Call of Duty - United Offensive

Call of Duty - United Offensive

17.10.2013 06:06:30

DeathZero II's Weapons Guide


Written By : DeathZero II
E-mail :
Call of Duty Handle : GaryColeman
Assissted by : HackNeyed
E-mail :
Call of Duty Handle : |HackNeyed|
Created : October 9, 2004
Last Updated : January 30, 2005
Current Version : 1.00 (Sixth Version)
Version History : 0.92
0.40 (First Version)

Copyright © 2004-2005 Robert Bloom

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.


Special Thanks To: = Offering to help with the guide. Responsible for
all accuracy variables and machine gun heating
and cooling variables = Pointed out many historical mistakes = Also pointed out historical mistakes

Zeus[BTY] of the IWNation Forums = Taught me the damage modifiers and
how to find accuracy = Inspired me to continue working on this guide


I. Introduction
I-1. Changes
I-1a. What's New?
I-1b. Frequently Asked Questions
I-2. An Introduction to Damage Modifiers
I-3. Guide Format
II. Weapon Information
II-1. Selectable Weapons
II-1a. American Weapons
II-1b. British Weapons
II-1c. Russian Weapons
II-1d. German Weapons
II-1e. Miscellaneous Weapons
II-2. Emplaced (Stationary), Vehicle and Pick Up Weapons
II-2a. Emplaced (Stationary) Weapons
II-2b. Vehicle Weapons
II-2c. Pick Up Weapons
III. Vehicle Information


I. Introduction

This is my first guide on GameFAQs. Please e-mail me with any questions or
comments at

This FAQ is designed to give you a detailed look at the weapons in Call of
Duty: United Offensive. Unlike most weapons guides, which only give a vague
explanation of the weapon statistics, in this guide, I will give you the
exact numbers of details such as rate of fire. How did I get this information?
Back in regular Call of Duty, I was the leader of a mod called Axis of Evil.
The mod was cancelled before a beta was even made, but the experience taught
me the inner workings of the game. To get this information, I used a program
called Pakscape to extract the .pk3 files from the Call of Duty: UO folder.
These .pk3 files contain the code which makes the game. Because of this, the
information you see here is the exact details of the game, which will give
you a better understanding of the weapons and will (hopefully) end any
disputes over which weapon does more damage or is faster, and so on.

I-1. Changes

I-1a. What's New?
Version 1.00 Changes:
-All historical information rewritten.
-Added An Introduction to Damage Modifiers, which explains how the base
damage is modified depending on what part of a player's body an attack
-Weapon damages for most guns now show not only the base damage but
the modified damage depending on what part of the body the weapon
hits. This is not done for explosives or one-hit kill weapons.
-Added accuracy statistics for every weapon (Done by
-Added heating/cooldown statistics for emplaced/vehicle machine guns
(Done by

Version 0.92 Changes:
-Removed Planned Additions section, as the guide is now developed enough
for this section to be necessary.
-Made additions to the FAQ section.
-Added to the historical data and corrected mistakes (Thanks again to for helping).

Version 0.91 Changes:
-Fixed historical mistakes on the guide (Thanks to and for correcting
my mistakes).

Version 0.90 Changes:
-Added FAQ questions
-Added detailed historical information for all weapons. I did not do any
research while I was writing these descriptions, all of the writing is
in my own words and from my personal knowledge. If I made any mistakes,
please contact me.

Version 0.50 Changes:
-Added basic information for vehicles
-Removed .50 Cal (Tripod), as it doesn't appear in multiplayer
-Split Artillery Binoculars and Binoculars into two listings

January 30, 2005 - Version 1.00 Released

January 18, 2005 - given permission to reproduce
this guide

December 17, 2004 - Version 0.92 Released

November 15, 2004 - Version 0.91 Released

October 17, 2004 - Version 0.90 Released

October 13, 2004 - Version 0.50 Released
- Two new websites given permission to reproduce this
guide, http://DLH.Net and
October 9, 2004 - First version of this guide

I-1b. Frequently Asked Questions
1) Were bolt-action rifles weakened in United Offensive?
Answer: No. In both the original and expansion of Call of Duty, bolt-
action rifles do 120 damage. The reason so many people incorrectly
believe they were weakened is probably because the semi-automatic
rifles make the bolt-action rifles seem weaker in comparison. For the
gun challenged, bolt-action rifles are the Kar98k, Mosin-Nagant,
Lee-Enfield and Springfield.

