Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen

Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen

17.10.2013 20:32:39

Walk-through / Info sheet (Version 1.0)

by Mitch Aigner and Phil Rice

Send complaints about the walkthru to: Mitch Aigner
Send complaints about the Armor/Weapons classification to : Phil Rice
Send complaints about the Auto-mapping bug to: New World Computing


Equip your crew with bows, as well as their main weapon. Click on the
bow icon on the main screen when enemies are in sight (but not close
enough to attack). This unleashes a volley of arrows from your party,
and will wipe out lesser monsters before they get close enough to be
a problem. It will also take the edge off some of the nastier critters.

Don't sleep unless you absolutely have to (i.e. "Your Party need rest").
Your team will age rapidly otherwise, and their effectiveness will go
down. Casting a lot of "Cure"-type spells is a necessary evil.

To swap items: Fire up the weapons/armor list for the party member you
wish to transfer the item out of. Click on that item to select it, it
will change color. Then click on the picture of the party member that
you wish to transfer the item to.

The "Wizard Eye" spell is really handy. It shows secret areas that
are otherwise impossible to find. Especially useful in dungeons.

Enchant Item spell: This spell turns generic weapons/armor into better
stuff. I.E. casting on a "sabre" could turn it into an "amber sabre"
or a "poisonous sabre". This only works on items that do not already
have any special qualities.

You will need to use the "Levitate" spell to walk upon clouds without
falling through. This is needed for the areas at the top of the
various towers. The Levitate spell also lets you float over hidden pits
in the dungeons. It won't save you from hidden elemental traps (ie. fire,
gas, etc). You can use the jump spell to avoid those traps.

NOTES: You will need to have at least 1 character with 100+ Might
before entering the Northern Sphinx
You will need to have at least 1 charater with 100+ Intelligence
before entering the Dragon Lair
Trick to Dragon Lair: walk backwards, slowly. Use "Teleport"
spell to avoid Dragon Tax.

SPELLS - (L means level of caster, M means number of monsters)
(G means affects group of monsters, P means affects whole Party)
NAME SP/gems * Damage Description
----------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------------------------
Acid Spray 8/0
Awaken 1/0 P Wakes up all Party members
Beast Master 5/2
Bless 2L/1 +1L Armor Class
Clairvoyance 5/2 Gargoyle heads give advice
Cold Ray 2L/4 G 2LM to 4LM Cold damage to group of monsters
Create food P Creates 1 unit / Party member
Cure disease 10/0 On one Party member
Cure Paralysis 12/0
Cure poison 8/0 On one Party member
Cure wounds 3/0 +15 HP on one Party member
Dancing Sword 3L/10 6L to 14L
Day of Protection 75/10 P Light, Prot. from ALL elements,
Heroism, Holy bonus, Bless
Day of Sorcery 40/10 P Light, Levitate, Wizard Eye,
Clairvoyance, Power Shield
Deadly Swarm 12/0 G -25M -25 PD / monster
Detect monster 6/0 Shows nearby monsters
Divine Interv. 200/20 P Heals entire Party of all wounds
Dragon Sleep 10/4 Puts one dragon to sleep
Elemental Storm 100/10 G -150 HP / monster
Enchant Item 30/20
Energy Blast L/1 2L to 6L Energy damage
Etherealize Moves party forward 1 square
despite barriers. May work
where Teleport fails
Fantastic Freeze 15/5 G -40 Cold damage / monster
Fiery Flail 25/5 -100 Fire damage
Finger of Death 10/4
Fire Ball 2L/2 G 3LM to 7LM -3L to -7L Fire damage
First Aid 1/0 +6 HP on one Party member
Flying Fist 2/0 -6 Physical damage
Frost Bite 7/0 -35 Cold damage on one monster
Golem Stopper 20/10 -100 pts on one monster
Heroism 2L/3 +1L level increase
Holy bonus 2L/1 +1L damage increase in combat
Holy Word 100/20 Kills Undead
Hypnotize 15/4
Identify Monsters 5/0 Shows health pts of monsters
Implosion 100/20 -1000 Energy damage
Incinerate -250 fire damage, one monster
Inferno 75/10 G -25 Fire damage / monster
Insect Spray 5/1 G coats group of monster w/poison
Item to Gold Turns plain iten into Gold
Jump 4/0 P Party jumps over 1 square
Levitate 5/0 P Use to walk on clouds
Light 1/0 Day spell
Lightning Bolt 2L/2
Lloyd's Beacon 6/2 Teleport
Magic Arrow 2/0 -8 Magic pts
Mass Distortion 75/10 Cuts monsters' HP in half
Mega Volts
Moon Ray 60/10
Nature's Cure 6/0 +25 HP
Pain 4/0 -8 Physical damage
Power Cure 2L/3 2L to 12L
Poison volley 25/10 Sends 6 arrows @ 10 Poison damage
apiece into each square in front
of Party
Power shield 2L/2 P +1L reduction in party damage
Prot. from Elements L/1 then select which Element
Raise Dead Ressurect 1 Party member
Recharge Item 15/10
Revitalize 2/0 Removes weak condition
Shrapmetal L/0 G 2ML -2ML Physical damage
Sleep 3/1 G puts monsters to sleep
Sparks L/1 2L -2L Electrical damage
Starburst 200/20 G -500 HP per monster
Stone to Flesh 35/5 removes STONED condition
Sun Ray 150/20 G -200 Energy damage / monster
Super Shelter 15/5
Suppress Disease 5/0
Suppress Poison 4/0 slows effects of poison - no cure
Time Distortion 8/0 to run away from a combat
Town Portal Teleports Party to selected town
Toxic Cloud 4/1 G 10M -10M Poison damage / monster
Turn Undead 5/2 -25 damage
Walk on water 7/0 P allows Party to walk on deep water
Wizard Eye 5/2 Top view - shows unexplored

