Neighbours From Hell 2 - On Vacation

Neighbours From Hell 2 - On Vacation

17.10.2013 15:50:43
Neighbors From Hell 2 All 92 Coins And Golden Neighbor Bonus Walkthrough

Guess who's back
Back again
Woody's back
Tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back,
guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back..daa neh na

Yup! This is the second installment of Neighbors From Hell (PC game).
For those of you who have not played the first one (and used my
"Neighbors From Hell 100% Viewer Ratings Walkthrough") I'd REALLY
recommend it (referring to the game, of course ;) ).

Upon completing it, NFH2 is much easier than NFH (please note I used the
abbreviation) and also NFH2 seems less challenging overall, but you do
get to visit several different locations during the Neighbor (or "N" as
I like to call him for short) each having many different items to use to
set up tricks with hilarious effects. As opposed to NFH1 where you are
mostly confined to the various rooms in N's house.

As usual this walkthrough is meant to instruct the reader on how to
achieve the maximum score, which in NFH2 is measured by the number of
"coins" you can score (1 for each trick). No doubt there is a minimum
number of "coins" you need in order to qualify to skip to the next
level, but.....NFH2 is WAY TOO EASY to settle for that!

As I promised in my first NFH walkthrough, I'll make a bigger attempt to
keep this walkthrough as short and yet precise enough to follow without
the reader getting where was I?

I know so some paragraphs below were copied from the NFH1 walkthrough,
but several key pointers on how the game is played still applies to
NFH2. Just watch out for the changes.

I wanna say that the time limit feature doesn't make that much of a
difference. It is more likely you'll make a mistake and get clobbered
instead of having the timer run out. And most of the time even if you do
one trick at a time, you'll most likely finish with plenty of time to
spare. You can also easily PAUSE the game (press 'P') have a good look
around as and when you want.

You can turn off the time limit feature from the main menu option. You
can then take your time to slowly observe the neighbor at your leisure.
Either that or you can hide Woody somewhere and use the game as a noisy

To make life easier for you, you'd probably want to turn off the Trick
Camera Option as you don't want to be fighting against the camera
panning away at every trick going off when you are trying frantically to
set all your tricks before getting caught.

PLEASE NOTE a big difference in NFH2 when compared with NFH1:

Following only true in NFH1:
1) When Woody (your character) picks up an item that goes into his
inventory, he will usually turn his head to face you, point his
finger in the air (like he's got an idea) and say, "HAH!", then
turns back and picks up that item. This is important to note
because when you hear Woody go "HAH!" means that you can issue
another command like "pick up (another item)" or "use (item) from
the inventory with (such and object) in the room" and Woody will
still pick up that object (the one that he "HAH!" about) and
immediately execute the second command you gave him. This is good
as Woody spends less time idle and makes his actions more
In NFH2, clicking on another item while trying to pick up something, can
cause Woody to CANCEL his current action and go after that something you
clicked on. NFH1 players may not realize this and fail to set tricks
properly because of this old habit. Instead now, for example, you should
wait until you see that the item is in your inventory or wait for Woody
to finish setting up his trick before moving off. Another example is the
first level where you need to place a bar of soap on a puddle of water,
you need to make sure the soap is placed down on the ground before
moving off. Otherwise, if you click elsewhere too early, you'd be
instructing Woody to abort the current action and to go to somewhere

Following only true in NFH1:
2) When Woody is setting a trick, he'll stand in front of the
object (to be set a trick on), face away from you, and wave his
arms around as he works on it. A progress bar** over his head will
indicate his progress. If you click anywhere before the progress
bar is finished (reaches the end) it will cancel the setting of
the trick and you will have to start again if you want to set the
trap. So sometimes you might be rushing to set tricks one after
another that you accidentally click away before Woody is finished
setting it and when you leave the room you suddenly realize you
missed out one trick. So no doubt you need to be quick sometimes
but be careful not to inadvertently cancel a trick in the process.
After every trick you set, Woody will give out a little giggle.
**The only difference is the progress bar is now gone! Shucks!

Ok as for the new features in NFH2:

* Whenever you see a "@>" just indicates N should be triggering off the
tricks at the approximate time you are following the walkthrough.
"@" being the closest symbol that *looks* like a "coin".

* All levels described here will grant you all the maximum coins for
that level (which you can count by the number of "@>"s as you
progress) and ALSO the Golden Neighbor Award (which, according to
the tutorial, happens when you complete the level with N's Anger Bar
(along the left side of the screen) at the MAXIMUM! (the whistle
will be blowing at the end of the level)

* N's Mum is now in this game (you may remember her from N's pictures
in his house in NFH1. Well she is now here in the flesh. N and N's
Mum will attack Woody when caught. Olga on the other hand is always
neutral, so no harm entering the same screen as her.

