Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 1.11

Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction 1.11

16.10.2013 11:04:11
-Diablo 2 hammerdin Guide (1.11)
-V3.0 (11/25/05)

This is property of KIRBIX (Sean D'Hoostelaere). This may be not be
reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not
be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
In plain English, this means that it is against the law for you to copy this
guide. If you want to print it out, that's fine, but I do not permit its use
anywhere on the web or for it to be used for anything profitable.

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|Table of Contents|

I. Version History
II. What this guide is for
III. Overview of the paladin (Why hammerdin?)
IV. Skills
a. Combat skills
b. Offensive Auras
c. Defensive Auras
V. Skill allocation
VI. Stat distribution
VII. Equipment
VIII. Early levels
IX. Mid-later levels
X. Mercenary
XI. Contact Me
XII. Credits

1.0 (11/04)-First edition!

2.0 (8/05)- Completeley revamped it and then renamed it to 1.11

3.0 (11/05)- fixed the merc and equipment sections so that people could actually
find use in them
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This guide is written to explain to proper use of the hammerdin, a build
that is a common cookiecutter build. It's easy to use, and is extremely powerful
if used right.

If you're looking for a build that will kill anything in it's path with little
difficulty, THIS IS THE GUIDE FOR YOU. Nothing kills faster than a hammerdin,
and once you get the gist of it, you can't go wrong.
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The paladin is a unique blend of character. Generally speaking, he's a melee
character, having attacks that utilize attacking up close. However, the paladin
is unique from a barbarian, assassin or amazon in that he has auras. These auras
give him magical properties to defeat his foes. Abilities such as automatic
healing, boosts to attack and defense, raising/lowering resistances of those
around you.

The hammerdin utilizes one of the paladins ranged abilities- Blessed hammer.
While initially weak, the magic hammer grows to insane amounts, hitting damage
numbers in the ten thousands. It's also only blocked by a grand total of 2
monsters IN THE ENTIRE GAME. That's right; only 2 monsters aren't instantly
killed by this death machine.
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There are only a dozen or so skills that you will put any points into, and most
of them are prerequisite skills.

If the skills (most of the auras) don't have any remote application to this
build except prerequisite, I will be skipping them entirely.
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A. Combat skills
Combat skills are what they sound like. These are the abilities that are used
as attacks. The auras are designed to supplement these attacks. From the smite
of your shield to calling a bolt from heaven, the combat skills are the core
to the attacks of the paladin.

Required level: 1
Effect: smash your foe with your shield, stunning them

Smite is a great skill if used properly. It ignores defense and stuns. If you
were a PvP player, this would prove very effective for you. However, that's a
totally different build, known as the vindicator. As a hammerdin, you won't be
using smite.
Put a point into it as a prerequisite.

~~Holy Bolt~~
Required level: 6
Effect: sends a bolt of holy light outwards, healing friends and damaging
undead foes.

Holy bolt can do good damage to the undead, and it can heal your party.
... why on earth is that of concern to you? Blessed hammer does GREAT damage
to undead, and healing is for the healadins.
A point prerequisite.

Required level: 12
Effect: run super-fast at your opponent and strike them.

Another great PvP skill, and for the same reasons as smite, you won't be using
it. 1 point, it's a prerequisite.

~~Blessed Hammer~~
Required level: 18
Effect: sends a hammer spiraling around you at your foes.

Here it is: blessed hammer. It starts out in front of you, and spirals around,
taking down all things in it's path. It goes through enemies, but stops when
it hits walls. For this reason, it's often hard to use. It takes practice;
aiming hammers is no easy feat. Once you've got it down, though, you won't
ever have to worry about yourself again.
MAX IT OUT, ARE YOU KIDDING?! This IS the build, why wouldn't you max it??

