

18.10.2013 00:11:30

PUSHOVER (DOS Version) by Red Rat Software & Ocean (c) 1992
______ _ __ ______ _ __ ______ _ __ ______ ______
| _ # | # | # | __ # | # | # | _ # | # | # | ___ # | _ #
| # | # | # | # | # |_# | # | # | # | # | # | # | # \# | # | #
| # | # | # | # | #____ | #_| # | # | # | # | # | #__/# | # | #
| #_| # | # | # |___ # | _ # | # | # | # | # | __ # | #_| #
| ____# | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | #_| # | # \# | _ #
| # | #_| # |#__| # | # | # | #_| # | # | #___/# | # | #
|_# |______# |______# |_# |__# |______# |__# |______# |_# |__#

FAQ/Walkthrough v1.1 by Miguel Balauag (c) 2003

This FAQ/Walkthrough for Pushover (DOS version) is authored by, and
is the sole property of, Miguel Balauag . It
may be reproduced electronically or printed for personal use, but may
not be altered without the expressed permission of the author. Any
reproduction of any part of this document for promotional and/or
commercial use also requires permission from the author.

This document is written in monospace font, 71 columns wide.

E-mail any corrections, helpful info, questions, or comments
to the address above .

The Pushover software is the property of Red Rat Software and
Ocean (c) 1992.


0. Revision History
1. Introduction
2. Basic Gameplay
3. The Dominoes
4. Techniques & Tricks
5. Hints (by Level) [to be included in a future update]
6. The Walkthrough
7. Level Codes


v1.1 - 11/13/2003
-added solution to SNES Level 91

v1.0 - 07/10/2003
-initial release of the FAQ/Walkthrough
-Level Codes added for all 100 levels
-Walkthrough added for all 100 levels


Pushover is a puzzle/action game based on a simple concept:
dominoes. Set up the dominoes correctly, and give one a push! Although
it sounds easy enough, this game is fairly challenging, and some
puzzles can stump even experienced puzzle gamers.
You take on the role of G.I. Ant, making your way through the
levels in search of those wonderful snacks called Quavers (R). In each
of the 9 areas (11 levels), G.I. Ant and his buddy Colin find a packet
of these Quavers (and they're curly too!). Your goal is to collect all
9 packets, and then complete the final challenge. Can you do it?



Directional Left/Right: Moves G.I. Ant to the left/right
Directional Up/Down: Moves G.I. Ant into/out of pushing position
Moves G.I. Ant up/down ladders

Space: Picks up the domino G.I. Ant is standing in front of (when not
holding a domino)
Puts down the domino G.I. Ant is holding (when the space G.I.
Ant is standing in front of is empty and is not the door)

Holding Space + Directional Left/Right: Pushes the domino to the left/
right (when G.I. Ant is in
pushing position)

Enter: Selects an option from a menu
Escape: Quits the level and brings up the level option menu
Quits the game (when pressed at the password screen)


G.I. Ant only gets ONE PUSH per level. With the one push, all
dominoes (except for Stoppers) must topple. The Trigger Domino MUST be
the last one to topple, and it may not topple onto another toppled

A domino that leaves the screen is considered toppled.

If a domino drops on top of another domino (unless the bottom
domino is a Splitter), the two will collide and create a pile of
rubble. If this happens, the level can not be completed. (This also
happens if two dominoes are toppling toward each other onto the same

To complete the level, G.I. Ant must be able to reach the exit
door. If a domino has toppled on the space in front of the exit door,
the path is obstructed and G.I. Ant can not go on.

G.I. Ant can not be holding a domino when the Trigger topples.

There is a time limit for each level. You can keep playing after
time has expired, but if you complete the level, you will still need to
redo the level within the time limit. NOTE: You must exit the level
within the time limit. Even if you finish the level before time is up,
but can't get to the exit in time, it won't count. So make sure you're
already near the door!

If for some reason you fail to complete the level after a push, you
may choose to retry the level, or use a Token to reset the level to the
way it looked right before the push. You earn a Token for each level
you complete.

G.I. Ant can fall, but if the height is too high, G.I. Ant will
die. For exactness, you can not fall 2 floors or more. To see how I
measure heights, check level 07 (password: 02048). The height between
the top platform and the next platform is 1.5 floors, and the height
between that platform and the next one down is 1 floor (and so is the
height between the bottom two platforms). There are also levels with
heights of 0.5 floors between platforms.

If a domino topples into G.I. Ant while you're in pushing position,
G.I. Ant will get squashed and die.


There are several types of dominoes in the game, and they each
behave differently. I've included a description of each one here, along
with a simple ASCII drawing ('R' represents red).

-Normal (Plain Yellow) | |
| |
This domino acts just like a domino in real | |
life. It can topple if pushed or if hit by | |
another falling domino. |______|

-Ascender (Vertical Stripe) | || |
| || |
When this domino is pushed or hit, it rises | || |
upward. When it hits a ceiling, it topples | || |
toward the ceiling. |__||__|

-Bridger (One Horizontal Stripe) | |
| |
This domino acts just like a normal, except |======|
when it topples into a single-space gap in | |
the floor; in that case, it fills the gap. |______|

-Delay (Diagonal Pattern) | /|
| /R|
When hit or pushed, this domino delays for | /RR|
about a second before toppling. A domino | /RRR|
that hits it will bounce back the other way. |_/RRRR|

-Exploder (Vertical Pattern) |RRR |
|RRR |
When this domino is hit, it destroys the |RRR |
floor beneath it. The domino that hit it |RRR |
will fall through the gap. Can not be pushed. |RRR___|

-Splitter (Horizontal Pattern) | |
| |
When a domino drops onto this (or hits it), |------|
it splits to the left and right, hitting |RRRRRR|
any adjacent dominoes. |RRRRRR|

-Stopper (Plain Red) |RRRRRR|
This domino acts like a wall. A domino that |RRRRRR|
hits it will bounce back the other way. This |RRRRRR|
domino can not topple. |RRRRRR|

-Trigger (Three Horizontal Stripes) | |
This MUST be the final domino to topple. It |======|
must topple flat onto the floor (or off the |======|
screen). It CAN NOT be moved or pushed. |______|

-Tumbler (Thick Horizontal Stripe) | |
This domino will keep tumbling until it |RRRRRR|
topples onto a fallen domino (or tumbles off |------|
the screen). |______|

-Vanisher (Two Horizontal Stripes) | |
This domino disappears immediately after it | |
has toppled. |======|


Over the course of the game, you'll learn several techniques that
will come in handy. Some levels are designed specifically to teach you
a technique that you'll need later on. Here's a summary, in case you
can't wait to learn them.
I've also included some ("semi-useful" to "not useful at all")
tricks at the end. Some can get you around particular challenges, while
others are just for the curious.

1) The SWAP

This is the most basic technique. Use it when you want to switch
the positions of two dominoes. Pick one up and put it down
somewhere else, then move the other one to where the first one
used to be. Finally, move the first one (from wherever you put it
down) and put it where the second one used to be.

2) The DROP

Feel like you can't solve the puzzle without a second push? This
trick does the next best thing. Simply pick up any domino and fall
with it onto a Splitter. This can be used to topple some extra
dominoes that you couldn't topple otherwise. Sometimes, you'll
need this to make a group of dominoes fall before the rest.

3) TRAPPING a Tumbler

Sometimes, you need a moving Tumbler to wait for some other
dominoes to fall. The solution is to TRAP it by surrounding it with
two Stoppers. If there are no fallen dominoes between the Stoppers,
the Tumbler will just bounce back and forth. To free it, simply
pick up one of the Stoppers and let it tumble by. This technique is
very important later on.


This is a modified version of TRAPPING a Tumbler. If you have a
wide platform, you can trap a Tumbler with only one Stopper. Have
the Stopper at one end and wait in front of it. Right after the
Tumbler bounces off it, pick it up and run past the Tumbler to the
other end of the platform so you can put it down before the Tumbler
gets there. Repeat as long as necessary. If you're too slow, or the
space isn't wide enough, you'll either end up letting the Tumbler
get past you or putting the Stopper down too late, causing a
collision. The shortest possible HALF-TRAP is 8 spaces wide
(6 spaces between Stoppers).

5) FLOATING an Ascender

Ascenders like to defy gravity. If you ever try to fall while
holding one, it'll rise instead and stop at the next ceiling. It
won't topple, but it can still be hit by an adjacent domino if the
floor and ceiling are close enough. This trick is useful for
continuing chains across a gap.


When a domino hits a Delay, there's a pause before the Delay
actually falls. During that pause, you can actually pick up the
Delay, and when you set it back down, it'll reset the Delay so
that you'll have to hit it again.

This is useful in TRAPPING a Tumbler. Normally, you would use two
Stoppers (or one Stopper for a HALF-TRAP). For this trick, you use
one Stopper and a Delay. You have to keep track of where the
Tumbler is, and make sure you can pick up the Delay right after
the Tumbler hits it, so that it doesn't fall. The DELAY TRAP is
typically wide, giving you time to move dominoes in between each
reset of the Delay.

7) Throwing away extra dominoes

You've solved the puzzle, but you've got an extra Tumbler,
Exploder, Ascender, etc. left over. So now what? You can usually
get rid of unwanted dominoes by putting them at the end of a chain,
where they won't affect the rest of the dominoes (let the Tumbler
roll off screen, have the Exploder explode somewhere unimportant,
and so on). One semi-useful trick for Ascenders: if you FLOAT one
where there's no ceiling, it'll just rise off the top of the
screen. Neat, huh?