* Also another obvious difference is the progress bar is used to
indicate how long either N or N's Mum is going to be asleep for. ie.
once the bar reaches 100%, they will wake up. When they have just
fallen asleep the progress bar will start counting from 1% onwards.

The newest addition you'll notice is the setting up of certain tricks. I
indicated these with the "DEX:". This special tricks require you to
exercise a bit of mouse cursor control. Generally, each level should
contain only one of these DEX set ups. Needless to say its frustrating
if you can't get the hang of it, but practice, practice, practice (and a
cleaned mouse) would really help. When you click to set up such a trick,
your cursor will change to an icon of the object you are using, also a
circle will appear with an outline of the icon. The main idea is to keep
the icon (on your mouse) over the outline while the game tries to nudge
your mouse cursor in random directions. While you do this the circle
will fill up with green. If you move too far out the outline or the
circle itself, the circle will flash red and the level of green will
drop drastically back down. Just a necessary evil you need to overcome
every level. In some levels you do not have the luxury of time to pull
these tricks off as you might be more at risk of getting caught if you
delay for too long. Finally, if you are having trouble and want to abort
doing the DEX set up, just right click to free back your mouse cursor.

Oh yes NFH1 players would also notice you can't "sneak" by
right-clicking anymore. Well at least you don't HAVE TO sneak past N or
N's Mum when they are sleeping anymore.

All Aboard

Follow the intro's instructions and walk over to the bottom right-side
of the ship's deck.
After getting the soap from the chest the first time,
- Use Soap on puddle of water (make sure soap is placed before clicking
- Quickly Go back down to bottom right
@> N will walk over and slip on soap banging his head on the railing
Now quickly:
- Search Chest (get another Soap)
Go to Bottom Left side
- Search Vanity Bag (Get Hairpin)
- DEX: Use Hairpin with locked Tool cupboard (Get Penknife and Pipe Wrench)
- Use Penknife with buffet (Top Left)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
@> N walks over and collapses Buffet, gets clobbered (hehe) by Olga
- Quickly Go to Bottom Right
- Quickly Go to Top Right
- Use Pipe Wrench with deck railing door
- Use Soap on puddle of water (make sure soap is placed before clicking
- Quickly Go back down to bottom right

@> N will walk over and slip on soap and WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!
- Quickly Go to Bottom Left
N will walk to Top Right
- Quickly Go to Top Left
- Examine pot with Spaghetti (Get Spaghetti With Sauce)
- Use Spaghetti With Sauce with captain's hat
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
N will return
@> Gets hair replacement therapy

Score: Tricks: 4, Combos: 1

Covert Advance

- Examine Reed (Get Reed)
- Go down left side
- Take Sand Bucket
- Examine Seaweed (Get Seaweed)
- Examine Sawfish on a Sign (Get Sawfish)
- DEX: Use Reed on Crab Nest (Get Crab)
- Go back up Left side
- Examine Rubbish Bin (Get Shark Fin)
- Use Sand Bucket with Electric Eel in the Aquarium (Get Electric Eel in
the Sand Bucket)

When N is at bottom right (probably sleeping):
- Go to Top Right
- Use Electric Eel in the Sand Bucket with pond (sets up "electrified

When N goes up right-side stairs:
- Use Crab with Cool Box (make sure crab appears in there before
clicking elsewhere)
- Use Rake (sets up upside down rake) (make sure seaweed is in placed
before clicking elsewhere)
- Use Seaweed on upside down rake (sets up Concealed rake)

Quickly move to bottom left side
- Use Shark Fin with Remote-controlled Submarine (sets up
Remote-controlled Shark Submarine)
- Go up to Top left
When N has gone back down:
- Go to Top Right
- Use Sawfish with bridge railing (sets up booby-trapped bridge railing)
- Quickly move to Top Left side before N comes back.

Tricks triggers as follows:
After N naps:
@> Gets pinched by crab
@> Steps on Concealed Rake
@> Gets shark scare
Goes back up stairs
@> Falls into Pond
@> Electrocution

The Cabin Is Occupied

- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Examine tool belt (Get Spanner)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
N goes over to Top Left
- Go to Bottom Right
- DEX: Search Olga's handbag (Get Nylon Tights)
- Take Wan Kwai Chilli Sauce (on counter, left of Olga)
- Go to Top Right
N should be going down to Bottom Left
- Take Cannonball
- Take Oil Can (next to broken-down power generator)
- Use Nylon Tights with broken-down power generator (sets up repaired
power generator)
- Go back down to Bottom Right and wait (somewhere in front of olga's
purse will do)
N should be slicing up some melons
As soon as N reaches the stairs going up to Top Left:
- Go to Bottom Left
- Use Cannonball with Melons (sets up heavy melons)
- Use Spanner with Collapsible Bike (sets up collapsing bike)
When N goes from Top Left to Top Right:
- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Use Wan Kwai Chilli Sauce with toilet paper (right side of toilet)
(get spicy toilet paper)
- Use Oil Can with lever for rice chute (left side of toilet)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
- Quickly Go to Bottom Right and hide there

@> N gets framed at podium
@> N gets a spice of HIS LIFE!
@> N flushes (more than one way you can take this ;) )
N goes back down to Bottom Left
@> Cannonaball run
@> N does a Wheelie!

