Need for Speed - Most Wanted

Need for Speed - Most Wanted

18.10.2013 02:09:38
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (PC) Guide by Grawl
grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com
05/20/07 - Version 1.5


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Table of Contents [MW.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[MW.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[MW.01.01]
* Introduction......................................................[MW.02.01]
* Race Types........................................................[MW.03.01]
* Career Mode.......................................................[MW.04.01]
* Prologue........................................................[MW.04.02]
* Blacklist Rival #15: Ho Seun 'Sonny'............................[MW.04.03]
* Blacklist Rival #14: Vince Kilic 'Taz'..........................[MW.04.04]
* Blacklist Rival #13: Victor Vasquez 'Vic'.......................[MW.04.05]
* Blacklist Rival #12: Isabel Diaz 'Izzy'.........................[MW.04.06]
* Blacklist Rival #11: Lou Park 'Big Lou'.........................[MW.04.07]
* Blacklist Rival #10: Karl Smit 'Baron'..........................[MW.04.08]
* Blacklist Rival #9: Eugene James 'Earl'.........................[MW.04.09]
* Blacklist Rival #8: Jade Barrett 'Jewels'.......................[MW.04.10]
* Blacklist Rival #7: Kira Nakazoto 'Kaze'........................[MW.04.11]
* Blacklist Rival #6: Hector Domingo 'Ming'.......................[MW.04.12]
* Blacklist Rival #5: Wes Allen 'Webster'.........................[MW.04.13]
* Blacklist Rival #4: Joe Vega 'JV'...............................[MW.04.14]
* Blacklist Rival #3: Ronald McCrea 'Ronnie'......................[MW.04.15]
* Blacklist Rival #2: Toru Sato 'Bull'............................[MW.04.16]
* Blacklist Rival #1: Clarence Callahan 'Razor'...................[MW.04.17]
* Epilogue........................................................[MW.04.18]
* Challenge Series..................................................[MW.05.01]
* Cars..............................................................[MW.06.01]
* Regular Cars....................................................[MW.06.02]
* Rival Cars......................................................[MW.06.03]
* Bonus Cars......................................................[MW.06.04]
* Black Edition Exclusive Cars....................................[MW.06.05]
* Parts.............................................................[MW.07.01]
* Parts...........................................................[MW.07.02]
* Performance.....................................................[MW.07.03]
* Visual..........................................................[MW.07.04]
* EA Trax...........................................................[MW.08.01]
* Cheats............................................................[MW.09.01]
* Gamecube........................................................[MW.09.02]
* Playstation 2...................................................[MW.09.03]
* Xbox............................................................[MW.09.04]
* Xbox 360........................................................[MW.09.05]
* PC..............................................................[MW.09.06]
* FAQ...............................................................[MW.10.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[MW.11.01]

History & Next Version [MW.01.01]

Version 0.1 (11/19/05) - First version, everything is new. (20,9KB)
Version 0.2 (11/22/05) - Updated career mode, added stats of cars, updated
challenge mode, updated race types, added more cars, cheats added, parts
added. A bit update, but it took a while until GameFAQs accepted the first
version of the guide. (92,2KB)
Version 0.3 (11/23/05) - Added more cheats, parts completed (decided not to
go as low as entering the list of 103 sponsor logo's about 10 times), fixed
a mistake in the cheats chapter (table of contents-wise), added and finished
EA Trax, updated career mode (another one down, 8 more to go), added more
cars and split the list up into three categories thanks to NismoZ. (117KB)
Version 0.4 (11/25/05) - Added more cheats, including for the Xbox 360,
updated the career mode (also added more markers information thanks to GraX),
added another part (supercharger), forgot to remove the "lyrics" chapter when
adding the "EA Trax" chapter, so that's fixed too. (139KB)
Version 1.0 (11/27/05) - Finished the career mode, split the "pursuit" race
type into evasion and time challenge, added the Burger King challenge, added
another car section and organized it better, also finished all the stats
there, added a list of infractions, added prices for cars (how much they cost
in career mode), cheat removed because it's fake (iammostwanted), added more
missing parts (spoilers). (177KB)
Version 1.1 (12/04/05) - Added more markers, fixed a mistake in the "Earl"
subsection, where I put the mobile messages above the rival list and markers,
found out what reckless driving means, added more cheats and updated some
with more information. As soon as I have a new PC (as in - 400 euro, so
that's not soon), I'll be able to finish the guide completely. So unless you
donate tons of money or a new PC, don't expect this anytime soon. (178KB)
Version 1.2 (12/18/05) - Got a notebook from my own money. Woohoo! I also
noticed someone made his own NfS: MW guide and simply stole things from my
guide. I obviously reported him. Anyway, more markers added and some things
fixed and updated. (179KB)
Version 1.3 (12/29/05) - Added more missing markers, added some general
tactics for shaking off the cops thanks to Steven and a hint about the
epilogue thanks to Mohammed. (182KB)
Version 1.4 (10/21/06) - Fixed a cheat for the PS2. (182KB)
Version 1.5 (05/20/07) - Just added an unknown marker for blacklist #2.

Coming in the next version(s):
* Challenge Series completed (only descriptions need to be added)
* Names listed for races
* Missing markers for Blacklist racers #3 and #4. If you happen to know them,
please let me know.

Introduction [MW.02.01]

Official description:

"Wake up to the smell of burnt asphalt as the thrill of illicit street racing
permeates the air. From the makers of the hit Need for Speed Underground
series, Need for Speed Most Wanted challenges players to become the most
notorious and elusive street racer.

Combining illicit street racing and tuner customization with the intensity of
strategic police pursuit that surpasses any Hollywood-style chase scene, Need
for Speed Most Wanted will be on every gamer's 'must-have' list this holiday
season. Out-race rivals, evade cops and exploit hundreds of miles of open road
as gamers make their way up the Blacklist."

This game was made using the PC-version of the game. Don't worry, the game is
the same on other consoles. The only difference between you and me might be
that I'm using the Black Edition of the game, which features some extra stuff.

Next to that, this game would be hard to describe step-by-step. Police actions
are random, traffic is random, what the opponents do is random etc. etc. Just
keep trying, and you'll get there.

Race Types [MW.03.01]

Alright, I'm not just discussing race types here, but also some objectives you
get for the milestone-challenges.

Bounty: During a pursuit, get your bounty up high. Destroy things, immobilize
police cars etc. etc. The longer the pursuit takes place, the faster your
bounty will race, but the more aggressive the police will react. The easiest
way to gain bounty is to gain a level in heat, save your game, get another
level etc., until you reached heat level 5. Then save and go out to get a
bounty of 2 million in 5 minutes or so.
Circuit: Several laps of racing. Try to be first.
Cost to State: During a pursuit, make as much damage as you can.
Drag: Yes, the Need for Speed: Underground dragging is still around. I never
liked it, but that's not the point. You need to shift manually for this. You
start by accelerating. Try to make the pointer go green, that's for the
perfect start. When a green (or blue) arrows appears on your screen, shift
up. I suggest using turbo right at the start to get ahead, and then just
shift and look ahead.
Infractions: Be a bad guy. Get infractions by doing stuff that aren't
allowed (crashing into cops, destroying stuff etc.) and then evade the
police. You can get infractions for:

Speeding - Just drive too hard.
Excessive Speeding - And keep that up.
Reckless Driving - And going even faster than above. Note that for all these
three things, it depends on your car. For example, in the beginning the
speeding infraction can be "achieved" by going 110 MPH, but later on it's
150 MPH.
Ramming a Police Vehicle - Easy to do when the pursuit starts.
Hit & Run - Hit a vehicle and evade the police.
Damage to Property - See that tree? Vroom!
Resisting Arrest - When they try to bust you, avoid it.
Driving off Roadway - Parks, shortcuts... they all count.
Lap Knockout: You play this against 3 other racers. You race 3 laps, and you
need to make sure you're not last. The one that finishes a lap last, is
knocked out. The one that remains after 3 laps is the winner.
Photo Ticket: Get yourself a photo ticket, but driving too fast.
Pursuit Time Challenge: Get into a pursuit and make it last a certain amount
of time. Start with a low heat, and move your way up. Starting with a high
heat is suicide, especially with objectives like 9 minutes.
Pursuit Evasion: Shake of the cops in a certain amount of time. This is very
easy in career. Get a car with a heat of 1, in the Blacklist select "Bounty"
and select the very first location. Straight ahead of you is a Pursuit
Breaker. Drive into that and it's all done in 12 seconds ;)
Roadblock: The police will set up roadblocks. You need to crash/pass through
them, and then evade the police.
Speedtrap: A spin-off of the photo ticket. You race against 3 others, and you
need to go from A to B. You'll pass photo boots, and the one that passed
those with the highest speed wins. When the first racer finishes, the score
of the others will go down until they finish.
Spike Strip: The same as the Roadblock challenge, but with spike strips.
Slowing down time will help a lot here.
Sprint: Go from A to B, and be the first.
Tollbooth Challenge: Much like a sprint, but without any opponents. You just
pass through tollbooths to gain time, and the police often bugs you.
Trade Paint: Ram the car of the opponent.

Career Mode [MW.04.01]

* Once again, I can't possible make a walkthrough out of this - you just need
skills. Just imagine it - "turn left, turn right, straight ahead".
* The question markers are RANDOM! I just listed them like this. It doesn't
mean the first marker is always the pink slip.
* The note above is just to make sure you got that ;)
* To build up a huge rapsheet, all you need to do is work on it as fast as
you can. Before you even beat Blacklist Rival #15, just enter a pursuit
that lasts over 30 minutes. The heat will never get too high, and it'll make
life so much easier when you're aiming for 100%. Obviously, not all records
can be broken yet (avoiding helicopters etc.), but it's a start. Especially
the record of having a pursuit that lasts longer than 30 minutes is almost
too easy with a maximum heat of 1.
* Another way to beat a lot of records, is by hiding into a spot the police
will never reach;
- Bus stop: Somewhere on the map is a bus stop. It's a building that has
glasses on every side, and you can drive into it. You can ride up to another
platform, and the police will never bust you. At higher heat levels they
will see you, though.
- Baseball field: For some reason, they'll see you - but not trace you here
- College campus: Campus is pretty much a giant circle with a cross in the
center. One part of that cross is the parking lot, where there is a hiding
spot. But the important part is te campus 'walkway' The road starts at the
main entrance with the statue in front. Behind that the road forks into two
parallel parts, the left of which is the longest, running through the campus
dorms or something. Nothing new there. Police cars rarely follow you through
the dorms, and when they spawn again, they will spawn at the road running
underneath it.
- College campus 2: Same as above - there is also a jump here. Drive up to
it, with the cops close behind. When you are about to make the jump, reset
your car. The cops will take the jump, but you'll stay there. Just make sure
the police makes the jump, or you'll be busted instantly. When the police is
using choppers, this is even more perfect - as long as you don't move, the
chopper will stay above you and not lose any fuel. The police cars will
never get to you.
* Choppers can crash into pursuit breakers too (like a donut), causing even
more damage than it would cause already.
* When your car hits some spike strip, you'll get busted 99% of the time.
Reset your car, and the tires will be brand new. If the cops weren't behind
you too close, you can start driving again and not get busted.

Prologue [MW.04.02]

Present Day... Challenging Blacklist Rival #15

You are going to ride against Razor, blacklist rival #15. If you lose, you'll
lose your car. Better not lose eh? The computer will race the first part, but
you'll have to do the last part yourself. Well... not really. Your car is
leaking oil, and the game switches back into time.

Six days ago... Entering Rockport City

You are entering the city, and race against another person. The police stops
you, and is planning to take your car. Lucky for you, they have to go.
Sergeant Cross leaves a tiny little scratch on your car to remind you of him.
How nice.

4 days ago... Cruising the streets... Looking for a race

You're racing against Ronnie. All of this to find yourself a nice gang to hang
out with. Winning isn't hard, because Ronnie is a terrible driver.
Reward: 10,000

Once you find a gang, it turns out they don't like you. You're allowed to
race and stuff. And you meet Razor... You also meet Mia, who's hot. Anyway,
time to race, for quite a lot of money. And it's not just money that makes it
exciting, they'll also call the cops. But anyway, you'll race Toru. Win while
you're at it.
Reward: 10,000

2 days ago.. Building reputation, winning races...

Another race, but this time against 3 others, not just one.
Reward: 10,000

Present Day... Challenging Blacklist Rival #15

So it's time to race against Razor. Again. This time you start from the
beginning, on your own. Good luck. It doesn't even matter though, your car is
broken and it stops working after a while. Guess who's behind that.

Well mister sergeant takes you with him. Things look bad, don't they?

Some time later...

Mia picks you up from the police station. There's not enough evidence against
you. Time to get your car back from Razor. You'll have to rank up through the
list and beat him. But first, we need a new car.

You only have 30,000, so you'll have to pick a Lexus IS 300 (best handling,
costs 27,000), a Fiat Punto (best acceleration, costs 27,000) or a Chevrolet
Cobalt SS (best top speed, costs 26,000). Whatever you like. I suggest picking
the Cobalt SS, because it's the fastest.

