Flatout 2

Flatout 2

17.10.2013 03:24:46
FlatOut 2 (PC) Guide by Grawl
grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com
10/21/06 - Version 1.1


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Table of Contents [FO.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[FO.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[FO.01.01]
* Introduction......................................................[FO.02.01]
* Career Mode.......................................................[FO.03.01]
* Derby............................................................[FO.03.02]
* Level 1........................................................[FO.03.2A]
* Level 2........................................................[FO.03.2B]
* Level 3........................................................[FO.03.2C]
* Race.............................................................[FO.03.03]
* Level 1........................................................[FO.03.3A]
* Level 2........................................................[FO.03.3B]
* Level 3........................................................[FO.03.3C]
* Street...........................................................[FO.03.04]
* Level 1........................................................[FO.03.4A]
* Level 2........................................................[FO.03.4B]
* Level 3........................................................[FO.03.4C]
* Grand Finals.....................................................[FO.03.05]
* Tracks............................................................[FO.04.01]
* Cars..............................................................[FO.05.01]
* Cars............................................................[FO.05.02]
* Derby.........................................................[FO.05.2A]
* Race..........................................................[FO.05.2B]
* Parts...........................................................[FO.05.03]
* Derby.........................................................[FO.05.3A]
* Hints & Tips......................................................[FO.06.01]
* Characters........................................................[FO.07.01]
* Cheats............................................................[FO.08.01]
* Codes...........................................................[FO.08.02]
* Unlockables.....................................................[FO.08.03]
* FAQ...............................................................[FO.09.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[FO.10.01]

History & Next Version [FO.01.01]

Version 0.1 (08/09/06) - First version, everything is new. (19,3KB)
Version 0.2 (08/10/06) - Updated Cars section, updated Career section,
updated Unlockables section, updated Hints & Tips section. (33,7KB)
Version 1.0 (08/30/06) - Updated Cars section, updated Career section,
updated Unlockables section, updated Hints & Tips section, updated and
finished Characters section, added Tracks section. Only the Parts section
needs to be finished. (61,2KB)
Version 1.1 (10/21/06) - Added some cheats and one unlockable. (61,4KB)

Introduction [FO.02.01]

Taken from the official game:

"Driving this reckless is no accident! But you might want to cause a few. In
these high-speed races, the more damage you inflict, the better. The ultimate
in turbo-charged cars and the craziest of tracks wait for your best in
destructiveness. Responsible drivers need not apply."

This game is a mix between Burnout (on speed), Crashday (on crack) and
Destruction Derby (on LSD).

Career Mode [FO.03.01]
Participate in the grand tournament and begin a career!

"Welcome to the car shop. Here you can purchase your first car! You can only
afford Derby cars, but after you earn a bit more money, you can buy cars
from Race and Street classes and participate in cups within those classes."

When you start the career mode you have 5000 CR (it's the currency in the
game) and three cars to pick. Chili (3000 CR), Malice (4000 CR) or Roamer
(5000 CR). It's easy to make money, so I suggest you pick the Roamer and get
the best car you can for now.

"Welcome to the Career menu! Here you can check the cars you have in the
Garage, buy new cars from the Car Shop, upgrade existing ones in the Upgrade
Shop and Go Race against your opponents and earn more money while you

For now, as mentioned earlier, you can only do the Derby races. So let's
start the fun!

Derby [FO.03.02]
Good place to start your career, cheap, durable cars and destruction derby

Level 1 [FO.03.2A]

Cup: Derby Initiation Cup
Prices: 1st - 900 CR, 2nd - 700 CR, 3rd - 400 CR

Track 1: Pinegrove 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: Farmlands 2
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: High Jump

Event: High Jump
Prices: 1st - 900 CR, 2nd - 700 CR, 3rd - 400 CR

Note: Try to avoid the barrels with gentle turns and try to launch the driver
as late as possible, with an angle around 50 degrees.

Cup: Sunday Smash Derby
Prices: 1st - 1100 CR, 2nd - 900 CR, 3rd - 600 CR

Track 1: Water Canal 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: Farmlands 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: Pinegrove 3
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Gas Station Derby
* Car: Shaker
* Car: Blaster XL
* Car: Banger

Event: Gas Station Derby
Prices: 1st - 1100 CR, 2nd - 900 CR, 3rd - 600 CR

Note: This will probably take a few tries. Try to smash cars into their side
and back off again. Don't chicken out though, since you get points for the
amount of crashes you make.

Level 2 [FO.03.2B]

Cup: Bay Area Derby Cup
Prices: 1st - 1500 CR, 2nd - 1100 CR, 3rd - 700 CR

Track 1: Pinegrove 2
Laps: 3
Track 2: Farmlands 3
Laps: 3
Track 3: Timberlands 1
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Parking Lot Derby

Event: Parking Lot Derby
Prices: 1st - 1500 CR, 2nd - 1100 CR, 3rd - 700 CR
Note: N/A

Cup: Spring Smash Derby Cup
Prices: 1st - 1700 CR, 2nd - 1300 CR, 3rd - 900 CR

Track 1: Midwest Ranch 2
Laps: 3
Track 2: Water Canal 3
Laps: 4
Track 3: Timberlands 3
Laps: 3
Track 4: Midwest Ranch 3
Laps: 3
Track 5: City Central 1
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Skyscraper Derby

Event: Skyscraper Derby
Prices: 1st - 1600 CR, 2nd - 1200 CR, 3rd - 800 CR
Note: N/A

Cup: Canals Special Derby Cup
Prices: 1st - 1600 CR, 2nd - 1200 CR, 3rd - 800 CR

Track 1: Water Canal 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: Water Canal 3
Laps: 4
Track 3: Water Canal 2
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Bowling
* Car: Splitter
* Car: Switchblade

Event: Bowling
Prices: 1st - 1700 CR, 2bd - 1300 CR, 3rd - 900 CR

Note: Before your driver is about to hit the pins, give him a nudge for some
extra power.