~~Holy Shield~~
Required level: 24
Effect: Magically enhances shield to give defense bonuses

Holy shield adds a bonus to your defense rating, and a bonus to your chance to
block. It's beyond useful, making 75% block a realistic goal no matter what
you do.
Put as many points as you have left over after maxing out your hammer. 10 is
usually how many points you'll get into it.
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B.Offensive Auras
Offensive auras surround your paladin, giving him boosts to his attack. Some of
them add elemental damage, some of them simply up your damage. One of them
simply lowers the elemental resistance of your enemies.

Required level: 1
Effect: enhances your damage

This is the first aura, and it's a good one. Adding 40% to your damage
immediately, might allows your paladin to coast until getting blessed hammer
without any real difficulties.
1 point, because once you get concentration, you'll never use it again. While
it's a nice aura, you only put a point in because it's a prerequisite.

~~Blessed Aim~~
Required level: 12
Effect: enhances your attack ratingg

Lousy aura, but it's a synergy for blessed hammer, and a prerequisite for
Max it; you'll be maxing both of blessed hammer's synergies.

Required level: 18
Effect: greatly enhances your damage

Concentration is a better version of might, therefore is a better aura to use
regardless. However, concentration has another feature- it affects blessed
hammer. No other aura affects the damage of blessed hammer, and so, logically,
you need to use this aura as a hammerdin.
Max it out, as with all things associated with your hammers.
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C. Defensive Auras
The defensive auras serve the same purpose as the offensive auras, but they
instead increase your defense properties.

Required level: 1
Effect: heals all within range of it

It heals VERY SLOWLY, for a VERY HIGH mp amount. Don't ever use it.
Still, it's a prereq. 1 point

Required level: 6
Effect: Greatly boosts defense

This is generally a must-have aura, but for a hammerdin, you'll be much more
likely to use concentration.
It's a prereq, so 1 point.

Required level: 12
Effect: reduces poison and curse time

Useful in act 2 normal- after that, totally useless.
1 point as a prereq.

Required level: 18
Effect: increases speed and stamina

Finally, all those prereqs for this skill. Two reasons for it.
1) you can run faster, longer. It makes the game much more enjoyable
2) it's a synergy for blessed hammer
Max it out.

Required level: 24
Effect: Raises your mana

Unlike prayer, this spell costs nothing and will quickly recharge your mana.
When you don't have bodies to redeem, this spell is invaluable.
Put a point into it, and let +skills do the rest.
Required level: 30
Effect: increases all resistances

This is a crowd-pleaser, and in some cases, a necessary action to take.
1 point. With +skills, you'll have maxed out resistances without trouble; a
necessity when in hell. Basically, use it when in parties, but don't make it
your crutch.
Required level: 30
Effect: Gain life and mana off of nearby corpses

When you've finished destroying a group of enemies, you often have low health
and mana. One point into redemption and you'll fill your mana and life very
quickly, making you ready for the next group of baddies.
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Get your prereqs, and start saving points like mad. You'll have 10 or more when
you get to blessed hammer. Dump 5-10 points into blessed hammer, blessed aim,
vigor and concentration. From there, max out vigor. You'll love the increased
speed. Put a point into salvation and holy shield when you get to them. Max
concentration after vigor, followed by blessed hammer and blessed aim.

Don't max blessed hammer first. It ends up costing too much MP for your low
energy. Don't max concentration last. You'll regret it, believe it or not.

I'd do a specific list if it seemed practical, but I've outlined it well enough.
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As you well know, there are 4 statistics that you can allocate points to:
Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Energy.

STRENGTH- Strength is what allows you to equip things. Strength requirements
vary from person to person. A person with an Enigma runeword in their armor
won't need as much strength as everyone else.

A few strength goals to hit:
118- guardian angel
174- crown of ages

DEXTERITY- Dexterity determines your attack rating and your chance to block.
Attack rating is useless as a hammerdin; you won't be attacking. However, with
a paladin, 75% block (max block) is easily obtainable. Between 10 points into
holy shield, and the 82% innate block of the Herald of Zakarum, you only need
about 135 points into it.
It varies by person and your holy shield level. Shoot for 130-150.