8) Picking up a tumbling Tumbler

This isn't ever useful, but it works. Just stand in front of the
Tumbler's path. As soon as it's in front of you, standing straight
up, hit the Space bar and you'll pick it up. Only problem is, it
won't continue tumbling after you've placed it back down. Oh well.

NOTE: This technique is ACTUALLY USEFUL in level 91 of the SNES
version. Refer to the Walkthrough for the solution to level
91 (SNES).


Throughout this walkthrough I'll refer to some useful techniques by
name, rather than describing them completely each time. When I do so,
the name of the technique will be in CAPS. You can find descriptions of
each technique in Section 4 (Techniques & Tricks).

Level 01 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 00512

Just pick up the first Normal (the one in front of the door) and put
it in the gap in the chain on the right side. Then go back to the
front of the chain and push.

Level 02 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 01536

Pick up the Stopper and put it at either end of the platform (for
fastest results, put it on the left side). Then pick up the leftmost
Normal and fill in the gap in the chain, just as in level 01. Go back
to the front and push.

Level 03 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 01024

Go up the ladder to the chain of dominoes. SWAP the rightmost Normal
and the Tumbler, then push from the left end of the chain. The
Tumbler will fall and continue tumbling, and the Stopper will send it
back toward the Trigger.

Level 04 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 03072

Pick up the Normal on the left and place it to the right of the
Ascender. Push the Normal from the right side to make the Ascender
rise and hit the chain above.

Level 05 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 03584

Pick up the Bridger and place it to the right of the Tumbler. Then
get the Normal at the left end and place it to the left of the
Tumbler. Push the Normal toward the right, sending the Tumbler over
the Bridger's bridge and into the chain on the right.

Level 06 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 02560

Pick up the Splitter next to the door. Go down the first ladder and
place the Splitter in the empty space between the Normals. Go back
up the ladder and push the first domino. This will knock the second
domino off the edge and into the Splitter, which will finish off the
rest of the dominoes.

Level 07 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 02048

All you need to do is move the Exploder two spaces to the right (on
the right of the Normal). Then push the Normal toward the right, and
it will fall through the Exploder's gap and finish the chain. Then
just fall through the gap to get to the door.

Level 08 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 06144

See the Stopper at the start of the chain? Pick it up and go down
the ladder. Place the Stopper in the middle of that platform (behind
the ladder). Return up the ladder and push from the start of the
chain. The last Normal will topple down, back and forth between the
Stoppers, and will continue the chain at the bottom. Go down the
ladder and fall down one platform at a time to safely make your way
to the exit.

Level 09 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 06656

SWAP the Vanisher and the Normal. Push the Vanisher toward the
Normal to complete the chain reaction. Because of the Exploder, make
sure you fall down to the left (on the side with the exit) or else
you won't be able to finish the level.

Level 10 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 07680

Pick up the Tumbler from the platform below and place it to the
right of the Normals. Push the chain from the left, sending the
Tumbler down and to the right, toward the Trigger. Make your way to
the exit by dropping off the right edge of the top platform, then
climbing down the ladder.

Level 11 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 07168

First, go down the ladder to pick up the Delay. Then return up the
ladder it put it to the left of the Normal. Next, move the Tumbler
one space to the right, so it's next to the Delay. Push the Normal
from the right side, and immediately climb down the ladder and fall
through the gap before the Bridger fills it in. You should have
plenty of time. If you're still not fast enough, move the whole
chain one space to the right to give yourself even more time.

Level 12 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 05122

Move the Tumbler one space to the left. Now pick up the Ascender on
the left side and place it where the Tumbler used to be. Push the
Tumbler to the right to finish it off.

Level 13 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 05634

Pick up the closest Normal (one space right from the entrance). Go
to the right and walk off the edge of the platform. The Normal will
fall into the empty space below. Now make your way to the lowest
platform and push the chain from the left side. The Ascender will
rise and bounce off the Stopper, toppling upwards to hit the chains
in the platforms above. The Delay is there to keep the Tumbler from
starting too soon.

Level 14 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 04610

On the top platform there are two Normals and an Exploder. Move the
Normal in the middle two spaces to the left. Then move the Exploder
one space to the left (the space where the Normal used to be). Now
go down the ladder to the next platform. SWAP the Exploder and the
Normal on the right. Return to the entrance and push the chain from
the left side.

Level 15 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 04098

You'll see three dominoes in a row: Ascender, Normal, Vanisher.
Rearrange them so that the order is: Normal, Vanisher, Ascender.
Then push the Normal toward to the right to complete it. The order
is important, because if the Normal and the Vanisher are switched,
the Trigger will topple onto the fallen Normal, and the level won't
be completed.

Level 16 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 12290

Pick up the Bridger at the bottom, then climb up the tall ladder to
place it to the right of the Delay. Go back down the ladder and move
the Normal two spaces to the right, so it's to the right of the
Ascender. Push the Normal from the right side. The Ascender will
rise and hit the Bridger, which will bounce off the Delay so that
you can reach the exit door.

Level 17 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 12802

Move the Delay three spaces to the right, then move the Ascender one
space to the right. Now push the Tumbler toward the right. It will
hit the Ascender and bounce off the Delay, finally hitting the
Trigger. You have plenty of time, but if you want to be slightly
faster, you can move the Tumbler next to the Ascender before pushing

Level 18 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 13826

Go down the ladder and pick up the Normal that's next to the
Vanisher (it's also right above the Splitter). Return up the ladder
and place it to the left of the chain. Then move the Exploder to the
space where the Normal used to be. Next, pick up the Normal that's
to the left of the Trigger, and put it on the top platform where the
Exploder used to be. Now push from the left end of the chain, and
wait for the Bridgers to make the path to the exit.

Level 19 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 13314

Pick up the Normal next to the entrance and fall to the right with
it. Pick it up again and move it one space to the left (next to the
Trigger). Climb up the stairs to pick up the Exploder, then put it
down right above the exit door. Go back up the stairs and push the
Tumbler down the stairs. It should tumble into the Exploder, bounce
off the Stopper and into the chain of Normals. Fall through the
Exploder's gap to get to the exit.

Level 20 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 15362

Go down the ladder and move the Stopper one space to the right.
Pick up the Normal and go back up the ladder, and put it to the
left of the Tumbler. Push the Normal to hit the Tumbler and it'll
finish the chain reaction. Moving the Stopper is the key, since it
makes sure the Trigger is the last one to fall.

Level 21 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 15878

There are several ways to complete this level. The objective is to
stop the Tumbler before the Trigger is toppled. This is probably
the easiest way:

Pick up the Delay and fall to the right with it. Pick it up again,
go up the ladder, and put it down one space to the left of the
ladder (there should be a space between the Delay and the Ascender).
Fall to the left so that you're back on the first platform. Pick up
the Normal and fall to the right with it. Pick it up again and go up
the ladder, putting it down in the empty space. Go down the ladder
and move the Ascender one space to the right. Push the Ascender from
the right so that it hits the Tumbler. Climb up the ladder and fall
to the left again to reach the exit.

Level 22 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 14854

Go up the ladders to the top platform. Pick up the Bridger and fall
to the right with it, so that it's in place to bridge the gap. Fall
down to the left. Climb up the ladder again, pick up the Ascender,
go down the ladder, and put it to the right of the Normal. Then
push the Normal to hit the Ascender.

Level 23 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 14342

Go to the right end of the long chain of Normals. Pick up the last
Normal. Climb the ladder and go up the stairs, then put it down next
to the other Normal. Return down the stairs and down the ladder, and
push the chain of Normals from the right side.

Level 24 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 10246

Pick up the Exploder, go down the stairs, and place it next to the
Normal (so it's above the Splitter). Go back up the stairs and push
the Tumbler. Immediately run down the stairs to get to the Normal.
Pick it up and drop to the left, so that it lands between the
Delays before they start toppling.

Level 25 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 10758

SWAP the two dominoes to your left (the first Normal and the first
Delay). Then push the first Normal to start the chain. Immediately
run left and drop down, then run to the right so you can get past
the Exploder before it blows up; otherwise, you won't be able to
reach the exit.

Actually, you can beat the level without changes. Just push the
Delay at the start of the chain and run to the exit as fast as you
can. You'll make it across right before the Exploder finishes

Level 26 - TIME 1:10
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 11782

Pick up the Tumbler by the entrance. Go down the first ladder and
place the Tumbler at the right end of the chain (next to the last
Normal). Go back up the ladder and move the Normal one space to the
right, then push it over the edge.

Alternatively, you can just pick up the Normal and DROP onto the
Splitter, instead of pushing it. This way you haven't even used
your one push!

Level 27 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 11270

Move the Vanisher one space to the left (next to the Trigger). Next,
go up the stairs and pick up the Exploder, then come back down and
put it above the exit door (two spaces to the right of the
Vanisher). Head back up the stairs and push the Tumbler. Run back
down the stairs and wait in front of the Exploder. Immediately after
you fall through the Exploder's gap, pick up the Normal next to you
(the first one in the chain). Quickly put it in the empty space
after the Delay to complete the chain.

Level 28 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 09222

Push the Normal that's next to the trigger. Wait for the Tumbler to
tumble past the entrance door. Once it's out of the way, pick up the
Exploder, climb the ladder, and put it down on the right side of the
entrance (one space to the right of the ladder). When the Normal
falls from the top-left platform, it will hit the Exploder and fall
through to hit the Trigger.

