Call of Duty

Call of Duty

17.10.2013 13:15:09
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--------------------VERSION 1.3-----------------------
------------------BY FRINKAHEDRON---------------------

-Legal Info-------------------------------------------------------------------
This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

Welcome to my first FAQ, a guide to, what I belive, is the best WWII FPS ever
created. I hope that it helps you in some way, shape, or form, so your online
experience is a good one.

-Version History--------------------------------------------------------------
1.3 - Added 1.5 patch info and Tigertown map, plus some format changes.
1.2 - Added Punkbuster section, formatting chages.
1.11- Added Console commands
1.01- Fixed spelling and errors
1.0 - FAQ Released

1. Setting up your game
2. So you want to host your own server, eh?
3. Weapons
4. Maps
5. Gametypes
6. Mods & Custom maps
7. Console Commands
8. Punkbuster Kicks
9. Miscellaneous

SECTION 1--- SETTING UP YOUR GAME---------------------------------------------

Install Call Of Duty and open up Call of Duty Multiplayer. Download and
install the latest patch (1.4 as of the time of this writing) You will come
to a screen with 6 buttons.To switch any of these options, simply click on
them to go one option foward or right click to backtrack.

--Join a Game: This button will take you to the server browser with several

Source: This will determine what kinds of servers you will search for.
There are internet, local and favorites.

Otherwise, you will probably experience major lag problems due to the
wrong connection type. This will most likely be LAN/Cable/xDSL for the
large majority of you.

Game Type: Filters the servers based on gametype, which I will explain in
section 4.

Back: Goes back to the main screen.

Add To Favorites: Adds the selected server to your Favorites list,
which can be accessed through the source button.

Password: Some servers require a password, enter it here.

To find online servers, click Refresh List at the top of the screen.
This will refresh your server list and search for new servers.
Quick refresh is just that, a quicker refresh that does not find new servers,
it just refreshes the ones already found.

Filter servers allows you to cut down on the servers listed by filtering
certain options, such as low ping, empty and full games, and so on.

To join a game, simply click on the server you wish to join and select join
server at the bottom of the screen, or double click the server name.

--Start New Server
This allows you to start your own server that runs on your computer.

--Multiplayer Options
These are the options that change your multiplayer options, such as your name.
You can also enter your CD key from this page

Vote Yes: Press the key (F1 by default) to vote yes if there is a vote running

Vote No: Votes no (F2 by default) to vote no if there is a vote running.

Chat: Allows you to type with other players

Team Chat: Allows you to type with only your team (Allied, Axis)

Quick Chat: Sends pre-typed messages such as "Move in" or great shot with a
series of number presses that pop up in a small window in the corner.

Allow Downloading: When connecting to a server with mods or custom maps,
this will automatically download the required files from the server before
you connect, although it is not recommended to be on all the time.

Draw HUD: Displays info on your screen such as health, ammunition, compass,
and other things.

Draw Crosshair: Displays crosshairs.

Connection: Choose what your connection type is.

Player Name: Enter the name that you wish to use here. If you want colors in
your name, simply type ^# (the number varies) before the letters that you
want colored.

The color codes are:
^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = light blue
^6 = purple
^7 = white
^8 is a color that changes depending what level you are on.
American maps = Dark Green
Russian maps = Dark red/marroon
British maps = Dark Blue
^9 = grey
^0 = black (You must type two ^^0 to type in black, not one carrot)

Punkbuster: PB is the cheat detection system CoD uses, not all server
have it enables but most do, leave this option on.

This page allows you to change your controls, graphics and sound
configurations. I recommend clicking on "Optimal System Settings" so that
CoD will automatically scan your system and change the graphics and sound for
the best performance/graphics ratio.

----Section 2: Starting your own server


----Section 3: Weapons---

In this section, I will go over the weapons and their strengths and
weaknesses. I won't do a 1-5 rating system or whatever, simply because
each weapon is deadly when used in the right situation.

--Weapon strategies--

Use rifles at longer ranges, where you have more time to line up a shot.
A well placed rifle shot will kill with only one bullet. Use the iron sights
as much as possible.

