Tie Fighter

Tie Fighter

17.10.2013 06:27:46

bpgalway@netscape.net $CvOGSQ@NMvOMO @MMMO SvMMMMMMMMSMQv
# MM

=== ======= ======== ======== ======= ===
==== == == ======= INTRODUCTION ======= == == ====
===== ====== ====== == == =====
====== ==\ \== ===== The introduction to the ===== ==/ /== ======
======= ==\=\== ==== document and copyright. ==== ==/=/== =======


|o| Introduction |o|

I'm no huge Star Wars fan, but how can anyone not love TIE Fighter? It has
the great ship designs Star Wars is famous for along with a compelling
story that has you playing as the Empire trying to restore order and
expand your power throughout the galaxy. I also like how the Empire isn't
some evil organization in the game; it's just a dominant force in the
universe trying to get everyone to agree to its terms through power, with
the obvious political parallels. If you at all enjoy flight combat games,
you need to play TIE Fighter -- it really is the best of the genre.

Note that this TIE Fighter guide is based on the original floppy disk
version (the only one I have) and may or may not apply to the various
rereleases available. I've read enough reviews and USENET posts to
understand that the newer releases have some different AI routines and
other subtle changes to the original missions as well as additional levels
not available in the floppy disk version. The added missions from the
Defender of the Empire add-on will also not be covered since that is not
part of the original release as well. While I may choose to expand this
document in the future to cover those additions, for now I am concerned
only with the core game that is TIE Fighter.

If you're new to TIE Fighter, well, good luck. The game is massively
complicated, and it'll take a good while getting used to all the options
available to you if you're new to flight simulations. Once you begin you'll
notice that you only need to complete the primary missions to move on
through the game; the secondary and bonus goals are extra challenges that
demand more skill but also award you more points, which translate into a
higher rank for your pilot. This guide lists all possible goals within a
given battle and will explain the best method I know of to accomplish all
of the goals. The extra goals do affect the story in a slight way, so while
they are not mandatory to advance, it'll make the game more enjoyable and
challenging. If you follow the walkthrough and accomplish all of the goals
listed, you can guarantee a seat for yourself within the Secret Order of
the Emperor's Inner Circle.

Note: It's been over four months now since I've been able to work on this
guide, and it doesn't look as though I'll be able to complete it any
time soon. Thus, I've decided to release it in this unfinished form,
something I was trying to avoid doing since I have enough unfinished
guides already. I do intend to complete it once I fix the PC I use
to play the game; I already have more information than what is being
presented in this document, but I have chosen to truncate it so that
it doesn't come across as a piecemeal walkthrough (and as such am not
wanting help to finish this project).

Version 0.8 - March 15, 2006 - Minor editing.
Version 0.7 - March 19, 2003 - Initial release.


|o| Copyright Disclaimer |o|

As always, this guide is free for personal use only. You may not profit
from this document, either directly or indirectly, nor have permission to
alter this file in any way. You may not use this in conjuction with any
other form of media nor plagarise its contents. The latest version of this
guide can always be found at GameFAQs [ gamefaqs.com ].

=== ======= ======== ======== ======= ===
==== == == ======= GENERAL ADVICE ======= == == ====
===== ====== ====== == == =====
====== ==\ \== ===== Quick notes and tips to ===== ==/ /== ======
======= ==\=\== ==== help you play better. ==== ==/=/== =======

|o| Get a good joystick. I cannot stress this enough. Trying to target tiny
starships against a black backdrop whizzing at great speed is very
difficult. You need a steady, accurate joystick to have any hope of
targeting and dispatching the fast craft. Technically the game is
playable with a mouse, but you'll never survive given its sluggish
turning speed.

|o| When you first start playing, the "K" key (which brings up the command
list) will be your best friend. TIE Fighter's controls are quite
complex, and you'll have to use all available functions to succeed.
Don't hesitate to check how to activate some feature; time is stopped
when using the game's menus. The most important keyboard functions
you'll need during battle:

|o| Start each battle by pressing the "G" key, which will display
the primary and secondary goals for the mission. While you must
use clues from the cloaked figure and your own hunches and
instinct to ferret out the bonus goals, seeing what needs to be
done isn't a problem. Always review the mission goals and check
the map (with the "M" key) to plot the best route to nail all
the level requirements.

|o| Pressing SHIFT+F5, SHIFT+F6, and SHIFT+F7 will save the current
target. You can recall the target from memory by pressing any of
function keys during battle.

|o| Know your target keys: The "R" key will target the nearest
enemy while the "E" key will target your nearest attacking
threat. While you have an object targeted, press the "A" key to
change the target to the object's immediate threat. While you
can and will often use the "T" and "Y" keys to cycle through
all the objects on the field, it's just not quick enough during
large scale ship destruction missions, when you have a fighter
breathing down your neck, or must defend a craft with limited
shields and weaponry.

|o| BACKSPACE will set your engines at their maximum speed; the ""
key will stop your fighter; and the ENTER key will set your
ship's speed so that it matches your target.

|o| The "D" key will display a damage assessment of your craft.
When enemy fire has damaged your ship, you can toggle this
option to check your ship's status and see how much time must
pass before it repairs the damage. Usually you won't have time
to repair since an enemy will likely finish you off before the
repair is complete, but you can always try to divert all power
to your shields and/or engines to buy time for the repair to
finish and complete the battle.

|o| F9 and F10 can be used to divert power from the laser, engines,
or shields into one or the other. Best used to obtain a higher
maximum speed to travel across long distances as fast as

|o| SHIFT+I will have your wingmen ignore your current target while
SHIFT+A will have them attack it. When a goal requires a craft
to be disabled and captured, be sure to have them ignore it to
prevent them from destroying the vital craft.

|o| The "," key will cycle through the available firing targets on
a targeted ship. If you target the lasers when attacking a
heavily armed craft, you can lessen its ability to attack you
and other friendly ships while still inflicting some damage.

|o| When having to attack large, heavily armed craft, always look for the
safest spot if possible. For example, Corvettes are vulnerable from the
rear, so launch your attack behind them. Since platform lasers are
situated on the top, use that to your advantage to attack underneath.

|o| Your wingmen will invariably attack the number 1 craft when told to
attack a unit and work their way down through the ranks. When you order
them to attack a flight group and will be attacking it yourself, start
from the bottom of the group and work your way up through the list.

|o| Choose your missiles wisely. If the mission requires a number of large
vessels to be destroyed, then you should select a slower but more
powerful weapon like the Heavy Bomb. If you must fight a number of
A-wings, then the standard Concussion Missile would be best since it
has the speed needed to chase them down. Note whether or not you can
reload during the mission, and try to learn how much damage a single
missile will inflict on a given target to avoid wasting your supply.

|o| Ships can and will hyperspace out of the field, dock inside larger
craft, or get destroyed. Give priority to those goals which are more
time sensitive -- for example, if a mission requires that you eliminate
all X-wings and also destroy several nearby parked containers, be sure
to deal with your flight risk first.

|o| When dogfighting, it's best to roll to position your target's tracker
to the top of the display then pull back so that it'll dip back into
your crosshairs. Try to avoid dogfighting with ships that outclasses
yours; a standard TIE Fighter can easily match up against X-wings,
Y-wings, and B-wings but A-wings and other advanced ships will have
their way with you.

|o| Always move. Always shift and turn. Never, ever, ever fly in a straight
line when there is a threat nearby. Your puny TIE Fighters are beyond
weak. A handful of lasers will destroy it. Avoid letting your enemies
get a fix on your position by always shifting and turning, and try to
avoid doubling back on enemies or flying into them. The TIE Fighters
were designed for speed and mobility -- use that to your advantage.

|o| To get the best score and rank, make sure you accomplish all possible
goals in a mission. Remember you can retry a mission as often as needed
from the mission review screen; however, once you advance to the next
mission, you will not be able to go back.

=== ======= ======== ======== ======= ===
==== == == ======= WALKTHROUGH ======= == == ====
===== ====== ====== == == =====
====== ==\ \== ===== Goal lists, logs, and battle ===== ==/ /== ======
======= ==\=\== ==== tips for all missions. ==== ==/=/== =======

Just a few notes and reminders about the walkthrough that follows. TIE
Fighter's missions are in real-time, but not all events are scheduled with
the clock. Some events are tied to actions such that when you, say, destroy
one ship, it'll trigger the arrival of other ships (these "tied" events are
noted in the schedule listed as "TI-ED"). The times vary slightly with each
game, but they should help you see what needs to be done first in relation
to the goals attempted.

This walkthrough denotes specific difficulty level challenges with an "M"
for "medium" and an "H" for "hard." If a goal is marked with an "M," that
means it is only a requirement during the mission when played at the medium
difficulty level; the other modes will not feature that particular goal. I
should also preface this walkthrough by letting everyone know that I myself
am not good enough to accomplish everything listed here regularly. I have
much difficulty trying to destroye Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae without
"cheating," and I still can't quite destroy Corellian Transport Cimigo in
time before it leaves. Knowing what needs to be done is one thing; having
the skill and talent to pull it off is another that only you yourself can
provide with enough practice.