Level 3 [FO.03.2C]

Cup: Metal Smash Derby Cup
Prices: 1st - 2000 CR, 2nd - 1500 CR, 3rd - 900 CR

Track 1: Farmlands 2
Laps: 4
Track 2: Timberlands 2
Laps: 4
Track 3: Midwest Ranch 1
Laps: 4.
Unlocked: * Event: Derby Bowl 1

Event: Derby Bowl 1
Prices: 1st - 2000 CR, 2nd - 1500 CR, 3rd - 900 CR
Note: N/A

Cup: Tarmac Derby Cup
Prices: 1st - 2200 CR, 2nd - 1700 CR, 3rd - 1100 CR

Track 1: City Central 3
Laps: 3
Track 2: Water Canal 2
Laps: 3
Track 3: City Central 2
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Derby Bowl 2

Event: Derby Bowl 2
Prices: 1st - 2200 CR, 2nd - 1700 CR, 3rd - 1100 CR
Note: N/A

Cup: Special Derby Forest Cup
Prices: 1st - 2400 CR, 2nd - 1900 CR, 3rd - 1300 CR

Track 1: Timberlands 1
Laps: 4
Track 2: Pinegrove 3
Laps: 3
Track 3: Timberlands 2
Laps: 4
Track 4: Pinegrove 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: Timberlands 3
Laps: 3
Track 6: Pinegrove 1
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Derby Bowl 3
* Car: Venom

Event: Derby Bowl 3
Prices: 1st - 2400 CR, 2nd - 1900 CR, 3rd - 1300 CR
Note: N/A

Race [FO.03.03]
Take the race cars to the road and take part in additional arena events.

Level 1 [FO.03.3A]

Cup: Race Challenge Cup
Prices: 1st - 1800 CR, 2nd - 1300 CR, 3rd - 800 CR

Track 1: Desert Town
Laps: 4
Track 2: Water Canal 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: Farmlands 2
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Figure of Eight 1

Event: Figure of Eight 1
Prices: 1st - 1800 CR, 2nd - 1300 CR, 3rd - 800 CR
Note: A really fun track. Try to hug the inside all the time to win this

Cup: Rumble Racing Cup
Prices: 1st - 2200 CR, 2nd - 1700 CR, 3rd - 1200 CR

Track 1: City Central 1
Laps: 4
Track 2: Farmlands 3
Laps: 3
Track 3: Pinegrove 2
Laps: 3
Track 4: City Central 3
LAps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Stone-Skipping
* Car: Lancea
* Car: Fortune
* Car: Daytana

Event: Stone-Skipping
Prices: 1st - 2200 CR, 2nd - 1700 CR, 3rd - 1200 CR
Note: Don't launch your driver until your car is about to enter the water.
Then launch your driver at an angle of around 45 degrees and nudge just
before you hit the water.

Level 2 [FO.03.3B]

Cup: Racing Twilight Cup
Prices: 1st - 2800 CR, 2nd - 2100 CR, 3rd - 1300 CR

Track 1: City Central 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: City Central 2
Laps: 4
Track 3: Downtown 3
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Speedbowl

Event: Speedbowl
Prices: 1st - 2800 CR, 2nd - 2100 CR, 3rd - 1300 CR
Note: Perhaps the most fun track in the game. You go around the track in
circles, and when the race is at an advance stage, cars will get behind and
crash into each other.

Cup: Sunday Jam Racing Cup
Prices: 1st - 3300 CR, 2nd - 2600 CR, 3rd - 1800 CR

Track 1: City Central 1
Laps: 4
Track 2: Desert Scrap Yard
Laps: 3
Track 3: City Central 2
Laps: 3
Track 4: Timberlands 1
Laps: 4
Track 5: Midwest Ranch 1
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Figure of Eight 2

Event: Figure of Eight 2
Prices: 1st - 3000 CR, 2nd - 2300 CR, 3rd - 1500 CR
Note: A bit boring. You go around in a big eight, but there is no possibility
of crashing at the junctions.

Cup: Special Racing Desert Cup
Prices: 1st - 2900 CR, 2nd - 2200 CR, 3rd - 1400 CR

Track 1: Desert Town
Laps: 4
Track 2: Desert Scrap Yard
Laps: 4
Track 3: Desert Oil Field
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Royal Flush
* Car: Bullet
* Car: Lentus
* Car: Ventura

Event: Royal Flush
Prices: 1st - 3200 CR, 2nd - 2500 CR, 3rd - 1700 CR
Note: The idea of this event is to get 5 cards in a row, as high as possible.
There is a bonus if you pick the same color and get them in order. That's
all there is to it.

Level 3 [FO.03.3C]

Cup: Urban Racing Cup
Prices: 1st - 4800 CR, 2nd - 3600 CR, 3rd - 2300 CR

Track 1: Riverbay Circuit 3
Laps: 4
Track 2: City Central 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: Timberlands 3
Laps: 4
Track 4: Downtown 2
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Sand Speedway

Event: Sand Speedway
Prices: 1st - 4700 CR, 2nd - 3500 CR, 3rd - 2200 CR
Note: A pretty boring track. Just stay on the insides of the corners and
it's a breeze.

Cup: Rural Racing Cup
Prices: 1st - 5000 CR, 2nd - 3800 CR, 3rd - 2500 CR

Track 1: Desert Oil Field
Laps: 4
Track 2: Riverbay Circuit 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: City Central 3
Laps: 3
Track 4: Timberlands 2
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Triloop Special

Event: Triloop Special
Prices: 1st - 4900 CR, 2nd - 3700 CR, 3rd - 2400 CR
Note: A pretty boring track with nothing special to cover.

Cup: Racing Sprint Cup
Prices: 1st - 4700 CR, 2nd - 3500 CR, 3rd - 2200 CR

Track 1: Downtown 1
Laps: 2
Track 2: Water Canal 3
Laps: 2
Track 3: Riverbay Circuit 2
Laps: 2
Unlocked: * Event: Basketball

Event: Basketball
Prices: 1st - 5100 CR, 2nd - 3900 CR, 3rd - 2600 CR
Note: Try to score as high as possible. When you dunked your driver down,
you can't dunk at the same spot again. Just before your driver goes through,
nudge him for extra dunk points.