Submachine guns---
Use SMGs in close to medium quarters combat, as their accuracy is horrible.
If you want to make longer shots, fire bursts of 1 or 2 bullets at a time to
keep your sights more steady.

Heavy Machine Guns---
Use these guns to lay down suppressing fire and to help clear out rooms.
Long range, single shots are more suited to heavy machine guns. Try to keep
a little distance between you and SMGs, as they fire faster.

Use snipers only from a prone or crouched position, standing and firing a
sniper is not the best way to make a shot. Also, on the larger maps, find a
nice concealed spot and prone. Snipers are meant to wait.

M1A1 Carbine---
The M1A1 is a smaller version of the M1 garand. It fires a smaller bullet
but allows much better mobility than other weapons. It can also be
reloaded in the middle of a clip, unlike the M1. Use this in situations
where you want speed and accuracy up to a medium range.

M1 Garand---
The M1 was the standard issue rifle for the US in WWII. It is powerful
and relatively light. It's only drawback is that you cannot reload in the
middle of its 8 round clip. If you have a lull in the fighting and only
have 1 or 2 bullets left in the clip, fire them off and reload.

Browning Automatic Rifle---
The BAR is a powerful weapon, used to give suppressing fire, it is not
the lightest of weapons (one of the heaviest in fact) but it is
extremely accurate at medium and long ranges and holds its own in close
quarters. Use this if you can get prone or crouch for long range shots.

Thompson SMG---
This little gun is powerful, yet inaccurate at medium to long
ranges, use it for indoor combat. It fires off its 30 round magazine
pretty quickly so watch your ammo.

Springfield Scoped---
The Springfield is a bolt action rifle equipped with a 4x scope.
Very powerful at long ranges but watch your ammo, you reload each round
by hand so make sure you're always topped off.

Frag Grenade---
Useful for clearing out rooms and flushing out snipers, these grenades
have a 5 second fuse once they hit the ground. They will not cook
unless the server has mods running.

Colt .45 pistol---
Really a backup weapon instead of a main one, the Colt holds 7 rounds
of more powerful .45 caliber bullets. Use it if you're a rifleman or
sniper who got ambushed or as a back up weapon when you run of out
bullets and can't reload fast enough in the midst of a battle.

Lee Enfield---
This rifle is one of the better ones in the game, although it is sort
of an acquired taste since the sights are a little strange. It holds two
5 round clips that are loaded separately, so if you have 7 bullets left,
you can't reload until you get to 5 or below. Very good rifle.

Sten SMG---
The Sten is literally a firing mechanism in a tube. Very light and fast,
although weaker than other SMGs. Use the iron sights when you can as
they will dramatically increase your accuracy.

The Bren is a big, powerful heavy machine gun. It fires big rounds,
fires quickly but is extremely slow to reload and run with.
Very accurate, even at long ranges.

The British use the same sniper rifle and pistol as the Americans.


This rifle has, I believe, the best sights in the game. Holds a 5 round
clip and does not have as much recoil as other rifles, however its rate
of fire is the slowest in the game. With a 4x scope, it becomes even
more accurate at long range. Also, it has the best reload time of all
the sniper rifles.

This is THE smg. 71 rounds per drum of continuous fire. However, it is
horribly inaccurate, but the rate of fire more than makes up for it and
the weaker bullets it uses.
A German pistol used by both Russians and Germans, it holds 8 rounds
compared to the Colt's 7. Use this in the same fashion as a Colt.

RGD-33 Stick Grenade---
A stick grenade used by the Russians, powerful but heavier than other
grenades. (Won't throw as far)


I think this is the best rifle in the game. Very powerful and has a
quick reload. Iron sights are one of the best in the game. Use this
rifle for long range situations.

