events.

Skills are:
Firebolt - Fire based Attack
Icebolt - Ice Based Attack
Attack Force - Non-Elemental Magic Attack
Fireball - Enhanced version of firebolt with explosion
Ice Spike - Hits target then icicles rises from ground
Explosion - Fire based attack to the users surroundings
Bind - Paralizes an Enemy (1 second per ring)
Slow - Decreases Enemies Agility
Haste - Increase Movement and attack speed
Magic Lance - Enhanced verion of Attack Force
Blaze - Shoots Flame along a straight line

Class Description: Thief
Favorite Hang-out: Bar or Pubs

Raised as an Orphaned she detest the rich because they can have everything
they want without working for it. She is also known as Rose, a thief who
lives notices and a red rose on what she will steal from the owner. Then
sell it to give to the poor and orphaned... and to buy expensive drinks.
Also her personality is comparable to Caroll, they both have their own
pride and always goes for any good opportunity.

Skills are:
Weapon Throw - Throw Knives and Daggers
Attack Force - Non-Elemental MAgic Attack
Bind - Paralizes an Enemy 1 ring per second
Escape - Teleports when surrounded by the enemy
Mirage - Summons a mirror image of the caster, fast but not
Golem - Summons a Golem, Not very Agile but though and strong
Iron Golem - A much stronger version of the Golem
Silver Golem - A Strong and Agile Golem the most powerful golem

*************************SECRET CHARACTERS******************************

Karen (Caren)
Class Description: Escaped Princess of Minstrel
Favorite Hang-out: Places that are unique to that Country

Born as princess and rather weak she wonder what its like outside the castle
she wanted to know a life without her status a princess. Now that she is an
adult she took the chance to get to know more about the World outside the
castle walls by running away. Simple-Minded, Gullible and extremely lucky

How To Get: Finish the Game Once

Skills are:
Magic Gun - Shoot enemies with fire balls
Limiter Break - Enhanced version of Magic Gun, can penetrate enemies
Toy Attack - Throw an assortment of toys

Class Description: A Fencer that can also use magic
Favorite Hang-out: Inn

Alicia's Elder sister. She was cursed by the Dark Lord and turned into a
Dragon and fell off a cliff. Badly injured from the fall the hero found her
then nursed her to recovery. She now wants to repay him for saving her life
by protecting him.

How to Get: You Need Alicia in your party, a character event from shell.
And the Ankh of the blessed from the Ancient Temple

Skills are:
Life Potion - Use a Life Potion to replenish LP
Magic Potion - Use a Magic Potion to replenish MP
Energy Bolt - Lightning Arrow Attack
Attack Force - Non-Elemental Magic Attack
Force Weapon - Increases a person's power and accuracy
Protection - Increases Defence
Lightning - Enhanced version of Energy bolt and it penetrates
Thunder - Shoots at enemies and nearby opponents
Multi-Lightning - Penetrating lightning in multiple directions


*Note: I just put the order of events according to what sequence I like. Some
actually can happen early, for example in Marin's case Soleil event can happen
earlier if you go there first rather than in Souvenia, and some just plain as
is. Oh yeah and title I just put in there so it would remind me what happened
and I like it. I placed ! mark on every event that will have H-scenes on it.

I did this events all at once when I reached Hunter Rank A so as to have a
continous story. I just hate waiting around this way I won't be left hanging
just make sure you do it before Cobden's Challenge.

!Souvenia! - Bath House Trouble
Souvenia - Woman Killer Cocktail Medley (Learn a Spell)
Souvenia - It's a Date?!!!
Souvenia - Truth, Breaking the obstacles of the heart
Estamine - Alicia's Past (Learn a Spell)
Minstrel - Family... A visit to the past (Learn a Spell)
Soleil - A Father's Love (Learn a Spell)
!Souvenia! - Confession
!Souvenia! - ....... (Learn Resurrection Spell)
!Anytown! - .......

!Minstrel! - The Great Misunderstanding
Minstrel - Rose the Thief and the tears of Minstrel
Soeleil - A visit from the past
Souvenia - Copycat Caper, A Thief's pride
Estamine - Trouble at the Orphanage, Ruby's past revealed
!Minstrel! - The Vine Lady
Minstrel - The Maiden's Prayer
Minstrel - Capture Rose the Thief!?
!Minstrel! - To catch a Thief (Silver Golem Learned)
!Anytown! - .......

