Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

17.10.2013 21:56:29
Complete Walkthrough
Copyright 2002 Marc "Darth Maul" Binda

File Information
Version : 1.1
Updated : November 5, 2002 by John Walker (ThunderPeel2001)

Game Information
Title : Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Platform : PC (DOS) / Amiga / Mac
Year : 1992
Company : Lucasarts Entertainment Company


Back in 1993 or something, I discovered this game. I had played the last Indy
game on the PC, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and I liked it very much.
When Lucasarts released this game, I was ecstatic. I've always loved the
Lucasarts graphic adventure games (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, etc) and I've
always loved Indiana Jones. Anyway, back when I was playing this wonderful
game (Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis), I got the urge to write a
walkthrough for it. It covered all of the 3 paths that you can choose to
complete the game and everything. Sadly, when I sold my old 386 computer,
I forgot to put my walkthrough on a diskette, so I lost it. So, on May 25th
2001, I decided that I was going to rewrite my walkthrough for the game and
submit it to GameFAQs as my first submission ever.

Enjoy reading!


1-0. Command Help
1-1. I.Q. Points
1-2. Fighting Tips

2-0. Caswell Hall - Introduction
2-1. New York City
2-2. Iceland - Part One
2-3. Tikal
2-4. Iceland - Part Two
2.5. The Azores
2.6. Return to Barnett College

3-0. Team Path
3-1. Algiers - Part One
3-2. Monte Carlo
3-3. Algiers - Part Two
3-4. Algiers - Balloon Ride
3-5. Algiers - Dig Site
3-6. Crete - Old Ruins
3-7. Crete - Labyrinth
3-8. Nazi Submarine

4-0. Wits Path
4-1. Monte Carlo - Part One
4-2. Algiers - City
4-3. Algiers - Desert
4-4. Algiers - Dig Site
4-5. Monte Carlo - Part Two
4-6. Thera
4-7. Nazi Submarine
4-8. Crete - Labyrinth

5-0. Fists Path
5-1. Monte Carlo
5-2. Algiers - City
5-3. Algiers - Desert
5-4. Algiers - Dig Site
5-5. Crete - Old Ruins
5-6. Crete - Labyrinth
5-7. Thera

6-0. Atlantis - Airlock Room
6-1. Atlantis - Maze
6-2. Atlantis - Canal
6-3. Atlantis - Rescuing Sophia
6-4. Atlantis - Middle Atlantis
6-5. Atlantis - Inner Atlantis
6-6. Atlantis - The Colossus

7-0. Credits and acknowledgments

1-0. Command Help

If you've already played any of the classic graphic adventures from Lucasarts,
you won't have any trouble with the commands in this game. If not, here's how
the game works.

You move your mouse pointer around various objects on the screen and interact
with them via a menu of verbs or actions in the lower left hand corner of the

Here are the different verbs/actions and their keyboard shortcuts :

Give (G) - Give an item to someone.
Open (O) - Open something (door, chest, etc).
Close (C) - Close something (door, chest, etc).
Pick up (P) - Pick up an item.
Talk to (T) - Talk to someone.
Look at (L) - Look at something or someone.
Use (U) - Use an item on something or someone.
Push (S) - Push something or someone.
Pull (Y) - Pull something or someone.

You can also use combinations of verbs/actions. For example, you can Use an
item from your inventory on something on the screen or another item in your

Speaking of your inventory, it's located in the lower right hand corner of the
screen. There's no limit on the number of items you can carry so don't worry.
After certain parts of your adventure are completed, you may lose certain items
but once you lose an item, you won't need it for the rest of the game so don't

Also, when you talk to someone, there will often be various choices of dialogue
you can choose from. The choices you make during a conversation will often
define the encounter's outcome, but you'll always get fair warning if your in
real danger.

To reach the options screen, press F1. From there, you can save your game, load
a game and quit the game.

Useful shorcut : Right-clicking on objects on the screen will always use the
most common verb/action. For example, right-clicking on a truck or any other
transportation device will Use it. Some objects can be opened/closed by right-
clicking, etc.

You will encounter fights at certain points during the game (especially on the
"Fists" path, unsurprisingly!). When this occurs there are two modes of
fighting to choose from: Mouse or keyboard. To switch between the two press "F"
at any time during the game. (Note: Using the Keyboard mode is a MUCH easier
way of fighting.)

The keys during a "Keyboard" mode fight are:

(7) (8) (9)
Stepback Block High Punch High

(4) (5) (6)
Stepback Block Mid Punch Mid

(1) (2) (3)
Stepback Block Low Punch Low

Note: It seems you may have to turn off "Num Lock" to use the numberpad in the

You can view your current I.Q. (Indy Quotient) score by pressing "I" when your
inventory is visible. To return to your inventory press "I" again. (See section
1-1 to learn more about I.Q. points.)

Finally, here are some helpful keyboard shortcuts...

I - Show I.Q. Score
F - Change Fighting Mode

F1 - Options Menu
F5 - Options Menu
F8 - Restart Game (Y/N?)
Alt-X - Quit Game (Y/N?)
Alt-Q - Quit Game (Y/N?)
Ctrl-C - Quit Game (Y/N?)
Ctrl-J - Calibrate Joystick
Ctrl-K - Check Memory Usage
Ctrl-M - Mouse Mode On
Ctrl-N - Mouse Mode (?)
Ctrl-T - Toggle between Voice Only/Text and Voice/Text Only (Voice ver. only)
Ctrl-V - Version
[ & ] - Music Volume
- & + - Text Speed

1-1. I.Q. Points

Like the earlier adventure game, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you
accumulate I.Q. (Indy Quotient) Points when you solve puzzles. If you press
"I" when your inventory is visible, the I.Q. Points screen will appear telling
you how many points you have (to go back press "I" again).

There are two scores listed: "Current" (which is how many points you've earned
in your current game) and "Total" (how many points you've accumulated from
every game so far).

Basically I.Q. Points are used to add longevity to the game (as if it wasn't
already long enough!). To get every single one you must complete the game in
all three "Path" modes and solve every puzzle in every way (some puzzles have
multiple solutions). A complete breakdown of all 1000 possible I.Q. Points
would take forever, so here instead, are a few hints for those interested in
going after them:

You don't need to play the "Atlantis" section of the game for each game Path.
Once you've completed it you won't earn any extra I.Q. Points by doing it again
in a different Path unless you solve a puzzle in a different way (E.g. Fighting
Sophia's guard instead of activating the sentry).

In fights, "Sucker-punches" (see section 1-2) never earn you any I.Q. points,
but beating someone fair and square will.

If you think you know a different way a puzzle might be solved, simply go back
to an old saved game and try again. Even if you don't save after solving it a
different way, your I.Q. points will still be added to your "Total" score when
you return to your current save.

1-2. Fighting Tips

Fighting in Fate of Atlantis is a real pain (certainly not much of an
improvement over the original Last Crusade version :/ ) and it's not helped
when you're forced to use your mouse to block, retreat and punch by clicking
on moving targets! Thankfully some thoughtful soul thought to include an easier
"keyboard" version.

To turn it on simply press "F" any time during play. A message will inform you
that "Keyboard fighting" is on. When in this mode you use the Keypad to perform
all blocking, punching and retreating (see section 1-0 for the list of actual

Basic strategy is to punch when your punch power is high (your blue bar) and
then walk back one step. Punch again when your opponent has stepped towards you
(and your power bar has increased) and backstep again. One of the problems with
these strategy is that some of the fighters are extremely quick at countering
after they've been punched, so timing is needed. Another problem is that after
a few backsteps the game will think you want to retreat and Indy will run off
to lick his wounds.

In practice the "retreat" function has very little use, by the time you realize
you stand no chance of winning you've usually lost! Plus when you return to the
fight later, your opponents health bar will have usually returned to full. So
go easy on the backsteps.

A more effective but more difficult strategy is use the middle row of the
keypad to block. This takes a lot of practice and a cool head. Basically you
need to keep a close eye on your opponent's arms. They will move mid/low/high
before they hit you in that area. You need to quickly block mid/low/high to
block before he actually hits you. You have maybe a second to do this, so it's
imperative that you keep your cool and concentrate. If you panic you'll be
flattened in no time.

When you get tired of fighting and all you want to is move on with the game
there's a "suckerpunch" option to keep you sane. During a fight just press
"Insert" and Indy will throw a punch that will knock your opponent out if it
connects (so press it a few times!).

There are a few thing you should know before you try to suckerpunch your way
through the game though: 1) You don't earn any I.Q. points for winning a fight
through a suckerpunch and 2) Suckerpunches will not work at all if there's a
way to avoid the confrontation by solving a puzzle (E.g. "Arnold" the singing
guard or Sophia's captor in Atlantis).

Good luck!

2-0. Caswell Hall - Introduction

During the opening credits, Indy crashes through a window, ending up inside
one of the attics of Caswell Hall. He seems to be looking for some kind of
statue. There are many statues and items laying around the room. You can
click on any of them to have brief descriptions. Once you click on the
peculiar statue on the left side of the room, a trap door will open under
Indy's feet and he'll fall. He'll end up in yet another room filled with
shelves. At the right of the room, there's a gaping hole with some rope next
to it. Try to pick up the rope and a broken statue will knock Indy on the
head and he'll fall into the gaping hole. After regaining his senses, Indy
finds himself in yet another room filled with bookshelves. There's a bookcase
filled with books on statues on the left side of the room. Indy tries to pick
up one of the books inside and the bookcase falls on him. He finds himself
inside yet another room, this time, there's a table with 4 cats on the left.
Examine a cat and then another one and Indy will be surprised by a live cat,
heading backwards and falling down a coal chute. He then finds himself inside
a furnace room. Examine the 3 lockers in the back of the room. After opening
the third locker, Indy will finally find the statue he's looking for.