The MP40 is a good all around weapon, although it is weaker than the
Thompson. It's rate of fire is also the slowest of the 3 SMGs, but has
very little recoil compared to other SMGs and is more accurate. Use this
for short range situations.
The MP44 is a powerful machine gun, firing a smaller version of a
rifle round. Use it in single shot mode or fire in bursts to keep your
crosshairs steady. The iron sight is very hard to use on full auto,
although it can be used to pick off people from long range with single

-------Other Weapons-------
These weapons are available to both sides and are usually in the map (either
in boxes or stationary positions)

An assault rifle with a VERY fast firing rate, it comes equipped with a
4x scope and can be fired in semi-automatic mode. Most server have FG42's
disabled, simply because they are very unbalanced

An anti-tank weapon, this is also usually disabled in servers, since it
basically is a one shot, one kill weapon. It is a rocket with one shot,
use it as you would a normal weapon.

A stationary machine gun, these are placed throughout maps and can cause
major damage to an attack from that direction. Be warned however, that
staying on an MG too long makes you a nice big target for snipers, so
watch out.


In this section, I will briefly describe the map and basic strategies. Look at
the maps provided in game.
(Hit esc while playing to bring up the in-game menu, go to view map.)

A rifle/sniper map, many people will grab a Kar or Springfield. However
watch for people who grab an SMG and rush through the bunkers, as they
can break through a line of riflemen. Watch out for the MG42 in the
backyard section.

Huge map, like as in it-takes-a-few-minutes-to-run-across-it huge.
Basicaly a bunch of hedgerows with gaps in between them, this map is
better to play on large servers, since you may not find anyone for a long
time if you don't have many people on. Snipers like to hang out on the
plane. Learn where the bottlenecks are, since you can get massive grenade
kills. MANY MG42s covering the various hedgerow entrances

Grab an SMG and get ready for MG madness as this map is the smallest in
the game. It is very hard to use a rifle here without getting shot at.
Watch for MG42's on the far south and north sides of the map. Learn the
quick route through the map, as teams can get bogged down in some areas
for a long time.

Another mostly indoor map, takes place in a large mansion (the same one
as in the Single Player). Stens and Brens are the favorites although
people do use rifles around the outer edges and yards. Use your nades
wisely, as this is a very close quarters map. No MG42's in this map.

One of the more popular maps, people use every kind of weapon in the
game. There are close quarters areas for SMGs and big yards and roads for
the snipers and riflers. Learn where to throw your nades, especially at
bottlenecks such as the orphanage. Watch out for the MG42 in the
graveyard and in front of the allied spawn.

This map is a giant warehouse and trainyard. Very good for riflemen and
snipers. The rooftops of the warehouses are very good for flanking the
enemy lines and getting behind them. Lots of hiding places in the trains
and warehouses. No MG42 in this map.

This map is a crazy map, PPSHs, grenades, rifles, everything. Learn where
people throw their nades (Especially in the alley, right in the center of
the map). Riflemen like to shoot down the west side of the map, facing
the police station (the building with all the windows). If you're fast
enough on Russian, you can get down the alley before the giant barrage of
German grenades hits. No MG42s in this map

This is a sniper's map, no question about it. People with SMGs either need
to run very fast or duck and dodge a lot, because you will be shot at. Run
along the frozen river to avoid being sniped. If you want to snipe, prone
behind the rocks and bushes that all over the place. Remember to watch the
tops of some trees too. Two MG42's are in this map, one in each bunker,
facing towards the American side of the map.

This is a great map. There is one building smack in the middle
(Pavlov's house in SP) surrounded by 3 other buildings and a large wall on
each side of Pavlov's house. Snipers and machine guns both have a very
good time on this map. While using rifles, watch the roof of pavlov's
house while making sure that you are covered. Windows are very good for
this. SMG's and MG's usually rush in this map, use the trench or run
along the sides of the map, running out in the open usually draws a sniper
bullet at your head. Once inside, you can do crazy damage to the other
team, especially the riflemen watching outside.

POW Camp---
This map is a nade fest, since there are no buildings you can't get on.
Snipers usually like to sit in the guard towers or on top of some roofs.
SMGs rush a lot. Watch for grenades too, as they can take out massive
amounts of people.

Rail Yard---
Another Russian map, watch out for grenades in the apartments if you want
to snipe down the rail yard. SMGs also rush a lot in the tank hanger and
warehouses. One MG42 in front of Bomb A (Just to the side of the tank
hanger main entrance).