------------------------ ----------------------------------
Yellow +2 Accuracy +5 Accuracy
Green +2 Endurance +5 Endurance
White +2 Luck +5 Luck
Purple +2 Speed +5 Speed
Red +2 Might +5 Might
Blue +2 Personality +5 Personality
Orange +2 Intellect +5 Intellect

DWARF MINES - Deep Mine Codes


Cartography - $100 - (Vertigo, 8, 16)
Pathfinding - $2500 - (Vertigo, 25, 26) allows travel through Deep
forest (2 Party members minimum)
Secret Doors - $500 - (E3, 11, 12)
Swimming - $100 - (Rivercity, 19, 23) allows swimming in shallow
water (ALL Party members minimum)
Mountaineering - $5000 - (Rivercity, 30, 30) allows mountains to be
crossed (2 Party members minimum)
Navigation - $2000 - (Rivercity, 22, 30)
Armsmaster - $300 - (Rivercity, 30, 3)
Body Building - $1000 - (Rivercity, 30, 1)
Linguist - FREE - (Castle Burlock 1, 6, 5) Allows you to read
cryptic runes. Handy in several places.
Astronomer - FREE - (Castle Burlock 1, 10, 5)
Prayermaster - $10,000 - (A2, 6, 13)
Prestidigitation - FREE - (Tower of High Magic 4, 7, 8)


Hit "=" to get overhead display (like Wizard Eye spell, but does not
show secret areas)
The '=' will display YOUR map in an overhead display in the top
right hand corner of the screen. Your map will only show the
areas where you have 'physically' walked through. The Wizard Eye
spell will show ALL areas (only a small radius near your party) on
the map.

Food: 5 days worth at Vertigo tavern
20 days worth at Rivercity tavern

Characters may get up to Level 20 (max.). There are 2 level bonuses, if
you get them both AFTER level 20, you can get to Level 22.
Vertigo - Train up to level 10
Rivercity - Train up to level 15
Newcastle - Train up to level 20
+1 Level bonuses in: Golem Dungeon, Shangri-La

NEWCASTLE: You will need to buy this for 50,000
Three sets of improvments will have to be made
Each improvement will cost 5 King's Megacredits
Megacredits are found in the Temple of Yak, Tomb of 1000
Terrors, and Golem Dungeon
Each improvement is made by the Master Builder in Castle Burlock
The final improvement will require an Excavation Permit from
the Royal Advisor in Castle Burlock (you will need to free
Crodo from Darzog's Tower first)
The first improvement fixes the main floor of the castle
The second improvement adds a second floor, after which the
locals immediately set up shop (Blacksmith, Trainer, Bank,
and Temple)
The third improvement finishes the dungeon, in which you will
find the weapon you need to finish off Xeen, as well as
a few "Potions of the Gods". NOTE: make sure that your
troops are not max'ed out on Miscellaneous items. If
there isn't enough room in your inventory, you will
be throwing away your possible 4 Potions of the Gods.

Golem Dungeon: 1) Wood Golems area - Flip all of the switches and use
a "Teleport" spell to get out
2) Stone Golems area - push the buttons until 6 out of
the 8 blocks are destroyed
3) Iron golems - flip the switches to create path to
diamond golem area. "Teleport" works well here if
you have trouble with the switches.

Northern Sphinx: There are the following spells available here:
Teleport, Item to Gold, Divine Intervention, Starburst
There are also several thrones to sit in. If the
correct Party members sit in them (Dwarf, Orc, Elf,
Gnome, Human) you will get experience. Also, there
is a special throne for Thieves (more experience).
NOTE: One of your Party members will have to have
a Might >= 100 to open the Sarcophagii.

WARZONE: Go here to gain experience. You can take on assorted monsters and
rapidly increase the experience levels of your party members. Be
sure that you don't get any of them killed, as this causes permanent
damage to their maximum-obtainable stats. It seems that each time
one of your characters gets killed, all of their stats are reduced
by 1.

Drums in clouds above Tower of High Magic - Rumor has it that by
beating on these drums, you can cause all of the Gems in
the area to be replenished. This provides a method of
getting more Gems (lots needed to complete the game), if
you have already used up all the Gems otherwise available.
I have NOT verified this! So don't take my word for it.