Cup: Special Racing Fields Cup
Prices: 1st - 5500 CR, 2nd - 4300 CR, 3rd - 3000 CR

Track 1: Midwest Ranch 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: Farmlands 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: Midwest Ranch 2
Laps: 3
Track 4: Farmlands 2
Laps: 4
Track 5: Midwest Ranch 3
Laps: 3
Track 6: Farmlands 3
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Crash Alley
* Car: Insetta

Street [FO.03.04]
Race with the fastest cars available to see who's the best in Oval arenas.

Level 1 [FO.03.4A]

Cup: Street Challenge Cup
Prices: 1st - 3900 CR, 2nd - 2900 CR, 3rd - 1900 CR

Track 1: Riverbay Circuit 1
Laps: 4
Track 2: City Central 2
Laps: 3
Track 3: Water Canal 1
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Ring of Fire

Event: Ring of Fire
Prices: 1st - 3700 CR, 2nd - 2700 CR, 3rd - 1800CR
Note: Fly your driver through as many rings as possible.

Cup: Street Twilight Cup
Prices: 1st - 3700 CR, 2nd - 2700 CR, 3rd - 1700 CR

Track 1: Midwest Ranch 2
Laps: 4
Track 2: Desert Town
Laps: 4
Track 3: Motor Raceway 3
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Field Goal

Event: Field Goal
Prices: 1st - 4000 CR, 2nd - 3000 CR, 3rd - 2000CR
Note: The goal is to fly your drive through the goal, as fast as possible.

Cup: Street Wreck Cup
Prices: 1st - 4400 CR, 2nd - 3400 CR, 3rd - 2400 CR

Track 1: Water Canal 3
Laps: 4
Track 2: Downtown 3
Laps: 3
Track 3: Motor Raceway 1
Laps: 4
Track 4: Pinegrove 1
Laps: 3
Track 5: Riverbay Circuit 2
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Speedway Left
* Car: CTR Sport
* Car: Vexter XS
* Car: Speedshifter
* Car: Canyon

Event: Speedway Left
Prices: 1st - 4300 CR, 2nd - 3300 CR, 3rd - 2300 CR
Note: Nothing special to mention.

Level 2 [FO.03.4B]

Cup: Street Survival Cup
Prices: 1st - 6100 CR, 2nd - 4600 CR, 3rd - 3100 CR

Track 1: Pinegrove 3
Laps: 5
Track 2: Farmlands 2
Laps: 6
Track 3: Water Canal 2
Laps: 5
Unlocked: * Event: Ski Jump

Event: Ski Jump
Prices: 1st - 5600 CR, 2nd - 4100 CR, 3rd - 2600 CR
Note: You're driving on ice, watch out. Launch your driver as fast as

Cup: Street Rumble Cup
Prices: 1st - 5500 CR, 2nd - 4000 CR, 3rd - 2500 CR

Track 1: Downtown 2
Laps: 3
Track 2: Motor Raceway 2
Laps: 4
Track 3: Water Canal 1
Laps: 3
Track 4: Farmlands 1
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Baseball

Event: Baseball
Prices: 1st - 6000 CR, 2nd - 4500 CR, 3rd - 3000 CR
Note: Launch your driver and try to hit the bat on the spot. Don't nudge
yet. It's better to let your driver be hit and then nudge to get the best
possible swing.

Cup: Special Street Cup
Prices: 1st - 6400 CR, 2nd - 4900 CR, 3rd - 3400 CR

Track 1: Riverbay Circuit 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: Motor Raceway 1
Laps: 4
Track 3: Riverbay Circuit 2
Laps: 3
Track 4: Motor Raceway 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: Riverbay Circuit 3
Laps: 3
Track 6: Motor Raceway 3
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Speedway Right
* Car: Terrator
* Car: Sunray
* Car: Speedevil
* Car: Road King

Event: Speedway Right
Prices: 1st - 6400 CR, 2nd - 4900 CR, 3rd - 3400 CR
Note: Nothing special to mention.

Level 3 [FO.03.4C]

Cup: Street Rural Cup
Prices: 1st - 8800 CR, 2nd - 6300 CR, 3rd - 3800 CR

Track 1: Pinegrove 2
Laps: 4
Track 2: Farmlands 3
Laps: 4
Track 3: Desert Oil Field
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Curling

Event: Curling
Prices: 1st - 8800 CR, 2nd - 6300 CR, 3rd - 3800 CR
Note: Watch out, since the track is slippery. Aim for the center with your

Cup: Street Sprint Cup
Prices: 1st - 9200 CR, 2nd - 6700 CR, 3rd - 4200 CR

Track 1: Water Canal 3
Laps: 2
Track 2: Midwest Ranch 3
Laps: 2
Track 3: Riverbay Circuit 3
Laps: 2
Track 4: Downtown 1
Laps: 2
Unlocked: * Event: Darts

Event: Darts
Prices: 1st - 9600 CR, 2nd - 7100 CR, 3rd - 4600 CR
Note: Quite easy to do. Just hit the board where the game tells you to.

Cup: Street Big Bang Cup
Prices: 1st - 10000 CR, 2nd - 7500 CR, 3rd - 5000 CR

Track 1: Midwest Ranch 1
Laps: 4
Track 2: Desert Scrap Yard
Laps: 3
Track 3: Motor Raceway 1
Laps: 4
Track 4: Water Canal 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: Timberlands 3
Laps: 4
Unlocked: * Event: Soccer

Event: Soccer
Prices: 1st - 10400 CR, 2nd - 7900 CR, 3rd - 5r400 CR
Note: Avoid the players and the keepers and aim for the corners of the goal.