Level 29 - TIME 1:15
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 09734

You only need to move two dominoes for this level. Climb down both
right-side ladders, then climb up the left-side ladder to the small
platform. Just move the two Normals there to the bottom platform so
that the three Normals form a chain leading to the Ascender. Push
the chain from the right side to finish.

Level 30 - TIME 1:45
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 08718

This one's easier than it looks. There's more than one way to solve
this, but here's the easiest one:

Drop to the right. You'll see a Tumbler on the left. Now look at the
platform below. See the two Normals on the left end of that
platform? SWAP the Tumbler with the Normal on the right (it's to the
left of the empty space. Once you've done that, go down the second
ladder to reach the second lowest platform. There's an Ascender on
the right end (next to the Stopper). Pick it up, and go up one floor
to put it in the empty space (next to the Tumbler that's now there).
Now just push the Normal on the left to hit the Tumbler. It'll hit
the Ascender and continue to topple the rest of the chain in time.

Level 31 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 08206

This also has an easy solution. All you need to do is go down the
ladder and SWAP the Tumbler and the Ascender. Then go back up the
ladder and push the chain.

Level 32 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 24590

Here's the trick to this one: use a DROP. Pick up the Normal to the
left of the entrance (the one that's next to the Delay). DROP it on
the Splitter to the left, starting the chain on the left side. Now
fall to the right to get back on the right side of the level. Pick
up the Stopper next to you and move it one space to the left. Climb
the ladder. Next, push the Tumbler to the left. Make sure you push
only the Tumbler, and that you're pushing to the left. It'll bounce
off the Delay and then finish the chain on the right side. To get
to the exit, just fall to the left again (where you DROPPED) and
climb down the ladder.

Level 33 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 25102

Climb all the way down the ladder and head to the right. You'll
need to move the two Vanishers closest to the Delay. Move one of
them to the empty space between the Ascender and the chain of
Vanishers. Move the other to the right of the delay. Go back up
the ladder to the next platform and pick up the Normal. Take it down
the ladder and to the right side, placing it at the start of the
Vanisher chain (there should be an empty space between the Normal
and the Delay). Go up the ladder again, all the way to the top, and
fall to the right. Go down the stairs to pick up the Tumbler, and
place it at the top of the stairs (to the right of the Normal).
Finally, push the Normal to hit the Tumbler.

Level 34 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 26126

For this puzzle, you'll need to TRAP the tumbler. Fortunately, it's
practically already set up for you. Go down the first ladder to
where the Stoppers are. Move the right-hand Stopper three spaces to
the right, so that the Stoppers are at opposite ends. Pick up the
Splitter, go up the ladder one floor, and put it in the empty space
between the Normals. Go back down the ladder to get the Tumbler.
Go up one floor again and put the Tumbler on the right end of the
chain. Now, climb the ladder to the top platform, and either push or
DROP the Normal onto the Splitter. The right-side Tumbler will get
TRAPPED between the two Stoppers. Once the rest of the dominoes have
toppled, free the Tumbler by picking up the left-hand Stopper. Make
sure you put the Stopper down before the Trigger topples.

Alternate solution:
You actually don't need to bother with TRAPPING the Tumbler. Go down
the ladder and pick up the Splitter, and put it in the empty space
between the Normals, just as in the regular solution. Go to the top
platform and DROP the Normal onto the Splitter. Go back down the
ladder and move the left-hand Stopper out of the way. Once the other
dominoes have toppled, push the Tumbler toward the Trigger.

Level 35 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 25614

Fall to the platform on the right. Pick up the Ascender and go down
the ladder. Place the Ascender three spaces to the left (one space
to the left of the tall ladder). Climb the small ladder and pick up
the Normal. Put the Normal next to the Ascender, so that it's
behind the tall ladder. Climb the tall ladder to the top platform
and push the chain.

Level 36 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 27662

Climb down the ladder and pick up the Ascender. Go up the shorter
ladder and place the Ascender two spaces to the left of the
Splitter. Next, move the Splitter one space to the right so that
it's next to the Ascender. Go down the ladder, pick up the Normal,
go back up the ladder, and put the Normal where the Splitter used
to be. Now, go back down the short ladder and up the longer ladder,
then push or DROP the Normal onto the Splitter. Then fall to the
right and head to the exit door before the Tumbler hits the

Level 37 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 28174

First, look closely at the ladder to find the hidden Ascender (it's
behind the ladder on the second lowest platform). Now, look at the
chain of Normals on the middle platform (where you started). Count
the fourth Normal from the right. SWAP that Normal and the Ascender.
Now return to the entrance and push the chain from the left side.
Note how the Ascender can achieve a double purpose when positioned

Level 38 - TIME 1:45
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 27150

Go down the ladder. To your right, you'll see an Ascender at the top
of the short stairs. To your left, you'll see two Normals. SWAP the
Ascender and the Normal on the left (so that the Ascender will be in
position to hit the chain at the top). Next, you'll need to
rearrange three dominoes: the other Normal, the Exploder, and the
Delay. Pick up the Normal, go up the ladder, and put it down in an
empty space (it doesn't matter where, you'll be moving it again
soon). Pick up the Delay and put it where the Normal used to be.
Then go back up the ladder and move the Exploder one space to the
right (where the Delay used to be). Finally, pick up the Normal and
put it where the Exploder used to be. After that, just push the
Normal to hit the Exploder.

Level 39 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 26638

This is just a lot of moving. You have two minutes to do it, though,
so there isn't really any time pressure. This is my recommended

Go down the first ladder and fall to the left. Pick up the Normal
behind you (it's at the end of the chain), go up both ladders and
put it on the right of the single Normal. Go down the first ladder,
pick up the Delay at the left end of the chain, and fall to the left
with it. Pick it up again and move it one space to the left. Head
right and pick up the Normal at the far end (next to the Stopper).
Go up one ladder and place it where the Delay used to be (at the
left end of the chain). Go back down the ladder. Count two Normals
to the right of the Trigger. Move both of those to the top platform
(one at a time, of course), placing them to the right of the Normals
that are already there. You should now have four Normals at the top.
You'll have to move the original Normal (the one that was there at
the start of the level) so that the four Normals form a chain at the
right end of the platform (so that the last one will hit the
Splitter below). After that, just push the chain.

Level 40 - TIME 1:45
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 30734

Push the chain of Normals next to the entrance. Immediately go down
the ladder to the next platform, and head left so that you're
standing in front of the Stopper. Wait for the Tumbler to bounce
off it, then pick it up. Quickly go down the ladder two floors and
head left. Place it at the far end of the platform (so that the
next Tumbler will bounce off it). After that, you're done.

Level 41 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 31246

Pick up the Bridger, go up one ladder and place it to the right of
the Delay. Go back down the ladder and pick up the Normal to the
left of the Ascender. Go up the ladder and put it down next to the
Delay. Pick up the Delay, go down the ladder, and place it next to
the Ascender (where the Normal used to be). Then pick up the Tumbler
and go up the ladder to put it where the Delay used to be. One more
time, go down the ladder, pick up the Normal (behind the ladder), go
up the ladder, and put it down (next to the other Normal). Finally,
return to the bottom and push the Normal to hit the Delay.

Level 42 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Very Easy
Password: 32270

Don't push the Bridger! Just DROP it on the Splitter, and you're

Level 43 - TIME 0:30
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 31758

Pick up the Normal next to you and DROP it on the Splitter. Head to
the right and get in pushing position between the Normal and the
Splitter. If you're having trouble doing this, stand in front of the
Trigger, walk one space left (now you're in front of the Splitter)
and press Up. This will put you in the proper spot. Once you're in
place, push the Normal to the left to hit the Tumbler.

Level 44 - TIME 1:15
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 29726

The puzzle here is figuring out where to start the chain. Go down
the ladder one floor and walk left two spaces to find the extra
Ascender. Pick it up. Go down both ladders to the bottom platform
and place it to the right of the exit door. Push it from the right
so that it rises and hits the Vanishers.

Level 45 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 30238

Here's the first use of the HALF-TRAP. Push the Tumbler toward the
Stopper on the left. Let it bounce back and hit the Ascender, but
have the Stopper to the right of the Ascender so that the Tumbler
stays on the platform. HALF-TRAP the Tumbler until the Bridger
falls and fills in the gap, then free the Tumbler so that it tumbles
toward the Trigger.

Tip: Make sure the Stopper isn't under the Bridger when it falls.

Level 46 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 29214

Go to the top platform (with the Ascenders). Pick one up and go down
the left-side ladders to place it next to the Trigger. Go back to
the top and pick up another Ascender. Go down the center ladder and
place it to the right of the Exploder. Go back to the top and pick
up the last Ascender. Take the right-side ladder and place the
Ascender next to the Stopper. (You can also place it two spaces from
the Stopper; either way works.) Now go back to the left side (where
the Trigger is) and push the Ascender toward the Trigger. It'll rise
and hit the Normal into the Tumbler, and that will finish off the

Tip: Be careful not to fall while holding Ascenders, or they'll
probably end up where you don't want them.

Level 47 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 28702

From the start, go to the left end of the platform and pick up the
Delay. Go to the right and down the ladder. Place it to the left of
the other Delay (next to the chain of Normals). Go back up the
ladder to the entrance. Push the chain of Normals into the Tumbler.
The Tumbler will roll down the stairs and into the second chain of
Normals, sending the Tumbler to the bottom. The Delays are there so
that the Ascender doesn't collide with the last Tumbler.