King's Megacredits: 8 - Temple of Yak
8 - Tomb of 1000 Terrors
14 - Golem Dungeon

Shangri-La is at the bottom level of the Volcano Cave.

LANDMARKS - Where places are

Asp - (C2, 9, 15)
Castle Basenji - (A1, 8, 8)
Castle Burlock - (D2, 8, 2)
Cave of Illusion - (B4, 2, 15)
Darkstone Tower - (B3, 11, 0) Can't get in until Darkside
Darzog's Tower - (D3, 4, 13)
Dragon Cave - (E1, 14, 12)
Dwarf mines - (F3, 5, 13) Several other entrances also in this area
Golem Dungeon - (B4, 11, 10)
Master Builder - (Castle Burlock 1, 2, 7)
Newcastle - (C4, 11, 12)
NightShadow - (D4, 13, 5)
North Sphinx - (B1, 12, 8)
River City - (C3, 11, 7)
Royal Advisor - (Castle Burlock 1, 8, 2)
South Sphinx - (A2, 11, 9) Can't get in until Darkside
Temple of Yak - (E4, 4, 4)
Tomb of 1000 Terrors - (C4, 6, 6)
Tower of High Magic - (C4, 6, 15)
Vertigo - (F3, 10, 13)
Volcano Cave - (E1, 15, 2) approach from the south (Shangri-La)
Warzone - (B2, 12, 4)
WinterKill - (A3, 4, 6)
Witch Tower - (F4, 10, 9)

Witch Tower spells: These can be purchased for Gems instead of Gold:
Lightning bolt, Toxic Cloud, Clairvoyance, Beast
Master, Pain, Sleep.

Temple of Yak spells: (FREE) Light, Sparks, Acid Spray

Northern Sphinx spells: Teleport, Item to Gold, Divine Intervention,

TEMPORARY ENHANCEMENTS (Drink from wells, pray at shrines, etc.)

Cold resistance +50 (A4, 12, 14)
Electricity resistance +50 (D3, 15, 4)
Elemental resistance +20 (E3, 9, 14)
Energy resistance +50 (A1, 7, 6)
Fire resistance +50 (E2, 13, 3)
Magic resistance +50 (C3, 15, 0)
Poison resistance +50 (F3, 14, 6)
Accuracy +50 (B3, 0, 3)
Endurance +50 (C1, 2, 4)
Intellect +50 (B3, 15, 4)
Luck +60 (F3, 1, 7)
Might +50 (D2, 3, 8)
Might +50 (Winterkill, 6, 11)
Personality +50 (C3, 0, 0)
Speed +50 (E2, 3, 4)
Physical statistics +10 (C3, 15, 10)
Mental statistics +10 (D3, 8, 9)
HP +25 (F3, 7, 7)
HP +100 (Asp, 8, 3)
HP +250 (A1, 4, 12)
SP +25 (E3, 8, 6)
SP +100 (Rivercity, 14, 18)
SP +250 (A4, 3, 3)
AC +5 (F3, 12, 12)
AC +20 (Newcastle 1, 9, 14)
AC +30 (A3, 3, 14)
Level +5 (F3, 0, 1)
Level +10 (Nightshadow, 7, 7)
HP restored - (Vertigo, 14, 17)

TOWNS - Quest solutions

Rivercity - Kill everything that moves !

Asp - Set SW crystal ball to red, NE red, SE blue, NW blue

Winterkill - (kill ghosts, ring gong & talk to Randon)(repeat 3 times).
Ring both northern gongs twice to activate well.

Vertigo - Find the sales slip in Joe's storeroom (Vertigo, 14, 5) and
return to Gunther the mayor (Vertigo, 9, 22)

Dwarf Mines - Kill the Mad Dwarf King (Deep Mine Omega, 30, 26)
return to Gunther (Vertigo, 14, 5)

Nightshadow - Set the sundials all to 9
Count Draco's coffin may only be opened at night

Temple of Yak - Turn crosses to open secret doors (use "Wizard Eye" to
see this). There are 8 Kings Megacredits here.

Find Princess Roxanne's Tiara (Rivercity, 1, 3) and
return to Princess Roxanne (Castle Burlock 3, 2, 11)

Find Barok's Magic Pendant (Rivercity, 1, 20) and
return to Barok (Rivercity, 25, 20) (He throws in an "Enchant Item"
spell along with the Experience Points

Key to High Tower of Magic - (Cave of Illusion 4, 7, 14)

Find the EverHot Lava Rock (E2, 7, 11) and
return to Halon (B3, 9, 6) to get Widget

Skeleton Key to Darzog's Tower (Tower of High Magic 4, 7, 12)

Stone of 1000 Terrors - Newcastle (after 1st improvement)

Golem Stone of Admittance - Newcastle (after 2nd improvement)

Yak Stone of Opening - Mirabeth (D4, 12, 3)

Xeen Slayer Sword - (Newcastle Dungeon, 7, 4)