If you happened to have Need for Speed: Underground 2 installed, you can also
buy the fourth car. I assume you don't have it installed (or on your memory
card, for that matter).

So, drive there ;p Mia will explain how the blacklist works, and some other

Mobile Messages

***Voice (After you got your own car)

From: Mia
Subject: I'll meet you there.

Hey, it's me.

Check out your map. Head up to the location I told you about. I'll meet you
there. Later.***

Blacklist Rival #15: Ho Seun 'Sonny' [MW.04.03]
Ride: VW Golf GTI
Strength: Circuit Races
Bio: This here is Sonny. He's dumped a whole lot of cash into his car. That
ride is worked so don't be fooled, it's a rocket. He does anything he can to
get a hold of parts before they hit the streets.
Race Wins: 3
Milestones Completed: 3
Total Bounty: 20000

You can't just race against him straight away. You need to earn it. You have
to reach some goals.


Cash Reward: 1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 4.2 Miles

Cash Reward: 1,500
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.5 Miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 5.0 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 5,000
Description: Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 2 police vehicles
to successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 5,000
Description: Evade a police pursuit in less than 4 minutes to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 5,000
Description: Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 2 minutes. You will
need to evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 4,000
Description: Get clocked at over 80 MPH to successfully complete this


Circuit: Campus Way
Rival's Best Time: 3:27.23

Circuit: Highlands
Rival's Best Time: 2:15.37

Cash Reward: 5,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Extra cash reward (10,000)
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Rim
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Brake

Mobile Messages

***Text (After the first race)

From: Rog
Subject: Working your way up the Blacklist.

Get to the top of the Blacklist & take Razor down. The Blacklist is reached
from your Safe house & your in-game engage system. It keeps track of your
progress & what's needed to challenge a rival. How?

RACES - 2 ways: enter by driving to the flag icons on the map and use the
engage mechanic OR bring up the Blacklist, enter the Races page & select a
race. Either way, you're good to go.

MILESTONES - Reach Blacklist rival will make you prove you can handle the heat
before they race you. View the milestones by brining up the Blacklist &
entering the Milestones page.

BOUNTY - Your bounty level indicates how wanted you are by the police, and
affects your notoriety with Blacklist members. It increases by completing
milestones, for every second you are in a pursuit - higher heat levels
increase it more quickly - and if you happen to immobilize any police vehicle
during a pursuit. Your bounty only increases if you get away from the police.
You can start a pursuit by accessing the Bounty page on the Blacklist.***

***Text (After the first pursuit)

From: Mia
Subject: Basic rules for evading the police.

The Rockport police are always looking for street racers. Here's some advice:

DISTANCE - to escape, get some distance between you & the police. Until you're
out of their sight, you can't get away. Take a route where you can make some
quick moves & use traffic to your advantages to lose the police. Don't assume
you can outrun them on the highways.

HIDING - once you're out of sight, the police will be looking for you. Find a
hiding spot or watch your radar & stay away from the police for a while.
Hiding spots appear as blue circles on your minimap.

PURSUIT BREAKERS - if the police are hot on your tail, look for the pursuit
breakers that can quickly lose the police. Pursuit breakers appear as
triangles on your minimap.

BACKUP - whenever the cops following you are getting low on numbers, they'll
call for backup. Make sure you get out of sight before the backup arrives or
you'll have more police to deal with. You can see the backup timer on the
pursuit bar.***


From: Rog
Subject: The regs for racing the Blacklist members.

Listen closely 'cause I'm only goin' over this once.

Whenever you go up against a ranked racer, the pink slips go up for grabs. Now
if you win, you get to choose 2 markers. Those markers represent anything from
parts to favors to get you outta trouble with the cops. Included somewhere in
those markers in the pink slip. You just gotta get lucky and pick the right

Simple, right? We'll see.***

***Voice (When finished all objectives)

From: Rog
Subject: Sonny's lookin' for a run.

Hey man, that chump Sonny is lookin' for a run. He's still pretty fresh on the
Blacklist, so now's your chance.

Don't blow it.***

Blacklist Rival #14: Vince Kilic 'Taz' [MW.04.04]
Ride: Lexus IS 300
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: This crazy fool is a major heat score. Blacklist gave him the name "Taz".
He hates cops and they hate him. Watch yourself around this guy. He prowls the
streets of Rosewood looking for newbies.
Race Wins: 4
Milestones Completed: 3
Bounty: 50,000

If you got lucky enough to get the car of Sonny, I suggest using that one, and
selling your old car. If you didn't win that, you better buy some upgrades for
your car.


Cash Reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 5.7 miles

Cash Reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.0 miles

Cash reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.7 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.4 miles

Cash reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles

Cash reward: 2,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 7.5 miles


Bounty: 6,000
Get 1,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 6,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 15,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: 6,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 3 infractions to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 4,500
Get clocked at over 93 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 4,500
Get clocked at over 90 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Stadium & Hwy 99
Rival's Best Time: 2:36.13

Sprint: Rosewood & State
Rival's Best Time: 1:58.00

Cash Reward: 6,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra impound strike
3. Question: Extra cash reward (12,000)
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Hood
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Suspension

Mobile Messages


From: Rog
Subject: New cars and parts.

Now that you've beat Sonny, the local shops are gonna help you out with parts
and upgrades to your ride. There'll be new cars to buy too, if you're

Remember to choose smart 'cause cash ain't always easy to earn. Plan out which
cars you want and what upgrades you're gonna make. Don't assume you can buy
everything or that drivin' a stock car will get you to the top.***


From: Rog
Subject: Taz put out the challenge.

Taz just sent me a list of the races and milestones that you need to beat to
get a shot at his Blacklist position.

Taz isn't new to this game so you're gonna have to prove you're ready to race
him by winning races, beating the milestones challenges and racking up more
bounty with the police.***


From: Rog
Subject: If you need parts...

Yo, it's Rog.

If you need any parts or think you got enough for a new ride, head over to one
of the shops. I told hem you're a friend, so they should be cool.

They're on your map. Check it out.*** After first race

***Voice (After the second race)

From: Rog
Subject: Pursuit breakers.

When you're being chased by the 5-0, take a look at your map, you'll see a
bunch of icons. These are structures you can use to shake the cops off your
back. You just smash into them - instant Pursuit Breaker moment. If the cops
aren't damaged, they'll probably stop to provide assistance.

Trust me, they work.***

***Voice (After a few milestones)

From: Mia
Subject: About Razor...

Hey, what's up? It's Mia.

Looks like Razor's keepin' tabs on you. I guess he never figured he'd see you

I like the idea that he'll be lookin' over his shoulder from now on. Keep
layin' it down out there.

I'll call later.***


From: Rog
Subject: Some info you might need.

Nice run.

Alright, here's the deal. Razor's left the borough. He's racin' in Rockport.
To get to him, you've gotta to through the ranks of the Blacklist and clean
out each area. There's three areas known as boroughs. This here is Rosewood.
Camden Beach is on the coast and Rockport is right after it.

Unless you have enough rep', you can't get into the next level of racin'. To
do that, you've got to win. There's no second place here. Just keep plowin'
through your objectives until you can challenge a Blacklist racer.

I'll feed you more info as I dig it up. Later.***

***Voice (When you finished the objectives)

From: Rog
Subject: You're buildin' hype.

Your wins have generated some hype and got the attention of Taz. He's the next
Blacklist racer. Guy's nuts and a major heat score, so watch yourself. He's
waitin' for your call.


Blacklist Rival #13: Victor Vasquez 'Vic' [MW.04.05]
Ride: Toyota Supra
Strength: Pursuit Length
Bio: This dude's been holding it down in the #13 slot for a while now. He
can't break out of his rut and no one can run him out. He's slach and
dangerous but knows how to handle his ride. He'll smoke you if he gets the
Race Wins: 4
Milestones Completed: 3
Bounty: 100,000

Got the car of Taz? Sell it, because the car of Sonny is better. Note how
there's new stuff in the shop to pimp up your ride. I'd suggest until you beat
Vic, since a whole lot of fast cars are unlocked. If you simply can't manage
to beat this part, you'll need to pimp your ride up anyway.

Mia got a nice gadget for you. It allows you to check your rap sheet. The main
goal is to get the most wanted, obviously. Anyway, some new stuff to do, and
a higher bounty to get. Go gadget go!

Race Events

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.7 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 4.8 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 10.2 miles

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.3 miles

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.2 miles

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.9 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 11,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 4 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: 11,000
Get 5,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 11,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 4 minutes to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 5,0000
Get clocked at over 108 MPG to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 5,000
Get clocked at over 105 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Union & Hollis
Rival's Best Time: 2:23.55

Sprint: Heritage & Campus
Rival's Best Time: 2:07.11

Cash Reward: 6,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra Cash Reward (10,000)
3. Question: Extra Cash Reward (15,000)
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Gauge
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Body Kit
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Transmission

Mobile Messages

***Voice (At the beginning)

From: Rog
Subject: Taz didn't see that comin'.

I'm impressed. Taz underestimated you and paid the price. Make sure you never
do the same.

I'll hook up with you later.***

***Voice (After the first race)

From: Rog
Subject: You wanna see the ocean?

Get, it's Rog!

Here's the deal. The next Blacklist racer holds the key to Camden Beach.
Smoke 'm and the next borough is yours.

I'll see if I can dig something up on him.

We'll talk later.***

***Voice (After a few races)

From: Mia
Subject: Straight Up.

Hey, it's me.

Look, I'll be straight. I'm all for helpin' someone who's been cheated, but I
gotta get somethin' outta this deal. You flush out the Blacklist and I'll
provide you with safe houses. In return, you turn a blind eye to any side bets
I put down on ya'. It's a perfect deal, you'll see.

Get that Rog guy to help you out. Just don't let him figure out what's goin'



From: Rog
Subject: Pursuit milestone info.

Hey, I've got some news about those pursuit milestones. Apparently, these
things are thrown out there by Blacklist racers. They're challenges to anyone
who thinks they got what it takes to beat their records. If you wanna get
your name out there, this is the way to do it.

The more pursuit milestones you beat, the more notorious you'll become in the


From: Mia
Subject: Inside scoop on the cops.

It's Mia.

I got some inside info on the cops that might help out. You can lose the cops
by ducking out in hiding spots. You just gotta make sure you're outta their
line of sight. They're scattered throughout the world. Cruise around and scout
'em out.



From: Vic
Subject: Stay out of my way and we're cool.

Yeah, it's Vic here.

Keep your mouth shut and listen up. It don't matter to me what you got goin'
on with the other guys. You just make sure you stay outta my way. These are my
streets, you got that?

You just bow out when you're told and everything will be cool.***


From: Mia
Subject: Camden Beach.

Hey, you're really holdin' it down out there.

I can't believe how deep this thing goes. I can't wait to see what the set up
is in Camden Beach. I heard the odds might be better. We'll see.

Keep smokin' these guys out. Razor's out there, it's just a matter of time.

I'll see ya'.***


From: Rog
Subject: Vic's ready to race.

Alright, Vic's up. He's the meathead I was tellin' you about - Razor's knock
around guy. He's callin' you out.

Run 'm off the Blacklist. That should send a message to Razor and his crew.

I'll watch your back until you get this done.***

Blacklist Rival #12: Isabel Diaz 'Izzy' [MW.04.06]
Ride: Mazda RX-8
Strength: Lap Knockout Races
Bio: Izzy is definitely a chick you don't want to mess with. She knows
everything there is about cars, on and off the road. She's got her ride wired
tight. She comes from a long line of race fanatics. Everybody she runs with is
either a cousin, friend or uncle. They all stick close do don't get on her bad
Race Wins: 4
Milestones Completed: 3
Bounty: 180,000

Congrats, you unlocked the next borough. If you got Vic's car, you may call
yourself a lucky man too. The car is pretty damn fast, and it beats about half
of the stock cars.

Race Events

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 6.5 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.8 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.7 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.6 miles

Cash Reward: 750
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 0.9 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.2 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 19,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 8 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 19,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to successfully complete this

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 19,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 4 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit so successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 5,500
Get clocked at over 114 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 5,500
Get clocked at over 121 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Chase & Bristol
Rival's Best Time: 2:12.50

Circuit: Diamond
Rival's Best Time: 4:43.32

Cash Reward: 8,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Release car from impound
3. Question: Extra impound strike
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Body Kit
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Supercharger

Mobile Messages

***Voice (In the beginning)

From: Mia
Subject: Nice job.

Hey, it's me.

I heard you got into Camden Beach. Good work. Looks like that Rog guy is
pullin' his weight.

I hooked you up with another Safe House closer to the coast. It saves you from
havin' to drive back to Rosewood. Long way to go if the cops are on your tail.

Stay alert. You don't want to get caught off guard.



From: Rog
Subject: Mia's making some cash.

Hey, I've been diggin' around and it looks like that Mia chick is layin' a lot
of cash on you. I don't like her.