Finally, your score appears to be based on every possible factor relating
to the mission, from goals completed, your own shot accuracy, ships
destroyed (both your enemies and your teammates), time taken to complete
mission, etc. Obviously, the better you play and smarter the strategy, the
better your score should be. Note that anything that makes the game easier
has a tremendous negative affect on your score, so don't think you can turn
on infinite ammo and invulnerability and think you can breeze through the
missions with perfect runs and scores to match. Keep this in mind as you
play through, since rank is tied into your score.


Battle One
Pursue Rebels fleeing from Hoth.


Battle 1 Mission 1
The Aftermath of Hoth I #1: Patrol Jump Point D-34

One TIE Fighter from Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Squadrons will be sent out
on patrol around Outpost D-34. Your mission is to inspect all cargo
carrying vessels at they pass by our station. We are on the lookout
for Rebel forces that are fleeing from their base on Hoth.

Primary Goals:
-- 100% of Freighter group Onece must be inspected.
-- 100% of Transport group Dayta must be inspected.
Secondary Goals:
-- Freighter Onece ? must be captured.
-- 100% of Corellian Transport group Yander must be inspected. (M/H)
-- 100% of Container Transport group Taloos must be inspected. (M/H)
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of Escort Shuttle group Tough must be destroyed. (H)
-- Transport Glich must be destroyed. (H)

Schedule of Events:
00:06 FRT Onece 1-5 enter field near buoy B-18.
00:11 TRN Dayta 1-2 enter field following FRT Onece.
04:13 TRN Dayta 1 enters hyperspace.
04:16 TRN Dayta 2 enters hyperspace.
08:47 FRT Onece 1 enters hyperspace.
08:49 FRT Onece 2 enters hyperspace.
08:49 FRT Onece 3 enters hyperspace.
08:49 FRT Onece 4 enters hyperspace.
08:49 FRT Onece 5 enters hyperspace.
TI-ED TRN Sigma 1-2 enters field the moment FRT Onece 3 is inspected.
TI-ED SHU Roe 1-3 enters field right after Onece 3's shields are down.
TI-ED CORT Yander 1-3 enters shortly after the SHU Roe craft appear.
TI-ED CTRNS Taloos 1-2 appear after CORT Yander 1-3 enter the field.
TI-ED SHU Escro 1-3 appear after SHU Roe 1-3 are destroyed.
TI-ED TRN Sigma 1 docks with FRT Onece 3 about two minutes after
entering the field.
TI-ED TRN Sigma 1 enters Platform D-34's hangar about two and a half
minutes after docking to FRT Onece 3.
TI-ED TRN Yander 1-3 hyperspace about six minutes after appearing.

Save TRN Dayta 1-2 as separate targets and you should be able to fly
near and inspect them both on a single pass by switching saved keyed
targets. Then fly around and begin inspecting FRT Onece. The Rebels
are in Onece 3, so try to hold it off till last since inspecting it
will trigger tied events. After inspecting, fire on Onece 3 to lower
its shields to zero.

SHU Roe 1-3 and SHU Escro 1-3 will be released to attempt an attack on
the captured Freighter, but I've yet to see them launch any real
attack on Onece 3, even after flying away from it and constantly
ordering TIE Beta and TIE Gamma to head home. The Platform D-34 will
more than likely destroy the Shuttle units itself, so you're clear to
inspect CORT Yander 1-3 and CTRNS Taloos 1-2 when they arrive. Since
the capture operation will complete soon enough, you're free to ignore
the Shuttles.


Battle 1 Mission 2
The Aftermath of Hoth I #2: Red Alert

Three TIE Fighters Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Squadrons will patrol the
area around the station. Your weapon arming crew has added concussion
missiles to your TIE Fighter for more firepower. All TIE Fighters will
destroy any incoming enemy ships before they can destroy our station.
Assume any trouble will come from the direction of Buoy 18, where we
stopped the smuggled Rebel cargo. Our forces must survive until the
Imperial Star Destroyer Hammer arrives to relieve us.

Primary Goals:
-- Platform XQ1 D-34 must have survived.
-- Imperial Star Dest Hammer must have arrived.
Secondary Goals:
-- Shuttle Scutz must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of Corellian Corvette group Ubote must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Scutz must be captured.

Schedule of Events:
00:06 Y-wing Petdur enters the field near Buoy 18.
00:16 Y-wing group Gold 1-5 enters field near Buoy 18.
04:08 X-wing group Blue 1-3
05:03 SHU Scutz exits hyperspace a bit past Buoy 18.
07:14 Y-wing group Red 1-2 enters the field.
07:18 TRN Epsilon 1-2 exit hyperspace heading toward platform.
08:57 CRV Ubote 1-3 appears heading toward Platform XQ1 D-34.
09:00 VSD Hammer exits hyperspace to protect Platform XQ1 D-34.
TI-ED Y-wing Laire appears about a minute after a couple of Y-wing
group Gold fighters are destroyed.
TI-ED GUN Mu 1-3 are dispatched once Scutz has been inspected.
TI-ED TRN docks with SHU Scutz to begin capture about four minutes
after Scutz has been disabled.
TI-ED X-wing Derk appears about two minutes after Petdur is destroyed.
TI-ED T/B Iota 1-3 appear shortly after CRV Ubote 1-3 enters.
TI-ED T/F Eta 1-3 exit ISD Hammer about two minutes after T/B Iota
appears and begins attack on CRV group Ubote 1-3.

Begin with the Heavy Bombs equipped to help take down the Corellian
Corvettes at the end of the mission. Beyond attacking them, everything
else about the mission is pretty straight forward. Engage and destroy
all X-wings and Y-wings that enter the area; start by having your
wingmen attack Y-wing group Gold 1-5 while dispatching Y-wing Petdur
yourself, then join them to wipe out the remaining units. Always send
your wingmen after the groups while you take on the individual
fighters, Y-wing Laire and Shuttle Scutz.

Have your wingmen ignore SHU Scutz while you inspect it and kill its
shields. Engage in combat until the capture operation is complete. At
the end of the mission, ignore the orders to return and take out all
three of the Corellian Corvettes. You'll be safe launching your Heavy
Bombs from the rear; it'll take just one per ship to bring them down.


Battle 1 Mission 3
The Aftermath of Hoth I #3: Counter-Attack

We have traced the Mugaari pirates' hyperjump path to a cargo loading
area in the Tungra sector. Your first objective is to stop the Cargo
Ferries from escaping with their contraband. Then stop the transports
and shuttles. Destroy anything that might be carrying weapons. Two TIE
Interceptors will be launched to engage the Y-wings. The TIE Bombers
will assist if needed. Do not let anyone escape. Be ready for any
enemy reinforcements.

Primary Goals:
-- Cargo Ferry Gallon must be destroyed.
-- Cargo Ferry Romold must be destroyed. (M)
-- Cargo Ferry Kann must be destroyed. (M)
-- Cargo Ferry Wess must be destroyed.
-- Transport Prince must be destroyed.
-- Transport Dawn must be destroyed.
-- Transport Destion must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Xesre must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Dunns must be destroyed.
Secondary Goals:
-- none
Bonus Goals:
-- Transport Dawn must be inspected.
-- 100% of B-wing group Gold must be destroyed. (H)
-- 100% of X-wing group Red must be destroyed. (H)

Schedule of Events:
06:45 TRN Destion enters hyperspace (Destion can hyperspace apparently
at 1:50 as well).
07:13 CARG Wess enters hyperspace.
07:22 CARG Romold enters hyperspace.
07:23 CARG Kann enters hyperspace.
07:53 CARG Gallon enters hyperspace.
09:59 Y-wing Blue 2 enters hyperspace.

Check the map and notice how all of the craft are positioned, and
divert all power to the engines to help get to the scene quicker.
TRN Prince will typically be destroyed by FRG Fogger when the
Transport flies past it. The two Shuttles will also be handled by the
TIE Interceptors along with all the Y-wings, although you should be
able to destroy SHU Xesre yourself on the way to the Cargo Ferries and
Transports. Have your wingmen attack the Cargo Ferries while you go
after TRN Dawn, TRN Destion, and SHU Dunns. Use four topedoes on the
two Transports, use lasers on the Shuttles, then help your wingmen
take out the Cargo Ferries. Be sure to attack nearby enemy
starfighters as necessary to protect both yourself and your wingmen.


Battle 1 Mission 4
The Aftermath of Hoth I #4: Outpost D-34 Has Fallen

Outpost D-34 has been captured. The Rebels and the Mugaari are looting
it for arms and equipment. The Frigate Fogger will launch a transport
to recapture the station. Several flight groups of TIE starfighters
will provide cover for this operation. These groups will also hunt
down the renegade craft that are making off with the station's

Primary Goals:
-- Transport Sigma must have finished docking.
-- Platform XQ1 D-34 must be captured.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Fogger must have survived.
Secondary Goals:
-- Container Transport Gopher must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- At least one of Escort Shuttle group Claf must be destroyed.
-- Container Transport Gopher must be captured.

Schedule of Events:
00:11 TRN Ginger 1-3 exit Platform XQ1 D-34.
00:36 A-wing group Gold 1-2 enters the field well beyond Buoy 18.
00:41 Y-wing group Red 1-2 appears even further beyond Buoy 18.
00:46 X-wing group Blue 1-2 enters behind Y-wing group Red.
00:51 E/S Claf 1-3 exit Platform XQ1 D-34.
03:43 Y-wing group Gold 1-2 enter beyond Buoy 18.
05:35 TRN Sigma exits M/FRG Fogger.
06:37 TRN Sigma docks with Platform XQ1 D-34.
06:52 Platform XQ1 D-34 is captured; TRN Sigma finishes docking.
TI-ED TRN Omega 1 docks with CTRNS Gopher about thirty seconds after
being inspected then disabled.
TI-ED TRN Omega 1 enters hangar about a minute and a half after
docking with CTRNS Gopher.