2) What weapons have changed in United Offensive?
Answer: The M1A1 Carbine, MP40 and Sten all received damage increases.
The FG42 received a rate of fire reduction, and the Panzerfaust had
a movement speed reduction.

3) What is the best way to defeat a tank?
(Thanks for asking)
Answer: The most vulnerable point on a tank is the back. The sides,
top and underside are slightly less vulnerable, but still a better
target than the front. When facing off against a tank, the first
thing you should do is get out of sight to avoid the machine gun and
turret fire, and to keep the tank from noticing you. Circle around to
the back and launch a rocket. If all you have is a satchel charge,
cook it 3-5 seconds before throwing it, because the long fuse will
give the tank ample time to dodge it otherwise. A method I recommend
is getting right up to the tank, letting the driver see you, and then
circling around the tank while cooking the charge. Most drivers will
circle with you trying to hit you. This gives you time to cook, throw,
and get out of the way, all the while distracting the driver from
your team. Even if you don't have an anti-tank weapon, you can cause
a distraction for your team just by circling the tank at very close
range. Grenades, machine guns and all other small arms fire do no
damage to a tank.

I-2. An Introduction to Damage Modifiers

In this guide, the damage number of each gun deals is listed. It should be
noted that this number is the base damage, that is, unmodified. When you hit
a person in the game with a weapon, the damage done is modified depending on
what part of their body you hit. The base damage is modified by a certain
percentage for each body part, as shown here:

Helmet/Head/Neck = 150%
Upper Torso = 90%
Lower Torso = 80%
Upper Arms/Legs = 60%
Lower Arms/Legs = 50%
Hands/Feet = 40%
Gun = 0% (No damage)

Every player has 100 health, represented by the green bar in the HUD.

I-3. Guide Format

This is the format weapons will be displayed in:

Weapon Name

Damage : The base numerical damage caused by this weapon.

Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck Upper Arms/Legs
Upper Torso Lower Arms/Legs
Lower Torso Hands/Feet
The actual amount of damage done by each weapon by which
part of the body the attack hits.

Accuracy : From Hip [Bullet spread when firing without sight while
standing and stationary, the lower this number the better]
Iron Sight [Bullet spread with iron sight or scope while
standing and stationary, the lower this number the better]
Recoil [Amount added to accuracy with each shot, the lower
this number the better]

Accuracy refers to the possible spread radius of every
bullet you fire (the floating crosshairs are a visual
representation). The lower the number, the less spread the
bullet has, so the lower this is the more accurate the gun
is. The recoil refers to how much bigger the spread gets
with every additional shot (once you stop shooting, the
spread gets smaller again). The game actually has several
accuracy variables, but these 3 are the most important.

Magazine Size : The amount of rounds (shots) the weapon can fire without

Rate of Fire : How fast in rounds per minute this weapon fires rounds.

Rate of Temp H/C: Temperature Rate; Heat Increase / Cool Down (If applicable)

Movement Speed : How fast you move while holding this weapon. The higher the
number the faster you can move.

Melee Damage : How much damage a melee attack with this weapon causes.

Historical Information: The historical background of the weapon

Real Name : The common or military name of the weapon
Introduced : The year the weapon was put into service, if the weapon is a
modified version of another gun, the original gun's date of
creation/introduction will be included as well
Replaced : The weapon(s) it replaced (or was intended to replace)
Replaced by : The weapon(s) that replaced it (or was intended to replace it)
Chambering : The round the weapon was chambered for
Designer : The man (or company) who designed the weapon

[Other background information]
Vehicle Name

Weapons: A list of the weapons on this vehicle. For information on those
weapons, refer to section II-2b (Vehicle Weapons).
Occupants: The number of people that can occupy this vehicle, and a
description of what they can do on the vehicle.
Max Speed: The maximum speed of this vehicle (not sure in what unit, just going
by the vehicle's coding).
Accel: The speed at which this vehicle accelerates (once again, not sure in
what unit).

[Any additional information or comments here.]