Level 48 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 20510

Go down the ladder and move the Exploder two spaces to the right (so
that it's above the Splitter). Go back up the ladder and move the
Normal two spaces to the right (so that it's on the right of the
Tumbler). Push the Normal to hit the Tumbler. Quickly climb down the
ladder and head left, past the Exploder and to the exit, before the
Tumbler hits the Exploder.

Level 49 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 21022

Push the chain on the top platform. Immediately pick up the Stopper
on the right. Quickly go down the ladder one floor (where all the
Delays are) and run to the left. Fall off the edge with the Stopper.
Pick it up again and move it one space to the left before the Delay
falls down. If you want to exit the level quickly, run to the right
and fall through the gap before the Bridger fills it in.

Level 50 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 22046

Go up the ladder and to the far right to pick up the Normal. Go back
to the left and place it at the top of the ladder. Go down the
ladder and push the Tumbler to the left. Quickly climb the ladder
again, pick up the Normal, go back down the ladder, and wait by the
gap. Once the Tumbler bounces back and the Bridger fills in the gap,
run to the right and place the Normal next to the Trigger to
complete the chain.

Tip: Wait for the Bridger to finish filling the gap before walking
across. I've actually fallen through halfway because the floor
wasn't *completely* solid yet. =P

Level 51 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 21534

You'll need a DROP for this one. First, pick up the 6th Normal from
the left of the chain (the one that's directly above the Splitter).
Move it to the last space on the left end of the platform, so that
there's an empty space between it and the Normal chain. Climb the
ladder, pick up the Splitter, and place it in that empty space. Now
go up the ladder and pick up the Exploder, and go down the ladder
to place it in the other empty space (where the first Normal used
to be, right above the Splitter). Move one space to the right of
the Exploder and pick up the Normal. Go up the ladder and DROP it
on the Splitter to the left. Then fall twice to the right and climb
the other ladder (that's what it's there for). Finally, push the
chain from the left.

Level 52 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 23582

Push the chain at the start so that the Tumbler ends up TRAPPED at
the left. Fall to the right and go down the ladder. Pick up the
Ascender and move it two spaces to the left. Then climb the left
ladder and pick up the right-hand Stopper to free the Tumbler. Once
it's out of the way, put the Stopper down. Go down the ladder and
to the right, toward the exit. Make sure you're by the exit so that
you don't get stranded when the center Exploder explodes.

Level 53 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 24094

There are two ways to do this one. Here's the quicker one:

Go down the ladder and pick up the leftmost Normal. Go back up the
ladder and DROP it on the Splitter. Immediately fall to the left,
and push the chain of Delays from the left. Those dominoes will fall
just in time. Fall to the right and climb the tall ladder, then fall
to the left and climb the short ladder to reach the exit.

Alternate (but longer) solution:
Go down the ladder and pick up the rightmost Normal. Go back up the
ladder and DROP it on the Splitter. Now fall to the left and move
the leftmost Delay to the right end of the platform. Then, you can
either go back to the left and push the whole chain, or you can go
between the two Normals and push in either direction. Get to the
exit by falling right, climbing the ladder, then falling left and
climbing the ladder.

Level 54 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 23070

Pick up the Ascender near the entrance. Go down both ladders and
head left. Place the Ascender on the leftmost space (there should be
two empty spaces between it and the chain of Normals). Now, look at
the chain of Normals and count the 2nd and 3rd from the left. Move
both of those into the empty spaces between the Ascender and the 1st
Normal. Then go right and up the ladder to reach the Tumbler and
Ascender. Pick up the Ascender and go down the ladder, and place it
so that it's directly under the Exploder. Then go back and pick up
the Tumbler, and place that in the empty space next to the Ascender.
Finally, return up the ladders to the entrance and push the chain.

Level 55 - TIME 2:15
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 22558

You start in front of the Tumbler. Press Up to get into pushing
position on the right side of the Tumbler, and push the Tumbler to
the left. Immediately climb the ladder, run to the right, and fall.
As soon as you've recovered, pick up the Bridger, run left, and put
it down at the end of the platform. Immediately hold down Left to
fall through the gap before the Bridger fills it in.

Level 56 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 18494

This level is all about speed and accuracy. Start the level off by
pushing the chain. Run to the right and fall. Pick up the Stopper
(the Normal should already have bounced off it by now), and run left
and down a ladder to the next floor. Place the Stopper at the far
left end before the Normal falls. After the Normal bounces off the
Stopper, pick it up again, this time running right and down a ladder
to place the Stopper on the far right end of the next floor. Again,
let the Normal bounce off it before picking it up one more time. Run
left and down a ladder to put the Stopper on the far left end to
finish the puzzle.

Level 57 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 19006

The trick to this is using a DROP. Go down the first ladder and pick
up the leftmost Normal. Go back up the ladder and DROP the Normal
onto the Splitter. Fall to the left and push the Tumbler to end the

Level 58 - TIME 4:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 20030

You'll need to use three DROPS for this level. Go down the ladder to
the bottom platform. Pick up the Normal behind the ladder, go up the
ladder one floor, and DROP the Normal onto the bottom Splitter. Go
up two floors, pick up the Normal behind the ladder, go up one more
floor and DROP the Normal onto the middle Splitter. Go up the ladder
two more floors. This time, instead of picking up the Normal behind
the ladder, go to the right and up the short ladder. Pick up the
Normal in front of the exit (the right end of the chain), and DROP
it to the left onto the last Splitter. Go back up the short ladder
to the exit, and push the last chain from the right, toppling the

Level 59 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 19518

Go to the right and push the Normal to hit the Tumbler. Quickly fall
through the Exploder's gap and pick up the Stopper (the Tumbler
should have already bounced off it). Run left and fall off the edge,
then pick up the Stopper and move it one space to the left, so that
the next Tumbler will bounce off it. Wait for the Tumbler to bounce
off, then pick up the Stopper and run to the right. Wait by each gap
so that you can cross as soon as the Bridger fills them in. Hurry to
put the Stopper down next to the Exploder. Then quickly pick up the
Exploder and run left. Put it down in the path of the Tumbler so
that the Tumbler can reach the bottom floor. Make sure you don't put
it too close to the Tumbler or you'll cause a collision, and make
sure you put it down to the right of the chain at the bottom. The
easiest spot is right before the chain (where the leftmost gap was,
between the two Bridgers).

Tip: If you're slow in crossing the Bridgers, and can't move the
Exploder in time, use the HALF-TRAP to give yourself a second

Level 60 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 17470

Here's the trick: pick up the closest Ascender to your left, climb
the ladder, and fall left to FLOAT the Ascender. Then go all the
way to the left end and push the other Ascender to the right.

Level 61 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 17982

Don't push the Normal! Instead pick it up and fall to the right. You
now have two solutions to choose from:

1) Push the Tumbler to the right. Pick up the Normal and fall four
times to get to the bottom platform with it. Put the Normal down
next to the Trigger and wait there. After the first Tumbler passes
by you, pick up the Normal and follow it. Put the Normal down in the
center of the screen (either of the two spaces to the right of that
is okay, too). The second Tumbler should topple it so that the first
Tumbler stops before the Trigger is hit.

2) Push the Tumbler to the right. Pick up the Normal and fall left,
then pick it up and fall right. Move the Normal two spaces to the
right so that it's at the start of the chain. Wait there. As the
first Tumbler starts heading toward you, pick up the Normal so that
it doesn't get hit. Wait for the Tumbler to pass by you, then put
the Normal back down. Now fall left, then fall right so that you're
on the bottom platform. Go the right side and pick up the Stopper
so that the Tumbler tumbles off the edge. Put the Stopper back down
before the last Tumbler hits the Trigger.

Level 62 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 16958

Go down the ladder and to the right, down the stairs. Pick up the
Exploder, then go back up the ladder. Go right and put the Exploder
between the Normal and the Bridger. Now push the Normal to the right
to hit the Exploder, toppling two Normals below. Fall through the
gap. Pick up the Normal on the left and DROP it left onto the
Splitter. Quickly climb the ladder and fall through the gap again
before the Bridger closes it.

Level 63 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 16510

Pick up one of the three Delays at the start. Go down the ladder one
floor, and fall left onto the small lower middle platform. Pick up
the Delay again and move it one space to the left. Fall right and
return up the ladder to the top. Pick up another Delay and go down
the ladder one floor. Put it down to the left of the Normal chain
(so that it's one space away from the left edge of the platform).
Next, go back up the ladder and pick up the last Delay. Fall left
with it. Leave it where it is and fall left again. Climb the ladder
on this side and push the chain of Normals. To get back to the exit,
fall right twice and climb the ladder.

Level 64 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 16511

At the start, push the Tumbler to the right. Quickly pick up the
Delay and run down the stairs. Put it down at the bottom of the
stairs (so that the space to the right of it is empty). Run left and
hurry down the ladder. Pick up the Bridger (you need to get there
before it falls). Run right and up the short ladder, then place it
one space to the right (so that it's next to the gap). The Tumbler
at the top will bounce off the Delay and into the Bridger, tumbling
straight to the Trigger at the bottom.

Tip: If you're not fast enough to get to the Bridger in time, move
it one space to the left (or one floor above) before pushing
the Tumbler.