Tricks: 5, Bonus: 0.

For Whom The Gong Sounds

Woody starts at Top Left. N moves clockwise to all areas in this level
so Woody would have to do the same while staying ahead of N.

- DEX: Use toy dispenser (Get Teddy Bear)
- Go to Top Right (before N arrives)
- Take bricks (Get Brick)
- Use Teddy Bear with Olga's kid (Get Party Popper for Kids)
- Take Bonsai Scissors
- Go to Bottom Right
- Take Rice Bowl (Get Empty Rice Bowl)
- Go to Bottom Left
- Examine umbrella stand (Get Umbrella Stand)
- Go to Top Left
- Use Empty Rice Bowl with grease (on the floor to the left of man
standing left of the gong) (Get Rice Bowl with Grease)
- Go to Top Right
- Use Party Popper for Kids with hot-dog stand
- Go to Bottom Right
- Use Bonsai Scissors with jade necklace
- Use Rice Bowl with Grease with Ming Vase
When N has moved out of the Bottom Left
- Use Brick with karate show for tourists (adds *realism*)
- Use Rice Bowl with Grease with rickshaw (with Olga sitting on it)
When N has moved out of the Top Left
- Use Umbrella Stand with drumstick for a gong (extends it)
When N has moved out of the Top Right
- Go to Top Right (and hide there for the rest of the level)

N will trigger tricks as follows:
@> Ears popping
@> Jade necklace breaks
@> Ming Vase hat
@> Gets pummeled by Olga (for you know what)
@> Bashes head against brick
@> GONG!

Tricks: 6, Bonus: 1

Ping-Pong Fucius

N does not go to Top Right in this level so there is safe.

- Quickly Go down to Bottom Left
- Examine box (blue one on the left) (Get Bangers)
- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Take chef's glasses (when he puts them down) (Get Glasses)
- DEX: Examine duck cage (Get Duck Egg)
- Quickly Go to Top Right
- Search box (Get Bicycle Inner Tube)
- Take Hammer and Nails (on the floor right of box and left of pond
- Use Bangers with lion statue (all the way to the right)
- Use Glasses with lion statue, ready for blasting (Get Lion's Head)
- Go down to Bottom Right
- Examine anchor (Get Rope)
N should be at Bottom Left playing with rockets or kicking Olga's kid's
sand statue
- Go up to Top Right
- Go up to Top Left
- Use Bicycle Inner Tube with barrel with Eels
Wait until N goes to Bottom Right to go play ping-pong with Olga
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Left
- Use Rope with rockets
- Use Hammer and Nails with water-skis
- Use Lion's Head with sand sculpture (Olga's kid's)
- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Go to Top Right
When N has left Bottom Right area:
- Go down to Bottom Right
- Use Duck Egg with ping-pong table
- Go to Top Right (hide)

N will:
@> go barefoot skiing
@> gets a more *flexible* diet
@> blasts off!
@> gets a stone pedicure
@> plays ping-SPLAT!!

Tricks: 5, Bonus: 0

Every Shot A Hit

Finally, you get to see N's Mum. The first part of this level has a few
tutorial tips.

First thing you do is:
- Examine toy box (get Whoopee cushion)
- Also, Examine sports bag (Get Rubber Band) (easier to get this now)
- Go up to Top Right
- Use Whoopee Cushion with pile of cushions
- Hide in the vent pipe

N's Mum asks N for a new cushion
@> Whoopee!

- Come out of vent pipe
- Wait until N moves down to Bottom Left (N's Mum should have fallen
- Go to Top Left
- Take flea-infested dog blanket (Get Furry Bunny and Flea-infested Dog
- DEX: Examine denture adhesive vending machine (Get Denture Adhesive)
As soon as N moves to Bottom Right,
- Quickly move down to Bottom Left (before N's Mum wakes up)
- Use Furry Rabbit with launching pad
- Use Rubber Band with harpoon
When N goes up to Top Right
- Quickly Go to Bottom Right
- Use Flea-infested Dog Blanket with towel (on barbell)
Now this part is a little tricky. As soon as N moves to Top Left:
- Quickly Go up to Top Right
- Use Denture Adhesive with bag for dynamite fishing
- Quickly Hide in the vent pipe (should be able to just before N comes
back your way!)