II. Weapon Information

II-1. Selectable Weapons

II-1a. American Weapons
BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)
Browning .30 Caliber M1919A6 Deployable Light Machine Gun
Colt .45
M1 Garand
M1A1 Carbine
M2 Fragmentation Grenade

BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)

Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.25
Iron Sight : 1.00
Recoil : 0.42/0.54 (Fast Auto/Slow Auto)
Magazine Size : 20
Rate of Fire : 545/353 (Fast Auto/Slow Auto, select fire with M button)
Movement Speed : 0.90
Melee Damage : 200

Real Name : M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle
Introduced : 1939 (M1918 BAR in 1918)
Replaced : M1918A1 Browning Automatic Rifle
Replaced by : M-60
Chambering : .30-06 (7.62x63mm)
Designer : John Moses Browning

-The BAR was famously used by the 1920s gangsters Bonnie and Clyde, who
prefered the weapon because of its ability to penetrate through cars.
-Although the U.S. Military versions were manufactured by Colt, Fabrique
Nationale (FN), the Belgian company that now manufactures most Browning
guns, owns the rights to the BAR.

Browning .30 Caliber M1919A6 Deployable Light Machine Gun

Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : n/a
Iron Sight : 0.70
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 75 (Can only reload when bipod is deployed)
Rate of Fire : 857
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 180

Real Name : M1919A6
Introduced : 1940s (Not sure on exact year)
Replaced : M1919A4
Replaced by : M-60
Chambering : .30-06 (7.62x63mm)
Designer : John Moses Browning

Colt .45

Damage : 50
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 75 Upper Arms/Legs: 30
Upper Torso : 45 Lower Arms/Legs: 25
Lower Torso : 40 Hands/Feet : 20
Accuracy : From Hip : 4.00
Iron Sight : 1.90
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 7
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

Real Name : M1911A1 Pistol (Colt Government Model)
Introduced : 1926 (M1911 in 1911)
Replaced : M1911 Pistol
Replaced by : M9 Pistol
Chambering : .45 ACP
Designer : John Moses Browning

-Although the M1911 Pistol is another one of Browning's many famous creations,
this weapon bears the Colt namesake in honor of its manufacturing company.

M1 Garand

Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.30
Iron Sight : 0.30
Recoil : 0.78
Magazine Size : 8 (Cannot reload mid-clip)
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.09
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : Rifle, .30 caliber, M1 (Garand)
Introduced : 1936
Replaced : M1903 Springfield
Replaced by : M14, M16
Chambering : .30-06 (7.62x63mm)
Designer : John C. Garand

-John C. Garand, although living in the U.S. at the time he designed his
famous rifle, was in fact Canadian.

M1A1 Carbine

Damage : 50
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 75 Upper Arms/Legs: 30
Upper Torso : 45 Lower Arms/Legs: 25
Lower Torso : 40 Hands/Feet : 20
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.50
Iron Sight : 0.40
Recoil : 0.70
Magazine Size : 15
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.18
Melee Damage : 70

The M1A1 Carbine has received a damage increase from the original Call of Duty.
They originally did 45 damage.

Real Name : M1A1 Carbine
Introduced : 1942 (M1 Carbine in 1942)
Replaced : (Nothing)
Replaced by : M14, M16
Chambering : .30 US Carbine (7.62x33mm)
Designer : David "Carbine" Williams

M2 Fragmentation Grenade

Damage : - (Damage system works differently from regular weapons)
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 3 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50


Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.00
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 5 (Reloads with single rounds)
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 150

This weapon is scoped.

Real Name : M1903A4 Rifle
Introduced : 1942 (M1903 in 1903)
Replaced : M1903A3
Replaced by : M1 Garand
Chambering : .30-06 (7.62x63mm)
Designer : Springfield Armory

-The original version, manufactured in 1903, was intended to replace the .30
Caliber Krag Rifle and the .45 Caliber Springfield Breechblock in the U.S.
Army, as the weapons were inferior to the German-designed Mauser rifles used
by the Spanish in the Spanish-American War.
-Based on the Mauser design, the Springfield Armory purchased the rights to
the Mauser bolt-action design from Mauser for the sum of $200,000.