I also found out that she has a real long record. That means the cops are
probably watchin' her. I'd stay away if I was you.***


From: Rog
Subject: Get more than one car.

The police track your car. To make it to the top of the Blacklist you gotta
have a bunch of cars to drive.

When the hear on one car is gettin' high, park it. As you win races and evade
the cops with another ride, the parked car will lose heat.

Backup cars are also cool to have in case your favorite ride gets impounded.
If you don't have a car to drive -- it's game over.

You need to plan what cars you want and which cars you're gonna upgrade, or
else you'll run out of money. Remember, if you're really tight for cash you
can always sell one of your cars.***


From: Razor
Subject: Thanks for the wheels!

It's your pal Razor.

Heard you're back in; I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Maybe I should call
you sweetheart now, huh? Glad to see you're a sucker for punishment though.
And by the way... thanks for the ride.

Be seein' ya.***


From: Mia
Subject: Stay on target.

Hey. I heard you were rollin' the streets.

If Rockport is anything like this, you're gonna have a lot of worked rides to
take out.

I hear Razor's been rattlin' a lot of people out there. I wouldn't worry about
it though. He's just tryin' to throw you off your game.

Stay on target. He'll pay soon enough.

See ya' later.***


From: Rog
Subject: Izzy wants to go for it.

It's me.

Looks like that Izzy chick wants to take you on. She's tellin' everybody she's
gonna kick you back to Rosewood. I wouldn't let that stand for too long.

Don't underestimate her just 'cause she's a chick. That girl can drive.

I'll call you after you take her out.***

Blacklist Rival #11: Lou Park 'Big Lou' [MW.04.07]
Ride: Mitsubishi Eclipse
Strength: Tollbooth Time Trials
Bio: This slab of Korean muscle considers himself a real ladies man. He's all
show. Rumor has it; he panics around the cops and bails on races the first
chance he gets. Along with that they say he has problems working the clutch so
he's slow off the line. I wouldn't count on it if I was you.
Race Wins: 4
Milestones Completed: 3
Bounty: 300,000

Got the car of Izzy? If you did, you're lucky again. Use it, and then head to
the shop and upgrade the engine and stuff. Because you beat Izzy, you got
quite some goodies unlocked. If you also got the car of Vic, keep that, and
sell any other car for hard cash.

Race Events

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.4 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 9.2 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 2.7 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.7 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.5 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.8 miles

Cash Reward: 4,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.9 miles

Cash Reward: 1,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.7 miles


Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 30,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 20,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 30,000
Dodge 2 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: 30,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 4 infractions to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 6,000
Get clocked at over 118 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 6,000
Get clocked at over 118 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Circuit: Circle Rose
Rival's Best Time: 4:24.42

Circuit: Switchback
Rival's Best Time: 5:06.30

Cash Reward: 10,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra Cash Reward (20,000)
3. Question: Get out of jail for free
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Spoiler
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Rim
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Tire

Mobile Messages


From: Rog
Subject: Nice job finishing Izzy.

Guess Izzy's racin' days are over.

Keep burnin' 'em up.

I'll catch you later.***


From: Mia
Subject: Cross has your file.

Hey, it's me.

I heard that cop, Cross, is takin' a strong interest in you. He drives a
Corvette C6, so watch for it.

His Street Racin' Unit's on the look for you. If you see those guys, don't let
them surround you. They travel in packs of three and always try to box you in.
Trust me, that's how they took me out.

I'll let you know if anything else comes up.***


From: Rog
Subject: Use pursuit breakers wisely.

By now I'm thinkin' you're using the Pursuit Breakers to ditch the cops.
Here's the deal on gettin' the most outta the Pursuit Breakers.

Don't use 'em if you don't need to. You might get a few laughs by makin' the
donut fall down, but save it for when the cops are on your tail and you need
some breathing room, or when you're tryin' to lose the last one before backup

Learn where the police are in the world and plan your route so that you drive
by as many of 'em as possible. When you get to the Pursuit Breaker make sure
you got a lot of cops close by you. Makes no sense if they're way behind or
in front of you. If you time it right you can get 'em all with one Pursuit


From: Rog
Subject: Speedtrap race pointers.

Speedtrap racing is a little different than other types of races, gettin'
across the finish line first doesn't determine the winner.

The goal is to get the highest total speed recorded through a series of
speedtraps. You need to plan your routes to make sure you're at maximum speed
when you drive past 'em. Some of the traps are gonna be at the end of a corner
-- slow down so you don't hit the walls and then hit the gas quickly.

Your radar detector will warn you about any upcoming speedtraps. Wen it goes
off, it's usually a good time to use your nitrous for that extra boost of


From: Rog
Subject: Big Lou wants to lock a race.

Alright, Big Lou wants to lock in a race. He's waitin' for you to make a

Blacklist Rival #10: Karl Smit 'Baron' [MW.04.08]
Ride: Porsche Cayman S
Strength: Infractions
Bio: This flake calls himself "Baron". He's a rich guy from the coast. He
thinks garage custom is an excuse for being broke. As far as he's concerned,
"if it's not name brand, it's nothing." Go show 'm what home grown rides can
Race Wins: 5
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 500,000

The shops now have more performance upgrades, so boost your car. I suggest to
wait with a new car, because Baron has a very fast Porsche. If you're not
lucky enough to win it, you can always but it. But that's for later.


Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 12.9 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9.6 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.8 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.1 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.2 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.4 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.0 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 2.7 miles


Bounty: 35,000
Get 10,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 35,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 30,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 35,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 5 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 35,000
Dodge 4 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 8,000
Get clocked at over 108 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 8,000
Get clocked at over 114 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 8,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: North Bay & Harbor
Rival's Best Time: 2:34.11

Drag: Harbor & Ocean
Rival's Best Time: 48.11

Cash Reward: 12,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Extra impound strike
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Roof Scoop
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Hood
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Suspension

Mobile Messages


From: Razor
Subject: Things are gonna get rough.

Well, well, well looks like the hero boy is movin' up in the world, huh?

Don't get too excited punk, you still ain't rollin' my streets. And if I have
anything to say about it... you never will.***


From: Mia
Subject: Getting your heat down.

Pay attention to the heat of the car you're drivin', each car you own has its
own heat level. The best way to keep the cops off your back is to make sure
you don't let your heat get too high for the car you're drivin'. Each time
your heat moves up a level, police tactics and vehicles step-up too.

You can cool your ride's heat by driving a different car and by winning races
or evading pursuits. If you wanna cool-it-down faster, change it looks --
different paint, body kits, spoilers, etc. Now all changes make the same
difference, but they all help.

Remember, if you're gonna lower the heat of a car then make sure you drop it
down a level for the best results against the cops.***


From: Rog
Subject: Baron's dying to race you.

Alright, you got that Baron guy's attention. He's dying to race you.

Don't wait.***

Blacklist Rival #9: Eugene James 'Earl' [MW.04.09]
Ride: Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION VIII
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: This guy hails from the lower eastside of Rockport but not rides on the
coast. He's a big fan of imports and goes out of his way to take on the big
Race Wins: 5
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 790,000

It's time to get yourself a new car. If you got the Porsche from Baron that's
great, otherwise pick yourself a nice shiny car, and buy all the upgrades you
can. That helps, doesn't it? ;)


Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 7.4 miles

Cash Reward: 1,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 0.8 miles

Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.2 miles

Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.9 miles

Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.3 miles

Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.4 miles

Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 6.5 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 6,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9.3 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 46,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 12 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: 46,000
Get 30,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 46,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to successfully complete this

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 46,000
Doge 6 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 16,000
Get clocked at over 149MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 16,000
Get clocked at over 136MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 16,000
Get clocked at over 139MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Speedtrap: North Bay Cannery
Rival's Best Time: 2:10.42

Sprint: Camden & Route 55
Rival's Best Time: 4:24.23

Cash Reward: 16,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Release car from impound
3. Question: Extra impound strike
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Gauge
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Hood
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Supercharger

Mobile Messages


From: Mia
Subject: Top 10.

Hey, you've cracked the top 10. I had no idea the set up on coast went this

Keep up the good work. I'll be in touch.



From: Mia
Subject: Police chopper info.

Hey, you're really makin' a mark out there.

I got some info' on that police chopper. If they're on you, just duck out
under some cover. They may be fast, but they can't see through objects. Just
make sure they don't see you drivin' into the spot or they'll call in ground



From: Mia
Subject: Great run.

Hey, it's me.

Great run. I'd love to see the look on Razor's face now.

Keep it up. Rockport is just around the way.

I gotta go - later.***


From: Earl
Subject: Whole lot of green.

Earl here - wassup?

Didn't think it would be easy did ya?

Let's see you hold it down after the word goes out that you're worth a whole
lot of green. See ya fight your way outta that.***


From: Rog
Subject: #9 doesn't think he can take you.

#9's ready.

He's heard all the hype and the word is he's not so sure he can take you. Jump
him right away.

He's the only guy stoppin' you from gettin' into Rockport.

Let's get this done.***

Blacklist Rival #8: Jade Barrett 'Jewels' [MW.04.10]
Ride: Ford Mustang GT
Strength: Drag Races
Bio: This sweet thing goes by the name Jewels. She's all about big block and
muscle. She's got a lot of mileage under her wheels do don't be tempted to do
anything stupid. She's got some serious power under the hood.
Race Wins: 5
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 1,180,000

The last part is unlocked; Rockport. Now it's time to get really serious and
get your car back. If you got the car of Earl, I suggest not using it. The
Porsche Cayman S is about as good, and it's a bit of a waste of your money to
tune Earl's ride again. Better wait a bit.


Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.1 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9.3 miles

Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.8 miles

Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.0 miles

Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.3 miles

Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.8 miles

Cash Reward: 8,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.2 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 60,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 18 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 60,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 6 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: 60,000
Dodge 2 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: 60,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 5 infractions to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 24,000
Get clocked at over 147 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 24,000
Get clocked at over 147 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 24,000
Get clocked at over 132 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Camden & Ironwood
Rival's Best Time: 4:02.50

Drag: Union & Rockridge
Rival's Best Time: 37.20
(Note: You need to slow down at one moment during the drag, or you'll crash
into an upcoming car - you'll see.)

Cash Reward: 20,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra impound strike
3. Question: Get out of jail for free
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Body Kit
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Spoiler
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Transmission

Mobile Messages


From: Mia
Subject: Way to go!

It's Mia.

Way to go. You're officially #9 on the Blacklist. Take a good look around...
Rockport City. I hooked up another Safe House for you. It's nearby. Get
familiar with the location. You might have to get there in a hurry.



From: Mia
Subject: This Blacklist crew is organized.

It's Mia.

Can you believe this? I never knew that Rockport set up was so tight. These
racers have everything planned out. I rolled these streets for a long time and
never knew this was going on. Get out there and see how far this goes.

I'll catch up with you later.***


From: Razor
Subject: That Rog guy.

What's up, it's me.

Yeah I know that Rog guy - he's watching your back. I'm just wonderin', you
know, why's he doin' it.

It's a little weird if you ask me. But then again, who am I to judge. Maybe
you guys met in jail.



From: Rog
Subject: Razor's paying people off to take you down.

Hey, I just got word that Razor is paying guys off to take you out. I don't
know how deep it goes, so watch yourself. Don't trust anyone until this
blows over.

I'll catch up with you later.***


From: Rog
Subject: Jewels is ready to race.

Yo! You're up.

Jewels is ready when you are. She may be a sweet girl but remember - take her
out and you're #8 on the Blacklist.***

Blacklist Rival #7: Kira Nakazoto 'Kaze' [MW.04.11]
Ride: Mercedes Benz CLK 500
Strength: Cost to State
Bio: Kaze is crazy. What she can't conquer with skills, she demolishes with
speed. Don't let her sweet looks fool ya. She'll trash anything she sees,
including you. She's not afraid to ding her ride to put out of commission.
Race Wins: 7
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 1,680,000

Demolishes with speed? Then they may explain why she uses her brakes. Anyway,
the Porsche is still the car you should use for this one.


Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.0 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.2 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.4 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.5 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 4.1 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.7 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 67.1 miles

Cash Reward: 10,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.4 miles

Cash Reward: 2,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.0 miles


Bounty: 70,000
Get 75,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 70,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 50,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 70,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 3 minutes to successfully complete this

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 70,000
Dodge 8 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 34,000
Get clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 34,000
Get clocked at over 142 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 34,000
Get clocked at over 111 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Diamond Valley
Rival's Best Time: 3:15.33

Sprint: Stadium & Chase
Rival's Best Time: 3:18.55

Cash Reward: 24,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Extra impound strike
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Spoiler
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Tire

Mobile Messages


From: Ronnie
Subject: Hey tough guy.

Yeah, it's Ronnie here. You think beatin' him was easy? Yeah, we'll see how
easy it is when you run against me.***


From: Rog
Subject: Tip on roadblocks.

Once your heat gets high enough the police starts blocking the roads to try
and stop you. Each roadblock will have its weak point. Some of the roadblocks
won't cover the entire road, so the best way to go around the car. For the
roadblocks that have the road covered, look for the sawhorses, they're usually
a weak spot.