@> Sticky bomb!
@> Triple backlash!
@> Triple backlash!
@> Triple backlash!
@> flea problem weighs heavily on his mind!

Tricks: 6, Bonus: 2

Mummy's Darling

- Quickly Go up to Top Right
- Examine barbeque (Get Barbeque Tongs)
- Go back down to Bottom Right
- Examine moped (red) (Get Pedal)
- Examine moped (green) (Get Spring)
- DEX: Use Barbeque Tongs with crabs nest (Get Crab)
- Take sea urchin (Get Sea Urchin
- Quickly Go to Bottom Left (before N comes)
- Take whisky (under umbrella, left of beach towel) (Get Whisky)
When N's Mum is either sleeping or holding her head underwater (in pool):
- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Use Spring with diving board (sets up strengthened diving board)
- Quickly Go to Top Right (N should be gone)
- Use Whisky with barman (he gets wasted)
- Take ice bucket (you can do this immediately after giving the barman
the whisky)
Now you have to be quick again
When N's Mum is either sleeping or holding her head underwater (in pool):
- Quickly Go to Top Left
- Use Ice Bucket with water tap (Get Full Bucket)
- Quickly Go to Top Right
- Use Full Bucket with Elephant
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Right
- Use Crab with conch (just below Olga) (sets up nipping conch, also
uses up first crab)
Now to get another crab.
- DEX: Use Barbeque Tongs with crabs nest (Get Crab)

N should have:
@> launched off the diving board and hit the awning (this drops the
awning pole to the left of the awning)

- Go to Bottom Left
- Use crab with sand castle (sets up guarded sand castle)
- Use Sea Urchin with beach towel

Now you have to be VERY QUICK!!
When N's Mum is either sleeping or holding her head underwater (in pool):
- Quickly Go up to Top Left
- Use Pedal with awning pole (retracts awning)
- Take spring (now on the floor in front of the diving board)
- Use Spring with diving board (sets up strengthened diving board, again)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
- Hide in the wicker beach chair with a hood

N should be:
@> bathed by the elephant
@> clobbered by Olga (after getting a little crabby)
@> TRIPLE: Pedicured by a crab!
@> TRIPLE: Acupuncture by a sea urchin!
@> TRIPLE: Tummy tucked by Olga!
N takes a nap on the beach towel
@> gives his mum a FLYING HUG!

Above The Clouds

You start off in the Top Middle (there is a basket to hide in there). N
is to your right and N's Mum is just below in Bottom Right.

- Quickly go down to Bottom Right (you should just miss N's Mum who is
going into a fitting room)
- Quickly Take round board with Nails (Get Round Board with Nails)
- Take Sponge and chalk (just below the little chalkboard between the
fitting room and the pile of round boards with nails)
- Use Rake (left of fitting room) (make sure rake is placed on the floor
before clicking elsewhere) (prepares a trick)
- Take Wire (at the bottom edge of the screen, directly below fitting
Now quickly:
- Go to Bottom Left (before N's Mum comes out and N comes down)
- Go to Top Left
- DEX:Examine mousehole (Get Mouse)
- Go to Top Middle
- Take spade (Get Spade)
- Examine bowl of balloons (Get Balloon)
N's Mum should be going into the fitting room by now, so quickly:
- Go down to Bottom Right
- Free tied up little yapper (yes, the dog)
- Use Mouse with heap of stones (left of stairs in Bottom Right) (Get
Now quickly:
- Go to Bottom Left (before N's Mum comes out)
When N goes to Top Middle toward Top Right:
- Go to Top Left
- DEX:Examine mousehole (Get another Mouse)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
- Use Mouse with angry elephant (scares it away)
- Use Sponge and chalk with safety line (moves it closer to elephant)
- Use Round Board with Nails with shoe cleaning machine (sets up shoe
slitting machine)

N should be:
@> getting a nose job by a rake

Ok now all you need to do is:
- Go up to Top Left
- Use Snake with alms bowl
- Use cable with tap with Electric Safeguard
- Go to Top Middle
- Go to Top Right
- Use Spade with seesaw
- Use Balloon with rope charmer with flute
- Go back to Top Middle
- Hide in the basket

N should be:
@> getting a foot slicing
@> clobbered by the elephant
@> Electrocution
@> Money, the root of all evil
@> What goes up, must COME DOWN!
@> and goes up again...*OOH!* That's gotta hurt

Tricks: 6, Bonuses: 1

Burning With Ambition

This level requires quite precise clicking and timing if you wanna pull
it off fast. Otherwise you just take a few more rounds gathering items
before you set the tricks up. You start with a Penknife.