Cup: Special Street City Cup
Prices: 1st - 12000 CR, 2nd - 9500 CR, 3rd - 7000 CR

Track 1: Downtown 1
Laps: 3
Track 2: City Central 1
Laps: 3
Track 3: City Central 2
Laps: 3
Track 4: Downtown 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: City Central 3
Laps: 3
Track 6: Downtown 3
Laps: 3
Unlocked: * Event: Speedway Special

Event: Speedway Special
Prices: 1st - 11200 CR, 2nd - 8700 CR, 3rd - 6200 CR
Note: Nothing special to mention.

Grand Finals [FO.03.05]
Grand finals that test your mettle with cars from all classes.

Cup: Derby Finals
Prices: 1st - 5000 CR, 2nd - 3800 CR, 3rd - 2500 CR

Track 1: Timberlands 3
Laps: 4
Track 2: Midwest Ranch 2
Description: Lakeside route that passes through a wooden bridge under
repairs, a large farm yard and barns.
Laps: 3
Track 3: Water Canal 1
Laps: 3
Track 4: City Central 1
Laps: 3

Cup: Race Finals
Prices: 1st - 10000 CR, 2nd - 7500 CR, 3rd - 5000 CR

Track 1: Timberlands 2
Laps: 4
Track 2: Desert Town
Laps: 3
Track 3: Riverbay Circuit 1
Laps: 3
Track 4: Water Canal 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: Downtown 2
Laps: 3

Cup: Street Finals
Prices: 1st - 20000 CR, 2nd - 15000 CR, 3rd - 10000 CR

Track 1: Pinegrove 3
Laps: 3
Track 2: Midwest Ranch 3
Laps: 3
Track 3: Desert Town
Laps: 4
Track 4: Motor Raceway 2
Laps: 3
Track 5: Water Canal 3
Laps: 3
Track 6: Downtown 1
Laps: 3

Cup: Grand Final
Prices: 1st - 50000 CR, 2nd - 30000 CR, 3rd - 20000 CR

Track 1: Gas Station Derby
Track 2: Triloop Special
Laps: 4
Track 3: Speedway Left
Laps: 2
Track 4: Parking Lot Derby
Track 5: Speedway Right
Laps: 1
Track 6: Speedbowl
Laps: 6

Tracks [FO.04.01]

Track: Timberlands 1
Category: Forest
Description: Starting near the local car part shop, this circuit takes you
through a few rough logging areas, detours to a small highway and then
turns back to the shop.
Note: This track is great fun. Soon after your start the lap you'll see a
small ramp. Use it to get some free nitro, but don't mess up there. You'll
be given two routes to take. The left one leads to another split. Go right
here to take a jump, or go left to drive underneath a truck. The other
route will just be a boring, but safe one.

Track: Timberlands 2
Category: Forest
Description: Starting near Mt. Dreadmist, the road runs past the local car
part shop and eventually makes it's way through the lumber yards in this
Note: The first part is familiar, but it'll soon change into something you
don't know. After passing the gas stations you go right (you used to go
left) and drive through a lumber company. I suggest taking the left route,
since it doesn't have any obstacles. At the end of the lap watch out for
trying to cut the corner, since there is a stone hidden in the grass.

Track: Timberlands 3
Category: Forest
Description: Taking a detour through lush pine three valleys, the route
runs through a major logging area.
Note: In this track you'll locate 2 spits. Take the left path both times to
take the shortest route.

Track: Pinegrove 1
Category: Forest
Description: Starting near the BMX stunt track, the road takes you through a
narrow gorge - which can prove interesting if you are in the middle with a
large bunch of cars.
Note: A very easy track (hey, did you expect the hardest track in the game
instead?). The corners are easy to take and you shouldn't have any problems
winning this one.

Track: Pinegrove 2
Category: Forest
Description: Evening race near the BMX stunt track, the track winds through
narrow paths and amongst the cliffs. Banked roads and tight turns require
extra precision.
Note: Nothing really special here. Somewhere halfway through the track will
be a very tight corner. Make sure you brake on time to take it properly.
You don't want to bang your head on the vehicle blocking your path.

Track: Pinegrove 3
Category: Forest
Description: Old gas stations, heavily banked roads, racing along cliffsides
and a nice downhill run to the local water supply yard.
Note: Nothing special to mention here.

Track: Midwest Ranch 1
Category: Field
Description: Race track running along the outskirts of the grand Ranch, the
route takes you along country roads hemmed in by farm machinery and hay
Note: This track features very long, straight parts. Avoid the jumps for an
easy victory here.

Track: Midwest Ranch 2
Category: Field
Description: Lakeside route that passes through a wooden bridge under
repairs, a large farm yard and barns.
Note: At the end of the track you with encounter a split that goes (shock)
left and right. Left leads to a jump, but is the longest path. Right is a
boring path, but shortest. There is a 'secret' path in the middle that is
short and has a jump. It's all up to you.

Track : Midwest Ranch 3
Category: Field
Description: Race through a large ranch, featuring tight turns around barns
and fields.
Note: Probably the first hard track. When you get to pick a route, pick the
right one.

Track : Farmlands 1
Category: Field
Description: Speeding around a great lake, this race takes you into wide
open farmlands and recreation areas suffering from flash floods.
Note: Nothing special to mention here. Near the end of the track you'll take
a wide corner. On the inside of this corner are stones. Avoid them or
you'll end up flipping over or going off-track.

Track: Farmlands 2
Category: Field
Description: This route takes you into the rural areas, cutting through a
homey farm yard and amongst the peaceful scenery.
Note: Still easy, but at least a bit more serious. After a few corners
you'll note a barn ahead. There are two routes here. When you take the path
on the left side of the barn, you'll take a small jump. Going through the
barn will allow you to do a big jump, gaining nitro, but also making it
possible for you to mess up.
Near the end of the track you'll be back on some concrete road again.
You can take two routes here once again. The first one is by driving off
the concrete again, while the other allows you to do a jump if you follow
the concrete. Take the second route since it involves no risks whatsoever,
but gives you some nitro.