Damage : 50
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 75 Upper Arms/Legs: 30
Upper Torso : 45 Lower Arms/Legs: 25
Lower Torso : 40 Hands/Feet : 20
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.80
Iron Sight : 1.38
Recoil : 0.50
Magazine Size : 30
Rate of Fire : 700/Semi-Auto (Full Auto/Semi-Auto, select fire with M
Movement Speed : 1.17
Melee Damage : 100

Real Name : M1A1
Introduced : 1943 (M1921 Thompson in 1921)
Replaced : M1 Thompson, M1928 Thompson
Replaced by : M3 "Grease Gun"
Chambering : .45 ACP
Designer : John Thompson

-The M1921 Thompson was used by both police and criminals in the 1920s.
-Design based on the John Blish patent (1915), which was purchased by Thompson.

II-1b. British Weapons
Bren LMG
Browning .30 Caliber M1919A6 Deployable Light Machine Gun
MK1 Fragmentation Grenade
Webley Mk 4

Bren LMG

Damage : 75
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 112.5 Upper Arms/Legs: 45
Upper Torso : 67.5 Lower Arms/Legs: 37.5
Lower Torso : 60 Hands/Feet : 30
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.00
Iron Sight : 0.90
Recoil : 0.27
Magazine Size : 30
Rate of Fire : 500
Movement Speed : 0.90
Melee Damage : 200

Real Name : Bren Mk.1
Introduced : 1937
Replaced : Lewis Gun
Replaced by : L86A1 - SA-80
Chambering : .303 (7.7x56mm R)
Designer : Enfield Arsenal

-A rechambered version of the Czechoslovakian ZB-26.
-The name "Bren" comes from the town the original version of the gun (the
ZB-26) was developed in (BRno) and the British company which designed and
manufactured the new British version (ENfield Arsenal).

Browning .30 Caliber M1919A6 Deployable Light Machine Gun

This is an American weapon, but is selectable by the British. For information
on this weapon, refer to the American weapons section.


Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.10
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 10 (Can only reload when magazine has 5 or less rounds)
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.15
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : SMLE No.4 Mk.1 (Short, Magazine, Lee-Enfield)
Introduced : 1941
Replaced : P-14
Replaced by : L42A1
Chambering : .303 (7.7x56mm R)
Designer : J.P. Lee

-Redesigned in the early 1900s in response to the original version's poor
performance against German Mauser rifles used by the Dutch colonists in the
Boer War.
-Originally known as the Lee-Metford.
-The name "Lee-Enfield" comes from the designer (Lee) and the manufacturer
(Enfield Arsenal).

MK1 Fragmentation Grenade

Damage : - (Damage system works differently from regular weapons)
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 3 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50


This is an American weapon, but is selectable by the British. For information
on this weapon, refer to the American weapons section.


Damage : 48
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 72 Upper Arms/Legs: 28.8
Upper Torso : 43.2 Lower Arms/Legs: 24
Lower Torso : 38.4 Hands/Feet : 19.2
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.50
Iron Sight : 1.20
Recoil : 0.50
Magazine Size : 32
Rate of Fire : 600
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 70

The Sten has received a damage increase from the original Call of Duty. They
originally did 45 damage.

Real Name : Sten Mk.II
Introduced : 1941 (Sten Mk.I in 1941)
Replaced : Lanchester, M1928 Thompson
Replaced by : Sterling L2
Chambering : 9x19mm Luger/Para
Designer : R.V. Shepard and H.J. Turpin

-The name "Sten" comes from the first letters in the last name of each
designer (Shepard and Turpin) and the first two letters of the factory
where they worked (ENfield Arsenal).

Webley Mk 4

Damage : 75
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 112.5 Upper Arms/Legs: 45
Upper Torso : 67.5 Lower Arms/Legs: 37.5
Lower Torso : 60 Hands/Feet : 30
Accuracy : From Hip : 4.00
Iron Sight : 1.90
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 6
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

Real Name : Webley Revolver, .38, Mark 4
Introduced : 1942 (Webley Revolver, .455, Mark 1 in 1887)
Replaced : Webley Revolver, .455, Mark 6
Replaced by : Browning GP, M1911A1
Chambering : .38/200 (.38S&W)
Designer : Webley & Son Company (Later known as Webley & Scott)

-Webley revolvers were widely used by the British military throughout the
first half of the 20th century, including the Mark 6 in World War I. In
World War II, the British Army replaced the Mark 6 with the Enfield No.2
Mk.1. However, the rechambered .38 Webley Mark 4 was also widely used by the
British military.