This is a very simple mission. Send your wingmen after E/S Post 1-2,
TRN Ginger 1-3, and then the A-wings while you fly to, inspect, and
guard CTRNS Gopher (make sure to have your wingmen ignore it) and the
M/FRG Fogger. Be careful of the lasers the Gopher has; note that it is
better to approach from above as it is equipped with a single laser
while the bottom has two. TRN Omega 1-3 will arrive quickly to disable
CTRNS Gopher. Shoot down any enemy craft in the vincinity in the
meantime. When E/S Claf exits, make sure to destroy at least one (use
missiles to avoid the threat of the rear mounted laser). Your TIE
Interceptor will be more than capable of keeping up with the A-wings,
but their sudden, darting flight patterns will make it tough to keep
focus. This is just a warm up for the battle which follows. Fight with
the enemy while the mission runs its course.


Battle 1 Mission 5
The Aftermath of Hoth I #5: Attack Rebel Lt. Cruiser

Gunboat patrols have located a Rebel Cruiser taking on supplies in the
Bruanii sector. We can assume the cruiser has a strong force of
A-wing, X-wing, and B-wing starfighters. Our attack will proceed in
waves. You will fly in the first wave made up of 3 flight groups of
Gunboats. Your primary task is to destroy the starfighter defense that
the cruiser will send into the battle. Once the starfighter defense
has been eliminated, assist the second wave in their attack. The
second wave will enter the battle in five minutes. They will escort
transports carrying torpedoes. The supply containers need to be
destroyed to prevent the cruiser from getting resupplied.

Primary Goals:
-- 100% of X-wing group Red must be destroyed.
-- 100% of B-wing group Gold must be destroyed.
-- 100% of A-wing group Blue must be destroyed. (M/H)
Secondary Goals:
-- 100% of Container C group C440 must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of X-wing group Blue must be destroyed.
-- 100% of X-wing group Red must be destroyed. (H)
-- 100% of A-wing group Gold must be destroyed.

Schedule of Events:
00:16 TRN Modd exits CRL Lulsla.
00:21 TRN Leven exits following TRN Modd.
05:05 GUN Psi 1-2, GUN Epsilon 1-2, and TRN Sigma 1-3 enter the field.
05:29 TRN Sigma 1 enters hyperspace.
06:01 TRN Sigma 2 enters hyperspace.
06:17 TRN Sigma 3 enters hyperspace.
39:29 CRL Lulsla enters hyperspace.
TI-ED B-wing group Gold 1-2 will hyperspace if damaged and given
enough time.
TI-ED A-wing group Gold 1-5 enter close to Container C group C440 once
a group of starfighters are destroyed. A-wing group Gold will
attack in three waves; a new group is released to replace a
destroyed group.
TI-ED A-wing group Yellow 1-3 enters the field about a minute after
A-wing group Gold appears. A-wing group Yellow will attack in
three waves; a new group is released once you've defeated the
current group of fighters.
TI-ED X-wing group Blue 1-5 appear shortly after X-wing group Red is
destroyed. X-wing group Blue will attack in four waves; a new
group is released when the prior X-wing group is destroyed.

CRL Lulsla will quickly approach and anchor near Container C group
C440, so to avoid trouble quickly fly straight to the group and
inspect and destroy them as you go, then quickly move away from the
approaching CRL Lulsla. You'll spot TRN Modd and TRN Leven exiting CRL
Lulsla along the way -- try to pick them off with missiles before they
have a chance to wreak havoc on your Gunboats and Transports.

The battle is a major pain thanks to the numerous waves of fighters
and the deadly Lulsla. You'll always want to stay far away from CRL
Lulsla; not only is it equipped with double warhead launchers and
several lasers, but the ship itself is invincible. Keep your shields
regenerating at the highest rate you can manage, since the X-wings
will be firing missiles and cross-linking their lasers quite a bit.
Send your wingmen after X-wing group Red 1-3 while you destroy B-wing
group Gold 1-2. After the B-wings are gone, help with the remaining
X-wings then take your wingmen and go after A-wing group Blue 1-2.
Save A-wing group Blue for last since they are the least threatening,
though you can and should destroy one or so early on if possible since
they are the first attack wave you'll encounter.

A-wing group Yellow 1-3, A-wing group Gold 1-5, and X-wing group Blue
1-5 will regenerate for several waves, and the bonus goals require you
to wipe out all waves of that group of starfighters. This means you
will find yourself going up against eight A-wings and five X-wings
alone -- the other Gunboats will be destroyed quickly either by the
fighters or mines. While you can try to clear out the mines, it is
difficult to really focus on clearing the area of mines when you have
a dozen ships launching missiles and firing lasers all directed at
you. I'd strongly suggest trying to disable at least two of the
X-wings and A-wing group Yellow if you can manage. If you can disable
them, then you'll prevent the next wave from being triggered, allowing
you to focus on destroying all of the A-wing group Gold waves without
having another eight fighters to deal with. Once A-wing group Gold is
cleared out, you can destroy the disabled X-wings to trigger their
attack waves. Reinforcements can really help in this mission if you're
going after the bonus goals given the large number of ships you need
to destroy, but you will be penalized for it. If you call for backup,
try to do it after you've cleared the primary and seconardy goals and
lead the battle away from the Lulsla.


Battle 1 Mission 6
The Aftermath of Hoth I #6: Destroy the Lulsla

Our last attack rendered the Rebel Cruiser Lulsla vulnerable for a
direct attack using torpedoes. Transports Sigma and Omega have been
chosen for the honor of destroying the Rebel Cruiser. Gunboat Groups
Tau and Nu will provide close escort for the attacking transports. The
Rebel starfighter threat is low since the last battle, however some
fighters may have survived. Besides the Lulsla's turbo lasers, the
many mines that surround her may be the biggest threat.

Primary Goals:
-- Lt Calamari Cruiser Lulsla must be destroyed.
Secondary Goals:
-- 100% of Transport group Starway must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Transport group Gargon must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Derris ? must be disabled.
Bonus Goals:
-- 50% of Shuttle group Derris must be captured.
-- 100% of Mine group MX-A must be destroyed. (M)
-- 100% of Mine group MX-B must be destroyed. (M/H)
-- 100% of Mine group MX-C must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Mine group MX-D must be destroyed. (M/H)
-- 100% of Mine group MX-E must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Mine group MX-F must be destroyed. (H)
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-A must be destroyed. (H)
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-B must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-C must be destroyed. (H)
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-D must be destroyed. (M/H)
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-E must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Mine group RQ-F must be destroyed. (M)

Schedule of Events:
01:31 A-wing Blue exits CRL Lulsla and begins attack.
01:36 X-wing group Red 1-2 exits CRL Lulsla and begins attack.
01:42 Y-wing Gold exits CRL Lulsla and begins attack.
TI-ED X-wing group Blue 1-4 launched once all enemy starfighters are
TI-ED SHU Derris 1-2 escapes from CRL Lulsla once the Cruiser's
shields are down and suffers damage.
TI-ED TRN Starway 1-2 escapes from CRL Lulsla once the Cruiser's
shields are down and suffers damage.
TI-ED TRN Gargon 1-2 escapes from CRL Lulsla once the Cruiser's
shields are down and suffers damage.
TI-ED TRN Zack 1 enters the field once SHU Derris ? is disabled.
TI-ED TRN Zack 1 docks with SHU Derris ? about seven minutes after
Zack appears.

Approach the minefield surrounding the Lulsla destroying as many mines
as possible with missiles fired out of range. Mine group MX will fire
lasers at nearby objects while Mine group RQ will fire concussion
missiles. Since the RQ mines fire missiles that can quickly wipe out
your ships, destroying them should be your top priority. Once you're
out of missiles, set your shields at maximum and hit and run, firing
on the closest mines to the outer perimeter and making a safe retreat.

Once the Rebel starfighters are launched, send your wingmen after the
X-wings and Y-wings and destroy any that come after you. I will call
for reinforcements at this point since the potential of enemies and
mines firing on your location can be ridiculous without enough other
ships drawing their attention away. Since the bonus goals require all
mines destroyed, you really want to dispose of as many as possible
during the battle while the attention is split among several ships. At
the end of the battle you will be left alone to clean up the mines,
and the fewer left the better. When left alone at the end and going
after the bonus goals, employ the same hit and run strategy, parking
far enough outside the minefield as needed to recharge shields and
lasers to their maximum levels before going on another attack run.
Always attack from the outside and never actually enter the minefield;
you have no chance against the dozens of lasers and missiles being
fired at you from all sides.

During the battle, keep an eye on the damage the Lulsla takes. When
its shields are gone, be ready to intercept all fleeing craft. While
you can quickly disable CRL Lulsla once its shields are down to
prevent it from attacking the Imperial starfighters, this will make it
easier for the Transports to attack it and possibly destroy the
Cruiser before the four Rebel Transports and SHU Derris 1-2 have
launched, making it impossible to complete four goals. Have your
wingmen attack the Rebel Transports while you have them ignore SHU
Derris 1-2. Disable both then go help destroy the Rebel Transports.