If you come 'round a corner and find a roadblock, don't forget to use
Speedbreaker to get a little extra time to maneuver before hittin' the block.
Aim for the cars in the back half, they're lighter weight and provide a better
chance of escape.

At the higher heat levels watch out for spike strips. If it looks like there's
no car blocking part of the road take a close look. You might be getting
tricked into driving over a spike strip which generally ends with you getting
busted. The cops call out the location of the spike strips to make sure the
other cops don't hit 'em, so keep your eyes and ears open.***


From: Razor
Subject: It really is you against the world.

Hey sweetheart, it's Razor.

In your push to get to me, you've smoked a lot of drivers that had nothin' to
do with what happened to ya.

Now I know you want me, but hey, I'm gonna tell ya somethin', most of 'em are
willing to do anything it takes to make you pay. You should remember that when
you're rollin' in Rockport***


From: Mia
Subject: People aren't taking Razor's bribes.

Hey, it's Mia.

I heard about Razor's bribes. No one's buyin' it. People are startin' to back
off. On top of that, I got a contact with the city that just dropped your
heat. as far as the cops are concerned, you're off their list for now - it
should give you some breathing room.

Get back out there and smoke out that Blacklist. Later.***


From: Rog
Subject: Earning extra cash.

If you're running a little low on cash, you can always go back to races you
didn't complete when you were working your way up the Blacklist. Bring up the
Blacklist, select on of the defeated rivals, go to the Races page and finish
off any races you haven't completed. You can also re-enter races that you've
already won to earn more money.

Your other option is to sell one of your cars. It's a quick way to get some
money, but remember, those local car dealers are only gonna give you half the
original stock price for your car. Any money you spent tuning it will be gone.
If you decide to sell one of your cars, go to the Safe House car select '
screen, select the car and you can sell it there.***


From: Rog
Subject: Kaze's a nut job.

I heard Kaze's puttin' the word out that she wants a run. That girl's a nut

Get on her and take her out.***

Blacklist Rival #6: Hector Domingo 'Ming' [MW.04.12]
Ride: Lamborghini Gallardo
Strength: Photo Tickets
Bio: This here is Ming. He prides himself on keeping his ride looking stock.
He's fast and shreds radar traps everywhere he can. He's the straight goods.
Word is the goy his ride from some rich cat who talked when he should have
been listening. Don't take 'm on until you're ready.
Race Wins: 7
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 2,300,000

The car of Kaze is a bit better than your Porsche, so if you got that, you
should use it. Otherwise it's best to wait until you beat Ming, and then buy
yourself a Dodge Viper and upgrade that one.


Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.2 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.1 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.5 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.8 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.2 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.2 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.7 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 3.9 miles

Cash Reward: 3,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 0.8 miles

Cash Reward: 12,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.4 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 80,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 22 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 80,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 7 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 80,000
Dodge 10 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: 80,000
Dodge 4 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 46,000
Get clocked at over 111 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 46,000
Get clocked at over 107 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 46,000
Get clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Circuit: Little Italy
Rival's Best Time: 1:48.41

Speedtrap: North Bay & College
Rival's Best Time: 3:43.13

Cash Reward: 28,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Extra cash reward (50,000)
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Rim
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Suspension

Mobile Messages


From: Mia
Subject: Real buzz goin'.

Hey man!

You got a serious buzz goin'. I mean, people from all over the place are
trackin' what's goin' on. Cops are goin' nuts.

You have 5 Blacklist racers left and 2 of them are Razor's boys. Stay on
track. We're gettin' close.

See you later.***


From: Cross
Subject: No special treatment.


Hey, I hear you want to get personal. Now, I want you to know that you've been
moved up in the world. Now, you and I have our own rules.

And, oh, if you're wondering how I got your number, let's just say not
everyone out there is your friend. Especially when they need to get their ride
back out of lock up.

You have a good night, I'll be seein' ya.***


From: Rog
Subject: Performance tuning might help.

You can't always run the same setup for every race if you're lookin' to edge
ahead of the competition. Think about tuning the characteristics of your car
to get the right balance for a specific race or race type.

Pay attention to your gear ratios. If you're on a tight track with lots of
corners, having more acceleration might pay off. If you're ripping up the
highways you might want to slide the performance over for more top speed.

There are lots of options, so don't forget to give 'em a try. Making a smart
tuning choice might make the different between winning and coming in second.
You can find the performance tuning in the pause menu.***


From: Rog
Subject: Ming wants to roll.

Alright, you know the deal.

Ming knows you got a lot of rep' behind you. He doesn't want to wait any
longer to take you on. Get this run over with.***

Blacklist Rival #5: Wes Allen 'Webster' [MW.04.13]
Ride: Corvette C6
Strength: Escaping Pursuits
Bio: Webster's always talking about rides, performance, racers, blah, blah,
blah. Won't shut up. He's got some crazy idea that he's gonna make it big.
When he ain't street racing, he's hanging out at shops. His ride is tuned to
the max. Apparently the interior is stripped of everything that isn't related
to speed.
Race Wins: 7
Milestones Completed: 4
Bounty: 3,050,000

Time to get yourself that Dodge Viper with upgrades - it'll be worth it, trust
me. With a few more upgrades it'll be faster than light. For now, let's just
race and beat Webster.


Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 10.4 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 2
Distance: 8.4 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.8 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.5 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.6 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.1 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.5 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.0 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.1 miles

Cash Reward: 14,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.4 miles


Bounty: 90,000
Get 200,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 90,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 100,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 90,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully complete this

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: 90,000
Dodge 6 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 60,000
Get clocked at over 180 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 60,000
Get clocked at over 120 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 60,000
Get clocked at over 186 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Sprint: Beach & Chancellor
Rival's Best Time: 2:24.42

Speedtrap: State & Petersburg
Rival's Best Time: 6:40.61

Sprint: State & Warrent
Rival's Best Time: 4:20.11

Cash Reward: 48,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Extra impound strike
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Hood
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Supercharger

Mobiles Messages


From: Rog
Subject: #6, how does it feel?

So, how does it feel? #6 on the Blacklist after comin' back from nothing. Who
woulda thought. It's gotta feel good.

Keep it up.***


From: Cross
Subject: Cuttin' you some slack.

I'm getting tired of cuttin' you slack. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I'm gonna pound
you into the pavement. And, by the time I'm done with you and your ride,
there'll be nothin' left.

Now you better believe that I'll be seein' you.***


From: Rog
Subject: Pencil neck.

This pencil neck is ready to go.

Hook it up and smoke 'm.***

Blacklist Rival #4: Joe Vega 'JV' [MW.04.14]
Ride: Dodge Viper SRT10
Strength: Speedtrap Races
Bio: I don't know how JV does it, man. His nights are spent in the clubs and
days on the streets. This guy's got a lot of street rep. Cops hate him and
racers want to be like him. His flash green Dodge Viper has cops swarming
around it all the time.
Race Wins: 7
Milestones Completed: 5
Bounty: 4,050,000

If you just won the car of Webster, you are incredible lucky. It contains
parts you can't get before beating Ronnie!


Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.8 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 4
Distance: 5.3 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9.5 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.0 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.0 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.4 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.1 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.2 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 7.1 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.1 miles

Cash Reward: 16,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.4 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 100,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 28 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: 100,000
Get 325,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Cost to State Challenge
Bounty: 100,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 150,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Infractions Challenge
Bounty: 100,000
Evade the police pursuit with a minimum of 6 infractions to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 76,000
Get clocked at over 180 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 76,000
Get clocked at over 164 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 76,000
Get clocked at over 152 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Speedtrap: Dunwich & Hills
Rival's Best Time: 4:40.51

Drag: Rosewood & Heritage
Rival's Best Time: 48.31

Speedtrap: Petersburg & Hwy 201
Rival's Best Time: 2:35.41

Cash Reward: 54,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra cash reward (100,000)
3. Question: Unknown
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Vinyl
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Body Kit
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Engine

Mobile Messages


From: Razor
Subject: #5 on the Blacklist.

Well, well, well, #5 on the Blacklist. Bravo.

Don't get too worked up though, cuz you see, you've still got my guys to go
through and I've got a feelin' things are gonna get a lot tougher for ya. Uh
huh. A lot tougher...***


From: Rog
Subject: Next level of police.

You're attracting a lot of attention. Watch the heat level on the car you're

If you get to heat level 5 your day will suck. This level of heat attracts the
top cops -- heavier SUVs, more aggressive helicopters and your worst nightmare
-- Cross' corvette-driving police squad. You don't wanna mess with them if you
can avoid it.***


From: Cross
Subject: Pin stripes.

Hey! Hey! Homies, look! Can you still say homie? I don't even know - I'm from
old school. Hey look, how ya doin'?

Looks like bein' a good driver doesn't mean you got good taste. I thought you
guys were supposed to be all about street rep. What? No, I'm playin', I'm
playin'... I don't mean to front like that.

What's the deal with that ride of yours? Don't you care about how it looks? I
mean, man... maybe I can help you out with some pinstripes - my personal

I look forward to bustin' you... again, and again, and again... So look, get
some rest. I'll be seein' ya.***


From: Rog
Subject: JV is popular, take him out.

Hey, #4 on the Blacklist is up. JV's a popular guy with the crowd, so take him
out quick and move on.

Don't let this hang over you too long.***

Blacklist Rival #3: Ronald McCrea 'Ronnie' [MW.04.15]
Ride: Aston Martin DB9
Strength: Immobilizing Police Vehicles
Bio: You know Ronnie. He's on of those rich freaks that thinks he's ghetto. He
definitely ain't from around the way. Got his car as a graduation gift from
his parents. Don't be fooled though, the guy knows how to drive. He's been to
every race school you can think of.
Race Wins: 8
Milestones Completed: 5
Bounty: 5,550,000

Can you even believe the Dodge Viper from JV is a bit better than the car of
the previous opponent? Plus you can give it another upgrade. However, I
suggest raising your bounty with a car that has heat 5. Do the races with the
Dodge Viper (assuming you won it, of course - if you didn't ignore this).


Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.0 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 17.6 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 4
Distance: 8.5 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.7 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.2 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 9,6 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.9 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.0 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.9 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.3 miles

Cash Reward: 18,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.5 miles

Cash Reward: 4,500
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.3 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 140,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 32 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: 140,000
Get 600,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 140,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully complete this

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 140,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 8 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 94,000
Got clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 94,000
Got clocked at over 158 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 94,000
Got clocked at over 177 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Circuit: Bay Bridge
Rival's Best Time: 4:58.20

Sprint: Seaside & Lennox
Rival's Best Time: 2:51.41

Circuit: Camden Tunnel
Rival's Best Time: 2:09.16

Cash Reward: 60,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Extra impound strike
3. Question: Unknown
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Rim
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Roof Scoop
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Tire

Mobile Messages


From: Rog
Subject: Razor's runnin' scared.

#4 on the Blacklist. Sounds good doesn't it?

You should also know that the word on the street is Razor's runnin' scared.
Everyone knows what happened. Your business with Razor is just that - your
business, no one else's.

You shouldn't have any other worries from here on.***


From: Razor
Subject: NARC.

Hey, you know who this is.

Seems that the races in the boroughs are gettin' busted before they start. I
mean, the cops are all over the place. Now the last person to go through there
was you.

Let's just say I'm not the only one who's noticed. You better watch your


From: Mia
Subject: Stay on top of your game.

It's me.

Look, I know you talked to Razor. Don't let him throw you off. He's just
messin' with you. Stay on top of your game. You take care of the racing and
I'll take care of the rest. I have plans for him.



From: Ronnie
Subject: I'm gonna wipe you all over the road.

Yeah, it's Ronnie. Look, I don't care what they say about ya. I'm gonna wipe
ya all over the road!

I'm ready when you are punk.***

Blacklist Rival #2: Toru Sato 'Bull' [MW.04.16]
Ride: Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren
Strength: Sprint Races
Bio: If it weren't for Razor, Toru would still be hanging down at the docks
dreamin' of the Blacklist. This fool thinks he's got a sleeper, calls it
reverse psychology. The only thing stock on his ride is the paint. Toru likes
to keep his car mint to give him a bump when you can.
Race Wins: 8
Milestones Completed: 5
Bounty: 7,550,000

Now that Ronnie ate your dust, you can buy every car and upgrade. Pick one,
upgrade one, and have mad fun.


Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 2
Distance: 13.9 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 13.9 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 9.3 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.9 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 13.2 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.7 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.2 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 17.8 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 10.0 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 8.5 miles

Cash Reward: 20,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 6.9 miles

Cash Reward: 5,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 1.3 miles


Cost to Stage Challenge
Bounty: 180,000
Evade the police pursuit with a cost to state of 200,000 to successfully
complete this challenge.