Level 65 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 17023

All you need to do here is move dominoes off the center platform.
Here's one way:

From the start, fall right. Pick up the Tumbler and fall left. Pick
it up again and move it one space to the left. Go back up the center
ladder and pick up the Normal in the middle of the platform. Fall to
the left with it, completing the chain on the left side. Go up the
center ladder again, and move the Exploder two spaces to the left
(to where the Normal used to be, in the center of the platform). Now
pick up the Normal to the right of the Exploder. Go down the ladder
and two spaces to the right, and put the Normal in the empty space.
Go to the right side and pick up the Normal next to the Ascender,
and move that two spaces to the left, to the other gap in the chain.
Return to the entrance up the left-side ladder and push the chain.

Level 66 - TIME 1:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 18047

This level requires speed and accuracy. First, fall left and go down
the ladder to the bottom floor. Go left and push the left-side
Ascender to the right. From here on, you need to be very fast. Run
right and up the ladder, then run left to pick up the Stopper. Go up
the ladder one more floor and fall left with the Stopper. Pick it up
and move it one space to the left. This should be just in time for
the Tumbler to bounce off it. Right after the Tumbler bounces, pick
up the Stopper and fall right with it (you'll be right behind the
Tumbler). Pick it up again and run to the right to beat the Tumbler.
Place the Stopper on the last space, and it should be just in time
to bounce the Tumbler back toward the Trigger.

Level 67 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 17535

At the start, go up the ladder to pick up the Stopper above the
entrance. Go down the ladder and to the left. Put the Stopper down
behind the ladder, so that it's next to the Exploder (you can also
put it one space to the left of that). Go left to the other Stopper
and move it one space to the right. Go back to the right side of the
platform and move the Exploder two spaces to the right. Now push the
Ascender to the left. This will put the first Tumbler into the TRAP,
while making the second Tumbler come back to the right side into the
Exploder. While this is going on, go left and move the other
Exploder one space to the right (so that it's next to the left-hand
Stopper. Wait in front of the left-hand Stopper. After the Tumbler
on the right side falls through the Exploder's gap, pick up the
Stopper and move two spaces to the left. This will free the TRAPPED
Tumbler. Put the Stopper down in the empty space between the
Exploder and the Bridger, then pick up the Bridger. Fall through the
gap with it so that it's ready to fill in the gap below. It's
important that you waited for the other Tumbler before freeing the
TRAPPED one, or the Delays will still be standing when the Trigger

Level 68 - TIME 1:45
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 19583

Go up the tall ladder on the right. Push the Tumbler to the left.
Immediately run left and pick up the Ascender before the Tumbler
hits it. Now hurry back down the ladder, and run left. Place the
Ascender to the left of the Normal chain. There should be about two
seconds left before the Tumbler hits the Ascender to finish off the

Level 69 - TIME 4:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 20095

At the start, go up the stairs to the left and pick up the Tumbler.
Put it down two spaces to the right. Now go down the ladder one
floor. Pick up the Tumbler on the left and place it at the top of
the stairs (next to the single Vanisher). Go down the ladder one
more floor (to the platform with the Ascender on the left side). Go
to the right end of the platform and pick up the last Vanisher. Go
up the ladder one floor, and place it at the bottom of the stairs
(where the second Tumbler used to be). Go up the ladder to the
starting platform, and fall right so that you're in front of the
Delay. Pick up the Delay and fall left. Pick it up again and go all
the way up the ladder to the starting platform, then place it on the
left (where the first Tumbler used to be). Go down one floor and
pick up the Vanisher that you moved earlier. Put it back where you
got it from (the right side of the platform below you). Go down the
ladder to the bottom floor, and head to the left side. SWAP the
Normal and the Vanisher next to it. Then go to the right side and
push the Ascender.

Level 70 - TIME 5:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 19071

There are multiple solutions to this level, but there's one very
simple one. Do this:

Go down the ladder one floor. Pick up the Stopper and fall left.
Pick up the Tumbler to your left and move it two spaces to the left.
Then move the Stopper two spaces to the left (to where the Tumbler
used to be).

Go down the ladder and to the right, and pick up the Delay on the
far right. Go up the ladder and put it down two spaces to the left
(where the Stopper used to be).

Now go back up the ladder to the entrance and push the chain.

Level 71 - TIME 4:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 18559

There are at least three different solutions to this puzzle. I've
listed them in increasing order of difficulty:

1) Go down the ladder one floor to the platform full of Normals.
Count the fourth Normal from the left. SWAP it with the Splitter on
the top platform.

Now go down the middle ladder to the second lowest platform. Go all
the way to the right and pick up the rightmost Normal. Go the left
side and place it next to the Tumbler. Move the Tumbler to where the
Normal used to be. Return to the left side and pick up the Bridger.
Move it two spaces to the left. Then move the Normal on the left
(the one you moved earlier) to where the Bridger used to be.

After that, pick up the Stopper on the left. Move it six spaces to
the right (where the ladder is). Then go right and pick up one of
the Delays. Move it to where the Stopper used to be. Now go down
the third ladder, and pick up the rightmost Normal (the one next to
the exit). Go up the ladder and put it where the Delay used to be.

Go back down the ladder and pick up the Stopper on the left.
Move it six spaces to the right (so that it's under the other

Finally, go all the way to the top and push the chain.

2) Go down the ladder one floor to the platform full of Normals.
Count the fourth Normal from the left. SWAP it with the Splitter on
the top platform.

Go down the middle ladder to the second lowest platform. Pick up one
of the Delays on the right and move it next to the Exploder (so that
it's behind the ladder). Then pick up the Bridger to the left, and
put it where the Delay used to be.

Pick up another Delay. Go down the third ladder and go left up the
stairs. Place it so that it's under the first Delay that you moved.
Go two spaces to the left so that you're at the closest Normal. Move
the Normal three spaces to the right. Go back up the ladder and pick
up the last Delay. Go down the ladder and put it where the Normal
used to be.

On this bottom platform, there are three Normals next to the
Trigger. Move two of them to where the Delays used to be.

After that, move the third Normal and the Stopper so that the Normal
is on the rightmost space (where the Stopper is), while the Stopper
is two or three spaces to the left of it (as long as the Stopper is
not next to the Trigger).

Finally, go all the way to the top and push the chain.

3) The last solution is the longest, and is presumably the intended
solution, because it actually uses the Bridger (unlike the first two
solutions that treat it like a Normal). This solution starts off
like the other two:

Go down the ladder one floor to the platform full of Normals. Count
the fourth Normal from the left. SWAP it with the Splitter on the
top platform.

Next, fall right so that you're on the platform that has no ladder.
Pick up the Tumbler and fall left. On this platform, pick up the
rightmost Normal. Go up the middle ladder and fall right, then pick
up the Normal again and move it to where the Tumbler used to be.
Then fall left and move the Tumbler to where the Normal used to be
(in effect, you've SWAPPED them).

There are three Delays next to you. There are also three Normals to
the left of the Splitter near the top. SWAP the three Normals with
the three Delays.

Now go to the Exploder on the second lowest platform. Move it one
space to the right, then move the Bridger one space to the right.
To your left are a Tumbler and a Normal. SWAP the Tumbler and the

Next, go down the third ladder to the bottom floor. Pick up the
rightmost Normal (the one next to the exit). Go left up the short
stairs and place it next to the chain of Normals.

Finally, go all the way to the top and push the chain.

Level 72 - TIME 3:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 22655

Pick up the Normal and fall right. Keep picking it up and falling
right three more times, so that it's between the Delay and the
Stopper. Push the Normal (either direction) and quickly fall right.
Go right and pick up the Ascender, and move it four spaces to the
left (so that it's next to the Tumbler). Then quickly go right and
up the ladder to the top. SWAP the Delay with either of the two
Normals to finish the puzzle.

Level 73 - TIME 3:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 23167

At the start, go two spaces to the right and pick up the Normal.
Move it two spaces to the right. Go right and pick up the Normal in
front of the exit. Move it two spaces to the left. Next, go up the
right side ladder and move the Tumbler two spaces to the left. Go
down the ladder and up the tall center ladder. Near the top, pick up
the Ascender. Continue to the top and put it down between the two
Delays. Then go right and SWAP the Tumbler and the Normal. Finally,
push the Ascender at the top (either direction).

NOTE: The Trigger doesn't completely topple in this solution, but it
still counts.

Level 74 - TIME 3:30
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 24191

Push the chain at the start, and run left. Go down the ladder one
floor, go left, and pick up the Stopper. Go down the ladder to the
small platform and put down the Stopper. Fall left and go left to
the Stopper next to the Trigger. After the Vanishers vanish, pick
up the Stopper and move it four spaces to the right. After the
Tumbler bounces off it, pick up the Stopper and run right. Put it
down at the end of the platform (you should get there before the
Tumbler does). The bottom Tumbler will stop right before the Trigger

Level 75 - TIME 5:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 23679

Pick up the Stopper and go down the ladder. Put it down one space to
the left. Go back up the ladder and fall left. Pick up the Bridger,
go left, and put it down between the Exploder and the Tumbler. Then
pick up the Tumbler and put it down between the Trigger and the

Note the gap to your right, underneath the entrance. There should be
a Tumbler to the left of it, and the Stopper that you moved should
be on the right of it. There are two ways to solve this puzzle:
1) make all the Exploders explode directly underneath the gap,
creating a straight path for the Ascender at the bottom
2) use the Exploders to create a staircase-like path for the
Since the second solution is slightly faster, I'll only list that
one here. The first solution is similar, except that you'll be
placing the Exploders underneath the gap, and you'll need to TRAP
the Tumbler for the last Exploder. Here's how the second solution

Push the Tumbler to the right. Quickly fall through the gap and run
right. Pick up the Exploder (before the Tumbler hits it) and move it
three spaces to the left (so that it's one space to the left of the
gap). Wait there so you fall when the Tumbler hits the Exploder. Run
left and pick up the next Exploder. Move it five spaces to the right
(so that it's one space to the left of the second gap). Wait there.
After you fall, run left and pick up the next Exploder. Move it four
spaces to the right (so that it's one space to the left of the third
gap). Again, wait there. After you fall, run left and pick up the
Ascender. Move it three spaces to the right (four spaces is okay,
too), and just wait for the Trigger to fall.