Note that while any Shuttle will suffice the goal requirements, the
Empire would prefer that you capture the one with the commander inside
(evidenced how TRN Zack docks with it if both SHU Derris are
disabled). Nonetheless, I don't know if you actually gain more points
for capturing the "right" one. It's also interesting how after TRN
Zack 1 hyperspaces after capturing a Shuttle Derris, another SHU
Zack 1 will enter the field, looking for craft to capture, but will
just sit there even if you've disabled both Shuttles Derris or even
allowed the CN/C C440 3 with the IM Probes survive. While the game
will let you destroy the Containers, the disabled SHU Derris is


Battle Two
End a prolonged civil war.


Battle 2 Mission 1
The Sepan Civil War, Mission #1: Respond to S.O.S.

We have received a distress signal from a Ripoblus convoy under attack
by Dimok marauders. The Dimok attackers are using a Modified Corellian
Corvette and several Y-wings. Six TIE Fighters will deploy in two
groups (T/F Alpha and T/F Eta) to attack the Y-wings. Additionally,
three TIE Bombers (T/B Beta) will deploy to engage the corvette. The
Dimoks are to be driven off, not annihilated, so be sure to let some
of them escape. Those that escape will report back to their leaders.
They will realize the Empire means to end this war.

Primary Goals:
-- 25% of all Dimok craft must be destroyed.
-- At least one of Modular Conveyor group Asbo must be survived.
Secondary Goals:
-- 100% of Modular Conveyor group Asbo must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- Transport Epsilon 1 must have completed mission.
-- Transport Epsilon 2 must have completed mission.
-- Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae must be destroyed.
-- Modular Conveyor Asbo ? must be captured.

Schedule of Events:
00:26 CARG Mangonel enters the field from behind VSD Protector.
00:31 TIE Bomber group Beta 1-3 exit the Protector's hangar.
01:24 Y-wing Baker 3 enters hyperspace.
01:25 Y-wing group Adam 1-2 enters the field.
02:28 CARG Delphine appears on the field by Nav Buoy B-76X.
02:50 CRL Falaricae appears far right of the battle (check map).
03:25 Y-wing Baker 1 enters hyperspace.
04:36 CARG Delphine enters hyperspace.
04:41 Y-wing group Charlie 1 enters hyperspace.
05:14 Y-wing group Charlie 2 enters hyperspace.
06:38 CRL Falaricae enters hyperspace.
10:07 CNVYR Asbo 1 enters hyperspace.
10:08 CNVYR Asbo 2 enters hyperspace.
10:09 CNVYR Asbo 3 enters hyperspace.
TI-ED TRN Epsilon 1 is dispatched once CNVYR Asbo ? is inspected.
TI-ED SHU Ayalam enters after TRN Epsilon 1 disables surviving CNVYR
TI-ED TRN Epsilon 1 docks with CNVYR units about three minutes after
it enters the field.
TI-ED SHU Noerbo and SHU Yawnor enter the field after SHU Ayalam is

This is an easy battle unless you want to take on the bonus goals,
particularly destroying CRL Falaricae before it enters hyperspace
while keeping TRN group Epsilon alive. You'll probably want to call in
reinforcements for this mission. It'd be nice if the TIE Bombers would
help destroy the Cruiser, since all your flight group has is lasers to
try and stop it with. Destroying CRL Falaricae seems to take both
skill and luck; you'll have to hope it stays onscreen long enough to
destroy it before leaving. Besides moving out to the position and
calling your wingmen to attack it as soon as possible, I'd suggest
cross-linking your weapons with a bumped up laser recharge rate and
trying to destroy enough of its lasers in an area to create a "safe"
spot so you can pelt the ship as much as possible without having to
worry too much about it attacking you.

Begin the mission by targeting and saving CNVYR group Asbo 1-3 while
flying to them with all power diverted to your engines until you
approach. Inspect them and order your wingmen to ignore them. Now you
will have to check the map and fly as far right as possible to engage
CRL Falaricae when it appears. It'll take a while to get there, and
the Cruiser will only remain for just a few minutes.

Meanwhile, you'll also have to protect TRN Epsilon 1, which is now
quite a distance away if you've chosen to fight the Cruiser. Hopefully
all three CNVYR group Asbo has survived to ensure Epsilon gets to dock
with something before leaving. If you notice CRL Falaricae picking up
speed, you can give up and return to defend your Transports. Fly back
as quickly as possible and engage the Shuttles first, then any
remaining Y-wings. Note that three of the four bonus goals all center
around the capture of the Conveyor group, so it is in your best
interest to ignore the Falaricae. Try to order TRN Epsilon 1 to head
home after it finishes docking with one of the Conveyors; it can dock
with the rest, leaving it out in the open longer and killing TRN
Epsilon 2's launch.


Battle 2 Mission 2
The Sepan Civil War, Mission #2: Intercept Attack

We are going to intercept a Ripoblus reprisal raid on a Dimok deep
space research facility. The raiding forces are made up of a pair of
Modified Corellian Corvettes and several Assault Transports. T/B Beta
will deploy to destroy one of the corvettes as an example to the rest
of them. The loss should convince the Ripoblus to break off their
attack. If not, continue the attack. We are not seeking the complete
destruction of the attackers. We merely want to force a withdrawal.
The Ripoblus leadership must also be taught that further acts of
aggression will be severely punished!

Primary Goals:
-- 25% of all Ripoblus craft must be destroyed.
-- Container C Lab Module ? must have survived.
-- Platform XQ1 Youst must have survived.
Secondary Goals:
-- Container C Lab Module ? must be inspected.
-- Platform XQ1 Youst must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- Shuttle Toten must be inspected.
-- Transport Epsilon 1 must have complete mission.
-- Transport Epsilon 2 must have complete mission.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Dromon must be destroyed.
-- Container C Lab Module ? must be captured.
-- Platform XQ1 Youst must be captured.

Schedule of Events:
00:11 ATR Sabre appears right behind you heading to the Platform.
00:51 TRN Sword enters hyperspace.
01:06 M/FRG Dromon enters near and attacks VSD Protector.
01:25 ATR Sabre enters hyperspace.
03:49 M/CRV Selander enters hyperspace.
04:04 ATR Musket enters hyperspace.
04:11 M/CRV Galliot enters hyperspace.
05:44 ATR Halberd enters hyperspace.
05:46 ATR Pilum enters hyperspace.
TI-ED Z-95 Headhunter group Able 1-3 will hyperspace if damaged and
given the opportunity.
TI-ED TRN Epsilon 1 exits VSD Protector once Platform XQ1 Youst has
been inspected.
TI-ED TRN Epsilon 2 exits VSD Protector once Container C Lab Module ?
has been inspected.
TI-ED SHU Malat appears once all Containers have been inspected.
TI-ED SHU Retec 1-2 exit Platform XQ1 Youst once Platform XQ1 Youst
has been disabled.
TI-ED SHU Toten appears about thirty seconds after Platform XQ1 Youst
has been captured.
TI-ED SHU Toten enters hyperspace less than a minute after appearing.
TI-ED TRN Epsilon 1-2 enter hangar about three minutes after docking.

Fly quickly to Platform XQ1 Youst and Container C Lab Module 1-4,
watching out for ATR Sabre as it exits hyperspace right in front of
you. Destroy it with one Heavy Rocket and save both a Container and
the Platform in your target memory. Don't inspect the Containers or
Platform just yet. M/FRG Dromon will be appearing soon enough, so head
toward the VSD Protector where it'll engage the other in battle. Try to
destroy any craft along the way, particularly ATR Musket and ATR Pike,
else send your wingmen after them.

You can reload with CUV/L 11F5 near VSD Protector if you need more
torpedoes, but you won't have the option in hard mode. Taking down
M/FRG Dromon is so much easier than CRL Falaricae because you'll not
only be equipped with torpedoes, but you'll have lots of help. VSD
Protector should have its shields down to about 30% by the time you
engage the Frigate. Dump your Heavy Rockets into the ship then reload
if possible. Note that if you destroy M/FRG Dromon, you risk
triggering a bug that will make finishing the game impossible (see
"Other Notes" section below for details).

Now go back to Platform XQ1 Youst and inspect it and the four
Containers (you should be able to hit all four Containers by cycling
through the objects while near). Call your wingmen off the Containers,
but have them attack the Platform if they're still around. Fire any
leftover missiles at Platform XQ1 Youst itself, lowering its shields
so that TRN Epsilon 1 can quickly disable it before the Platform
destroys it. Defend both Transports from any remaining enemies while
they complete their mission. Note that SHU Toten identifies itself
when it exits VSD Protector.


Battle 2 Mission 3
The Sepan Civil War, Mission #3: Rescue War Refugees

Some Ripoblus refugees of the civil war have hijacked System Patrol
Craft Glas and are seeking asylum. The SPC has no hyperdrive, but is
accompanied by a pair of Lambda-class shuttles providing escort. Their
own government is trying to stop them. A team of Y-wings and Shuttles
have just arrived! T/I Gamma (3 craft) will intercept the Y-wings
while T/F Alpha (3 craft) attacks the shuttles. Scramble! SPC Glas
must be kept safe long enough to dock with the Protector and transfer
everyone aboard. The Glas will then be fitted with decoys and
abandoned. Their shuttles will enter our hangar.