Indy goes back to his office to meet Marcus and a man named Mr. Smith. It
seems Mr. Smith is looking for the horned statue Indy just found. Mr. Smith
has a "key" for the statue. After inserting the key in the base of the statue,
a small bead comes out. Mr. Smith then takes out a gun and asks Indy to hand
over the statue and the bead. After wrestling with Indy, Mr. Smith manages to
escape but not without leaving his trenchcoat behind. After searching his
coat, they discover that the man is named Klaus Kerner and that he's some
sort of secret agent for the Third Reich. They also find an old copy of
National Archeology. Inside, they find photos of one of Indy's digs in Iceland
with his old assistant, Sophia Hapgood. She's now in New York City, working as
a psychic who gives lectures on the paranormal. Indy decides to go to New York
City to try and warn Sophia about that Kerner spy.

Note : You can skip the whole introduction by repeatedly pressing Esc. ^_~

2-1. New York City

Indy can try and buy a ticket to attend Sophia's lecture but they're all sold
out. Pick up today's newspaper from the newsstand. Now, there are three
different ways to get inside the place where Sophia is giving her lecture. (The
way you manage to get in determines which path Sophia RECOMMENDS to Indy later
(although you can choose whichever you want regardless).)

#1 (Team Path):
You can try talking to Biff the bouncer by opening the back door. After that,
sweet talk him by saying how smart Sophia is and how she makes things easy to

#2 (Fists Path):
Insult the bouncer instead to the point where you have to fight with him (and
then beat him!).

#3 (Wits Path):
You can push around the crates behind the building, making a path to the fire
escape ladder.

Once you're inside the building, you'll have to contend with the stagehand
that is standing next to the control panel on the left. If you try and
approach Sophia while she's giving her lecture, the old man will stop you and
you'll see parts of Sophia's lecture on Atlantis. After a few tries, the
cutscenes to Sophia's lecture will stop. You need to get rid of that stagehand
somehow. After talking to him, you realize that one of his hobbies is reading.
Give him the newspaper and he'll step away from the control panel. Push the
left lever and the right lever and press the little red button and the ghost
will fly off in front of the stage. There's a malfunction and Sophia's lecture
will end prematurely.

Indy and Sophia head back to her office and realize that someone has searched
her room. Klaus Kerner was looking for something in her room. After having a
chat with Sophia, she tells him that they need to find the Lost Dialogue of
Plato. They decide to head to Iceland, where they found the pieces that the
Nazis are looking for.

2-2. Iceland - Part One

Once in Iceland, you need to find Dr. Bjorn Heimdall. He's in the old dig
site, hacking away at some ice wall with a pick axe trying to dislodge
an eel figurine. Talk to Dr. Heimdall. Ask him about the Lost Dialogue of
Plato. He'll tell you that there's two people you might want to visit : Dr.
Charles Sternhart in Tikal and Felipe Costa in the Azores Islands. Once you're
done talking with Heimdall, head back to the truck outside and drive back to
the airport. Head for Tikal first to find Dr. Sternhart.

2-3. Tikal

Once arrived in Tikal, walk towards the entrance to the jungle on the right.
In the jungle, you'll notice a rodent that always runs away from you when you
approach it. After navigating through the jungle maze, you'll find yourself
on the other side. Only one small problem... There's a huge snake wrapped
around the tree. To get rid of the snake, simply head back into the jungle and
wait until the rodent is in front of the entrance that leads back to the
snake. Keep your distance from the rodent and use your whip to scare it into
the entrance. The rodent will exit the jungle and will get attacked by the
snake. Both animals fall down the ravine. Go back to the tree. Use the tree.
Indy will climb it and it'll bend over, allowing him to cross the ravine.
You'll meet up with Sophia on the other side.

Now, you need to find Sternhart. Try picking up the kerosene lamp that's near
that souvenir stand. Sternhart will come out of the temple, telling you to
leave the lamp alone. After talking with Sternhart, you discover that a
certain "Mr. Smith" got to Sternhart's last copy of the Dialogue before you.
Ask Sternhart if you can take a look around in the temple. He asks you the
name of the Lost Dialogue of Plato. Tell him that you don't know the title.
Sternhart will head back to the temple. Go and talk to the parrot that's in
the tree to the left. Choose "Title?" and the parrot will tell you the name
of the Lost Dialogue of Plato : Hermocrates.

Head towards the temple and you'll get intercepted by Sternhart yet again. He
asks you for the name of the Dialogue. Answer him with "Hermocrates" and he'll
let you go inside to have a look. Once inside the temple, talk to Sophia and
ask her to keep Sternhart occupied. Head back outside and pick up the kerosene
lamp from the souvenir stand. Go back inside the temple. Open the kerosene
lamp and use it on the spiral design on the right. The kerosene will eat away
the tarnish. Pick up the spiral design. Use it on the animal head on the left.
Now, it looks like an elephant head. Pull the elephant's nose and a tomb will
open up on the right, where the spiral design was. Sternhart will find a stone
disk inside called a Worldstone. He'll escape with the Worldstone, leaving
Indy and Sophia behind. Go back to the tomb and pick up the shiny bead, an
orichalcum bead. Exit the temple and go to the right, to the path around the
jungle. Use the truck and head back to the airport. Go to back to Iceland.

2-4. Iceland - Part Two

Back in Iceland, enter the old dig site. You'll find Dr. Heimdall, frozen
solid. However, he exposed the eel's head. Use the orichalcum bead you just
found on the exposed eel's head. It will melt itself out of the ice. Pick up
the eel figurine. Exit the dig site and go back to the truck. Use it to go
back to the airport and head for the Azores.

2-5. The Azores

When you arrive, have Indy talk to Costa first. He won't have much success.
Have Indy talk to Sophia and ask her to take over for him. Once in control of
Sophia, talk to Costa. The old man will be much more receptive. He doesn't
have the Dialogue and he's never read it. He is willing to trade information
on its whereabouts for a rare Atlantean artifact though. At first, he wants to
trade for Sophia's necklace. Of course, she'll refuse to trade her necklace.
Ask him if he'll do business with her friend. He'll say he'll do business with
anyone. Have Sophia talk to Indy and hand back over control to him. Have Indy
talk to Costa again. Talk about a trade with him. Offer him the eel figurine.
He'll tell Indy that he doesn't know where to find the Lost Dialogue but he'll
tell you the name of the collection it's part of.

Note : The name of the collection changes every time you play. Just note the
name of the collection that Costa speaks about.

No matter what the name of the collection, Indy believes that Barnett College
owns it. So, it's time to head back to Barnett College. Before going back to
Barnett College, a cutscene will be presented with Klaus Kerner and
Dr. Ubermann in a secret laboratory somewhere in Germany.

2-6. Return to Barnett College

Back in the States, Indy will enter Caswell Hall, where he thinks the
collection containing Plato's Lost Dialogue is kept. Sophia will go and wait
for Indy back in his office. The location of Plato's Lost Dialogue also
changes every time you play the game. First, I'll list all of the items you
can acquire in Caswell Hall and Indy's office that will allow you to find the

Items to be found :

- In Indy's office, you can find an old jar of mayonnaise that now looks like
used motor oil.
- In Caswell Hall, there's a dirty rag in the furnace room.
- You can also pick up a lump of coal from the furnace room.
- In the room where the bookcase fell over Indy during the introduction,
there's a school desk. Look at the school desk and Indy will find a piece of
gum. You can pick up the piece of gum. It will help you later on.
- In the room where the statue collapsed and knocked Indy on the head, there's
an arrowhead sitting on a shelf in the back.
- Inside the urn in the attic, you may find a key (only if the Dialogue is
hidden inside the old dusty chest).

Plato's Lost Dialogue Locations :

A) Behind the big crate in the room with the totem pole, there's an old dusty
chest. It's locked and the only way to open it is to use the key found
inside the urn in the attic. To reach the attic, use the jar of mayonnaise
on the totem pole and pull the totem pole two times, towards the opening in
the ceiling. Climb the totem pole and you'll reach the attic. Open the urn,
look inside and you'll find a key. Go back down and use the key on the
dusty old chest. The Lost Dialogue of Plato will be inside.

B) The Lost Dialogue of Plato is hidden inside one of the cat figurines. To
reach the room where the cat figurines are stored, you need to use the gum
on the coal chute for traction. One of the cat figurines will be made out
of wax. It's usually the one that scared Indy during the introduction. Take
the cat figurine made out of wax and go back down to the furnace room. Open
the furnace and use the wax cat on it. The Lost Dialogue will be inside.

C) The Lost Dialogue of Plato is inside the bookcase that fell on Indy during
the introduction. One way to reach the Dialogue is to open the back of the
bookcase. However, it's screwed pretty tight. You need some kind of
screwdriver. Use the dirty rag on the arrowhead. Use the wrapped arrowhead
on the 5 screws and open the tipped-over bookcase. Indy will find the Lost
Dialogue inside.