Track: Farmlands 3
Category: Field
Description: Get ready to crash through the local greenhouse community and
pass by the beach camping area.
Note: This track consists of nothing special either. The fun part is the
greenhouse you get to destroy after the first turn.

Track: Desert Oil Field
Category: Desert
Description: A wild canyon ride during a serious heatwave. An abandoned oil
facility and broken bridge are the main sights here.
Note: A great track. Try to stay on-track as much as possible since the
track is covered with solid objects. You'll soon encounter the oil
facility. Take the left route for no risk and easy nitro.
You'll then find the broken bridge. Stay on the left side of it to avoid
flipping over.
At the end of the lap you'll see a huge ramp. Take this route to get a lot
of nitro and end the lap.

Track: Desert Scrap Yard
Category: Desert
Description: Race around an old military airplane graveyard and through
abandoned flight hangars.
Note: You'll race between planes and hangars. Try to take as much jumps as
possible for easy nitro.

Track: Desert Town
Category: Desert
Description: Wreck racing havoc in the outskirts of the abandoned ghost
town, El Pueblo.
Note: As the description says you'll drive through a ghost town. After a few
turns you'll find a split. Drive straight forward, since the other route
doesn't come with any advantage. After a while you'll find another split,
but both routes are the same length. When you passed the gas station, make
sure you don't hit the ramp and flip your car.

Track: Water Canal 1
Category: Canal
Description: Neighborhood of small apartments situated near the canals.
Alternative routes take you over rooftops and through narrow tunnels.
Note: A fun track. Lots of jumps in the beginning, giving you a nice nitro
collection. When you see a tunnel ahead it's best to just go left and
drive through the fences. It's shorter and doesn't slow you down as much as
the tunnel does.
After you passed the basketball field and drove over a long straight road
you can go left or right. If you go right you'll just stay on the ground.
Going left allows you to still stay on the ground, but also allows you to
drive on a rooftop. It's up to you, no route is really all that much
faster than the other.
At the end of a lap you can take two routes again. If you don't care for
nitro and want a short shortcut, slow down and enter the tunnels on your
left. Otherwise just drive straight ahead in the other tunnel and take a

Track: Water Canal 2
Category: Canal
Description: The longest canal route, this includes a drive-through
parking hall, freight containers and a series of railroad structures.
Note: This is a mix of the tracks above. Not much to say, just stay

Track: Water Canal 3
Category: Canal
Description: Shortest canal route featuring open-air basketball courts and
multiple canal crossings.
Note: This track is great. You'll pass a part of a track you already know.
You'll pass a car company. When you go left you'll go up a ramp, but this
path actually forces you to slow down. Instead take the right path and
take the corner to drive straight into the washing street. At the end slow
down and take the path leading to the tunnel, until you reach the end of
the lap.

Track: City Central 1
Category: City
Description: Office buildings, glass towers, an underground car park and a
gas station are all here to crash through.
Note: A really cool track, especially since it's the first city track you'll
play in derby mode. If you're good at this game you can get ahead of the
CPU and keep ahead of them through the whole track.
At first there is a shortcut through the park, but the whole thing isn't
worth the trouble, so ignore it. Drive through the gas station and keep on
Near the end of the lap you'll find a turn that goes 180 degrees. The CPU
will take the outside path, but the reason why is beyond me. Take the
inside path to gain seconds.

Track: City Central 2
Category: City
Description: Race takes place amongst construction sites, truck terminals
and highways built amid the city.
Note: Really fun track. After a bit of racing you'll race through a
construction site. The safest route is by going through the middle path
and then drive onto the bridge. Taking the right route is slow and taking
the left route is risky. Why? If you fail, you'll be reset all the way
back. You don't want that.
After the construction site you'll be able to go straight ahead or go
left. Go left twice and take the jump. This path is shorter and not really
that hard.

Track : City Central 3
Category: City
Description: This route takes you amongst narrow residential blocks, through
a gigantic mall and onto the highspeed highway.
Note: Really narrow streets here, making this a crowded race. After a while
you'll enter a mall. Nothing really special here.

Track : Downtown 1
Category: City
Description: Crash through the local mall and take a shortcut through the
back alleys whilst avoiding the more respectable business districts.
Note: After a few long parts you'll come to a tunnel. You can go left or
right, but it doesn't really matter. Eventually you'll crash through the
mall too.

Track: Downtown 2
Category: City
Description: Industrialized city district dominated by massive construction
sites, narrow streets and monorail connections.
Note: Very narrow racing with tight corners. Nothing special though.

Track : Downtown 3
Category: City
Description: Fast paced route combining tight maintenance tunnels and the
wide open areas of the construction site.
Note: You start with a long straight part, then go through a tunnel,
construction site and mall.

Track: Riverbay Circuit 1
Category: Race
Description: A circuit on the outskirts of a large city in a dense forest
Note: This takes place on a racing circuit, but doesn't consist of anything
special that needs to be covered.

Track: Riverbay Circuit 2
Category: Race
Description: A circuit surrounded by large grandstands and high walls.
Note: Nothing special to note.

Track: Riverbay Circuit 3
Category: Race
Description: This route runs through hills set in a rocky and arid
Note: A big race-track with lots of tight corners. Take them with care so
you don't fly out of the track. You'll also encounter the possibility to
take a shortcut. Take this, since it's shorter and allows you to drive
through stuff and give you nitro.

Track: Motor Raceway 1
Category: Race
Description: Features a long mountain tunnel and views over the larger of
the two lakes.
Note: After the start you can go two ways. Take the left route, since it's
shorter. When you find a ramp I suggest to avoid it, since landing
properly is hard. At the end you can take the upper or lower path. Do as
you like.

Track: Motor Raceway 2
Category: Race
Description: Race route runs through steep hills and features banked
curves followed by fast, long straights.
Note: After a few corners you'll come to a split. Take the left path,
since it's shorter. After that pass the construction path either left or
right, it doesn't matter.