Level 76 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 21631

Push the chain at the start. Immediately fall left and run left to
the Delay. After the Tumbler bounces off it, immediately pick it up
and move it six spaces to the right (three spaces to the left of the
right-side Stopper). You should be able to put it down just before
the Tumbler hits it. Go back to the left and wait. The Tumbler will
hit the Exploder, causing you to fall. As soon as you recover, fall
left again. Then run right and pick up the Normal, so that the
Tumbler has a clear path. Follow it to the right, and fall with the
Normal when the Tumbler is out of the way. Pick up the Normal again
and fall left (through the Exploder's gap). Finally, pick up the
Normal one last time and move it one space to the right.

Level 77 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 22143

Move the Bridger one space to the right, then push it to the right
to fill in the gap. Fall right. Pick up the Normal, then fall with
it to the left. Go to the left and pick up the Delay at the end of
the platform. DROP it to the left onto the Splitter. Quickly fall
right twice, then climb the ladder. Pick up the Bridger and fall to
the left. Pick up the Bridger again and move it two spaces to the
left. Fall right and climb the ladder again. Move the Normal one
space to the left.

Tip: If you can't do it fast enough, DROP the Normal instead of the
DELAY. Make sure to SWAP them before you DROP.

Level 78 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 21247

This puzzle requires you to be quick and accurate, as you'll only
have a few seconds to spare. Start the level off by pushing the
Tumbler to the right, then taking a step to the left. It'll bounce
off the Delay and hit the Exploder, causing you to fall.

Run right and move the Exploder two spaces to the right. Pick up
the Normal that's on the left of the Exploder and move it one space
to the left. Then run left and pick up the Tumbler, and move it six
spaces to the right (so that it's next to the Exploder. Then pick up
the Normal on the rightmost space of the platform and put it where
the Tumbler used to be. Free the Tumbler by picking up the
right-hand Stopper and moving it one space to the left. Run right to
fall through the gap.

Pick up the Exploder and move it seven spaces to the left (so that
it's at the end of the chain of Normals). Next, pick up the single
Normal on the left and put it where the Exploder used to be. Free
the Tumbler by moving the left-hand Stopper one space to the right.
After that, carefully make your way to the exit at the bottom.

Level 79 - TIME 5:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 20735

Go down three ladders so that you're at the platform with the
Exploder. Pick up the Exploder and go down the next ladder and up
the left-side ladder (to where the Bridger is). Put the Exploder so
that it's directly above the Splitter (three spaces to the right of
the Bridger). Pick up the Bridger, then go down the ladder and up
the next ladder. Put it down next to the Tumbler. Return all the way
to the top of the level and push the chain. Quickly go down four
ladders to the platform with the Delays (you should get there before
the Tumbler). Pick up the rightmost Normal on that platform and fall
to the right (so that it lands next to the Ascender).

Level 80 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 28927

The first part of this puzzle is tricky. Push the right Tumbler off
the platform, then pick up the left Tumbler. The first Tumbler will
bounce off the Stopper and tumble left. As soon as the space below
is clear, fall to the right with the second Tumbler. Immediately
after you recover, pick up the Tumbler before the first Tumbler hits
it. Then go down the ladder and put the Tumbler in the empty space
on the right. Fall left, and move the Ascender one space to the
left. Then go left to the Stopper at the end of the platform. Pick
it up (the Tumbler should've already bounced off it) and go to the
right end of the platform. Put it down on the last space so that the
last Tumbler bounces off it.

Level 81 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 29439

Fall right and pick up the Normal. DROP it to the left onto the
Splitter. Immediately run left and push the Ascender so that it
rises to the top before the Bridgers cut it off. Wait until the
Tumbler is TRAPPED. Then go up the ladder and stand in front of the
right-hand Stopper. As soon as the Tumbler bounces off it, pick it
up and follow the Tumbler to the left. Put it down two spaces to the
right of the other Stopper, so that the Tumbler is still TRAPPED in
the one space between the Stoppers. Now there are four empty spaces
between the TRAP and the Trigger (and two spaces filled by Normals).
Fill in the spaces with the four Normals at the bottom. Finally,
free the Tumbler by moving the right-hand Stopper one space to the
left. Make sure you put it down before the Trigger falls.

Level 82 - TIME 1:30
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 30463

Pick up the Delay at the start and go down the ladder to the bottom
platform. Put the Delay down behind the ladder. Go back up the
ladder to the top and push the chain. Immediately go down the ladder
and run to the right. Move the Ascender two spaces to the left (so
that it's to the left of the Stopper), then move the Normal five
spaces to the left (so that it's next to the Ascender).

Level 83 - TIME 3:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 29951

Pick up the Splitter. Go down the ladder one floor and place the
Splitter two spaces to the left (so that it's next to the chain of
Normals). Go back up and pick up a Tumbler. Go down one floor again
and put it next to the Splitter. Then get the Bridger and place it
next to that Tumbler. Go back up the ladder for the second Tumbler.
Pick it up and go down two floors and place it to the left of the
chain of Normals. Return to the top and push the chain. Quickly go
down the ladder two floors and fall left. Wait in front of the
Exploder until you fall through. Let the Tumbler bounce off the
Stopper once, then pick up the Stopper and go right down the
stairs. Put the Stopper on the rightmost space. Finally go left and
pick up the Normal to the left of the Trigger. Move it four spaces
to the right, so that it's at the start of the chain of Normals. The
Tumbler above will stop right before the Trigger falls.

Level 84 - TIME 4:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 31999

This level is all about putting the Splitters in the right places.
The order in which you move them doesn't really matter, but here's a
suggested order:

Pick up the Delay near the entrance. Go down the ladders to the
bottom-right platform and put the Delay next to the Trigger. Return
to the top and get a Splitter. Go back down to the bottom-right and
put it next to the Delay. Go back to the top and get another
Splitter. Go down two ladders and fall to the right with the
Splitter (onto the platform above the Trigger). Leave it there and
get another Splitter from the top. Go down two ladders and place it
next to the right-side Normals. Get another Splitter and place it
next to the left-side Normals on this same platform.

Get another Splitter from the top. Go down one ladder and fall right
with it. Leave it and go back to the top, and pick up the last
Splitter. Go down one ladder, and place it in the empty space to the

Now you'll be working with the four Splitters on the left. Get one
of the Splitters, go up one floor, and place it in the empty space
to the right. Go back and get another Splitter. Fall right with it,
then pick it up, go down the ladder and place it two spaces to the
right. Get the third Splitter. Fall right with it, pick it up, go
down the ladder and place it three spaces to the left. Next, get the
last Splitter, fall right with it, and leave it there. Finally, go
to the top-left platform and push the chain.

Level 85 - TIME 4:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 32511

Go down the left ladder to the bottom platform. Pick up the 6th
Normal from the left (the one that's right under a Stopper). Go up
the right-side ladder one floor and place it one space to the left.
Go down the ladder and pick up the Ascender behind the ladder. Go up
one floor and put it between the Normal and the Stopper.

Go all the way up the right-side ladder. Pick up the Delay, go down
two floors, and put it one space to the left. Go back to the top and
pick up a Normal, then go down two floors and place it between the
Delay and the Stopper.

Go up one floor (to the second highest platform) and move the Delay
one space to the left. Go up to the top and get the last Normal,
then go down one floor and put it where the Delay used to be.

Now, go down the right-side ladder to the bottom. Move the Tumbler
three spaces to the left. Pick up the Normal to the right of the
Tumbler and move it two spaces to the right (to where the Tumbler
used to be). Then move the Ascender four spaces to the left (to
where the Normal used to be).

Go up the left-side ladder one floor, then fall to the right. Push
the chain to the left.

Level 86 - TIME 7:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 31487

Pick up the Ascender near the entrance. Go down the ladder and place
it at the left end of the chain. Go up the center ladder and pick up
the Normal in the middle of the platform (it's between a Normal and
a Delay). Go down the center ladder and up the right-side ladder.
Put the Normal down at the left end of the short chain.

Go back up the center ladder. SWAP the two Normals with the two
Delays. Go down the ladder and up the right-side ladder. Pick up the
Splitter and go back up the center ladder. Place it in the middle,
between the Delays and the Normals.

Return to the entrance and push the chain.

Level 87 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 30975

Go to the left and pick up the Normal in the middle. Move it next to
the Exploder. Move the Exploder to where the Normal used to be. Pick
up one of the Normals to the left and put it where the Expldoer used
to be. Pick up the other Normal on the left and put it at the right
end of the chain (so now there should be four Normals leading to an
Exploder, and the Exploder should be above the Splitter).