Souvenia - Old Maid's Game
Souvenia - Dare Contest, Caroll's Weakness
Estamine - Stranded on an island
!Minstrel! - Ultimate Anti-male spell (Learn Blaze Spell)
Soleil - Hot Spring Trouble
Souvenia - Monster Battle Endurance Contest
Souvenia - Best Couple Contest (Learn Magic Lance Spell)
Souvenia - Caroll's Possessed
Souvenia - Myth of the Fountain
!Souvenia! - Trapped!
!Anytown! - ..................

Souvenia - An errand for the Dead
Estamine - Cursed Hairband
Estamine - Hot Spring Scandal
Soleil - Laugh Mountain
Minstrel - Friends....
Estamine - PiPi Sickness
Estamine - Kiss
Estamine - Realization
!Estamine! - Cold Night
!Anytown! - ...................


Estamine - Dishwasher lady (Learning about the World)
Soleil - Farming, to the road of a hero (Learning about the world II)
Minstrel - House Cleaner (Learning about the world III)
Soleil - Time Capsule: A Treasure from the past
Souvenia - An Incurable Disease......?
!Minstrel! - The Wedding Crasher
!Anytown! - ................

*not sure if you can have her ending even though you didn't get the dragon
events, I'm just including it to be on a safe side

!Souvenia! - Fatigued
!Souvenia! - Waiting for the Goddess (You will automatically do this when
HUMAN FORM you rest and nothin else)


Mission Name: Cash Reward
How Long: How long till mission disappears if its 1 then if you dont pick
the mission nest round it won't be available anymore. if its 2
then it means that the mission will stay for another round and
disappear the next
Acceptable to: Party members that you can bring
Disliked by: Party members who will leave
Recommended Character: Character's ability is needed either to disarm trap
talk to fairies, or just plain open magical doors
Character Appearance: Character that will join your party if your party
isn't complete. there is a max of 4 character in
a party The Hero, The Dragon, and 2 others.
Dungeon Flr: How many levels the Dungeon has

Retrieve the Ancient Scroll: 1000G
How Long: 2 Mission
Acceptable to: Everyone
Disliked by: none
Recommended Character: None
Character Appearance: Caroll
Dungeon Flr: 5
there is a swith on the 4th flr that you can get to via the staircase
on the upper right corner of the 3rd flr. It will open the locked door
on the final level

It was already torn - The librarian will believe in you, but you still
lied ^_^
I'm sorry, T accidentally tore it - You and your party would apologize

Collect Bad-Tasting Food: Reward 800G
How Long: 3 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Marin, Caroll, Karen
Disliked by: none
Recommended Character: None
Character Appearance: Karen (if you have finished the game once)
No Fighting required...(unless you sold your ingridients and don't want
to buy one)
1 catnip 1 Ogre Meat
1 rotten vegetable 1 small fish

You'll be asked to try some
Refuse the Offer - your party would wonder about the taste
Accept the Offer - It was delicious

Get the Magic Flute: Reward 1200G
How Long: 2
Acceptable to: Alicia, Ruby, Caroll, Marin, Karen
Disliked by: none
Recommended Character: Ruby
Character Appearance: Ruby
Dungeon Flr: 4
Only Ruby can open the door that leads to the chest holding Hell's
High Heels (Common Item)on the 2nd flr.
Upon returning to the Client's house you would be given 3 choices to say
"I don't care if you don't believe us" - you would be mad at him and
keep the flute. no reward
"I don't need the money, you can have - You keep your pride and give
the flute anyway" the flute. but still no reward
"I don't need the money, but I'm going - Keep the flute, keep your
to keep the flute" pride, still no reward. but you can sell
the flute for even more than the reward

Recover a lost Item: Reward 1000G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Alicia, Marin, Caroll
Disliked by: none
Recommended Character: Marin
Character Appearance: Marin
Dungeon Flr: 1
If you have Marin in your party you wont be asked to answer this
question Marin will answer it for you. you are given 4 choices.
Gold Sword - You wont receive anything and you will fail the mission
Silver Sword - Same as Gold Sword
Normal Sword - You would be given the sword and approval from everybody
All of them - The spirit will give you the Sword of Desire which can
turn exp. to gold. and oh yeah you will fail the mission