Track: Motor Raceway 3
Category: Race
Description: The route crosses the small lake over a couple of bridges and
gives a clear view of the large hill which dominates all racing tracks in
the area.
Note: Nothing special to note.

Cars [FO.05.01]

Cars [FO.05.02]

Derby [FO.05.2A]

Price: 3000 CR
Top Speed: 1.0
Acceleration: 4.1
Handling: 7.1
Strength: 6.9
Weight: 1.1
Nitro: 1.0
Drive: FWD

Price: 4000 CR
Top Speed: 1.6
Acceleration: 2.6
Handling: 7.8
Strength: 7.8
Weight: 2.2
Nitro: 1.5
Drive: RWD

Price: 5000 CR
Top Speed: 1.3
Acceleration: 3.6
Handling: 8.8
Strength: 8.5
Weight: 4.6
Nitro: 1.3
Drive: 4WD

Price: 5500 CR
Top Speed: 2.2
Acceleration: 5.8
Handling: 6.6
Strength: 7.7
Weight: 6.6
Nitro: 1.3
Drive: RWD

Blaster XL
Price: 7000 CR
Top Speed: 1.5
Acceleration: 4.8
Handling: 8.8
Strength: 8.2
Weight: 8.2
Nitro: 1.5
Drive: 4WD

Price: 6000 CR
Top Speed: 1.6
Acceleration: 5.0
Handling: 7.8
Strength: 8.2
Weight: 3.0
Nitro: 1.4
Drive: RWD

Price: 12000 CR
Top Speed: 2.5
Acceleration: 6.8
Handling: 6.6
Strength: 8.1
Weight: 5.1
Nitro: 1.9
Drive: FWD

Price: 10500 CR
Top Speed: 3.0
Acceleration: 6.7
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 7.2
Weight: 6.0
Nitro: 2.2
Drive: RWD

Price: 10000 CR
Top Speed: 4.0
Acceleration: 7.4
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 8.7
Weight: 5.5
Nitro: 2.4
Drive: RWD

Race [FO.05.2B]

Price: 14000 CR
Top Speed: 2.2
Acceleration: 4.6
Handling: 6.6
Strength: 4.8
Weight: 1.5
Nitro: 2.4
Drive: FWD

Price: 15000 CR
Top Speed: 3.1
Acceleration: 5.0
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 6.2
Weight: 4.0
Nitro: 2.5
Drive: RWD

Mad Rash
Price: 15500 CR
Top Speed: 2.7
Acceleration: 5.0
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 6.6
Weight: 5.8
Nitro: 2.6
Drive: RWD

Price: 16000 CR
Top Speed: 2.0
Acceleration: 4.8
Handling: 7.8
Strength: 7.8
Weight: 7.3
Nitro: 2.6
Drive: 4WD

Price: 17500 CR
Top Speed: 2.7
Acceleration: 6.0
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 6.8
Weight: 3.7
Nitro: 2.8
Drive: RWD

Price: 19000 CR
Top Speed: 3.2
Acceleration: 5.8
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 5.6
Weight: 4.2
Nitro: 2.6
Drive: FWD

Price: 18000 CR
Top Speed: 3.5
Acceleration: 5.3
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 4.7
Weight: 5.0
Nitro: 2.4
Drive: RWD

Price: 21000 CR
Top Speed: 3.7
Acceleration: 7.3
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 7.8
Weight: 5.9
Nitro: 3.3
Drive: RWD

Price: 22500 CR
Top Speed: 4.1
Acceleration: 6.4
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 48.3
Weight: 6.8
Nitro: 3.2
Drive: 4WD

Price: 21500 CR
Top Speed: 4.4
Acceleration: 6.8
Handling: 2.1
Strength: 5.3
Weight: 5.6
Nitro: 3.1r
Drive: RWD

Price: 21500 CR
Top Speed: 5.0
Acceleration: 7.8
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 8.3
Weight: 5.5
Nitro: 3.5
Drive: FWD

Street [FO.05.2C]

Chili Pepper
Price: 35000 CR
Top Speed: 3.2
Acceleration: 6.8
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 3.7
Weight: 1.7
Nitro: 2.4
Drive: RWD

Price: 36000 CR
Top Speed: 4.0
Acceleration: 6.0
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 6.0
Weight: 6.0
Nitro: 2.6
Drive: RWD

Insetta Sport
Price: 38500 CR
Top Speed: 3.2
Acceleration: 6.4
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 4.6
Weight: 4.9
Nitro: 2.6
Drive: FWD

Price: 40500 CR
Top Speed: 4.0
Acceleration: 7.2
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 5.8
Weight: 4.9
Nitro: 2.8
Drive: RWD

Price: 42000 CR
Top Speed: 3.1
Acceleration: 6.0
Handling: 6.6
Strength: 6.7
Weight: 4.4
Nitro: 2.8
Drive: 4WD

CTR Sport
Price: 42000 CR
Top Speed: 3.5
Acceleration: 6.5
Handling: 4.3
Strength: 4.1
Weight: 1.3
Nitro: 3.5
Drive: FWD

Vexter XS
Price: 49000 CR
Top Speed: 4.0
Acceleration: 6.6
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 5.0
Weight: 4.8
Nitro: 3.4
Drive: FWD

Price: 46000 CR
Top Speed: 4.6
Acceleration: 7.3
Handling: 2.1
Strength: 5.6
Weight: 5.1
Nitro: 3.6
Drive: RWD

Price: 53000 CR
Top Speed: 4.1
Acceleration: 6.6
Handling: 5.5
Strength: 7.1
Weight: 9.3
Nitro: 3.8
Drive: 4WD

Price: 56000 CR
Top Speed: 4.0
Acceleration: 7.8
Handling: 2.1
Strength: 5.5
Weight: 5.5
Nitro: 3.9
Drive: RWD

