KAL Online

KAL Online

15.10.2013 11:53:00

KAL Online
Version 1.0
For PC (Online MMORPG)
Skye7707 aKa Devon Kerkhove


01. Legal Information
02. Version History
03. Game Info
04. Beginners Guide
05. Intermediate Guide
06. Credits

01. Legal Information

If you have some extra information you can mail me at:

skye7707 @ gmail . com

Made by Devon Kerkhove, text taken from the official Kal Online website.
So all instructions would be in one nice file instead of long loading pages.

02. Version History

08/20/2005 Version 1.0

03. Game Info


‘KAL-Online’ brings a new genre of Oriental Fantasy to the players.
‘KAL-Online ’ has oriental sentiment and culture in a fantasy world.
Most current games based on western fantasy, SF, etc.
but ‘KAL-Online ’ can make the players to have a new experience.
The story of ‘KAL-Online ’ is based on oriental myth about the 74th war
between Ha-Nin, the great king and “Ban-Go” who challenged to the king with
troops of demon.
‘KAL-Online’ will be a model of oriental fantasy game ; it represents the
oriental sentiment well.


* Scenario of this game is a story of fiction world.
* If you see the things, person, or place in the real world, it’d be
only a coincidence


The sky and the land are open by Hanin and a nantion of Hwan is been built on
the east. For 3,300 years, the nation of Hwan was the master of the world and
the king of Hwan, Guhbalkhan establishes a huge country called Naraeha that
the size of the territory is 12,000 miles to the north & south with 5,000 miles
to the west & east.


14th king Hanin accedes to the throne and new sky has been open. Since the
nation lost its power by long drought and civil wars in the time of
king Guhbalkhan, they are attacked from foreign enemies continuously.
Especially, the Tow tribe and the Hwasan tribe. They break the agreement
that not to invade each other and attack Naraeha. The king Hanin angers with
their attack and he mobilizes his entire troop with fully equipped.
The troops of Hanin and the king himself attack the troop of tribe of Hwasan.
Hanin occupied Dangsang on that battle and it’s called the great battle of
Dangsang. After the great battle of Dangsang all the colonies surrendered
but the tribe of Tow never give up and the great warrior of Tow attacks
Hanin with his troop that are twice much bigger than Hanin’s troop. However,
he also could not win from Hanin’s great tactics and the civil war ended.

When the civil war ended, Naraeha developed rapidly; they made new steel
weapons for national power and tunnel & road for transportation.


But the peace could not be going for long time. Bango, leader of the tribe of
Seotae, was against “Bright mind of Sky” which is revered by people in Naraeha.
He attacked the Naraeha again and again with his troop but he could not win in
any battle for 10 years. After his troop is completely destructed, he has to
retreat to the North from Ha-Nin’s troop.


At the end of the North he met the king of the demons who has lost his body
at the Canyon of the Dead Man and he made a contract with the demon king for
making his revenge to Ha-Nin. After the contract, Ban-Go is reborn as the
demon king and he attacks Naraeha with the troops of the demon. And now the
most horrible war between the great king Ha-Nin and Ban-Go is started.


Located in northwest, has western sea and the Geumo mountain is on northeast.
The road to the southeast is to the capital, Chunggoo. The Geumo mountain has
plenty of steel and it’s the biggest mine in naraeha so the city is developed
with steel industry. Grumoryung is connected to Highland of Sky and Chungsong
to the north and it’s also connected to the capital Chunggoo to the south.


This is the place that the big battle is taken between the troop of Bango
and it’s famous with the thick pine-grove. But after big fire from the war,
it’s hard to say it’s a pine-grove. By the long war, the supplies from Naraeha
is decreased but civilian force is taken the place of it. The popular unit is
the one that called Chungsong- unit which is organized with only women.


Highland of Sky holds sacred and it’s called the nest of the crow. People in
Geumoryung never go to Highland of Sky because they believe that if people go
there, they get curse from the Golden Crow. The golden crow is a general
agent of God and people in Geumoryung hold it sacred. The golden crow is the
symbol of a good harvest and peace for the people of Geumoryung.
However, if the golden crow is subject to the evil resulting from breaking
the taboo of uncleanness by artificial stuffs, the peace becomes chaotic for
three years by the curse of the golden crow.


A river runs in the middle of the village and Chun Mountain is on north east
of Chunggoo, the capital of Naraeha.

The castle of Chunggoo is big and wide; it’s from the upper reaches of the
river to the mountain ridge so it’s a huge natural fortress. It’s also a good
location for transportation by using the river; it connects the northern part
to the south part of the nation.


The demons of Ban-Go have more powerful body than the human and normal people
can’t even resist their power. They are in the class organization by the
strength; lower classes obey the upper classes. Born in another world and they
move to the current world. They are born from the host called ‘Mother’.
Demons are born from The Mother and put the instinct of conquest, murder,
and destruction to their brains. It’s the true character of demons.