II-1c. Russian Weapons
DP-28 (Degtyarev-Pekhotny 28)
RGD-33 Stick Grenade
Scoped Mosin-Nagant
Tokarev SVT-40
Tokarev TT-33

DP-28 (Degtyarev-Pekhotny 28)

Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : n/a
Iron Sight : 0.70
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 47 (Can only reload when bipod is deployed)
Rate of Fire : 857
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 180

Real Name : DP (Degtyarev-Pekhotny)
Introduced : 1927
Replaced : (None)
Replaced by : RP-46
Chambering : 7.62x54mm R
Designer : ? (Contact me if you know)


Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.10
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 5
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.15
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : M1891/38
Introduced : 1938 (M1891 in 1891)
Replaced : M1891/30
Replaced by : Simonov SKS Carbine, AK47
Chambering : 7.62x54mm R
Designer : Russian Army Captain Mosin, Belgian Designer Nagant

-During the official trials to find a new rifle for the Russian military,
two designs were selected for the final, one by Captain Mosin of the Russian
army, the other by Leon Nagant from Belgium. The final design implemented
features from both designs, which is why both names are incorporated in the
name of the gun.


Damage : 38
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 57 Upper Arms/Legs: 22.8
Upper Torso : 34.2 Lower Arms/Legs: 19
Lower Torso : 30.4 Hands/Feet : 15.2
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.30
Iron Sight : 1.05
Recoil : 0.39
Magazine Size : 71
Rate of Fire : 896/Semi-Auto (Full Auto/Semi-Auto, select fire with M
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 70

Real Name : PPSh-41
Introduced : 1941
Replaced : PPD-40
Replaced by : PPS-43
Chambering : 7.62x25 mm TT
Designer : ? (Contact me if you know)

RGD-33 Stick Grenade

Damage : - (Damage system works differently from regular weapons)
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 3 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

Scoped Mosin-Nagant

Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.00
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 5
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 150

This weapon is scoped.

Tokarev SVT-40

Damage : 66
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 99 Upper Arms/Legs: 39.6
Upper Torso : 59.4 Lower Arms/Legs: 33
Lower Torso : 52.8 Hands/Feet : 26.4
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.30
Iron Sight : 0.30
Recoil : 0.78
Magazine Size : 10
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.09
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : Tokarev SVT-40 (Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva)
Introduced : 1940
Replaced : Tokarev SVT-38, AVS-36 Simonov
Replaced by : Simonov SKS Carbine, AK47
Chambering : 7.62x54mm R
Designer : Fedor Tokarev

-Although the SVT-40 was a highly prized trophy by German and Finnish troops
who fought against Russia in the 1940s, the average Russian soldier prefered
to use the old bolt-action Mosin-Nagant. Most Russian soldiers found the
design too complicated and were untrained in its use. However, Russian
Marines were fond of the weapon.

Tokarev TT-33

Damage : 50
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 75 Upper Arms/Legs: 30
Upper Torso : 45 Lower Arms/Legs: 25
Lower Torso : 40 Hands/Feet : 20
Accuracy : From Hip : 4.00
Iron Sight : 1.90
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 7
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

Real Name : Tokarev TT-33 (Tula, Tokarev)
Introduced : 1934
Replaced : Nagant M1895 Revolver
Replaced by : Makarov PM
Chambering : 7.62x25mm TT (7.63 mm Mauser)
Designer : Fedor Tokarev

-Although intended to replace the Nagant M1895, the M1895 was still used
widely by the Russian military in World War II, and by the Communists in the
Korean War.
-Design is partially based off of the M1911.