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 180,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 9 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Roadblock Challenge
Bounty: 180,000
Dodge 12 police roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this

Spike Strip Challenge
Bounty: 180,000
Dodge 8 police spike strip roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully
complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 114,000
Got clocked at over 194 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 114,000
Got clocked at over 136 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 114,000
Got clocked at over 165 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Circuit: Oil Refinery
Rival's Best Time: 5:03.42

Sprint: Ironhorse & Coast
Rival's Best Time: 3:18.52

Sprint: Seaside Interchange
Rival's Best Time: 3:42.52

Cash Reward: 75,000


1. Question: Pink Slip
2. Question: Get out of jail for free
3. Question: Release care from impound
4. Unique Visual Upgrade: Gauge
5. Unique Part Upgrades: Vinyl
6. Unique Performance Upgrades: Supercharger

Mobile Messages


From: Mia
Subject: Cracked the top 3.

Hey, it's me.

I see you cracked the top 3. And to think, you got outta jail with nothin' and
clawed your way back to the top. Not bad. One more Blacklist driver and Razor
is ours.

I'll see ya.***


From: Razor
Subject: Turning the tables.

Listen up punk. You know who this is, so shut your mouth and open your ears.

Now you're either helpin' the cops or someone you're hangin' with is, and I
don't care either way. But let's see how ya like it when the tables are


From: Rog
Subject: Toru's waiting for you.

Alright, this is it. #2 on the Blacklist is up for the grabs. Toru's waitin'
for your call. Chump's drivin' a McLaren. Need I say more?

Smoke 'm out fast.***

Blacklist Rival #1: Clarence Callahan 'Razor' [MW.04.17]
Ride: BMW M3 GTR
Strength: Everything
Bio: Razor rocketed to the top of the Blacklist using your ride. Now he's
holding it down and rolling the streets like he owns them. He'll do anything
he can to give himself an edge. That includes messin' with your hear.
Remember, you can't trust anything he says.
Race Wins: 9
Milestones Completed: 5
Bounty: 10,000,000

So, the last guy. Just a few races, some milestones and a high bounty, and you
can take him on. Don't be too nervous - he's just as terrible at driving as
the other guys, so he'll get stuck on some occasions.


Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 3
Distance: 17.9 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.5 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.4 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 5.7 miles

Lap Knockout
Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 11.6 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 15.6 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 19.9 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Maximum
Laps: 1
Distance: 4.8 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 7.4 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 8.3 miles

Cash Reward: 25,000
Cop Probability: Minimum
Laps: 1
Distance: 10.7 miles


Trade Paint
Bounty: 220,000
Evade the police pursuit and tag a minimum of 35 police vehicles to
successfully complete this challenge.

Bounty: 220,000
Get 850,000 bounty in a single pursuit. Once done, evade the pursuit.

Pursuit Evasion
Bounty: 220,000
Evade a police pursuit in less than 2 minutes to successfully complete this

Pursuit Time Challenge
Bounty: 220,000
Get into a police pursuit lasting at least 13 minutes. You will need to evade
the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 136,000
Get clocked at over 149 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 136,000
Get clocked at over 139 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.

Photo Ticket
Bounty: 136,000
Get clocked at over 198 MPH to successfully complete this challenge.


Speedtrap: Warrent
Rival's Best Time: 3:11.44

Drag: Terrace & Riverside
Rival's Best Time: 56.93

Sprint: Forest Green
Rival's Best Time: 4:01.52

Circuit: Clubhouse
Rival's Best Time: 6:05.30

Sprint: Clubhouse & Lennox
Rival's Best Time: 4:29.42

Mobile Messages


From: Rog
Subject: How does it feel?

How does it feel? It's been a long time comin'.

I've said everything that needed sayin'. You know what you gotta do. You've
come too far to let this slip away.***


From: Razor
Subject: You're sellin' us out.

I know what your game is punk. You're sellin' use out, big surprise. I don't
know how but ya are. For that - you're gonna pay.

You ain't never gonna get to the top. Ever. You can count on that. You're
gonna burn.***


From: Mia
Subject: You're nearly there.

Hey, your rep with the locals is outta control. You know Razor's gotta be
sweatin'. You're nearly there.



From: Rog
Subject: Race between you and Razor is locked.

Alright, that's it. It's done.

Everybody is callin' for a race between you and Razor. There's no stoppin' the
hype. The thing is locked. There's more money on this than anybody has ever
seen. People as far as Bayview are throwin' cash down on this.

Odds are in your favor. Take 'm out.***


From: Razor
Subject: It's time!

It's time. Bring yourself and that pathetic ride of yours to the location on
the map.

Don't make me wait.***

Epilogue [MW.04.18]

Razor ate your dust. How's that? You finally got your ride back (but I prefer
my Porsche, thank you very much). Razor doesn't want to give the keys, but Mia
takes them. And what a surprise! She works for the cops!

Seriously, that was obvious. Cross said "someone needed a car back from
impound" (something among those lines), Mia kept saying she had something in
mind for Razor and Razor kept calling about how you got involved with this and
the police.

Razor goes to jail, but Mia throws you the keys and you drive off. It's time
for the final showdown. You can't evade the police, so just keep driving and
using pursuit breakers (they give you 10 seconds peace or so). After 10
seconds Cross will call you, telling he put every Blacklist driver in jail,
and the one left is you. Keep driving. Good luck.

After 5 minutes Mia will call, and tell you the only way to escape is by
jumping over the old bridge. Get on the highway, and find the path leading
there. Then use nitro, and make the final jump.

Note: If you're near the old bridge when you reached the 5 minute marker,
nothing will happen. Make sure you're not near.

You escaped and won! You're the most wanted in Rockport. You'll unlock a car
or two, and the game tells you you can still do the Challenge mode or get
higher on the Rap sheet list.

After the credits Cross will log in, and raise your "most wanted" status, so
the whole country knows about it. Need for Speed: Most Wanted 2? I'm pretty
sure you'll see that soon enough.

Good job sir (or ma'am, for that matter) - another job well done. And don't
forget to save manually, or you'll have to do the pursuit over again.

Challenge Series [MW.05.01]

These challenges are mostly milestones you do during the career mode. A bit
cheap, but that's what EA's here for. These challenges don't need an
explanation; they're straightforward, and some things are even random and
based on your skills and luck. Practice makes perfect.

01. Tollbooth Time Trial - Complete this Tollbooth Time Trial in under 2:40 to
02. Pursuit Length - You will need to evade the police pursuit after at least
1 minute to successfully complete this challenge.
03. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 1 or 2) - You need to complete
this Tollbooth Time Trial in under 2:45.
04. Bounty (Unlocked by challenge 1 or 2) - Evade the police pursuit with a
bounty of 1,000 to successfully complete this challenge.
05. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 3 or 4) - 3:30 is the time to
beat for this Tollbooth Time Trial.
06. Pursuit Evasion (Unlocked by challenge 5) - Evade the police pursuit in
less than 5 minutes to successfully complete this challenge.
07. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 5) - Someone on the Blacklist
posted a best time of 3:00 in this Tollbooth Challenge. You will need to
beat that time to win.
08. Cost to State (Unlocked by challenge 6 or 7) - Evade the police pursuit
with a cost to state of 25,000 to successfully complete this challenge.
09. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 6 or 7) - You will need to
complete this Tollbooth Time Trial in under 2:50 to hold the record.
10. Roadblock (Unlocked by challenge 8 or 9) - Dodge at lest 2 police
roadblocks and evade the pursuit to successfully complete this challenge.
11. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 10) - Complete this Tollbooth
Time Trial in under 3:30 to win.
12. Trade Paint (Unlocked by challenge 10) - Evade the police pursuit and tag
a minimum of 5 police vehicles to successfully complete this challenge.
13. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 11 or 12) - You will need to
reach the last Tollbooth before the 3:45 mark to win this challenge.
14. Infractions (Unlocked by challenge 11 or 12) - Evade the police pursuit
with a minimum of 4 infractions to successfully complete this challenge.
15. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 13 or 14) - Complete this
Tollbooth Challenge in under 4:00.
16. Spike Strip (Unlocked by challenge 15)
17. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 15)
18. Pursuit Evasion (Unlocked by challenge 16 or 17)
19. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 16 or 17)
20. Pursuit Length (Unlocked by challenge 18 or 19)
21. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 20)
22. Roadblock (Unlocked by challenge 20)
23. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 21 or 22)
24. Infractions (Unlocked by challenge 21 or 22)
25. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 23 or 24)
26. Trade Paint (Unlocked by challenge 25)
27. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 25)
28. Cost to State (Unlocked by challenge 26 or 27)
29. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 26 or 27)
30. Bounty (Unlocked by challenge 28 or 29)
31. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 30)
32. Pursuit Evasion (Unlocked by challenge 30)
33. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 31 or 32)
34. Roadblock (Unlocked by challenge 31 or 32)
35. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 33 or 34)
36. Trade Paint (Unlocked by challenge 35)
37. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 35)
38. Infractions (Unlocked by challenge 36 or 37)
39. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 36 or 37)
40. Pursuit Length (Unlocked by challenge 38 or 39)
41. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 40)
42. Roadblock (Unlocked by challenge 40)
43. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 41 or 42)
44. Spike Strip (Unlocked by challenge 41 or 42)
45. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 43 or 44)
46. Cost to State (Unlocked by challenge 45)
47. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 45)
48. Pursuit Evasion (Unlocked by challenge 46 or 47)
49. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 46 or 47)
50. Bounty (Unlocked by challenge 48 or 49)
51. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 50)
52. Pursuit Evasion (Unlocked by challenge 50)
53. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 51 or 52)
54. Cost to State (Unlocked by challenge 51 or 52)
55. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 53 or 54)
56. Bounty (Unlocked by challenge 55)
57. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 55)
58. Roadblock (Unlocked by challenge 56 or 57)
59. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 56 or 57)
60. Pursuit Length (Unlocked by challenge 58 or 59)
61. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 60)
62. Spike Strip (Unlocked by challenge 61)
63. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 62)
64. Trade Paint (Unlocked by challenge 63)
65. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 64)
66. Cost to State (Unlocked by challenge 65)
67. Tollbooth Time Trial (Unlocked by challenge 66)
68. Pursuit Length (Unlocked by challenge 67)
69. Burger King Challenge (Unlocked by a cheat) - Win the Burger King Race to
unlock unique performance upgrade parts in the performance customization
70. Black Edition Challenge - In this event you will be pursued by
supercharged Heavy SUV's. This will be the most difficult challenge in the
You need to Get a Bounty of 500,000 and evade the pursuit to be

Descriptions coming when I'm not lazy.

Cars [MW.06.01]

You may notice some cars are in the list twice. This is because some of the
cars are the same, but not quite (the Black Edition cars are a bit better,
look different etc.).

Regular Cars [MW.06.02]

1. Lexus IS 300 (2006)
Price Career Mode: 27,000

Top Speed
|XX |
| |
|XXX |

2. Fiat Punto (2006)
Price Career Mode: 27,000

Top Speed
| |
|XXX |
|XX |

3. Chevrolet Cobalt SS (2006)
Price Career Mode: 26,000

Top Speed
|X |
| |

4. Volkswagen Golf GTI (2006)
Price Career Mode: 35,000

Top Speed
|XXX |
|XXX |

5. Audi TT 3.2 Quattro (Unlocked by beating Sonny) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 35,000

Top Speed
|XXX |

6. Audi A3 3.2 Quattro (Unlocked by beating Sonny) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 32,000

Top Speed
|XX |

7. Mitsubishi Motors Eclipse (Unlocked by beating Taz) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 30,000

Top Speed

8. Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro (Unlocked by beating Taz) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 35,000

Top Speed
|XX |

9. Toyota Supra (Unlocked by beating Vic) (1998)
Price Career Mode: 40,000

Top Speed

10. Renaut Clio v6 (Unlocked by beating Vic) (2001)
Price Career Mode: 40,000

Top Speed

11. Mazda RX-8 (2005)
Price Career Mode: 32,000

Top Speed

12. Cadillac CTS (Unlocked by beating Izzy) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 32,000

Top Speed
|XXX |

13. Ford Mustang GT (2006)
Price Career Mode: 36,000

Top Speed

14. Mitsubishi Motors Lancer Evolution VIII (Unlocked by beating Big Lou)
Price Career Mode: 36,000

Top Speed

15. Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (2005)
Price Career Mode: 75,000

Top Speed

16. Pontiac GTO (Unlocked by beating Baron) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 35,000

Top Speed

17. Vauxhall Monaro VXR (Unlocked by beating Baron) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 35,000

Top Speed

18. Porsche Cayman S (Unlocked by beating Baron) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 60,000

Top Speed

19. Subaru WRX STI Impreza (2005)
Price Career Mode: 42,000

Top Speed

20. Mazda RX-7 (Unlocked by beating Earl) (1994)
Price Career Mode: 31,000

Top Speed

21. Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 (Unlocked by beating Jewels) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 75,000

Top Speed

22. Lotus Elise (Unlocked by beating Jewels) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 48,000

Top Speed

23. Aston Martin DB9 (Unlocked by beating Kaze) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 90,000

Top Speed

24. Porsche 911 Carrera S (2006)
Price Career Mode: 75,000

Top Speed

25. Dodge Viper SRT 10 (Unlocked by beating Ming) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 98,000

Top Speed

26. Lamborghini Gallardo (2005)
Price Career Mode: 120,000

Top Speed

27. Porsche 911 Turbo S (Unlocked by beating Webster) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 105,000

Top Speed

28. Corvette C6 (Unlocked by beating Webster) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 80,000

Top Speed

29. Lamborghini Murchiélago (Unlocked by beating JV) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 265,000

Top Speed

30. Ford GT (Unlocked by beating JV) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 270,000

Top Speed

31. Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren (Unlocked by beating Ronnie) (2006)
Price Career Mode: 300,000

Top Speed

32. Porsche Carrera GT (Unlocked by beating Ronnie) (2005)
Price Career Mode: 280,000

Top Speed

Rival Cars [MW.06.03]

These cars can be used in both career mode and the quick race mode.