So Immediately:
- Take Construction Set for Arsonists (Get Fuel Container and Matches)
- Use Penknife with Holy Cow (Meat on the table! I mean cuts saddle)
- Immediately, Go up to Top Left (you should just miss N who is going to
Top Middle) (You need the extra time, so you have to cut everything
quite close)
- Use Penknife on flowers (Get Flower) (make sure you have the flower
before clicking elsewhere)
- Use Fuel Container with channel (grey patch of floor in the centre)
(sets up fuel channel)
- Quickly, Go back down to Bottom Left
- Use Flower with Holy Cow with Torn Saddle (makes poo)
After a few seconds, the holy cow poops.
- Take Cow-pat (you know you have to)
- Quickly Go to Bottom Right (N's Mum should be in the fitting room,
with about 60% or so on the indicator) (If you find you don't have
enough time, either try the above steps faster or opt to do the slower
- Use Cow-pat with Ice-cream machine (adds a new flavor!)
- Quickly Go up to Top Middle
- Hide in the basket
Once N has gone down to Bottom Right
- Go to Top Right
- Use Fuel Container with water trough (makes Fuel trough)
- Go to Top Middle

N should:
@> Experience a new flavor of ice-cream

Wait for N's Mum to go back into the fitting room and for N to move to
Bottom Left (In fact, as soon as N finishes fixing the ice-cream
machine, you can start going down already):
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Right
- Take Asbestos Nappies
- Take Pair of Bellows
- Quickly Go back up to Top Middle

N should:
@> Get a load of bull

- Go to Top Right
- DEX:Use Pair of Bellows with carpet of coals (sets up hot carpet of
- Use Asbestos Nappies with hot carpet of coals (Get Hot Coals)
- Quickly Go to Top Middle
- Use Matches with drain-cover (blows it open)
- Quickly, Hide in the basket

N should:
@> Get toasty!

Now wait for N to visit the entrance to the Taj Mahal here.
As soon as he takes off his shoes:
- Use Hot Coals with neighbor's shoes (Sets up hot shoes)
- Quickly, Hide in the basket

When N comes out he should:
@> Get a hot foot
@> and takes the subway! DAAAHOOOHOOOHOOO!
@> Does the fiery tap dance

The Enlightenment

OK this one is quite tricky. If you do it in a slightly different
sequence, you may not get N to full anger at the end.

- Quickly Go to Top Right
- Go to Top Left
- Take Fishing Net (left of dog, just below diving board)
- Quickly Go back to Top Right
- Examine alms bowl (in front of statue/shrine) (Get Bone)
- Go down to Bottom Right
- Take Sea Urchin
Wait until N goes running up to Top Left (his Mum calls him):
- Go to Bottom Left
- DEX: Use Fishing Net with tool belt (Get tongs)
Olga should get up and go to beach shower and hangs her bra over the top
while showering:
- Take Olga's bra (Get Bra)
- Take Cricket Bat (in the water along the shore, below Olga's beach
- Take suntan oil (right of N's deck chair)
- Use tongs with valve (left of stairs leading to Top Left) (drains pool
in Top Left, creates a puddle of water below itself)
- Examine puddle of water (below the valve you just opened) (Get Octopus)
When N goes from Bottom Right to Top Right (after trying on turban once)
- Go to Bottom Right
- Use Sea Urchin with stall (sets up stall selling sea-urchin turban)
- Take another Sea Urchin
Wait until N goes to Top Left:
- Go up to Top Right
- use Bra with melons (Eh, that's the pile watermelons -- in case you
were wondering otherwise ;) ) (Get Melon Catapult)
- Use Cricket Bat with elephant
- Go back down to Bottom Right (wait)
N should be taking a nap in his deck chair.
When N wakes up (his mum calls him), N goes running up to Top Left:
- Go to Bottom Left
- Use Melon Catapult with pylon (that street lamp/light post above N's
deck chair) (smashes it, exposing the wires)
- Use Sea Urchin with deck chair (spikes it)

N's Mum should have just sent him to walk the dog.

N should:
@> Get a cranium acupuncture!

Now wait for N's Mum to just fall asleep again (if she is just about to
wake up then wait until she falls asleep again)
- Then go up to Top Left
- Use Suntan Oil with diving board (sets up slippery diving board)
- Use Bone with dog basket
N (and the little yapper -- dog) should be at Top Left, teasing the
- Go to Bottom Left

When N goes back up to Top Right:
- Go to Bottom Right
- Use Octopus with stall (sets up stall selling octopus turban)

@> Elephant hits a doggy home run! (N gets spanked by his Mum)

When N goes to Top Left
- Go up to Top Right
- Hide in the bin

N should:
@> Get spiky butt!
@> New hairdo!