An easier alternative way is to go get the chewing gum and go downstairs to
the furnace room. Pick up a piece of coal and get Indy to use the gum on
the coal chute. Once upstairs note the hole in the ceiling and the one book
that remains up there -- guess which one it is! Use the piece of coal on
the book and it will fall down, allowing Indy to grab it.

Once you've found the Lost Dialogue of Plato, head back to Indy's office to
meet up with Sophia. At this point in the game, you need to choose between 3
different paths : The Team Path, The Wits Path and The Fists Path. Each of the
paths have different puzzles in them. It all depends on how you want to play
the game. The course of the adventure also changes depending on which path you

For the Team Path, head for section 3-0.
For the Wits Path, head for section 4-0.
For the Fists Path, head for section 5-0.

3-0. Team Path

Alright. You've chosen to continue your adventure with Sophia's help. She
tells you about two people : Omar Al-Jabbar in Algiers and Alain Trottier in
Monte Carlo. She thinks one of them has one of the 3 stone disks that you'll
need to find Atlantis. Head for Algiers first.

3-1. Algiers - Part One

First thing you need to do in Algiers is talk to the knife thrower in the
marketplace. He'll tell you where to find Omar Al-Jabbar and he'll also tell
you that he needs a new assistant for his knife-throwing act. Talk to Sophia
and ask her if she'll volunteer. She doesn't trust the knife-thrower that
much. Tell her it's perfectly safe and ask her to watch more closely at his
technique. She'll approach the knife thrower. Once you regain control of the
cursor, push her towards the knife thrower. She'll become his new "assistant".
After the knife-thrower's act, Sophia will give you a blood-stained knife.

You can also talk to the grocer to learn the location of Omar Al-Jabbar's
shop and he'll also tell you about today's special : squab-on-a-stick for only
20 dinars. For now, head towards the back of the marketplace to find Omar
Al-Jabbar's shop by going down the back alley. Talk to the shopkeeper there.
He claims to know something about Atlantis but he's not sure he should take
you seriously or not. He needs some kind of proof. He says that if you can
show him one of the 3 stone disks, he'll help you.

Before leaving the shop, don't forget to take the mask (it's the only reason
to come to Algiers before Monte Carlo!). Head back to the airport by heading
back the way you came. Travel to Monte Carlo.

3-2. Monte Carlo

Once in Monte Carlo, Sophia will talk to you. She thinks that Trottier might
have one of the 3 stone disks. She has a plan in mind, some kind of séance.
She asks you to look for Trottier while she goes back to her room to prepare
for the séance. She has no idea what Trottier looks like though. After Sophia
heads back to her room, start looking for Trottier. He's a bald man that wears
a brown suit. You'll eventually see him walking in and out of the hotel. Talk
to him when you see him. Present yourself as Dr. Indiana Jones and try and be
as friendly as possible or else he'll leave, offended. He says he's heard of
you. Try and remember the conversation you have with him. It may come in handy
later on. To prove that you're to be trusted, Trottier asks you a question on
Atlantis. The answers to his questions can be found in Plato's Lost Dialogue.
Once you've answered his question correctly, ask him to come upstairs so that
Madame Sophia can read his fortune. If you ever manage to offend Trottier and
he refuses to come upstairs to see Sophia, go and see her and she'll suggest
you talk to him about Nur-Ab-Sal. Drop the name to Trottier and he'll consider
following you upstairs.

Once you've managed to convince Trottier to come upstairs for Sophia's séance,
you have two choices. You can either let Sophia deal with him or have Indy try
something out. If you choose to let Sophia do the talking, here's what you
have to do :

First off, say that Nur-Ab-Sal needs proof of Trottier's sincere belief before
starting. He says he has one of the 3 stone keys. He takes out a stone disk
and puts it on the table. However, before continuing, Trottier wants to prove
that Sophia isn't an imposter and asks her some questions. Think back to the
conversation Indy had with Trottier in the street. First, Trottier will ask
Sophia why he was taking a stroll tonight. Second, he'll also what his
greatest fear is. Third, he'll ask what his greatest need is. He won't let on
if you've answered the first 3 questions correctly or not. For his final
question, he'll ask how many fingers he's holding behind his back. Now is the
time to save! This is completely random but it IS possible to guess the correct
number (if you don't get it right no matter which number you pick then you must
have answered one of the first questions wrong). Once you get it right he'll
believe Sophia and that think that she's trustworthy. He'll then ask for his
fortune. Answer anything and he'll give you the stone disk.

You can also let Indy do his thing during the seance. First, Sophia will ask
for some token of power to channel her thoughts. Trottier will put his stone
disk on the table. Once you gain control of Indy, open the cabinet and take
the flashlight inside. Then, open the fuse box and push the circuit breakers
to shut off the lights. Head over to the bed and pick up the bed sheet. Use
the bed sheet, use the mask that you found in Algiers and then use the
flashlight. Indy will appear as some kind of ghost and he'll scare Trottier
off. The stone disk will be on the table.

Once you have Trottier's Sunstone, go back downstairs and hail a taxi. Head
back to Algiers.

3-3. Algiers - Part Two

Back in Algiers, go back to the shop in the back alley. Show the Sunstone to
the shopkeeper. He'll reveal himself to be Omar Al-Jabbar. Indy asks him what
he knows about Atlantis. Omar says that somewhere deep in the Atlas mountains,
there's an archeological dig site. He's convinced that it contains the remains
of an Atlantean outpost. He doesn't know where the dig site is exactly but he
has a rough map of where it might be. He's willing to lend Indy and Sophia the
map and some sturdy camels.

Unfortunately, Indy and Sophia come back empty handed from their trip in the
desert. They go back to see Omar in his shop. He says he's terribly sorry but
that he's willing to make a trade with them for the mask he gave them earlier.
Accept the first offer he makes, no matter what the item is. Head back to see
the grocer and talk about a deal to get a squab-on-a-stick. Offer him the item
you've just received from Omar. You might get lucky and the grocer will accept
your trade offer for the squab. If not, he'll drop some clues about what he
would like to have (either the color of the object or its nature, something
like that). Head back to see Omar and keep trading for items until you get
what the grocer wants for the squab. This may take a few tries.

Once you have the squab, head over towards the path that leads back to the
airport. There, you'll notice a beggar. Talk to him and he says that if you
bring him free food, he'll give you a free gift. Offer him the squab. He'll
give you a balloon ticket. Head up the stairs on the right to reach the roof.
Give the balloon ticket to the balloon man and he'll let you ride the balloon.
Climb into the balloon. The balloon man will raise the balloon into the air.
Once you're in the air, use the blood-stained knife on the rope and you'll be
cut free.

3-4. Algiers - Balloon Ride

Once you're airborn and in the balloon, you can either vent hydrogen or drop
a ballast. Doing one of those two actions will make you turn in a direction.
Once you've figured out how to navigate using the balloon, look for nomad
camps in the desert. When you find one, land and ask the nomad there for
directions. He'll give you directions on where the "X" is from his camp. Head
from camp to camp, asking for directions along the way. Eventually, you'll
find a camp that's very close to the dig site and when you get back in the
balloon, a red "X" will appear on the map. Head for the "X" and you'll get
shot at by a Nazi soldier. The balloon will crash on the soldier and near the
dig site. Head left to reach the dig site.

3-5. Algiers - Dig Site

Sophia will head off on her own and fall down some hole near a table. For now,
head down to the actual dig site. It'll be very dark down there and you won't
see a thing. You can still move your mouse around and you'll notice objects
laying around. Pick up the long tubular thing (a hose), the sharp wood thing
(a ship rib), the clay thing (a clay jar) and the blunt wood thing (a wooden
peg). Head back to the surface and walk towards the truck. Open the gas tank
and insert the hose in it. Then, use the clay jar on the end of the hose to
fill it up with gas. You can pick up the hose again if you want and close the
gas tank. Head back down to the dig site. In the darkness, towards the left,
there's a metal thing, that's a portable generator. Move your mouse around
there until you find a metal cap. That's the gas cap. Open the gas cap and use
the gas-filled jar on the gas-filler pipe. Close the gas cap. Finally, move
your mouse around again to find a small metal thing. That's the switch. Push it
and the portable generator will turn on and light up the room you're in.

Now, head towards the right of the room and you'll notice a crumbling wall.
Use the ship rib on the crumbling wall and it will reveal some kind of mural.
It's a map of the island of Crete with a hole in the middle. Insert the wooden
peg you found into the hole. Then, use the Sunstone on the peg in the wall.
Next, open up your Lost Dialogue of Plato and look for the passage where it
talks about "the outpost where only a Sunstone suffices". That will give you
a clue on how to align the Sunstone. Once you've correctly aligned the stone,
A secret passage will open, letting Sophia out. She'll hand over two items to
you : a distributor cap that dropped on her head when she fell into the hole
and an amber fish on a string. Before exiting the underground dig site, don't
forget to take back the Sunstone from the mural. You can also take back the
wooden peg if you want. Go back to the generator and open it. There's a spark
plug inside that you'll need. Shut off the generator and take the spark plug.

Back on the surface, head towards the truck. Put back the distributor cap and
the spark plug. Close the hood and the truck is now ready to bring you back to
the airport. Next destination : the Island of Crete.

3-6. Crete - Old Ruins

Arrived in Crete, head to the left. You'll end up in some old ruins. Cross the
small bridge and head to the left again. At the end of the path, you'll find
a surveyor's instrument. Pick it up and head back to the bridge, this time,
passing under it to reach the other parts of the ruins. Enter all the entrances
you come across until you discover a strange mural on the wall. It shows some
bull horns, a bull's head and a bull's tail. Two lines start from the head and
the tail and cross each of the bull's horns to converge on a circle. Indy
thinks that might be one of the stone disks.