The best British map, in my opinion. Riflemen like to snipe on the hills
and from the small windows in the bunkers. Lots of tunnels underground,
watch for grenades in the bottleneck areas. Running across open areas is
very risky. One MG42 facing the rocket and hills.

Widely regarded as the worst map in the game, this is a maze of corridors,
rooms and lots of grenades. If you manage to find a server running ship,
get as high as you can to have a very good view of the entire map. No MG42
in this map.

One of the two maps that came with the 1.4 patch, this is a bombed out
town. Snipers like to sit in the office building facing bomb A. Also, watch
for grenades. Two MG42s in this map, one in front of bomb A and one near
bomb B.

The second map release with the 1.4 patch, this map is a very good one,
taking place in a part of bombed out Stalingrad. Memorize the tunnels
underground as you can get behind the enemy and catch them off guard very
easily. The Retrieval mode is also one of the best on this map.
No MG42's here.

New with the 1.5 patch, this maps is basically a bombed out town, much
like Neuville, that sits on top of a hill. Good map to sneak around, as
there are lots of hidden rooms and small alleys to hide in.


There are 6 basic game types in CoD.

Your standard deathmatch, every man for himself, kill kill kill as much as
you can. You can choose either allied or axis weapons.

Team Deathmatch---
Also standard, two sides, one allied, one axis. Kill as many of the
opposing side as you can, highest amount of kills wins.

Search and Destroy---
This is the most popular gametype. Similar to Counter Strike, one team
tries to defend 2 "bombs" (A tank or artillery piece or whatever) while
the other team tries to blow up one of them. If you die, you stay dead
until a new round starts. On the attacking team, to plant, simply get
next to the bomb and hold down your action button (F by default). It
takes 5 seconds to plant the bomb. Then, prevent it from being diffused.
If you are defending, it takes 10 seconds to diffuse.

Behind Enemy Lines---
This is a new gametype. When you connect to a server, you must auto assign
to a team, axis or allies. The allies are heavily outnumbered by the axis,
hence "Behind enemy lines" While on axis, your job is to hunt down and
kill an allied player. The allied positions are roughly shown on your
compass by a blue circle. When you kill an allied player, you re-spawn as
an allied player. Your job is to stay alive as long as possible, gaining
points the longer you stay alive. If you get killed, you respawn as axis.
The player with the highest amount of points wins.

This gametype is similar to search and destroy, except you don't destroy,
you take it back to your spawn. The attacking team's objective is to
steal and return one of two objectives (Documents, things of that nature).
The defending team has to try and prevent that from happening. Like S&D,
one you die, you stay dead until the next round.

This gametype is similar to king of the hill, except it is team based. The
objective is to capture and defend a radio that spawns somewhere in the
map. You capture (and destroy) radios by standing next to them for a short
while (10 seconds I believe). One you capture a radio, defend it. If your
team does not capture the radio, try to attack it and destroy it. Once a
radio is destroyed (or moved automatically) both teams try again to
capture it. Points are given every 45 seconds you hold the radio. Players
also respawn every 45 seconds.

There are two types of mods, in any kind of multiplayer game, server side, and
player(client) side. Server side mods do not require any download or files on
your computer. Client side mods do require them. You can start a mod by going
to your main menu and selecting Mods. (Although a server with mods running
should load them automatically).

Some of the more popular mods:


Heat of Battle(v0.32)

Merciless Blood Mod(v0.6)--

To install a custom map, simply place the specified file (usually a downloaded
.pk3 file off a website) in your Call Of Duty/main folder

SECTION 7--- Console Commands
All commands can be entered in the Console menu by pressing the tilde (~)
key, just above tab. Most commands require a "/" before them. Anything in
parenthesis is a comment and not part of the command. The binds listed here
are ones that will be used more often than others. A full list of all binds
can be found at:

--Client Commands (That is, non-server commands, for use on your computer)

|Command |How to use it. |
|bind |/bind [key] [command] |
|exec |/exec filename |
|kill |/kill (suicide) |
|quit |/quit (exits the game) |
|set |/set "" |
|seta |/seta "" |
|connect |/connect [ip address of server] |
|reconnect |/reconnect |
|disconnect |/disconnect |
|serverinfo |/serverinfo |
|serverstatus |/serverstatus |
|record |/record (starts recording a demo) |
|stoprecord |/stoprecord (stops demo recording |
|demo |/demo [demoname] (view a demo) |
|bindlist |/bindlist (lists all current binds|
|cmdlist |/cmdlist (displays all commands |