N proceeds to take a nap, wakes up, gets called by his Mum, takes dog
down to stall and:

N should:
@> Get startled by the little yapper (who is chewing on its new Bone)
@> Slip on the slippery diving board
@> Fall into the empty pool!

N should go down to Bottom Right and:

@> get a sucky hat!

Tricks: 7, Bonus:2

Neighbour Over Board!

This level has 5 "rooms", the extra one being the lower deck where N's
cabin is. You can get there by going through the door to the right of
the (open) toilet door in the area Woody starts off in. This level
requires good timing to pull off quickly and to avoid getting caught so
some good clicking might be in order. Also something to note: Woody can
still stay hidden by going up and down the stairs (without getting off
the stairs that is) if N's Mum and N are in adjoining rooms. But if you
follow the steps right you would not need to use it.

Ok you need the maximum amount of time in order to pull off the
following sequence without interruptions or getting caught, so quick
clicking is critical here:
- Go to Bottom Left
- Examine compressed-air cylinder (Get Compressed-air Cylinder)
- Go back to Bottom Right
- Examine Urinal (Get Urinal Tablets)
- Go Below Deck (below Bottom Right area)
- Examine chest of drawers (Get Coin)
- Examine picture (Get Bent Nail)
- Examine plate (right of chest of drawers, on the nightstand) (Get Sausage)
- Go back up to Bottom Right (and wait below the stairs leading up to
Top Right)

N's Mum should be awake and walking to the left, complaining and walking
back. N should be in the Bottom Left testing the lifeboat. As soon as
N's Mum walks in front of the wall separating the Top Left and Top
- Go up to Top Right (N's Mum should be asleep by the time you reach the
top of the stairs)
- Quickly Take Fire Extinguisher (on wall, right of dog and N's Mum)
- Use Sausage with little yapper (dog) (sets up happy little yapper)
- Search mum's handbag (on floor left of dog) (Get Callus Rasp)
- Go to Top Left
- Use Urinal Tablets with sweets (on floor, right of payphone and Olga's
- Use Compressed-air Cylinder with Olga's kid
- Use Callus Rasp with toilet signs (those "male" and "female" symbols
on the wall between the two toilet doors)
- Use Bent Nail with child's fishing rod (on the floor, on the left)
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Left

If N's Mum comes back before you can finish the above steps, that means
that you delayed a little at the start. But no matter you can always go
down to Bottom Left to temporarily avoid N's Mum until she goes back to
Top Right, then later go back up and finish what you missed. But those
of you who managed to pull it off, well done!

- Examine compressed-air cylinder (Get another Compressed-air Cylinder)
- DEX:Use Callus Rasp with lifeboat (need to have a steady hand for this!)

N should:
@> Eat the "well-known flavored" sweets
@> Gets beaten up by Olga (AGAIN)
@> manages to get hooked up with himself

- Go to Bottom Right
- Use Compressed-air Cylinder with lifejacket (sets up strangling
- Use Fire Extinguisher with diving gear)
- Quickly Go to Bottom Left (before N comes down)
- Hide on the deckchair (wait for N to jump onto the lifeboat)
As soon as N jumps on the lifeboat, and is:
@> sent DOWN overboard:

- Quickly Go up to Top Right (N's Mum should also have just exited to
the Top Right)
- Use Coin with payphone
N should have climbed back on the ship and upon hearing the phone
ringing starts running below deck to answer it.
- Go to Bottom Left
- Hide on the deckchair

N should:
@> answer the prank call
@> and get his ear drums blasted

@> Gets the life strangled from him
@> Foams at the mouth!

Tricks: 8, Bonuses: 1


Ok this level has an extra Above Top Right area with an Aztec "clapping"
Statue and a stone disc.

- Examine Skeleton (Get Rusty Dagger)
As soon as N's Mum goes over to Top Right:
- Go up to Top Left
- Take Pot With Paint (to the left, in front of the red painted fence
and the chalk outline of the obviously dead painter)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
- Go to Bottom Right
- Immediately Go up to Top Right (you should miss N's Mum AND N both as
they move out to Top Left)
- Search parrot's nest (to the left, left of statue <-- which you can
hide in) (Get Ruby)
- Go up to Above Top Right
- Use Ruby with Aztec throne (just to the right of the doorway you come
through) (starts the stone disc turning)
- Use Rusty Dagger with revolving stone disc (Get Sharpened Dagger)
- Take Crowbar (on the floor, in front of Aztec throne)
- Take Corn Cob (on the wall, left of the doorway out of this area)
Now N's Mum should be below (in Top Right). You'll need a lot of time
for this, so wait until she goes to Top Left (in fact you can start
walking down as soon as she starts walking to the left after standing
there for so long):
- Go down to Top Right
- DEX:Use Crowbar on stone plate (steady hand here again) (exposes
crevice of death) (Get another Ruby and Coin)
- Take Resin (on the wall, right of doorway you come down through, Woody
should already be standing in front of it)
- Use Sharpened Dagger on whip (dangling above crevice of death) (sets
up loose whip)
- Go up to Above Top Right
- Use (the other) Ruby with Aztec throne (the statue should have two
"ruby eyes")
Now as soon as N's Mum goes to Top Left and BEFORE N comes up from
Bottom Right:
- Quickly Go back down to Top Right
- Hide in the statue (its to the left of the doorway you come down
Wait for N to pass (he will go straight up to Above Top Right):
- Go down to Bottom Right (before N's Mum comes)
- Use corn cob with parrot (sitting on the stone ledge on the right)
(sets up replete parrot -- poops)
- Use Coin on coin slot (red box on a wooden post on the wooden pier
with the rowboat) (moves rowboat to the right)