VITALITY- Every extra point will go into vitality. More health decreases the
odds that you'll die; it's that simple.

ENERGY- Believe it or not, you DO NOT want any points in energy. You'll have
to keep lots of potions on hand until level 50, but after that it goes downhill,
and you'll be glad you didn't spend the points.
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Equipment is always a real hassle for several reasons. One, it's a very
controversial subject. Two, it's extraordinarily difficult to get the stuff you

Because of the controversy over equipment, I suggest you ask the message boards
what's the best way to go. I will also not be posting WHY I chose what I chose,
simply to prevent people bothering me about it.

Early on, you want anything that gives +skills, +energy, or +%to mana. Beyond
that, there's not much to look for. +vitaily and +health are good, but it's
hard to come by a piece of equipment with any decent boosts to your health.

Skipping the middleman, I'm going to go straight to a few different things for
ideal equipment- All stats came straight from arreat summit.

Harlequin Crest is the best caster's helmet out there. Massive health and mana
boosts, as well as +2 to all skills. What more could you need?

\Harlequin Crest (unique shako)
\+2 To All Skills
/+1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
\+1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
/Damage Reduced By 10%
\50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
/+2 To All Attributes


If you can afford an enigma, you'll not only be able to have a great
armor, but you won't need more than... 50 strength, or so. Put it into a
breastplate. The formula for enigma is (jah,ith,ber), and it gives:

\+2 To All Skills
/+45% Faster Run/Walk
\+1 To Teleport
/+750-775 Defense
\+0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
/Increase Maximum Life 5%
\Damage Reduced By 8%
/+14 Life After Each Kill
\15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
/+1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
\(Based On Character Level)

If that's too pricey, there are some other options:

\Skin of the Vipermagi (unique serpentskin armor)
/Defense: 279
\+120% Enhanced Defense
/+1 To All Skills
\30% Faster Cast Rate
/Magic Damage Reduced By 9-13
\All Resistances +20-35


\Guardian Angel (unique templar coat)
/Defense: 770-825
\+180-200% Enhanced Defense
/+20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
\+30% Faster Block Rate
/+2-247 To Attack Rating Against Demons (Based On Character Level)
\+1 To Paladin Skill Levels
/+4 To Light Radius
\15% To Maximum Poison Resist
/15% To Maximum Cold Resist
\15% To Maximum Lightning Resist
/15% To Maximum Fire Resist

Magefist are the best option, with faster mana regeneration and faster cast
rate. Both are very important for your hammerdin.

\Magefist (unique light gauntlets)
\+20-30% Enhanced Defense
/+10 Defense
\+1 To Fire Skills
/20% Faster Cast Rate
\Regenerate Mana 25%
/Adds 1-6 Fire Damage

War Traveler boots are the best non-melee boots; bonuses to walk, stamina, and
even to your basic stats.

\War Traveler (unique battle boots)
\+150-190% Enhanced Defense
/25% Faster Run/Walk
\+10 To Vitality
/+10 To Strength
\Adds 15-25 Damage
/40% Slower Stamina Drain
\Attacker Takes Damage Of 5-10
/30-50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Arachnic Mesh adds +1 to skills, slows enemies, gives MORE faster cast rate,
and increases your mana. As if you could ask for anything more!

\Arachnid Mesh (unique spiderweb sash)
\+90-120% Enhanced Defense
/Slows Target By 10%
\+1 To All Skills
/+20% Faster Cast Rate
\Increases Maximum Mana 5%
/Level 3 Venom (11 Charges)

Herald of Zakarum comes second to none. This is the ONLY paladin shield of
choice for a hammerdin that's any good.