Summer Druid (B2, 1, 10) - Start here
Autumn Druid (C2, 15, 9)
Winter Druid (A3, 6, 1)
Spring Druid (E3, 3, 14) - will reverse unnatural ageing of Party

Rescue Celia (D4, 15, 15)
return to Derek (F3, 4, 5)

Get Bone Whistle (E4, 5, 14)
return to Orothin (F3, 9, 6) to activate nearby statues
statues will the give spells (Cure Poison, Cure Disease) for free

Key to Witch Tower from Valia (F4, 9, 3)

Get Alacorn of Falista (Witch Tower 4, 7, 4)
return to Valia (F4, 9, 3)

Find Wand of Faery Magic (D4, 8, 14)
return to Danulf (C3, 14, 5)

Find Ligono's Missing Skull (D4, 2, 1)
return to Ligono (D3, 12, 8)
he throws in a "Recharge Item" spell + the experience pts.

Find Elixer of Restoration (Temple of Yak, 30, 25)
return to Mirabeth (D4, 12, 3)

Find Scarab of Imaging (C1, 15, 11)
return to Carlawna (C2, 10, 6)
she throws in a "Moon Ray" spell + experience

Destroy Ogre Lair (C2, 5, 0)
return to Captain Nestor (C2, 9, 1)

Find Holy Book of Elvenkind (B4, 14, 13)
return to Tito (C3, 3, 8)

Destroy Ice Troll Lair (B4, 2, 7) AND all of the Ice Trolls
return to Thickbark (B3, 6, 3)
he throws in a "Super Shelter" spell + experience

Destroy Ninja Pagoda (A3, 15, 6)
return to Kai Wu (A3, 15, 12)

Destroy Cyclops Outpost (A4, 10, 8)
return to Glom (A3, 10, 0)

Destroy Water Beasts around Darzog's Tower
return to Medin (C3, 12, 13)

Find Crystals of Piezoelectricity (Asp, 8, 11)
return to Falagner (C2, 9, 11)
he throws in a "Mega Volts" spell + experience

Find Scroll of Insight (Castle Basenji 3, 3, 9)
return to Arie (A1, 11, 5)
get Key to Northern Sphinx + experience

Password for Witch Tower - "rosebud"

Name of Northern Sphinx - "Golux"

Password for Castle Basenji - "There wolf"

Password for Newcastle Dungeon - "laboratory"

Other things to get experience:
Destroy Orc outpost (E3, 14, 13)
Destroy Orc outpost (E2, 9, 2)
Destroy Srpite Eggs (D3, 3, 1)
Destroy Evil Ranger Camp (C4, 1, 11)
Destroy Evil Archer Camp (B4, 10, 12)
Destroy Barabarian Camp (C2, 1, 8)
Destroy Barabarian Camp (A3, 8, 14)


1) Wait until just after 5:00 AM (to get the most out of your day)
2) Nightshadow - drink from well (+10 Level)
3) Vertigo - drink from well (Max HP)
4) Rivercity - drink from well (+100 SP)(some chars may drink twice)
5) Asp - drink from well (+100 HP)
6) Winterkill - drink from well (+50 Might)
7) Cast "Day of Protection" and "Day of Sorcery"


Go up to any mirror and type "showtime" to see the end-game.


Here begins the Mitch Aigner version of the incredibly complex
weapons/armor system. It is followed by the Phil Rice version.

In each version, you start with the "base" class for a weapon or
armor, and then modify appropriately depending upon the Material
or Magic modifier. There are literally THOUSANDS of possible
combinations, making a comprehensive list unworkable. As a result,
you will find a few blanks we were unable to fill in. Please send
me any info that you may have that might shed some light on this
otherwise cloudy and confusing picture.
Phil and I each came up with a different way of organizing this
nightmare of statistics. Pick whichever one works for you. Both
systems contain pretty much the same info, just organized differently.
Since Phil's lists were a compliation of several people's data, they
were more complete than mine,... so I admit to stealing some of it to
fill in the blanks in my system (sorry about that Phil).
One last note: There are some unresolved discrepancies between
the two lists. It seems that some of the Material/Magic modifiers
don't always have the same values from game to game, item to item. We
have yet to figure out why this is. So consider all values to be
One last final note: No responsibility is assumed for any
stress, insanity, or psychopathic behaviour caused by trying to
understand this screwy weapons/armor system. All blame resides
firmly with New World Computing.