Primary Goals:
-- Patrol Craft Glas must have finished docking.
Secondary Goals:
-- none
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of Escort Shuttle group Typhon must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Shuttle group Nazaar must be completed mission.

Schedule of Events:
02:03 SHU Lambda 4 enters hyperspace.
02:04 SHU Lambda 4 reenters for some reason.
03:35 SHU Sigma 1-2 appear and begin their attack.
03:36 Y-wing group Baker 1-3 appear and begin attacking.
12:28 SHU Typhon 1 enters hyperspace.
TI-ED SHU Lambda 1-3 enters as a new wave of attackers after the first
SHU Lambda group is destroyed.
TI-ED SPC Glas finishes docking about 30 seconds after reaching VSD
Protector and departs with decoys on board.
TI-ED SHU Typhon 1-4 enter near VSD Protector about a minute after SPC
Glas has finished docking.
TI-ED SHU group Nazaar 1-2 enter hangar about two minutes after SPC
Glas has completed mission.

SHU Nazaar 1-2 will protect SPC Glas, so you should focus on keeping
its two Shuttle escorts alive since they'll be quickly destroyed if
left unattended. Without Imperial protection, the enemies can disable
and destroy the refugee craft in about three minutes. Be sure to save
all three ships in your target memory and use the "A" key to check and
see what is attacking them (particularly SHU Nazaar 1-2) so you can
kill the threat as quickly as possible.

Begin by attacking Y-wing group Able 1-4 since its damage potential is
the greatest threat to the refugee craft. Once SHU Lambda 1-4 is in
range, keep your wingmen attacking the remaining Y-wings if any while
you go after the Shuttles. Keep checking both of the refugee Shuttles
since they'll be more enemies than Imperial forces, and it'll be very
easy to let an enemy slip by unnoticed. Keep fighting the Shuttles
while you send your wingmen after Y-wing group Baker 1-3 once it
appears to keep the enemies occupied as far away as possible. When SHU
group Typhon 1-4 appear, try to kill them as fast as possible.


Battle 2 Mission 4
The Sepan Civil War, Mission #4: Capture Enemies

Intel has discovered the time and place for a high level meeting
between the Dimok and Ripoblus leaders. TRN Omega (two ships) will
lead a Special Operations raid to capture the leaders of both sides.
Each transport will have a four ship flight group of Assault Gunboats
for escort and assistance. GUN Nu (You) will team with TRN Omega 1 and
GUN Tau will team with TRN Omega 2.

Primary Goals:
-- Transport Omega 1 must have completed mission.
-- Transport Omega 2 must have completed mission.
-- Shuttle Keydon must be boarded.
-- Shuttle Phantele must be boarded.
Secondary Goals:
-- Cargo Ferry Glaive must be inspected.
-- Modified Corvette Runka must be inspected.
-- Cargo Ferry Godendag must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae must be inspected.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Manus Ferre must be inspected.
-- Nebulon B Frigate Shemsher must be inspected.

Schedule of Events:
00:26 Z-95 Adam 1-4 appears and begins attack.
01:37 Z-95 Baker 1-4 enter the field.
01:47 Z-95 Charlie 1-4 appear and attack.
03:42 E/S Calitana 1-2 enters far away from the battle site.
04:22 SHU Phantele enters hangar.
04:27 SHU Keydon enters hangar.
04:37 CRL Falaricae exits hyperspace far to the left of the battle.
05:06 TRN Omega 1 enters hyperspace.
06:13 CARG Glaive exits hyperspace north of battle and head toward the
captured Shuttles.
06:28 CARG Godendag exits hyperspace by CARG Glaive and follows.
06:28 M/CRV Runka exits hyperspace near the two Cargo Ferries and
escorts them toward the two captured Shuttles.
07:23 FRG Shemsher enters hyperspace.
12:28 CRL Falaricae enters hyperspace.
13:43 CARG Glaive enters hyperspace.
14:45 M/CRV Runka enters hyperspace.
16:40 M/FRG Manus Ferre enters hyperspace.
TI-ED TRN Omega 1 will dock with SHU Keydon and TRN Omega 2 will dock
with SHU Phantele about a minute after the Shuttles are
inspected and disabled.
TI-ED TRN Omega 1-2 will finish capture operation about 50 seconds
after docking.
TI-ED TRN Omega 1-2 will hyperspace about two minutes after capturing
the Dimok and Ripoblus leaders.
TI-ED E/S Degio 1-2 enters once the other E/S groups numbers are cut
in half.
TI-ED All Escort Shuttle groups will begin to hyperspace about seven
minutes into the battle if they survive and given the chance.
TI-ED All Z-95 Headhunter groups will begin to enter M/FRG Manus
Ferre's about seven minutes into the battle if they survive
and given the chance.

Have your wingmen ignore SHU Keydon and SHU Phantele while you race to
them. Fire torpedoes at each to quickly lower their shields then
disable them. Then start destroying as many Shuttles and Z-95
Headhunters as possible. Have your wingmen go after the Shuttles while
you guard TRN Omega 1-2 throughout the mission. The Transports are
extremely vulnerable, especially with several groups of starfighters
attacking them. Keep guarding TRN Omega 1-2 until they both enter
hyperspace; don't assume that because it's pretty far away from the
battle and about to enter hyperspace that they are safe.

All in all the primary goals here are fairly simple, though you will
have to watch out for the Escort Shuttles' rear mounted laser (use any
remaining missiles you have to take them out). The real challenge is
inspecting so many well armed craft in your slow Gunboat. When you're
ready to make your inspection run, go ahead and kill your lasers and
divert all power into your shields. Try to have your shields at
maximum before heading out and make a quick fly by of M/FRG Manus
Ferre, FRG Shemsher, and CRL Falaricae first, then head over and tag
the two Cargo Ferries and M/CRV Runka. Note that if SHU Phantele and
the later ships don't appear in the mission, you have triggered a
bug (see "Other Notes" section below for details).


Battle 2 Mission 5
The Sepan Civil War, Mission #5: Guard Resupply

VSD Protector is to rendezvous with the escort carrier Tropsobor near
Gerbaud 2. Tropsobor is delivering the new TIE Advanced, or "Avenger"
as the test pilots like to call it. T/F Alpha (3 craft) will be
deployed to patrol the area during the transfer operation. The Dimoks
and the Ripoblus are hoping to catch us while we're vulnerable with a
joint attack. T/B Beta and T/I Gamma are on standby in case of

Primary Goals:
-- 75% of all TIE Advanced must have completed mission.
-- Escort Carrier Tropsobor must have completed mission.
Secondary Goals:
-- Shuttle Omlaut must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of all Dimok craft must be destroyed.
AND 100% of all Ripoblus craft must be destroyed.
-- 100% of TIE Advanced group AA must have completed mission.
-- 100% of TIE Advanced group AB must have completed mission.
-- 100% of TIE Advanced group AC must have completed mission.
-- 100% of TIE Advanced group AD must have completed mission.

Schedule of Events:
00:11 ESC Tropsobor enters the field north of VSD Protector.
00:37 T/A group AA 1-3 enter and head toward the Protector.
00:52 M/CRV Long Tan appears far southwest of the Protector.
00:57 CRL Ben Het enters near M/CRV Long Tan.
01:03 T/B Beta 1-3 enters and begins attack on enemy ships.
01:18 Z-95 Abo 1-4 appear far and quickly rush attack.
01:24 T/I group Gamma 1-3 enter the battle.
02:59 T/F group Delta 1-3 enter the battle.
03:05 Z-95 Elba 1-4 appears near CRL Ben Het and begins attack.
03:07 Y-wing Bordok 1-2 enter near ESC Tropsobor and move to attack.
05:12 Z-95 Fuzzum 1-4 enter the battle.
05:32 Y-wing Chubb 1-2 appear and begin attack.
06:11 Y-wing Givin 1-2 appears and enters the battle.
06:38 Z-95 group Ingo 1-4 enter the battle.
06:39 Z-95 group Jenet 1-4 enter the battle.
08:27 Y-wing Larkma 1-2 enter and begin attack on ESC Tropsobor.
09:22 Y-wing Farsi 1-2 appears and begin attack.
09:45 Y-wing Hurcha 1-2 appears and begin attack.
14:39 M/CRV Long Tan enters hyperspace.
15:06 ESC Tropsobor enters hyperspace.
15:09 CARG Can Giouc enters north of battle site.
15:10 CARG Soui Tre enters with CARG Can Giouc.
15:22 SHU Omlaut appears far north of VSD Protector on the field.
17:07 M/FRG Shemsher exits hyperspace.
17:28 E/S group Raven 1-6 exit from Shemsher to attack the Protector.
19:33 E/S group Seakyte 1-6 leave Shemsher to join attack.
TI-ED T/A group AA 1-3 enter VSD Protector's hangar about three
minutes after leaving Tropsobor.
TI-ED T/A group AB 1-3 exit ESC Tropsobor once T/A group AA has
entered the hangar and will complete mission about three
minutes later.
TI-ED T/A group AC 1-3 exit ESC Tropsobor once T/A group AB has
entered the hangar and will complete mission about three
minutes later.
TI-ED T/A group AD 1-3 exit ESC Tropsobor once T/A group AC has
entered the hangar and will complete mission about three
minutes later.