N should:
@> Get applauded
@> oh yes, both hands!

- Go to Bottom Left
- Use Crowbar with closed mine (boarded up doorway on the wall, above
the skeleton on the beach, left of dumper) (Get explosive)
- Use Resin on mechanical bull (sets up sticky mechanical bull)
- Wait below the stairs

N should:
@> crack the whip
@> butt acupuncture!

As soon as N's Mum goes to Top Right:
- Go to Top Left
- Use Explosive with cigars (right of bench, which is in turn, right of
the fenced up bull) (sets up explosive cigars)
- Use Pot With Paint with bench (sets up painted bench)
- Quickly Go back down to Bottom Left
- Hide in dumper (right of closed mine)

N should:
@> be encouraged to quit smoking
@> RedBull
@> butt-glued rodeo
@> slips on bird droppings
@> decides to take a tour of the sea in a bottomless boat! (which
quickly becomes a submersible!)

Tricks: 9, Bonuses: 3

Eat And Be Eaten

Ok this level also has an extra Above Top Right area with an Aztec
"clapping" Statue and a stone disc but we do not use those in this
level. Woody has to be quick in this level to both stay hidden and set
up the tricks in good time.

- Examine a bag of cement (Get Cement Powder) (This bag of cement is
right above Woody's starting position)
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Right
- Take Chili Pepper (just to the right of the stairs leading down)
- Go to Bottom Left
- Examine piranha skeleton (Get Piranha Teeth)
- Take Chicken Drumstick (to the left of the piranha skeleton, in a
rather *cough*K>ack - Examine skeleton (human-looking one, nearer the water, below the
pinata) (Get Bottle of Tequila)
- Go up to Top Left
- Use Cement Powder with bath salts (left side, the water trough)
- Take Empty Preserving Jar (on floor, right of fenced up bull)
As soon as N has moved down and out of Top Right:
- Go to Top Right
- Go to Above Top Right (screen with Aztec "clapping" Statue and a stone
- Take a Statue's Hand (on floor, in front of the Aztec "clapping" Statue)
- Take Flower (left of the Aztec "clapping" Statue)
- Quickly Go back down to Top Right
- Quickly Go to Top Left (before N's Mum comes back that way)
- Use Flower with feeding trough (right of fenced up bull, just left of
where you picked up the empty preserving jar)
This part might be a little of a tight squeeze. Another alternative is
to Hide in the Statue (in Top Right screen) and wait for N's Mum to go
up to Above Top Right screen before going to set up the feeding trough.
Either way is acceptable.
Now quickly:
- Go to Top Right (as soon as N's Mum has gone up the stairs)
- Use Chicken Drumstick with carnivorous plant (makes it grow in size)
- Use Piranha Teeth with big carnivorous plant ()
- Use Bottle of Tequila with nachos and a glass of water (table just
above the carnivorous plant)
- Use Chili Pepper with nachos and a glass of water.
- Quickly Hide in the Statue (in the same area, to the left of the stairs)
Wait for N's Mum to go down to enjoy the beach. Keep waiting.

N should:
@> be wearing cement-over-shoes AND GLOVES!

Wait until N's Mum comes back up and goes to Above Top Right again
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Right
- Go to Bottom Left
- Use Empty Preserving Jar with termites (on the tree log/driftwood,
bottom left corner) (Get Termites In A Jar)
- Go to Bottom Right
- Use Termites In A Jar with picnic basket (on boat)

N should:
@> get a voice tune-up by the bull (this drops a wasps' nest)

- Go to Bottom Left
- Use a Statue's Hand with lever (of the mechanical bull, just below and
to the left of it)
- Go up to Top Left
- Take Wasps' Nest (just below the water trough where the cement trick
was set up, in the left corner)
- Go back down to Bottom Left
- DEX:Use Wasps' Nest with pinata (multi-colored animal doll hanging
from "hangman pole")
- Hide in dumper

N should:
@> Get a shock how much the carnivorous plant has grown
@> Get his hand put on the plant's menu! FEED ME SEYMOUR!
@> Red Hot Chili Peppers
@> Gets a shot of tequila
@> opens a jar to feed....THE TERMITES!!
@> Hits a pinata, only to become a pin cushion!
@> Gets beaten up by Olga (some things we just cannot do without)

Tricks: 9 Bonus: 2

Don't Panic!