BASE base base
WEAPONS cost damage
---------- ------ ------------
Bardiche 200 4-16 damage
Battle axe 100 3-15 damage
Broad sword 100 3-12 damage
Club 2 1- 3 damage
Crossbow 50 4- 8 damage
Cudgel 15 1- 6 damage
Cutlass 40 2- 8 damage
Dagger 8 2- 4 damage
Flail 25 1-10 damage
Flamberge 400 4-20 damage
Glaive 80 4-12 damage
Grand axe 200 3-18 damage
Great axe 300 3-21 damage
Halberd 250 3-18 damage
Hammer 120 2-10 damage
Hand axe 10 2- 6 damage
Katana 150 4-12 damage
Long bow 100 5-10 damage
Long sword 50 3- 9 damage
Mace 50 2- 8 damage
Maul 30 1- 8 damage
Naginata 300 5-15 damage
Nunchakas 20 2- 6 damage
Pike 150 2-16 damage
Sabre 60 4- 8 damage
Scimitar 80 2-10 damage
Short bow 25 3- 6 damage
Short sword 15 2- 6 damage
Sling 15 2- 4 damage
Spear 15 1- 4 damage
Staff 40 2- 8 damage
Trident 100 2-12 damage
Wakazashi 60 3- 9 damage

BASE base base
----------- ------ ------
Boots 40 +1 AC
Cape 100 +1 AC
Chain mail 400 +6 AC
Cloak 250 +1 AC
Gauntlets 100 +1 AC
Helm 60 +2 AC
Plate armor 2000 +10 AC
Plate mail 1000 +8 AC
Robes 20 +2 AC
Ring mail 200 +5 AC
Scale armor 100 +4 AC
Shield 100 +4 AC
Splint mail 600 +7 AC

BASE base
----------- -------
Amulet 2000
Belt 100
Broach 250
Cameo 300
Charm 50
Medal 100
Necklace 1000
Ring 100
Scarab 200

Material modifiers
The material of which the base weapons/armor/etc is made changes all of
the statistics of the object, as well as the price.
For Weapons: The bonus is added to the minimum PD, maximum PD, and to
Hit Modifier
For Armor : The bonus is added to the base Armor Class

So start with the stats for the base class, and modify appropriately

Material Bonus Bonus to Hit Cost multiplier
----------- ------- ------- ------- ---------------------
Amber +3 +3 +3 x 30
Bronze -1 -2 +2 x 5
Brass -2 -4 +3 x 0.5
Coral +1 +1 0
Crystal +1 +1 0 x 5
Diamond +16 +30 +9 x 90
Ebony +5 +4 0 x 40
Emerald +12 +15 +7
Glass 0 0 0 x 2
Gold +6 +8 +4 x 20
Iron +1 +2 +1 x 2
Lapis +2 +2 0 x 20
Leather 0 0 -4 x 0.25
Obsidian +20 +50 +10 x 100
Pearl +2 +2 0 x 20
Platinum +8 +10 +6 x 20
Quartz +5 +5 +5 x 50
Ruby +10 +12 +6 x 60
Sapphire +14 +20 +8
Silver +2 +2 0 x 5
Steel +4 +6 +3 x 10
Wooden -3 -3 -3 x 0.1

Magical bonuses

Weapons/armor/etc can also have magical properties, which are also
added to the base class. Armor provides additional resistance from
the Element selected. Weapons do additional damage to monsters.

Describing Special BONUS BONUS BONUS Cost
Adjective Property (damage) (resist.) (person) plus
-------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------
Acidic Acid/poison + 2 +10 +200
Accelerator Speed +23
Accurate Accuracy + 5 +500
Arcane SP +25
Archmage SP +20
Armored AC + 4
Blazing Fire +20 +25
Brigand Thievery +10
Buddy Personality + 2
Burgler Thievery + 6
Burning Fire + 2 + 5 +200
Castors SP + 8
Chance Luck +10 +1000
Charisma Personality +12
Charm Personality + 5
Clever Intellect + 2 +200
Clover Luck + 5
Cold Cold +10 +20
Cryo Cold +25
Defender AC + 6 +600
Dense Energy + 4 + 9 +400
Divine AC +16
Dyna Electrical +20 +25
Ectoplasmic Magic +20
Ego Personality +23
Electric Electrical +15 +20 +1500
Exacto Accuracy +30
Fast Speed +10
Fiery Fire + 3 + 7 +300
Flashing Electric + 5 +12 +500
Flaming Fire +10 +15 +1000
Flickering Electrical + 2 + 5 +200
Force Might +23
Freezing Cold + 5 +15 +100
Friendship Personality + 3
Frost Cold + 4 +10 +400
Fuming Fire + 5 +12
Gambler Luck +25
Genius Intellect +30
Giant Might +12
Glowing Energy + 2 + 5
Health HP + 6
Holy Personality +30
Icy Cold + 2 + 5 +200
Incandescent Energy + 3 + 7 +300
Kinetic Energy +25
Knowledge Intellect +12
Leadership Personality +17
Leprachauns Luck +30
Life HP +10
Lucky Luck +20 +2000
Mage SP +16
Magical Magic +10
Marksman Accuracy +10
Might Might + 2
Mind Intellect + 3
Mystic Magic + 5 + 5 +500
Noxious Acid/poison +32 +40
Ogre Might + 8
Photon Might +43
Pirate Thievery +25
Plunder Thievery +18
Poisonous Acid/poison + 8 +20 +800
Power Energy +13 +1000
Precision Accuracy +15
Protection AC + 2
Pyric Fire + 4 + 9 +400
Radiating Energy +20 +20
Rapid Speed + 8
Rogue Thievery +15
Sage Intellect + 5
Scorching Fire
Seething Fire +15 +20 +1500
Sharp Accuracy + 3
Shocking Electrical +10 +15 +1000
Sonic Energy + 5 +11 +500
Sparking Electrical + 3 + 7 +300
Speed Speed +12
Spell SP + 4
Static Electrical + 4 + 9 +400
Strength Might + 3
Swift Speed + 3
Thermal Energy +15 +15
Thought Intellect + 8
Thunder Might +15
Toxic Acid/Poison +16 +25
Troll HP + 2
True Accuracy +20
Vampiric HP +50
Velocity Speed +30
Venomous Acid/poison + 4 +15 +400
Vigor HP + 4 +400
Warrior Might + 5
Wind Speed +17
Winner's Luck +15
Wisdom Intellect +23
Witch SP +12