They don’t have choice to act ; they are more like slaves.
Their main works are making weapons, being spearheads in the battle,
and helping the mother demon’s parturition.


Ban-Go wants the demons troops that are more powerful and well organized.
So Ban-Go cut out the uterus from the mother demon and made the furnace of
birth. In the furnace of birth, the devoted demons are made. They are made
from human bodies, animals’, and even the demons’. They are just incarnate
devil; burning villages and killing people.


These dragons are not on any side. They’re more like animals in demon society
and they’re now trained for battle. Some of them are so instinct and other
demons are also afraid of them to get being next to them. Even higher class
of demons can’t control them.


They’re the demon’s who controls the lower class of demons but they’re also
controlled by high class of demons. There’s no way to find out what do they
look like in their world. Their only way to come this world from their world
is by the blood of high class of demons.


Ban-go couldn’t summon enough monsters from the demon world. So he had to
think another way to set up his demon troops and finally he found out how to
control human’s evil mind.The mask with Ban-go’s blood on the inside of it,
consumes human’s evil mind and it becomes a devil mask.


They’re not human, animal nor demon. They just live as half human and half
animal.Because no one welcomes them, they hate who exclude them.


Dead people who bear grudge can’t go to the other world and become a ghost.
Most of them are belong to the specific place or object. Because they bear
grudge and express their grievance, they harass the people.


weapons but the bare hand of Doggebi is the most frightened monster.
They can knock out a cow and huge tree in a one single punch.

04. Beginners Guide


Job Introduction
* There’re total of 8 jobs in Kal-Online.
* Currently, there’re Mu-Sa(Knight), Goong-Soo(Archer), and
* 'Rest of 5 jobs’ information are not open yet for public.


Mu-Sa always prepare the perfect body for the battle.
They sharpen and repair their dull swords and armors from the
Also they practice to dodge from enemies’ attacks and fight between
life and death in every battle. They have to kill all the enemies or
death will come to them.


Goong-Su who has compact muscles, brown skins, and the
quickness of the motions aims the target for assassinating the
enemies. And it is surprise that those staid people are formed with
only female.
They are the members of Chung-Song troop and they are still
fighting with the demons. Their sharp arrowhead are flash and
whenever it flashes, the enemies fall down to the ground.


The long researches and investigation, their life is are full of studying.
They had been priests once but they had used unallowable magic.
And they are expelled to the deep forest.
However, all male Joo-Sool-Sa died by the spears and swords in
the battles and only females are left now. They are just anxious to
continue their study.

Job Tree

Job Tree & Features of Knight

1. Wondering Knight: It’s good at infighting however it’s not good
at offensively nor defensively.
2. Apprentice Knight: It’s first step of knight and can learn basic
kill of knight.
3. Commander: It has specialty on defense and gets skill to
control its ability but the offense is basic.
4. Vagabond Sword-man: It has specialty on offense but the
defense is basic.
5. General: It has specialty on defense and skill to increase
friends’ abilities.
6. God of Sword: Fighting skill goes only offensively and
careless on defense so managing weapon skills are great
but has some limit on managing shield and armor skills.

Job Tree & Features of Magician

1. Scholar: It uses magic to attack enemies.
2. Literary Person: Getting used to the magic attack and also has revive
and cure skills.
3. Hermit: It has specialty on attacking specific object with the magic.
4. Chairperson of Joong-Bang: It has skill to damage the multi-enemies
on a specific area and has powerful reviving skill.
5. Ascetic: Getting specialized in attacking and self-defense skill.
6. Military Adviser: It has skill to manage all friends but it is weak
against the infighters

Job Tree & Features of Archer

1. Wondering Archer: Quickness and long-distance attack distinguishes its job.
2. Apprentice Archer: It has powerful long-distance attack but it also need
friend’s protection.
3. Imperial Commander: It has skill to increase friends’ attacking power and
cure them.
4. Expert Archer: It has more powerful long-distance attack but it also need
more friend’s protection.
5. Imperial General: It has multi-attacking skill and shoot an arrow quickly
on a targeted area.
6. God of Bow: It has ability to kill an enemy with only one arrow.


EXP: Character’s exp. bar.
When the lower gauge is full, the upper gauge increased by one and getting
10 boxes means level-up.
MP: Character’s magic point.
HP: Character’s health health point.
Compass: The ball of compass always points to the north.
Info. Window of the Target: Displays currently targeted enemy’s name and its
health info.
Menu Window: Displays character’s info./invent./skills/party/mission/map and
changes game setting.
Quick Slots: Registers the skills that are used often
Message Window: Depends the type of the message, its color is different.
Chatting Window: Displays normal chatting in white and whisper in blue and
sets the option of display.