Back outside, push around piles of stones you find to try and discover the
bull's head and the bull's tail. Once you discover the bull's head, place the
surveyor's instrument on it and use it. Align the transit with the left side
horn. Once you discover the bull's tail, place the surveyor's instrument on it
and use it. Align the transit with the right side horn. The two lines that
Indy traced will converge to place a yellow "X marks the spot" on the ground.
Use the ship rib on the yellow "X" and he'll discover the second stone disk,
the Moonstone. Go back to the right, towards where the plane landed and head
for the right from there.

You'll notice a stone pedestal there. First, open the Lost Dialogue of Plato
and look for the passage that speaks of the Greater Colony and the Moonstone.
It will give you a hint on how to align the Sunstone and the Moonstone. Insert
first the Sunstone and then the Moonstone on the stone pedestal. Align both
stones correctly and a passage will open on the right.

3-7. Crete - Labyrinth

You'll find yourself in an old labyrinth. First, pick up two of the statues
that are sitting on the stone platform. Go through the door and when you're on
the other side, use your whip on the last statue head in the other room.
Explore the labyrinth until you find a room with a minotaur statue. Use your
whip on the minotaur's head and it'll fall off, tumble down the stairs and land
on the pressure plate below. Step on the pressure plate and you'll go down.

Down there, you'll find a skeleton. That's Dr. Sternhart, the man you met in
Tikal, the one who stole the Worldstone from you. Take back the Worldstone, the
last stone disk and pick up his staff too. Now, look at the waterfall on the
right side of the cave. Indy will discover a chain. Climb up the chain. Sophia
will wait for you down there.

Next, find the room where there's a stone helf with the head of some king on
top. Place all 3 statue heads you found earlier on the stone shelf and the gate
will open. Once you're past the gate, take the passage that goes up. You'll
end up in a room with a chasm, a stone shaft and a golden box on the other
side. Use your staff on the chock near the stone shaft. That will free up the
counterweight for the elevator. Head back down the way you came and take the
right passage. You'll end up in a room with a giant statue head. Insert the
staff inside the statue's mouth and the elevator will rise. After the elevator
has risen, step off and pick up the gold box. You'll find two more orichalcum
beads underneath it.

Next, head back down to the place where you found Sternhart's skeleton and
where Sophia is waiting for you. Head to the room in the back. You'll have to
convince Sophia to boost her through the hole. Once she's on the other side,
she'll use a pulley and it'll open the gate, allowing you to pass. Now, you
need to put all of your orichalcum beads inside the gold box. Try using the
amber fish on a string. It will point at Sophia's necklace. Ask Sophia to put
her necklace inside the gold box. Once those two things are done, your
orichalcum detector, the amber fish on a string will help you find the way out
of the labyrinth. Use it and it will eventually point you in the direction of
a blank wall. Use your ship rib on the wall to discover a door. Open the door
and go through. On the other side, you'll find yet another oricalchum bead (it
was what set the orichalcum detector off).

Go to the right and you'll enter some kind of map room with some kind of scale
model of Atlantis. In the center of the model, there's a stone spindle. First,
open up your Lost Dialogue of Plato and read the passage concerning the
Worlstone that's needed to approach Atlantis itself. Put the three stone disks
on the spindle and align them according to the clues given in the Dialogue.
That will open up a door. Go through the door. Klaus Kerner will appear and say
that he has captured Sophia. He wants the stone disks in exchange for Sophia.
Kerner will take the disks and trap Indy inside the room. Look on the far right
of the room for the rock wall. Use the ship rib on the rock wall.

You'll see a cutscene on some Nazi U-boat with Sophia and Kerner. Eventually,
Indy will come out of the labyrinth and notice the Nazi U-boat near the docks.
Walk towards the submarine. Climb to the top and open the top hatch. He'll be
intercepted by the captain. Indy will slug him and enter the submarine.

3-8. Nazi Submarine

Once you have control of Indy again, use the intercom and tell everyone to head
for the aft torpedo bay. You can try using the big lever there but it will snap
right off. Head to the left, towards the kitchen. Pick up some bread, some cold
cuts and the porcelain mug. Go to the left again and you'll end up in some kind
of machine room. There, you'll find both the speed lever and the reverse
switch. Use both of them. Go back to the kitchen and open the trap door leading
to the lower floor. Down there, use the porcelain mug on the leaking battery
acid. Next, head to the right, and you'll see Sophia being guarded by a Nazi
guard. Tell her to distract him. Go back up a floor and head down the ladder
next to the guard Sophia is distracting. Take the plunger and head back up.

Head for the right and open the trap door that leads to the strong box. Use the
acid-filled mug on the strong box. Inside, you'll find your three stone disks
and a small key too. Next, go back to where Sophia is being guarded and talk
to the guard. Mention something about "bucket" or "pail". Sophia will pick up
the bucket next to her and whack the guard on the head with it, knocking him
out cold. Now, use the key you just found on the steering wheel the guard was
standing next to. That will unlock the emergency rudder control wheel. Use it.
Next, head back to where you first entered the submarine and where you found
that lever that broke off. Use the plunger on the broken lever and that will do
nicely. Once you've found all of the submarine's controls, you can navigate it
and have it enter the airlock entrance. You've now reached Atlantis!

Go to section 6-0 to continue your adventure.

4-0. Wits Path

So, you've decided to continue your adventure alone, using your wit and charm
to get you through the rest? Well, Sophia will remain in New York while you can
head off either to Monte Carlo to find Alain Trottier or Algiers, to find
Omar Al-Jabbar. First, head to Monte Carlo. As soon as you get there, you might
want to take a little time to read the Lost Dialogue of Plato carefully. You're
going to need its information soon.

4-1. Monte Carlo - Part One

Once in Monte Carlo, start looking for Trottier. Since Indy has never met him,
he doesn't know what he looks like. There are a lot of strangers walking around
in the street. You can talk to them to get hints on how Trottier looks like.
He's fairly easy to spot out. He's the man who has balding grey hair and a
brown suit with a white flower on it. Once you've found him, talk to him and be
as modest as possible, trying to not insult him. If you do manage to insult
him, he won't talk to you for a while. Eventually, he'll ask you a question on
Atlantis. The question he asks changes very time you play the game. Once you've
answered his question correctly, he'll give you his business card and be on his
way. Get into a taxi and go to the airport. Head to Algiers.

4-2. Algiers - City

First, you need to find Omar Al-Jabbar. Head towards the shop in the back alley
to the left. There's a storekeeper there named Paul Abdul, Omar Al-Jabbar's
servant. Talk to him and ask him if you can meet Omar. He'll say that he's a
very busy man and that he needs a very good reason to go and disturb him. Show
him Alain Trottier's business card and he'll leave the shop to go talk to Omar.
You can try following him into the city but it will be very difficult to make
him out in the crowd. However, if you'll notice carefully, when you're on the
city map, there's a red dot moving around. Wait for the red dot to enter the
market and then enter the market. You'll see a man wearing a red fez there.
Talk to him and say that his fez looks festive. Be careful, if you choose the
wrong dialogue line, he'll leave and you'll have to go find him again in the
city streets.

(Note: It IS possible to follow the servant without getting the fez, but it's
a LOT harder. If you're interested in getting all the IQ points then you
should attempt both.)

The precise line of dialogue to get the fez goes like this:

> "Nice fez." (don't choose anything else first)
> "Festival? Which festival?" (optional)
> "No, but that's quite a hat."
> "It's better than a sharp stick in the eye."
> "It's very festive."
> "Well..." or "I am frustrated."

Then pick either line (it doesn't matter) and he'll happily hand over his fez.

Once you have the man's red fez, head back to the shop in the back alley. The
servant might not be back yet so wait for him. When he gets back, he'll say
that Omar is sorry but that he can't see you right now. Give the fez to the
servant. He'll ask why he should take your fez. The answer is random so you'll
have to try until you get the right one (although you'll get a clue by trying
to buy one of the pots). Once he's wearing the fez, talk to him again and ask
him if he can go ask Omar for a meeting again. He'll once again leave the shop.
However, this time, when you follow him, he'll be the red dot on the city
streets. Follow him around and eventually, he'll enter a building. Enter Omar's

Omar will not be very pleased. He'll ask Paul to leave and go alert the police
while he entertains you. First, walk over to the closet. Omar will follow you
inside, asking you to leave his things alone. Exit the closet and close the
door. That will trap him inside. Pick up the piece of bamboo, Omar's statue
and the blackbird statue. Next, use the bamboo stick on the hanging cloth. The
stick will break but you'll find a map. Use the camel that's outside the window
and head outside the city.

Note: The statue and blackbird statue were in Indy's office in the Last Crusade
adventure game. (In Last Crusade, looking at the bird statue got a Star Wars
reference, in Fate of Atlantis you get a reference to the 1940's film noir "The
Maltese Falcon" instead.)

4-3. Algiers - Desert

You'll have to travel through the desert, evading legionnaire patrols. If you
ever get intercepted by a legionnaire, you can bribe using the statues you
found inside Omar's house. Stop at each of the nomad camps, asking for
directions. They'll tell you where the "X" is according to their camp.
Eventually, you'll find a nomad that says that the "X" is very close. Once you
exit the camp, you'll see a red "X" in the desert. Go there and you'll have
found a dig site.