Special Weapons - do 3 times normal damage to specified monsters
Beast Bopper
Bug Zapper
Dragon Slayer
Golem Smasher
Monster Masher
Undead Eater


The following is the Weapons/Armor/etc. lists as compiled by Phil
Rice. Phil did it a little differently. I particularly like the method
he came up with to classify Armor/Weapons by material.

Take it away, Phil.............

First of all, I would personally like to thank the following people for
sending me their lists, corrections and input:

James Zarbock
James Reed
Keith Bilafer
Mitch Aigner

I found that there is a lot of info, but it needs to be organized in a
format that is easy to extract the info that you need. That is the part
I have been working on a lot (not to mention all of the cross checking).

With the weapons, I tried to come up with a ranking system that would
be accurate. Example:

The spear does 1 pt of damage more than the cutlass, but the
cutlass does a minimum of 1 pt of damage more than the spear.
So, what is fair?

What I did is just add the minimum and maximum damage together
to get a 'average' (I just didn't divide by 2 -- no real point).
SPEAR 1-9 1+9 = 10
CUTLASS 2-8 2+8 = 10

According to my rank, they would be equal (IMHO).

So now you have these two good lists. Now when I am playing the game, I
have five or six different type of weapons to choose from. I check the list,
but I found that it takes a while to add all of the value, write them down,
and then compare them. So I came up with a cross reference chart.

Now there are couple of different ways I could have come up with a
numbering system, but I took the easy way out and did it by order.

Well, I am probably rattling on a little too much. Here are the lists.
I hope you find the information useful.

NOTE: Please note that the ranking order between the weapon and armor
materials are different. That is why they are on two lists.


Description Damage Rank Classes
-------------------------- ------ ---- -----------------------------
CLUB 1-3 4 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
DAGGER 2-4 6 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
SLING 2-4 6 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
CUDGEL 1-6 7 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
AXE Hand 2-6 8 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
NUNCHAKA 2-6 8 Kn Pa . . . . Ni . . .
SWORD Short 2-6 8 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
MAUL 1-8 9 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
BOW Short 3-6 9 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
SPEAR 1-9 10 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
CUTLASS 2-8 10 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
MACE 2-8 10 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
STAFF 2-8 10 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
FLAIL 1-10 11 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
HAMMER 2-10 12 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
SCIMITAR 2-10 12 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
SWORD Long 3-9 12 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
WAKAZASI 3-9 12 Kn Pa . . . . Ni . . .
BOW Cross 4-8 12 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
SABRE 4-8 12 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
TRIDENT 2-12 14 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
SWORD Broad 3-12 15 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
BOW Long 5-10 15 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
GLAIVE 4-12 16 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
KATANA 4-12 16 Kn Pa . . . . Ni . . .
PIKE 2-16 18 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
AXE Battle 3-15 18 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
BARDICHE 4-16 20 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni . . Ra
NAGINATA 5-15 20 Kn Pa . . . . Ni . . .
AXE Grand 3-18 21 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
HALBERD 3-18 21 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
AXE Great 3-21 24 Kn Pa Ar . . Ro . Ba . Ra
FLAMBERGE 4-20 24 Kn Pa Ar . . . . Ba . Ra

Description Armor Class
------------------------ ----------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
BOOTS 1 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
CAPE 1 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
CLOAK 1 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
GAUNTLETS 1 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
ROBES 1 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
HELM 2 Kn Pa Ar Cl So Ro Ni Ba Dr Ra
SCALE ARMOR 4 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni Ba . Ra
SHIELD 4 Kn Pa . Cl . Ro . Ba . Ra
RING MAIL 5 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro Ni . . Ra
CHAIN MAIL 6 Kn Pa Ar Cl . Ro . . . Ra
SPLINT MAIL 7 Kn Pa . Cl . . . . . Ra
PLATE MAIL 8 Kn Pa . . . . . . . .
PLATE ARMOR 10 Kn Pa . . . . . . . .