05. Intermediate Guide

Transformation System

TRANSFORMATION(Ancient Animal System)

There’re ancient animals from the oriental myth that are transformed form
players. Players raise the ancient animals from the eggs to the adults.
When the player transforms to the ancient animal, player’s power will be
increased. Also the player’s power increases as the ancient animal grows.

[Ancient Tiger, For Knight]
It’s a god that wins in every battle

[Ancient Bird, For Magician]
A giant bird that rules the sky

[Black Panther,For Archer]
Break through thedeath of war


Introduction of Duel (PvP)

- Basically, the duel begins under the agreement of both parties and there is
no penalty on loser or winner.
- By the duel (PvP), both player can test which one is much stronger than
the other.

Starting the Duel (PvP)

- Type “duel PLAYER NAME’ on chatting window to ask the player for a duel.
- [Duel] can be started anywhere when the player who received the request

- [Duel] is ended if there is no winner in 10 minutes.
- [Duel] is ended if one of the players’ HP goes ‘0’ and the loser get fainted.
- The player who lost from the [Duel] can revive when the ‘revive’ button is

- There is no EXP loss even if the player lost form the [Duel].
- The [Duel] can be ended before one get lost by typing "/surrender" on the
chatting window.
- The monsters still can attack you while the [Duel] is progressing so it’s
better to have a duel at safe place.

Economy System


* All character in a same account can share their items in the storage.
* Keeping charge is same for all item and it’s 60 Zamogeon for each item.

Using Storage
Click on a storage keep NPC in a village to use the storage.

Check in Items and Money
On the stored list, click on an item to be checked in and click on check-in
button. Using Ctrl button to select multi items.

Check out items and Money
On the stored list, click on an item to be checked out and click on check-out
button. Using Ctrl button to select multi items.


* You may buy and sell items by using private shop system.
* Money won’t be shown on the item list.
* When private shop is open, you may not move.
* Private shop won’t cancel even if you are attacked by monsters.

When private shop icon is clicked, opening private shop step is started.
Click an item that want to be sold and price input window will be shown.
Type the price of the item and click OK.
If more than 1 item on that slot, number input window will be shown.
Click on register button to register the item.
Click on 'Name' button and name input window will be shown.
If you want to change the name of private shop or stop selling items,
click on private shop icon to open the private shop list and click on 'Name'
button or 'Stop' button.


Installing Fish Trap
Buy a fish trap from a NPC merchant and ask fishing NPC to install a fish trap.

Catching Fish

After certain time passes, following fishes will be caught randomly by the
fish trap. - goby, mackerel, salmon, and eel - Fish traps consumes every time
you ask for installation to the fishing NPC.

Utilization of Fishes
Fishes can be used as potions or can be sold to the shop for money.


Goby 14 Zamogeon Recovers HP by 300 points

Mackerel 40 Zamogeon Recovers HP by 300 points

Salmon 100 Zamogeon Recovers HP by 300 points

Eel 1,000 Zamogeon Recovers HP by 300 points


Fishes can be cooked by using pub keeper NPC.

Game System

With the Color Name System, the player can see the level difference between
the monster and the player in color.

The level difference between the monster and the player shows as the following
and there're some bonus and penalty.


Instruction of Making Party - by Chatting Window

On chatting window, type [/party (companion's name)].(ex: /party kalonline)
This method can be used without any distance limitation.

Instruction of Making Party - by Mouse

Register the [party] icon on the quick command slot and push the appropriate
number button for being ready to use.

Click the right mouse button for asking party.
If the other player allows it, party is made

For confirming party, click party button on the upper right side of the screen
of push 'P' button. Screen of one who get asked for a party

Seceding from the Party

On the chatting window, type [/secedeparty] or open the party window and click
the secede button. Seceding can be done anytime.

Shares of Party

* Parties share EXP.
* Parties share item receiving and beheading.
* Parties indicate in green on the mini-map.


* When get to the proper level, the player can learn skills from the its master
Find the master NPC in Narootuh(beginning village) and talk to him

Learn skills that you want.(For using skill, skill level must be at least 1.)
Click the skill icon on the upper right corner of the screen or press 'S;button
on your keyboard to open skill window.
Drag and drop the skill icon on the quick slot and press the appropriate number
Press number that you want to use or click on the skill icon to use skills.
* For sucking souls, it's possible to select the number and click the right
mouse button to use.


Saving Reviving Place

- Click on the crow statue in each village for saving reviving place.
- After saving reviving place, the player may revive from the place that you
- For confirming saved place, type /Reviving Place on the chatting window.
- The default reviving place is set to Narrootuh village..

Scroll of Teleportation

If the scroll of teleportation is used, the player can teleport to the village
that is written on the scroll.

06. Credits


Devon Kerkove
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