This mission is easy enough except for making sure all Dimok and
Ripoblus craft are destroyed. While you're in a guard position for the
bulk of the mission, if you want to get the bonus destruction goal,
you'll have to leave ESC Tropsobor unattended for just a bit while you
immediately head over to M/CRV Long Tan and destroy it from behind.
Leave CRL Ben Het for the TIE Bombers and rush back to ESC Tropsobor
and engage the attacking Y-wing fighters.

The T/A groups will be safe on their own during their flight to VSD
Protector, so once T/A group AD 1-3 has left the Tropsobor and the
waves of Y-wing fighters are destroyed, head over to CRL Ben Het to
help bring it down. The TIE Bombers will take care of the late
entering Cargo Ferries while you go race to inspect SHU Omlaut. Once
Omlaut is inspected, ignore the two Escort Shuttle groups and begin
the attack on M/FRG Shemsher. The Protector can take care of itself,
but someone will have to destroy Shemsher to satisfy the 100%
destruction requirements. Look to disarm as much of the Shemsher while
attacking it as possible.


Battle Three
Establish a new Imperial base.


Battle 3 Mission 1
Battle on the Frontier #1: Load Base Equipment

Our first step in building the new frontier station is to load
material and parts for the base's assembly. This equipment is awaiting
loading at a manufacturing facility near the planet Argoon. Our
reconnaissance flight reports that the facility has been abandoned,
but the containers are intact. We suspect that the Rebels have scared
off the base personnel and are planning an assault. TIE Bomber Alpha 1
will inspect the containers to identify the ones with the station
assembly parts. Our forces must load the base assembly equipment on to
the VSD Stalwart before the Rebel attack.

Primary Goals:
-- Victory Star Dest Stalwart must have survived.
-- 100% of Container A group THX-1136A must be inspected.
-- 100% of Container D group THX-1137D must be inspected.
-- 100% of Container B group THX-1138B must be inspected. (M/H)
-- 100% of Container D group THX-1139D must be inspected.
-- 100% of Container D group THX-1140D must be inspected.
Secondary Goals:
-- Heavy Lifter Mule 1 must have completed mission.
-- Heavy Lifter Mule 2 must have completed mission.
-- Heavy Lifter Mule 3 must have completed mission. (M/H)
-- Heavy Lifter Mule 4 must have completed mission.
-- Heavy Lifter Mule 5 must have completed mission.
Bonus Goals:
-- Transport Scouter must be destroyed.

Schedule of Events:
04:47 Y-wing Blue 2 enters amid the Containers and attacks Stalwart.
TI-ED HLF Mule 1 will leave the Protector once CN/B THX-1136A 1 is
inspected and seen to contain station parts, docks with it
six minutes later, and enters hangar three minutes later.
TI-ED HLF Mule 2 will leave the Protector once CN/B THX-1137D 2 is
inspected and seen to contain station parts, docks with it
six minutes later, and enters hangar three minutes after.
TI-ED HLF Mule 3 will leave the Protector once CN/B THX-1138B 1 is
inspected and seen to contain station parts, docks with it
five minutes later, and enters hangar four minutes later.
TI-ED HLF Mule 4 will leave the Protector once CN/B THX-1139D 2 is
inspected and seen to contain station parts, docks with it
seven minutes later, and enters hanger three minutes after.
TI-ED HLF Mule 5 will leave the Protector once CN/B THX-1140D 1 is
inspected and seen to contain station parts, docks with it
seven minutes later, and enters hangar three minutes later.
TI-ED TRN Scouter appears near the Container groups after two or so
with station parts inside have been correctly inspected.
TI-ED CRV Dragon and Y-wing Blue 1 enter approaching the Containers
once a few with station parts are identified.
TI-ED T/F Gamma 1-3 and T/B Delta 1-3 are launched from VSD Stalwart
to attack CRV Dragon once it appears.
TI-ED SHU Splinter and Y-wing group Gold 1-2 appear and join the Rebel
attack about three minutes after it starts.
TI-ED X-wing group Red 1-2 and B-wing group Blue 1-2 exit hyperspace
and launch attack after all docking operations are complete.

Notice how the Container groups from a circle in space, so you should
make a ring around them as you go inspecting. Once the battle begins,
remain steady and guard the area with the Heavy Lifters and Containers
from all starfighters that attempt to destroy them. You can easily
destroy TRN Scouter with torpedoes once it's in range. The brunt of
work in the mission is carried out by the fighters launched once the
Rebel attack begins, making for a very easy mission so long as you do
not leave the sluggish Heavy Lifters unattended.


Battle 3 Mission 2
Battle on the Frontier #2: Destroy Pirate Outpost

The Pakuuni system is an area rife with pirates and smugglers, where
intergalatic trade is perilous. Under Vice Admiral Thrawn, the Empire
will establish a new space installation to bring order to this sector.
The outpost from which the pirates operate must be neutralized. The
M/FRG Ludwick will lead the attack. TIE Bombers Alpha and Beta are to
strike the Corvettes first using proton torpedoes. The pirates have
assembled a strong armada of craft with which to defend themselves.
Intelligence reports that the Pakuuni pirates are also getting
protection from the Rebels.

Primary Goals:
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived.
-- Corellian Corvette Leach must be destroyed.
-- Corellian Corvette Clavier must be destroyed.
-- Corellian Corvette Grapler must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Container A group DLC11A must be destroyed. (M/H)
-- 100% of Container A group CRM908A must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Container B group CG-78 must be destroyed.
Secondary Goals:
-- Container A CRM908A ? must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- Assault Transport Tiger must have finished docking.
-- Container A CRM908A ? must be boarded.

Schedule of Events:
04:52 A-wing Red 1 enters the field far away from the scene.
TI-ED ATR Tiger exits the Ludwick when Container A CRM908A ? is found.
TI-ED T/B Beta 1-3 will enter to replace the existing T/B group Beta
if destroyed, then two waves of T/F Theta 1-3, then two waves
of T/I Zeta 1-3.

Save all three Corvettes in your target memory then send your wingmen
after CRV Grapler while you send four torpedoes into the Clavier.
Finish it off with lasers if needed, then replace the empty target
memory slot with the Ludwick. Dogfight with the Z-95 Headhunters and
Y-wings until the area is clear, sending your wingmen to destroy CRV
Leach once Grapler is destroyed. When all minor starfighters are gone,
make a pass over Container A group CRM908A, inspecting the units until
you discover the one containing Rebels. Dispose of all Containers
except for the Rebels one while ATR Tiger captures the bonus Container
A CRM908A ?. After the Container has been boarded, destroy it and
return to M/FRG Ludwick. Note that the Ludwick will attack and destroy
all three Corvettes once they move into range, but that really should
not happen during normal play.


Battle 3 Mission 3
Battle on the Frontier #3: Hold Position

The pirates' outpost in Pakuuni system was destroyed during out last
engagement. We have orders to defend out position and wait for the
convoy carrying the new space installation. We expect that the M/FRG
Ludwick will come under attack from the Rebels and pirates operating
here. The convoy should arrive in fifteen minutes. You will escort it
here when it shows up. We are running low on active TIE Bombers, so
your TIE Fighter has been modified to carry missiles.

Primary Goals
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived.
-- 100% of Cargo Ferry group Bakkun must have arrived.
-- 100% of Modified Corvette group Horvus must have arrived.
-- 100% of Modular Conveyor group Gorfan must have arrived.
-- 100% of Freighter group Ravn must have arrived.
-- Victory Star Dest Stalwart must have arrived.
Secondary Goals:
-- none
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of Shuttle group Escape must be destroyed.

Schedule of Events:
00:11 TIE Fighter group Beta 1-2 exit M/FRG Ludwick to protect it.
00:46 FRG Huntress exits hyperspace and begins attack.
01:18 Z-95 Headhunter Gold 1-3 leave Huntress and attack the Ludwick.
01:27 Y-wing group Gold 1-2 appear and begin assault on M/FRG Ludwick.
01:28 B-wing group Blue 1-3 enter and begin attack.
04:31 T/B group Theta 1-3 enter to attack the Huntress.
04:35 Y-wing group Gold 1-2 enter and begin attack.
04:40 Y-wing group Red 1-2 enter and begin attack.
04:49 X-wing group Red 1-3 enter and begin attack.
07:16 Y-wing group Red 1-2 enter and begin attack.
07:51 Z-95 Headhunter group Yellow 1-3 enter and begin attack.
08:13 T/B group Theta 1-3 enter to attack the Huntress.
08:25 T/I group Gamma 1-2 enter to protect the Ludwick from attack.
09:27 M/CRV Horvus 1-3 enter speeding toward the M/FRG Ludwick.
09:32 CARG group Bakkun 1-3 appear somewhat far behind the Ludwick.
10:08 FRT Ravn 1-6 enter the field.
10:09 VSD Stalwart appears to far away to take over.
10:16 FRG Huntress enters hyperspace.
10:23 CNVYR Gorfan 1-2 exit hyperspace far from the Ludwick.
10:27 Y-wing group Blue 1-2 enter and begin attack.
11:50 Y-wing group Blue 1-2 appear and attack.
13:03 TRN Anta 1-3 enter the field.