II-1d. German Weapons
Gewehr 43
MG34 (Machinegewehr 34)
Scoped Kar98k

Gewehr 43

Damage : 66
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 99 Upper Arms/Legs: 39.6
Upper Torso : 59.4 Lower Arms/Legs: 33
Lower Torso : 52.8 Hands/Feet : 26.4
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.30
Iron Sight : 0.78
Recoil : 0.30
Magazine Size : 10
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.09
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : Gewehr 43 or K43 (Karabiner 43)
Introduced : 1943
Replaced : Gewehr 41
Replaced by : MP44 (STG44)
Chambering : 7.92x57 mm
Designer : Walther Company

-Based on the Russian SVT-40. The Gewehr 41, the German Army's first attempt
at a semi-automatic rifle, was produced in two versions: one by Mauser and
one by Walther. Both designs proved to be poor and prone to malfunction.
As the German Army faced up against the Russian Army, they found the Russian
semi-automatic, the SVT-40, to be a far better design. In 1943 the Walther
Company combined elements of the Gewehr 41 with the SVT-40 to create the
Gewehr 43.
-Gewehr is German for "rifle". Karabiner is German for "carbine".


Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.10
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 5
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.15
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : Kar98k (Karabiner 98 kurz), G98 (Gewehr 98) or Mauser 98
Introduced : 1898
Replaced : Mauser 93
Replaced by : MP44 (STG44)
Chambering : 7.92x57mm
Designer : Mauser Company

-Mauser bolt-action rifles were famous worldwide and used in many nations.
Versions of Mauser bolt-action rifles were used by the Spanish in the
Spanish-American War and by the Dutch (Boers) in the Boer War. Both the
Americans and the British were forced to rethink their weapon designs because
of the Mauser's high quality.
-Gewehr is German for "rifle". Karabiner is German for "carbine". Kurz is
German for "short".


Damage : 45
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 67.5 Upper Arms/Legs: 27
Upper Torso : 40.5 Lower Arms/Legs: 22.5
Lower Torso : 36 Hands/Feet : 18
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.60
Iron Sight : 2.00
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 8
Rate of Fire : Semi-Auto
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

Real Name : P08 Luger
Introduced : 1908
Replaced : Parabellum 7.65mm Luger, C96 Mauser
Replaced by : Walther P38
Chambering : 9x19mm Luger/Para
Designer : Georg Luger

-Although officially replaced in the German Army by the Walther P38 before
the outbreak of World War II, it stayed in wide use (and was probably far
more famous than the P38).
-Infamous for being dangerous and prone to accidental fire to an untrained
user. An example of this is in "Band of Brothers", where an American soldier
who takes a Luger off a German's body ends up shooting himself in the leg
with it by mistake.

MG34 (Machinegewehr 34)

Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neckm: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : n/a
Iron Sight : 0.70
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 75 (Can only reload when bipod is deployed)
Rate of Fire : 857
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 180

Real Name : MG-34 (Maschinengewehr-34)
Introduced : 1934
Replaced : MG-08/18
Replaced by : MG-42
Chambering : 7.92x57mm Mauser (also known as 7.9mm Mauser or 8mm Mauser)
Designer : Rheinmetall (Design team lead by Louis Stange)


Damage : 48
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 72 Upper Arms/Legs: 28.8
Upper Torso : 43.2 Lower Arms/Legs: 24
Lower Torso : 38.4 Hands/Feet : 19.2
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.50
Iron Sight : 1.25
Recoil : 0.50
Magazine Size : 32
Rate of Fire : 500
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 70

The MP40 has received a damage increase from the original Call of Duty. They
originally did 45 damage.

Real Name : MP40 (Maschinenpistole 40)
Introduced : 1940
Replaced : MP38, MP28, MP18
Replaced by : MP44 (STG44)
Chambering : 9x19mm Luger/Para
Designer : German Engineer Follmer at the Erma Company


Damage : 68
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 102 Upper Arms/Legs: 40.8
Upper Torso : 61.2 Lower Arms/Legs: 34
Lower Torso : 54.4 Hands/Feet : 27.2
Accuracy : From Hip : 1.40
Iron Sight : 0.50
Recoil : 0.50 / 0.55 (Semi)
Magazine Size : 30
Rate of Fire : 500/Semi-Auto (Full Auto/Semi-Auto, select fire with M
Movement Speed : 0.96
Melee Damage : 150

Real Name : MP44 (Maschinenpistole 44), MP43 or STG44 (Sturmgewehr 44)
Introduced : 1943
Replaced : Kar98k, Gewehr 43
Replaced by : G3
Chambering : 7.92x33 mm (7.92mm Kurz)
Designer : Hugo Schmeisser

-The first true assault rifle ever made. Although the M1/M2 Carbine also uses
a shortened rifle round (which is what makes an assault rifle), because of
the .30 US Carbine round's lack of range and firepower, it is not considered
an assault rifle.
-Originally designated as a submachine gun (called a maschinenpistole, German
for machine pistol), it was later redesignated as an assault rifle
(Sturmgewehr in German). This is where the term "assault rifle" comes from in
modern lexicon.