4-4. Algiers - Dig Site

Once on the dig site, head down the ladder to the underground chamber. It will
be dark inside so you'll have to find a way to make light. Pick up the long,
tubular thing (a hose) and the clay thing (a clay jar). You'll find an
orichalcum bead inside the jar. Head back to the surface and go to the truck.
Open the gas tank and insert the hose in it. Then, use the clay jar on the end
of the hose. That will fill it up with gas. Head back down to the dark room and
look around for a metal thing (a portable generator). (Note how the room gets
slightly lighter as Indy's eyes slowly adjust to the darkness -- neat touch!)
Try and find the metal cap, that's the gas cap. Open it and use the gas-filled
jar on the gas-filler pipe. Close the gas cap. Next, look for a small metal
thing. That's the switch. Push the switch and the generator will turn on,
making light so that you can see around the room.

Pick up the ship rib. You can use the ship rib on the crumbling wall to the
right but it will only uncover a now unreadable mural that might have been a
map to Atlantis. Head to the left of the room and examine the painting. See
that round object on the painting? Push it. A small compartment will open up
in the bottom of the mural painting. Insider, there's a statue like the one you
found in Caswell Hall during the introduction. Before leaving the underground
room, shut down the generator and open it up. Pick up the ceramic thing inside
(a spark plug). Head back to the surface and go to the truck. Open the hood of
the truck and use the spark plug on the engine. Close the hood and open the
truck's door. On the seat, you'll find a piece of paper. It seems that Uberman
and Kerner have set a trap for Trottier in Monte Carlo, using Sophia as bait!
Best get going!

Wait! The truck won't start... Use an orichalcum bead in the horned statuette
you've just found. The horns will become electrified. Open the hood of the
truck and use the charged statuette on the spark plug. Close the hood and head
to the airport. You need to go warn Trottier about the Nazi's plans!

4-5. Monte Carlo - Part Two

When you arrive in Monte Carlo, locate Trottier and try to warn him about the
Nazi plot. He won't believe you and he'll take out a stone disk out of his
jacket. That will attract the attention of the Nazis. They'll drive by, kidnap
Trottier and head off. A car chase scene will occur. Basically, what you need
to do is ram the Nazi's car a few times. Eventually, there will be a collision.
The two Nazis who kidnapped Trottier will run away from the car crash. After
regaining your senses, go over to Trottier to see if he's alright. After
thinking a little, Trottier will say that he's recently acquired a Sunstone,
one of the three stone disks Plato talks about in his Dialogue. He also says
that he knows where you can find an entrace to the Lost City itself. He says
it's on the island of Thera, south of Greece. He's convinced that Thera is the
Lesser Colony Plato talks about in his dialogue. He says he'd give you the
Sunstone but he threw it out of the window of the car during the chase. He'll
tell you on which street corners he threw it out though. He'll write the street
names on the telegram. After a bit of searching through the streets, you'll
eventually find the Sunstone in one of the sewer drains.

Once you've found the Sunstone, head back to the hotel, get into the taxi and
head for the airport. Next destination : Thera, south of Greece.

4-6. Thera

After landing on Thera, check out that crate next to the port authority. There
is an hot air balloon inside. However, to take it, you need to bring an invoice
to the port authority. Go to the left and you'll see a very large basket. Try
and pick it up and the port authority will stop you again, telling you that it
belongs to him. He's willing to trade the basket for a little souvenir from the
archeological dig in the mountains. You can pick up the fish net that's hanging
close to the basket though. Leave the dock and head for the mountains.

Once in the mountains, you'll notice three different locations you can go to :
a notch, a cleft and a gap. Head for each one until you find the entrance to a
cave. Outside the cave, there's an empty opened crate. Close it and you'll see
the invoice for the observation balloon. Pick it up. Enter the cave.

You'll end up inside a room with an opened door and a bunch of crates. Pick up
the entrenching tool from the pile of crates. The cave entrance will cave in
but don't worry about that for now. Close the door and a small stone
compartment will open to the right of the door, with a stone spindle on it.
Open up the Lost Dialogue and read the passage about a Sunstone being needed
for the Lesser Colony. Put the Sunstone on the spindle and align it. Press the
peg and if aligned correctly, you'll hear a "klik" sound. Open the door and
you'll see a stone carving inside. Pick it up and close the door again. Take
back the Sunstone from the spindle and head for the cave's entrance. Open up
the entrenching tool. You'll find a note from Sophia inside, saying that she's
been kidnapped by the Nazis and that she needs your help. Use the entrenching
tool on the caved in door.

You'll see a cutscene with Kerner, Ubermann and Sophia. They leave the Thera
docks to board a Nazi submarine. Head back to the dock and first, give the
invoice to the port authority to get the hot air balloon. Next, give him the
stone carving you found inside the dig site. He'll translate it for you. Seems
Kerner is heading for the Greater Colony of Atlantis, on Crete. The port
authority will allow you to take the large basket. First, open up the crate and
pick up the hot air balloon. Pick up the basket too. You now have everything
you need to put together the balloon. Use the fishnet on the balloon and the
now harnessed balloon on the basket. Finally, use the hose on the contraption.
You now have a deflated balloon. You need hot air though. Head back to the dig
site entrance in the mountains. There's a vent there to the right. Use your rig
on the vent and the balloon will inflate. Use it and you'll fly off Thera.

Once you're floating over the sea in the balloon, you need to locate the
submarine. You can navigate the balloon by either venting hydrogen or dropping
ballasts. Eventually, you'll find the Nazi submarine. Land on it.

4-7. Nazi Submarine

Indy will land near the submarine. A sailor will look at the balloon fly by.
Once Indy's on the submarine, he'll knock the sailor senseless and he'll borrow
his uniform. You'll now have Indy's gear in your inventory. Enter the submarine
by opening the top hatch. Climb down to the deck where you'll see a guard
standing next to some lockers. Go to the left, to the kitchen. Pick up some
bread and some cold cuts and make yourself a sandwich. Go back to the forward
section where the guard is standing. Give your sandwich to the guard (or eat it
in front of him if you're feeling cruel :). He won't want to take yours so
you'll suggest that he goes make one for himself. He'll accept and go to the
kitchen. Open the lockers and inside, you'll find a Moonstone and some torpedo

Head to the right and you'll see a cutscene. The sub changes course and heads
for Knossos on the island of Crete. You'll see Kerner, Ubermann and Sophia on
top of the submarine. Indy says he'd better find a way out of the submarine. He
can't exit through the top hatch because there's a soldier standing guard. Head
to the right and take the clothesline. Head to the right again, where the
Captain is reprimanding two of his men. Pick up the oily rag. Go back to the
aft section of the sub. Head for the far left. You'll see a damaged torpedo
tube. Use the torpedo instructions on the control panel. That will ready the
tube to be fired. Put the oily rag on the exposed wires. Pull the lever. That
will start a fire, which will attract the attention of the crew from the other
section. Go to the head and open the door. Get inside and close the door. Use
your Indy gear to change back into your old clothes.

Head to the far right section of the sub. Use the torpedo instructions on the
control panel there. Open the torpedo tube and use the clothesline on the
lever. Get inside the tube and close it. Pull the clothesline. You'll be
torpedoed outside in the water, near the docks on Crete.

4-8. Crete - Labyrinth

You can go to the left, to the old ruins but you won't find anything of
importance there. Go where the stone spindle is. Open up the Lost Dialogue of
Plato and read the paragraph about the Moonstone being needed as well. Put the
Sunstone and the Moonstone on the spindle and align them accordingly. A secret
door will open, leading to a huge labyrinth.

First, pick up two of the statues that are sitting on the stone platform. Go
through the door and when you're on the other side, use your whip on the last
statue head in the other room. Explore the labyrinth until you find a room with
a minotaur statue. Use your whip on the minotaur's head and it'll fall off,
tumble down the stairs and land on the pressure plate below. Step on the
pressure plate and you'll go down.

Down there, you'll find a skeleton. That's Dr. Sternhart, the man you met in
Tikal, the one who stole the Worldstone from you. Take back the Worldstone, the
last stone disk and pick up his staff too. Pick up the wool scarf too. You'll
find a rubber comb inside. Read the note next to Sternhart's skeleton about
static electricity being able to detect orichalcum. Now, look at the waterfall
on the right side of the cave. Indy will discover a chain. Climb up the chain.

Next, find the room where there's a stone helf with the head of some king on
top. Place all 3 statue heads you found earlier on the stone shelf and the gate
will open. Once you're past the gate, take the passage that goes up. You'll
end up in a room with a chasm, a stone shaft and a golden box on the other
side. Use your staff on the chock near the stone shaft. That will free up the
counterweight for the elevator. Head back down the way you came and take the
right passage. You'll end up in a room with a giant statue head. Insert the
staff inside the statue's mouth and the elevator will rise. After the elevator
has risen, step off and pick up the gold box. You'll find two more orichalcum
beads underneath it.

Go through the north door and you'll find a room with a microtaur in it. Put
an orichalcum bead in the horned statuette you found in Algiers. The horns will
once again become charged with electricity. Use the charged statuette on the
hatch of the microtaur. It will activate itself and dig a hole through the
wall. Crawl through the hole.