-------- -----
Wooden -3
Brass -2
Bronze -1
Leather 0
Glass 0
Crystal 1
Coral 1
Iron 1
Lapis 2
Silver 2
Pearl 2
Amber 3
Steel 4
Ebony 4
Quartz 5
Gold 6
Platinum 8
Ruby 10
Emerald 12
Sapphire 14
Diamond 16
Obsidian 20

MATERIAL To HIT DAMAGE RANK(to hit + damage)
-------- ------ ------ ----
Leather -4 -6 -10
Wooden -3 -3 -6
Brass 3 -4 -1
Bronze 2 -2 0
Glass 0 0 0
Crystal 1 1 2
Coral 1 1 2
Iron 1 2 3
Lapis 2 2 4
Pearl 2 2 4
Amber 3 3 6
Silver 2 4 6
Ebony 4 4 8
Steel 3 6 9
Quartz 5 5 10
Gold 4 8 12
Platinum 6 10 16
Ruby 6 12 18
Emerald 7 15 22
Sapphire 8 20 28
Diamond 9 30 39
Obsidian 10 50 60

L C l E a D b
e W B r S Q a m p i s
a o B r G y C L P A i E S u t e p a i
t o r o l s o I a e m l b t a G i R r h m d
h d a n a t r r p a b v o e r o n u a i o i
e e s z s a a o i r e e n e t l u b l r n a
r n s e s l l n s l r r y l z d m y d e d n
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
CLUB |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
DAGGER |2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
SLING |3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
CUDGEL |4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
AXE Hand |5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
NUNCHAKA |6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
SWORD Short |7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
MAUL |8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
BOW Short |9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
SPEAR |10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
CUTLASS |11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
MACE |12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
STAFF |13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
FLAIL |14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
HAMMER |15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
SCIMITAR |16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
SWORD Long |17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
WAKAZASI |18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
BOW Cross |19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
SABRE |20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
TRIDENT |21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
SWORD Broad |22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
BOW Long |23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
GLAIVE |24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
KATANA |25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
PIKE |26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
AXE Battle |27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
BARDICHE |28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
NAGINATA |29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
AXE Grand |30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
HALBERD |31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
AXE Great |32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
FLAMBERGE |33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

L C l E a D b
W B e r S Q a m p i s
o B r a G y C L i P A S E u t e p a i
o r o t l s o I a l e m t b a G i R r h m d
d a n h a t r r p v a b e o r o n u a i o i
e s z e s a a o i e r e e n t l u b l r n a
n s e r s l l n s r l r l y z d m y d e d n
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
SCALE ARMOR |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
RING MAIL |2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
CHAIN MAIL |3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
SPLINT MAIL |4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
PLATE MAIL |5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
PLATE ARMOR |6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Here is the Element, Attribute, and Magic List (and a little explaination).

When I put together the magic list, I did it after I finished the game.
I had a few questions about whether certain spells affected one, a group, or
all monsters. Since I finished the game and almost all of the monsters are
dead, I couldn't verify some of the spell stats (and I wasn't going to start
over :-)

Some of the spells seemed pretty straight-foward (ie. Cure Poison), so I
did not include an effect description for those. I also separated the
combat spells from the rest of the spells. I did this because I did not want
to wade through the entire spell list while in an intense combat situation.
Now you can glance down, pick a spell, and still keep the momentum of the

There are a few holes and questions. If anybody can fill in the blanks/
questions, please e-mail me. Thanks again to everybody that helped out and
expressed interest in the list.


(weapons) (armor)
------------------ ------ ----------
Acidic 2 10
Venemous 4 15
Poisonous 8 20
Toxic 16 25
Noxious 32 40

Icy 2 5
Frost 4 10
Freezing 5 15
Cold 10 20
Cryo 25

Flickering 2 5
Sparking 3 7
Static 4 9
Flashing 5 12
Shocking 10 15
Electric 15 20
Dyna 25
Glowing 5
Incandescent 3 7
Dense 4 9
Sonic 5 11
Power 13
Thermal 15 15
Radiating 20 20
Kinetic 25

Burning 2 5
Fiery 3 7
Pyric 4 9
Fuming 5 12
Flaming 15
Seething 15 20
Blazing 20 25
Scorching 30 30

Mystic 5 5
Magical 10
Ectoplasmic 20

Attribute Bonus
Sharp 3
Accurate 5
Marksman 10
Precision 15
True 20
Exacto 30

Protection 2
Armored 4
Defender 6
Divine 16

Troll 2
Vigor 4
Health 6
Life 10
Vampiric 50

Clover 5
Chance 10
Winners 15
Lucky 20
Gambler 25
Leprachauns 30

Clever 2
Mind 3
Sage 5
Thought 8
Knowledge 12
Wisdom 23
Genius 30

Might 2
Strength 3
Warrior 5
Ogre 8
Giant 12
Thunder 17
Force 23
Power 30
Photon 47