Price: 60000 CR
Top Speed: 3.8
Acceleration: 7.6
Handling: 3.2
Strength: 6.1
Weight: 4.8
Nitro: 3.8
Drive: FWD

Price: 63000 CR
Top Speed: 4.5
Acceleration: 8.3
Handling: 1.5
Strength: 7.3
Weight: 6.5
Nitro: 3.6
Drive: RWD

Road King
Price: 70000 CR
Top Speed: 5.6
Acceleration: 8.6
Handling: 1.0
Strength: 4.3
Weight: 4.8
Nitro: 4.0
Drive: RWD

Bullet GT
Price: 53000 CR
Top Speed: 5.7
Acceleration: 8.6
Handling: 1.0
Strength: 7.3
Weight: 6.5
Nitro: 4.0
Drive: RWD

Parts [FO.05.03]

Derby [FO.05.3A]

Engine - Engine upgrades improve power output, strength and engine
responsiveness in race conditions.
Fuel & Filter Kit - Fuel & filter kit delivers more fuel and cleaner air for
the engine, increasing engine power. - 1200 CR
Nitro Kit 1 - Nitrous oxide system upgrade gives increased boost. - 1700 CR
Modified Tuning Kit - Tuning kit improves overall engine performance - 1000
Modified Turbo Kit - Turbocharger to deliver more power from your engine. -
1600 CR

Gearbox - A key element for delivering power efficiently. Reduces power loss
and gives increased strength.
Modified Gearbox - Improved gear meshing reduces friction, improving power
throughput and strength. - 800 CR

Exhaust - Improving exhaust flow is one of the best known ways for increasing
engine power.
Modified Exhaust - Modified exhaust system for reduced backpressure and
increased engine power. - 200 CR
Modified Manifold - Fit the exhaust manifold system to get maximum benefit
from engine power upgrades. - 200 CR

Suspension - Suspension is vital for keeping the car under control in the most
extreme situation.
Modified Suspension - The basis suspension upgrade for keeping the drivers
in control of the car, not the other way around! - 600 CR
Modified Steering - Provides addles stability during cornering and when
driving on uneven surfaces. - 800 CR

Tires & Brakes- Power requires control. Better tires and brakes means better
handling and stopping power.
Modified Tires - Adds strength and grip from an improved rubber
compound. - 400 CR
Modified Brakes - Air-cooled brakes give better braking and added
strength. - 300 CR

Body - Preparing the car body for racing reduces weight and increases
Modified Body Upgrade - Basic steel-tube body upgrade increases strength -
but adds weight. - 600 CR
Modified Chassis - Basic chassis upgrade provides stiffening and extra
strength. - 300 CR
Rollcage - Race-bred anti roll bar system, maximum stiffness for the
harshest driving. - 400 CR

Hints & Tips [FO.06.01]

When you're loading the game, various hints and tips appear on the screen.
Here they are, listed just for you.

* If you flip your car, crash, come off the track, or your drive crashes
through the windshield, press the RESET button to reset your position back
on the track with a rolling start.
* Use other cars as impact absorbers when crashing into obstacles. Slam into
other cars to take corners at higher speeds.
* After passing a barrel row start turning to avoid the next set as soon as
possible - this way you can use gentler turns and so keep your speed high
through the slalom course. (High Jump event)
* Smash into a car and toss it into its roof to get the Super Flip bonus.
Subsequent flips in the crash are not rewarded.
* Gain nitro by crashing into roadside objects. The more objects you hit, the
more nitro rewarded.
* Deal out the hardest hits and get the most Blast-Out bonuses to show that
you are the ultimate Blast Master!
* Get maximum velocity relative to your target before you hit. The higher
your speed, the more damage inflicted. (Derby event)
* Destroy a competitor's car to get the Wrecked! bonus.
* Hug the inside of corners to maintain maximum speed when taking consecutive
* Crash into other cars hard enough to send their driver flying and earn the
Crash Out! bonus.
* There are multiple ways to win the derby. You get points for damage done,
kills and surviving to the final three. Although you get bonus points for
being in the last three, this isn't always necessary if you've dealt out
loads of damage. (Derby event)
* After a Crash-Out, press the NITRO button to switch between Driver Cam or
Car Cam.
* Dish out a high power impact to a car for a hit bonus. Hit bonuses range
from Slam (lowest) to Blast-Out (Highest).
* Jump high and long to generate nitro. the longer the airtime, the more nitro
* Smash the surroundings and destroy the most scenery to win the Bulldozer
* Use the nitro to keep your car on the road during tight cornering. This will
allow you to corner at speeds not normally possible and recover from coming
into a corner too fast.
* Learn to brake at the right time without losing too much speed. Sometimes
it's faster to brake before a corner than to drive it flat out. Applying the
brakes midair helps to lose the speed efficiently after landing.
* Burn the nitro, cut the corners and drive FlatOut to get the Fastest Lap!
* Press the LAUNCH button to exert a small upward force on your driver. This
move can only be used once per launch. (Bowling event)
* Do the most damage to competitor's cars and destroy them to be the Best
* Big crashes can cause driver Crash-Out's, where the driver is thrown
through the windshield. To decrease the chances of Crash-Out's, upgrade the
strength of your car.
* For the best start avoid full throttle. Instead, use around 30-50%
acceleration during the countdown before flooring the pedal.
* Release throttle, turn and reapply throttle to powerslide. Powersliding
enabled you to maintain your speed and momentum and drive FlatOut!
* Keep an eye on the triangle above each car to check its damage. When green,
the car is near 100% strength, at red the car is below 25% and ripe for an
aggressive move. (Derby event)
* You get a fixed amount of nitro when your driver flies out as a result of a
big crash.
* Time your skips so that the torso of your driver just hits the water when
you skip. Use aerobatics to avoid obstacles in the pool, but remember this
reduces your air speed. (Stone-skipping event)
* There's only half a deck here. The card you wished for isn't necessarily
there, so keep a backup plan. Are there any other cards present that would
help your straight-flush-to-come? (Royal Flush event)
* The first connection (two consecutive cards) is worth 1p. 2nd is worth 2p,
3rd 4p and so on. If the connecting cards are also on the same suit, that's
another 1p from the first flush connect, 2p from the 2nd, 4p from the 3rd
and so on. (Royal Flush event)
* Use the terrain to your advantage! Lean on your opponents to keep them from
overtaking you or simply shove them into the nearest tree!
* Launch your driver at as low an angle as possible. Use the nudge just after
the driver has reached its apex to compensate for gravity and make it fly
straight forward. Avoid aerobatics. (Field Goal event)
* Gather as much speed as possible before launching. Get close to the end line
before launching. Experiment with different launch angles to find the best
one. (Ski Jump event)
* Practice managing the driver height and hitting the centerline targets. All
of the most valuable targets (double 20, triple 20, bulls eye) lie on the
same vertical line through the center of the board. (Darts event)
* Aerobatics is a lifesaver in Soccer. Use it to avoid the players and
finally the goalkeeper. Even if aerobatics decrease your speed this
usually doesn't hamper your ability to reach the goal. (Soccer event)
* It is usually better to fly through many rings rather than aiming for
style points in only a few rings. Each ring passed is worth 100p, whereas
style points per pering are usually less than this. (Ring of Fire event)
* To get the best distances, it is more important to control the angle your
drier hits the bat than it is to hit the exact hotspot. Even a slight
deviation from the centerline can send your driver tumbling. (Baseball