You'll enter some kind of map room with some kind of scale model of Atlantis.
In the center of the model, there's a stone spindle. First, open up your Lost
Dialogue of Plato and read the passage concerning the Worlstone that's needed
to approach Atlantis itself. Put the three stone disks on the spindle and align
them according to the clues given in the Dialogue. That will open up a door.
Go through the door.

You'll find yourself in a room with a waterfall. You need to make an orichalcum
detector. First, open up the gold box and put your orichalcum beads inside and
close it. Then, use the clothesline you found in the sub on the rubber comb.
Use the wool scarf on the comb and it will become charged with static
electricity. Use the comb on a string. It will point in the direction of the
door on the right. Go there, Indy will walk behind the waterfall. Once in the
room, use the scarf on the comb again and use the comb on a string again. It
will point to the bones. Look at the bones and you'll find a couple more beads.
Head back to the room with the waterfall, charge up your comb and use it. It
will now point to that blank wall in the back. Use your open entrenching tool
on the wall and you'll find a hidden door. Open it and go through. You'll find
yourself in some kind of subway system. There's an orichalcum bead on the
floor. That's why your detector was pointing in this direction. Anyway, use an
orichalcum bead in the mouth of the subway car. It will activate and Indy will
climb in. You're heading for the Lost City of Atlantis. Hang on tight!

Go to section 6-0.

5-0. Fists Path

You want to continue the adventure using your brawn and fists eh? Very well.
Your first destination will be Monte Carlo. Well, Sophia will remain in New
York while you can head off either to Monte Carlo to find Alain Trottier or
Algiers, to find Omar Al-Jabbar. First, head to Monte Carlo. As soon as you get
there, you might want to take a little time to read the Lost Dialogue of Plato
carefully. You're going to need its information soon.

5-1. Monte Carlo

Once in Monte Carlo, start looking for Trottier. Since Indy has never met him,
he doesn't know what he looks like. There are a lot of strangers walking around
in the street. You can talk to them to get hints on how Trottier looks like.
He's fairly easy to spot out. He's the man who has balding grey hair and a
brown suit. Once you've found him, talk to him and be as modest as possible,
trying to not insult him. If you do manage to insult him, he won't talk to you
for a while. Eventually, he'll ask you a question on Atlantis. The question he
asks changes very time you play the game. Once you've answered his question
correctly, he'll give you his business card and be on his way. Get into a taxi
and go to the airport. Head to Algiers.

5-2. Algiers - City

First, you need to find Omar Al-Jabbar. Head towards the shop in the back alley
to the left. There's a storekeeper there named Paul Abdul, Omar Al-Jabbar's
servant. Talk to him and ask him if you can meet Omar. He'll say that he's a
very busy man and that he needs a very good reason to go and disturb him. Show
him Alain Trottier's business card and he'll leave the shop to go talk to Omar.
He'll always return, saying that Omar can't see you right now. When you ask
Paul to go see Omar, follow him outside in the city streets. He'll eventually
duck inside a house. Enter the house.

You'll see a Nazi soldiers asking questions to Omar. You can either beat the
crap out of the Nazi soldier or take the easy way out and use your whip on the
hanging crockery that's looming over the soldier's head. When you've dealt with
the soldier, Omar will be very grateful. He'll speak about Kerner and his team
having discovered something in the desert, building a dig site of some kind.
Omar thinks they've found an outpost from the Lost Kingdom. Since you saved his
life, he'll give you a map and a camel and speed you on your way.

Omar and Paul will leave the house. However, Omar forgets to tell you about
the map and the camel. Anyway, look around his house, you can take the two
statues, but they have absolutely no use on this path. Take the bamboo stick
and use it on the hanging cloth. The stick will break but you've got your map.
Use the camel and you'll head out into the desert.

5-3. Algiers - Desert

You'll have to travel through the desert, evading Nazi patrols. If you ever get
intercepted by a Nazi, you'll have to beat him senseless or die. Stop at each
of the nomad camps, asking for directions. They'll tell you where the "X" is
according to their camp. Eventually, you'll find a nomad that says that the "X"
is very close. Once you exit the camp, you'll see a red "X" in the desert. Go
there and you'll have found a dig site.

5-4. Algiers - Dig Site

Once on the dig site, head down the ladder to the underground chamber. On your
way there, notice the rope ladder hanging from the sky. It will be dark inside
so you'll have to find a way to make light. Look around for a metal thing (a
portable generator). Next, look for a small metal thing. That's the switch.
Push the switch and the generator will turn on, making light so that you can
see around the room.

Pick up the ship rib, the wooden peg and the clay jar with an orichalcum bead
inside. Head to the left of the room and examine the painting. See that round
object on the painting? Push it. A small compartment will open up in the bottom
of the mural painting. Insider, there's a stone disk, a Sunstone. Next, use the
ship rib on the crumbling wall to the right. You'll find a mural of the island
of Crete. There's a hole in the middle of the island. Use your wooden peg on
the hole and use your Sunstone on the peg. Look inside Plato's Dialogue and
search for the passage that talks about the Sunstone. Align the Sunstone
according to the passage and a secret door will open. Pick up the Sunstone but
leave the peg there or the door will close. Exit through the door. (You
couldn't exit the underground room by using the ladder because the Nazi soldier
in the balloon next to the site would shoot at you).

You'll climb out of a hole and a gun-toting Nazi guard will surprise you. Make
one false move and he'll kill you on the spot. Use your whip on him to disarm
him. Beat him senseless using your fists. Go to the left and climb up the rope
ladder, getting inside the balloon. Once you're airborne, fly towards the
north (off the top of the map) and you'll eventually reach the island of Crete.

5-5. Crete - Old Ruins

Arrived in Crete, head to the left. You'll end up in some old ruins. Cross the
small bridge and head to the left again. At the end of the path, you'll find
a surveyor's instrument. Pick it up and head back to the bridge, this time,
passing under it to reach the other parts of the ruins. Enter all the entrances
you come across until you discover a strange mural on the wall. It shows some
bull horns, a bull's head and a bull's tail. Two lines start from the head and
the tail and cross each of the bull's horns to converge on a circle. Indy
thinks that might be one of the stone disks.

Back outside, push around piles of stones you find to try and discover the
bull's head and the bull's tail. Once you discover the bull's head, place the
surveyor's instrument on it and use it. Align the transit with the left side
horn. Once you discover the bull's tail, place the surveyor's instrument on it
and use it. Align the transit with the right side horn. The two lines that
Indy traced will converge to place a yellow "X marks the spot" on the ground.
Use the ship rib on the yellow "X" and he'll discover the second stone disk,
the Moonstone. Go back to the right, towards where the plane landed and head
for the right from there.

You'll notice a stone pedestal there. First, open the Lost Dialogue of Plato
and look for the passage that speaks of the Greater Colony and the Moonstone.
It will give you a hint on how to align the Sunstone and the Moonstone. Insert
first the Sunstone and then the Moonstone on the stone pedestal. Align both
stones correctly and a passage will open on the right. A Nazi soldier will come
out. Punch his lights out and enter the door.

5-6. Crete - Labyrinth

First, pick up two of the statues that are sitting on the stone platform. Go
through the door and when you're on the other side, use your whip on the last
statue head in the other room. Explore the labyrinth until you find a room with
a minotaur statue. Use your whip on the minotaur's head and it'll fall off,
tumble down the stairs and land on the pressure plate below. Step on the
pressure plate and you'll go down.

Down there, you'll find a skeleton. That's Dr. Sternhart, the man you met in
Tikal, the one who stole the Worldstone from you. Pick up his staff. Read the
note next to Sternhart's skeleton. Now, look at the waterfall on the right side
of the cave. Indy will discover a chain. Climb up the chain.

Next, find the room where there's a stone helf with the head of some king on
top. Place all 3 statue heads you found earlier on the stone shelf and the gate
will open. Once you're past the gate, take the passage that goes up. You'll
end up in a room with a chasm, a stone shaft and a golden box on the other
side. Use your staff on the chock near the stone shaft. That will free up the
counterweight for the elevator. Head back down the way you came and take the
right passage. You'll end up in a room with a giant statue head. Insert the
staff inside the statue's mouth and the elevator will rise. After the elevator
has risen, step off and pick up the gold box. You'll find two more orichalcum
beads underneath it.

Next, find the door blocked by a stone slab. Use brute strength and push it
about five or six times and it will fall over. You'll end up in a cave with a
chasm. There's a rocky outcropping over the chasm. Use your whip on the
outcropping and Indy will swing across. Enter the door and you'll see two Nazi
guards talking at the end of a hallway. As soon as you walk in front of the
hallway, one of the guards will come investigate. Quickly walk behind the right
stone slab and push it when the guard is in front of it. (Alternatively you if
you don't hide you can fight him normally -- be warned though: he's tough!)
Enter the hallway and meet his friend, Franz. Beat him senseless to continue.

You'll arrive into a cave with four doorways. Go through one of the two left
side ones. Whatever you do, don't go into the right side one first. Anyway,
in the side passages, you'll encounter Nazi soldiers. Beat the hell out of
them. Eventually, you'll arrive in a cave with a stalactite hanging over one
of the guards (he's a very tough guard to beat in hand to hand combat). Push
the stalactite and it will crush him. Return to the room with the four doorways
and head for the right. You'll see the crushed guard there. Pick up the
stalactite. Go right.