Get a Magic Book: Reward 2000G
How Long: 6 Mission
Acceptable to: Caroll, Ruby, Marin, Karen
Disliked by: Alicia
Recommended Character: Ruby, Caroll
Character Appearance: Caroll
Trap Dungeon
Dungeon Flr: 3
If you have Ruby she will automatically disarm any trap in the dungeon
In Dungeon Flr 2 there is a room blocked by magic only Caroll can open
it to get the haste ring in the chest

You will meet a person training to be a hunter. he'll ask for the book
No, I can't - Teach him a lesson in life of becoming a hunter
Yes, I do - You defeat the purpose of this being his trial in the
first place

Eliminate Goblin Gang: Reward 4000G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Alicia, Marin, Caroll
Disliked by: Ruby, Karen
Recommended Character: none
Character Appearance: Marin
Dungeon Flr: 4
When you save the boy you are given 2 ways to respond
Where's the "Thank You"? - You will send him crying
I'm Sorry... - You'll be called a lousy Hunter by the Kid

*personally for pride's sake I'll send him crying ^_^ serves him right

Find a Special Stone: Reward 2300G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Everyone
Disliked by: none
Recommended Character: Alicia
Character Appearance: Alicia
Dungeon Flr: 4
There is a stone tablet that only alicia can read. it's directions in
what order to push the buttons here are the right order in case you dont
have alicia with you
4 2 3 1 x = Pressed buttons
x x x x
You are given 2 options.
Listen - Very Unprofessional of you, Except for Caroll she wants to listen
Dont Listen - Right thing to do, but leaves them curious

Get the Golden Bone: Reward 2400G
How Long: 3 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Marin, Karen, Ruby
Disliked by: Caroll
Recommended Character: Marin
Character Appearance: Alicia
Dungeon Flr: 5
There are fairies in the 4th flr that only Marin can communicate to
They will give you a sacred talisman and recover your stamina

After Bringing back the Bone. You are given 3 ways to respond
That was a bitter lesson in life - Everyone will agree with you
What did you want to wish for - The Old man forgot what it was
It was all for nothing -

Protect A Merchant: Reward 4200G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Ruby, Caroll
Disliked by: Marin
No fighting required

you'll be asked a question and you have the select an
answer from the 3 choices.
Take the Request - You would appear to be an all about the
money person. And receive negative comments from
your party members. (Alicia, Karen)
Cancel Contract -- You would appear gullible and unprofessional.
And you wont get paid.
Scare the Client - Appear Intelligent. Receive Praises and get paid
Best choice is the 3rd

Find the Hidden Treasure: Reward 2800
How Long: 1 mission
Acceptable to: Karen, Marin, Ruby
Disliked by: Alicia
Recommended Character: Ruby (Iron Golem Skill)
Character Appearance: Ruby
Trap Dungeon
Dungeon Flr: 3
There is a door on the 2nd Flr that Ruby can open, It has the
Iron Golem Skill Scroll.

When you finished the dungeon you will be given two options.
Give the Gold nugget to the client - Tempting, but a contract is a
contract. Plus its the right thing
to do.
Take the Gold nugget and ditch the contract - You Failed the mission but
you get to keep the Gold Nugget

Investigate an Unopenable Door: Reward 680G
How Long: 2 Missions
Acceptable to: Marin, Alicia, Karen
Disliked by:
Recommended Character: Karen
Character Appearance: Karen
Dungeon Flr: 6
Karen can open the door with her incredible luck

Saving Lost Children: Reward 3000G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Marin
Disliked by: Caroll
Recommended Character: Ruby
Character Appearance: Marin
Dungeon Flr: 2
There is also a painting on the second floor if you have Ruby with you
she will unlocked it and reveal a chest that has the Rune Earrings.