\Herald Of Zakarum (unique gilded shield)
/Chance to block: 82%
\+150-200% Enhanced Defense
/30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
\30% Faster Block Rate
/20% Bonus To Attack Rating
\+20 To Strength
/+20 To Vitality
\All Resistances +50
/+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
\+2 To Combat Skills

Another place where money for runes makes you happy. Use the runeword
"heart of the oak" (Ko,Vex,Pul,Thul), on any mace, morning star, flail, or any
of their upgraded versions. It gives:

\3 To All Skills
/+40% Faster Cast Rate
\+75% Damage To Demons
/+100 To Attack Rating Against Demons
\Adds 3-14 Cold Damage, 3 sec. Duration (Normal)
/7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
\+10 To Dexterity
/Replenish Life +20
\Increase Maximum Mana 15%
/All Resistances +30-40 (varies)
\Level 4 Oak Sage (25 Charges)
/Level 14 Raven (60 Charges)
\+50% Damage To Undead

If that runs you too much money, you can go with this:

\Wizardspike (unique bone knife)
/Damage: 23 to 49
\+2-198 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
/50% Faster Cast Rate
\Regenerate Mana 15%
/Increase Maximum Mana 15%
\All Resistances +75

You've got a few options for your rings:
Raven Frost gives "cannot be frozen"
Bul-Kathos gives +1 to all skills and bonuses to life
Stone of Jordan gives +25% to mana and +1 to all skills.

If you have "cannot be frozen" on another part of your equipment, wear 1
B-K and one SoJ. Otherwise, wear SoJ and RF.

As for the Amulet, there's really only one choice:
\Mara's Kaleidoscope
/+2 To All Skill Levels
\All Resistances +20-30
/+5 To All Attributes

Again, the aforementioned equipment is debatable, but that's what I consider
the best options available.
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Early levels refers to all of the normal difficulty. By nightmare you'll have
gotten your primary skills, and they'll be pretty powerful.

If you want to flat out level, run tristram from level 1-15, run the arcane
sanctuary or tal rasha's tomb until level 20, run the secret cow level until
level 25, and then kill the ancients. Until level 50, run Baal's minions over
and over. Run nightmare baal to 75, and hell to level 99.

Now, for the rest of us who aren't flat out leveling, but playing the game,
here's the strategy.

Act I
You dont have any abilities at your disposal. You'll be using might, and running
around hitting people. Save all of your points, except for the prerequisites.
It's simple enough, by level 13 or 14 you should be able to take on Andariel
by yourself, let alone with a party.

Expected level: 12-15

Act II
Poison is abundant here, and the enemies make act I look like a cakewalk. This
is probably the hardest stage in your game- for the first 2/3 of the act, you're
STILL using might/attack, and it's getting to be really weak. However, by about
the arcane sanctuary, you'll get blessed hammer. Start practicing; It should
already be doing 100 damage a pop, which is more than enough for now. Act 2
should be finished with flying colors.

For multiplayer, tag along with the summoners, and use might/concentration to
double their skeleton damage. They'll go through enemies like crazy.

Expected level:20

Unless you start the game yourself, it's next to impossible to find a game that
isn't rushing through act III. Join the rushes- there's nothing of consequence
here. Come back when you've mastered blessed hammer. For now, just keep

Soloing will be tough- there are lots of enemies. LOTS of enemies. Get really
good with your hammer, and bring lots of potions.

Expected level: 20, maybe 21

Act IV
Another commonly rushed act. Again, go with the flow, let them rush you to act
V. It's an easy act to do on your own with a good hammer, so don't get into a
fluster over doing it right away.

By now you've gotten hammer down, and you're approaching 200 damage per hammer.
Soloing, while hard, isn't impossible. Still, party games run smoother.