--Server commands (for use on a server)
Note: You will need /rcon before all of these commands unless the server is
your own computer. /rcon is the admin ability for remote servers. They are
usually passworded and require a password to use.
|Command |How to use it. |
|rconpassword |rconpassword [pw] |
|status |status (gives client numbers) |
|clientkick |clientkick [slot #] |
|kick |kick "player name" |
|g_password |g_password "pw" (put "" for no pw |

Use these commands at your own risk.

SECTION 8--- Punkbuster Tips and Kicks
Now, during my time on the Gamefaqs Call of Duty boards, and in my emails, I'm
seeing a very large number of people complaining about how 'Punkbuster did
this' or 'Punkbuster did that' Here I hope to answer some of those questions
and prevent more confusion. To abbreviate, I will use 'PB' for short.

#1. PB keeps kicking me for RESTRICTIONS inadequate O/S privileges

First, you MUST be logged into your windows machine as an Administrator, if
you are not logged in, you will be kicked no matter what.

If you ARE logged in as an Administrator, then there some options:
First, update your punkbuster manually. Sometimes the auto-update doesn't work
and the server's version of PB is conflicting with yours. To do that see and follow the instructions on
the page.

If you update and are still being kicked, scan your computer for spyware.
There is a program that tricks PB (although not intentionatly) into thinking
you're not logged in as an admin.

Download Spybot: Search and Destroy and/or Adaware, two very good programs for
detecting and cleaning spyware/adware.

#2. What is a GUID?
Your GUID is PB's way of identifying players in a server. Your guid is loosely
based on the cdkey that was used to install the game on your computer. You can
find your GUID by opening the console on any PB-enabled server and typing
"/pb_myguid" without quotes. It should give you a big long string of numbers
and letters, this is your GUID. Most leagues use this as a form of ID for
players in clans and such.

#3. I keep getting kicked for "Cvar r_nv_fog_dist (=1)"
This is the special nVidia fog system used in CoD. Some servers don't like it
for some reason or other. To disable it, go into your performance options and
Set the nVidia Fog option to 'No'.

If you have any PB questions, feel free to email me at

SECTION 9--- Miscellaneous
If you have any questions or comments, email me at

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How can I put colors in my name?
A: Again, simply type ^# (the number varies) before the letters that you
want colored.

The color codes are:
^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = cyan
^6 = purple
^7 = white
^8 is a color that changes depending what nationality you are
^9 = grey
^0 = black (You must type ^^0 to type in black)

Q: How can I do those name changing things at the end of a map?
A: Those are called name scripts. Visit for
full instructions on how to do that.

Q: How can I bind things?
A: Pull down your console (~ key) and type:
/bind [key you want to bind] [action]

Q: How can I direct connect to a server?
A: Pull down your console (~ key) and type:
/connect [server ip]

Q: How can I find my frame rate?
A: Pull down your console (~ key) and type:
/cg_drawfps 1
This will display your FPS in the top right corner.
(Put 0 instead of 1 to turn off the framerate display)

Q: When I open the game it asks to boot in safe mode, what do I do?
A: Just click no. This happens if the game crashes (or just doesn't exit
normally). If you click yes, the game will boot with lowest settings. Just
close it and re-open to go back to normal. If this does not work, delete the
servercache.dat file in your call of duty

If the message keeps appearing, go to your Call of Duty folder and delete
the servercache.dat file.

--Useful Links--
Official CoD website:
CoD Patch Info:
Console Commands Guide:
Punkbuster Official Site:

--Special Thanks to:
Athos1989 for reminding me that Bocage existed
Infinity Ward for the best damn WWII game ever made
Ceejus for one of the best gaming sites on Earth

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

---This guide is only permitted to be posted at the following sites: (Most recently updated version found here)

Copyright 2004 Mark Umansky

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