Scoped Kar98k

Damage : 120
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 180 Upper Arms/Legs: 72
Upper Torso : 108 Lower Arms/Legs: 60
Lower Torso : 96 Hands/Feet : 48
Accuracy : From Hip : 2.00
Iron Sight : 0.00
Recoil : 1.00
Magazine Size : 5 (Reloads with single rounds)
Rate of Fire : Bolt-Action
Movement Speed : 1.10
Melee Damage : 150

This weapon is scoped.


Damage : - (Damage system works differently from regular weapons)
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 3 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 50

II-1e. Miscellaneous Weapons
Artillery Binoculars
M18 Smoke Grenade
Satchel Charge

Artillery Binoculars

Damage : 2000 (Artillery Strike)
Magazine Size : 1
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.0
Melee Damage : 50

To earn the artillery binoculars, you must first earn 40 points (Rank 5) on
the scoreboard. The artillery binoculars replace your regular binoculars in
slot 7. Furthermore, after respawning with the artillery binoculars, you must
stay alive for 60 seconds before the magazine size changes to 1 and you can
order an artillery strike (the message "Artillery In Place" will come up on
your screen).


Damage : -
Magazine Size : -
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.0
Melee Damage : 50

Binoculars go into Weapon Slot 7. They can be used to look around the map with
better detail. You can also use them in melee attacks. These are replaced by
Artillery Binoculars when you reach Rank 5.

M18 Smoke Grenade

Damage : -
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 3 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 1.20
Melee Damage : 40

Smoke Grenades can be found in Weapon Slot 5, and are part of the default
loadout when you spawn.

Satchel Charge

Damage : - (Damage system works differently from regular weapons)
Magazine Size : 1 (Maximum of 1 can be carried)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 0.90
Melee Damage : 50

Satchel Charges go into Weapon Slot 6. They can be found as pick up weapons,
but when you reach Rank 4, you receive one every time you spawn.

II-2. Emplaced (Stationary), Vehicle and Pick Up Weapons

II-2a. Emplaced (Stationary) Weapons
Flak 88

Flak 88

Damage : 2500
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 15


Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 1200

II-2b. Vehicle Weapons
.30 Cal (Tank)
.50 Cal (Tank)
Elefant Turret
MG34 (Tank)
MG42 (Tank)
MG42 (Turret)
PanzerIV Turret
Sherman Turret
SG43 (Tank)
SG43 (Turret)
SU152 Turret
T34 Turret

.30 Cal (Tank)

Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 600
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.40 / 0.01

This is an alternate machine gun on American tanks (Press shift to fire).

.50 Cal (Tank)

Damage : 88
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 132 Upper Arms/Legs: 52.8
Upper Torso : 79.2 Lower Arms/Legs: 44
Lower Torso : 70.4 Hands/Feet : 35.2
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 545
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.06 / 0.01

Elefant Turret

Damage : 2500
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 15

MG34 (Tank)

Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 600
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.04 / 0.01

This is an alternate machine gun on German tanks (Press shift to fire).

MG42 (Tank)

Damage : 30
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 45 Upper Arms/Legs: 18
Upper Torso : 27 Lower Arms/Legs: 15
Lower Torso : 24 Hands/Feet : 12
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 1200
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.02 / 0.01

MG42 (Turret)

Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 600
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.04 / 0.01

PanzerIV Turret

Damage : 700
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 20

Sherman Turret

Damage : 700
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 20

SG43 (Tank)

Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Accuracy : 1.0
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 600
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.04 / 0.01

This is an alternate machine gun on Russian tanks (Press shift to fire).