Buddy 2
Friendship 3
Charm 5
Personality 8
Charisma 12
Leadership 17
Holy 30

Swift 3
Fast 5
Rapid 8
Speed 12
Wind 17
Accelerator 23
Velocity 30

Spell 4
Mystic 5
Castors 8
Witch 12
Mage 16
Arcane 25

Burgler 6
Birgand 10
Rogue 15
Plunder 18
Pirate 25

Special Powers
Dragon Slayer x3 vs Dragons
Monster Masher x3 vs Monsters
Undead Eater x3 vs Undead
Golem Smasher x3 vs Golems
Bug Zapper x3 vs Bugs
Beast Bopper x3 vs Beasts


Spell SP/Gems Area Damage Type Notes
----------------- ------- ------- ---------- -------- ----------------------
Dancing Sword 3*/10 1 6-14* Physical
Elemental Storm 100/10 Group 150 Random
Energy Blast 1*/1 2-6* Energy
Fantastic Freeze 15/5 Group 40 Cold
Finger of Death 10/4 1 death Magical
Fire Ball 2*/2 Group 3-7* Fire
Golem Stopper 20/10 1 100 Magical Golems only
Implosion 100/20 1 1000 Energy
Incinerate 35/10 1 250 Fire
Inferno 75/10 Group 250 Fire
Insect Spray 5/1 Group death Poison
Lightning Bolt 2*/2 1 ? 4-6* Elec
Magic Arrow 2/0 1 8 Magical
Megavolts 40/10 Group 150 Elec
Poison volley 25/10 All 60 Poison 6 Arrows / 10 pts each
Prismatic Light 60/10 Group ? 80 Random
Shrapmetal 1*/0 Group 2* Physical
Star Burst 200/20 All 500 Physical
Toxic Cloud 4/1 Group 10 Poison


Spell SP/Gems Area Range Effect
------------------- ------- ------- ---------- ------------------------------
Awaken 1/0 Party removes SLEEP condition
Clairvoyance 5/2 Gargoyle heads give advice
left head - Treasure
right head - Danger
Day of Sorcery 40/10 Party Light, Levitate, Wizard Eye,
Clairvoyance, Power Shield
Detect monster 6/0
Dragon Sleep 10/4 1 Puts Dragons to SLEEP
Enchant Item 30/20 Bestows magic power to item
Etherealize 30/10 Guarantee TELEPORT 1 square
Identify Monster 5/0
Item to Gold 20/10
Jump 4/0 Party Skips 1 square (no doorways)
Levitate 5/0 Party
Lloyd's Beacon 6/2 Teleport / place you have been
Power shield 2*/2 Party 1*
Recharge Item 15/10 Restore 1-6 charges
Sleep 3/1 Group
Super Shelter 15/5 Party Protected rest
Time Distortion 8/0 Party Stops time to escape danger
Wizard Eye 5/2 Top view of surroundings


Spell SP/Gems Area Damage Type Notes
----------------- ------- ------- ---------- -------- ----------------------
Acid Spray 8/0 Group 15 Acid
Cold Ray 2*/4 All 2-4* Cold
Deadly Swarm 12/0 Group 25 Physical
Fiery Flail 25/5 1 100 Fire
Flying Fist 2/0 1 6 Physical
Frost Bite 7/0 1 35 Cold
Holy Word 100/20 Group ? death Magical Undead only
Mass Distortion 75/10 Group half HP Magical
Moon Ray 60/10 All ? 30 Magical
Pain 4/0 Group 8 Physical
Sparks 1*/1 Group 2* Elec
Sun Ray 150/20 All 200 Energy
Turn Undead 5/2 Group 25 Magical Undead only


Spell Gems Area Range Effect
------------------- ------ ------- ---------- ------------------------------
Beast Master 5/2 Group Hypnotize MONSTERS
Bless 2*/1 1 1 Armor class
Create food 20/5 Party
Cure disease 10/0 1
Cure Paralysis 12/0 1
Cure poison 8/0 1
Cure wounds 3/0 1 15
Day of Protection 75/10 Party Light, Prot. Elem, Heroism,
Holy Bonus, Bless
Divine Intervention 200/20 Party Heals all damage
First Aid 1/0 1 6 Healing
Heroism 2*/3 1 1* Level
Holy Bonus 2*/1 1 1* Damage
Hypnotize 15/4 Group Hypnotize PEOPLE
Light 1/0
Nature's Cure 6/0 1 25 Healing
Power Cure 2*/3 1 2-12* Healing
Prot. from Elements 1*/1 Party
Raise Dead 50/10 1 removes DEAD condition
Resurrect 125/20 1 removes ERADICATED condition
Revitalize 2/0 1 removes WEAK condition
Stone to Flesh 35/5 1 removes STONED condition
Suppress Disease 5/0 1 Slows the effects of DISEASE
Suppress Poison 4/0 1 Slows the effects of POISON
Town Portal 30/5 Party Teleport to any town
Walk on water 7/0 Party Walk on SHALLOW & DEEP water

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Bitte Readme.txt lesen

17.Oktober 2013
Sehr schöner Editor

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
01.December 2014
24.Februari 2018
11.Februari 2016
25.Juni 2019
22.Oktober 2014