When you Find the Scared Children you would be given 3 choice to
answer them.
"You were scared, weren't you? But your safe, now" - appear to be
Sensitive and caring
"Don't cause your parents any trouble!" - Appear to be Mean and uncaring
"Don't cry about this, be strong!" - (not clear on this but i guess a
little of both not really sure)

Find Missing Toy: Reward 4000G
How Long: 4 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Marin
Disliked by: Karen, Ruby
No Fighting Required
After finding the toy you are given 3 ways to respond
Nice Hobby - He will be encouraged, negative comments from your party
He's still only a kid - Lecture him in not doing it again
It is one spoiled kid - make him cry and hurt his feelings... hehehe

Recover the Body of the Mage: Reward 5000
How Long: 2 Missions
Acceptable to: Karen, Marin, Ruby
Disliked by: Alicia
Recommended Character: Ruby
Character Appearance: Marin
Dungeon Flr: 7
Trap Dungeon
Take him Back - Take back the dead, wife is somehow less miserable
Leave him there - You respect the wishes of the dead, but make the
wife more miserable than she already is.

Find the Crystal: Reward 4500
How Long: 2 Missions?
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Marin
Disliked by:
Character Appearance: Caroll
Dungeon Flr: 7
*At End of this dungeon another hunter will come to buy the
Crystal from you for 9000G. Don't sell it for 3 reasons
1st You don't need the money. 2nd You will fail on this Mission
and by failing you might get demoted. Final Reason it will have
negative reaction to your party.

Check on the Old Man living in the Ancient Ruins: Reward 2980
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Marin, Caroll, Ruby
Disliked by: None
Character Appearance: Ruby
Dungeon Flr: 6
Boss Battle: Giant Green Slime on the 5th Floor
*There is a Tablet here on the 1st floor that only Alicia
can read it will transport you to the Treasure Room where you
can get the Goddess Shawl and Healing Cloak and to another
portal to the last floor ending the quest.

Find Material for Novelist: Reward 6000
How Long: 6 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Ruby
Disliked By: Marin, Caroll
Recommended Character: Alicia
Character Appearance: Karen
Dungeon Flr: 8
Boss Battle: Giant Crab
*There is a Tablet here on the 3rd floor that Alicia can read it
will teleport you the a chest containing a Blessed Cape(actually
it an armor) and anothe portal leading to the last level

Choice Answers to the Client:
Give us more Money -
I can't understand this guy's mind - your party would wonder the same
What about the Adventure novel? - your party would let it go since he
did get something from all of that even though
it was unexpected
Best Choice is the 3rd one.. (at least for me)
Find a Person's First Love: Reward 3200G
How Long: 3? Missions
Acceptable to Alicia, Karen, Marin
Disliked By:
No Fighting Required
Visit the Bar in Souvenia, they will tell you that the person move to
Estamine. go to the bar in Estamine they will tell you that the girl was
actually a man and you can find him at the bar in Soleil go there then
return to Souvenia. You will be given 3 choices to answer him.

I found a guy who was your first love - You would crush the man's youthful
I couldn't find the girl you were looking for - He would think that she
is dead
Sorry, I couldn't find the person - You will preserve his memories of
her/him in the client's heart

*You can choose watever you like to respond it doesn't matter really.

Solve a Relationship Problem: Reward 500G
How Long: 2 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Marin, Caroll
Disliked By: Ruby
Character Appearance: Karen
Dungeon Flr: 5
You have 2 choices to respond to the Client
She married another man - Your party would think you to be insensitive
The Distance was an invisible obstacle - Explain everything and tell him
to find someone better than her
Best Choice is the 2nd one

Recover Artwork: Reward 7000G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to:Alicia, Karen, Marin, Caroll, Ruby
Disliked By:
Dungeon Flr: 4

At the 3rd Flr there is a door that only Caroll can open. It has her
Haste spell in it.

Boss Battle: Robot Monster Cat (although I'm not sure what part is a cat)
There is a Treasure here that only Carol can open

Protect a Merchant: Reward (10000G)150000G
How Long: 1 Mission
Acceptable to:Alicia, Karen, Claire
Disliked by: Marin
Dungeon Flr: 7

Think about the situation - You will go to the bar in Souvenia and Soleil
to unlock the Dungeon
Wait a little more - You think he didn't showed up because he cant
afford your fee.
I have come to save the Merchant -
I Have come for your Treasure - Fool your enemies in not to take the
merchant as a hostage

Search the Dragon's Lair
How Long: 2 Missions
Acceptable to: Alicia, Karen, Claire, Marin
Disliked by:
Dungeon Flr: 10
Boss Battle: A Cocoon like thingie. You don't see it the first time. but
when you visit it again it is in the upper left corner. it doesnt
do anything. it doesn't even die when you beat it. Ill try bringing
marin next time maybe it'll talk to her

Take it away - Receive unapproval glances from your party
Leave it - They will agree it's the right thing to do


*These Missions require/force you to make a fast decisions or simply make you
do it and some will never be asked again if declined.