SG43 (Turret)

Damage : 60
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 90 Upper Arms/Legs: 36
Upper Torso : 54 Lower Arms/Legs: 30
Lower Torso : 48 Hands/Feet : 24
Accuracy :
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 600
Rate of Temp H/C: 0.04 / 0.01

SU152 Turret

Damage : 2500
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 15

T34 Turret

Damage : 700
Magazine Size : Infinite
Rate of Fire : 20

II-2c. Pick Up Weapons
Flamethrower (Flammenwerfer 35)
M1A1 Bazooka (2.36-in Rocket Launcher)
Panzerfaust 60
Panzerschreck (Raketenpanzerbüchse)


Damage : 70
Modified Damage : Helmet/Head/Neck: 105 Upper Arms/Legs: 42
Upper Torso : 63 Lower Arms/Legs: 35
Lower Torso : 56 Hands/Feet : 28
Accuracy : From Hip : n/a
Iron Sight : 0.3
Recoil : 0.4
Magazine Size : 20
Rate of Fire : 800/Semi-Auto (Full Auto/Semi-Auto, select fire with M
Movement Speed : 0.98
Melee Damage : 200

This weapon is scoped.

The FG42 has received a rate of fire reduction from the original Call of Duty.
It originally had a rate of fire of 1000.

Real Name : FG-42 (Fallschirmjägergewehr 42)
Introduced : 1942
Replaced : Intended to replace all paratrooper small arms weapons
Replaced by : FG42-2
Chambering : 7.92x57mm
Designer : Rheinmetall (led by Louis Stange)

-Designed for the paratroopers to replace all small arms weapons. The Army
suggested using a shortened rifle round (which would have made the FG-42
an assault rifle), but the Luftwaffe insisted on using a full rifle round.
-The high powered rifle round made the gun very unreliable. The gun was not
strong enough to absorb the recoil of the round, and as a result, was
almost impossible to control in full-automatic.
-Fallschirmjäger is German for "paratrooper". Gewehr is German for "rifle".

Flamethrower (Flammenwerfer 35)

Damage : 2
Magazine Size : 500
Rate of Fire : 600
Movement Speed : 1.00
Melee Damage : 150

M1A1 Bazooka (2.36-in Rocket Launcher)

Damage : 1000
Magazine Size : 1 (Can be reloaded)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 0.72
Melee Damage : 70

Panzerfaust 60

Damage : 1000
Magazine Size : 1 (Cannot be reloaded)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 0.78
Melee Damage : 70

Panzerschreck (Raketenpanzerbüchse)

Damage : 1000
Magazine Size : 1 (Can be reloaded)
Rate of Fire : -
Movement Speed : 0.72
Melee Damage : 70


III. Vehicle Information
Panzer IV
Sherman Tank
Willy Jeep


Weapons: -Elefant Turret
-MG34 (Tank)
Occupants: 1
Max Speed: 10
Accel: 5

To use the MG34 (Tank), press (default) shift.


Weapons: -SG43 (Turret)
Occupants: 3 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner, One Passenger)
Max Speed: 40
Accel: 20


Weapons: -MG42 (Turret)
Occupants: 3 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner, One Passenger)
Max Speed: 40
Accel: 20


Weapons: -PanzerIV Turret
-MG42 (Turret)
-MG34 (Tank)
Occupants: 2 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner)
Max Speed: 15
Accel: 12.25

To use the MG34 (Tank), as the driver, press (default) shift.

Sherman Tank

Weapons: -Sherman Turret
-.30 Cal (Tank)
-.50 Cal (Tank)
Occupants: 2 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner)
Max Speed: 15
Accel: 25

To use the .30 Cal (Tank), as the driver, press (default) shift.


Weapons: -SU152 Turret
-SG43 (Tank)
Occupants: 1
Max Speed: 10
Accel: 5

To use the SG43 (Tank), press (default) shift.


Weapons: -T34 Turret
-SG43 (Turret)
-SG43 (Tank)
Occupants: 2 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner)
Max Speed: 15
Accel: 25

To use the SG43 (Tank), as the driver, press (default) shift.

Willy Jeep

Weapons: -.50 Cal (Tank)
Occupants: 3 (One Driver, One Machine Gun Turret Gunner, One Passenger)
Max Speed: 40
Accel: 20


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e-mail me at
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Dt. Munitions- und Gesundheitstrainer (für v1.41)

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