Now, if you go into the north door, you'll encounter a very tough looking Nazi
soldier (who is physically impossible to beat by the way) called Arnold. He'll
ask you to suggest a good drinking song for him to sing, if you do he'll let
you pass without a fight (so long as you don't suggest "Yankee Doodle Dandy"!).
Instead, head for the right passageway and you'll notice a boulder atop a
slope. You have two items in your inventory that you can use for leverage to
free the boulder : the ship rib and the stalactite. Use either one on the
boulder and it will break. The stupid boulder will roll to the left and block
the door you came in through. Go through the other opening. You'll meet Arnold,
the singing Nazi guard. Give him a good song name and he'll let you pass. Back
in the previous passage, use your remaining item for leverage on the boulder
that's blocking the door on the right. The boulder will roll down the slope
and crush the tough-looking guard, allowing you to pass. Search Arnold's body
and you'll find an amber fish on a string along with a couple of orichalcum

Go through the door on the left. You're in some kind of map room. There's a
stone spindle in the middle of the map. Only one problem. You need the third
stone disk, the Worldstone and you don't have it. Time to go orichalcum
detecting in the cave. First, place all your orichalcum beads inside the gold
box and close it. Go to the room where you crushed Arnold and use the amber
fish on a string. If it doesn't detect anything, move to the other rooms and
try your detector in rooms where there are pits. It will eventually point
downward in a pit. Talk to the pit. Sophia is down there! Use your whip on the
pit to help her climb out. She'll give you what she found down there... The
Worldstone Sternhart stole from you in Tikal! Head back to the map room.

First, open up your Lost Dialogue of Plato and read the passage concerning the
Worlstone that's needed to approach Atlantis itself. Put the three stone disks
on the spindle and align them according to the clues given in the Dialogue.
That will open up a door. Go through the door. You'll find the labyrinth exit.
There's a stone pointer there as well. According to the markings, it seems to
be pointing north towards the Lesser Colony of Atlantis. Only major landmass
north of here is a volcanic island called Thera. That's your next stop.

5-7. Thera

Once on Thera, head up the hill to the left that heads into the mountains. Once
in the mountains, you'll notice three different locations you can go to : a
notch, a cleft and a gap. Head for each one until you find a truck. Take the
tire repair kit next to it. Head back to the docks. Read up in the Dialogue
about the distance and location of the Lost City from the Lesser Colony. Talk
to the ship captain there. Ask him if he can take you to Atlantis. He'll ask
some directions.

Now, for example, if the passage in the Dialogue says that the "Lesser Colony
is 270 miles northeast from the Lost City", you'll have to divide the distance
by 10 because of Plato's tenfold translation error. The northeast part will
have to be changed to southwest as well, since you're moving from the Lesser
Colony to the Lost City.

Once you're on the sea and you reach the location that you provided the sea
captain, open up the locker and take out the diving suit. Use the tire repair
kit on it to fix the hole. Next, use the air hose on the repaired suit. Use
the suit and Indy will put it on. However, he can't move in the thing. When
Sophia takes over, first, turn on the air compressor. Next, use the hoist
on Indy in the suit.

A Nazi submarine will pull up next to the boat while Indy is diving. Kerner
shows up, kidnaps Sophia and cuts the hose, leaving Indy with about only 3
minutes of air before he suffocates. Simply head for each of the doorways that
are located underwater until you find the entrance to Atlantis.

Head for section 6.0 once you find it.

6-0. Atlantis - Airlock Room

You've reached the fabled city of Atlantis! Depending on which path you took to
get here, the situation will change slightly.

Team Path :

You arrive in the airlock using the Nazi submarine and you're with Sophia. It
will be very dark inside the room. You'll have to go by moving your mouse
pointer over various objects. Pick up the wood thing (a ladder). Walk towards
the right of the room and you'll notice some stone rubble. At this point,
Sophia will get kidnapped and you'll be on your own. Use the ladder on the
stone rubble (rocky incline). Use the ladder to climb up the rocky incline. To
the left of the door where you saw Sophia being taken, there's a stone thing.
It's a stone box. Open it and pick up the metal rod inside. Use one of your
orichalcum beads in the metal rod. That will give you light to illuminate the

To the right of the metal door, there's a stone statue with a spindle in its
base. Put the Sunstone, the Moonstone and the Worldstone on the spindle.
Look inside the Lost Dialogue of Plato and look for the passage about "final
entrance being yielded only to contrary minds." You have to align the stone
disks in the contrary way that you did for the Greater Colony on Crete. Once
you've aligned all 3 stone disks correctly, the mouth of the statue will open.
Use one of your orichalcum beads in it and the metal door will open, allowing
you access to the rest of Atlantis. Make sure you pick up the ladder and stone
discs before leaving, you'll need them later!

Wits Path :

The subway car you were on will crash through a wall and you'll end up in a
very dark place. You'll have to go by moving your mouse pointer over various
objects. Pick up the wood thing (a ladder). Walk towards the right of the room
and you'll notice some stone rubble. Use the ladder on the stone rubble (rocky
incline). Use the ladder to climb up the rocky incline. To the left of the
door, there's a stone thing. It's a stone box. Open it and pick up the metal
rod inside. Use one of your orichalcum beads in the metal rod. That will give
you light to illuminate the place.

To the right of the metal door, there's a stone statue with a spindle in its
base. Put the Sunstone, the Moonstone and the Worldstone on the spindle.
Look inside the Lost Dialogue of Plato and look for the passage about "final
entrance being yielded only to contrary minds." You have to align the stone
disks in the contrary way that you did for the Greater Colony on Crete. Once
you've aligned all 3 stone disks correctly, the mouth of the statue will open.
Use one of your orichalcum beads in it and the metal door will open, allowing
you access to the rest of Atlantis. Make sure you pick up the ladder and stone
discs before leaving, you'll need them later!

Fists Path :

Indy will get out of that diving suit. He'll be in a very dark place. You'll
have to go by moving your mouse pointer over various objects. Pick up the wood
thing (a ladder). Walk towards the right of the room and you'll notice some
stone rubble. Use the ladder on the stone rubble (rocky incline). Use the
ladder to climb up the rocky incline. To the left of the door, there's a stone
thing. It's a stone box. Open it and pick up the metal rod inside. Use one of
your orichalcum beads in the metal rod. That will give you light to illuminate
the place.

To the right of the metal door, there's a stone statue with a spindle in its
base. Put the Sunstone, the Moonstone and the Worldstone on the spindle.
Look inside the Lost Dialogue of Plato and look for the passage about "final
entrance being yielded only to contrary minds." You have to align the stone
disks in the contrary way that you did for the Greater Colony on Crete. Once
you've aligned all 3 stone disks correctly, the mouth of the statue will open.
Use one of your orichalcum beads in it and the metal door will open, allowing
you access to the rest of Atlantis. Make sure you pick up the ladder and stone
discs before leaving, you'll need them later!

6-1. Atlantis - Maze

From this point, you can basically go wherever you want inside this maze. The
halls and rooms go in a concentric circle. There are many rooms to explore and
Nazi soldiers patrol the halls. If you ever encounter a guard, you'll have to
either fight him and beat him senseless (which allows you to loot some
bratwurst sausage from one of them) or run like a sissy. The location of each
of the key rooms changes every time you play so you'll have to do a little
exploring. Basically, explore every room where there's a question mark. Once
you discover a room, its name will appear on the map whenever you move your
mouse pointer over it. There are rooms where you will find nothing of value but
there are also various key rooms. There are also rooms where you'll find grates
that you can open and go through to reach other rooms in other parts of the

The main objective in this section is to collect every item you can find inside
the maze, find more orichalcum beads and to rescue Sophia from the Dungeon Room.
Consult the following room descriptions for more information.

Machine Room

There's a huge machine inside this room. The machine allows you to produce
orichalcum beads. However, there are missing parts to the machine, which you
need to find in other parts of the maze. There are two pegs where you can put
parts. On the left peg, there's a bronze wheel. You can pick it up if you want
but its best to leave it there until you are completely done using the machine
to produce orichalcum beads. To create orichalcum beads, you need to first put
the bronze spoked wheel on the right peg and then go to the upper part of the
machine and pour your cup filled with lava inside the funnel. Then, you go
back down and pick up the beads in the dish. You can go back to get lava in the
lava room as many times as you wish. However, after a while, Indy will say that
he can't carry any more beads. Just remember to pick up the bronze spoked wheel
after you're done with the machine.

Robot Rooms

You'll find two rooms inside the maze that contain damaged and dismantled
robots. You'll find a bronze gear in one and a bronze spoked wheel in the
other. Take the two parts. You'll need them later on.

Statue Room - Fish Head

Inside this room, you'll find a statue with a fish head. Take the fish head.

Statue Room - Chasm

There's a statue holding a stone cup on the other side of the chasm in this
room. Use your ladder on the hole to cross over to the other side to pick up
the cup. Don't forget to take back your ladder when you cross the chasm again.

Lava Pump Room

There's a massive pump in this room that pumps lava through the entire maze.
To get some lava, first, you need to put the cup on the pedestal and then put
the fish head on the plaque. That will fill the cup up with lava. You can
return here as many times as you wish to get lava.

Crab Room

Inside this room, there's a pool with crabs going in and out of it. You need
to capture one of the crabs. You need to set some kind of trap. You can use the
ribcage you found on the skeleton in the subway car. To bait the cage, you can
either use the bratwurst you found on one of the patrolling Nazi soldiers or
use the sandwich (which you can make by using the bread on the cold cuts - you
can find those in the Nazi submarine - Team and Wits Paths only). Once the cage
is baited, use it on the pool and wait for a crab to get captured. Once you've
captured one, pick up the ribcage.