Down the right-side ladder are two Normals, a Bridger, and a
Splitter. Ignore the Splitter for now, and move the Normals and the
Bridger to the right end of the chain at the top (the order doesn't

Push the chain. Immediately go down the ladder and pick up the
Splitter. Quickly fall to the left with it (you should be able to
get there before the Normal falls onto that space). Get to the exit
by falling through the Exploder's gap.

Level 88 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 26879

This level requires speed. Make sure you do everything as fast as
you can.

Start it off by pushing the right-hand Normal to hit the Delay.
Immediately pick up the left Normal and DROP it to the left. Wait
in front of the Exploder. Once you fall through, run right and move
the next Exploder one space to the left. Again, wait in front of the
Exploder. Once you fall through, run left and pick up the Normal.
Wait with it in front of the Exploder, so that it'll fall as soon as
the Exploder is hit. The last Normal should fall with less than a
second to spare.

Level 89 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 27647

Start by pushing the Normal into the Tumbler. Quickly run to the
right (you don't need to hesitate, the Bridgers will fall before you
get there; just hold down the Right key). Wait in front of the
Stopper at the right end. When the Tumbler gets close, pick up the
Stopper. Let the Tumbler hit the Vanishers, and as soon as the last
one vanishes, put the Stopper back down.

The Tumbler should bounce off it. As soon as it does, pick up the
Stopper and run left, and put the Stopper down to the right of the
fallen Normal. This should give you just enough time to run back to
the right, go down the ladder, pick up the Stopper, go up the
ladder, and place it at the right end (where the first Stopper used
to be). If you were fast enough, the Tumbler should now be TRAPPED.

Now you can relax and take your time. There are three Vanishers
left in the puzzle. Place them inside the TRAP (doesn't need to be
all at the same time; one at a time is fine), so that the Tumbler
will get rid of them. Just make sure that they're not next to a
Stopper, or they'll bounce back instead of vanishing.

The final step is the Exploder. Place it on the platform above the
Trigger, one space to the left of the ladder. This way, the Tumbler
will fall through and hit the Trigger. Just make sure the Tumbler
is going in the right direction when it hits the Exploder.

Level 90 - TIME 0:45
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 28671

This one requires speed and accuracy. At the start, push the Delay.
Quickly fall down and go down the ladder. Look at the platform where
the exit is, and count off the last four Delays on the right. You
have to quickly move all of them into the four empty spaces on the
bottom platform, between the Delays and the Trigger.

I recommend first moving the 4th from the right, so that the rest
are safe from being hit too early. Also, make sure to build the
chain to the right, rather than just putting the Delays in any empty
space. Make sure to be quick and accurate, because even without
mistakes, the last Delay will be placed less than half a second
before it's hit.

Level 91 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 28159

Push the chain at the start. Quickly fall left twice, then climb
down the ladder. Go left to the Stopper. After the first Tumbler
bounces off it, pick up the Stopper and head right. The Tumbler will
hit the chain of Vanishers into the Ascender, clearing the platform.
Place the Stopper in the path of the Tumbler (leave a safe distance
so that you don't cause a collision). After the Tumbler bounces back
in the other direction, pick up the Stopper again. Wait until the
Tumbler falls off the edge (like the other two Tumblers), then put
the Stopper back in its original position, at the left end of the
platform. The final Tumbler should still be on the platforms above.
Finally, go right and up the short ladder and pick up the Normal. Go
down the ladder and put it next to the Trigger. This ensures that
the Tumbler will stop before the Trigger falls.

Level 91 (SNES) - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 28159

This is the only level that is different in the SNES version from
the DOS version. The solution here involves using a special trick:
picking up a tumbling Tumbler.

At the start, push the chain to the left. Quickly fall right three
times, so that you're standing in front of the Normal. Go down the
ladder. Run left toward the first Tumbler. After it hits the
Vanishers, pick it up *while it's tumbling*. This might take a few
tries before you can do it accurately, but it can be done. Carry it
to the right and put it down where the Ascender used to be (next to
the Trigger). Run left and pick up the second Tumbler in the same
way, and put it down to the left of the first Tumbler. Quickly run
left again and pick up the third tumbling Tumbler, and put it down
to the left of the second Tumbler. Finally, climb up the ladder and
pick up the Normal, then fall to the right with it.

Level 92 - TIME 2:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 26111

This level requires high speed and accuracy. You'll need to master
the DELAY TRAP here. The basic idea is to set up a DELAY TRAP, then
get rid of the extra Vanishers and Ascenders inside the trap. To
simplify the explanation, I'll refer to the 7 dominoes on the top
platform as D1,D2,...,D7, from left to right.

Start off by picking up D1. Go down the ladder and put it down. Go
right and pick up the Vanisher at the end, then move it six spaces
to the left (the empty space next to D1). Next, pick up the Exploder
and move it four spaces to the right (where the Vanisher used to
be). Pick up the Delay and move it two spaces to the left (where the
Exploder used to be). This sets up the DELAY TRAP.

Push the Tumbler to the left. Quickly go up the ladder, pick up D7,
go down the ladder, and put it down. Go right, and move the Normal
one space to the right, then move the Delay one space to the right.
Wait for the Tumbler to hit the Delay, then reset it by picking it
up and immediately putting it down.

Quickly go up the ladder and pick up D2, then go down the ladder and
put it down. Go back up the ladder and pick up D3, then go down the
ladder. By this time, the Tumbler should be hitting D2. As soon as
the Tumbler is out of the way, put down D3, then run right to reset
the Delay.

Repeat the last paragraph, this time with D6 and D5.

Quickly go up the ladder and pick up D4 (the Ascender), go down the
ladder and put it down. Run right and pick up the other Ascender,
then put it down to the left of the Delay. Move the Delay two spaces
to the right (between the Normal and the Exploder). Everything is
now in place, so go back up the ladder and wait by the exit.

Tip: Even though I've broken it down into paragraphs, don't stop
between steps. You can't afford to waste any time in between.

Level 93 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 26623

First off, pick up the Tumbler at the start, and move it three
spaces to the right.

For the next part, you need to everything as quick as possible
without wasting time. Push the Tumbler to the left, then fall right.
Go down the small ladder, pick up the Tumbler, go up the ladder, and
place it two spaces to the left. Run right and go down the tall
ladder. Pick up the Delay, and climb up the ladder. Go down the
small ladder and put the Delay next to the Normal. Then pick up the
Normal, go up the ladder and down the tall ladder. Head left (the
Tumbler should hit the Bridger before you get there) and place the
Normal to the left of the center Stopper. If you did everything
quickly, the second left-side Tumbler should hit the Normal without
causing a collision.

Now you can relax and take your time. Go back to the top and get the
Delay. Go down to the bottom and place it to the right of the center
Stopper (make sure the Tumbler isn't nearby). Pick up the Stopper.
Wait for the Tumbler to bounce off the Delay, then place the Stopper
to the right of the Delay, keeping the Tumbler trapped.

Go back to the top and get the Ascender. Go down to the bottom and
place it to the right of the Stopper, so that it's in position to
hit the Trigger (make sure the Tumbler isn't nearby to cause a
collision). Pick up the Stopper and put it somewhere to the right
(the important part is that you're not holding the Stopper when the
Trigger falls).

Level 94 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Moderate
Password: 25599

There are a number of variations to the solution, but I'll only give
one here.

Go all the way up the ladder to the top floor. Pick up the Ascender
on the left, then fall to the right to FLOAT it. This will put it in
position to topple the left-hand dominoes. Keep falling to the left
to return to the bottom. Then do the same thing for the Ascenders on
the third and fourth floors, FLOATING them so that they are above
the gaps in the floor. Return to the bottom.

Pick up the Bridger at the left end. Go up two floors, then place it
at the left end (where the Ascender used to be). Then go down one
floor. Go to the left end of the chain, between the Ascender and the
Normal. Push the Normal to the right. Then quickly pick up the
Ascender and fall to the right, FLOATING the Ascender.

To get to the exit, climb up the ladder to the top and fall to the
right until you're above the door, then drop to the left.

NOTE: You can also choose to put the last Ascender at the end of one
of the chains on the top floors, but then you should do this BEFORE

Level 95 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Easy
Password: 25087

This is a surprisingly simple level to appear in the final area. All
you need to do is move some Splitters and Bridgers around.

At the start, you'll see 4 sets of a Bridger and a Splitter. There
are also 4 ladders, each leading to a Tumbler and a Normal. The idea
should be obvious.

Pick up a Bridger and go down a ladder, then put it down at the left
end of the platform. Go back up the ladder, pick up a Splitter, then
go down the same ladder and put the Splitter between the Tumbler and
the Normal. Do this for all 4 ladders.

Go back up to the top, then fall to the left. Climb the tall ladder
to reach the last Bridger. Pick it up, go down four floors, then
switch ladders to reach the bottom, and put the Bridger next to the

Now, go back up the top left (where the last Bridger was), and push
the chain of two Normals to the right.

Level 96 - TIME 5:10
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 08703

This puzzle can be rather annoying, especially because it requires
you to move so many dominoes. The time limit also eliminates some
longer solutions. Here is the quickest solution that I have found,
leaving you with almost a minute left. You'll need to be quick and
accurate, and it'll probably take you several tries before you can
get it to work.

You start off on a platform with 4 Exploders. On the platform
below are 5 Bridgers, with 4 spaces in between them. Move the
Exploders to those spaces.