Characters [FO.07.01]

Frank Malcov - A once great driver from a previous era with too many crashes
and collisions behind him. His behaviour is erratic and age has dulled his
Jack Benton - Current top driver with the skills to prove it, Jack is hot
tempered and willing to take risks.
Jason Walker - Aggressive and unpredictable, Jason has the skills to be a
serious threat in any race.
Katie Jackson - The former casual-drivers club president is now on the verge
of a nervous breakdown after too many rush-hour traffic jams. You should give
her plenty of track space!
Ray Carter - Laid back driver with genuine racing talent, but sometimes seems
indifferent about winning or losing. Skilful enough to win.. if he feels
like it.
Sally Taylor - Cheerful and not too worried about results, Sally is usually
happy go lucky, but she can turn mean if her car is hit too often.
Sofia Martinez - An ice cold professional racer, Sofia isn't easily lured into
crashes and prides herself on racing clean.

Cheats [FO.08.01]

Codes [FO.08.02]

To enter these codes, head to the 'Extra' menu and then the 'Enter Code' menu.

GIEVEPIX - All cars and 1 million CR
GIVEALL - All tracks
WOTKINS - Flatmobile car
RAIDERS - Ice Cream truck
RUTTO - Pimpster car
KALJAKOPPA - Rocket car
GIEVCARPLZ - School bus
GIVECASH - 1 Million CR

Source: GameFAQs.com

Unlockables [FO.08.03]

Event: High Jump - Beat the Derby Initiation Cup
Event: Gas Station Derby - Beat the Sunday Smash Derby Cup
Car: Shaker - Beat the Sunday Smash Derby Cup
Car: Blaster XL - Beat the Sunday Smash Derby Cup
Car: Banger - Beat the Sunday Smash Derby Cup
Event: Bowling - Beat the Canals Special Derby Cup
Car: Splitter - Beat the Canals Special Derby Cup
Car: Switchblade - Beat the Canal Special Derby Cup
Event: Derby Bowl 1 - Beat the Metal Smash Derby Cup
Event: Derby Bowl 2 - Beat the Metal Smash Derby Cup
Event: Derby Bowl 3 - Beat the Special Derby Forest Cup
Car: Venom - Beat the Special Derby Forest Cup
Event: Figure of Eight 1 - Beat the Race Challenge Cup
Event: Stone-Skipping - Beat the Rumble Racing Cup
Car: Lancea - Beat the Rumble Racing Cup
Car: Fortune - Beat the Rumble Racing Cup
Car: Daytana - Beat the Rumble Racing Cup
Event: Speedbowl - Beat the Racing Twilight Cup
Event: Figure out Eight 2 - Beat the Sunday Jam Racing Cup
Event: Royal Flush - Beat the Special Racing Desert Cup
Car: Bullet - Beat the Special Racing Desert Cup
Car: Lentus - Beat the Special Racing Desert Cup
Car: Venture - Beat the Special Racing Desert Cup
Event: Sand Speedway - Beat the Urban Racing Cup
Event: Triloop Special - Beat the Rural Racing Cup
Event: Basketball - Beat the Racing Sprint Cup
Event: Crash Alley - Beat the Special Racing Fields Cup
Car: Insetta - Beat the Special Racing Fields Cup
Event: Ring of Fire - Beat the Street Challenge Cup
Event: Field Goal - Beat the Street Twilight Cup
Event: Speedway Left - Beat the Street Wreck Cup
Car: CTR Sport - Beat the Street Wreck Cup
Car: Vexter XS - Beat the Street Wreck Cup
Car: Speedshifter - Beat the Street Wreck Cup
Car: Canyon - Beat the Street Wreck Cup
Event: Ski Jump - Beat the Street Survival Cup
Event: Baseball - Beat the Street Rumble Cup
Event: Speedway Right - Beat the Special Street Cup
Car: Terrator - Beat the Special Street Cup
Car: Sunray - Beat the Special Street Cup
Car: Speedevil - Beat the Special Street Cup
Car: Road King - Beat the Special Street Cup
Event: Curling - Beat the Street Rural Cup
Event: Darts - Beat the Street Sprint Cup
Event: Soccer - Beat the Street Big Bang Cup
Event: Speedway Special - Beat the Special Street City Cup
Car: Bullet GT - Complete 97% in career mode or become first in every race

FAQ [FO.09.01]

Q: Did you ever, in real life, crash?
A: Not with a car, no. I once bumped into someone though!

Conclusion [FO.10.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter
problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are
accepted, the mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: Trevor OMealey

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2006 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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