The primary goals are simple enough -- just save the Ludwick in your
target memory and make sure to attack any ship which threatens the
frigate. The biggest threats are X-wings since they're equipped with
warheads that can quickly bring down the Ludwick's shields and finish
it off if left unchecked. Destroying them should be a priority once
they enter the field; then just clean up the remaining starfighters
until the convoy arrives.

Getting the bonus goal is trickier as you'll have to damage the FRG
Huntress enough to get the two Shuttles to launch. You'll have to
bring the Huntress's hull to about 60% strength before SHU Escape 1-2
will launch, so I recommend bringing your wingmen in to attack it for
misdirection and making a pass dropping Heavy Bombs to bring the craft
down as fast as possible. Given your vulnerability, it isn't wise to
have to make multiple solo passes around the ship, so either Heavy
Bombs or Heavy Rockets will allow you to do enough damage to activate
the bonus craft, though it is definitely easier said than done. Bob
and weave through the onslaught and try to make the run when the
Huntress first appears both to save you time in case you die and
because you won't have to worry as much about other starfighters
picking you off unexpectedly. Of course, this method means you'll also
have to destroy both Shuttles with just lasers, but that isn't too
difficult if you allow them to move outside the Huntress' range.


Battle 3 Mission 4
Battle on the Frontier #4: Guard Space Station NL-1

While the new station NL-1 is under construction, our forces will
protect the work crews. Gunboats Tau, TIE Interceptors Gamma and TIE
Bombers Beta will provide station defense.

Primary Goals:
-- Platform XQ3 NL-1 must have survived.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived.
-- Victory Star Dest Stalwart must have arrived.
Secondary Goals:
-- Shuttle Shakker must be captured.
Bonus Goals:
-- Shuttle Shakker must be inspected.

Schedule of Events:
00:11 TIE Bomber group Beta 1-3 enter the field.
00:25 FRT Layter 1 enters hyperspace.
00:28 FRT Layter 2 enters hyperspace.
00:46 A-wing group Blue 1-2 appear and launch attack.
00:47 M/CRV Moori 1-2 exit hyperspace and being attack.
00:51 Y-wing group Blue 1-2 enter and launch assault.
02:04 X-wing group Red 1-3 appear and begin attack.
02:21 SHU Shakker appears on the field when M/CRV Moori 1 is about to
be destroyed.
04:58 TRN Del 1-3 enter the area a bit north of the battle.
07:30 VSD Stalwart exits hyperspace to take over the battle.
TI-ED TRN Soryi enters to capture SHU Shakker once its been disabled.
TI-ED TRN Soryi docks with SHK Shakker about four minutes after it is
launched and captures the Shuttle just a few seconds after.

Destroy all small starfighters paying attention to the Y-wings first.
After the Y-wing threat is gone, you can begin the attack on the
Corvettes. Send your wingmen after CRV Moori 2 while you destroy CRV
Moori 1. Chase, inspect, and disable SHU Shakker when it escapes the
Corvette. Send your wingmen after any additional Corvette groups or
whatever might be threatening Platform ZQ3 NL-1. Finally, ensure that
TRN Soryi makes it to SHU Shakker, intercepting any craft which
threaten it.

The only difficulty in this mission will be chasing down the A-wing
group in your Gunboat. While you could elect to equip concussion
missiles to make destroying them easier, it's better to use torpedoes
or more powerful missiles to take down the Corvettes. Thankfully, the
A-wings pose little threat to the station or Ludwick and will likely
be destroyed by the other Imperial fighters.


Battle 3 Mission 5
Battle on the Frontier #5: Thrawn Inspects NL-1

The NL-1 installation is nearing completion. Vice Admiral Thrawn has
returned on the VSD Stalwart. Thrawn wishes to formally inspect the
project's construction work that has been done so far. The Vice
Admiral will fly over to the NL-1, inspect it briefly, then fly back
to the VSD Stalwart. Needless to say, it is of extreme importance that
Thrawn's transport proceed safely. You will fly a combat patrol
mission until the VSD Stalwart arrives. Advanced missiles will be

Primary Goals:
-- Platform XQ3 NL-1 must have survived.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived.
-- Transport Sigma 2 must have completed mission.
-- Transport Omega must have completed mission.
Secondary Goals:
-- none
Bonus Goals:
-- 100% of Shuttle group Gamer must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Shuttle group Bliss must be destroyed.
-- 100% of Shuttle group Noway must be destroyed.

Schedule of Events:
00:36 VSD Stalwart arrives carrying Vice Admiral Thrawn.
00:42 TRN Sigma 1-2 exit VSD Stalwart headed toward Platform XQ3 NL-1.
02:04 A-wing group Red 1-3 enter far away from the Platform.
02:14 A-wing group Blue 1-3 enter far away from the Platform.
02:24 A-wing group Gold 1-3 enter far away from the Platform.
03:36 X-wing group Gold 1-2 enter far away from the Platform.
03:43 TRN Sigma 1 enters Platform XQ3 NL-1's hangar.
03:44 TRN Sigma 2 enters Platform XQ3 NL-1's hangar.
03:46 X-wing group Red 1-2 enter far away from the Platform.
03:56 Y-wing group Blue 1-2 enter far away from the Platform.
06:55 SHU Bliss 1-2 exits hyperspace and races toward TRN Omega.
07:42 SHU Gamer 1-2 appear to destroy TRN Omega.
08:06 SHU Noway 1-3 enter and begin attack.
09:14 T/I Gamma 1-2 enter the battle.
TI-ED TRN Omega departs Platform XQ3 NL-1 after all initial Rebel
attack waves are defeated.
TI-ED SHU Bliss 1-2 exits hyperspace a little over a minute after TRN
Omega leaves the Platform.
TI-ED SHU Gamer 1-2 appears a minute after SHU Bliss enters.
TI-ED SHU Gamer 1-2 enter hyperspace once TRN Omega enters VSD
Stalwart if not destroyed quickly enough.
TI-ED SHU group Noway 1-3 enters and begins attack.

TRN Sigma with Thrawn will arrive on the Platform well before all the
Rebel starfighters are in range, so race as far as possible and engage
the enemies while Thrawn is safe aboard the Platform. Use your
advanced concussion missiles to dispose of the A-wings as soon as
possible. Use TRN Resupply to reload and dispose of the remaining
A-wings. Have your wingmen take on the X-wings and Y-wings while you
finish clearing the area.

If executed quickly enough, TRN Omega should have little threat on the
return trip to VSD Stalwart. The three Shuttle groups will enter well
out of range, so just engage them as you would any other fighter. Just
make sure to destroy SHU Gamer 1-2 as soon as possible since both are
an immediate flight risk.


Battle 3 Mission 6
Battle on the Frontier #6: Wait for Relief Forces

The Space Station NL-1 is complete. An Imperial Task Force is on its
way here to relieve us. We are to protect the station and its new
System Patrol Craft until Imperial reinforcements arrive. A standard
defensive posture is to be maintained until our main forces arrive and
relieve us.

Primary Goals:
-- Platform XQ1 NL-1 must have survived.
-- Patrol Craft Ranger 1 must have survived.
-- Patrol Craft Ranger 2 must have survived.
-- Victory Star Destroyer Salwart must have arrived.
Secondary Goals:
-- Shuttle Electra must be captured.
Bonus Goals:
-- Transport Shark must finished docking.
-- Shuttle Electra must be inspected.

Schedule of Events:
00:16 SHU Luft exits hyperspace heading for Platform XQ1 NL-1.
00:24 VSD Stalwart enters hyperspace.
00:41 ATR Thunder 1-2 appear and race to the Platform for attack.
01:28 B-wing group Blue 1-3 join ATR Thunder and join the attack.
01:32 SHU Electra enters close behind ATR Thunder.
02:02 TRN Rover 1-3 enters and launches assault on SPC Ranger 1-2.
02:13 A-wing Gold 1 appears and begins attack.
03:49 SHU Luft enters the hangar.
05:09 SHU Electra enters hyperspace.
05:21 X-wing group Red 1-3 enter close to M/FRG Ludwick and attack.
07:30 TRN Rover 1 enters hyperspace.
07:32 TRN Rover 3 enters hyperspace.
07:10 TRN Rover 2 enters hyperspace.
11:39 A-wing group Blue 1-3 enters and attacks.
TI-ED TRN Shark exits the Ludwick once SHU Electra is disabled.
TI-ED T/I group Gamma 1-2 will replace existing Gamma group once
removed from the battle.
TI-ED B-wing group Blue 1-3 and A-wing group Blue 1-3 will enter
hyperspace if heavily damaged and given the chance.
TI-ED TRN Shark docks with SHU Electra and captures it about two
minutes after being disabled.
TI-ED VSD Stalwart reappears once most of the Rebels are destroyed.

TRN group Rover 1-3 is your biggest threat since they will enter while
you are probably attacking and disabling the SHU Electra and because
they will immediately go after SPC Ranger 1-2. At the start of the
battle, destroy an ATR Thunder ship and send your wingmen after the
other. Look for SHU Electra to escape and quickly disable it. Once
Rover 1-3 appear, send your wingmen after it to buy some time while
you finish engaging Electra if needed. Then unload whatever remaining
torpedoes you have into the Rover group -- two per ship should work.