Go back to the starting platform, where there are two Vanishers.
Move them to the platform above you, to the right of the middle
Vanisher. Move the rightmost Vanisher one space to the left (so
that it's next to the first two you moved), then move the
leftmost Vanisher three spaces to the right (so that it's next to
the other four). Go to the left end of this platform and pick up the
Stopper. Put it down on the right end of the platform (so that there
are two spaces between the Vanishers and the Stopper).

On the top platform, there are 6 Tumblers and 10 Ascenders. Move 9
of the Ascenders to the starting platform (at this point, it should
be empty except for a Stopper). Then move the 10th Ascender to the
right of the Vanishers on the second highest platform.

Next, move 5 of the Tumblers to the left of the Vanishers, and move
the 6th one to the last space between the 10th Ascender and the

To double-check, the platforms should look like this:
Top platform: Nothing
2nd highest platform: empty space, 5 Tumblers, 5 Vanishers,
Ascender, Tumbler, Stopper
3rd highest platform: 9 Ascenders (anywhere), empty space in front
of the door, Stopper
4th highest platform: Stopper, empty space, Bridger, Exploder,
Bridger, Exploder, Bridger, Exploder,
Bridger, Exploder, Bridger
The rest should be unchanged.

Now you are ready to push. Go to the second highest platform, and
stand between the Tumbler and the Stopper at the right. Push the
Tumbler to the left, then quickly pick up the Stopper and run all
the way to the left. Wait at the end of the platform (you might need
to move around so that you don't put down the Stopper yet). After
the 5th Tumbler falls over the edge, put down the Stopper at the end
of the platform. You should be able to do this in time for the last
Tumbler to bounce off. Once you've done that, everything's set, so
head down to the exit.

Level 97 - TIME 5:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 09215

Since you can't go down the ladder, you'll need to work with just
the dominoes at the top. There is a Tumbler, five Delays, and two
Exploders. SWAP the Tumbler and the first Exploder (the one next to
the Delays).

Go between the Tumbler and the Exploder, and push the Tumbler to the
left. Quickly move one space to the right, so that you fall through
when the Exploder explodes. Hurry to the left and fall down, then go
down the ladder to the bottom floor. To the right, there is a Delay.
Move the Delay two spaces to the right (so that it's next to the

Now hurry up both ladders to get to the top, then fall through the
gap on the left. By this time, there should be an Ascender bouncing
back and forth between the Stoppers. Pick up the right-hand Stopper
to let the Ascender stop, then quickly put the Stopper back down.
The Trigger should fall a second or two later.

Level 98 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Very Hard
Password: 10239

Like several other complex puzzles, this one has more than one
solution. I'm only going to give the one that I think is simplest.

Start off by falling to the left. You're now standing in front of an
Exploder, and to your right are three Normals. Move the rightmost
Normal one space to the right (so that it's next to the Trigger),
then move the Exploder three spaces to the right (where the Normal
used to be).

Go up the ladder one floor. Move the Splitter two spaces to the
left, then go to the right end and pick up the Bridger. Move it
eight spaces to the left (so that it's next to the Splitter). Go
down the ladder to where the five Normals are. Move one so that it's
next to the Bridger, and move another one to where the Bridger used
to be.

Now go up to the next floor, where there is an Exploder, several
Normals, and then another Exploder. Move the left-hand Exploder two
spaces to the left. Then move the leftmost Normal two spaces to the
left also. This leaves two empty spaces. Go down to the platform
with the Trigger. Pick up one of the three remaining Normals on the
left, then go up two floors and put it next to the left-hand Normal.
Then go back to the Trigger and pick up the Splitter to the right.
Go back up two floors and put it in the other empty space (it should
now be right under an Exploder).

Next, move on to the second highest platform. Move the right-hand
Exploder two spaces to the right. Go to the left and pick up the
Splitter. Go to the right side and put it to the left of the
Exploder. Now there are two empty spaces in the chain on this
platform; use the two remaining Normals on the second lowest
platform to fill these in.

The right-hand Exploder is actually unneccessary. Pick it up and go
to the top floor, then fall to the right and DROP it onto the

When the dominoes have finished toppling, go down to the second
lowest platform. You can now drop down onto the bottom platform,
where a Tumbler and an Ascender are still standing. Move the
Ascender three spaces to the right (so that it's under the gap).
Then push the Tumbler to the right. If you have trouble getting into
pushing position because of the ladder, move the Tumbler one space
to the right first.

Level 99 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 09727

This level makes extensive use of the DROP. You'll need to use it
four times in order to topple all the dominoes.

If you go up the ladder to your left, you'll find four Splitters.
Pick up a Splitter, and go down to the starting platform. Put the
Splitter on the right side, between the Vanishers. Use the left-side
ladders to get a Tumbler, and put it at the left end of the Vanisher
chain. Now go up the right-side ladder, pick up a Normal, then fall
to the right. Pick it up again, and fall left, DROPPING it onto the
Splitter. This will send the Tumbler to the bottom, finishing off
the bottom platform.

Get another Splitter and put it to the left of the right-side ladder
(two spaces to the left of where you put the first Splitter). Go up
to the top-left platform and get the Bridger on the right end. Go
back down the ladder and put it on the left end of the starting
platform. There should now be 6 spaces between the Bridger and the
Splitter. Fill those in with the Vanishers from the top-left. Then
climb the right-side ladder, pick up a Normal and fall left. Pick it
up again and fall right, DROPPING it onto the Splitter. This will
bridge the gap two floors below.

Get a third Splitter and put it two spaces to the left of the last
one (this should be one space to the right of the entrance). Put a
Tumbler on the left end of the platform. This time, there will be 4
spaces between the Tumbler and the Splitter. Again, fill those in
with Vanishers. Go up the right-side ladder, pick up the last
Normal, and fall left. Pick it up again and fall left, DROPPING it
onto the Splitter. This finishes off the second lowest platform and
bridges the gap one floor below.

Get the last Splitter and put it two spaces to the left of the last
one (this one should be one space to the left of the entrance now).
There are two Vanishers and two Normals remaining. Put one of the
Normals to the left of the Splitter, and move the two Vanishers to
the two spaces on the left of that. Pick up the other Normal, and
DROP it onto the Splitter.

You should now have only a Tumbler in the top-left. Pick it up,
then go to the starting platform. Fall to the left with it. Pick it
up and move it six spaces to the right (so that it's next to the
Bridger). Then just push the chain from the left.

Level 100 - TIME 10:00
Difficulty: Hard
Password: 44543

The final level has one trick to it: all of the dominoes look like
Normals, but they're not all Normals! It takes some trial-and-error
to figure out what's what.

Here's the step-by-step:

Pick up the first domino to your left. This one's a Normal. Move it
five spaces to the left (where the ladder is). The one to the right
of this is the Trigger. Go all the way to the left and pick up the
leftmost domino. This is an Ascender. Move it ten spaces to the right
(left of where the Normal used to be). Then pick up the domino to
your left, which is a Stopper. Move it to the leftmost space on this

There are three spaces to the left of the first domino you moved (on
the left of the Trigger). Using the three dominoes on the top-right
platform, fill in these spaces (the dominoes you're moving are a
Normal and two Delays, by the way).

Now go up the two short ladders to the top-left platform. Pick up the
second to the left (it's a Splitter) and fall to the right. This will
put it in place. Then go back up the short ladder and move the
leftmost domino (a Normal) one space to the right. Now just push from
the left, and you're done!


-Area 1- -Area 2- -Area 3- -Area 4- -Area 5-
01: 00512 12: 05122 23: 14342 34: 26126 45: 30238
02: 01536 13: 05634 24: 10246 35: 25614 46: 29214
03: 01024 14: 04610 25: 10758 36: 27662 47: 28702
04: 03072 15: 04098 26: 11782 37: 28174 48: 20510
05: 03584 16: 12290 27: 11270 38: 27150 49: 21022
06: 02560 17: 12802 28: 09222 39: 26638 50: 22046
07: 02048 18: 13826 29: 09734 40: 30734 51: 21534
08: 06144 19: 13314 30: 08718 41: 31246 52: 23582
09: 06656 20: 15362 31: 08206 42: 32270 53: 24094
10: 07680 21: 15878 32: 24590 43: 31758 54: 23070
11: 07168 22: 14854 33: 25102 44: 29726 55: 22558

-Area 6- -Area 7- -Area 8- -Area 9- -Final-
56: 18494 67: 17535 78: 21247 89: 27647 00: 44543
57: 19006 68: 19583 79: 20735 90: 28671
58: 20030 69: 20095 80: 28927 91: 28159
59: 19518 70: 19071 81: 29439 92: 26111
60: 17470 71: 18559 82: 30463 93: 26623
61: 17982 72: 22655 83: 29951 94: 25599
62: 16958 73: 23167 84: 31999 95: 25087
63: 16510 74: 24191 85: 32511 96: 08703
64: 16511 75: 23679 86: 31487 97: 09215
65: 17023 76: 21631 87: 30975 98: 10239
66: 18047 77: 22143 88: 26879 99: 09727

This is the end of the FAQ/Walkthrough for Pushover (DOS version).
Remember, any questions, comments, corrections, or info can be directed
to . Also, remember that this is copyrighted
work; read the disclaimer at the top of this file. Hope you enjoyed the
-------Pushover FAQ/Walkthrough v1.1 by Miguel Balauag (c) 2003--------

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