Expected level: 23-25

Act V
Finally, the last act, and the best place to level up. If you've been levelling
up properly, you're probably level 24 or so. Finish the ancients quest (join
a rush game, c'mon!) and move to baal. If you're level 26 or higher, the
experience you gain is UNREAL. You'll level up twice in your first run, I
guarantee it. From now on, this is your source of experience points. Get to work
on maxing your synergies for blessed hammer. You'll hit 1000 damage before you
know it. By the time you stop using this as an XP point (level 50), you'll be
amazed at your power.

For you one-player people: Truth be told, I've never done it singleplayer, so
I dont have much advice for you. I wish you the best of luck!

As I said earlier, just get equipment that gives +energy and +skills right now.
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Now that you're in nightmare, you're likely to have mastered the hammer's
trajectory, and it does awesome damage. Keep leveling up, and take it slow- by
now, you're learning the powers of the hammerdin, and you won't have any trouble
all the way through nightmare.

Come hell, things get a bit sticky. It's time to get the ideal equipment. True,
you can do 3000 damage without equipment, but brinGing it up to 10000 makes a
real difference. If you find you need resists, sacrifice your hammer damage and
use salvation. That *Should* solve your resistance problem.

You know what you're doing if you've made it this far. Have fun!
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You'll be using an Act 2 Merc, to take advantage of his innate aura.
There are a couple of options for your mercenary. On the one hand, you can
get holy freeze, which adds to your mercenaries damage and automatically chills
everything around. This can be damn useful for keeping your enemies at bay while
you take them out.

On the other hand, a mercenary using might will greatly boost his attack damage,
which means he'll be able to kill his enemies that much faster.
You can decide which you find to be more important to your mercenary. I always
choose holy freeze.

As for his equipment:

Your mercenary generally needs to be able to stay alive- +defense is always
a good idea, but more importantly, he needs life leech. If he can self-sustain,
he'll fare much better. Beyond that, just look for the highest possible damage
that you can get!

Mercenaries always seem to have an amazing amount of resist. Guardian Angel
takes full advantage of it and makes your merc all but invincible to the

\Guardian Angel (Unique Templar Coat)
/+180-200% Enhanced Defense
\+20% Increased Chance Of Blocking
/+30% Faster Block Rate
\+ 2-247 To Attack Rating Against Demons (Based On Character Level)
/+1 To Paladin Skill Levels
\+4 To Light Radius
/15% To Maximum Poison Resist
\15% To Maximum Cold Resist
/15% To Maximum Lightning Resist
\15% To Maximum Fire Resist

Andariel Visage is perfect for the merc. Attack speed, life steal, and the
poison nova ability doesn't hurt, either.

\Andariel's Visage (unique demonhead)
/+100-150% Enhanced Defense
\+2 To All Skills
/20% Increased Attack Speed
\8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
/+25-30 To Strength
\+10% To Maximum Poison Resist
/Fire Resist -30%
\Poison Resist +70%
/15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poison Nova When Struck
\Level 3 Venom (20 charges)

The best weapon for a hammerdin's merc is a polearm with insight. Cheap to
make, this polearm gives your mercenary meditation, which means you will NEVER
have mana problems again.

\Insight (4 Socket Polearms/Staves) Ral+Tir+Tal+Sol
/Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped
\+35% Faster Cast Rate
/+200-260% Enhanced Damage
\+9 To Minimum Damage
/180-250% Bonus to Attack Rating
\Adds 5-30 Fire Damage
/+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
\+1-6 To Critical Strike
/+5 To All Attributes
\+2 To Mana After Each Kill
/23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
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My guides are NOT perfect, and I'd love someone to proofread them. If you
want to make a correction to it, Email me at kirbix@gmail.com. I'll take
suggestions, but most likely throw them in the garbage. Try and suggest,
though- who knows, I might take it. If you have a good idea, I'll take it,
and I will credit.
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As of yet, I have only 2 credits

Arreat Summit - Provided all the information
I could possibly want.

GameFaqs and/or CjayC- For making Gamefaqs the #1 game site on the internet.

COPYRIGHT 2004 Sean D'Hoostelaere
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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