Once TRN Rover 1-3 is gone, finish eliminating ATR Thunder 1-2 if they
are yet to be destroyed and work on getting rid of the B-wings. You'll
encounter an additional ATR group Taxel 1-2 on hard and will have to
destroy them with just lasers. Boost power to your shields and
concentrate on destroying them one at a time with your wingmen. By
this point your forces should be free to redirect the majority of fire
onto the ATR group which will make it easier. TRN Shark will be safe
more or less while it performs its capture operation, but SHU Electra
could get inadvertenly destroyed by the TIE Interceptors who you can't
order to ignore the Shuttle. As long as you can disable Electra a
reasonable distance away, you should be fine.


Battle Four
Battle pirates in outer rim.


Battle 4 Mission 1
Conflict at Mylok IV, Mission #1: Escort Convoy

Escort the Habeen cargo convoy to a rendevous with Admiral Zaarin's
M/FRG Shamus. Three groups of TIE Fighters are assigned to see that
these freighters arrive with their cargo intact. The cargo is carrying
newly developed starfighter technology that Admiral Zaarin wishes to
evaluate. The M/FRG Shamus will rendevous with you and the convoy near
Mylok IV.

Primary Goals:
-- 50% of Cargo Ferry group Verack must have finished docking.
-- 50% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner must have finished docking.
-- Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must have survived.
Secondary Goals:
-- 100% of Cargo Ferry group Verack must be inspected.
-- 100% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner must be inspected.
Bonus Goals:
-- Corellian Corvette Charger 1 must be inspected.
-- Corellian Corvette Charger 2 must be inspected. (M)

Schedule of Events:
00:11 Y-wing group Red 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
00:21 Y-wing group Gold 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
00:31 Corellian Corvette Charger 1 enters the area.
00:32 Corellian Corvette Charger 2 enters the area.
01:09 Y-wing group Yellow 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
01:42 Y-wing group Blue 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
02:57 Y-wing group Yellow 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
02:59 Shamus enters.
03:16 T/I group Zeta 1-3 exits the Shamus' hangar to assist.
03:31 T/B group Eta leaves Shamus to help defend against the enemies.
03:40 Y-wing group Yellow 1-3 enters and launches assault on the Cargo
04:25 Y-wing group Striker 1-3 enters and launches assault on the
Cargo Ferries.
04:43 T/B group Psi exits Shamus to replace T/B group Eta as needed.
05:42 Y-wing group Scarlet 1-3 enters and launches assault on the
Cargo Ferries.
08:00 Cargo Ferry Verrack 1 docks with the Shamus.
08:45 CARG Verrack 1 finishes docking operation.
10:25 CARG Verrack 2 docks with the Shamus.
11:10 CARG Verrack 2 finishes docking operation.
11:54 CARG Stimner 1 docks with the Shamus.
12:08 CARG Verrack 1 enters hyperspace.
12:10 CARG Verrack 2 enters hyperspace.
12:40 CARG Stimner 1 finishes docking operation.
13:44 CARG Stimner 2 docks with the Shamus.
14:29 CARG Stimner 2 finishes docking operation.
16:06 CARG Stimner 1 enters hyperspace.
16:08 CARG Stimner 2 enters hyperspace.

You'll be able to inspect all four Cargo Ferries easily enough at the
outset of the mission. Right when you're finished the Corvettes should
have arrived, so you can go inspect and destroy them. Use torpedoes or
Heavy Rockets and you should have little problem bringing them down,
but be careful because the Cargo Ferries will also be attacking the
Corvettes, and you could miss a chance to inspect them before they are
destroyed. While the Shamus will release a number of TIE Bombers to
destroy them once it shows up, the Corvettes are best finished first.
Have your wingmen keep the Y-wings occupied in the meantime.

Once the Corvettes are gone, you'll have to defeat all 24 Y-wings to
save the Cargo Ferries and complete the mission. Engage them right
away and keep an eye out for the Cargo Ferries. It is best to save
CARG Verrack 1-2, which is the most likely to be attacked, and one
of CARG Stimner. The Y-wings will be launching quite a few warheads,
so you'll want to engage the starfighters before they have a chance to
launch them. If you are finding yourself easily pulled away from the
scene, you can try equipping concussion missiles to attack Y-wing
threats from afar while destroying the Corvettes with lasers from the
blind spot at the rear. Either method works, but the first suggested
plan is quicker and more efficient.


Battle 4 Mission 2
Conflict at Mylok IV, Mission #2: Attack the Nharwaak

Imperial patrols have located the secret base of Nharwaak ships
carrying the hyperdrive technology. The first objective is to stop the
Corvettes from escaping. Then get the shuttles and the transport,
hopefully before the parked starfighters are activated. You will be
among three groups of TIE Bombers launched from the M/FRG Shamus.

Primary Goals:
-- Container B Junker must be destroyed.
-- Container A Hume must be destroyed.
-- Container A Workshop must be destroyed.
-- Container B Repo must be destroyed.
-- Corellian Corvette Petor must be destroyed.
-- Corellian Corvette Shotgun must be destroyed.
-- Transport Sunbird must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Pamir 1 must be destroyed.
-- Shuttle Pamir 2 must be destroyed.
Secondary Goals:
-- 100% of all Y-wings must be destroyed.
Bonus Goals:
-- none

Schedule of Events:
00:33 SHU Pamir 1 docks with Y-wing Red 1.
00:38 SHU Pamir 1 completes docking operation.
00:54 SHU Pamir 2 docks with Y-wing Blue 1.
01:00 SHU Pamir 2 completes docking operation.
01:10 SHU Pamir 1 docks with Y-wing Red 2.
01:15 SHU Pamir 1 completes docking operation.
03:52 CRV Petor enters hyperspace.
TI-ED T/I group Delta 1-3 will exit the Shamus to replace any fallen
TIE Bomber group.

The only immediate threat is CRV Petor which will hyperspace about
four minutes into the battle. TIE Bomber group Beta will attack CRV
Shotgun while T/B Gamma goes after the Y-wings. TRN Sunbird will
attack the Shamus which will retaliate and destroy the Transport soon
enough. With this in mind, destroy CRV Petor first -- six torpedoes
will do it. Send your wingmen to help T/B Beta with bringing down CRV
Shotgun at the start. Once Petor is destroyed, you're clear to attack
the Shuttles and Y-wings. Once all starfighters are gone, clean up the
remaining Containers. Note that it'll take the TIE Bombers about two
and a half minutes to destroy CRV Shotgun, so if you're finding
yourself overwhelmed by all the starfighters, go help destroy it so
the other TIE Bombers can assist.



=== ======= ======== ======== ======= ===
==== == == ======= OTHER NOTES ======= == == ====
===== ====== ====== == == =====
====== ==\ \== ===== Bugs, ranking, and other ===== ==/ /== ======
======= ==\=\== ==== stuff you should know ==== ==/=/== =======

|o| Battle 2 Mission 2 and Battle 2 Mission 4 bug:

Yes, you can destroy M/FRG Dromon, and yes, it is an actual bonus
goal in the game. However, if M/FRG is destroyed in Battle 2 Mission
2, you will not be able to complete Battle 2 Mission 4 thanks to a
bug (at least in the original disk version of the game). The
destruction of M/FRG Dromon triggers a bug which causes SHU
Phantelle, M/FRG Shemsher, CARG Glaive, CARG Godendag, and CRV Runka
not to appear in Mission 4 making it impossible to complete.

The only workaround if you've already destroyed M/FRG Dromon and
can't continue is to try replaying Mission 2 and doing your best to
avoid destroying the ship. It's mainly a problem since M/FRG Dromon
gets hammer by VSD Protector and a number of other ships during the
mission. Have your wingmen ignore it and avoid going near it
yourself, and it should hyperspace away before being destroyed. If
replaying the mission doesn't work, you'll have to create a new
pilot and start your career all over again and/or reinstall the
game and make sure to avoid destroying M/FRG Dromon the next time
you play through the game. LucasArts had offered to replace all
disks with the bug with fixed versions years ago, but I'm not sure
if that offer still stands now.

|o| TIE Fighter rank list with approximate place scores:

-- FLT. CADET .......................................... 0
-- FLT. OFFICER ................................... 10,000
-- LEUTENANT ...................................... 50,000
-- CAPTAIN ....................................... 150,000
-- COMMANDER ..................................... 250,000
-- GENERAL ....................................... 500,000

-- FIRST INITIATE ................................ 100,000
-- SECOND CIRCLE ................................. 200,000
-- THIRD CIRCLE .................................. 250,000
-- FOURTH CIRCLE ................................. 450,000
-- INNER CIRCLE .................................. 600,000
-- EMPEROR'S HAND .............................. 1,000,000
-- EMPEROR'S EYES .............................. 1,400,000
-- EMPEROR'S HANDS ............................. 1,700,000
-- EMPEROR'S REACH ............................. 2,000,000

=== ======= ======== ======== ======= ===
==== == == ======= CREDITS ======= == == ====
===== ====== ====== == == =====
====== ==\ \== ===== What I can and cannot ===== ==/ /== ======
======= ==\=\== ==== claim credit for. ==== ==/=/== =======

Benjamin Paul Galway -- All text and information above is credited to the
author of this document except from the mission
introductions and goals which are from the game.

LucasArts -- For releasing such a great game. I suppose the planets were
aligned and there was a full moon on the Vernal Equinox for it
to happen, but it did.

GameFAQs -- I never really bother to thank the site, but it is the best
video game resource available. I doubt anyone who be able to
make use of my guides if it weren't for the site.

End of Document
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