Ok the final level. Time to make N's vacation a total disaster. Ok in
this level the tricks do not link up much at all. Most objects do not
appear until after tricks are sprung. In this level there is an extra
Above Top Right area which is the bridge of the ship)

As soon as N moves to Top Left:
- Go to Bottom Left
- Take Carpet
- Go back to Bottom Right
- Use Carpet with open cargo hatch (sets up concealed cargo hatch)
- Go to Bottom Left again
- Take box with ammunition (Get Signaling Ammunition)
- Go up to Top Left (and wait)
Wait until N goes down to Bottom Right and N's Mum is asleep
- Go to Top Right
- Use Signaling Ammunition with flare gun (on wall, in red box, left of
locked door) (sets up loaded flare gun)
- Take pieces of broken glass (below flare gun) (Get A Piece of Broken
- Examine door mat (at the foot of locked door leading to the bridge)
(Get Number Code)
- Search mum's handbag (Get Sleeping Tablets) (on the floor, below and
to the left of N's Mum's deckchair)
- Hide on the deckchair

N should:
@> fall into cargo hold

Now this part is a little tricky if you wanna do it fast. As soon as N
goes off to Bottom Left:
- Go down to Bottom Right
- DEX:Use A Piece of Broken Glass with strap (on crane hoisting up crate
just above the cargo hatch, which in turn is now closed) (sets up loose
As soon as N moves up to Top Left (and before N's Mum comes down to
Bottom Right):
- Quickly Go to Bottom Left
As soon as N moves to Top Right:
- Go to Top Left (wait)

N should:
@> get his signal (and his mum) crossed!

As soon as N goes back down to Bottom Right and N's mum is asleep:
- Go to Top Right
- Hide on the deckchair

N should:
@> snap the strap causing crate to fall into cargo hold (drops a couple
of fish on the deck)

N's Mum should have woken up and is moving down to Bottom Right (If you
had moved down to Bottom Right you would get caught by either N's Mum or
N himself. Wait until N's Mum comes back to Top Right and falls asleep
on her deckchair. N should also have entered Top Right and after N moves
back to Top Left (after playing with the flare gun), so as soon as he
does that:
- Quickly Go down to Bottom Right
- Take Fish (Get two Fish)
- Quickly Go back up to Top Right
N should be down in Bottom Left.
- Go to Top Left
- Use Fish with flowers (on table behind Olga) (sets up fishy flowers)
- Quickly Go to Top Right
- Hide on the deckchair

N should:
@> Get beaten up by Olga (over fishy flowers)

N's Mum should have woken up and is moving down to Bottom Right. Wait
until N's Mum comes back to Top Right and falls asleep on her deckchair.
N should also have entered Top Right and after N moves back to Top Left
(after playing with the flare gun). N will now continue to move in an
anti-clockwise path. Wait until N moves down to Bottom Left (where he
peeps at Olga in the shower) and then moves off to Bottom Right. (N's
Mum should be asleep):
- Go to Top Left
- Go to Bottom Left
- Use Fish on bucket (left of shower door, after Olga is in shower)
- Take cloth (right of shower door, after Olga is in shower)
- Go to Top Left
- Use Cloth with dirty pane of glass (left end of top deck, left of flower)
- Go down to Bottom Left (the parrot will fly back into screen)
- Immediately Go back up to Top Left
Parrot will fly off but this time SPLAT itself on the (cleaned) pane of
- Examine unconscious parrot (Get Key)
- Go to Bottom Left
- Go to Bottom Right (N's Mum should have just gone up to Top Right)
Wait until N has finished playing with the flare gun and has moved to
Top Left.
- Quickly Go up to Top Right
- Use Key with locked door (leading up to Above Top Right (the ship's
bridge), between the flare gun and N's Mum's deckchair)
- Go up to Above Top Right
Wait for the captain to put down his cup/mug and doze off, then:
- Use Sleeping Tablets with hot toddy (the captain's mug)
The captain will collapse at his next sip, but the ship's wheel has a
"steering wheel lock" on it:
- Use Number Code with locked steering wheel
- Go back down to Top Right
- Hide on the deckchair (before N's Mum wakes up)

N should:
@> Hit the deck! (or was that kick the bucket?!?)

WOOHOO! Hehehehe.....

Enjoy the ending movie!

Tricks: 6 Bonus: 0



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