1. Volkswagen Golf GTI (Unlocked by beating Sonny) (2006)

Top Speed
|XXX |

2. Lexus IS 300 (Unlocked by beating Taz) (2006)

Top Speed

3. Toyota Supra (Unlocked by beating Vic) (1998)

Top Speed

4. Mazda RX-8 (Unlocked by beating Izzy) (2005)

Top Speed

5. Mitsubishi Motors Eclipse (Unlocked by beating Big Lou) (2006)

Top Speed

6. Porsche Cayman S (Unlocked by beating Baron) (2006)

Top Speed

7. Mitsubishi Motors Lancer Evolution VIII (Unlocked by beating Earl) (2005)

Top Speed

8. Ford Mustang GT (Unlocked by beating Jewels) (2006)

Top Speed

9. Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 (Unlocked by beating Kaze) (2005)

Top Speed

10. Lamborghini Gallardo (Unlocked by beating Ming) (2005)

Top Speed

11. Corvette C6 (Unlocked by beating Webster) (2006)

Top Speed

12. Dodge Viper SRT 10 (Unlocked by beating JV) (2006)

Top Speed

13. Aston Martin DB9 (Unlocked by beating Ronnie) (2005)

Top Speed

14. Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren (Unlocked by beating Bull) (2006)

Top Speed

15. BMW M3 GTR (Unlocked by winning the career mode) (2005)

Top Speed

Bonus Cars [MW.06.04]

1. Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG (Unlocked by beating challenge 68... so just the
complete challenge mode excluding the Black Edition challenge) (2006)

Top Speed

2. Corvette C6.R (Unlocked by getting 100% game complete) (2006)

Top Speed

3. Porsche 911 GT2 (Unlocked by completing every event in the Challenge
Series) (2005)

Top Speed

4. Castrol Sytec Ford GT (Unlocked by cheats) (2005)

Top Speed

Black Edition Exclusive Cars [MW.06.05]

1. Chevrolet Corvette C6 (2006)

Top Speed

2. Porsche 911 Carrera S (2006)

Top Speed

3. Lotus Elise (2006)

Top Speed

4. Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (2003)

Top Speed

5. Toyota Supra TT (1998)

Top Speed

6. Chevrolet Corvette C6.R (2006)

Top Speed

7. Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG (2006)

Top Speed

8. Porsche 911 GT2 (2005)

Top Speed

9. Chevrolet Camaro SS (Unlocked by beating the Black Edition challenge)

Top Speed

10. BMW M3 GTR (2005)

Top Speed

Parts [MW.07.01]

To save space (yea, that's me talking, just ignore the chapter above when you
read this part) I use the following way of writing this all down:

Name, price, unlocked by beating...

Easy, right? The performance parts are a bit different, but you'll notice ;)

Parts [MW.07.02]

Body Kits

Body 1, 5000
Body 2, 5000
Body 3, 7500, Vic
Body 4, 10000, Earl


Reaper, 1000
Slingshot, 1000
Groundmaster, 1000
Rocker 5, 2000, Vic
Fishtail, 2000, Vic
Viper, 2000, Vic
Ripper, 3000, Big Lou
Banshee, 3000, Big Lou
Airforce, 5000, Earl
Dragon, 5000, Earl
Mystic, 5000, Earl
Arrow, 1000
Barracuda, 1000
Switchblade, 1000
Jorgen, 2000, Vic
Scarab, 2000, Vic
Lynx, 2000, Vic
Borra, 3000, Big Lou
Ghost, 3000, Big Lou
Tornado, 3000, Big Lou
Fishtail, 3000, Big Lou
Wildfire, 5000, Earl
Tandem, 5000, Earl
Joker, 5000, Earl
Venom, 6000, Earl
Impact, 6000, Earl
Sport Carbon
Reaper, 1000
Slingshot, 1000
Groundmaster, 1000
Rocker 5, 2000, Vic
Fishtail, 2000, Vic
Viper, 2000, Vic
Ripper, 3000, Big Lou
Banshee, 3000, Big Lou
Airforce, 5000, Earl
Dragon, 5000, Earl
Mystic, 5000, Earl
Tuner Carbon
Arrow, 1000
Barracuda, 1000
Switchblade, 1000
Jorgen, 2000, Vic
Scarab, 2000, Vic
Lynx, 2000, Vic
Borra, 3000, Big Lou
Ghost, 3000, Big Lou
Tornado, 3000, Big Lou
Fishtail, 3000, Big Lou
Wildfire, 5000, Earl
Tandem, 5000, Earl
Joker, 5000, Earl
Venom, 6000, Earl
Impact, 6000, Earl


5Zigen FN01R, 1000
5Zigen Supersix, 1500
5Zigen 5ZR, 3500, Vic
5Zigen GN+, 4500, Big Lou
5Zigen Gravis 1, 6000, Earl
ADR Adrenaline, 1500
ADR Empire, 3500, Vic
ADR GT-Sport, 4500, Big Lou
ADR M Sport, 6000, Earl
ADr Sokudo8, 9000, Ming
BBS GT, 1000
BBS RS GT, 1500
BBS LM, 3500, Vic
BBS CH, 4500, Big Lou
BBS RK, 6000, Earl
BBS RX, 9000, Ming
Enkei NTO3+M, 1000
Enkei J Speed 3, 1500
Enkei ES-Tarmac, 3500, Vic
Enkei WRC Tarmac, 4500, Big Lou
König Blatant, 1500
König Imagine, 3500, Vic
König Theory, 4500, Big Lou
Löwenhart LDR, 9000, Ming
Racing Hart
Racinghart Multi C4, 1500
Racinghart CX, 4500, Big Lou
Racinghart CP, 6000, Earl
O.Z. Superleggera, 1000
O.Z. Superturismo, 1500
O.Z. Opera, 3500, Vic
O.Z. Superleggera III (Multipiece), 6000, Earl
O.Z. Leonardo, 9000, Ming
Volk TE37, 6000, Earl
Volk CE28, 9000, Ming
Volk GT-P, 9000, Ming
Ro Ja Formula 1, 1000
Ro Ja Formula 7, 3500, Vic
Ro Ja Formula 2, 4500, Big Lou


Overdial, 1500
Trident, 1500
Fusion, 1500
Colix, 1500
Airomax, 2500
DJM Hyde, 2500
Double-V, 2500
Tri-Slot, 2500
Speed, 2500
Factor X, 3500, Vic
Speedline, 3500, Vic
Tremor, 3500, Vic
Overdial, 3500, Vic
Trident, 3500, Vic
Fusion, 3500, Vic
Colix, 4500, Big Lou
Airomax, 4500, Big Lou
DJM Hyde, 4500, Big Lou
G-Force, 4500, Big Lou
Mongoose, 4500, Big Lou
Twister, 5500, Baron
Eraser, 5500, Baron
Tsunami, 5500, Baron
Double-V, 5500, Baron
Tri-Slot, 5500, Baron
Speed, 7500, Earl
Factor X, 7500, Earl
Speedline, 7500, Earl
Tremor, 7500, Earl
G-Force, 7500, Earl

Roof Scoops

No Roof Scoop
Northeast, 500
Jetstream, 500
Headwind, 500
Riptide, 500
Windtunnel, 500
Blackback, 500
Airstream, 500
Cyclone, 500
Tempest, 500
Twister, 500
Northwest Offset, 1000, Taz
Jetstream Offset, 1000, Taz
Headwind Offset, 1000, Taz
Riptide Offset, 1000, Taz
Windtunnel Offset, 1000, Taz
Blastback Offset, 1000, Taz
Airstream Offset, 1000, Taz
Cyclone Offset, 1000, Taz
Tempest Offset, 1000, Taz
Twister Offset, 1000, Taz
Northwest Dual, 1500, Izzy
Jetstream Dual, 1500, Izzy
Headwind Dual, 1500, Izzy
Riptide Dual, 1500, Izzy
Windtunnel Dual, 1500, Izzy
Blastback Dual, 1500, Izzy
Airstream Dual, 1500, Izzy
Cyclone Dual, 1500, Izzy
Tempest Dual, 1500, Izzy
Twister Dual, 1500, Izzy
Northwest, 2000, Baron
Jetstream, 2000, Baron
Headwind, 2000, Baron
Riptide, 2000, Baron
Windtunnel, 2000, Baron
Blackback, 2000, Baron
Airstream, 2000, Baron
Cyclone, 2000, Baron
Tempest, 2000, Baron
Twister, 2000, Baron
Northwest Offset, 3000, Jewels
Jestream Offset, 3000, Jewels
Headwind Offset, 3000, Jewels
Riptide Offset, 3000, Jewels
Windtunnel Offset, 3000, Jewels
Blastback Offset, 3000, Jewels
Airstream Offset, 3000, Jewels
Cyclone Offset, 3000, Jewels
Tempest Offset, 3000, Jewels
Twister Offset, 3000, Jewels
Northwest Dual, 4000, Ming
Jetstream Dual, 4000, Ming
Headwind Dual, 4000, Ming
Riptide Dual, 4000, Ming
Windtunnel Dual, 4000, Ming
Blastback Dual, 4000, Ming
Airstream Dual, 4000, Ming
Cyclone Dual, 4000, Ming
Tempest Dual, 4000, Ming
Twister Dual, 4000, Ming

Performance [MW.07.03]


Costs: 5,500
Araxis: Cold Air Intake
KZR: Sports Muffler
Stratospeed: Intake Manifold
Costs: 14,200
Unlocked by beating Izzy
Gentera: Forged Pistons
Araxis: Racing Throttle Body
KZR Performance: Racing Crankshaft
Super Pro
Costs: 29,800
Unlocked by beating Kaze
KZR Performance: Racing Valves
Araxis: Cat-back Exhaust System
Stratospeed: Replace Headers
Costs: 98,000
Unlocked by beating Ronnie
Gentera: Racing Pistons
Araxis: High Flow Fuel Injectors
Jistilled: High Capacity Oil Cooler


Costs: 4,800
Neuspeed: Short Throw Shifter
Jackson Racing: Lightweight Flywheel
Neuspeed: Racing Transmission
Costs: 12,200
Unlocked by beating Vic
Advanced Clutch Technology: Upgraded Differential
Clutch Masters: High Performance Clutch
Super Pro
Costs: 32,000
Unlocked by beating Earl
AEM: Limited Slip Differential
Jackson Racing: Twin Disc Clutch
Costs: 75,200
Unlocked by beating Webster
Clutch Masters: Racing Clutch
HPRacing: Racing Flywheel


Costs: 3,600
Neuspeed: Strut Tower Bars
Koni Suspension: Sport Springs and Shocks
Neuspeed: Front and Rear Sway Bars

Super Pro
Costs: 7,600
Unlocked by beating Big Lou
H&R: Large Diameter Sway Bars
Eibach Springs: Racing Shocks

Costs: 10,000
Unlocked by beating Ming
Neuspeed: Engine Torque Damper
Koni Suspension: Camber Kit
Bilstein: Coil-over Suspension System


Costs: 4,900
NX: Dry Shot of Nitrous

Super Pro
Costs: 12,500
Unlocked by beating Big Lou
NX: Wet Shot of Nitrous

Costs: 18,000
Unlocked by beating Ming
NX: Direct Port Nitrous System


Costs: 1,400
Unlocked by beating Taz
Yokohama: Sport Tires

Super Pro
Costs: 4,800
Unlocked by beating Baron
Toyo: High Performance Tires

Costs: 11,800
Unlocked by beating Jewels
Falken Tire: Racing Tires


Costs: 3,100
Jistilled: Street Compound Pads
Gentera: Stainless Steel Brake Lines

Costs: 5,200
Unlocked by beating Vic
Stratospeed: Cross Drilled Rotors
Jistilled: Sport Compound Pads

Super Pro
Costs: 11,400
Unlocked by beating Jewels
Stratospeed: Slotted and Drilled Rotors
Gentera: Titanium Brake Kit

Costs: 26,800
Unlocked by beating Webster
Jistilled: 6 Piston Racing Calipers
Stratospeed: Ceramic Brake Kit
Jistilled: Racing Compound Pads


Costs: 5,400
Unlocked by beating Tax
KZR Performance: Stage 1 Turbo
Araxis Motorsports: Racing Intercooler