Becoming A Hunter (FORCED & REQUIRED)
Trial 1 - Destroy the terrorizing Goblins
Dungeon Flr: 2

Trial 2 - Retrieve Ancient Scroll
Dungeon Flr: 6
There is 5 buttons here press them according to this:
o x o = not pressed
x x = Pressed
x o
Trial 3 - Exterminate the Monster Cat
Go to the Harbor on Estamine. Talk to Marin. Goto the Market and buy some
catnip at the fish merchant. go back to the harbor and defeat the monster

Trial 4 - Search for Yasik's most precious treasure
Ask the people in the Bar in Souvenia then on Soleil. Buy the Ocarina
from the music merchant. Then Head for Mt. Soleil
Mt Soleil Dungeon Flr: 1
Yasik's Cave Dungeon Flr: 1-2, 5-6

Meeting at Souvenia Hill (FORCED)
Nothing much just fight Cobden then your done.

Talk to Becky the Fickle Beefer on the Pub at Minstrel
on the different Ranks to reveal Hidden Dungeons
Rank C - Cave of Growth (unlimited enemies) Dungeon Flr: 1
Rank B - Friendship Ruin (You'll be forced to fend for yourselves
it's a test of individual endurance)
Rank A - Backdoor Colloseum
Rank S -

Volunteer Work
Dungeon Flr: 4
...Yes this is the same map on your 1st trial on becoming a hunter
only this time you go much deeper. 2 floors to be exact ofcourse you
already know that since I wrote every Floor level of every dungeon.

Hair Growing Potion (FORCED)
Dungeon Flr: 10
In the 10th flr there will be 5 switches from left to right. Press the
left most switch x o o o o x = Pressed o = unpressed
Take note if you make a mistake 3 times Cobden will take the treasure
and you will be demoted to Rank D.

Hunters Tournament
First riddle is a chair
Second Riddle is a bookshelf
Third Riddle is Shadow (look for a potted plant that has no shadow)
Fourth is a bos (The Treasure Chest)

Cobden's Challenge (FORCED)
Dungeon Flr: 4

Township Fighting Tournament (EXTRA)
You may cancel it if you want to the prize is a Recovery Ring

You also need Alicia to be in your party
Dungeon Flr: 10

He will teach you the "Star Blade"

If you don't accept it, it will disappear
Take his help - He will roll the Dice for you
I dont need his help - You will roll the Dice

Actually I dont really see the need for his help. Come to think of it
I'm much more luckier than he is. I took me longer with his help than
on my own ^_^!!.
Dungeon Flr: 14
Last Dungeon

Staff Room (EXTRA)
After Finishing the game once. Go to the border talk to the middle guard
he will let you in. Talk to the makers and translators of the game. In
the bar you can buy equipment as well as the "Hero Cast" Which can
double EXP gain.

Losers Paradise (EXTRA)
By going to the Border after finishing the game once. In the bar of the
staff room there is a shadow walking around answer "YES" to his question
for losers paradise to appear.

If You think you have a rare item. You can go to the 2nd flr of the inn
of Estamine the guy there will check your unequipped items for any rare
and tell you what it does.


ENDING 2 - Alicia - A New Bond
ENDING 3 - Caroll - Fights are the Proof of Love
ENDING 4 - Marin - Stranded Couple
ENDING 5 - Ruby - The Veiled Red Rose
ENDING 6 - Karen - forgot to write, will be followed on when i finish
ENDING 7 - Clare - forgot to write, this game again.....


I would like to thank Crowd for making this game and peach princess
for translation it to english.

My "Friends" mainly darkjackal, stealth-hunter, vervamon, ohkami_buster
for well uhmmm... for many things. ^_^

And for you for taking time to read this.

To myself since this is my first faq that i actually sent to gamefaqs
And other people who know me but i forgot to mention thanks.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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01.December 2014
30.December 2013
30.Januari 2018
24.Februari 2018
04.Maart 2019