Eel Room

This room can only be reached by crawling through a grate from another room.
Inside, there's an eel sculpture like the one you found back in Iceland. Pick
it up.


This subway is always in the same location, in the lower right hand corner part
of the maze, in the outer corridor. You'll find a skeleton sprawled on the
crashed subway car here. Take the ribcage.

Sentry Room

The double door in this room is submerged in a pool of water. To clear out the
water, simply insert an orichalcum bead inside the eel sculpture that you find
in one of the rooms. The sculpture will heat up, Indy will throw it in the pool
and the water will evaporate. Once the water is evaporated, simply use another
bead inside the statue's mouth and the door will open, allowing you access to
the Dungeon Room and the canal system.

Dungeon Room

You can reach this room via two grates and via the main entrance. You can't
enter the Dungeon Room using the two grates. One of the grates, the one under
the prison cells is useless. However, the other grate, the one near the huge
sentry statue on the left is very useless. When you reach that grate, insert
an orichalcum bead inside the statue and watch as it activates and crushes the
poor Nazi soldier guarding the cells. Notice that there's a gear that comes out
of the statue as it crashes to the floor.

The other grating can then be used to talk to Sophia, although there isn't
really anything interesting to say or hear.

(Alternatively you can decide to NOT to kill the guard with the statue. If you
don't, when you eventually reach the dungeon (after passing through the sentry
rooom) you will have to fight him mano-a-mano -- and he ain't easy!)

Once you've reached the Dungeon using the main entrance (by going through the
sentry room), pick up the statue part from the toppled sentry statue. You can't
free Sophia for now so ignore her cries for help. For now, just go to the canal
section of the maze.

5-2. Atlantis - Canal

Once you reach the canal, you'll notice that there's a huge octopus in the
water. To make it go away, give it your trapped crab. Once the octopus is gone,
you can swim in the canal. To get on the other side, click on the canal. Indy
will dive into the water and emerge on the other side. Get on the crab raft and
insert an orichalcum bead in its mouth to start it up. You'll notice that there
are stone spindles above each of the gates leading to other parts of the canal.
Just use each of your stone disk one after the other until the gate opens.

There are two locations of importance in the canal. First, there's a stairway
that leads to a room with a cupboard. Inside the cupboard, there's a crescent-
shaped gear. Pick it up and then close the cupboard. Look at the cupboard and
try and memorize the diagram there. It will give you some clues about how to
place the various gears and parts inside the statue's chest plate (see lower).

Second, there's an archway that leads to a room that contains a huge sentry
statue and a large bronze double door. First, use the chain on the statue's
right arm. Next, use the ladder on the statue. Climb up and open the statue's
chest plate. Look inside.

Now, you should have 5 different parts on the bottom of your screen (from left
to right) : Statue part, bronze spoked wheel, crescent-shaped gear, bronze gear
and finally an orichalcum bead. If you're missing one of these parts, head back
to the maze and try to find them.

Once you have all the parts, think back to the diagram you looked at on the
cupboard earlier. Basically, you have 4 different positions for the statue's
arms. Each of the positions is demonstrated on the diagram. First place the
bronze spoked wheel on the middle peg. Next, place the statue part on the
middle peg also. Those two parts never change places. Place the crescent-shaped
gear on the right (using the two right-sided pegs) and the bronze gear on the
upper left corner peg. Insert a bead inside the hole in the middle of the
statue part. The statue's left arm will lower. Climb down the ladder and use
the chain on the statue's left arm. Climb back up and look inside the chest
plate. Just move the bronze gear to the lower left corner peg. Insert another
bead inside the hole and the statue's arms will open the door. Climb back down
the ladder and pick up the hinge that's on the floor.

Now, you have a choice to make. You can either continue on inside Atlantis or
go back to the Dungeon Room to rescue Sophia. This changes the ending of the
adventure so you might want to save your game here and try both paths. Don't
forget to take back your ladder before you leave...

If you want to go rescue Sophia, go to section 6-3.
Wether or not you choose to rescue Sophia, go to section 6-4 for the rest.

For easy reference, here's the list of all the items you can find inside the
Atlantis maze and their respective locations :

Item Location
------------------- ----------------------------------------
Ladder Airlock Room
Metal Rod Airlock Room
Bratwurst On Nazi Soldier after fight
Bronze Gear Robot Room
Bronze Spoked Wheel Robot Room
Fish Head Statue Room
Cup Statue Room (w/ chasm)
Trapped Crab Crab Room
Eel Sculpture Eel Room
Ribcage Subway
Statue Part Dungeon Room (from crashed sentry statue)
Crescent-shaped Gear Room inside the canal (inside cupboard)
Hinge Statue room inside canal (after door opens)

6-3. Atlantis - Rescuing Sophia (Optional)

To rescue Sophia, head back to the Dungeon Room once you have the hinge from
the sentry statue in the canal room. Give the hinge pin to Sophia. Open the
cage and tell Sophia you have a plan. Tell her to brace the cage with the hinge
pin. She'll brace the cage with it and leave the cage. Open the cage again and
that will free up the hinge pin. Pick it up and head back to the canal section
with her.

6-4. Atlantis - Middle Atlantis

If Sophia is with you, she'll start acting strange and she'll run off on her
own. Follow her into the huge room with the lava pit. After talking with her
for a while, you'll discover that she has been possessed by Nur-Ab-Sal. To
free Sophia, simply look at her. You'll get a closeup of her necklace, which
now has some glowing eyes. Insert an orichalcum bead inside the necklace's
mouth. The necklace will become very hot and Sophia will take it off. Quickly
open the gold box and use it on the necklace. Indy will throw the box in the
lava, destroying Nur-Ab-Sal's spirt. Go up the stairs to the left and pick up
the scepter.

If Sophia isn't with you, simply enter the lava pit room and go pick up the

Exit the lava pit room and continue down the hall, taking note of the graffiti
on the wall. Go through the door on the right and you'll find a huge machine.
Notice the markings on the floor as well. They'll help you operate the machine.
Climb up the machine and insert the hinge pin and the scepter in the right
slots to start the machine. To start the machine, put the levers in the
positions that are shown on the wall outside the room. The machine will start
moving along the corridor. Once you're moving, move the levers to the positions
that were shown on the markings on the floor besides the machine. That will
make the machine stop. It will crash through a wall and you'll find yourself
in Inner Atlantis.

6-5. Atlantis - Inner Atlantis

Walk to the middle structure. Follow the path. You'll end up in a large cavern
with many doorways. The maze is fairly straightforward. Once you've found your
way to the place with the lava tiles, just walk on one tile at a time, trying
not to end up in a tile that will leave you isolated. While navigating through
this section of Atlantis, take note of the large diagram of three concentric
circles on the wall. That's the alignment of stone disks you'll need later on
during your adventure. You'll eventually arrive at the Colossus...

6-6. Atlantis - The Colossus

Inside the Colossus, you'll arrive in a room with a stone spindle. Put the 3
stone disks on the spindle and align them according to the diagram you saw in
the maze of doorways on your way to getting here. For the Sunstone, you need to
align the noon sun. For the Moonstone, you need to align the full moon. For the
Worlstone, you need to align the volcano. Once the disks are aligned, the
Colossus will be activated. Klaus Kerner, Dr. Ubermann and some Nazis enter the
room. They say that this place was built to create higher beings. Kerner will
want to test the machine first. Ubermann will want to test the machine with
10 beads. Indy will mention Plato's tenfold error. Kerner will suggest to try
it with one single bead. The results will be less than formidable. He'll be
transformed into an hideous creature with antlers and he'll plunge to his doom
in the lava. Ubermann will then order Indy onto the device so that he can test
it some more.

From here, you can make many dialogue choices, many of which will end up very
disastrous for Indy. Basically, what you need to do is always refuse answering
how many beads when Ubermann asks you. After that, you need to tell him that
for his sake, you hope this won't work. He'll ask why. Tell him that once
you're a god, you're sending him straight to hell. After that, the sentence
that will make Ubermann change his mind about testing it on Indy first mentions
something an "angry god". That will make Ubermann change his mind. He'll try it
out with 100 beads. He'll step onto the device and be transformed into some
kind of wraith that will eventually dissipate into nothingness.

The place will start crumbling apart. Indy (and Sophia, if she's with him) will
escape Atlantis using the submarine. The ending will be different depending on
wether or not Indy chose to go and rescue Sophia from the Dungeon Room earlier.

Enjoy the ending and the credits. Congratulations!

7-0. Credits and acknowledgments

John "ThunderPeel2001" Walker - Added information on I.Q. Points and Fighting
in the game. Also added several pieces of missing information to the
walkthrough and corrected the odd error for version 1.1.

-- See his Last Crusade Game Guide here: --

Nemesis - For some helpful tips on writing this FAQ. Thanks. :)

I'd also like to thank everyone that helped me decide on writing this FAQ.
It was a lot of fun and I'll probably write some more in the future. I hope
you've enjoyed using this walkthrough and enjoyed reading it. If you have any
questions, comments or suggestions related to this FAQ, e-mail me at the
address shown at the top of this document.

This FAQ may be distributed, but not modified in any way without explicit
permission from the author.

Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Marc "Darth Maul" Binda.
Indiana Jones is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd.

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