Super Pro
Costs: 25,000
Unlocked by beating Baron
KZR Performance: Stage 2 Turbo
Jistilled: Upgraded Turbo Manifold
KZR Performance: Blow Off Valve

Costs: 76,000
Unlocked by beating Ronnie
KZR Performance: Stage 3 Turbo
Araxis Motorsports: Custom Wastegate


Costs: 76,000
Unlocked by beating Ronnie
DC Sports: Stage 3 Supercharger

Visual [MW.07.04]


Gloss, 500
Metallic, 1000
Custom, 1500, Izzy

Vinyl Style

Flame 1, 500
Flame 2, 500
Flame 3, 600
Flame 4, 600
Flame 5, 600
Flame 6, 600
Flame 7, 600
Flame 8, 600
Flame 9, 600
Flame 10, 600
Flame 11, 600
Flame 12, 600
Tribal 1, 500
Tribal 2, 500
Tribal 3, 700, Taz
Tribal 4, 700, Taz
Tribal 5, 700, Taz
Tribal 6, 700, Taz
Tribal 7, 700, Taz
Tribal 8, 700, Taz
Tribal 9, 700, Taz
Tribal 10, 700, Taz
Tribal 11, 700, Taz
Tribal 12, 700, Taz
Tribal 13, 700, Taz
Tribal 14, 700, Taz
Stripe 1, 500
Stripe 2, 500
Stripe 3, 500
Stripe 4, 500
Stripe 5, 500
Stripe 6, 500
Stripe 7, 500
Stripe 8, 500
Stripe 9, 500
Stripe 10, 500
Stripe 11, 500
Stripe 12, 500
Stripe 13, 500
Stripe 14, 500
Stripe 15, 500
Stripe 16, 500
Race Flag
Race Flag 1, 500
Race Flag 2, 500
Race Flag 3, 500
Race Flag 4, 500
Race Flag 5, 700, Taz
Race Flag 6, 700, Taz
Race Flag 7, 700, Taz
Race Flag 8, 700, Taz
Race Flag 9, 700, Taz
National Flag
Argentina, 800, Izzy
Australia, 800, Izzy
Brazil, 800, Izzy
Canada, 700, Taz
China, 800, Izzy
Denmark, 800, Izzy
France, 800, Izzy
Finland, 800, Izzy
Germany, 700, Taz
Great Britain, 700, Taz
Greece, 800, Izzy
Italy, 800, Izzy
Japan, 800, Izzy
Korea, 800, Izzy
Mexico, 800, Izzy
Netherlands, 800, Izzy
Poland, 800, Izzy
Portugal, 800, Izzy
Spain, 800, Izzy
Sweden, 800, Izzy
Thailand, 800, Izzy
USA, 700, Taz
Body 1, 500
Body 2, 500
Body 3, 500
Body 4, 800, Izzy
Body 5, 800, Izzy
Body 6, 800, Izzy
Body 7, 800, Izzy
Body 8, 800, Izzy
Body 9, 800, Izzy
Body 10, 1000, Baron
Body 11, 1000, Baron
Body 12, 1000, Baron
Body Flame 1, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 2, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 3, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 4, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 5, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 6, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 7, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 8, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 9, 1200, Jewels
Body Flame 10, 1200, Jewels
Body Stripe 1, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 2, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 3, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 4, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 5, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 6, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 7, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 8, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 9, 1000, Baron
Body Stripe 10, 1000, Baron
Body Tribal 1, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 2, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 3, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 4, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 5, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 6, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 7, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 8, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 9, 1200, Jewels
Body Tribal 10, 1200, Jewels
Unique 1, 1200, Jewels
Unique 2, 1200, Jewels
Black Edition 1, 500, Black Edition only
Black Edition 2, 500, Black Edition only
Black Edition 3, 500, Black Edition only
Contest Winners
Cablazn, 500
RedBlade, 500
GrafClown, 500
Michael Lam, 500Tosi Radolphe, 500
Tosi Rodolphe

Rim Paint

Paint, 500

Window Tint

No Window Tint
Light Black, 500
Light Green, 500
Medium Black, 500
Medium Green, 500
Medium Blue, 500
Medium Red, 500
Dark Black, 550, Taz
Dark Green, 550, Taz
Dark Blue, 550, Taz
Dark Red, 550, Taz
Dark Yellow, 550, Taz
Dark Aqua, 550, Taz
Dark Coral, 600, Izzy
Dark Coral, 600, Izzy
Dark Orange, 600, Izzy
Dark Magenta, 600, Izzy
Dark Lime, 600, Izzy
Dark Purple, 600, Izzy
Dark Gold, 600, Izzy
Dark Pearl Black, 600, Izzy
Dark Pearl Black, 600, Izzy
Dark Pearl Green, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Blue, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Red, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Yellow, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Aqua, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Coral, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Orange, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Magenta, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Lime, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Purple, 750, Earl
Dark Pearl Gold, 750, Earl


5Zigen, 100, Taz
A'PEX Integration, 100, Taz
ABD Dynamics, 100, Taz
AC Autotechnic, 100, Taz
ADR Wheels, 100, Taz
Advanced Clutch Technology, 100, Taz
Advanced Engine Management, 100, Taz
Alpine, 100, Taz
Apex Springs, 100, Taz
Araxis Performance, 100, Taz
Arospeed, 100, Taz
Audiobahn, 100, Taz
Avus, 100, Taz
B&M Racing, 100, Taz
BBS, 100, Taz
Bilstein, 100, Taz
Borla, 100, Taz
Brembo, 100, Taz
Bride, 100, Taz
Castrol, 100, Taz
Ceramicool, 100, Taz
Chrom & Flammen, 100, Taz
Clutch Masters, 100, Taz
Cold Fusion, 100, Taz
Comptech, 100, Taz
Crower Cams, 100, Taz
DC Sports, 100, Taz
Distilled, 100, Taz
Do-Luck, 100, Taz
Edelbrock, 100, Taz
Eibach Springs, 100, Taz
Elaborare, 100, Taz
Endless USA, 100, Taz
Enkei, 100, Taz
Eurolite, 100, Taz
Extreme Dimensions, 100, Taz
Extreme Technologies, 100, Taz
Fastbrakes, 100, Taz
Fidanza, 100, Taz
GReddy, 100, Taz
Gentera, 100, Taz
H&R Springs, 100, Taz
Hedman Hedders, 100, Taz
Henshin Auto, 100, Taz
HKS USA, 100, Taz
HP Racing, 100, Taz
Iceman Intakes, 100, Taz
Import Racer, 100, Taz
Import Tuner, 100, Taz
Injen, 100, Taz
Intrax Suspension, 100, Taz
Jackson Racing, 100, Taz
Japan Tuning, 100, Taz
JIC - Magic, 100, Taz
JL Audio, 100, Taz
JSP America, 100, Taz
Kenwood, 100, Taz
Koni, 100, Taz
König, 100, Taz
KVR Performance, 100, Taz
KYB America, 100, Taz
KZR Performance, 100, Taz
Löwenhart, 100, Taz
Magnaflow, 100, Taz
Matrix Racing, 100, Taz
Maxi Tuning, 100, Taz
Modified Magazine, 100, Taz
Momo, 100, Taz
Neuspeed, 100, Taz
NFS Most Wanted, 100, Taz
Nitrous Express, 100, Taz
Nology Engineering, 100, Taz
O.Z. Wheels, 100, Taz
PIAA, 100, Taz
Power Slot, 100, Taz
Racing Hart Wheels, 100, Taz
Rev Hard, 100, Taz
Revo Technik, 100, Taz
RKSport, 100, Taz
RO_JA Wheels, 100, Taz
Sport Compact Car, 100, Taz
Scorpion Exhausts, 100, Taz
Skunk2 Racing, 100, Taz
SLP Performance Parts, 100, Taz
Sparco, 100, Taz
Super Street, 100, Taz
Stillen, 100, Taz
Stopteach, 100, Taz
Stratospeed, 100, Taz
Thermal, 100, Taz
TODA, 100, Taz
Toyo Tires, 100, Taz
Tuner Transformation, 100, Taz
Turbonetics, 100, Taz
Unorthodox Racing, 100, Taz
Venom, 100, Taz
VIS Racing, 100, Taz
VOLK, 100, Taz
Weld Racing, 100, Taz
XS Engineering, 100, Taz
Yokohama, 100, Taz
ZEX, 100, Taz

Rear Window

5Zigen, 100, Taz
A'PEX Integration, 100, Taz
ABD Dynamics, 100, Taz
AC Autotechnic, 100, Taz
ADR Wheels, 100, Taz
Advanced Clutch Technology, 100, Taz
Advanced Engine Management, 100, Taz
Alpine, 100, Taz
Apex Springs, 100, Taz
Araxis Performance, 100, Taz
Arospeed, 100, Taz
Audiobahn, 100, Taz
Avus, 100, Taz
B&M Racing, 100, Taz
BBS, 100, Taz
Bilstein, 100, Taz
Borla, 100, Taz
Brembo, 100, Taz
Bride, 100, Taz
Castrol, 100, Taz
Ceramicool, 100, Taz
Chrom & Flammen, 100, Taz
Clutch Masters, 100, Taz
Cold Fusion, 100, Taz
Comptech, 100, Taz
Crower Cams, 100, Taz
DC Sports, 100, Taz
Distilled, 100, Taz
Do-Luck, 100, Taz
Edelbrock, 100, Taz
Eibach Springs, 100, Taz
Elaborare, 100, Taz
Endless USA, 100, Taz
Enkei, 100, Taz
Eurolite, 100, Taz
Extreme Dimensions, 100, Taz
Extreme Technologies, 100, Taz
Fastbrakes, 100, Taz
Fidanza, 100, Taz
GReddy, 100, Taz
Gentera, 100, Taz
H&R Springs, 100, Taz
Hedman Hedders, 100, Taz
Henshin Auto, 100, Taz
HKS USA, 100, Taz
HP Racing, 100, Taz
Iceman Intakes, 100, Taz
Import Racer, 100, Taz
Import Tuner, 100, Taz
Injen, 100, Taz
Intrax Suspension, 100, Taz
Jackson Racing, 100, Taz
Japan Tuning, 100, Taz
JIC - Magic, 100, Taz
JL Audio, 100, Taz
JSP America, 100, Taz
Kenwood, 100, Taz
Koni, 100, Taz
König, 100, Taz
KVR Performance, 100, Taz
KYB America, 100, Taz
KZR Performance, 100, Taz
Löwenhart, 100, Taz
Magnaflow, 100, Taz
Matrix Racing, 100, Taz
Maxi Tuning, 100, Taz
Modified Magazine, 100, Taz
Momo, 100, Taz
Neuspeed, 100, Taz
NFS Most Wanted, 100, Taz
Nitrous Express, 100, Taz
Nology Engineering, 100, Taz
O.Z. Wheels, 100, Taz
PIAA, 100, Taz
Power Slot, 100, Taz
Racing Hart Wheels, 100, Taz
Rev Hard, 100, Taz
Revo Technik, 100, Taz
RKSport, 100, Taz
RO_JA Wheels, 100, Taz
Sport Compact Car, 100, Taz
Scorpion Exhausts, 100, Taz
Skunk2 Racing, 100, Taz
SLP Performance Parts, 100, Taz
Sparco, 100, Taz
Super Street, 100, Taz
Stillen, 100, Taz
Stopteach, 100, Taz
Stratospeed, 100, Taz
Thermal, 100, Taz
TODA, 100, Taz
Toyo Tires, 100, Taz
Tuner Transformation, 100, Taz
Turbonetics, 100, Taz
Unorthodox Racing, 100, Taz
Venom, 100, Taz
VIS Racing, 100, Taz
VOLK, 100, Taz
Weld Racing, 100, Taz
XS Engineering, 100, Taz
Yokohama, 100, Taz
ZEX, 100, Taz

Decal Position

For every position:

5Zigen, 100, Taz
A'PEX Integration, 100, Taz
ABD Dynamics, 100, Taz
AC Autotechnic, 100, Taz
ADR Wheels, 100, Taz
Advanced Clutch Technology, 100, Taz
Advanced Engine Management, 100, Taz
Alpine, 100, Taz
Apex Springs, 100, Taz
Araxis Performance, 100, Taz
Arospeed, 100, Taz
Audiobahn, 100, Taz
Avus, 100, Taz
B&M Racing, 100, Taz
BBS, 100, Taz
Bilstein, 100, Taz
Borla, 100, Taz
Brembo, 100, Taz
Bride, 100, Taz
Castrol, 100, Taz
Ceramicool, 100, Taz
Chrom & Flammen, 100, Taz
Clutch Masters, 100, Taz
Cold Fusion, 100, Taz
Comptech, 100, Taz
Crower Cams, 100, Taz
DC Sports, 100, Taz
Distilled, 100, Taz
Do-Luck, 100, Taz
Edelbrock, 100, Taz
Eibach Springs, 100, Taz
Elaborare, 100, Taz
Endless USA, 100, Taz
Enkei, 100, Taz
Eurolite, 100, Taz
Extreme Dimensions, 100, Taz
Extreme Technologies, 100, Taz
Fastbrakes, 100, Taz
Fidanza, 100, Taz
GReddy, 100, Taz
Gentera, 100, Taz
H&R Springs, 100, Taz
Hedman Hedders, 100, Taz
Henshin Auto, 100, Taz
HKS USA, 100, Taz
HP Racing, 100, Taz
Iceman Intakes, 100, Taz
Import Racer, 100, Taz
Import Tuner, 100, Taz
Injen, 100, Taz
Intrax Suspension, 100, Taz
Jackson Racing, 100, Taz
Japan Tuning, 100, Taz
JIC - Magic, 100, Taz
JL Audio, 100, Taz
JSP America, 100, Taz
Kenwood, 100, Taz
Koni, 100, Taz
König, 100, Taz
KVR Performance, 100, Taz
KYB America, 100, Taz
KZR Performance, 100, Taz
Löwenhart, 100, Taz
Magnaflow, 100, Taz
Matrix Racing, 100, Taz
Maxi Tuning, 100, Taz
Modified Magazine, 100, Taz
Momo, 100, Taz
Neuspeed, 100, Taz
NFS Most Wanted, 100, Taz
Nitrous Express, 100, Taz
Nology Engineering, 100, Taz
O.Z. Wheels, 100, Taz
PIAA, 100, Taz
Power Slot, 100, Taz
Racing Hart Wheels, 100, Taz
Rev Hard, 100, Taz
Revo Technik, 100, Taz
RKSport, 100, Taz
RO_JA Wheels, 100, Taz
Sport Compact Car, 100, Taz
Scorpion Exhausts, 100, Taz
Skunk2 Racing, 100, Taz
SLP Performance Parts, 100, Taz
Sparco, 100, Taz
Super Street, 100, Taz
Stillen, 100, Taz
Stopteach, 100, Taz
Stratospeed, 100, Taz
Thermal, 100, Taz
TODA, 100, Taz
Toyo Tires, 100, Taz
Tuner Transformation, 100, Taz
Turbonetics, 100, Taz
Unorthodox Racing, 100, Taz
Venom, 100, Taz
VIS Racing, 100, Taz
VOLK, 100, Taz
Weld Racing, 100, Taz
XS Engineering, 100, Taz
Yokohama, 100, Taz
ZEX, 100, Taz

Decal Location

For every position:

5Zigen, 100, Taz
A'PEX Integration, 100, Taz
ABD Dynamics, 100, Taz
AC Autotechnic, 100, Taz
ADR Wheels, 100, Taz
Advanced Clutch Technology, 100, Taz
Advanced Engine Management, 100, Taz
Alpine, 100, Taz
Apex Springs, 100, Taz
Araxis Performance, 100, Taz
Arospeed, 100, Taz
Audiobahn, 100, Taz
Avus, 100, Taz
B&M Racing, 100, Taz
BBS, 100, Taz
Bilstein, 100, Taz
Borla, 100, Taz
Brembo, 100, Taz
Bride, 100, Taz
Castrol, 100, Taz
Ceramicool, 100, Taz
Chrom & Flammen, 100, Taz
Clutch Masters, 100, Taz
Cold Fusion, 100, Taz
Comptech, 100, Taz
Crower Cams, 100, Taz
DC Sports, 100, Taz
Distilled, 100, Taz
Do-Luck, 100, Taz
Edelbrock, 100, Taz
Eibach Springs, 100, Taz
Elaborare, 100, Taz
Endless USA, 100, Taz
Enkei, 100, Taz
Eurolite, 100, Taz
Extreme Dimensions, 100, Taz
Extreme Technologies, 100, Taz
Fastbrakes, 100, Taz
Fidanza, 100, Taz
GReddy, 100, Taz
Gentera, 100, Taz
H&R Springs, 100, Taz
Hedman Hedders, 100, Taz
Henshin Auto, 100, Taz
HKS USA, 100, Taz
HP Racing, 100, Taz
Iceman Intakes, 100, Taz
Import Racer, 100, Taz
Import Tuner, 100, Taz
Injen, 100, Taz
Intrax Suspension, 100, Taz
Jackson Racing, 100, Taz
Japan Tuning, 100, Taz
JIC - Magic, 100, Taz
JL Audio, 100, Taz
JSP America, 100, Taz
Kenwood, 100, Taz
Koni, 100, Taz
König, 100, Taz
KVR Performance, 100, Taz
KYB America, 100, Taz
KZR Performance, 100, Taz
Löwenhart, 100, Taz
Magnaflow, 100, Taz
Matrix Racing, 100, Taz
Maxi Tuning, 100, Taz
Modified Magazine, 100, Taz
Momo, 100, Taz
Neuspeed, 100, Taz
NFS Most Wanted, 100, Taz
Nitrous Express, 100, Taz
Nology Engineering, 100, Taz
O.Z. Wheels, 100, Taz
PIAA, 100, Taz
Power Slot, 100, Taz
Racing Hart Wheels, 100, Taz
Rev Hard, 100, Taz
Revo Technik, 100, Taz
RKSport, 100, Taz
RO_JA Wheels, 100, Taz
Sport Compact Car, 100, Taz
Scorpion Exhausts, 100, Taz
Skunk2 Racing, 100, Taz
SLP Performance Parts, 100, Taz
Sparco, 100, Taz
Super Street, 100, Taz
Stillen, 100, Taz
Stopteach, 100, Taz
Stratospeed, 100, Taz
Thermal, 100, Taz
TODA, 100, Taz
Toyo Tires, 100, Taz
Tuner Transformation, 100, Taz
Turbonetics, 100, Taz
Unorthodox Racing, 100, Taz
Venom, 100, Taz
VIS Racing, 100, Taz
VOLK, 100, Taz
Weld Racing, 100, Taz
XS Engineering, 100, Taz
Yokohama, 100, Taz
ZEX, 100, Taz


00 to 99, 100, Izzy

Custom Gauges

Sonic, 500, Taz
Apex, 500, Taz
Warp, 500, Taz
Vision, 600, Big Lou
Boost, 600, Big Lou
Double-Clutch, 800, Earl
Brakestand, 800, Earl
Hairpin, 1000, Kaze
Glint, 1000, Kaze

EA Trax [MW.08.01]

EA sells the original soundtrack (OST for short) and it contains all the
tracks listed below.

Track: Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)
Artist: Styles of Beyond
Album: Megadef
Played: All

Track: Do Ya Thang
Artist: T.I. Presents the P$C
Album: 25 to Life
Played: Menu

Track: I Am Rock
Artist: Rock
Album: N/A
Played: Menu

Track: In A Hood Near You
Artist: Suni Clay
Album: Suni Clay
Played: Menu

Track: Let's Move
Artist: The Perceptionists
Album: Black Dialogue
Played: Menu

Track: Sets Go Up
Artist: Juvenile
Album: Reality Check
Played: Menu

Track: Fired Up
Artist: Hush
Album: Bulletproof
Played: Menu

Track: B-Side Wins Again feat. Chuck D
Artist: DJ Spooky and Dave Lombardo
Album: Drums of Death
Played: Menu

Track: Shapeshifter
Artist: Celldweller feat. Styles of Beyond
Album: N/A
Played: All

Track: Tilted
Artist: Lupe Fiasco
Album: Food & ...
Played: Menu

Track: Feed the Addiction
Artist: Ils
Album: Bohemia
Played: Racing

Track: One Good Reason
Artist: Celldweller
Album: Celldweller
Played: Racing

Track: We Control
Artist: Hyper
Album: We Control
Played: Racing

Track: Skinnyman
Artist: Static-X
Album: Start A War
Played: Racing

Track: Barrier Break
Artist: Diesel Boy + Kaos
Album: N/A
Played: Racing

Track: Decadence
Artist: Disturbed
Album: Ten Thousand Fists
Played: Racing

Track: You'll Be Under My Wheels
Artist: The Prodigy
Album: Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
Played: Racing

Track: Tao of the Machine (Scott Humprhey's Remix)
Artist: The Roots and BT
Album: Blade II Soundtrack
Played: Racing

Track: You Must Follow (Evol Intent VIP)
Artist: Stratus
Album: Dungeonmaster's Guide
Played: Racing

Track: Blood and Thunder
Artist: Mastadon
Album: Leviathan
Played: Racing

Track: Broken Sword
Artist: Evol Intent, Mayhem & Thinktank
Album: N/A
Played: Racing

Track: Hand of Blood
Artist: Bullet For My Valentine
Album: Hand of Blood
Played: Racing

Track: The Mann
Artist: Paul Linford and Chris Vrenna
Album: N/A
Played: Racing

Track: Blinded in Chains
Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Album: City of Evil
Played: Racing

Track: Feels Just Like it Should (Timo Maas Remix)
Artist: Jamiroqaui
Album: Dynamite
Played: Racing

Track: Most Wanted Mash Up
Artist: Paul Linford and Chris Vrenna
Album: N/A
Played: Racing

Cheats [MW.09.01]

Note I only have the PC version of the game, so don't whine when things don't
work for consoles. Also check the cars and challenge section for more
unlockable info, not included here.

Gamecube [MW.09.02]

Burger King Challenge: On the start screen, press up, down, up, down, left,
right, left, right.

Unlock the Castrol Ford GT: On the start screen, press up, down, up, down,
left, right, left, right.

Unlocks the Castrol Ford SYNTEC: On the start screen, press left, right, left,
right, up, down, up, down.

10,000 Cash: Have a Need for Speed: Underground 2 savefile on your memory

Playstation 2 [MW.09.03]

Porsche Cayman S in Demo: On the start screen, press L1, R1, R1, R1, right,
left, right, down.

Burger King Challenge: On the start screen, press up, down, up, down, left,
right, left, right.

Special Marker: On the start screen, press up, up, down, down, left, right,
up, down. You can now go to the backroom of a one-stop shop.

Unlocks the Castrol Ford SYNTEC: On the start screen, press left, right, left,
right, up, down, up, down.

10,000 Cash and Unlock all Cop Cars in Tuner Takedown: Enter (without quotes)
"!bacon" as your name.

10,000 Cash: Have a Need for Speed: Underground 2 savefile on your memory

Xbox [MW.09.04]

Burger King Challenge: On the start screen, press this on the diagonal pad;
up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right.

Special Marker: On the start screen, press this on the diagonal pad; up, up,
down, down, left, right, up, down. You can now go to the backroom of a
one-stop shop.

Unlock the Castrol Ford GT: On the start screen, press this on the diagonal
pad; left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down.

Unlock Junkman Engine: On the start screen, press this on the diagonal pad;
up, up, down, down, left, right, up, down.

10,000 Cash: Have a Need for Speed: Underground 2 savefile on your memory

Xbox 360 [MW.09.05]

Burger King Challenge: On the start screen, press up, down, up, down, left,
right, left.

Unlock the Castrol Ford GT: On the start screen, press left, right, left,
right, up, down, up, down.

Porsche Cayman: On the start screen, press L, R, R, R, right, left, right,

Unlock Junkman Engine: On the start screen, press up, up, down, down, left,
right, up, down.

PC [MW.09.06]

Burger King Challenge: On the start screen, type (without quotes)

Unlock the Castrol Ford GT: On the start screen, type (without quotes)

10,000 Cash: Have a Need for Speed: Underground 2 savefile on your hard drive.
No need to have the game installed, as long as the savefile is where it
should be (c:\documents and settings\your name\my documents\NFS
Underground 2\your name\your name.file).

Note: With start screen, I mean the "press ENTER to continue" screen (the
one with the car going sideways and cops behind him).

FAQ [MW.10.01]

Q: My mouse pointer disappeared and doesn't show up anymore!
A: Annoying, isn't it? It's a bug.

Q: Where do I sell cars?
A: Not in the car lot, but just in your hideout. Head to "select car" and sell
it there. Only needed if you're really desperate for money.

Conclusion [MW.11.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter
problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are
accepted, the mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: NismoZ, Amby, GraX, Muteki X, 5il3nc3r, Dejan Milicevic, Phil,
GranpaQB, Ace Fireo, ahmad zaki, Brandon White, Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahman,
Steven De Baere, Kane O'Riley, Falcon

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
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Trainer für Nitro, Bremse und Geld sowie Auslösungs-Tool

18.Oktober 2013
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Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Engl Leitfaden

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17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

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Police Pursuits FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
Black Edition FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
100%-Savegame +12 getunte Autos z.B. Ford GT, 2 x Lamborghini usw +500.000$ und vieles mehr!

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Megatrainer (für v1.2)

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Herausforderung und Karriere zu 100%

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Gutes Savegame für die Black Edition

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Black Edition PC FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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Dt. Trainer für Geld, Nitro und Speedbreaker (für v1.2 und v1.3)

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Dt. Geldtrainer (für v1.3)

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Megatrainer (für v1.2)

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Trainer für Nitro, Speedbreaker, Bounty und Geld (für dt. v1.2)

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